Check List For Application of EPCG Authorisation

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Check List for Application of EPCG Authorisation

(Prepared by Addl. DGFT, Mumbai)

(Refer Para 5.1, 5.2, 5.2A, 5.2C, 5.2D, 5.8, 5.10, 5.11 & 5.12 of FTP and Para 5.2, 5.2A, 5.3, 5.3.3,
5.4, 5.5 & 5.24 of HBP Vol.1)

File No. :

IEC No: Name of Applicant :

Sl. No. Documents Total number

of documents
and pages in
the document

Covering letter duly signed by the Proprietor/Partner/Director or
authorized signatory
In case of authorised signatory, copy of Power of Attorney/ Board
Resolution furnished in his/her favour
Two copies of ANF 5A duly filled in, clearly striking off inapplicable
options and tick-marking applicable options and each page duly
signed by the applicant
Declaration/Undertaking attached to ANF 5A, duly filled in and
signed by the applicant
Certificate from Chartered Engineer in the format given in Appendix
32A, certifying end use/nexus as per Guidelines of ANF 5A at
Sr.No.5 a, b, c (As per Para 5.3 of HBP, Vol.1)
Certificate from Chartered Accountant/Cost and Works Accountant
(CAC) certifying exports made/services rendered by the applicant
firm during the preceding three licensing years, in the format given in
Appendix 26
Self-certified copy of IEM/Industrial Licence/SSI Registration
Certificate in case of manufacturer exporter for the relevant export
product applied with relevant factory address or a self-certified copy
of Service Tax Registration in case of service providers. (In case of
service providers not registered with Service Tax Authorities, RCMC
from concerned Export Promotion Council to be submitted)
Self certified copy of valid RCMC (if RCMC details are not already
updated in the IEC) in terms of Para 2.44 of FTP read with para 2.63
& 2.64 of HBP.
(i) Declaration that the capital goods sought to be imported are not
under restricted category

(ii) In case capital goods to be imported is restricted, then self-

certified copy of approval letter for import of restricted capital
goods from Exim Facilitation Committee (Hqrs.)
In case of imports under zero duty EPCG scheme,
(i) Certificate from the office of Textile Commissioner,
Government of India to the effect that the firm/company is not
currently availing any benefit under the Technology
Upgradation Fund Scheme (TUFS), administered by Ministry
of Textiles, Government of India, in case the application
pertains to textile sector.
(ii) Declaration/Undertaking regarding non-availment of SHIS in
respect of exports made during the current licensing year
Additional Documents
Consent letter of supporting manufacturer duly signed by authorised
person with name and designation, if applicant is a Merchant Exporter
If Merchant Exporter, copy of SSI/IEM/Industrial Licence of
supporting manufacturer
3 In case of import of spares under para 5.2A of FTP,

(i) certificate from independent Chartered Accountant certifying all

the following:

(a) CIF Value of the plant and machinery imported under EPCG
Scheme or book value of the imported plant and machinery in
case plant and machinery has been imported other than EPCG

(b) CIF Value of spares obtained for such plant and machinery so
far and

(c) the balance value of spares which can be allowed within the
10% limit allowed for import of spares.

(ii) List of plant/machinery imported and already installed in the

factory/premises of the applicant firm/supporting manufacturer for
which the spares are required, duly certified by a Chartered
Engineer or jurisdictional Central Excise authority

4 In case of application for conversion from EOU to DTA unit as per

Para 5.4 of HBP
(1) Self certified copy of the No Objection Certificate from the
Development Commissioner concerned showing the details of the
Capital Goods imported/ indigenously procured by the applicant
firm, its value at the time of import/sourcing and the depreciated

(2) LUT/BG as applicable as per Customs Circular No.58/2004 as


5 In case of application for Technology Upgradation, as per Para 5.20

of HBP, self-certified copy of previous EPCG authorisation and
documents as per Para 5.8 of FTP

6 In case of application for following categories of Service Provider

(Para 5.3 of FTP)

(i) For Hotel Industry, certificate from Department of Tourism

(ii) a) For import of vehicles (motor cars, sports utility vehicles/all

purpose vehicles) by hotels/travel agents/tour operators/ tour
travel firms/companies owning golf resorts, proof of total foreign
exchange earning in current and preceding three years regarding
services rendered from hotel, travel, tourism/golf tourism, etc.
duly certified by an independent Chartered Accountant (Para 5.2
h of FTP)

b) CA Certificate showing Duty Saved amount on all EPCG

Authorisations issued in the licensing year for import of motor
cars, sports utility vehicles/all purpose vehicles

c) Balance Duty Saved amount available for import of motor cars,

sports utility vehicles/all purpose vehicles for the licensing year

7 In case of application for Retail Sector, proof of having a minimum

area of 1000 Sq. Meters (lease agreement duly registered; sale deed
duly registered; any other documentary evidence from Government
agency, etc.)

8 In case of import of AC/Chillers, an undertaking from the applicant

that the imported item will not contain ODS material as per Policy
Circular No.47 dated 8.2.2006

9 In case of Annual EPCG Authorisation, certificate from CA/CWA

regarding physical exports and/or deemed export during last two
licensing years.

(i) CA Certificate stating the duty saved value of the Annual EPCG
Authorisation obtained in the licensing year

(ii) The balance value available for obtaining Annual EPCG


1. Kindly note that catalyst as initial plus one subsequent charge can be treated as Capital Goods
(Refer Notification No.8 dated 26.7.2012).

2. Installation address as indicated in the application should be shown in the


3. Justification/End Use should be given in the Chartered Engineers Certificate in respect of all
the import items.

4. All export items should be shown in the Chartered Engineers Certificate.

5. Past performance of all the same and similar export products should be given in the Chartered
Accountants Certificate as per Appendix 26.

In case of application for import of spares:

6. Kindly ensure that the description of the capital goods shown in the installation certificate and
the description of the capital goods shown in the application for which spares are applied for
should tally.

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