Ip Finance Toolkit
Ip Finance Toolkit
Ip Finance Toolkit
In March 2014 the Intellectual Property Office (IPO) published Banking on IP, An
Active Response2. This summarised the IPOs conclusions and set out the actions it
intended to take to address some of the barriers highlighted in the original report.
This toolkit has been developed with that aim. It is geared to:
We hope you find this guidance useful and would encourage you to work through it in
advance of any discussions with potential lenders. We would also encourage
potential lenders to use this guidance to understand potential value that intellectual
property assets may have to a business seeking debt finance.
1 https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/312008/ipresearch-
2 https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/312038/ipresearch-
1 IP Finance Toolkit
1. Businesses looking for finance............................................................................ 3
9. IP Asset Checklist............................................................................................... 32
Do you have
Talk to your
enough fixed assets
finance provider.
for security?
Do you have a
strategy for managing
and commercialising
your IP?
Go to the Management
and Commercialisation
Can you explain how
your IP is valuable to
your business?
You may still find it
helpful to complete the
IPR Valuation Checklist.
Go to Valuing your IP You are now in a good
and complete the IPR position to have an
Valuation Checklist. informed conversation
with a lender. But do
not forget there are
other options too. See
Funding Available for
IP-Rich Businesses.
2. Bank/financial institution
approached by IP-rich
Get valuation.
Do you understand the
IPR Valuation Checklist
value of the IP?
can be used.
3. IP Management and
Commercialisation Strategy
It is also recommended that you complete the IP Asset Checklist on page 32,
using the information contained within your IP Management and Commercialisation
Strategy. This checklist will assist in demonstrating your IP assets and the benefits
they bring to your business during any discussions you may have with potential
lenders. To assist with completion, information on the following pages has been
cross-referenced to specific columns within the checklist.
You should also consider valuing your IP assets. This will allow you to demonstrate to
potential lenders the value held in them for more information on valuing your IP
assets refer to the Valuing Your IP guidance at Section 4.
If you are considering finance to grow your business and would like further
information regarding the different types of funding available it is recommended that
you refer to the Funding Available for IP-Rich Businesses at Section 5.
Routes to Commercialisation
As you read the following sections consider how you are going to use the information
to commercialise your IP assets and ensure they are contributing to the growth of
your business. Some points to take into account are:
Identify how/where the IP strategy aligns with and benefits the general
business strategy over the short to medium term;
Identify suitable options for exploiting the businesss IP, again to fit with the
overall business plan, e.g. by licensing and/or enforcing and/or using the IP to
attract and reassure investors and business partners.
6 IP Finance Toolkit
hh Identify the nature of the business and the key features of the business plan, in
particular the features by which the business intends to differentiate over its
competitors including an analysis of potential competitors and market (size and
value) for the product/service.
hh Include financial history (preferably three years) covering assets, cash flow,
balance sheet (profit and loss), debtors/creditors, asset liability income & expense
of directors, use of loans/funds, fixed and variable costs, growth rate.
Number of employees;
Size of company;
Number/Quality of clients.
Domain names;
Technical know-how;
hh Also consider potential financial issues relevant to the IP assets, for example
financial (including tax) aspects of the ownership or licensing structure; the role of
the holding company, if applicable; the country/countries in which the assets are
held and any charges over the IPRs.
4. Licensing {Ref 6}
hh Consider whether your IP may be licensed out to a third party or whether you
need to license in IP in order to develop your own product and service. Other
points to consider are:-
What IP is being licensed? The nature of the right: is it a patent, trade mark,
design or copyright? If the right has been registered, how long will it last?
If you are the licensor consider the return for granting the licence and the value
of your IP;
How much are your IP rights worth? (This can make or break a deal.
Understanding the value of the rights and being able to justify that value will
bring success in negotiations);
How will the IP be used and who will use it? Will a right be used in a specific
sector? Will the owner be able to license the IP to other sectors?
The terms and conditions on which the IP is licensed; the payment structure?
The duration of the license? Are there termination clauses?
What are the risks and how they can be mitigated against?
Capturing and recording evidence of use of trade marks (this is useful if you
need to provide evidence of prior use in a dispute);
More general awareness of relevant third party IPRs, for example use of
watching searches or landscape searches;
hh provides an easy-to-complete checklist, which you can use to assess the value of
IPRs in your transaction.
There is no easy or foolproof way to value IPR and it can become complicated. This
section will take a little time to read through, but it will take you a long way towards
being able to take an informed decision about the value of IPR.
It will provide you with an overview of the different methods of valuing IP assets and
includes a checklist on page 34, for you to undertake a valuation of the IP within your
business. This valuation will provide valuable insight into the potential value of your IP
assets and provide a basis for an independent, professional valuation of those assets.
If you are considering finance to grow your business and would like further
information regarding the different types of funding available it is recommended that
you refer to the Funding available for IP-Rich Businesses at Section 5.
There are many good reasons why businesses should audit and seek to value their IP
assets. IP is vitally important to businesses. Some still do not recognise the fact that
their trade marks, designs, and other IP assets are as valuable as their plant,
premises or stock. For many businesses, IP constitutes their single most valuable
asset and could be used as a lever to secure finance for company growth.
In business transactions, parties must know the value of IP assets if they are to be
traded. If bankruptcy or reorganisation occurs, assessment of the businesss value is
required and this should include the value of IP assets and the assessment of the
impact of proposed reorganisation plans.
If IP assets are to be used for raising finance then an accurate valuation will be
required to demonstrate to the lender the value, how it is secured and supports the
future cash flow of the business.
10 IP Finance Toolkit
Discerning the value of IP is not an easy task. How much is a brand name worth
after years of marketing? Does a patent protect a high value unique selling point of a
product or is it redundant? A well known brand or a vital patent can be the life blood
of a business and losing IP protection for these can drastically reduce its value.
Not all IP is valuable, unless they help to create, maintain or increase cash flow they
may have no real value. Moreover, intellectual property rights change in value for a
variety of reasons. A patent may for example begin its life as a unique solution to a
problem, but in time, other solutions to the problem may be found thus reducing its
worth. Alternatively, with successful marketing of an effective product a great patent
can become a world beater. Trade marks generally gain value as they become
better known.
The value of IPRs depends on the circumstances at the given time and place. It is
important to look at the nature of the intellectual property right, the purpose for which
they will be used, the potential market for them and their competitors.
IP valuation methodologies
There are a number of ways to value IP rights. They all have their limitations and no
method is appropriate in every case. The stage of development of the IPRs, the
availability of information and the aim of the valuation all have a bearing on the
method used. Three useful examples are listed here.
Creating a prototype,
This method assumes that a potential buyer can avoid these costs by buying the IPR.
Valuable benefits may be:
Time: by purchasing the right from the seller, the buyer will not waste time
researching and developing their form of IP;
Expenditure: if attempting to recreate their own IP, the buyer would spend at
least this much;
Protection: a buyer may not be able to protect their IP, and may well be
infringing on others.
Understanding the value of a product based on its recent track record in the market
place may be a more reliable way of establishing the market value of an intellectual
property right. Assessing the sale or licensing of similar products in the market may
provide a good litmus test as to the value of a right.
Market valuations of intellectual property rights provide a good estimate. The problem
with this method is that it can be very hard to find published data on IP transactions,
they are often confidential; moreover IP transactions are hard to generalise, there are
sources of data for various sectors, but they tend to provide a wide range of figures
for sales and licences which are only broadly comparable.
This method is unlikely to be used to value patents. That is because the value of a
patent depends on its novelty; and that novelty means there is unlikely to be
comparable information.
That said, this method is objective and it can provide a realistic analysis of value
based on a rights worth as perceived by both owners and their consumers. This
method can be useful for researching the high, low and mean royalty rates paid in any
given market sector. In negotiating a licence agreement for example, an agreed
industry acceptable range may form the basis of a discussion.
This method focuses on the revenue intellectual property rights may generate in
the future. It considers both the future income, which a right may generate during
its economic life, and the costs of generating that income. Risk and financial costs
are factored into the equation; the end result is described as the Net Present Value
or NPV.
This method allows a buyer to consider investment based on whether the NPV is
positive or negative.
Although the NPV is a useful, easy-to-use tool, it should be remembered that the
income or economic benefit method of valuation is based on an assessment of likely
future events rather than past performance.
12 IP Finance Toolkit
Factors such as the strength of the IPR, the size of the potential market, the
nature of the competition, changes in the economic climate and the cost of
registering, enforcing and defending the IPR need to be taken into account.
The way in which the IPR is exploited, the costs involved, the time it will take to get to
market and the risks involved along the way will vary from business to business.
Other things to consider are income which may be generated from other factors e.g.
the skill of the business staff.
Uncertainties about the future mean that it is unrealistic to project income for more than
4 or 5 years. Trying to estimate the income for early stage technology is very difficult.
A sub method of the income or economic benefit method is the relief from royalties
method. This method assesses IP royalties. It is based on an assessment of what
royalty costs a company is avoiding by virtue of owning the IP right.
As the Banking on IP? report notes; SMEs first port of call for finance is often a
bank. Figures quoted in the report show that 40% of SMEs seek a loan and 35%
seek an overdraft. Only 1-2% of these businesses try to get equity funding. It is likely
then that potential sources of funding are untapped.
The Banking on IP response identified that one of the problems businesses faced was
how they might identify financing options available to them.
Funding available
The following types of funding are in addition to the normal funding available via bank
loans or family and friends.
Debt Finance
Asset Finance
Asset finance is a type of finance used by businesses to obtain the equipment they
need to grow. It usually involves paying a regular charge for use of the asset over an
agreed period of time.
The most common types of asset finance are leasing and hire purchase.
Leasing gives the customer access to new equipment by way of renting it for a
contracted period, without owning the asset.
Hire Purchase (HP) allows the customer to buy the equipment on credit.
Paying for the use of equipment over an agreed period avoids the need to
pay large costs upfront, making this type of finance suitable for even the most
stringent budgets;
Leasing and HP are excellent budgeting tools as payments are usually fixed,
allowing improved cash flow management.
Asset-based finance
Invoice financing is the most common form of asset based finance and in most cases
acts to support business to manage their cash flow, bridging the gap between the
delivery of goods or services by a business and the payment from its customer.
14 IP Finance Toolkit
Businesses typically use this type of finance to fund their working capital and those
that are experiencing high growth find invoice finance flexible as the borrowing grows
alongside the sales ledger.
The funder will provide an advance that represents a percentage of the amount
invoiced which depending on the business, the sector and the payment profile will
generally range from 70-90%.
The Business Loan Fund is intended to stimulate business growth and development
in creative and digital Small, Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs).
In line with the Regional Growth Fund objective, this funding is only available to
businesses based in the North of England, the East & West Midlands and the
South West.
Applicants need to show that the balance of the project costs (50%) will be provided
as either a contribution from their own resources or from third parties. As well as a
desire and ability to grow through the delivery of high-quality, commercially astute
projects which result in the creation and safeguarding of full-time jobs (with a
minimum of a 12 month contract). All funds are subject to the availability of funding
and are discretionary interest-free loans.
This type of funding combines elements of debt financing and equity investment and
is often described as a hybrid or halfway house. Basically, in addition to receiving
fees and interest on the loan, the provider also benefits from a share of the upside
when the borrowing business achieves its growth objectives.
The downside is that lenders usually want a high return on their money so this type of
finance can be aggressively priced as there is little or no collateral.
Peer-to-Peer lending
Most of these loans are unsecured personal loans. They are made to an individual
rather than a business. Other forms of peer-to-peer lending include student loans,
payday loans, as well as secured business loans, leasing and factoring.
15 IP Finance Toolkit
Pension led
Pension led funding uses the business owners accrued pension funds to invest in
their own companies.
It provides funding without having to give a personal guarantee to a lender and can
provide protection for business assets held within the pension scheme.
Pension led funding can utilise IP (if available) as a new asset to secure these funds.
Once the IP value has been established, the Pensions trustees agree to buy some, or
all, of the IP assets from the business, or loan money to the business secured against
the IP.
Once the business receives a cash sum, it begins making lease payments back to the
pension scheme.
Start-up Loans
This is a Government funded scheme that provides support to young people to help
them start up their own business.
The scheme provides loans and mentoring support to applicants in England aged
18-30 who would not normally be able to access traditional forms of finance for a
lack of track record or assets.
The average loan value is 4,500, repaid over a term of 12-60 months.
Every business that receives funding will be assigned a mentor who is on hand to
help the business succeed.
Equity Finance
Angel Investing
Angel investors are affluent individuals who provide capital for a business start-up
usually in exchange for convertible debt or equity ownership. While banks may avoid
the perceived high risk of creative business, angels are concerned with growing their
stake and the likelihood of making a good return on their investment.
Angel investors commonly invest stakes as low as 10,000. While they may be happy
to wait longer for the exit when they take their return on investment, they are usually
looking for businesses that offer a ten-times return, so that at exit, that initial 10,000
stake would be worth 100,000.
Angels frequently invest through organised networks and formal syndicates or they
may invest on their own or with a number of fellow investors on a deal by deal basis.
They may also be accessed through accelerator programmes or incubators. In most
cases Angels like to invest through meeting entrepreneurs at live pitching events or
showcasing events.
The Business Angel CoFund is able to make initial equity investments of between
100,000 and 1 million in to small, high-growth-potential businesses alongside
syndicates of business angels.
16 IP Finance Toolkit
The fund invests in businesses across the UK and will consider proposals for
businesses at all stages of development and in most sectors, provided they qualify as
an SME.
Proposals to the Angel CoFund may only be made by business angel syndicates.
Individual businesses seeking investment are not eligible to apply directly and should
first look for an investment syndicate.
Venture Capital
This is a type of equity finance where an investment would be made in return for a
share of equity.
Businesses who obtain venture capital do so because they have developed a product
or service that has market potential but are restricted on time to push this forward
without obtaining an injection of cash.
When using this method of funding, businesses not only get an injection of cash, they
also receive expert help in business growth. This can help them realise their potential
when it comes to promoting their product/service.
Grant Funding
Run jointly by Innovate UK and the Research Council as a form of research and
development funding which focuses on a specific priority area and aims to help take
projects from research to as close to commercial viability as possible.
The Catalyst model supports projects in priority areas where the UK research base
has a leading position and where there is clear commercial potential. Three levels of
funding are usually available, varying according to how close a project is to
commercialisation, with applicants able to join at any phase.
Frequent competitions are held, in a wide range of areas covering specific technical
or community challenges.
17 IP Finance Toolkit IP Finance Toolkit 17
This scheme gives entrepreneurs the opportunity to offer investors in the business
access to tax breaks, as long as they pay tax in the UK.
Angel investors in particular can gain both income tax and capital gains tax relief to
investors who subscribe for eligible shares in small unquoted businesses that qualify
under the scheme.
Before approaching investors to seek investment, the Entrepreneur must first gain
approval from HMRC that their business qualifies for EIS investment, via the
completion of an application form.
Growth Vouchers
The Growth Voucher programme helps businesses find and pay for professional
strategic advice. After applying, businesses will be randomly chosen to get a voucher
of up to 2,000.
This can be used to pay for up to half of the cost of advice on:
IC Tomorrow
The network supports innovation across a variety of industry sectors including music,
film, fashion, publishing, TV, education, games, culture, sport, advertising, healthcare
and finance.
A range of funded contests are run across the digital and creative sectors. These
contests are run in collaboration with leading partners who help to set relevant
challenges that will encourage innovation in new digital applications or services.
Innovation Vouchers
The scheme is open to micro and SMEs only. There is an upper limit of approximately
165k for all state aid provided to any one business over a three-year period.
These Launchpads act as catalysts for businesses with exciting and innovative
projects to share knowledge, develop their entrepreneurial skills and attract further
investment to bring their ideas to market.
creating opportunities for SMEs (often including those that are not yet revenue
earning) through funding for innovative projects.
This is designed to help small, early-stage businesses raise equity finance by offering
a range of tax reliefs to encourage individual investors to purchase new shares in
19 IP Finance Toolkit
This is a Government backed scheme and was introduced as a way to promote new
enterprise and boost economic growth in the UK.
The SBRI is a well established process run by Innovate UK, offering excellent
opportunities for businesses, especially SMEs, to develop and demonstrate
technology to public bodies.
Successful businesses gain a lead customer for their innovative solutions and retain
their IP rights. They receive a contract for the full cost of demonstrating the feasibility
of their technology and the offer of subsequent funding for prototype development.
Proof of Market for initial planning, market research and testing. Duration
up to 9 months. Maximum grant - 25,000. Funding proportion up to 60% of
total project costs.
Investment Funding
The Business Growth Fund, with 2.5bn of capital, is a major new equity investor for
growing businesses.
They deal with management teams with a good track record, a proven business
model and a desire to grow.
Applications for investment funding are made via the website and can be used for:
product development.
They provide access to funding for selected creative entrepreneurs via their 1 million
business incubator and venture fund.
Incubator for those looking for an intensive package of support to grow their
business and possibly work towards selection into the next level,
Incubator Plus
Incubator Plus those selected into this level will have the opportunity to pitch
for investment from the 1 million investment fund.
This matches up to 50% investment into women-led businesses in the UK, to help
attract investors into SMEs by cutting their risk.
The fund makes investments on equal terms to other private investors. It does not
make grants and any investment made by the fund will need to be backed by an
equity stake in the business being invested in. It may also include Preference Shares
or debt as part of the overall deal.
This is a Government supported fund managed by Capital for Enterprise Ltd (CfEL).
Mixed Funding
The source is low risk, as creating crowdfund campaigns are free and there are no
repayment obligations.
21 IP Finance Toolkit
While an investor may be able to create a pitch for a potential audience of millions, so
do thousands of other projects. Crowd funding websites will also take a set
percentage of all donations to a project, meaning the investor will need to raise more
funding than originally anticipated to meet targets.
The UK Innovation Investment Fund is a venture capital fund that aims to drive
economic growth and create highly skilled jobs by investing in innovative businesses
where there are significant growth opportunities.
There has been 159 million committed into underlying funds, capable of making 2.2
billion of investment capital available to companies.
22 IP Finance Toolkit
When seeking finance to develop and exploit a novel idea, innovators will need to
consider all available options, then select a package of options that is most
appropriate. Sometimes there is no choice but, where there is a choice, the decision
can affect the chances of commercial success and the ultimate reward for the
innovator. However an important thing to remember, when seeking external finance, is
that all investors or lenders place particular emphasis on the management stake,
whether in cash or sweat.
Innovators and others associated with the exploitation of any innovative ideas should
consider each option in turn before deciding how to proceed. Before making any
move, they should also ensure that their intellectual property is protected and that
they have written a credible Business Plan.
Internal Funding
Good source of funds for businesses who are established and profitable.
Could be a good way to grow your savings, if you are confident of success.
Client-Funded Developments
Working with some clients can slow progress due to company procedures.
Your client may want to divert the development away from your chosen
23 IP Finance Toolkit
Business Loans
Easy to obtain when a business has assets that can be used as security.
Business retains equity and all profits generated from the development project.
Can be very attractive when the risk of failure is judged to be very small.
Set up and interest charges may add substantially to overall cost of loan.
Bank does not share any of the financial risks associated with the
R&D Grants
Some grants come with a few strings attached and are a real bonus.
The deadlines for some grant applications may not fit in with your project
The awarding body may want to steer the development in a different direction.
Business Angels
Good business angels will bring both practical help as well as finance.
Business angels will only invest if there is a good chance of a high reward.
24 IP Finance Toolkit
A business angel may try to interfere with the direction of the business
Businesses with good prospects will usually attract venture capital funds.
Going Public
Directors must disclose any information that could affect share price.
There is potential loss of control, if shareholders dont like the way the
company is run.
Challenge: The fact that IPR has been registered does not mean that it is not open
to challenge. Whether or not the IPR is able to withstand any challenge will affect
its value.
Claim: This is the scope of the invention being protected and must properly describe
the invention.
Confidentiality: If you disclose a patentable invention before you have applied for a
patent you may not be able to obtain a patent and your invention may be worthless.
Know-how which has not been kept confidential and which is available from other
sources will not be as valuable as know-how which you have kept confidential.
Design: Protects the overall visual appearance of any industrial or handicraft item.
It is legally defined as being the appearance of the whole or parts of a product
resulting from the features of, in particular, the lines, contours, colours, shape,
texture or materials of the product or ornamentation. A design is automatically
protected for 10 years after the design was first sold or 15 years after it was created
whichever is earliest (unregistered design right). A design can also be registered
for better protection.
Economic life of the IPR: The economic life of IPRs is the period during which they
generate income. The economic life of IPR is rarely the same as its legal life, i.e. the
length of time for which the IPR exists.
Intangible Assets: An asset that is not physical in nature. Intellectual property (items
such as patents, trade marks, copyrights and designs), business methods, goodwill
and brand recognition are all common intangible assets in todays marketplace.
Intellectual Property: Any form of original creation of the mind. While an idea is not
intellectual property, the expression of that idea in, for example, a book or an
invention is. Intellectual property can be bought or sold.
26 IP Finance Toolkit
Intellectual Property Rights (IPR): There are four main types of IP rights which you
can use to protect your inventions, brands or creations (patents, trade marks, designs
and copyright).
Licence Agreement: This defines the terms under which a resource or property, such
as patents, trade marks and copyright, are licensed by one party to another, either
without restriction or subject to a limitation on term.
Novelty: You can only get a patent for an invention that is new.
Patents: Protect new inventions and cover how products work, what they do, how
they do it, what they are made of and how they are made.
Registered Design: Is a legal right which protects the overall visual appearance of a
product or a part of a product in the country or countries within which it is registered.
Registered Rights: IP rights that require a positive act from the owner to apply for
the right. These are patents and trade marks. This contrasts with automatic rights,
such as copyright. Designs can be registered or unregistered.
Renewed: Once a patent, trade mark or design is granted a renewal fee must be paid
for it to remain valid.
Sole Licence: Allows only the licensor and licensee to sell the licensed products in
the licensed territory.
27 IP Finance Toolkit IP Finance Toolkit 27
Trade marks: A trade mark distinguishes the goods and services of one trade from
those of another. This could be for a business name, a product or a service. The trade
mark could be made up of words, logos or a combination of both and can even be
sound or action based. Many people refer to their trade mark as their brand or badge
of origin.
Trade secrets: Can be an important part of your business. The law of confidentiality
protects trade secrets. To keep trade secrets protected, you must establish that the
information is confidential, and ensure that anyone you tell about it signs a non-
disclosure agreement (NDA). If they then tell anyone about it, this is a breach of
confidence and you can take legal action against them.
28 IP Finance Toolkit
Bill: A debt security - or more simply an IOU. It is very similar to a bond, but has a
maturity of less than one year when first issued.
Bond: A debt security, or more simply, an IOU. The bond states when a loan must be
repaid and what interest the borrower (issuer) must pay to the holder. They can be
issued by companies, banks or governments to raise money. Banks and investors
buy and trade bonds.
Business Angels: Business angels are individuals who make equity investments in
high-growth businesses. Some invest on their own, some as part of a syndicate.
Business Plan: This sets out what the business is about and its potential future. It is
important to include IP in a business plan in order to manage and protect IP from the
very beginning of a business, through to growth and expansion, to even exiting a
business. The inclusion of IP assets may increase the value of a business.
Capital: For investors, it refers to their stock of wealth, which can be put to work in
order to earn income. For companies, it typically refers to sources of financing such
as newly issued shares.
Capital Gain: If you purchase 1,000 shares at 1 each and eventually sell them for
10 each, you have made a capital gain of 9,000.
Credit Rating: The assessment given to debts and borrowers by a ratings agency
according to their safety from an investment standpoint based on their
creditworthiness, or the ability of the company that is borrowing to repay. Ratings
range from AAA (strong credit position) down to D (very poor credit position and
probably not a good investment). Ratings of BBB or higher are considered
investment grade.
Debt Factoring: Debt factoring involves selling invoices to a third party (a factor)
which pays an advance typically 85% on all approved invoices. The factor will
then work on behalf of the business managing the sales ledger and collecting
money owed by customers. Once a customer settles an invoice with the factor, the
factor will release the remaining balance less their fees.
Default: A default occurs when a borrower has broken the terms of a loan or other
debt, for example if a borrower misses a payment.
29 IP Finance Toolkit
Derivative: Is a special type of contract that derives its value from the performance
of an underlying entity. This underlying entity can be an asset, index or interest rate
and is often called the underlying. Derivatives can be used for a number of
purposes, including insuring against price movements (hedging), increasing
exposure to price movements for speculation or getting access to otherwise hard
to trade assets or markets.
Distress: A condition where a company cannot meet or has difficulty paying off its
financial obligations to its creditors. The chance of financial distress increases when
a firm has high fixed costs, illiquid assets, or revenues that are sensitive to economic
downturn. This may be followed by insolvency.
Equity: An ownership stake in the company. Unlike debt, the company does not have
to pay back the funders, who will generally acquire voting rights and expect
dividends. The main providers of equity finance for SMEs are venture capitalists
(VCs), business angels and (for start-ups) friends and family.
Exit: An exit is when either a company owner or investor sells their stake to another
investor, to another business or publicly in shares through the stock exchange or on
another public market.
Hedging: This is the practice of using an investment in one market to offset and
balance against the risk by using an investment in another market.
Investment Trust: A company quoted on the stock exchange that exists only to
invest in other companies.
Leveraged Buyout: The acquisition of a company using borrowed funds. The idea is
that the debt will be repaid by money raised from the acquired company.
Liquidity: How easy something is to convert into cash. Your current account, for
example, is more liquid than your house.
30 IP Finance Toolkit
Match Funding: A stipulation set by financiers that recipients of a grant or loan must
themselves raise a certain percentage of the capital, generally a sum equal to that
being granted.
Maturity: The time period of an investment, at the end of which the finance will cease
to exist and is repaid with interest.
Negative Equity: This is when the value of an asset used to secure a loan is less than
the outstanding balance on the loan.
Net Present Value: (see Discounted Cash Flow) This is a method of valuing a project,
company or asset using the concepts of the time value of money. All future cash
flows are estimated and discounted to give their present values, the sum of all future
cash flows, both incoming and outgoing is the net present value, which is taken as
the value or price of the cash flow in question.
Operating Profit/Loss: The profit or loss a company makes from its principal trading
activity and before any exceptional items are taken into account.
Retained earnings: This refers to the portion of net income of a business that is
retained by the business rather than distributed to shareholders as dividends.
Share Capital: This is the portion of a companys equity that has been obtained by
trading stock to a shareholder for cash.
Tangible Assets: Things that provide security or some other value to their owner.
These are solid entities, such as a building, piece of machinery, that are often used as
security to secure a loan from a bank.
Yield: The return to an investor from buying a bond implied by the bonds current
market price. It also indicates the current cost of borrowing in the market for the
bond issuer.
32 IP Finance Toolkit
9. IP Asset Checklist
This checklist has been devised to help you realise your IP assets and the benefits they bring to your business during any discussions you may have with potential
Each column in the following table has been cross-referenced back to a particular section of the IP Management and Commercialisation strategy on page 5 to help you
complete it.
Description of Type of IP Right Do you own the Is it UK/EU Is the IPR New Registration Is the IPR Licensed in/ Any buy-in of
Asset: {Ref 3} IPR? Wide? or modification Fee Status subject to any out? other IPR to
{Ref 3} {Ref 3} of an existing {Ref 3} legal disputes {Ref 5} take this
IPR? {Ref 3} {Ref 4} forward?
{Ref 5}
33 IP Finance Toolkit
Description of What benefits Can the IP be Is there any other Do you have What is the size What is the value What is the life
Asset: does the IPR enhanced to gain use for the IP to historic revenue? of the potential of the potential cycle of the
bring to your funding? {Ref 1} generate funding? {Ref 2} market? market? product?
business? {Ref 1} {Ref 2} {Ref 2} {Ref 6}
{Ref 1}
34 IP Finance Toolkit
Increase sales?
How much?
The Competition
Financial Information
Special thanks to:
Creative Finance Network for kind permission to use their Glossary of Terms.
Eileen Modral, Oxford Innovation Ltd for providing the information for Making the
right choice which was taken from A Guide to Funding Innovation, compiled by
Oxford Innovation Ltd, copyright 2013 & 2014 Oxford Innovation Ltd.
Charles Kerrigan, Olswang LLP for providing information that helped in the
production of the IP Asset Checklist.
IP Advice: https://www.gov.uk/seeking-intellectual-property-advice
Advice on funding:
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