Aftermath - Boxed Set PDF
Aftermath - Boxed Set PDF
Aftermath - Boxed Set PDF
Post-Holocaust world
I Encumbrance
Maximum value carried with status
Enter Armor Value on Location covered ISkills
Off-hand Dexterity
Weapons Survival
Type length Formal Value WDM ENC
I ENC Carried
Worn Total
henry christen (order #23380) 2
Attribute Ratlng 0 1-4 5-14 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74
GroupNumber 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
EffectDls none 1D3 1D6 lDlO 2D6 2D10 2D10+1 2D10+2 2D10+2
., e aid is
- ._
offered free' --j before it is requested
i 01
0.1 06
0.3 1.o
0.6 15
1.o 35
3.5 50
7.0 10 0
1 Shor per Action
1 Shot per Action
1 Shot and reload for n $t sho
Damage Capability
The number of damage dice a round will do against the
LNG +2 LA Armor Value of a struck target, and t 3T if it penetrates, is
XLNG +2 PA based on the BDG. The Damage D )r a bullet strike are
DA 1 or 2 Shots per Action. Firer's choice calculated as follows:
Rifle + 4 AL 1 , 2, or 3 Shots per Action. Firer's choice
number of D10 of Damage equals dDG/'^ "p.
Shotgun Slug +2 FA Variable number of Bursts' per Action
Shot +4 AB 1 , 2, or 3 Bursts' per Action plus Damage Points equal BDG/lO. near
Aulofiie 2 a weapon for aut1 * In automatic fire, Bursts are fired rather than individual
lnherer xracy normally accoroea rne weapon Dy 2 rounds as with other Gun Actions. The majority of
For eat I Burs1 fired add 1 to the Inherent Accuracy weapons fire Bursts of 3 rounds each. Some of the new MISSILE SPECIAL EFFECTS TABLE
Malch Weapons I1 the Feature is used then Match Weapons "super-automatic" gunsfireBursts of 6. See Autofire rules D100 RESULT
add 3 to the normal Inherent Accuracy of Ihe weapon below for details 1-20 N o special effect
21-30 Flesh wound: damage is adjusted to
only if the Armor Value on the target location is
Range 1 ita exceeded
31-45 Minor wound: 1 point of damage caused.
supercwes any normal results. This effect GII a
SHT FF LNG EXT n Critical Hit results in normal damage.
46-65 Normal damage and Stopping
1BL : SNUB io 100 66-75 As 46-65 plus a Daze effect (see Critical Hit Effect
SHT 19') Explanations).
STD 76-85 As 66-75 plus a Stun effect (see Critical Hit Effect
LNG 2-3 Explantions)
XLNG ! 320 86-95 As 76-85 plus s roll on the Critical Effect Table
96-00 As 86-95 but add 30 to the roll on thecritical Effects
Long Guns Table
Au The effect number for Stopping is equal to the Adjusted
500 BDG (used to determine if a Special Effect would occur) or
the Damage Potential for muscle powered missile weapons
and Impalements divided by the Mass of the target.
Shotguns IF>l Knock back for 203 meters. A Deftness Ability
Slug Load Saving Throw is required to prevent being knocked
down. Each two meters of knock back will drop a
t '1 Shot Load Full Choke
Modified Choke I
target one category for purposes of stopping
forward motion.
IF>5 As above but a Critical Saving Throw is required for
50 the character to keep his feet.
BCS Modifiers minus 2 minus 5 IF>lO As above but knock down is automatic.
BDG Modifiers C.-l - ....,.-" ,-Oh minus 25% minus 50%
IF< 1 The % chance of getting a result as if the effect
number were equal to 1 is the Adjusted BOG (used
To use the Range Table, simply note the range to the target t o determine if Missile Special Effects would occur)
in meters on the combat display Locate the Range Step * Unless weapon is specified as having another divided b y the Mass of the target multiplied by 100.
under which this figure fails on the Table This is the Range barrel length
Step for that shot
1-10 .- affect
-. .- - ..
AMMUNITION AMMUNITION Shot Shotgun 11-40 Primer flash. Primer is expended but the round is
Caliber BDG Caliber BDG Size Gauge 10 12 16 20 ,410 2- still good.
22 Jet 4 22 Jet 8 41-70 Main load is a dud. Primer and powderforroundare
221 Fireball 8 222 13 6 4 2 expended. Gun must be reloaded.
25 ACP (6 35mm) 1 223 (5 56m11) 20 10 8 6 71-85 Cook-off. Appears to beadud round. It will gooff on
256Magnum 10 222 Magnum 14 16 the bookkeeping phase. There is a 50%chance of it
30 (765mm) 6 22-250 18 going off if there is an attempt t o remove it before
32 Short 2 243 21 Action Phase 0. If it goes off, treat as if it were a
32 Long 6mm 24 chamber explosion as below.
4-3 Buck 22 18 18 18
32 ACP 25-06 25 86-95 Chamber explosion. Burst effect of BDG of the
2-1 Buck 28 24 22 20 1
32-20 3 25-20 6 round/30, nearest. Burst effect minus the Durability
00 Buck 36 32 30 x X
357 Magnum 11 25-35 15 of the weapon is the number of DlOs of Lethal
9mm Parabellum 5 250 18 Slug X 7 23 17 X Damage done to the character's Location that is
9mm Short 2 256 Magnum 20 nearest to the breech of the gun. If the number of
* These are very fight. small shot pellets. often rererred to a:
38Long 5 257 18 DlOs is less than 1 , reduce the Durability of the gun
38 Special 10 6 5mm Magnum 25 "birdshot." Ony any target massing over 2 Enc, they do E
type damage (half lethal. half subdual). by 1 and treat as if the main load was a dud. If the
38 Short 264 Magnum 31 number is greater than or equal to 1 (the chamber
380 ACP 270 28 * * Again. these are fairly light loads. At any range beyond
actually doesexplode). thegun is Disrepaired with a
38 SuperAuto 280 28 SHT. they also do B damage. chance (equal to the number of DlOs) in 6 of it being
38-40 284 28 x Indicates that no Shot Shell of that type is made for the Junked.
41 Magnum 7mm Mauser 25 Gauge in question. 96-00 Chamber explosion as above but burst effect is BDG
44 Special 7mm Magnum 36 of the round/20. nearest.
44 Magnum 30 Carbine 12 Note that certain rounds appear on both the Centerfire
44-40 30-30 21 Pistol and Centerfire Long Gun Tables. The are: 22 Jet,
45LongColt 30-06 26 32-20, 38-40, 44-40. and 44 Magnum. These are identical
45 ACP 11 30-40 Krag 24 rounds. but are widely popular both as Pistol and as Long
300 Magnum 38 Gun loads. They are entered on each Table for easy
303 23 1 reference. Some Players may favor usino Action to manually clear the round. Other types
RIMFIRE AMMUNlTlOL 308 (7.62mm NATO: 27 Caliber BDG weapons which all chamber the same clear with the next round, no special action is
22 Short 1 32 Special 21 375 45 caliber. as such standardization can necessary.
22 Auto 2 32 17 358 28 offset some of the problems in maintain- 41-70 Jammed round. Requires 2 Actions to clear
22 Long Rifle 4 32-30 6 38-40 8 ing an ammo supply manually. A weapon with an extractor will clear in 1
22 Stinger 6 8mm Mauser 25 44 Magnum 42 The Encumbrance of cartridges is also Action.
22 Long 2 8mmMagnum 40 444 Marlin 36 based o n their Caliber All Pistol ammo of 71-85 Cook-off. See Black Powder firearms.
22RF Magnum 6 338 Magnum 41 44-40 12 30 0: less, and all Rimflre ammo, has an 86-95 Chamber explosion. Burst effect is BDG of the
5mm Magnum 5 35 20 45-70 GOVt 16 ENC value Of 01 Other Pistol ammo (32 round/30, nearest.
350 Magnum 35 458 Magnum, 51 Caliber or larger). Long Gun Ammo, and 96-00 Chamber explosion. Burst effect of the round is
351 15 460Magnum 81 Shot Shell, has an ENC value of 02 BDGI20. nearest.
Aftermath! contains:
Basic Rules book with multiple examples
and illustrations of play.
Players' Handbook detailing construction
of characters, equipment and life after the Ruin.
Referee's Handbook detailing construction of the
environment and running the game.
Introductory Scenario to allow you t o start play easily.
Aftermath! provides a solid basic play mechanic that has been over2 years in playtesting. Rules are provided
l o r m o d e r n firearms, NBC weapons a n d protections, mutations, survival, h i g h technology a n d more. T h e
game is structured to allow the referee t o decide the nature of the holocaust that destroyed the w o r l d In
w h i c h play will occur. Aftermath! is a step forward in the art of role-playing games.
P.O.BOX 1082
You are reading the introduction to a rulebook for GAME: The fantasy of the role playing has limits placed
something called a Fantasy Role Playing Game. If you have upon it, and thus we define the last term in Fantasy Role
never been involved in one of these Games before, it can Playing Game. It is a Game, with rules governing what
seem confusing at first. The various rule books, the charts, players (or their characters) can and cannot do. The rules
maps, funny dice, just what are they for? How do you play give the methods for deciding how successful a Character is
this dumb game, anyway??? when he fights, or attempts to be acrobatic, or does anything
Role Playing Games are very different from almost every requiring a particular amount of skill or knowledge. They
other type of game in the world. What we are going to give the values by which a player knows how strong his
examine here are the basics of how they are set up, played, character is, or how smart. Rules also deal with Things:
and so on. In the rest of this book are articles giving more weapons, armor, tools, magical items or scientific wonders,
specific guidelines on how to play a Role Playing Game, with vehicles - how they work in the game. For these Games are
detailed illustrations of how the rules are applied. modelled on a particular sort of reality. and thus all the
devices and ideas one is likely to meet in that reality should
be handled in the rules, so that players know what they can
The person who decides what will happen in the Game,
First off, what do we mean by Fantasy Role Playing according to the rules and his own imagination, is called a
Game? Well, takenseparately, the words themselves give us Gamesmaster. Every Role Playing Game will have at least
a clear picture of the terms meaning. one of these individuals running it, for reasons set forth
FANTASY: This implies that the Game deals with a world of throughout these books.
high adventure, of heroes and villains, danger and treasure, So we have a definition of a Fantasy Role Playing Gameas
brave warriors or explorers, cunning scientists, battle, a Game, having definite rules and structure, setting up an
victory and life, or the dusty death of defeat. The dull and atmosphere of high adventure in a fantasy world, where
workaday world, even on the cutthroat level of high finance players control single characters by playing Out roles as
or armies at war, is left behind. In a Fantasy Game, we are those characters. That is the thumbnail view. Just how are
concerned with the individual hero, in an evnironment where people involved in this process? Read on.
great deeds must be performed daily.
Among the scores of Role Playing Games now on the
market, rules can be found for Games set in milieus such as
Sword and Sorcery adventure, interstellar travel and WHOS WHO IN
exploration, wild west shoot-em-ups, the France of the T H E ROLE PLAYING GAME?
Three Musketeers, Samurai Japan, and worlds that never
have existed outside of the dreams of their designers. Almost There are several individuals involved in playing a Role
any adventure setting desired can be found in a Role Playing Playing Game. Some are real (i.e. inhabitants of 20th
Game somewhere. This broad scope is the reason the Role Century Earth, having existence outside the Game), while
Playing Game hobby has grown so, since its inception some others are not or at least do not exist outside the Game world.
10 years ago: it allows the players to actively take part in their
fondest fictional adventures almost as if they were
characters in their favorite book or film.
We have referred to this person before. Every Role Playing
ROLE PLAYING: To be a player in a Role Playing Game, one Game must have a Gamesmaster, also known as a Referee,
plays a part just as an actor would. One has chosen a role in Judge, etc. We will call him the Gamesmaster from now on.
the Game-world and will operate in that environment as i f he In the last section, it was remarked that everything that
were really the character involved! This is the central happens in the Game is described to the Players as if it were
concept in Role Playing Games-the Players do not move really happening to them. Aha! Who do you think does the
pieces around a game board, but react in the Game by des- describing? Right-the Gamesmaster. Using the rules and a
cribing and/or acting out the actions that thecharacters they series of maps, notes, charts, and scenarios of his own
control are performing. In turn, everything that happens in design, the Gamesmaster is the one who lays out the Game
the Game is described as if it were really happening! If, in the before it is played. He is responsible for setting up everything
course of exploring a cave, the Characters find a dragon, that the Characters will encounter while playing, either in
Players are told this as if their eyes were actually beholding advance with loving detail, or at random during the course of
the beast. play. When something develops in the course of the Game
There is a lot to say about the identification of the player that the players should not know about, the Gamesmaster
(Joe Smith, gamer, who is playing this Game) and his operates to keep it that way.
Character (Roald the Bold, a brave warrior/wise As for Role Playing, consider this: players need only act
magician/intrepid spaceman/vicious killedetc.). Roald is a the parts of their individual characters. The Gamesmaster
unique individual, with his own strengths and weaknesses, plays the role of every other being encountered in the Game.
areas of expertise or ignorance, dreams, fears, and Some of these are not even human! In a typical, fast paced
motivations. When Joe is playing, he must try to react to evening playing a Sword-and-Sorcery based Game, the
every situation as if he were Roald. We will be discussing the Gamesmaster may be playing a wandering knight one
very special relationship between a player and his character moment and a raging dragon the next! The job of
in a later article in this book (On Being a Player, p.50). Gamesmaster is so important to Role Playing Games that a
The Wit Attribute is not a measure of the characters Will is a measure of the strength of a characters mind. This
intelligence. The native intelligence of a character includes the characters drive and determination, and the
depends on that of the player. The player may decide that his strength of mental resistence his mind is capable of putting
character is smart of dumb, as he likes. Wit, however, has an up. Things that can attack the Will of a character include the
important effect on the characters ability t o learn. Wit is also strange mental powers of mutants, magical powers, and the
a measure of the characters ability to discover Hidden mind-numbing effects of certain chemical compounds. In
Things and, in general, to observe and interpret things that general, Will can be regarded as the Mental equivalent of the
are out of the ordinary. Health Attribute.
A characters Learning Rate is the base used t o determine STRENGTH
how much he may add t o a Skill rating as a result of a learning
Strength is a measure of the sheer physical power of the
session. Learning Rate is equal to the characters Wit Group.
character. This Attribute is particularly important in
The specifics of learning are dealt with under Character
determining with how much force he can wield a hand-held
Improvement, page43.
weapon. It also affects how much recoil from a gunpowder
DETECTING HIDDEN THINGS weapon he can sustain without suffering loss to his BCS in
When there is a Hidden Thing to discover, the firing.
Gamesmaster secretly rolls 1D20 and asks the players whose
characters are in a position to discover the Hidden Thing for WEAPON DAMAGE
their Critical Saving Throw scores. The Gamesmaster may The characters Strength Group will determine the Effect
modify the score needed bya number related to thedifficulty Die to be rolled (see chart, p. 4). Since weapons are treated
of discovering the Hidden Thing. Any character whose as mechanical devices, the result of the Effect Die Roll will be
modified score equals or exceeds the Gamesmasters die roll multiplied by the weapons Damage Multiplier to yield the
will have spotted the Hidden Thing. The Gamesmaster can Damage Potential of the characters attack, if successful.
then inform those players of what they have found and they Naturally, a character with a high Strength Group will tend to
may or may not have their characters reveal this knowledge do more damage when he makes a successful attack.
to other characters who are present.
The die roll is made secretly so that the players will remain
uncertain: is there nothing there, or is there something they WEAPONS USE
A characters Strength Group determines what kinds of
failed to discover? The Gamesmaster should go through this
weapons he may use when attacking with a Hand-to-Hand
procedure as a deception, at least as often as he uses it for
Combat Skill. All Hand-to-Hand weapons are rated by the
actual Hidden Things.
If the secret die roll is a20, the Gamesmastershould inform Strength Group required to use them without difficulty. A
some or all of the players of the discovery of a false Hidden character may freely use any Hand-to-Hand weapon rated
Thing. The Gamesmaster is urged to be creative, and have equal to or less than hisstrength Group. A character may not
fun, when his players discover things that are not there. use a weapon whose rating exceeds his Strength Group by2
or more.
If a character uses a weapon with a rating 1 greater than his
The adventurers (Characters) are exploring a Strength Group, he must use the Effect Die listed for the
ruined castle and havegatheredin what wasonce the Group 1 lower than his actual Group.
study. The players decide to have their characters If a weapon noted as a 1-1/2H(a hand-and-a-half type
search the room for hidden compartments (there weapon) or 2H (a two-handed weapon) is used one-handed,
actually is one to be found, as the Gamesmaster its rating goes up by 1. That is, a character would need t o be
knows). The Gamesmaster rolls 1020, with a result in a Strength Group 1 higher to use such a weapon one-
of 20. Thinking quickly, he picks the number 3, and handed than he would to use it normally.
asks the players i f any of their characters have a Wit When a character is using the Two Weapon Combat Skill,
Critical Saving Throw of 3 or higher. Several do (as and the rating of one weapon exceeds, or that of both equals,
the Gamesmaster already knew). He informs those his Strength Group, then the effective rating of each weapon
players that their characters have discovered signs is increased by 1.
of a hidden compartment i n a desk. The penalties noted in the preceding two paragraphs are
The players are now set up; they will probably cumulative. Note that a character using the Two Weapon
waste quite a bit of time trying to force entry into Combat Skill may find, due to cumulative increases in
the hidden compartment. The Gamesmaster may weapon ratings, that he is totally unable to use one weapon.
let them try everything they can think of, until they
give up in disgust; or he may allow an arbitrary Jo the Strong is a character with a Strength of 35.
length of time to pass-say five minutes-then tell He is thus in Strength Group5, and his normal Effect
the players they were wrong. Die will be 2010. He wishes to use a two-handed
Undaunted, the characters continue to search the sword with a Strength Rating of 5. He may do so
room. The Gamesmaster again rolls 1020. This time freely, if he wields it with two hands. I f he tries to
the result is a 5. One of the characters has a Wit swing i t one-handed, its effective Strength Rating is
Critical Saving Throw of 5, and discovers an actual raised to 6. Jo can use i t this way, but his Effect Die
hidden compartment in a bookcase. Since the will be that of Strength Group 4 or 206.
character with the Wit Critical Saving Throw of 5 I f Jos Strength were less than 31 he would be in a
had the highest Wit rating of the characters present, Strength Group lower than 5, and he would be
a secret die roll of6 by the Gamesmaster would have completely unable to use the sword one-handed.
To Personal Encumbrance add (Strength -10) x .l.
Percentage Breakdown of exact hit Location for attack coming from surrounding hexes
70% Right 50% Right 30% Right
70% Right 70% Right 50% Right 50% Right 30% Right 30% Right
30% Left 50% Left 50% Left 70% Left 70% Left
50% Right 50% Right 30% Right 70% Right 50% Right 50% Right
50% Left 50% Left 70% Left 30% Left 50% Left
VSrn 0.001 0.05 0.1 0.6 1.o 2.0 3.0
SM 0.05 0.1 0.6 1.o 1.6 3.5 5.0
Med 0.1 0.3 1.o 1.6 2.0 5.0 7.5
Lg 0.3 0.6 1.5 2.0 3.5 7.0 10.0
VL9 0.6 1.o 3.5 4.5 5.0 10.0 15.0
HG1 2 3.5 5.0 6.0 8.0 16.0 22.0
HG2 4 7.0 10.0 12.0 16.0 32.0 44.0
HG3 6 10.5 15.0 18.0 24.0 48.0 66.0
A characters mass must be known to determine the
Encumbrance Total for any mount the character may ride
and for calculations involving Bash effects. Personal Mass is
equal to the characters Personal Encumbrance plus one
third his Encumberance Total, rounded down.
A character who is charging will increase his Personal
Mass by 50%. An unconscious character will have his
Personal Encumbrance increased by 50% before the
Personal Mass calculation. A struggling character trying to
avoid being carried off will have twice his normal Personal Belly locations are
Encumbrance for purposes of making the Personal Mass
given Location is used to subtract from the Damage
Potential. However the total ENC value for all items worn is
assessed against the characters Encumbrance Total.
20 Under this Option a character receives ttie Armor Value of
additional layers worn on top of or underneath his best
armor. He does not, however, receive the full value. Each
extra layer will have an Armor Value equal to its normal value
divided by 4, rounded down. The character is still subject to
the full encumbrance values of the extra layers.
Once the characters adventuring careers have begun, DETAILED ACTION TIME SCALE
time in the game will pass at different rates. Thetimescale in Detailed Action time scale is used when determining the
use in any particular instance depends on several things. results of such intricate interactions as combat, death traps,
How the characters are travelling, what they are trying to do confrontations, etc. Since the most common use of Detailed
and what is happening around them all have bearing on the Action Time (DAT) is combat, a turn is refered to as a
time scale to be used. The Gamesmaster will make the Combat Turn. The actual time represented by a Combat
decision as to which scale is to be used. He will then ask for Turn is about 6 seconds. Each Combat Turn is divided up
appropriate responses from the players with regard to their into Action Phases. This is done to break down the complex
characters actions and intents. The scales for the passage of interpenetration of complicated actions occurring almost
time in the game which are defined here are: Strategic, simultaneously into sort of a slow motion where each
Tactical, Detailed Action Time, Real Time and Down Time. action can be considered and resolved in the light of the
other actions taking place around it. The specifics of
STRATEGIC TIME SCALE Detailed Action Time are involved and are treated in their
Strategic time scale is usually used when the characters own section on page 20.
are doing longdistance travelling. A day is divided into two
Strategic Turns, one for the day and one for the night. The REAL TIME SCALE
characters are assumed to travel during one of the turns and Real Time scale is a variation of Detailed Action Time in
rest during the other. If the players wish to have their that it is a short time scale and is used to handle short,
characters travel for more than one consecutive Strategic complicated interactions such as conversations or unusual
Turn, they will be subject to the Forced March rules on page actions not accounted for in the standard rules. When Real
19. Time is invoked, it is the players rather than the characters
During each Stategic Turn the Gamesmaster will make a who are consuming the time in the game. That is to say, that
check to see if the characters have an Encounter. The however long it takes players to complete their conversation
procedure for this is presented in Book3. If the characters do or whatever, is how long it will take the characters to finish
indeed have an Encounter, the Gamesmaster will probably the same conversation. Naturally, things will continue to
switch to one of the other time scales in order to resolve the happen around the characters. If something that would
interaction between the characters and whatever or whoever impinge upon the senses of the characters happens, the
they have encountered. Gamesmaster should inform the players of this at the point it
As the characters travel, the Gamesmaster should happens as if the characters noticed it while they were
describe to the players the nature of the terrain through performing their actions.
which the characters are travelling. This would include the The Real Time scale is where much of the role playing in a
nature of the vegetation, any significant geographical Role Playing Game comes from. Here players frequently act
features and any man-made structures. If a location or a as their characters in a literal sense. Some players even
feature is well hidden or off the direct route that the develop accents or characteristic methods of speech so the
characters are following, the Gamesmaster may wish to roll other players will know when it is the character speaking
1D20 to see if the travellers will discover theHidden Thing. instead of the player.
Locations that are preplanned by the Gamesmaster may
well have guards, outposts or some kind of outlying group DOWN TIME SCALE
that might interact with a traveling group of adventurers Unlike the other timescales, Down Time is not used during
when they draw near. The Gamesmaster should make a an adventure. It is used between adventures. The game time
special encounter check for this. Such things may lead the consumed can vary from days to weeks to months to years.
characters onto an unplanned adventure, unplanned by This is the time scale to be used when the characters are
them that is. Studying, Researching, Rebuilding, etc.
The Gamesmaster, unless specifically requested by the
TACTICAL TIME SCALE players, should always allow the characters to have some
Tactical time scale is most flexible with regard to the Down Time between adventures. During Down Time, the
length of a Tactical Turn. The exact length of aTactical Turn usual hazards of the town, ruins, or wilderness are consider-
is left to the Gamesmasters discretion and can vary from one ably reduced or, if the Gamesmaster is in a good mood,
turn to the next. It is intended that the Tactical scale cover nonexistant. When a regular campaign is being run, a good
time periods ranging from 10 minutes to 1 hour. scale to use is a week of actual time between gaming
Tactical scale should have the length of its turn reflect the sessions corresponds to a month of game time. This allows a
complication of the action to be resolved. The more greater flow of time in the game and players can thus see
complicated it IS, the shorter the period should be. Thus, their successful characters live out a lifetime in something
when characters are travelling through something like a less than the players own lifetimes.
ruined city in which the Gamesmaster has located several As noted above the flow of time in Down Time Scale is
prepared areas but has not mapped the whole city in close flexible and the Gamesmaster may wish to vary the Down
detail, a turn of an hours length would beappropriate. When Time between adventures to be more suitable to the
the characters reach one of the predesigned areas, the time campaign or the particular series of adventurers that the
scale should be altered to turns lasting 10 or 20 minutes. characters have embarked upon. When the time in this scale
A variation on Tactical time scale is used with the Tactical extends much beyond a month and the players wish to have
Combat rules and is presented with those rules in Book 3. their characters engaged in constant Study or Research, the
The scale of play known as Detailed Action Time (DAT) is When a character on a Detailed Action Time Display (see
used for situations where the specific actions of the below) is moving at less than 1 meter per phase, the marker
characters and the time that it takes to resolve such actions should not be moved from one 1 meter hex to another until
are followed in close detail. The most common use of this the character has accumulated sufficient movement to
scale is combat. Therefore one turn in this scale in known as account for the 1 meter change on the Display. It is the
a Combat Turn. One Combat Turn approximates 6 seconds responsibility of the controlling player to keep track of all
of real time. Each Combat Turn is broken down into a partial movements of this nature.
variable number of Action Phases. Each action taken during
a Combat Turn will occur on a particular Action Phase. EFFECTS OF PRE-EMPTION & SURPRISE
During the Combat Turn the Gamesmaster will count down
If a character initiates an Action and thereby causes the
from the highest numbered Action Phase in which one of the
Gamesmaster to declare that Detailed Action Time is
involved characters may act. When the countdown reaches
neccessary, the Gamesmaster may decide that the character
the phase in which a character may act, the controlling
has "pre-empted" the other characters involved. This means
player must inform the Gamesmaster of the character's
that the countdown of the Action Phasesforthe first Combat
actions. Action Phase 0 is the bookkeeping phase and NO
Turn of the Detailed Action Time will begin on the Base
characters may act in this phase.
Action Phase of the character who initiated the Action which
Various Abilities are involved in the character's execution
caused Detailed Action Time to begin. Any characters who
of actions under the rules of Detailed Action Time. These
have higher Base Action Phases are treated as if they had
Abilities are recounted here along with their specific
done nothing until this point in thecountdown. This situation
prevails only on the first Combat Turn. All subsequent turns
Base Action Phase (BAP) equals Speed/2, begin, as usual, at the Base Action Phase of the character
Down. This is the highest-numbered phase in the with the highest BAP.
Combat Turn in which the character may initiate When a character is in a position to surprise another
actions in accordance to the Movement and character and thereby initiate Detailed Action Time, the
Action rules. The character with the highest BAP controlling player may choose the Action Phase on which
in a given Detailed Action Time determines the the countdown will begin in the first turn of Detailed Action
starting point of the countdown. That point is Time. Once the phase is chosen the Combat Turn proceeds
equal to the character's BAP. as if a character had pre-empted the situation and the pre-
empting character's Base Action Phase was the phase
0 Phases Consumed in Action (PCA) equals chosen by the player whose character has achieved surprise.
BAP/MNA, down. This is the number of phases A surprised character may only use his Weapon Defense
that it takes the character to perform an Action Ability if the phase of initiation is higher than the surprised
during Detailed Action Time. If the numbers of character's Phases Consumed in Action number and the
phases left in a Combat Turn is less than the character makes a Speed Ability Saving Throw.
character's PCA, then the character may not
initiate an Action during that Combat Turn. The Crafty Old Sam is hiding in the shadows of an alley
character may, however, move in accordance waiting for a victim. A figure appears and begins to
with the Movement rules for the rest of that move down the alley. Sam elects to let him pass and
Combat Turn. then jump out to attack. The playerofSamstates that
Sam will initiate this action on Action Phase 5 which
0 Maximum Number of Actions (MNA) equals is Sam's Base Action Phase. The Gamesmaster
Deftness Group. This is the greatest number of begins the countdown at 5. Sam's intended victim
Actions that the character may initiate and has B A P of 7 and MNA of 1. Thus, his PCA is 7 and
complete in a Combat Turn. A character with an there are not enough phases left in the Combat Turn
MNAofO takes twoCombatTurnstocompletean for the character to get his Weapon Defense Ability
action. He has a PCA of 2 x BAP.
into play. Since Same began an Attack Action on 5.
0 Base Movement Allowance (BMA). This is an the victim is in engaged status. He must make a
ability which is inherent in the species of the Deftness Ability Saving Throw In order to turn and
character. The BMA of a human is 1. If MNA is face Sam. The Gamesmaster rolls 1020 and the
equal to 0, then BMA is equal to .5. If a species result is 17. This is well out of range for the
has a BMA which is different from human BMA, it character. O n Action Phase 1 Sam will resolve h/s
will be given in the listing of the statistics of that Attack action with the positive modification of 10 for
species. The Base Movement Allowance is the attacking from a Rear hex. The victim can only
distance the character may cover in one phase of subtract his Combat Dodge Ability from Sam's
normal movement. This movement is measured adjusted BCS.
in meters. O n Phase 4 however. footsteps are heard in the
alley. Two men begin to run towards Sam. They had
been following the man who Sam is attacking. The
If a character is crawling (moving while in a prone or Gamesmaster had secretly made a Wit Critical
kneeling position) he will have an effective Base Movement Saving Trhow to see i f Sam would discover the
Allowance of one-half his normal value. The "run" increase "Hidden Thing" of the two men. He did not. They
to BMA is not allowed. could see Sam begin the attack on phase 5. Phase 4
may be voluntarily ignored; by doing so the character will Base Movement allowance of 1 can move 12 hexes in a
receive no negative modifications to his Basic Chance of Combat Turn.
Success. This course can be dangerous. If such Distractions A Character may change his facing by spending one
are ignored, a Critical Miss, which would normally have had Action Phase doing so. When this is done while in Engaged
no effect, will automatically strike one of the friendlies. The Status, the character must make a Deftness Ability Saving
exact target should be determined randomly and damage Throw or suffer a free attack.
done should be calculated as for a normal successful attack. A character has the option of running while moving on
If a normal miss occurs, the number of friendlies ignored is an Action Phase. This means that he will be able to travel
the chance in 10 that the character must execute an attack twice his Base Movement Allowance in a given Action Phase.
against one of the friendlies who is determined at random. p if a character elects to run at any point in the Combat Turn,
This attack is a free attack and is subject to all normal he will be subject to the rules governing the stopping of
positional and situational modifiers. forward motion given in section on page 24.
Other Distractions are highly variable. They should be In order to be able to run the character must have
adjudicated by the Gamesmaster. He should decide if they moved either at walk (normal BMA) or a dodge on the
are present, what value they have, whether they can be previous Action Phase.
ignored and, i f so, the consequences of ignoring them. Additionally a character may opt to dodge. This will add
Examples of Distractions include objects flying at a to his defensive capacity with regard to missile weapons but
character, things hampering a fighter by crawling on him or will reduce his Base Movement Allowance by one-half. A
things grasping a character.
character may dodge while using normal movement or
while running.
MOVEMENT A character may move sideways or backwards. When
The basic rule of movement in Detailed Action Time is that doing this the figure on the display is placed in the Side or
a character may move a distance equal to his Base Rear hex at the direction of the controlling player, but the
Movement Allowance on each Action Phase in the relative facing of the character is not changed. Each time in
countdown beginning with his own Base Action Phase. This one turn that the characters accumulated movement in a
movement is through one of the hex sides between the hex sideways andfor backwards fashion exceeds his Combat
the character is in and one of his Front Hexes. Once the Dodge Ability (explained in the section on combat) he must
character has entered a new hex his facing will be adjusted make a Deftness Ability Saving Throw or fall. This
so that the hex he has just vacated will be his Rear hex. This accumulated distance is in hexes covered and is only
means that a character with a Base Action Phase of 12 and a accumulated through each separate Combat Turn.
1-4 1 1-4 1
5-8 2 5-1 2 2
9-1 1 3 13-20 3/4
12-20 4/5 21-28 5/6/7
21-29 6/7 29-36 18/17
30-38 8/9 37-44 20119
39-47 io11 1 45-48 22/21
48-53 12 49-56 8/9/10
54-59 21/22 57-64 11/12/13
60-65 23/24 65-72 14/15/16
66-69 25/26 73-80 24/23
70-74 27/28 81-88 26/25
75-80 29/30 89-92 28/27
81-86 13/14 93-96 29
87-93 15/16 97-00 30
94-98 17/18
99-00 19/20
a re
MOD IF1CAT1ONS Where the location result gives more than one possibility
for the exact result, 1D100 is rolled and the table below is
Bipedal consulted to give the exact location.
from above . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -5
Attack from Front or Rear
from below . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +5
X/Y 50% either location
Quadrupedal X / Y I Z 1-40141 -ao/gi -00
from the front . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -5 Attack from Side
from the rear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +5 X/ 1-70 nearest side
These values may be altered by the Gamesmaster as he Y 71-00 furthest side
sees fit. A long quadruped might have a modification of 10 X/ 1-60 nearest side
rather than 5. Y/ 61 -70 furthest side
28 Z 71-00 underbelly
If the target is using a presented or refused positioning,
treat attacks from the side as attacks from the front or rear
and vice versa.
MISSILE WEAPONS GUNS When the die roll for any attack is 20, there is a chance of a
Critical Miss. The Gamesmaster will request that the player
D20 Enhancement
1-9 +1 to WDM Pistol + 1DlO to BDG make a Control Throw for the character to avoid a Critical
10-15 +2 to WDM Rifle + 2D10 to BDG Miss. If the Adjusted BCS of the attack exceeded 20, the
16-19 +3 to WDM Burst all rounds hit plus number required for the Control Throw may be increased by
20 +4 to WDM the effect of 1D3 the Adjusted BCS minus 20 at the discretion of the
additional rounds. Gamesmaster. Such circumstances will; at least with Hand-
to-hand and muscle powered missile weapons, allow a
Once the Damage Done is calculated, the Gamesmaster Control Throw for a character who would not normally have
will roll on the Critical Effect Table if the Damage Potential one. If the character fails the Control Throw, theappropriate
has exceeded the Armor Value of the hit location. The Critical Effect Table should be consulted.
Gamesmaster should add the Damage Done to the DlOO that If a character is ignoring the distraction of friendly
is rolled to determine Critical Effect. characters, in his Zone of Influence if using Hand-to-hand
weapons or in the line of fire if using missile weapons, the
CRITICAL EFFECT TABLE result that normally indicates no Critical Effect means that he
D100 EFFECT has automatically scored a successful hit on one of the
1-30 No special effect. friendly characters who qualified as a Distraction. The
31-55 Daze. character to be struck should be determined at random.
56-75 Stun.
88-95 Trauma.
96-00 Lethal. ARMED COMBAT
DAZE-The characters BCS and ODA are at 1/2 value until D l 0 0 RESULT
after the Action Phase on the next CombatTurn which has 1-10 No effect.
the same number as the phase on which the effect 11-40 Character is Dazed.
occurred. 41-70 Character is Stunned.
STUN - As above but the character may not initiate any 71-80 Character falls.
attacks or fire any weapons. Additionally the characters 81-90 Weapon breaks.
Deftness and Speed are reduced to 1/2 value for that time 91-00 Character drops weapon.
period and the character will be treated as Dazed for the
DISABLE - This is a numbing effect. If received in a limb, the D100 RESULT
character will lose the use of that limb for the rest of the 1-10 No effect.
combat. Health Ability Saving Throws may be made each 11-40 Character is Dazed.
hour of game time in order to regain use of the limb. 41-70 Character is Stunned.
If received in the head, neck or body thecharacter must 71-80 Mode of attack (hand, foot, jaws, etc.) receives a
make Health Saving Throw. Failure indicates a System Disable result with 1D6 of Critical Damage.
Shock. Asave in the Ability range meansthecharacter will 81-00 Character falls.
be Stunned for the rest of the combat. A save in the
Critical range means that the character will be Dazed for BOW AND CROSSBOW
the rest of the combat, A Health Ability Saving Throw can DlOO RESULT
be attempted each hour of game time in order to eliminate 1-10 No effect.
these effects. 11-40 String breaks.
TRAUMA - The Damage Done is Critical Damage. The 41-80 Arrow breaks.
also receives one half the Damage Done as regular Lethal 81-00 Bow breaks.
damage. A Health Ability Saving Throw is required or the
character also receives a Disable Effect. FIREARMS, BLACK POWDER
The Critical Damage is also the percent chance of a D1CO RESULT
Sever Effect. Severs to the head or neck are Death Blows. 1-10 No effect.
All other Severs will cause the character to bleed to death 11-40 Primer flash. Primer is expended but the round is
in a number of Combat Turns equal to the characters still good.
Health Group plus 1D6 unless cauterized or bandaged 41-70 Main load is a dud. Primer and powder for round are
with a First Aid Skill BCS roll. Cauterization Will expended. Gun must be reloaded.
Strength Group Effect Die rolls of both characters. The He may execute an Action in an attempt to break the
character with the greater effective Mass may add the hold of the Grappler. On the last phase of the Action,
difference in the masses to his die roll. The difference in the the character must make a Strength Ability Saving
modified die roll results is treated as an Effect Number and Throw in order t o break the Grapplers hold. When his
the lower rolling character receives a Stopping Result. Ifthe is done the Grappler must make a Strength Ability
Effect Number is 0 then the characters are occupying the Saving Throw himself to maintain the hold. If the
same hex. Each will be unable to perform an Action for a Grappler fails the Strenth Saving Throw, he must make
number of phases equal to his Phases Consumed in Action a Speed Ability Saving Throw to avoid falling down. If
number or until the end of the Combat Turn whichever is the Grappler releases his hold before the victims
shorter. resolution phase arrives, the victim may abort the
In any case,if the second character was in the process of attempt to break the hold, as it is unnecessary, and he
performing an action, he will resolve that Action at the usual may initiate an Action on the phase that the Grappler
time with a negative BCS modification equal to the Effective releases the hold.
Mass of the character attempting to knock him down. He may make an attempt to break the hold using
Brawling Combat Skill at full BCS. This will only break
GRAPPLING the hold. It will not cause damage.
Grappling is a form of rough and tumble, close-in fighting. He may make an attack to cause normal damage using
A character does not need to exercise a Skill in order to Brawling Combat Skill at -5 to the BCS.
Grapple. A Deftness Ability Saving Throw is required to He may attack the Grappler using another Combat
perform a Grapple. If the player r o l l s a l when making thedie Skill. The BCS receives a penalty of 50% or -5,
roll, he may choose the general location of the Grapple. I f the whichever is greater, plus any situational modifiers. A
Grapple attempt fails, the player must make another Ability character attempting to use a Missile Combat Skill also
Saving Throw; this time using Speed; to avoid having the receives this modification to the Deftness Ability
character fall down. If the player rolls a 20 on the Grapple Saving Throw required to fire while in Engaged status.
attempt, the character automatically falls down.
When a Grapple attempt is successful, the Gamesmaster When one character has a hold on another, either may opt
will roll for Hit Location as if a normal hit had been scored. to fall down at the start of any Action. This will automatically
The exact Location and the General Location are both of bring the other character down as well. Each character must
import. That is the head, neck, torso, right or left arm and the have 1D6 rolled for him. The higher roll indicates that the
right or left leg is of signifigance. as well as the exact corresponding character has landed on top. In the case of a
Location on the body map. tie, the character who initiated the fall will be on top. The
A Grapple to the arm will allow an attempt to disarm the character on top adds the difference in the Mass of the two
target. The Grappler will roll the Effect Die for his effective characters to the number needed for his Saving Throw (See
Strength Group. The targets Armor Value on the exact Falls in Detailed Action Time, below) while the character on
Location is subtracted from the die roll. The result is the the bottom will subtract the difference from the number
chance in 20 that the target must make a Strength Ability needed.
Saving Throw in order to retain his grip on whatever he is
holding in his hand. If the target makes his Saving Throw, the
grapple is not broken and the Grappler may roll his Effect Die FALLS IN DETAILED ACTION TIME
again at the end of his next Action unless he initiates a new Whenever a character alters position from more of less
attempt to Grapple in the hope of getting a Grapple o n a vertical to horizontal without taking an Action to do so, a
more useful Location or he initiates some other Action. Health Saving Throw must be made. I f the die result falls in
A Grapple to the leg indicates a takedown attempt. Each the characters Critical Saving Throw range there will be no
characters will roll their Effect Die. If the Grappler rolls effect. If it falls in thecharacters Ability Saving Throw range,
higher, the target will fall down. I f the target rolls higher, the character will be Dazed for one Combat Turn. A Critical
there is no effect. If both roll the same number, each must roll failure, a die roll of 20, indicates that the character has lost
a Speed Ability Saving Throw to avoid falling down. The consciousness. He will remain unconscious until the
Grappler is not considered to have maintained a hold on the controlling player rolls a successful Health Ability Saving
target at the end of a takedown attempt regardless of its Throw for the character. This may be attempted o n the
results. He must initiate a new attempt to Grapple on his next bookkeeping phase of each Combat Turn, beginning on the
Action, if he wishes to continue in his efforts to subdue his turn after the one on which the character lost consciousness.
opponent by Grappling with him. Upon waking up, the characterwill be Dazed forone Combat
A Grapple to the head, neck or torso indicates a hug or Turn.
choke. A torso Location result will cover both of the Whenever a character falls more than 2 meters, he will be
Locations level of the body map. For example, a Location to subject to potentially moreserious effects. For each 2 meters
point 4 will cover both 4 and 5. The attack will be against the of fall the character will receive l D l O of subdual damage.
less effective armor covering the Locations attacked. This The number of meters fallen is chance in 20 of a Critical
kind of Grapple is a constriction attack and armor defends Effect occuring. When rolling on the Critical Hit Effects
according to the rules on page 17. Any damage done is Table, one half of the distance fallen in meters, rounded
subdual. The Grappler is assumed to keep his hold on the down, is added to the 1Dl00. I f the Critical Effect is Location
target unless it is broken or he voluntarily relinquishes it in dependant 1D100 should be rolled and the Hit Location
order to seek a new grip or perform some other Action. As Table consulted. At his discretion, the Gamesmaster may
long as the Grapple is maintained, the Grappler may roll his add to or subtract from the die roll depending on whether the
Effect Die at the end of each Action. character is falling head or feet first.
A character who has an arm Grappled may not use that
arm to perform an Action. That is he may not strike the
Grappler with it or use askill or weapon requiring two hands. EFFECTS OF WATER ON
A character whose head, neck or torso is subject to a Grapple MOVEMENT AND COMBAT
may not move. There are three general situations where water will have
When a character is considered Grappled he has several effects on movement and combat. These occur when the
options: character is ON the water in some form of boat, when the
A rider may be unseated in a number of ways. Once
unseated he is subject to damage due to falling. See page32.
The BMA of the horse at the time the rider is unseated is
considered as the distance of the fall.
Any Critical Miss on an attempt t o control a horse will
result in the rider being unseated.
A successful Bash against the rider himself will require a
Beast Riding BCS roll where failure will indicate that he has
been unhorsed.
A successful Grapple to the legs of a rider will require a
check as if the rider had been Bashed. Such Grappling
attempts against mounted men are Critical Saving Throws
instead of Ability Saving Throws and receive a negative
modification equal to the mounts BMA at the time.
Anchoring a rider in any way will result in a check for
unhorsing as explained below. A rider can beanchored by
roping him, catching a part of his body, clotheslining him
or any other method the Gamesmaster declares will have an
equivalent effect. Once a rider has been anchored, the
effect will not be checked until the anchoring method has
been made taut, for example, a rope stretched to its limit. If
the rider has time he may attempt to remove the anchor
sever it or direct his horse in such a way that theanchor will
not become taut.
In order to see i f the unhorsing occurs, each of the
MOUNTED MOVEMENT THROUGH AN contestants will roll the Effect Die for its effective Strength
OCCUPIED HEX Group. If the riders roll is higher he will keep his seat. This
A rider/mount combination moving through an occupied means that the anchor has given way (a Grappling hold or
hex requires a check for Bash to be made. The mount will be tree limb) or broken (a rope). If the opponents roll is higher,
reduced to the next lower gait for the rest af its Action. If the the rider is unhorsed and subject to the rules for being
Bash goes against it, it will be reduced 1 gait category per 2 unseated. I f a rider is anchored to a solid object (rather
meters of Stopping effect. It need not worry about being than having another character providing the base for the
knocked over until its gait has been reduced t o a Walk. anchor), the Gamesmaster must assign a Strength Group
A footman receiving a Bash from a rider/mount for the object. This Strength Group will be the base from
combination may be trampled. The Effect Number of the which the Effect Die will be determined rather than that of the
Bash is the chance in 20 that the footman will receive damage character who attached the rider to the anchor.
as if he had received attacks from two hooves. For this type of Modifications to the basic strength Groups are given below.
attack use the mounts effective Mass as if it were the When a rider has been attached to an object, the die rolls
Strength used to determine the Effect Die. will not be made until the mount has travelled sufficient
distance t o stretch the attaching method taut. If the rider has
JUMPING O N HORSEBACK time he may attempt to remove the attaching method, sever it
If the rider makes his Beast Riding BCS, he can cause his or direct his horse is such a way that the distance will not
mount to jump over an obstacle. The horse must be moving become sufficient for the attaching method to become taut.
at a gait faster than a Walk. The total distance of the jump
(vertical, both up and down, and horizontal) is the Effect Die Situation Modification
roll in meters for an effective Strength equal to the horses character braced and ready +1 Group to the character
Strength minus the Encumbrance Total it is carrying. rider without saddle at Walk -1 Group to rider
For each meter of height that an obstacle has, the rider without saddle at Trot -2 Groups to rider
horizontal distance required to make the jump is two meters rider without saddle at Canter -3 Groups to rider
greater than the width of the obstacle. The total additional rider without saddle at Gallop -4 Groups to rider
length is split evenly on either side of the obstacle. Thus an horse at Canter, riCler saddled +1 Group to rider
obstacle that is two meters high and two long will require a horse at Gallop, rider saddled +2 Groups to rider
horizontal jump of six meters and a vertical jump of two rider in high cantled saddle +1 Group to rider
As noted in the section on Detailed Action Time, a charac- minutes. If the character was beyond his Damage Resistance
ter can be dealt damage points of lethal, subdual or critical Total when he started healing, he will become conscious
nature. The number of points taken of the first two kinds is when the current damage total is less than his Damage
compared to the characters Damage Resistance Total to Resistance Total.
gauge how injured the character is in relation to his normal The period of hea!ing for lethal damage is one day. For
healthy state. When the total of this representation of injury convienience in playing the game, all healing of lethal and
exceed certain levels the character will register this by a critical damage is done at dawn. A characterwill subtract the
decrease in efficiency. points healed from the total of lethal or critical damage
Lethal damage represents serious injuries which take time taken. The base number of points that a character will heal in
for the body to heal. Subdual damage represents less serious a day is equal to his Healing Rate. This number may be
injuries that have immediate effects but are compensated for increased or decreased according to the characters
by the body in realtively short order. Critical damage activities, the care the character receives and the
represents very serious damage that prevents the character surroundings in which the character finds himself.
from utilizing the part of the body that receivessuch damage. The period and modifications for healing critical damage
Each type of damage heals differently in the game. are the same as for lethal damage. However, if a character is
When a character takes damage in the game, the suffering from critical and lethal damage, his healing rate will
Gamesmaster will specify how much damage is taken and be adjusted by all the appropriate factors. The adjusted
what type of damage it is. The player should enter the Healing Rate will be split in half. One half will be subtracted
amount in the corresponding section of the Character from the total of lethal damage and one half will sub-
Record Sheet. If the character has already taken some tracted from the total of critical damage. Odd points are lost.
damage, the new damage should be added to the amount Broken bones and severed stumps will take time to heal.
already taken. This time is independent of any other healing that takes
When the total amount of lethal and subdual damage taken place. A character trying to beactive during this healing time
by a character exceeds one haif of his Damage Resistance will be greatly hampered. Theexact problems he will suffer is
Total, he is considered Wounded. His effective Deftness and left to the Gamesmaster. The time required to heal such an
Speed will be reduced by 25% and all applications of Skills injury is 100 days minus 1 day for each point of Health score
will have a modification of -2 to the Basic Chance of Success. the character has at the start of the healing process. An
When the total of lethal and subdual damage exceeds three Advanced Medical Skill BCS roll is required to set broken
quarters of his Damage Resistance Total, the character will bones correctly. Healing time will be dated from the day the
be considered Seriously Wounded. His Deftness and Speed bones are set. If they must be reset the healing time will start
will be reduced by 50% and all BCS will have a modification all over from the beginning. Stumps resulting from a Sever
of -4. It should be remembered that the effects of being result must have an Advanced Medical Skill BCS roll applied
Seriously Wounded are not cumulative with the effects of to them i f they are to later accept prosthetic devices.
beling Wounded. They replace those effects. When the total
of damage taken exceeds the characters Damage MODIFICATIONS TO HEALING RATE:
Resistance Total, he is out of the fight. Patient is in the field, complete rest 0
If the attack which raised the characters current damage Patient is in the fieid, active up to one half day -1
total above the Damage Resistance Total was subdual Patient is in the field, active for full day -2
damage, the character is unconscious. If the attack Patient engages in active combat that day -1
continues to do subdual damage,to the character, he will die Patient is in restful surroundings +1
when the additional damage exceeds twice his Damage Patient receives good physical care (food, rest, etc.) +1
Resistance Total. Such damage can come from continual Patient receives medical care
beating by an attacker or prolonged exposure to electrical (character attending makes BCS roll) +1
current or other sources as decided by the Gamesmaster. I f it Patient receives good medical care (hospital) +1
was lethal damage and the Damage Resistance Total was
exceeded by greater than the characters Healing Rate, the Martin the Traveller has a DRT of 24 and a Healing
character is dead. If the difference between the characters
Rate of 3. He has been injured in a fight. He has
current damage total and his Damage Resistance Total is taken 12 points of lethal damage, 4 points of subdual
less than or equal to his Healing Rate, the character is
damage and 4 points of critical damage to his left
unconscious and comatose.
arm. He decides to rest after the fight. After 20
Critical damage to a location will prevent a character from minutes the subdual damage will be healed.
using that part of his body. Critical damage to the head, neck Looking around he decides that the climate would
or body will render the character comatose. When the critical be healthier elsewhere. He heads for the nearest
damage is healed the character will regain the use of that town. He travels for a full day and is jumped b y a
body part, or become conscious as appropriate. brigand at sunset. He kills the felon and miracuously
escapes further injury. Having traveled at full
HEALING DAMAGE movement he gets -2 to his Healing Rate. The -1 for
Subdual damage heals fairly quickly. A character may having engaged in combat reduces his Rate too. He
subtract a number of points equal to his Healing Rate from will not heal that day.
the total of subdual damage points taken for each ten The Traveller decides to spend a day resting to get
minutes of game time spent in complete rest. If the character some strength back. He avoids all encounters that
is active the recovery period will be 1 hour instead of 10 day. He therefore gets his full healing rate. H e
As the game progresses, the player will wish to see his When a character is using two Skills averaged together to
character improve his abilities, his chances of success and, gain his Basic Chance of Success, if he succeeds and is
in short, his ability to survive. Since this system contains no allowed to Learn-by-doing, he may choose which of the two
artificial level increments as a measure of a characters he will attempt to Learn-by-doing with. Multiple successes
abilities, the character must be improved in other ways. with the averaged BCS will not allow him to attempt to Learn-
Diligent study, rigorous training and learning through by-doing with both of the Skills involved.
practical experience are all valid ways for the character to
improve. Jus Dogslayer is proceeding through a occupied
The process of improvement may be rapid or slow building. He picks the lock to the cellarstairs. Check
depending on the situation surrounding the improvement for Learning-by-doing. He then locks the door
and the character himself. behind him and proceeds down the stairs. Out of the
dark, a figure attacks him. Drawing his sword and
IMPROVING SKILLS knife, Jus fights using Two Weapon form of H T H
Combat Skill. Just as he slays this man, another
A character may improve his score in a Skill in one of two
ways. These are Study and Learning-by-doing. In both comes at him. Jus wounds the second man with his
processes, it is the score in the Skill, not the Basic Chance of knife. just before having i t knocked from his hand.
Now Jus fights o n using Single Weapon form of
Success that is raised by the amount indicated. The Basic
H T H Combat Skill. He dispatches his opponent.
Chance of Success will increase when the characters score
is raised sufficiently that a new calculation of the BCS yields At this point, Jus, having used Two Weapon Skill
a higher number. Remember that a character has one point successfully against both opponents, can check for
of Basic Chance of Success for every five points of Skill Learning-by-doing for that Skill. Although he
fought two opponents, i t was during the same
A Skill score may not be increased over the maximum Detailed Action Time. He may also check for
Learning-by-doing with regard to Single Weapon
score. Any extra points are lost. When a character reaches a
score of 100 (BCS 20) in most Skills, he has learned what Skill since he used that Skillsuccessfully against the
their is to know in that Skill. He is assumed to be an effective second man.
inaster of the Skill. A die roll of 20 when making a Basic Jus now hears more men approaching and opts
Chance of Success roll will still indicate failure but in most for the better part of valor. H e uses his Stealth Skill
cases the failure will not have critical effects. When using a to move silvently back up the stairs. Check for
Learning-by-doing because noise would
Combat Skill which has a maximum scoreof200 (though the
attract attention to Jus.
BCS maximum is still 20) a die roll of 20 will indicate that
critical effects occur if the character cannot make a Control Upon reaching the top of the stairs, Jus finds that
Throw (the BCS of thesecond 100 points). A character with a the door has been modified so that a key is needed
score of 200 in a Combat Skill will still feel critical effects if from either side and he, not noticing this, (he failed
the die roll on the Control Throw is a 20. his Wit CST to notice this Hidden Thing) had set
the mechanism to lock behind himself. He hurriedly
picks the lock again. Check for Learning-by-doing
LEARNING-BY-DOING since the time pressure that Jus is under constitutes
When the character has successfully utilized a Skill, he a valid execution of his Skill. Jus closes the door
may attempt to Learn-by-doing. It is the responsiblity of the behind him as he heads for the wide open spaces
Gamesmaster to decide if a s k i l l use during the game makes outside the building.
the character eligible for the attempt. The general Let us consider the same character exploring the
requirement the use of the Skill significantly advances the building when there is nothing behind the door. In
position of the characters in the game situation. Thus a this case, the Gamesmaster knows before hand that
character who spends his time between adventures rolling there is nothing in the cellar. He has also decided
his BCS in Lockpicking Skill is ineligible since there is no that anyone who picks the lock to get into the cellar
pressure on him, no significant need for locks to be picked can obviously pick to lock to get out and so a
and he is facing no new challenges. The character is successful BCS roll to open the lock the first time
effectively conducting Solo Study as detailed later in this means that the character will automatically succeed
section. the second time. He does not tell this to the player
A character is allowed to attempt to Learn-by-doing for and will still make him roll the second time to
each eligible Skill used successfully in a Detailed Action maintain suspense.
Time situation. Multiple successes in oneskill during a given Jus arrives and picks the lock. The Gamesmaster
DAT situation will not allow more than one attempt to Learn- with an abstracted comment about waiting to see i f
by-doing. Jus will survive puts off temporarily the players
To be able to Learn-by-doing the character must have a L earning-by-doing roll. Jus then using his Stealth
score greater than zero in the Governing Talent for the Skill. Skill successfully reaches the bottom of the stairs
The Governing Talent is the first Talent listed in the and finds the cellar empty. Since there was nothing
calculation for the initial score in the Skill. to sneak up on, his successful use of Stealth was not
In order to successfully Learn-by-doing, the character pertinent and he may not Learn-dy-doing. Jus
must roll less than or equal to his score in that Governing retraces his path to the door and finds himself
Talent on 1 D20. If he does so, he may add one to his score in locked in. Attempting to use his Picklock Skill to
that Skill. open it. the die result is 20. The Gamesmaster knows
that the lock has been picked since that result was
predetermined but he informs the player that you TABLE OF
dont seem to have picked it. The player in his LEARNING RATE MODIFICATIONS
frustration has Jus kick the door which amazingly
(to him) comes open. The player is now allowed b y LEARNING AIDS VALUE
the Gamesmaster to roll for Learning-by-doing for Expert Teacher 1
the lockpicking attempt. Gifted Teacher 1
Characters Governing Talent is greater than 0 1
Character is Studying a language in current
The characters score in a Skill represents hard won and Character is Studying a firearm Skill &
ingrained knowledge and/or abilities that the character has expends one unit of ammunition
acquired. Thus, the skill represented by a Skill score is not over the required amount 1
gained by simple demonstration, casual reading or LEARNING HINDRANCES
occasional practice. The character must diligently apply Solo Study (no teacher available) 2
himself in order to make any significant gains in Skill score. Proper facilities unavailable 2
Study turns are stated to be of a weeks duration. The Character is studying an ancient language
Gamesmaster is free to alter the time period, but the no longer in use 2
Learning Rate of any characters involved should be altered Characters Governing Talent for the Skill being
to reflect the difference. The basic increase to a characters Studied is less than 1 2
Skill score after a Study period of one week will be equal to Character is acting as a Teacher during the
his Learning Rate. This Learning Rate (his Wit Group) will be Study period 3
altered by various factors. These are presented in the Table The Skill being Studied is not a
of Learning Rate Modifications. Freely Improvable Skill for the character 2
To his basic Learning rate, the character will add the value Character is Wounded for at least part of the week 2
of any Learning Aids that are applicable. This number will be Character is Seriously Wounded for at least part
divided by the sum of the values of all the Learning of the week 3
Hindrances that apply. The result is the adjusted Learning Character does not have the required score in a
Rate which is the number of points that will be added to the Prerequisite Skill tt
characters score in the Skill being Studied. Character does not make unit expenditure of
Any fractions that occur due to Learning Hindrances are ammunition while studying a firearm Skill 2
retained during the period of Study. They are lost at the end Optional Learning Hindrances
of that period. Thus a character who has a month to Study Current Skill score areater than 50 2
and an Adjusted Learning Rate of 1.7, will after four weeks, Current Skill score Greater than 75 3
add four timestheweekly rateor6.8. SincetheGamesmaster * Once per week only.
has an adventure planned for the character, he is allowed no * * Study not allowed.
more Study time and the .8 is dropped from the amount that
the character will add to his Skill score.
During a Study period, the only major functions
(Research, Rebuilding, Using Influence are all major OPTION
functions) the character may perform are related to learning. INITIAL SCORE IN NEW SKILL
A character may Study two Skills, Study one Skill and Teach When a character Studies a new Skill and has a months
another or Teach two Skills. When a character is Studying worth of Study period all together, he may acquire an initial
two Skills during one Study period his base Learning Rate is score in the Skill rather than the value that would accrue
Wit Group/2, nearest. through normal Study. Each Hindrance that applies will
A Teacher may be any character, whether controlled by a reduce the initial value by half. If the character would gain a
player or the Gamesmaster, who hasaCornmunicativeTalent higher score by using normal methods of Study, he may do
greater than zero. An ordinary Teacher has a higher score in so.
the Skill being taught than any of the students. The score of
the students may not exceed the Teachers score while they OPTION
are Studying under him. An Expert Teacher will have the
maximum score in the Skill to be taught. A Gifted Teacher IMPROVEMENT OF
has a Communicative Talent greater than 10. ATTRIBUTES THROUGH LEARNING
Some Skills require proper facilities in order to be learned Each time a character achieves another point of BCS, he
at the normal rate. Combat Skills require the weapons to be may add .05 to the Governing Attribute. No value is received
used. Knowledge-based Skills require reference books. for the fractional scores until a full Attribute point is
Equipment-utilizing Skills requiretheequipment thatwill be accumulated.
utilized. The absence of such things will act as a Learning The Governing Attribute for a Skill is the one that appears
Hindrance. It is up to the Gamesmaster to decide if proper first in the calculation for the initial score in that Skill.
facilities are available when characters are attempting to It does not matter if the score sufficient for the increase in
study a Skill. the characters Basic Chance of Success is the result of
When a character is Studying a firearm Skill, an Learning-by-doing or Study.
expenditure of ammunition is required to prevent a Learning
Hindrance. The additional expenditure of another unit of OPTION
ammunition will act as a Learning Aid. Onlyone Learning Aid
may be gained in this way during a Study week. The unit of INCREASE OF TALENTS
ammunition will vary according to the firearm Skill being THROUGH LEARNING
Studied. For non-automatic weapons five rounds are Each time a character reaches maximum score in a Skill,
required to makea unit. Automatic weapons will multiply this he has a chance of increasing his score in the Governing
figure by the average burst size of the weapon used to Study Talent. To do this he must roll 1D100 and consult the
with. Heavy weapons require a three round expenditure. Reaction Table presented in Appendix 1 of this Book. I f the
There are various factors present in the adventure Fire against target behind an opaque barrier will be
environment that have to be quantified t o deal with in terms considered as if the firer were blind. Target behind a
of the game. These include barriers t o the passage of a translucent barrier or targets whose position is essentially
character or his projectiles, tools and their effects, and the known (i.e., behind a firing port) will cause the firer to have a
dangers of such things as acid and fire. Each of these will be modification as i f he were partially blind.
dealt with in this section. Any non-living thing that acts can Some materials are considered capable of completely
be rated as having a BAP, an MNA and a PCA. This covers stopping projectile fire short of heavy weapons. These
such things as elevator doors, strobe lights, falling bricks, materials are identified by a * in front of the Barrier Factor.
etc. Such things can be designed by the Gamesmaster to suit The Barrier Factor for these materials is used for rating the
the situation. strength of the material's resistance to attempts to break it
down, dig through it or penetrate it with heavy weapons fire.
Some of the materials listed below may not be present in a
BARRIERS particular campaign but are listed here for convenience of
Various materials are rated for a Barrier Factor. This When dealing with the demolition of a barrier to allow the
number represents the barrier effect of 1 inch of the material. characters access to the other side, the elimination of barrier
To determine the value of a barrier of something like awall or points equal to the strength for the appropriate thickness of
a door, determine the materials that compose it and their the material is considered to open a one meter by one meter
thicknesses. Multiply each thickness by the Barrier Factor of space. A five or ten minute Tactical Turn is suggested. Some
the material and sum the results for all the materials involved. materials such as stone or metal, will not be penetrated by
This will yield the overall barrier effect of the wall or door. characters without the proper tools. Gamesmasters are
Any gumhots that hit a barrier will have their Bullet advised to use their discretion.
Damage Group reduced by the overall barrier effect. If the
Bullet Damage Group is reduced to zero or below the bullet
will not penetrate the barrier. If it is not reduced t o zero, any
A door is considered to have a basic barrier effect equal to
target struck will only receive theeffect of the reduced Bullet
the Barrier Factor of the material times the thickness of the
Damage Group. door. This has no effect if the door is opened. I f the door is
A muscle powered missile weapon will have its effective
secured in some fashion, this barrier effect plus the barrier
Strength Group reduced by 1 for each 5 points of Barrier
effect derived from the means by which the door,is secured
Factor. This works in a fashion similarto the rangeeffects on
must be overcome in order to open the door.
such weapons.
Breaking in the door is accomplished by having characters
Hand-to-hand weapons which strike a barrier must roll Strength Ability Saving Throws. U p to two characters
succeed in penetrating a barrier. When the barrier is struck
can attack a normal sized door at once. When a character is
the damage done by the attack is assessed against the successful, he will roll his normal Effect Die. The results of
Barrier Factor. Any points in excess of the Factor may be the die roll are subtracted from the door's barrier effect. A
applied as Damage Potential to a Location on the other side character who rolls a one will add one to his Strength Group
of the Barrier to determine the Effect Die for this attack only. A character
who makes this type of attack against a door will, take one
point of subdual damage. A die roll of 20 will cause the
BARRIER FACTOR OF MATERIALS character 1D6 of subdual damage. When the total of the
Material Barrier Factor per inch Effect Die rolls exceeds the barrier effect of the door it has
Glass 5 been broken down.
Glass, safety 20 Such attacks may be directed at the means of securing the
Glass, shatter resistant 25 door, i f it is known and the die roll for the character's attack
Heavy Leather 20 falls in his Critical Saving Throw range. I f the die roll falls in
Light Leather 15 the Ability Saving Throw range, the overall barrier effect is
Metal, veneer 20 attacked instead. Should the barrier effect of the securing
Metal, light 30 method be overcome before the overall barrier effect is
Metal, heavy 40 reduced, the method of securing the door (lock, crossbar,
Metal, hardened or structural *60 wedged chair, etc.) will be presumed defeated and the door
Plastic, light 5 may be opened.
Plastic, medium 10 Locks are rated in three ways: by type. complexity, and
Plastic, heavy 20 barrier strength. The type of lock will indicate what Skill the
Plastic, structural '40 character will need to overcome it. The complexity
Sand 8 represents the amount of difficulty the character will have in
Soil variable 8 to 20 overcoming it. The barrier strength is the amount of barrier
Stone '30 effect the lock will have when used to secure a door.
Wicker 10 Standard locks that open with a key require Lockpicking
Wood, veneer 5 Skill to overcome. The complexity of the lock will be
Wood, solid 10 subtracted from the Character's Basic Chance of Success.
Wood, plywood 20 Each time the character makes a successful BCS roll, he will
roll the Effect Die for his Deftness Group. This is the amount
When a character is hit by a flask of acid, flaming oil or
some other such nasty thing, it will affect the target Location
and 0-2 contiguous Locations. The number of Locations is
determined by rolling 1D3 and subtracting 1. The exact
Locations are to be determined by the Gamesmaster
according to the circumstances and the position of the
character being struck.
When such nasties impact o n the ground they will affect
the target hex and 0-2 additional hexes. The first additional
hex will be in the line of the throw. There is a50% chance that
the second will also be in the line of the throw. Otherwise it
wiil be adjacent to the first hex of splash. See illustration.
Such things will spread further on the next Combat Turn
unless eliminated by dousing or counteracting. The second
turn spread will be to all hexes contiguous to the original
hexes and have a rating for strength equal to the nasty's
current strength minus 1. If this reduces the strength t o zero
there is no spreading effect.
Your old buddy, Joe Gamesmaster has invited you over In designing yourearly Characters, it will be wise to try and
one evening for a session of something called a Role foresee just what abilities a high score will buy you, not to
Playing Game Whassa Role Playing Game? When you get mention what a low score will d o to your Characters survival
there, Fred and Charley are sitting on the sofa, talking about potential. It is unlikely that you will come anywhere near an
last week, when they opened the door and killed 4 or 6, optimum design in the early stages. Of course, it can be
nowaittaminnit, did they say ORCS? Joe is sitting in a corner, interesting to construct a Character who is markedly low in
half buried behind a wall of papers, charts, graphs, and some areas, with near-superhuman scores in others, just to
assorted stuff, punching his calculator and fiddling with see how far he gets. If the Gamesmaster permits multiple
some little plastic doodads that look like weird dice (at least Characters o n one Adventure, fascinating results can be
he is rolling them and looking at numbers on their sides). Of obtained by designing a team: two Characters who between
course, he always was into weird cults. Maybe this is a new them comprise a mix of high scores, in the tradition of Fritz
religious kick. What you dont see, and this puzzles you, is a Leibers Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser.
board, darts, hockey sticks, a catchers mitt, or anything else After setting the basic Attributes, most Games, including
to give you a clue as to just what kind of game a Role ours, will derive certain secondary traits from these scores.
Playing is. You may, at this point, be justified in whimpering, We call these Abilities. Again, the Player should familiarize
NOW what have I gotten myself into? himself with just what these Abilities control in play, so that
Well, it actually isnt as bad as that. First thing, if Joe is a he can fiddle them into acceptable shape. Discovering that
hardshell Gamesmaster, he probably has explained what you really murdered some Ability score may cause you to go
Role Playing is until youre ready to slug him. In any case, he back and adjust the Attribute allocation. This is perfectly
probably filled you in over the phone, and you know how legitimate at this stage of the game.
such games work, to a degree. I f not, then read the In our Game system, the next stage is the generating of the
introduction to Role Playing in this book, paqe 1. What we Talents, inherent aptitudes o n the part of the Character.
are going to look at with a bit more detail here is just what The rules governing Talents are on page 7 of this book, but
your job is, as a Player in an on-going Campaign. as stated there, the manner in which the scores are
generated are Campaign dependent, to be found in Book 2.:
READ THE GAME The Gamesmaster may have altered this system to fit his
particular Campaign, and this should be checked first.
It is probably a good start to skim through the rules, if you
Again, as you allocate the Talent scores, try and foresee how
havent done so yet. You probably cant read the wholething
they will affect the Character you want to portray. A
yet, as parts of the Game are For Gamesmasters Only! Pay
hardened warrior will, or should have, a significant
particularly close attention to rules on how to design a Player
Combatative score. The scholar will have a high score in
Character, because that is your first big job in any Role
Scientific and Communicative talent, and so on.
Playing Game.
The basic process ofbeing born as a Character covers all
of this preliminary allocation of scores to the Attributes and
BEING BORN Talents, and the derivation of the dependent Abilities. It
Ideally, the Gamesmaster should hold a special provides a rough picture of the physical and mental natureof
Character Design session before presenting the Players the Character.
with their first adventure, orScenario. At this point, he and
his Players go over the basic rules, clear up any overall
questions on procedure, and design at least one Character GROWING UP
for every Player. It is probably advisable that each Player The next step in Character design takes the Player through
have two Characters to start with, so that asad mishap part what we call the Pre-Adventure period. This can be fairly
of the way through the first scenario will not leave the Player detailed, providing for the social standing of the Character,
with nothing to do for the rest of the evening. O n the other his early training in schools or military service, or what have
hand, it may be desirable to limit the first adventure to one you. Or it may be an abstract, generating a given number of
Character per Player. years, and the things acquired in those years, which the
This will permit the participants to concentrate o n properly Player may turn intoskills, knowledge, and cash. Again, the
handling their figures without trying to keep both Characters final form is Campaign dependent, and options should be
going at the same time. The final say o n the Character to checked with the Gamesmaster.
Player ratio for a given adventure is the Gamesmasters. Opportunities will exist to improve the Attributes, and to
The first step in building a Character is quantifying his acquire Skills. See page 11 of this book for a description of
physical and mental traits. This usually includes such skills and how they work. It is at this point that the Player
characteristics as physical strength, reaction speed, needs to really think out the question of what he feels this
intellect, and so on. Some games assign a random score, Character is like: what personal goals has he set for himself,
rolled on dice, to these areas. Other, including this one, give what were his formative years like? Should he concentrate
Players a basic number of points which they may allocate on the Combat Skills, having the Character begin to acquire
among the Characters traits pretty much as they please. mastery of the arms of his culture? Or is the Character more
The idea behind this system is to permit the Player to build studious, a scholar of the mysteries of nature, science, and
what he conceives to be the ideal hero. It will soon become philosophy? has he studied the arts of the thief, mastering
apparent that you cannot make the Character above the locks and stealth, or, if the Campaign admits of such arts, the
average in one area without putting some other Attribute dark knowledge of the occult? In other Games, the usual
below the norm. See page 4 of this book for the detailed technique is to have the Player assign his Character a
rules on designing these physical and Mental Attributes. profession, which defines theskills available to him. We offer
To a new Gamesmaster (and often to an old one) the need to look elsewhere, either by combining two rule
demandsof the job can makethestrongestquaiI.To beinsole systems or else designing the rules yourself. Many
charge of the way a given group plays the Game, tormented Gamesmasters find this latter course more rewarding.
by doubts as to whether one is doing it right, whether the Pay attention to the way Characters are designed and
Players are enjoying it and what to do for the next Adventure. operated in the Game. These figures, after all, are the
Its enough to give you gray hairs! principle medium by which you and your Players will
Any Role Playing Game depends in large measure on the interact. The first thing you will have to help Players do is
Gamesmaster. The rules cannot be written to cover every design at least one Character, and you will also need to
case in detail, and they should not be. The flexibility to meet prepare your own Characters to people the Campaigns
any demands placed upon the Game system by the various locales before actually playing.
requirements of the Players and Gamesmaster is what gives Now re-read the basic rules for common actions in the
a Game its attraction. For the rest, lots of notepaper, a good Game: such activities as fighting, movement, acquiring and
imagination (with some cribbing from genre literature), and using Skills, etc. The contents of this Book will provide that
patience all stand the Gamesmaster in good stead. information for this Game. You should know how such
This overview of the Gamesmasters task is broken down things work in some detail, so that a Character can have a
into three broad areas: fight or cross the street without your needing to look it up in
Before Play: The work involved in setting up the the rules.
Campaign. Planning individual scenarios for But do not let this proviso override common sense. Never
hesitate to call a halt in play to look up some rule you are
unsure of. The little time lost then will save a lot of time (and
During Play: Running a playing session. Fairness
doctrines. Secrets and mysterious events. Running emotion) later on when someone questions the events of 10
Non-Player Characters properly. minutes ago as being different in the rules. Another
After Play: Effects of successful Players on the Campaign. suggestion: Always let players know in advance i f the basic
The Experience question. Housecleaning the rules for the game have been changed to some variant
Campaign. system. This does not mean you should tell them that a
weapon or trap not documented in the rulesbooks is lurking
We will be dealing in generalities in this Section. Specific around the corner. That is part of your Campaign and the
cues to Gamesmasters for this particular Game will be found Players can only find out about it by experience. But if you
in Book 3. Our goal here is to help the Gamesmaster get a have designed an alternate method of Combat, the Players
handle on how to organize his work with this (or any other) MUST know how it operates if they are to use it properly.
Game, to set up a working Campaign with the minimum of Lastly, re-read this type of article, aimed directly at giving
wasted effort or frustration. the Gamesmaster a grasp of how to operate. If you disagree
with some suggestion, ignore it. Also read examples of play,
BEFORE PLAY especially those written to show what the action looks like
Lets assume you have never run a role Playing Game from the Gamesmasters point of view.
before. You have a nice, new Game, not an hour out of the PLANNING THE CAMPAIGN
store, box just opened in front of you. Now what? Once you have a grasp of the rules, it is time to start
READING IT considering the Campaign you intend to build.
Quite seriously, the first thing to do is read it. Start with This is the very heart of being a Gamesmaster: creating the
whatever book is labelled #1 and skim through the whole fantasy Campaign wherein the Player-Characters will vie
thing, all the books in order. Dont try to bash your memory for heroic honors.
into retaining all the details at this point. Try and get an First, consider the overall color of the Campaign. This is
overall picture of the following: in many ways a question of period. In some Campaigns,
Gamesmasters have decreed a great mix of cultures. but
-What kind of fantasy setting(s) idare approriate for many prefer their Campaign to center around a specifictime
this Game? in Earthly history (or the history of their particular world) i f
-Does it lack anything I really want to see done? only to keep the possibilities of the Campaign a little more
-How do individual Characters work in the system? under control.
-Does it offer any helpful hints to the Gamesmaster in the Decide roughly in what period your Campaign is set, this
rules? will provide many leads as to details of dress, weaponry,
Now, you probably would not have bought the Game armor, and what Skills and equpment are available to the
unless you wanted to run a Campaign based on what it Characters. The next step is to outline the society in which
simulates. But you wont really know how it operates until the Characters live. If your Campaign is indeed on Earth, and
you have completed this first read-through. I f you have in a historical period, a bit research in popular histories or
bought something suitable for Musketeers in the hopes of even well-written historical novels will provide all the
using it to set up a Wild West Campaign, you missed background you are likely to need. If you are designing an
something somewhere. alternate Earth, or a fictional world, you can construct the
If the Game has the potential to do what you want, then you culture to fit your needs. If you are designing a Campaign to
are halfway home. Next we look at what specific rules it has, fit a particular fictional world from your favorite books, the
what it might have left out, and what rules you dont care for source works will provide the atmosphere you want.
(too sketchy, too complex, boring etc.). If the rules do not Slavish concern for historical accuracy is not necessary. If
cover something you wanted in the Campaign, then you will you want to build a Campaign on Earth history, do not feel
01-05 Bad -6 This is a very hostile reaction. It usually indicates the initiation
of action if the overall reaction is unfriendly. If theoverall reaction
is friendly, it tends to indicate a lack of interest in continuing to
deal with the Player Characters.
06-1 5 Very Poor -4 This is a negative reaction. It can indicate growing hostility.
56-70 \ Positive Indifference +1 A n undecided reaction with leanings to the positive.
86-95 G
o: : : +4 This is a positive reaction. It indicates growing friendliness and
a willingness to agree.
The reaction table is used as a guideline t o the reactions of cases the Gamesmaster should assign a value t o it and add or
non-player characters whose reactions are not already subtract the value from the die roll to give the result.
predicated situation. The Gamesmaster may also use it to give a In all cases it should be remembered that this table is a
finer gradation to the reactions of those non-player characters guideline only and should not b e used slavishly at theexpenseof
whose general reactions are already assured by the situation. good role-playing or the progress of an interesting adventure.
The descriptions of the results of the die roll are given in A Gamesmaster can also use the table in another way when he
general to allow theGamesmasterthefreedom totailora response is at a loss for a way to determine a result of a deliberate action or
to the particular situation in thegame. Due to the natureof dice, a a chance happening. By treating the dice as a sort of oracle, th?
reaction may swing from one end of the spectrum to the other. I f Gamesmaster may phrase a question which can essentially be
the Gamesmaster feels that a particular result is wholely answered yes or no. The result of the die roll will indicate a
unsuitable, he should feel free to reroll until he gets a result that positive or negative response. An indifferent response might
he feels is appropriate. require the dice to be rerolled. For example, the Gamesmaster
In many cases, a roll on the table to give thegeneral toneof the might ask: "Did the character's portable lantern get broken by nis
non-player character's reaction to the Player Characters, or to the fall down the stairs?" A result of "Good" would indicate that it
situation, makes interpretation of later rol!s easier. An overall was broken. An "Excellent" result might mean it was smashed
reaction of Excellent will probably not lead to an attack with a beyond repair. A "Poor" result might indicate that it survived the
result of bad unless the non-player character has in some way fall but its durability is reduced. whilea "Bad" result would mean
been betrayed by the Player Characters. that it was not even scratched. If the fall was a particularly lcng
The Gamesmaster may feel that the situation surrounding an one the Gamesmaster might have added the length in meters to
offer should havean effect on the reaction due to it nature. lnsuch the die roll.
Introduction. ......................... 1 Firer Movement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2 Barter .............................. 51
Firing From Cover ...................... . 3 3 Trad ....................... 51
Kneeling 8 Prone Position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3 Barter Process ............................... . 5 1
Age Group.. ........... One HandITwo Hand-Offhand . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3 Barter Values.. ................................ 51
Origins for Characters Surprise 8 New Targets.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3 Guideline Barter Values
Development Points ..... Sighted Fire.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Clothing and Armor .
Psychological Profile and Talents ............... 2 Guns and Bullets.. ........................ 52
Initial Attribute Values ............ 2 Muscle-Powered Missile Weapons . . . . . . . . . . 5 2
Skills Determination ............ Hand-to-Hand Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2
Alterations to Attributes.. . . . Firearm Ammunition.. .................... .52
Grenades and Explosives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..5 2
Basic Clothing ...... ................... 3 Gear and Equipment 53
Initial Armor ........... Armor ..................................... . 5 3
Initial Equipment ........ Auto Repair Kits.. .......................... .53
Hand-to-hand Combat Skills ...... Batteries . . . . . ..................... 53
Muscle Powered Missile Weapons ............ . 5 ....................
BDG (Bullet Damage Group). ................ 3 5 .53
Non-Technical Physical Skills .... Damage Capability ... ......... . 3 5 Books ...................................... 53
High-Technology Physical Skills .............. 5 Missile Special Effects ......... . 3 5 Calculators.. . . 54
Final Calculations ............................. .6
Ballistic Modifiers ...... ......... . 3 6 Chemical Gear 54
dotes on Character Generation ................ . 6 Clothing ...... 54
ple Character .......... Communications Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54
8 .................................. 8 Compasses 54
................. 8
Containers .................................. 54
.................0 Decontamination Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 4
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0 Drafting Equipment ............... 5 5
Combat Skills . ......................... 8
Hand-to-hand ......... ............... 8
ORIGINS TABLE (D10) exceed 20. The adjusted scores for the Talents should be
Die entered on the Character Record Sheet.
Roll Any changes after this point will be entered in the Current
Column. If no change is made the Allocated value is the
1-2 Wild upbringing: the character has primarily been o Current value.
his own for most of his life. He has had no formal or
rigorous training. The character may not begin with
any Technical or High Tech Skills PSYCHOLOGICAL PROFILE TABLE (D10)
Die Roll Talent Initial Rating
3-4 Tribal upbrining; the character has been raised in a
1 -2
group reduced to a tribal level of society. The charac-
2-3 -1
ter may not begin with any High Tech Skills and Tech-
nical Skills have doubled cost for him. 4-6 0
7-8 1
9 2
10 3
, I
- --
UWd CurrmI
Communicative - --
- --
- --
Natural ---
Scientific ---
The beginning character in Aftermath! receives 75 points
to allocate among his Attributes. These are distributed as the
player desires among the six Attributes. No score may be
less than 1 or more than 40. When the player has decided on
DEVELOPMENT POINTS the distribution of these points, they should beentered inthe
Each character will have some Development Points. These Allocated column in the Attribute section of the Character
can be used in two ways. They can be used as Skill Pointsto Record Sheet.
buy Skills or they can be used as Attribute Increase Points
to buy increases to the characters Attribute scores.
Each character receives a number of Development Points
equal to his base age. These may be split as the player de-
sires between Skill Points and Attribute Increase Points
Characters in Age Groups 2 through 5 should roll 1D10,
add their Age Group to the result and consult the Develop-
ment Point Table below.
Whensthedivision of the total Development Points is made,
the total Attribute Increase Points and the total Skill Points
should be noted in the margin of the Character Record
Sheet .
each if he is to acquire theskill which has such prerequisites. change has occurred, the Current score will be the
A character who does not have the Prerequisite Skills or Permanent score.
whose score i n the Prerequisite Skills is less than 25 is not
allowed to begin play with the Skill in question.
The values used for any calculations of an initial score in a
Skill are taken from the characters Allocated Attribute
scores and the Allocated Talent scores.
The name of each Skill and thecharacters initial score in it
should be entered on the Character Record Sheet in the
,y;on for
Off-hand Dexterity
The player will roll 1DlOO for each of the following charac-
* - - - - A - \- teristics: Size, Bulk and Looks. The category for each is
entered on the Character Record Sheet and the total of the
recognition factors for each characteristic is entered as the
Base Recognition Factor.
The player may cross-index the characters Size and Bulk
groupings on the Personal Encumbrance Chart to determine
ALTERATIONS TO ATTRIBUTES this value. It should also be entered on the Character Record
Attribute scores may be altered before play in any of three Sheet.
ways. These alterations can be due to aging effects, The necessary Table and Chart are found i n Book 1 on
Changed status or Attribute Increase Points. page 10.
The effects of aging are given in Book 1 on page 45. The
character is assumed to undergo the effects of each break- b6mP lkrrC Adulb Ihcog.Ficlw
point up to and including his current actual age. sue Bulk LDdu patolul EWC
Characters will have the Skills chosen for them by their SKILL DESCRIPTION
players. These will allow the characters to function in the The Skills presented in this section are a cross-section of
game environment. Besides the basic functioning of Skills as skills available to a character in Aftermath! world. The
explained in Book 1 some Skills can be used to perform Gamesmaster may add additional Skills or eliminate some
tasks. that are presented here in order to tailor the game to hisown
campaign. Players should always check on the availabilityof
TASKS Skills with the Gamesmaster.
A Task is a job involving a Skill which can not be resolved Skills are presented as follows: The name of the Skill; the
by a simple die roll in Detailed Action Time. A given Task is Positioning if a.Combat Skill; a letter code; the initial score
rated for a Task Value (the number ofrask Points required to for the Skill; and a number indicating the Format on the first
complete it) and a Task Period at the end of which a line. I f the Skill is Format 2, the number will be followed by
character accumulates Task Points. the names of the areas the Skill is broken down into. The
At the end of a Task Period, the length of which is second line will contain in parentheses any prerequisite
determined by the Gamesmaster, a character will make a Skills required by the Skill. Following this will be the
BCS roll for the Skill Involved. A successful roll will allow the description of the Skill.
character to roll the Effect Die for a specified Attribute, Once a player is generally familiar with what the Skills can
usually Deftness or Wit. A critical success (die roll of 1 when do he can consult the Skills Listing in Appendix 2 when
the BCS is greater than 1) raises the characters Attribute constructing a character. This listing does not contain
Group by 1 for that die roll. This die roll result is the base descriptions but does contain the cost of a Skill in Skill
number of Task Points that the character will finish in that Points.
Task Period. Failure o n the BCS roll will mean that no
progress is made during that Period towards finishing the LETTER CODES FOR NOTES
Task. A critical failure (adie roll of 20) will result in thetotal of A-This Skill has an Averaging function.
finished Task Points being reduced. The base reduction is T-This Skill always requires tools or some other equipment
determined in the same way as the base progress is to be used in its primary form.
determined. S-This Skill sometimes requires tools or some other
If a Skill requires tools, equipment or facilities, they will be equipment in order to be used in its primary form.
rated for their Efficiency Factor. This Factor will be E-A character with this Skill may start with some initial
multiplied by .1 times the Effect Number (the difference equipment pertinent to the Skill.
uetween the die roll and the characters BCS). The modified
Efficiency Factor is multiplied by the base Task Points COMBAT SKILLS
finished. These are added to the total finished if the BCS roll
was successful and subtracted i f the result was a critical HAND TO HANDE
failure. Brawlinb (Frontal)s STR + DFT + Combative 3
With some Skills, units of supplies are necessary to This is unskilled, knock-down and drag-out style fighting
produce the finished product. For these the type of material The fighter may strike with a hand and receive a secondary
required will be specified. Some Skills will result in a smaller strike or he may strike with a foot and make only the one
number of units of finished product than of initial material. attack. Hand attacks receive -5 to the Hit Location roll and
The method for calculating the percentage of original are considered Short length weapons. Foot attacks receive
material turned into product will be given with the Skill +5 to the Location roll, are considered Average length
Description. In these cases round fractions down. weapons, and add the Mass of the fighter to his Strength for
Occasionally one Skill is needed to determine what is to determining the Effect Die to be rolled for a successful
be done and another is used to do it. A BCS roll is made with attack.
the first Skill, with success meaning that the character knows The fighter has a Weapons Damage Multiplier of 1 plusthe
what to do. Failure means he does not know what to do and Armor Value of the Location with which hestrikes divided by
critical failure means he thinks he knows what to do. In the 30, rounded to the nearest. Damage done is 75%subdual (C
latter case, performance of the task will proceed normally type) except on Critical Hits when it is 50% subdual (B type).
but the end product will be wrong. Such boondoggles waste For details of the effects of blows on armor see Unarmed
time and materials and, in some cases, can be downright Com bat Skill.
dangerous. Brawling Skill covers the use of improvised weapons such
For the most part the formulation of the difficulty of aTask as bottles, broken bottles, chairs, table legs, etc. The fighter
is left to the Gamesmaster. He has the final say as to the uses an Average BCS in these cases to resolve his attack.
number of Task Points required to finish the Task and the When the ravening hordes are closing in and there is no
length of the Task Period. Some guidelines are given in the better option, a fighter may utilize a rifle or pistol butt as an
Skill descriptions where the products are not so variable as improvised weapons and attack with an Average BCS
to be beyond space limitations. A Task with a short Period using Brawling Skill.
but a high number of Task Points may beas difficult and time
consuming as one with a longer Period but a lower number of Fencing (Presented)T SPD + DFT + Combative 3
Task Points. The Gamesmaster may make a Task more This Skill is a refined form of Single Weapon Skill. Its
difficult by imposing a negative modification to the BCS. difference from that Skill lies in the Positioning used and the
This can be done to reflect the character dealing with an Attributes involved. Fencing Skill operates as a normal HTH
obscure or unusual or very difficult application of the Skill. Combat Skill.
I Effect
Head & Neck
0-1 Distraction No Effect Distraction Distraction
2-3 Multiple Distraction Abort Action Abort Action
4-6 AS 2-3 PIUS Multiple Dazed Dazed
Check for Daze Distraction
7-9 AS 2-3 PIUS AS 4-6 PIUS Knocked over Stunned
Dazed Check for Daze
t o & up Stunned AS 4-6 PIUS Knocked over AS 7-9 PIUS
Dazed plus check for Check for
Fall results Knocked Over
Distraction The target receives 1 Distraction to all Abort Action The target must abort any Action in
BCS for a Combat Turn. progress that is not resolving on the Action
Phase on which the Entanglement attack is
resolved. If able under the normal rules
Multiple The target receives the users Deftness
Group in Distractions for a Combat Turn. for initiation of Actions, the target may
reinitiate his Action on the next Action
Check for The target compares his Health Group
Daze Effect Die roll to the users Strength Group Knocked The target is knocked from his feet and is
Effect Die roll. If it is higher there is no Over subject to the rules for falling. The targets
effect other than the Distractions. lower half is in the hex he had been
Otherwise he is Dazed as well. occupying and his upper half is in the one
most directly away from the weapon user.
Dazed The effect is the same as the critical
Knocked As above plus the target is at least Dazed.
effect Daze. Over plus
Stunned The effect functions as the critical effect Check for The target and user compare Strength
Stun except that the target functions Knocked Group Effect Die rolls. If the users is higher
normally on the next Combat Turn. Over the target is Knocked Over.
In order to achieve an effect against one of these Entanglement effect on an arm. A critical hit will get both
Locations the flexible weapon must at least be of Long arms.
length. When one of these Locations is hit by such a weapon,
the target and the user should compare Deftness Group 21f one of these Locations is hit on a man in Stance with a
Effect Die rolls. If the users is higher he gets to make a missile weapon all benefits of Stance are lost. He is treated as
second BCS roll subject to all the modifiers present for the if he were Engaged for purposes of getting off a shot and all
1 first one. If the roll is successful he will also have scored an fire is treated as Hip fire.
4 5 6
Characters may well be said to live (and die) by the Gun. BARREL LENGTH
Current estimates place millions of weapons and billions of Up to a given length, the longer a barrel is, the faster its
rounds in this country alone. With modern storage bullet will travel. Longer weapons are more accurate (as a
techniques, guns and ammo broken out of factory packaging rule) than shorter ones. This is one reason why rifles have
will almost certainly work as well 20-30 years after greater range than pistols, and fire with more power. But of
manufacture as they do fresh from the maker. course, the longer a barrel is, the bulkier the weapon will be,
Garners with firearms experience will find some rules here making for higher Encumbrance, and requiring two handsto
that they disagree with (if we may judge by the response from fire properly.
our playtesters). As always, the Gamesmaster may cer- The standard abbreviation for Barrel Length is BBL. The
tainly choose to modify the rules for his campaign in any way standard BBL values are as follows:
he sees fit. We would like to point out that more authen-
tic gun rules may be difficult for Players who do not share
Snub-nosed (SNUB): BBL less than 3 (7.62cm).
his experience with such weapons, and counsel prudence in Short (SHT): BBL 3-4 (7.62-10.16cm)
any such expansions.
Standard (STD): BEL 4-7 (10.16-17.78cm)
This chapter is divided into several sections: Long (LNG): BBL 10-12 (17.78-25.3cm)
A brief introduction to the workings of modern firearms. Extra Long (XLNG): BBL 10-12 (25.4-30.48crn)
Rules for the operation of guns. Pistol Carbine BBL 12 (30.48crn) o r more
Rules for ammunition and gunshop effects. All of the Pistol sizes arefired using PISTOLSkill; however
Other fixearms (machine guns, black powder weapons, it requires TWO hands to properly handleany weapon with a
heavy weapons, mortars, etc.). Pistol Carbine BBL.
Appendices appear at the end of Book 3, containing Long guns will rarely run shorter than about 16 in length.
examples of real weapons translated into Aftermath! terms LONG GUNS
and a Gun List for the Gamesmasters use.
Carbine: Any Long Gun with a BBL of 20 (50.8cm) or less
Rifle: Any Long Gun with a BBL of over 20 (50.8crn)
HOW GUNS WORK Also included in this class are Shotguns and certain
This section is primarily intended for those who requirean
automatlc weapons, called Sub-Machine guns. It requires
overview of how firearms function, and to provide readers two hand to properly fire any Long Gun.
with the underlying rationale behind the Aftermath! gun In keeping the playing record of any firearm, the class of
rules. BBL must be noted, as it will be referred to often.
A firearm is any weapon using the force generated by
igniting gunpowder to fire a projectile.Thisdefinition covers
everything from early cannon-locks to M-16, from derringers ENCUMBRANCE
to howitzers. The Encumbrance of a gun is drawn from the weapons
The firearms we will be concentrating on in this section size and the weight of the real model being adapted to the
and the weapons most often used in Aftermath! are classified game system.
as SMALL ARMS. By this we mean weapons which are A Base ENC is assigned to the form of the weapon, to
designed to be carried easily and used by a singlecharacter. which its real weight in kg/lO is added.
Heavier weapons, such as machineguns, mortars, bazookas, Pistol SNUB or SHT: Base ENC equals .2
etc., are classified as SUPPORT WEAPONS, and are Pistol STD or LNG: Base ENC equals .3
discussed on page 37. Pistol XLNG: Base ENC equals .5
There are two primary forms of Small Arms: Pistols and Pistol Carbine or Carbine: Base ENC equals .7
Long Guns, the latter also called Shoulder Arms. The Rifle: Base ENC equals 1
Revolver is the commonest example of the Pistol, and the Shotgun: Base ENC equals 1.2
Rifle is the obvious example of the Long Gun. The only real Riot Gun (Sawed-off Shotgun): Base ENC equals .8
effect theseclassifications have in thegame if thequestion of
which Skill is used to fire the weapon in combat: PISTOL Eg. the M-1 Garand Rifleof WWll i s a BIG gun. Weighing in
Skill applies to Pistols, and RIFLE Skill to Long Guns. at 4.4 kg (9.5 Ib.) it will have an ENC of 1 (Base ENC for Rifles)
A Pistol is defined as being small enough to fire easily in plus .4, or 1.4.
one hand, although two may be required in the case of very Contrariwise, a little 32 ACP caliber autoloading pistol, a
long ones. Their other distinguishing feature is the fact that Saturday Night Special, weighing barely 10 oz., has an
they are held by a pistol grip, or butt, having no shoulder ENC of .24.
Long Guns are usually possessed of barrels over 18
(50cm) and are fitted with a Shoulder Stock. This latter
feature is their main distinguishing mark. They are generally
heavier and fire more powerful ammo than Pistols, with
greater range, accuracy and hitting power.
In these rules we will be quantifying a number of physical
characteristics of real weapons for purposes of
constructing a game model. 357 Magnum
3 Average quality for pistols, and for inexpensive but The following Table gives the Range Steps for each class
serviceable rifles and shotguns. of firearm. There are six Range Steps to be considered in the
4 High quality sporting arms, older military weapons. system:
5 Custom made firearms, competition class handguns, Point Blank Range (PER)
and top-quality military weapons comprise this elite of
Short Range (SHT)
the gun world. Effective Range (EFF)
These are arbitrary guidelines and Gamesmasters
Long Range (LNG)
expanding the gun inventory in their campaigns will have t o
Extreme Range (EXT)
make judgement calls on the DUR in most cases. One Maximum Range (MAX)
possible rule-of-thumb is to base ones assigned Durability
values on the market price o f the gun being used for the Also given are the Modifiers to the Basic Chance of
game model. But this can lead to low scores for well-made Success and Bullet Damage Group for shots fired at these
but inexpensive models, not uncommon in the firearms Ranges.
Throughout this chapter, various devices which will Match Weapons
enhance the use o f firearms are inserted under the heading A Feature available on some firearms will be Match quality.
of Features. Features are elements in the design of a weapon These weapons are designed for use in international
allowing better aim, faster fire, .more flexible use, etc. competition and have incredible accuracy. Weapons having
When a Feature directly affects the application of a rule, it this Feature add 50% to the distance defining their Range
is inserted following that rule in the text. A full list of Steps.
Features, including some not found in the rest of the text, Eg., a Match Rated LNG Pistol will have the following Rage
appears in Appendix 6. Steps: PBR 7.5, SHT 15, EFF 60, LNG 90, EXT 180, MAX 360.
Match Weapons also have an Inherent Accuracy bonus of
1 in the hands of unskilled users(see p.31 for the Inherent
THE GUN RULES Accuracy rules).
Having established the basic qualities of firearms, we here
give the specific rules governing their use in play. This
includes those factors determined by the weapon itself and RATE OF FIRE
those depending on the human firing it. The Rate of Fire is directly based on the Gun Action used.
It defines the number ofshotsthat thecharacter may fireina
RANGE single Action, as defined in Book 1 on p. 25. If a gun has a
Range is a function of the size and type of gun being used. Rate of 1 Shot per Action and is being used by a character
The range to the target affects the firers chance to hit and the with an MNA of 3, he may fire up to3shots per CombatTurn,
amage potential of the bullet. if all he does is fire the gun.
Range Table
BBL : SNUB 2 10 15 25 50 100
: SHT 4 10 20 30 60 120
: STD 5 10 30 50 100 200
: LNG 5 10 40 60 120 240
: XLNG 5 20 60 80 160 320
Long Guns
Carbine 10 25 50 250 500 1000
Rifle 10 30 100 500 1000 2000
Carbine 10 15 25 125 250 500
Rifle 10 20 50 250 500 1000
SMG 5 10 20 40 80 160
Slug Load 10 20 50 100 200 400
Shot Load Full Choke 10 25 30 60 100 150
Modified Choke 5 20 30 40 80 120
Open Choke 5 10 20 30 60 90
Riot Gun 5 10 15 20 30 50
Full Automatic Jamming
When firing FA, there is no strict limit to the number Of
Bursts which may be fired in an Action as such. The limit
comes from the tendency of automatic weapons to jam
during sustained fire. A single Burst can always be fired with
no fear of this happening (hence the development of Auto-
Bursts to circumvent the problem in later designs). But if
more Bursts are fired in an Action, the chances mount
The tendency to jam is limited by the gun's Durability. If Digger popped his head up from behind the
firing multiple Bursts, roll dice of the type appropriate to the embankment. BLAM! Another ghoul hit the dust. From
Rounds per Burst for the gun, 1such die per DUR point. For a several locations, return fire kicked up dust as the
gun firing 3 Rounds per Burst, with a DUR of 3,3D3 would be cannibals tried to bag their "meat."Digger drew a bead on
rolled. The number rolled indicates the round which will jam one of his hunters. CLICK! Click?
after the first Burst. A score of 3 would indicate a jam on the Digger's continued career in Aftermath! has just
third round of the second Burst fired that Action. If two become dependent on one vital question: can he reload
Bursts were indeed fired, the second would jam. If the score his piece before the ghouls turn him into cold cuts? The
had been 4, indicating a jam on the first round in the third time this is going to take depends on his native speedand
Burst, and only two Bursts were actually fired, then no jam the type of magazine his gun has.
would occur.
In any situation such as this, the first thing that must be
OPTION asked is, does the character have more ammo, ready to
Fumbling Bursts load, in an accessible place? A glance at the rulesfor pawing
One of the problems with FA fire is that the firer needs to through your backpack or pockets shows the unwisdom of
exercise great control to stop shooting when he wants to. storing spare loads there, unless you carry nothing but fresh
The high rate of fire may cause shots to be wasted. TO cartridges in that locale. The wisest course is an ammo
simulate this, the Gamesmaster may require those using FA pouch, or bandolier, which will allow you to flip open the
to make a Deftness AST. If the Saving Throw fails, then roll a container and pull out your rounds without fumbling past all
die appropriate to the Rounds per Burst, and the indicated the other junk stored there.
number of extra rounds were fired. As such shots are not Once you have the cartridges ready to go- the rest depends
well-controlled by the firer, they will not hit any target, and if on your gun.
This Section deals with chemical explosives: dynamite, floor in a second Fall after he has bounced off the obstacle.
plastic explosive, blasting powders, and the weapons made See p. 32 in Book 1 for Fall effects.
from them: hand or rifle grenades, mortar shells, mines, etc. 0 All cnaldcters exposed to Blast suffer Subdual Damage to
We do not discuss atomic explosives (Gamesmasters will their whole system (Le., no Location is rolled for). They
find some ideas on nukes in Book 3, but frankly, theyre not reduce this damaqe by their Average AV. The amount of
our thing). Subdual Damage equals 2 x effective Blast.
These rules govern the use of explosives in two roles: anti-
personnel (i.e. against characters) and demolition (i.e. 0 Blast may deafen characters with unprotected ears. The
against the Barrier valueof structures). The useof explosives base chance of this occurring for a character is 2% x effec-
against Vehicles is specifically outlined at the end of the tive Blast. If this DlOO roll indicates Deafening, thecharac-
section. ter must make a Health CST. Failure to make the Saving
Throw will deafen the victim for (50CombatTurns- Health
Score). If Deafening affects a character already suffering
RATING EXPLOSIVES such a result, the indicated time is added to the period he
All explosive materials generate a concussion effect when will remain deaf.
detonated. This is called Blast. It is effective against both
characters and Barriers. Jose spun around as a hissing, sparking something
Most explosive weapons will produce a fragmentation crashed through the window. A bundle of dynamite
effect as well. This is called Frag (for Fragmentation). It is delivered by Air Mail, a present from his pursuers! He
produced by sheathing an explosive charge with a metal or dove for the sputtering package of death, but a hail of
plastic jacket, which is smashed into shards by the force of rifle fire from outside drove him away from the
the explosion andhurled outwards like a hail of bullets. windows line o f sight. Desperately, he ran for the door,
In codifying explosives or explosive weapons, the format sickly aware that he would be too late. Suddenly, the
NAME BLASTjFRAG is used. NAME is the name of the world seemed to turn into a volcano, a nova, a
material or the weapon. BLAST is its Blast rating. FRAG thundering chaos of noise and pain. A giant bludgeon
is its Frag rating. slammed into Joses body, and everything went dark.
An explosive will almost always produce Blast, but not The above scene illustrates the effects of Blast o n a
necessarily Frag. Thus, an entry like TNT 10 is assumed to character. Jose is some 10 meters away from a three-
mean a charge of TNT, or Dynamite, with a Blast of 10, but n o stick bundle of TNT. Each stick has a Blast o f 10, fora
Frag. The entry Hand Grenade 5/5 would indicate a total of 30. The effective Blast is thus 30 (the rated
grenade with a Blast of 5 and a Frag of 5. value of the explosive) minus 10 (Joses distance in
There are some exotic exceptions (see Claymore Mines meters from the explosion) for a total of 20.
later in this section), but they represent special cases. First, Jose is hit by a Stopping Effect of 20. His Mass
is about 5 , so the effect number is 2015, or 4. This will
BLAST EFFECTS toss him 203 meters away from the explosions
location, and requires a Deftness AST i f he is to avoid a
These operate on two fronts: against characters in range,
knockdown. Unfortunately, Jose got close enough to
and against structures and items either deliberately or the door that the Blast will pitch him into it. The
incidentally exposed to significant Blast ratings.
Gamesmaster rolled a 5 for the distance of the
BLAST VS. CHARACTERS Stopping knock-back. Jose was only 2 meters from the
The base Blast rating of an explosion determines the door (so near, yet so far). He slams info the door as i f he
maximum range at which it can affect a character. For every had fallen 5 meters. He rolls for Fall effects. There are
meter of distance between the center of the explosion (the none. He now rolls his Speed AST to stay o n his feet
hex in which it takes place) and the character, reduce the after the Stopping Effect. He makes it! OK Jose!
effective Blast by 1. However, the Blast also does Jose twice its effective
value in Subdual Damage. This is 40 points (for an
0 All characters exposed to Blast suffer a Stopping Effect, effective Blast of 20) and Jose is only in an Average A V
as described in Missile Special Effects in Book 1. with a of 4, for a total of 36. The poor slob must try to resist
force equal to the effective Blast. This figure is divided by System Shock ( i f the whopping concussion has not
their personal Mass to derive the Effect Number of the simply blown his damage total past his DRT). Joses
Stopping Effect. system evinces its disgust at these outrages by
refusing to succeed at a Health AST, and he goes down
Among other things, this Effect will hurl the character for the count. The only good thing about all this is that
away from the center of the explosion for the indicated any Deafening results from the Blast will have worn off
number of meters. I f his path is blocked by a solid obstacle, by the time Jose comes to.
before he has moved the indicated distance, then he will
suffer a Fall result, hitting the obstacle as if he had fallen
onto it from a height equal to the distance rolled for the DEFENSES AGAINST BLAST
Stopping Effect. Immediate check is made for Fall results. Hard cover is good protection against Blast. If it is beyond
Should he survive these, he will usually have to save the Blasts ability to knock down (see Demolition rules
against falling down due to the Stopping Effect. This is following) it will protect the character against all but the
carried out normally. Thus, a Blast can slap a character up Deafening attack. It had better be solid, though, or the
against an object, simulating a Fall, and/or drop him to the character may find himself buried under his cover.
With civilization in ruins, mans monetary systems are also operating in a city is known throughout the city. A trader
likely to go down the drain. A currency is only worth travelling through the countryside might be known over an
something in this day and age if people believe in it. With a area with a radius of 1 to 300 kilometers depending on his
collapse of organized governments, man will probably revert goods, services, mode of transport, and the density of the
to a barter economy. The value of an item to a person will be population. If the Gamesmaster designs a Personality Non-
related to the persons needs and wants, in that order. Player Character for a trader, he should establish the
Any attempt to classify all the possible items and their characters trade route and stock.
values to defferent people with different priorities would be Sometimes the reason for not being rough with a trader
hopelessly doomed before it was begun. The entire process will be immediately obvious. He may travel in a tank. For
of bartering, as presented here, is a guideline. The activity of whatever reasons, players should be aware that traders are in
bartering for goods and services is variable by its nature. A many ways the heralds of the reawakening civilization.
good trader will get a better deal than a poor trader but the Heralds have a traditional immunity when they are
price in one town might be cheap, in another expensive, performing their duties. Players should know what they are
and in a third the item may be totally unavailable. doing if they contemplate attacking a trader. The
When the Gamesmaster allows the players to have a barter consequences, even if not immediate, can be lethal.
session, he should be aware that it can get very involved.
Players are always on the lookout for the best possible deal BARTER PROCESS
or arrangement for their characters. This may result in The barter process consists of establishing the price and
involved sessions where the players are constantly asking either meeting it or not. To establish the price, the
the prices of items to figure out the arrangement most to Gamesmaster will first determine the overall attitude of the
their advantage, reneging on earlier arrangements because trader in the transaction. By making a roll on the Reaction
they have thought of something better, and attempting t o Table, and multiplying the Value Number by 5%, the
trade back something they have just bought because a Gamesmaster will get a modification to the base Barter Point
friend traded for something else they find more attractive. value of all goods or services in the transaction. This applies
This sort of thing will get on the Gamesmasters nerves. It is a only to the traders evaluation of the Player-Characters
safe bet that it would also get on the nerves of the non-player offered trading stock.
character represented by the Gamesmaster in these Both sides will roll a Cdmmerce Skill BCS. If individual
curcumstances. Such traders may refuse to make further items are being bartered, a roll will be made for each
deals in that session and would certainly raise the value of transaction. In this case the Commerce score will be
any other items that they offered. averaged with the score in a Skill which governs the use of
When there is a lot of trading to bedone, the Gamesmaster the items in the transaction before the BCS is calculated.
may wish t o obtain from the players a list of what the The value of the Player-Characters goods will be altered
characters have available to trade. He should put a value on by a factor. This factor is 1% times a number, whether
the items on the list. Totalling all the values will yield a positive or negative, arrived at by subtracting the Effect
number of Barter Points available to the Player-Characters. Number of the traders BCS roll, if successful, from the
These can be treated as money to buy items and/or services Player-Characters Effect Number, i f his BCS roll was
from the trader at prices set by the Gamesmaster. Doing successfu I .
things this way is less colorful than dickering x e r e a c h item, These modifications are not added together but are done
but will avoid spending the hours required to do just that. successively. If the traders reaction was Excellent, the
basic values of the Player-Characters goods is increased by
TRADERS 25%(+5 times 5% means an increase of 5 x 5% or 25%). If the
Traders are a vital link between survivor communities. traders Effect Number was 12 and the Player-Characters
They carry goods, services, and news between such was 2, the net Effect Number is-10. Multiplied by 1%, this will
holdings. As this is the case, the communities would not take give a negative modification of 10%. If the base Barter Point
kindly to their being killed or robbed. Characters who think value of the item was 100, the first modification would raise it
that it might be easier to kill a trader and take what they want by 25% to 125. The second modification would reduce it by
should keep this in mind. Traders generally haveestablished 10% or 12.5, rounded to the nearest yielding 13, for a Barter
routes where they are known. This gives them a Recognition Point value for the item of 112. Note that his is not the same
Factor which is applied to the goods that th?y carry. Any result that would be obtained if the two modifications were
character seen carrying or using the goods of a trader who added together. Such a process would give a modification of
has been robbed or killed will be immediately suspected of the baseof 2~0/~-100/~or1~0!o,andafinalvalueof 115%of 100,
the deed. or 115 Barter Points.
This Recognition Factor can bedetermined by the Games-
master with the roll oy 2010. He may add to this any BARTERVALUES
modifications he deems appropriate due to length of time on The actual Barter Point value of an item can vary widely. In
the trade route, distinctiveness of material, any certifiable any barter economy the price of an item or service is
markings on the goods, etc. This Factor is the chance in 20 directly dependent on need. The value of a curativedrug t o a
that goods will be recognized. For each week since the sick man is well above the base value of the drug. The value
discovery of the traders loss the Factor will be reduced by 1. of a .38 caliber round to a man with a .45 caliber pistol is
The Gamesmaster should remember that this sort of thing minimal. The Gamesmaster is the final arbiter of the base
will only apply within the territory of the trader. value of an item. It may not have the same value at the next
The Gamesmaster can probably assume that a trader trading session.
The intention of this section is to provideguidelines forthe The Area of a vehicle is the number of hexes o n the DAT
inclusion of vehicles of varyina sorts into the world of Display that are occupied by the representation of the
Aftermath! Vehicles, by their very nature, are difficult to deal vehicle. Thus, a vehicle that is 2 hexes wide and 3 hexes long
with in the same scale that one is dealing with a single man. has an Area of 6.
The Gamesmaster will probably find that he must use a The Damage Resistance of a vehicle is based on its
combination of Detailed Action and Tactical Scales to Structure and one half its Area. The product of these two
handle situations involving vehicles. numbers is the vehicles Damage Resistance. Thus, a vehicle
Vehicles are only dealt with in general terms. The with a Structure rating of 2 and an Area of 6 would have a
Gamesmaster is left to provide specific details of vehicles Damage Resistance of 2 x 3 or 6. When a vehicle is damaged
that he wishes to include in his campaign. Provided in in combat, each time thedamage done to it reaches thevalue
Appendix 7 is a selection of some sample vehicles to give the of the Damage Resistance, the vehicle will lose 1 point of
Gamesmaster, or player, a better idea of the transition from Durability. Thus, our sample vehicle, if it took 4 points of
the generalized guidelines presented in this section to the damage, would lose 2 points of Durability. When it takes 4
specifications for a particular vehicle. more points of damage it will lose another point Of
The Gamesmaster is warned that these rules are not Durability.
designed to handle situations with large numbers of The type of Fuel System used by a vehicle will affect such
vehicles. If he wishes to devise situations which will result in things as its maximum speed and its efficiency in utilizing
the use of large numbers, he is advised to work out a fuel. In the chart below are presented four Fuel Systems.The
compromise between Aftermath! and some other rules Velocity Efficiency is a percentageof the top speed specified
designed to deal with the complex interactions of many for a vehicle using a Petroleum fuel. This percentage is taken
vehicles. The rules as presented deal primarily with ground of the top speed given for a Petroleum fueled version of a
vehicles though adaptation to aircraft and boats is minimal. vehicle such as can be found in whatever reference source is
being used by the Gamesmaster for his statistics on the
QUANTIFYING VEHICLES vehicle. This yields the top speed for that version of the
Each particular vehicle is described by a listing of its vehicle at its maximum Durability. The Mileage percentage is
specifics in relation to certain categories. These categories applied in a similar fashion to the statistics for a Petroleum
include Durability, Structure, Area, Damage Resistance and Fueled base vehicle.
Fuel System. Each of these categories will be dealt with in A model vehicle with a maximum speed of 120 kilometers
turn. per hour which gets 10 kilometers per liter (thats72 mph and
The Durability of a vehicle is a measure of its condition. 25 mpg) is designed to use Electric power. I t would have a
Durability ratings run from 1 to 20. A vehicle with a Durability maximum speed of 48 kph and get 5 kilometers out of 1
of 20 is in absolute top condition while a vehicle with a charge. If the model vehicle had run on diesel fuel the
Durability to 1 is barely able to function. When a vehicles kilometers per charge figure would have been 4.5.
Durability reaches 0, it is considered to be Disrepaired. If the
vehicles Durability reaches a negative value beyond its
Structure rating it is considered Junked. Beyond twice its
Structure rating, the vehicle is considered totally destroyed FUEL SYSTEMS
and is even useless for parts. Thus, a vehicle with a Structure Mileage*
rating of 2 is Disrepaired if its Durability rating is in the range Velocity Efficiency Kilometers per Liter
from 0 to -2 and Junked if the rating is from -3 to -4. If the System Kelometers per Hour or per Charge
rating is -5 or less, the vehicle is totally destroyed. Petroleum 100% 120%
The Durability will also affect the maximum speed that the
vehicle is capable of achieving. The Durability rating times Gasoline 100% 100% (85%)
10% (maximum value is 100%) is the percentageof thestated
top speed after modification for Fuel System, that the
vehicle, in its current state, is capable of reaching. Note that
1 Alcohol2 60% 80% (70%)
this speed is not the same as the Maximum Safe Speed. Hydrogen3 50O/o 60% (50%)
The Basic Structure rating of a vehicle is based on the
ruggedness of its construction. The values run from 1 to 5. Electric4 40% 50% (45%)
Each general class of vehicle may have any rating assigned
to it by the Gamesmaster that falls into the general range for
that class. The availability of vehicles using these Fuel Systems may
__ soon become limited in the real world. Their availability in a
ruined world may be non-existent.
General Vehicle Class Rating 2This is a system burning ethyl alcohol as the combustible.
Vehicles designed for 3This system uses metallic hydrides to store hydrogen
road use 1-2 which is released as the combustible. It is stored ascharges.
Vehicles designed for
off-road use 2-3 4This system uses power stored in a battery. It is stored as
Heavy-duty vehicles or charges.
light combat vehicles 3-4 If the model vehicle operates on diesel fuel use the
Heavy combat vehicles 4-5 number in parentheses for calculation of the Mileage.
also have some effect. For each 2 points, round down, the Material Barrier value
effects of 1 point of adjusted Crash Factor will be cancelled. Safety Glass window 10
Light metal 20
FIRING ON VEHICLES as in small cars
Sooner or later, vehicles will be fired on. The resultsof this Medium metal 30
fire will depend on what is being fired and the nature of the as in average cars and light truck bodies
target. Vehicular targets are placed in one of two categories:
Hard or Soft. Hard targets are those vehicles which are Heavy metal 40
armored against incoming fire, such as tanks and other as in big cars and standard truck bodies
combat vehicles. Soft targets are all those other vehicles Engine blocks 100
whose tasks generally involve more peaceful pursuits.
If a character is firing on a stationary target, he may choose If there are no characters in the portion attacked or if the
which portion of the vehicle he is firing on. If it is a small part characters are missed, the vehicle itself will beattacked. The
of the target such as a light, he should receive a significant Barrier Values will have their effects on incoming missile fire
negative modification to his BCS (about -10). A somewhat and the damage done will be counted against the vehicles
larger target such as a wheel or tire would have a smaller Damage Resistance. As noted before, each time the Damage
modifier (about -5). Gas tanks, as protected as they usually Resistance is exceeded the vehicle will lose 1 point of
are, might require a Critical Hit. Other portions of a vehicle Durability.
such as the drivers area (front seat, cab, etc.) and body A Critical Hit when firing at a vehicle will attack thevehicle.
(passenger seat, truck body, etc.) would not receive a It will also call for a roll on the Vehicle Critical Hit Table.
, ,
Hypothetical Cover Provided by a Compact Car.
vehicle's Fuel System. The blast value of 1 round is equal to REPAIRING VEHICLES
the VDG of the round divided by 10 and rounded to the A character with the proper Repair Skill may repair
vehicles. Each point of Durability isaTask. TheTaskValue is
Moving hard targets get the same Combat Dodge Ability as equal to the vehicle's Damage Resistance. It requires 1 unit
soft targets. The character firing on a hard target may never
of partsfor each Durability point. A Disrepaired vehicle of the
choose which portion of the vehicle he is firing upon. The same type will yield 2D3 units and a Junked vehiclewill yield
only exception to this is fire directed at an exposed or
1D3 units. If a particular system has been destroyed, the
partially exposed character such as a tank commander
Task Value is triple the Damage Resistanceand it will require
standing in the turret hatch. Even small arms can be used for
2D6 units of specific parts in order to make the system
this kind of attack. If the Hit Location roll indicated that the
function again. Repairing a system is a separate Task from
portion of the target that IShit is covered by the vehicle, the repairing the vehicle's Durability. The Task Period is a day.
vehicle will be attacked instead. This means that small arms
will have no effect.
Weapons rated for VDG will always attack the vehicle.
There is no need to check to see if a character is attacked. A
successful attack on the vehicle that penetrates its armor will
automatically attack the crew.
If a weapon rated for VDG fires on a soft target, treat the
target as if it had a Vehicle Armor Value of 2
Vehicle-level armor is rated on a scale similar'to that used
for the armor worn by the characters. Materials have
the same rating but are much heavier, thicker, denser, etc. If
non-VDG-rated weapons are used against them they have an
effective Armor Value of 10 times the rating of the material
when used by a character, and will act as a Barrier. As you
will see, this effectively stops most rounds not rated as anti-
Tank or APC rounds Infantry weapons Artillery Rounds
Round VDG Recoilless Rifle Round VDG
152mm HEAT 51 Round VDG
105mmHEAT 15
120mm APDS 55 106mm 50
Non-HEAT Treat as exdosions
105mm HEAT 48 90mm 40 to exposed crew.
Machine gun BDG x .01 x Rate Factor Non-AP Vehicle takes VDG
105mm APDS 44 hit of 1/2 explosion
90mmHEAT 42 with AP ammo BDG x .02 x RF s t r e n g t h at i t s
30mm AP 12 LAW 36 range from the
ground zero.
20mm AP 9 3.5 " Bazooka 33
40mm Grenade Launcher 6
HEAT receives -10 when rolling for Hard Target Special
HE/HESH (artillery rounds) receive a -20.
AP and APDS rounds lose 1 point of VDG per 100 meters of
range. They add 5 under 100 meters and add 10 under 50
In between fighting for their lives, characters i n the the farming communities, but stop to consider this: Without
Aftermath need to eat, just likeeverybody else. Besides fresh access to high-technology agricultural materials and
ammo, they need to procure clothes, shoes, and so on. How equipment, the average yield of crops and the raising of food
do they go about this? beasts is going to decline. After the first few waves of starving
city refugees hit the rural areas, thefarmersaregoing tostart
EATING meeting any strangers with rifles and shotguns.
The first thing to go in urban areas after a general collapse QUANTIFYING THE DAYS TAKE
will be food. Unlike rural locales, which can become self-
supporting in such matters, the city provides no arable A party of Characters running out of food may opt to hunt,
acreage, at least not without some lengthy preparations. fish (if a body of water is present), or forage for their food.
The city survivor has several options: This posits that they do not havean Encounterwith anything
edible. Their locale will affect the take on Hunting.
He can hunt. Since AHefmafh! generally assumes a few
decades between the Ruin and the start of play, there will
be game present in the urban environment. And, as the Hunting Effect Die
inhabitants of any wartime city would tell you, some game Terrain Type BCS Modifier Modifier
abounds from the start. City, ruined or built up -3 -1 Group
Rattus Rattus Norvegicus, the Black Norway Rat, is Open rural -1 No change
edible, even nourishing, and has long been known as a (Plains, Farmland)
staple for starving civic populations. During the last year +2 +1 Group
Forest, Woods, Foothills
of WWII, the city of Berlin was almost 100%de-ratted, as
the people eked out their sub-starvation level rations by Mountains, Desert +1 No change
hunting the grey residents of their sewers and walls. Man,
backed into a survival corner, still seems able to make a
cornered rat look like a day-old kitten when it comes to Fishing is unaffected by the type of environment. Lake,
savage survival potential. Cats, dogs, pigeons, and the river, stream, or ocean, the differences tend t o even out in the
other passengers on the citys bounty would also become long run.
fair game. Foraging is campaign dependent. Book 3 covers the basic
Foraging rules, and the Gamesmaster will set up the actual
a The average city can feed its full population for only a day situations.
or two on stored, preserved foods. But if war or disaster Of course, finding a community or even an individual or
has eliminated most of that population, the situation is small group with food to spare can also feed the characters.
altered. As long as food stocks last, they will feed the Depending on their ethics, they may try to take the supplies
survivors. In this as in much of Affermafhl we have made a or they may engage in a Bartering session, either of which
basic assumption about packaging. We are not far from is played out on the spot, rather than being handled on a
developing commercial packing techniques for edibles fixed doctrinal basis. Small groups of wanderers are not
that will last indefinitely. Chemically inert plastic likely to trade food, nor are communities that have to
containers, 100% effective sterilization techniques for scrounge it themselves. Farming communities, or groups
preserved food, freeze-drying , effective vacuu m-pac king, with large stockpiles of preserved goods, may very well be
all would produce a stored treasury of foodstuffs that into trading food for other goods, if the characters comport
would be edible after centuries. themselves properly.
So, just as they search for guns, ammo, machinery, and OPTION
So on, the characters can scavenge food, luxuries like Hunting Out an Area
tobacco and liquor, and such necessities as medical The Gamesmaster may choose to decree that the area
supplies and drugs. Positing that the increased need to chosen for hunting operations will tend to get sparser if it is
save energy and prevent waste during the pre-Ruin years used constantly. For everyday after their first that characters
leads to a highly developed technology of storage and stay put in one locale, hunting, reduce the BCS used by 103.
preservation, the extrapolation is not outrageous. It will take a 10 km move to get into new territory, where the
game has become less wary.
.Besides doctrinal Hunting and Fishing, using the
appropriate Skills, or using Survival Skill to feed oneself
on a day-to-day basis, the character may be able to eat
such beings as come out on the short end of afight. In the TYPES OF FOODSTUFFS
Animal descriptions in Book 3, we give figures as to the For purposes of calculating bulk, there are several broad
edible portionsof the larger creatures that characters may classifications of edibles.
encounter. That lion you shot in Central Park may also
Natural Foods (1 BP/Ration): Enough t o keep a man
keep you fed for a couple of days. going for 1 day at full efficiency bulks 1 ENC. These are
In the country, the same options are available to the fresh (relatively) animal foods, grain or grain products, or
hungry character. The game is more plentiful, and there will vegetables.
be fewer stores of packaged foods to raid, unless one goes Preserved Natural Foods (2 BP/Ration): Dried meat,
bandit, hitting farm communities for supplies. Fresh vegetables, hard-breads (the jerky, gorp, and hardtack of
agricultural products and animal foods will be available in the backpacker) run to .7ENC per days rations per man.
We have discussed the mechanics of designing a Player The Player who built Chip, or Chipper as his associates
Character in some detail, and have directed general call him, has built asolid, righteoussoutherner, holding on to
comment at less quantifiable aspects of such design: putting his humanity in thesavage world of the Ruin by dint of a basic
on the characters mask, or thinking with his head. code of ethics. Rolling the bodies of dead children violates
But what specific guidelines can we give you for running a that code, to the disgust of the characters with less restraint.
character in Aftermath!, the game set in a world where all On the flip side, an interesting juxtaposition exists in the
the old rules died with the civilization that spawned them. By playtest campaign. One of Chips current companions is
now, it is probably crystal clear to most of you that an Tater, who is a couple of years younger than the rifleman.
Aftermath! campaign can get pretty sickening, if you Tater ran with the Pagans (an East Coast counterpart to
follow some of the implications of world collapse to their Hells Angels). He is a cycle freak, a graying biker in a world
logical conclusions. How do you keep the campaign from without cops. When things fell apart, we shudder to think of
degenerating into a mindless series of gunfights between what Tater must have done. He is a vicious gangster. It is a
ruthlessly amoral Player and Non-Player Characters? safe bet that he lived by preying on those less lethal than
It is all very well to say it is the Gamesmasters job. But that himself. He appreciates the survival value of the group that
poor jerk has an awful lot on his mind already, and in this area operates about Chip, but our Gamesmaster suspicions see
especially the full cooperation of the Players is necessary to a showdown when the almost inevitable time comes that
keep things alive. Tater tries to pull something that Chipper will not stand for.
When the campaign is getting off the ground, perhaps after These two cases sketch the process by which widely
the first few scenarios, when people are getting comfortable variant Player characters can evolve and interact in
with the rules, a session discussing the state of the world and Aftermath! Initially, the Player who runs Chip decided to
looking at possible goals for Player Characters is in order. build a stereotypical redneck, charter member of the NRA,
What is the known state of the country? Is Europe still alive, outdoorsman, afficionado of good homebrew. As Chip has
or Asia? Are the characters lone wolves, fighting just to developed through the cenarios, he has emerged as a rock
survive, or are they part of a community, struggling to keep a solid survivor, staying alive as much by his cunning as a
spark of the old civilization burning, or to bring the seeds of a tactician as by his accuracy with a rifle, and emerging from
new tomorrow to fruition? the maelstrom of the Ruin with a deep-seated sense of
The answers to these questions provide the foundations decency that may get him killed but has saved an awful lot of
for ongoing character motivation in the campaign. On a lives along the way.
more personal level, Players should consider the following: Tater has demonstrated a valuable lesson to the Players.
You were 24 years old when the Ruin fell, and slammed He is an essentially sterile character, for all his ruthless
mankind back intoasecond Dark Age. Nowyouaregoing on survival talent, and the other Player characters, including
50. You used to think of yourself as a decent kind of person. some controlled by the same Player, trust him like lions trust
Since things fell apart you have done some things to survive jackals.
that dont bear thinking of. You face a giant dilemma every
day you decide to stay alive: do you throw every ethic you WHEN TIME IS OUT OF JOINT
ever held dear overboard, or is there some basic code of While the main thrust of Aftermath! posits a campaign
behavior that is going t o keep you sane and human through set 20-30 years after the Ruin, this is not a solid limit. We have
all this? experimented in the playtest with a 200 Years After
We have seenOldsters, characters who were adult by the campaign. Lost is the sense of immediacy, and thesimplicity
time of the Ruin, draw weapons on fellow Player Characters of dealing with technological material when everyone is
when confronted by some act their Players had decided was assumed to be moderately familiar with it. Some items, like
intolerable to the character. firearms, will probably remain fairly common, although the
Scene: A dark room, the inner chambers of a great museum, Muzzle Loaders are likely to replace the modern weapons as
now a tomb dating back two and a half decades. A party of they break down, and ammo runs out. But the products of
schoolchildren died here, caught by the disaster that killed a industrial chemistry, the manufactured goods, and all the
world. A group of people move carefully around the corner, powered equipment, might slowly become the magic of the
holding makeshift torches. Two of the younger members see new primitives. While isolated enclaves may preserve theold
the tiny, half-mummified corpses. Check em out for good knowledge, most communities will be in a state of neo-
stuff. The pair starts to move in. The snick of the safety catch barbarism, poised at the beginnning of the climb back to
seems awfully loud in the still, marble room. Idont expect civilization.
you fellas to understand this, but i f you damn ghouls touch The characterizations in such campaigns may operate on
those kids, Im going to kill you. The quiet conviction in the a different level than those in the First Generation system.
rasping, age-husky voice freezes the two in their tracks. You are Vinz of Twobomz Valley. The raid on the Horz
A w, Chipper, you got some crazy ideas, complains one of People was a great success and Rik, Warchief of the Horned
them. But they back up, very slowly, and with their hands Riders, the finest warrior-clan in all the Bul people, called
held well clear of their own holsters. Theyve seen the old you Brave Lance! But in the midst o f all the fighting, your
man march a stream of slugs from that rifle up a mans chest foolish mind, that got you all those beatings from Rojur when
and into his face, firing at 100 yards. H e is barely 10 feet he tried to pound the sagas into you, kept asking, Why do we
away. As the tension subsides, the party moves on. The always fight the other tribes?
glimmering torchlight fades, and the brief disturbance sinks It is hard to ask such questions. A l l men know we fight to
into the uncomplaining forgetfulness that is the special keep the land that is ours. We fight because all who are not of
hallmark of the dead. our blood, our lineage, are enemies. So has i t always been,
May have initial equipment
Always requires tools or weapons
Sometimes requires or uses tools or weapons
Has an "averaging" function
Brawling 1 STR + DFT + Combative 3 Swimming 1 HLH + STR + Natural 1
Fencing 1 SPD + DFT + Combative 3 Tracking 1 WT + Natural + Natural 2 (Urban/Rurrl)
Flexible Weapon 1 DFT + STR + Combative 3 Hunting 1 DFT + WT + Natural 2 (Trap/Shoot)
Knife 1 DFT + SPD + Combative 3 Search 1 WT + WT + Natural 2 (Urban/Rural)
Longsword 1 STR + DFT + Combative 3 Stealth 1 DFT + WT + Natural 2 (Urban/Rural)
Nunchaku 1 DFT + STR + Combative 3 KNOWLEDOES
Palearm 1 STR + DFT + Combative 3 Advanced Farming 2
Sai 1 DFT + STR + Combative 3 (Dirt Farming) 2 WT + DFT + Natural 1
Single Weapon 1 STR + DFT + Combative 3 Bowyer 2 2 DFT + WT + Mechanical 1
Tonfa 1 DFT + STR + Combative 3 Carpentry 1 DFT + WT + Mechanical 1
Two Weapon 1 STR + DFT + Combative 3 Commerce 2 WL + WT + Charismatic 1
Unarmed Combat 1 DFT + SPD + Combative 3 Culture 0 WT + Communicative +Esthetic 2 (Pre/Post Ruin)
Weapon and Shield 1 STR + DFT + Combative 3 Dirt Farmlng * 1 HLH + DFT + Natural 1
MUSCLE POWERED MISSILE WEAPONS * Fermentation * 2 WT + Natural + Natural 1
Archery 2 DFT + WT + Combative Foreign Language (specify)
Blowgun 2 HLH + WT + Combative 1 WT + WL +Communicative 2 (Spoken/Written)
Bola 2 DFT + WT + Combative
Crossbow 2 DFT + WT + Combative Interrogation 8 3 WL + WT + Charismatic 1
Sling 2 DFT + WT + Combative Leatherworking 2 2 DFT + WT + Esthetic 1
Slingshot 2 DFT + WT + Combative Literacy (specify) 1 WT + WT + Communicative 1
Throwing 2 DFT + WT + Combative Masonry 3 1 DFT + DFT + Mechanical 1
SMALL ARMS 1 * Nutritionist 2 WT + Scientific + Natural 1
Repair, Muscle powered vehicles
Pistol, Modern 3 DFT + WT +Combative
Pistol, Primitive 3 DFT + WT +Combative (Carpentry) 2 DFT + WT + Mechanical 1
Rifle, Modern 3 DFT + WT + Combative Salvage Food 2 WT + DFT + Scientific 1
Rifle, Primitive 3 DFT + WT + Combative (Nutritionist)
SUPPORT WEAPONS * Tactics 2 WT + Combative+ Comm
Autoweapon 4 DFT + WT + Combative Tailor 2 1 DFT + DFT + Esthetic
Breech Loading Artillery 4 DFT + WT + Combative Weaver/Spinner 2 1 DFT + WT + Esthetic
Direct Fire Cannon 4 DFT + WT + Combative
Grenade Launcher 4 DFT + WT + Combative TECHNICAL, PHYSICAL SKILLS
Missile Launcher 4 DFT + WT + Combative Automobile Driving 2 DFT + WT + Mechanical 1
(Technology Use) (Technology Use)
Mortar 4 DFT + WT + Combative Basic Research 3 1 WT + WT + Scientific 1
Muzzle Loading Artillery 4 DFT + WT + Combative Heavy Equipment Driving'2 DFT + WT + Mechanical 1
Primitive Seige Engines 4 DFT + WT + Combative (Technology Use)
NON-TECHNICAL, PHYSICAL SKILLS Lab Technique 2 1 DFT + WT + Mechanical 1
Beast Riding4 1 WL + DFT + Nature 1 (Technology Use)
Bicycle Riding 2 1 DFT + STR + Mechanical 1 Lockpicking I 2 2 DFT + WT + Mechanical 1
Boating 1 STR + WT + Natural 1 Magnalock Penetration' 2 DFT + WT + Mechanical 1
Climbing 3 1 STR + DFT + Natural 1 (Technology Use)
Fishing 3 1 DFT + WT + Natural 2 (Trap/Hook) Motorcycle Driving 2 2 DFT + WT + Mechanical 1
Gambling 1 DFT + WT + Charismatic 1 (Technology Use)
Handicraft (specify) 5 1 DFT + WT + Talent 1 Powerboat Pilot 2 2 DFT + WT + Mechanical 1
Seamanship 1 HLH + DFT + Natural 1 (Technology Use)
Survival (specify) 3 1 HLH + WL + Natural 1 Technology Use 2 1 DFT + WT + Mechanical 1
Natural Armor Leather AL FH .02 5 3
Hardened Heavy Leather H-HL FH .008 5 3
Heavy Leather HL FS ,008 4 2
Scaled Leather SL FH ,008 4 2
Natural Armor Hide AH FS .02 4 2
Light Leather LL FS ,004 3 2
Heavy Hide HH FS .008 3 2
Scaled Hide SH FS .008 3 2
Heavy Cloth HC FQ ,001 2 1
Light Hide LH FS ,004 2 1
Light Cloth LC FQ ,0005 1 0.5
Carballoy CA R .072 14 21
Plated Carballoy LP-CA SR .08 13 20
Macrosteel MS R .07 12 18
Mesh Carballoy M-CA FH .09 11 17
High Quality Steel as R .07 10 15
Plated Macrosteel LP-MS SR ,092 10 15
Steel SP R .07 9 9
Plated High Quality Steel LP-as SR ,092 9 9
Mesh Macrosteel M-MS FH ,104 9 9
Light Ferrous Metal FP R .06 8 8
Plated Steel LP-SP SR ,092 8 8
Aluminum Alloy AA R .04 7 7
Plated Ferrous Metal LP-FP SR ,078 7 7
Mesh High Quality Steel M-QS FH ,104 7 7
Bronze EP R .06 6 6
Plated Aluminum Alloy LP-AA SR .052 6 6
Mesh Steel M-SP FH ,104 6 6
Mesh Ferrous Metal M-FP FH .09 6 6
Plated Bronze LP-EP SR ,078 5 5
Mesh Aluminurn Alloy M-AA FH .06 5 5
Mesh Bronze M-EP FH .09 4 4
Ballistic Cloth
This material presents an effective barrier to bullets but still does not
perform as well against hand held weapons. To determine the Ballistic Cloth's
Armor Value when struck by a hand-held weapon, divide the Barrier Factor by
10 and round to the nearest whole number. If the character sfruck is wearing
other armor that has a higher Armor Value than thecloth. thisotherarmorwill
be used to subtract from the Damage Potential.
henry christen (order #23380) 2
Each of the weapons listed is presented in an abbreviated format to save allowed under the usual rules for such, and T means a second attack is allowed
space. The meaning of each statistic and the abbreviations used are noted in a Single Action.
below. Some weapons will haveadditional notes regarding their nature or use. Surv.: This is the Survival Value of the weapon if the Clash of Weapons
These will have footnotes to be found at the end of the listing. Option is in use.
Weapon: The name of the weapon is listed here. Format: This details whether or not the weapon may be used to thrust. T
Skills: The Skill(s) for using the weapon. Any weapon usuable by Single means thrust only, S means a normal striking attack, and E meansan Entangle
Weapon Combat Skill may be used with Two Weapon or Weapon and Shield attack allowed.
Combat Skills. Abbreviations used are: Length This is the length category of the weapon. It will affect the Zone of
Single Weapon - SW Longsword - LS Influence. the Strength Group used for the Effect Die and other things as
Knife - Kn Brawling - Br described in Detailed Action Time.
Throwing - Th Nunchaku - Na S-Short
Polearm - PI Unarmed Combat - UC A-Average
Flexible Weapon - FW L-Long
Utlllty: This is the Utility number value of the weapon. XL-Extra Long
STR: This is the Strength Rating of the weapon. ENC: This is the Encumbrance value of the weapon.
Hand This is the number of hands normally used to control the weapon. 1 is WDM: This is the Weapon Damage Multiplier of the weapon. It is followed
a weapon used in one hand, 2 is a weapon requiring two hands to use properly, by a letter indicating the kind of damage done.
and 1%is a weapon that may be used with one or two hands. L is all Lethal
S&.: This isan indicationof whethertheweapon allowsasecondstrike ora C is 75% Subdual and 25% Lethal
secondary attack. N means none is allowed, S means a secondary attack is D is 50% Subdual and 50% Lethal
Ax, fire 6 sw, PI 2 3 1% s 6 S L 1 1.EL 5
hatchet SW. Th 1 1 1 N 4 S S .4 1.lL 3
hand l 3 sw 2 2 1 N 5 S A .6 1.3L 4
lumber PI 2 4 2 N 7 S XL 1.1 1.EL 5
Baseball bat sw, PI 1 2 1% N 4 S A 0.9 1.3c
Bat with nails 5 sw, PI 1 2 1% N 4 S A 1 1.58
Bayonet, short t 3 Kn 2 1 1 S 9 T S 0.3 1.3L 7
long Kn 2 2 1 N 10 S.T A 0.4 1.5L 8
Belt Buckle 2 FW 1 1 1 N 3 E.S A 1.16
Brass Knuckles t 3 Br 3 1 1 6 S S 0.1 1.38 2
Chain e 3 FW 2 3 1 N 10 S,E A 1 1.58
Club 5 3 SW, Th 1 1 1 S 3 S S 0.5 1.1 (1)C
Cudgel 5 l 3 sw 2 2 1% N S A S 0.7 2c
Hammer 5 13 sw 1 2 1 N 4 S S 0.5 1.2c 2
Knife, belt l 2 Kn, Th 1 1 1 S 8 S.T S 0.3 1.1L 2
bowie l 3 Kn, Th 2 2 1 S 9 S,T S 0.3 1.3(1.5)L 5
jack l2 Kn. Th 0 1 1 T 7 S,T S 0.1 1L 1
Kukrij Kn. Th 2 2 1 S 9 S S 0.3 1S(1.3)L 5
switchblade i2 Kn. Th 1 1 1 T 7 S.T S 0.2 1.2L 3
throwing 13 Th 2 1 1 0.2 1.5L 5
trench l3 Kn 3 2 1 S 9 ST S 0.4 1.4L 6
Knife-spear l 3 PI2 1 2 2 S 4 T XL 1.1 1.5L 3
Nunchaku, wood Nn, Fw 3 2 1 S 3 S S 0.4 1.5c 3
metal Nn, Fw 4 3 1 S 8 S S 0.6 2c 5
Pipe Light sw 1 2 1 N 7 S A 1 1.6C 1
PI 1 3 2 S 8 S L 1.5 2c 2
heavy sw 2 3 1 N 9 S A 1.5 2c 2
PI 2 4 2 S 10 S L 1.7 2.3C 3
Pick ax PI 2 3 1% N 5 T L 1.1 1.5L 5
Pistol butt Br. SW 2 1 N S S 1 +(ENCof -
Pitchfork l 3 Gun) C
Rifle butt PI 2 2 2 N 5 T L 1.2 1.3L 1 4
Rope Br, PI 2 2 N S L ENCofGun -
Sai Sai 3 3 1 S 9 S.T S 0.4 1.7C/1.2L 5
Sap special 1 2 1 N 2 S S 0.3 special
Shuriken lo Th 3 2 1 0.2 1.6L 8
Sledge hammer sw, PI 2 3 1h N 6 S L 1.5 28 4
Staff. crude l 3 PI 1 3 2 S 3 S XL 1 1.8C
hardened 5 PI 2 3 2 S 4 S.T XL 1 2c 2
Straight razor Kn 1 1 1 T 3 S S 0.2 1.2L 1
Sword, ceremonial l3 sw 2 2 1 N 8 S,T A 0.8 1.7L 9
machete sw 2 2 1 N 10 S A 1 1.EL 9
saber sw 3 2 1 N 10 S.T A 0.9 1.EL 9
trench sw 3 2 1 N 10 S,T A 0.8 1.7L 9
Tonfa Tonfa 4 2 1 S 3 S S 0.6 1.3c 6
Rope, hemp FW 1 2 2 N E XL 1 05/m
nylon FW 2 2 2 N 109 E XL 0.8 1/m
cable FW 3 3 2 N 1 S. E L 1.2 0.8 l/m
weighted version FW +1 +1 2 N +S +0.3 +1 +1
Whip, leather FW j2 2 2 1 N 4 S, E XL 0.6 1.2 4
steel tip version FWl3 3 2 1 N 4 S.E XL 0.6 1.5 5
cable FW2 3 3 1 N 10 S.E L 0.8 1.7 6
Ax, battle sw, PI 2 4 1'h S' 8 L 1.2 2L 10
Dagger I 3 Kn 2 2 1 N 9 S 0.5 1.4L 7
Main Gauche6 Kn 3 2 1 N 9 S 0.7 1.4L 8
Flail, wood I 3 Fw 3 3 2 N 6 XL 1.2 2.2c 4
metal FW 3 4 2 N 11 XL 1.5 2.4C 6
Mace, ball sw 2 2 1 N 8 A 0.9 1.7C 4
spiked sw 2 2 1 N 8 A 0.9 1.98 6
Maul, ball sw, PI 2 3 1'h S' 9 L 1.4 2c 4
spiked s w , PI 2 3 1'h S' 9 L 1.4 2.28 6
Polearm, halberd PI 3 4 2 S 9 XL 1.6 2.5L 8
glaive PI 3 4 2 S 9 XL 1.5 2.5L 7
Spear, boar PI2 2 2 2 S 8 XL 1.2 1.5L 5
trident I 3 PI2 3 2 2 S 8 XL 1.3 1.5L" 8
yari PI2 3 2 2 S 8 XL 1.2 1.6L 6
Sword, broad sw 2 3 1 N 10 A 1 2L 10
great LS 3 5 2 N 12 XL 2 3L 15
katana LS. sw 3 3 1'h S 11 L 1.2 2.5L 14
long LS, sw 2 4 1'h S 11 L 1.5 2.5L 12
rapier sw 2 1 1 N 90 A 0.9 1.7L 9
tulwar sw 2 2 1 N 10 A 0.9 1.9L 10
to the character's Deftness Group. Each one thrown will receive a negative
modification to the 6CS equal to the number being thrown if it is more than 1.
Each is rolled for separately.
2i Maximum Armor Value that the weapon can penetrate is 2 times user's
Strength Group.
j3 Maximum Armor Value that the weapon can penetrate is 4 times user's
Strength Group.
The vehicles included in this appendix are not intended t o b e the Maximum Speed: 100 kph
only versions o f the prototype vehicles that can b e used in the game. Safety Devices: Seat Belts; Crash Bags
Different versions o r models will have varying statistics. These can Notes o n Barrier Effects: Window: 10; Body: 20
be determined using the rules in the chapter o n vehicles. Each Special Features: Carries 5 passengers (inc. driver); has a trunk
vehiclein the appendix is given with the pertinent data. Following the (ENC Cap 15, up to Large)
list is a sample Vehicle Record Sheet which may be photocopied for
use in your campaign.
Vehicle: Compact Car (1986)
Classification: On-road Car Soft Target
Base Safe Speed: 80
Fuel System: Gas
Mileage: 20km/l
Capacity: 60 1
Structure: 1
Area: 2 x 3 = 6
Damage Resistance: 3
- Mileage
Fuel System Capacity -
Structure - Area
Special Features
Unencumbered: A character whose Encumbrance Status is less W D A See Weapon Defense Ability
than or equal t o 50% of his ENC CAP is unencumbered, WDM: See Weapon Damage Multiplier.
unaffected by the burdens he is carrying.
WL: Standard abbreviation of the Wit Attribute
Unengaged Status: A character who does not satisfy the require-
ments for Engaged Status is Unengaged. Weapon Damage Multiplier: The value assigned a handweapon, or
mechanical or muscle powered missile weapon, by which the
Utility Number: An abstract figure used as a guide to assigning a character using it will multiply his damage die roll to determine
value and level of usefulness to items found, bought, or other- his damage potential.
wise obtained during the campaign. The higher the Utility
Number, the more valuable or useful the item is. Weapon Defense Ability: Represents the ability to parry and dodge
in HTH combat using a given Combat Skill. WDA is equal t o the
VTOL Standard abbreviation for Vertical Take-Off and Landing. the first 100 points of the Skill in use, divided b y 20, nearest.
Running an Aftermath! campaign....... . I Elephant ................................... . 2 7 Tactlcal Battler and Large Scale Combats . . . . . . ..53
This is the Way the World Ends ................ 1 Mutant Animals .............................. . 2 7 The Course of the Battle., .................... .53
Pre-Ruin Unrest .............. ............... 1 Rodents.. .................................. .27 Modifications to the Die Roll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53
Primary Kill .................. ............... 1 Insects.. ........... Results of the Battle Determination.. . . . . . . . . ,54
Secondary Kill ............... ............... 1 Apes.. ............. Morale Failure.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54
The Dogs of War ............... 1 Usefulness of Animals ........................ .30 Ending a Battle.. ....... . . . . . . . . . . .54
Conventional ................. 1 The Non-Player Character ...................... .31 Strength Determinations . . . . . . . . . . ,54
Biochemical .................. 2 Handling Non-Player Characters .............. . 3 1 Loss Modification Char . . . . . . . . . . .54
NBC War .................... 3 Too Many Characters.. ....................... . 3 2 Military Campaigns ........ . . . . 55
The Hammer of Nature ......... 3 Non-Player Character Quality ... Logistics .............. , .................... .56
The Aliens ..................... .............. . 3 Expertise .............32 Army Movement.. .......................... . 5 6
A Twist in Space ............... .............. . 3 Armor Kits Positional Battles.. ......................... .56
The Years to Come ................. 4 SampleSh Custom Armies.. ............................. . 5 6
Long After the Ruin ......................... .4 Using Multiple Characters .................. .33 Calculating Values for a Custom Army., . . . . .. 5 6
HoDe for the Future ......................... .5 Technoloav In the Aftermath .................... .34 Custom Armv Values Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., 5 7
Pacing Thing 6 .. . 3 4 Example of a Custom Army . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 7
The Unexpec 7 .34 ..
Custom Armies after the Batt
Creating the Environment.. ...................... .8 Measuring Electricity ....................... . 3 4 Characters in a Tactical Battle
The City Map .................................. . 8 35 Battle Results for Characters
Enclave City ................................ .8 .. . 3 5 Fortunes of War Table .................... .59
Boss City ................................... .8 35 Critical Battle Resutts Table.. . . . . . . . . . . . . ..59
The Condition of the City. 35 After-Battle Results ....
The Residential Areas . . Wind and Water Power ..................35 The Changed . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Commercial Areas ....................... 9 Motorized Generators .. . 3 6 Physical Mutations ........................... . 6 1
The lndustr s .... ......... 9 Fuel Cells ................... ........ 36 Strongs . . . . . . . . .
Communities ...... ......... 9 Solar Screens ............... ........ 36 Ouicks . . . . .
Territory . . ...... ......... 9 Nuclear Power ........................... .36 Toughs ....
Size ........................................ . 9 Salvaging Electricity .... 36 lmmunes ...
Military Strength ............................ .9 Wattage Output Ta
Resources ................................... 9
Stability., ................................... 19
Hazard Special Effects.. ................... 19
Sharks , . . , . . .............. . 2 5
Non-Hostile An ............... 2 6 Medicine ..............
Well, by now you have certainly come to the conclusion their prime motivation, the ones who will stand to their
that you have an awful lot of work to do in runningAftermath! station until the end. There will also be skeptics, the ones
We have admittedly been pretty free in our use of such who do not believe all that hogwash, who will ignore the
statements as At the Gamesmasters Discretion, or The oncoming ending of things because they have common
Gamesmaster Must Determine the Details for His sense. But wedo notthinktheywill beenough tostemthetide.
Campaign. It would have streamlined your job a lot if we had The Pre-Ruin Unrest phase will lead to an increase of
decided to just publish one of our campaigns from the weapons and high-security sites in cities, as crime runs
playtest instead of going into the means by which the design rampant. Depending on its length, the men of good will may
work is done. But that is not the intent of this game. Some also prepare in their way for the Ruin. Colonies in remote
playing groups will really get off on the idea of an After the areas may be established. Such locales may be the cradles of
World Ends game set only a few years into the Aftermath. the rebirth that we hope follows from any Aftermath!
Others will prefer the campaign which starts centuries later. campaign. Here the old technology may be preserved,
The questions of how the Ruin came, just what it was, what although in secret in those worlds where the mob blames
level civilization reached before it ended, etc., all provide science for the downfall of the world it knew. These are the
totally different worlds depending on the answer that fits priests and magicians of the generations to come, until the
your vision of the post-Ruin environment. day mankind is ready again to share freely the knowledge of
So this is a very free-form set of rules. If it pleases garners, how things work.
there will be campaign-oriented materials to follow, to buy or
Primary Kill
not as they prefer. All the information you need to set up a
This is the actual Ruin itself. Whatever form it takes, we
campaign is here, in this set. Everything else is just window posit that it will wipe 90% or more of the population from the
dressing. face of the globe, and directly or indirectly shatter the major
Confronted by all this data: gun rules, hand-to-hand
edifices of mans culture into the bargain. The Ruin may be
combat systems, the specs on a hundred different factors i n
over in a matter of hours or it may drag on for years. But when
the game, it may be difficult to decide just where to start on it is over, the Earth will seem an alien and savage world.
your own campaign, We found that the essential foundation
of any coherent campaign was the question What was the Secondary Kill
Ruin? When civilization collapses, think of what will go with it. The
first to die will be those whose lives directly depend on its
THIS IS THE WAY THE WORLD ENDS resources: diabetics, others on major medical support, city
dwellers cut off from food and water, light and power, those
There are numerous apocalypses in the literature dealing
who survive in remote areas only by virtue of supplies from
with post-Ruin survival (not all of them fiction by any means).
more plentifully endowed markets. Famine will stalk our
The commonest of them all is war: man blowing himself back
overpopulated nations as support from the agricultural
to the caves. The forces of nature are not far behind. Novels
powers is cut off. Plagues will sweep thesurvivors, no longer
and speculative works of science have posited catastrophes
able to tap the mighty resources of modern hospitals, and
based on climatic changes, hits by comets or asteroids,
living in the carnage following the Ruin. This wave of death
alterations in the conditions of space around Earth, oceanic
and destruction is the Secondary Kill. It will probably slay
changes, etc. Lately, the possiblity has been raised, again by
novelist and scientist alike, that we are polluting ourselves
50% or more of those who lived through the Ruin. It will also
complete the assassination of the works of mankind. Fires
into a Ruin. And these represent only part of the list of
will tear through vast areas of the deserted cities. Battles for
possible endings to humanitys latest chapter i n the roll call
food and resources between groups of survivors will ravage
of fallen civilizations.
the land. Earth as we know it, alreadyacorpse, will be kicked
In any universal calamity, there will be three phases, of
to shreds by the final spasms of the Secondary Kill.
varying intensity and duration. Sometimes one dill overlap
When it is done, the fall of civilization will be complete.
another. In some cases, there will be no clear dividing line
From now on those who live at all will do so in the Aftermath!
between phases. But they will always be present t o some
Pre-Ruin Unrest
The length of this phase directly depends upon the time First on our list of possible Ruins, we have the threat of one
between the first solid proof that the Ruin is coming and its last, global war. For various reasons, we do not assume a
actual occurrence. Threats of war, the sighting of an strategic, nuclear spasm war to have occurred. If it did, there
oncoming planetary collision, the beginning of the ultimate is no one left to play the game, right? But let us discuss the
eco-catastrophe, all will trigger a social upheaval as people main possibilities.
vent their fears and furies in a culture where the force of law We perceive the best war-based Ruinsfora campaign to be
is abrogated by the impending demise of the system that either Conventional, Biochemical, or NBC (Nuclear,
created it. Riots, huge migrations from danger areas in Biological, and Chemical).
search (usually forlorn) of some safe place, outbreaks of Conventional
impulse crimes on an unprecedented scale will plague the It is very unlikely that aconventional war could put modern
last days of mans culture. How effective a deterrent is the civilization into an Aftermathlsituation. It does just fine in the
death penalty in a world where everyone lives under the Secondary Kill, but the world today seems too large, too
same sentence? What will keep police or other safety decentralized, for the limited capabilities of chemical
workers on the job when all they are doing is keeping things explosives and mass armies to be enough to destroy it. Oh,
tidy for the final break-up? There will be the men with duty as such a global war could cause widespread suffering, local
Biochemical War
Sometime in the late 20th century, the nations of the world
finally came t o an agreement regarding nuclear
disarmament. To unbounded relief and rejoicing, the big
bombs were dismantled, fired into space, or converted to
peaceful uses. The era of world peace and safety was at
hand! The first plague bombs fell about ten years later.
If we posit that nuclear conflict does not happen, the above
scenario is a very real possibility. Nations that never could
have mounted the expensive support needed for nuclear
expansion can easily handle the modest bill for biological
research. With recombinant DNA studies a reality today, any
ethical cripple with a good research facility can produce a
mutated virus or bacterium that modern medicine cannot
recognize, and send it on its merry way via aerial sprays,
small missiles, or even an agent with a flask of the culture in a
briefcase. Release a few dozen rats carring fleas infected
with Bubonic Plague into New Yorks waterfront area, and in
a week you will see that city tottering on the path todeath, its
populace fleeing madly out, some of them bognd to be
carriers. Now multiply that by several hundred seaports all
over the world. In the middle ages, successive pandemics of
plague reduced the population of Europe by up to 90% in
some places. Overall, two persons in three had died when the
Plague Years ended.
If a long period of building international tension, with afew
brushfire wars that bear home the feeling that the end is in
sight for modern civilization, is posited in the Pre-Ruin
period, then a Phase of Unrest will begin the events of the
campaigns history. After a few years of this initial death
agony, the final war breaks out. Laboratory-spawned
plagues will sweep the globe. A s fast as medicine finds one
cure, a dozen new pathogens are released from the military
research centers, or, far more likely, spawned by unforeseen
mutations in the old organisms. Genetically unstable, the
virus that one nation meant as a non-lethal means of
incapacitating an enemy force is suddenly transformed into
a raging pestilence that strikes down friend and foe alike,
ignoring vaccines prepared to deal with its original form.
Amidst the almost-deserted cities, riots break out. The
scientists who caused it all are lynched in their hundreds.
The madness spreads. He knows how machines work, so
string him up. Hewasa politician, burn him! He knows howto
read, kill him!!!
The maintenance of the post-Ruin environment, the Especially important are police and military installations,
destroyed cities, the deserted countryside, are a major part major transport nexi, subway stations if the city has such a
of the Gamesmasters job. If the characters are wandering system, etc. The more color and detail that is available, the
and searching at random through the city, must he prepare better it is for the design of adventures, which need
maps of every block in detail? No, this kind of effort is only clearly-defined sites and borders for the detailed and
called for when an area contains some prepared adventure tactical maps.
or place of interest. How then to measure the probabilities of
Room: The map should be on stock that will allow the
finding some useful (or useless) item ready for salvage in a
Gamesmaster to write his own notations. The print should
randomly-selected city block?
be clear enough to show through an overlay of
highlighting color, since color-coding is the easiest
The City Map method for differentiating areas as Residential,
A separate Scenario Pack is available from Fantasy Commercial, etc., or for putting a forest, totally rubbled
Games Unlimited. It is asmall city, Littleton, mapped out to area, or what have you, on the map.
show principal communities, and locations known to contain Convenience: The map, or map book, should be of a size
features of interest. If the Gamesmaster is using thescenario .and layout allowing the Gamesmaster to follow the
city to start his campaign, he should divide the city into characters progress on it easily, with a minimum of
Commercial, Residential, and Industrial areas, noting the fumbling or squinting.
divisions carefully. Random search in a particular area will
have particular results. Having procured a suitable map, sit down and think about
There will come a time when the Campaign outgrows what overall situation you want to exist there. Is it anenclave
Littleton. The Gamesmaster will know it has come when he city, where the survivors hold their communities in
feels ready to tacklea real city with the techniques used in his isolation, venturing out only at need, or do such survivors as
Littleton. The archetypical Aftermath! campaign is centered dwell there move freely? We would advise discretion in
on the Gamesmasters home city, or a city he knows well. scattering organized communities about in great numbers.
This permits him to run a flowing, easy-playing session, and Suddenly, adventurers are only an hour from succor in one
to bestow strange fates upon those places he dislikes. A s he direction or another. Consider this: the resources available
has 10-20 years of pre-Ruin development to build into the in a given area of city are limited. If two communities come
city, he can alter enough of it to prevent the players from into contention for these resources, they must either join
knowing everything about the citys layout. Hecan introduce forces or fight. The results, as we see them, will run toward
locations not currently in existance (armories, government one of two extremes:
reservations, and so on) which will be the sites of character Enclave City
foraging in the scenarios. Small, widely separated communities. Each is fiercely
No matter the size or complexity of a city, the first step to independent, although trade and cooperation are not
setting up a campaign based there is procuring a fairly well- impossible. Four such enclaves in the D.C. campaign are
detailed map. Street maps made from aerial photographs are signatory to a treaty providing protection for the medical
best, especially i f they show schools. museums, police community based at D.C. General Hospital. Inhabitants of
stations, monuments, etc., etc. All such unique locales are enclaves are generally reluctant to become involved with
grist for the scenario mill. affairs outside their turf,and the wastes of the city combine
Most of the testing for Aftermath! was conducted in two with this to constitute an effective barrier to travelers, with
campaigns, running concurrently. One was set in rural New the notable exceptions of Player Characters, bandits and
England, the characters moving through several cities as other human predators, and weirds.
transients, but spending significant time in only one major
municipality. The other confined its activity to Washington, Boss City
D.C. Some group or individual occupies a central power
The D.C. campaign was played on a 25-page street map of position in the city. This is usually a result of superior survival
thecity, at2000tothe inch (1 kmtoabout4cm).Thescaleis planning ability and/or firepower. The upshot of such a
about 25000:l. This proved quite satisfactory for overall situation may well be an incipient feudal society, the Boss
mapping. The same scale was used in the map for the New and his men being the aristocracy, offering protection, order,
England campaign, played from a national road atlas and a and military defense to those who in turn proffer obedience
thick spiral-bound campers map of Rhode Island, which had and a tithe of their products. The footloose adventurers who
the added advantage of showing contours and other major seem to be the bulk of Player Characters are unlikely to be
geological features not included in the Washington map. Be very happy as permanent citizens of such a regime, although
that as it may, the desirable features for the campaign map if they can establish good relations with the inhabitants, such
are: cities would provide a useful base from which to operate on
expeditions into other territories.
Size: The scale should be such that details are clear. The
larger the better, really. U.S. Geodesic Survey maps, The Condition of the City
cheaply available from the Government Printing Office, Having established the overall nature of the parts of the
are ideal as far as scale goes, but lack certain other city that survive as human communities, the Gamesmaster
features. must deal with the rest of it. One of the premises used in the
Details: Street names, the location of special features and D.C. campaign was that the rate of growth of forest land was
sites, both are quite useful to the Gamesmaster. increased by a factor of 5 to 10 by the action of unforeseen
The Players must designate the scope of their search: a yet. After their second hour, the points amount to 13
single building, a house, a city block. Let us say that a block from the last period, and rolls totalling 17 from this one.
represents the largest feasible unit for a given search That is 30, or two Tasks worth, so they will make two
attempt. The basic operation involved in completing a search Search rolls. Frank is the Search leader, since he has
is handled by treating it as a Task. The Task Points involved the best score. With two helpers, one Skilled herself
are equal to the area of the searched area i n square meters and one not, the Gamesmaster decides to be
(round the actual measurements to any convenient sum in moderately generous and give him +2, for an effective
the right neighborhood). The average city block is 100-150 BCS o f 20. But since the search has a Task Value of 15,
meters long. Multiply this by a constant based on the type of there is a 15/70, nearest, or 2-point penalty attached.
environment: So Frank is using his base BCS of 18. His first roll is 4,
so they got something out of it. His second roll is a 20.
Forest or other Rural Environment: 2D6 + 5
The Gamesmaster may let this go as a simple nothing
Rubble: 1 + 1D3 result, or toss them a find they can do without (Were
Residential: 1D10 (representing the range of space you actually looking for that lion?) for the Critical
between single houses and apartments) Miss. Likewise, a Critical Hit might mean that they find
two items, or a better kind of item. If they were looking
Commercial: 3D6 for something specific, such as the first food they have
Industrial: 2D6 seen in days, he might adjudicate that that is what they
Divide this figure by the total sum of the Search BCSs of all
those characters involved in the search, multiplied by the
number of minutes i n one turn of searching, a time-scale to
be set by the Gamesmaster and the players. This represents Cleaning Places Out
the number of Task Points to be fulfilled before Search Skill
rolls are made to see if anything has been found. Base a BCS Based on the type of area and the size of the search zone,
equivatent on the characters Natural Talent (as a score, not a the Gamesmaster may assign an arbitrary number of
BCS) if he lacks the Search Skill. possible finds to it. A house-to-house search in a Residential
In one turn of searching, each member of the party area might find 0-2 items per house. A day-long run through
engaged in the activity will roll a Wit Effect Die, totalling the a block in a Commercial area might hold a D10 + 10 potential
scores to see how many Task Points they have totalled in that finds, though that is not to say that the characters will locate
period. When the accumulated points indicate that the Task them all.
has been finished, a Search Skill BCS roll is made by the As the city is a constantly fluid environment, old caches of
leader of the search. See Search Skillon page 18 of Book 2 gear being salvaged daily, characters dying to leave their
for modifications. Additionally, a BCS penalty equal to the own supplies lost in a hideout somewhere, there is no
Task Points/lO, nearest, is applied to the roll. If it succeeds, guarantee that what was empty last month will be so today,
the party has found something. If multiple parties are being or the stash that the characters left behind yesterday hasnt
used on the same chunk of territory, they go through this been hit today. There would logically be a class of scavenger
process individually, building up their Task Points and that moves with search parties, gleaning their trails clean of
rolling for finds (and perhaps having encounters) on their left-overs.
own. The Gamesmaster need feel no compunction on allowing,
say, 1 Search attempt per area for Rubble zones. If that does
Frank, Irene, and Jumbo are out foraging. They have not find anything, then there is nothing to find. Moreover, he
decided to tackle a block of office buildings in the may find before the first Search turn is done that the site
Commercial district. The building they have chosen is, holds no loot. He can let the characters hunt until they drop,
the Gamesmaster decides (purely at random, based on without feeling obligated to inform them that the reason they
his personal knowledge of that part of his city), a big cant find anything is because anything isnt there.
one, half a block on a side. At a standard scale o f 100
meters per block, that is a building a 50 meters per side,
for a 2500 square meter search area. In a Commercial
area, this is multiplied by the roll of 306. The die roll
result is a 10, for a total of 25000. Now, Frank has a
Search, Urban BCS of 18. Irene, a very survival-wise
kid who grew up in the mean streets, has a BCS o f 7.
Jumbo, with a country upbringing (he drifted into town
when a biker raid wiped out his farming community),
has no Search Skill, but a Natural Talent o f 17. for a
BCS equivalent of 3. This totals 28 (18 + 7 + 3). They
decide to search in 1-hour Turns, which are, o f course
60 minutes. 60 x 28 = 1680. 25000/1680 = 14.88,
rounding to 15. At the end of 1 hour of searching, they
roll their Wit Effect dice (1010, 106, and 103
respectively). The total rolls add up to 13, so they have
not achieved a significant chance to salvage anything
Especially when some valuable item has been found, or a
Cache, there is a chance that it was stashed there by
someone else. The Gamesmaster should construct a person
or persons, or other logical owner (a Master Rat, perhaps) to
whom the goods belong. He will have a 40% chance of
discovering the characters busily looting his material;
otherwise he will come upon the carnage of his hideout and
track the thieves. The owner has a 5% chance per day
cumulative probability of overtaking the characters. That
means that, on the day they steal the goods, a Dl00 roll less
than or equal to 05 indicates an avenging owner catching up
to them. The next day, the chance is lo%, the day after that,
15%, and so on. Roll the chance of the owner catching them
at the location of the stash once every hour that they are on
the site.
It goes without saying that these lists are a fraction, a supplies, is not the answer). The fastest method of getting
microscopic minimum, of the possible finds a search Can into the correct frame of mind to play Santa Claus is by
turn up. All we can do in the space available is give the rolling Reaction Dice. The better the Reaction, the more
Gamesmaster fuel for his imagination in dealing with such useful the find. This can even bea justification for increasing
events. The campaign depends on his ability to go through the amount of goods found, or their general utility to the
the mental operation of they found something like this- group as a whole.
where are they-lets say theyre in a police station-Utility 1 For example, a party with decent hand-to-hand weapons
Environment in a Police Station?-Aha!-Okay, folks, you but no guns gets a Weapons find. In such a case, the
have found a valise with a fingerprint detection kit in it. Gamesmaster might just roll Reaction dice first. If it comes
This is not too hard (nowhere as hard as it sounds), for out Good or better, just assume that they have found a
those who can free themselves from a need for detailed firearm or two, and probably some ammo for it. A Mediocre
tables and charts in determining loot. We are in the position roll would require that their Utility roll allow them to find
where a whole city is there for the taking. If only a fraction of guns. A Bad roll or worse would insist that, if they find a
its former wealth remains, that is still a staggering diversity of Weapon, it be something that none of them have the Skill to
goods. use well.
Dont be afraid to make up the story as you go along. Even The overall concept here is: is this just good for the
i f you are later inconsistent, the flow of play will forgive characters, really great for the characters, or frustrating,
much. So the place was too rich to clean out a week ago. That mean, rotten, and crummy for the characters?
stuff they hid in a sub-basement will not necessarilystayput. LOGIC OF FINDS
Do the Players think they have the only competent Let us say it just once more: try and provide a reason (even
scavengers in the city in their group? Oh, no, not by a long if it is only in your own mind) for the goods located being
shot. The cache they left behind is fair game, and when the where they are. Fill in some cheap fiction to flesh it out. If the
buildings are burning down almost weekly, why should they first couple of findsform a pattern, assume that it will hold for
even expect the block to look the same when they come the rest of that search (a Medical Supply find might decide
back? the Gamesmaster that they are looting a medical office
No, in the fluid world of Affermath! it is no problem to live building). This can, in turn, give background to the
for the moment in calling the shots. For every moment could encounter they have next turn. The table says its a bunch of
be the characters last! Ghouls. Well swell, but this way they are all crazy doctors,
perverting their surgical skill to butcher their meat, and
QUALITY OF FINDS armed with anesthetic dart guns instead of normal firearms.
The simplest way to narrow down the choices as to just This kind of thing turns random searching from a rather
what kind of goodies a search has turned up is to slant it boring way to gain doctrinal treasures into an organic
toward what the characters need and can use (this (sometimes overly organic) part of adventures in the world of
presupposes that something anyone can use, like medical the Aftermath.
The many hazards we have already described in disadvantage of encounter tables it that they can become
Aftermath! can be met in as many forms. Our own opinion is static. The same combinations of events keep occurring.
that the hands of men bear more dangers for the Player Creative interpretation can offset this to a degree, but there
Characters than the claws of beasties, but admittedly, a will be times when the fourth straight appearance of giant
raging tiger or bear is not exactly a kitten. The environment roaches is enough to make Players and Gamesmaster alike
itself, especially in the cities, is inimical to life: the crumbling scream in agony.
buildings offer as many traps as they do resources to The encounter deck is another tried-and-true system. The
preserve life, the very air may bear the invisibledeath of virus Gamesmaster prepares a number of index cards in advance,
or gas, the good earth may radiate the cell-tearing poison of each one listing the details of a mini-scenario, or at least the
nuclear contamination. If they are to live to bear the promise numbers and vital statistics of an encountered group of
of renewal to future generations, the characters must characters, or a solo encounter. When an encounter is
overcome all these. needed, the Gamesmaster draws a card at random. The
The dangers of the Aftermath may be met in several ways: advantages are diversity, since each encounter card can be
as unique as desired, and standard cards listing simple,
Random Encounter: As they travel overland (Strategic
Time Scale) there is a chance that the characters will run clear-cut scenarios can be shuffled back into the pack after
use. Since the card can also indicate that a large scenario has
into some group, individual, orevent. Theencounter need
not be hostile. There may be opportunities for mutual aid. been encountered (Pull out file on The Ghouls of K
trading, or simply companionship, rather than combat. Street), thedeck has the added advantage of allowing more
elaborate encounters to be plotted than can easily be
Local Condition: The Gamesmaster has designated some generated on a table. The single biggest disadvantage to
local condition as existing on the map in the area entered encounter decks is that they are never completed. They
by the characters. This can be a Community, a require a fairly continual amount of work to keep fresh. This
contaminated area, a local gang or tribe, etc. may not appear as a disadvantage to many Gamesmasters,
Prepared Adventure: Actually, it need not be all that who prefer to update their campaigns constantly in order to
prepared. The Gamesmaster has placed a scenario on maintain freshness.
the map at that point. This may be the headquarters of A fairly short sample Encounter Table follows, both to
some major Non-Player Character into which the provide a model for the Gamesmaster to use in constructing
characters have blundered, it may be the scenario his own, and to give him something to use until that job is
specially designed for that nights playing session, which done.
the Gamesmaster has simply decided to put in their path SAMPLE ENCOUNTER TABLES
to get things started, or it may bean improvised encounter
of some degree of complexity, created on the spot. This For every day of Strategic Scale Travel, or of encampment
latter type of adventure can be very rewarding. In one in the open during the night or day, roll 1D20. A score of 1-3
playtest campaign, the characters took shelter from a indicates that an Encounter has occurred.
contaminated rainstorm in an old motel. While waiting for
the rain to stop, it was determined that they had had a
random encounter. The tables for this showed that they 1-8 Men
had met a pack of feral dogs, led by an intelligent mutant 9-15 Beasts
dog. Unable to resist the possibilities, the Gamesmaster
created the motel on the spot, laying out a crude floorplan 16-18 Event
and designating the building as the headquarters of a 19 Contamination
pack of organized canines, who kept several human
20 Phenomenon
pets. These pets allowed the dogs to have such
defenses as tear gas canisters hooked up to the old
sprinkler system in the motels ceiling, and smaller dogs MEN ENCOUNTERS (Roll 1D100)
who were forced to carry radio-detonated satchel charges
01-30 Group-Small (2D3 men)
strapped to their backs, as suicide troops. In a final burst
of madness, the leader animal was made telepathic, so 31-40 Group-Medium (3D6+10men)
that his sardonic comments could be broadcast to the 41-50 Group-Large (3020 + 20 men)
characters. What had started as a minor, random
encounter was turned into a major adventure with the 51-55 Solo Traveler
application of five minutes of imaginative thinking. 56-70 Duo Team (2 members). Roll 1D6.
1-3 2 humans
RANDOM ENCOUNTERS 4-5 Human and Tame Animal(s)
There are several traditional gaming techniques for
determining when characters will have a random 6 Human and Mutant Anirnal(s)
encounter, and just what that encounter is. The usual one is a 71-80 Personality Non-Player Character
table, keyed to various die rolls, to generate a particular
81-85 Maniac
encounter situation. It has the advantage of availability: it is
there when you need it. The considerable effort in 86-90 Disease-carrying Maniac
constructing it has been done, and all that is needed to 91-00 Special
generate an encounter is the time to roll the dice. The
Firearms Rules (Book 2, p. 34).
Prone Cover will afford cover to a prone character. He may
fire over this as described in the Firearms Rules (Firing
from Cover; (Book 2, p. 33).
1 m. Cover is some form of Cover extending about 1 meter
Chest Cover will cover a standing man from Location 6
down. He may fire over it from a standing position, crouch
behind it to be completely covered, or kneel to fire around
the corner of it.
Full Cover will cover a standing man completely. He may fire
around the corner from behind it. It may be a wall or
building, a thick tree, etc.
Unless the Gamesmaster decrees otherwise, solid cover is
assumed to be some material not penetrable by bullets. He
may choose to make it of some logical material based on
terrain (stone, brick, construction plastics in urban areas;
wood, stone, or old brick in more rural ones).
This rule is designed for use in Strategic or Tactical Scale
situations where the Gamesmaster does not have a detailed
map of the area. In Deatiled Action Scale, cover or its lack will
be based on what the map shows.
The clash between man and beast is a classic situation of Due to the multitude of factors involved, no set pattern of
fantasy adventure. Many tales of Post-Ruin worlds postulate Saving Throws involving Wit is given for animals. The
the release of animals in zoos and their subsequent re- Gamesmaster should evaluate his opinion of the animals
adaptation to the wild and proliferation in the city owning the capabilities and the situation, and decide on a value for a
zoo. This allows a Gamesmaster to present the adventuring Saving Throw. Such a value would be used in that situation
characters with encounters involving beasts not native to the only; remember that a given animal is rarely fooled in the
country in which the campaign is set. Many Post-Ruin same way twice.
scenarios also posit the return of native animal species to Animals are capable of moving at a higher-than-normal
former numbers and habitats. speed, or Run, in the same way as humans.
In a world of reduced resources, encountered animals Unless specified otherwise, the resolution of Hit Location
may also prove to be a valuable food resource for characters on an animal will be done using the quadruped table and
short on rations. The preceding, of course, assumes that the body map. Similarly a beast will occupy two hexes on the
animals do not first make the characters into rations to feed DAT display in the manner of a horse.
the wife and cubs. The letter appearing after an animals BCS is an evaluation
Beasts are presented in two categories, the hostile of the weapon length for determining Zones of Influence
(carnivores, omnivores, and scavengers which might attack and Effect Die modifications due to range.
a man as a food source) and the non-hostile (herbivores
which would rather flee or hide than fight).
Most animals operate according to programmed response HOSTILE ANIMALS
patterns. A deer, for example, will run when threatened
The kinds of hostile beasts are grouped according to the
unless it is cornered, or believes itself cornered. The
kind of animal (cat, dog, etc.). A general description is given
Gamesmaster is provided with some guidelines for the
of attack and response patterns. This is followed by a listing
responses of the animals detailed later in this section.
of specifics for some beasts in that grouping.
Animals are, however, notorious for doing the unexpected.
This should be kept in mind by the Gamesmaster to be used
when Players let their characters get too confident. BEARS
Each detailed animal is presented with a set of statistics Bears are omnivores and do not really hunt prey of a
similar to those used for humans. These are a collection of substantial size. They have been known to attack men when
abilities, characteristics, and skills. In many cases, the wounded, threatened, frightened, protecting young, or
derivation of an animals Ability is not the same as for a denied something they want, such as a picnic lunch. Bears
human. If an animal is required to make a Saving Throw for are given two Base Movement Allowances, one for
zome reason, the number to be used can bedetermined from quadrupedal and one for bipedal stance. They will move
the statistics given. I f a Deftness or Speed Saving Throw is about quadrupedally, but will tend to attack men in bipedal
required use the beasts Base Action Phase times 2 as its stance. Use the appropriate Hit Location Table.
Attribute for the Throw. Treat its Mass as its Strength for Bears favor attacking with their paws. Such blows have
Saving Throws involving that Attribute or for determining an incredible power behind them and a check fora Bash should
Effect Die, if a matching of Strengths is needed for any be made when a Paw attack is successful. If the bear scores
reason. For Health Saving Throws,Hostile animals will have a two successful Paw hits on the body of acharacter, there isa
value of one-third their Mass. This is used for both Critical 50% chance that the attack will become a hug. Damage for
and Ability Saving Throws. Non-hostile animals have a only one of the paws is delivered to the character, but he will
percentage Saving Throw equal to their Shock Factor. be held as if he had received a Pin from a character using
Most animals are not particularly intelligent, as we use the Unarmed Combat Skill. The character need not be prone to
term, but are crafty and wary. Their keener senses prevent receive this result. Once the bear has a character in a hug, it
them, in many cases, from being fooled as easily as a man. will attempt to bite him on each Action. It will also do
constriction attacks on each Action. The Mass of the bear is
used to determine the Effect Die to generate the constriction
Black Bear
BAP: 10 Bite BCS: 6(S) WDM: l , L
MNA: 2 Paw BCS: 12(A) WDM: 1.5,B
PCA: 5 Damage Die: 1D10
BMA/quad.: 1 1/4 Mass: 20
bi.: 1
AV: 5
WDA: 2
CDA: 2
DRT: (3D6 + 15) x 2
SF: 20
Dog I (5 kg) II (10 kg) 111 (15 kg) IV (20 kg) V (30 kg) VI (40 kg) VI1 (over 40 kg)
BAP 16 14 12 12 10 12 12
MNA 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
PCA 8 7 6 6 5 6 6
BMA 1/2 1 1 1/2 2 2 2 2
AV 0 1 2 2 3 3 3
WDA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
CDA 5 4 4 4 3 3 3
DRT 1D6 2D10 + 3 4D6 + 3 306 + 8 2D10 + 10 3D10 + 15 3D10 + 20
SF 2 4 6 8 12 12 15
Bite BCS (S) 8 9 10 11 1.2 13 14
WDM: L 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.7
Damage Die 1 point 1 point 1D2 1D3 1D3 1D6 1D6
Mass .5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 4
WDA: 0
CDA: 6 Acharactermayawait asharksattack inordertostrikeit in
DRT: 1 an attempt to abort the attack. A Strength AST allows a
percentage chance of aborting the sharks attack which is
SF: - dependent on the sharks size. A Strength CST doubles this
A specially-designed anti-shark weapon known as a bang
stick has a chance of killing a shark almost instantly. The
weapon is a pole which has a 00 shotgun shell at the end.
When struck on the shark at Location 2 it will explode. The
BDG is the percent chance that the shark will be killed. This
is reduced by the sharks size classification. A Deftness CST
is required to land the attack successfully. If the die roll was
in the characters Ability Saving Throw range, thecharge will
go off but it will do only the normal damage to the shark.
For the most part, non-hostile animals will appear in the
course of play simply as Game, a food source. To this end,
whenever t h e c h a r a c t e r s e n c o u n t e r Game, t h e
Gamesmaster should consult the table below. It will require
the expenditure of a round of ammunition and a successful
BCS roll to acquireeach animal. Reusableammunition, such
as arrows, may be recovered if the BCS roll is successful. The
BCS will receive a negative modifier of 206 for the first shot
and an additional -2 for each shot thereafter until all the
game has been shot or missed. Only one attempt is allowed
per animal.
GAME TABLE Hide Available
Die roll Classification Mass In Locations (Armor Material)
01-1 5 Small Game 1D3x.5 103 (LH)
16-55 2D6 Small Game
56-69 Medium Game 1D3x1.5 2D3 (LH)
70-79 2D3 Medium Game
80-93 Large Game 2D6x2.5 1D3 (LH); 2D6 (HH)
94-95 1D3 Large Game
96-99 Very Large Game 2D6x5 1D6 (LH); 2D10 (HH)
00 1D3 Very Large Game
i c(
In the course of a game campaign, the Player Characters Thus, in order to use a character, the Gamesmaster must
will meet and interact with a bewildering variety of other know the characterk Attribute scores, the values of the
characters. These are all non-player characters in the abilities used in Detailed Action Time, the characters BCS in
control of the Gamesmaster. In some campaigns, the a pertinent Skill, the armor worn, the weapons and gear
Gamesmaster will have friends run some of the characters available, and any pertinent special data.
for him. This allows him to function purely as a referee. The expression of Attribute and Ability scores is simple. A
Non-player characters are any beings that the Player listing of pertinent Skills will follow. The characters BCS in
Characters meet. Most of them will be human. Many will the Skill is placed after the Skill name and in parentheses. If
simply be members of the faceless mob, but others will be the Skill is a Combat Skill and the character has a score
Personality Non-Player Characters. These are designed by greater than 100, the BCS of the second 100 points follows
the Gamesmaster with as much detail as the players put into the BCS. This second number is the characters Control
their own characters. All the statistics are known and the Throw. Each four points in this second number represents a
character is given a definite personality. point of Aim. The Weapon Defense Ability of a character will
Non-player characters can appear in the campaign as depend on the weapon Skill in use. This has a value of 1 for
adversaries, friends, flunkies, acquaintances, superiors, or in every 5 points of BCS.
any other position relative to the Player Characters that the The armor worn by a character is listed in garments. Each
Gamesmaster can think of. Some will be dumb, some smart, garmenr has the Locations covered and the material of the
some helpful, some dangerous. I n short, they wiil come in as garment presented inside parentheses. Weapons are listed
great a variety as real people and the characters of fiction. It in order of the characters preference for use. I f the weapon
is the job of the Gamesmaster to bring life to these uses some form of ammunition, the information on the
characters. The more real they seem, the more life they will amount available will be listed at that point. A gun is assumed
bring to the game. to have a full load and any rounds listed are those available
When playing a non-player character, the Gamesmaster for reloading.
should remember that the character does not have the Any special notes o n the character will follow. This can
omniscient knowledge of the Gamesmaster himself. The include patterns of behavior, distinguishing marks, other
character will only be able to make decisions using data that equipment, concerns, relationships with other characters,
would be available to him. This is sometimes a difficult task. preferred tactics, etc.
Planning a non-player characters action for a turn before This entire description is headed by the characters name.
asking the players to announce the actions of their This can be followed with a brief description of his position
characters will help to maintain the separation of or way of life. If important, the characters age can be placed
Gamesmaster and character knowledges. This can lead to in parentheses at the end of this line.
the demise of the Gamesmasters favorite Personality Non- An example of such a character summary is presented
Player Character, but if the players have managed to get below. If the Gamesmaster has a number of such characters,
things to go their way through good play, the Gamesmaster each could beenteredon aseparate3~5cardand theentire
should be prepared to let his character meet his fate. stock kept in a file box until needed.
John Sample, survivor of the Ruin, loner (43)
NON-PLAYER CHARACTERS 12 12 12 12 12 12
Most of the Gamesmasters characters will be humans. As BAP MNA PCA CDA DRT
can be seen by simply looking at a Character Record Sheet, 6 2 3 1 24
there are a great number of statistics involved in quantifying
a character. For the purposes of simple non-player Skills: Rifle, Modern (20/5); Brawling (15); Automobile
characters, these can be reduced somewhat. Several Mechanic ( 7 )
assumptions are made. Armor: Fatigue jacket (4-11, HC); Pants (10-18, HC); Boots
0 The Attribute statistics in use for a non-player character (17-20, LL)
are those appropriate to whatever Encumbrance Status Weapons: Rifle R1 with 15 rounds of 30-06 in a bullet belt;
the character is at, due to whatever armor he is wearing Trench Knife
and gear he is carrying. Notes: Prefers to run away from a fight if possible. He has
Non-player characters do not Learn-by-Doing and thus survived by not getting involved. He has a deathlyfear
need no Talent scores. of being bitten by a rabid dog.
.If a non-player character is noted as having a Skill John Sample is 43 years old. His Attribute scores can
requiring a prerequisite and the prerequisite Skill is not simply be read. His Ability scores will be needed for Detailed
listed. the character is assumed to have the Drereauisite Action time can also be read. He has a BCS of 20 with a
Skill at the minimum possible value: that is. a score of 25 modern long gun, a Control Throw of 5 , and 1 point of Aim.
for a BCS of 5 . When using Brawling Skill, he will have a WDA of 3. The
0 Non-player characters often have Skills other than those notation of Automobile Mechanic Skill implies that he also
listed in their description. Only those most likely to be used has Technology Use Skill. Since no score is given for that
or those important in defining the character are listed. The Skill, he is assumed to have the minimum necessary to use
Gamesmaster may add Skills to the characters repertoire the Automobile Mechanic Skill for which Technology Use is
as he thinks appropriate. a prerequisite. Thus, he has a Technology Use BCS of 5 .
The technological wonders available in a campaign the society that produced them. If such a movement were to
depend upon two factors which the Gamesmaster must gain credence among the consumers of the pre-Ruin world,
decide on as he is laying the first foundations of the game- it could well lead to the gift of preserved goods passed on to
world: the scavengers of the Aftermath.
What level did technology reach in the pre-Ruin world?
How much of it is still present in usable or repairable form?
When you come down to it, the single most important
There is a dilemma in this.Aftermath! is designed for use in resource in modern technology is energy, usually in the form
cultures which do not much exceed our own in technological of electrical energy. The bulk of our electricity today (as we
development, though there is no reason not to build a more are all too well aware) come from petrochemicals: oil mainly,
science-fictiony campaign if you want to. However, some followed by coal. But there is study going forward in
of the basic postulates we will be making about the available alternate forms of energy, sources of electricity that need not
pre-Ruin technology are not valid unless our progress here die when our civilization does. Someof thesecould continue
and now (1981) is assumed to be farther along in Someareas to operate via automated control and maintenance, or by the
than it actually is. Otherwise, the date of civilizations fall is efforts of dedicated bands of survivors who feel an obligation
pushed further and further into the future. Our own playtests to keep their part of the old knowledge alive. Other sources
set it at around 2000. might be reproduceable by survivors on a local basis.
However you choose to settle this, we will here set forth Electricity might be something scavenged from the ruins,
rules covering a number of basic areas defined as High like food or weapons, or something that can be homebrewed,
Technology material. Much of this material is very complex like alcohol for your truck (or for a cold winter night).
in the real world. Indeed, much of it is beyond the authors
comprehension, even after considerable research. Readers MEASUR ING ELECTRICITY
knowledgeable in electricity, for example, will no doubt cry
How do we measure the amount of electricity a character
aloud in horror at some of the rules governing that
phenomenon. On the other hand, players do not need an has available from some source, or the amount he must
expend to operate some device? There are two forms of
Electrical Engineering degree to use them.
electricity to consider:
Function Memory Power
Perform an action variable by .2Charge per
complexity Action spent
Perform a Combat Action based on Skill .5 Charges per
Use a Combat Skill 2 per BCS point see above
Knowledge Memory 1 per point .5 Charges times
of BCS in the Effect number
knowledge of die roll when
knowledge used
Knowledge Integration 10 Simple tasks: 1 E
with Performance of Skill charge per hour.
More complex tasks
will vary by the
Maintenance function 3 .01 Charge per hour
allowing Robot to be
aware and wait for a
specific signal to return
to full operation.
weapon). Pace off a brisk stroll of about 5 minutes length Fourth Degree (1000 REM): The same as Third Degree,
from the center of your home city. If your starting point is but the Virulence of the condition if 4, and the Advance is
Ground Zero for a 1-kiloton blast, everything you have down the Health: when the effective health is reduced to
passed will be either flattened, or a tottering hulk if it is very the current AST, Full Fatigue results. At the CST, delirium.
solidly ccnstructed. The sights you pass in the next 5 When Health is reduced below 1, Crisis.
minutes will still be standing, but severely weakened. Frame During every week that a Character avoids further
houses will probably still be rubbled. Solid structures exposure to radiation, his system will purge itself of REM
probably have had their Structural Stability knocked down to equal to his Health score. A physicians care can increase
5 or so. Another five minutes walk brings you to the end of this figure by the doctors Wit Group Effect Die roll, if daily
the main heat pulses range. All unprotected individuals you attention can be given to the case. Roll the Advanced
have passed will be dead of extensive third-degree burns in a Medical Skill BCS at the end of the week, when the REM
few hours. The rubble is probably starting to burn. purged are calculated. The use of 1 Medikit Unit per day in
As you can see, there is not a whole lot of purpose in trying the week will increase the BCS by 1 and the effective Wit
to stage a defense against nuclear strikes on an individual Group by the same.
character basis. The bomb does not care. Special drugs are also available which can increase the
The only real game factor that is of general interest in purge rate if properly administered.
Aftermath! when it comes to nukes is the question of If the character can reduce the degree of Radiation
radiation, specifically of lingering contamination. How does Poisoning to First or even down to none between the time of
that invisible killer work? How can you stop it? the symptoms described in First Degree Poisoning and the
Well, actually, you cant stop it. If you are exposed to x more severe symptoms of higher Degrees, then the
amount of radiation, so many REM, then you have such-and- advanced forms of the affliction will not manifest themselves.
such a chance of dying. This is (in game terms) boring. For Gamesmasters who wish to use the device, we end this
Let us assume that areas of radioactive contamination still section with a Neutron Grenade. God only knows how the
exist. Some authorities state that they will be with us for thing works.
centuries; others are equally sure that the effects will It is a Rifle Grenade, 22mm type, available in Ballistite-
become insignificant within a few years. launched forms only. It has a Blast of 50 and no Frag. The
The Gamesmaster should assign a value to such weapon also generates 1500 REM at the point of detonation.
contamination in REM per Hour. When the characters have This is reduced by 50 per meter from Ground Zero.
absorbed a given number of REM, they will contract the
appropriate degree of Radiation Poisoning.
First Degree (200 REM): The character will become Fully GASES
Fatigued and show the Nausea symptom given in Book 1 Gas weapons may be delivered by hand grenade, 40mm or
after a number of hoursequal to his Health Group plus the 22mm grenades from launchers or rifles, artillery shells, or
roll of 1D10. He will remain in this state for a number of aerial bombs. They range from the ubiquitous but essentially
hours equal to 30 minus his Health AST. There are no merciful Tear Gas and other riot control substances, to the
further symptoms. Nerve Gases (Sarin, VN, and their lethal kin).
Second Degree (500 REM): The character evinces First Any Gas delivery system will be rated for base volume and
Degree symptoms as given above. He will than be duration. These terms refer to how much Gas they will put
apparently normal for a number of weeks equal to his out in a Combat Turn, and how many Combat Turns they will
Health Group. After this time he will show the next set of continue to give off Gas. A 5/5Tear Gas Grenade will put out
symptoms. Hair will be lost, hewill displaythesymptom of a cloud of Tear Gas to the radius of 5 meters, and will do so
Purpura, and he will suffer a lowered white blood cell for 5 Combat Turns. Each Combat Turn after the first will
count, so that any wound can cause infection. He will be in extend the radius of the Gas by the volume figure, so that
a state of permanent Partial Fatigue, and further stress will after the full 5 Combat Turns, a cloud of gas will extend from
Fully Fatigue him. the grenade for 25 meters in all directions, wherever space
He will remain in this state until he can make a Health exists for it.
AST, rolling daily. He will then recover within a numberof Some standard Gas deliver systems are:
days equal to 6 minus his Health Group.
0 Police Tear Gas H a n d Grenade: ENC of .2,
Third Degree (750 REM): The character evinces the same Volume/Duration of 1/10, 2/5,or 5/5
symptoms as in Second Degree Radiation Poisoning, but
the second onset of the symptoms is accompanied by an 0 40mm Launcher Grenade: ENC of .4, Volume/Duration of
Advance up Health. When the Advance reaches the CST, 3/10
the character is permanently Fully Fatigued. When it 0 22mm Rifle Grenade: ENC of .8, Volume/Duration of 10/3
reaches the AST, he will become delirious and feverish. At
an Advance equal to the Health score, Crisis occurs. The 0 105mm Shell: Volume/Duration of 20/3
Virulence of the condition is 3. 0 30 Kilogram Aerial Bomb: Volume/Duration of 50/2
Item Covered ENC Material
Jumper 4-1 2 .018 px
Upper Arm Guards 21-24 ,096 MP
Thigh Guards 13-14 ,048 MP
Coverall, helmet, gloves are standard Metpol issue. Patrolman SWAT Team Member
In the course of a campaign, the Gamesmaster may come On each Battle Turn, 1D6 will be rolled for each side. This
to a situation which calls for combat but is too large to handle is the Battle Determination roll. The side with the higher
with the basic man-to-man rules. That is when this section modified roll is considered to be Winning This Turn. The
will become useful. lower modified roll is considered to be Losing This Turn. If
This system is deliberately designed as a shorthand the modified rolls are equal, the turn is Deadlocked.
form. No great details are given and a characters individual On a Turn when one side is reduced below 1 TSP, the
actions are lost in the overview. The principal advantage of side(s) which has (have) a TSP less that 1 is (are) considered
using this system is thequick resolution of combat situations to have Lost the Battle. The other side, if there is one, is
beyond the scope of small man-to-man battles. considered to be Victorious.
The basic rule is that two die rolls are compared and the The commander of each side (in some circumstances this
difference is the basic loss to the strength rating of the sides may be a Player Character) will make a BCS roll on the
involved. This is modified by the results of the application of appropriate Command Skill. A critical success will add the
the appropriate Skill by the commander. If the battle characters Wit Group to the D6 rolled for the Battle Turn
represents a fight with only about 20 men on a side, the results. A critical failure will subtract the opposing
appropriate Skill is Tactics. Larger battles use Operational commanders Wit Group from the result of the failing
Command Skill and the clash of whole armies over the characters Battle Determination roll, and the opposing side
course of a military campaign uses Strategic Command Skill. in considered to have made the Command BCS roll for
purposes of Loss modification to the side with the Critical
Miss. These die rolls will be used to modify the effects of the
THE COURSE OF A BATTLE Battle Turn determination.
Each side in a battle is rated for Troop Strength Points These steps are repeated until the battle is resolved or
(TSP). This is an abstract number representing the combat halted.
capability of the side.
Each Battle Turn represents about an hour. The battle will MODIFICATIONS TO THE DIE ROLL
continue until one side is reduced to zero or less Troop The Battle Determination die roll is modified for several
Strength Points, one side retreats from battle, or prevailing things. The result of the 1D6 roll is modified to get the
conditions force an end to current hostilities. number which will becompared to the modified die roll result
reduced to the percentage of the crew which is present arms, is assigned a number of rounds expended in a Battle
before being multiplied by the Training Rating. Vehicles Turn. If a character using a firearm is to get the value of that
work the same way except that the Defensive value is added firearm, he must havesufficient rounds to match the required
to the base value for all weapons able to be brought to bear expenditure. If insufficient rounds are available, the
before being multiplied by the Training Rating of the crew. Offensive Value without ammunition will be used. A
Reversing the calculations at the end of a Battle will character able to use a slower rate of fire with his weapon
indicate how many survivors there are in a unit. If a partial may do so. but he will only receive the Value for the Gun
man is indicated, assume he is wounded. If a partial vehicle is Action firing with the lesser ammunition expenditure.
indicated, determine the percentage damage and treat it asa
percentage Durability loss. EXAMPLE OF A CUSTOM ARMY
Ammunition supply is dealt with on a rudimentary scale. J. Caldwell has assembled an army. He commands
Each Gun Action or class of weapon, if larger than small 25 Trained AverageA V 8 , 5 0 Green troops in
Average AV 6, another 50 Green troops in Average
AV5, one Heavy Machine Gun with a crew of 2 (full
This results in Caldwells army having units with TSP values listed below. The Gamesmaster decided to divide by 20.
Unit Defensive Value (TSP) Offensive (TSP) Offensive with Ammo (TSP)
#1 Trained Rifles
(25 men) 200 ( 10 ) 200 (10 ) 525 (26.25)
#2 Green Rifles
(50 men) 75 (3.75) 75 (3.75) 237.5 (11.88)
#3 Green lnfantry
(50 men) 62.5 (3.13) 62.5 (3.13)
#4 HMG crew
( 2 men) 16 (.8) 16 (3) 60 ( 3 )
#5 Tank 90 (4.5) 5 (.25) 118 (5.9)
plus Caldwell
Turns 1-6 60 ( 3 )
Turn 7 31 (1.55)
After Turn 7
This is a brief outlineof the mutationsof human stock to be structures and tough hide in place of normal human skin.
encountered in Aftermath! Primary consideration is given to Gamesmaster or Player may wish to work out a highly-visible
the basic forms of alteration in the first five generations or so, image of this latter mutation (scales, or a wrinkled, elephant
although some comments will be made on potentials for hide appearance).
development in later generations. The Tough receives the following abilities.
PHYSICAL MUTATIONS 0 Generate a number from, say, the roll of 2D2. This will be
used in all the following operations. It is called the
These are Changed features which act upon the physical Resistance Number.
senses, the Attributes, and other features of physiological
and neural configurations, having effect upon the mind, .The Toughs skin has an inherent Armor Value equal to
body, and senses of the mutant but not significantlyallowing the Resistance Number. This figure is added to the Armor
him to act upon the exterior world. Unless otherwise Value of whatever armor he is wearing over a given
specified, Physical Mutations are always working, although Location.
some applications require specific calls to that effect by a 0 Increase the Toughs Shock Factor by the Resistance
PIaye r. Number. In addition, the period of time the Tough is
STRONGS unconscious due to Shock will bereduced by anumberof
Strongs add 10 to their Strength (i.e., they effectively go up Combat Turns equal to the Resistance Number.
a Group). Gamesmasters Option: allow Strongs to train to 50 .Add the Resistance number to all STs against
in Strength, as opposed to 40. For a more normal version, succumbing to physical damage effects such as being
allow a score greater than 40 in a Changed Attribute only if winded, knocked out by a sandbag effect, stunned by
the initial Permanent score reached such a figure. If points falls, and so on.
are lost due to healable Attribute damage, allow healing back
to Permanent Value. I f points are lost due to re-trainable .The Tough will not die, if knocked below 0 in his DRT,
damage, sllow training back to Permanent Value. until the total damage below 0 is greater than his Healing
Strongs also suffer losses i n other Attributes, Rate plus Resistance Number.
proportionately based on their gains in Strength. Interesting options with this mutation might include tying
Gamesmaster and Player may exercise options: the Resistance Number into the Power Rolls discussed
0 Reduce Deftness and Speed by 5 each under Psionics later on. The Resistance Number equals the
Toughs Power Group. Thus, the changes start in early
0 Reduce Wit by 10 (or amount of Strength increase) adolescence and continue into young adulthood. Outward
0 Allow Player to rob Peter to pay Paul. He may increase manifestations of the mutation would be less noticeable for
Strength by transferring points from Attributes at a rate those with low Resistance Numbers, but as such factors as
designated by the Gamesmaster (e.g., boost Strength by3 inherent AV increase, thecoarsening of skin, the roughening
points per 2 points reduced in Deftness) of voice as cartilage in the throat thickens, the stiffening of
joints as bone cells increase in density, will mark him for a
In any case, the principal effect of being a Strong is going Changed One.
to be based on hormonal balance altered by the mutagens in Penalties to abilities of Toughs are potentially numerous
the post-Ruin environment. This will cause increased and the Gamesmaster should balance their severity with the
production of usable heavy muscle tissue, but will tend to levels of superiority gined by the mutant. Some possibilities
reduce movility and flexibility (Deftness and Speed) or i ncl ued:
mentation (Wit and Will). The options given above are to
permit tailoring the character to an image pleasing to Player Reduce all BCS and Saving Throws based on sensitivity of
and Gamesmaster. touch or lightness of movement by the Resistance
Number. The heavy bones and thick, insensitive skin do
QUICKS not do much for such operations.
Quicks receive enhancements to Deftness and Speed in
the same way that Strongs get enhanced Strength. They may 0 Obviously, the Tough is no beauty. Figure this into the
have a boost in only one of these Attributes or in both. Changed Ones interactions with people, especially ones
Penalties are levied against them as with Strongs, but are with no love for mutants.
probably targeted at Strength and Health. This is based on 0 T h e Tough could easily lose Speed and Deftness
the image of their mutation as an increase in the basal comparable with the Strong, by some number based on
metabolic rate, permitting greater reflex speed and muscle Resistance. A 1:l ratio is certainly possible.
firing at a cost in the storage of protein as muscle and the
general ability of the system to maintain homeostasis, There are other options, too numerous to analyze in detail.
reflected by Health reductions. The Gamesmaster is free to work out details with players, as
Other requirements based on this image could include well as to design his own variants.
doubled requirements for rations by the Quick, as well as IMMUNES
player design of habits and quirks that non-Quick humans I mmunes have systems which responded to the bacterial
are likely to find highly irritating. fury of germ warfare by developing tremendous resistance to
TOUGHS subtler forms of injury than the Toughs. They also have a
Toughs resist physical damage in a gross anatomical Resistance Number,but it acts as follows.
sense. Possessed of metabolisms which fiercely resist Add to Saving Throws versus all forms of drugs and
certain forms of injury, they also have heavier skeletal poisons.
0 The effects of certain Psi Powers (see below) are Psi is recovered at a rate per day equal to the Changeds
measured by the number generated by rolling Effect Dice, Will Group. No meansof increasing this is known to pre-Ruin
just as Damage Dice determine the effects of using science, and the Gamesmaster has discretion in allowing the
Strength. Calculate the Psi Group for the character as development of any Psionic Skills in his Campaign.
you would for any Attribute. Once the direction attempt has been made, whether it
succeeded or not, the Changed will check to see if the strain
A Psi Saving Throw should be generated, as for any of using the Power has affected his system. He must roll a
Attribute. This will determine the Changeds success in Health Saving Throw. If a CST is made, then no deleterious
using his Powers, as stipulated in the rules later on. effect occurs. I f an AST is made, the character takes half the
There are several broad categories of psychic phenomena Psi Group used for the Power in Subdual Damage. If the
recognized today. In Aftermath! these categories are called Saving Throw is not made, he takes the full value of the Psi
Functions. The are: Group in Subdual Damage. On a Critical Miss, he takes
damage as for a normal miss, and is subject to System Shock
Telepathy: Forms of psionic ability dealing with contact or as if he had taken a severe wound.
communication between two or more minds. If the direction attempt succeeded, then the Power works,
ESP: Short for Extra-Sensory Perception. Psychic even if the user passes out as a result of the strain.
phenomena in which data are gathered which are beyond Receptive Powers
the reach of the characters physical senses. Unlike the Projected Powers, these Receptive, or R-
Psychokinesis: Mind over matter. Causing changes in Powers, function continuously, doing their office fortheuser
matter by mental force. at a level of effectiveness dictated by the Changeds Psi
Precognition: Sensing events or data before they actually Group. Let us say that an R-Power gives a permanent plusto
occur or impinge upon the other senses. the Changeds score in some area, such asaSaving Throw, a
BCS, or some other Ability. The user recives such a bonus
All Psionically Changed will have at least one Psi Function. equal to his Psi Group at all times, every time the affected
It will be rare for early generations of the Changed to display Abilities, Attributes, or Skills are used.
more than one Psi Function to any great extent. The
Functions, in conjunction with his Talents, will determine TELEPATHIC POWERS
what Powers a Changed has. The Powers listed below are usable by all Changed with
For every Talent in which the Changed has ascore greater the Telepathic Function if they have a score above 10 in the
than 10, a Power will be gained, as described below. indicated Talent.
In using Psi Powers, the Effect Die roll made fortheoutput Charismatic
of such Powers will be multiplied by a factor equal to Psychic Induction (P). The Changed may attempt to take
(Talent/lO). over the mind of a victim by mental invasion. The modified
Vern has active Psi, with a Function in Telepathy. He Effect Die roll must exceed the targets Will for this to occur.
has Communicative Talent of 14 and Combative Talent The Changed may implant a strong belief, image, or
of 18. He will thus receive the Psi Powers ascribed to suggestion in the victims mind. The victim will act upon this
Telepathy in those two Talents. In using Effect Dice for as if it were his own conviction uritil he is released from
the Communicative Power, his base die r o l l will be control by psionic activity (a Psychic Induction to that end
multiplied by ( 1 4 / 1 0 ) or 1.4. In the Combative Power must generate an Effect score greater than the victims CST
the Effect roll is multiplied by 1.8. to work), or until his senses provide proof that the suggestion
PSlONlC POWERS is untrue. In all such actions the victim acts at full efficiency.
This form of Psychic Induction may be used as often as
There are two main formats governing the use of Psi
Powers in Aftermath!: Projected (P) and Receptive (R). You desired by the Changed.
may also think of them as active and passive. Alternatively, the Changed may take over the victims body
entirely. Resistance to such domination will have the effect
Projected Powers of Fatiguing the victim 1 level while under such control. The
P-Powers require active concentration by the user to work Changed will have the use of his own Skills and mental
and using them may exert a strain on his system. Attributes, but the possessed body exercises its own
The player controlling thechanged must declarethat he is Physical Attributes and Activities. The Changed may not use
trying t o use a P-Power. He then must make a Will AST to the victims Skills in this case, as they are walled away from
tune in the characters Psi abilities. This attempt requires 1 the controlling centers of the brain along with the victims
Action. Retries in theevent of failure are permitted. There are consciousness. The Changed may so control only one victim
no Critical Miss penalties or Critical Save bonuses. at a time, but he can switch from victim to victim without
During the course of his adventuring career, a character entered in the Positive Merit column of the Rep Area to which
will acquire a reputation. In many campaigns, a the action belongs. If the character fails to perform the
Gamesmaster will treat this in a very nebulous fashion. In action, it will be entered in the Negative Merit column.
some, it will not be a factor at all. This is certainly allowable In some cases, inaction on the part of a character will result
and, in some campaigns, the play group might even find it in merit gains or losses. This is particularly the case with
preferable. For the Gamesmaster who wishes to have a more regard to the Survival Area of Rep.
concrete handle on the concept of reputation, or Rep, we For the most part, the Gamesmaster will not wish to rate
provide these guidelines. every little thing done by a character. He may wish to rate a
Reputation is gained by singular execution of a deed or by given scenario as a whole, or break it down into segments
continued performance in an area of expertise. The corresponding to particular areas in which reputation can be
performance may be successful or not. In some cases, gained. Some suggestions with regard to areas to rate are:
reputation is inherent in holding a given position.
The components of a characters reputation will affect the Combat: The Gamesmaster can rate an individual combat
way in which non-player characters will react to him and with where the character fights one-on-one with another
him. A character with a reputation as a tough fighter will find character. He may, however, wish to deal with a firefight
that pacifistic characters fear and/or respect him while as a whole and apportion the results of success among the
belligerent young punks occasionally challenge him to participating characters.
prove that they are better than he is. A man might be rated as having a figure of merit equal to
A characters reputation will add to his Recognition Factor. his DRT/PO rounded to the nearest but with a minimum Of
This represents, in some cases, the circulation of his 1. If a character engages in a specific duel with another
description along with the tales that form the basis of his specially-designed character, the base figure of merit
reputation. Thus, when a character is recognized, those might have a value added to it equal to the defeated
recognizing him will be aware of his reputation. At the least, characters Rep/lO, nearest.
they will know of thegeneral areas in which thecharacter has Dangers: A danger such as a contaminated environment
gained his reputation. might have avalueequal to thevirulenceorstrength of the
danger. This would be applied to a characters reputation
The Gamesmaster will adjudicate when an action on the Other dangers such as the attack of wild animals could
part of a character is of a level sufficient to affect his affect the characters reputation as a Survivor or as a
reputation. The action will be assigned afigure of merit. If the Hunter at the discretion of the Gamesmaster. Animals
character performs the action successfully, the value will be might be rated for merit by their size and nature. A
FEATURES: Tapped for Telescopic Sight. Swivel Sling. CALIBER: 22 Short 20 Rounds
Trigger is adjustable for Hair Trigger or 22 Long 17 Rounds
normal pull. 22 Long Rifle 15 Rounds
FEATURES: Grooved for Telescopic Sight. The gun can
CODE R15 ACTION: BA fire any of the specified Calibers. The only
MAG: Port-Mag 3 DUR: 4 ENC: 1.4 difference is how many rounds of a given
CALIBER: 375 Magnum (1-6) size can f it into the Tubular Magazine.
458 Magnum (7-0)
MAG: Box 5.10 or 15 DUR: 4 ENC: 1.3
MAG: Port-Mag Var. DUR: 5 ENC: 1.2 FEATURES: Grooved for Telescopic Sight. The odds of a
CALIBER: 222 5 Round (1) gun having any particular size of magazine
22-250 5 Round (2) are even. It can use any of them.
. 6mm 5 Round (3)
243 5 Round (4) COOE ,R26 ACTION: LA
25-06 5 Round (5) MAG: Tub-Mag Var. DUR: 4 ENC: 1.25
270 5 Round (6) CALIBER: 22 Short 22 Round (1-2)
. 308 5 Round (7) 22 Lona 17 Round (3-4)
30-06 5 Round (8) 22 Long Rifle 15 Round (5-9)
375 Magnum 3 Round (9) 22 RF Magnum (0)
458 Magnum 3 Round (0) FEATURES: Hi-Power weapon, using High Power rounds
FEATURES: Recoil Pad. Swivel Sling. Tapped for at no extra risk. As with R24, the gun can fire
Telescopic Sight. There is a 20% chance that any of the non-Magnum 22 Rimfire cartridges.
this gun will be a Match Weapon. It simply holds different quantities of them.
The frequency numbers given are soley to
COOE R17 ACTION: SS distinquish between the Magnum and non-
MAG: Fall-Block 1 DUR: 3 ENC: 1.35 Magnum models. Also has Hair Trigger and is
CALIBER: 45-70 tapped for Telescopic Sight. Swivel Sling.
FEATURES: Tapped for Telescopic Sight. Swivel Sling.
CODE R18 ACTION: SS MAG: Tub-Mag Var. DUR: 3 ENC: 1.35
MAG: Fall-Block 1 DUR: 5 ENC: 1.3 CALIBER: 22 Short 26 Round
CALIBER: 30-06 (1-3) 22 Long 21 Round
25-06 (4-5) 22 Long Rifle 15 Round
6mm (6) FEATURES: Tapped for Telescopic Sight. Swivel Sling As
243 (7) with other Tub-Mag Variable Capacity
22-250 (8) magazines the gun can handle any 22 Rimfire
7mm Magnum (9-0) round listed, but holds different quantities of
FEATURES Taooed for TelescaDic Siaht. Recoil Pad. GUN them
CODE Rl9 ACTION: SS MAG: Tub-Mag 11 DUR: 4 ENC: 1.3
MAG: Port-Mag 1 DUR: 3 ENC: 1.3 CALIBER: 22 RF Magnum
CALIBER: 44 Magnum (1-7) FEATURES: Grooved for Telescopic Sight.
45-70 (8-0) CODE: R29 ACTION: BA
FEATURES: None. MAG: Box 7 DUR: 3 ENC: 1.2
COOE A 2 0 ACTION: SS CALIBER: 22 Short (1-2)
MAG: Fall-Block 1 DUR: 5 ENC: 1.4 22 Long (3-5)
CALIBER: 22-250 (01-10) 22 Lona Rifle (6-0)
243 (11-15) FEATURES: G roovd for Telescopic Sight.
6mm (16-25) CODE A30 ACTION: BA
25-06 (26-30) MAG: Box 7 DUR: 4 ENC: 1.4
270 (31-40)
30-06 (41-55) CALIBER: Any 22 RF non-Magnum
7mm Magnum (56-60) FEATURES: Clip can be altered t o accomodate 22 Short,
300 Magnum (61-70) Long or Long Rifle. Grooved for Telescopic
45-70 (71-75) Sight.
30-40 Krag (76-80) COOE: R31 ACTION: BA
458 Magnum (81-85) MAG: Box 5 DUR: 3 ENC: 1.35
375 Magnum (86-00) CALIBER: 22 RF Magnum
Equipped with mounts for Iron or Telescopic COOE R32 ACTION: BA
Sights. MAG: Box 5 or 10 DUR: 4 ENC: 1.25
COOE R21 ACTION: AL CALIBER: 22 Short (1-2)
MAG: Tub-Mag 20 DUR: 4 ENC: 1.2 22 Long (3-5)
CALIBER: 22 Long Rifle 22 Long Rifle (6-0)
FEATURES: Grooved for Telescopic Sight. FEATURES: Even chance of gun being found with either
clip. It can use both sizes. Also Tapped for
MAG: Tub-Mag Var. DUR: 4 ENC: 1.3
ON IT! Sighted fire possible only when Sights
CALIBER: 22 Long Rifle (1-5) installed by a Gunsmith.
22 RF Maanum (6-0)
FEATURES: Grooved h r Telescopic Sights. CODE R33 ACTION: BA
MAG: Tub-Mag Var. DUR: 4 ENC: 1.2
MAG: Box 5 DUR: 3 ENC: 1.3 22 Lono
CALIBER: 22 RF Magnum 22 L o n i Rifle
FEATURES: Tapped for Telescopic Sight. FEATURES: Grooved for Telescopic Sight. As with other
COOE R24 ACTION: AL Tub-Maa rifles it can use any 22 Rimfire but
MAG: Tub-Mag Var. DUR: 4 ENC: 1.25 holds varying amounts of them.
FEATURES: This is a short-barrled Riot Gun, acting like a SINGLE SHOT SHOTGUNS
Carbine as regards BDG. Such weapons are CODE: SG19 ACTION: SS
legally restricted to Police in our own culture. MAG: Break 1 DUR: 4 ENC: 1.5
MAG: Tub-Mag 3 DUR: 4 ENC: .8 10 Ga Magnum (11-15)
GAUGE: 12 Ga Magnum (1-4) 12 Ga (16-45)
12 Ga Slug (5) 12 Ga Magnum (61-70)
10 Ga (6-8) 16 Ga (61-70)
10 Ga Slug ($0) 16 Ga Magnum (71-80)
FEATURES: Another Riot Gun, fitted with a Folding Stock, 20 Ga (81-85)
allowing it to be fired with Pistol Skill. A very 20 Ga Magnum (86-90)
mean looking gun, it is colloquially known as 410 (91-95)
a Room Broom. 410 Magnum (96-00)
FEATURES: Recoil pad. Changeable barrels to alter
MAG: Tub-Mag 5 DUR: 4 ENC: 1.5 MAG: Break 1 DUR: 4 ENC: 1.6
GAUGE: 12 Ga (1-6) GAUGE: 10 Ga Slug (1-2)
20 Ga Magnum (7-0) 12 Ga Slug (3-6)
FEATURES: Recoil Pad. 16 Ga Slug (7-8)
20 Ga Slua (91
CODE SG12 ACTION: PA 410 slug (0)
MAG: Tub-Mag 5 DUR: 4 ENC: 1.3 FEATURES: None.
GAUGE: 12 Ga (1-4)
20 Ga (8-0) Gun has Two Barrels mounted one on top of another
FEATURES: t l to Aim with Sighted Fire, due to special, CODE: SG21 ACTION: SA
transluscent Sight with Peep function. MAG: Break 2 DUR: 3 ENC: 1.6
COOE: SG13 ACTION: PA GAUGE: 12 Ga (1-6)
MAG: Tub-Mag 5 DUR: 4 ENC: 1.7 20 Ga Magnum (7-0)
GAUGE: 12 Ga Magnum FEATURES: None.
FEATURES: Interchangeable barrels for different Chokes. CODE: 22 ACTION: SA
Recoil pad. MAG: Break 2 DUR: 5 ENC: 1.8
MAG: Tub-Mag 5 DUR: 4 ENC: 1.8 FEATURES: Recoil Pad.
GAUGE: 12 Ga Slug MAG: Break 2 DUR: 5 ENC: 1.6
FEATURES: Recoil pad. Beaded Sight gives t1 to Aim with GAUGE: 10 Ga Magnum (1)
Sighted Fire. 12 Ga Magnum (2-3)
CODE: SG15 ACTION: PA 20 Ga Magnum (4)
MAG: Tub-Mag 5 DUR: 5 ENC: 1.5 410 Magnum (5)
GAUGE: 12 Ga (1-3) 12 Ga (6-0)
12 Ga Magnum (4-5) FEATURES: Recoil pad.
20 Ga (6-7) CODE: SG24 ACTION: SA
20 Ga Magnum (8-9) MAG: Break 2 DUR: 4 ENC: 1.5
410 Magnum (0) GAUGE: 12 Ga (1-4)
FEATURES: Interchangeable Choke Tubes available, same 16 Ga (5-6)
models as used with SG7. Recoil pad. 20 Ga (7)
COOE: SG16 ACTION: PA 12 Ga Magnum (8)
MAG: Tub-Mag 5 DUR: 4 ENC: 1 16 Ga Magnum (9)
GAUGE: 12 Ga (1-3) 20 Ga Magnum (0)
12 Ga Magnum (4-5) FEATURES: None.
10 Ga (6-8)
12 Ga Slug (0) The following specifications quantize certain military and police
FEATURES: A Riot Gun. Swivel Sling weapons in general use in the U.S. (or available from its allies)
between WWll and the Ruin.
MAG: B o x 2 DUR: 4 ENC: 1.8 M-1 Garand Rille ACTION: AL MAG: Strip 8
GAUGE: 10 Ga (1-4) CALIBER: 30-06 DUR: 4 ENC: 1.5
10 Ga Maanurn (5-7) FEATURES: Auto-extractor. Bayonet lug. Takes adapter to
10 Ga S l u i (8-0) fire M-1 Rifle Grenade.
FEATURES: Swivel Sling. M-1 Carbine ACTION: AL MAG: Box 15 or 30
COOE: SG18 ACTION: BA CALIBER: 30 Carbine DUR: 4 ENC: .9
MAG: Box3 DUR: 4 ENC: 1.4 FEATURES: Auto extractor.
GAUGE: 12 Ga (1-4) MIA1 Carbine ACTION: AL MAG: Box 15 or 30
12 Ga Slug (5-7) CALIBER: 30 Carbine DUR: 4 ENC: .9
410 Ga (8-9) FEATURES: Auto-extractor. May be equipped with Folding
410 Ga Slug (0) Stock.
FEATURES: Gun is fitting with a Variable Choke device on
non-Slug models. This permits user to set for M-14Rifle ACTION: AL-FA MAG: Box20
a given Choke in 1 Action by turning a small CAL: 7.62 NATO (308) DUR: 5 ENC: 1.4
dial around the muzzle. Swivel Sling. Recoil FEATURES: Auto-extractor. Bayonet lug. Can be fitted
pad. Slug firing models have high quality Iron with bipod for Rest Weapon Modifier. Takes
Sights given t l to Aim using Sighted Fire. Adapter device to fire M-14 Rifle Grenade.
These are 7 of the best known machine guns in use since WWII. They range
from the standard US weapons of that period to the Heckler and Koch guns
used by NATO forces. All may be vehicle mounted.
30 Caliber Browning Med. MG
MAG: Disintegrating Link or Fabric Belt 250
CAL: 30 Browning DUR: 4 ENC: 7
FEATURES: Tripod mounted in most (80%) cases. Others
use a beefed up Bipod.
MAG: Disintegrating Link Belt 250
CAL: 7.62mm NATO OUR: 5 ENC: 5.2
RATE: 600 RpM RATE FACTOR: 2D3 x .5
FEATURES: The current standard MG used by the US
Armed Forces. Can be Bipod or Tripod
Browing M 2 HMG
MAG: Metal Link Belt 100
CAL: 50 OUR: 4 ENC: 14.1
RATE: 450 RpM RATE FACTOR: D6 x .5
FEATURES: Mounted on tripod.
Bren LMG
MAG: Box 30 or Drum 50 or 100
CAL: 7.62 NATO DUR: 4 ENC: 4.35
RATE: 480 RpM RATE FACTOR: 06 x .5
FEATURES: Bipod fitted. Easily man portable (subject to
Encumbrance rules). A Section Support
weapon designed for mobility.
SIG 710-3 GPMG
MAG: Disintegrating or Metal Link Belt 250
CAL: 7,62 NATO DUR: 5 ENC: 4.82
RATE: 800 RpM RATE FACTOR: 0.19 x .5
SUSTAINED: 1400 RpM 205 x .5
FEATURES: One of the current NATO machine gun
systems. It can be Bipod mounted in its lower
Rate role, but the Sustained Fire requires
Tripod mounting to hold the gun sufficiently
MAG: BOX20 or Drum 80 or Disintegrating Link Belt 250
CAL: 5.56rnm
CAL: 7.62 NATO
CAL: 7.62 x 39mm DUR: 5 ENC: 3.65
RATE: 850 RpM RATE FACTOR: D10 x .5
FEATURES: The newest thing in MG systems. Usually
Bipod mounted, almost ALL the parts of the
weapon in either mode are interchangeable.
War of the Worlds
Classic novel of the invasion of Earth and the destruction of its
Anthony, Piers civilization by the Martians.
The Battle Circle
A trilogy of novels set in a curiously barbaric-cum-technological
culture, some 500 years after a nuclear war. SOURCE BOOKS
Barrett, Neal
Adair of Albion Bearse, Ray
The adventures of animal-descended heroes, seeking the lost race Sporting Arms of the World
of Man in a ruined world. The Millenia After the Ruin type of Comprehensive guide to sporting firearms, target weapons, and
Campaign. other civilian weapons in modern use.
Brunner, John Draeger, Don and Smith, Robert
The Sheep Look Up Comprehensive Asian Fighting Arts.
Pre-Ruin environment in a world heading for suicide by pollution. Compact and informative guide to armed and unarmed martial arts
of the Far East.
Budrys. Algis
Some Will Not Die Gervasi, Tom
Primary and Secondary Kill through first few generations. Post- Arsenal of Democracy
plague world, tracing organization of various communities. Valuable Invaluable guide to American military vehicles, weapons, etc. made
for political view of an Aftermath! world. today for domestic use and for export. Includes aircraft, naval
vessels, small arms, artillery. etc.
Burroughs, E.R.
Lost Continent Herring, William
Also published as Beyond Thirty. Adventures of intrepid American Ballistics and The Muzzle Loading Rifle
hero exploring the savage junglesof post-Ruin Europe. Ideal outline Compact study of the ballistics of black powder firearms. Clear and
for those using Conventional Warfare as Ruin. readable.
Ellison, Harlan McGregor, Malcolm
A Boy A n d His Dog Armoured Fighting Vehicles
First Generation. A short story, available in many collections. This Survey of the tank and armored car from WWll to the present.
has also been made into a motion picture. Life among the tough Owen, J.I.H.
young survivors in a semi-ruined city. The character of Blood, the Brasseys Artillery of the World
Dog of the title, is well worth studying. Broad guide to direct and indirect fire artillery ordance in modern
Frank, Pat use.
Alas. Babylon Owen, J.I.H., Ed.
Classic novel of the challengesto survival faced by asmall town after Brasseys Infantry Weapons of the World
a nuclear war. Comprehensive reference work on military issue small arms,
Miller, Waiter machine guns, grenades, and other personal and support weapons
Canticle For Liebowitz in use by modern infantry.
200 Years After -and then some. Agood view of the climb back from Rivlere, Bill
medieval to modern level after a nuclear war. Interesting in that the The Gunners Bible
Catholic Church is seen as the conservator of the Old Knowledge, Detailed introduction to modern firearms for the beginner.
specifically of the printed page.
Smith, W.H.B. and Smith J.E.
Moorcock, Michael Small Arms of the World
The Land Leviathan A wide-ranging guide to military firearms in use from WWll to the
Novel styled on Wells, et. al., depicting struggle to survive in world mid-Sixties.
reduced to barbarism by conventional warfare.
Niven, Larry and Pournelie, Jerry
Lucifers Hammer PERIODICALS
Pre- and Post-Ruin in a world destroyed by the fall of a giant comet
onto the Earth. Detailed view of the problems facing a survivor xxi
community. Guns Illustrated
An annual digest of articles, data, and advertising. Includes an
Norton. Andre illustrated section on EVERY major firearm available for public Sale
Starmans Son in the US.
Also published as Daybreak 2250 AD. The story of a young
tribesman living in a 200 Years After the Ruin environment. xx2
Gun Digest
Pangborn, Edgar An annual publication of great value to the Campaigner who needs
Davy more data on firearms. Comprehensive listing of firearms available
Irreverent novel set in a post-holocaust America, underthe thumb of in the US.,profusely illustrated.
a know-nothing religion. Political satire in a work of interest in xx3
setting up a Campaign.
Soldier of Fortune
Hairy-chested but informative magazine often dealing with the
Still IPersist in Wondering subject of post-collapse survival. Advertising sections include
More stories from the world of Davy. publishers of many other useful works.
Door with Push Bar
Sliding Door
Elevator Door
y- See-thru Door
See-thru Section of Wall
except In the case of brief quotatlonsembodled In critical articles u Ladder
or reviews.
Box, cover art and all lllustratlons are copyright @ 1981 by Robert
N. Charrette. For Information regarding this game contact
,--- -
Significant Line
Fantasy Games Unlimited. Inc.;
P.O. Box 182; Roslyn, N.Y. 11576
* 1
' Significant Area
Closing Remarks
Remember that this scenario pack is for your aid and is not
in itself gospel. It was written to allow room for you as
Gamesmaster to exercise your own creativity and ingenuity.
Adjust it to suit you own campaign. As you add or subtract
from it, recall that balance is needed if everyone involvedis to
I enjoy the adventure.
Scientific ---
hases Consumed in Action Critical damage
SPOI l8APIMNAj.d) Changed
I I I Iocation amount
ombat Dodge Ability
OFT 6 SPD)/20.n)
~~ ~~~
Maximum value carried with status
unencumbered partially Enc. fully Enc.
On Belt
Left Slung
Right Slung
Left Hand
Right Hand
Average Armor Value
suns Magazine Caliber
Weapon Format Action Capacity (BDG) ENC Type length Format VOluC WOM ENC
Fighter, HTH
, missile
, gun
Personal Bravery
Survival, self
, others
Hunter, HTH
, missile
, gun
nontech skill
tech skill
Off-hand Dexterity
I unencumbered partially Enc. fully Enc. Brawling
I Survival,
Areas Merit Merit Raling
Fighter, HTH
, missile
, gun
Personal Bravery
~ ~~ __
Survival, self
, others
Hunter, HTH
, missile
, gun
nontech skill
tech skill
WT Group) (HLH Group)
Bua Allocated Cunenl
WT Freely Improvable Skills Shock Factor Charismatic -
WT 6 WL)
;TR Group
(10. Healing Rate)
Scientific ---
has6 Consumed in Action Critical damage
I(BAPIMNA).d) Changed
location arnounl
:ombat Dodge Ability
fDFT & SPDIl20 nl I
Encumbrance Skills SCORE I BCS
Maximum value carried with status Off-hand Dexterity
unencumbered partially Enc. fully Enc. Brawling
On Belt
Left Slung
Right Slung
Left Hand
Right Hand
Average Armor Value
;uns Magazine Caliber Weapons Survival
Neapon Formal Action Capacity (BDG) ENC Type lenglh Formal Value WDM ENC
Fighter, H T H
, missile
Personal Braverv
Survival, self
, others
Hunter, HTH
, missile