circular pitch
CHAPTER 1- 4 finishing a hole by means of B. module
a cutting tool having several C. diametral pitch
1. A machine tool used in the cutting edges D. pitch circle
production of flat surfaces on A. notching 14. The portion of the gear tooth
pieces too large or too heavy B. piercing that projects above or outside
or perhaps too awkward to C. turning the pitch circle
hold in a shaper D. reaming A. top relief
A. shaper B. deddendum
B. planer 8. The operation of making a C. addendum
C. tool grinder cone shaped enlargement of D. tooth space
D. power saw the end of a hole, as for a
recess for a flat head screw 15. The portion of the gear tooth
2. It consist of shaping a piece A. countersinking space that is cut below the
by bringing it into contact B. knurling pitch circle and is equal to the
with a rotating abrasive C. squaring addendum plus the clearance
wheel D. perforating A. top root
A. drilling B. deddendum
B. boring 9. The operation of enlarging a C. addendum
C. grinding hole by means of an D. top land
D. broaching adjustable cutting tool with
only one cutting edge 16. When meshed with a gear it
3. A tool used in measuring A. drilling is used to change rotary
diameters B. broaching motion to reciprocating
A. caliper C. grinding motion
B. nanometer D. boring A. gear shaft
C. tachometer B. gear tooth
D. pyrometer 10. An imaginary circle passing C. gear rack
through the points at which D. gear motor
4. Used to true align machine the teeth of the meshing gears
tools, fixtures, and works, to contact each other 17. A kind of gears for heavy
test and inspect trueness of A. pitch circle duty works where a large
finished work, and too B. addendum circle ratio of speed is required and
compare measurement either C. deddendum circle are extensively used in speed
heights or depths or many D. base circle reducers
other measurement A. bevel gear
A. dial gauge 11. A type of bolt for use in B. worm gear
B. dial indicator bolting wooden parts together C. helical gear
C. tachometer or wood to metal,. It has a D. spiral gear
D. speedometer portion of shank just
underneath a round head, 18. A kind of gear to transmit
5. The ability of the metal to be which is designed to keep the motion from one shaft to
deformed considerably bolt from turning in the wood another shaft at an angle to
without rupture when the nut t tightened the first
A. ductility A. u-bolt A. bevel gear
B. plasticity B. carriage bolt B. worm gear
C. malleability C. eye bolt C. helical gear
D. elasticity D. stud bolt D. spiral gear
6. The shop term used to 12. The number of teeth per inch 19. The uniform heating of steel
include the marking of of pitch diameter and which above the usual hardening
inscribing of center points, gives some indications of the temperatures, followed by
circle, arcs, or straight line gear teeth cooling freely in air
upon metal surfaces, either A. module A. annealing
curved or flat, for the B. pitch circle B. normalizing
guidance of the worker C. diametral pitch C. hardening
A. shaping D. circular pitch D. tempering
B. hobbing
C. laying out 13. The distance from the center 20. The operation of cooling a
D. shaping of one tooth of a gear the heated piece of work rapidly
center of the next consecutive by dipping it in water, brine
tooth measured of the pitch or oil
A. quenching lengthwise in it, intersecting
B. tempering with the threads to form 34. A kind of chuck which
C. normalizing cutting edges. It is used to cut should not used where
D. annealing internal threads extreme accuracy is required
21. A method in softening a piece A. groove A. Collet chuck
of metal that is too hard to B. lap B. Magnetic chuck
machine and is done by C. tap C. Four jaw chuck
heating steel slowly above D. flute D. Universal chuck
the usual hardening
temperature keeping it at the 28. A set of gages consisting of 35. The process of checking or
heat for to 2 hours then thin strips of metal of various producing checkers on the
cooling slowly, preferably in thickness mounted in a steel surface of a piece by rolling
a furnace case or holder and is widely checkered depression into
A. broaching used for measuring and the surface
B. quenching checking clearances A. Knurling
C. normalizing A. feeler gage B. Hemming
D. annealing B. depth gage C. Breading
C. line center gage D. Embossing
22. The total permissible D. lay-out gage
variation in the size of a 36. Its fits the main spindle of a
dimension the difference 29. A machine tool which is very lathe and is so called because
between the limits of size similar to a shaper except that its acts as a bearing surface
A. allowance the ram reciprocates on which the work rest. It
B. tolerance vertically rather than revolves with the work.
C. variance horizontally When compared with the
D. interference A. Lathe hardness of the dead center in
B. Grinder the tailstock, is usually soft,
23. The operation of machining C. Planer and is so made since it does
the end of a work piece to D. Slotter not work
make the end square with the A. Ram center
axis 30. A machine tool principally to B. Spindle center
A. squaring machine flat or plane surfaces C. Live center
B. buffing with single-point cutting tool D. Bearing center
C. lapping A. Grinder
D. honing B. Shaper 37. A gripping device with two
C. Planer or more adjustable jaws
24. The clearance between the D. Turret machine radially
tooth profiles of a gear tooth A. Chuck
A. toothspace 31. A kind of bolts which has no B. Carriage
B. backslash head an instead has threads C. Tailstock
C. flank on both ends D. Fan
D. width A. Stud bolts
B. Acme threaded bolts 38. Steel Balls for ball bearings
25. A mechanism which usually C. Square threaded bolts are manufactured by
do the indexing in a machine D. Hex bolts A. Turning
tool B. Rolling
A. slotter 32. A kind of chuck which has a C. Casting
B. chuck reversible jaws which could D. Cold heading
C. dividing head be adjusted separately
D. indexer A. Collet chuck 39. Addendum of a cycloidal
B. Independent chuck gear tooth
26. A material that can wear C. Four jaw chuck A. Cycloid
away a substance softer than B. Epicycloids
itself 33. A tool which when pressed C. Straight rack
A. phenol into finished hole in a piece D. Involutes
B. abrasive of work, provides centers on 40. In a lathe, it comprises the
C. tungsten which the piece may be main spindle, the necessary
D. chromium turned or otherwise machined mechanism for obtaining the
A. Mash various spindle speed and
27. A cylindrical bar of steel with B. Butt also certain gears which are
threads formed around it and C. Mandrel used to operate the quick
grooves or flutes running D. Wobble change gear mechanism
A. Headstock most commonly consists prevent passage or
B. Carriage of heating the metals up escape of electric
C. Tailstock to near molten state current from
D. Fan cooling them very conductors.
slowly. A. Insulators
41. A soft yellow metal, A. Quenching B. Bricks
known since ancient B. Tempering C. Ceramics
times a precious metal C. Annealing D. Refractories
which values are based. D. Forming
A. Solidus 54. A metallic element
B. Bronze 48. The maximum stress and the only metal
C. Gold induced in a material that is liquid at
D. Austenite when subjected to ordinary
alternating or repeated temperature.
42. The operation of cooling loading without causing A. Austenite
a heated piece of work failure. B. Mercury
rapidly by dropping it in A. Elastic limit C. Manganese
water, brine or oil. B. Proportional limit D. Martensite
A. Normalizing C. Rupture strength
B. Quenching D. Endurance limit 55. An alloy of cooper
C. Annealing and zinc.
D. Squeezing 49. The total deformation A. Aluminum
measured in the direction B. Bronze
43. A device used to prevent of the line of stress. C. Brass
leakage of media. A. Axial deformation D. Nickel
A. Seal B. Elongation
B. Packing C. Strain 56. Usually a copper- tin
C. Teflon D. Unit stress alloy is:
D. Graphite A. Aluminum
50. The maximum stress to B. Nickel
44. A welding operation in which a material can be C. Brass
which a non-ferrous subjected without a trace D. Bronze
filler metal melts at a of any permanent set
temperature below that remaining upon a 57. A tool with
of the metal joined but is complete withdrawal of hardened points
heated above 450oC. the stress. used for scribing
A. Arc welding A. Ultimate limit circles or laying of
B. Brazing B. Proportional limit distances.
C. Spot welding C. Endurance limit A. Trammel
D. Butt welding D. Elastic limit B. Caliper
C. Divider
45. The process of working 51. The ability of metal D. Micrometer
metals by the application to withstand without
of sudden blows r by a breaking down is: 58. Name of mechanism
steady pressure. A. Stress which a welding
A. Trimming B. Strength operator holds
B. Welding C. Strain during gas welding
C. Forging D. Elasticity and at the end of
D. Lancing which the gases are
52. A machining burned to perform
46. The process of producing operation whereby the various gas
a variety of surface by the tool reciprocates welding operations.
using a circular type and the feed is A. Mash
cutter with multiple stationary is called: B. Core
teeth. A. Shaping C. Wobble
A. Piercing B. Reaming D. Torch
B. Cutting C. Planning
C. Embossing D. Turning 59. The maximum stress
D. Milling to which a material
53. Any material that may be subjected
47. The softening of meals retards the flow of before failure
by heat treatment and electricity used to occurs.
A. Rupture stress d. Long 75. Delta iron occurs at
B. Yield stress 67. Spiral gears are suitable temperature of:
C. Ultimate stress for transmitting: H. Room temperature
D. Allowable stress a. Any power I. Above melting point
b. Small power J. Between 1400C
60. The maximum stress c. Huge power and 1539C
induced in a material d. Pulsating power K. Between 1000C
when subjected to 68. The type of cam used for and 1400C
alternate or repeated low and moderate speed
loading without engines is generally: 76. The most important
causing failure. a. Flat element that controls the
A. Yield point b. Involute physical properties of
B. Ultimate point c. Tangent steel is:
C. Endurance point d. Harmonic L. Carbon
D. Proportional point 69. Gears for wrist watches M. Silicon
are generally N. Manganese
61. In standard coarse thread manufactured by: O. Tungsten
bolt, the stress a. Molding
concentration is b. Stamping 77. The process commonly
maximum at: c. Galvanizing used for thermo-plastic
a. All over the surface d. Honing material is:
b. Top surface 70. The rated life of a P. Die casting
c. Root bearing changes: Q. Injection molding
d. Flank a. Inversely as cube of R. Shell molding
load S. Cold forming
62. Which of the following b. Directly as load
ropes are more flexible? c. Inversely as square 78. Select the one that has
a. 6 to 19 of load highest specific gravity:
b. 6 to 7 d. Inversely as load T. Aluminum
c. 8 by 19 U. Lead
d. 6 by 37 71. The best material for V. Brass
brake drum is: W. High carbon steel
63. Tools usually used in a. Cast iron
wood pattern making in b. Steel 79. Age- hardening is related
foundry shop. c. Aluminum with:
a. Band saw d. Wrought iron X. Cast iron
b. Saws and chisels Y. Stainless steel
c. Knives and drills 72. An elastic body whose Z. Duralumin
d. Grinder primary function is to AA. German silver
deflect under load.
64. Type of bolt commonly a. Spring 80. Ratio of pitch diameter
used in the construction b. Brake to the number of teeth.
that is threaded in both c. Stopper A. diametrical pitch
ends. d. Clutch B. module
a. Hex bolt C. contact ratio
b. Stud bolt 73. Which one is different D. helical overlap
c. Square threaded from the remaining?
bolts A. nitriding 81. How do you call a cam
d. Eye bolt B. cyaniding where in the follower
65. Cast iron flywheels are C. electroplating reciprocates or oscillates
commonly designed with D. flame hardening in a plane parallel to its
factor of safety of: axis?
a. 9 to 12 74. Splines are used when: a. Circular cam
b. 8 to 11 The power transmitted is b. reciprocating cam
c. 10 to 13 low c. cylindrical cam
d. 7 to 10 E. The power to be d. oscillating cam
66. Which of the type of transmitted is high
chain is used in F. Axial relative 82. How are gears for
motorcycle? motion between watches generally
a. Silent shafts and hub is manufactured?
b. Pintle necessary a. Die casting
c. Brush roller G. Flame hardening b. Machining on hobber
c. power metallurgy a. Alignment of drive a. Tangential cam
process b. Lowering of drive b. cam curves
d. stamping c. To insure that two shafts c. radial cam
83. Rope brake line up at high speed d. cylindrical cam
dynamometer uses what? d. To connect shaft so that
the driven shaft will 96. During tensile test,
a. Oil as lubricant rotate with the driving which of the following
b. No lubricant shaft and to disconnect stress-strain curve(s) fits
c. grease as lubricant them at all for a glass rod?
d. water as lubricant a. A straight line
90. The height of tooth b. A parabola
84. Which of the following above the pitch circle or c. an irregular curve
could be the effect of the radial distance d. a sudden break
cold working? between pitch circle and
a. Increases the fatigue top land of the tooth. 97. In case of a knuckle
strength a. Addendum joint, the pin is most
b. Decreases the fatigue b. Deddendum likely to fail in:
strength c. top root a. Shear
c. Has no influence on d. top land b. Tension
fatigue strength c. Compression
d. None of these 91. How do you call the d. double shear
distance of the tooth
85. In testing a material for which is equal to the sum 98. A single ply leather belt
endurance strength, it is of the addendum and running at a belt velocity
subjected to: deddendum? of 300 ft/min is likely to
a. Completely reversed a. Full depth transmit per inch of
load b. working depth width:
b. Static load c. whole depth a. 2.5 Hp
c. impact load d. pitch b. 3.0 Hp
d. dynamic load c. 4.0 Hp
92. A cold chisel is made of d. 5.0 Hp
86. Coaxing is the procedure what?
of increasing: a. Mild steel 99. How do you call a body
a. Metal strength b. German silver having identical
b. Metal hardness by c. high carbon steel properties all over?
surface treatment d. cast iron a. Heterogeneous
c. Metal resistance to b. Homogeneous
corrosion by coating 93. It is the ability of a c. Elastic
d. Fatigue limit by material to absorb energy d. Ductile
overstressing the metal when deformed
by successively elastically and return it 100. How is the material
increasing loadings when unloaded. described if it recovers
A. Creep its original dimensions
87. Up to what percent B. fatigue strength when the load is
thickness of plate, edge C. resilience removed?
preparation for welding D. toughness a. Elastic
is not needed? b. Plastic
a. 2 mm 94. Which of the following c. Brittle
b. 4 mm cams where the follower d. Malleable
c. 8 mm reciprocates or oscillates
d. 12 mm in a plane parallel to the
axis of rotation?
88. Arc blow takes place in: a. Cam curves
a. Gas welding b. radial cam
b. Arc welding when c. cylindrical cam
straight polarity is used d. tangential cam
c. Arc welding when
reversed polarity is used 95. Which of the following
d. Welding stainless steel cams where the follower
89. What is the function reciprocates or oscillates
clutch in the machine in a plane perpendicular
tool? its axis of rotation?