Speaking: Procedure, Script and Materials
Speaking: Procedure, Script and Materials
Speaking: Procedure, Script and Materials
Procedure, Script and Materials
Time: 20 minutes
You may make notes but do not read aloud from the notes in
the test.
You may take this sheet of paper and your notes into the
Before the exam you have ten minutes preparation time in the preparation room. Here you receive
your Mark Sheet and a Picture Story Sheet. You are allowed to use your non-electronic dictionary
to prepare your story.
There will be two examiners in the exam room the Interlocutor who is running the exam and
the Assessor who is listening and evaluating - and two (or very occasionally three) candidates at a
Task Timing
The Interlocutor will ask each candidate one
1. Interview introductory question, and two on another topic. 2-3mins.
(e.g. food, travel)
2 mins.
First Candidate A then Candidate B will tell their
2. Picture Story
picture based stories
2 mins.
Each candidate gets three different situation
3. Transactional Dialogues cards in turns. They start three-turn 4-5 mins.
conversations with the Interlocutor
Candidates receive a card with a sentence
describing a problem or situation. After thinking
of a few ideas, the candidates discuss the
4. Discussion 3-4 mins.
advantages and disadvantages of various ideas
before coming to an agreement about the most
Together with the welcome, setting up of tasks and closure, the speaking task will be no longer than
20 minutes. The Interlocutor will speak from a script which you can see on the following pages.
Euro B2 Webset - Speaking - PROCEDURE & INTERLOCUTOR'S SCRIPT Page 3
Please also give me the tasks and your notes. Ill return these to you later.
>>> candidates hand over forms <<<
So you are < candidate A name > and you are < candidate B name >?
>>> The Interlocutor will ask one or two of the following questions to each
1(a) Introduction
Possible Interventions:
Inviting participation
Inviting expansion
In what way?
Tell me more.
Describe him / her / it.
Page Euroexam Level B2 - Practice Set 3 - Speaking - MATERIALS
Changing topic
>>> The Interlocutor will ask each candidate at least one A question and one B
question. <<<
(The A question is about the candidates life or personal preferences; the B question concerns an issue to elicit the
candidates opinion.)
Thank you.
Euroexam Level B2 - Practice Set 3 - Speaking - MATERIALS Page
In this part of the test, you are going to tell the stories you prepared earlier.
< Candidate A > here are the pictures and your notes.
Now, Id like you to tell your story. You may look at your notes but please
do not read aloud from what you have written. Tell the story to < Candidate B >,
< Assessor > and me. Remember you only have two minutes so dont worry if I
interrupt you. All right?
You have 30 seconds to look through the pictures and your notes. Please start
when you are ready.
>>> The Interlocutor gives Candidate A the pictures and notes that he/
she prepared before the exam. <<<
If necessary >>>
>>> 2 minutes - The candidate tells his/her story using the notes and
pictures. <<<
Thank you.
In this part of the test you must say something that is appropriate to say in a
situation. Read each card and follow the instructions.
>>> The Interlocutor gives a card to Candidate A, who reads it and starts a
conversation with the Interlocutor. This is repeated with Candidate B, and then the
whole sequence two more times, with different cards. <<<
< Candidate A > Read this card. When you are ready
please start a conversation with me. I am your friend.
>>> # Card 1. <<<
You are planning a night
If necessary >>> out with a friend. You
Please start now. want to go to a restaurant
for a meal. Suggest this to
>>> Candidate <<<
your friend.
All right, but Id like to go to the cinema afterwards.
>>> Candidate <<<
Thank you.
< Candidate B > Read this card. When you are ready
please start a conversation with me. I am your friend.
>>> # Card 2. <<<
If necessary >>>
You meet up with a friend
Please start now. to go to a birthday party.
>>> Candidate <<< Greet him/her and ask if
s/he has brought a present.
Of course, its the new CD by that group she likes,
how about you?
>>> Candidate <<<
Thank you.
Thank you.
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For the final part of the test, you are going to talk to each other about a topic I
will give you. Im just going to listen.
>>> The Interlocutor picks up a Topic Card, reads it out loud and gives the
following instructions: <<<
>>> The Interlocutor places the topic card in front of the candidates. <<<
Thank you. That is the end of the test. Good bye. Have a nice weekend / evening.
The story starts like this: Helen really wanted a guitar for her Birthday. Daniel had other
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The story starts like this: One day Alice got a phone call from her friend, Josie from
Euro B2 Webset - Speaking - PROCEDURE & INTERLOCUTOR'S SCRIPT Page 11
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