City of Charlotte Sexual Harassment Policy
City of Charlotte Sexual Harassment Policy
City of Charlotte Sexual Harassment Policy
Date Effective Revision Date Effective
July 1, 1990 March 29, 2010
Code Number
HR 5
Human Resources
City Manager Responsible Key Business
To establish the Citys policy regarding harassment and to establish procedures for the
investigation and resolution of grievances or complaints about harassment.
1. The City will not tolerate or condone acts of harassment based upon race, religion, color,
sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, disability, or political affiliation.
2. City employees and supervisors will make every effort to prevent and avoid harassment
in the workplace. The City believes that such efforts are necessary for productive
working relationships within the organization.
3. The City will comply with Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (as amended), the
Age Discrimination in Employment Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act.
1. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (as amended) states that it is an unlawful
employment practice:
2. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act establishes essentially the same prohibitions
as mentioned above under Title VII, but for individuals age 40 years and above.
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3. The Americans with Disabilities Act also requires non-discrimination and includes
prohibitions as outlined above in Title VII, but for qualified individuals with disabilities.
(4) All of the conduct listed in Examples 1, 2, and 3 which are directed to an
employee by a non-employee in the workplace, i.e., contractors or vendors
who may do business with or for the City.
(5) Employment opportunities or benefits granted by a supervisor to his/her
employee because such employee submits to the supervisor's advance.
3. Hostile Environment means a workplace that has become intimidating or offensive due to
conduct of employees which is threatening in nature.
1. An employee who believes he or she has been the subject of harassment should, if
possible, follow Rule VI Grievance Procedure of the Citys Personnel Rules and
2. If the employee chooses not to present a complaint or grievance directly to his or her
supervisor (for example, this may be the case if an employee is alleging sexual
harassment by his or her supervisor), the complaint or grievance may be filed directly
with the key business executive, a representative of the key business executive, or Human
5. Investigation of a complaint will normally include conferring with the parties involved
and any named or apparent witnesses. A review of written documentation will be made.
Employees are guaranteed an impartial and fair hearing. All employees will be protected
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6. Human Resources and the City Attorneys Office are available to assist in the
investigation of harassment complaints.
7. If the investigation reveals that the complaint is valid, prompt attention and disciplinary
action designed to stop the harassment immediately and to prevent its recurrence will be
taken. A schedule of appropriate disciplinary actions is attached.
Acts of Harassment
1. Class A:
a. Conduct which is threatening to terms and conditions of employment and whereby favors
are required in exchange for rewards on the job or to avoid unfavorable job actions.
b. Physically forcing sexual activity on someone, ranging from assault to rape.
c. Physical violence intended to harass, intimidate or discourage employees based on their
race, religion, color, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, disability or political
2. Class B:
Conduct which is threatening to terms and conditions of employment, or which creates an
intimidating/hostile work environment and has an adverse impact on work performance.
3. Class C:
Conduct which is not threatening to terms and conditions of employment, nor does it
significantly impact employee work performance.
Acts of Harassment
EXAMPLES: Jokes oriented toward race, religion, color, sex, national origin, sexual orientation,
age, disability or political affiliation; display of sexually suggestive pictures or materials,
pictures, articles or graffiti which are derogatory towards race, religion, color, sex, national
origin, sexual orientation, age, disability or political affiliation.
Harassment occurs in many forms and it is thereby difficult to categorize types of harassment.
This Disciplinary Schedule may not cover all acts or combinations of acts of harassment. It lists
three general categories and appropriate discipline for acts falling into one of these three
The City of Charlotte is an at-will employer and can terminate an employee at anytime and is not
bound by the schedule. Discipline outside of this schedule must be done with the agreement of
City Human Resources.