Mongodb Whats New 3.6
Mongodb Whats New 3.6
Mongodb Whats New 3.6
Speed to Develop 2
Speed to Scale 5
Speed to Insight 9
Run Anywhere 10
Conclusion 12
We Can Help 12
Resources 13
Every industry is being transformed by data and digital innovations that once again raise the bar for what
technologies. As you build or remake your company for a developers should demand from their database, enabling
digital world, speed matters measured by how fast you them to maximize the time focused on customer
build and evolve apps, how fast you scale them, and how experiences. Its now faster and easier to build always-on
fast you can gain insights from the data they generate. applications that react in real time to data changes
These are the keys to applications that provide better streamed across distributed systems. With Compass
customer experiences, enable deeper, data-driven insights Community, all developers can move beyond the command
or make new products or business models possible. If you line to innovate faster within an intuitive GUI.
cant do this, youll get supplanted by competitors that can.
MongoDB 3.6 helps you move at the speed of your dat data
a Speed to Scale
- turning developers, operations teams, and analysts into a
Once an application has been developed, it needs to be
growth engine for the business. It enables new digital
deployed and run securely, at scale. MongoDB 3.6
initiatives and modernized applications to be delivered to
accelerates speed to production with enhanced operational
market faster, running reliably and securely at scale, and
tooling providing prescriptive management and flexible
unlocking insights and intelligence ahead of your
backups of distributed database clusters, along with
schema governance, extended security controls, and
end-to-end compression for network and storage
Speed to Develop efficiency.
Speed to Insight Speed to Develop
MongoDB 3.6 increases your ability to drive real-time
action by generating complex analytics and visualizations
MongoDB has always been a developer-first technology. Its
from live operational data, eliminating the complexity and
document data model maps naturally to objects in
latency that comes from having to move data into
application code, making it simple for developers to learn
dedicated analytics systems. The aggregation pipeline is
and use. A documents schema can be dynamically created
expanded to enable more expressive data transformations
and modified without downtime, making it fast to build and
and JOINs directly within the database. The MongoDB
evolve applications. Native, idiomatic drivers are provided
Connector for BI takes advantage of these enhancements
for 10+ languages and the community has built dozens
to deliver faster time to insight, while the R Driver for
more enabling ad-hoc queries, real-time aggregation and
MongoDB enables developers, statisticians, and data
rich indexing to provide powerful programmatic ways to
scientists with idiomatic access to multi-structured data for
access and analyze data of any structure. MongoDB 3.6
new data analysis workloads.
builds upon these core capabilities to allow developers to
create rich apps and customer experiences, all with less
Run Anywhere code.
MongoDB 3.6 can be downloaded today as a Release Implemented as an API on top of MongoDBs operation log
Candidate (RC), ready for your evaluation. General (oplog), consumers can open change streams against
Availability (GA) will follow shortly, at which time MongoDB collections and filter on relevant events using the $match,
3.6 will be available for production deployment on either $project, and $redact aggregation pipeline stages. The
your own infrastructure, or in the cloud using the MongoDB application can register for notifications whenever a
Atlas managed database service. The Major Version document or collection is modified, enabling downstream
Upgrade service from MongoDB global consulting is applications and consumers to act on new data in real time,
designed to accelerate your transition to MongoDB 3.6. without constantly querying the entire collection to identify
You will receive guidance from a consulting engineer on changes. Applications can consume change streams
the necessary steps to upgrade, get a walk through of the directly, via a message queue, or through a backend service
upgrade process, and get help on evaluating the upgrade such as MongoDB Stitch (coming soon).
in a testing environment. No cost training is also available
from the MongoDB University. Use cases enabled by MongoDB change streams include:
Each of the enhancements delivered by MongoDB 3.6 is Powering trading applications that need to be updated
covered in more detail through the rest of this whitepaper. in real time as stock prices rise and fall.
Review the MongoDB 3.6 release notes for documentation Synchronizing updates across serverless and
on the new features. microservices architectures by triggering an API call
when a document is inserted or modified. For example,
Figuree 1: MongoDB change streams enable consumers to react to data changes in real time
new customer orders written to the database may can be safely processed by the consuming application
automatically trigger functions to generate invoices and in the order received from the stream.
delivery schedules.
Change streams are secur
securee users are able to create
Updating dashboards, analytics systems, and search change streams only on collections to which they have
engines as operational data changes. been granted read access.
Creating powerful IoT data pipelines that can react Change streams are reliable notifications are only
whenever the state of physical objects change. For sent on majority committed write operations, and are
example, generating alarms whenever a connected durable when nodes or the network fails.
vehicle moves outside of a geo-fenced area.
Change streams are resumable when nodes recover
Pushing new credit card transactions into machine after a failure, change streams can be automatically
learning training models to re-score fraud resumed, assuming that the last event received by the
classifications. application has not rolled off the oplog.
Refreshing scoreboards in multiplayer games. Change streams are familiar the API syntax takes
advantage of the established MongoDB drivers and
Some MongoDB users requiring real-time notifications
query language, and are independent of the underlying
have built their own change data capture processes that
oplog format.
tail the oplog. By migrating to change streams, these
users can reduce development and operational overhead, Change streams are highly concurr
ent up to 1,000
improve usability, and increase data reliability. When change streams can be opened against each MongoDB
compared to both oplog tailing and change notifications instance with minimal performance degradation.
implemented by alternative databases, MongoDB change
Review the MongoDB change streams documentation to
streams offer a number of advantages:
learn more.
Change streams are flexible users can register to
receive just the individual deltas from changes to a
Retryable Writes
document, or receive a copy of the full document.
Change streams are consistent by utilizing a global The addition of retryable writes to MongoDB moves the
logical clock, change streams ensure a total ordering of complexity of handling temporary system failures from the
event notifications across shards. As a result, MongoDB application to the database. Now, rather than the developer
guarantees the order of changes will be preserved, and having to implement custom, client-side code, the
MongoDB driver can automatically retry writes in the event
of transient network failures or a primary replica election, previous write operation, regardless of which replica is
while the MongoDB server enforces exactly-once serving the request. By enforcing strict, causal ordering
processing semantics. of operations within a session, causal consistency
ensures every read is always logically consistent,
By assigning a unique transaction identifier to each write
enabling monotonic reads from a distributed system
operation, the driver re-sends that ID to enable the server
guarantees that cannot be met by most multi-node
to evaluate success of the previous write attempt, or retry
databases. Causal consistency allows developers to
the write operation as needed. This implementation of
maintain the benefits of strict data consistency
retryable writes offers a number of benefits over
enforced by legacy single node relational databases,
approaches taken by other databases:
while modernizing their infrastructure to take advantage
Retryable writes are not limited to idempotent of the scalability and availability benefits of modern
operations only. They can also be applied to operations distributed data platforms.
such as incrementing or decrementing a counter, or
Consistent reads against secondary replica set
processing orders against stock inventory.
members in sharded clusters, even while data is being
Retryable writes are safe for operations that failed to balanced across nodes. In MongoDB 3.6, secondary
acknowledge success back to the application due to replicas are now chunk aware, enabling them to filter
timeout exceptions, for example due to a transient any orphaned documents from result sets. This
network failure. enhancement improves data consistency and read
Retryable writes do not require developers to add any scalability for MongoDB databases deployed across
extra code to their applications, such as retry logic or elastic, globally distributed, sharded clusters.
Applications that cannot afford any loss of write availability, MongoDB Compass
such as e-commerce applications, trading exchanges, and
As the GUI for MongoDB, Compass has become an
IoT sensor data ingestion, immediately benefit from
indispensable tool for developers and DBAs, enabling
retryable writes. When coupled with self-healing node
graphical schema discovery and query optimization.
recovery typically within 2-seconds or less MongoDBs
Compass now offers several new features:
retryable writes enable developers to deliver always-on,
global availability of write operations, without the risks of Auto-complete
Auto-complete: Enables developers to simplify query
data loss and stale reads imposed by eventually consistent, development with Compass providing suggestions for
multi-master systems. field names and MongoDB operators, in addition to
matching braces and quotes as they code.
viewer, a sample data generator, a hardware stats viewer, a With fully expressive array updates, developers can now
log collector/analyzer, and more. perform complex array manipulations against matching
elements of an array including elements embedded in
nested arrays all in a single atomic update operation.
MongoDB Compass Community
MongoDB 3.6 adds a new arrayFilters option, allowing
With the MongoDB 3.6 release, the Compass family has the update to specify which elements to modify in the array
expanded to now include the new, no-cost Compass field. This enhancement allows even more flexibility in data
Community edition. modeling. It also delivers higher performance than
alternative databases supporting JSON data as entire
Compass Community provides developers an intuitive
documents do not need to be rewritten when only selective
visual interface to use alongside the MongoDB shell. It
array elements are updated.
includes the core features of Compass, enabling users to
review the hierarchy and size of databases and collections, Learn more from the documentation.
inspect documents, and insert / update / delete
documents. Developers can use the GUI to build queries,
examine how theyre executed, and add or drop indexes to
More Expressive Query Language
improve performance. Compass Community also supports MongoDB 3.6 exposes the ability to use aggregation
the latest Compass functionality available with MongoDB expressions within the query language to enable richer
3.6, making developers even more productive. queries with less client-side code. This enhancement
allows the referencing of other fields in the same
document when executing comparison queries, as well as
powerful expressions such as multiple JOIN conditions and
uncorrelated subqueries. The addition of the new
expression operator allows the equivalent of SELECT *
FROM T1 WHERE a>b in SQL syntax. Learn more from the
$expr documentation.
Speed to Scale
Figuree 2: MongoDB Compass Community, new no-cost Unlike the traditional scale-up systems of the past,
GUI for MongoDB developers distributed systems enable applications to scale further
and faster while maintaining continuous availability in the
MongoDB Compass Community is available from the face of outages and maintenance. However, they can
MongoDB download center. impose more complexity on the ops team, potentially
slowing down the pace of delivering, scaling, and securing
apps in production. MongoDB 3.6 takes another important
Fully Expressive Array Updates
step in making it easier for operations teams to deploy and
Arrays are a powerful construct in MongoDBs document run massively scalable, always-on global applications that
data model, allowing developers to represent complex benefit from the power of a distributed systems
objects in a single document that can be efficiently architecture.
retrieved in one call to the database. Before MongoDB 3.6,
however, it was only possible to atomically update the first
matching array element in a single update command.
Ops Manager
MongoDB Ops Manager is the best way to run MongoDB
on your own infrastructure, making operations staff
Figuree 3: Ops Manager performance telemetry and prescriptive recommendations speeds time to scale
10x-20x more productive. Advanced management and recommendations to improve performance. Using Ops
administration delivered with Ops Manager 3.6 allow Manager automation, the administrator can then roll out
operations teams to manage, optimize, and backup the recommended indexes automatically, without
distributed MongoDB clusters faster and at higher scale incurring any application downtime.
than ever before. Deeper operational visibility allows
Ops Manager Or Organizations
proactive database management, while streamlined
To simplify management of global MongoDB estates, Ops
backups reduce the costs and time of data protection.
Manager now provides a new Organizations and Projects
hierarchy. Previously Projects, formerly called groups,
Simplified Monitoring and Management were managed as individual entities. Now multiple Projects
can be placed under a single organization, allowing
It is now easier than ever for administrators to synthesize
operations teams to centrally view and administer all
schema design against real-time database telemetry and
Projects under the organization hierarchy. Projects can be
receive prescriptive recommendations to optimize database
assigned tags, such as a production tag, against which
performance and utilization all from a single pane of
global alerting policies can be configured.
The Dat
Dataa Explor
er allows operations teams to examine
Faster, Cheaper and Queryable Backups
the databases schema by running queries to review
document structure, viewing collection metadata, and Ops Manager continuously maintains backups of your data,
inspecting index usage statistics, directly within the Ops so if an application issue, infrastructure failure, or user error
Manager UI. compromises your data, the most recent backup is only
moments behind, minimizing exposure to data loss. Ops
The Real T Time
ime P
erformance Panel provides insight
Manager offers point-in-time backups of replica sets, and
from live server telemetry, enabling issues to be
cluster-wide snapshots of sharded clusters, guaranteeing
immediately identified and diagnosed. The panel
consistency and no data loss. You can restore to precisely
displays all operations in flight, network I/O, memory
the moment you need, quickly and safely. Ops Manager
consumption, the hottest collections, and slowest
backups are enhanced with a range of new features:
queries. Administrators also have the power to kill long
running operations from the UI. Queryable Backups, first introduced in MongoDB Atlas,
The new Performance Advisor, available for both Ops allow partial restores of selected data, and the ability to
Manager and MongoDB Atlas, continuously highlights query a backup file in-place, without having to restore it.
slow-running queries and provides intelligent index Now users can query the historical state of the
database to track data and schema modifications a Ops Manager 3.6 will ship when MongoDB 3.6 reaches
common demand of regulatory reporting. Directly GA.
querying backups also enables administrators to identify
the best point in time to restore a system by comparing
data from multiple snapshots, thereby improving both
Schema Validation
RTO and RPO. No other non-relational database offers MongoDB 3.6 introduces Schema Validation via syntax
the ability to query backups in place. derived from the proposed IETF JSON Schema standard.
The Ops Manager 3.6 backup agent has been updated This new schema governance feature extends the
to use a faster and more robust initial sync process. capabilities of document validation, originally introduced in
Now, transient network errors will not cause the initial MongoDB 3.2.
sync to restart from the beginning of the backup
While MongoDBs flexible schema is a powerful feature for
process, but rather resume from the point the error
many users, there are situations where strict guarantees on
occurred. In addition, refactoring of the agent will speed
data structure and content are required. MongoDBs
data transfer from MongoDB to the backup repository,
existing document validation controls can be used to
with the performance gain dependent on document size
require that any documents inserted or updated follow a
and complexity.
set of validation rules, expressed using MongoDB query
Reducing backup storage overhead by 1x of your syntax. While this allows for the definition of required
logical production data and further improving speed to content for each document, it had no mechanism to restrict
recovery, Point-in-Time snapshots will now be created at users from adding documents containing fields beyond
the destination node for the restore operation, rather those specified in the validation rules. In addition, there is
than at the backup server, therefore reducing network no way for administrators to specify and enforce control
hops. The restore process now transfers backup over the complete structure of documents, including data
snapshots directly to the destination node, and then nested inside arrays.
applies the oplog locally, rather than applying it at the
daemon server first and then pushing the complete Using schema validation, DevOps and DBA teams can now
restore image across the network. Note that this define a prescribed document structure for each collection,
enhancement does not apply to restores via SCP. which can reject any documents that do not conform to it.
With schema validation, MongoDB enforces controls over
Extending support for the AWS S3 object store,
JSON data that are unmatched by any other database:
backups can now be routed to on-premises object
stores such as EMC ECS or IBM Cleversafe. Complete scschema
hema governance
governance. Administrators can
MongoDBs backup integration provides administrators define when additional fields are allowed to be added to
with greater choice in selecting the backup storage a document, and specify a schema on array elements
architecture that best meets specific organizational including nested arrays.
requirements for data protection. It enables them to
Tunable contr
ols. Administrators have the flexibility to
take advantage of cheap, durable, and quickly growing
tune schema validation according to use case for
object storage used within the enterprise. By limiting
example, if a document fails to comply with the defined
backups to filesystems or S3 only, most other databases
structure, it can be either be rejected, or still written to
fail to match the storage flexibility offered by MongoDB.
the collection while logging a warning message.
With cross-project restores, users can now perform Structure can be imposed on just a subset of fields
restores into a different Ops Manager Project than the for example requiring a valid customer a name and
backup snapshot source. This allows DevOps teams to address, while others fields can be freeform, such as
easily execute tasks such as creating multiple staging social media handle and cellphone number. And of
or test environments that match recent production data, course, validation can be turned off entirely, allowing
while configured with different user access privileges or complete schema flexibility, which is especially useful
running in different regions. during the development phase of the application.
Queryable. The schema definition can be used by any behavior is extended to all MongoDB packages across all
query to inspect document structure and content. For platforms. As a result, all networked connections to the
example, DBAs can identify all documents that do not database will be denied unless explicitly configured by an
conform to a prescribed schema. administrator. Review the documentation to learn more
about the changes introduced by localhost binding.
With schema validation, developers and operations teams
Combined with new I P whitelisting
whitelisting, administrators can
have complete control over balancing the agility and
configure MongoDB to only accept external connections
flexibility that comes from a dynamic schema, with strict
from approved IP addresses or CIDR ranges that have
data governance controls enforced across entire
been explicitly added to the whitelist.
collections. As a result, they spend less time defining data
quality controls in their applications, and instead delegate
these tasks to the database. Specific benefits of schema End-to-End Compression
validation include:
Adding to intra-cluster network compression released in
1. Simplified applic
ation logic
logic. Guarantees on the MongoDB 3.4, the new 3.6 release adds wire protocol
presence, content, and data types of fields eliminates compression to network traffic between the client and the
the need to implement extensive error handling in the database.
application. In addition, the need to enforce a schema
through application code, or via a middleware layer such
as an Object Document Mapper, is removed.
2. Enfor
ces contr
ol. Database clients can no longer
compromise the integrity of a collection by inserting or
updating data with incorrect field names or data types,
or adding new attributes that have not been previously
3. Supports compliance
compliance. In some regulated industries
and applications, it is required that Data Protection
Officers demonstrate that data is stored in a specific
format, and that no additional attributes have been
added. For example, the EUs General Data Protection
Regulation (GDPR) requires an impact assessment
against all Personally Identifiable Information (PII), prior
to any processing taking place.
Figuree 4: Creating highly efficient distributed systems with
end to end compression
Extending Security Controls
Wire protocol compression can be configured with the
MongoDB offers among the most extensive and mature
snappy or zLib algorithms, allowing up to 80% savings in
security capabilities of any modern database, providing
network bandwidth. This reduction brings major
robust access controls, end-to-end data encryption, and
performance gains to busy network environments and
complete database auditing. MongoDB 3.6 continues to
reduces connectivity costs, especially in public cloud
build out security protection with two new enhancements
environments, or when connecting remote assets such as
that specifically reduce the risk of unsecured MongoDB
IoT devices and gateways.
instances being unintentionally deployed into production.
With compression configurable across the stack for client
From the MongoDB 2.6 release onwards, the binaries from
traffic, intra-cluster communications, indexes, and disk
the official MongoDB RPM and DEB packages bind to
localhost by default. With MongoDB 3.6, this default
storage MongoDB offers greater network, memory, and collections. Michael Cahill, director of Storage Engineering,
storage efficiency than almost any other database. presented a session on the development work at the
MongoDB World 17 customer conference. Review the
session slides to learn more.
Enhanced Operational Management in
Multi-Tenant Environments
Many MongoDB customers have built out their database
Speed to Insight
clusters to serve multiple applications and tenants.
MongoDB 3.6 introduces two new features that simplify How quickly an organization can unloc
unlockk and act on
management and enhance scalability: insights from data generated by new applications has
become a material source of competitive advantage.
Operational session management enables operations
Collecting data in operational systems and then relying on
teams to more easily inspect, monitor, and control each
batch ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes to update
user session running in the database. They can view, group,
an expensive data warehouse or complex and ungoverned
and search user sessions across every node in the cluster,
data lake is no longer sufficient. Speed to insight is critical,
and respond to performance issues in real time. For
and so analytics performed against live data to drive
example, if a user or developer error is causing runaway
operational intelligence is fast becoming a necessity,
queries, administrators now have the fine-grained
without having to employ armies of highly skilled and
operational oversight to view and terminate that session by
scarce data engineers and scientists. MongoDB 3.6
removing all associated session state across a sharded
delivers a number of new features and capabilities that
cluster in a single operation. This is especially useful for
allow organizations to enable real-time analytics and action.
multi-tenant MongoDB clusters running diverse workloads,
providing a much simpler interface for identifying active
operations in the database cluster, recovering from cluster MongoDB Connector for BI: Faster and
overloads, and monitoring active users on a system. Review Simpler
the sessions documentation to learn more.
MongoDB 3.6 brings a number of performance and
oved sc
alability with the W
iger storage ease-of-use enhancements to the BI Connector, enabling
engine to better support common MongoDB use cases faster time to insight using SQL-based BI and Analytics
that create hundreds of thousands of collections per platforms.
database, for example:
Multi-tenant SaaS-based services that create a The connector takes advantage of enhancement to the
collection for each user. aggregation pipeline discussed below to deliver higher
IoT applications that write all sensor data ingested over performance, with more operations pushed natively to the
an hour or a day into a unique collection. database. Prior to MongoDB 3.6, only left outer equijoins
could be pushed down to the database all other JOIN
As the collection count increased, MongoDB performance types had to be executed within the BI connector layer,
could, in extreme cases, degrade as the WiredTiger session which firstly required all matching data to be extracted from
cache managing a cursors access to collections and the database. With MongoDB 3.6 support is being
indexes became oversubscribed. MongoDB 3.6 introduces extended to non-equijoins and the equivalent of SQL
a refactoring of the session cache from a list to hash table, subqueries. These enhancements will reduce the amount
with improved cache eviction policies and checkpointing of data that needs to be moved and computed in the BI
algorithms, along with higher concurrency by replacing layer, providing faster time to insight.
mutexes with Read/Write locks. As a result of this
refactoring, a single MongoDB instance running with the
WiredTiger storage engine can support over 1 million
In addition, performance metrics are now observable via New expressions allow richer data transformations
the Show Status function, enabling deeper performance within the aggregation pipeline, including the ability to
insights and optimizations. convert objects to arrays of key-value pairs, and arrays
of key-value pairs to be converted to objects. The
mergeObjects expression is useful for setting missing
To support easier configuration, the mongosqld process
fields into default values, while the REMOVE variable
now samples and maps the MongoDB schema, caching the
allows the conditional exclusion of fields from
results internally and eliminating the need to install the
projections based on evaluation criteria. You can learn
separate mongodrdl component. Additionally, users can
more about the enhancements from the documentation.
simplify lifecycle management by configuring, deploying,
and monitoring the BI connector directly from Ops
Manager. R Driver for MongoDB
To simplify the enforcement of access controls, BI A recommended R driver for MongoDB is now available,
Connector users can now be authenticated directly against enabling developers, data scientists, and statisticians to get
MongoDB using new client side plugins, eliminating the the same first class experience with MongoDB as that
need to manage TLS certificates. Review the offered by the other MongoDB drivers providing
documentation for the C and JDBC authentication plugins idiomatic, native language access to the database. The
to learn more. Authentication via Kerberos is also now driver supports advanced MongoDB functionality, including:
Read and write concerns to control data consistency
and durability.
Richer Aggregation Pipeline Enterprise authentication mechanisms, such as LDAP
Developers and data scientists rely on the MongoDB and Kerberos, to enforce security controls against the
aggregation pipeline for its power and flexibility in enabling database.
sophisticated data processing and manipulation demanded Support for advanced BSON data types such as
by real-time analytics and data transformations. Decimal 128 to support high precision scientific and
Enhancements in the aggregation pipeline unlock new use financial analysis.
MongoDB gives them the ability to respond to business or for improved availability guarantees. Reads and writes
regulatory changes without incurring the complexity, risk, will default to a preferred region assuming that there
and time that comes from expensive database migrations are no active failure or failover conditions. The nearest
whenever they need or want to transition to a new platform. read preference, discussed below, can be used to route
queries to local replicas in a globally distributed cluster.
Replica set members in additional regions will
MongoDB Atlas participate in the automated election and failover
As a fully managed database service, MongoDB Atlas is process if the primary member is affected by a local
the best way to run MongoDB in the public cloud. 2017 has outage, and can become a primary in the unlikely event
already seen major evolutions in the Atlas service, with key that the preferred region is offline.
highlights including:
Read-only replica set members can be deployed in
Expansion beyond Amazon Web Services (AWS) to multiple regions, allowing teams to optimize their
offer Atlas on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and deployments to achieve reduced read latency for a
Microsoft Azure. global audience. Read preference providing a
mechanism to control how MongoDB routes read
Achieving SOC2 Type 1 compliance.
operations across members of a replica set can be
The launch of managed database clusters on a shared configured using the drivers. For example, the nearest
architecture, including the free M0 instances, and the read preference routes queries to replicas with the
M2s and M5s, which allow customers to jumpstart their lowest network latency from the client, thus providing
projects for a low and predictable price. session locality by minimizing the effects of geographic
A live migration facility to move data from an existing latency. As the name suggests, read-only replica set
MongoDB replica set into an Atlas cluster with minimal members will not participate in the automated election
application impact. and failover process, and can never be become a
The addition of the Data Explorer and Real Time
Performance Panel, now coming to Ops Manager, as Teams can activate both of the options outlined above in a
discussed above. single database to provide continuous availability and an
optimal experience for their users.
MongoDB 3.6 will be available as a fully managed service
on Atlas, along with important new features to support
global applications, and with automated scalability and
performance optimizations.
Auto-Scaling Storage and Performance Conclusion
MongoDB Atlas now supports automatic scaling for the MongoDB 3.6 helps you move at the speed of your
storage associated with a cluster, making it easier for you dat
dataa. It enables new digital initiatives and modernized
to manage capacity. Enabled by default, auto-scaling for applications to be delivered to market faster, running
storage detects when your disks hit 90% utilization and reliably and securely at scale, and unlocking insights and
provisions additional storage such that your cluster reaches intelligence ahead of your competitors.
a disk utilization of 70% on AWS & GCP, or a maximum of
70% utilization on Azure. This automated process occurs Change streams, retryable writes, tunable consistency,
without impact to your database or application availability. greater query and update expressivity, and Compass
Community help developers move faster.
In addition to auto-storage scaling, the new Performance
Ops Manager, schema validation, enhanced security,
Advisor discussed earlier for Ops Manager is also available
end to end compression, and user session management
in MongoDB Atlas, providing you with always-on,
help operations teams scale faster.
data-driven insights into query behavior and index
recommendations. The MongoDB aggregation pipeline, Connector for BI,
and the recommended R driver help analysts and data
scientists unlock insights faster.
A Cloud Database Platform for
And you have the freedom to run MongoDB anywhere
Development & Testing
on-premises, public cloud, and as a service with MongoDB
New enhancements to MongoDB Atlas make it the optimal Atlas. Get started today by downloading the MongoDB 3.6
cloud database for spinning up and running test and Release Candidate and reviewing the release notes. No
development environments efficiently. cost training is also available from the MongoDB
You can now pause your MongoDB Atlas cluster,
perfect for use cases where only intermittent access to
your data is required, such as development during
We Can Help
business hours or temporary testing. While your
database instances are stopped, you are charged for
provisioned storage and backup storage, but not for We are the MongoDB experts. Over 4,300 organizations
instance hours. You can restart your MongoDB Atlas rely on our commercial products, including startups and
cluster at any time on demand; your cluster more than half of the Fortune 100. We offer software and
configuration will be the same as when you stopped it services to make your life easier:
and public DNS hostnames are retained so no
MongoDB Enterprise Advanced is the best way to run
modifications to your connection string are required.
MongoDB in your data center. It's a finely-tuned package
MongoDB Atlas clusters can be stopped for up to 7
of advanced software, support, certifications, and other
days. If you do not start your cluster after 7 days, Atlas
services designed for the way you do business.
will automatically start your cluster. Pausing and
restarting your MongoDB clusters can be triggered in MongoDB Atlas is a database as a service for MongoDB,
the MongoDB Atlas UI or via the REST API. letting you focus on apps instead of ops. With MongoDB
Cross-project restores, introduced with Ops Manager Atlas, you only pay for what you use with a convenient
3.6, are also available in MongoDB Atlas, allowing users hourly billing model. With the click of a button, you can
to restore to different MongoDB Atlas projects than the scale up and down when you need to, with no downtime,
backup snapshot source. full security, and high performance.
MongoDB Stitch is a backend as a service (BaaS), giving
developers full access to MongoDB, declarative read/write
controls, and integration with their choice of services.