FDP CE Broucher

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Reg. Information Chief Patrons Faculty Development Program

Faculty and Research Scholars from engineering Dr. Anil Sahasrabudhe, Chairman, AICTE
colleges, who wish to improve their research Dr. Vinay Kumar Pathak, VC, AKTU A National Level

horizons in the field of Network and Information

Shri B.L. Gupta, Chairman, GNIOT
Shri Rajesh Gupta, Vice Chairman, GNIOT
Faculty Development Program
Security, can attend this workshop. On
Registration Fees: 2000 INR
Earthquake Resistant Design of
General Information Structures
The number of participants is limited to 30 per Dr. Rohit Garg, Director, GNIOT
Dr. Vinay Goel, Dean Academic, Gniot 8thDec 12thDec 2017
Course material, software and tools will be
made available. Sponsored by
Keynote Speaker & Chief Guest
Tea and Snacks will be provided.
Conveyance and accommodation has to be Dr. D K Paul, IIT Roorkee
arranged by the participants.
Registration Deadline: 7th Dec17
Convener Dr. D K Pal, IIT Roorkee
Prof. B K Singh, HOD-CE Dr. M L Sharma, IIT Roorkee
Co-convener Dr. Shilpa Pal, GBU Organized by
Prof. Chandan Ghose, NIDM
Prof. R K Tewatia, Professor-CE
Prof. Pratima Rani Bose, DTU
Mr. S C Mehrotra, President IASE
Coordinators Prof. Jagdish Prasad , Ex IIT Roorkee
Prof. Mehtab Alam, JMI Delhi
Prof. Brahmpal, Professor-CE Dr. R.M. Dubey, IIT Roorkee
Er. Arvind Kumar, Faculty-CE Dr. B.K. Singh, HOD CE, Gniot
Er. Shubham, Faculty-CE
Er. Rahul Garg, Faculty-CE
Department of Civil Engineering
Er. Swati Verma, Faculty-CE Greater Noida Institute of Technology,
Plot 7, KP-II, Greater Noida, G.B. Nagar
Technical Committee 201308 UP
(Affiliated to Dr. APJ AKTU)
Dr. B.S. Chauhan, Dean (1st Year)
Dr. B K Singh, HOD-CE
E-mail: hodce@gnit.net
Dr. Ram Veer Singh, HOD IT
Dr. Sunil Chaudhary, HOD-EE Mob. +91-8860606624/29
Dr. Deepak Kumar, HOD-EC
About GNIOT About the FDP Registration Form
Earthquakes are unavoidable hazard on earth. The
number of natural disasters has risen dramatically
in the past two decades. According to The New
England Journal of Medicine, since 1990, natural
disasters have affected about 217 million people
each year. Five Day National FDP
India being one of the most active earthquake
Established in the year 2001, GNIOT group of prone zone is susceptible to earthquake hazards. Earthquake Resistant Design of
institutions has become one of the leading The community can protect itself from earthquake
institutions for Management and Engineering disasters by adopting and enforcing a building code Structures
programs worldwide. The founders are some of the with appropriate seismic design and construction.
best minds from the corporate and academic
worlds. In their perspective, the changing business The FDP also aims at providing a forum for
landscape requires young leaders to have members of the research and academic
understanding of developing economies and global community, to interact on cutting-edge and ground 20th Nov 7th Dec2017
practices. Assets of GNIOT: breaking topics in seismology, structural dynamics,
earthquake resistant design, retrofitting and
Total Students/Seats: 5232 sensitization, awareness and education to masses
Programs: B.Tech./M.Tech./MCA mitigate the hazards. The lectures will be delivered Name:.
Branches/Streams: CS/IT/EC/EE/ME/CE
by professors from IITs and leading institutions
Other Institutions in Group: Designation:
along with industry experts.

Course Content Organization:.

About the Department
Official Address:.
The FDP will focus on the following areas:
Department of Civil Engineering established in 2008
in GNIOT. The department is growing strong with Engineering Seismology ...
strong team of faculty members with well Structural Dynamics
experience &expertise in different domain. The Soil Structure interaction Mobile:.
pass out students of the department are Earthquake resistant design and detailing
performing extremely well in almost-all the leading Building seismic performance and retrofitting E-Mail:..
organization and making the name of the Sensitization, Education and awareness
Disaster management
department brighter. The Department offers both
B.Tech. & M.Tech Regular Programs. Signature Date:

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