HW 3 Solutions

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Homework 3


This homework will give you practice writing SQL statements and using the
query facility of SQL Server. The queries that you'll implement in SQL Server are based
on a movies database. The schema for the movie database is as follows:

CustID LastName FirstName

TapeID MovieID

MovieID MovieName

SupplierID MovieID Price

OrderID SupplierID MovieID Copies

CustomerID TapeID CkoutDate Duration

SupplierID SupplierName

Write out SQL statements for the following 10 queries about the movie database. Enter
the SQL code in the ISQL_w facility of SQL Server (as talked about in class last Friday).
Select the 'cse444sql' database in the DB combo box of the ISQL_w window, (that's the
movie database described above despite the undescriptive name). Enter your query in the
query tab and check your results in the result tab.

To turn in: Please turn in a print out of your SQL queries and the number of tuples
returned in the resulting tables for each one. (The tables themselves may be long, so
don't bother printing those out.)

Please note that these questions may be interpreted in different ways. Just state your
interpretations of them if you feel there is any ambiguity.

1. Which movies are supplied by "Joe's House of Video" or "Video Warehouse"?

SELECT MovieName
FROM Movies, MovieSupplier, Suppliers
WHERE Suppliers.SupplierName = "Joe's House of Video" and Movies.MovieID =
MovieSupplier.MovieID and Suppliers.SupplierID = MovieSupplier.SupplierID
SELECT MovieName
FROM Movies, MovieSupplier, Suppliers
WHERE Suppliers.SupplierName = "Video Warehouse" and Movies.MovieID =
MovieSupplier.MovieID and Suppliers.SupplierID = MovieSupplier.SupplierID

2. Which movie was rented for the longest duration (by any customer)?

SELECT Movies.MovieName
FROM Rentals, Movies, Inventory
WHERE Movies.MovieID = Inventory.MovieID and Inventory.TapeID =
Rentals.TapeID and Rentals.Duration >= ALL (SELECT Duration FROM Rentals)

3. Which suppliers supply all the movies in the inventory? (Hint: first get a list of the
movie suppliers and all the movies in the inventory using the cross product. Then
find out which of these tuples are invalid.)

SELECT Suppliers.SupplierName
FROM Suppliers
WHERE Supplier.SupplierID NOT IN
(SELECT MovieSupplier.SupplierID,
FROM MovieSupplier AS MS, Inventory AS I
FROM Inventory, MovieSupplier
WHERE MovieSupplier.MovieID = Inventory.MovieID and
MovieSupplier.SupplierID = MS.SupplierID and
Inventory.MovieID = I.MovieID) )

4. How many movies in the inventory does each movie supplier supply? That is, for
each movie supplier, calculate the number of movies it supplies that also happen to be
movies in the inventory.

SELECT Suppliers.SupplierName, COUNT( DISTINCT MovieID)

FROM Suppliers, MovieSupplier, Movies
WHERE Suppliers.SupplierID = MovieSupplier.SupplierID and
MovieSupplier.MovieID = Movies.MovieID
GROUP BY Suppliers.SupplierName

5. For which movies have more than 4 copies been ordered?

SELECT Movies.MovieName
FROM Movies, Orders
WHERE Orders.MovieID = Movies.MovieID
GROUP BY Movies.MovieName
HAVING SUM(Copies) > 4

6. Which customers rented "Fatal Attraction 1987" or rented a movie supplied by "VWS

FROM Customers, Rentals, Inventory, Movies
WHERE Customers.CustID = Rentals.CustID and Rentals.TapeID =
Inventory.TapeID and Inventory.MovieID = Movies.MovieID and
Movies.MovieName LIKE "%Fatal Attraction 1987%"
FROM Customers, Rentals, Inventory, Movies, MovieSupplier, Suppliers
WHERE Customers.CustID = Rentals.CustID and Rentals.TapeID =
Inventory.TapeID and Inventory.MovieID = Movies.MovieID and
Movies.MovieID = MovieSupplier.MovieID and MovieSupplier.SupplierID =
Suppliers.SupplierID and Suppliers.SupplierName = "VWS Video"

7. For which movies are there more than 1 copy in our inventory? (Note that the
TapeID in inventory is different for different copies of the same MovieID)

SELECT Movies.MovieName
FROM Inventory AS I1, Inventory AS I2, Movies
WHERE I1.MovieID = I2.MovieID and I1.TapeID <> I2.TapeID
and I1.MovieID = Movies.MovieID

8. Which customers rented movies for 5 days or more?


FROM Customers, Rentals
WHERE Customers.CustID = Rentals.CustID and Duration >= 5

9. Which supplier has the cheapest price for the movie "Almost Angels 1962"?

SELECT Suppliers.SupplierName
FROM Suppliers, MovieSuppliers, Movies
WHERE Suppliers.SupplierName = MovieSuppliers.SupplierName and
MovieSuppliers.MovieID = Movies.MovieID and Movies.MovieName LIKE "%
Almost Angels 1962%"
and price <= ALL
(SELECT price
FROM MovieSuppliers, Movies
WHERE Movies.MovieID = MovieSupplier.MovieID and
Movies.MovieName LIKE "% Almost Angels 1962%")

10. Which movies aren't in the inventory?

SELECT Movies.MovieName
FROM Movies
FROM Inventory)

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