Introduction To Investment MGMT

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The key takeaways are that investment management involves employing money with the expectation of a positive return in the future while considering constraints like liquidity, time horizon, taxes, and risk tolerance. There are different types of investors like traders, investors, and gamblers classified based on their objectives, investment horizon, and risk appetite.

The different types of investors are traders who invest for short periods and high risk, investors who invest for longer periods with moderate risk, and gamblers who invest very short term with highest risk.

The major constraints of investment include liquidity, time horizon, tax concerns, legal and regulatory concerns, and unique circumstances like an individual's needs and experience.

NPTEL Course

Course Title: Security Analysis and Portfolio Management

Course Coordinator: Dr. Jitendra Mahakud
Introduction to Investment Management

1.1 What is Investment Management?

Investment is employing money in different instruments or assets in the present, with the
expectation of a positive rate of return in the future. In other words investment is the
sacrifice in the present in the expectation of a future gain. The future returns are expected
to compensate the time the investors hold the asset, expected rate of inflation and
uncertainty of the future. The emphasis has been given mostly on the financial assets and
it is also extended to physical and real assets. Investment management is the process of
administering the employment of money in financial and other instruments in the present,
with the expectation of a positive rate of return in the future.
1.2 How the Investments are Done?
Income level of the investor is the most important factor, which affects their investmnets
decision. In the process when the current income exceeds the current consumption the
remaining amount of savings are generally invested in the market. When the current
consumption exceeds the current income also the investors can participate in the
investmnet process through borrowings from the banks and other financial institutions. In
this case they have to pay back the borrowing amount as well as the interest charged on
this borrowed amount.
1.3 Types of Investors
Types of investors in the market are classified on the basis of the individuals objective,
investmnet horizon period and risk appetite or risk tolerance limit. Individuals who are
just using the market to make money quickly for a short period of time are called a
traders. Their risk level has been high and they invest with their own money as well as
borrowed money. The market participants who like to stay in the morket for a longer
period of time, take moderate risk and usually invest with their own money are called as
investors. Other type of investors are referred as gamblers, who invest in a very short
period of time and take the highest risk among all the investors.

1.4 Investment Constraints
Major constraints of investment include liquidity, time horizon, tax concerns, legal and
regulatory concerns and unique circumstances.
Liquidity refers to the need for cash in excess of any savings or new contributions
available at a specific point in the future. A Liquidity needs may be planned (childs
college funding in 10 years) or unplanned (a medical emergency) but both require ready
ability to convert investments into cash. Some assets, such as real estate, may take
considerable time to sell. Others, such as certificates of deposit, may impose early
withdrawal penalties. Time horizon typically refers to the time at which an investment
objective must be met. Some objectives such as saving for a house may have a short time
horizon, while retirement or endowment planning can have long horizons. Investors must
often plan for several time horizons at once. The time horizon influences the ability to
accept risk and could modify asset allocation strategy. Investors with little tolerance for
temporary return fluctuations may need a different plan than would be suggested by time
horizon alone, and multiple time horizons can further constrain allocation decisions. Tax
concerns include differences between the tax rates for different types of investment
return (interest versus capital gains or dividends), estate taxes, differences between
current income and retirement income tax rates, and the potential for tax legislation to
change. Legal and regulatory factors may include limits on the allocation to specific
assets, the ability to access certain funds and even prohibitions on certain investments.
Unique circumstances may include social concerns and specific family needs. These
include a desire for socially responsible investments, health needs, dependent needs, and
the investors experience with certain types of investments. Apart from these the
macroeconomic environment has been also an important factor to be considered for the
1.5 Investmnet Decision Process
Investment process involves analyzing the basic nature of investmnet decisions and
organizing the activities in the decision process. In investments it is critical to distinguish
between an expected return i.e. the anticipated return for some future period and a
realized return i.e. the actual return over some past period. Investors must always
consider the risk involved in investing. Risk is defined as the chance that the actual return
on an investmnet will be different from its expected return. In the fianncial market most

of the investors are risk averse. A risk averse investor is one who will not assume risk
simply for its own sake and will not incur any given level of risk unless there is an
expectation of adequate compensation for having done so. In competitive financial
markets, the largest risks have the largest payoffs. In financial markets, investors are
constantly on the lookout for either the same risk for a larger return, or the same return
for lower risk. Investors manage risk at a cost - lower expected returns (ER).

Figure 1 the expected return-risk Trade-off available to investors

Expected risk return trade-off between different
financial assets has been shown in the Figure 1.
The risk free rate of return is defined as the
return on risk less asset often proxied by the rate
of return on treasury bills. From the figure it can
be seen that bonds are less risky than stocks and
therefore, the expected return on bond is also
lower than the expected return on stock. Investors can choose from a wide range of
securities in their attempt to maximize the expected return from these opportunities. They
face constraints; however, the most important factor has been the risk they face.
Traditionally, investors have analyzed and managed securities using a broad two-step
process: security analysis and portfolio management. Security analysis is the first part of
the investment decision process involving the valuation and analysis of individual
securities. Portfolio management is the second step in the investment decision process
involving the management of a group of assets (i.e. a portfolio as a unit. The different
steps of portfolio management process are as follows:
Objectives and constraints of the investors
Choice of the assets mix
Formulation of investment strategy
Selection of securities
Execution of the portfolio
Portfolio revision
Portfolio performance evaluation
The factors which affect the portfolio management process are as follows:
Uncertainty in the ex-post or realized returns

Availability of investment opportunities
Types of investors
Market efficiency
In the investment management process the common errors which take place are as
Inadequate idea about risk and return
Biased formulation of investment policy
Extrapolation of the past data
Love for cheap stocks
Over or under diversification of assets
Wrong attitude towards losses and profits
The major qualities of successful investments are: (i) Creative dynamic thinking, (ii)
patience, (iii) flexibility and (iv) decisiveness.

Additional Readings:

Alexander, Gordon, J., Sharpe, William, F. and Bailey, Jeffery, V.,

Fundamentals of Investment, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education.
Bodie, Z., Kane, A, Marcus,A.J., and Mohanty, P. Investments, 6th Edition,
Tata McGraw-Hill.
Fisher D.E. and Jordan R.J., Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, 4th
Edition., Prentice-Hall.
Jones, Charles, P., Investment Analysis and Management, 9th Edition, John
Wiley and Sons.
Prasanna, C., Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, 3rd Edition, Tata
Reilly, Frank. and Brown, Keith, Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management,
7th Edition, Thomson Soth-Western.
Additional Questions with Answers
Session- Introduction to Investment Management
1. Explain the meaning of investment? What are the qualities and constraint of
successful investment?
Ans: It is the current commitment / holding of money or other resources in the
expectation of reaping further benefits and that will compensate the investor for: The
time the investors hold the fund, Expected rate of inflation, Uncertainty of the future.

Qualities for Successful Investment: Contrary thinking, Patience, Composure,

Flexibility, Decisiveness.

Major Investment Constraints are: Time, Age, Risk Tolerance, Tax Liability,
Income fluctuations, Economic Conditions.

2. What are the Investment Decision Processes?

Ans. Investment Decision Processes:
Knowledge About Fundamentals of Investment: Expected Return and Realized
Risk Return Tradeoff

The Investment Decision Process: Two-step process

Security analysis and valuation: Necessary to understand security
Portfolio management
Selected securities viewed as a single unit
Efficient financial markets
Measurement of portfolio performance

3. What do you mean by Trade-off between Expected Return and Risk?

Ans. In competitive financial markets, the largest risks have the largest payoffs. In
financial markets, investors are constantly on the lookout for either the same risk for a
larger return, or the same return for lower risk. Investors manage risk at a cost - lower
expected returns (ER).

4. Discuss portfolio management process and factors affecting portfolio performance?

Ans. Portfolio Management Process:
Objectives and Constraint
Choice of the asset mix
Formulation of Strategy
Selection of Securities
Portfolio Execution
Portfolio Revision
Performance Evaluation

Factors Affecting the Portfolio Management Process:

Uncertainty in ex post returns
Quick adjustments
Investment opportunities
Types of Investors

5. What are the different approaches towards investment decision in relation to
better trade of between risk and return?
Ans. Approaches to Investment Decision Making:

Fundamental: Analysis of Macroeconomic, company specific and industry

specific factors for decision making.
Psychological: Each investor is having own preference point of risk-return trade-
off. Risk aversion in general may be true but given the individual investors
behavioral judgment the choice of portfolio will be different.
Academic: Valuation technique suggested by finance theories.
Specialized: Technical analysis.

Qualities for Successful Investment:

Contrary thinking: Investment choice without any heard behaviour. Investor try to
time the market in opposite to the common trend across the market.
Patience: Difference between investing and trading. In long run investment
horizon risk must be rewarded with higher premium.
Composure: Capable to distinguish between noise and information
Flexibility: Proper balance of low risk and high risk investment avenues
Decisiveness: Sound judgment based on the economic and fundamental factors.

Common Errors in Investment Management decision process;

Inadequate idea about return and risk

Biased formulation of investment policy
Naive extrapolation of the past
Simultaneous switching
Love for cheap stocks
Over diversification or Under diversification
Wrong attitude towards losses and profits
Tendency to speculate

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