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FANUC Series 0 * Mate-MODEL D


• No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form.
• All specifications and designs are subject to change without notice.

The products in this manual are controlled based on Japan’s “Foreign Exchange and
Foreign Trade Law”. The export from Japan may be subject to an export license by the
government of Japan.
Further, re-export to another country may be subject to the license of the government of
the country from where the product is re-exported. Furthermore, the product may also be
controlled by re-export regulations of the United States government.
Should you wish to export or re-export these products, please contact FANUC for advice.

In this manual we have tried as much as possible to describe all the various matters.
However, we cannot describe all the matters which must not be done, or which cannot be
done, because there are so many possibilities.
Therefore, matters which are not especially described as possible in this manual should be
regarded as ”impossible”.

This manual contains the program names or device names of other companies, some of
which are registered trademarks of respective owners. However, these names are not
followed by ® or ™ in the main body.


This manual includes safety precautions for protecting the user and preventing damage to the machine.
Precautions are classified into Warning and Caution according to their bearing on safety. Also,
supplementary information is described as a Note. Read the Warning, Caution, and Note thoroughly
before attempting to use the machine.

Applied when there is a danger of the user being injured or when there is a
danger of both the user being injured and the equipment being damaged if the
approved procedure is not observed.

Applied when there is a danger of the equipment being damaged, if the
approved procedure is not observed.

The Note is used to indicate supplementary information other than Warning and

• Read this manual carefully, and store it in a safe place.


DEFINITION OF WARNING, CAUTION, AND NOTE .................................s-1
1 OVERVIEW OF PMC .............................................................................. 1
1.1 WHAT IS PMC?............................................................................................. 1
1.1.1 Basic Configuration of PMC ....................................................................................1
1.1.2 I/O Signals of PMC ..................................................................................................1
1.1.3 PMC Signal Addresses .............................................................................................2
1.2 WHAT IS LADDER LANGUAGE? ................................................................. 5
1.2.1 Ladder Diagram Format ...........................................................................................5
1.2.2 Signal Name (Symbol Name)...................................................................................6
1.2.3 Comment ..................................................................................................................6
1.2.4 Graphic Symbols of Relays and Coils......................................................................7
1.2.5 Line Number and Net Number .................................................................................7
1.2.6 Difference Between Relay Sequence Circuit and Ladder Sequence Program .........8
1.2.7 Specification of Extended Symbol and Comment....................................................9
1.3 SEQUENCE PROGRAM CREATION PROCEDURE .................................. 12
1.3.1 Determining Specification......................................................................................12
1.3.2 Creating Ladder Diagram .......................................................................................12
1.3.3 Editing Sequence Program .....................................................................................12
1.3.4 Transferring and Writing Sequence Program to PMC ...........................................13
1.3.5 Checking Sequence Program..................................................................................14
1.3.6 Storage and Management of Sequence Program....................................................14
1.4 EXECUTION OF SEQUENCE PROGRAM ................................................. 15
1.4.1 Execution Procedure of Sequence Program ...........................................................16
1.4.2 Repetitive Operation...............................................................................................17
1.4.3 Processing Priority (1st Level, 2nd Level, and 3rd Level).....................................17
1.4.4 Structured Sequence Program ................................................................................19 Implementation .................................................................................................. 19 Subprogramming and nesting ............................................................................ 24 Notes on using subroutines................................................................................ 28
1.4.5 Synchronization Processing of I/O Signals ............................................................30
1.4.6 Interlock .................................................................................................................34
1.4.7 Notes on I/O Signals Updated by Other Than PMC ..............................................34
1.5 PMC/L FUNCTION FOR Series 0i-D/0i Mate-D .......................................... 35

2 PMC SPECIFICATIONS........................................................................ 36
2.1 SPECIFICATIONS....................................................................................... 36
2.1.1 Basic Specifications ...............................................................................................36
2.1.2 Program Capacity ...................................................................................................39
2.1.3 Sequence Program Memory Capacity ....................................................................40
2.1.4 Data Size for PMC Message Multi-Language Display ..........................................40
2.1.5 PMC Addresses ......................................................................................................41
2.1.6 Basic Instructions ...................................................................................................43
2.1.7 Functional Instructions (Arranged in Sequence of Instruction Group) ..................44
2.1.8 Functional Instructions (Arranged in Sequence of SUB No.) ................................51
2.2 PMC SIGNAL ADDRESSES........................................................................ 57
2.2.1 Addresses for Signals Between the PMC and CNC (F, G) ....................................57
2.2.2 Addresses of Signals Between the PMC and Machine (X, Y) ...............................58
2.2.3 Internal Relay Addresses (R)..................................................................................59
2.2.4 System Relay Addresses (R9000) ..........................................................................60

2.2.5 Extra Relay Addresses (E)......................................................................................64

2.2.6 Message Display Addresses (A).............................................................................68
2.2.7 Timer Addresses (T)...............................................................................................69
2.2.8 Counter Addresses (C) ...........................................................................................70
2.2.9 Keep Relay Addresses (K) .....................................................................................72
2.2.10 Nonvolatile Memory Control Address (K).............................................................73
2.2.11 System Keep Relay Addresses (K).........................................................................74
2.2.12 Data Table Addresses (D) ......................................................................................79
2.2.13 Subprogram Number Addresses (P) .......................................................................84
2.2.14 Label Number Addresses (L) .................................................................................84
2.3 PMC PARAMETERS ................................................................................... 85
2.3.1 Cautions for Reading from/Writing to Nonvolatile Memory .................................86
2.3.2 PMC Parameter Format..........................................................................................87
2.4 PARAMETERS FOR THE PMC SYSTEM................................................... 94
2.4.1 Setting Parameters ..................................................................................................94
2.4.2 PMC System Parameters ........................................................................................96
2.4.3 CNC Parameters Related to the PMCs ...................................................................97
2.5 COMPATIBILITY WITH CONVENTIONAL MODELS .................................. 99
2.5.1 Compatibility between 0i-D PMC and PMC-SB7 for 0i-C....................................99
2.5.2 Compatibility between 0i-D / 0i Mate-D PMC/L and PMC-SA1 for 0i-C /
0i Mate-C..............................................................................................................100
2.5.3 Compatibility between 0i-D PMC and 30i/31i/32i-A PMC.................................101
2.5.4 Compatibility between 0i-D/0i Mate-D PMC/L and 32i-A PMC/L.....................101
2.5.5 Compatibility between 0i-D DCSPMC and 30i/31i/32i-A DCSPMC .................102
2.5.6 The Convert Method of Source Program Using FANUC LADDER-III..............102
2.6.1 Usage of PMC Message Multi-Language Display Function................................104
2.6.2 Multi-Language Display.......................................................................................106
2.6.3 Maximum Number of Message ............................................................................107
2.6.4 Display of European Characters...........................................................................107
2.6.5 Display of Simplified Chinese and Korean (Hangul Characters).........................108
2.7 DATA BACKED UP BY THE BATTERY .................................................... 110
3 I/O LINK............................................................................................... 112
3.1 WHAT IS THE I/O LINK?........................................................................... 112
3.1.1 Configuration of an I/O Link................................................................................113
3.1.2 Numbers of Input Points and of Output Points of the I/O Link ...........................114
3.2 ASSIGNMENT METHOD .......................................................................... 115
3.2.1 Assignment Method for I/O Unit-MODEL A ......................................................120
3.2.2 Assignment Method for I/O Unit-MODEL B ......................................................122
3.2.3 Assignment Method for Distribution I/O Connection Panel I/O Modules and
Distribution I/O Operator's Panel I/O Modules....................................................125
3.2.4 Assignment Method for the Power Mate..............................................................130
3.2.5 Assignment Method for I/O Link Connection Units ............................................131
3.2.6 Assignment Method for a Handy Machine Operator's Panel ...............................133
3.2.7 Assignment Method for an AS-i Converter Unit..................................................134
3.2.8 FS0 Operator's Panel ............................................................................................136
3.3 SELECTABLE I/O LINK ASSIGNMENT FUNCTION................................. 144
3.3.1 Outline ..................................................................................................................144
3.3.2 Example................................................................................................................147
3.3.3 Notes.....................................................................................................................151
3.4 I/O LINK CONNECTION CHECK FUNCTION ........................................... 152

4 LADDER LANGUAGE ........................................................................ 153

4.1 BASIC INSTRUCTIONS ............................................................................ 154
4.1.1 Details of the Basic Instructions...........................................................................156
4.1.2 RD Instruction ......................................................................................................158
4.1.3 RD.NOT Instruction .............................................................................................159
4.1.4 WRT Instruction...................................................................................................160
4.1.5 WRT.NOT Instruction..........................................................................................161
4.1.6 AND Instruction ...................................................................................................162
4.1.7 AND.NOT Instruction..........................................................................................163
4.1.8 OR Instruction ......................................................................................................164
4.1.9 OR.NOT Instruction .............................................................................................165
4.1.10 RD.STK Instruction..............................................................................................166
4.1.11 RD.NOT.STK Instruction ....................................................................................167
4.1.12 AND.STK Instruction ..........................................................................................168
4.1.13 OR.STK Instruction..............................................................................................169
4.1.14 SET Instruction.....................................................................................................171
4.1.15 RST Instruction ....................................................................................................172
4.1.16 RDPT Instruction .................................................................................................173
4.1.17 ANDPT Instruction ..............................................................................................174
4.1.18 ORPT Instruction .................................................................................................175
4.1.19 RDPT.STK Instruction .........................................................................................176
4.1.20 RDNT Instruction.................................................................................................177
4.1.21 ANDNT Instruction..............................................................................................178
4.1.22 ORNT Instruction.................................................................................................179
4.1.23 RDNT.STK Instruction ........................................................................................180
4.1.24 PUSH Instruction
POP Instruction ....................................................................................................181
4.2 FUNCTIONAL INSTRUCTIONS ................................................................ 182
4.2.1 Format of the Functional Instructions ..................................................................182
4.3 TIMER ....................................................................................................... 187
4.3.1 TMR (On-delay Timer: SUB 3) ...........................................................................188
4.3.2 TMRB (Fixed On-delay Timer: SUB 24) ............................................................190
4.3.3 TMRBF (Fixed Off-delay Timer: SUB 77)..........................................................192
4.3.4 TMRC (On-delay Timer: SUB 54).......................................................................194
4.3.5 TMRST (Stop Watch Timer (1ms Accuracy) : SUB 221)
TMRSS (Stop Watch Timer (1sec Accuracy) : SUB 222)...................................197
4.4 COUNTER ................................................................................................. 201
4.4.1 CTR (Counter: SUB 5).........................................................................................202
4.4.2 CTRB (Fixed Counter: SUB 56) ..........................................................................208
4.4.3 CTRC (Counter: SUB 55) ....................................................................................210
4.4.4 CTRD (Counter (4 Bytes Length) : SUB 223).....................................................212
4.5 DATA TRANSFER..................................................................................... 215
4.5.1 MOVB (Transfer of 1 Byte: SUB 43) ..................................................................216
4.5.2 MOVW (Transfer of 2 Bytes: SUB 44) ...............................................................217
4.5.3 MOVD (Transfer of 4 Bytes: SUB 47) ................................................................218
4.5.4 MOVN (Transfer of an Arbitrary Number of Bytes: SUB 45) ............................219
4.5.5 MOVE (Logical Product Transfer: SUB 8)..........................................................220
4.5.6 MOVOR (Data Transfer After Logical Sum: SUB 28)........................................222
4.5.7 XMOVB (Binary Index Modifier Data Transfer: SUB 35) .................................223
4.5.8 XMOV (Indexed Data Transfer: SUB 18) ...........................................................231
4.5.9 MOVBT (Bit Transfer: SUB 224)........................................................................234


4.5.10 SETNB (Data Setting (1 Byte Length) : SUB 225)

SETNW (Data Setting (2 Bytes Length) : SUB 226)
SETND (Data Setting (4 Bytes Length) : SUB 227)............................................237
4.5.11 XCHGB (Data Exchange (1 Byte Length) : SUB 228)
XCHGW (Data Exchange (2 Bytes Length) : SUB 229)
XCHGD (Data Exchange (4 Bytes Length) : SUB 230) ......................................240
4.5.12 SWAPW (Data Swap (2 Bytes Length) : SUB 231)
SWAPD (Data Swap (4 Bytes Length) : SUB 232) .............................................243
4.5.13 DSCHB (Binary Data Search: SUB 34) ...............................................................246
4.5.14 DSCH (Data Search: SUB 17) .............................................................................249
4.6 TABLE DATA............................................................................................. 251
4.6.1 TBLRB (Reading Data from Table (1 Byte Length) : SUB 233)
TBLRW (Reading Data from Table (2 Bytes Length) : SUB 234)
TBLRD (Reading Data from Table (4 Bytes Length) : SUB 235).......................252
4.6.2 TBLRN (Reading Data from Table (Arbitrary Bytes Length) : SUB 236)..........255
4.6.3 TBLWB (Writing Data to Table (1 Byte Length) : SUB 237)
TBLWW (Writing Data to Table (2 Bytes Length) : SUB 238)
TBLWD (Writing Data to Table (4 Bytes Length) : SUB 239) ...........................258
4.6.4 TBLWN (Writing Data to Table (Arbitrary Bytes Length) : SUB 240) ..............261
4.6.5 DSEQB (Searching Data from Table(=)(1 Byte Length):SUB 241)
DSEQW (Searching Data from Table(=)(2 Bytes Length):SUB 242)
DSEQD (Searching Data from Table(=)(4 Bytes Length):SUB 243)
DSNEB (Searching Data from Table(≠)(1 Byte Length):SUB 244)
DSNEW (Searching Data from Table(≠)(2 Bytes Length):SUB 245)
DSNED (Searching Data from Table(≠)(4 Bytes Length):SUB 246)
DSGTB (Searching Data from Table(>)(1 Byte Length):SUB 247)
DSGTW (Searching Data from Table(>)(2 Bytes Length):SUB 248)
DSGTD (Searching Data from Table(>)(4 Bytes Length):SUB 249)
DSLTB (Searching Data from Table(<)(1 Byte Length):SUB 250)
DSLTW (Searching Data from Table(<)(2 Bytes Length):SUB 251)
DSLTD (Searching Data from Table(<)(4 Bytes Length):SUB 252)
DSGEB (Searching Data from Table(≧)(1 Byte Length):SUB 253)
DSGEW (Searching Data from Table(≧)(2 Bytes Length):SUB 254)
DSGED (Searching Data from Table(≧)(4 Bytes Length) :SUB 255)
DSLEB (Searching Data from Table(≦)(1 Byte Length) :SUB 256)
DSLEW (Searching Data from Table(≦)(2 Bytes Length) :SUB 257)
DSLED (Searching Data from Table(≦)(4 Bytes Length) :SUB 258)................264
4.6.6 DMAXB (Maximum Data (1 Byte Length): SUB 259)
DMAXW (Maximum Data (2 Bytes Length) : SUB 260)
DMAXD (Maximum Data (4 Bytes Length) : SUB 261) ....................................270
4.6.7 DMINB (Minimum Data (1 Byte Length): SUB 262)
DMINW (Minimum Data (2 Bytes Length): SUB 263)
DMIND (Minimum Data (4 Bytes Length): SUB 264) .......................................274
4.7 COMPARISON .......................................................................................... 278
4.7.1 Signed Binary Comparison (=)
EQB (1 Byte Length: SUB 200)
EQW (2 Bytes Length: SUB 201)
EQD (4 Bytes Length: SUB 202).........................................................................279
4.7.2 Signed Binary Comparison (≠)
NEB (1 Byte Length: SUB 203)
NEW (2 Bytes Length: SUB 204)
NED (4 Bytes Length: SUB 205).........................................................................281


4.7.3 Signed Binary Comparison (>)

GTB (1 Byte Length: SUB 206)
GTW (2 Bytes Length: SUB 207)
GTD (4 Bytes Length: SUB 208).........................................................................283
4.7.4 Signed Binary Comparison (<)
LTB (1 Byte Length: SUB 209)
LTW (2 Bytes Length: SUB 210)
LTD (4 Bytes Length: SUB 211) .........................................................................285
4.7.5 Signed Binary Comparison (≧)
GEB (1 Byte Length: SUB 212)
GEW (2 Bytes Length: SUB 213)
GED (4 Bytes Length: SUB 214).........................................................................287
4.7.6 Signed Binary Comparison (≦)
LEB (1 Byte Length: SUB 215)
LEW (2 Bytes Length: SUB 216)
LED (4 Bytes Length: SUB 217) .........................................................................289
4.7.7 Signed Binary Comparison (Range)
RNGB (1 Byte Length: SUB 218)
RNGW (2 Bytes Length: SUB 219)
RNGD (4 Bytes Length: SUB 220)......................................................................291
4.7.8 COMPB (Comparison Between Binary Data: SUB 32).......................................293
4.7.9 COMP (Comparison: SUB 15).............................................................................296
4.7.10 COIN (Coincidence Check: SUB 16)...................................................................297
4.8 BIT OPERATION ....................................................................................... 298
4.8.1 DIFU (Rising Edge Detection: SUB 57) .............................................................300
4.8.2 DIFD (Falling Edge Detection: SUB 58) ............................................................301
4.8.3 EOR (Exclusive OR: SUB 59) ............................................................................302
4.8.4 AND (Logical AND: SUB 60) ............................................................................304
4.8.5 OR (Logical OR: SUB 61) ..................................................................................306
4.8.6 NOT (Logical NOT: SUB 62).............................................................................308
4.8.7 PARI (Parity Check: SUB 11).............................................................................310
4.8.8 SFT (Shift Register: SUB 33) .............................................................................312
4.8.9 EORB (Exclusive OR (1 Byte Length) : SUB 265)
EORW (Exclusive OR (2 Bytes Length) : SUB 266)
EORD (Exclusive OR (4 Bytes Length) : SUB 267) ...........................................314
4.8.10 ANDB (Logical AND (1 Byte Length) : SUB 268)...................................................
ANDW (Logical AND (2 Bytes Length) : SUB 269)
ANDD (Logical AND (4 Bytes Length) : SUB 270) ...........................................317
4.8.11 ORB (Logical OR (1 Byte Length) : SUB 271)
ORW (Logical OR (2 Bytes Length) : SUB 272)
ORD (Logical OR (4 Bytes Length) : SUB 273) .................................................320
4.8.12 NOTB (Logical NOT (1 Byte Length) : SUB 274)
NOTW (Logical NOT (2 Bytes Length) : SUB 275)
NOTD (Logical NOT (4 Bytes Length) : SUB 276) ............................................323
4.8.13 SHLB (Bit Shift Left (1 Byte Length) : SUB 277)
SHLW (Bit Shift Left (2 Bytes Length) : SUB 278)
SHLD (Bit Shift Left (4 Bytes Length) : SUB 279).............................................325
4.8.14 SHLN (Bit Shift Left (Arbitrary Bytes Length) : SUB 280)................................328
4.8.15 SHRB (Bit Shift Right (1 Byte Length) : SUB 281)
SHRW (Bit Shift Right (2 Bytes Length) : SUB 282)
SHRD (Bit Shift Right (4 Bytes Length) : SUB 283) ..........................................331
4.8.16 SHRN (Bit Shift Right (Arbitrary Bytes Length) : SUB 284) .............................334


4.8.17 ROLB (Bit Rotation Left (1 Byte Length) : SUB 285)

ROLW (Bit Rotation Left (2 Bytes Length) : SUB 286)
ROLD (Bit Rotation Left (4 Bytes Length) : SUB 287) ......................................337
4.8.18 ROLN (Bit Rotation Left (Arbitrary Bytes Length) : SUB 288) .........................340
4.8.19 RORB (Bit Rotation Right (1 Byte Length) : SUB 289)
RORW (Bit Rotation Right (2 Bytes Length) : SUB 290)
RORD (Bit Rotation Right (4 Bytes Length) : SUB 291)....................................343
4.8.20 RORN (Bit Rotation Right (Arbitrary Bytes Length) : SUB 292) .......................346
4.8.21 BSETB (Bit Set (1 Byte Length) : SUB 293)
BSETW (Bit Set (2 Bytes Length) : SUB 294)
BSETD (Bit Set (4 Bytes Length) : SUB 295).....................................................349
4.8.22 BSETN (Bit Set (Arbitrary Bytes Length) : SUB 296) ........................................351
4.8.23 BRSTB (Bit Reset (1 Byte Length) : SUB 297)
BRSTW (Bit Reset (2 Bytes Length) : SUB 298)
BRSTD (Bit Reset (4 Bytes Length) : SUB 299).................................................354
4.8.24 BRSTN (Bit Reset (Arbitrary Bytes Length) : SUB 300) ....................................356
4.8.25 BTSTB (Bit Test (1 Byte Length) : SUB 301)
BTSTW (Bit Test (2 Bytes Length) : SUB 302)
BTSTD (Bit Test (4 Bytes Length) : SUB 303) ...................................................359
4.8.26 BTSTN (Bit Test (Arbitrary Bytes Length) : SUB 304) ......................................361
4.8.27 BPOSB (Bit Search (1 Byte Length) : SUB 305)
BPOSW (Bit Search (2 Bytes Length) : SUB 306)
BPOSD (Bit Search (4 Bytes Length) : SUB 307)...............................................364
4.8.28 BPOSN (Bit Search (Arbitrary Bytes Length) : SUB 308) ..................................367
4.8.29 BCNTB (Bit Count (1 Byte Length) : SUB 309)
BCNTW (Bit Count (2 Bytes Length) : SUB 310)
BCNTD (Bit Count (4 Bytes Length) : SUB 311) ...............................................370
4.8.30 BCNTN (Bit Count (Arbitrary Bytes Length) : SUB 312) ..................................372
4.9 CODE CONVERSION ............................................................................... 374
4.9.1 COD (Code Conversion: SUB 7) ........................................................................375
4.9.2 CODB (Binary Code Conversion: SUB 27)........................................................378
4.9.3 DCNV (Data Conversion: SUB 14) ....................................................................381
4.9.4 DCNVB (Extended Data Conversion: SUB 31)..................................................383
4.9.5 DEC (Decode: SUB 4) ........................................................................................385
4.9.6 DECB (Binary Decoding: SUB 25) ....................................................................387
4.9.7 TBCDB (Binary to BCD Conversion (1 Byte Length) : SUB 313)
TBCDW (Binary to BCD Conversion (2 Bytes Length) : SUB 314)
TBCDD (Binary to BCD Conversion (4 Bytes Length) : SUB 315) ...................390
4.9.8 FBCDB (BCD to Binary Conversion (1 Byte Length) : SUB 313)
FBCDW (BCD to Binary Conversion (2 Bytes Length) : SUB 314)
FBCDD (BCD to Binary Conversion (4 Bytes Length) : SUB 315)....................392
4.10 OPERATION INSTRUCTION .................................................................... 394
4.10.1 ADDB (Binary Addition: SUB 36) .....................................................................395
4.10.2 SUBB (Binary Subtraction: SUB 37)..................................................................397
4.10.3 MULB (Binary Multiplication: SUB 38) ............................................................399
4.10.4 DIVB (Binary Division: SUB 39) .......................................................................401
4.10.5 ADD (BCD Addition: SUB 19) ..........................................................................403
4.10.6 SUB (BCD Subtraction: SUB 20) .......................................................................405
4.10.7 MUL (BCD Multiplication: SUB 21)..................................................................407
4.10.8 DIV (BCD Division: SUB 22) ............................................................................409
4.10.9 NUMEB (Definition of Binary Constants: SUB 40)...........................................411
4.10.10 NUME (BCD Definition of Constant: SUB 23)..................................................414


4.10.11 ADDSB (Addition (1 Byte Length) : SUB 319)

ADDSW (Addition (2 Bytes Length) : SUB 320)
ADDSD (Addition (4 Bytes Length) : SUB 321) ................................................415
4.10.12 SUBSB (Subtraction (1 Byte Length) : SUB 322)
SUBSW (Subtraction (2 Bytes Length) : SUB 323)
SUBSD (Subtraction (4 Bytes Length) : SUB 324) .............................................417
4.10.13 MULSB (Multiplication (1 Byte Length) : SUB 325)
MULSW (Multiplication (2 Bytes Length) : SUB 326)
MULSD (Multiplication (4 Bytes Length) : SUB 327)........................................419
4.10.14 DIVSB (Division (1 Byte Length) : SUB 328)
DIVSW (Division (2 Bytes Length) : SUB 329)
DIVSD (Division (4 Bytes Length) : SUB 330) ..................................................421
4.10.15 MODSB (Remainder (1 Byte Length) : SUB 331)
MODSW (Remainder (2 Bytes Length) : SUB 332)
MODSD (Remainder (4 Bytes Length) : SUB 333).............................................424
4.10.16 INCSB (Increment (1 Byte Length) : SUB 334)
INCSW (Increment (2 Bytes Length) : SUB 335)
INCSD (Increment (4 Bytes Length) : SUB 336) ................................................427
4.10.17 DECSB (Decrement (1 Byte Length) : SUB 337)
DECSW (Decrement (2 Bytes Length) : SUB 338)
DECSD (Decrement (4 Bytes Length) : SUB 339)..............................................429
4.10.18 ABSSB (Absolute Value (1 Byte Length) : SUB 340)
ABSSW (Absolute Value (2 Bytes Length) : SUB 341)
ABSSD (Absolute Value (4 Bytes Length) : SUB 342).......................................431
4.10.19 NEGSB (Sign Inversion (1 Byte Length) : SUB 343)
NEGSW (Sign Inversion (2 Bytes Length) : SUB 344)
NEGSD (Sign Inversion (4 Bytes Length) : SUB 345)........................................433
4.11 INSTRUCTIONS RELATED TO CNC FUNCTIONS.................................. 435
4.11.1 DISPB (Display Message: SUB 41)....................................................................436
4.11.2 EXIN (External Data Input: SUB 42) .................................................................448
4.11.3 WINDR (Reading CNC Window Data: SUB 51) ...............................................452
4.11.4 WINDW (Writing CNC Window Data: SUB 52) ...............................................454
4.11.5 AXCTL (Axis Control by PMC: SUB 53) ..........................................................456
4.11.6 PSGN2 (Position Signal: SUB 63) .......................................................................461
4.11.7 PSGNL (Position Signal: SUB 50) ......................................................................464
4.12 PROGRAM CONTROL.............................................................................. 468
4.12.1 COM (Common Line Control: SUB 9) ...............................................................469
4.12.2 COME (Common Line Control End: SUB 29) ...................................................472
4.12.3 JMP (Jump: SUB 10) ..........................................................................................473
4.12.4 JMPE (Jump End: SUB 30).................................................................................475
4.12.5 JMPB (Label Jump 1: SUB 68)...........................................................................476
4.12.6 JMPC (Label Jump 2: SUB 73)...........................................................................478
4.12.7 LBL (Label: SUB 69)..........................................................................................480
4.12.8 CALL (Conditional Subprogram Call: SUB 65).................................................481
4.12.9 CALLU (Unconditional Subprogram Call: SUB 66) ..........................................482
4.12.10 SP (Subprogram: SUB 71) ..................................................................................483
4.12.11 SPE (End of a Subprogram: SUB 72) .................................................................484
4.12.12 END1 (1st Level Sequence Program End: SUB 1) .............................................484
4.12.13 END2 (2nd Level Sequence Program End: SUB 2)............................................485
4.12.14 END3 (3rd Level Sequence Program End: SUB 48) ..........................................485
4.12.15 END (End of a Ladder Program: SUB 64)..........................................................486
4.12.16 NOP (No Operation: SUB 70).............................................................................486
4.12.17 CS (Case Call: SUB 74) .......................................................................................487
4.12.18 CM (Sub Program Call in Case Call: SUB 75) ....................................................490

4.12.19 CE (End of Case Call: SUB 76) ...........................................................................491

4.13 ROTATION CONTROL.............................................................................. 492
4.13.1 ROT (Rotation Control: SUB 6) .........................................................................493
4.13.2 ROTB (Binary Rotation Control: SUB 26) .........................................................496
4.14 INVALID INSTRUCTIONS ......................................................................... 499
4.15 NOTE ON PROGRAMMING ..................................................................... 500
5 WINDOW FUNCTIONS ....................................................................... 501
5.1 FORMATS OF CONTROL DATA .............................................................. 503
5.2.1 Note on the Programming of a Low-speed Response Window Instruction .........505
5.3 LIST OF WINDOW FUNCTIONS............................................................... 506
5.3.1 List of Window Functions (Function Group Order).............................................506
5.3.2 List of Window Functions (Function Code Order) ..............................................509
5.4 CNC INFORMATION................................................................................. 512
5.4.1 Reading CNC System Information (High-speed Response) ................................512
5.4.2 Reading a Tool Offset (High-speed Response) ....................................................514
5.4.3 Writing a Tool Offset (Low-speed Response)......................................................516
5.4.4 Reading a Workpiece Origin Offset Value (High-speed Response) ....................518
5.4.5 Writing a Workpiece Origin Offset Value (Low-speed Response)......................520
5.4.6 Reading a Parameter (High-speed Response) ......................................................522
5.4.7 Writing a Parameter (Low-speed Response) ........................................................524
5.4.8 Reading a Real Type Parameter (High-speed Response) .....................................526
5.4.9 Writing a Real Type Parameter (Low-speed Response).......................................530
5.4.10 Reading Setting Data (High-speed Response)......................................................534
5.4.11 Writing Setting Data (Low-speed Response) .......................................................536
5.4.12 Reading a Custom Macro Variable (High-speed Response) ................................537
5.4.13 Writing a Custom Macro Variable (Low-speed Response)..................................539
5.4.14 Reading the CNC Alarm Status (High-speed Response) .....................................541
5.4.15 Reading the Current Program Number (High-speed Response)...........................543
5.4.16 Reading the Current Sequence Number (High-speed Response) .........................545
5.4.17 Reading Modal Data (High-speed Response) ......................................................546
5.4.18 Reading Diagnosis Data (Low-speed Response)..................................................555
5.4.19 Reading Diagnosis Data (High-speed Response).................................................557
5.4.20 Reading a P-CODE Macro Variable (High-speed Response) ..............................559
5.4.21 Writing a P-CODE Macro Variable (Low-speed Response)................................562
5.4.22 Reading CNC Status Information (High-speed Response) ..................................565
5.4.23 Reading the Current Program Number (8-digit Program Numbers)
(High-speed Response).........................................................................................567
5.4.24 Entering Data on the Program Check Screen (Low-speed Response) .................569
5.4.25 Reading Clock Data (Date and Time) (High-speed Response) ............................570
5.4.26 Writing Clock Data (Date and Time) (Low-speed Response)..............................572
5.4.27 Reading the Pitch Error Compensation Value (High-speed Response) ...............576
5.4.28 Writing the Pitch Error Compensation Value (Low-speed Response).................577
5.4.29 Reading Detailed Information of CNC Alarm .....................................................578
5.5 AXIS INFORMATION ................................................................................ 582
5.5.1 Reading the Actual Velocity of Controlled Axes (High-speed Response)...........582
5.5.2 Reading the Absolute Position (Absolute Coordinates) of Controlled Axes
(High-speed Response).........................................................................................583
5.5.3 Reading the Machine Position (Machine Coordinates) of Controlled Axes
(High-speed Response).........................................................................................585
5.5.4 Reading a Skip Position (Stop Coordinates of Skip Operation (G31)) of
Controlled Axes (High-speed Response) .............................................................587

5.5.5 Reading the Servo Delay for Controlled Axes (High-speed Response)...............589
5.5.6 Reading the Acceleration/Deceleration Delay on Controlled Axes
(High-speed Response).........................................................................................591
5.5.7 Reading the Feed Motor Load Current Value (A/D Conversion Data)
(High-speed Response).........................................................................................593
5.5.8 Reading the Actual Spindle Speed (High-speed Response).................................595
5.5.9 Reading the Relative Position on a Controlled Axis (High-speed Response)......596
5.5.10 Reading the Remaining Travel (High-speed Response).......................................598
5.5.11 Reading the Actual Velocity of each Controlled Axis (High-speed Response)...600
5.5.12 Reading Actual Spindle Speeds (High-speed Response) .....................................602
5.5.13 Entering Torque Limit Data for the Digital Servo Motor
(Low-speed Response) .........................................................................................605
5.5.14 Reading Load Information of the Spindle Motor (Serial Interface)
(High-speed Response).........................................................................................607
5.5.15 Reading the Actual Speed of Servo Motor (High-speed Response) ....................609
5.5.16 Reading the Estimate Disturbance Torque Data (High-speed Response) ............615
5.5.17 Presetting the Relative Coordinate (Low-speed Response) .................................619
5.5.18 Reading the Actual Machine Position of Controlled Axes...................................621
5.6 TOOL LIFE MANAGEMENT FUNCTION .................................................. 623
5.6.1 Reading The Tool Life Management Data
(Tool Group Number) (High-speed Response) ....................................................623
5.6.2 Reading Tool Life Management Data
(Number of Tool Groups) (High-speed Response) ..............................................625
5.6.3 Reading Tool Life Management Data
(Number of Tools) (High-speed Response) .........................................................627
5.6.4 Reading Tool Life Management Data (Tool Life)
(High-speed Response).........................................................................................629
5.6.5 Reading Tool Life Management Data (Tool Life Counter)
(High-speed Response).........................................................................................631
5.6.6 Reading Tool Life Management Data
(Tool Length Compensation Number (1): Tool Number)
(High-speed Response).........................................................................................633
5.6.7 Reading Tool Life Management Data (Tool Length Compensation Number (2):
Tool Order Number) (High-speed Response) ......................................................635
5.6.8 Reading Tool Life Management Data (Cutter Radius Compensation Number (1):
Tool Number) (High-speed Response).................................................................637
5.6.9 Reading Tool Life Management Data (Cutter Radius Compensation Number (2):
Tool Order Number) (High-speed Response) ......................................................639
5.6.10 Reading Tool Life Management Data (Tool Information (1): Tool Number)
(High-speed Response).........................................................................................641
5.6.11 Reading Tool Life Management Data (Tool Information (2):
Tool Order Number) (High-speed Response) ......................................................643
5.6.12 Reading Tool Life Management Data (Tool Number) (High-speed Response)...645
5.6.13 Reading the Tool Life Management Data (Tool Life Counter Type)
(High-speed Response).........................................................................................647
5.6.14 Registering Tool Life Management Data (Tool Group)(Low-speed Response) ..648
5.6.15 Writing Tool Life Management Data (Tool Life) (Low-speed Response)...........650
5.6.16 Writing Tool Life Management Data (Tool Life Counter)
(Low-speed Response) .........................................................................................652
5.6.17 Writing Tool Life Management Data (Tool Life Counter Type)
(Low-speed Response) .........................................................................................654
5.6.18 Writing Tool Life Management Data (Tool Length Compensation Number (1):
Tool Number)
(Low-speed Response) .........................................................................................655

5.6.19 Writing Tool Life Management Data (Tool Length Compensation Number (2):
Tool Order Number) (Low-speed Response) .......................................................656
5.6.20 Writing Tool Life Management Data (Cutter Radius Compensation Number (1):
Tool Number) (Low-speed Response) .................................................................657
5.6.21 Writing Tool Life Management Data (Cutter Radius Compensation Number (2):
Tool Order Number) (Low-speed Response) .......................................................658
5.6.22 Writing the Tool Life Management Data (Tool Information (1): Tool Number)
(Low-speed Response) .........................................................................................659
5.6.23 Writing the Tool Management Data (Tool Information (2): Tool Order Number)
(Low-speed Response) .........................................................................................661
5.6.24 Writing Tool Life Management Data (Tool Number) (Low-speed Response) ....663
5.6.25 Reading The Tool Life Management Data (Tool Group Number)
(High-speed Response) (8-digit Tool Number)....................................................664
5.6.26 Reading Tool Life Management Data (Tool Information (1): Tool Number)
(High-speed Response) (8-digit Tool Number)....................................................666
5.6.27 Registering Tool Life Management Data (Tool Group Number) (Low-speed
Response) (8-digit Tool Number) ........................................................................668
5.6.28 Reading Tool Life Management Data (Tool Length Compensation Number (1):
Tool Number) (High-speed Response) (8-digit Tool Number)............................670
5.6.29 Reading Tool Life Management Data (Cutter Radius Compensation Number (1):
Tool Number) (High-speed Response) (8-digit Tool Number)............................672
5.6.30 Writing Tool Life Management Data (Tool Length Compensation Number (1):
Tool Number) (Low-speed Response) (8-digit Tool Number) ............................674
5.6.31 Writing Tool Life Management Data (Cutter Radius Compensation Number (1):
Tool Number) (Low-speed Response) (8-digit Tool Number) ............................675
5.6.32 Writing the Tool Life Management Data (Tool Information (1): Tool Number)
(Low-speed Response) (8-digit Tool Number) ....................................................676
5.6.33 Deleting Tool life Management Data (Tool Group) (Low-speed Response) .......678
5.6.34 Deleting Tool life Management Data (Tool Data) (Low-speed Response)..........679
5.6.35 Clearing Tool Life Management Data (Tool Life Counter and Tool Information)
(Low-speed Response) .........................................................................................680

6 OPERATING THE PMC SCREEN ...................................................... 681

ORGANIZATION ....................................................................................... 683
6.1.1 Transition of the PMC Screens.............................................................................683
6.1.2 Basic Screen Operations.......................................................................................684
6.2.1 Programmer Protection Function .........................................................................686
6.2.2 PMC Parameter Input/Output Conditions ............................................................694
6.2.3 Password Function ...............................................................................................696
6.2.4 Partial Protection Function for Ladder Program ..................................................698
6.2.5 Protection of Data at 8 Levels ..............................................................................699
6.3 DISPLAYING EXTENDED SYMBOL AND COMMENT ............................. 702
7.1.1 Forced I/O Function .............................................................................................707
7.1.2 Forced I/O Screen.................................................................................................710
7.2 CHECKING PMC ALARMS ([ALARM] SCREEN)...................................... 713
7.3 SETTING AND DISPLAYING PMC PARAMETERS.................................. 714
7.3.1 Setting and Displaying Variable Timers ([TIMER] Screen)................................715
7.3.2 Setting and Displaying Counter Values ([COUNTR] Screen) .............................718

7.3.3 Setting and Displaying Keep Relays ([KEEPRL] Screen) ...................................720

7.3.4 Setting and Displaying Data Tables ([DATA] Screen) ........................................722
7.4 DATA INPUT/OUTPUT ([I/O] SCREEN)................................................... 731
7.4.1 Writing to the Memory Card ................................................................................735
7.4.2 Setting the Communication Port ([SETING] Screen) ..........................................737
7.4.3 Displaying a File List ([LIST] Screen).................................................................739
7.4.4 Setting an I/O Target PMC...................................................................................741
7.4.5 Outputting a Sequence Program to the Memory Card .........................................743
7.4.6 Inputting a Sequence Program from the Memory Card .......................................744
7.4.7 Comparing Sequence Programs with Memory Card Files ...................................746
7.4.8 Saving Sequence Programs to the Flash ROM.....................................................747
7.4.9 Inputting Sequence Programs from the Flash ROM ............................................748
7.4.10 Comparing Sequence Programs with Flash ROM Files .......................................750
7.4.11 Outputting a Sequence Program to the FLOPPY .................................................751
7.4.12 Inputting a Sequence Program from the FLOPPY ...............................................752
7.4.13 Comparing Sequence Programs with FLOPPY Files...........................................754
7.4.14 Outputting Sequence Programs to Other Devices (via the RS-232C Port) ..........755
7.4.15 Inputting Sequence Programs from Other Devices (via the RS-232C Port) ........756
7.4.16 Comparing Sequence Programs with Files of Other Devices
(via the RS-232C Port) .........................................................................................758
7.4.17 Outputting PMC Parameters to the Memory Card ...............................................759
7.4.18 Inputting PMC Parameters from the Memory Card .............................................760
7.4.19 Comparing PMC Parameters with Memory Card Files........................................761
7.4.20 Outputting PMC Parameters to the FLOPPY.......................................................762
7.4.21 Inputting PMC Parameters from the FLOPPY.....................................................763
7.4.22 Comparing PMC Parameters with FLOPPY Files ...............................................765
7.4.23 Outputting PMC Parameters to Other Devices
(via the RS-232C Port) .........................................................................................766
7.4.24 Inputting PMC Parameters from Other Devices
(via the RS-232C Port) .........................................................................................767
7.4.25 Comparing PMC Parameters with Files of Other Devices
(via the RS-232C Port) .........................................................................................768
7.4.26 Outputting a Message Data for Multi-Language Display to the Memory Card ...769
7.4.27 Inputting a Message Data for Multi-Language Display from the Memory Card .770
7.4.28 Comparing Message Data for Multi-Language Display with Memory Card
Files ......................................................................................................................772
7.4.29 Saving Message Data for Multi-Language Display to the Flash ROM................773
7.4.30 Inputting Message Data for Multi-Language Display from the Flash ROM........774
7.4.31 Comparing Message Data for Multi-Language Display with Flash ROM Files ..775
7.4.32 Deleting Memory Card Files or Formatting a Memory Card...............................776
7.4.33 Deleting One or All FLOPPY Files......................................................................777
7.6 TRACING AND DISPLAYING PMC SIGNAL STATUS ............................. 780
7.6.1 Signal Trace Function ([TRACE] Screen) ...........................................................780
7.6.2 Setting of Trace Parameter ([TRCPRM] Screen).................................................781
7.6.3 Execution of Trace ...............................................................................................785
7.6.4 Operation after Execution of Trace ......................................................................786
7.6.5 Automatic Start of Trace Setting ..........................................................................788
7.6.6 Trace Result Output..............................................................................................789
7.7 MONITORING I/O DIAGNOSIS ([I/ODGN] SCREEN)............................... 793
7.7.1 I/O DIAGNOSIS Screen ......................................................................................794
7.7.2 SETTING Screen of I/O DIAGNOSIS ................................................................800



([PMCLAD])......................................................................................... 803
8.1 DISPLAYING A PROGRAM LIST ([LIST] SCREEN) ................................. 805
8.1.1 Setting the Program List Screen ...........................................................................807
8.2 MONITORING LADDER DIAGRAMS ([LADDER] SCREEN) .................... 808
8.2.1 Operating on the LADDER DIAGRAM MONITOR Screen...............................811
8.2.2 Setting the Display Format of the LADDER DIAGRAM MONITOR Screen ....815
8.2.3 Display Format for Parameters.............................................................................822
8.2.4 FUNCTIONAL INSTRUCTION DATA TABLE VIEWER Screen...................834
8.3 EDITING LADDER PROGRAMS............................................................... 836
8.3.1 Operating on the LADDER DIAGRAM EDITOR Screen...................................838
8.3.2 Setting the LADDER DIAGRAM EDITOR Screen ............................................841
8.3.3 NET EDITOR Screen...........................................................................................847
8.3.4 Structure of Valid Net ..........................................................................................855 Structure of standard type net .......................................................................... 855 Structure of extended type net ......................................................................... 856 Ladder that is not programmable ..................................................................... 862
8.3.5 Optimization.........................................................................................................863
8.3.6 FUNCTIONAL INSTRUCTION LIST Screen....................................................864
8.3.7 FUNCTIONAL INSTRUCTION DATA TABLE EDITOR Screen....................866
Screen ...................................................................................................................867
8.3.9 PROGRAM LIST EDITOR Screen .....................................................................869
8.3.10 Setting the PROGRAM LIST EDITOR Screen ...................................................871
([SWITCH] SCREEN]) ............................................................................... 872
8.4.1 Collective Monitor Function ................................................................................872
8.4.2 Collective Monitor Screen....................................................................................874
8.5 ADDRESS ALTERATION FUNCTION ...................................................... 877
8.5.1 Screen Structures..................................................................................................878
8.5.2 Operating on the Screen .......................................................................................879
8.6 FUNCTION TO REFERENCE ADDRESSES IN USE ............................... 881
8.6.1 Address Map Display Screen ...............................................................................881
8.6.2 Operating on the Screen .......................................................................................882
8.9 DETECTION OF DOUBLE COILS............................................................. 886
8.10 CHECKING OF DUPLICATE COIL ([D. COIL] SCREEN) ......................... 887
8.11 DISPLAYING A SUBPROGRAM LIST ([SPLIST] SCREEN) ..................... 890
8.11.1 Display history of a Subprogram..........................................................................890
8.11.2 Subprogram List Display Screen..........................................................................892
8.11.3 Setting Subprogram List Screen...........................................................................893


9.1.1 Displaying Title Data ...........................................................................................895
9.1.2 Editing Title Data .................................................................................................897
9.1.3 Displaying Title Data (Message)..........................................................................899
([SYMBOL] SCREENS) ............................................................................. 900
9.2.1 Displaying Symbol and Comment Data ...............................................................900

9.2.2 Editing Symbol and Comment Data.....................................................................902

9.2.3 Partially Changing Symbol and Comment Data...................................................904
9.2.4 Registering New Symbol and Comment Data......................................................906
9.2.5 Displaying Extended Symbol and Comment .......................................................908
9.2.6 Editing Extended Symbol and Comment .............................................................911
9.2.7 Adding an Extended Symbol and Comment ........................................................915
9.3.1 Displaying Message Data .....................................................................................917
9.3.2 Editing Message Data...........................................................................................919
9.3.3 Editing Desired Message Data .............................................................................922
([MODULE] SCREENS)............................................................................. 925
9.4.1 Displaying I/O Module Allocation Data ..............................................................925
9.4.2 Editing I/O Module Allocation Data ....................................................................926
PMC ([PMCST.] SCREENS)...................................................................... 937
9.6.1 Starting and Stopping Sequence Programs...........................................................939
FUNCTION ([ONLINE] SCREEN).............................................................. 940
9.7.1 Setting Parameters for the Online Function .........................................................942
9.7.2 Communication Status..........................................................................................944
9.7.3 About Ethernet Communication Parameters ........................................................945
9.7.4 About Connection Log of Ethernet ......................................................................948
SCREENS) ................................................................................................ 950
9.8.1 Displaying and Setting the Counter Data Type....................................................950
9.8.2 Displaying and Setting Parameters for an FS0 Operator's Panel..........................953
9.8.3 Displaying and Setting Parameters for the Selectable I/O Link Assignment

10 FUNCTION BLOCK FUNCTION ......................................................... 959

10.1 OVERVIEW ............................................................................................... 959
10.1.1 Item Names...........................................................................................................960
10.1.2 Overview of Specifications ..................................................................................961
10.1.3 Memory Usage Related to Function Blocks.........................................................965
10.1.4 Assignment of FB variable...................................................................................966
10.2 FUNCTION BLOCK DEFINITION.............................................................. 967
10.2.1 Function Block Name...........................................................................................967
10.2.2 Variable Information ............................................................................................968
10.2.3 FB Body Program.................................................................................................976
10.2.4 Other Information.................................................................................................978
10.3 FUNCTION BLOCK CALL ......................................................................... 980
10.3.1 Function Block Call Positions..............................................................................980
10.3.2 Creating a Function Block Call Section ...............................................................980
10.4 EXECUTING A FUNCTION BLOCK.......................................................... 983
10.5 DISPLAYING AND EDITING A FUNCTION BLOCK ................................. 985
10.5.1 Program List Display Screen................................................................................986
10.5.2 LADDER DIAGRAM MONITOR Screen ..........................................................987
10.5.3 Displaying Internal and External Variables in the Monitor (FB Instance Monitor
Display) ................................................................................................................994
10.5.4 Displaying the FB Body Program ........................................................................995

10.5.5 Setting the Display Format of the LADDER DIAGRAM MONITOR Screen ....996
10.5.6 LADDER DIAGRAM EDITOR Screen ............................................................1002
10.5.7 NET EDITOR Screen.........................................................................................1005
10.5.8 Address Alteration Function ..............................................................................1005
10.5.9 Address Map Display Screen .............................................................................1007
10.5.10 Duplicate Coil Check Screen..............................................................................1008
10.5.11 Subprogram List Display Screen........................................................................1009
10.5.12 Title Screen.........................................................................................................1011
10.6 DISPLAYING AND EDITING SYMBOL AND COMMENT ....................... 1012
10.6.1 Extended Symbol and Comment Screen ............................................................1012
10.6.2 Displaying Extended Symbol and Comment .....................................................1013

11 PMC ALARM MESSAGES AND ACTIONS TO TAKE ..................... 1014

11.1 ALARM MESSAGE LIST ......................................................................... 1015
11.1.1 Messages That May Be Displayed on the PMC Alarm Screen ..........................1015
11.1.2 PMC System Alarm Messages ...........................................................................1020
11.1.3 Operation Errors .................................................................................................1023
11.1.4 I/O Communication Error Messages ..................................................................1035
11.2.1 Causes of Communication Errors.......................................................................1039
11.2.2 Check Items........................................................................................................1041
11.2.3 Sample Cases......................................................................................................1043


The programmable machine controller (PMC) is a programmable controller (PC) built into a CNC to
perform sequence control for a machine tool (spindle rotation, tool change, machine operator's panel control,
and so on).
Sequence control is to perform control steps successively in a predetermined sequence or according to the
logic operation.
Programs for performing sequence control for machine tools are called sequence programs. Generally,
sequence programs coded in the Ladder language are used.

1.1.1 Basic Configuration of PMC

The following is the basic configuration of the PMC:

CNC PMC Machine

Internal External
I/O Sequence I/O


Signal input to PMC

Internal relay
Signal output from PMC

Fig. 1.1.1 Basic configuration of PMC

The sequence program reads input signals, performs operations, and outputs results in a predetermined

1.1.2 I/O Signals of PMC

Input signals of the PMC include signals input from the CNC (such as M and T function signals) and signals
input from the machine (such as the cycle start button and feed hold signal button). Output signals of the
PMC include signals output to the CNC (such as the cycle start command and feed hold signal command)
and signals output to the machine (such as turret rotation and spindle stop). The PMC controls these I/O
signals by executing a sequence program to control the machine tool.


1.1.3 PMC Signal Addresses

PMC signal addresses indicate the locations of I/O signals exchanged with the machine, I/O signals
exchanged with the CNC, and signals for internal relays and data (PMC parameters) in nonvolatile memory.
PMC addresses are roughly classified as shown in Fig. 1.1.3 (a).
F X Signals
Signals to/from
to/from CNC machine
G Y (MT)

Nonvolatile memory
(1) Variable timer (T)
Internal relay (R) (2) Counter (C)
(3) Keep relay (K)
(4) Data table (D)

Extra relay (E)

Fig. 1.1.3 (a) PMC-related addresses

The PMC signal address format consists of an address number and bit number (0 to 7) as follows:

Bit number (0 to 7)
Address number (letter followed by decimal

Fig. 1.1.3 (b) PMC address format

The first letter of an address number represents the type of the signal.
In sequence programs, an address of a byte may be specified. In the above example, specify X127 to
specify a byte address. In this case, the period "." and bit number are unnecessary.


Table 1.1.3 lists the address symbols and corresponding signals.

Table 1.1.3 Address Symbols and signal types

Symbol Signal type
F Input signal from CNC to PMC (CNC → PMC)
G Output signal from PMC to CNC (PMC → CNC)
X Input signal from machine to PMC (MT → PMC)
Y Output signal from PMC to machine (PMC → MT)
R Internal relay
E Extra relay
A Message display
T Variable timer
C Counter
K Keep relay
D Data table
L Label number
P Subprogram number

(1) Addresses of signals between the PMC and CNC (F and G)

These addresses are assigned to interface signals between the CNC and PMC. The relationships
between the signals and addresses are defined by the CNC.
F indicates an input signal from the CNC to PMC.
G indicates an output signal from the PMC to CNC.

(2) Addresses of signals between the PMC and machine (X and Y)

I/O signals exchanged with an externally connected machine can be assigned to any addresses within
an available range to control the machine.
X indicates an input signal from the machine to PMC.
Y indicates an output signal from the PMC to machine.

(3) Addresses of internal relays and extra relays (R and E)

These addresses are used to temporarily store operation results during sequence program execution
The address locations of internal relays also include a reserved area used by the PMC system software.
The signals in the reserved area cannot be written by sequence programs.

(4) Signal addresses for message display (A)

Instruction “DISPB” used in sequence programs include instructions to display a message on the CNC
screen. These addresses are used by such instructions.

(5) Nonvolatile memory addresses

The contents of these address locations are not erased even when the power is turned off.
These addresses are used for management of the data items listed below. These data items are called
PMC parameters.
(a) Variable timer (T)
(b) Counter (C)
(c) Keep relay (K)
A reserved area used by the PMC system software is partly included.
(d) Data table (D)


(6) Other addresses

(a) Label number (L)
Sequence program instructions include an instruction to cause a jump to a specified position in
the middle of processing. This address indicates the jump destination used by this instruction.
The contents of L address can not be read/written in sequence program.
(b) Subprogram number (P)
In sequence programs, a main program can call subprograms. P addresses indicate the numbers
of these subprograms. The contents of P address can not be read/written in sequence program.



The Ladder language is one of sequence programming languages. This programming language, which
represents the sequence and logic operations of I/O signals by ladder diagrams, is widely used by sequence
control engineers. This language is mainly used for PMCs.

1.2.1 Ladder Diagram Format

Designers develop and see ladder diagrams in the design stage. However, other people (for example, many
maintenance engineers) have much more chances to see ladder diagrams than the designers of the ladder
diagrams have. Therefore, the designers should create ladder diagrams so that these diagrams are
intelligible to any one.
The following is the format of ladder diagrams:

Line No. Signal name (symbol name) Address

Net No. Comment

The meanings of ladder diagram contents will be described later.


1.2.2 Signal Name (Symbol Name)

Symbol names representing I/O signal names can be assigned to PMC addresses. It is recommended that
signal names (symbol names) suitable for I/O signals be assigned as explained below.

(1) Signal names may consist of any alphanumeric characters and the special symbols. The number of
characters that can be entered varies depending on the PMC model. For the allowable number of
characters, see the table in Subsection 2.1.1.
(2) As the names of the signals between the CNC and PMC, use the signal names indicated in the address
table of the PMC without modifications.
(3) Some CNC signals are input from the machine or output to the machine. The names of these signals
are distinguished by prefixing X or Y to the names of signals between the CNC and PMC.
For example, a single block input signal is represented as XSBK by prefixing X, while a start lamp
output signal is represented as YSTL by prefixing Y.
The names of some signals between the CNC and PMC, however, exceed the maximum allowable
number of characters as a result of prefixing X or Y to the names. In such a case, delete the last
character of the signal name.
(4) The same signal name (symbol name) cannot be assigned to more than one signal address.

1.2.3 Comment
A comment can be added to each symbol in the symbol table so that it can be indicated as a comment on a
relay or coil in the sequence program. The number of characters that can be entered varies depending on the
PMC model. For the number of characters that can be entered, see the table in Subsection 2.1.1.
For all relays and coils that are output signals to the machine, add a comment to provide a detailed signal
explanation. For other auxiliary relays, provide explanations of the signals if these relays have significant
meanings in sequence control.
In particular for machine-related input signals, be sure to provide a detailed signal explanation as a
comment in the symbol table.
Add detailed comments to signals dedicated to the machine so that one can guess the meanings of these
signals just from the symbol names.


1.2.4 Graphic Symbols of Relays and Coils

Ladder diagrams use the following relay symbols:

Relays (contacts)
Instruction representation Function
-| |- Normally open contact (contact A)
-|/ |- Normally closed contact (contact B)

Instruction representation Function
-{- Coil
-{{- Negated coil
-(S)- Set coil
-(R)- Reset coil

These instructions perform a 1-bit operation and are called basic instructions.
In addition, there are functional instructions that enable easy programming of complicated operations for
processing byte, word, and double-word data, which are difficult to program just using basic instructions.
The symbol formats of the functional instructions are slightly different from instruction to instruction. For
details, see the description of each functional instruction in Chapter 4.

1.2.5 Line Number and Net Number

A line number is indicated in every line of ladder diagrams.
A continuous ladder circuit from a contact to a coil is called a net. A net number is also indicated for each


1.2.6 Difference Between Relay Sequence Circuit and Ladder

Sequence Program
In general relay sequence circuits, because of a limited number of relay contacts, one contact may be shared
by several relays to minimize the number of contacts used. Fig. 1.2.6 (a) gives an example.



Fig. 1.2.6 (a)

With the PMC, relay contacts are considered to be unlimited, so ladder diagrams are created as shown in Fig.
1.2.6 (b).



Fig. 1.2.6 (b)

In a relay sequence circuit having no contact between a branch point and a coil as shown in Fig. 1.2.6 (c), a
similar ladder diagram can be created even for the PMC.



Fig. 1.2.6 (c)


1.2.7 Specification of Extended Symbol and Comment

Using extended symbol and comment, you can use following functions.

• Local symbols effective in sub programs

• Extension of maximum character length of symbol and comment
• Multi-language support of comment
• Multiple definitions of symbol and comment to one signal
• Data type definition
• Automatic address assinment at compiling on FANUC LADDER-III

(1) Local symbols effective in sub programs

You can define local symbols effective only in a sub program. So you can define local symbols having
same string in other sub programs. Local symbols defined in different sub programs do not conflict.

P1 (Control_Path1) P2 (Control_Path2)

Alarm Lock *ESP Alarm Lock *ESP


Lock = X100.0 Lock = X100.1

Alarm = R1000.0 Alarm = R2000.0
*ESP = G8.4 *ESP = G1008.4

Global Symbol :
X*ESP = X8.4

Using local symbols, symbol conflict does not occur. So it is easy to develop ladder in modular
programming technique. And it is easy to reuse sequence programs. When you have to program a
similar program in some sub programs, copy the logic to another sub program, redefine the local
symbols, and compile on FANUC LADDER-III.

1 Same local symbol names are not allowed in the same sub program.
2 Same symbol name of global symbol and local symbol are not allowed.
3 Local symbol can not be defined to address P. Symbol definition to address P
must be global symbol.
4 You cannot create a sequence program using extended symbol and comment
only with CNC. To create it, you have to use FANUC LADDER-III.

(2) Extension of maximum character length of symbol and comment

Maximum character length of a symbol and comment is extended as follows. So you can describe in

Kind Extended type Former

symbol 40 characters in maximum 16 characters in maximum
comment 4 set 255 characters in maximum 1 set 30 characters in maximum


(3) Multi language support

One symbol entry has four comments set in maximum.
Displaying comment set can automatically selected by display language setting in CNC. By describing
each comment set in different languages, you can display comment in all PMC screens in multi
languages. This is very useful in maintenance.

(4) Multiple definition of symbol and comment to one signal

You can define multiple symbols and comments to the same signal.

When multiple symbol and comment are defined to the same signal, you can
search the names by each symbol. On the other hand the symbol on PMC screen
is displayed one of these symbol names. So if you search symbols, displayed
symbol name on searched position may be different from searched word.

(5) Data type definition

You can define symbol and comment with data type definition.

Data type Meaning

BOOL Boolean
BYTE 8 bits integer
WORD 16 bits integer
DWORD 32 bits integer
LABEL Label (Address L)
PROG Sub program (Address P)

1 In ladder editing screen, for example, BYTE type symbol can be set to the WORD
type parameter of a function. But it is recommended that data type of the symbol
should be consistent with the data type of the parameter that it is assigned to.
2 When two or more symbols are defined with a signal and these symbols have
different data types the symbol name of largest data type is displayed on PMC

(6) Automatic address assignment at compiling on FANUC LADDER-III

On FANUC LADDER-III, when programming by symbol names without actual addresses, this
function assigns addresses to them automatically.

The assignment of address may change by modifying symbol / comment data.

By setting 1 to K903.5 of system keep relay, the signal state of the symbols whose
addresses are assigned automatically can be initialized when updating sequence
program to the one of different symbol / comment data.
In this case, changing the symbol / comment data whose address is not assigned
automatically will also initialize all signal states of the address range for automatic
assignment to 0.

- 10 -

(7) Available characters

Those characters can be used.
- Available characters for symbol :
Kind Extended type Former
The character that can be used as A to Z, a to z, 0 to 9, _ A to Z, a to z, 0 to 9, _ Space,
the symbol !”#&’()*+,-<= >?@[/]^`{|}~ !”#$%&’()*+,.-<=>?@[/]^
(Note) `{|}~;:
The character that cannot be %$
used for the first character of the
The character that cannot be Space,
used for the symbol ;:.

Although it is allowed to use special characters in symbol, using only alphabets,
digits and _(underscore) to comply with the variable name defined in IEC61131-3 is

- Available characters for comment :

Kind Extended type Former
The character that can be used as A to Z, a to z, 0 to 9, Space A to Z, a to z, 0 to 9, Space,
the comment !”#&’()*+,.-<= >?@[/]^_`{|} !”#$%&’()*+,.-<=>?@[/]^
~;: _`{|}~;:

- 11 -


This section briefly explains how to create a program for providing sequence control for a machine tool by
using the Ladder language as an example. When creating a sequence program, see the necessary manual for
editing after understanding the contents of this chapter thoroughly.

1.3.1 Determining Specification

First, determine the specifications of the control target. Calculate the number of I/O signals, and determine
the interfaces of the I/O signals.
In this step, creation of interface specifications is recommended.

1.3.2 Creating Ladder Diagram

After determining specifications, represent control operations with a ladder diagram. Timer, counter, and
other functions that cannot be represented by relay symbols are called functional instructions. Represent
these functional instructions with corresponding symbols.
When using offline programmer or built-in edit function explained in "Editing Sequence Program" in the
next subsection, you can enter a sequence program in a ladder diagram form. At the time of sequence
program editing, you can make entry while creating a ladder diagram on the display screen, so you need not
prepare a ladder diagram in advance.
If you want to create a sequence program efficiently, however, it is recommended that you should create a
ladder diagram in advance.
Ladder diagrams are referenced as maintenance drawings by FANUC maintenance engineers, maintenance
engineers of machine tool builders, and maintenance engineers of end users not only domestically but also
in foreign countries. Therefore, try to create as intelligible ladder diagrams as possible.

1.3.3 Editing Sequence Program

A sequence program in the Ladder language is edited with one of the following two methods:

(1) PC programmer
FANUC supplies FANUC LADDER-III as sequence program development software for FANUC
PMC. Use of FANUC LADDER-III allows you to edit a program in the Ladder language on a
personal computer.

(2) Built-in programmer

The PMC software built into the CNC has a built-in edit function. With this function, a program in the
Ladder language can be edited.

By using either of these editing methods, a sequence program can be entered in a ladder diagram form from
the EDITOR screen. FANUC LADDER-III can also output an entered sequence program to a printer in a
ladder diagram form.
Furthermore, FANUC LADDER-III provides a function for converting a program in a ladder diagram form
to mnemonic form or vice versa. By using this function, you can edit the program in mnemonic form with
a text editor.
Fig. 1.3.3 shows an example of a ladder diagram, and Table 1.3.3 shows an example of a mnemonic form.

- 12 -

Auxiliary function

Fig. 1.3.3

Table 1.3.3
Step No. Instruction Address No. & bit No. Remarks
1 RD F7.0 MF
2 OR F7.2 SF
3 OR F7.3 TF
5 OR R211.7 MFIN
8 OR R211.5 SFIN
11 OR R211.6 TFIN
13 WRT G4.3 FIN

During sequence program editing, signal names (symbols) and comments can be entered for I/O signals,
relays, and coils. Easy-to-understand signal names and comments should be entered to improve program

1.3.4 Transferring and Writing Sequence Program to PMC

After completing editing for the sequence program, input (transfer) the program to the PMC. This operation
is unnecessary when you have edited the program by using the built-in programmer.
When you have edited the sequence program by using the PC programmer, input the sequence program
from the editing environment (the personal computer (PC)) to the PMC. The following input methods can
be used:

(1) Input from the I/O screen

For data input, connect the PC containing the sequence program to the CNC via RS-232C.
Alternatively, save the sequence program from the PC to a memory card, then input the memory card
contents to the PMC.

(2) Input from the online monitor screen

For data input, connect the PC containing the sequence program to the CNC via Ethernet or RS-232C.

After inputting the sequence program, write it in the flash ROM. This operation can be done with the
DATA I/O screen of the PMC.

- 13 -

1.3.5 Checking Sequence Program

After writing the sequence program in the flash ROM, check the sequence program.
The sequence program can be checked in the following two ways:

(1) Checking with a simulator

Connect a simulator (consisting of lamps and switches) instead of the machine. Instead of using input
signals from the machine, turn the switches on and off to input signals, and confirm output signals by
checking the on/off states of the lamps.

(2) Checking by system operation

Connect the machine to make checks. Before starting the operation, take safety measures because
when the sequence program is executed for the first time, an unpredictable motion can occur.

1.3.6 Storage and Management of Sequence Program

When the sequence program is completed after checking, it should be stored and managed by the machine
tool builder.
The sequence program can be output to the printer in a ladder diagram form by using the PC programmer.
The output ladder diagram should be attached as a maintenance drawing to the machine together with other
attached materials such as a power magnetic cabinet circuit diagram.

- 14 -


Sequence programs in the Ladder language are executed in the order of instructions coded in the ladder
Fig. 1.4 shows how a sequence program is executed.

Sequence program


Control target such as machine tool

Input circuit

Output circuit

Internal relay (RAM)

Fig. 1.4 Sequence program execution by PMC

The RD instruction causes the CPU to read the signal of the input circuit at address X0.0 and set the read
data in the operation register. Next, the AND instruction causes the CPU to AND the set data with the
internal relay state at address R10.1 and set the result in the operation register. The CPU then executes the
subsequent instructions at high speed, and the operation result is output to the output circuit at address Y0.0.

- 15 -

1.4.1 Execution Procedure of Sequence Program

In general relay sequence circuits, relays operate at exactly the same time. This means that when relay A
operates in the following figure, relays D and E operate at exactly the same time (when contacts B and C are
both off).

Fig 1.4.1 (a)

In PMC sequence control, on the other hand, relays in the circuit operate sequentially. When relay A in Fig.
1.4.1 (a) operates, relay D operates, then relay E operates.
Therefore, in PMC sequence control, relays operate in the order coded in the ladder diagram (the order of
programming). The sequential operations in this sequence are performed at high speed, but some
instructions are affected by the execution order.
Accordingly, in the ladder diagrams shown in Fig. 1.4.1 (b), there is a distinctive difference in operation
between the PMC sequence and the sequence of the relay circuit.

Fig. 1.4.1 (b) Circuit examples

(1) For relay sequence circuit

(A) and (B) in Fig. 1.4.1 (b) operate in the same manner. When A (P.B) is turned on, current flows
through coils B and C, turning on B and C simultaneously. After C is turned on (after relay operation
time), B is turned off.

(2) For PMC programming

In (A) in Fig. 1.4.1 (b), as with the relay sequence circuit, when A (P.B) is turned on, B and C are
turned on, then B is turned off after a certain time elapses (after a time required for one cycle of the
PMC sequence). In (B) in Fig. 1.4.1 (b), turning on A (P.B) turns on C but does not turn on B even

- 16 -

1.4.2 Repetitive Operation

A sequence program is executed until the end of the ladder diagram (the end of the program) is reached,
then program execution is repeated from the beginning of the ladder diagram (the beginning of the
The execution time from the beginning to the end of the ladder diagram (the time required for one cycle) is
a time for processing the sequence program once and is called a scan.
This processing time depends on the sequence control scale (the number of steps) and the size of the 1st
level sequence described below. A shorter processing time results in a better signal response in the

1.4.3 Processing Priority (1st Level, 2nd Level, and 3rd Level)
A sequence program consists of two operation parts: a high-speed sequence part called the 1st level, which
is executed every several msec, and a normal sequence part called the 2nd level. When the model used
allows use of the 3rd level, the 3rd level sequence part is added. (See Fig. 1.4.3 (a).)

Sequence program

1st level sequence part Specifies end of 1st level

Division 1

Division 2
2nd level sequence part

Division n

Specifies end of 2nd level

3rd level sequence part
(only with model that can
use 3rd level)
Specifies end of 3rd level sequence

Fig. 1.4.3 (a) Sequence program structure

The 1st level sequence part is a high-speed sequence part that is executed every ladder execution cycle. The
ladder execution cycle is 8 msec, which is set in a CNC parameter. If the execution of the 1st level program
requires a long time, the overall execution time including the 2nd level (sequence processing time) is
extended. So, the 1st level sequence part should be created so that it can be processed in a short time where
possible. The 2nd level sequence part is executed every (ladder execution cycle × n) msec (where n is the
number by which the 2nd level is divided). The 3rd level sequence part is executed when the PMC is idle.

- 17 -

(1) Division of the 2nd level program

The 2nd level program must be divided to execute the 1st level program. The order of sequence
program execution is illustrated in Fig. 1.4.3 (b), where the number of divisions is assumed to be n.
After the last division (division n) of the 2nd level program is executed, the sequence program is
executed from the beginning. Therefore, when the number of divisions is n, the execution cycle of the
overall sequence program is expressed as the ladder execution cycle × n msec.

As the amount of the 1st level sequence part increases, the amount of the 2nd level sequence portion
executed within the ladder execution cycle decreases. As a result, the number of divisions n increases,
which increases the overall execution time including the 2nd level (sequence processing time).
Therefore, the 1st level sequence program part should be minimized where possible. The division
number of 2nd level may be indefinite because of changing of the working condition of functional
instructions in 1 st level and 2 nd level.

1st level
Last division n
Division 1 Division 2
2nd level
3rd level
3rd level processing

Ladder execution cycle (8 ms) Ladder execution cycle (8 ms) Ladder execution cycle(8 ms)

Fig. 1.4.3 (b) Sequence program execution order

(2) 1st level sequence part

High-speed sequence operation. Only high-speed sequence processing such as processing of a pulse
signal with a short signal width in time is performed.
These signals include emergency stop and feed hold signals.

(3) 3rd level sequence part

The 3rd level sequence processing is performed during the remaining time from the end of the last
division (n) of the 2nd level until the 1st level processing restarts (see Fig. 1.4.3 (b)).
It is possible to program the 3rd level, but the execution cycle period of time for processing the 3rd
level sequence part is not guaranteed to maintain program compatibility with conventional models.
Therefore, the 1st and 2nd level sequence parts should be programmed without using the 3rd level
sequence part.

- 18 -

1.4.4 Structured Sequence Program

Structured ladder coding has the following advantages:
• Programming is easy to understand, therefore programming becomes easier.
• Program errors can be found easily.
• Troubleshooting can be done easily. Implementation
Three major implementation techniques are supported.

(1) Use of routines

Ladder sequence processing units are created so that they can be treated as routines.

Job A

Job B

(2) Nesting
Ladder routines created in (1) are connected to configure a ladder sequence.

Job A Job A1 Job A11

Job B Job A12

Job An

(3) Conditional branch

The main program loops and determines conditions. If conditions are satisfied, a subprogram process
is executed. If the conditions are not satisfied, the subprogram process is skipped.

- 19 -

Application example
(1) Example
Suppose that there are four major jobs.

If Y0 is 1, workpiece machining request is assumed to be issued,

and processing is performed. (Conditional)
A: <1> Pick up workpiece from pallet. (A1)
<2> Machine workpiece. (A2)
<3> Return workpiece to pallet. (A3)
B: <4> Move pallet.

(2) Program configuration

(3) Program coding

Machine workpiece.

Machine workpiece.

Move pallet.

- 20 -

Pick up workpiece from pallet.

Machine workpiece.

Return workpiece to pallet.

Pick up workpiece
from pallet. Ladder representation

Ladder representation
Machine workpiece.

Ladder representation
Return workpiece to pallet.

- 21 -

Move pallet. Ladder representation

(1) Main program
A ladder program consisting of the 1st ladder level and 2nd ladder level is called a main program. You
can create just one main program. Subprogram calls from the 1st ladder level are not allowed. Any
number of subprogram calls from the 2nd ladder level may be made. Functional instructions JMP and
COM must be closed within the main program and each subprogram.

(2) Subprogram
Programs called from the 2nd ladder level are referred to as subprograms. A subprogram is a program
unit enclosed by functional instructions SP and SPE. Up to 512 or 5000 subprograms can be created
for one PMC.

(3) Nesting
A subprogram can call another subprogram.
Up to eight levels of subprograms can be nested.
Recursive calls are not permitted.

- 22 -

(4) Programming order when subprograms are used

1st level sequence


2nd level sequence


3rd level sequence

part (only with model
that can use 3rd

Code subprograms after 2nd and 3rd



End of sequence
End of entire sequence program is
indicated by END instruction.


- 23 -
1.OVERVIEW OF PMC B-64393EN/02 Subprogramming and nesting

A conditional call (or unconditional call) is coded in the main program, and the name of a subprogram to be
executed is specified. In the subprogram, the subprogram name and a ladder sequence to be executed are
When a conditional call specifying Pn (representing a program name) is made, a subprogram named Pn is
called and executed.
A subroutine name can be assigned by adding a symbol or comment to Pn.
In the example shown in Fig. (a), the main program calls three subprograms. These calls are all
conditional calls. Subprogram P1 is named SUBPRO. Subprogram P1 calls subprogram PROCS1

Fig. (a) Example of subprogramming and nesting

- 24 -

Execution method
The main program is always active. Subprograms are active only when called by another program.
In the following example, subprogram SUBPRO is called by signal A.

Program cycle

Signal A




Execution flow
(1) A subprogram call by functional instruction CALL transfers control to the subprogram.
(2) When the execution of the subprogram is completed, control is returned to the main program.
(3) When the execution of the main program is completed, the ladder program postprocessing is

- 25 -

Creating a program
After the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd level ladder programs, create subprograms in the similar manner.

Creation example

Be sure to code this.

- 26 -

Inhibit items
(1) Subprograms are nested.

(2) A subprogram is created within the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd level ladder program.

- 27 -
1.OVERVIEW OF PMC B-64393EN/02 Notes on using subroutines

(2) EXIN
(3) WINDR (low-speed type only)
(4) WINDW (low-speed type only)

For the above functional instructions, ACT = 1 must be held until transfer completion information (coil) is
set to 1.
When using these functional instructions in subprograms, note the following prohibition:

(1) When one of the above functional instructions is being used within a subprogram and is not yet
completed (processing is in progress), the subprogram call is canceled. (ACT for the CALL
instruction is set to 0.)

The subsequent operation of the above functional instruction is not


(2) When one of the above functional instructions is being used within a subprogram and is not yet
completed (processing is in progress), the subroutine is called from another subprogram.

Because the preceding function is being processed, the subsequent operation

of the above functional instruction is not guaranteed.

When a subprogram using the above functional instructions is called from more than one place, exclusive
control is required. An example of using the WINDR instruction (low-speed type) is given below.

- 28 -

A subprogram is called from two places. (When the WINDR instruction is used)

Main program Subprogram 1 Subprogram 2

Set DATA1.

Set DATA2.

Subprogram 1 controls ACT (A) and W1 (B) of WINDR (subprogram 2).
The main program determines which data (C1 or C2) is to be used according to A controlled by subprogram
1. Upon completion of the WINDR instruction, the next data is set, and the other CALL instruction is
executed. In the subsequent operation, these steps are repeated.

- 29 -

1.4.5 Synchronization Processing of I/O Signals

Signals input to the PMC include input signals from the CNC (such as M function and T function signals)
and input signals from the machine (such as cycle start and feed hold signals). Signals output from the PMC
include output signals to the CNC (such as cycle start and feed hold signals) and output signals to the
machine (such as turret rotation and spindle stop signals).
The relationships between these signals and the PMC are shown in Fig. 1.4.5 (a), in which input signals are
input to the input memory of the PMC, and output signals are issued from the PMC.
As shown in Fig. 1.4.5 (a), the input signals are synchronized during 1 scan of the 2nd level sequence part.

Input memory of CNC program

1st level
Input signal from CNC (F)
sequence part

Output memory of CNC

Output signal to CNC (G)

Transferred every
2nd level synchronous input signal memory 2nd level
sequence part

Input signal from CNC (F)

Input signal from machine (X)

at start of
every 2ms
2nd level
Machine Tool
Input signal memory
3rd level
sequence part
Input signal from machine Input signal from machine (X)

Output signal memory

Output signal to machine Output signal to machine (Y)

Fig. 1.4.5 (a) I/O signals of PMC

The 2nd level synchronous input signal memories are F and X address. Other
addresses are not synchronous input signals.

- 30 -

Input signal processing

(1) Input memory of the CNC
Signals input from the CNC to PMC are set in the memory of the CNC and are normally transferred to
the PMC at intervals of 8 msec. Since the 1st and 3rd level sequence parts directly reference and
process these signals, these signals are not synchronized with input signals from the CNC. See the
description of following “Notes on programming asynchronous I/O signals”.

(2) Input signals from the machine (I/O Link)

Signals input from the machine are transferred to the input signal memory via the input circuit (I/O
Link). The 1st and 3rd level sequence parts read the input signals from the input signal memory and
process them.

(3) Input signal memory

The input signal memory stores signals transferred from the machine at intervals of 2 msec.
The 1st and 3rd level sequence parts of the PMC read and process signals stored in this memory. In
this case, the signal set in the input signal memory is not synchronized with the 1st and 3rd level
sequence parts. For notes on asynchronous processing, see the description of following “Notes on
programming asynchronous I/O signals”.

(4) 2nd level synchronous input signal memory

The 2nd level synchronous input signal memory stores signals processed by the 2nd level sequence
part of the PMC. Signals synchronized with the 2nd level sequence part are set in this memory.
Input signals in the input signal memory and input signals from the CNC are automatically transferred
to the 2nd level synchronous input signal memory at the beginning of the 2nd level sequence part.
Therefore, the status of the 2nd level synchronous input signal memory is kept unchanged during the
time from the beginning of the 2nd level sequence part until the end of the sequence part.
The programmer function automatically performs processing so that the 1st and 3rd level sequence
parts use input signals in the input signal memory and input signals from the CNC while the 2nd level
sequence part uses the 2nd level synchronous input signal memory. (This need not be considered
during programming.)

The 2nd level synchronous input signal memories are F and X address. Other
addresses are not synchronous input signals.

Output signal processing

(1) Output memory to the CNC
Signals output from the PMC to CNC are set in the output memory of the CNC. Normally, the PMC
transfers signals to the output memory of the CNC at intervals of 8 msec.

(2) Output signals to the machine (I/O Link)

Signals output to the machine are transferred from the output signal memory of the PMC to the output
circuit (I/O Link).

(3) Output signal memory

The output signal memory is set by the sequence program of the PMC. Signals set in the output signal
memory are transferred to the machine at intervals of 2 msec.

- 31 -

1 The statuses of the input memory of the CNC, input signals from the machine,
output memory of the CNC, and output signals to the machine can be viewed on
the SIGNAL STATUS screen of the PMC. For the SIGNAL STATUS screen, see
Section 7.1.

Notes on programming asynchronous I/O signals

Normal input signals from the CNC are transferred to the PMC at intervals of 8 msec. Normal output
signals to the CNC are transferred from the PMC at intervals of 8 msec. Therefore, I/O signals exchanged
with the CNC are usually transferred at intervals of 8 msec. When creating a sequence program, note that
the input signals from the CNC are not synchronized with the 1st and 3rd level sequence program parts.
Because the input signals from the CNC are asynchronous, the status of an input signal from the CNC may
change during execution of the 1st level sequence program part, which can lead to a problem as shown in
Fig. 1.4.5 (b). To prevent such a problem, write the TF signal to an internal relay at the beginning of the 1st
level sequence part so that the subsequent operation of the 1st level sequence program part references the
internal relay. Then, the TF signal can be treated as a synchronous signal. See Fig. 1.4.5 (c).
Signals input from the machine via the I/O Link and signals input from other control units over a network
are also asynchronous, so these signals should be treated in a similar manner.

If the TF status changes to 1 after TF=0 is read first,

W1 and W2 may be set to 1 momentarily.

Fig. 1.4.5 (b)

When the TF signal is made synchronized, neither W1

nor W2 is set to 1.

Fig. 1.4.5 (c)

- 32 -

Difference in signal status between 1st level and 2nd level sequence parts
The status of the same input signal may become different between the 1st and 2nd level sequence parts. The
1st level sequence part uses the input signal memory for signal processing while the 2nd level sequence part
uses the 2nd level synchronous input signal memory. Therefore, it is possible that an input signal for the
2nd level sequence part lags behind the input signal for the 1st level sequence part by a cycle of the 2nd
level sequence execution at the worst.
When creating a sequence program, note the following:
Signal status
A.M On (pulse signal with short pulse width in time)
B Off
C On
When the 1st level is executed, the following difference can occur between Fig. 1.4.5 (d) and Fig. 1.4.5 (e):

(1) For Fig. 1.4.5 (d)

Even when W1 = 1, W2 may not be 1. (This is because the A.M signal may differ between the 1st level
and 2nd level.)

(2) For Fig. 1.4.5 (e)

If W1 = 1, W2 is always 1.
When performing the sequence shown in Fig. 1.4.5 (d), do the following:
At the 1st level, perform the high-speed sequence processing applied when the A.M signal status
changes (operating).
At the 2nd level, perform the sequence processing applied when the A.M signal status does not change

In the middle of 1st level processing, a signal status change may occur
asynchronously with the sequence program processing. For details, see
Subsection 1.4.7.

1st level

2nd level

Fig. 1.4.5 (d) Fig. 1.4.5 (e)

- 33 -

1.4.6 Interlock
In sequence control, considering how to provide an interlock is a key design issue from the safety point of
view. Of course, an interlock must be provided by sequence programs. Furthermore, an interlock must also
be provided at the end of the electrical circuit in the power magnetic cabinet of the machine. Even when an
interlock is provided logically by a sequence program (software), the interlock by the sequence program
will not work if the hardware for executing the sequence program fails for a certain cause. Therefore, be
sure to provide an interlock within the power magnetic cabinet of the machine to ensure safety of the
operator and prevent machine damage.

1.4.7 Notes on I/O Signals Updated by Other Than PMC

I/O signals transmitted over networks (such as an Ethernet, PROFIBUS) (signals assigned to addresses R,
D, and E) are updated asynchronously with PMC sequence program execution.
Similarly, other applications (FOCAS2, C executor, real-time custom macros, etc.) update I/O signals
asynchronously with PMC sequence program execution. Therefore, when a signal updated via a network or
by another application is to be used by a PMC sequence program, the following should be noted:

(1) Note on input signals

When an input signal transmitted via a network or another application is referenced at more than one
place in the PMC sequence program, the same value is not guaranteed to be referenced within the same
cycle of the sequence program.
To reference the same input signal value within the same cycle, store the input signal status in an area
such as an internal relay.

(2) Note on output signals

When an output signal is transmitted via a network or another application, it may be transmitted to a
slave unit in the middle of the PMC sequence program execution cycle. Care should be exercised
when the slave unit references more than one signal.

(3) Note on multiple-byte data

When multiple-byte data is input or output via a network or another application, concurrence of the
data (a condition free from data splitting) is not guaranteed. To ensure data concurrence, perform
handshaking, which does not cause data splitting during data I/O.

- 34 -

1.5 PMC/L FUNCTION FOR Series 0i-D/0i Mate-D

0i-D/0i Mate-D PMC/L is a model of PMC for low-end Machine tools. It has no special CPU for PMC, and
it runs on the common CPU with CNC.
Therefore, program processing speed, maximum program size, and PMC address size of 0i-D/0i Mate-D
PMC/L is lower than 0i-D PMC.


CNC function PMC function

Other function

Fig. 1.5 (a) Configuration of 0i-D PMC


CNC function

PMC function

Other function

Fig. 1.5 (b) Configuration of 0i-D/0i Mate-D PMC/L

Moreover, there are the following differences between 0i-D PMC and 0i-D/0i Mate-D PMC/L.

Table 1.5 (a) Difference of 0i-D PMC and 0i-D/0i Mate-D PMC/L
0i-D/0i Mate-D
Function 0i-D PMC
Maximum controllable CNC path 2 1
Maximum points of I/O Link DI : 2048 points DI : 1024 points (Note 1)
DO: 2048 points DO : 1024 points (Note 1)
Override function of DI/DO signal available not available
Trace function max. 32 points max. 16 points
PMC axis control function max. 8 groups max. 4 groups (Note 2)
Dual Check Safety function (option) available not available

1 Maximum input/output number of I/O link for 0i Mate-D is 256points/256points.
2 This function for 0i Mate-D cannot be used.

- 35 -


2.1.1 Basic Specifications

Table 2.1.1 (a)Basic specifications of each PMC path
0i-D / 0i Mate-D 0i-D
Function 0i-D PMC
Programming language Ladder Ladder Ladder
Function block (Note2) Function block (Note2) Function block (Note2)
Number of ladder levels 3 2 (Note3) 2 (Note3)
Level 1 execution period 8 msec 8 msec 8 msec
Processing power
• Basic instruction 25 nsec/step 1 μsec/step 1 μsec/step
processing speed
• Basic instruction 480 nsec/step 19.2 μsec/step 19.2 μsec/step
processing speed
transition contact)
Program capacity (Note5)
• Ladder Up to about 32,000 steps Up to about 8,000 steps Up to about 3,000 steps
• Symbol & Comment At least 1KB At least 1KB At least 1KB
• Message At least 8KB At least 8KB At least 8KB
• Basic instructions 14 14 14
• Functional instructions 93 (105) 92 (105) 85 (105)
• Basic instructions 24 24 24
• Functional instructions 218 (230) 217 (230) 210 (230)
CNC interface
• Inputs (F) 768 bytes × 2 768 bytes 768 bytes
• Outputs (G) 768 bytes × 2 768 bytes 768 bytes
• I/O Link
• Inputs (X) Up to 2,048 points Up to 1,024 points (Note7) Up to 64 points
• Outputs (Y) Up to 4,096 points Up to 1,024 points (Note7) Up to 64 points
Symbol & Comment
• Number of symbol 40 40 40
• Number of comment 255 255 255
characters (Note9)
Program storage area Up to 384KB 128KB 128KB
(Flash ROM) (Note10)

- 36 -

1 This PMC is used for Dual Check Safety and handles the safety related signals.
2 To use the Function Block function, its option is necessary for each CNC. When
specifying this option, the Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function can also be
used. Because the Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function is included in the
Function Block function, it is not necessary to order the option of the Extended
PMC Ladder Instruction Function separately.
3 A program can be created on level 3 for the compatibility with programs for other
models, but it is not executed.
4 It is the processing speed of Basic Instruction other than Positive/Negative
transition contact.
5 The maximum overall program size (including the maximum number of ladder
steps, symbols/ comments, and messages) varies depending on option settings.
See 2.1.2 “ Program Capacity” for details.
6 For the number of functional instructions, each parenthesized number indicates
the number of all functional instructions, and each non-parenthesized number,
the number of valid functional instructions.
7 Maximum input/output number of I/O link for 0i Mate-D is 256points/256points.
8 These are the number for extended symbol and comment character. The number
of basic symbol character is 16 and the number of comment character is 30.
Refer to section 1.2.7 "Specification of extended symbol and comment" for details
9 This number is the number of single-byte characters. When you use double-byte
characters as a comment, the number becomes half.
10 The capacity of the program storage area varies depending on option settings.
See 2.1.2 “ Program Capacity” for details.

- 37 -

Table 2.1.1 (b) Basic specifications of each PMC Memory Type

0i-D / 0i Mate-D 0i-D
Function 0i-D PMC
PMC Memory
• Internal relay (R) 8,000 bytes 1,500 bytes 1,500 bytes
• System Relay 500 bytes 500 bytes 500 bytes
• Extra relay (E) 10,000 bytes 10,000 bytes - (Note 3)
• Message display (A)
⋅ Display requests 2,000 points 2,000 points - (Note 4)
⋅ Status displays 2,000 points 2,000 points - (Note 4)
• Nonvolatile memory
• Timer (T)
⋅ Variable timer 500 bytes 80 bytes 80 bytes
(250 pieces) (40 pieces) (40 pieces)
⋅ Variable timer precision 500 bytes 80 bytes 80 bytes
(Note 1) (250 pieces) (40 pieces) (40 pieces)
• Counter (C)
⋅ Variable counter 400 bytes 80 bytes 80 bytes
(100 pieces) (20 pieces) (20 pieces)
⋅ Fixed counter 200 bytes 40 bytes 40 bytes
(100 pieces) (20 pieces) (20 pieces)
• Keep relay (K)
⋅ User area 100 bytes 20 bytes 20 bytes
⋅ System area 100 bytes 100 bytes 100 bytes
• Data table (D) 10,000 bytes 3,000 bytes 3,000 bytes
Functional instructions
• Variable timers (TMR) 250 pieces 40 pieces 40 pieces
• Fixed timers 500 pieces 100 pieces 100 pieces
• Variable counters (CTR) 100 pieces 20 pieces 20 pieces
• Fixed counters (CTRB) 100 pieces 20 pieces 20 pieces
• Rising/Falling edge 1,000 pieces 256 pieces 256 pieces
detection (DIFU/DIFD)
• Labels (LBL) 9,999 pieces 9,999 pieces 9,999 pieces
• Subprograms (SP) 5,000 pieces 512 pieces 512 pieces

1 This area is used to specify the precision of the variable timer. Do not use this
area in user programs.
2 This PMC is used for Dual Check Safety function (option). See "Dual Check
Safety Connection Manual (B-64303EN-4)" for details.
3 There are no extra relays in Dual Check Safety PMC.
4 The message display relay can not be used in Dual Check Safety PMC because
of invalid function.

- 38 -

2.1.2 Program Capacity

Table 2.1.2 (a) Program Capacity of 0i-D PMC
Number of ladder step option Maximum program size Maximum Symbol/Comment
(Note1) (Flash ROM capacity) Ladder size and message size
24,000 Steps Option 256 KB 102KB 137.6KB
32,000 Steps Option 384 KB 136KB 231.6KB

Table 2.1.2 (b) Program Capacity of 0i-D / 0i Mate-D PMC/L

Number of ladder step option Maximum program size Maximum Symbol/Comment
(Note2) (Flash ROM capacity) Ladder size and message size
5,000 Steps Option 128 KB 21.25KB 90.35KB
8,000 Steps Option 128 KB 34KB 77.6KB

Table 2.1.2 (c) Program Capacity of 0i-D DCS PMC

Number of ladder step option Maximum program size Maximum Symbol/Comment
(Note3) (Flash ROM capacity) Ladder size size
3,000 Steps Option 128KB 12.75KB 98.85KB

1 The package 1 has 24,000 steps option. 32,000 steps option is the additional
2 The package 2 has 5,000 steps option. 8,000 steps option is the additional
3 The Dual Check Safty function has 3,000 steps option.

- 39 -

2.1.3 Sequence Program Memory Capacity

The following table lists the memory capacity used by sequence programs. When creating sequence
programs, keep their total size within this memory capacity.

Table 2.1.3 (a) Used memory size for each data

Category Item Required memory size (Note 1)
Ladder (Note 2) Basic instruction Please refer to table 2.1.6.
Functional instruction Please refer to table 2.1.7 and table2.1.8.
Functional instruction parameter 4 bytes
Symbol/comment conventional One definition of symbol/comment 24 bytes
type (Note 2) (Including symbol string)
One comment character 1 byte (Note 3)
Symbol/comment extended type One definition of symbol/comment 16 - 23 bytes (Note 5)
(Note 2) One symbol character 1 byte
One comment character 1 byte (Note 3)
One sub-program 8 bytes (Note 6)
Message (Note 2) One message character (alphanumeric 1 byte (Note 4)
Others Area used by the system About 16K bytes

1 The total sequence program size (including all items such as ladders,
symbols/comments, and messages) cannot exceed the sequence program
memory storage capacity. If a ladder, symbol/ comment, or message is large,
the size of other categories may be limited.
2 The PMC programmer may adjust arrangement of these items in the sequence
program memory to improve processing efficiency. As a result, up to 1K byte
(1024 bytes) may be added to the sum of the sizes of individual items.
3 Each full-size character takes a memory capacity of 2 bytes.
4 For half-size katakana, full-size hiragana, kanji, and special characters, each
character in a character code notation (including leading and trailing "@"
characters) takes a memory capacity of one byte. See descriptions about the
DISPB function instructions for the character input code notation.
5 One definition of extended symbol and comment takes 16-23 bytes plus the
memory according to the length of symbol and comment.
6 8 bytes are taken for a sub-program when local symbols are defined in the

2.1.4 Data Size for PMC Message Multi-Language Display

The PMC message multi-language display function has a memory card format file, independently of a
ladder. To load the data of this file to the CNC, the options for the following are needed:

Maximum memory size

Option name
(Flash ROM capacity)
PMC message multi-language 128K 128 KB

- 40 -

2.1.5 PMC Addresses

Table 2.1.5 (a) PMC Address list (1)
0i-D / 0i Mate-D 0i-D
Signals Symbol 0i-D PMC
Input signal to the X X0 ~ X127 X0 ~ X127 X0 ~ X127
PMC from the X200 ~ X327
machine X400 ~ X527 (Note2)
X600 ~ X727 (Note2)
X1000 ~ X1127(Note2)
Output signal from Y Y0 ~ Y127 Y0 ~ Y127 Y0 ~ Y127
the PMC to the Y200 ~ Y327
machine Y400 ~ Y527(Note 2)
Y600 ~ Y727(Note 2)
Y1000 ~ Y1127 (Note 2)
Input signal to the F F0 ~ F767 F0 ~ F767 F0 ~ F767
PMC from the CNC F1000 ~ F1767 F1000 ~ F1767(Note3)
F2000 ~ F2767(Note3)
F3000 ~ F3767(Note3)
F4000 ~ F4767(Note3)
F5000 ~ F5767(Note3)
F6000 ~ F6767(Note3)
F7000 ~ F7767(Note3)
F8000 ~ F8767(Note3)
F9000 ~ F9767(Note3)
Output signal from G G0 ~ G767 G0 ~ G767 G0 ~ G767
the PMC to the CNC G1000 ~ G1767 G1000 ~ G1767(Note3)
G2000 ~ G2767(Note3)
G3000 ~ G3767(Note3)
G4000 ~ G4767(Note3)
G5000 ~ G5767(Note3)
G6000 ~ G6767(Note3)
G7000 ~ G7767(Note3)
G8000 ~ G8767(Note3)
G9000 ~ G9767(Note3)
Internal relay R R0 ~ R7999 R0 ~ R1499 R0 ~ R1499
System relay R R9000 ~ R9499 R9000 ~ R9499 R9000 ~ R9499
Extra relay E E0 ~ E9999 E0 ~ E9999 (Note 5)
Message display A
・ Display request A0 ~ A249 A0 ~ A249 (Note 6)
・ Display status A9000 ~ A9249 A9000 ~ A9249 (Note 6)
Timer T
・ Variable timer T0 ~ T499 T0 ~ T79 T0 ~ T79
・ Variable timer T9000 ~ T9499 T9000 ~ T9079 T9000 ~ T9079
(Note 4)
Counter C
・ Variable counter C0 ~ C399 C0 ~ C79 C0 ~ C79
・ Fixed counter C5000 ~ C5199 C5000 ~ C5039 C5000 ~ C5039

- 41 -

Table 2.1.5 (b) PMC Address list (2)

0i-D / 0i Mate-D 0i-D
Signals Symbol 0i-D PMC
Keep relay K
・ User area K0 ~ K99 K0 ~ K19 K0 ~ K19
・ System area K900 ~ K999 K900 ~ K999 K900 ~ K999
Data table D D0 ~ D9999 D0 ~ D2999 D0 ~ D2999
Label L L1 ~ L9999 L1 ~ L9999 L1 ~ L9999
Subprogram P P1 ~ P5000 P1 ~ P512 P1 ~ P512

1 This PMC is used for Dual Check Safety function (option). See "Dual Check
Safety Connection Manual (B-64303EN-4)" for details.
2 This area is reserved for PMC management software. No I/O can be allocated
in this area. Do not use it in user programs.
3 This area is reserved for PMC management software. Do not use it in user
4 This area is used to specify the precision of a variable timer.
- Don't modify the value of timer and precision except for writing same value
when working the timer.
- Don't set the value other than the following range.
- If above rules are violated, the working of the timer is not guaranteed.
- Other than the range from T9000 to T9999 are reserved.

The value of precision

0: Default (8msec or 48msec)
1: 1msec
2: 10msec
3: 100msec
4: 1sec
5: 1min

5 No extra relay is available for the Dual Check Safety PMC.

6 The message display relay can not be used in Dual Check Safety PMC because
of invalid function.

- 42 -

2.1.6 Basic Instructions

Table 2.1.6 Basic instruction list
Instruction Required 0i-D / 0i Mate-D
name memory size PMC/L
RD 4 bytes { { {
RD.NOT 4 bytes { { {
WRT 4 bytes { { {
WRT.NOT 4 bytes { { {
AND 4 bytes { { {
AND.NOT 4 bytes { { {
OR 4 bytes { { {
OR.NOT 4 bytes { { {
RD.STK 4 bytes { { {
RD.NOT.STK 4 bytes { { {
AND.STK 4 bytes { { {
OR.STK 4 bytes { { {
SET 4 bytes { { {
RST 4 bytes { { {
RDPT 12 bytes ● ● ●
ANDPT 12 bytes ● ● ●
ORPT 12 bytes ● ● ●
RDPT.STK 12 bytes ● ● ●
RDNT 12 bytes ● ● ●
ANDNT 12 bytes ● ● ●
ORNT 12 bytes ● ● ●
RDNT.STK 12 bytes ● ● ●
PUSH 4 bytes ● ● ●
POP 4 bytes ● ● ●
({: Usable. ●: The option of Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function is needed. ×: Unusable.)

This PMC is used for Dual Check Safety function (option). See "Dual Check
Safety Connection Manual (B-64303EN-4)" for details.

- 43 -

2.1.7 Functional Instructions (Arranged in Sequence of Instruction

Table 2.1.7 (a) Functional instruction list (arranged in sequence of instruction group) (1)
Required 0i-D
0i-D / 0i
Instruction Instruction SUB memory 0i-D DCS
Processing Mate-D
group name No. size PMC PMC
(byte) (Note1)
Timer 1 TMR 3 On-delay timer 8 { { {
2 TMRB 24 Fixed on-delay timer 12 { { {
3 TMRBF 77 Fixed off-delay timer 12 { { {
4 TMRC 54 On-delay timer 16 { { {
5 TMRST 221 Stop watch timer (1 ms accuracy) 20 ● ● ●
6 TMRSS 222 Stop watch timer (1 sec accuracy) 20 ● ● ●
Counter 1 CTR 5 Counter processing 8 { { {
2 CTRB 56 Counter processing 12 { { {
3 CTRC 55 Counter processing 12 { { {
4 CTRD 223 Counter processing (4 byte length) 12 ● ● ●
Data 1 MOVB 43 1-byte transfer 12 { { {
transfer 2 MOVW 44 2-byte transfer 12 { { {
3 MOVD 47 4-byte transfer 12 { { {
4 MOVN 45 Transfer of arbitrary number of bytes 16 { { {
5 MOVE 8 Data transfer after logical product 20 { { {
6 MOVOR 28 Data transfer after logical sum 16 { { {
7 XMOVB 35 Index modification binary data transfer 24 { { {
8 XMOV 18 Index modification data transfer 20 { { {
9 MOVBT 224 Bit transfer 24 ● ● ●
10 SETNB 225 Data setting (1 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
11 SETNW 226 Data setting (2 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
12 SETND 227 Data setting (4 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
13 XCHGB 228 Data exchange (1 byte length) 12 ● ● ●
14 XCHGW 229 Data exchange (2 byte length) 12 ● ● ●
15 XCHGD 230 Data exchange (4 byte length) 12 ● ● ●
16 SWAPW 231 Data swap (2 byte length) 16 ● ● ●
17 SWAPD 232 Data swap (4 byte length) 16 ● ● ●
18 DSCHB 34 Binary data search 24 { { {
19 DSCH 17 Data search 20 { { {
Table 1 TBLRB 233 Reading data from table (1 byte length) 24 ● ● ●
Data 2 TBLRW 234 Reading data from table (2 byte length) 24 ● ● ●
3 TBLRD 235 Reading data from table (4 byte length) 24 ● ● ●
4 TBLRN 236 Reading data from table 28 ● ● ●
(Arbitrary byte length)
5 TBLWB 237 Writing data to table (1 byte length) 24 ● ● ●
6 TBLWW 238 Writing data to table (2 byte length) 24 ● ● ●
7 TBLWD 239 Writing data to table (4 byte length) 24 ● ● ●
8 TBLWN 240 Writing data to table 28 ● ● ●
(Arbitrary byte length)
9 DSEQB 241 Searching data from table (=) 28 ● ● ●
(1 byte length)
10 DSEQW 242 Searching data from table (=) 28 ● ● ●
(2 byte length)
({: Usable. ●: The option of Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function is needed. Δ: Executed
as NOP instruction (Note 2). ×: Unusable.)

- 44 -

Table 2.1.7 (b) Functional instruction list (arranged in sequence of instruction group) (2)

Required 0i-D
0i-D / 0i
Instruction Instruction SUB memory 0i-D DCS
Processing Mate-D
group name No. size PMC PMC
(byte) (Note1)

Table 11 DSEQD 243 Searching data from table (=) 28 ● ● ●

Data (4 byte length)
12 DSNEB 244 Searching data from table (≠) 28 ● ● ●
(1 byte length)
13 DSNEW 245 Searching data from table (≠) 28 ● ● ●
(2 byte length)
14 DSNED 246 Searching data from table (≠) 28 ● ● ●
(4 byte length)
15 DSGTB 247 Searching data from table (>) 28 ● ● ●
(1 byte length)
16 DSGTW 248 Searching data from table (>) 28 ● ● ●
(2 byte length)
17 DSGTD 249 Searching data from table (>) 28 ● ● ●
(4 byte length)
18 DSLTB 250 Searching data from table (<) 28 ● ● ●
(1 byte length)
19 DSLTW 251 Searching data from table (<) 28 ● ● ●
(2 byte length)
20 DSLTD 252 Searching data from table (<) 28 ● ● ●
(4 byte length)
21 DSGEB 253 Searching data from table (≧) 28 ● ● ●
(1 byte length)
22 DSGEW 254 Searching data from table (≧) 28 ● ● ●
(2 byte length)
23 DSGED 255 Searching data from table (≧) 28 ● ● ●
(4 byte length)
24 DSLEB 256 Searching data from table (≦) 28 ● ● ●
(1 byte length)
25 DSLEW 257 Searching data from table (≦) 28 ● ● ●
(2 byte length)
26 DSLED 258 Searching data from table (≦) 28 ● ● ●
(4 byte length)
27 DMAXB 259 Maximum data (1 byte length) 28 ● ● ●
28 DMAXW 260 Maximum data (2 byte length) 28 ● ● ●
29 DMAXD 261 Maximum data (4 byte length) 28 ● ● ●
30 DMINB 262 Minimum data (1 byte length) 28 ● ● ●
31 DMINW 263 Minimum data (2 byte length) 28 ● ● ●
32 DMIND 264 Minimum data (4 byte length) 28 ● ● ●
({: Usable. ●: The option of Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function is needed. Δ: Executed
as NOP instruction (Note 2). ×: Unusable.)

- 45 -

Table 2.1.7 (c) Functional instruction list (arranged in sequence of instruction group) (3)
Required 0i-D
0i-D / 0i
Instruction Instruction SUB memory 0i-D DCS
Processing Mate-D
group name No. size PMC PMC
(byte) (Note1)
Comparison 1 EQB 200 Signed Binary Comparison (=) 16 { { {
(1 byte length)
2 EQW 201 Signed Binary Comparison (=) 16 { { {
(2 byte length)
3 EQD 202 Signed Binary Comparison (=) 16 { { {
(4 byte length)
4 NEB 203 Signed Binary Comparison (≠) 16 { { {
(1 byte length)
5 NEW 204 Signed Binary Comparison (≠) 16 { { {
(2 byte length)
6 NED 205 Signed Binary Comparison (≠) 16 { { {
(4 byte length)
7 GTB 206 Signed Binary Comparison (>) 16 { { {
(1 byte length)
8 GTW 207 Signed Binary Comparison (>) 16 { { {
(2 byte length)
9 GTD 208 Signed Binary Comparison (>) 16 { { {
(4 byte length)
10 LTB 209 Signed Binary Comparison (<) 16 { { {
(1 byte length)
11 LTW 210 Signed Binary Comparison (<) 16 { { {
(2 byte length)
12 LTD 211 Signed Binary Comparison (<) 16 { { {
(4 byte length)
13 GEB 212 Signed Binary Comparison (≧) 16 { { {
(1 byte length)
14 GEW 213 Signed Binary Comparison (≧) 16 { { {
(2 byte length)
15 GED 214 Signed Binary Comparison (≧) 16 { { {
(4 byte length)
16 LEB 215 Signed Binary Comparison (≦) 16 { { {
(1 byte length)
17 LEW 216 Signed Binary Comparison (≦) 16 { { {
(2 byte length)
18 LED 217 Signed Binary Comparison (≦) 16 { { {
(4 byte length)
19 RNGB 218 Signed Binary Comparison (range) 20 { { {
(1 byte length)
20 RNGW 219 Signed Binary Comparison (range) 20 { { {
(2 byte length)
21 RNGD 220 Signed Binary Comparison (range) 20 { { {
(4 byte length)
22 COMPB 32 Comparison between binary data 20 { { {
23 COMP 15 Comparison 16 { { {
24 COIN 16 Coincidence check 16 { { {
({: Usable. ●: The option of Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function is needed. Δ: Executed
as NOP instruction (Note 2). ×: Unusable.)

- 46 -

Table 2.1.7 (d) Functional instruction list (arranged in sequence of instruction group) (4)

Required 0i-D
0i-D / 0i
Instruction Instruction SUB memory 0i-D DCS
Processing Mate-D
group name No. size PMC PMC
(byte) (Note1)

Bit 1 DIFU 57 Rising-edge detection 8 { { {

operation 2 DIFD 58 Falling-edge detection 8 { { {
3 EOR 59 Exclusive OR 20 { { {
4 AND 60 Logical AND 20 { { {
5 OR 61 Logical OR 20 { { {
6 NOT 62 Logical NOT 16 { { {
7 PARI 11 Parity check 8 { { {
8 SFT 33 Shift register 8 { { {
9 EORB 265 Exclusive OR (1 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
10 EORW 266 Exclusive OR (2 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
11 EORD 267 Exclusive OR (4 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
12 ANDB 268 Logical AND (1 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
13 ANDW 269 Logical AND (2 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
14 ANDD 270 Logical AND (4 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
15 ORB 271 Logical OR (1 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
16 ORW 272 Logical OR (2 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
17 ORD 273 Logical OR (4 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
18 NOTB 274 Logical NOT (1 byte length) 16 ● ● ●
19 NOTW 275 Logical NOT (2 byte length) 16 ● ● ●
20 NOTD 276 Logical NOT (4 byte length) 16 ● ● ●
21 SHLB 277 Bit shift left (1 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
22 SHLW 278 Bit shift left (2 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
23 SHLD 279 Bit shift left (4 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
24 SHLN 280 Bit shift left (Arbitrary byte length) 24 ● ● ●
25 SHRB 281 Bit shift right (1 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
26 SHRW 282 Bit shift right (2 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
27 SHRD 283 Bit shift right (4 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
28 SHRN 284 Bit shift right (Arbitrary byte length) 24 ● ● ●
29 ROLB 285 Bit rotation left (1 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
30 ROLW 286 Bit rotation left (2 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
31 ROLD 287 Bit rotation left (4 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
32 ROLN 288 Bit rotation left (Arbitrary byte length) 24 ● ● ●
33 RORB 289 Bit rotation right (1 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
34 RORW 290 Bit rotation right (2 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
35 RORD 291 Bit rotation right (4 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
36 RORN 292 Bit rotation right (Arbitrary byte length) 24 ● ● ●
37 BSETB 293 Bit set (1 byte length) 16 ● ● ●
38 BSETW 294 Bit set (2 byte length) 16 ● ● ●
39 BSETD 295 Bit set (4 byte length) 16 ● ● ●
40 BSETN 296 Bit set (Arbitrary byte length) 20 ● ● ●
41 BRSTB 297 Bit reset (1 byte length) 16 ● ● ●
42 BRSTW 298 Bit reset (2 byte length) 16 ● ● ●
43 BRSTD 299 Bit reset (4 byte length) 16 ● ● ●
44 BRSTN 300 Bit reset (Arbitrary byte length) 20 ● ● ●
45 BTSTB 301 Bit test (1 byte length) 16 ● ● ●
46 BTSTW 302 Bit test (2 byte length) 16 ● ● ●
47 BTSTD 303 Bit test (4 byte length) 16 ● ● ●
({: Usable. ●: The option of Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function is needed. Δ: Executed
as NOP instruction (Note 2). ×: Unusable.)
- 47 -

Table 2.1.7 (e) Functional instruction list (arranged in sequence of instruction group) (5)

Required 0i-D
0i-D / 0i
Instruction Instruction SUBNo memory 0i-D DCS
Processing Mate-D
group name . size PMC PMC
(byte) (Note1)

Bit 48 BTSTN 304 Bit test (Arbitrary byte length) 20 ● ● ●

operation 49 BPOSB 305 Bit search (1 byte length) 12 ● ● ●
50 BPOSW 306 Bit search (2 byte length) 12 ● ● ●
51 BPOSD 307 Bit search (4 byte length) 12 ● ● ●
52 BPOSN 308 Bit search (Arbitrary byte length) 16 ● ● ●
53 BCNTB 309 Bit count (1 byte length) 12 ● ● ●
54 BCNTW 310 Bit count (2 byte length) 12 ● ● ●
55 BCNTD 311 Bit count (4 byte length) 12 ● ● ●
56 BCNTN 312 Bit count (Arbitrary byte length) 16 ● ● ●
Code 16+n
1 COD 7 Code conversion { { {
conversion (Note5)
2 CODB 27 Binary code conversion { { {
3 DCNV 14 Data conversion 12 { { {
4 DCNVB 31 Extended data conversion 16 { { {
5 DEC 4 Decoding 12 { { {
6 DECB 25 Binary decoding 20 { { {
Binary to BCD conversion
7 TBCDB 313 16 ● ● ●
(1 byte length)
Binary to BCD conversion
8 TBCDW 314 16 ● ● ●
(2 byte length)
Binary to BCD conversion
9 TBCDD 315 16 ● ● ●
(4 byte length)
BCD to Binary conversion
10 FBCDB 316 16 ● ● ●
(1 byte length)
BCD to Binary conversion
11 FBCDW 317 16 ● ● ●
(2 byte length)
BCD to Binary conversion
12 FBCDD 318 16 ● ● ●
(4 byte length)
Operation 1 ADDB 36 Binary addition 20 { { {
2 SUBB 37 Binary subtraction 20 { { {
3 MULB 38 Binary multiplication 20 { { {
4 DIVB 39 Binary division 20 { { {
5 ADD 19 BCD addition 20 { { {
6 SUB 20 BCD subtraction 20 { { {
7 MUL 21 BCD multiplication 20 { { {
8 DIV 22 BCD division 20 { { {
9 NUMEB 40 Binary constant definition 16 { { {
10 NUME 23 BCD-constant definition 12 { { {
11 ADDSB 319 Addition (1 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
12 ADDSW 320 Addition (2 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
13 ADDSD 321 Addition (4 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
14 SUBSB 322 Subtraction (1 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
15 SUBSW 323 Subtraction (2 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
16 SUBSD 324 Subtraction (3 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
17 MULSB 325 Multiplication (1 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
18 MULSW 326 Multiplication (2 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
19 MULSD 327 Multiplication (4 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
({: Usable. ●: The option of Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function is needed. Δ: Executed
as NOP instruction (Note 2). ×: Unusable.)

- 48 -

Table 2.1.7 (f) Functional instruction list (arranged in sequence of instruction group) (6)
Required 0i-D
0i-D / 0i
Instruction Instruction SUBN memory 0i-D DCS
Processing Mate-D
group name o. size PMC PMC
(byte) (Note1)
Operation 20 DIVSB 328 Division (1 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
21 DIVSW 329 Division (2 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
22 DIVSD 330 Division (4 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
23 MODSB 331 Remainder (1 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
24 MODSW 332 Remainder (2 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
25 MODSD 333 Remainder (4 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
26 INCSB 334 Increment (1 byte length) 8 ● ● ●
27 INCSW 335 Increment (2 byte length) 8 ● ● ●
28 INCSD 336 Increment (4 byte length) 8 ● ● ●
29 DECSB 337 Decrement (1 byte length) 8 ● ● ●
30 DECSW 338 Decrement (2 byte length) 8 ● ● ●
31 DECSD 339 Decrement (4 byte length) 8 ● ● ●
32 ABSSB 340 Absolute value (1 byte length) 16 ● ● ●
33 ABSSW 341 Absolute value (2 byte length) 16 ● ● ●
34 ABSSD 342 Absolute value (4 byte length) 16 ● ● ●
35 NEGSB 343 Sign inversion (1 byte length) 16 ● ● ●
36 NEGSW 344 Sign inversion (2 byte length) 16 ● ● ●
37 NEGSD 345 Sign inversion (4 byte length) 16 ● ● ●
CNC 1 DISPB 41 Message display 8 { { Δ
function 2 EXIN 42 External data input 8 { { Δ
3 WINDR 51 CNC window data read 8 { { Δ
4 WINDW 52 CNC window data write 8 { { Δ
5 AXCTL 53 PMC axis control 12 { { Δ
6 PSGN2 63 Position signal 8 { { Δ
7 PSGNL 50 Position signal 12 { { Δ
Program 1 COM 9 Common line control 8 { { {
control 2 COME 29 End of common line control 4 { { {
3 JMP 10 Jump 12 { { {
4 JMPE 30 End of jump 4 { { {
5 JMPB 68 Label jump 1 16 { { {
6 JMPC 73 Label jump 2 16 { { {
7 LBL 69 Label 12 { { {
8 CALL 65 Conditional subprogram call 12 { { {
9 CALLU 66 Unconditional subprogram call 12 { { {
10 SP 71 Subprogram 8 { { {
11 SPE 72 End of subprogram 4 { { {
12 END1 1 End of first-level program 4 { { {
13 END2 2 End of second-level program 4 { { {
({: Usable. ●: The option of Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function is needed. Δ: Executed
as NOP instruction (Note 2). ×: Unusable.)

- 49 -

Table 2.1.7 (g) Functional instruction list (arranged in sequence of instruction group) (7)
Required 0i-D
0i-D / 0i
Instruction Instruction SUB memory 0i-D DCS
Processing Mate-D
group name No. size PMC PMC
(byte) (Note1)
Program 14 END3 48 End of third-level program 4 { Δ Δ
control (Note3) (Note4) (Note4)
15 END 64 End of ladder program 4 { { {
16 NOP 70 No operation 8 { { {
17 CS 74 Case call 8 { { {
18 CM 75 Sub program call in case call 12 { { {
19 CE 76 End of case call 4 { { {
Rotation 1 ROT 6 Rotation control 20 { { {
control 2 ROTB 26 Binary rotation control 24 { { {
Invalid 1 SPCNT 46 Spindle control 16 Δ Δ Δ
instruction 2 DISP 49 Message display 16+n Δ Δ Δ
3 MMCWR 98 MMC window data read 12 Δ Δ Δ
4 MMCWW 99 MMC window data write 12 Δ Δ Δ
5 FNC90 90 Arbitrary-function instruction 1 8 Δ Δ Δ
6 FNC91 91 Arbitrary-function instruction 2 8 Δ Δ Δ
7 FNC92 92 Arbitrary-function instruction 3 8 Δ Δ Δ
8 FNC93 93 Arbitrary-function instruction 4 8 Δ Δ Δ
9 FNC94 94 Arbitrary-function instruction 5 8 Δ Δ Δ
10 FNC95 95 Arbitrary-function instruction 6 8 Δ Δ Δ
11 FNC96 96 Arbitrary-function instruction 7 8 Δ Δ Δ
12 FNC97 97 Arbitrary-function instruction 8 8 Δ Δ Δ
({: Usable. ●: The option of Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function is needed. Δ: Executed
as NOP instruction (Note 2). ×: Unusable.)

1 This term stands for the Dual Check Safety PMC (option).
2 These instructions are intended to maintain source-level compatibility with
programs for conventional models. They are treated as a NOP instruction
(instruction that performs no operation).
3 The 3rd level sequence part is available for the compatibility with programs for
conventional models. However, the execution cycle period for processing the 3rd
level sequence part is not guaranteed. See Section 1.4.3 "Processing priority".
4 These instructions are intended to maintain source-level compatibility with
programs for other models. A program can be created on level 3, but it is not
5 Memory size added by the number of data tables to be used. In the COD
instruction, CODB instruction (1byte length), CODB instruction (2byte length), or
DISP instruction, number of data * 2 byte is added. And, when the number of
data is odd, 2 byte is added moreover. In the CODB instruction, number of data
* 4 byte is added.

- 50 -

2.1.8 Functional Instructions (Arranged in Sequence of SUB No.)

Table 2.1.8 (a) Functional instruction list (arranged in sequence of SUB No.) (1)
0i-D / 0i 0i-D
Instruction SUB memory 0i-D
Processing Mate-D DCS PMC
name No. size PMC
PMC/L (Note1)
END1 1 End of first-level program 4 { { {
END2 2 End of second-level program 4 { { {
TMR 3 Timer processing 8 { { {
DEC 4 Decoding 12 { { {
CTR 5 Counter processing 8 { { {
ROT 6 Rotation control 20 { { {
COD 7 Code conversion { { {
MOVE 8 Data transfer after logical product 20 { { {
COM 9 Common line control 8 { { {
JMP 10 Jump 12 { { {
PARI 11 Parity check 8 { { {
DCNV 14 Data conversion 12 { { {
COMP 15 Comparison 16 { { {
COIN 16 Coincidence check 16 { { {
DSCH 17 Data search 20 { { {
XMOV 18 Index modification data transfer 20 { { {
ADD 19 Addition 20 { { {
SUB 20 Subtraction 20 { { {
MUL 21 Multiplication 20 { { {
DIV 22 Division 20 { { {
NUME 23 Constant definition 12 { { {
TMRB 24 Fixed-timer processing 12 { { {
DECB 25 Binary decoding 20 { { {
ROTB 26 Binary rotation control 24 { { {
CODB 27 Binary code conversion { { {
MOVOR 28 Data transfer after logical sum 16 { { {
COME 29 End of common line control 4 { { {
JMPE 30 End of jump 4 { { {
DCNVB 31 Extended data conversion 16 { { {
COMPB 32 Binary comparison 20 { { {
SFT 33 Shift register 8 { { {
DSCHB 34 Binary data search 24 { { {
XMOVB 35 Index modification binary data transfer 24 { { {
ADDB 36 Binary addition 20 { { {
SUBB 37 Binary subtraction 20 { { {
MULB 38 Binary multiplication 20 { { {
DIVB 39 Binary division 20 { { {
NUMEB 40 Binary constant definition 16 { { {
DISPB 41 Message display 8 { { Δ
EXIN 42 External data input 8 { { Δ
MOVB 43 1-byte transfer 12 { { {
MOVW 44 2-byte transfer 12 { { {
MOVN 45 Transfer of arbitrary number of bytes 16 { { {
SPCNT 46 Spindle control 16 Δ Δ Δ
({: Usable. ●: The option of Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function is needed. Δ: Executed
as NOP instruction (Note 2). ×: Unusable.)
- 51 -

Table 2.1.8 (b) Functional instruction list (arranged in sequence of SUB No.) (2)
0i-D / 0i 0i-D
Instruction SUB memory 0i-D
Processing Mate-D DCS PMC
name No. size PMC
PMC/L (Note1)
MOVD 47 4-byte transfer 12 { { {
END3 48 End of third-level program 4 { Δ Δ
(Note3) (Note4) (Note4)
DISP 49 Message display 16+n Δ Δ Δ
PSGNL 50 Position signal 12 { { Δ
WINDR 51 CNC window data read 8 { { Δ
WINDW 52 CNC window data write 8 { { Δ
AXCTL 53 PMC axis control 12 { { Δ
TMRC 54 Timer processing 16 { { {
CTRC 55 Counter processing 12 { { {
CTRB 56 Counter processing 12 { { {
DIFU 57 Rising-edge detection 8 { { {
DIFD 58 Falling-edge detection 8 { { {
EOR 59 Exclusive OR 20 { { {
AND 60 Logical AND 20 { { {
OR 61 Logical OR 20 { { {
NOT 62 Logical NOT 16 { { {
PSGN2 63 Position signal 8 { { Δ
END 64 End of ladder program 4 { { {
CALL 65 Conditional subprogram call 12 { { {
CALLU 66 Unconditional subprogram call 12 { { {
JMPB 68 Label jump 1 16 { { {
LBL 69 Label 12 { { {
NOP 70 No operation 8 { { {
SP 71 Subprogram 8 { { {
SPE 72 End of subprogram 4 { { {
JMPC 73 Label jump 2 16 { { {
CS 74 Case call 8 { { {
CM 75 Sub program call in case call 12 { { {
CE 76 End of case call 4 { { {
TMRBF 77 Fixed off-delay timer 12 { { {
FNC90 90 Arbitrary-function instruction 1 8 Δ Δ Δ
FNC91 91 Arbitrary-function instruction 2 8 Δ Δ Δ
FNC92 92 Arbitrary-function instruction 3 8 Δ Δ Δ
FNC93 93 Arbitrary-function instruction 4 8 Δ Δ Δ
FNC94 94 Arbitrary-function instruction 5 8 Δ Δ Δ
FNC95 95 Arbitrary-function instruction 6 8 Δ Δ Δ
FNC96 96 Arbitrary-function instruction 7 8 Δ Δ Δ
FNC97 97 Arbitrary-function instruction 8 8 Δ Δ Δ
MMCWR 98 MMC window data read 12 Δ Δ Δ
MMCWW 99 MMC window data write 12 Δ Δ Δ
({: Usable. ●: The option of Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function is needed. Δ: Executed
as NOP instruction (Note 2). ×: Unusable.)

- 52 -

Table 2.1.8 (c) Functional instruction list (arranged in sequence of SUB No.) (3)
0i-D / 0i 0i-D
Instruction SUB memory 0i-D
Processing Mate-D DCS PMC
name No. size PMC
PMC/L (Note1)
EQB 200 Signed Binary Comparison (=)(1 byte length) 16 { { {
EQW 201 Signed Binary Comparison (=)(2 byte length) 16 { { {
EQD 202 Signed Binary Comparison (=)(4 byte length) 16 { { {
NEB 203 Signed Binary Comparison (≠)(1 byte length) 16 { { {
NEW 204 Signed Binary Comparison (≠)(2 byte length) 16 { { {
NED 205 Signed Binary Comparison (≠)(4 byte length) 16 { { {
GTB 206 Signed Binary Comparison (>)(1 byte length) 16 { { {
GTW 207 Signed Binary Comparison (>)(2 byte length) 16 { { {
GTD 208 Signed Binary Comparison (>)(4 byte length) 16 { { {
LTB 209 Signed Binary Comparison (<)(1 byte length) 16 { { {
LTW 210 Signed Binary Comparison (<)(2 byte length) 16 { { {
LTD 211 Signed Binary Comparison (<)(4 byte length) 16 { { {
GEB 212 Signed Binary Comparison (≧)(1 byte length) 16 { { {
GEW 213 Signed Binary Comparison (≧)(2 byte length) 16 { { {
GED 214 Signed Binary Comparison (≧)(4 byte length) 16 { { {
LEB 215 Signed Binary Comparison (≦)(1 byte length) 16 { { {
LEW 216 Signed Binary Comparison (≦)(2 byte length) 16 { { {
LED 217 Signed Binary Comparison (≦)(4 byte length) 16 { { {
RNGB 218 Signed Binary Comparison (range)(1 byte 20 { { {
RNGW 219 Signed Binary Comparison (range)(2 byte 20 { { {
RNGD 220 Signed Binary Comparison (range)(4 byte 20 { { {
TMRST 221 Stop watch timer (1 ms accuracy) 20 ● ● ●
TMRSS 222 Stop watch timer (1 sec accuracy) 20 ● ● ●
CTRD 223 Counter processing (4 byte length) 12 ● ● ●
MOVBT 224 Bit transfer 24 ● ● ●
SETNB 225 Data setting (1 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
SETNW 226 Data setting (2 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
SETND 227 Data setting (4 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
XCHGB 228 Data exchange (1 byte length) 12 ● ● ●
XCHGW 229 Data exchange (2 byte length) 12 ● ● ●
XCHGD 230 Data exchange (4 byte length) 12 ● ● ●
SWAPW 231 Data swap (2 byte length) 16 ● ● ●
SWAPD 232 Data swap (4 byte length) 16 ● ● ●
TBLRB 233 Reading data from table (1 byte length) 24 ● ● ●
TBLRW 234 Reading data from table (2 byte length) 24 ● ● ●
TBLRD 235 Reading data from table (4 byte length) 24 ● ● ●
TBLRN 236 Reading data from table (Arbitrary byte length) 28 ● ● ●
TBLWB 237 Writing data to table (1 byte length) 24 ● ● ●
TBLWW 238 Writing data to table (2 byte length) 24 ● ● ●
TBLWD 239 Writing data to table (4 byte length) 24 ● ● ●
({: Usable. ●: The option of Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function is needed. Δ: Executed
as NOP instruction (Note 2). ×: Unusable.)

- 53 -

Table 2.1.8 (d) Functional instruction list (arranged in sequence of SUB No.) (4)
0i-D / 0i 0i-D
Instruction SUB memory 0i-D
Processing Mate-D DCS PMC
name No. size PMC
PMC/L (Note1)
TBLWN 240 Writing data to table (Arbitrary byte length) 28 ● ● ●
DSEQB 241 Searching data from table (=)(1 byte length) 28 ● ● ●
DSEQW 242 Searching data from table (=)(2 byte length) 28 ● ● ●
DSEQD 243 Searching data from table (=)(4 byte length) 28 ● ● ●
DSNEB 244 Searching data from table (≠)(1 byte length) 28 ● ● ●
DSNEW 245 Searching data from table (≠)(2 byte length) 28 ● ● ●
DSNED 246 Searching data from table (≠)(4 byte length) 28 ● ● ●
DSGTB 247 Searching data from table (>)(1 byte length) 28 ● ● ●
DSGTW 248 Searching data from table (>)(2 byte length) 28 ● ● ●
DSGTD 249 Searching data from table (>)(4 byte length) 28 ● ● ●
DSLTB 250 Searching data from table (<)(1 byte length) 28 ● ● ●
DSLTW 251 Searching data from table (<)(2 byte length) 28 ● ● ●
DSLTD 252 Searching data from table (<)(4 byte length) 28 ● ● ●
DSGEB 253 Searching data from table (≧)(1 byte length) 28 ● ● ●
DSGEW 254 Searching data from table (≧)(2 byte length) 28 ● ● ●
DSGED 255 Searching data from table (≧)(4 byte length) 28 ● ● ●
DSLEB 256 Searching data from table (≦)(1 byte length) 28 ● ● ●
DSLEW 257 Searching data from table (≦)(2 byte length) 28 ● ● ●
DSLED 258 Searching data from table (≦)(4 byte length) 28 ● ● ●
DMAXB 259 Maximum data (1 byte length) 28 ● ● ●
DMAXW 260 Maximum data (2 byte length) 28 ● ● ●
DMAXD 261 Maximum data (4 byte length) 28 ● ● ●
DMINB 262 Minimum data (1 byte length) 28 ● ● ●
DMINW 263 Minimum data (2 byte length) 28 ● ● ●
DMIND 264 Minimum data (4 byte length) 28 ● ● ●
EORB 265 Exclusive OR (1 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
EORW 266 Exclusive OR (2 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
EORD 267 Exclusive OR (4 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
ANDB 268 Logical AND (1 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
ANDW 269 Logical AND (2 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
ANDD 270 Logical AND (4 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
ORB 271 Logical OR (1 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
ORW 272 Logical OR (2 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
ORD 273 Logical OR (4 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
NOTB 274 Logical NOT (1 byte length) 16 ● ● ●
NOTW 275 Logical NOT (2 byte length) 16 ● ● ●
NOTD 276 Logical NOT (4 byte length) 16 ● ● ●
SHLB 277 Bit shift left (1 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
SHLW 278 Bit shift left (2 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
SHLD 279 Bit shift left (4 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
({: Usable. ●: The option of Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function is needed. Δ: Executed
as NOP instruction (Note 2). ×: Unusable.)

- 54 -

Table 2.1.8 (e) Functional instruction list (arranged in sequence of SUB No.) (5)
0i-D / 0i 0i-D
Instruction SUB memory 0i-D
Processing Mate-D DCS PMC
name No. size PMC
PMC/L (Note1)
SHLN 280 Bit shift left (Arbitrary byte length) 24 ● ● ●
SHRB 281 Bit shift right (1 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
SHRW 282 Bit shift right (2 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
SHRD 283 Bit shift right (4 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
SHRN 284 Bit shift right (Arbitrary byte length) 24 ● ● ●
ROLB 285 Bit rotation left (1 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
ROLW 286 Bit rotation left (2 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
ROLD 287 Bit rotation left (4 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
ROLN 288 Bit rotation left (Arbitrary byte length) 24 ● ● ●
RORB 289 Bit rotation right (1 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
RORW 290 Bit rotation right (2 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
RORD 291 Bit rotation right (4 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
RORN 292 Bit rotation right (Arbitrary byte length) 24 ● ● ●
BSETB 293 Bit set (1 byte length) 16 ● ● ●
BSETW 294 Bit set (2 byte length) 16 ● ● ●
BSETD 295 Bit set (4 byte length) 16 ● ● ●
BSETN 296 Bit set (Arbitrary byte length) 20 ● ● ●
BRSTB 297 Bit reset (1 byte length) 16 ● ● ●
BRSTW 298 Bit reset (2 byte length) 16 ● ● ●
BRSTD 299 Bit reset (4 byte length) 16 ● ● ●
BRSTN 300 Bit reset (Arbitrary byte length) 20 ● ● ●
BTSTB 301 Bit test (1 byte length) 16 ● ● ●
BTSTW 302 Bit test (2 byte length) 16 ● ● ●
BTSTD 303 Bit test (4 byte length) 16 ● ● ●
BTSTN 304 Bit test (Arbitrary byte length) 20 ● ● ●
BPOSB 305 Bit search (1 byte length) 12 ● ● ●
BPOSW 306 Bit search (2 byte length) 12 ● ● ●
BPOSD 307 Bit search (4 byte length) 12 ● ● ●
BPOSN 308 Bit search (Arbitrary byte length) 16 ● ● ●
BCNTB 309 Bit count (1 byte length) 12 ● ● ●
BCNTW 310 Bit count (2 byte length) 12 ● ● ●
BCNTD 311 Bit count (4 byte length) 12 ● ● ●
BCNTN 312 Bit count (Arbitrary byte length) 16 ● ● ●
TBCDB 313 Binary to BCD conversion (1 byte length) 16 ● ● ●
TBCDW 314 Binary to BCD conversion (2 byte length) 16 ● ● ●
TBCDD 315 Binary to BCD conversion (4 byte length) 16 ● ● ●
FBCDB 316 BCD to Binary conversion (1 byte length) 16 ● ● ●
FBCDW 317 BCD to Binary conversion (2 byte length) 16 ● ● ●
FBCDD 318 BCD to Binary conversion (4 byte length) 16 ● ● ●
ADDSB 319 Addition (1 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
({: Usable. ●: The option of Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function is needed. Δ: Executed
as NOP instruction (Note 2). ×: Unusable.)

- 55 -

Table 2.1.8 (f) Functional instruction list (arranged in sequence of SUB No.) (6)
0i-D / 0i 0i-D
Instruction SUB memory 0i-D
Processing Mate-D DCS PMC
name No. size PMC
PMC/L (Note1)
ADDSW 320 Addition (2 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
ADDSD 321 Addition (4 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
SUBSB 322 Subtraction (1 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
SUBSW 323 Subtraction (2 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
SUBSD 324 Subtraction (3 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
MULSB 325 Multiplication (1 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
MULSW 326 Multiplication (2 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
MULSD 327 Multiplication (4 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
DIVSB 328 Division (1 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
DIVSW 329 Division (2 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
DIVSD 330 Division (4 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
MODSB 331 Remainder (1 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
MODSW 332 Remainder (2 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
MODSD 333 Remainder (4 byte length) 20 ● ● ●
INCSB 334 Increment (1 byte length) 8 ● ● ●
INCSW 335 Increment (2 byte length) 8 ● ● ●
INCSD 336 Increment (4 byte length) 8 ● ● ●
DECSB 337 Decrement (1 byte length) 8 ● ● ●
DECSW 338 Decrement (2 byte length) 8 ● ● ●
DECSD 339 Decrement (4 byte length) 8 ● ● ●
ABSSB 340 Absolute value (1 byte length) 16 ● ● ●
ABSSW 341 Absolute value (2 byte length) 16 ● ● ●
ABSSD 342 Absolute value (4 byte length) 16 ● ● ●
NEGSB 343 Sign inversion (1 byte length) 16 ● ● ●
NEGSW 344 Sign inversion (2 byte length) 16 ● ● ●
NEGSD 345 Sign inversion (4 byte length) 16 ● ● ●
({: Usable. ●: The option of Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function is needed. Δ: Executed
as NOP instruction (Note 2). ×: Unusable.)

1 This term stands for the Dual Check Safety PMC (option).
2 These instructions are intended to maintain source-level compatibility with
programs for conventional models. They are treated as a NOP instruction
(instruction that performs no operation).
3 The 3rd level sequence part is available for the compatibility with programs for
conventional models. However, the execution cycle period for processing the 3rd
level sequence part is not guaranteed. See Section 1.4.3 "Processing priority".
4 These instructions are intended to maintain source-level compatibility with
programs for other models. A program can be created on level 3, but it is not
5 Memory size added by the number of data tables to be used. In the COD
instruction, CODB instruction (1byte length), CODB instruction (2byte length), or
DISP instruction, number of data * 2 byte is added. And, when the number of
data is odd, 2 byte is added moreover. In the CODB instruction, number of data
* 4 byte is added.

- 56 -


This section describes the use of each PMC address. See Subsection 2.1.5 for explanations about all
address types and ranges.

2.2.1 Addresses for Signals Between the PMC and CNC (F, G)
This subsection briefly describes interface addresses. Refer to the applicable CNC connection manual
for details.

(1) Signals from the CNC to the PMC

The following table lists the range of addresses for the signals sent from the CNC to the PMC.
Refer to address tables in the applicable CNC connection manual for details about the signals.

0i-D / 0i Mate-D 0i-D

Data kind 0i-D PMC
Input signals from CNC to F0 ~ F767 F0 ~ F767 F0 ~ F767
PMC F1000 ~ F1767

(2) Signals from the PMC to the CNC

The following table lists the range of addresses for the signals sent from the PMC to the CNC.
Refer to address tables in the applicable CNC connection manual for details about the signals.

0i-D / 0i Mate-D 0i-D

Data kind 0i-D PMC
Output signals to CNC G0 ~ G767 G0 ~ G767 G0 ~ G767
from PMC G1000 ~ G1767

- 57 -

2.2.2 Addresses of Signals Between the PMC and Machine (X, Y)

(1) Assignment of the FANUC I/O Link

(a) Signals input from the machine to the PMC

0i-D PMC
The addresses for two channels, X0 to X127, X200 to X327, can be used for the signals

0i-D / 0i-Mate-D PMC/L

The addresses for one channel, X0 to X127, can be used for the signals input

0i-D Dual-check safety (DCS)

The addresses for one channel, X0 to X127, are used for the signals input to the DCS.
These addresses can be assigned to channel 3.

(b) Signals output from the PMC to the machine

0i-D PMC
The addresses for two channels, Y0 to Y127, Y200 to Y327, can be used for signals

0i-D / 0i-Mate-D PMC/L

The addresses for one channel, Y0 to Y127, can be used for the signals input

0i-D Dual-check safety (DCS)

The addresses for one channel, Y0 to Y127, are used for the signals output from the DCS.
These addresses can be assigned to channel 3.

(2) Address-fixed CNC signals input from the machine

The CNC processes signals input from the machine (listed in Table 2.2.2) by referencing fixed
addresses. Be sure to assign specified addresses.

Table 2.2.2 Address-fixed input signals

Signal name Symbol Address
Common Common skip signal SKIP X4.7
to T/M Emergency stop signal *ESP X8.4
Deceleration signal for 1st-axis reference position return *DEC1 X9.0
Deceleration signal for 2nd-axis reference position return *DEC2 X9.1
Deceleration signal for 3rd-axis reference position return *DEC3 X9.2
Deceleration signal for 4th-axis reference position return *DEC4 X9.3
Deceleration signal for 5th-axis reference position return *DEC5 X9.4
Deceleration signal for 6th-axis reference position return *DEC6 X9.5
Deceleration signal for 7th-axis reference position return *DEC7 X9.6
Deceleration signal for 8th-axis reference position return *DEC8 X9.7

- 58 -

2.2.3 Internal Relay Addresses (R)

The following table lists the number of signals (bytes) that can be used as internal relays.
Signals that interface with other control units can be assigned to these bytes over the FA network. It can
also be used as the interface with the C language executor and FOCAS2 functions.
Turning on the power clears these areas to 0.

This address is not synchronized in the 2nd level ladder. A value of a signal in
this address may change during the execution of 2nd level ladder same as 1st
and 3rd level ladder when it is written by other program (Ex. Network function, C
language executor).

0i-D / 0i Mate-D 0i-D

Data kind 0i-D PMC
R0 ~ R7999 R0 ~ R1499 R0 ~ R1499
User area
Internal Relay Address (8000) (1500) (1500)
(Size) R9000 ~ R9499 R9000 ~ R9499 R9000 ~ R9499
System area
(500) (500) (500)

- 59 -

2.2.4 System Relay Addresses (R9000)

The System Relay is used to control a sequence program by PMC System software. And, some addresses
such as 'Operation results of functional instructions' are used to condition of a sequence program.

Operation results of functional instructions

This area holds information necessary for individual ladder levels, such as the operation results of
functional instructions. This information is saved/restored when the task is switched.

(1) R9000 (operation output register for the ADDB, SUBB, MULB, DIVB, and COMPB functional

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

The result is 0.
The result is negative.
The result has overflowed.

(2) R9000 (error output for the EXIN, WINDR, and WINDW functional instructions)

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

The result is erroneous.

(3) R9002 to R9005 (operation output registers for the DIVB functional instruction)
The remainder of a division performed with the DIVB functional instruction is output to these

System timers
Four signals can be used as system timers.
Their specifications are as follows.

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Constantly OFF signal

Constantly ON signal
200 msec cyclic signal
(104 msec ON and 96 msec OFF)
1 sec cyclic signal
(504 msec ON and 496 msec OFF)

- 60 -


104 msec 96 msec

200 msec


504 msec 496 msec

1 sec

1 Each signal is initially OFF.
2 The signals R9091.0, R9091.1 are set at the beginning of the first ladder level on
every cycle.
3 Each pulse signal (ON-OFF signal) has an error of ±8 msec (ladder execution

Ladder execution start signal

Ladder stop signal
Ladder execution status signal
Using the ladder execution start and stop signals in a ladder program can detect when the ladder program
starts and stops.
Referencing the ladder execution status signal from an external system or program, such as the network
board, C Language executor program, FOCAS2 Ethernet, or HSSB library, can detect the execution status
of the ladder program.

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Ladder execution start signal

(can be referenced only from the Ladder
Ladder stop signal
(can be referenced only from the Ladder
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

1st Ladder execution status signal

0 : Ladder at a stop
1 : Ladder being executed

- 61 -

Execution status of Ladder

Ladder execution start signal 1

(R9015.0) 0

Ladder stop signal 1

(R9015.1) 0

Ladder execution status signal


One ladder One ladder

scan cycle scan cycle

(1) Ladder execution start signal (R9015.0)

When directed to start ladder program execution, the system software starts executing the ladder
program, turns on this signal, and keeps it on for the first one scan cycle. Like R9000, this signal
indicates the status of ladder execution corresponding to each ladder execution level. For this
reason, this signal is securely turned on for the first one scan cycle after the start of execution no
matter on what execution level the signal is referenced. This signal is turned on when:
(a) Ladder execution begins at power turn-on.
(b) The [RUN] soft key on the PMC screen is pressed.
(c) FANUC LADDER-III or a ladder editing package directs the ladder to start.
Referencing this signal in a ladder program can detect when ladder execution has begun, making it
possible to program preprocessing related to ladder execution.

Reference this signal only within a ladder program. Do not reference it from an
external system or program as it indicates the status of ladder execution
separately for each ladder execution level.

(2) Ladder stop signal (R9015.1)

When directed to stop ladder program execution, the system software turns off this signal and keeps
it off for the last one scan before stopping ladder program execution. Like R9000, this signal
indicates the status of ladder execution corresponding to each ladder execution level. For this
reason, this signal is securely turned off for the last one scan before the stop of execution no matter
on what execution level the signal is referenced. This signal is turned off when:
(a) The [STOP] soft key on the PMC screen is pressed.
(b) FANUC LADDER-III or a ladder editing package directs the ladder to stop.
(c) On the PMC DATA I/O screen, the ladder program is loaded to the PMC.
(d) FANUC LADDER-III or a ladder editing package stores the ladder program to the PMC.
Referencing this signal in a ladder program can detect when ladder execution stops, making it
possible to program post processing related to ladder execution (that is, preprocessing for ladder
execution stop). Before the ladder is stopped, for example, it is possible to put signals in a proper
state for safety purposes.

- 62 -

1 Reference this signal only within the ladder program. Do not reference it from
an external system or program as it indicates the status of ladder execution
separately for each ladder execution level.
2 If the power is turned off or a CNC system alarm occurs, ladder execution and I/O
signal transfer are immediately stopped for safety purposes. In this case,
therefore, this signal cannot be used.

(3) Ladder execution status signal (R9091.2)

Referencing this signal from an external system or program, such as the network board, C language
executor program, FOCAS2 Ethernet, or HSSB library, can detect the execution status of the ladder

(4) Example of using the signals

(a) Example of calling a subprogram just before the ladder stops


SUB65 Pxxxx

(b) Example of forcibly turning off an output signal programmed on the first ladder level just
before the ladder stops
Input Output

(c) Example of sending an execution-in-progress signal to the outside

Outputting the status of this signal as the DO signal (output address from the PMC) assigned to
the I/O Link causes the CNC unit to be interlocked with an external system.

CNC Unit
Y0.0 I/O Link slave

I/O Link

- 63 -

2.2.5 Extra Relay Addresses (E)

The following table lists the number of signals (bytes) that can be used as extra relays.
Extra relays can be used in the same manner as for internal relays.
Signals that interface with other control units can be assigned to these bytes over the FA network. It can
also be used as the interface with the C language executor and FOCAS2 functions.
Turning on the power clears this area to 0.

1 This addresses are not synchronized in the 2nd level ladder. A value of a signal in
this addresses may change during the execution of 2nd level ladder same as 1st
and 3rd level ladder when it is written in other program (Ex. Network function, C
language executor).

Table 2.2.5 Address of Extra Relay

0i-D / 0i Mate-D 0i-D
Data kind 0i-D PMC
Extra relay E0 ~ E9999 E0 ~ E9999 -
(Size) (10,000) (10,000)

System Keep Relays related to Extra Relays

The following system keep relays have influence on managing extra relays.

K906.3 EOUTPUT (Not available on DCS PMC)

0: On the I/O screen, the E address is output when PMC parameters are output.
1: On the I/O screen, the E address is not output when PMC parameters are output.
K906.7 EXRELAYCTLOUT(Not available on DCS PMC)
0: Extra relay control data will not be included in PMC parameter output.
1: Extra relay control data will be included in PMC parameter output.
K909.5 EXRELAYSCRENBL (Not available on DCS PMC)
0: Data table screen does not show extra relays.
1: Data table screen shows extra relays also.

- 64 -

Control data for Extra Relay

Similarly to the data table (D) address, extra relays can be displayed and modified in proper format for
their usage by extra relay control data. To enable the extra relay control data, set 1 to system keep relay
K909.5, and it will reveal the soft key to reach EXTRA RELAY CONTROL screen in DATA TABLE
CONTROL screen, and one to reach EXTRA RELAY screen in DATA TABLE screen.

(1) Extra relay control configuration

Extra relays can be displayed and modified in EXTRA RELAY screen. You can change the data
format (such as “Binary” or “BCD”) and the size of each extra relay group, using the extra relay
control data.
The extra relay control data are not accessible from the sequence program. However, they can be
stored and loaded to/from a memory card as a part of a PMC parameter file.
General configuration of extra relays controlled by extra relay control data is shown in figure 2.2.5
(a), and its details in figure 2.2.5 (b).

Extended relay Extended relay

control data

Address number
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

These data are E0

~ stored in different ~
storage with that E1
for extended relays
(address E).
~ ~


Fig. 2.2.5 (a) General configuration of extra relay

1 Although an address of odd number can be set to the start address of a extra
relay table, it is not recommended because the functional instructions such as
DSCHB work faster at even addresses than at odd addresses.
2 Extra relays (E) can be included in PMC parameter output. If you set 1 to the
system keep relay K906.3, no information of extra relays is included in PMC
parameter output.
3 You have an option on the format of the extra relays when you include the extra
relays in the PMC parameter output. See “2.3.2 PMC Parameter Format” for the
detail of the format of the extra relays.
4 Even if the extra relays are not configured as non-volatile memory, their control
data are non-volatile.

- 65 -

Number of table
groups n = 1 to 100

Table parameter

Table group 1 Data type

control data

Number of data items

Table start address

Table parameter

Table group 2
Data type
control data
Table control data
Number of data items

Table start address

Table parameter

Table group n Data type

control data

Number of data items

Table start address

E0 Intra-table number
E1 0 Extended relay
E2 1 Table group 1
Intra-table number
2 Extended relay
3 Table group 2
Extended relays
Intra-table number

Intra-table number
0 Extended relay
1 Table group n (Note) m1, m2, and mn are the last
: intra-table number of the
mn respective extended relay

Fig. 2.2.5 (b) Detailed configuration of extra relay

- 66 -

(2) Table control data

Table control data are the data to control the extra relay tables.
Unless these data are properly set, you can not properly view or edit the contents of extra relay tables
described in (3) below.
First, you configure the table control data properly, reffering to the explanation in this section.
You can reach EXTRA RELAY CONTROL screen by [EXTRA RELAY] soft key in DATA
TABLE CONTROL screen. The soft key is displayed when 1 is set to the system keep relay
(a) Number of table groups
Set number of groups that you are planning to divide the extra relays. The maximum number is
(b) Table group 1 control data – Table group n control data
Each extra relay table has its table control data. Each table control data consists of the same
items; table start address, table parameter, data type, and the number of data items.
(i) Table start address
This item decides the start address of the area used for each extra relay table.
(ii) Table parameter

#7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0

0: Data in this table are displayed in binary format.
1: Data in this table are displayed in BCD format.
0: The contents of this table are not protected.
1: The contents of this table are protected.
0: Data in this table are displayed in binary or BCD format. (COD is effective)
1: Data in this table are displayed in hexadecimal format.
0: Data in this table are displayed as signed numbers.
1: Data in this table are displayed as unsigned numbers.

1 The setting of COD (bit 0) is effective when HEX (bit 2) = 0.
2 The setting of SIGN (bit 3) is effective when COD (bit 0) = 0 and HEX (bit 2) = 0.
(iii) Data type
This item decides the length of data in this table.
0 : 1 byte length
1 : 2 bytes length
2 : 4 bytes length
3 : 8 bits
(iv) Number of data items
This item decides the number of data items in this table.

(3) Extra relay table

You can create groups of extra relays dividing the area of extra relays (E address).
“Number of table groups” in the table control data decides the number of these groups of extra
You can reach EXTRA RELAY screen by [EXTRA RELAY] soft key in DATA TABLE screen.
The soft key is displayed when 1 is set to the system keep relay K909.5.

- 67 -

2.2.6 Message Display Addresses (A)

These addresses are intended to be used for a message display request and message status display.
The following table lists how many messages can be used (number of messages = number of bytes × 8).
Turning on the power clears this area to 0.
See descriptions about the DISPB functional instruction in Chapter 4 for explanations about how to use
this area.

Table 2.2.6 Address of Message display

0i-D / 0i Mate-D 0i-D
Data kind 0i-D PMC
Message display request A0 ~ A249 A0 ~ A249
(points) (2,000 points) (2,000 points)
Message display status A9000 ~ A9249 A9000 ~ A9249
(points) (2,000 points) (2,000 points)

Address number
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Message display request


∼ ∼

Message status display


∼ ∼

- 68 -

2.2.7 Timer Addresses (T)

These addresses are an area for variable timers used with the TMR instruction and an area for the
precision of the variable timers.
The following table lists how many timers can be used (number of timers = number of bytes/2).
The number of timer precision values matches that of the timers.
Turning off the power does not cause the memory contents to be erased because these areas are
nonvolatile memory.

Table 2.2.7 Address of variable timer

Data kind 0i-D / 0i Mate-D 0i-D
0i-D PMC
Variable timer Number of timers 250 pieces 40 pieces 40 pieces
time setting T0 ~ 499 T0 ~ T79 T0 ~ T79
precision T9000 ~ 9499 T9000 ~ T9079 T9000 ~ T9079

Address number
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Variable

. ∼ ∼

. ∼ ∼


. ∼ ∼

. ∼ ∼

- 69 -

2.2.8 Counter Addresses (C)

These addresses are an area for variable counters used with the CTR instruction and an area for fixed
counters used with the CTRB instruction.
The numbers of the counters that can be used are:
The number of variable counters = number of bytes/4
The number of fixed counters = number of bytes/2
Turning off the power does not cause the memory contents to be erased because these areas are
nonvolatile memory.

Table 2.2.8 Address of counters

0i-D / 0i Mate-D 0i-D
Data kind 0i-D PMC
Variable counter counter setting C0 ~ C399 C0 ~ C79 C0 ~ C79
Number of counters 100 pieces 20 pieces 20 pieces
Fixed counter counter setting C5000 ~ C5199 C5000 ~ C5039 C5000 ~ C5039
Number of counters 100 pieces 20 pieces 20 pieces

- 70 -

Address number
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Preset value PMC/L 0i-D PMC
C2 No. 1
Cumulative value

∼ ∼
Preset value
C78 No. 20
Cumulative value

∼ ∼
Preset value
C397 Counter
No. 100
Cumulative value

Cumulative value PMC/L 0i-D PMC

∼ ∼
Cumulative value

∼ ∼
Cumulative value

- 71 -

2.2.9 Keep Relay Addresses (K)

These addresses are areas for keep relays and PMC parameters.
The following table lists the number of bytes that can be used. It also lists information related to the
nonvolatile memory control addresses and the area (system area) used by the management software.
Turning off the power does not cause the memory contents to be erased because these areas are
nonvolatile memory.

Table 2.2.9 Address of keep relays

0i-D / 0i Mate-D 0i-D
Data kind 0i-D PMC
Keep User area K0 ~ K99 K0 ~ K19 K0 ~ K19
relays (Size) (100 bytes) (20 bytes) (20 bytes)
System area K900 ~ K999 K900 ~ K999 K900 ~ K999
(Size) (100 bytes) (100 bytes) (100 bytes)
Nonvolatile memory K909 K909 K909
control address

Address number User

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

∼ ∼

∼ ∼

K900 System


∼ ∼

- 72 -

2.2.10 Nonvolatile Memory Control Address (K)

This address is intended to be used in, for example, the configuration in which the position of a movable
mechanical part (such as a lathe turret) is stored as code data (such as BCD) to nonvolatile memory to
preserve the current machine position even when the power is turned off.

#7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0

On the KEEP RELAY screen, it is possible to set and display the address of the nonvolatile memory. It
is also possible for a sequence program to read or write the address.
If the power is accidentally turned off when the turret is rotating, the turret stops at an unexpected
position and a mismatch occurs between the current position stored in the memory and the actual turret
position. When the power is resumed and a normal operation begins, the mismatch results in an
incorrect sequence operation.
To prevent such a malfunction, make a check by using nonvolatile memory control in a sequence program
as follows:
(1) Write "1" to MWRTF for the nonvolatile memory control before the turret starts moving.
(2) Start the turret.
(3) After the turret has stopped, reset MWRTF to "0".
(4) If the power is turned off after the turret has started, therefore, MWRTF stays at "1".
(5) When the CNC power is turned on, MWRTF2 is set to "1" automatically if MWRTF is "1", thus
informing the sequence program of the failure.
To sum up, the sequence program performs steps (1) to (4) and checks for an abnormal condition,
using MWRTF2. If an abnormal condition (NWRTF2 = 1) is detected, an alarm is raised to the
operator, using a user-created alarm output program.
(6) Recognizing the alarm, the operator resets MWRTF and MWRTF2 to "0" on the KEEP RELAY
(7) After making the memory content match the actual turret position, restart operation.

- 73 -

2.2.11 System Keep Relay Addresses (K)

The following table lists the keep relay area used by the system (PMC management software).

Table 2.2.11 Address of System keep relay

0i-D / 0i Mate-D 0i-D
Data kind 0i-D PMC
Area used by the K900 ~ K999 K900 ~ K999 K900 ~ K999
management software (100 bytes) (100 bytes) (100 bytes)

Explained below is the meaning of each bit of the system keep relay address. The bits and addresses left
unused are reserved for use by the system.
The system keep relays indicated with an asterisk (*) can be set up, using setting parameters.

#7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0

[Data type] Bit

LADMASK PMC program view inhibit(*)
0: The sequence program is allowed to be viewed.
1: The sequence program is inhibited from being viewed.
PRGRAM Programmer function enable(*)
0: The built-in programmer function is disabled.
1: The built-in programmer function is enabled.
AUTORUN PMC program execute(*)
0: The sequence program is automatically started when the power is turned on.
1: The sequence program is started, using the sequence program execution soft key.
MEMINP Memory write permit(*)
0: The forcing and override functions are disabled.
1: The forcing and override functions are enabled.

Using the override function requires setting "Override enable"

DTBLDSP Data table GRP setting display(*)

0: The DATA TABLE CONTROL screen is displayed.
1: The DATA TABLE CONTROL screen is not displayed.
#7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0

[Data type] Bit

EDTENBL Editing permit(*)
0: The sequence program is inhibited from being changed.
1: The sequence program is allowed to be changed.

- 74 -

#7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0

[Data type] Bit

FROM-WRT Save after edit(*)
0: After being edited, the sequence program is not automatically written to flash ROM.
1: After being edited, the sequence program is automatically written to flash ROM.
ALLWSTOP PMC stop enable(*)
0: The sequence program is inhibited from being started/stopped.
1: The sequence program is allowed to be started/stopped.
HIDEPRM PMC parameter view inhibit(*)
0: PMC parameters are allowed to be displayed and sent to the outside.
1: PMC parameters are inhibited from being displayed or sent to the outside.
PROTPRM PMC parameter change inhibit(*)
0: PMC parameters are allowed to be changed and read.
1: PMC parameters are inhibited from being changed or read.

#7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0

[Data type] Bit

SYMEXDISP Displaying type of Additional Information Line when using Basic type of Symbol and
Comment data.
0: Displays Symbol and Comment with fixed length.
1: Displays left justified Symbol and Comment with flexible length (like an Extended
type Symbol and Comment data).

Fig. 2.2.11 (a) Additional Information Line with K903.1=0

Fig. 2.2.11 (b) Additional Information Line with K903.1=1

To make the setting of K903.1 effective, turn off and on power of
the CNC.

ASKPASS Asking for password.

0: You are asked to enter password for the program protected by password.
1: You are not asked to enter password for the program protected by password.

CLRFBVAR Initialization of FB variable area at updating sequence program

0: Clear FB variable area when FB variable is changed.
1: Not clear FB variable area.

Refer to “10.1.4 Assignment of FB variable” about address
assignment of FB variable.

- 75 -

CLRATVAR Initialization of the memory area for automatic address assignment at updating sequence
0: Not clear the area to which addresses are assigned automatically.
1: Clear the area to which addresses are assigned automatically when changing symbol
data other than FB variable.

Refer to “(6) Automatic address assignment at compiling on FANUC
LADDER-III” of “1.2.7 Extension of a symbol and comment” about
automatic address assignment.

#7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0

[Data type] Bit

OVRRID Override enable(*)
0: The override function is disabled.
1: The override function is enabled.

Using the override function requires setting "Memory write permit"


0: The selectable I/O Link assignment function setting screen is not displayed.
1: The selectable I/O Link assignment function setting screen is displayed.
0: The I/O Link connection check function is enabled.
1: The I/O Link connection check function is disabled.
EOUTPUT (Not available on DCS PMC)
0: On the I/O screen, the E address is output when PMC parameters are output.
1: On the I/O screen, the E address is not output when PMC parameters are output.
TRCST Trace function start(*) (Not available on DCS PMC)
0: The trace function is not executed when the power is turned on.
1: The trace function is automatically executed when the power is turned on.
0: The KEEP RELAY (K900-K919) screen is not displayed.
1: The KEEP RELAY (K900-K919) screen is displayed..
EXRELAYCTLOUT (Not available on DCS PMC)
0: Extra relay control data will not be included in PMC parameter output.
1: Extra relay control data will be included in PMC parameter output.

- 76 -

#7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0

[Data type] Bit

0: All PMC paths use a common configuration of Ladder diagram display format.
1: Each PMC path uses an individual configuration of Ladder diagram display format.
0: Data table screen does not show extra relays.
1: Data table screen shows extra relays also.
MWRTF For nonvolatile memory control. See Subsection “2.2.10”.
MWRTF2 For nonvolatile memory control. See Subsection “2.2.10”.

K916 Message shift start address (LOW)

K917 Message shift start address (HIGH)
Message shift start address(*)
[Valid data range] Range of the A addresses
This area is used to specify the message shift start address value (word type) by
converting it to bit data form.
The bit offset for the A addresses is calculated as follows:

A address Calculation Bit offset

Ax.y x×8+y = z

A0.0 0×8+0 = 0
A249.7 249 × 8 + 7 = 1999

K918 Message shift amount (LOW)

K919 Message shift amount (HIGH)
Message shift amount(*)
[Valid data range] 1 to 9999
This area is used to specify the message shift amount value (word type) by converting it
to bit data form.

#7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0
K920 Group 7 Group 6 Group 5 Group 4 Group 3 Group 2 Group 1 Group 0

[Data type] Bit

Group 0 to 7 For the selectable I/O Link assignment function, whether to enable or disable assignment
of group 0 to 7 to addresses X/Y0 to X/Y127 is specified.
0: Assignment of each group to the corresponding bit position is disabled.
1: Assignment of each group to the corresponding bit position is enabled.

#7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0
K921 Group 15 Group 14 Group 13 Group 12 Group 11 Group 10 Group 9 Group 8

[Data type] Bit

Group 8 to 15 For the selectable I/O Link assignment function, whether to enable or disable assignment
of group 8 to 15 to addresses X/Y0 to X/Y127 is specified.
0: Assignment of each group to the corresponding bit position is disabled.
1: Assignment of each group to the corresponding bit position is enabled.

- 77 -

#7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0
K922 Group 7 Group 6 Group 5 Group 4 Group 3 Group 2 Group 1 Group 0

[Data type] Bit

Group 0 to 7 For the selectable I/O Link assignment function, whether to enable or disable assignment
of group 0 to 7 to addresses X/Y200 to X/Y327 is specified.
0: Assignment of each group to the corresponding bit position is disabled.
1: Assignment of each group to the corresponding bit position is enabled.

#7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0
K923 Group 15 Group 14 Group 13 Group 12 Group 11 Group 10 Group 9 Group 8

[Data type] Bit

Group 8 to 15 For the selectable I/O Link assignment function, whether to enable or disable assignment
of group 8 to 15 to addresses X/Y200 to X/Y327 is specified.
0: Assignment of each group to the corresponding bit position is disabled.
1: Assignment of each group to the corresponding bit position is enabled.

#7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0
K924 Group 7 Group 6 Group 5 Group 4 Group 3 Group 2 Group 1 Group 0

[Data type] Bit

Group 0 to 7 For the selectable I/O Link assignment function, whether to enable or disable assignment
of group 0 to 7 to addresses X/Y400 to X/Y527 is specified.
0: Assignment of each group to the corresponding bit position is enabled.
1: Assignment of each group to the corresponding bit position is enabled.

#7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0
K925 Group 15 Group 14 Group 13 Group 12 Group 11 Group 10 Group 9 Group 8

[Data type] Bit

Group 8 to 15 For the selectable I/O Link assignment function, whether to enable or disable assignment
of group 8 to 15 to addresses X/Y400 to X/Y527 is specified.
0: Assignment of each group to the corresponding bit position is disabled.
1: Assignment of each group to the corresponding bit position is enabled.

#7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0
K926 Group 7 Group 6 Group 5 Group 4 Group 3 Group 2 Group 1 Group 0

[Data type] Bit

Group 0 to 7 For the selectable I/O Link assignment function, whether to enable or disable assignment
of group 0 to 7 to addresses X/Y600 to X/Y727 is specified.
0: Assignment of each group to the corresponding bit position is disabled.
1: Assignment of each group to the corresponding bit position is enabled.

#7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0
K927 Group 15 Group 14 Group 13 Group 12 Group 11 Group 10 Group 9 Group 8

[Data type] Bit

Group 8 to 15 For the selectable I/O Link assignment function, whether to enable or disable assignment
of group 8 to 15 to addresses X/Y600 to X/Y727 is specified.
0: Assignment of each group to the corresponding bit position is disabled.
1: Assignment of each group to the corresponding bit position is enabled.

- 78 -

2.2.12 Data Table Addresses (D)

PMC sequence control sometimes requires a sizable amount of numeric data (hereinafter referred to as
data table). If the contents of a data table can be set or read freely, they can be used as various PMC
sequence control data, such as tool numbers of tools on the ATC magazine.
Each table can have an arbitrary size as long as it fits the data table memory, and 1-, 2-, and 4-byte binary
and BCD data can be used for each table separately; so it is possible to configure efficient, easy-to-use
Data in a data table can be set in PMC nonvolatile memory or displayed via the DATA TABLE screen.
Data set in data tables can also be easily read and written with the sequence program using functional
instructions such as data search (DSCHB) and index modification data transfer (XMOVB).
The following table lists the number of bytes that can be used.
Signals that interface with other control units can be assigned to these bytes over the FA network. It can
also be used as the interface with the C language executor and FOCAS2 functions.

This addresses are not synchronized in the 2nd level ladder. A value of a signal in
this addresses may change during the execution of 2nd level ladder same as 1st
and 3rd level ladder when it is written in other program (Ex. Network function, C
language executor).

Table 2.2.12 Address of Data table

0i-D / 0i Mate-D 0i-D
Data kind 0i-D PMC
Data table D0 ~ D9999 D0 ~ D2999 D0 ~ D2999
(Size) (10,000 bytes) (3,000 bytes) (3,000 bytes)

(1) Data table configuration

The PMC data table consists of table control data and data tables. The table control data manages
the data form (binary or BCD) and size of each table.
Creating a data table requires first setting up table control data from the DATA TABLE CONTROL
The sequence program cannot read or write the table control data. If the Floppy Cassette is used to
read or write the contents of the nonvolatile memory, however, the table control data is read or
written together. Fig. 2.2.12 (a) roughly shows the configuration of the data table. Fig. 2.2.12 (b)
shows it in detail.

- 79 -

Table control data Data table

Address number
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Data held separately
∼ from data table ∼ D1
(address D)

∼ ∼

∼ ∼

Fig. 2.2.12 (a) General configuration of data table

In some cases, the start address of a data table is odd. If an odd number of
1-byte data tables are created, for example, the start address of the next data
table may be odd. This setting is acceptable. However, an even start address
assures faster operations than an odd start address. We recommend you use
even start addresses whenever possible.

- 80 -

Number of table n

Table parameter

Data type
Table group 1
control data
Number of data items

Table start address

Table parameter

Table group 2 Data type

Table control data
control data
Number of data items

Table start address

Table parameter

Data type
Table group n
control data
Number of data items

Table start address

D0 Intra-table number
D1 0 Data
D2 1 Table group 1
Intra-table number
2 Data
3 Table group 2 Data table
Intra-table number

Intra-table number
0 Data
1 Table group n
: (Note) n1, n2, and np are the last
np intra-table number of the
respective data tables.

Fig. 2.2.12 (b) Detailed configuration of data tables

- 81 -

(2) Table control data

The table control data is used to manage data tables.
Unless this data is correctly set up, it is impossible to create data tables, explained in (3), correctly.
While referencing the descriptions in this item, first set up table control data and then data tables.
(a) Number of table groups
This item specifies how many groups are to form the data table, using a binary number.
(b) Table group 1 control data to table group n control data
Each data table is provided with table control data. The meaning of data (table start address,
table parameter, data type, and the number of data items) set up as table control data is the same
for all table groups.
(i) Table start address
This item specifies the start address of a data area used for each data table.
(ii) Table parameter

#7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0
0: Data in the data table is in binary form.
1: Data in the data table is in BCD form.
0: The contents of the data table is not protected.
1: The contents of the data table is protected.
0: Data in the data table is in binary or BCD form.
1: Data in the data table is in HEX form.
0: Data in the data table is signed.
1: Data in the data table is unsigned.

1 The setting of COD (bit 0) is valid if HEX (bit 2) = 0.
2 The setting of SIGN (bit 3) is valid if COD (bit 0) = 0 and HEX (bit 2) = 0.

(iii) Data type

This item specifies the length of data in the data table.
0 : 1 byte long
1 : 2 bytes long
2 : 4 bytes long
3 : 8 bits
(iv) Number of data items
This item specifies the number of data items in the data table.

- 82 -

(3) Data table

A data table can be divided into several groups, and each group can be created within the memory
range (address D) for the data table.
The number of groups is determined according to the number of table control data table groups.

Intra-table number

Table group 1
(1-byte data)

Table group 2
(2-byte data)

Data in each data table can be 1, 2, or 4-byte data depending on the data type of the corresponding
table control data.
If the table data is 1-byte data, one intra-table number in the corresponding data table is assigned to
one byte of data. If the table data is 2-byte data, one intra-table number is assigned to two bytes of

(4) Creating data for a data table

Data for a data table is created by specifying an intra-table number for the data table and entering the
data into the table from the DATA TABLE screen. A specific method for specifying intra-table
numbers is available for individual data table groups separately.

The sequence program can also read and write the data table.

- 83 -

2.2.13 Subprogram Number Addresses (P)

These addresses are used to specify jump destination subprogram labels in the CALL, CALLU and CM
Each subprogram number must be unique in the entire sequence program.
The following tables lists the number of subprograms that can be used.

Table 2.2.13 Address of Subprogram number

0i-D / 0i Mate-D 0i-D
Data kind 0i-D PMC
Subprogram number P1 ~ P5000 P1 ~ P512 P1 ~ P512
(Size) (5,000) (512) (512)

2.2.14 Label Number Addresses (L)

These addresses are used to specify jump destination labels (positions within the sequence program) in
the JMPB and JMPC instructions.
The same label number can be specified for different instructions as long as the instructions are not within
the same program unit (main program or subprogram).
The following table lists the number of labels that can be used.

Table 2.2.14 Address of Label

0i-D / 0i Mate-D 0i-D
Data kind 0i-D PMC
Label number L1 ~ L9999 L1 ~ L9999 L1 ~ L9999
(Size) (9,999) (9,999) (9,999)

- 84 -


The term "PMC parameter" refers to any of the timer, counter, keep relay parameters, and data table.
PMC parameters are held in nonvolatile memory, whose contents are not lost even when the power is
turned off.

(1) Timer
This parameter specifies a timer value.
It is possible to set and display the timer value on the TIMER screen.
The sequence program can read and write the timer setting.

(2) Counter
This parameter is used for a counter preset value and cumulative value. It is possible to set and
display these values on the COUNTER screen. Sequence program instructions can also read and
write these settings. See Subsection 2.2.8 for details of the counter addresses.
Counter data is two bytes in ether BCD or binary form. Higher-order bits are held at higher
addresses. Whether the counter address is BCD or binary is determined according to the
corresponding PMC system parameter.
The default setting is binary form.

If the counter addresses of the PMC are C0 and C1, and the preset value is 1578

BCD format (1578)

Binary format (1578)

To change the lower digit of the preset value to a certain value, using a 1-byte processing instruction
in the sequence program, write the new data by specifying C0 with an output address in the
parameter of a functional instruction.

- 85 -

(3) Keep relay

This parameter is used for parameters for sequence control, keep relays, and others.
It can be set and displayed from the KEEP RELAY screen.
It can also be read and written, using instructions in the sequence program.
The data set up or displayed from the KEEP RELAY screen is 8-bit binary data. On the KEEP
RELAY screen, therefore, each of the eighth digits is set or displayed as 0 or 1.

(4) Data table

The data table enables a set of numeric data (data table) to be used for PMC sequence control.
See Subsection “2.2.12”for details.

(5) Extra relay

Extra relays are volatile memory, which can be used as extention of ordinary internal relays.
See “2.2.5 Extra Relay Addresses (E)” for more detail about extra relays.

2.3.1 Cautions for Reading from/Writing to Nonvolatile Memory

All data in the nonvolatile memory can be read and written with the sequence program. The memory
from which the sequence program reads and to which it writes is not nonvolatile in effect. It has the
same data as in the nonvolatile memory in a form of nonvolatile memory image (RAM). For this reason,
turning off the power lets the data of nonvolatile memory image disappear. However, data is sent from
the nonvolatile memory as nonvolatile memory image immediately after the power is resumed, thus
restoring the previous data correctly.
If the sequence program rewrites the nonvolatile memory image, the changed data is automatically sent to
the nonvolatile memory.
Data at more than one address in the nonvolatile memory image can be rewritten at any time. The
changed data is automatically sent to the nonvolatile memory.
Therefore, reading from and writing to the nonvolatile memory with the sequence program does not
require any special processing. Writing to the nonvolatile memory takes time (about 100 msec),

- 86 -

2.3.2 PMC Parameter Format

This subsection describes the format used in outputting the contents of the PMC parameter to an external
device. As for the operation of output, refer to section 7 “sequence program and PMC parameter I/O”.

(1) Header information

The data begins with header information. Its format is as follows:
(PMC = xxx, MSID = n)
PMC = xxx "xxx" is the model name of the PMC.
MSID = n "n" is ID information.
The following table lists values that can be set as "xxx" or "n".

0i-D / 0i Mate-D 0i-D

0i-D PMC
xxx 0I-D 0I-D-L 0I-D
n 1 1 9

(2) Timer (T)

N60xxxx Pnnnnn; Timer setting

N Sum of the timer address (T) offset and 600000. The sum can range from N600000 to
N600xxx and from N609000 to N609xxx. "xxx" can take the values listed below.
P The numbers from N600000 mean the timer value. The unit of the value depends on the
timer accuracy which are numbers from N609000.
For example, when the timer accuracy is 3(100ms) and this value is 5, the timer value
means 500ms. The range of effective value is from 0 to 32767.
The numbers from N609000 mean the timer accuracy. Each value is the following timer

Value Timer accuracy

0 Timer number1~8 : 48ms
Timer number9~ : 8ms
1 1ms
2 10ms
3 100ms
4 1 sec.
5 1 min.

- 87 -

N600000 P1; (Timer number 1 T0)
N600002 P20; (Timer number 2 T2)
N600498 P32767; (Timer number 250 T498)

N609000 P0; (Timer number 1 T9000)

N609002 P0; (Timer number 2 T9002)
N609498 P0; (Timer number 250 T9498)

0i-D / 0i Mate-D 0i-D

0i-D PMC
xxx 498 078 078

(3) Counter (C)

N61xxxx Pnnnnn; Counter preset and current values

N Sum of the counter address (C) and 610000. The sum can range from N610000 to
N610xxx and from N615000 to N615nnn. "xxx" and "nnn" can take the values listed
P Counter address value in decimal notation. It has a size of 2 bytes and can range from 0
to 32767 for a range of N610000 to N610xxx. The preset and current values alternate.
For a range of N615000 to N615nnn, each counter value can range from 0 to 32767, and
only the current values appear. The counter addresses are assumed to be binary for
input/output no matter whether the counter data type is specified as BCD or binary.

N610000 P7; (Counter number 1 C0)
N610002 P7; ( C2)
N610396 P9999; (Counter number 100 C396)
N610398 P0; ( C398)

N615000 P7; (Fixed-counter number 1 C5000)

N615002 P20; (Fixed-counter number 2 C5002)
N615198 P9999; (Fixed-counter number 100 C5198)

0i-D / 0i Mate-D 0i-D

0i-D PMC
xxx 398 078 078
nnn 198 038 038

- 88 -

(4) Keep relay (K)

N62xxxx Pnnnnnnnn;

N Sum of the keep relay address (K) offset and 620000. The sum can range from N620000
to N620xxx and from N620900 to N620999.
P Keep relay address value in binary notation. It can range from 00000000 to 11111111
for a range of N620000 to N620xxx. For a range of N620900 to N620999, it can range
from 00000000 to 11111111.

N620000 P00000000; (K0)
N620001 P11111111; (K1)
N620099 P10101010; (K99)

N620900 P00000000; (K900)

N620901 P11111111; (K901)
N620999 P10101010; (K999)

"xx" indicating a range can take the values listed below.

0i-D / 0i Mate-D 0i-D

0i-D PMC
xxx 099 019 019

- 89 -

(5) Data (D)

(a) Data table control

N630000 Pnn; Total number of table groups (1 to 100)
N630002 Pnnnnnnnn; Group 1 table parameter (bit type)
N630003 Pn; Group 1 data type (0, 1, 2,3)
N630004 Pnnnn; Number of data items in group 1 (1 to xxxxx)
N630006 Pnnnn; Start address of data in group 1 (0 to nnnn)
N630010 Pnnnnnnnn; Group 2 table parameter (bit type)
N630011 Pn; Group 2 data type (0, 1, 2,3)
N630012 Pnnnn; Number of data items in group 2 (1 to xxxxx)
N630014 Pnnnn; Start address of data in group 2 (0 to nnnn)

N Sum of the control data table address offset and 630000. The sum can range from
N630000 to N630600.
P Control data table address value.

"Total number of groups" Range: 1 to 100

"Table parameter" Range: 00000000 to 11111111
"Data type" Range: 0 to 3
Data type Data table output format
0 1 byte signed decimal number
1 2 byte signed decimal number
2 4 byte signed decimal number
3 Binary notation
"Number of data items in a group" Range: 1 to xxxxx
"Start address of data in a group" Range: 0 to nnnn

N630000 P2;
N630002 P00000000;
N630003 P0;
N630004 P10;
N630006 P0;
N630010 P00000001;
N630011 P0;
N630012 P10;
N630014 P10;

"xxxxx" and "nnnn" indicating a range can take the values listed below.

0i-D / 0i Mate-D 0i-D

0i-D PMC
xxxxx 10000 03000 03000
nnnnn 09999 02999 02999

- 90 -

(b) Data table

N64xxxx Pnnnnn;

N Sum of the data table address (D) offset and 640000. The sum can range from N640000 to
P Data table address value. Its size depends on the "data type" of data table control data
and is represented using a signed decimal number. It can range from -128 to 127, from
-32768 to 32767, and from -2147483648 to 2147483647, respectively, for 1-, 2-, and
4-byte data. And the range of the binary notation is 00000000 to 11111111.

N640000 P-128;
N640001 P100;
N640002 P0;
N640010 P1000;
N640012 P-1;
N649992 P50000000;
N649996 P50000000;

"nnnn" indicating a range can take the values listed below.

0i-D / 0i Mate-D 0i-D

0i-D PMC
nnnn 9999 2999 2999

- 91 -

(6) Extra memory (E)

You can choose how the extra relays are stored in PMC parameter file by settings of system keep
relays as follows:

Output extra relay K906.3

Output format of extra relays
0 (yes) 1 (no)
Output extra relay control data 0 (no) Byte format No output
K906.7 1 (yes) Table format No output

In “Byte format”, all extra relays are stored as byte data, and no information of extra relay control
data is included.
In “Table format”, extra relays are stored in the same manner as the data table; they are stored in the
format according to the extra relay control data, and the information of the control data is also
If you choose “No output”, no information about extra relays are included in PMC parameter file.

The details of these formats are as follows:

(a) Byte format

N69xxxx Pnnnnn;

N Sum of the offset number of the extra relay and 690000. Its valid range is N690000 to
P The value of the extra relay. Shown in signed decimal number. Its valid range is –128 to

N690000 P-128;
N690001 P100;

N699998 P127;
N699999 P0;

(b) Table format (Control data part)

N635000 Pnn; Number of table groups (1-100)
N635002 Pnnnnnnnn; Table parameter of group 1 (bit format)
N635003 Pn; Data type of group 1 (0,1,2,3)
N635004 Pnnnn; Number of data in group 1 (1-10000)
N635006 Pnnnn; Start address of group 1 (0-9999)
N635010 Pnnnnnnnn; Table parameter of group 2 (bit foramt)
N635011 Pn; Data type of group 2 (0,1,2,3)
N635012 Pnnnn; Number of data in group 2 (1-10000)
N635014 Pnnnn; Start address of group 2 (0-9999)

N Sum of address offset of the control data and 635000. Its valid range is N63500 to
P The value of the control data.

- 92 -

“Number of table groups” valid range: 1 - 100

“Table parameter” valid range: 00000000 - 11111111
“Data type” valid range: 0 - 3
Data type Output format of the data
0 Singend decimal number of 1 byte data
1 Singend decimal number of 2 byte data
2 Singend decimal number of 4 byte data
3 8 bit format of 1 byte value
“Number of data in group” valid range: 1 - 10000
“Start address of group” valid range: 0 - 9999

N635000 P2;
N635002 P00000000;
N635003 P0;
N635004 P10;
N635006 P0;
N635010 P00000001;
N635011 P0;
N635012 P10;
N635014 P10;

(c) Table format (Extra relay part)

N69xxxx Pnnnnn;

N Sum of the offset number of the extra relay and 690000. Its valid range is N690000 to
P The value of the extra relay. Its data size depends on the “Data type” of the control data
that the extra relay belongs to, and shown as singed decimal number. Its valid range is
–128 to 127 for 1 byte data, -32768 to 32767 for 2 byte data, –2147483648 to 2147483647
for 4 byte data, and 00000000 to 11111111 of binary for bit format.

N690000 P-128;
N690001 P100;
N690002 P0;

N690010 P1000;
N690012 P-1;

N699992 P50000000;
N699996 P50000000;

- 93 -


2.4.1 Setting Parameters

The parameters set up on the PMC SETTING screen are called the setting parameters. Part of the system
keep relays described earlier can be set up using setting parameters.
This subsection describes the setting parameters for each setup menu.
See Section 9.5 for explanations about the setting screen and how to use it.

(1) Trace function start (K906.5 0: Manual. 1: Automatic.)

This item specifies whether to allow the trace function to be executed automatically when the power is
turned on. The default setting is "Manual" (not automatic execution).

(2) Editing permit (K901.6 0: No. 1: Yes.)

This item specifies whether to enable the functions related to program editing. The default setting is
"No" (not to enable).

(3) Save after edit (K902.0 0: No. 1: Yes.)

This item specifies whether to perform an automatic write to flash ROM after program editing. The
default setting is "No" (not to perform an automatic write).

(4) Memory write permit (K900.4 0: No. 1: Yes.)

This item specifies whether to enable the forcing and override functions. The default setting is "No"
(not to enable).

Using the override function requires setting "Override enable" (K906.0).

(5) Data table GRP setting display (K900.7 0: Yes. 1: No.)

This item specifies whether to display the DATA TABLE CONTROL screen. The default setting is
"Yes" (to display).

(6) PMC parameter view inhibit (K902.6 0: No. 1: Yes.)

This item specifies whether to inhibit the PMC PARAM screens (TIMER, COUNTER, KEEP
RELAY, DATA TABLE screens) from being displayed and the PMC parameter data from being sent
to the outside. The default setting is "No" (not to inhibit).

(7) PMC parameter change inhibit (K902.7 0: No. 1: Yes.)

This item specifies whether to inhibit data from being input from the PMC PARAM screens (TIMER,
COUNTER, KEEP RELAY, and DATA TABLE screens) and the PMC parameter data from being
input from the outside. The default setting is "No" (no to inhibit).

(8) PMC program view inhibit (K900.0 0: No. 1: Yes.)

This item specifies whether to inhibit the sequence program from being viewed. The default setting is
"No" (not to inhibit).

(9) IO GROUP SELECTION screen (K906.1 0: Hide. 1: Display.)

This item specifies whether to display the selectable I/O Link assignment function setting screen. The
default setting is "Hide" (not to display).

- 94 -

(10) PMC program execute (K900.2 0: Automatic. 1: Manual.)

This item specifies whether to cause the sequence program to be started automatically when the power
is turned on. The default setting is "Automatic" (to cause automatic start).

(11) PMC stop enable (K902.2 0: No. 1: Yes.)

This item specifies whether to allow the sequence program to start/stop. The default setting is "No"
(not to allow).

(12) Programmer function enable (K900.1 0: No. 1: Yes.)

This item specifies whether to enable the built-in programmer function. The default setting is "No"
(not to enable).

(13) Override enable (K906.0 0: No. 1: Yes.)

This item specifies whether to enable the override function. The default setting is "No" (not to enable).

Using the override function requires setting "Memory write permit" (K900.4).

(14) Message shift amount (K918, K919)

This item specifies how much to shift the message display request bits in displaying language-specific
information, using the DISPB functional instruction. No default setting is available.

(15) Message shift start address (K916, K917)

This item lets you input the start bit address for the area of message display request bits to be shifted in
displaying language-specific information, using the DISPB functional instruction. No default setting
is available.

(16) Selectable I/O Link assignment function: Selecting a valid group: (K920-K927 0: No. 1: Yes.)
This item specifies a group to be enabled or disabled for the selectable I/O Link assignment function
for individual addresses. The default setting is 0 (disable) for all groups.
See Section 3.3 for the selectable I/O Link assignment function.

(17) Keep relay (system) (K906.6 0: Hide. 1: Show.)

If you set " KEEP RELAY (SYSTEM)" to "SHOW", The KEEP RELAY (K900-K919) screen is
The default setting is "Hide" (not to display).

- 95 -

2.4.2 PMC System Parameters

The parameters set up on the PMC SYSTEM PARAMETER screen are called the system parameters.
This subsection describes the system parameters for each setup menu.
See Section 9.8 for explanations about the how to operate the SYSTEM PARAMETER screen.

(1) Counter type

This item specifies the data type of a counter value used on the COUNTER screen (CTR functional
instruction). It can be represented in either binary or BCD form.

(2) FS0-compatible operator's panel

This item specifies whether to connect an operator's panel for the FS0. If the setting is "Yes", specify
also the DI/DO address to which the operator's panel is actually connected, the address of the KEY
image transferred from the operator's panel, and the address of the LED image to be transferred to the
operator's panel.
(a) DI address
This item specifies the start address of the external DI to which the operator's panel is actually
connected, using PMC addresses (X0 to X127, X200 to X327, X400 to X527, or X600 to X727).
(b) DO address
This item specifies the start address of the external DO to which the operator's panel is actually
connected, using PMC addresses (Y0 to Y127, Y200 to Y327, Y400 to Y527, or Y600 to Y727).
(c) Key input image address
This item specifies the start address of the KEY image to be referenced by the user program,
using a PMC address. Usually, set up an arbitrary internal relay (R) area.
(d) LED output image address
This item specifies the start address of the LED image generated by the user program, using PMC
addresses. Usually, set up an arbitrary internal relay area (R).

(3) Selectable I/O Link assignment function

This item specifies whether to enable/disable the selectable I/O Link assignment function for each
address and the number of the related basic groups.
(a) Function enable
This item specifies whether to enable/disable the selectable I/O Link assignment function.
(b) Number of basic groups
This item specifies the number of groups that are always enabled no matter what machine
configuration is employed.

See Section 3.3 for explanations about the selectable I/O Link assignment function.

- 96 -

2.4.3 CNC Parameters Related to the PMCs

The CNC parameters related to the PMCs can be divided into those for controlling communication with
FANUC LADDER-III and ladder editing package and those for setting up the PMC.

The following table summaries the CNC parameters related to the PMC.

Table 2.4.3 (a) Summary of the CNC parameters related to the PMCs
No. Use Remarks
24 Setting up communication with ladder development tools PMC online connection function
11931#1 Maximum Number of Message External message

Communication parameters
Setting up communication with ladder development tools
(FANUC LADDER-III and ladder editing package)

[Input type] Setting input

[Data type] Integer
[Valid data range] 0 to 255

This item specifies whether to enable/disable the PMC online connection function.
Entering this parameter makes it possible to enable/disable the PMC online setup function
without displaying the PMC online setup screen.

Setting RS-232C High-speed interface

0 The settings on the PMC online setup screen are changed.
1 To be used (channel 1) Not to be used
2 To be used (channel 2) Not to be used
10 Not to be used To be used
11 To be used (channel 1) To be used
12 To be used (channel 2) To be used
255 Communication is forced to stop (equivalent to the [EMG STOP] soft key).

1 The setting of this parameter is put into effect when it is changed or
the power is turned on. It is unnecessary to turn the power off and on
again after the parameter is re-set.
2 The setting changed on the PMC online setup screen is not reflected
to this parameter.
3 As for the RS-232C, the communication settings, such as a baud
rate, specified on the PMC online setup screen are valid. The valid
settings are a baud rate of 9600 bps, no parity, and two stop bits if no
change has been made on the PMC online setup screen since

- 97 -

Maximum number of message

#7 #6 #5 $4 #3 #2 #1 #0
11931 M16

#1 M16 In the external data input and external messages, the maximum number of external alarm
messages and external operator messages that can be displayed is:
0: 4.
1: 16.

1 The setting of this parameter is put into effect when it is changed or
the power is turned on

- 98 -


2.5.1 Compatibility between 0i-D PMC and PMC-SB7 for 0i-C

Ladder program compatibility
0i-D PMC is highly compatible with the PMC-SB7 for the Series 0i-MODEL C (0i-C) on the source level.

Transporting programs require modification because the specifications of the following functions have
been changed.

(1) The used size of system, some functional instructions and symbol/comment (extended type) are
changed. Generally, the program size of 0i-D PMC becomes bigger than PMC-SB7 for 0i-C even if the
same source program is converted. If the program size exceed the capacity of the flash ROM, please
change the ladder step option or reduce the symbol and comment.
As for the total memory of PMC program which includes symbols, comments, messages and ladder of
24,000 step or 32,000 step options, refer to “2.1.2 Program capacity”.
(2) For PMC-SB7 for 0i-C, the timer precision defined with the TMR functional instruction is fixed at a
certain value. For 0i-D PMC, the timer precision can be set up for each timer number separately.
(3) There are some differences in the window function. Please refer to the chapter 5.
(4) Programs can be created on the third level because of program compatibility. The operations on the
third level are not guaranteed with respect to timing, however. Use only the first and second levels in

As for the execution of ladder program, there are some differences.

(1) In case of PMC-SB7 for 0i-C, the basic instruction execution speed is 33 ns/step. In case of 0i-D PMC,
it is 25 ns/step.
(2) As the execution speed of instructions become fast, the following items about execution timing may be
- The execution cycle of both first and second level of ladder
- The timing of the execution cycle of first level of ladder according to the partition of second level
- The timing between ladder execution and I/O transfer
The working test of the machine is necessary.
(3) The MMCWR, MMCWW, and FNC90 to FNC97 functional instructions are treated as a NOP.

PMC parameter compatibility

Parameters prepared for PMC-SB7 for 0i-C can be loaded to 0i-D PMC.

- 99 -

2.5.2 Compatibility between 0i-D / 0i Mate-D PMC/L and PMC-SA1

for 0i-C / 0i Mate-C
Ladder program compatibility
0i-D/0i Mate-D PMC/L is highly compatible in the source program level with the PMC-SA1 for 0i-C/0i

Transporting programs requires modification because the specifications of the following functions have
been changed.

(1) The used size of system, some functional instractions and symbol/comment (extended type) are
changed. Generally, the program size of PMC/L becomes bigger than PMC-SA1 for 0i-C/0i Mate-C
even if the same source program is converted. If the program size exceed the capacity of the flash
ROM, please change the ladder step option or reduce the symbol and comment.
As for the total memory of PMC program which includes symbols, comments, messages and ladder of
5,000 step or 8,000 step options, refer to “2.1.2 Program capacity”.
(2) For the PMC-SA1, the timer precision defined with the TMR functional instruction is fixed at a certain
value. For PMC/L, the timer precision can be set up for each timer number separately.
(3) The nonvolatile memory control keep relay (MWRTF and MWRTF2) has been changed from K16 to
(4) In the PMC-SA1, the system area is "K17 to K20". In the PMC/L, it is "K900 to K999".
(5) There are some differences in the window function. Please refer to the chapter 5.

As for the execution of ladder program, there are some differences.

(1) In case of PMC-SA1, the basic instruction execution speed is 5μ /step. In case of PMC/L for 0i-D/0i
Mate-D, it is 1μ/step.
(2) As the execution speed of instructions become fast, the following items about execution timing may be
- The execution cycle of both first and second level of ladder
- The timing of the execution cycle of first level of ladder according to the partition of second level
- The timing between ladder execution and I/O transfer
The working test of the machine is necessary.
(3) The MMCWR and MMCWW functional instructions are treated as a NOP.

PMC parameter compatibility

The format of PMC parameter of PMC SA1 for 0i-C/0i Mate-C is differ from the one of 0i-D/0i Mate-D
PMC/L. However, PMC parameters prepared for PMC-SA1 can be loaded to PMC/L.

- 100 -

2.5.3 Compatibility between 0i-D PMC and 30i/31i/32i-A PMC

Ladder program compatibility
0i-D PMC is highly compatible with 30i/31i/32i-A PMC on the source level.

As for the execution of ladder program, there are some differences.

(1) As the execution speed of instructions become fast, the following items about execution timing may be
- The execution cycle of both first and second level of ladder
- The timing of the execution cycle of first level of ladder according to the partition of second level
- The timing between ladder execution and I/O transfer
The working test of the machine is necessary.

PMC parameter compatibility

Parameters prepared for 30i/31i/32i-A PMC can be loaded to 0i-D PMC.

2.5.4 Compatibility between 0i-D/0i Mate-D PMC/L and 32i-A PMC/L

Ladder program compatibility
0i-D/0i Mate-D PMC/L is highly compatible with 32i-A PMC/L on the source level.

As for the execution of ladder program, there are some differences.

(1) As the execution speed of instructions become fast, the following items about execution timing may be
- The execution cycle of both first and second level of ladder
- The timing of the execution cycle of first level of ladder according to the partition of second level
- The timing between ladder execution and I/O transfer
The working test of the machine is necessary.

PMC parameter compatibility

Parameters prepared for 32i-A PMC/L can be loaded to 0i-D/0i Mate-D PMC/L.

- 101 -

2.5.5 Compatibility between 0i-D DCSPMC and 30i/31i/32i-A

Ladder program compatibility
0i-D DCSPMC is highly compatible with 30i/31i/32i-A DCSPMC on the source level.

As for the execution of ladder program, there are some differences.

(1) As the execution speed of instructions become fast, the following items about execution timing may be
- The execution cycle of both first and second level of ladder
- The timing of the execution cycle of first level of ladder according to the partition of second level
- The timing between ladder execution and I/O transfer
The working test of the machine is necessary.

PMC parameter compatibility

Parameters prepared for 30i/31i/32i-A DCSPMC can be loaded to 0i-D DCSPMC.

2.5.6 The Convert Method of Source Program Using FANUC

The version of FANUC LADDER-III applied to 0i-D PMC is Ver. 5.70 or more.

Name Drawing number Note

FANUC LADDER-III A08B-9210-J505 For new users
FANUC LADDER-III Upgrade A08B-9210-J506 For upgrade

FANUC LADDER-III is used to convert a sequence program of other PMC models to the one of
0i-D/0i-Mate D PMC.
Changing PMC model is possible easily with using the "PMC Type changed and save" function of FANUC
And, if the "PMC Type changed and save" function can not be used by the version of FANUC LADDER-III,
PMC model can be changed by using the mnemonic conversion.

(1) Converting with "PMC type changed and save" function.

The conversion procedure to 0i-D PMC from PMC-SB7 is as follows.

i) Activate FANUC LADDER-III, and open the original ladder program for PMC-SB7.
ii) Select [File] - [PMC Type changed and save].
iii) Input the destination ladder program name, and select PMC Type, PMC Path and PMC Memory, and
press the [Ok] button.

For detailed operation, see the section "3.18 PMC TYPE CHANGED AND SAVE"

- 102 -

(2) Converting with mnemonic conversion

The sequence of the conversion to 0i-D PMC from PMC-SB7 is as follows.

i) Convert a source program into the mnemonic file by FANUC LADDER-III.([Tool]->[Mnemonic


ii) Change the system parameters in the mnemonic file for PMC-SB7 by text editor. (“4 PMC-SB7” -> “4
0i-D PMC”)

If the mnemonic file has insufficient parameters for 0i-D PMC, the initial values are set with
conversion for the source program.
The mnemonic file format of the system parameter for 0i-D PMC is as follows.

2 BINARY 2: Counter type (BINARY or BCD)
3 NO 3: Operator panel (YES or NO)
4 0i-D PMC 4: PMC type (0i-D PMC)
31 1 31: Number of display language (comment) (1-16)
32 -1 32: CNC display language number 1 (-1, 0-127)
33 0 33: Comment set number 1 (0-16)

iii) Create a new LAD file for 0i-D PMC by FANUC LADDER-III. (Select 0i-D PMC as PMC type with
[File] -> [New Program])

iv) Convert the mnemonic file to the source program.([Tool] -> [Source Program Convert])

For detailed operation, see the section "11.19 HOW TO CONVERT FROM

- 103 -


The PMC message multi-language display function manages the language of alarm message and operator
message, switching the language according to the language setting of CNC using message data defined in
various languages. The message data for this function is stored into a memory card format data, separated
from the data of ladder program, and loaded into CNC individually. Up to 2000 messages can be registered
for each language.
This function, when compared with the conventional multi-language display capability based on the
message shift function, has the following features:
• Because “A” address area does not need to be divided for messages of each language, all bits of “A”
address can be used for each language, and available number of message is increased.
• Switching the language of alarm messages and operator messages do not need power cycle of CNC,
and the language follows the setting of CNC display language dynamically.
• A message data file can be replaced, independently of ladder program.

This function is optional.

2.6.1 Usage of PMC Message Multi-Language Display Function

To utilize the PMC message multi-language display function, you need to prepare the data files with
FANUC LADDER-III and store them into CNC as described below:

Step 1 At first, prepare a ladder program. The message data in the ladder program must have alarm
numbers associated.
Step 2 Prepare a mnemonic file of multi-language message data. The mnemonic file is a text file, and can
be created and edited by some text editor application on PC. The alarm numbers in the mnemonic
file must correspond with the alarm numbers in the message data of the ladder program.
Step 3 Make the memory card format file of the ladder program by compile process on FANUC
LADDER-III as usual.
Step 4 Make the memory card format file of the multi-language message data using “Multi-language PMC
Message Creation Tool” included in FANUC LADDER-III which supports this function.
Step 5 Store these memory card format files created in step 3 and 4. You can use Boot Menu to store them
directly into Flash ROM, or you can use PMC I/O screen to read them into the memory, and then
write them into Flash ROM.

You can store two or more language sets of messages into a multi-language message data file. And you can
prepare two or more multi-language message data files to enable switching the available language of the
messages by altering the message file in CNC afterwards.

- 104 -

1 Message data for multi-language display cannot be created, browsed, or edited on
the CNC screen. To create or edit the message data, FANUC LADDER-III is
2 If the ladder program uses the extended symbol and comment feature, you can
use symbols in multi-language message data instead of “A” address notation.
Otherwise, you have to use “A” address notation only.
3 For instructions of FANUC LADDER-III and file format of multi-language message
data mnemonic file, refer to the following manual:
Manual title Drawing No.
FANUC LADDER-III Operator's Manual B-66234EN

Outline of the process flow from data creation to display them with PMC message multi-language display
Mnemonic file (Message) Step 2
Ladder program ID code:%@4-D (ANSI/Unicode)

Message (Standard)
Message Japanese ALM1001 “1001 ”
ALM1001 “1001 E.STOP” display/editor
screen German ALM1001 “1001 E.STöP”

Step 1

Compile FANUC LADDER-III Multi-language PMC

Step 3
Message Creation Tool
Step 4

PMC sequence program Message (option) To be loaded using

(Memory card format file) (Memory card format file) the CNC boot menu
or PMC I/O screen
: 1st message data as with a PMC
Symbol and comment data (Japanese) sequence program
ALM1001 A000.0 ALM1001 “1001 ”
$1 ‘ No.1001’ CNC
2nd message data
: (German) CNC
Ladder data ALM1001 “1001 E.STöP” Flash ROM
A0000.0 Japanese
DISPB function
Step 5 German CNC Display
Message (standard) Language
A000.0→“1001 E.STOP” English
A000.1→“1002 FUSE IS BLOWN” (Others)


- 105 -

2.6.2 Multi-Language Display

By setting the display language attribute for each message data item for multi-language display to be edited,
the language of alarm/operator messages to be displayed can be dynamically switched to match the CNC
display language. Up to 2000 messages can be registered for each language.
When setting a language for message data, set an attribute value from 0 to 17 for the message data with
Attribute value: 0 to 17
0: English 9: Danish
1: Japanese 10: Portuguese
2: German 11: Polish
3: French 12: Hungarian
4: Chinese (Traditional) 13: Swedish
5: Italian 14: Czech
6: Korean 15: Chinese (Simplified)
7: Spanish 16: Russian
8: Dutch 17: Turkish

The message data which has a language attribute number other than ones in the table above, will be just

Alarm number setting

To display messages of multi-language message data, alarm numbers at least have to be defined at the
corresponding entries in ordinary message data in ladder program. And each alarm number of “A” address
has to have identical alarm number in multi-language message data and in ordinary message data. If they
differ with each other, alarm number of ordinary message data will be used.

Selection of language
If messages of required language are not found in multi-language message data, English messages will be
used instead. If English messages are not found either, messages in ordinary message data in ladder
program will be used.
1 A message defined in multi-language message data will not be displayed unless
the corresponding message data in ladder program has valid alarm number.
2 If messages of current language has no corresponding message entry to the bit of
“A” address that has turned on, alarm message without any message will be
issued, with the alarm number that is defined at corresponding entry in ordinary
message data. If ordinary message data has no valid alarm number at the entry,
no alarm is issued.
3 It may take a while to change alarm and operator messages to one of languages
after changing display language of CNC. The more messages per a language are
defined especially using symbol, the longer time it tends to take to switch them.

- 106 -

2.6.3 Maximum Number of Message

The number of displayable alarm messages and the number of displayable operator messages can be
extended to 16 by the following NC parameter:

NC parameter No. 11931 bit 1 = 0 : Displays up to 4 messages (conventional specification).

1 : Displays up to 16 messages.

To increase the number of displayable messages on the CNC screen, the relevant
NC parameter needs to be set. If the number of displayable messages is
increased by setting the NC parameter, the number of displayable messages also
increases with DISPB instruction, even without using multi-language display

2.6.4 Display of European Characters

With the conventional PMC message function, for example a European character such as “À” can be edited
only in the code format notation, enclosing the character code between “@0D” and “01@”. With the PMC
message multi-language display function, you can edit these characters as a normal character to create
message data on personal computer.
The European characters which are available on CNC screen are listed in the following table:

Table 2.6.4(a) European character type1 code table

+0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +A +B +C +D +E +F





* The character code in the table is for the code format notation. which is enclosed by "@0D" and "01@"

Table 2.6.4 (b) European character type2 code table

+0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +A +B +C +D +E +F



* The character code in the table is for the code format notation which is enclosed by "@0E" and "01@"

- 107 -

Table 2.6.4 (c) European character type 3 code table

Character +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +A +B +C +D +E +F











* The character code in the table is for the code format notation which is enclosed by "@05" and "01@"

1 The characters that can be displayed on CNC screen are as same as ones that
can be displayed by conventional DISPB function. If code of a character that can
not be displayed is contained in message data, the character will not be displayed.
2 For instructions for editing message data on personal computer, refer to the
following manual:
Manual title Drawing No.
FANUC LADDER-III Operator's Manual B-66234EN

2.6.5 Display of Simplified Chinese and Korean (Hangul Characters)

With the PMC message multi-language display function, you can edit Simplified Chinese and Korean
(Hangul characters) as a normal character to create message data on personal computer. All Multi-byte
characters of Simplified Chinese code(GB2312) can be displayed on CNC. But some Korean (Hangul)
characters cannot be displayed on CNC. The Korean (Hangul characters) which are available on CNC
screen are listed in the following table.

- 108 -

For instructions for editing message data of Simplified Chinese and Korean
(Hangul characters) on personal computer, refer to the following manual:
Manual title Drawing No.
FANUC LADDER-III Operator's Manual B-66234EN

Hangul characters that can be displayed on CNC screen

- 109 -


Some data on the CNC is backed up by the battery so that the data is not lost even when the main power is
turned off.
The data backed up by the battery is lost when the battery voltage decreases. So, periodically, the data
needs to be saved to an external device, and the battery needs to be replaced with a new one.

For the method of battery replacement, refer to "Maintenance Manual

With the PMC, the following data is backed up by the battery:

Type of data Data item

PMC parameters (Note 1) Timer (T)
Counter (C)
Keep relay (K)
Data table (D)
Data table control data
Settings of various functions and screens Setting of the PMC data I/O function
Setting of the online function
Setting of the trace function
Setting of the ladder diagram screen
Setting of the I/O diagnosis screen

1 A delay occurs in PMC parameter backup operation. For details, see Subsection
2.3.1, "Cautions for Reading from/Writing to Nonvolatile Memory ".

Width the following functions, data backed up by the battery can be saved to an external device.

Type of data External device Function Remarks

PMC parameters Memory card Writing PMC parameters For details, see Section 7.4,
Handy File from the PMC data I/O "SEQUENCE PROGRAM AND PMC
RS-232C device screen PARAMETER I/O ([I/O] SCREEN)".
Personal Loading PMC For details, see FANUC LADDER-III
Computer parameters with FANUC OPERATOR’S MANUAL
LADDER-III (B-66234EN)”.
All CNC data (including Memory card Backing up the S-RAM For details, see MAINTENANCE
PMC parameters and the with the boot system MANUAL (B-64305EN)”.
settings of various
functions and screens)

PMC battery backup data can be cleared by the following operation:

Type of data Operation

PMC parameters, Select [3.CLEAR FILE] - [5:PMC-PARA.DAT] from the IPL menu.
Settings of various functions and screens Hold down "O" and "Z" when turning on the power to the CNC.

- 110 -

Exercise special care when clearing PMC parameters. When PMC parameters
are cleared, the machine malfunctions. After clearing PMC parameters, be sure to
set the correct values again.

PMC battery backup data is also cleared when the entire memory of the CNC is
cleared. For operation to clear the entire memory of the CNC, refer to
"Maintenance Manual (B-64305EN)".

- 111 -
3.I/O LINK B-64393EN/02

Chapter 3, "I/O LINK", consists of the following sections:

3.1 WHAT IS THE I/O LINK?...............................................................................................................112

3.2 ASSIGNMENT METHOD...............................................................................................................115
3.3 SELECTABLE I/O LINK ASSIGNMENT FUNCTION .................................................................144
3.4 I/O LINK CONNECTION CHECK FUNCTION ............................................................................152


The FANUC I/O Link is a serial interface which passes input/output signals between the PMC and each
I/O device at a high speed.
For each channel, up to 1024 DI points and up to 1024 DO points can be connected and controlled from
the PMC.

The update cycle of the signals from I/O Link depends on the combination with each PMC and each I/O
Link channel. The update cycle of the signals from I/O Link when each PMC uses each I/O Link channel
is shown in the following table.

Table 3.1 (a) Update cycle of the signals from I/O Link
0i-D/0i Mate-D 0i-D
0i-D PMC
Channel 1 2msec 2msec
(cannot use)
Channel 2 2msec
(cannot use)
Channel 3 (cannot use) 2msec

1 To use channels 2 to 3 of the I/O Link, the I/O Link point expansion option is
required for each channel.
2 When using the I/O Link, the last 1byte of the X address for which no I/O device
is assigned (normally X127 or X327) is used by the system. Therefore, some bits
at these X addresses may be changed.
Please don't use X addresses for which no I/O device is assigned.

- 112 -
B-64393EN/02 3.I/O LINK

3.1.1 Configuration of an I/O Link

The following figure shows a basic configuration of the I/O Link.


I/O Unit I/O Unit

Group 0
I/O Link

Group 1
Operator's panel
connection unit

Group 2
Power Mate

: : : : :
: : : : :

Group 15

(1) The I/O Link consists of one master and multiple slaves.
Master: CNC (such as Series 0i-D)
Slaves: I/O Unit-MODEL A, Power Mate, operator's panel connection unit, and other devices
(2) Up to 16 groups of slaves can be connected to one I/O Link.
Group numbers 0 to 15 are sequentially assigned. Number 0 is assigned to the group nearest to the
The number of connected slaves in a group differs depending on the types of slaves.
(3) Any slave can be connected in any group. One group must consist of slaves of the same type,

1 Turn the power to the slaves and master on simultaneously or turn the power to
the slaves on before turning the power to the master.
2 When turning the power to the master off, also turn the power to all slaves off.
Turn the power to all slaves on again before turning the power to the master on or
turn the power to all slaves and the master on simultaneously. Turn the power to
the master on after turning the power to all slaves on or turn the power to the
master and all slaves on simultaneously.
3 For the maximum number of slaves per group that can be connected, refer to the
hardware connection manual for each I/O device used as a slave.

- 113 -
3.I/O LINK B-64393EN/02

3.1.2 Numbers of Input Points and of Output Points of the I/O Link
The I/O Link has up to 1024 input points and up to 1024 output points for each channel when viewed
from the master. These I/O points can be assigned to each slave to periodically pass I/O data between the
master and each slave.
Each slave occupies the predetermined number of I/O points.
The total number of I/O points occupied by all slaves connected to one channel is up to 1024 points (128
bytes) for each of input and output.
The number of I/O points occupied by one group is up to 256 points (32 bytes) for each of input and
Obtain the number of occupied I/O points as follows.
[Number of output points]
Total number of points required for output modules used in one group Number of occupied I/O points
0 to 32 32
40 to 64 64
72 to 128 128
136 to 256 256

When obtaining the number of points, assume that the number of points required
for AOA05E is 8 and that of points required for AOA12F is 16.

[Number of input points]

Total number of points required for input modules used in one group Number of occupied I/O points
0 to 32 32
40 to 64 64
72 to 128 128
136 to 256 256

The number of occupied I/O points may differ from the actual number of I/O
points. For example, if the number of input points is smaller than or equal to that
of output points for a group, the number of input points is assumed equal to that
of output points. For this reason, when the number of input points for the actually
connected hardware components is 128 and that of output points is 256, the
number of occupied input points is assumed to be 256 because there is the
following relationship between the numbers of input points and of output points:
128 (number of input points) ≦ 256 (number of output points)
For more specific rules, see Section 3.2.

- 114 -
B-64393EN/02 3.I/O LINK


To use an I/O device as a slave, assign connection information to X addresses (input) and Y addresses
(output) of the PMC. The machine tool builder should determine addresses to be used for input/output of
each I/O device in a sequence program. Connection information can be assigned to these determined
addresses using the PMC screen or FANUC LADDER-III. The information is written in the flash ROM
together with the sequence program. For this reason, the set information is not changed unless the
sequence program is changed.
Information to be set to addresses includes the connection location and module name of each I/O device.
The connection location of an I/O device is represented by its group, base, and slot numbers. For the
module name, set a name representing connected I/O device.

Setting the connection location

I/O devices can roughly be divided into the following three types according to the method for specifying
the connection location.

(1) Type of I/O device whose connection location is specified with its group, base, and slot numbers
I/O Unit-MODEL A is of this type. Specify the connection location with its group, base, and slot
The range of valid settings of each item is as follows:
Group = 0 to 15
Base = 0 and 1
Slot = 1 to 10 (number of a slot on a I/O Unit-MODEL A base board)
(2) Type of I/O device whose connection location is specified with its group and slot numbers
I/O Unit-MODEL B and handy machine operator's panels are of this type. Always set the base
number to 0.
The range of valid settings of each item is as follows:
Group = 0 to 15
Base =0 (Always set 0.)
Slot = 0 to 30 (NOTE)

For detailed information on settings, see Subsections 3.2.2 and 3.2.6.

(3) Type of I/O device whose connection location is specified with its group number
Machine operator's panel interface unit, I/O Link connection unit, Power Mate, and other devices are
of this type. One unit of this type occupies one group. When using this type, always set the base
number to 0 and the slot number to 1.
The range of valid settings of each item is as follows:
Group = 0 to 15
Base =0 (Always set 0.)
Slot =1 (Always set 1.)

- 115 -
3.I/O LINK B-64393EN/02

Setting the module name

Set the module name at the X or Y address assigned as input/output of each I/O device. For the module
name, see Tables 3.2 (a) to (c).
The number of bytes of the address occupied is determined for each module name. The number of
occupied I/O points per byte is 8.
These module names are able to replace modules having same number of points.
Module name Occupied address
1 to 8 bytes for input
/1 to /8
1 to 8 bytes for output
12 bytes for input
12 bytes for output
16 bytes for input
16 bytes for output
20 bytes for input
20 bytes for output
24 bytes for input
24 bytes for output
28 bytes for input
28 bytes for output
32 bytes for input
32 bytes for output

1 Assign the start byte of an analog input module (AD04A) or analog output module
(DA02A) to an even input address (X ) or even output address (Y ).
2 Always read an A/D converted digital value from an input address (X ) or
write a digital value to be converted to an analog value to an output address
(Y ) in word (16-bit) units.

For details of the assignment method, see the assignment method for each I/O device described later.

When you want to set assignment data using the I/O module screen, for required operations, see Section

- 116 -
B-64393EN/02 3.I/O LINK
Table 3.2 (a) Module names (1)
Module name Occupied
Name Specifications
(actual module name) address
Input modules for ID32A (AID32A1) 4 bytes for input A03B-0807-J101
I/O Unit-MODEL A ID32B (AID32B1) 4 bytes for input A03B-0807-J102
ID32H (AID32H1) 4 bytes for input A03B-0807-J111
ID16C (AID16C) 2 bytes for input A03B-0807-J103
ID16D (AID16D) 2 bytes for input A03B-0807-J104
ID16K (AID16K) 2 bytes for input A03B-0807-J113
ID16L (AID16L) 2 bytes for input A03B-0807-J114
ID32E (AID32E1) 4 bytes for input A03B-0807-J105
ID32E (AID32E2) 4 bytes for input A03B-0807-J110
ID32F (AID32F1) 4 bytes for input A03B-0807-J106
ID32F (AID32F2) 4 bytes for input A03B-0807-J109
IA16G (AIA16G) 2 bytes for input A03B-0807-J107
AD04A (AAD04A) 8 bytes for input A03B-0807-J051
AD04A (AAD04B) 8 bytes for input A03B-0819-J063
ES01A (AES01A) 1 byte for input A03B-0807-C108
ID08F (AID08F) 1 byte for input A03B-0807-C112
Output modules for OD32A (AOD32A1) 4 bytes for output A03B-0807-J162
I/O Unit-MODEL A OD08C (AOD08C) 1 byte for output A03B-0807-J151
OD08D (AOD08D) 1 byte for output A03B-0807-J152
OD16C (AOD16C) 2 bytes for output A03B-0807-J153
OD16D (AOD16D) 2 bytes for output A03B-0807-J154
OD32C (AOD32C1) 4 bytes for output A03B-0807-J155
OD32C (AOD32C2) 4 bytes for output A03B-0807-J172
OD32D (AOD32D1) 4 bytes for output A03B-0807-J156
OD32D (AOD32D2) 4 bytes for output A03B-0807-J167
OA05E (AOA05E) 1 byte for output A03B-0807-J157
OA08E (AOA08E) 1 byte for output A03B-0807-J158
OA12F (AOA12F) 2 bytes for output A03B-0807-J159
OR08G (AOR08G) 1 byte for output A03B-0807-J160
OR16G (AOR16G) 2 bytes for output A03B-0807-J161
OR16H (OR16H2) 2 bytes for output A03B-0807-J165
DA02A (ADA02A) 4 bytes for output A03B-0807-J052
DA02A (ADA02B) 4 bytes for output A03B-0819-J060
BK01A (ABK01A) 1 byte for output A03B-0807-C164
OA08K (AOA08K) 1 byte for output A03B-0807-C169
OD08L (AOD08L) 1 byte for output A03B-0807-C170
OD16D (AOD16D2) 2 bytes for output A03B-0807-C171
OR08I (AOR08I3) 1 byte for output A03B-0807-C166
OR08J (AOR08J3) 1 byte for output A03B-0807-C168
Output modules with an /2 (AOD16DP) 2 bytes for output A03B-0807-J182
output protection function /1 (AOD08DP) 1 byte for input
for I/O Unit-MODEL A A03B-0819-J183
/1 (AOD08DP) 1 byte for output
Input/output module for IO24I (AIO40A) 3 bytes for input
I/O Unit-MODEL A IO16O (AIO40A) 2 bytes for output

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3.I/O LINK B-64393EN/02

Table 3.2 (b) Module names (2)

Module name
Name (actual module Occupied address Specifications
FANUC CNC SYSTEM 4 bytes for input FANUC Series 0-C
FANUC Power Mate 4 bytes for output (compatible with the FANUC I/O Link)
8 bytes for input FANUC Power Mate-MODEL
8 bytes for output
OC02I 16 bytes for input
OC02O 16 bytes for output
FANUC Power Mate i-MODEL D/H
OC03I 32 bytes for input
OC03O 32 bytes for output
12 bytes for input
12 bytes for output
16 bytes for input
16 bytes for output
20 bytes for input
Specify a value of 12, 16, 20, 24, 28 or 32 for
20 bytes for output
/ indicating the number of bytes for
24 bytes for input
24 bytes for output
28 bytes for input
28 bytes for output
32 bytes for input
32 bytes for output
I/O Link β amplifier OC02I 16 bytes for input FANUC SERVO MOTOR β series
OC02O 16 bytes for output I/O Link option
Connection unit 1 CN01I 12 bytes for input
CN01O 8 bytes for output
Connection unit 2 CN02I 24 bytes for input
CN02O 16 bytes for output
Operator's panel /8 8 bytes for input A16B-2200-0661 (sink type)
connection unit A /4 4 bytes for output A16B-2201-0731 (source type)
Operator's panel CN01I 12 bytes for input A16B-2200-0660 (sink type)
connection unit B CN01O 8 bytes for output A16B-2201-0730 (source type)
Machine operator's panel OC02I 16 bytes for input
interface unit OC02O 16 bytes for output
OC03I 32 bytes for input
OC03O 32 bytes for output
Modules for I/O Unit- bytes for input Specify a value of 1 to 8 indicating the
bytes for output number of bytes for input/output for .
Specify an area for reading the power on-off
## 4 bytes for input
state of each unit of I/O Unit-MODEL B.
I/O Link connection unit 1 to 8 bytes for input
1 to 8 bytes for output
12 bytes for input
12 bytes for output
16 bytes for input
16 bytes for output
Specify a value of 1 to 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28 or
/ 20 bytes for input
32 for indicating the number of bytes for
20 bytes for output
24 bytes for input
24 bytes for output
28 bytes for input
28 bytes for output
32 bytes for input
32 bytes for output
OC02I 16 bytes for input

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B-64393EN/02 3.I/O LINK

Table 3.2 (c) Module names (3)

Module name
Name (actual module Occupied address Specifications
I/O Link connection unit OC02O 16 bytes for output
OC03I 32 bytes for input
OC03O 32 bytes for output
Distribution I/O connection CM03I 3 bytes for input Basic unit only
panel I/O modules CM06I 6 bytes for input Uses expansion unit 1.
CM09I 9 bytes for input Uses expansion unit 2.
CM12I 12 bytes for input Uses expansion unit 3.
CM13I 13 bytes for input Uses the first MPG.
CM14I 14 bytes for input Uses the second MPG.
CM15I 15 bytes for input Uses the third MPG.
CM16I 16 bytes for input Uses DO alarm detection.
CM02O 2 bytes for output Basic unit only
CM04O 4 bytes for output Uses expansion unit 1.
CM06O 6 bytes for output Uses expansion unit 2.
CM08O 8 bytes for output Uses expansion unit 3.
Distribution I/O operator's CM06I 6 bytes for input
panel I/O modules CM13I 13 bytes for input Uses the first MPG.
CM14I 14 bytes for input Uses the second MPG.
CM15I 15 bytes for input Uses the third MPG.
CM16I 16 bytes for input Uses DO alarm detection.
CM04O 4 bytes for output
CM08O 8 bytes for output
External I/O cards A and D /6 6 bytes for input A16B-2201-0071 (A)
for the Power Mate /4 4 bytes for output A16B-2202-0733 (D)
External I/O cards B and E OC01I 12 bytes for input A16B-2201-0070 (B)
for the Power Mate OC01O 8 bytes for output A16B-2202-0732 (E)
External I/O cards C and F /3 3 bytes for input A16B-2600-0150(C)
for the Power Mate /2 2 bytes for output A16B-2600-0170 (F)
Handy machine operator's 2 bytes for input
panel 2 bytes for output
(NOTE 3) ## 4 bytes for input
AS-i converter unit OC03I 32 bytes for input
OC03O 32 bytes for output

1 For the specifications and connection of each I/O device, refer to the relevant
hardware connection manual.
2 For the assignment method for each I/O device, see Subsections 0 to 3.2.8.
3 As assignment data for a handy machine operator's panel, assign multiple
module names successively. For details, see Subsection 3.2.6.

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3.I/O LINK B-64393EN/02

3.2.1 Assignment Method for I/O Unit-MODEL A

Figs. 3.2.1 (a) and 3.2.1 (b) show sample configurations of I/O Unit-MODEL A.

I/O Unit I/O Unit

I/O Link
A A Group 0

Slot 1
Slot 2
Slot 3
Slot 4
Slot 5

Slot 1
Slot 2
Slot 3
Slot 4
Slot 5
0 0
1 1
Base 0 Base 1

Fig. 3.2.1 (a)

I/O Unit I/O Unit

I/O Link
master A A Group 0
Slot 1
Slot 2
Slot 3
Slot 4
Slot 5

Slot 1
Slot 2
Slot 3
Slot 4
Slot 5
0 0
1 1
Base 0 Base 1

I/O Unit I/O Unit

A A Group 1
Slot 1
Slot 2
Slot 3
Slot 4
Slot 5

Slot 1
Slot 2
Slot 3
Slot 4
Slot 5

0 0
1 1
Base 0 Base 1

Operator's panel Group 2

connection unit

Base 0

Group 3
Power Mate

Base 0

Fig. 3.2.1 (b)

Assignment method
(1) Group number
For I/O Unit-MODEL A, up to two I/O units can be connected when interface module AIF01A is
used as the basic unit and expansion interface module AIF01B is also used. This is called the base
expansion function. This set of up to two I/O units comprises one group (see Fig. 3.2.1 (a)). When
required I/O modules cannot be contained only in one group or when multiple I/O units are to be
distributed at distant locations on the machine side, the second AIF01A can be connected to the first
AIF01A using a cable to add a group. (See Fig. 3.2.1 (b).)

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B-64393EN/02 3.I/O LINK
(2) Base number
One group consists of up to two I/O base units. The base number of the I/O unit on which interface
module AIF01A is mounted is 0; the base number of the other I/O unit is 1.
In other words, when the base expansion function is used, the base number of the basic unit is
always 0 and that of the expansion unit is always 1. When the base expansion function is not used,
the base number is always 0.

(3) Slot number

On one I/O base unit, up to five (ABU05A) or ten (ABU10A) I/O modules can be mounted
depending on the type of I/O base unit. The location of each module on the I/O base unit is
represented by a slot number. For each base unit, the location of the I/O interface module is 0 and
slot numbers 1 to 10 are assigned from left to right. Each module can be mounted into any desired
slot. I/O modules may not be mounted closely from left to right. An intermediate slot may not be

(4) Module name

For module names, see Tables 3.2 (a) to (c) in Section 3.2 above. Actual module names begin with
A. When setting a module name, remove this A. Some actual module names may end with a
numeric character. In this case, when setting a module name, also remove the numeric character.
(Example 1) To set module AID16D, enter ID16D.
(Example 2) To set module AID32A1, enter ID32A.

For I/O Unit-MODEL A, when assigning 3, 5, 6, or 7 bytes, change the module
name as follows.
Do not use IO24I, /3, /5, /6, or /7 as a module name.

Module names
Before change → After change
IO24I → /4
/3 → /4
/5 → /8
/6 → /8
/7 → /8

Related hardware manual

"FANUC I/O Unit-MODEL A Connection and Maintenance Manual" (B-61813E)

For the specifications and connection of I/O Unit-MODEL A and related I/O
modules, refer to the hardware connection manual for each I/O device.

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3.I/O LINK B-64393EN/02

3.2.2 Assignment Method for I/O Unit-MODEL B

I/O Unit-MODEL B can be used together with I/O Link devices such as the Power Mate, operator's panel
interface unit, connection unit, and I/O Unit-MODEL A. In this case, I/O Unit-MODEL B comprises one
group and other units cannot be contained in the group.
An example of connection is shown below.


[GROUP] = 0
Power Mate

[BASE] = 0, [SLOT] = 1
[GROUP] = 1

Operator's panel
interface unit

[BASE] = 0, [SLOT] = 1
[GROUP] = 2


I/O Unit-A I/O Unit-A

[GROUP] = 3

[BASE] = 0 [BASE] = 1

I/O Unit-B
interface unit
I/O Unit-B I/O Unit-B
DI/DO unit DI/DO unit
(Unit No. = 1) (Unit No. = 20)

[BASE] = 0, [SLOT] = 1 [BASE] = 0, [SLOT] = 20

I/O Unit-B I/O Unit-B

DI/DO unit DI/DO unit
(Unit No. = 5) (Unit No. = 10)

[BASE] = 0, [SLOT] = 5 [BASE] = 0, [SLOT] = 10

I/O Unit-B I/O Unit-B

DI/DO unit DI/DO unit
(Unit No. = 30) (Unit No. = 9)

[BASE] = 0, [SLOT] = 30 [BASE] = 0, [SLOT] = 9

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Assignment method
As the group number, set the group number used in the configuration. As the base number, always set 0.
As the slot number, set the unit number of a DI/DO unit of I/O Unit-MODEL B. To assign power on-off
information, set 0 for the slot number.
Set the following values for the slot number and assignment name:
Slot number:
0: Power on-off information
1 to 30: Unit number
Assignment name:
Module name representing the address occupied by the I/O Unit-MODEL B DI/DO unit (see Table
3.2 (b).)

Number of input or output points

required for [basic unit] + Assignment name Occupied address
[expansion unit]
1 byte #1 1 byte for input/output
2 bytes #2 2 bytes for input/output
3 bytes #3 3 bytes for input/output
4 bytes #4 4 bytes for input/output
6 bytes #6 6 bytes for input/output
8 bytes #8 8 bytes for input/output
10 bytes #10 10 bytes for input/output
Power on-off information ## 4 bytes for input

Example of setting
To connect an I/O Unit-MODEL B DI/DO unit with unit number 10 whose occupied address is 3 bytes in
Enter 1.0.10.#3.

When channels 2 to 3 are also used to connect I/O devices, the maximum total
number of groups used for connecting I/O Unit-MODEL B with channels 1 to 3 is

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Interface module incorporating I/O Unit-MODEL A

Interface module AIF02C can control communication both with I/O Unit-MODEL A and with I/O Unit-

I/O Unit I/O Unit

I/O Link
master Group 0

Slot 1
Slot 2
Slot 3
Slot 4
Slot 5

Slot 1
Slot 2
Slot 3
Slot 4
Slot 5
0 0
2 1
Group 1


DI/DO unit DI/DO unit DI/DO unit

Group 2
Operator's panel
connection unit

For the AIF02C, the base expansion function of the AIF02A is removed and the functions of the I/O Unit-
MODEL B interface unit are added.
When I/O Unit-MODEL A is not used, only I/O Unit-MODEL B cannot be used. The base expansion
function cannot also be used.
The AIF02C occupies two groups. Assignment is required for each of I/O Unit-MODEL A and I/O Unit-

For details of the AIF02C, refer to "FANUC I/O Unit-MODEL A Connection and
Maintenance Manual" (B-61813E).

Related hardware manual

"FANUC I/O Unit-MODEL B Connection Manual" (B-62163E)

For the setting of each I/O Unit-MODEL B unit and the specifications and
connection of related I/O modules, refer to the hardware connection manual for
each I/O device in addition to the above connection manual.

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B-64393EN/02 3.I/O LINK

3.2.3 Assignment Method for Distribution I/O Connection Panel I/O

Modules and Distribution I/O Operator's Panel I/O Modules
For the I/O Link, when assigning connection information of a connection panel or operator's panel I/O
module, set an I/O Link serial number (0 for the module nearest to the I/O Link master CNC) for the
group number, always set 0 for the base number, and always set 1 for the slot number. When basic and
expansion connection panel I/O modules are used, assign one connection information item for all modules
in one I/O Link group. For a distribution I/O module unlike I/O Unit-MODEL A, the slot number need
not be specified. For the module name used to set assignment data, see "Distribution I/O connection
panel I/O modules" in Table 3.2 (b).
An example of assignment is shown below.

Example of assignment




72 input points (16 general-purpose points + 56 matrix points), 56 output points

(X4…, Y0…)

Operator's panel
I/O module

96 input points, 64 output points (X20…, Y10…)

Connection Expansion Expansion Expansion
panel I/O module 1 module 2 module 3
basic module

24 input points, 16 output points (X100…, Y100…)

panel I/O
basic module

Group number Base number Slot number Assignment name

X004 0 0 1 CM14I
X020 1 0 1 CM12I
X100 2 0 1 CM03I
Y000 0 0 1 CM08O
Y010 1 0 1 CM08O
Y100 2 0 1 CM02O

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3.I/O LINK B-64393EN/02

Connection panel I/O modules

For signal mapping of connection panel I/O modules, refer to the connection manual (hardware) for the
CNC used as the I/O Link master.
Assignment data is described below for each configuration of basic and expansion modules.

Always connect expansion modules 1, 2, and 3 in this order closely when
required. Any intermediate expansion module cannot be skipped.

Basic Expansion Expansion

module module 1 module 2

You may want to make the above setting so that expansion module 1 is not
mounted to connect it later and connection information of only expansion module
2 is assigned, but the setting is disabled.

(1) Only basic module

24 input points, 16 output points


(a) When DO alarm detection is not used

• When no manual pulse generator is used
Input: X=CM03I, output: Y=CM02O
(b) When DO alarm detection is used
• Regardless of the number of manual pulse generators
Input: X=CM16I, output: Y=CM02O
(2) Basic module + expansion module 1

48 input points, 32 output points

Basic Expansion
module module 1

(a) When DO alarm detection is not used

• When no manual pulse generator is used
Input: X=CM06I, output: Y=CM04O
• When one manual pulse generator is used
Input: X=CM13I, output: Y=CM04O

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(b) When DO alarm detection is used
• Regardless of the number of manual pulse generators
Input: X=CM16I, output: Y=CM04O

(3) Basic module + expansion module 1 + expansion module 2

72 input points, 48 output points

Basic Expansion Expansion

module module 1 module 2

(a) When DO alarm detection is not used

• When no manual pulse generator is used
Input: X=CM09I, output: Y=CM06O
• When one manual pulse generator is used
Input: X=CM13I, output: Y=CM06O
• When two manual pulse generators are used
Input: X=CM14I, output: Y=CM06O
(b) When DO alarm detection is used
• Regardless of the number of manual pulse generators
Input: X=CM16I, output: Y=CM06O

(4) Basic module + expansion module 1 + expansion module 2 + expansion module 3

96 input points, 64 output points

Basic Expansion Expansion Expansion

module module 1 module 2 module 3

(a) When DO alarm detection is not used

• When no manual pulse generator is used
Input: X=CM12I, output: Y=CM08O
• When one manual pulse generator is used
Input: X=CM13I, output: Y=CM08O
• When two manual pulse generators are used
Input: X=CM14I, output: Y=CM08O
• When three manual pulse generators are used
Input: X=CM15I, output: Y=CM08O
(b) When DO alarm detection is used
• Regardless of the number of manual pulse generators
Input: X=CM16I, output: Y=CM08O

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Operator's panel I/O modules

For signal mapping of operator's panel I/O modules, refer to the connection manual (hardware) for the
CNC used as the I/O Link master.

(1) Operator's panel I/O module (compatible with matrix input, A20B-2002-0470)

Input: 16 general-purpose points + 56 matrix points

Output: 56 matrix points

Operator's panel
I/O module

(a) When DO alarm detection is not used

• When no manual pulse generator is used
Input: X=CM12I, output: Y=CM08O
• When one manual pulse generator is used
Input: X=CM13I, output: Y=CM08O
• When two manual pulse generators are used
Input: X=CM14I, output: Y=CM08O
• When three manual pulse generators are used
Input: X=CM15I, output: Y=CM08O
(b) When DO alarm detection is used
• Regardless of the number of manual pulse generators
Input: X=CM16I, output: Y=CM08O

(2) Operator's panel I/O module (A20B-2002-0520, A20B-2002-0521)

48 input points
32 output points

Operator's panel
I/O module

(a) When DO alarm detection is not used

• When no manual pulse generator is used
Input: X=CM06I, output: Y=CM04O
• When one manual pulse generator is used
Input: X=CM13I, output: Y=CM04O
• When two manual pulse generators are used
Input: X=CM14I, output: Y=CM04O
• When three manual pulse generators are used
Input: X=CM15I, output: Y=CM04O
(b) When DO alarm detection is used
• Regardless of the number of manual pulse generators
Input: X=CM16I, output: Y=CM04O

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B-64393EN/02 3.I/O LINK
(3) Distribution I/O machine operator's panel
(A20B-8001-0721, A20B-8001-0720, A20B-8001-0210)
Input: 8 points for override signals and so on + 24 general-purpose points + 64
matrix points
Output: 64 matrix points

Operator's panel
I/O module

(a) When DO alarm detection is not used

• When no manual pulse generator is used
Input: X=CM12I, output: Y=CM08O
• When one manual pulse generator is used
Input: X=CM13I, output: Y=CM08O
• When two manual pulse generators are used
Input: X=CM14I, output: Y=CM08O
• When three manual pulse generators are used
Input: X=CM15I, output: Y=CM08O
(b) When DO alarm detection is used
• Regardless of the number of manual pulse generators
Input: X=CM16I, output: Y=CM08O

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3.2.4 Assignment Method for the Power Mate

To use Power Mate-MODEL D/H, Power Mate i-MODEL D/H, or I/O Link β amplifier as an I/O Link
slave, assign its connection information on the I/O Link master.
On the I/O Link slave, assignment is not required because the addresses are fixed.
An example of connection is shown below.


[GROUP] = 0
Operator's panel
interface unit

[BASE] = 0, [SLOT] = 1
[GROUP] = 1

Power Mate

[BASE] = 0, [SLOT] = 1

Assignment method
For the group number, set the group number used in the configuration.
For the base number, always set 0.
For the slot number, always set 1.

Number of input/output points Input device assignment name Output device assignment name
(input/output) (module name) (module name)
32/32 FS04A FS04A
64/64 FS08A FS08A
96/96 /12 /12
128/128 OC02I or /16 OC02O or /16
160/160 /20 /20
192/192 /24 /24
224/224 /28 /28
256/256 OC03I or /32 OC03O or /32

1 Assign input and output module names with the same number of points.
2 For the I/O Link β amplifier, assign OC02I/OC02O.

Examples of settings
To connect Power Mate i-D with 256/256 points in group 1:
Enter 1.0.1.OC03I for input and 1.0.1.OC03O for output.

To connect Power Mate i-D with 224/2224 points in group 2:

Enter 2.0.1. /28 for input and 2.0.1. /28 for output.

To connect an I/O Link β amplifier in group 1:

Enter 1.0.1.OC02I for input and 1.0.1.OC02O for output.

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B-64393EN/02 3.I/O LINK

3.2.5 Assignment Method for I/O Link Connection Units

Conventionally, to exchange data between CNCs A and B, the devices indicated by (a) in the figure
below must be connected. (Any I/O units can be used to exchange data.)

CNC A I/O Unit I/O Unit CNC B

Model A Model A

I/O Unit ↔ I/O Unit
Model A Model A

I/O Unit I/O Unit

Model A Model A

An I/O Link connection unit replaces the connected devices to eliminate cable connection and enable the
power to each master or slave to be turned on and off independently.

CNC A I/O Unit I/O Unit CNC B

Model A Model A

← These devices are replaced with an

I/O Link connection unit.
I/O Unit (a) I/O Unit
Model A ↔ Model A

I/O Unit I/O Unit

Model A Model A

Therefore, when an I/O Link connection unit is used, the connection is as follows.

CNC A I/O Unit I/O Unit CNC B

Model A Model A

I/O Link
connection unit

I/O Unit I/O Unit

Model A Model A

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3.I/O LINK B-64393EN/02

Assignment method
Assignment data is determined according to the types of I/O devices replaced with an I/O Link
connection unit.

Occupied address Input device assignment name Output device assignment name
1 to 8 / ( :Numeric character 1 to 8) / ( :Numeric character 1 to 8)
12 /12 /12
16 OC02I or /16 OC02O or /16
20 /20 /20
24 /24 /24
28 /28 /28
32 OC03I or /32 OC03O or /32

Example of setting
To connect a connection unit whose occupied address is 16 bytes in GROUP=1 as an input device:
Enter 1.0.1.OC02I.

To connect a connection unit whose occupied address is 28 bytes in GROUP=1 as an input device:
Enter 1.0.1. /28.

For details of the hardware connection method, particularly connection of a power
supply, refer to the hardware connection manual for each related master/slave

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3.2.6 Assignment Method for a Handy Machine Operator's Panel

An example of connecting a handy machine operator's panel to the I/O Link is shown below.

I/O Link Handy machine

Group 0
master operator's panel

Operator's panel
Group 1
connection unit

Assignment method
Assign 16 bytes to X addresses and 32 bytes to Y addresses contiguously starting from any address for
each group. Set the group number used in the configuration for the group number and always set 0 for the
base number. Set the slot number and assignment name as shown in the table below. The number of
occupied input points for each group is 32 bytes, which is the same as that of output points, because of
limitations of the I/O Link.

[Examples of assigning X addresses]

X address Slot number Assignment name Occupied address
Xn+0 0 ## 4 bytes
Xn+4 1 #2 2 bytes
Xn+6 2 #2 2 bytes
Xn+8 3 #2 2 bytes
Xn+10 4 #2 2 bytes
Xn+12 5 #2 2 bytes
Xn+14 6 #2 2 bytes

[Examples of assigning Y addresses]

Y address Slot number Assignment name Occupied address
Yn+0 7 #2 2 bytes
Yn+2 8 #2 2 bytes
Yn+4 9 #2 2 bytes
Yn+6 10 #2 2 bytes
Yn+8 11 #2 2 bytes
Yn+10 12 #2 2 bytes
Yn+12 13 #2 2 bytes
Yn+14 14 #2 2 bytes
Yn+16 15 #2 2 bytes
Yn+18 16 #2 2 bytes
Yn+20 17 #2 2 bytes
Yn+22 18 #2 2 bytes
Yn+24 19 #2 2 bytes
Yn+26 20 #2 2 bytes
Yn+28 21 #2 2 bytes
Yn+30 22 #2 2 bytes

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3.2.7 Assignment Method for an AS-i Converter Unit

An I/O Link-AS-i converter unit converts I/O from the I/O Link to the AS-Interface (called AS-i below)
to enable the use of AS-i slave module DI/DO signals as a standalone unit.
The AS-i comes in two main versions: Ver 2.0 and Ver 2.1. Two types of I/O Link-AS-i converter units
are available for each of these versions.
An I/O Link-AS-i converter unit for Ver 2.0 differs from that for Ver 2.1 in the following points.

For Ver 2.0 For Ver 2.1

Number of input/output points 256 input points/256 output points 512 input points/512 output points
Occupied groups 1 group Contiguous 2 groups

For each version, an example of connection is shown and the assignment method is described below.

Example of connection for Ver 2.0

AS-i power
supply Group 0
I/O Link I/O Link-AS-i
master converter unit for
AS-i slave AS-i slave
Ver 2.0

Group 1
Operator's panel
connection unit

Assignment method for Ver 2.0

For the group number ([GROUP]), set the group number used in the configuration. (Set 0 for the above
example of connection.)
For the base number ([BASE]), always set 0.
For the slot number ([SLOT]), always set 1.
An I/O Link-AS-i converter unit occupies 256 points (32 bytes) for both input and output. Therefore, the
assignment names are as follows.

Input device assignment name Output device assignment name


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B-64393EN/02 3.I/O LINK

Example of connection for Ver 2.1

AS-i power
supply Groups 0 and 1
I/O Link I/O Link-AS-i

master converter unit for AS-i slave AS-i slave

Ver 2.1

Group 2
Operator's panel

connection unit

Assignment method for Ver 2.1

For the group number ([GROUP]), set the numbers for two contiguous groups in the configuration. Set 0
and 1 for the above example of connection.
For the base number ([BASE]), always set 0.
For the slot number ([SLOT]), always set 1.
An I/O Link-AS-i converter unit occupies 512 points for both input and output, 256 points (32 bytes) per
group. Therefore, the assignment names per group are the same as for an I/O Link-AS-i converter unit
for Ver 2.0. Set the same assignment names for each occupied group number.

Group number Input device assignment name Output device assignment name
n OC03I OC03O
n+1 OC03I OC03O

An I/O Link-AS-i converter unit for Ver 2.1 cannot be used as a converter unit for
Ver 2.0 with assignment data for Ver 2.0.

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3.I/O LINK B-64393EN/02

3.2.8 FS0 Operator's Panel

The FS0 operator's panel consists of many key-operated switches, LEDs, a rotary switch, and other
components. The status of each of key-operated switches and lamps is coded and as many signal lines as
the number of actual switches are not required to connect the operator's panel to a CNC. PMC
management software automatically codes the status and transfers data.
These operations require only that simple bit images indicating the switches, LEDs, and other
components to be operated by a PMC ladder program.


Bit PMC Input Coding

images manage- Xn… Keyboard
Bit Output Coding
images Ym… LED

Input Protect key

Contact Emergency stop
Override rotary
switch, etc.

FS0 operator's panel

PMC Input
ladder X*…
CNC program
software (user) Interface with
another machine
F*… Y*…

Fig. 3.2.8 (a) Block diagram of connection of an operator's panel

An operator's panel consists of the following keys, LEDs, and other components:
• Key-operated switches (sheet keys)
42 keys (0-TC)
46 keys (0-MC)
• LEDs (red) on all key-operated switches
• Override rotary switch (4 bits)
• Emergency stop button (1 bit)
• Program protect key (1 bit)

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Fig. 3.2.8 (b) Operator's panel for 0-TC

Fig. 3.2.8 (c) Operator's panel for 0-MC

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Fig. 3.2.8 (d) Machine operator's panel for the 0-TC full-keyboard 9-inch CRT/MDI unit

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B-64393EN/02 3.I/O LINK

Fig. 3.2.8 (e) Machine operator's panel for the 0-MC full-keyboard 9-inch CRT/MDI unit

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3.I/O LINK B-64393EN/02

Example of connection


I/O Link I/O unit FS0 operator's panel

(I/O Link)


CP6 JD1A module

24 VDC Another I/O unit

DI module: +24 V common, 24 ms

(Example) AID32A1
DO module: 0 V common
(Example) AOD32A1

Assignment method
For the group number ([GROUP]), set the group number used in the configuration.
For the base number ([BASE]), always set 0.
For the slot number ([SLOT]), always set 1.
For the above example of connection, the FS0 operator's panel occupies 32 points (4 bytes) for both input
and output. Therefore, the assignment names are as follows.

Input device assignment name Output device assignment name


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B-64393EN/02 3.I/O LINK

Operator's panel connection signals

Emergency stop signal (*ESP)

This signal is directly monitored by the CNC and is assigned at the fixed address.
For connection, refer to the section describing the interface between the CNC and PMC in the CNC
connection manual.

Override signals (*OV1 to *OV8) and program protect key signal (KEY)

For these signals, the relevant key-operated switch contact signals are directly input to the PMC. Directly
process these signals with a PMC ladder program.
For connection, refer to the section describing the interface between the CNC and PMC in the CNC
connection manual.

Key-operated switch signals (Xn, Xn+2)

Each key-operated switch signal is coded by PMC management software and input to the relevant PMC
address R as a bit image.
Whether a required key is pressed can be determined by checking the bit image of the key-operated
switch using the user PMC ladder program. (See Tables 3.2.8 (a), 3.2.8 (b), and 3.2.8 (c).) When a key is
pressed, the bit corresponding to the key is 1.
Up to two keys can be input simultaneously. Do not use any keyboard input method for a user PMC
program that requires simultaneous pressing of three or more keys. If three or more keys are pressed
simultaneously, they are not input correctly.
It takes up to 60 ms until the bit corresponding to a key is set to 1 (0) after the key is pressed (released).
The address of a key-operated switch signal (Xn to Xn+2: Table 3.2.8 (a)) and the address of its bit
image (Rk to Rk+7: Tables 3.2.8 (b) and (c)) can be defined as the fixed address or an unused address
without restrictions.

LED signals (Ym)

Create each LED signal at PMC address R as a bit image in the user PMC ladder program. PMC
management software converts the bit image of the LED signal to a coded output signal. (See Tables
3.2.8 (a), (b), and (c).) When a value of 1 is written in an LED bit image, the corresponding LED is
automatically turned on. In the same way, when a value of 0 is written, the LED is turned off. All LEDs
are off at power-on.
It takes up to 200 ms until an LED is turned on (off) after a value of 1 (0) is written in the corresponding
bit image by the PMC.

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The address of an LED signal (Ym: Table 3.2.8 (a)) and the address of its bit image (Rl to Rl+7: Tables
3.2.8 (b) and (c)) can be defined as the fixed address or an unused address without restrictions.

Table 3.2.8 (a) Key-operated switch and LED signal addresses

#7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0
Xn KD7 KD6 KD5 KD4 KD3 KD2 KD1 KD0


Xn+2 KST KA3 KA2 KA1 KA0

Ym LD7 LD6 LD5 LD4 LD3 LD2 LD1 LD0

Table 3.2.8 (b) Key-operated switch and LED signal bit image addresses
(for a compact operator's panel)
KEY/LED #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0
Rk/Rl F3 F2 F1 D1 C1 B1 A1

Rk+1/Rl+1 F4 D2 C2 B2 A2

Rk+2/Rl+2 D4 D3 C4 C3 B4 B3 A4 A3

Rk+3/Rl+3 F6 F5 D5 C5 B5 A5

Rk+4/Rl+4 F8 D6 C6 B6 A6

Rk+5/Rl+5 D8 C8 B8 A8 A7

Rk+6/Rl+6 F9 D9 C9 B9 A9

Rk+7/Rl+7 F10 D10 C10 B10 A10

Table 3.2.8 (c) Key-operated switch and LED signal bit image addresses
(for a full-keyboard operator's panel)
KEY/LED #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0
Rk/Rl E1 C1 A1 E6 D6 C6 B6 A6

Rk+1/Rl+1 E2 C2 A2 E7 D7 C7 B7 A7

Rk+2/Rl+2 E3 C3 A3 E8 D8 C8 B8 A8

Rk+3/Rl+3 E5 C4 A4 E9 D9 C9 B9 A9

Rk+4/Rl+4 D2 C5 A5 E10 D10 C10 B10 A10

Rk+5/Rl+5 D4 D5 B2 E11 D11 C11 B11 A11

Rk+6/Rl+6 D1 B1 B4 E12 D12 C12 B12 A12

Rk+7/Rl+7 D3 B3 B5 E13 D13 C13 B13 A13

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B-64393EN/02 3.I/O LINK

Setting addresses
Use the system parameter screen to set key-operated switch and LED signal addresses and bit image
For details of screen operations, see Section 9.8 described later. For details of parameters to be set, see
Section 2.4 described earlier.
The following simply describes how values set on the system parameter screen are set at addresses shown
in Tables 3.2.8 (a), (b), and (c).

On the system parameter screen, specify that the FS0 operator's panel is to be used. Then, set the start
key-operated switch address for "DI address", start LED signal address for "DO address", start key-
operated switch bit image address for "key input image address", and start LED signal bit image address
for "LED output image address".
When the following values are set:

DI address: X0
DO address: Y0
Key input image address: R900
LED output image address: R910

The addresses shown in Tables 3.2.8 (a), (b), and (c) are set to the following PMC addresses:

Xn → X0000
Xn+1 → X0001
Xn+2 → X0002
Ym → Y0000

Rk / Rl → R0900 / R0910
Rk+1 / Rl+1 → R0901 / R0911
Rk+2 / Rl+2 → R0902 / R0912
Rk+3 / Rl+3 → R0903 / R0913
Rk+4 / Rl+4 → R0904 / R0914
Rk+5 / Rl+5 → R0905 / R0915
Rk+6 / Rl+6 → R0906 / R0916
Rk+7 / Rl+7 → R0907 / R0917

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3.3.1 Outline
This function enables the common use of a sequence program for several machines which have different
I/O device configuration with each other, by setting the parameter to enable/disable each group in I/O link
assignment data.

Machine A Machine B
I/O devices I/O devices

CNC Power Connection CNC Power I/O

Mate Unit Mate Unit

I/O link assignment data I/O link assignment data

X0 0.0.1 FS08A (Power Mate) X0 0.0.1 FS08A (Power Mate)
X8 1.0.1 OC02I (Connection Unit) X24 1.0.1 I D32E (I/O Unit)

The I/O link assignment data of both the

machine A and the machine B are merged.
Off line programmer
I/O link assignment data
X0 0.0.1 FS08A (Power Mate)
X8 1.0.1 OC02I (Connection Unit)
X24 2.0.1 ID32E (I/O Unit)

Make ROM format file with I/O link assignment data that is used in both the
machine A and the machine B.

A sequence program is sent to CNC.

Set effective I/O groups on parameter.

Power Mate Enable Power Mate Enable

Connection Unit Enable Connection Unit Disable
I/O Unit Disable I/O Unit Enable

Machine A: I/O devices Machine B: I/O devices

CNC Power Connection CNC Power I/O

Mate Unit Mate Unit

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B-64393EN/02 3.I/O LINK
The I/O devices that are used in all machines can be set as basic part of configuration that is always

Basic part

Machine A: I/O devices Machine B: I/O devices

CNC Power Connection CNC Power I/O

Mate Unit Mate Unit

The I/O link assignment data of the

machine A and the machine B are merged.
Off line programmer

I/O link assignment data

X0 0.0.1 FS08A (Power Mate) Basic part (always connected)
X8 1.0.1 OC02I (Connection Unit) Optional group by parameter
X24 2.0.1 ID32E (I/O Unit) Optional group by parameter

Determine the basic part and the optional part of I/O link assignment data.

The sequence program is sent to CNC


Set effective I/O group on parameter.

Power Mate Basic Power Mate Basic

Connection Unit Enable Connection Unit Disable
I/O Unit Disable I/O Unit Enable

Machine A : I/O devices Machine B : I/O devices

CNC Power Connection CNC Power I/O

Mate Unit Mate Unit

When you set a basic part, you have to assign devices of basic part continuously
from group 0. And the basic part is connected with the top of the link.

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Basic part Optional part

CNC Power Connection I/O OK

Mate Unit Unit

CNC Power Connection I/O NG

Mate Unit Unit

Optional part
Basic part

This function requires setting the following parameters. These parameters can be set for each channel.
For details of each parameter, see Sections 2.4 and 9.5.


Enables/Disables this function in the system parameter.
Sets the counts of group in basic part in the system parameter. (This part must be assigned
continuously from group 0.) The basic groups in I/O link assignment data are always effective on all
machine configurations.
Sets the group of optional I/O device that is connected with each machine in the setting parameter.
This parameter doesn't affect the basic part.

The use of the "I/O Link point expansion option" for channel 2 enables this
function for the relevant channel.

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B-64393EN/02 3.I/O LINK

3.3.2 Example
There are three machines which have different configurations of I/O devices, each other.

• Configuration A
A machine which has a distribution I/O machine operator's panel and a connection panel I/O
connected with channel 1 of NC.

Channel 1

CNC Distribution I/O machine Connection panel I/O

operator's panel
Group 0 Group 1

Channel 2
No connection

• Configuration B
A machine which has a distribution I/O machine operator's panel and a Power Mate connected with
channel 1 of NC.

Channel 1

CNC Distribution I/O machine Power Mate

operator's panel
Group 0 Group 1

Channel 2
No connection

• Configuration C
A machine which has the configuration A on channel 1 and two beta amplifiers on channel 2.

Channel 1

CNC Distribution I/O machine Connection panel I/O

operator's panel
Group 0 Group 1

Channel 2

CNC Beta amp. Beta amp.

Group 0 Group 1

These machines can use a common sequence program which has I/O link assignment data that includes
all I/O device configurations. The contents of parameters for each I/O device configuration are as shown

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3.I/O LINK B-64393EN/02

(1) The contents of I/O link assignment data in sequence program

Channel 1
Address Group Base Slot Name I/O device
X0000 0 0 1 CM12I Distribution I/O machine operator’s panel
: : : : : :
X0020 1 0 1 CM03I Connection panel I/O
: : : : : :
X0030 2 0 1 FS08A Power Mate
: : : : : :

Channel 2
Address Group Base Slot Name I/O device
X0200 0 0 1 OC02I Beta amp.
: : : : : :
X0220 1 0 1 OC02I Beta amp.
: : : : : :

(2) The contents of parameter

• Configuration A
• System parameter
• Setting parameter
Group NO. 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07
(X0000/Y0000) * 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Group NO. 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07
(X0200/Y0200) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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B-64393EN/02 3.I/O LINK

• Configuration B
• System parameter
• Setting parameter
Group NO. 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07
(X0000/Y0000) * 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Group NO. 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07
(X0200/Y0200) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

• Configuration C
• System parameter
• Setting parameter
Group NO. 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07
(X0000/Y0000) * 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Group NO. 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07
(X0200/Y0200) 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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(3) The actual contents of I/O link assignment data modified by the parameter

• Configuration A
Channel 1
Address Group Base Slot Name I/O device
X0000 0 0 1 CM12I Distribution I/O machine operator’s
: : : : : :
X0020 1 0 1 CM03I Connection panel I/O
: : : : : :

Channel 2
No connection

• Configuration B
Channel 1
Address Group Base Slot Name I/O device
X0000 0 0 1 CM12I Distribution I/O machine operator’s
: : : : : :
X0030 1 0 1 FS08A Power Mate
: : : : : :

Channel 2
No connection

• Configuration C
Channel 1
Address Group Base Slot Name I/O device
X0000 0 0 1 CM12I Distribution I/O machine operator’s
: : : : : :
X0020 1 0 1 CM03I Connection panel I/O
: : : : : :

Channel 2
Address Group Base Slot Name I/O device
X0200 0 0 1 OC02I Beta amp.
: : : : : :
X0220 1 0 1 OC02I Beta amp.
: : : : : :

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B-64393EN/02 3.I/O LINK

3.3.3 Notes
(1) If PMC-parameters are cleared, cycling the power of CNC links only the basic part.
(2) After selecting the assignment data, the I/O devices are linked with shifted group number of
effective I/O link assignment data.
You can check the actual result of connection using the I/O Link connection display screen.

I/O link assignment data

Before selection After selection

Group 0 Effective Group 0

Group 1 Not effective Group 1

Group 2 Effective Group 2

Group 3 Not effective

Group 4 Effective

(3) You can not exchange the order of the I/O group number.

1 If the machine is linked again with incorrect setting of I/O link assignment
parameters, the machine may perform unexpected operation. If you want to
have the machine linked with I/O devices under the selected I/O link assignment
data, you have to turn off and on power after the confirmation of the correct
connection of the I/O devices.
2 To prevent any operator error caused in a case as described in "WARNING 1"
above, it is recommended that the "I/O Link connection check function" be
enabled. For details, see Section 3.4.

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The I/O Link connection check function always checks whether the number of I/O Link groups defined in
a sequence program is the same as that of actually connected groups. When the selectable I/O Link
assignment function is used, the I/O Link connection check function compares the number of selected
groups with that of connected groups.
If these numbers of groups do not match, the PMC alarm "ER97 IO LINK FAILURE (CHx yyGROUP)"
is issued. For action to be taken, see Section 11.1.

1 All I/O devices connected to the channel in which this alarm occurs are not
2 The ladder program is executed regardless of whether this alarm occurs.

The execution of this function can be controlled using keep relay K906.2.

0: Enables the I/O Link connection check function. (Initial value)
1: Disables the I/O Link connection check function.

If I/O devices are linked in the status in which an I/O device error or I/O device
connection error occurs or the setting of an I/O device is changed due to an
unintentional operation, the machine may not operate normally. This function
can always be operated to detect an I/O device error at power-on. To
troubleshoot problems with I/O devices easily, it is recommended that keep relay
K906.2 be set to the initial value (0).

- 152 -

Chapter 4, "LADDER LANGUAGE", consists of the following sections:

4.1 BASIC INSTRUCTIONS .................................................................................................................154

4.2 FUNCTIONAL INSTRUCTIONS ...................................................................................................182
4.3 TIMER ..............................................................................................................................................187
4.4 COUNTER........................................................................................................................................201
4.5 DATA TRANSFER ..........................................................................................................................215
4.6 TABLE DATA..................................................................................................................................251
4.7 COMPARISON ................................................................................................................................278
4.8 BIT OPERATION.............................................................................................................................298
4.9 CODE CONVERSION .....................................................................................................................374
4.10 OPERATION INSTRUCTION ........................................................................................................394
4.11 INSTRUCTIONS RELATED TO CNC FUNCTIONS....................................................................435
4.13 ROTATION CONTROL ..................................................................................................................492
4.14 INVALID INSTRUCTIONS ............................................................................................................499
4.15 NOTE ON PROGRAMMING ..........................................................................................................500

- 153 -


Designing a sequence program entails drawing a ladder diagram. Draw a ladder diagram by using relay
contact symbols as well as symbols representing the functional instructions described later. The logic
laid out in the ladder diagram is input to the programmer as a sequence program.
You can input a sequence program to the programmer in two ways - the relay symbol input method
whereby relay contact symbols and functional instruction symbols drawn in the ladder diagram are used
as they are (−⏐⏐−, −⏐/⏐−, −{−, etc.) and the mnemonic format input method that uses the mnemonic
language (PMC instructions such as RD, AND, and OR).
The relay symbol input method allows the ladder diagram format to be used as it is, thus letting you input
a sequence program in an intuitive, easy-to-understand manner. You will virtually have no trouble
creating a program even if you have little or no knowledge of the PMC instructions (basic instructions
such as RD, AND, and OR).
In fact, however, the content of a sequence program that is input using the relay symbol input method is
internally converted to instructions that are equivalent to the corresponding PMC instructions. Also, you
need to fully understand the functionalities of the functional instructions that are described later. It is
therefore necessary for you to carefully read the descriptions of the basic and functional instructions that
are given later in this manual.
For information about how to input PMC instructions to the programmer using relay and other symbols,
see Chapter 8.
When reading the descriptions of the PMC instructions, keep the following in mind.

(1) Signal addresses

An address is assigned to every relay coil and contact - that is, every signal - drawn in a ladder
diagram (see Fig. 4.1 (a)). An address consists of an address number and a bit number. A zero at
the beginning of an address may be omitted. For detailed information about addresses, see Section

Signal name Relay name


X8.1 R12.6
C R9.0

Y20.4 Bit number

Address number

Fig. 4.1 (a) Signal addresses

(2) Types of instruction
There are two types of PMC instruction - basic instructions and functional instructions.
(a) Basic instructions
The basic instructions are most frequently used in designing a sequence program. There are
24 instructions, including AND and OR, each of which performs a one-bit operation.
(b) Functional instructions
The functional instructions are intended to make it easy to program those machine operations
that are difficult to code with the basic instructions alone. For the types of functional
instructions, see Subsection 2.1.7 or 2.1.8.

- 154 -
(3) Storage of logical operation results
There is a register that stores the interim results of logical operations during the execution of a
sequence program.
This register consists of a total of nine bits, which is divided into a one-bit segment and an eight-bit
segment as shown in Fig. 4.1 (b).

Contains the interim

Stack register result of the logical
(Stores the interim results of previous operations temporarily.) operation currently


Fig. 4.1 (b) Structure of the register storing the results

of logical operations

When an instruction (such as RD.STK) that temporarily stores the interim result of a logical
operation is executed, the current content of the register is shifted to the left and the interim logical
operation result is stacked in the register, as shown in the above figure. Conversely, when an
instruction (such as AND.STK) that retrieves a stacked signal is executed, the register content is
shifted to the right and the signal is retrieved. The last stacked signal is retrieved first. For
information about the actual uses and operations of these instructions, see the relevant descriptions
in this manual.

- 155 -

4.1.1 Details of the Basic Instructions

Table 4.1.1 lists the types of the basic instructions and explains the processing they perform.
The difference between the two types of formats shown under Instruction is described below.

Mnemonic format:
The instructions are displayed in this format when you edit or print a ladder program that has been
converted to the mnemonic format with FANUC LADDER-III, by using a commercially available
text editor.
Mnemonic format (abbreviated):
These are the abbreviated forms of instructions that you can use when editing a ladder program that
has been converted to the mnemonic format with FANUC LADDER-III, by using a commercially
available text editor. If you input a file in this abbreviated format and convert it again to the ladder
diagram format with FANUC LADDER-III, the code in the file can still be recognized as being
written in the valid mnemonic format.

Detailed explanations of the individual basic instructions follow.

Table 4.1.1
No. Mnemonic Processing
1 RD R Reads the status of the specified signal and sets it in the ST0 bit.
Reads and reverses the logical status of the specified signal and sets it in
the ST0 bit.
Outputs the logical operation result (the status of the ST0 bit) to the
specified address.
Reverses and outputs the logical operation result (the status of the ST0
bit) to the specified address.
5 AND A Produces a logical product.
Reverses the logical status of the specified signal and produces a logical
7 OR O Produces a logical sum.
Reverses the logical status of the specified signal and produces a logical
Shifts the register content one bit to the left and sets the status of the
signal at the specified address in the ST0 bit.
Shifts the register content one bit to the left, reads and reverses the logical
status of the signal at the specified address, and sets it in the ST0 bit.
Sets the logical product of the ST0 and ST1 bits in the ST1 bit and shifts
the register content one bit to the right.
Sets the logical sum of the ST0 and ST1 bits in the ST1 bit and shifts the
register content one bit to the right.
Finds the logical sum of the ST0 bit and the status of the signal at the
specified address and outputs it to the specified address.
Finds the logical product of the reversed status of the ST0 bit and the
14 RST RST status of the signal at the specified address and outputs it to the specified
Positive transition contact instruction. When rising transition (0→1) of the
15 RDPT RPT specified signal is detected, "1" is set to the ST0 bit. Otherwise "0" is set to
the ST0 bit.
Positive transition contact instruction. When rising transition (0→1) of the
16 ANDPT APT specified signal is detected, ST0 bit is not changed. Otherwise "0" is set to
the ST0 bit.

- 156 -

No. Mnemonic Processing
Positive transition contact instruction. When rising transition (0→1) of the
17 ORPT OPT specified signal is detected, "1" is set to the ST0 bit. Otherwise ST0 bit is
not changed.
Positive transition contact instruction. Shifts the stack register content one
18 RDPT.STK RPTS bit to the left and when rising transition (0→1) of the specified signal is
detected, "1" is set to the ST0 bit. Otherwise "0" is set to the ST0 bit .
Negative transition contact instruction. When falling
19 RDNT RNT transition (1→0) of the specified signal is detected, "1" is set to the ST0
bit. Otherwise "0" is set to the ST0 bit.
Negative transition contact instruction. When falling transition (1→0) of the
20 ANDNT ANT specified signal is detected ST0 bit is not changed. Otherwise "0" is set to
the ST0 bit.
Negative transition contact instruction. When falling transition (1→0) of the
21 ORNT ONT specified signal is detected, "1" is set to the ST0 bit. Otherwise ST0 bit is
not changed.
Negative transition contact instruction. ifts the stack register content one
22 RDNT.STK RNTS bit to the left and when falling transition (1→0) of the specified signal is
detected, "1" is set to the ST0 bit. Otherwise "0" is set to the ST0 bit.
Instruction to make a branch of circuit. Shifts the stack register one bit to
the left. The contents of ST0 bit is not changed.
Instruction to make a branch of circuit. Shifts the stack register content
one bit to the right. (ST1→ST0)

- 157 -

4.1.2 RD Instruction

X10.1 X2.0 R2.1 R200.0


X5.1 R5.4



Fig. 4.1.2


RD .
Bit number

Address number

Table 4.1.2
Mnemonic format Status of operation result
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD X10 .1 A A
2 AND X2 .0 B A⋅B
3 AND.NOT R2 .1 C A⋅B⋅C
4 WRT R200 .0 W1 output A⋅B⋅C
5 RD X5 .1 D D
6 OR.NOT Y5 .2 E D+E
7 OR Y5 .3 F D+E+F
8 AND R5 .4 G (D + E + F)⋅G
9 WRT R200 .1 W2 output (D + E + F)⋅G

(1) Use this instruction to start coding from contact A (−⏐⏐−). For examples of how the RD
instruction is used, see the ladder diagram shown in Fig. 4.1.2 and the input example in the
mnemonic format given in Table 4.1.2.
(2) The instruction reads the status (0 or 1) of the signal at the specified address and sets it in the ST0
(3) The signal (contact) to be read by the RD instruction may be any signal (contact) that is input as a
logical condition of a coil (output).

- 158 -

4.1.3 RD.NOT Instruction

A B C W1

R1.1 F2.2 F3.3 R210.1

instruction D G W2

G5.1 R10.5



Fig. 4.1.3


Bit number

Address number

Table 4.1.3
Mnemonic format Status of operation result
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD.NOT R1 .1 A A
2 AND.NOT F2 .2 B A⋅B
3 AND.NOT F3 .3 C A⋅B⋅C
4 WRT R210 .1 W1 output A⋅B⋅C
5 RD.NOT G5 .1 D D
6 OR.NOT X4 .2 E D+E
7 OR Y10 .7 F D+E+F
8 AND R10 .5 G (D + E + F)⋅G
9 WRT R210 .2 W2 output (D + E + F)⋅G

(1) Use this instruction to start coding from contact B (−⏐/⏐−). For examples of how the RD.NOT
instruction is used, see the ladder diagram shown in Fig. 4.1.3 and the input example in the
mnemonic format given in Table 4.1.3.
(2) The instruction reads and reverses the logical status of the signal at the specified address and sets it
in the ST0 bit.
(3) The signal (contact) to be read by the RD.NOT instruction may be any contact B that is input as a
logical condition of a coil.

- 159 -

4.1.4 WRT Instruction


A C W1

R220.1 G2.2
X4.2 Y14.6 instruction

Fig. 4.1.4


Bit number

Address number

Table 4.1.4
Mnemonic format Status of operation result
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD R220 .1 A A
2 OR X4 .2 B A+B
3 AND G2 .2 C (A + B)⋅C
4 WRT Y11 .1 W1 output (A + B)⋅C
5 WRT Y14 .6 W2 output (A + B)⋅C

(1) The WRT instruction outputs the result of the logical operation, namely the status of the ST0 bit (0
or 1), to the specified address.
(2) The instruction can also output a logical operation result to two or more addresses simultaneously.
In that case, use the WRT instruction as shown in Fig. 4.1.4 and Table 4.1.4.

In each WRT,WRT.NOT instruction, specify different address. Double coil, which
means a coil with an address is often used in one ladder program, may occur
troubles of the execution timing in the sequence program. Don't use "double coil".

- 160 -

4.1.5 WRT.NOT Instruction



R220.1 G2.2
X4.2 Y14.6

WRT.NOT instruction

Fig. 4.1.5


Bit number

Address number

Table 4.1.5
Mnemonic format Status of operation result
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD R220 .1 A A
2 OR X4 .2 B A+B
3 AND G2 .2 C (A + B)⋅C
4 WRT Y11 .1 W1 output (A + B)⋅C
5 WRT.NOT Y14 .6 W2 output (A + B)⋅C

(1) The WRT.NOT instruction reverses and outputs the result of the logical operation, namely the status
of the ST0 bit, to the specified address. Fig. 4.1.5 and Table 4.1.5 show examples of how the
WRT.NOT instruction is used.

In each WRT,WRT.NOT instruction, specify different address. Double coil, which
means a coil with an address is often used in one ladder program, may occur
troubles of the execution timing in the sequence program. Don't use "double coil".

- 161 -

4.1.6 AND Instruction


A B C W1

X10.1 X2.0 R2.1 R200.0

D G W2

X5.1 R5.4


Fig. 4.1.6


Bit number

Address number

Table 4.1.6
Mnemonic format Status of operation result
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD X10 .1 A A
2 AND X2 .0 B A⋅B
3 AND.NOT R2 .1 C A⋅B⋅C
4 WRT R200 .0 W1 output A⋅B⋅C
5 RD X5 .1 D D
6 OR.NOT Y5 .2 E D+E
7 OR Y5 .3 F D+E+F
8 AND R5 .4 G (D + E + F)⋅G
9 WRT R200 .1 W2 output (D + E + F)⋅G

(1) This instruction produces a logical product.
(2) For examples of how the AND instruction is used, see Fig. 4.1.6 and Table 4.1.6.

- 162 -

4.1.7 AND.NOT Instruction


A B C W1

X10.1 X2.0 R2.1 R200.0

D G W2

X5.1 R5.4


Fig. 4.1.7


Bit number

Address number

Table 4.1.7
Mnemonic format Status of operation result
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD X10 .1 A A
2 AND X2 .0 B A⋅B
3 AND.NOT R2 .1 C A⋅B⋅C
4 WRT R200 .0 W1 output A⋅B⋅C
5 RD X5 .1 D D
6 OR.NOT Y5 .2 E D+E
7 OR Y5 .3 F D+E+F
8 AND R5 .4 G (D + E + F)⋅G
9 WRT R200 .1 W2 output (D + E + F)⋅G

(1) This instruction reverses the status of the signal at the specified address and produces a logical
(2) For examples of how the AND.NOT instruction is used, see Fig. 4.1.7 and Table 4.1.7.

- 163 -

4.1.8 OR Instruction

A B C W1

X10.1 X2.0 R2.1 R200.0

D G W2

X5.1 R5.4


Y5.3 OR instruction

Fig. 4.1.8


OR .
Bit number

Address number

Table 4.1.8
Mnemonic format Status of operation result
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD X10 .1 A A
2 AND X2 .0 B A⋅B
3 AND.NOT R2 .1 C A⋅B⋅C
4 WRT R200 .0 W1 output A⋅B⋅C
5 RD X5 .1 D D
6 OR.NOT Y5 .2 E D+E
7 OR Y5 .3 F D+E+F
8 AND R5 .4 G (D + E + F)⋅G
9 WRT R200 .1 W2 output (D + E + F)⋅G

(1) This instruction produces a logical sum.
(2) For examples of how the OR instruction is used, see Fig. 4.1.8 and Table 4.1.8.

- 164 -

4.1.9 OR.NOT Instruction


A B C W1

X10.1 X2.0 R2.1 R200.0

D G W2

X5.1 R5.4

Y5.2 OR.NOT instruction



Fig. 4.1.9


Bit number

Address number

Table 4.1.9
Mnemonic format Status of operation result
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD X10 .1 A A
2 AND X2 .0 B A⋅B
3 AND.NOT R2 .1 C A⋅B⋅C
4 WRT R200 .0 W1 output A⋅B⋅C
5 RD X5 .1 D D
6 OR.NOT Y5 .2 E D+E
7 OR Y5 .3 F D+E+F
8 AND R5 .4 G (D + E + F)⋅G
9 WRT R200 .1 W2 output (D + E + F)⋅G

(1) This instruction reverses the status of the signal at the specified address and produces a logical sum.
(2) For examples of how the OR.NOT instruction is used, see Fig. 4.1.9 and Table 4.1.9.

- 165 -

4.1.10 RD.STK Instruction


A C W1

X1.1 Y1.2 Y15.0


X1.3 Y1.4

R2.1 R3.5

RD.STK instruction

Fig. 4.1.10


Bit number

Address number

Table 4.1.10
Mnemonic format Status of operation result
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD X1 .1 A A
2 AND Y1 .2 C A⋅C
3 RD.STK X1 .3 B A⋅C B
4 AND Y1 .4 D A⋅C B⋅D
5 OR.STK A⋅C + B⋅D
6 RD.STK R2 .1 E A⋅C + B⋅D E
7 AND R3 .5 F A⋅C + B⋅D E⋅F
8 OR.STK A⋅C + B⋅D + E⋅F
9 WRT Y15 .0 W1 output A⋅C + B⋅D + E⋅F

(1) The RD.STK instruction stacks the interim result of a logical operation. Use this instruction when
the signal you specify is contact A (−⏐⏐−). After shifting the register content one bit to the left, the
instruction sets the status of the signal at the specified address in the ST0 bit.
(2) For examples of how the RD.STK instruction is used, see Fig. 4.1.10 and Table 4.1.10.

- 166 -

4.1.11 RD.NOT.STK Instruction


A B E F W1
RD.NOT.STK instruction

X1.0 X1.1 Y1.2 Y1.3 Y15.7


R1.4 R1.5 X1.6 Y1.7

Fig. 4.1.11


Bit number

Address number

Table 4.1.11
Mnemonic format Status of operation result
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD X1 .0 A A
2 AND.NOT X1 .1 B A⋅B
3 RD.NOT.STK R1 .4 C A⋅B C
4 AND.NOT R1 .5 D A⋅B C⋅D
5 OR.STK A⋅B + C⋅D
6 RD.STK Y1 .2 E A⋅B + C⋅D E
7 AND Y1 .3 F A⋅B + C⋅D E⋅F
8 RD.STK Y1 .6 G A⋅B + C⋅D E⋅F G
9 AND.NOT Y1 .7 H A⋅B + C⋅D E⋅F G⋅H
10 OR.STK A⋅B + C⋅D E⋅F + G⋅H
11 AND.STK (A⋅B + C⋅D)⋅(E⋅F + G⋅H)
12 WRT Y15 .7 W1 output (A⋅B + C⋅D)⋅(E⋅F + G⋅H)

(1) The RD.NOT.STK instruction stacks the interim result of a logical operation. Use this instruction
when the signal you specify is contact B (−⏐/⏐−). After shifting the register content one bit to the
left, the instruction reverses the status of the signal at the specified address and sets it in the ST0 bit.
(2) For examples of how the RD.NOT.STK instruction is used, see Fig. 4.1.11 and Table 4.1.11.

- 167 -

4.1.12 AND.STK Instruction


A B E F W1

X1.0 X1.1 Y1.2 Y1.3 Y15.7


AND.STK instruction
R1.4 R1.5 X1.6 Y1.7

Fig. 4.1.12 (a)


Table 4.1.12
Mnemonic format Status of operation result
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD X1 .0 A A
2 AND.NOT X1 .1 B A⋅B
3 RD.NOT.STK R1 .4 C A⋅B C
4 AND.NOT R1 .5 D A⋅B C⋅D
5 OR.STK A⋅B + C⋅D
6 RD.STK Y1 .2 E A⋅B + C⋅D E
7 AND Y1 .3 F A⋅B + C⋅D E⋅F
8 RD.STK Y1 .6 G A⋅B + C⋅D E⋅F G
9 AND.NOT Y1 .7 H A⋅B + C⋅D E⋅F G⋅H
10 OR.STK A⋅B + C⋅D E⋅F + G⋅H
11 AND.STK (A⋅B + C⋅D)⋅(E⋅F + G⋅H)
12 WRT Y15 .7 W1 output (A⋅B + C⋅D)⋅(E⋅F + G⋅H)

(1) The AND.STK instruction finds the logical product of the operation result stored in the ST0 bit and
that stored in the ST1 bit and sets it in the ST1 bit. The instruction then shifts the register content
one bit to the right and puts the resulting logical product into the ST0 bit. Fig. 4.1.12 (b) shows a
detailed image of what is shown in Fig. 4.1.12 (a).




AND.STK instruction

Fig. 4.1.12 (b)

(2) For examples of how the AND.STK instruction is used, see Fig. 4.1.12 (a) and Table 4.1.12.
- 168 -

4.1.13 OR.STK Instruction


A C W1

X1.1 Y1.2 Y15.0


X1.3 Y1.4

R2.1 R3.5

OR.STK instruction

Fig. 4.1.13 (a)


Table 4.1.13
Mnemonic format Status of operation result
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD X1 .1 A A
2 AND Y1 .2 C A⋅C
3 RD.STK X1 .3 B A⋅C B
4 AND Y1 .4 D A⋅C B⋅D
5 OR.STK A⋅C + B⋅D
6 RD.STK R2 .1 E A⋅C + B⋅D E
7 AND R3 .5 F A⋅C + B⋅D E⋅F
8 OR.STK A⋅C + B⋅D + E⋅F
9 WRT Y15 .0 W1 output A⋅C + B⋅D + E⋅F

- 169 -

(1) The OR.STK instruction finds the logical sum of the operation result stored in the ST0 bit and that
stored in the ST1 bit and sets it in the ST1 bit. The instruction then shifts the register content one
bit to the right and puts the resulting logical sum into the ST0 bit. Fig. 4.1.13 (b) shows a detailed
image of what is shown in Fig. 4.1.13 (a).





OR.STK instruction

Fig. 4.1.13 (b)

(2) For examples of how the OR.STK instruction is used, see Fig. 4.1.13 (a) and Table 4.1.13.

In the example shown in Table 4.1.13, the OR.STK instruction is specified at step
number 5. You will obtain the same result if you place the OR.STK instruction
between step numbers 7 and 8. However, coding similar instructions, such as
OR.STK and AND.STK, successively makes you prone to errors. It is therefore
recommended to code your program as shown in Table 4.1.13.

- 170 -

4.1.14 SET Instruction


R0.0 Y0.0

SET instruction

Fig. 4.1.14


Bit number

Address number

Table 4.1.14
Mnemonic format Status of operation result
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD R0 .0 A A
2 OR X0 .0 B A+B
3 SET Y0 .0 Y0.0 output A+B

(1) This instruction keeps the status of the specified address to ON. It finds the logical sum of the
operation result (ST0) and the specified address and outputs it to the specified address.
(2) For examples of how the SET instruction is used, see Fig. 4.1.14 and Table 4.1.14.

When placed between the COM and COME instructions, the SET instruction
behaves as follows:
When the COM condition is set to ON (ACT = 1), the SET instruction runs
When the COM condition is set to OFF (ACT = 0), the SET instruction does not

- 171 -

4.1.15 RST Instruction



R0.0 Y0.0

RST instruction

Fig. 4.1.15


Bit number

Address number

Table 4.1.15
Mnemonic format Status of operation result
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD R0 .0 A A
2 OR X0 .0 B A+B
3 RST Y0 .0 Y0.0 output A+B

(1) This instruction keeps the status of the specified address to OFF. It finds the logical product of the
operation result (ST0) and the specified reversed address and outputs it to the specified address.
(2) For examples of how the RST instruction is used, see Fig. 4.1.15 and Table 4.1.15.

When placed between the COM and COME instructions, the RST instruction
behaves as follows:
When the COM condition is set to ON (ACT = 1), the RST instruction runs
When the COM condition is set to OFF (ACT = 0), the RST instruction does not

- 172 -

4.1.16 RDPT Instruction

Positive transition contact instruction. When rising transition (0→1) of the specified signal is detected,
"1" is set to the ST0 bit. Otherwise "0" is set to the ST0 bit.
This instruction can specify the same address in two or more point in ladder circuit.

Fig. 4.1.16(a) shows the ladder format and Table 4.1.16(a) shows the mnemonic format.

A W1
X10.0 Y20.0

RDPT instruction

Fig. 4.1.16 (a) Format of RDPT instruction

Table4.1.16 (a) Mnemonic of RDPT instruction

Mnemonic format Status of operation result
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RDPT X10 .0 A A(PT)
2 WRT Y20 .0 W1 output A(PT)

Timing chart in the above example is as follows.

1 scan

Fig. 4.1.16 (b) Timing chart of RDPT instruction

1 The bit, already turned on when a program is started after program reading by the
Input/Output function or Power ON, turns on the output with the scan at the
beginning just after starting.
2 An output may not be turned on when a bit changes with OFF→ON→OFF during
1 scan. Moreover, when validating the result of ladder edit, a scanning time
temporarily becomes larger.
3 In ladder edit, when the bit of the edited contact turns on, an output is turned on
with the scan of the beginning after edit
4 When this instruction is skipped by Jump instruction or subroutine call instruction,
this instruction is not executed and the output of instruction does not change.
5 This instruction uses a work memory internally in order to detect bit transition.
The PMC Software or the FANUC LADDER-III searches the work memory
automatically in the domain which can be used, and is assigned. Therefore, the
program edited in a different procedure becomes mismatching at the comparing,
even when the appearance of ladder diagram is the same.

- 173 -

4.1.17 ANDPT Instruction

Positive transition contact instruction. When rising transition (0→1) of the specified signal is detected,
ST0 bit is not changed. Otherwise "0" is set to the ST0 bit.
This instruction can specify the same address in two or more point in ladder circuit.

Fig. 4.1.17(a) shows the ladder format and Table 4.1.17(a) shows the mnemonic format.

A B W1
X10.0 R20.0 Y30.0

ANDPT instruction

Fig. 4.1.17 (a) Format of ANDPT Instruction

Table 4.1.17 (a) Mnemonic of ANDPT Instruction

Mnemonic format Status of operation result
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD X10 .0 A A
2 ANDPT R20 .0 B A • B (PT)
3 WRT Y30 .0 W1 output A • B (PT)

Timing chart in the above example is as follows.


1 scan

Fig. 4.1.17 (b) Timing chart of ANDPT Instruction

Please refer to "4.1.16 RDPT Instruction" notes about this instruction.

- 174 -

4.1.18 ORPT Instruction

Positive transition contact instruction. When rising transition (0→1) of the specified signal is detected,
"1" is set to the ST0 bit. Otherwise ST0 bit is not changed.
This instruction can specify the same address in two or more point in ladder circuit.

Fig. 4.1.18(a) shows the ladder format and Table 4.1.18(a) shows the mnemonic format.

A W1

X10.0 Y30.0


ORPT Instruction

Fig. 4.1.18 (a) Format of ORPT Instruction

Table 4.1.18 (a) Mnemonic of ORPT Instruction

Mnemonic format Status of operation result
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD X10 .0 A A
2 ORPT R20 .0 B A + B (PT)
3 WRT Y30 .0 W1 output A + B (PT)

Timing chart in the above example is as follows.


1 scan

Fig. 4.1.18 (b) Timing chart of ORPT Instruction

Please refer to "4.1.16 RDPT Instruction" notes about this instruction.

- 175 -

4.1.19 RDPT.STK Instruction

Positive transition contact instruction. Shifts the stack register content one bit to the left and when rising
transition (0→1) of the specified signal is detected, "1" is set to the ST0 bit. Otherwise "0" is set to the
ST0 bit .
This instruction can specify the same address in two or more point in ladder circuit.

Fig. 4.1.19(a) shows the ladder format and Table 4.1.19(a) shows the mnemonic format.

A B W1
X10.0 R20.0 Y40.0

C RDPT.STK instruction


Fig. 4.1.19 (a) Format of RDPT.STK Instruction

Table 4.1.19 (a) Mnemonic of RDPT.STK Instruction

Mnemonic format Status of operation result
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD X10 .0 A A
2 RDPT.STK R20 .0 B A B(PT)
3 OR R30 .0 C A B(PT) + C
4 AND.STK A • (B(PT) + C)
5 WRT Y40 .0 W1 output A • (B(PT) + C)

Timing chart in the above example is as follows.


1 scan

Fig. 4.1.19 (b) Timing chart of RDPT.STK Instruction

Please refer to "4.1.16 RDPT Instruction" notes about this instruction.

- 176 -

4.1.20 RDNT Instruction

Negative transition contact instruction. When falling transition (1→0) of the specified signal is detected,
"1" is set to the ST0 bit. Otherwise "0" is set to the ST0 bit.
This instruction can specify the same address in two or more point in ladder circuit.

Fig. 4.1.20(a) shows the ladder format and Table 4.1.20(a) shows the mnemonic format.

A W1
X10.0 Y20.0

RDNT Instruction

Fig. 4.1.20 (a) Format of RDNT Instruction

Table 4.1.20 (a) Mnemonic of RDNT Instruction

Mnemonic format Status of operation result
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RDNT X10 .0 A A(NT)
2 WRT Y20 .0 W1 output A(NT)

Timing chart in the above example is as follows.

1 scan

Fig. 4.1.20 (b) Timing chart of RDNT Instruction

1 The bit, already turned off when a program is started after program reading by the
Input/Output function or Power ON, turns on the output with the scan at the
beginning just after starting.
2 An output may not be turned on when a bit changes with ON→OFF→ON during 1
scan. Moreover, when validating the result of ladder edit, a scanning time
temporarily becomes larger.
3 In ladder edit, when the bit contained in the edited ladder net has already turned
off, only the edited contact does not turned on with the scan of the beginning after
4 When this instruction is skipped by Jump instruction or subroutine call instruction,
this instruction is not executed and the output of instruction does not change.
5 This instruction uses a work memory internally in order to detect bit transition.
The PMC Software or the FANUC LADDER-III searches the work memory
automatically in the domain which can be used, and is assigned. Therefore, the
program edited in a different procedure becomes mismatching at the comparing,
even when the appearance of ladder diagram is the same.
- 177 -

4.1.21 ANDNT Instruction

Negative transition contact instruction. When falling transition (1→0) of the specified signal is detected
ST0 bit is not changed. Otherwise "0" is set to the ST0 bit.
This instruction can specify the same address in two or more point in ladder circuit.

Fig. 4.1.21(a) shows the ladder format and Table 4.1.21(a) shows the mnemonic format.

A B W1
X10.0 R20.0 Y30.0

ANDNT Instruction

Fig. 4.1.21 (a) Format of ANDNT Instruction

Table4.1.21 (a) Mnemonic of ANDNT Instruction

Mnemonic format Status of operation result
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD X10 .0 A A
2 ANDNT R20 .0 B A • B (NT)
3 WRT Y30 .0 W1 output A • B (NT)

Timing chart in the above example is as follows.


1 scan

Fig. 4.1.21 (b) Timing chart of ANDNT Instruction

Please refer to "4.1.20 RDNT Instruction" notes about this instruction.

- 178 -

4.1.22 ORNT Instruction

Negative transition contact instruction. When falling transition (1→0) of the specified signal is detected,
"1" is set to the ST0 bit. Otherwise ST0 bit is not changed.
This instruction can specify the same address in two or more point in ladder circuit.

Fig. 4.1.22(a) shows the ladder format and Table 4.1.22(a) shows the mnemonic format.

A W1

X10.0 Y30.0


ORNT Instruction

Fig. 4.1.22 (a) Format of ORNT Instruction

Table 4.1.22 (a) Mnemonic of ORNT Instruction

Mnemonic format Status of operation result
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD X10 .0 A A
2 ORNT R20 .0 B A + B (NT)
3 WRT Y30 .0 W1 output A + B (NT)

Timing chart in the above example is as follows.


1 scan

Fig. 4.1.22 (b) Timing chart of ORNT Instruction

Please refer to "4.1.20 RDNT Instruction" notes about this instruction.

- 179 -

4.1.23 RDNT.STK Instruction

Negative transition contact instruction. Shifts the stack register content one bit to the left and when falling
transition (1→0) of the specified signal is detected, "1" is set to the ST0 bit. Otherwise "0" is set to the
ST0 bit.
This instruction can specify the same address in two or more point in ladder circuit.

Fig. 4.1.23(a) shows the ladder format and Table 4.1.23(a) shows the mnemonic format.

A B W1
X10.0 R20.0 Y40.0

C RDNT.STK Instruction


Fig. 4.1.23 (a) Format of RDNT.STK Instruction

Table 4.1.23 (a) Mnemonic of RDNT.STK Instruction

Mnemonic format Status of operation result
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD X10 .0 A A
2 RDNT.STK R20 .0 B A B(NT)
3 OR R30 .0 C A B(NT) + C
4 AND.STK A • (B(NT) + C)
5 WRT Y40 .0 W1 output A • (B(NT) + C)

Timing chart in the above example is as follows.


1 scan

Fig. 4.1.23 (b) Timing chart of RDNT.STK Instruction

Please refer to "4.1.20 RDNT Instruction" notes about this instruction.

- 180 -

4.1.24 PUSH Instruction

POP Instruction
Instruction to make a branch of circuit.
A PUSH instruction shifts the stack register one bit to the left. The current operation result (ST0) is not
A POP instruction shifts the stack register one bit to the right.

Fig. 4.1.24(a) shows the ladder format and Table 4.1.24(a) shows the mnemonic format.

A B W1

X10.0 PUSH Instruction R20.0 Y50.0

C W2

R30.0 Y60.0
POP Instruction
D W3

R40.0 Y70.0

Fig. 4.1.24 (a) Format of PUSH and POP Instructions

Table 4.1.24 (a) Mnemonic of PUSH and POP Instructions

Mnemonic format Status of operation result
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD X10 .0 A A
3 AND R20 .0 B A A•B
4 WRT Y50 .0 W1 output A A•B
7 AND R30 .0 C A A•C
8 WRT Y60 .0 W2 output A A•C
10 AND R40 .0 D A•D
11 WRT Y70 .0 W3 output A•D

(1) In the above example, the value of A stored in ST0 is shift to ST1 by PUSH instruction before
performing the logical product of A and B. The value of ST0 is not changed.
(2) After outputting the operation result of the logical product of A and B to W1, the value of A stored
in ST1 is shifted to ST0 by POP instruction.
(3) Before performing the logical product of A and C, the value of A stored in ST0 is shifted to ST1 by
PUSH instruction. The value of ST0 is not changed.
(4) After outputting the operation result of the logical product of A and C to W2, the value of A stored
in ST1 is shifted to ST0 by POP instruction.
(5) The logical product of A and D is performed and an operation result is outputted to W3.

- 181 -


When creating a sequence program, you may find it difficult to code certain types of functions with the
basic instructions alone that perform a one-bit logical operation each. One example is a shortcut control
function for a rotating part that involves numeric and other complex operations. To facilitate the
programming of these functions that are difficult to code with the basic instructions alone, a set of
functional instructions are available.
This section describes how to use each functional instruction. For a list of the functional instructions
and information about their specifications, see Subsection 2.1.7 or 2.1.8.

4.2.1 Format of the Functional Instructions

Before detailed descriptions of the individual functional instructions are given, this subsection explains
the format of the functional instructions and their general specifications. Be sure to read this subsection
because it contains important information such as the rules regarding the use of the functional

(1) Format of the functional instructions

Since the functional instructions cannot be represented using relay symbols, they need to be
represented in the format shown in Fig. 4.2.1 (a). The structure of a functional instruction consists
of control conditions, an instruction, parameters, an output coil (W1), a functional instruction
operation result register (R9000 to R9005).

Control conditions Parameters


L0 L1 Instruction Parameter 1
(2) Parameter 2
R 2.4 R 3.1 Parameter 3
(1) Parameter 4
R 10.1
R 5.7
(Note 1)
R 7.1

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0






Fig. 4.2.1 (a) Structure of a functional instruction

- 182 -
Table 4.2.1 (a) Coding format of the functional instructions
Mnemonic format Status of operation result
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD R1 . 0 A A
2 AND R1 . 1 B A⋅B
3 RD.STK R2 . 4 C A⋅B C
4 AND.NOT R3 . 1 D A⋅B C⋅D
7 SUB {{ Instruction A⋅B C⋅D RST ACT
8 (PRM) (Note 2) {{{{ Parameter 1 A⋅B C⋅D RST ACT
9 (PRM) {{{{ Parameter 2 A⋅B C⋅D RST ACT
10 (PRM) {{{{ Parameter 3 A⋅B C⋅D RST ACT
11 (PRM) {{{{ Parameter 4 A⋅B C⋅D RST ACT
12 WRT R10 . 1 W1 output A⋅B C⋅D RST W1

1 The number within each pair of parentheses shown for the control conditions
represents the position in the register where the result is to be stored.
2 The term (PRM) in the Instruction fields for step numbers 8 to 11 means a
parameter. You do not need to input the term (PRM); just enter an address or
numeric data.

(2) Control conditions

The number of control conditions and the meanings of those conditions differ for each functional
The control conditions are stored in the register, as shown in Table 4.2.1 (a). Once set, therefore,
the sequence of the control conditions is fixed. You cannot change the sequence or omit any of the
control conditions.

All functional instructions give precedence to the RST processing when they
include RST in their control conditions. Therefore, when RST = 1, the functional
instruction carries out the RST processing even if ACT = 0.

(3) Instruction
For the types of functional instructions, see Subsection 2.1.7 or 2.1.8.
To input the instruction with relay symbols, use the soft keys of the programmer.
(4) Parameters
Unlike the basic instructions, the functional instructions deal with numeric values. Therefore,
reference data values and addresses storing data may be entered in their parameters. The number of
parameters and the meanings of those parameters differ for each functional instruction.
(5) W1
W1 is the destination to which the functional instruction outputs its operation result when that result
can be represented by a one-bit value, 0 or 1. The designer can freely decide the address of W1.
The meaning of W1 differs for each functional instruction. Some functional instructions do not
have the W1 output.

- 183 -

(6) Data to be processed

The data processed by the functional instructions is in two formats - binary coded decimal (BCD)
format and binary format. Formerly, the PMC system handled numeric data mainly in the BCD
format. However, dealing with all numeric data in the binary format is now recommended for the
following reasons.
(a) The numeric data exchanged between NC and PMC (M, S, T, and B codes) is in the binary
(b) The CPU carries out all numeric data operations in the binary format. Therefore, if data is
provided in the binary format, the conversion between the BCD and binary formats becomes
unnecessary, thus speeding up the PMC processing.
(c) The use of binary format data allows you to handle a wider range of numeric data while at the
same time making it easier to deal with negative numeric data. This leads to an enhanced
operation capability. In principle, binary numeric data is handled in units of one byte (−128 to
+127), two bytes (−32,768 to +32,767), or four bytes (−2,147,483,648 to +2,147,483,647).
(d) When you enter numeric data using the CNC screen keys or display numeric data on the CNC
screen, you will experience no inconvenience because binary numeric data values are all set
and displayed in the decimal format. It is just that the data stored in the internal memory is
written in the binary format. You only need to exercise care when the sequence program
references memory. See item (7) for examples of numeric data. For the reasons mentioned
above, all the functional instructions described in this manual are designed to deal with binary
data and handle mainly binary data.
(7) Examples of numeric data
(a) BCD format data
Basically, the data processed in the BCD format is handled in units of one byte (0 to 99), two
bytes (0 to 9999), or four bytes (0 to 99,999,999; for the DCNVB instruction only). A
four-digit BCD data block is stored in two bytes of consecutive addresses, as in the following

When BCD data 1234 is stored at addresses R250 and R251
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

R250 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0

3 4

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R251 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0

1 2

In the functional instruction, specify the address having the smaller number, R250.
Note) The low-order digits are stored in the smaller number address.

- 184 -
(b) Binary format data
Basically, the data processed in the binary format is handled in units of one byte (−128 to +127),
two bytes (−32,768 to +32,767), or four bytes (−2,147,483,648 to +2,147,483,647). The data
is stored at addresses R200, R201, R202, and R203, as shown below. Note that negative
numbers are set as two's complements.

One-byte data (−128 to +127) (Example) One-byte data

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R200 ± 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 (+1)
0: Positive
1: Negative

Two-byte data (−32,768 to +32,767) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (-1)

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R200 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20

0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (+127)
R201 ± 214 213 212 211 210 29 28

Four-byte data (−2,147,483,648 to +2,147,483,647) 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 (-127)

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R200 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20

R201 215 214 213 212 211 210 29 28

R202 223 2

R203 ± 2

In the functional instruction, specify the address having the

smallest number, R200.

(8) Addresses of numeric data processed by functional instructions

When the numeric data to be processed by a functional instruction consists of two or four bytes, it is
recommended to specify an even number or a multiple of four as the address of the numeric data in
the relevant parameter of that functional instruction. Specifying an even-numbered or
multiple-of-four address causes the functional instruction to execute slightly faster.
In the case of a functional instruction that mainly deals with binary data, such a parameter is marked
with an asterisk (*) in the parameter field of the diagram illustrating the format of the functional
instruction, as shown below.
An even-numbered or multiple-of-four address means that the letter R is followed by an even
number or a multiple of four in the case of an internal relay, or that the letter D is followed by an
even number or a multiple of four in the case of a data table.

- 185 -

* When the numeric data consists of two or four bytes, specify an even-numbered or multiple-of-four address
for each of those addresses marked with *. Doing so causes the functional instruction to execute faster.

Error output

RST {{{{ Format

SUB36 W1
{{{{ Summand data address *
{{{{ Addend data (address) *
{{{{ Addition result output address *

Fig. 4.2.1 (b)

(9) Functional instruction operation result register

(R9000 to R9005) (See Fig. 4.2.1 (c).)
The results of executing functional instructions are set in this register. The register is shared by all
the functional instructions. Therefore, if you do not reference the register immediately after
executing the target functional instruction, the operation data of that instruction is erased as a
subsequent functional instruction is executed.
Also note that the operation data of this register cannot be exchanged between sequence programs of
different levels. For example, when the subtraction instruction (SUBB) is executed in a first level
program and the result of its execution is set in the register, a second level program cannot reference
the set operation data by reading the register in the R9000 range.
The operation data set in this register can be shared by sequence programs of the same level and is
maintained until immediately before a functional instruction is executed that sets subsequent
operation data in the register. The operation data to be set in this register differs for each functional
instruction. The sequence program can read this data but not write to this register.

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0






Fig. 4.2.1 (c)

This register consists of six bytes, from R9000 to R9005. A single block of data can be read from the
register in bits or bytes at a time.
To read the data of the first bit of R9000, for example, specify RD R9000.1.

- 186 -

The following types of timer instruction are available. Use any of these instructions as appropriate for
your purpose.

Instruction name Sub number Processing

1 TMR 3 On-delay timer
2 TMRB 24 Fixed on-delay timer
3 TMRBF 77 Fixed off-delay timer
4 TMRC 54 On-delay timer
5 TMRST 221 Stop watch timer (1 ms accuracy) (NOTE)
6 TMRSS 222 Stop watch timer (1 sec accuracy) (NOTE)

To use this function, the option of “Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function” is

- 187 -

4.3.1 TMR (On-delay Timer: SUB 3)

This is an on-delay timer.
Since you set the time in nonvolatile memory (T address) using the timer screen, you can change the set
time without changing the ladder diagram.
The timer number you specify in the parameter is a number displayed on the timer screen.The data type in
this instruction is binary type.

Fig. 4.3.1 (a) shows the ladder format and Table 4.3.1 shows the mnemonic format.

TMR {{{ Timer number
Timer relay

Fig. 4.3.1 (a) Format of TMR instruction

Table 4.3.1 Mnemonic of TMR instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 TMR {{{ Timer number
3 WRT {{{{ .{ Timer relay output W1

In the above mnemonic format, instruction name "TMR" at step number 2 can be abbreviated as "T".

T indicates the time set in this timer command.

Fig. 4.3.1 (b) Operation of the timer

Control condition
ACT = 0: Turns off W1.
ACT = 1: Starts the timer.

Set the timer number.

1 If the timer number is duplicated, or falls outside the valid range, the operation will
be unpredictable.

- 188 -

Setting timers
The initial value of the timer setting time can be set in steps of 48 msec for timer numbers 1 to 8 and in
steps of 8 msec for timer numbers 9 and later. (For information about the number of timers of each
PMC, see the table below.) The setting time value is rounded down to a multiple of the unit time.
For example, if 38 msec is set, the remainder 6 (38 = 8 × 4 + 6) is discarded, and only 32 msec is actually

Initial number of the timer 0i-D 0i-D / 0i Mate-D 0i-D

setting time PMC PMC/L DCS PMC
48-msec timer number 1 to 8 1 to 8 1 to 8
8-msec timer number 9 to 250 9 to 40 9 to 40

Timer accuracy
The timer screen allows you to set the accuracy of each timer individually. The setting time range and
error are as shown below. For detailed information about how to set the timer accuracy, see Subsection

Timer type and number Setting time Error

48 msec (1 to 8) (initial value) 48 msec to 1572.8 sec 0 to ±1st level sweep interval (8 msec)
8 msec (9 or larger) (initial value) 8 msec to 262.1 sec 0 to ±1st level sweep interval (8 msec)
1 msec (1 or larger) 1 msec to 32.7 sec 0 to ±1st level sweep interval (8 msec)
10 msec (1 or larger) 10 msec to 327.7 sec 0 to ±1st level sweep interval (8 msec)
100 msec (1 or larger) 100 msec to 54.6 min 0 to ±1st level sweep interval (8 msec)
1 sec (1 or larger) 1 sec to 546 min 0 to ±1st level sweep interval (8 msec)
1 min (1 or larger) 1 min to 546 h 0 to ±1 sec

Error is caused only by operation time of the timer instruction. For example, when a timer instruction is
used in the 2nd level sequence part, the variation does not include the delay time (Max. 2nd level
sequence one cycle time) until the sequence actuates after the set time is reached.

Timer relay (W1)

When the time preset is reached with ACT = 1, the timer relay turns on. The designer can freely decide
the address of W1.

- 189 -

4.3.2 TMRB (Fixed On-delay Timer: SUB 24)

This timer is used as a fixed on-delay timer.
Time present in this fixed timer is written to the memory together with the sequence program, so the time
once set cannot be changed unless the whole sequence program is exchanged. The data type in this
instruction is binary type.

Fig. 4.3.2 (a) shows the ladder format and Table 4.3.2 shows the mnemonic format.

SUB 24
TMRB {{{
Timer number Timer relay
{{{{ Setting time

Fig. 4.3.2 (a) Format of TMRB instruction

Table 4.3.2 Mnemonic of TMRB instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 24 TMRB instruction
3 (PRM) {{{ Timer number
4 (PRM) {{{{ Setting time
5 WRT {{{{ .{ Timer relay output W1

T indicates the time set in this timer command.

Fig. 4.3.2 (b) Timer operation

Control condition
ACT = 0: Turns off W1.
ACT = 1: Starts the timer.

- 190 -

Specify the timer number of a fixed timer. The timer numbers and the setting time range are as shown

Initial number of the timer 0i-D 0i-D / 0iMate-D 0i-D

setting time PMC PMC/L DCS PMC
Timer number 1 to 500 1 to 100 1 to 100
Setting time 1 to 32,760,000 (msec) 1 to 32,760,000 (msec) 1 to 32,760,000 (msec)

If the same timer number is used more than once or if a timer number out of the
valid range is used, operation is unpredictable.

The maximum setting time is approximately 546 minutes.

Precision of the timer

Variation in the setting time is between 0 and ±1st level execution cycle (8 msec). The varing time in
this timer is caused only the error occurred when the timer instruction performs operation process.
Error caused by sequence program processing time (time of 1 cycle of the second level), etc. are not

Timer relay (W1)

The output W1 is turned on after certain time preset in the parameter of this instruction pasts after ACT =
1. The designer can freely decide the address of W1.

- 191 -

4.3.3 TMRBF (Fixed Off-delay Timer: SUB 77)

This is the off-delay timer function whose timer preset value is fixed.
The timer preset value is written into the sequence program memory. Therefore, you have to modify
sequence program if you want to change the timer value.

Fig 4.3.3(a) shows the ladder format and Table 4.3.3 shows the mnemonic format.

SUB 77
TMRBF {{{ Timer number
{{{{ Setting time Timer relay

Fig. 4.3.3 (a) Format of TMRBF instruction

Table 4.3.3 Mnemonic of TMRBF instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 77 TMRBF instruction
3 (PRM) {{{ Timer number
4 (PRM) {{{{ Setting time
5 WRT {{{{ .{ Timer relay output W1


W1 T
T indicates the timer value.

Fig. 4.3.3 (b) Timer operation

Control condition
ACT=0: Starts the timer.
ACT=1: Reset the timer and turn on W1.

- 192 -

Specify the timer number of the fixed timer to the 1st parameter. You have to specify the unique timer
number for all the TMRB (SUB 24) and TMRBF (SUB 77) instructions.
Specify the timer value of the fixed timer to the 2nd parameter. The unit is millisecond.
The available timer number and timer value is shown below.

Initial number of the timer 0i-D 0i-D / 0i Mate-D 0i-D

setting time PMC PMC/L DCS PMC
Timer number 1 to 500 1 to 100 1 to 100
Setting time 1 to 32,760,000 (msec) 1 to 32,760,000 (msec) 1 to 32,760,000 (msec)

If the timer number of TMRB or TMRBF is conflicted or if the timer number is out of
range, the operation is not guaranteed.

The maximum timer value is approximately 546 minutes.

Note: 0 is allowed only when the automatic numbering function described hereafter is used.

Precision of the timer

The fluctuations of the time-up time caused by the timer operation are ±1st level execution cycle (8 msec)
plus the delay caused by the execution cycle of the sequence program.

Timer relay (W1)

When the input ACT is turned on, the output W1 will be turned on immediately and the timer instruction
will be reset. After that, when the input ACT is turned off, the timer instruction will be started and the
output W1 will be turned off after the specified time. If the input ACT is turned on again before the
time-up, the timer will be reset.
You can use any valid coil address for the W1.

- 193 -

4.3.4 TMRC (On-delay Timer: SUB 54)

This is the on-delay timer.
A timer setting time is set at an arbitrary address. There is no limit to the number of timers as long as
memory areas can be allocated for the timer instruction to use. The data type in this instruction is binary

Fig. 4.3.4 (a) shows the ladder format and Table 4.3.4 shows the mnemonic format.

SUB 54
Timer accuracy number Timer relay
{{{{ Timer set time address
{{{{ Timer register address

Fig. 4.3.4 (a) Format of TMRC instruction

Table 4.3.4 Mnemonic of TMRC instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 54 TMRC instruction
3 (PRM) { Timer accuracy number
4 (PRM) {{{{ Timer set time address
5 (PRM) {{{{ Timer register address
6 WRT {{{{ .{ Timer relay output W1

T indicates the time set in this timer command.

Fig. 4.3.4 (b) Timer operation

Control condition
ACT = 0: Turns off W1.
ACT = 1: Starts the timer.

- 194 -

(a) Timer accuracy
The timer accuracy values, setting time range, and error are as shown below.

Timer Setting
The range of setting time (Note) Margin of error
accuracy number
8 msec 0 8 msec to about 262.1 sec 0 to ±1st level sweep interval (8 msec)
48 msec 1 48 msec to about 26.2 min 0 to ±1st level sweep interval (8 msec)
1 sec 2 1 sec to about 546 min 0 to ±1st level sweep interval (8 msec)
10 sec 3 10 sec to about 91 h 0 to ±1st level sweep interval (8 msec)
1 min 4 1 min to about 546 h 0 to ±1 sec
1 msec 5 1 msec to about 32.7 sec 0 to ±1st level sweep interval (8 msec)
10 msec 6 10 msec to about 327.7 sec 0 to ±1st level sweep interval (8 msec)
100 msec 7 100 msec to about 54.6 min 0 to ±1st level sweep interval (8 msec)

Error exclusively refers to that taking place while the timer instruction carries out its operation. It
does not include, for example, error that occurs when the timer instruction is used in the 2nd level
sequence program, such as the delay from the expiry of the timer until the sequence program
initiates processing (time equivalent to one cycle of the 2nd level at worst).

The value range of the setting time is between 0 and 32,767 for all timer
accuracies. For example, when the timer accuracy is 8 msec, the value 0
means 8 msec and the value 32,767 means 262,136 msec.

(b) Timer set time address

Sets the first address of the timer set time field.
The continuous 2-byte memory space is required for the timer set time field.
The data table (field D) is normally used as this field.

Timer set time + 0

Timer set time + 1

TIME: Timer set time (1 to 32,767)

The timer setting time is converted to the binary format based on the timer accuracy (in units of 8
msec, 48 msec, etc.).
The timer setting time is shown as follows:
8 msec 8 to 262,136 msec
48 msec 48 to 1,572,816 msec
1 sec 1 to 32,767 sec
10 sec 10 to 327,670 sec
1 min 1 to 32,767 min
1 msec 1 to 32,767 msec
10 msec 10 to 327,670 msec
100 msec 100 to 3,276,700 msec

- 195 -

(c) Timer register address

Set the start address of a timer register area.
A timer register area must be allocated to a continuous four-byte memory area starting from the set
address. The user area (R area) is used as a timer register area. This area should be used by the
PMC system, and therefore should not be used by the sequence program.

Timer register + 0

Timer register + 1
Timer register
Timer register + 2

Timer register + 3

Timer relay (W1)

The output W1 is turned on when the time specified in the parameter of this instruction elapses after ACT
is set to 1. The designer can freely decide the address of W1.

- 196 -

4.3.5 TMRST (Stop Watch Timer (1ms Accuracy) : SUB 221)

TMRSS (Stop Watch Timer (1sec Accuracy) : SUB 222)
This is a stop watch timer.
The Stop watch timer instruction accumulates periods of time during which ACT=1 is set, and preserves
the cumulative value as an integration time. The integration time is not cleared when ACT=0. Instead,
when ACT=1 is set again, a continued measurement is made.

To use this function, the option of “Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function” is

In "Setting time", a constant or a PMC memory address for storing data can be specified. An integration
time is output to a specified PMC address, so that the integration time can be output to the outside or used
for another operation.
When the integration time has reached "Setting time", timer relay W1=1 is set. If ACT=1 even when the
integration time has exceeded "Setting time", a measurement is continued until a maximum time is
reached. During this period as well, timer relay W1=1 is set.
To reset the integration time and timer relay to 0, set RST (Reset)=1.
As indicated below, two types of Stop watch timer instructions are available according to the timer

Table4.3.5 (a) Kinds of stop watch timer

Instruction name SUB No. Timer accuracy
1 TMRST 221 1 millisecond (ms)
2 TMRSS 222 1 sec



Setting time

Integration time

Timer relay

Fig. 4.3.5 (a) Time chart of TMRST and TMRSS Instruction

- 197 -

Fig. 4.3.5 (b) shows the ladder format and Table 4.3.5 (b) shows the mnemonic format.

Example: TMRST Instruction

Timer relay


SUB 221 {{{{ Setting time (Address or Constant)

TMRST {{{{ Integration time address
{{{{ Timer register address

Fig. 4.3.5 (b) Format of TMRST and TMRSS instruction

Table4.3.5 (b) Mnemonic of TMRST and TMRSS instruction

Mnemonic format Memory status of control
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ RST RST
2 RD.STK {{{{ .{ ACT RST ACT
3 SUB 221 SUBNo. (TMRST Instruction)
4 (PRM) {{{{ Setting time (Address or Constant)
5 (PRM) {{{{ Integration time address
6 (PRM) {{{{ Timer register address
7 WRT {{{{ .{ Timer relay output W1

Control condition
(a) Reset (RST)
RST=0 : Reset operation is canceled.
RST=1 : Reset operation is executed.
The integration time is reset to 0.
Even when input signal ACT=1 is set, reset operation has priority, and the stop watch
timer is stopped. W1=0 is also set.

(b) Input signal (ACT)

ACT=0 : Integration is stopped.
ACT=1 : Integration is started.

Set RST to 1 only when reset operation is needed. Usually, set RST to 0.

- 198 -

(a) Setting time
Specify a time-out period for the timer. A value from 0 to 2147483647 may be specified. If a
value out of this range is specified, integration operation is performed but timer relay W1=0 is set at
all times.
In this parameter, a constant or a PMC memory address for storing data can be specified.
If an address is specified, specify "Setting time" as signed binary data by using the contiguous four
bytes of memory starting from the specified address.

Specified address +0

Specified address +1
Setting time
Specified address +2 (Signed binary data)

Specified address +3

Instruction name Setting time

TMRST 0 to 2147483647 millisecond
TMRSS 0 to 2147483647 second

When a Setting time is rewritten during execution of instruction, the result is
reflected immediately.

(b) Integration time address

Specify a PMC memory address for storing the integration time of the timer. One integration time
count corresponds to the timer accuracy.
An integration time address must be allocated to a continuous four-byte memory area starting from
the set address.
To preserve the integration time when the power to the CNC is turned on/off, the D area is usually
used. However, the delay corresponding to the cycle of backup of D area may cause an error at the
Integration time after turning on a power supply again when a power supply is turned off in
The figure below shows the relationships of the actual accumulation of integration time, ladder
execution cycle, ACT On/Off operation, and timer relay output.

- 199 -

(1) (2) (3) (4)


Setting time Error
Integration time (1)

Timer relay W1 Off

ladder execution cycle

Fig. 4.3.5 (c) Increment of Integration time

Integration time accumulation starts in the execution cycle immediately after ACT=1 (On) is set, and
continues until an execution cycle where ACT=0 (Off) is set. Timer relay W1=1 (On) is set when
the integration time has reached "Setting time".
A maximum error per measurement section (pair of ACT On/Off) is "±ladder execution cycle time".

Please do not perform rewriting of integration time during execution of instruction.

(c) Timer register address (work memory)

Specify the address of a 2-byte PMC memory area to be used for integration time calculation. The
sequence program should not use this area. Usually, the R area is used.

Timer relay (W1)

W1 is turned on when the integration time has reached the set time.

W1 must not be omitted.

- 200 -

The following types of counter instruction are available. Use any of these instructions as appropriate for
your purpose.

Instruction name Sub number Processing

1 CTR 5 Counter processing
2 CTRB 56 Fixed counter processing
3 CTRC 55 Counter processing
4 CTRD 223 Counter processing (4-byte length) (NOTE)

To use this function, the option of “Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function” is

- 201 -

4.4.1 CTR (Counter: SUB 5)

CTR is used as a counter. Counters are used for various purposes for NC machine tools.
Numerical data such as preset values and count values can be used with either BCD format or binary
format by a system parameter of PMC.

When a incollect BCD data was set to a BCD type counter, the movement of CTR
cannot be sured.
If changing the counter type, be sure to reconfigure the preset value and count

This counter has the following functions to meet various applications.

(a) Preset counter

Outputs a signal when the preset count is reached. The number can be preset from the counter
screen, or set in the sequence program.
(b) Ring counter
Upon reaching the preset count, returns to the initial value by issuing another count signal.
(c) Up/down counter
The count can be either up or down.
(d) Selection of initial value
Selects the initial value as either 0 or 1.

A combination of the preceding functions results in the ring counter below.

8 1
7 2

6 3
5 4

Presetting : 8
Initial value : 1

Such a counter permits the position of a rotor to be memorized.

- 202 -

Fig. 4.4.1 (a) shows the ladder format and Table 4.4.1 shows the mnemonic format.

UPD CTR {{{ Counter number
Count up output


Fig. 4.4.1 (a) Format of CTR instruction

Table 4.4.1 Mnemonic of CTR instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ CNO CNO
2 RD.STK {{{{ .{ UPD CNO UPD
5 SUB 5 CTR instruction
6 (PRM) {{{ Counter number
7 WRT {{{{ .{ Counter output W1

Control conditions
(a) Specify the initial value. (CNO)
CNO = 0: Begins the value of the counter with 0.
0, 1, 2, 3, ....., n.
CNO = 1: Begins the value of the counter with 1 (0 is not used).
1, 2, 3, ....., n.
(b) Specify up or down counter. (UPDOWM)
UPD = 0: Up counter. The counter begins with 0 when CNO = 0; 1 when CNO = 1.
UPD = 1: Down counter. The counter begins with the preset value.

(c) Reset (RST)

RST = 0: Releases reset.
RST = 1: Enables reset.
W1 becomes 0.
The integrated value is reset to the initial value.

Set RST to 1, only when reset is required.

- 203 -

(d) Count signal (ACT)



Count Count

0: Counter does not operate. W1 does not change.

1: Count is made by catching the rise of ACT.

(a) Counter number
The numbers that can be used are shown below.
0i-D 0i-D / 0i Mate-D 0i-D
Counter number 1 to 100 1 to 20 1 to 20

The preset value and cumulative value that can be set are as follows:
Binary counter: 0 to 32,767
BCD counter: 0 to 9,999

1 If the counter number is duplicated, or falls outside the valid range, the operation
will be unpredictable.

Countup output (W1)

In case of up counter mode(UPD=0), when the count is up to a preset value, W1 = 1.
In case of down counter mode(UPD=1) and initial value 0(CNO=0), when the counter reaches 0, W1 is
set to 1.
In case of down counter mode (UPD=1) and initial value 1(CNO=1), when the counter reaches 1, W1 is
set to 1.
The address of W1 can be determined arbitrarily.

The multiple use of coil, WRT, WRT.NOT, SET or RST, that follows this
instruction are prohibited. You have to place a single coil instruction as the output
of this instruction.

- 204 -

Examples of using the counter

[Example 1]
As a preset counter (See Fig. 4.4.1 (b).)
The number of workpieces to be machined is counted. When the number reaches the preset count, a
signal is output.
• L1 is a circuit to make logic 1.
• Since the count ranges from 0 to 9,999, contact B of L1 is used for making CNO = 0.
• Since it is to be up counter, contact B of L1 is used make UPD = 0.
• The reset signal of the counter uses input signal CRST.M from the machine tool.
• The count signal is M30X, which was decoded from the NC output M code. M30X contains
contact B of CUP to prevent counting past the preset value, as long as reset is not enabled after


L1 R200.1

(CN0) CUP Countup output
R200.1 SUB 5
L1 Y6.1


Y6.1 R200.3

Fig. 4.4.1 (b) Ladder diagram for the counter, example 1

- 205 -

[Example 2]
Use of the counter to store the position of a rotor. (See Fig. 4.4.1 (c).)


R200.1 SUB 5 R200.0

Fig. 4.4.1 (c) Ladder diagram for the counter, example 2

3 4

1 7

12 8

11 9

Fig. 4.4.1 (d) Indexing for a rotor

Fig. 4.4.1 (c) shows a ladder diagram for a counter to store the position of a rotor of Fig. 4.4.1 (d).

- 206 -
(1) Control conditions
(a) Count start number
When a 12-angle rotor shown in Fig. 4.4.1 (d) is used, the count starting number is 1.
Contact A of L1 is used for making CNO = 1.
(b) Specify up and down
The signal REV changes according to the then direction of rotation. It becomes 0 for forward
rotation and 1 for reverse rotation. Thus, the counter is an up counter for forward rotation and
a down counter for reverse rotation.
(c) Reset
In this example, since W1 is not used, RST = 0, and contact B of L1 is used.
(d) Count signal
The count signal POS turns on and off 12 times each time the rotor rotates once.
(2) Counter number and W1
In this example, the second counter is used. The result of W1 is not used, but its address must be
(3) Operation
(a) Setting the preset value
Since the rotor to be controlled is 12-angle as shown in Fig. 4.4.1 (d), 12 must be preset in the
counter. It is set from the counter screen.
(b) Setting the current value
When the power is turned on, the position of the rotor must be equated with the count on the
counter. The count is set via the counter screen. Once a current value is set, then correct
current positions will be loaded to the counter every time.
(c) The POS signal turns on and off each time the rotor rotates.
The number of times of the POS signal turns on and off is counted by the counter 2, as below.
1, 2, 3, . . . 11, 12, 1, 2, . . .
for forward rotation
1, 12, 11, . . . 3, 2, 1, 12 . . .
for reverse rotation

- 207 -

4.4.2 CTRB (Fixed Counter: SUB 56)

CTRB is used as a counter. Numerical data such as preset values and count values can be used with
binary format. This counter has the following functions to meet various applications.
(a) Preset counter
Preset the count value. If the count reaches this preset value, outputs to show that.
(b) Ring counter
This is the ring counter which is reset to the initial value when the count signal is input after the
count reaches the preset value.
(c) Up/down counter
This is the reversible counter to be used as both up counter and down counter.
(d) Selection of initial value
Either 0 or 1 can be selected as the initial value.

Fig. 4.4.2 shows the ladder format and Table 4.4.2 shows the mnemonic format.

SUB 56
UPD CTRB {{{ Counter number
{{{{ Preset value Count up


Fig. 4.4.2 Format of CTRB instruction

Table 4.4.2 Mnemonic of CTRB instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ CNO CNO
2 RD.STK {{{{ .{ UPD CNO UPD
5 SUB 56 CTRB instruction
6 (PRM) {{{ Counter number
7 (PRM) {{{{ Preset value
8 WRT {{{{ .{ Count up output W1

Control conditions
(a) Specifying the initial value (CNO)
CNO = 0: The counter value starts with "0". 0,1,2,3,.......,n
CNO = 1: The counter value starts with "1". 1,2,3,.........,n
(b) Specifying up or down (UPD)
UPD = 0: Up counter
The initial value is "0" when CNO = 0 or "1" when CNO = 1.
UPD = 1: Down counter
The initial value is the preset value.
- 208 -
(c) Reset (RST)
RST = 0: Cancels reset.
RST = 1: Resets. W1 is reset to 0. The accumulated value is reset to the initial value.
(d) Count signal (ACT)
ACT = 0: The counter does not operated. W1 does not change.
ACT = 1: The counter operates at the rise of this signal.

(a) Counter number
The numbers that can be used are shown below.

0i-D 0i-D / 0i Mate-D 0i-D

Counter number 1 to 100 1 to 20 1 to 20

1 If the counter number is duplicated, or falls outside the valid range, the operation
will be unpredictable.

(b) Preset value

Following value can be set as preset value.
Binary counter: 0 to 32,767
* CTRB is always binary counter. System parameter is ineffective.

Countup output (W1)

In case of the up counter mode (UPD=0), when the counter value reaches the preset value, W1 is set to 1.
In case of the down counter mode (UPD=1) and initial value 0(CNO=0), when the counter value reaches
0, W1 is set to 1.
In case of the down counter mode (UPD=1) and initial value 1(CNO=1), when the counter value reaches
1, W1 is set to 1.
The W1 address can be specified arbitrarily.

The multiple use of coil, WRT, WRT.NOT, SET or RST, that follows this
instruction are prohibited. You have to place a single coil instruction as the output
of this instruction.

Accumulate value
The address C5000s are used for accumulate value of the CTRB. Each CTRB consumes 2 bytes.
CTRB of counter number 1 uses C5000-5001 and CTRB of number 2 uses C5002-5003 for their
accumulate values.

- 209 -

4.4.3 CTRC (Counter: SUB 55)

The numeral data of this counter are all binary. This counter has the following functions and can be
used according to the application:
(a) Preset counter
Preset the count value and if the count reaches this preset value, outputs to show that.
(b) Ring counter
This is the ring counter which is reset to the initial value when the count signal is input after the
count reaches the preset value.
(c) Up/down counter
This is the reversible counter to be used as both the up counter and down counter.
(d) Selection of the initial value
Either 0 or 1 can be selected as the initial value.

Fig. 4.4.3 shows the ladder format and Table 4.4.3 shows the mnemonic format.

SUB 55
UPD CTRC {{{{ Counter preset value address
{{{{ Counter register address
RST Count up


Fig. 4.4.3 Format of CTRC instruction

Table 4.4.3 Mnemonic of CTRC instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ CNO CNO
2 RD.STK {{{{ .{ UPD CNO UPD
5 SUB 55 CTRC instruction
6 (PRM) {{{{ Counter preset value address
7 (PRM) {{{{ Counter register address
8 WRT {{{{ .{ Count up output W1

Control conditions
(a) Specifying the initial value (CNO)
CNO = 0: The count value starts with "0". 0, 1, 2, 3, . . . n
CNO = 1: The count value starts with "1". 1, 2, 3, . . . n
(b) Specifying up or down count (UPD)
UPD = 0: Up counter. The initial value is "0" when CNO = 0 or "1" when CNO = 1.
UPD = 1: Down counter. The initial value is the preset value.

- 210 -
(c) Reset (RST)
RST = 0: Reset cancelled.
RST = 1: Reset. W1 is reset to "0". The accumulated value is reset to the initial value.
(d) Count signal (ACT)
ACT = 0: The counter does not operate. W1 does not change.
ACT = 1: The counter operates at the rise of this signal.

(a) Counter preset value address
The first address of the counter preset value field is set.
The continuous 2-byte memory space from the first address is required for this field. Field D is
normally used.

Counter preset value+0

CTR CTR: Preset value
(0 to 32,767)
Counter preset value+1

The counter preset value is binary. Therefore, it ranges from 0 to 32,767.

(b) Counter register address

The first address of the counter register field is set.
The continuous 4-byte memory space from the first address is required for this field. Field D is
normally used.

Counter register +0
CTR Count value
Counter register +1

Counter register +2
WORK WORK: Unusable
Counter register +3

When R address is specified as the counter register address, the counter starts
with count value "0" at power on.

Countup output (W1)

In case of the up counter mode (UPD=0), when the counter value reaches the preset value, W1 is set to 1.
In case of the down counter mode (UPD=1) and initial value 0(CNO=0), when the counter value reaches
0, W1 is set to 1.
In case of the down counter mode (UPD=1) and initial value 1(CNO=1), when the counter value reaches
1, W1 is set to 1.
The W1 address can be specified arbitrarily.

The multiple use of coil, WRT, WRT.NOT, SET or RST, that follows this
instruction are prohibited. You have to place a single coil instruction as the output
of this instruction.

- 211 -

4.4.4 CTRD (Counter (4 Bytes Length) : SUB 223)

This instruction is a counter of 4 bytes length binary data. This counter has the following functions and
can be used according to the application:
(a) Preset counter
Preset the count value and if the count reaches this preset value, outputs to show that.
(b) Ring counter
This is the ring counter which is reset to the initial value when the count signal is input after the
count reaches the preset value.
(c) Up/down counter
This is the reversible counter to be used as both the up counter and down counter.
(d) Selection of the initial value
Either 0 or 1 can be selected as the initial value.

To use this function, the option of “Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function” is

Fig. 4.4.4 shows the ladder format and Table 4.4.4 shows the mnemonic format.

CN0 W1

SUB 223

{{{{ Counter preset value address

{{{{ Counter register address


Fig. 4.4.4 Format of CTRD instruction

Table 4.4.4 Mnemonic of CTRD instruction

Mnemonic format Memory status of control condition
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ CN0 CN0
5 SUB 223 CTRD instruction
6 (PRM) {{{{ Counter preset value address
7 (PRM) {{{{ Counter register address
8 WRT {{{{ .{ Count up output W1

- 212 -

Control conditions
(a) Specifying the initial value (CN0)
CN0 = 0: The count value starts with "0". 0, 1, 2, 3, . . . n
CN0 = 1: The count value starts with "1". 1, 2, 3, . . . n
(b) Specifying up or down count (UPDOWN)
UPDOWN = 0: Up counter. The initial value is "0" when CN0 = 0 or "1" when CN0 = 1.
UPDOWN = 1: Down counter. The initial value is the preset value.
(c) Reset (RST)
RST = 0: Reset cancelled.
RST = 1: Reset. W1 is reset to "0". The accumulated value is reset to the initial value.
(d) Count signal (ACT)
ACT = 0: The counter does not operate. W1 does not change.
ACT = 1: The counter operates at the rise of this signal.

(a) Counter preset value address
The first address of the counter preset value field is set.
The continuous 4-byte memory space from the first address is required for this field. Address D is
normally used.

Counter preset value+0

Counter preset value+1

Counter Preset value
Counter preset value+2 (0 to 2,147,483,647)

Counter preset value+3

The counter preset value is binary. Therefore, it ranges from 0 to 2,147,483,647.

(b) Counter register address

The first address of the counter register field is set.
The continuous 6-byte memory space from the first address is required for this field. Address D is
normally used.

Counter register +0

Counter register +1

Count value
Counter register +2 (0 to 2,147,483,647)

Counter register +3

Counter register +4
WORK: Unusable
Counter register +5

When R address is specified as the counter register address, the counter starts
with count value "0" at power on.

- 213 -

Countup output (W1)

In case of the up counter mode (UPDOWN=0), when the counter value reaches the preset value, W1 is set
to 1.
In case of the down counter mode (UPDOWN=1) and initial value 0(CN0=0), when the counter value
reaches 0, W1 is set to 1.
In case of the down counter mode (UPDOWN=1) and initial value 1(CN0=1), when the counter value
reaches 1, W1 is set to 1.
The W1 address can be specified arbitrarily.

W1 is not omissible.

The multiple use of coil, WRT, WRT.NOT, SET or RST, that follows this
instruction are prohibited. You have to place a single coil instruction as the output
of this instruction.

- 214 -


The following types of data transfer instruction are available. Use any of these instructions as
appropriate for your purpose.

Instruction name Sub number Processing

1 MOVB 43 Transfer of 1 byte
2 MOVW 44 Transfer of 2 bytes
3 MOVD 47 Transfer of 4 bytes
4 MOVN 45 Transfer of an arbitrary number of bytes
5 MOVE 8 Logical product transfer
6 MOVOR 28 Data transfer after logical sum
7 XMOVB 35 Binary index modifier data transfer
8 XMOV 18 Indexed data transfer
9 MOVBT 224 Bit transfer (NOTE)
10 SETNB 225 Data setting (1 byte length) (NOTE)
11 SETNW 226 Data setting (2 bytes length) (NOTE)
12 SETND 227 Data setting (4 bytes length) (NOTE)
13 XCHGB 228 Data exchange (1 byte length) (NOTE)
14 XCHGW 229 Data exchange (2 bytes length) (NOTE)
15 XCHGD 230 Data exchange (4 bytes length) (NOTE)
16 SWAPW 231 Data swap (2 bytes length) (NOTE)
17 SWAPD 232 Data swap (4 bytes length) (NOTE)
18 DSCHB 34 Binary data search
19 DSCH 17 Data search

To use this function, the option of “Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function” is

- 215 -

4.5.1 MOVB (Transfer of 1 Byte: SUB 43)

The MOVB instruction transfers 1-byte data from a specified source address to a specified destination

Fig. 4.5.1 shows the ladder format and Table 4.5.1 shows the mnemonic format.

SUB 43
MOVB {{{{ Transfer source address
{{{{ Transfer destination address

Fig. 4.5.1 Format of MOVB instruction

Table 4.5.1 Mnemonic of MOVB instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 43 MOVB instruction
3 (PRM) {{{{ Transfer source address
4 (PRM) {{{{ Transfer destination address

Control condition
(a) Execution specification
ACT = 0: No data is transferred.
ACT = 1: One-byte data is transferred.

(a) Transfer source address
Specify the source address for the transfer.

(b) Transfer destination address

Specify the destination address for the transfer.

- 216 -

4.5.2 MOVW (Transfer of 2 Bytes: SUB 44)

The MOVW instruction transfers 2-byte data from a specified source address to a specified destination

Fig. 4.5.2 shows the ladder format and Table 4.5.2 shows the mnemonic format.

SUB 44
MOVW {{{{ Transfer source address
{{{{ Transfer destination address

Fig. 4.5.2 Format of MOVW instruction

Table 4.5.2 Mnemonic of MOVW instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 44 MOVW instruction
3 (PRM) {{{{ Transfer source address
4 (PRM) {{{{ Transfer destination address

Control condition
(a) Execution specification
ACT = 0: No data is transferred.
ACT = 1: Two-byte data is transferred.

(a) Transfer source address
Specify the source address for the transfer.

(b) Transfer destination address

Specify the destination address for the transfer.

Take care not to specify overlapped areas for source and destination. If the
source and destination areas are overlapped with each other, the result is not

- 217 -

4.5.3 MOVD (Transfer of 4 Bytes: SUB 47)

The MOVD instruction transfers 4-byte data from a specified source address to a specified destination

Fig. 4.5.3 shows the ladder format and Table 4.5.3 shows the mnemonic format.

SUB 47
MOVD {{{{ Transfer source address
{{{{ Transfer destination address

Fig. 4.5.3 Format of MOVD instruction

Table 4.5.3 Mnemonic of MOVD instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 47 MOVD instruction
3 (PRM) {{{{ Transfer source address
4 (PRM) {{{{ Transfer destination address

Control condition
(a) Input signal
ACT = 0: No data is transferred.
ACT = 1: Four-byte data is transferred.

(a) Transfer source address
Specify the source address for the transfer.

(b) Transfer destination address

Specify the destination address for the transfer.

Take care not to specify overlapped areas for source and destination. If the
source and destination areas are overlapped with each other, the result is not

- 218 -

4.5.4 MOVN (Transfer of an Arbitrary Number of Bytes: SUB 45)

The MOVN instruction transfers data consisting of an arbitrary number of bytes from a specified source
address to a specified destination address.

Fig. 4.5.4 shows the ladder format and Table 4.5.4 shows the mnemonic format.

SUB 45
MOVN { Number of bytes to be transferred
{{{{ Transfer source address
{{{{ Transfer destination address

Fig. 4.5.4 Format of MOVN instruction

Table 4.5.4 Mnemonic of MOVN instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 45 MOVN instruction
3 { Number of bytes to be transferred
4 (PRM) {{{{ Transfer source address
5 (PRM) {{{{ Transfer destination address

Control condition
(a) Execution specification
ACT = 0: No data is transferred.
ACT = 1: A specified number of bytes are transferred.

(a) Number of bytes to be transferred
Specify the number of bytes to be transferred. An odd number can also be specified. A number
from 1 to 9,999 can be specified.

Make sure that the source data area and destination data area are within the
PMC address range.

(b) Transfer source address

Specify the source address for the transfer.

(c) Transfer destination address

Specify the destination address for the transfer.

Take care not to specify overlapped areas for source and destination. If the
source and destination areas are overlapped with each other, the result is not

- 219 -

4.5.5 MOVE (Logical Product Transfer: SUB 8)

ANDs logical multiplication data and input data, and outputs the results to a specified address. Can also
be used to remove unnecessary bits from an eight-bit signal in a specific address, etc.
(Logical multiplication data) (Input data) to a specified address
The input data is one byte (eight bits).

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Input data 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Logical { { { { { { { {
multiplication data

Low-order 4-bit logical

High-order 4-bit logical multiplication data

Fig. 4.5.5 (a) shows the ladder format and Table 4.5.5 shows the mnemonic format.

MOVE {{{{ High-order 4-bit logical multiplication data
{{{{ Low-order 4-bit logical multiplication data
{{{{ Input data address
{{{{ Output address

Fig. 4.5.5 (a) Format of MOVE instruction

Table 4.5.5 Mnemonic of MOVE instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 8 MOVE instruction
3 (PRM) {{{{ High-order 4-bit logical multiplication
4 (PRM) {{{{ Low-oder 4 bit logical multiplication
5 (PRM) {{{{ Input data address
6 (PRM) {{{{ Output address

Execution command
ACT = 0: MOVE instruction not executed.
ACT = 1: Executed.

- 220 -

Example of using the MOVE instruction

If a code signal and another signal co-exist at address X35 for an input signal from the machine tool, to
compare the code signal and a code signal at another address, the rest of signals in address X35 becomes
an obstacle. Thus, the MOVE instruction can be used to output only the code signal at address X35
address R210.

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Address X35

Code signal

Another signal

Logical multiplication data 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1

Low-order 4-bit logical multiplication data

High-order 4-bit logical multiplication data

Address R210 0 0 0

Code signal

0001 High-order 4-bit logical multiplication data

MOVE 1111 Low-order 4-bit logical multiplication data

R228.1 X035 Input data address

R210 Output address

Fig. 4.5.5 (b) MOVE instruction ladder diagram

- 221 -

4.5.6 MOVOR (Data Transfer After Logical Sum: SUB 28)

This instruction ORs the input data and the logical sum data and transfers the result to the destination.

Input data Logical sum data


Output data

Fig. 4.5.6 shows the ladder format and Table 4.5.6 shows the mnemonic format.

SUB 28
MOVOR {{{{ Input data address
{{{{ Logical sum data address
{{{{ Output address

Fig. 4.5.6 Format of MOVOR instruction

Table 4.5.6 Mnemonic of MOVOR instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 28 MOVOR instruction
3 (PRM) {{{{ Input data address
4 (PRM) {{{{ Logical sum data address
5 (PRM) {{{{ Output address

Control condition
(a) Command (ACT)
ACT = 0: Do not execute MOVOR.
ACT = 1: Execute MOVOR.

(a) Input data address
Specifies the address for the input data.

(b) Logical sum data address

Specifies the address of the logical sum data with which to OR the transferred data.

(c) Output address

This is the address to contain the logical sum obtained. It is also possible to obtain the logical sum
(OR) of the input and the logical sum data and output the result in the logical sum data address.
For this, you must set the logical sum data address for the output address.

- 222 -

4.5.7 XMOVB (Binary Index Modifier Data Transfer: SUB 35)

Reads or rewrites the contents of the data table. The value type in this instruction is binary.
There are two specifications - basic specification and extended specification - for setting the format
specification parameter in the XMOVB instruction. The extended specification allows two or more sets
of data to be read or written with a single instruction. For the details of the setting of a format
specification parameter, see the description of parameters.

(a) Read data from data table

The number of data table elements: M (It specifies the storage address of number
of data table elements)

DT[0] D I 3 S B

DT[1] A Index: I Input/output data: S


DT[3] B


DT[5] C


Data table: DT
The operation of the instruction:
DT[I] → S

Fig. 4.5.7 (a) Read data from data table (basic specification)

The number of data table elements: M (It specifies the storage address of number
of data table elements)
The number of index array elements: N (It specifies the format specification)

DT[0] D I[0] 1 S[0] A

DT[1] A I[1] 3 S[1] B

DT[2] I[2] 5 S[2] C

DT[3] B I[3] 0 S[3] D

I[N−1] S[N−1]
DT[5] C
Index Input/output
array: I data array: S

Data table: DT

The operation of the instruction:

DT[I[n]] → S[n] (n = 0, 1, 2, ..., N−1)

Fig. 4.5.7 (b) Read data from data table (extended specification)

- 223 -

(b) Write data to data table

The number of data table elements: M (It specifies the storage address of number
of data table elements)

S B I 3 DT[0]

Input/output data: S Index: I DT[1]


DT[3] B




Data table: DT
The operation of the instruction:
S → DT[I]

Fig. 4.5.7 (c) Write data to data table (basic specification)

The number of data table elements: M (It specifies the storage address of number
of data table elements)
The number of index array elements: N (It specifies the format specification)

S A I[0] 1 DT[0] D

S[1] B I[1] 3 DT[1] A

S[2] C I[2] 5 DT[2]

S[3] D I[3] 0 DT[3] B

S[N−1] I[N−1]
DT[5] C
Input/output Index
data array: S array: I

Data table: DT
The operation of the instruction:
S[n] → DT[I[n]] (n = 0, 1, 2, ..., N−1)

Fig. 4.5.7 (d) Write data to data table (extended specification)

- 224 -

Figs. 4.5.7 (e) and (f) show the ladder format and Tables 4.5.7 (a) and (b) show the mnemonic format.

SUB 35
RST XMOVB { Format specification
{{{{ Storage address of number of data table elements
ACT {{{{ Data table head address DT[ ]
{{{{ I/O data storage address S
{{{{ Index storage address I

Fig. 4.5.7 (e) Format of XMOVB instruction (basic specification)

Table 4.5.7 (a)

Mnemonic of MOVOR instruction (basic specification)
Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ RW RW
2 RD.STK {{{{ .{ RST RW RST
4 SUB 35 XMOVB instruction
5 (PRM) { Format specification
6 (PRM) {{{{ Storage address of number of data
table elements
7 (PRM) {{{{ Data table head address
8 (PRM) {{{{ I/O data storage address
9 (PRM) {{{{ Index storage address
10 WRT {{{{ .{ Error output W1

SUB 35
RST XMOVB {{{{ Format specification
{{{{ Storage address of number of data table elements
ACT {{{{ Data table head address DT[ ]
{{{{ I/O data storage address S[ ]
{{{{ Index storage address I[ ]

Fig. 4.5.7 (f) Format of XMOVB instruction (extended specification)

- 225 -

Table 4.5.7 (b)

Mnemonic of MOVOR instruction (extended specification)
Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ RW RW
2 RD.STK {{{{ .{ RST RW RST
4 SUB 35 XMOVB instruction
5 (PRM) {{{{ Format specification
6 (PRM) {{{{ Storage address of number of data
table elements
7 (PRM) {{{{ Data table head address
8 (PRM) {{{{ I/O data storage address
9 (PRM) {{{{ Index storage address
10 WRT {{{{ .{ Error output W1

Control conditions
(a) Read, write designation (RW)
RW = 0: Read data from data table.
RW = 1: Write data to data table.
(b) Reset (RST)
RST = 0: Reset release.
RST = 1: Reset. W1 = 0.
(c) Activation command (ACT)
ACT = 0: Do not execute XMOVB instruction. There is no change in W1.
ACT = 1: Execute XMOVB instruction.

(a) Format specification
Specifies data length. Specify byte length in the first digit of the parameter.
0001: 1-byte length data
0002: 2-byte length data
0004: 4-byte length data
When setting format specification in the following extended format, XMOVB can read/write
multiple data in data table in 1 instruction.
Specifies data length (1, 2, or 4) to the 1st digit as above-mentioned. Specifies the number of the
index array elements to the 2nd and 3rd digit. Specifies 0 to the 4th digit.
0nn1: In case of reading/writing multiple (nn) data in data table by 1 byte length
0nn2: In case of reading/writing multiple (nn) data in data table by 2 bytes length
0nn4: In case of reading/writing multiple (nn) data in data table by 4 bytes length
The nn is the numerical value from 02 to 99. When setting 00 or 01, it works as the basic
specification in which one data transfer is performed by one instruction.

- 226 -
Format specification (extended specification):
0 n n x

The byte length setting

1: 1 byte length
2: 2 byte length
4: 4 byte length

The number of the index array elements

It works as the basic specification.
Read/Write multiple (nn) data from/to data table.

(b) Storage address of number of data table elements

Set to the memory at the byte length which set the number of the data table elements in "(a) Format
specification" and set the address to this parameter. The value which you can set depends on the
"(a) Format specification" setting.
1 byte length: 1 to 255
2 bytes length: 1 to 16384
4 bytes length: 1 to 16384

(c) Data table head address

Sets head address in the data table.
The memory of (byte length) × (number of data table elements) which was set in "(a) Format
specification" and "(b) Storage address of number of data table elements" is necessary.
(d) Input/Output data storage address
In case of the reading, set the address of the memory which stores a reading result. In case of the
writing, set the address of the memory which stores a writing result. The memory with the byte
length which set in "(a) Format specification" is necessary.
When setting format specification in the extended format, set the head address of the array. (In
case of the reading, set the head address of the array in which a reading result is stored. In case of
the writing, set the head address of the array in which a writing result is stored.) The memory of
(byte length) × (number of index array elements) which was set in "(a) Format specification" is
(e) Index storage address
Set the address of the memory in which an index value is stored. The memory with the byte length
set in "(a) Format specification" is necessary. The effective range of number of data in index is as
follows according to the byte length set in "(a) Format specification".
Actually, set the value which is smaller than the value to set in "(b) Storage address of number of
data table elements" to the index.
When setting an index value above the value to set in "(b) Storage address of number of data table
elements", it causes an error output W1 = 1 in instruction execution.
1 byte length: 0 to 254
2 bytes length: 0 to 32,766
4 bytes length: 0 to 2,147,483,646
When setting format specification in the extended format, set an address at the head of the array in
which an index value is stored. The memory of (byte length) × (number of data in index array)
which was set in "(a) Format specification" is necessary.

- 227 -

1 You can not specify the table that includes different kind of address type or
discontinuous address area. In this case, operation is not guaranteed.
2 You have to set the "Storage address of number of data table elements" and the
"Data table head address" not to exceed the limit of its continuous address area.
If the table exceeds the limit of the continuous address area, operation is not
guaranteed. For example, when a range of address R is 0 to 7999 and the
"Format specification" is set to 1 and the "Data table head address" is set to
"R7990", you can set 10 or less to the "Storage address of number of data table

Error output (W1)

W1 = 0: No error
W1 = 1: Error found. In the case where the index value set in "(e) Index storage address" exceeds the
value set in "(b) Storage address of number of data table elements", it becomes W1 = 1. The
reading or writing of the data table isn't executed.
When "(a) Format specification" is used for operation in the extended format, if the values of
one or more elements in the index array specified in (e) are greater than the value set in "(b)
Storage address of number of data table elements", it becomes W1 = 1. The reading or writing
of a data table is executed for the normal index values but not executed as for the wrong index

The multiple use of coil, WRT, WRT.NOT, SET or RST, that follows this
instruction are prohibited. You have to place a single coil instruction as the output
of this instruction.

- 228 -

Example for extended specification

(a) Read data from data table (extended specification)
The number of data table elements: R0 = 9
The number of index array elements: 4

RW = 0 W1
SUB 35

XMOVB 0041
RST = 0
ACT = 1 R200

R100 D D0 2 R200 A

R101 D1 5 R201 B

R102 A D2 8 R202 C

R103 D3 0 R203 D

R104 Index array Input/output

data array
R105 B



R108 C

Data table

The operation of the instruction:

(1) R102 → R200
(2) R105 → R201
(3) R108 → R202
(4) R100 → R203

Fig. 4.5.7 (g) Example for XMOVB instruction (extended specification)

- 229 -

(b) Write data to data table (extended specification)

The number of data table elements: R0 = 9
The number of index array elements: 4

RW = 1 W1
SUB 35

XMOVB 0041
RST = 0
ACT = 1 R100

R100 A D0 2 R200 D

R101 B D1 5 R201

R102 C D2 8 R202 A

R103 D D3 0 R203

Input/output Index array R204

data array
R205 B



R208 C

Data table

The operation of the instruction:

(1) R100 → R202
(2) R101 → R205
(3) R102 → R208
(4) R103 → R200

Fig. 4.5.7 (h) Example for XMOVB instruction (extended specification)

- 230 -

4.5.8 XMOV (Indexed Data Transfer: SUB 18)

Reads or rewrites the contents of the data table. The value type in this instruction is a binary.

The data table heading address specified here is table internal number 0. The
table internal number specified here, however, is different from that mentioned in
Subsection 2.2.12.

Table internal number Data table


Input or output data <1> 3

Table internal storing

input or output data 2

<1> Read out data from the data table.

<2> Write data in the data table. n

Fig. 4.5.8 (a) Reading and writing of data

Fig. 4.5.8 (b) shows the ladder format and Table 4.5.8 shows the mnemonic format.

SUB 18
RW XMOV {{{{ Number of data of the data table (Table capacity)
{{{{ Data table heading address
RST {{{{ Address storing input/output data
{{{{ Address storing table internal number

Fig. 4.5.8 (b) Format of XMOV instruction

Table 4.5.8 Mnemonic of XMOV instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ BYT BYT
2 RD.STK {{{{ .{ RW BYT RW
5 SUB 18 XMOV instruction
6 (PRM) {{{{ Number of data of the data table
7 (PRM) {{{{ Data table heading address
8 (PRM) {{{{ Address storing input/output data
9 (PRM) {{{{ Address storing table internal number
10 WRT {{{{ .{ Error output W1

- 231 -

Control conditions
(a) Specify the number of digits of data. (BYT)
BYT = 0: Data stored in the data table, BCD in two digits long.
BYT = 1: Data stored in the data table, BCD in four digits long.
(b) Specify read or write (RW)
RW = 0: Data is read from the data table.
RW = 1: Data is write in the data table.
(c) Reset (RST)
RST = 0: Release reset.
RST = 1: Enables reset, that is, sets W1 to 0.
(d) Execution command (ACT)
ACT = 0: The XMOV instruction is not executed. W1 does not change.
ACT = 1: The XMOV instruction is executed.

(a) Number of data of the data table
Specifies the size of the data table. If the beginning of the data table is 0 and the end is n, n + 1 is set
as the number of data of the data table. The value which you can set depends on the control
condition "BYT".
BYT=0: 1 to 99
BYT=1: 1 to 9999

(b) Data table heading address

Address that can be used in a data table are fixed. When preparing a data table, the addresses to be
used must be determined beforehand, and the head address placed in that data table.

(c) Address storing input/output data

The input/output data storage address is the address storing the specified data, and is external to the
data table. The contents of the data table is read or rewritten.

(d) Address storing table internal number

The table internal number storage address is the address storing the table internal number of the data
to be read or rewritten.
This address requires memory specified by the number-of-digits designation (BYT).

1 You can not specify the table that includes different kind of address type or
discontinuous address area. In this case, operation is not guaranteed.
2 You have to set the "Number of data of the data table" and the "Data table
heading address" not to exceed the limit of its continuous address area. If the
table exceeds the limit of the continuous address area, operation is not
guaranteed. For example, when a range of address R is 0 to 7999 and the control
condition "BYT" is set to 0 and the "Data table heading address" is set to
"R7990", you can set 10 or less to the "Number of data of the data table".

- 232 -

Error output
W1 = 0: There is no error.
W1 = 1: There is an error.
An error occurs if a table internal number exceeding the previously programmed number of the
data table is specified.

The multiple use of coil, WRT, WRT.NOT, SET or RST, that follows this
instruction are prohibited. You have to place a single coil instruction as the output
of this instruction.

- 233 -

4.5.9 MOVBT (Bit Transfer: SUB 224)

The Bit transfer instruction transfers multiple successive bits at a specified position to a destination

To use this function, the option of “Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function” is

Transfer source data is specified in "Transfer source address" and "Transfer source bit position". Transfer
destination data is specified in "Transfer destination address" and "Transfer destination bit position".

From "Transfer source bit position", data consisting of successive bits as many as "Number of bits to be
transferred" is transferred to "Transfer destination address".

When 3 bits are transferred from R100.1 to R500.4:

Number of bits to be transferred = 3
Transfer source address = R100
Transfer source bit position =1
Transfer destination address = R500
Transfer destination bit position = 4

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Transfer source

Transfer destination
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Positions other than R500.4-6 remain unchanged.

Fig. 4.5.9 (a) Example of MOVBT instruction (1)

When 3 bits are transferred from R100.6 to R500.3:

Number of bits to be transferred = 3
Transfer source address = R100
Transfer source bit position =6
Transfer destination address = R500
Transfer destination bit position = 3

R101 R100
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Transfer source

Transfer destination
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R501 R500
Positions other than R500.3-5 remain unchanged.

Fig. 4.5.9 (b) Example of MOVBT instruction (2)

- 234 -

When 3 bits are transferred from R100.4 to R500.7:

Number of bits to be transferred = 3
Transfer source address = R100
Transfer source bit position =4
Transfer destination address = R500
Transfer destination bit position = 7

R101 R100
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Transfer source

Transfer destination
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R501 R500
Positions other than R500.7, R501.0, and R501.1 remain unchanged.

Fig. 4.5.9 (c) Example of MOVBT instruction (3)

Fig. 4.5.9(d) shows the ladder format and Table 4.5.9 shows the mnemonic format.


SUB 224 {{{{ Number of bits to be transferred (Constant)

MOVBT {{{{ Transfer source address
{{{{ Transfer source bit position (Constant)
{{{{ Transfer destination address
{{{{ Transfer destination bit position (Constant)

Functional Instruction
SUB 224 {{{{
MOVBT {{{{


SUB 224 {{{{

MOVBT {{{{

Fig. 4.5.9 (d) Format of MOVBT instruction

- 235 -

Table 4.5.9 Mnemonic of MOVBT instruction

Mnemonic format Memory status of control
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 224 MOVBT instruction
3 (PRM) {{{{ Number of bits to be transferred
4 (PRM) {{{{ Transfer source address
5 (PRM) {{{{ Transfer source bit position
6 (PRM) {{{{ Transfer destination address
7 (PRM) {{{{ Transfer destination bit position
8 WRT {{{{ .{ Normal end output W1

Control condition
(a) Input signal
ACT = 0: Instruction not executed.
ACT = 1: Executed.

(a) Number of bits to be transferred
Specify the number of bits to be transferred. A number from 1 to 256 may be specified.

(b) Transfer source address

Specify the source address for the transfer.

Bits are transferred even when "Transfer source address" and "Transfer
destination address" overlap each other.

(c) Transfer source bit position

Specify the transfer start bit position of transfer source data. A number from 0 to 7 may be

(d) Transfer destination address

Specify the destination address for the transfer.

Bits are transferred even when "Transfer source address" and "Transfer
destination address" overlap each other.

(e) Transfer destination bit position

Specify the top bit position of transfer destination data. A number from 0 to 7 may be specified.

Output (W1)
When the instruction is executed, W1=1 is set. That is, W1 always assumes the same state as ACT.

W1 may be omitted. Moreover, an other functional instruction can be connected
instead of a coil.

- 236 -

4.5.10 SETNB (Data Setting (1 Byte Length) : SUB 225)

SETNW (Data Setting (2 Bytes Length) : SUB 226)
SETND (Data Setting (4 Bytes Length) : SUB 227)
The Data setting instruction sets the same value in multiple data items at contiguous addresses.

To use this function, the option of “Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function” is

In "Setting data", a constant or a PMC memory address for storing data can be specified.
As indicated below, three types of Data setting instructions are available according to the type of data to
be set. In each instruction, "Setting data" and the data at "Setting destination address" are of the same
data type.

Table4.5.10 (a) Kinds of Data setting instruction

Instruction name SUB No. Data type
1 SETNB 225 1 byte length data
2 SETNW 226 2 bytes length data
3 SETND 227 4 bytes length data

Setting data (address or constant) Setting destination address

A Number of
setting data

Fig. 4.5.10 (a) Example of Data setting instruction

- 237 -

Fig. 4.5.10(b) shows the ladder format and Table 4.5.10(b) shows the mnemonic format.

Example : SETNB Instruction


SUB 225 {{{{ Number of setting data (Constant)

SETNB {{{{ Setting data (Address or Constant)
{{{{ Setting destination address

Functional Instruction
SUB 225 {{{{
SETNB {{{{


SUB 225 {{{{

SETNB {{{{

Fig. 4.5.10 (b) Format of SETNB, SETNW, SETND instruction

Table 4.5.10 (b) Mnemonic of SETNB, SETNW, SETND instruction

Mnemonic format Memory status of control
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 225 SUB No. (SETNB instruction)
3 (PRM) {{{{ Number of setting data (Constant)
4 (PRM) {{{{ Setting data (Address or Constant)
5 (PRM) {{{{ Setting destination address
6 WRT {{{{ .{ Normal end output W1

Control condition
(a) Input signal
ACT = 0: Instruction not executed.
ACT = 1: Executed.

- 238 -

(a) Number of setting data
Specify the number of setting data items. A number from 1 to 256 may be specified.

Please specify a valid number to the "Number of setting data", so that the area
from "Setting destination address" may be arranged within valid address range.

(b) Setting data

Specify data to be set. In this parameter, a constant or a PMC memory address for storing data can
be specified. Specify data by using signed binary data. A value within the following range may
be specified:

Instruction name Available values

SETNB -128 to 127
SETNW -32768 to 32767
SETND -2147483648 to 2147483647

(c) Setting destination address

Specify a setting destination address.

Output (W1)
When the instruction is executed, W1=1 is set. That is, W1 always assumes the same state as ACT.

W1 may be omitted. Moreover, an other functional instruction can be connected
instead of a coil.

- 239 -

4.5.11 XCHGB (Data Exchange (1 Byte Length) : SUB 228)

XCHGW (Data Exchange (2 Bytes Length) : SUB 229)
XCHGD (Data Exchange (4 Bytes Length) : SUB 230)
The Data exchange instruction exchanges data between two specified addresses.

To use this function, the option of “Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function” is

As indicated below, three types of Data exchange instructions are available according to the type of data
to be exchanged. In each instruction, the data items at exchange addresses are of the same data type.

Table4.5.11 (a) Kinds of Data exchange instruction

Instruction name SUB No. Data type
1 XCHGB 228 1 byte length data
2 XCHGW 229 2 bytes length data
3 XCHGD 230 4 bytes length data

Address1 Address2

Before exchange Data1 Data2

After exchange Data2 Data1

Fig. 4.5.11 (a) Example of Data exchange instruction

- 240 -

Fig. 4.5.11(b) shows the ladder format and Table 4.5.11(b) shows the mnemonic format.

Example : XCHGB Instruction


SUB 228 {{{{ Address1

XCHGB {{{{ Address2

Functional instruction
SUB 228 {{{{
XCHGB {{{{


SUB 228 {{{{

XCHGB {{{{

Fig. 4.5.11 (b) Format of XCHGB, XCHGW, XCHGD instruction

Table 4.5.11(b) Mnemonic of XCHGB, XCHGW, XCHGD instruction

Mnemonic format Memory status of control
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 228 SUB No. (XCHGB instruction)
3 (PRM) {{{{ Address 1
4 (PRM) {{{{ Address 2
5 WRT {{{{ .{ Normal end output W1

Control condition
(a) Input signal
ACT = 0: Instruction not executed.
ACT = 1: Executed.

- 241 -

(a) Address 1
Specify the 1st address which exchanges data.

(b) Address 2
Specify the 2nd address which exchanges data.

If Address 1 and Address 2 areas are overlapped with each other, the result is not

Output (W1)
When the instruction is executed, W1=1 is set. That is, W1 always assumes the same state as ACT.

W1 may be omitted. Moreover, an other functional instruction can be connected
instead of a coil.

- 242 -

4.5.12 SWAPW (Data Swap (2 Bytes Length) : SUB 231)

SWAPD (Data Swap (4 Bytes Length) : SUB 232)
The Data swap instruction swaps the high-order data and low-order data of multiple data items at
contiguous addresses with each other.

To use this function, the option of “Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function” is

The number of data items to be swapped is specified using a constant. Swap source data and a result
output destination are specified using addresses.
As indicated below, two types of Data swap instructions are available according to the type of data to be
swapped. The SWAPW instruction swaps the higher one byte and lower one byte of each data item with
each other. The SWAPD instruction swaps the higher two bytes and lower two bytes of each data item
with each other.
In each instruction, source data and output data are of the same data type.

Table 4.5.12 (a) Kinds of Data swap instruction

Instruction name SUB No. Data type
1 SWAPW 231 2 bytes length data
2 SWAPD 232 4 bytes length data

Example which swaps data 2 bytes long:

Number of data = 10
Source data top address = R100
Result output top address = D500
15 87 0

Source R0100 (2) (1)

R0102 (4) (3) Number
of data
: : :
R0118 (20) (19)


15 87 0

Result D0500 (1) (2)

D0502 (3) (4) Number
: : : of data
D0518 (19) (20)

Fig. 4.5.12 (a) Example of SWAPW instruction

- 243 -

Example which swaps data 4 bytes long:

Number of data = 10
Source data top address = R100
Result output top address = D500

31 24 23 16 15 87 0

Source R0100 (4) (3) (2) (1)

R0104 (8) (7) (6) (5) Number
of data
: : : : :
R0136 (40) (39) (38) (37)


31 24 23 16 15 87 0

Result D0500 (2) (1) (4) (3)

D0504 (6) (5) (8) (7) Number
of data
: : : : :
D0536 (38) (37) (40) (39)

Fig. 4.5.12 (b) Example of SWAPD instruction

Fig. 4.5.12(c) shows the ladder format and Table 4.5.12(b) shows the mnemonic format.

Example : SWAPW Instruction


SUB 231 {{{{ Number of data (Constant)

SWAPW {{{{ Source data top address
{{{{ Result output top address

Functional instruction
SUB 231 {{{{
SWAPW {{{{


SUB 231 {{{{

SWAPW {{{{

Fig. 4.5.12 (c) Format of SWAPW, SWAPD instruction

- 244 -
Table 4.5.12 Mnemonic of SWAPW, SWAPD instruction
Mnemonic format Memory status of control
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 231 SUB No. (SWAPW instruction)
3 (PRM) {{{{ Number of data (Constant)
4 (PRM) {{{{ Source data top address
5 (PRM) {{{{ Result output top address
6 WRT {{{{ .{ Normal end output W1

Control condition
(a) Input signal
ACT = 0: Instruction not executed.
ACT = 1: Executed.

(a) Number of data
Specify the number of data items to be swapped. A number from 1 to 256 may be specified.

Please specify a valid number to the "Number of data", so that both of the area
from "Source data top address" and the area from "Result output top address"
may be arranged within valid address range.

(b) Source data top address

Specifies the top address in which the swap data is stored.

(c) Result output top address

Specifies the top of address which stores the result of an operation.

If "Source data top address" and "Result output top address" match each other
completely, the instruction is executed normally. If the source data area partially
overlaps the result output area, normal operation of the instruction is not

Output (W1)
When the instruction is executed, W1=1 is set. That is, W1 always assumes the same state as ACT.

W1 may be omitted. Moreover, an other functional instruction can be connected
instead of a coil.

- 245 -

4.5.13 DSCHB (Binary Data Search: SUB 34)

This function instruction instructs data search in the data table. DSCHB searches the data table for a
specified data, outputs an address storing it counting from the beginning of the data table. If the data
cannot be found, an output is made accordingly.
The numerical data handled in this instruction are all in binary format and number of data (table capacity)
in the data table can be specified by specifying the address, thus allowing change in table capacity even
after writing the sequence program in the flash ROM.

Table number Data table

Search data 1
100 2 100
Search result output

Fig. 4.5.13 (a)

You can specify any R,E and D address for the data table in this functional

Fig. 4.5.13 (b) shows the ladder format and Table 4.5.13 shows the mnemonic format.

SUB 34
ACT DSCHB { Format designation
{{{{ Storage address of number of data in data table
{{{{ Data table head address
{{{{ Search data address
{{{{ Output address of search result

Fig. 4.5.13 (b) Format of DSCHB instruction

- 246 -
Table 4.5.13 Mnemonic of DSCHB instruction
Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ RST RST
2 RD.STK {{{{ .{ ACT RST ACT
3 SUB 34 DSCHB instruction
4 (PRM) { Format designation
5 (PRM) {{{{ Storage address of number of data in
data table
6 (PRM) {{{{ Data table head address
7 (PRM) {{{{ Search data address
8 (PRM) {{{{ Output address of search result
9 WRT {{{{ .{ Search result W1

Control conditions
(a) Reset (RST)
RST = 0: Release reset
RST = 1: Reset. W1 = "0".

(b) Activation command (ACT)

ACT = 0: Do not execute DSCHB instruction. W1 does not change.
ACT = 1: Execute DSCHB instruction. If the search data is found, table number where the data is
stored will be output. If the search data is not found, W1 becomes 1.

(a) Format designation
Specifies data length. Specify byte length in the first digit of the parameter.
1: 1 byte length
2: 2 bytes length
4: 4 bytes length
(b) Storage address of number of data in data table
Specifies address in which number of data in the data table is set.
This address requires memory of number of byte according to the format designation.
Number of data in the table is n + 1 (head number in the table is 0 and the last number is n). The
value which you can set depends on the "(a) Format designation".
1 byte length: 1 to 255
2 bytes length: 1 to 16384
3 bytes length: 1 to 16384
(c) Data table head address
Sets head address of data table.
(d) Search data address
Address in which search data is set.
(e) Output address of search result
After searching, if search data is found, the table number where the data is stored will be output.
The searched table number is output in this search result output address. This address requires
memory of number of byte according to the format designation.

- 247 -

1 You can not specify the table that includes different kind of address type or
discontinuous address area. In this case, operation is not guaranteed.
2 You have to set the "Storage address of number of data table elements" and the
"Data table head address" not to exceed the limit of its continuous address area.
If the table exceeds the limit of the continuous address area, operation is not
guaranteed. For example, when a range of address R is 0 to 7999 and the
"Format specification" is set to 1 and the "Data table head address" is set to
"R7990", you can set 10 or less to the "Storage address of number of data table

Search result (W1)

W1 = 0: Search data found.
W1 = 1: Search data not found.
The multiple use of coil, WRT, WRT.NOT, SET or RST, that follows this
instruction are prohibited. You have to place a single coil instruction as the output
of this instruction.

- 248 -

4.5.14 DSCH (Data Search: SUB 17)

This function instruction instructs data search in the data table. DSCH searches the data table for a
specified data, outputs an address storing it counting from the beginning of the data table. If the data
cannot be found, an output is made accordingly. The value type in this instruction is BCD.

Table internal number Data table


Search data
100 100

Search data result output

Fig. 4.5.14 (a)

You can specify any R,E and D address for the data table in this functional

Fig. 4.5.14 (b) shows the ladder format and Table 4.5.14 shows the mnemonic format.

SUB 17
RST DSCH {{{{ Number of data of the data table (Table capacity)
{{{{ Data table heading address
ACT {{{{ Search data address
{{{{ Search result output address

Fig. 4.5.14 (b) Format of DSCH instruction

Table 4.5.14 Mnemonic of DSCH instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ BYT BYT
2 RD.STK {{{{ .{ RST BYT RST
4 SUB 17 DSCH instruction
5 (PRM) {{{{ Number of data of the data table
6 (PRM) {{{{ Data table heading address
7 (PRM) {{{{ Search data address
8 (PRM) {{{{ Search result output address
9 WRT {{{{ .{ Search result W1

- 249 -

Control conditions
(a) Specify data size. (BYT)
BYT = 0: Data stored in the data table, BCD two digits long.
BYT = 1: Data stored in the data table, BCD four digits long.
(b) Reset (RST)
RST = 0: Release reset
RST = 1: Enables a reset, that is, sets W1 to 0.
(c) Execution command (ACT)
ACT = 0: The DSCH instruction is not executed. W1 does not change.
ACT = 1: The DSCH is executed, and the table internal number storing the desired data is output.
If the data cannot be found, W1 = 1.

(a) Number of data of the data table
Specifies the size of the data table. If the beginning of the data table is 0 and the end is n, n + 1 is
set as the number of data of the data table. The value which you can set depends on the control
condition "BYT".
BYT=0: 1 to 99
BYT=1: 1 to 9999
(b) Data table heading address
Addresses that can be used in a data table are fixed. When preparing a data table, the addresses to
be used must be determined beforehand, specify the head address of a data table here.
(c) Search data address
Indicates the address of the data to be searched.
(d) Search result output address
If the data being searched for is found, the internal number of the table storing the data is output to
this field. This address field is called a search result output address field.
The search result output address field requires memory whose size is the number of bytes
conforming to the size of the data specified by BYT.

1 You can not specify the table that includes different kind of address type or
discontinuous address area. In this case, operation is not guaranteed.
2 You have to set the "Number of data of the data table" and the "Data table
heading address" not to exceed the limit of its continuous address area. If the
table exceeds the limit of the continuous address area, operation is not
guaranteed. For example, when a range of address R is 0 to 7999 and the control
condition "BYT" is set to 0 and the "Data table heading address" is set to
"R7990", you can set 10 or less to the "Number of data of the data table".

Search result (W1)

W1 = 0: Search data found.
W1 = 1: Search data not found.

The multiple use of coil, WRT, WRT.NOT, SET or RST, that follows this
instruction are prohibited. You have to place a single coil instruction as the output
of this instruction.

- 250 -


The following types of table data instruction are available. Use any of these instructions as appropriate for
your purpose.

Instruction name Sub number Processing

1 TBLRB 233 Reading data from table (1 byte length)
2 TBLRW 234 Reading data from table (2 bytes length)
3 TBLRD 235 Reading data from table (4 bytes length)
4 TBLRN 236 Reading data from table (Arbitrary byte length)
5 TBLWB 237 Writing data to table (1 byte length)
6 TBLWW 238 Writing data to table (2 bytes length)
7 TBLWD 239 Writing data to table (4 bytes length)
8 TBLWN 240 Writing data to table (Arbitrary byte length)
9 DSEQB 241 Searching data from table (=)(1 byte length)
10 DSEQW 242 Searching data from table (=)(2 bytes length)
11 DSEQD 243 Searching data from table (=)(4 bytes length)
12 DSNEB 244 Searching data from table (≠)(1 byte length)
13 DSNEW 245 Searching data from table (≠)(2 bytes length)
14 DSNED 246 Searching data from table (≠)(4 bytes length)
15 DSGTB 247 Searching data from table (>)(1 byte length)
16 DSGTW 248 Searching data from table (>)(2 bytes length)
17 DSGTD 249 Searching data from table (>)(4 bytes length)
18 DSLTB 250 Searching data from table (<)(1 byte length)
19 DSLTW 251 Searching data from table (<)(2 bytes length)
20 DSLTD 252 Searching data from table (<)(4 bytes length)
21 DSGEB 253 Searching data from table (≧)(1 byte length)
22 DSGEW 254 Searching data from table (≧)(2 bytes length)
23 DSGED 255 Searching data from table (≧)(4 bytes length)
24 DSLEB 256 Searching data from table (≦)(1 byte length)
25 DSLEW 257 Searching data from table (≦)(2 bytes length)
26 DSLED 258 Searching data from table (≦)(4 bytes length)
27 DMAXB 259 Maximum data (1 byte length)
28 DMAXW 260 Maximum data (2 bytes length)
29 DMAXD 261 Maximum data (4 bytes length)
30 DMINB 262 Minimum data (1 byte length)
31 DMINW 263 Minimum data (2 bytes length)
32 DMIND 264 Minimum data (4 bytes length)

To use these functions, the option of “Extended PMC Ladder Instruction
Function” is necessary.

- 251 -

4.6.1 TBLRB (Reading Data from Table (1 Byte Length) : SUB 233)
TBLRW (Reading Data from Table (2 Bytes Length) : SUB 234)
TBLRD (Reading Data from Table (4 Bytes Length) : SUB 235)
The Reading data from table instruction transfers data from a specified position in a table to another

To use this function, the option of “Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function” is

The top of a table is specified in "Table top address". In "Reading position", a data position is specified
relative to the top data position assumed to be 0.
In "Reading position", a constant or a PMC memory address for storing data can be specified.
As indicated below, three types of Reading data from table instructions are available according to the type
of data to be read from a table. In each instruction, the data in the table and data at "Transfer destination
address" are of the same data type. However, the data type of "Reading position" is two-byte signed
binary data at all times.

Table4.6.1 (a) Kinds of Reading data from table instruction

Instruction name SUB No. Data type
1 TBLRB 233 1 byte length data
2 TBLRW 234 2 bytes length data
3 TBLRD 235 4 bytes length data

When data 2 bytes long is read:

Number of data = 12
Table top address = D100
Reading position = D200
Transfer destination address = D300
Table top address

0 D100
Reading position
1 D102
D200 10 : : :

10 D120
11 D122

The data No. in a table D300

Transfer destination address

Fig. 4.6.1 (a) Example of TBLRW instruction

- 252 -

Fig. 4.6.1(b) shows the ladder format and Table 4.6.1(b) shows the mnemonic format.

Example : TBLRB Instruction


SUB 233 {{{{ Number of data (Constant)

TBLRB {{{{ Table top address
{{{{ Reading position (Address or Constant)
{{{{ Transfer destination address

Functional Instruction
SUB 233 {{{{
TBLRB {{{{


SUB 233 {{{{

TBLRB {{{{

Fig. 4.6.1 (b) Format of TBLRB, TBLRW, TBLRD instruction

Table 4.6.1(b) Mnemonic of TBLRB, TBLRW, TBLRD instruction

Mnemonic format Memory status of
control condition
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 233 SUB No. (TBLRB instruction)
3 (PRM) {{{{ Number of data (Constant)
4 (PRM) {{{{ Table top address
5 (PRM) {{{{ Reading position (Address or Constant)
6 (PRM) {{{{ Transfer destination address
7 WRT {{{{ .{ Normal end output W1

Control condition
(a) Input signal
ACT = 0: Instruction not executed.
ACT = 1: Executed.

- 253 -

(a) Number of data
Specify the number of data items in a table. Ensure that the entire table is within the valid address

(b) Table top address

Specify the top address of a table.

(c) Reading position

Specify a data position relative to the top data position assumed to be 0. A value from 0 to the
number of data items less 1 may be specified. If a value not within this valid range is specified, no
transfer operation is performed, and W1=0 is set.
In this parameter, a constant or a PMC memory address can be specified.
If an address is specified, specify "Reading position" as signed binary data by using the contiguous
two bytes of memory starting from the specified address.

Specified address +0
Reading position
Specified address +1 (Signed binary data)

(d) Transfer destination address

Specify the destination address for the read data.

Output (W1)
W1=1: When a transfer operation is terminated normally
W1=0: When no transfer operation is executed (ACT=0)
When a value not within the valid range is specified in "Reading position"

W1 may be omitted. Moreover, an other functional instruction can be connected
instead of a coil.

- 254 -

4.6.2 TBLRN (Reading Data from Table (Arbitrary Bytes Length) :

SUB 236)
The Reading data from table instruction transfers data of a specified size from a specified position in a
table to another address.

To use this function, the option of “Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function” is

The top of a table is specified in "Table top address". In "Reading position", a data position is specified
relative to the top data position assumed to be 0. In "Reading position", a constant or a PMC memory
address for storing data can be specified.
The byte length of data to be read from the table is specified in "Data size". The data in the table and
data at "Transfer destination address" are of the same data length. However, the data type of "Reading
position" is two-byte signed binary data at all times.

When data 6 bytes long is read:

Number of data = 12
Data size =6
Table top address = D100
Reading position = D200
Transfer destination address = D300
Table top address

Reading position
0 :
D200 10 D106
1 :

: : :

10 :
11 :

The data No. in a table


Transfer destination address

Fig. 4.6.2 (a) Example of TBLRN instruction

- 255 -

Fig. 4.6.2(b) shows the ladder format and Table 4.6.2(a) shows the mnemonic format.


SUB 236 {{{{ Number of data (Constant)

TBLRN {{{{ Data size (Constant)
{{{{ Table top address
{{{{ Reading position (Address or Constant)
{{{{ Transfer destination address

Functional Instruction
SUB 236 {{{{
TBLRN {{{{


SUB 236 {{{{

TBLRN {{{{

Fig. 4.6.2 (b) Format of TBLRN instruction

Table 4.6.2 (a) Mnemonic of TBLRN instruction

Mnemonic format Memory status of
control condition
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 236 SUB No. (TBLRN instruction)
3 (PRM) {{{{ Number of data (Constant)
4 (PRM) {{{{ Data size (Constant)
5 (PRM) {{{{ Table top address
6 (PRM) {{{{ Reading position (Address or Constant)
7 (PRM) {{{{ Transfer destination address
8 WRT {{{{ .{ Normal end output W1

Control condition
(a) Input signal
ACT = 0: Instruction not executed.
ACT = 1: Executed.

- 256 -

(a) Number of data
Specify the number of data items in a table. Ensure that the entire table is within the valid address

(b) Data size

Specify the byte length of data to be read. A value from 1 to 256 may be specified.

(c) Table top address

Specify the top address of a table.

(d) Reading position

Specify a data position relative to the top data position assumed to be 0. A value from 0 to the
number of data items less 1 may be specified. If a value not within this valid range is specified, no
transfer operation is performed, and W1=0 is set.
In this parameter, a constant or a PMC memory address can be specified.
If an address is specified, specify "Reading position" as signed binary data by using the contiguous
two bytes of memory starting from the specified address.

Specified address +0
Reading position
Specified address +1 (Signed binary data)

(e) Transfer destination address

Specify the destination address for the read data.

The operation of the instruction is not guaranteed if "Transfer destination address"
overlaps the table. Specify "Transfer destination address" that does not overlap
the table.

Output (W1)
W1=1: When a transfer operation is terminated normally
W1=0: When no transfer operation is executed (ACT=0)
When a value not within the valid range is specified in "Reading position"

W1 may be omitted. Moreover, an other functional instruction can be connected
instead of a coil.

- 257 -

4.6.3 TBLWB (Writing Data to Table (1 Byte Length) : SUB 237)

TBLWW (Writing Data to Table (2 Bytes Length) : SUB 238)
TBLWD (Writing Data to Table (4 Bytes Length) : SUB 239)
The Writing data to table instruction writes data to a specified position in a table.

To use this function, the option of “Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function” is

The top of a table is specified in "Table top address". In "Writing position", a data position is specified
relative to the top data position assumed to be 0. In "Writing position", a constant or a PMC memory
address for storing data can be specified.
As indicated below, three types of Writing data to table instructions are available according to the type of
data to be written to a table. In each instruction, the data in the table and transfer data are of the same
data type. However, the data type of "Writing position" is two-byte signed binary data at all times.

Table4.6.3 (a) Kinds of Writing data to table instruction

Instruction name SUB No. Data type
1 TBLWB 237 1 byte length data
2 TBLWW 238 2 bytes length data
3 TBLWD 239 4 bytes length data

When data 2 bytes long is written:

Number of data = 12
Table top address = D100
Writing position = D200
Transfer data = D300
Table top address

0 D100
Writing position
1 D102
D200 10
: : :
10 D120
11 D122

D300 250
The data No. in a table
Transfer data

Fig. 4.6.3 (a) Example of TBLWW instruction

- 258 -

Fig. 4.6.3(b) shows the ladder format and Table 4.6.3 shows the mnemonic format.

Example : TBLWB Instruction


SUB 237 {{{{ Number of data (Constant)

TBLWB {{{{ Table top address
{{{{ Writing position (Address or Constant)
{{{{ Transfer data (Address or Constant)

Functional Instruction
SUB 237 {{{{
TBLWB {{{{


SUB 237 {{{{

TBLWB {{{{

Fig. 4.6.3 (b) Format of TBLWB, TBLWW, TBLWD instruction

Table 4.6.3(b) Mnemonic of TBLWB, TBLWW, TBLWD instruction

Mnemonic format Memory status of
control condition
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 237 SUB No. (TBLWB instruction)
3 (PRM) {{{{ Number of data (Constant)
4 (PRM) {{{{ Table top address
5 (PRM) {{{{ Writing position (Address or Constant)
6 (PRM) {{{{ Transfer data (Address or Constant)
7 WRT {{{{ .{ Normal end output W1

Control condition
(a) Input signal
ACT = 0: Instruction not executed.
ACT = 1: Executed.

- 259 -

(a) Number of data
Specify the number of data items in a table. Ensure that the entire table is within the valid address

(b) Table top address

Specify the top address of a table.

(c) Writing position

Specify a data position relative to the top data position assumed to be 0. A value from 0 to the
number of data items less 1 may be specified. If a value not within this valid range is specified, no
transfer operation is performed, and W1=0 is set.
In this parameter, a constant or a PMC memory address can be specified.
If an address is specified, specify "Writing position" as signed binary data by using the contiguous
two bytes of memory starting from the specified address.

Specified address +0
Writing position
Specified address +1 (Signed binary data)

(d) Transfer data

Specify data to be written. In this parameter, a constant or a PMC memory address for storing data
can be specified. Specify data by using signed binary data. A value within the following range
may be specified:

Instruction name Available value

TBLWB -128 to 127
TBLWW -32768 to 32767
TBLWD -2147483648 to 2147483647

Output (W1)
W1=1: When a transfer operation is terminated normally
W1=0: When no transfer operation is executed (ACT=0)
When a value not within the valid range is specified in "Writing position"

W1 may be omitted. Moreover, an other functional instruction can be connected
instead of a coil.

- 260 -

4.6.4 TBLWN (Writing Data to Table (Arbitrary Bytes Length) : SUB

The Writing data to table instruction writes data of a specified size to a specified position in a table.

To use this function, the option of “Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function” is

The top of a table is specified in "Table top address". In "Writing position", a data position is specified
relative to the top data position assumed to be 0. In "Writing position", a constant or a PMC memory
address for storing data can be specified.
The byte length of data to be written to the table is specified in "Data size". The data in the table and
data at "Transfer data top address" are of the same data length. However, the data type of "Writing
position" is two-byte signed binary data at all times.

When data 6 bytes long is written:

Number of data = 12
Data size =6
Table top address = D100
Writing position = D200
Transfer data top address = D300
Table top address

Writing position 0 :
D200 10 D106
1 :

: : :

10 :
11 :
The data No. in a table

Transfer data top address


Fig. 4.6.4 (a) Example of TBLWN instruction

- 261 -

Fig. 4.6.4(b) shows the ladder format and Table 4.6.4 shows the mnemonic format.


SUB 240 {{{{ Number of data (Constant)

TBLWN {{{{ Data size (Constant)
{{{{ Table top address
{{{{ Writing position (Address or Constant)
{{{{ Transfer data top address

Functional Instruction
SUB 240 {{{{
TBLWN {{{{


SUB 240 {{{{

TBLWN {{{{

Fig. 4.6.4 (b) Format of TBLWN instruction

Table 4.6.4 Mnemonic of TBLWN instruction

Mnemonic format Memory status of
control condition
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 240 SUB No. (TBLWN instruction)
3 (PRM) {{{{ Number of data (Constant)
4 (PRM) {{{{ Data size (Constant)
5 (PRM) {{{{ Table top address
6 (PRM) {{{{ Writing position (Address or Constant)
7 (PRM) {{{{ Transfer data top address
8 WRT {{{{ .{ Normal end output W1

Control condition
(a) Input signal
ACT = 0: Instruction not executed.
ACT = 1: Executed.

- 262 -

(a) Number of data
Specify the number of data items in a table. Ensure that the entire table is within the valid address

(b) Data size

Specify the byte length of data to be written. A value from 1 to 256 may be specified.

(c) Table top address

Specify the top address of a table.

(d) Writing position

Specify a data position relative to the top data position assumed to be 0. A value from 0 to the
number of data items less 1 may be specified. If a value not within this valid range is specified, no
transfer operation is performed, and W1=0 is set.
In this parameter, a constant or a PMC memory address can be specified.
If an address is specified, specify "Writing position" as signed binary data by using the contiguous
two bytes of memory starting from the specified address.

Specified address +0
Writing position
Specified address +1 (Signed binary data)

(e) Transfer data top address

Specify the start address of data to be written.

The operation of the instruction is not guaranteed if "Transfer data top address"
overlaps the table. Specify "Transfer data top address" that does not overlap
the table.

Output (W1)
W1=1: When a transfer operation is terminated normally
W1=0: When no transfer operation is executed (ACT=0)
When a value not within the valid range is specified in "Writing position"

W1 may be omitted. Moreover, an other functional instruction can be connected
instead of a coil.

- 263 -

4.6.5 DSEQB (Searching Data from Table(=)(1 Byte Length):SUB 241)

DSEQW (Searching Data from Table(=)(2 Bytes Length):SUB 242)
DSEQD (Searching Data from Table(=)(4 Bytes Length):SUB 243)
DSNEB (Searching Data from Table(≠)(1 Byte Length):SUB 244)
DSNEW (Searching Data from Table(≠)(2 Bytes Length):SUB 245)
DSNED (Searching Data from Table(≠)(4 Bytes Length):SUB 246)
DSGTB (Searching Data from Table(>)(1 Byte Length):SUB 247)
DSGTW (Searching Data from Table(>)(2 Bytes Length):SUB 248)
DSGTD (Searching Data from Table(>)(4 Bytes Length):SUB 249)
DSLTB (Searching Data from Table(<)(1 Byte Length):SUB 250)
DSLTW (Searching Data from Table(<)(2 Bytes Length):SUB 251)
DSLTD (Searching Data from Table(<)(4 Bytes Length):SUB 252)
DSGEB (Searching Data from Table(≧)(1 Byte Length):SUB 253)
DSGEW (Searching Data from Table(≧)(2 Bytes Length):SUB 254)
DSGED (Searching Data from Table(≧)(4 Bytes Length) :SUB 255)
DSLEB (Searching Data from Table(≦)(1 Byte Length) :SUB 256)
DSLEW (Searching Data from Table(≦)(2 Bytes Length) :SUB 257)
DSLED (Searching Data from Table(≦)(4 Bytes Length) :SUB 258)
The instruction searches a table for data that satisfies a specified condition and acquires the position of
found data.

To use this function, the option of “Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function” is

As indicated below, eighteen types of Searching data from table instructions are available according to
the search condition and data type. In each instruction, the data in the table and "Search data" are of the
same data type. However, the data type of "Search starting position" and "Find position output address"
is two-byte signed binary data at all times.

- 264 -
Table4.6.5 (a) Kinds of Searching data from table instruction
Instruction SUB Search
Data type
name No. condition
1 DSEQB 241 = 1 byte length signed binary data
2 DSEQW 242 2 bytes length signed binary data
3 DSEQD 243 4 bytes length signed binary data
4 DSNEB 244 ≠ 1 byte length signed binary data
5 DSNEW 245 2 bytes length signed binary data
6 DSNED 246 4 bytes length signed binary data
7 DSGTB 247 > 1 byte length signed binary data
8 DSGTW 248 2 bytes length signed binary data
9 DSGTD 249 4 bytes length signed binary data
10 DSLTB 250 < 1 byte length signed binary data
11 DSLTW 251 2 bytes length signed binary data
12 DSLTD 252 4 bytes length signed binary data
13 DSGEB 253 ≧ 1 byte length signed binary data
14 DSGEW 254 2 bytes length signed binary data
15 DSGED 255 4 bytes length signed binary data
16 DSLEB 256 ≦ 1 byte length signed binary data
17 DSLEW 257 2 bytes length signed binary data
18 DSLED 258 4 bytes length signed binary data

Table4.6.5 (b) Concurrence conditions of search data

Instruction Search condition Concurrence conditions
DSEQx = Table data = search data
DSNEx ≠ Table data ≠ search data
DSGTx > Table data > search data
DSLTx < Table data < search data
DSGEx ≧ Table data ≧ search data
DSLEx ≦ Table data ≦ search data

The top of a table is specified in "Table top address". In "Search starting position", a data position is
specified relative to the top data position assumed to be 0. A value output to "Find position output
address" is also indicated as a data position relative to the top data position assumed to be 0. In "Search
starting position", a constant or a PMC memory address for storing data can be specified.

If a value not within the valid range is specified in "Search starting position", -1 is output to "Find
position output address", and W1=0 is set.
Moreover, if data that satisfies a specified condition is not found in the area from "Search starting
position" to the end of the table as a result of search operation, -1 is output to "Find position output
address", and W1=0 is set.

- 265 -

When data larger than "Search data" is to be found:

Number of data = 20
Table top address = D100
Search starting position = D200
Search data = D300
Find position output address = D400
Table top address

0 D100 10
Search starting position Search data
1 D102 200
D200 3 D300 175
2 D104 4000

3 D106 175
4 D108 50
5 D110 90
6 D112 0
7 D114 180
: : :
19 D138 200

The data No. in a table

D400 7

Find position output address

Fig. 4.6.5 (a) Example of DSGTW instruction

- 266 -

Fig. 4.6.5(b) shows the ladder format and Table 4.6.5(c) shows the mnemonic format.

Example : DSEQB Instruction


SUB 241 {{{{ Number of data (Constant)

DSEQB {{{{ Table top address
{{{{ Search starting position (Address or Constant)
{{{{ Search data (Address or Constant)
{{{{ Find position output address

Functional Instruction
SUB 241 {{{{
DSEQB {{{{


SUB 241 {{{{

DSEQB {{{{

Fig. 4.6.5 (b) Format of DSEQx, DSNEx, DSGTx, DSLTx, DSGEx, DSLEx instruction

Table 4.6.5 (c) Mnemonic of DSEQx, DSNEx, DSGTx, DSLTx, DSGEx, DSLEx instruction
Mnemonic format Memory status of control
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 241 SUB No. (DSEQB instruction)
3 (PRM) {{{{ Number of data (Constant)
4 (PRM) {{{{ Table top address
5 (PRM) {{{{ Search starting position (Address or
6 (PRM) {{{{ Search data (Address or Constant)
7 (PRM) {{{{ Find position output address
8 WRT {{{{ .{ Result output W1

Control condition
(a) Input signal
ACT = 0: Instruction not executed.
ACT = 1: Executed.

- 267 -

(a) Number of data
Specify the number of data items in a table. Ensure that the entire table is within the valid address

(b) Table top address

Specify the top address of a table.

(c) Search starting position

Specify a search start data position relative to the top data position assumed to be 0. A value from
0 to the number of data items less 1 may be specified. If a value not within this valid range is
specified, no search operation is performed, -1 is output to "Find position output address", and
W1=0 is set.
In this parameter, a constant or a PMC memory address can be specified.
If an address is specified, specify "Search starting position" as signed binary data by using the
contiguous two bytes of memory starting from the specified address.

Specified address +0
Search starting position
Specified address +1 (Signed binary data)

(d) Search data

Specify a value to be compared with in search operation. A comparison is made with this data
according to the search condition of each instruction, and the position of data that satisfies the search
condition is acquired.
In this parameter, a constant or a PMC memory address for storing data can be specified. Specify
data by using signed binary data. A value within the following range may be specified:

Instruction name Available value

DSEQD DSNED DSGTD DSLTD DSGTD DSLED -2147483648 to 2147483647

(e) Find position output address

Specify the address for outputting data that satisfies the specified condition as a result of search.
A find position is output as two-bye signed binary data.
If no data satisfies the specified condition, -1 is output, and W1=0 is set.

Specified address +0
Find position
Specified address +1 (Signed binary data)

- 268 -

Output (W1)
W1=1: When data that satisfies a specified condition is found
W1=0: When no search operation is executed (ACT=0)
When data that satisfies a specified condition is not found in the area from "Search starting
position" to the end of the table
When a value not within the valid range is set in "Search starting position"

W1 may be omitted. Moreover, an other functional instruction can be connected
instead of a coil.

- 269 -

4.6.6 DMAXB (Maximum Data (1 Byte Length): SUB 259)

DMAXW (Maximum Data (2 Bytes Length) : SUB 260)
DMAXD (Maximum Data (4 Bytes Length) : SUB 261)
The Maximum data instruction searches a table for maximum data and acquires the value and position of
found maximum data.

To use this function, the option of “Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function” is

The top of a table is specified in "Table top address". A value output to "Find position output address"
is indicated as a data position relative to the top data position assumed to be 0.
A search is made starting at the top of a table. In "Number of search data", the number of data items to
be searched in the area from the top of a table to a desired search position is specified.

As indicated below, three types of Maximum data instructions are available according to the data type of
a table to be searched. In each instruction, the data in the table and data at "Maximum data output
address" are of the same data type. However, the data type of "Number of search data" and "Find
position output address" is two-byte signed binary data at all times.

Table4.6.6 (a) Kinds of Maximum data instruction

Instruction name SUB No. Data type
1 DMAXB 259 1 byte length signed data
2 DMAXW 260 2 bytes length signed data
3 DMAXD 261 4 bytes length signed data

- 270 -

When a table is searched for maximum data and its position:

Number of data = 20
Table top address = D100
Number of search data = D400
Maximum data output address = D200
Find position output address = D300

Number of search data Table top address

D400 10
0 D100 100
(Search range)
1 D102 200

2 D104 30000

3 D106 -2000
4 D108 50
5 D110 720
6 D112 30000
7 D114 -2000
8 D116 10000
9 D118 2000
10 D120 0
11 D122 0
: : :
19 D138 0

The data No. in a table

D200 30000
D300 2
Maximum data output address
Find position output address

Fig. 4.6.6 (a) Example of DMAXW instruction

- 271 -

Fig. 4.6.6(b) shows the ladder format and Table 4.6.6(b) shows the mnemonic format.

Example : DMAXB Instruction


SUB 259 {{{{ Number of data (Constant)

DMAXB {{{{ Table top address
{{{{ Number of search data (Address or Constant)
{{{{ Maximum data output address
{{{{ Find position output address

Functional Instruction
SUB 259 {{{{
DMAXB {{{{


SUB 259 {{{{

DMAXB {{{{

Fig. 4.6.6 (b) Format of DMAXB, DMAXW, DMAXD instruction

Table 4.6.6 (b) Mnemonic of DMAXB, DMAXW, DMAXD instruction

Mnemonic format Memory status of control
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 259 SUB No. (DMAXB instruction)
3 (PRM) {{{{ Number of data (Constant)
4 (PRM) {{{{ Table top address
5 (PRM) {{{{ Number of search data (Address or
6 (PRM) {{{{ Maximum data output address
7 (PRM) {{{{ Find position output address
8 WRT {{{{ .{ Normal end output W1

Control condition
(a) Input signal
ACT = 0: Instruction not executed.
ACT = 1: Executed.

- 272 -

(a) Number of data
Specify the number of data items in a table. Ensure that the entire table is within the valid address
This parameter indicates the total number of data items of a table. A data range to be searched is
specified using the "Number of search data" parameter.

(b) Table top address

Specify the top address of a table.

(c) Number of search data

Specify the number of data items to be searched for maximum data in a table. A value from 1 to
the value specified in the "Number of data" parameter may be specified. If a value not within this
valid range is specified, 0 is output to "Maximum data output address", -1 is output to "Find position
output address", and W1=0 is set.
In this parameter, a constant or a PMC memory address for storing data can be specified.
If an address is specified, specify a search range as signed binary data by using the contiguous two
bytes of memory starting from the specified address.

Specified address +0
Number of search data
Specified address +1 (Signed binary data)

(d) Maximum data output address

Specify the address to which maximum data is to be output as a result of search operation.

(e) Find position output address

Specify the address to which the position of maximum data is to be output as a result of search
A find position is output as two-bye signed binary data.
As data position information, the top of the table is indicated as 0, and the end of the table is indicated
as the number of data items less 1. If multiple maximum data items are found, the position nearest to
the top of the table is output.

Specified address +0
Find position
Specified address +1 (Signed binary data)

Output (W1)
W1=1: When a search operation is terminated normally
W1=0: When no search operation is executed (ACT=0)
When, a value not within the valid range is set in "Number of search data"

W1 may be omitted. Moreover, an other functional instruction can be connected
instead of a coil.

- 273 -

4.6.7 DMINB (Minimum Data (1 Byte Length): SUB 262)

DMINW (Minimum Data (2 Bytes Length): SUB 263)
DMIND (Minimum Data (4 Bytes Length): SUB 264)
The Minimum data instruction searches a table for minimum data and acquires the value and position of
found minimum data.

To use this function, the option of “Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function” is

The top of a table is specified in "Table top address". A value output to "Find position output address"
is indicated as a data position relative to the top data position assumed to be 0.
A search is made starting at the top of a table. In "Number of search data", the number of data items to
be searched in the area from the top of a table to a desired search position is specified.

As indicated below, three types of Minimum data instructions are available according to the data type of a
table to be searched. In each instruction, the data in the table and data at "Minimum data output
address" are of the same data type. However, the data type of "Number of search data" and "Find
position output address" is two-byte signed binary data at all times.

Table4.6.7 (a) Kinds of Minimum data instruction

Instruction name SUB No. Data type
1 DMINB 262 1 byte length signed data
2 DMINW 263 2 bytes length signed data
3 DMIND 264 4 bytes length signed data

- 274 -

When a table is searched for minimum data and its position:

Number of data = 20
Table top address = D100
Number of search data = D400
Minimum data output address = D200
Find position output address = D300
Number of search data Table top address

D400 10
0 D100 100
(Search range)
1 D102 200

2 D104 30000

3 D106 -2000
4 D108 50
5 D110 720
6 D112 30000
7 D114 -2000
8 D116 10000
9 D118 2000
10 D120 0
11 D122 0
: : :
19 D138 0

The data No. in a table

D200 -2000
D300 3
Minimum data output address
Find position output address

Fig. 4.6.7 (a) Example of DMINW instruction

- 275 -

Fig. 4.6.7(b) shows the ladder format and Table 4.6.7(b) shows the mnemonic format.

Example : DMINB Instruction


SUB 262 {{{{ Number of data (Constant)

DMINB {{{{ Table top address
{{{{ Number of search data (Address or Constant)
{{{{ Minimum data output address
{{{{ Find position output address

Functional Instruction
SUB 262 {{{{
DMINB {{{{


SUB 262 {{{{

DMINB {{{{

Fig. 4.6.7 (b) Format of DMINB, DMINW, DMIND instruction

Table 4.6.7 (b) Mnemonic of DMINB, DMINW, DMIND instruction

Mnemonic format Memory status of control
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 262 SUB No. (DMINB instruction)
3 (PRM) {{{{ Number of data (Constant)
4 (PRM) {{{{ Table top address
5 (PRM) {{{{ Number of search data (Address or
6 (PRM) {{{{ Minimum data output address
7 (PRM) {{{{ Find position output address
8 WRT {{{{ .{ Normal end output W1

Control condition
(a) Input signal
ACT = 0: Instruction not executed.
ACT = 1: Executed.

- 276 -

(a) Number of data
Specify the number of data items in a table. Ensure that the entire table is within the valid address
This parameter indicates the total number of data items of a table. A data range to be searched is
specified using the "Number of search data" parameter.

(b) Table top address

Specify the top address of a table.

(c) Number of search data

Specify the number of data items to be searched for minimum data in a table. A value from 1 to the
value specified in the "Number of data" parameter may be specified. If an invalid value is
specified, 0 is output to "Minimum data output address", -1 is output to "Find position output
address", and W1=0 is set.
In this parameter, a constant or a PMC memory address for storing data can be specified.
If an address is specified, specify a search range as signed binary data by using the contiguous two
bytes of memory starting from the specified address.

Specified address +0
Number of search data
Specified address +1 (Signed binary data)

(d) Minimum data output address

Specify the address to which minimum data is to be output as a result of search operation.

(e) Find position output address

Specify the address to which the position of minimum data is to be output as a result of search
A find position is output as two-bye signed binary data.
As data position information, the top of the table is indicated as 0, and the end of the table is indicated
as the number of data items less 1. If multiple minimum data items are found, the position nearest to
the top of the table is output.

Specified address +0
Find position
Specified address +1 (Signed binary data)

Output (W1)
W1=1: When a search operation is terminated normally
W1=0: When no search operation is executed (ACT=0)
When a value not within the valid range is set in "Number of search data"

W1 may be omitted. Moreover, an other functional instruction can be connected
instead of a coil.

- 277 -

The following types of comparison instruction are available. Use any of these instructions as appropriate
for your purpose.

Instruction name Sub number Processing

1 EQB 200 1 byte Binary comparison (equal) (NOTE1)
2 EQW 201 2 byte Binary comparison (equal) (NOTE1)
3 EQD 202 4 byte Binary comparison (equal) (NOTE1)
4 NEB 203 1 byte Binary comparison (not equal) (NOTE1)
5 NEW 204 2 byte Binary comparison (not equal) (NOTE1)
6 NED 205 4 byte Binary comparison (not equal) (NOTE1)
7 GTB 206 1 byte Binary comparison (greater than) (NOTE1)
8 GTW 207 2 byte Binary comparison (greater than) (NOTE1)
9 GTD 208 4 byte Binary comparison (greater than) (NOTE1)
10 LTB 209 1 byte Binary comparison (less than) (NOTE1)
11 LTW 210 2 byte Binary comparison (less than) (NOTE1)
12 LTD 211 4 byte Binary comparison (less than) (NOTE1)
13 GEB 212 1 byte Binary comparison (greater or equal) (NOTE1)
14 GEW 213 2 byte Binary comparison (greater or equal) (NOTE1)
15 GED 214 4 byte Binary comparison (greater or equal) (NOTE1)
16 LEB 215 1 byte Binary comparison (less or equal) (NOTE1)
17 LEW 216 2 byte Binary comparison (less or equal) (NOTE1)
18 LED 217 4 byte Binary comparison (less or equal) (NOTE1)
19 RNGB 218 1 byte Binary comparison (range) (NOTE1)
20 RNGW 219 2 byte Binary comparison (range) (NOTE1)
21 RNGD 220 4 byte Binary comparison (range) (NOTE1)
22 COMPB 32 Comparison between binary data
23 COMP 15 Comparison
24 COIN 16 Coincidence check

1 You can set either constant or address to each parameter for the "(*1)" marked
instruction. When you input a number to its parameter on LADDER editing
screen, the input is recognized as a constant parameter. When you input a
symbol that is composed of digits and that may be considered as a number, the
input is recognized as a number and treated as a constant parameter too. If you
want to set such address that has a confusing symbol, you have to input the
address, not the symbol, to the parameter.

- 278 -

4.7.1 Signed Binary Comparison (=)

EQB (1 Byte Length: SUB 200)
EQW (2 Bytes Length: SUB 201)
EQD (4 Bytes Length: SUB 202)
Using this instruction, you can know whether the "Data 1" equals to the "Data 2" or not.
The EQB instruction handles 1 byte length signed binary data.
The EQW instruction handles 2 bytes length signed binary data.
The EQD instruction handles 4 bytes length signed binary data.

Fig. 4.7.1 shows the ladder format and Table 4.7.1 shows the mnemonic format.

SUB 200
EQB {{{{ Data1 (Constant or Address)
{{{{ Data2 (Constant or Address)

SUB 201
EQW {{{{ Data1 (Constant or Address)
{{{{ Data2 (Constant or Address)

SUB 202
EQD {{{{ Data1 (Constant or Address)
{{{{ Data2 (Constant or Address)

Fig. 4.7.1 Format of EQB, EQW and EQD instructions

Table 4.7.1 Mnemonic of EQB, EQW and EQD instructions

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 200 EQB instruction
201 EQW instruction
202 EQD instruction
3 (PRM) {{{{ Data1 (Constant or Address)
4 (PRM) {{{{ Data2 (Constant or Address)
5 WRT {{{{ .{ Result W1

- 279 -

Control condition
(a) Command (ACT)
ACT=0: Do not execute the instruction. The W1 becomes 0.
ACT=1: Execute the instruction. The result is output to W1.

(a) Data 1
(b) Data 2
You can specify the constant or any address. The valid data range is shown below.
EQB: -128 to 127
EQW: -32768 to 32767
EQD: -2147483648 to 2147483647

Output (W1)
The result is output to W1.
W1=1: - When ACT=1 and "Data 1" = "Data 2"
W1=0: - When ACT=0
- When ACT=1 and "Data 1" ≠ "Data2"

Operation Output Register (R9000)

This instruction does not update the operation output register. So, the operation output register will not
change after this instruction.

- 280 -

4.7.2 Signed Binary Comparison (≠)

NEB (1 Byte Length: SUB 203)
NEW (2 Bytes Length: SUB 204)
NED (4 Bytes Length: SUB 205)
Using this instruction, you can know whether the "Data 1" does not equal to the "Data 2" or not.
The NEB instruction handles 1 byte length signed binary data.
The NEW instruction handles 2 bytes length signed binary data.
The NED instruction handles 4 bytes length signed binary data.

Fig. 4.7.2 shows the ladder format and Table 4.7.2 shows the mnemonic format.

SUB 203
NEB {{{{ Data1 (Constant or Address)
{{{{ Data2 (Constant or Address)

SUB 204
NEW {{{{ Data1 (Constant or Address)
{{{{ Data2 (Constant or Address)

SUB 205
NED {{{{ Data1 (Constant or Address)
{{{{ Data2 (Constant or Address)

Fig. 4.7.2 Format of NEB, NEW and NED instructions

Table 4.7.2 Mnemonic of NEB, NEW and NED instructions

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 203 NEB instruction
204 NEW instruction
205 NED instruction
3 (PRM) {{{{ Data1 (Constant or Address)
4 (PRM) {{{{ Data2 (Constant or Address)
5 WRT {{{{ .{ Result W1

- 281 -

Control condition
(a) Command (ACT)
ACT=0: Do not execute the instruction. The W1 becomes 0.
ACT=1: Execute the instruction. The result is output to W1.

(a) Data 1
(b) Data 2
You can specify the constant or any address. The valid data range is shown below.
NEB: -128 to 127
NEW: -32768 to 32767
NED: -2147483648 to 2147483647

Output (W1)
The result is output to W1.
W1=1: - When ACT=1 and "Data 1" ≠ "Data 2"
W1=0: - When ACT=0
- When ACT=1 and "Data 1" = "Data2"

Operation Output Register (R9000)

This instruction does not update the operation output register. So, the operation output register will not
change after this instruction.

- 282 -

4.7.3 Signed Binary Comparison (>)

GTB (1 Byte Length: SUB 206)
GTW (2 Bytes Length: SUB 207)
GTD (4 Bytes Length: SUB 208)
Using this instruction, you can know whether the "Data 1" is greater than the "Data 2" or not.
The GTB instruction handles 1 byte length signed binary data.
The GTW instruction handles 2 bytes length signed binary data.
The GTD instruction handles 4 bytes length signed binary data.

Fig. 4.7.3 shows the ladder format and Table 4.7.3 shows the mnemonic format.

SUB 206
GTB {{{{ Data1 (Constant or Address)
{{{{ Data2 (Constant or Address)

SUB 207
GTW {{{{ Data1 (Constant or Address)
{{{{ Data2 (Constant or Address)

SUB 208
GTD {{{{ Data1 (Constant or Address)
{{{{ Data2 (Constant or Address)

Fig. 4.7.3 Format of GTB, GTW and GTD instructions

Table 4.7.3 Mnemonic of GTB, GTW and GTD instructions

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 206 GTB instruction
207 GTW instruction
208 GTD instruction
3 (PRM) {{{{ Data1 (Constant or Address)
4 (PRM) {{{{ Data2 (Constant or Address)
5 WRT {{{{ .{ Result W1

- 283 -

Control condition
(a) Command (ACT)
ACT=0: Do not execute the instruction. The W1 becomes 0.
ACT=1: Execute the instruction. The result is output to W1.

(a) Data 1
(b) Data 2
You can specify the constant or any address. The valid data range is shown below.
GTB: -128 to 127
GTW: -32768 to 32767
GTD: -2147483648 to 2147483647

Output (W1)
The result is output to W1.
W1=1: - When ACT=1 and "Data 1" > "Data 2"
W1=0: - When ACT=0 "
- When ACT=1 and "Data 1" ≦ "Data2"

Operation Output Register (R9000)

This instruction does not update the operation output register. So, the operation output register will not
change after this instruction.

- 284 -

4.7.4 Signed Binary Comparison (<)

LTB (1 Byte Length: SUB 209)
LTW (2 Bytes Length: SUB 210)
LTD (4 Bytes Length: SUB 211)
Using this instruction, you can know whether the "Data 1" is smaller than the "Data 2" or not.
The LTB instruction handles 1 byte length signed binary data.
The LTW instruction handles 2 bytes length signed binary data.
The LTD instruction handles 4 bytes length signed binary data.

Fig. 4.7.4 shows the ladder format and Table 4.7.4 shows the mnemonic format.

SUB 209
LTB {{{{ Data1 (Constant or Address)
{{{{ Data2 (Constant or Address)

SUB 210
LTW {{{{ Data1 (Constant or Address)
{{{{ Data2 (Constant or Address)

SUB 211
LTD {{{{ Data1 (Constant or Address)
{{{{ Data2 (Constant or Address)

Fig. 4.7.4 Format of LTB, LTW and LTD instructions

Table 4.7.4 Mnemonic of LTB, LTW and LTD instructions

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 209 LTB instruction
210 LTW instruction
211 LTD instruction
3 (PRM) {{{{ Data1 (Constant or Address)
4 (PRM) {{{{ Data2 (Constant or Address)
5 WRT {{{{ .{ Result W1

- 285 -

Control condition
(a) Command (ACT)
ACT=0: Do not execute the instruction. The W1 becomes 0.
ACT=1: Execute the instruction. The result is output to W1.

(a) Data 1
(b) Data 2
You can specify the constant or any address. The valid data range is shown below.
LTB: -128 to 127
LTW: -32768 to 32767
LTD: -2147483648 to 2147483647

Output (W1)
The result is output to W1.
W1=1: - When ACT=1 and "Data 1" < "Data 2"
W1=0: - When ACT=0
- When ACT=1 and "Data 1" ≧ "Data2"

Operation Output Register (R9000)

This instruction does not update the operation output register. So, the operation output register will not
change after this instruction.

- 286 -

4.7.5 Signed Binary Comparison (≧)

GEB (1 Byte Length: SUB 212)
GEW (2 Bytes Length: SUB 213)
GED (4 Bytes Length: SUB 214)
Using this instruction, you can know whether the "Data 1" is equal or greater than the "Data 2" or not.
The GEB instruction handles 1 byte length signed binary data.
The GEW instruction handles 2 bytes length signed binary data.
The GED instruction handles 4 bytes length signed binary data.

Fig. 4.7.5 shows the ladder format and Table 4.7.5 shows the mnemonic format.

SUB 212
GEB {{{{ Data1 (Constant or Address)
{{{{ Data2 (Constant or Address)

SUB 213
GEW {{{{ Data1 (Constant or Address)
{{{{ Data2 (Constant or Address)

SUB 214
GED {{{{ Data1 (Constant or Address)
{{{{ Data2 (Constant or Address)

Fig. 4.7.5 Format of GEB, GEW and GED instructions

Table 4.7.5 Mnemonic of GEB, GEW and GED instructions

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 212 GEB instruction
213 GEW instruction
214 GED instruction
3 (PRM) {{{{ Data1 (Constant or Address)
4 (PRM) {{{{ Data2 (Constant or Address)
5 WRT {{{{ .{ Result W1

- 287 -

Control condition
(a) Command (ACT)
ACT=0: Do not execute the instruction. The W1 becomes 0.
ACT=1: Execute the instruction. The result is output to W1.

(a) Data 1
(b) Data 2
You can specify the constant or any address. The valid data range is shown below.
GEB: -128 to 127
GEW: -32768 to 32767
GED: -2147483648 to 2147483647

Output (W1)
The result is output to W1.
W1=1: - When ACT=1 and "Data 1" ≧ "Data 2"
W1=0: - When ACT=0
- When ACT=1 and "Data 1" < "Data2"

Operation Output Register (R9000)

This instruction does not update the operation output register. So, the operation output register will not
change after this instruction.

- 288 -

4.7.6 Signed Binary Comparison (≦)

LEB (1 Byte Length: SUB 215)
LEW (2 Bytes Length: SUB 216)
LED (4 Bytes Length: SUB 217)
Using this instruction, you can know whether the "Data 1" is equal or smaller than the "Data 2" or not.
The LEB instruction handles 1 byte length signed binary data.
The LEW instruction handles 2 bytes length signed binary data.
The LED instruction handles 4 bytes length signed binary data.

Fig. 4.7.6 shows the ladder format and Table 4.7.6 shows the mnemonic format.

SUB 215
LEB {{{{ Data1 (Constant or Address)
{{{{ Data2 (Constant or Address)

SUB 216
LEW {{{{ Data1 (Constant or Address)
{{{{ Data2 (Constant or Address)

SUB 217
LED {{{{ Data1 (Constant or Address)
{{{{ Data2 (Constant or Address)

Fig. 4.7.6 Format of LEB, LEW and LED instructions

Table 4.7.6 Mnemonic of LEB, LEW and LED instructions

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 215 LEB instruction
216 LEW instruction
217 LED instruction
3 (PRM) {{{{ Data1 (Constant or Address)
4 (PRM) {{{{ Data2 (Constant or Address)
5 WRT {{{{ .{ Result W1

- 289 -

Control condition
(a) Command (ACT)
ACT=0: Do not execute the instruction. The W1 becomes 0.
ACT=1: Execute the instruction. The result is output to W1.

(a) Data 1
(b) Data 2
You can specify the constant or any address. The valid data range is shown below.
LEB: -128 to 127
LEW: -32768 to 32767
LED: -2147483648 to 2147483647

Output (W1)
The result is output to W1.
W1=1: - When ACT=1 and "Data 1" ≦ "Data 2"
W1=0: - When ACT=0
- When ACT=1 and "Data 1" > "Data2"

Operation Output Register (R9000)

This instruction does not update the operation output register. So, the operation output register will not
change after this instruction.

- 290 -

4.7.7 Signed Binary Comparison (Range)

RNGB (1 Byte Length: SUB 218)
RNGW (2 Bytes Length: SUB 219)
RNGD (4 Bytes Length: SUB 220)
This instruction is the range comparison function. When following data conditions, the output W1
becomes 1.
"Data 1" ≦ "Input data" ≦ "Data 2" or
"Data 2" ≦ "Input data" ≦ "Data 1"
The RNGB instruction handles 1 byte length signed binary data.
The RNGW instruction handles 2 bytes length signed binary data.
The RNGD instruction handles 4 bytes length signed binary data.

Fig. 4.7.7 shows the ladder format and Table 4.7.7 shows the mnemonic format.

SUB 218
RNGB {{{{ Data1 (Constant or Address)
{{{{ Data2 (Constant or Address)
{{{{ Input data (Constant or Address)

SUB 219
RNGW {{{{ Data1 (Constant or Address)
{{{{ Data2 (Constant or Address)
{{{{ Input data (Constant or Address)

SUB 220
RNGD {{{{ Data1 (Constant or Address)
{{{{ Data2 (Constant or Address)
{{{{ Input data (Constant or Address)

Fig. 4.7.7 Format of RNGB, RNGW and RNGD instructions

Table 4.7.7 Mnemonic of RNGB, RNGW and RNGD instructions

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 218 RNGB instruction
219 RNGW instruction
220 RNGD instruction
3 (PRM) {{{{ Data1 (Constant or Address)
4 (PRM) {{{{ Data2 (Constant or Address)
5 (PRM) {{{{ Input data (Constant or Address)
6 WRT {{{{ .{ Result W1

- 291 -

Control condition
(a) Command (ACT)
ACT=0: Do not execute the instruction. The W1 becomes 0.
ACT=1: Execute the instruction. The result is output to W1.

(a) Data 1
(b) Data 2
(c) Input data
You can specify the constant or any address. The valid data range is shown below.
RNGB: -128 to 127
RNGW: -32768 to 32767
RNGD: -2147483648 to 2147483647

Output (W1)
The result is output to W1.
W1=1: - When ACT=1 and "Data 1 ≦ Input data ≦ Data 2"
- When ACT=1 and "Data 2 ≦ Input data ≦ Data 1"
W1=0: - When ACT=0
- When ACT=1 and except for above condition.

Operation Output Register (R9000)

This instruction does not update the operation output register. So, the operation output register will not
change after this instruction.

- 292 -

4.7.8 COMPB (Comparison Between Binary Data: SUB 32)

This instruction compares 1, 2, and 4 byte binary data with one another. Results of comparison are set in
the operation output register (R9000). Sufficient number of bytes are necessary in the memory to hold
the input data and comparison data.

Fig. 4.7.8 shows the ladder format and Table 4.7.8 shows the mnemonic format.

SUB 32
COMPB …00… Format specification
{{{{ Input data (address)
{{{{ Address or data to be compared

Fig. 4.7.8 Format of COMPB instruction

Table 4.7.8 Mnemonic of COMPB instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 32 COMPB instruction
3 (PRM) …00… Format specification
4 (PRM) {{{{ Input data (address)
5 (PRM) {{{{ Address of data to be compared

Control condition
(a) Command (ACT)
ACT = 0: Do not execute COMPB.
ACT = 1: Execute COMPB.

(a) Format specification
Specify data length (1,2, or 4 bytes) and format for the input data ('constants data' or 'address data').

0 0

Specification of data length

1: 1-byte length data
2: 2-byte length data
4: 4-byte length data
Specification of format
0: Constants
1: Address

(b) Input data (address)

Format for the input data is determined by the specification in (a).
(c) Address of data to be compared
Indicates the address in which the comparison data is stored.

- 293 -

Operation output register (R9000)

The data involved in the operation are set in this register. This register is set with data on operation. If
register bit 1 is on, they indicate the following:

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Zero ([input data] = [data compared])

Negative ([input data] < [data compared])

The following table shows the relationship among the [input data], [data compared], and operation output

R9000.5 R9000.1 R9000.0

[Input data] = [data compared] 0 0 1
[Input data] > [data compared] 0 0 0
[Input data] < [data compared] 0 1 0
Overflow 1 0 0

Programming examples for the operation output register

Programming examples of comparison between two positive value are shown bellow.

(1) When checking that [input data] = [data compared]

ACT R9000.5 R9000.0 Check result

(2) When checking that [input data] ≠ [data compared]

ACT R9000.5 R9000.0 Check result

(3) When checking that [input data] > [data compared]

ACT R9000.5 R9000.1 R9000.0 Check result

(4) When checking that [input data] ≧ [data compared]

ACT R9000.5 R9000.1 Check result

- 294 -
(5) When checking that [input data] < [data compared]
ACT R9000.5 R9000.1 Check result

(6) When checking that [input data] ≦ [data compared]

ACT R9000.5 R9000.0 Check result


(7) When checking for an overflow of the comparison operation

ACT R9000.5 Check result

- 295 -

4.7.9 COMP (Comparison: SUB 15)

Compares input and comparison values. The value type in this instruction is BCD.

Fig. 4.7.9 shows the ladder format and Table 4.7.9 shows the mnemonic format.

SUB 15
ACT COMP { Specification of input data format
{{{{ Input data
{{{{ Comparison data address

Fig. 4.7.9 Format of COMP instruction

Table 4.7.9 Mnemonic of COMP instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ BYT BYT
2 RD.STK {{{{ .{ ACT BYT ACT
3 SUB 15 COMP instruction
4 (PRM) { Specification of input data format
5 (PRM) {{{{ Input data
6 (PRM) {{{{ Comparison data address
7 WRT {{{{ .{ Comparison result output W1

Control conditions
(a) Specify the data size. (BYT)
BYT = 0: Process data (input value and comparison value) is BCD two digits long.
BYT = 1: Process data (input value and comparison value) is BCD four digits long.
(b) Execution command (ACT)
ACT = 0: The COMP instruction is not executed. W1 does not alter.
ACT = 1: The COMP instruction is executed and the result is output to W1.

(a) Specification of input data format
0: Specifies input data with a constant.
1: Specifies input data with an address
Not specify input data directly, but specify an address storing input data.
(b) Input data
The input data can be specified as either a constant or the address storing it. The selection is made by
a parameter of format specification.
(c) Comparison data address
Specifies the address storing the comparison data.

Comparison result output (W1)

W1 = 0: Input data > Comparison data
W1 = 1: Input data ≦Comparison data

- 296 -

4.7.10 COIN (Coincidence Check: SUB 16)

Checks whether the input value and comparison value coincide.
The value type in this instruction is BCD.

Fig. 4.7.10 shows the ladder format and Table 4.7.10 shows the mnemonic format.

SUB 16
ACT COIN { Specification of input data format
{{{{ Input data
{{{{ Comparison data address

Fig. 4.7.10 Format of COIN instruction

Table 4.7.10 Mnemonic of COIN instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ BYT BYT
2 RD.STK {{{{ .{ ACT BYT ACT
3 SUB 16 COIN instruction
4 (PRM) { Specification of input data format
5 (PRM) {{{{ Input data
6 (PRM) {{{{ Comparison data address
7 WRT {{{{ .{ Comparison result output W1

Control conditions
(a) Specify the data size.
BYT = 0: Process data (input value, and comparison values) is BCD two digits long.
BYT = 1: Process data (input value, and comparison values) is BCD four digits long.
(b) Execution command
ACT = 0: The COIN instruction is not executed. W1 does not change.
ACT = 1: The COIN instruction is executed and the results is output to W1.

(a) Specification of input data format
0: Specifies input data as a constant.
1: Specifies input data as an address.
(b) Input data
The input data can be specified as either a constant or an address storing it. The selection is made by
a parameter of format designation.
(c) Comparison data address
Specifies the address storing the comparison data.

Comparison result output (W1)

W1 = 0: Input data ≠ Comparison data
W1 = 1: Input data = Comparison data

- 297 -


The following types of bit operation instruction are available. Use any of these instructions as
appropriate for your purpose.

Instruction name Sub number Processing

1 DIFU 57 Rising edge detection
2 DIFD 58 Falling edge detection
3 EOR 59 Exclusive OR
4 AND 60 Logical AND
5 OR 61 Logical OR
6 NOT 62 Logical NOT
7 PARI 11 Parity check
8 SFT 33 Shift register
9 EORB 265 Exclusive OR (1 byte length)
10 EORW 266 Exclusive OR (2 bytes length)
11 EORD 267 Exclusive OR (4 bytes length)
12 ANDB 268 Logical AND (1 byte length)
13 ANDW 269 Logical AND (2 bytes length)
14 ANDD 270 Logical AND (4 bytes length)
15 ORB 271 Logical OR (1 byte length)
16 ORW 272 Logical OR (2 bytes length)
17 ORD 273 Logical OR (4 bytes length)
18 NOTB 274 Logical NOT (1 byte length)
19 NOTW 275 Logical NOT (2 bytes length)
20 NOTD 276 Logical NOT (4 bytes length)
21 SHLB 277 Bit shift left (1 byte length)
22 SHLW 278 Bit shift left (2 bytes length)
23 SHLD 279 Bit shift left (4 bytes length)
24 SHLN 280 Bit shift left (Arbitrary bytes length)
25 SHRB 281 Bit shift right (1 byte length)
26 SHRW 282 Bit shift right (2 bytes length)
27 SHRD 283 Bit shift right (4 bytes length)
28 SHRN 284 Bit shift right (Arbitrary bytes length)
29 ROLB 285 Bit rotation left (1 byte length)
30 ROLW 286 Bit rotation left (2 bytes length)
31 ROLD 287 Bit rotation left (4 bytes length)
32 ROLN 288 Bit rotation left (Arbitrary bytes length)
33 RORB 289 Bit rotation right (1 byte length)
34 RORW 290 Bit rotation right (2 bytes length)
35 RORD 291 Bit rotation right (4 bytes length)
36 RORN 292 Bit rotation right (Arbitrary bytes length)
37 BSETB 293 Bit set (1 byte length)
38 BSETW 294 Bit set (2 bytes length)
39 BSETD 295 Bit set (4 bytes length)
40 BSETN 296 Bit set (Arbitrary bytes length)
41 BRSTB 297 Bit reset (1 byte length)
42 BRSTW 298 Bit reset (2 bytes length)
43 BRSTD 299 Bit reset (4 bytes length)
44 BRSTN 300 Bit reset (Arbitrary bytes length)
45 BTSTB 301 Bit test (1 byte length)
46 BTSTW 302 Bit test (2 bytes length)
47 BTSTD 303 Bit test (4 bytes length)

- 298 -

Instruction name Sub number Processing

48 BTSTN 304 Bit test (Arbitrary bytes length)
49 BPOSB 305 Bit search (1 byte length)
50 BPOSW 306 Bit search (2 bytes length)
51 BPOSD 307 Bit search (4 bytes length)
52 BPOSN 308 Bit search (Arbitrary bytes length)
53 BCNTB 309 Bit count (1 byte length)
54 BCNTW 310 Bit count (2 bytes length)
55 BCNTD 311 Bit count (4 bytes length)
56 BCNTN 312 Bit count (Arbitrary bytes length)

To use this function, the option of “Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function” is

- 299 -

4.8.1 DIFU (Rising Edge Detection: SUB 57)

The DIFU instruction sets the output signal to 1 for one scanning cycle on a rising edge of the input

Fig. 4.8.1 shows the ladder format and Table 4.8.1 shows the mnemonic format.

SUB 57
DIFU {{{{ Rising edge number

Fig. 4.8.1 Format of DIFU instruction

Table 4.8.1 Mnemonic of DIFU instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 57 DIFU instruction
3 (PRM) {{{{ Rising edge number
4 WRT {{{{ .{ OUT OUT

Control conditions
(a) Input signal (ACT)
On a rising edge (0 → 1) of the input signal, the output signal is set to 1.

Detection result
(a) Output signal (OUT)
The output signal level remains at 1 for one scanning cycle of the ladder level where this functional
instruction is operating.

0i-D 0i-D/ 0i Mate-D 0i-D
Rising edge number 1 to 1000 1 to 256 1 to 256

If the same number is used for another DIFU instruction or a DIFD instruction
(described later) in one Ladder diagram, operation is not guaranteed.

1 2 3 4 Execution period



- 300 -

4.8.2 DIFD (Falling Edge Detection: SUB 58)

The DIFD instruction set the output signal to 1 for one scanning period on a falling edge of the input

Fig. 4.8.2 shows the ladder format and Table 4.8.2 shows the mnemonic format.

SUB 58
DIFD {{{{ Falling edge number

Fig. 4.8.2 Format of DIFD instruction

Table 4.8.2 Mnemonic of DIFD instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 58 DIFD instruction
3 (PRM) {{{{ Falling edge number
4 WRT {{{{ .{ OUT OUT

Control conditions
(a) Input signal (ACT)
On a falling edge (1→0) of the input signal, the output signal is set to 1.

Detection result
(a) Output signal (OUT)
The output signal level remains at 1 for one scanning period of the ladder level where this functional
instruction is operating.

0i-D 0i-D/ 0i Mate-D 0i-D
Rising edge number 1 to 1000 1 to 256 1 to 256

If the same number is used for another DIFD instruction or a DIFU instruction
(described above) in one ladder diagram, operation is not guaranteed.

1 2 3 4
Execution period


- 301 -

4.8.3 EOR (Exclusive OR: SUB 59)

The EOR instruction exclusive-ORs the contents of address A with a constant (or the contents of address
B), and stores the result at address C. The value type in this instruction is binary.

Fig. 4.8.3 shows the ladder format and Table 4.8.3 shows the mnemonic format.

SUB 59
EOR …00… Format specification
{{{{ Address A
{{{{ Constant or address B
{{{{ Address C

Fig. 4.8.3 Format of EOR instruction

Table 4.8.3 Mnemonic of EOR instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 59 EOR instruction
3 (PRM) …00… Format specification
4 (PRM) {{{{ Address A
5 (PRM) {{{{ Constant or address B
6 (PRM) {{{{ Address C

Control conditions
(a) Input signal (ACT)
ACT=0: The EOR instruction is not executed.
ACT=1: The EOR instruction is executed.

(a) Format specification
Specify a data length (1, 2, or 4 bytes), and an input data format (constant or address specification).

† 0 0 †

Data length specification

Format specification 1:1 byte
0: Constant 2:2 bytes
1: Address specification 4:4 bytes

(b) Address A
Input data to be exclusive-ORed. The data that is held starting at this address and has the data
length specified in format specification is treated as input data.

- 302 -

(c) Constant or address B

Input data to be exclusive-ORed with. When address specification is selected in format
specification, the data that is held starting at this address and has the data length specified in format
specification is treated as input data.

(d) Address C
Address used to store the result of an exclusive OR operation. The result of an exclusive OR
operation is stored starting at this address, and has the data length specified in format specification.

When address A and address B hold the following data:

Address A 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1

Address B 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

The result of the exclusive OR operation is as follows:

Address C 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0

- 303 -

4.8.4 AND (Logical AND: SUB 60)

The AND instruction ANDs the contents of address A with a constant (or the contents of address B), and
stores the result at address C. The value type in this instruction is binary.

Fig. 4.8.4 shows the ladder format and Table 4.8.4 shows the mnemonic format.

SUB 60
AND …00… Format specification
{{{{ Address A
{{{{ Constant or address B
{{{{ Address C

Fig. 4.8.4 Format of AND instruction

Table 4.8.4 Mnemonic of AND instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 60 AND instruction
3 (PRM) …00… Format specification
4 (PRM) {{{{ Address A
5 (PRM) {{{{ Constant or address B
6 (PRM) {{{{ Address C

Control conditions
(a) Input signal (ACT)
ACT=0: The AND instruction is not executed.
ACT=1 : The AND instruction is executed.

(a) Format specification
Specify a data length (1, 2, or 4 bytes), and an input data format (constant or address specification).

† 0 0 †

Data length specification

Format specification 1: 1 byte
0: Constant 2: 2 bytes
1: Address specification 4: 4 bytes

(b) Address A
Input data to be ANDed. The data that is held starting at this address and has the data length
specified in format specification is treated as input data.

- 304 -

(c) Constant or address B

Input data to be ANDed with. When address specification is selected in format specification, the
data that is held starting at this address and has the data length specified in format specification is
treated as input data.

(d) Address C
Address used to store the result of an AND operation. The result of an AND operation is stored
starting at this address, and has the data length specified in format specification.

When address A and address B hold the following data:

Address A 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1

Address B 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

The result of the AND operation is as follows:

Address C 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1

- 305 -

4.8.5 OR (Logical OR: SUB 61)

The OR instruction ORs the contents of address A with a constant (or the contents of address B), and
stores the result at address C. The value type in this instruction is binary.

Fig. 4.8.5 shows the ladder format and Table 4.8.5 shows the mnemonic format.

SUB 61
OR …00… Format specification
{{{{ Address A
{{{{ Constant or address B
{{{{ Address C

Fig. 4.8.5 Format of OR instruction

Table 4.8.5 Mnemonic of OR instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 61 OR instruction
3 (PRM) …00… Format specification
4 (PRM) {{{{ Address A
5 (PRM) {{{{ Constant or address B
6 (PRM) {{{{ Address C

Control conditions
(a) Input signal (ACT)
ACT=0: The OR instruction is not executed.
ACT=1: The OR instruction is executed.

(a) Format specification
Specify a data length (1, 2, or 4 bytes), and an input data format (constant or address specification).

† 0 0 †

Data length specification

Format specification 1: 1 byte
0: Constant 2: 2 bytes
1: Address specification 4: 4 bytes

(b) Address A
Input data to be ORed. The data that is held starting at this address and has the data length
specified in format specification is treated as input data.

- 306 -

(c) Constant or address B

Input data to be ORed with. When address specification is selected in format specification, the
data that is held starting at this address and has the data length specified in format specification is
treated as input data.

(d) Address C
Address used to store the result of an OR operation. The result of an OR operation is stored
starting at this address, and has the data length specified in format specification.

When address A and address B hold the following data:

Address A 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1

Address B 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

The result of the OR operation is as follows:

Address C 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1

- 307 -

4.8.6 NOT (Logical NOT: SUB 62)

The NOT instruction inverts each bit of the contents of address A, and stores the result at address B.

Fig. 4.8.6 shows the ladder format and Table 4.8.6 shows the mnemonic format.

SUB 62
NOT 000… Format specification
{{{{ Address A
{{{{ Address B

Fig. 4.8.6 Format of NOT instruction

Table 4.8.6 Mnemonic of NOT instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 62 NOT instruction
3 (PRM) 000… Format specification
4 (PRM) {{{{ Address A
5 (PRM) {{{{ Address C

Control conditions
(a) Input signal (ACT)
ACT=0: The NOT instruction is not executed.
ACT=1: The NOT instruction is executed.

(a) Format specification
Specify a data length (1, 2, or 4 bytes).

0 0 0 †

Data length specification

1: 1 byte
2: 2 bytes
4: 4 bytes

(b) Address A
Input data to be inverted bit by bit. The data that is held starting at this address and has the data
length specified in format specification is treated as input data.

(c) Address B
Address used to output the result of a NOT operation. The result of a NOT operation is stored
starting at this address, and has the data length specified in format specification.

- 308 -

When address A holds the following data:

Address A 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1

The result of the NOT operation is as follows:

Address B 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0

- 309 -

4.8.7 PARI (Parity Check: SUB 11)

Checks the parity of code signals, and outputs an error if an abnormality is detected. Specifies either an
even- or odd-parity check. Only one-byte (eight bits) of data can be checked.

Fig. 4.8.7 (a) shows the ladder format and Table 4.8.7 shows the mnemonic format.

O.E W1
SUB 11
RST PARI {{{{ Check data address


Fig. 4.8.7 (a) Format of PARI instruction

Table 4.8.7 Mnemonic of PARI instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ O.E O.E
2 RD.STK {{{{ .{ RST O.E RST
3 RD.STK {{{{ .{ ACT O.E RST ACT
4 SUB 11 PARI instruction
5 (PRM) {{{{ Check data address
6 WRT {{{{ .{ Error output W1

Control conditions
(a) Specify even or odd. (O.E)
O.E=0: Even-parity check
O.E=1: Odd-parity check

(b) Reset (RST)

RST=0: Disables reset.
RST=1: Sets error output W1 to 0. That is, when a parity error occurs, setting RST to 1 results in

(c) Execution command (ACT)

ACT=0: Parity checks are not performed. W1 does not alter.
ACT=1: Executes the PARI instruction, performing a parity check.

Error output (W1)

If the results of executing the PARI instruction is abnormal, W1=1 and an error is posted. The W1
address can be determined arbitrarily.

The multiple use of coil, WRT, WRT.NOT, SET or RST, that follows this
instruction are prohibited. You have to place a single coil instruction as the output
of this instruction.
- 310 -

Example of using the PARI instruction

Fig. 4.8.7 (b) shows odd-parity checking of a code signal entered at address X036.

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Address X036 0

6-bit code signal

Odd-parity bit

A R228.0

SUB 11



Fig. 4.8.7 (b) Ladder diagram for the PARI instruction

For bits 0 to 7, bits other than those for the parity check must be 0.

- 311 -

4.8.8 SFT (Shift Register: SUB 33)

This instruction shifts 2-byte (16-bit) data by a bit to the left or right. Note that W1=1 when data "1" is
shifted from the left extremity (bit 15) in left shift or from the right extremity (bit 0) in right shift.

Fig. 4.8.8 shows the ladder format and Table 4.8.8 shows the mnemonic format.

SUB 33
CONT SFT {{{{ Address of shift data



Fig. 4.8.8 Format of SFT instruction

Table 4.8.8 Mnemonic of SFT instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ DIR DIR
5 SUB 33 SFT instruction
6 (PRM) {{{{ Address of shift data
7 WRT {{{{ .{ Shifted-out output W1

Control conditions
(a) Shift direction specification (DIR)]
DIR=0: Left shift
DIR=1: Right shift

(b) Condition specification (CONT)

On "1" bit shifts by one bit in the specified direction.
The condition of an adjacent bit (either right or left adjacent bit according to the specification
of shift direction DIR) is set to the original bit position of the on "1" bit.
Also, "0" is set to bit 0 after shifting in the left direction or set to hit 15 after shifting in the
right direction.
In case of leftward shift;

- 312 -

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Left shift

Bit shifts leftward every bit

Shift out at bit 15

Zero is set to bit 0.

Shift is the same as above, but "1" s are set to shifted bits.

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Left shift
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 <1> 1 <1> 0 0 1 <1> 0 0

Each bit shifts leftward. Status 1 remains unchanged

(c) Reset (RST)

The shifted out data (W1=1) is reset (W1=0).
RST=0: W1 is not reset.
RST=1: W1 is reset (W1=0).

(d) Actuation signal (ACT)

Shift processing is done when ACT=1. For shifting one bit only, execute an instruction when
ACT=1, and then, set ACT to 0 (ACT=0).

(a) Shift data addresses
Sets shift data addresses. These designated addresses require a continuous 2-byte memory for shift
Bit numbers are represented by bit 0 to 15 as shown below. When addresses are designated for
programming, an address number is attached every 8 bits, and the designable bit numbers are 0 to 7.

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Designated address

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8

Designated address +1

Shifted out
W1=0: "1" was not shifted out because of the shift operation.
W1=1: "1" was shifted out because of the shift operation.

The multiple use of coil, WRT, WRT.NOT, SET or RST, that follows this
instruction are prohibited. You have to place a single coil instruction as the output
of this instruction.

- 313 -

4.8.9 EORB (Exclusive OR (1 Byte Length) : SUB 265)

EORW (Exclusive OR (2 Bytes Length) : SUB 266)
EORD (Exclusive OR (4 Bytes Length) : SUB 267)
The Exclusive OR instruction exclusive-ORs "Data A" with "Data B", and outputs the result to "Address

To use this function, the option of “Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function” is

In "Data A" and "Data B", a constant or a PMC memory address for storing data can be specified.
As indicated below, three types of Exclusive OR instructions are available according to the type of data to
be operated. In each instruction, "Data A", "Data B", and the data at "Address C" are of the same data

Table4.8.9 (a) Kinds of Exclusive OR instruction

Instruction name SUB No. Data type
1 EORB 265 1 byte length
2 EORW 266 2 bytes length
3 EORD 267 4 bytes length

Fig. 4.8.9(a) shows the ladder format and Table 4.8.9(b) shows the mnemonic format.

Example : EORB Instruction


SUB 265 {{{{ Data A (Address or Constant)

EORB {{{{ Data B (Address or Constant)
{{{{ Address C

Functional Instruction
SUB 265 {{{{
EORB {{{{


SUB 265 {{{{

EORB {{{{

Fig. 4.8.9 (a) Format of EORB, EORW, EORD instruction

- 314 -

Table 4.8.9(b) Mnemonic of EORB, EORW, EORD instruction

Mnemonic format Memory status of control
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 265 SUB No. (EORB instruction)
3 (PRM) {{{{ Data A (Address or Constant)
4 (PRM) {{{{ Data B (Address or Constant)
5 (PRM) {{{{ Address C
6 WRT {{{{ .{ Normal end output W1

Control conditions
(a) Input signal (ACT)
ACT = 0: Instruction not executed.
ACT = 1: Executed.

(a) Data A
Specify input data to be exclusive-ORed. In this parameter, a constant or a PMC memory address
for storing data can be specified. Specify data by using signed binary data. A value within the
following range may be specified:

Instruction name Available value

EORB -128 to 127
EORW -32768 to 32767
EORD -2147483648 to 2147483647

(b) Data B
Specify input data to be exclusive-ORed. In this parameter, a constant or a PMC memory address
for storing data can be specified. Specify data by using signed binary data. A value within the
same range as for "Data A" may be specified.

(c) Address C
Specify the address to which the result of exclusive-OR operation is to be output.

Output (W1)
When the instruction is executed, W1=1 is set. That is, W1 always assumes the same state as ACT.

W1 may be omitted. Moreover, an other functional instruction can be connected
instead of a coil.

- 315 -

When "Data A" and "Data B" hold the following values, the value indicated below is output to "Address

Binary data
Data A 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 (-29)

Data B 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 (85)

Address C 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 (-74)

Fig. 4.8.9 (b) Example of operation of the EORB, EORW, and EORD instructions

- 316 -

4.8.10 ANDB (Logical AND (1 Byte Length) : SUB 268)

ANDW (Logical AND (2 Bytes Length) : SUB 269)
ANDD (Logical AND (4 Bytes Length) : SUB 270)
The Logical AND instruction logical-ANDs "Data A" with "Data B", and outputs the result to "Address

To use this function, the option of “Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function” is

In "Data A" and "Data B", a constant or a PMC memory address for storing data can be specified.
As indicated below, three types of Logical AND instructions are available according to the type of data to
be operated. In each instruction, "Data A", "Data B", and the data at "Address C" are of the same data

Table4.8.10 (a) Kinds of Logical AND instruction

Instruction name SUB No. Data type
1 ANDB 268 1 byte length
2 ANDW 269 2 bytes length
3 ANDD 270 4 bytes length

Fig. 4.8.10(a) shows the ladder format and Table 4.8.10(b) shows the mnemonic format.

Example : ANDB Instruction


SUB 268 {{{{ Data A (Address or Constant)

ANDB {{{{ Data B (Address or Constant)
{{{{ Address C

Functional Instruction
SUB 268 {{{{
ANDB {{{{


SUB 268 {{{{

ANDB {{{{

Fig. 4.8.10 (a) Format of ANDB, ANDW, ANDD instruction

- 317 -

Table4.8.10(b) Mnemonic of ANDB, ANDW, ANDD instruction

Mnemonic format Memory status of control
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 268 SUB No. (ANDB instruction)
3 (PRM) {{{{ Data A (Address or Constant)
4 (PRM) {{{{ Data B (Address or Constant)
5 (PRM) {{{{ Address C
6 WRT {{{{ .{ Normal end output W1

Control conditions
(a) Input signal (ACT)
ACT = 0: Instruction not executed.
ACT = 1: Executed.

(a) Data A
Specify input data to be logical-ANDed. In this parameter, a constant or a PMC memory address
for storing data can be specified. Specify data by using signed binary data. A value within the
following range may be specified:

Instruction name Available value

ANDB -128 to 127
ANDW -32768 to 32767
ANDD -2147483648 to 2147483647

(b) Data B
Specify input data to be logical-ANDed. In this parameter, a constant or a PMC memory address
for storing data can be specified. Specify data by using signed binary data. A value within the
same range as for "Data A" may be specified.

(c) Address C
Specify the address to which the result of logical-AND operation is to be output.

Output (W1)
When the instruction is executed, W1=1 is set. That is, W1 always assumes the same state as ACT.

W1 may be omitted. Moreover, an other functional instruction can be connected
instead of a coil.

- 318 -

When "Data A" and "Data B" hold the following values, the value indicated below is output to "Address

Binary data
Data A 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 (-29)

Data B 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 (85)

Address C 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 (65)

Fig. 4.8.10 (b) Example of operation of the ANDB, ANDW, and ANDD instructions

- 319 -

4.8.11 ORB (Logical OR (1 Byte Length) : SUB 271)

ORW (Logical OR (2 Bytes Length) : SUB 272)
ORD (Logical OR (4 Bytes Length) : SUB 273)
The Logical OR instruction logical-ORs "Data A" with "Data B", and outputs the result to "Address C".

To use this function, the option of “Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function” is

In "Data A" and "Data B", a constant or a PMC memory address for storing data can be specified.
As indicated below, three types of Logical OR instructions are available according to the type of data to
be operated. In each instruction, "Data A", "Data B", and the data at "Address C" are of the same data

Table4.8.11 (a) Kinds of Logical OR instruction

Instruction name SUB No. Data type
1 ORB 271 1 byte length
2 ORW 272 2 bytes length
3 ORD 273 4 bytes length

Fig. 4.8.11(a) shows the ladder format and Table 4.8.11(b) shows the mnemonic format.

Example : ORB Instruction


SUB 271 {{{{ Data A (Address or Constant)

ORB {{{{ Data B (Address or Constant)
{{{{ Address C

Functional Instruction
SUB 271 {{{{
ORB {{{{


SUB 271 {{{{

ORB {{{{

Fig. 4.8.11 (a) Format of ORB, ORW, ORD instruction

- 320 -

Table 4.8.11(b) Mnemonic of ORB, ORW, ORD instruction

Mnemonic format Memory status of control
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 271 SUB No. (ORB instruction)
3 (PRM) {{{{ Data A (Address or Constant)
4 (PRM) {{{{ Data B (Address or Constant)
5 (PRM) {{{{ Address C
6 WRT {{{{ .{ Normal end output W1

Control conditions
(a) Input signal (ACT)
ACT = 0: Instruction not executed.
ACT = 1: Executed.

(a) Data A
Specify input data to be logical-ORed. In this parameter, a constant or a PMC memory address for
storing data can be specified. Specify data by using signed binary data. A value within the
following range may be specified:

Instruction name Available value

ORB -128 to 127
ORW -32768 to 32767
ORD -2147483648 to 2147483647

(b) Data B
Specify input data to be logical-ORed. In this parameter, a constant or a PMC memory address for
storing data can be specified. Specify data by using signed binary data. A value within the same
range as for "Data A" may be specified.

(c) Address C
Specify the address to which the result of logical-OR operation is to be output.

Output (W1)
When the instruction is executed, W1=1 is set. That is, W1 always assumes the same state as ACT.

W1 may be omitted. Moreover, an other functional instruction can be connected
instead of a coil.

- 321 -

When "Data A" and "Data B" hold the following values, the value indicated below is output to "Address

Binary data
Data A 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 (-29)

Data B 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 (85)

Address C 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 (-9)

Fig. 4.8.11 (b) Example of operation of the ORB, ORW, and ORD instructions

- 322 -

4.8.12 NOTB (Logical NOT (1 Byte Length) : SUB 274)

NOTW (Logical NOT (2 Bytes Length) : SUB 275)
NOTD (Logical NOT (4 Bytes Length) : SUB 276)
The Logical NOT instruction performs a logical-NOT operation on "Data A" and outputs the result to
"Address B".

To use this function, the option of “Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function” is

In "Data A", a constant or a PMC memory address for storing data can be specified.
As indicated below, three types of Logical NOT instructions are available according to the type of data to
be operated. In each instruction, "Data A" and the data at "Address B" are of the same data type.

Table4.8.12 (a) Kinds of Logical NOT instruction

Instruction name SUB No. Data type
1 NOTB 274 1 byte length
2 NOTW 275 2 bytes length
3 NOTD 276 4 bytes length

Fig. 4.8.12(a) shows the ladder format and Table 4.8.12(b) shows the mnemonic format.

Example : NOTB Instruction


SUB 274 ○○○○ Data A (Address or Constant)

NOTB ○○○○ Address B

Functional Instruction
SUB 274 ○○○○
NOTB ○○○○


SUB 274 ○○○○

NOTB ○○○○

Fig. 4.8.12 (a) Format of NOTB, NOTW, NOTD instruction

- 323 -

Table 4.8.12(b) Mnemonic of NOTB, NOTW, NOTD instruction

Mnemonic format Memory status of control
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 274 SUB No. (ORB instruction)
3 (PRM) {{{{ Data A (Address or Constant)
4 (PRM) {{{{ Address B
5 WRT {{{{ .{ Normal end output W1

Control conditions
(a) Input signal (ACT)
ACT = 0: Instruction not executed.
ACT = 1: Executed.

(a) Data A
Specify input data on which a logical-NOT operation is to be performed. In this parameter, a
constant or a PMC memory address for storing data can be specified. Specify data by using signed
binary data. A value within the following range may be specified:

Instruction name Available value

NOTB -128 to 127
NOTW -32768 to 32767
NOTD -2147483648 to 2147483647

(b) Address B
Specify the address to which the result of logical-NOT operation is to be output.

Output (W1)
When the instruction is executed, W1=1 is set. That is, W1 always assumes the same state as ACT.

W1 may be omitted. Moreover, an other functional instruction can be connected
instead of a coil.

When "Data A" holds the following value, the value indicated below is output to "Address B":

Binary data
Data A 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 (-29)

Address B 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 (28)

Fig. 4.8.12 (b) Example of operation of the NOTB, NOTW, and NOTD instructions

- 324 -

4.8.13 SHLB (Bit Shift Left (1 Byte Length) : SUB 277)

SHLW (Bit Shift Left (2 Bytes Length) : SUB 278)
SHLD (Bit Shift Left (4 Bytes Length) : SUB 279)
The Bit shift left instruction shifts bit data to the left by a specified number of bits. In the empty bit
position(s) after shift operation, 0 is shifted in. The result of shift operation is output to a specified

To use this function, the option of “Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function” is

As indicated below, three types of Bit shift left instructions are available according to the type of data to
be operated. Shift source bit data and the data at a shift result output address are of the same data type.

Table4.8.13 (a) Kinds of Bit shift left instruction

Instruction name SUB No. Data type
1 SHLB 277 1 byte length data
2 SHLW 278 2 bytes length data
3 SHLD 279 4 bytes length data

The value of the last bit shifted out by a shift operation is output to W1. The value(s) of the preceding
left-side bit(s) are lost.

When data is shifted by 5 bits:

Shifting source data = R100
Number of shift bits =5
Shift result output address = R102

R101 R100
7 0 7 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Shift source
Bits 12 to 15 are
lost. Shifted left by a
specified number of
Bit 11 is output to W1. 0 is shifted in.

Shift result 0 0 0 0 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R103 R102
7 0 7 0

Fig. 4.8.13 (a) Example of SHLW instruction

If 0 or a negative value is specified in "Number of shift bits", the data specified in "Shift source data" is
output to "Shift result output address" without modification, and W1=0 is set.

- 325 -

Fig. 4.8.13(b) shows the ladder format and Table 4.8.13(b) shows the mnemonic format.

Example : SHLB Instruction


SUB 277 {{{{ Shifting source data (Address or Constant)

SHLB {{{{ Number of shift bits (Address or Constant)
{{{{ Shift result output address

Functional Instruction
SUB 277 {{{{
SHLB {{{{


SUB 277 {{{{

SHLB {{{{

Fig. 4.8.13 (b) Format of SHLB, SHLW, SHLD instruction

Table 4.8.13(b) Mnemonic of SHLB, SHLW, SHLD instruction

Mnemonic format Memory status of
control condition
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 277 SUB No. (SHLB instruction)
3 (PRM) {{{{ Shifting source data (Address or Constant)
4 (PRM) {{{{ Number of shift bits (Address or Constant)
5 (PRM) {{{{ Shift result output address
6 WRT {{{{ .{ Shift out status output W1

Control conditions
(a) Input signal (ACT)
ACT = 0: Instruction not executed.
ACT = 1: Executed.

- 326 -

(a) Shifting source data
Specify bit shift source data. In this parameter, a constant or a PMC memory address for storing
data can be specified.
Specify data by signed binary data. A value within the following range may be specified:

Instruction name Available value

SHLB -128 to 127
SHLW -32768 to 32767
SHLD -2147483648 to 2147483647

(b) Number of shift bits

By using signed binary data, specify the number of bits to be shifted. In this parameter, specify 0
or a greater value. If a value greater than 0 is specified, the data specified in "Shifting source data"
is shifted by a specified number of bits, and the result of shift operation is output to "Shift result
output address". If 0 is specified, the data specified in "Shifting source data" is output to "Shift
result output address" without modification, and W1=0 is set.
If a negative value is specified in this parameter, the data specified in "Shifting source data" is
output to "Shift result output address" without modification, and W1=0 is set as in the case where 0
is specified in this parameter. No shift operation in the opposite direction is performed.
In this parameter, a constant or a PMC memory address for storing data can be specified.
If an address is specified in this parameter, specify "Number of shift bits" by using memory of the
same size as for data type handled by each instruction. For example, with the SHLW instruction,
specify "Number of shift bits" by using memory 2 bytes long.

(c) Shift result output address

Specify the address to which the result of bit shift operation is to be output. The result of shift
operation is output to memory of the same size as for "Shifting source data".

Output (W1)
W1=1 When the value of the last bit shifted out is 1
W1=0 When no shift operation is executed (ACT=0)
When the value of the last bit shifted out is 0
When 0 or a negative value is specified in "Number of shift bits"

W1 may be omitted. Moreover, an other functional instruction can be connected
instead of a coil.

- 327 -

4.8.14 SHLN (Bit Shift Left (Arbitrary Bytes Length) : SUB 280)
The Bit shift left instruction shifts bit data to the left by a specified number of bits. In the empty bit
position(s) after shift operation, 0 is shifted in. The result of shift operation is output to a specified

To use this function, the option of “Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function” is

The Bit shift left instruction performs a bit shift operation on a bit string of a specified data size.
Shifting source data and the result of shift operation are of the same data size.

The value of the last bit shifted out by shift operation is output to W1. The value(s) of the preceding
left-side bit(s) are lost.

When data is shifted by 5 bits:

Data size =3
Shifting source data top address = R100
Number of shift bits =5
Shift result output address = R103

R102 R101 R100

7 0 7 0 7 0
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Shift source
Bits 20 to 23
are lost.

W1 Shifted left by a specified number of bits

Bit 19 is output 0 is shifted
to W1. in.

Shift result 0 0 0 0 0
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R105 R104 R103
7 0 7 0 7 0

Fig. 4.8.14 (a) Example of SHLN instruction

If 0 or a negative value is specified in "Number of shift bits", the shift source data is output to "Shift
result output address" without modification, and W1=0 is set.

- 328 -

Fig. 4.8.14(b) shows the ladder format and Table 4.8.14 shows the mnemonic format.

Example : SHLN Instruction


SUB 280 {{{{ Data size (Constant)

SHLN {{{{ Shifting source data top address
{{{{ Number of shift bits (Address or Constant)
{{{{ Shift result output address

Functional Instruction
SUB 280 {{{{
SHLN {{{{


SUB 280 {{{{

SHLN {{{{

Fig. 4.8.14 (b) Format of SHLN instruction

Table 4.8.14 Mnemonic of SHLN instruction

Mnemonic format Memory status of
control condition
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 280 SUB No. (SHLN instruction)
3 (PRM) {{{{ Data size (Constant)
4 (PRM) {{{{ Shifting source data top address
5 (PRM) {{{{ Number of shift bits (Address or Constant)
6 (PRM) {{{{ Shift result output address
7 WRT {{{{ .{ Shift out status output W1

Control conditions
(a) Input signal (ACT)
ACT = 0: Instruction not executed.
ACT = 1: Executed.

- 329 -

(a) Data size
Specify the number of bytes of data on which a bit shift operation is to be performed. A value from
1 to 256 may be specified.

Please specify a valid number to the "Data size", so that both of the area from
"Shifting source data top address" and the area from "Shift result output address"
may be arranged within valid address range.

(b) Shifting source data top address

Specify the start address of bit shift source data.
Specify a data size in "Data size" mentioned in (a) above.

(c) Number of shift bits

By using 4-byte signed binary data, specify the number of bits to be shifted. In this parameter,
specify 0 or a greater value. If a value greater than 0 is specified, the shifting source data is shifted
by a specified number of bits, and the result of shift operation is output to "Shift result output
address". A value from 1 to ("Data size" × 8) may be specified. For example, if 6 is specified in
"Data size", a value from 1 to 48 may be specified in this parameter. If a value greater than the
valid range is specified, 0 is output to "Shift result output address", and W1=0 is set.
If 0 is specified, the shifting source data is output to "Shift result output address" without
modification, and W1=0 is set.
If a negative value is specified in this parameter, the shifting source data is output to "Shift result
output address" without modification, and W1=0 is set as in the case where 0 is specified in this
parameter. No shift operation in the opposite direction is performed.
In this parameter, a constant or a PMC memory address for storing data can be specified.

Specified address +0

Specified address +1
Number of shift bits
Specified address +2 (Signed binary data)

Specified address +3

(d) Shift result output address

Specify the start address of an area to which the result of bit shift operation is to be output. The
result of shift operation is output to memory of the same size as for shifting source data.

Output (W1)
W1=1 When the value of the last bit shifted out is 1
W1=0 When no shift operation is executed (ACT=0)
When the value of the last bit shifted out is 0
When 0 or a negative value is specified in "Number of shift bits"

W1 may be omitted. Moreover, an other functional instruction can be connected
instead of a coil.

- 330 -

4.8.15 SHRB (Bit Shift Right (1 Byte Length) : SUB 281)

SHRW (Bit Shift Right (2 Bytes Length) : SUB 282)
SHRD (Bit Shift Right (4 Bytes Length) : SUB 283)
The Bit shift right instruction shifts bit data to the right by a specified number of bits. In the empty bit
position(s) after shift operation, 0 is shifted in. The result of shift operation is output to a specified

To use this function, the option of “Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function” is

As indicated below, three types of Bit shift right instructions are available according to the type of data to
be operated. Shift source bit data and the data at a shift result output address are of the same data type.

Table4.8.15 (a) Kinds of Bit shift right instruction

Instruction name SUB No. Data type
1 SHRB 281 1 byte length data
2 SHRW 282 2 bytes length data
3 SHRD 283 4 bytes length data

The value of the last bit shifted out by shift operation is output to W1. The value(s) of the following
right-side bit(s) are lost.

When data is shifted by 5 bits:

Shifting source data = R100
Number of shift bits =5
Shift result output address = R102

R101 R100
7 0 7 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Shift source

Bits 0 to 3 are
W1 lost.
Bit 4 is output to W1. Shifted right by a
specified number of bits

Shift result 0 0 0 0 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 is shifted in. R103 R102
7 0 7 0

Fig. 4.8.15 (a) Example of SHRW instruction

If 0 or a negative value is specified in "Number of shift bits", the shift source data is output to "Shift
result output address" without modification, and W1=0 is set.

- 331 -

Fig. 4.8.15(b) shows the ladder format and Table 4.8.15(b) shows the mnemonic format.

Example : SHRB Instruction


SUB 281 {{{{ Shifting source data (Address or Constant)

SHRB {{{{ Number of shift bits (Address or Constant)
{{{{ Shift result output address

Functional Instruction
SUB 281 {{{{
SHRB {{{{


SUB 281 {{{{

SHRB {{{{

Fig. 4.8.15 (b) Format of SHRB, SHRW, SHRD instruction

Table 4.8.15(b) Mnemonic of SHRB, SHRW, SHRD instruction

Mnemonic format Memory status of
control condition
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 281 SUB No. (SHRB instruction)
3 (PRM) {{{{ Shifting source data (Address or Constant)
4 (PRM) {{{{ Number of shift bits (Address or Constant)
5 (PRM) {{{{ Shift result output address
6 WRT {{{{ .{ Shift out status output W1

Control conditions
(a) Input signal (ACT)
ACT = 0: Instruction not executed.
ACT = 1: Executed.

- 332 -

(a) Shifting source data
Specify bit shift source data. In this parameter, a constant or a PMC memory address for storing
data can be specified.
Specify data by signed binary data. A value within the following range may be specified:

Instruction name Available value

SHRB -128 to 127
SHRW -32768 to 32767
SHRD -2147483648 to 2147483647

(b) Number of shift bits

By using signed binary data, specify the number of bits to be shifted. In this parameter, specify 0
or a greater value. If a value greater than 0 is specified, the data specified in "Shifting source data"
is shifted by a specified number of bits, and the result of shift operation is output to "Shift result
output address". If 0 is specified, the data specified in "Shifting source data" is output to "Shift
result output address" without modification, and W1=0 is set.
If a negative value is specified in this parameter, the data specified in "Shifting source data" is
output to "Shift result output address" without modification, and W1=0 is set as in the case where 0
is specified in this parameter. No shift operation in the opposite direction is performed.
In this parameter, a constant or a PMC memory address for storing data can be specified.
If an address is specified in this parameter, specify "Number of shift bits" by using signed binary
data of the same size as for data type handled by each instruction. For example, with the SHRW
instruction, specify "Number of shift bits" by using 2-byte signed binary data.

(c) Shift result output address

Specify the address to which the result of bit shift operation is to be output. The result of shift
operation is output to memory of the same size as for "Shifting source data".

Output (W1)
W1=1 When the value of the last bit shifted out is 1
W1=0 When no shift operation is executed (ACT=0)
When the value of the last bit shifted out is 0
When 0 or a negative value is specified in "Number of shift bits"

W1 may be omitted. Moreover, an other functional instruction can be connected
instead of a coil.

- 333 -

4.8.16 SHRN (Bit Shift Right (Arbitrary Bytes Length) : SUB 284)
The Bit shift right instruction shifts bit data to the right by a specified number of bits. In the empty bit
position(s) after shift operation, 0 is shifted in. The result of shift operation is output to a specified

To use this function, the option of “Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function” is

The Bit shift right instruction performs a bit shift operation on a bit string of a specified data size.
Shifting source data and the result of shift operation are of the same data size.

The value of the last bit shifted out by shift operation is output to W1. The value(s) of the following
right-side bit(s) are lost.

When data is shifted by 5 bits:

Data size =3
Shifting source data top address = R100
Number of shift bits =5
Shift result output address = R103

R102 R101 R100

7 0 7 0 7 0
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Shift source

Bits 0 to 3 are
Bit 4 is output to W1.
Shifted right by a specified number of bits

Shift result 0 0 0 0 0
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 is shifted
R105 R104 R103
7 0 7 0 7 0

Fig. 4.8.16 (a) Example of SHRN instruction

If 0 or a negative value is specified in "Number of shift bits", the shift source data is output to "Shift
result output address" without modification, and W1=0 is set.

- 334 -

Fig. 4.8.16(b) shows the ladder format and Table 4.8.16 shows the mnemonic format.

Example : SHRN Instruction


SUB 284 {{{{ Data size (Constant)

SHRN {{{{ Shifting source data top address
{{{{ Number of shift bits (Address or Constant)
{{{{ Shift result output address

Functional Instruction
SUB 284 {{{{
SHRN {{{{


SUB 284 {{{{

SHRN {{{{

Fig. 4.8.16 (b) Format of SHRN instruction

Table 4.8.16 Mnemonic of SHRN instruction

Mnemonic format Memory status of
control condition
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 284 SUB No. (SHRN instruction)
3 (PRM) {{{{ Data size (Constant)
4 (PRM) {{{{ Shifting source data top address
5 (PRM) {{{{ Number of shift bits (Address or Constant)
6 (PRM) {{{{ Shift result output address
7 WRT {{{{ .{ Shift out status output W1

Control conditions
(a) Input signal (ACT)
ACT = 0: Instruction not executed.
ACT = 1: Executed.

- 335 -

(a) Data size
Specify the number of bytes of data on which a bit shift operation is to be performed. A value from
1 to 256 may be specified.

Please specify a valid number to the "Data size", so that both of the area from
"Shifting source data top address" and the area from "Shift result output address"
may be arranged within valid address range.

(b) Shifting source data top address

Specify the start address of bit shift source data.
Specify a data size in "Data size" mentioned in (a) above.

(c) Number of shift bits

By using 4-byte signed binary data, specify the number of bits to be shifted. In this parameter,
specify 0 or a greater value. If a value greater than 0 is specified, the shifting source data is shifted
by a specified number of bits, and the result of shift operation is output to "Shift result output
address". A value from 1 to ("Data size" × 8) may be specified. For example, if 6 is specified in
"Data size", a value from 1 to 48 may be specified in this parameter. If a value greater than the
valid range is specified, 0 is output to "Shift result output address", and W1=0 is set.
If 0 is specified, the shifting source data is output to "Shift result output address" without
modification, and W1=0 is set.
If a negative value is specified in this parameter, the shifting source data is output to "Shift result
output address" without modification, and W1=0 is set as in the case where 0 is specified in this
parameter. No shift operation in the opposite direction is performed.
In this parameter, a constant or a PMC memory address for storing data can be specified.

Specified address +0

Specified address +1
Number of shift bits
Specified address +2 (Signed binary data)

Specified address +3

(d) Shift result output address

Specify the start address of an area to which the result of bit shift operation is to be output. The
result of shift operation is output to memory of the same size as for shifting source data.

Output (W1)
W1=1 When the value of the last bit shifted out is 1
W1=0 When no shift operation is executed (ACT=0)
When the value of the last bit shifted out is 0
When 0 or a negative value is specified in "Number of shift bits"

W1 may be omitted. Moreover, an other functional instruction can be connected
instead of a coil.

- 336 -

4.8.17 ROLB (Bit Rotation Left (1 Byte Length) : SUB 285)

ROLW (Bit Rotation Left (2 Bytes Length) : SUB 286)
ROLD (Bit Rotation Left (4 Bytes Length) : SUB 287)
The Bit rotation left instruction rotates bit data to the left by a specified number of bits. The result of
rotation operation is output to a specified address.

To use this function, the option of “Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function” is

As indicated below, three types of Bit rotation left instructions are available according to the type of data
to be operated. Rotation source bit data and the data at a rotation result output address are of the same
data type.

Table4.8.17 (a) Kinds of Bit rotation left instruction

Instruction name SUB No. Data type
1 ROLB 285 1 byte length data
2 ROLW 286 2 bytes length data
3 ROLD 287 4 bytes length data

When data is rotated by 5 bits:

Rotation source data = R100
Number of rotation bits =5
Rotation result output address = R102

R101 R100
7 0 7 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Rotation source

Rotated left by a specified

number of bits
に テ シ
Rotation result
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R103 R102
7 0 7 0
Bit 0 after rotation is output to W1.

Fig. 4.8.17 (a) Example of ROLW instruction

The value of bit 0 after rotation is output to W1.

If 0 is specified in "Number of rotation bits", the data specified in "Rotation source data" is output to
"Rotation result output address" without modification, and W1=0 is set.

- 337 -

Fig. 4.8.17(b) shows the ladder format and Table 4.8.17(b) shows the mnemonic format.

Example : ROLB Instruction


SUB 285 {{{{ Rotation source data (Address or Constant)

ROLB {{{{ Number of rotation bits (Address or Constant)
{{{{ Rotation result output address

Functional Instruction
SUB 285 {{{{
ROLB {{{{


SUB 285 {{{{

ROLB {{{{

Fig. 4.8.17 (b) Format of ROLB, ROLW, ROLD instruction

Table 4.8.17(b) Mnemonic of ROLB, ROLW, ROLD instruction

Mnemonic format Memory status of
control condition
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 285 SUB No. (ROLB instruction)
3 (PRM) {{{{ Rotation source data (Address or Constant)
4 (PRM) {{{{ Number of rotation bits (Address or Constant)
5 (PRM) {{{{ Rotation result output address
6 WRT {{{{ .{ Last rotation bit output W1

Control conditions
(a) Input signal (ACT)
ACT = 0: Instruction not executed.
ACT = 1: Executed.

- 338 -

(a) Rotation source data
Specify bit rotation source data. In this parameter, a constant or a PMC memory address for
storing data can be specified.
Specify data by signed binary data. A value within the following range may be specified:

Instruction name Available value

ROLB -128 to 127
ROLW -32768 to 32767
ROLD -2147483648 to 2147483647

(b) Number of rotation bits

By using signed binary data, specify the number of bits to be rotated. In this parameter, specify 0
or a greater value. If a value greater than 0 is specified, the data specified in "Rotation source data"
is rotated by a specified number of bits, and the result of rotation operation is output to "Rotation
result output address". If 0 is specified, the data specified in "Rotation source data" is output to
"Rotation result output address" without modification, and W1=0 is set.
If a negative value is specified in this parameter, the data specified in "Rotation source data" is
output to "Rotation result output address" without modification, and W1=0 is set as in the case
where 0 is specified in this parameter. No rotation operation in the opposite direction is performed.
In this parameter, a constant or a PMC memory address for storing data can be specified.
If an address is specified in this parameter, specify "Number of rotation bits" by using signed binary
data of the same size as for data type handled by each instruction. For example, with the ROLW
instruction, specify "Number of rotation bits" by using 2-byte signed binary data.

(c) Rotation result output address

Specify the address to which the result of rotation operation is to be output. The result of rotation
operation is output to memory of the same size as for "Rotation source data".

Output (W1)
W1=1 When the value of bit 0 after rotation is 1
W1=0 When no rotation operation is executed (ACT=0)
When the value of bit 0 after rotation is 0
When 0 or a negative value is specified in "Number of rotation bits"

W1 may be omitted. Moreover, an other functional instruction can be connected
instead of a coil.

- 339 -

4.8.18 ROLN (Bit Rotation Left (Arbitrary Bytes Length) : SUB 288)
The Bit rotation left instruction rotates bit data to the left by a specified number of bits. The result of
rotation operation is output to a specified address.

To use this function, the option of “Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function” is

The Bit rotation left instruction performs a bit rotation operation on a bit string of a specified data size.
Rotation source data and the result of rotation operation are of the same data size.

When data is rotated by 5 bits:

Data size =3
Rotation source data top address = R100
Number of rotation bits =5
Rotation result output address = R103

R102 R101 R100

7 0 7 0 7 0
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Rotation source

Rotated left by a specified

number of bits
テ シ
Rotation result
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R105 R104 R103
7 0 7 0 7 0
Bit 0 after rotation is output to W1.

Fig. 4.8.18 (a) Example of ROLN instruction

The value of bit 0 after rotation is output to W1.

If 0 is specified in "Number of rotation bits", the rotation source data is output to "Rotation result output
address" without modification, and W1=0 is set.

- 340 -

Fig. 4.8.18(b) shows the ladder format and Table 4.8.18 shows the mnemonic format.

Example : ROLN Instruction


SUB 288 {{{{ Data size (Constant)

ROLN {{{{ Rotation source data top address
{{{{ Number of rotation bits (Address or Constant)
{{{{ Rotation result output address

Functional Instruction
SUB 288 {{{{
ROLN {{{{


SUB 288 {{{{

ROLN {{{{

Fig. 4.8.18 (b) Format of ROLN instruction

Table 4.8.18 Mnemonic of ROLN instruction

Mnemonic format Memory status of
control condition
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 288 SUB No. (ROLN instruction)
3 (PRM) {{{{ Data size (Constant)
4 (PRM) {{{{ Rotation source data top address
5 (PRM) {{{{ Number of rotation bits (Address or Constant)
6 (PRM) {{{{ Rotation result output address
7 WRT {{{{ .{ Last rotation bit output W1

Control conditions
(a) Input signal (ACT)
ACT = 0: Instruction not executed.
ACT = 1: Executed.

- 341 -

(a) Data size
Specify the number of bytes of data on which a bit rotation operation is to be performed. A value
from 1 to 256 may be specified.

Please specify a valid number to the "Data size", so that both of the area from
"Rotation source data top address" and the area from "Rotation result output
address" may be arranged within valid address range.

(b) Rotation source data top address

Specify the start address of rotation source data. Specify a data size in "Data size" mentioned in (a)
(c) Number of rotation bits
By using 4-byte signed binary data, specify the number of bits to be rotated. In this parameter,
specify 0 or a greater value. If a value greater than 0 is specified, the rotation source data is rotated
by a specified number of bits, and the result of rotation operation is output to "Rotation result output
address". A value from 1 to ("Data size" × 8) may be specified. For example, if 6 is specified in
"Data size", a value from 1 to 48 may be specified in this parameter. If a value greater than the
valid range is specified, the number of specified bits is divided by the value obtained by "Data size"
× 8 then a rotation operation is performed using the remainder as the specified number of bits. If 0
is specified, the rotation source data is output to "Rotation result output address" without
modification, and W1=0 is set.
If a negative value is specified in this parameter, the rotation source data is output to "Rotation result
output address" without modification, and W1=0 is set as in the case where 0 is specified in this
parameter. No rotation operation in the opposite direction is performed.
In this parameter, a constant or a PMC memory address for storing data can be specified.

Specified address +0

Specified address +1
Number of rotation bits
Specified address +2 (Signed binary data)

Specified address +3

(d) Rotation result output address

Specify the start address of an area to which the result of rotation operation is to be output. The
result of rotation operation is output to memory of the same size as for rotation source data.

Output (W1)
W1=1 When the value of bit 0 after rotation is 1
W1=0 When no rotation operation is executed (ACT=0)
When the value of bit 0 after rotation is 0
When 0 or a negative value is specified in "Number of rotation bits"

W1 may be omitted. Moreover, an other functional instruction can be connected
instead of a coil.

- 342 -

4.8.19 RORB (Bit Rotation Right (1 Byte Length) : SUB 289)

RORW (Bit Rotation Right (2 Bytes Length) : SUB 290)
RORD (Bit Rotation Right (4 Bytes Length) : SUB 291)
The Bit rotation right instruction rotates bit data to the right by a specified number of bits. The result of
rotation operation is output to a specified address.

To use this function, the option of “Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function” is

As indicated below, three types of Bit rotation right instructions are available according to the type of
data to be operated. Rotation source bit data and the data at a rotation result output address are of the
same data type.

Table4.8.19 (a) Kinds of Bit rotation right instruction

Instruction name SUB No. Data type
1 RORB 289 1 byte length data
2 RORW 290 2 bytes length data
3 RORD 291 4 bytes length data

When data is rotated by 5 bits:

Rotation source data = R100
Number of rotation bits =5
Rotation result output address = R102

R101 R100
7 0 7 0
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Rotation source

Rotated right by
a specified number of bits
右方向に テ シ ン
Rotation result
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R103 R102
W1 7 0 7 0
The most significant bit after rotation is output to W1.

Fig. 4.8.19 (a) Example of RORW instruction

The value of the most significant bit (bit 15 in the example above) after rotation is output to W1.
If 0 is specified in "Number of rotation bits", the data specified in "Rotation source data" is output to
"Rotation result output address" without modification, and W1=0 is set.

- 343 -

Fig. 4.8.19(b) shows the ladder format and Table 4.8.19(b) shows the mnemonic format.

Example : RORB Instruction


SUB 289 {{{{ Rotation source data (Address or Constant)

RORB {{{{ Number of rotation bits (Address or Constant)
{{{{ Rotation result output address

Functional Instruction
SUB 289 {{{{
RORB {{{{


SUB 289 {{{{

RORB {{{{

Fig. 4.8.19 (b) Format of RORB, RORW, RORD instruction

Table 4.8.19(b) Mnemonic of RORB, RORW, RORD instruction

Mnemonic format Memory status of
control condition
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 289 SUB No. (RORB instruction)
3 (PRM) {{{{ Rotation source data (Address or Constant)
4 (PRM) {{{{ Number of rotation bits (Address or Constant)
5 (PRM) {{{{ Rotation result output address
6 WRT {{{{ .{ Last rotation bit output W1

Control conditions
(a) Input signal (ACT)
ACT = 0: Instruction not executed.
ACT = 1: Executed.

- 344 -

(a) Rotation source data
Specify bit rotation source data. In this parameter, a constant or a PMC memory address for
storing data can be specified.
Specify data by signed binary data. A value within the following range may be specified:

Instruction name Available value

RORB -128 to 127
RORW -32768 to 32767
RORD -2147483648 to 2147483647

(b) Number of rotation bits

By using signed binary data, specify the number of bits to be rotated. In this parameter, specify 0
or a greater value. If a value greater than 0 is specified, the data specified in "Rotation source data"
is rotated by a specified number of bits, and the result of rotation operation is output to "Rotation
result output address". If 0 is specified, the data specified in "Rotation source data" is output to
"Rotation result output address" without modification, and W1=0 is set.
If a negative value is specified in this parameter, the data specified in "Rotation source data" is
output to "Rotation result output address" without modification, and W1=0 is set as in the case
where 0 is specified in this parameter. No rotation operation in the opposite direction is performed.
In this parameter, a constant or a PMC memory address for storing data can be specified.
If an address is specified in this parameter, specify "Number of rotation bits" by using signed binary
data of the same size as for data type handled by each instruction. For example, with the RORW
instruction, specify "Number of rotation bits" by using 2-byte signed binary data.

(c) Rotation result output address

Specify the address to which the result of rotation operation is to be output. The result of rotation
operation is output to memory of the same size as for "Rotation source data".

Output (W1)
W1=1 When the value of the most significant bit after rotation is 1
W1=0 When no rotation operation is executed (ACT=0)
When the value of the most significant bit after rotation is 0
When 0 or a negative value is specified in "Number of rotation bits"

W1 may be omitted. Moreover, an other functional instruction can be connected
instead of a coil.

- 345 -

4.8.20 RORN (Bit Rotation Right (Arbitrary Bytes Length) : SUB 292)
The Bit rotation right instruction rotates bit data to the right by a specified number of bits. The result of
rotation operation is output to a specified address.

To use this function, the option of “Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function” is

The Bit rotation right instruction performs a bit rotation operation on a bit string of a specified data size.
Rotation source data and the result of rotation operation are of the same data size.

When data is rotated by 5 bits:

Data size =3
Rotation source data top address = R100
Number of rotation bits =5
Rotation result output address = R103

R102 R101 R100

7 0 7 0 7 0
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Rotation source

Rotated right by a specified number of bits

Rotation result
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R105 R104 R103
W1 7 0 7 0 7 0

The most significant bit after rotation is output to W1.

Fig. 4.8.20 (a) Example of RORN instruction

The value of the most significant bit (bit 15 in the example above) at the last address after rotation is
output to W1.
If 0 is specified in "Number of rotation bits", the rotation source data is output to "Rotation result output
address" without modification, and W1=0 is set.

- 346 -

Fig. 4.8.20(b) shows the ladder format and Table 4.8.20 shows the mnemonic format.

Example : RORN Instruction


SUB 292 {{{{ Data size (Constant)

RORN {{{{ Rotation source data top address
{{{{ Number of rotation bits (Address or Constant)
{{{{ Rotation result output address

Functional Instruction
SUB 292 {{{{
RORN {{{{


SUB 292 {{{{

RORN {{{{

Fig. 4.8.20(b) Format of RORN instruction

Table 4.8.20 Mnemonic of RORN instruction

Mnemonic format Memory status of
control condition
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 292 SUB No. (RORN instruction)
3 (PRM) {{{{ Data size (Constant)
4 (PRM) {{{{ Rotation source data top address
5 (PRM) {{{{ Number of rotation bits (Address or Constant)
6 (PRM) {{{{ Rotation result output address
7 WRT {{{{ .{ Last rotation bit output W1

Control conditions
(a) Input signal (ACT)
ACT = 0: Instruction not executed.
ACT = 1: Executed.

- 347 -

(a) Data size
Specify the number of bytes of data on which a bit rotation operation is to be performed. A value
from 1 to 256 may be specified.

Please specify a valid number to the "Data size", so that both of the area from
"Rotation source data top address" and the area from "Rotation result output
address" may be arranged within valid address range.

(b) Rotation source data top address

Specify the start address of rotation source data. Specify a data size in "Data size" mentioned in (a)

(c) Number of rotation bits

By using 4-byte signed binary data, specify the number of bits to be rotated. In this parameter,
specify 0 or a greater value. If a value greater than 0 is specified, the rotation source data is rotated
by a specified number of bits, and the result of rotation operation is output to "Rotation result output
address". A value from 1 to ("Data size" × 8) may be specified. For example, if 6 is specified in
"Data size", a value from 1 to 48 may be specified in this parameter. If a value greater than the
valid range is specified, the number of specified bits is divided by the value obtained by "Data size"
× 8 then a rotation operation is performed using the remainder as the specified number of bits. If 0
is specified, the rotation source data is output to "Rotation result output address" without
modification, and W1=0 is set.
If a negative value is specified in this parameter, the rotation source data is output to "Rotation result
output address" without modification, and W1=0 is set as in the case where 0 is specified in this
parameter. No rotation operation in the opposite direction is performed.
In this parameter, a constant or a PMC memory address for storing data can be specified.

Specified address +0

Specified address +1
Number of rotation bits
Specified address +2 (Signed binary data)

Specified address +3

(d) Rotation result output address

Specify the start address of an area to which the result of rotation operation is to be output. The
result of rotation operation is output to memory of the same size as for rotation source data.

Output (W1)
W1=1 When the value of the most significant bit at the last address after rotation is 1
W1=0 When no rotation operation is executed (ACT=0)
When the value of the most significant bit at the last address after rotation is 0
When 0 or a negative value is specified in "Number of rotation bits"

W1 may be omitted. Moreover, an other functional instruction can be connected
instead of a coil.

- 348 -

4.8.21 BSETB (Bit Set (1 Byte Length) : SUB 293)

BSETW (Bit Set (2 Bytes Length) : SUB 294)
BSETD (Bit Set (4 Bytes Length) : SUB 295)
The Bit set instruction sets the bit at a specified bit position to ON (=1).

To use this function, the option of “Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function” is

As indicated below, three types of Bit set instructions are available according to the type of data to be

Table4.8.21 (a) Kinds of Bit set instruction

Instruction name SUB No. Data type Useful range of bit position
1 BSETB 293 1 byte length data 0 to 7
2 BSETW 294 2 bytes length data 0 to 15
3 BSETD 295 4 bytes length data 0 to 31

A bit position is identified by sequentially counting bit positions, starting with 0, from the least
significant bit of a specified address.
For example, if R100 is specified in "Data address", and 20 is specified in "Bit position" with the BSETD
instruction, R102.4 is set to ON.

R103 R102 R101 R100

7 07 4 07 07 0

Bit position 31 20 0

Fig. 4.8.21(a) shows the ladder format and Table 4.8.21(b) shows the mnemonic format.

Example : BSETB Instruction


SUB 293 {{{{ Data address

BSETB {{{{ Bit position (Address or Constant)

Functional Instruction
SUB 293 {{{{
BSETB {{{{


SUB 293 {{{{

BSETB {{{{

Fig. 4.8.21 (a) Format of BSETB, BSETW, BSETD instruction

- 349 -

Table 4.8.21(b) Mnemonic of BSETB, BSETW, BSETD instruction

Mnemonic format Memory status of
control condition
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 293 SUB No. (BSETB instruction)
3 (PRM) {{{{ Data address
4 (PRM) {{{{ Bit position (Address or Constant)
5 WRT {{{{ .{ Normal end output W1

Control conditions
(a) Input signal (ACT)
ACT = 0: Instruction not executed.
ACT = 1: Executed.

(a) Data address
Specify the address of data on which a bit operation is to be performed.

(b) Bit position

Specify the position of a bit to be set to ON. Specify 0 or a greater value in "Bit position". For
the range of values specifiable in "Bit position", see Table 4.8.21 (a), "Kinds of Bit set instruction".
In this parameter, a constant or a PMC memory address for storing data can be specified.
If an address is specified in this parameter, specify "Bit position" by using signed binary data of the
same size as for data type handled by each instruction. For example, with the BSETW instruction,
specify "Bit position" by using 2-byte signed binary data.

If a value not within the valid range is specified in this parameter, the data is not modified, and W1=0
is set.

Output (W1)
W1=1 When an operation is terminated normally
W1=0 When no operation is executed (ACT=0)
When "Bit position" is not within the valid range

W1 may be omitted. Moreover, an other functional instruction can be connected
instead of a coil.

- 350 -

4.8.22 BSETN (Bit Set (Arbitrary Bytes Length) : SUB 296)

The Bit set instruction sets the bit at a specified bit position in a bit string of the size specified in "Data
size" to ON (=1).

To use this function, the option of “Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function” is

A bit position is identified by sequentially counting bit positions, starting with 0, from the least
significant bit of the start address.
For example, if R100 is specified in "Data top address", 6 is specified in "Data size", and 36 is specified
in "Bit position", R104.4 is set to ON.

R105 R104 R103 R102 R101 R100

7 07 4 07 07 07 07 0

Bit position 47 36 0
Data size = 6

Fig. 4.8.22 shows the ladder format and Table 4.8.22 shows the mnemonic format.


SUB 296 {{{{ Data size (Constant)

BSETN {{{{ Data top address
{{{{ Bit position (Address or Constant)

Functional Instruction
SUB 296 {{{{
BSETN {{{{


SUB 296 {{{{

BSETN {{{{

Fig. 4.8.22 Format of BSETN instruction

- 351 -

Table 4.8.22 Mnemonic of BSETN instruction

Mnemonic format Memory status of
control condition
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 296 SUB No. (BSETN instruction)
3 (PRM) {{{{ Data size (Constant)
4 (PRM) {{{{ Data top address
5 (PRM) {{{{ Bit position (Address or Constant)
6 WRT {{{{ .{ Normal end output W1

Control conditions
(a) Input signal (ACT)
ACT = 0: Instruction not executed.
ACT = 1: Executed.

(a) Data size
Specify the number of bytes of data on which a bit operation is to be performed. A value from 1 to
256 may be specified.

Please specify a valid number to the "Data size", so that the area from "Data top
address" may be arranged within valid address range.

(b) Data top address

Specify the start address of data.

(c) Bit position

By using 4-byte signed binary data, specify the position of a bit to be set to ON. A value from 0 to
("Data size" * 8 - 1) may be specified. For example, if 6 is specified in "Data size", a value from 0
to 47 may be specified.
In this parameter, a constant or a PMC memory address for storing data can be specified.

Specified address +0

Specified address +1
Bit position
Specified address +2 (Signed binary data)

Specified address +3

If a value not within the valid range is specified in this parameter, the data is not modified, and W1=0
is set.

- 352 -

Output (W1)
W1=1 When an operation is terminated normally
W1=0 When no operation is executed (ACT=0)
When "Bit position" is not within the valid range

W1 may be omitted. Moreover, an other functional instruction can be connected
instead of a coil.

- 353 -

4.8.23 BRSTB (Bit Reset (1 Byte Length) : SUB 297)

BRSTW (Bit Reset (2 Bytes Length) : SUB 298)
BRSTD (Bit Reset (4 Bytes Length) : SUB 299)
The Bit reset instruction sets the bit at a specified bit position to OFF (=0).

To use this function, the option of “Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function” is

As indicated below, three types of Bit reset instructions are available according to the type of data to be

Table4.8.23 (a) Kinds of Bit reset instruction

Instruction name SUB No. Data type Useful range of bit position
1 BRSTB 297 1 byte length data 0 to 7
2 BRSTW 298 2 bytes length data 0 to 15
3 BRSTD 299 4 bytes length data 0 to 31

A bit position is identified by sequentially counting bit positions, starting with 0, from the least
significant bit of a specified address.
For example, if R100 is specified in "Data address", and 20 is specified in "Bit position" with the BRSTD
instruction, R102.4 is set to OFF.

R103 R102 R101 R100

7 07 4 07 07 0

Bit position 31 20 0

Fig. 4.8.23 shows the ladder format and Table 4.8.23(b) shows the mnemonic format.

Example : BRSTB Instruction


SUB 297 {{{{ Data address

BRSTB {{{{ Bit position (Address or Constant)

Functional Instruction
SUB 297 {{{{
BRSTB {{{{


SUB 297 {{{{

BRSTB {{{{

Fig. 4.8.23 Format of BRSTB, BRSTW, BRSTD instruction

- 354 -

Table 4.8.23(b) Mnemonic of BRSTB, BRSTW, BRSTD instruction

Mnemonic format Memory status of
control condition
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 297 SUB No. (BRSTB instruction)
3 (PRM) {{{{ Data address
4 (PRM) {{{{ Bit position (Address or Constant)
5 WRT {{{{ .{ Normal end output W1

Control conditions
(a) Input signal (ACT)
ACT = 0: Instruction not executed.
ACT = 1: Executed.

(a) Data address
Specify the address of data on which a bit operation is to be performed.

(b) Bit position

Specify the position of a bit to be set to OFF. Specify 0 or a greater value in "Bit position". For
the range of values specifiable in "Bit position", see Table 4.8.23 (a), "Kinds of Bit reset
In this parameter, a constant or a PMC memory address for storing data can be specified.
If an address is specified in this parameter, specify "Bit position" by using signed binary data of the
same size as for data type handled by each instruction. For example, with the BRSTW instruction,
specify "Bit position" by using 2-byte signed binary data.

If a value not within the valid range is specified in this parameter, the data is not modified, and W1=0
is set.

Output (W1)
W1=1 When an operation is terminated normally
W1=0 When no operation is executed (ACT=0)
When "Bit position" is not within the valid range

W1 may be omitted. Moreover, an other functional instruction can be connected
instead of a coil.

- 355 -

4.8.24 BRSTN (Bit Reset (Arbitrary Bytes Length) : SUB 300)

The Bit reset instruction sets the bit at a specified bit position in a bit string of the size specified in "Data
size" to OFF (=0).

To use this function, the option of “Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function” is

A bit position is identified by sequentially counting bit positions, starting with 0, from the least
significant bit of the start address.
For example, if R100 is specified in "Data top address", 6 is specified in "Data size", and 36 is specified
in "Bit position", R104.4 is set to OFF.

R105 R104 R103 R102 R101 R100

7 07 4 07 07 07 07 0

Bit position 47 36 0
Data size = 6

Fig. 4.8.24 shows the ladder format and Table 4.8.24 shows the mnemonic format.


SUB 300 {{{{ Data size (Constant)

BRSTN {{{{ Data top address
{{{{ Bit position (Address or Constant)

Functional Instruction
SUB 300 {{{{
BRSTN {{{{


SUB 300 {{{{

BRSTN {{{{

Fig. 4.8.24 Format of BRSTN instruction

- 356 -

Table 4.8.24 Mnemonic of BRSTN instruction

Mnemonic format Memory status of
control condition
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 300 SUB No. (BRSTN instruction)
3 (PRM) {{{{ Data size (Constant)
4 (PRM) {{{{ Data top address
5 (PRM) {{{{ Bit position (Address or Constant)
6 WRT {{{{ .{ Normal end output W1

Control conditions
(a) Input signal (ACT)
ACT = 0: Instruction not executed.
ACT = 1: Executed.

(a) Data size
Specify the number of bytes of data on which a bit operation is to be performed. A value from 1 to
256 may be specified.

Please specify a valid number to the "Data size", so that the area from "Data top
address" may be arranged within valid address range.

(b) Data top address

Specify the start address of data.

(c) Bit position

By using 4-byte signed binary data, specify the position of a bit to be set to OFF. A value from 0
to ("Data size" * 8 - 1) may be specified. For example, if 6 is specified in "Data size", a value from
0 to 47 may be specified.
In this parameter, a constant or a PMC memory address for storing data can be specified.

Specified address +0

Specified address +1
Bit position
Specified address +2 (Signed binary data)

Specified address +3

If a value not within the valid range is specified in this parameter, the data is not modified, and W1=0
is set.

- 357 -

Output (W1)
W1=1 When an operation is terminated normally
W1=0 When no operation is executed (ACT=0)
When "Bit position" is not within the valid range

W1 may be omitted. Moreover, an other functional instruction can be connected
instead of a coil.

- 358 -

4.8.25 BTSTB (Bit Test (1 Byte Length) : SUB 301)

BTSTW (Bit Test (2 Bytes Length) : SUB 302)
BTSTD (Bit Test (4 Bytes Length) : SUB 303)
The Bit test instruction outputs the value of the bit at a specified bit position.

To use this function, the option of “Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function” is

As indicated below, three types of Bit test instructions are available according to the type of data to be

Table4.8.25 (a) Kinds of Bit test instruction

Instruction name SUB No. Data type Useful range of bit position
1 BTSTB 301 1 byte length data 0 to 7
2 BTSTW 302 2 bytes length data 0 to 15
3 BTSTD 303 4 bytes length data 0 to 31

A bit position is identified by sequentially counting bit positions, starting with 0, from the least
significant bit of a specified address.
For example, if R100 is specified in "Data address", and 20 is specified in "Bit position" with the BTSTD
instruction, the state of R102.4 is output.

R103 R102 R101 R100

7 07 4 07 07 0

Bit position 31 20 0

Fig. 4.8.25 shows the ladder format and Table 4.8.25(b) shows the mnemonic format.

Example : BTSTB Instruction


SUB 301 {{{{ Data address

BTSTB {{{{ Bit position (Address or Constant)

Functional Instruction
SUB 301 {{{{
BTSTB {{{{


SUB 301 {{{{

BTSTB {{{{

Fig. 4.8.25 Format of BTSTB, BTSTW, BTSTD instruction

- 359 -

Table 4.8.25(b) Mnemonic of BTSTB, BTSTW, BTSTD instruction

Mnemonic format Memory status of
control condition
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 301 SUB No. (BTSTB instruction)
3 (PRM) {{{{ Data address
4 (PRM) {{{{ Bit position (Address or Constant)
5 WRT {{{{ .{ Bit status output W1

Control conditions
(a) Input signal (ACT)
ACT = 0: Instruction not executed.
ACT = 1: Executed.

(a) Data address
Specify the address of data on which a bit operation is to be performed.

(b) Bit position

Specify the position of a bit whose state is to be output. Specify 0 or a greater value in "Bit
position". For the range of values specifiable in "Bit position", see Table 4.8.25 (a), "Kinds of Bit
test instruction".
In this parameter, a constant or a PMC memory address for storing data can be specified.
If an address is specified in this parameter, specify "Bit position" by using signed binary data of the
same size as for data type handled by each instruction. For example, with the BTSTW instruction,
specify "Bit position" by using 2-byte signed binary data.

If a value not within the valid range is specified in this parameter, W1=0 is set.

Output (W1)
W1=1 Specified bit is 1.
W1=0 Specified bit is 0.
When no operation is executed (ACT=0)
When "Bit position" is not within the valid range

W1 may be omitted. Moreover, an other functional instruction can be connected
instead of a coil.

- 360 -

4.8.26 BTSTN (Bit Test (Arbitrary Bytes Length) : SUB 304)

The Bit test instruction outputs the value of the bit at a specified bit position in a bit string of the size
specified in "Data size".

To use this function, the option of “Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function” is

A bit position is identified by sequentially counting bit positions, starting with 0, from the least
significant bit of the start address.
For example, if R100 is specified in "Data top address", 6 is specified in "Data size", and 36 is specified
in "Bit position", the bit state of R104.4 is output.

R105 R104 R103 R102 R101 R100

7 07 4 07 07 07 07 0

Bit position 47 36 0
Data size = 6

Fig. 4.8.26 shows the ladder format and Table 4.8.26 shows the mnemonic format.


SUB 304 {{{{ Data size (Constant)

BTSTN {{{{ Data top address
{{{{ Bit position (Address or Constant)

Functional Instruction
SUB 304 {{{{
BTSTN {{{{


SUB 304 {{{{

BTSTN {{{{

Fig. 4.8.26 Format of BTSTN instruction

- 361 -

Table 4.8.26 Mnemonic of BTSTN instruction

Mnemonic format Memory status of
control condition
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 304 SUB No. (BTSTN instruction)
3 (PRM) {{{{ Data size (Constant)
4 (PRM) {{{{ Data top address
5 (PRM) {{{{ Bit position (Address or Constant)
6 WRT {{{{ .{ Normal end output W1

Control conditions
(a) Input signal (ACT)
ACT = 0: Instruction not executed.
ACT = 1: Executed.

(a) Data size
Specify the number of bytes of data on which a bit operation is to be performed. A value from 1 to
256 may be specified.

Please specify a valid number to the "Data size", so that the area from "Data top
address" may be arranged within valid address range.

(b) Data top address

Specify the start address of data.

(c) Bit position

By using 4-byte signed binary data, specify the position of a bit whose state is to be output. A
value from 0 to ("Data size" * 8 - 1) may be specified. For example, if 6 is specified in "Data size",
a value from 0 to 47 may be specified.
In this parameter, a constant or a PMC memory address for storing data can be specified.

Specified address +0

Specified address +1
Bit position
Specified address +2 (Signed binary data)

Specified address +3

If a value not within the valid range is specified in this parameter, W1=0 is set.

- 362 -

Output (W1)
W1=1 Specified bit is 1.
W1=0 Specified bit is 0.
When no operation is executed (ACT=0)
When "Bit position" is not within the valid range

W1 may be omitted. Moreover, an other functional instruction can be connected
instead of a coil.

- 363 -

4.8.27 BPOSB (Bit Search (1 Byte Length) : SUB 305)

BPOSW (Bit Search (2 Bytes Length) : SUB 306)
BPOSD (Bit Search (4 Bytes Length) : SUB 307)
The Bit search instruction acquires the bit position of a bit set to ON (=1).

To use this function, the option of “Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function” is

As indicated below, three types of Bit search instructions are available according to the type of data to be

Table4.8.27 (a) Kinds of Bit search instruction

Instruction name SUB No. Data type Useful range of bit position
1 BPOSB 305 1 byte length data 0 to 7
2 BPOSW 306 2 bytes length data 0 to 15
3 BPOSD 307 4 bytes length data 0 to 31

Bits are searched in the order from bit 0 to bit 7 at the data top address then bits are searched in the order
from bit 0 to bit 7 at the next address. In this way, bit search operation is further performed for up to bit
7 of the last address.
The bit position of the bit that is first found to be ON is output.
A bit position is identified by sequentially counting bit positions, starting with 0, from the least
significant bit of the start address.
For example, if R100 is specified in "Data address" with the BPOSD instruction, and only R102.4 is set
to ON, 20 is output to "Bit position output address".

R103 R102 R101 R100

7 07 4 07 07 0

Bit position 31 20 0

- 364 -

Fig. 4.8.27 shows the ladder format and Table 4.8.27(b) shows the mnemonic format.

Example : BPOSB Instruction


SUB 305 {{{{ Data address

BPOSB {{{{ Bit position output address

Functional Instruction
SUB 305 {{{{
BPOSB {{{{


SUB 305 {{{{

BPOSB {{{{

Fig. 4.8.27 Format of BPOSB, BPOSW, BPOSD instruction

Table 4.8.27(b) Mnemonic of BPOSB, BPOSW, BPOSD instruction

Mnemonic format Memory status of
control condition
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 305 SUB No. (BPOSB instruction)
3 (PRM) {{{{ Data address
4 (PRM) {{{{ Bit position output address
5 WRT {{{{ .{ Normal end output W1

Control conditions
(a) Input signal (ACT)
ACT = 0: Instruction not executed.
ACT = 1: Executed.

(a) Data address
Specify the address of data on which a bit operation is to be performed.

(b) Bit position output address

Specify the address to which the position of a bit found to be ON as the result of search operation is
to be output. Starting at the specified address, a bit position is output by using signed binary data
of the same size as for data type handled by each instruction. For example, with the BPOSW
instruction, a bit position is output by using 2-byte signed binary data.
The start bit position number is 0.
If no bit is found to be ON as the result of search operation, -1 is output, and W1=0 is set.

- 365 -

Output (W1)
W1=1 is set when the instruction is terminated normally.
W1=0 is set when no operation is executed (ACT=0) or when there is no bit set to ON.

W1 may be omitted. Moreover, an other functional instruction can be connected
instead of a coil.

- 366 -

4.8.28 BPOSN (Bit Search (Arbitrary Bytes Length) : SUB 308)

The Bit search instruction acquires the bit position of a bit set to ON (=1) in a bit string of the size
specified in "Data size".

To use this function, the option of “Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function” is

Bits are searched in the order from bit 0 to bit 7 at "Data top address" then bits are searched in the order
from bit 0 to bit 7 at the next address. In this way, bit search operation is further performed for up to bit
7 of the last address.
The bit position of the bit that is first found to be ON is output.
A bit position is identified by sequentially counting bit positions, starting with 0, from the least
significant bit of the start address.
For example, if R100 is specified in "Data top address", 6 is specified in "Data size", and only R104.4 is
set to ON, 36 is output to "Bit position output address".

R105 R104 R103 R102 R101 R100

7 07 4 07 07 07 07 0

Bit position 47 36 0
Data size = 6

Fig. 4.8.28 shows the ladder format and Table 4.8.28 shows the mnemonic format.


SUB 308 {{{{ Data size (Constant)

BPOSN {{{{ Data top address
{{{{ Bit position output address

Functional Instruction
SUB 308 {{{{
BPOSN {{{{


SUB 308 {{{{

BPOSN {{{{

Fig. 4.8.28 Format of BPOSN instruction

- 367 -

Table 4.8.28 Mnemonic of BPOSN instruction

Mnemonic format Memory status of
control condition
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 308 SUB No. (BPOSN instruction)
3 (PRM) {{{{ Data size (Constant)
4 (PRM) {{{{ Data top address
5 (PRM) {{{{ Bit position output address
6 WRT {{{{ .{ Normal end output W1

Control conditions
(a) Input signal (ACT)
ACT = 0: Instruction not executed.
ACT = 1: Executed.

(a) Data size
Specify the number of bytes of data on which a bit operation is to be performed. A value from 1 to
256 may be specified.

Please specify a valid number to the "Data size", so that the area from "Data top
address" may be arranged within valid address range.

(b) Data top address

Specify the start address of data.

(c) Bit position output address

Specify the address to which a found bit position is to be output. A bit position is output by using
4-byte signed binary data.
The start bit position number is 0.
If no bit is found to be ON as the result of search operation, -1 is output, and W1=0 is set.

Specified address +0

Specified address +1
Bit position
Specified address +2 (Signed binary data)

Specified address +3

- 368 -

Output (W1)
W1=1 : When an operation is terminated normally
W1=0 : When no operation is executed (ACT=0)
When there is no bit set to ON

W1 may be omitted. Moreover, an other functional instruction can be connected
instead of a coil.

- 369 -

4.8.29 BCNTB (Bit Count (1 Byte Length) : SUB 309)

BCNTW (Bit Count (2 Bytes Length) : SUB 310)
BCNTD (Bit Count (4 Bytes Length) : SUB 311)
The Bit count instruction acquires the number of bits set to ON (=1).

To use this function, the option of “Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function” is

As indicated below, three types of Bit count instructions are available according to the type of data to be

Table4.8.29 (a) Kinds of Bit count instruction

Instruction name SUB No. Data type Useful range of bit position
1 BCNTB 309 1 byte length data 0 to 7
2 BCNTW 310 2 bytes length data 0 to 15
3 BCNTD 311 4 bytes length data 0 to 31

Fig. 4.8.29 shows the ladder format and Table 4.8.29(b) shows the mnemonic format.

Example : BCNTB Instruction


SUB 309 {{{{ Data address

BCNTB {{{{ ON-Bit count output address

Functional Instruction
SUB 309 {{{{
BCNTB {{{{


SUB 309 {{{{

BCNTB {{{{

Fig. 4.8.29 Format of BCNTB, BCNTW, BCNTD instruction

Table 4.8.29(b) Mnemonic BCNTB, BCNTW, BCNTD instruction

Mnemonic format Memory status of
control condition
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 309 SUB No. (BCNTB instruction)
3 (PRM) {{{{ Data address
4 (PRM) {{{{ ON-Bit count output address
5 WRT {{{{ .{ Normal end output W1

- 370 -

Control conditions
(a) Input signal (ACT)
ACT = 0: Instruction not executed.
ACT = 1: Executed.

(a) Data address
Specify the address of data on which a bit operation is to be performed.

(b) ON-Bit count output address

Specify the address to which the number of bits set to ON is to be output. Starting at the specified
address, the number of bits set to ON is output to memory of the same size as for data type handled
by each instruction. For example, with the BCNTW instruction, the number of bits set to ON is
output by using 2-byte signed binary data.

Output (W1)
W1=1 : When an operation is executed (ACT=1)
W1=0 : When no operation is executed (ACT=0)

W1 may be omitted. Moreover, an other functional instruction can be connected
instead of a coil.

- 371 -

4.8.30 BCNTN (Bit Count (Arbitrary Bytes Length) : SUB 312)

The Bit count instruction acquires the number of bits set to ON (=1) in a bit string of the size specified in
"Data size".

To use this function, the option of “Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function” is

Fig. 4.8.30 shows the ladder format and Table 4.8.30 shows the mnemonic format.


SUB 312 {{{{ Data size (Constant)

BCNTN {{{{ Data top address
{{{{ ON-Bit count output address

Functional Instruction
SUB 312 {{{{
BCNTN {{{{


SUB 312 {{{{

BCNTN {{{{

Fig. 4.8.30 Format of BCNTN instruction

Table 4.8.30 Mnemonic of BCNTN instruction

Mnemonic format Memory status of
control condition
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 312 SUB No. (BCNTN instruction)
3 (PRM) {{{{ Data size (Constant)
4 (PRM) {{{{ Data top address
5 (PRM) {{{{ ON-Bit count output address
6 WRT {{{{ .{ Normal end output W1

Control conditions
(a) Input signal (ACT)
ACT = 0: Instruction not executed.
ACT = 1: Executed.

- 372 -

(a) Data size
Specify the number of bytes of data on which a bit operation is to be performed. A value from 1 to
256 may be specified.

Please specify a valid number to the "Data size", so that the area from "Data top
address" may be arranged within valid address range.

(b) Data top address

Specify the start address of data.

(c) ON-Bit count output address

Specify the address to which the number of bits set to ON is to be output. The number of bits set to
ON is output by using 4-byte signed binary data.

Specified address +0

Specified address +1
ON-Bit count
Specified address +2 (Signed binary data)

Specified address +3

Output (W1)
W1=1 : When an operation is executed (ACT=1)
W1=0 : When no operation is executed (ACT=0)

W1 may be omitted. Moreover, an other functional instruction can be connected
instead of a coil.

- 373 -


The following types of code conversion instruction are available. Use any of these instructions as
appropriate for your purpose.

Instruction name Sub number Processing

1 COD 7 Code conversion
2 CODB 27 Binary code conversion
3 DCNV 14 Data conversion
4 DCNVB 31 Extended data conversion
5 DEC 4 Decoding
6 DECB 25 Binary decoding
7 TBCDB 313 Binary to BCD conversion (1 byte length)
8 TBCDW 314 Binary to BCD conversion (2 bytes length)
9 TBCDD 315 Binary to BCD conversion (4 bytes length)
10 FBCDB 316 BCD to Binary conversion (1 byte length)
11 FBCDW 317 BCD to Binary conversion (2 bytes length)
12 FBCDD 318 BCD to Binary conversion (4 bytes length)

To use this function, the option of “Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function” is

- 374 -

4.9.1 COD (Code Conversion: SUB 7)

Converts BCD codes into an arbitrary two- or four-digits BCD numbers. For code conversion shown in
Fig. 4.9.1 (a) the conversion input data address, conversion table, and convert data output address must be
Set a table address, in which the data to be retrieved from the conversion table is contained, to conversion
table input data address in a two-digits BCD number. The conversion table is entered in sequence with
the numbers to be retrieved in the two- or four-digits number. The contents of the conversion table of
the number entered in the conversion input data address is output to the convert data output address. As
shown in Fig. 4.9.1 (a), when 3 is entered in the conversion input data address, the contents 137 located at
3 in the conversion table is output to the convert data output address.

Table internal address Conversion table

Conversion input 0
data address 3
Specifies table internal 2
number (BCD two-digits).
3 137

Convert data
output address
Data of the specified table internal address
is output to this address.

Fig. 4.9.1 (a) Code conversion diagram

- 375 -

Fig. 4.9.1 (b) shows the ladder format and Table 4.9.1 shows the mnemonic format.

BYT Error output


{{{{. { SUB 7
RST {{{ Size of table data
COD {{{{ Conversion input data address
{{{{. { {{{{ Converted data output address

{{{{. {

Control condition

Table address Convert data

0 { { { {
1 { { { {

2 { { { {

3 { { { {

Fig. 4.9.1 (b) Format of COD instruction

Table 4.9.1 Mnemonic of COD instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ BYT BYT
2 RD.STK {{{{ .{ RST BYT RST
4 SUB 7 COD instruction
5 (PRM) {{{ Size of table data
6 (PRM) {{{{ Conversion input data address
7 (PRM) {{{{ Convert data output address
8 (PRM) {{{{ Convert data at table address 0
9 (PRM) {{{{ Convert data at table address 1
: : : :
7+n (PRM) {{{{ Data at (n (convert data at table
address) - 1)
7 + n + 1 WRT {{{{ .{ Error output W1

- 376 -

Control conditions
(a) Specify the data size. (BYT)
BYT=0: Specifies that the conversion table data is to be BCD two digits.
BYT=1: Specifies that the conversion table data is to be BCD four digits.

(b) Error output reset (RST)

RST=0: Disable reset
RST=1: Sets error output W1 to 0 (resets).

(c) Execution command (ACT)

ACT=0: The COD instruction is not executed. W1 does not change.
ACT=1: Executed.

(a) Size of table data
A conversion table data address from 00 to 99 can be specified.
Specify n+1 as the size of table when n is the last table internal number.

(b) Conversion input data address

The conversion table address includes a table address in which converted data is loaded. Data in
the conversion table can be retrieved by specifying a conversion table address.
One byte (BCD 2-digit) is required for this conversion input data address.

(c) Convert data output address

The convert data output address is the address where the data stored in the table is to be output.
The convert data BCD two digits in size, requires only a 1-byte memory at the convert data output
Convert data BCD four digits in size, requires a 2-byte memory at the convert data output address.

Error output (W1)

If an error occurs in the conversion input address during execution of the COD instruction, W1=1 to
indicate an error.
For example, W1=1 results if a number exceeding the table size specified in the sequence program is
specified as the conversion input address. When W1=1, it is desirable to effect an appropriate interlock,
such as having the error lamp on the machine tool operator's panel light or stopping axis feed.

The multiple use of coil, WRT, WRT.NOT, SET or RST, that follows this
instruction are prohibited. You have to place a single coil instruction as the output
of this instruction.

Conversion data table

The size of the conversion data table is from 00 to 99.
The conversion data can be either BCD two digits or four digits, which is specified depends on the
control conditions.

- 377 -

4.9.2 CODB (Binary Code Conversion: SUB 27)

This instruction converts data in binary format to an optional binary format 1-byte, 2-byte, or 4-byte
Conversion input data address, conversion table, and conversion data output address are necessary for
data conversion; as shown in Fig. 4.9.2 (a).
Compared to the "COD Function Instruction", this CODB function instruction handles numerical data 1-,
2- and 4-byte length binary format data, and the conversion table can be extended to maximum 256.

Table address Conversion table

Conversion data 0
address 2
Specify table address here. 1
(binary format1 byte)
2 (Note 1) This table data is binary
format 2-byte data.
Conversion data 3
(Note 2) Conversion table is
output address 1250 written in the ROM
{{{{ together together with
Data stored in the specified ∼ ∼
∼ ∼
the program, because it
table address is output to is defined in the
this address sequence program.

(n: max. 255)

Fig. 4.9.2 (a) Code conversion diagram

Fig. 4.9.2 (b) shows the ladder format and Table 4.9.2 shows the mnemonic format.

SUB 27
ACT CODB { Format designation
{{{ Number of conversion table data
{{{{ Conversion input data address
{{{{ Conversion data output address

Fig. 4.9.2 (b) Format of CODB instruction

- 378 -

Table 4.9.2 Mnemonic of CODB instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ RST RST
2 RD.STK {{{{ .{ ACT RST ACT
3 SUB 27 CODB instruction
4 (PRM) { Format specification
5 (PRM) {{{ Size of table data
6 (PRM) {{{{ Conversion input data address
7 (PRM) {{{{ Convert data output address
8 (PRM) {{{{ Convert data at table address 0
9 (PRM) {{{{ Convert data at table address 1
: : : :
7+n (PRM) {{{{ Data at (n (convert data at table
address) - 1)
7 + n + 1 WRT {{{{ .{ Timer relay output W1

Control conditions
(a) Reset (RST)
RST=0: Do not reset.
RST=1: Reset error output W1 (W1=0).

(b) Activate command (ACT)

ACT=0: Do not execute CODB instruction
ACT=1: Execute CODB instruction.

(a) Format designation
Designates binary numerical size in the conversion table.
1: Numerical data is binary 1-byte data.
2: Numerical data is binary 2-byte data.
4: Numerical data is binary 4-byte data.

(b) Number of conversion table data

Designates size of conversion table. 256 (0 to 255) data can be made.

(c) Conversion input data address

Data in the conversion data table can be taken out by specifying the table number. The address
specifying the table number is called conversion input data address, and 1-byte memory is required
from the specified address.

(d) Conversion data output address

Address to output data stored in the specified table number is called conversion data output address.
Memory of the byte length specified in the format designation is necessary from the specified

- 379 -

Conversion data table

Size of the conversion data table is maximum 256 (from 0 to 255).

Error output (W1)

If the table number in the conversion input data address exceeds the number of the conversion table data
when executing the CODB instruction, W1=1.

The multiple use of coil, WRT, WRT.NOT, SET or RST, that follows this
instruction are prohibited. You have to place a single coil instruction as the output
of this instruction.

- 380 -

4.9.3 DCNV (Data Conversion: SUB 14)

Converts binary-code into BCD-code and vice versa.

Fig. 4.9.3 shows the ladder format and Table 4.9.3 shows the mnemonic format.

SUB 14
CNV DCNV {{{{ Input data address
{{{{ Conversion result output


Fig. 4.9.3 Format of DCNV instruction

Table 4.9.3 Mnemonic of DCNV instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ BYT BYT
2 RD.STK {{{{ .{ CNV BYT CNV
5 SUB 14 DCNV instruction
6 (PRM) {{{{ Input data address
7 (PRM) {{{{ Conversion result output address
8 WRT {{{{ .{ W1 error output W1

Control conditions
(a) Specify data size. (BYT)
BYT=0: Process data in length of one byte (8 bits)
BYT=1: Process data in length of two bytes (16 bits)

(b) Specify the type of conversion (CNV)

CNV=0: Converts binary-code into BCD-code.
CNV=1: Converts BCD-code into binary-code.

(c) Reset (RST)

RST=0: Disables reset.
RST=1: Resets error output W1. That is, setting RST to 1 when W1=1, makes W1=0.

(d) Execution command (ACT)

ACT=0: Data is not converted. W1 does not alter.
ACT=1: Data is converted.

- 381 -

(a) Input data address
Specify the address of the input data
(b) Output address after conversion
Specify the address output data converted into BCD or binary type

Error output (W1)

W1=0: Normal
W1=1 : Conversion error
W1=1 if the input data which should be BCD data, is binary data, or if the data size (byte
length) specified in advance is exceeded when converting binary data into BCD data.

The multiple use of coil, WRT, WRT.NOT, SET or RST, that follows this
instruction are prohibited. You have to place a single coil instruction as the output
of this instruction.

- 382 -

4.9.4 DCNVB (Extended Data Conversion: SUB 31)

This instruction converts 1, 2, and 4-byte binary code into BCD code or vice versa. To execute this
instruction, you must preserve the necessary number of bytes in the memory for the conversion result
output data.

Fig. 4.9.4 shows the ladder format and Table 4.9.4 shows the mnemonic format.

SUB 31
CNV DCNVB { Format specification
{{{{ Input data address
RST {{{{ Conversion result output address


Fig. 4.9.4 Format of DCNVB instruction

Table 4.9.4 Mnemonic of DCNVB instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ SIN SIN
2 RD.STK {{{{ .{ CNV SIN CNV
5 SUB 31 DCNVB instruction
6 (PRM) { Size of table data
7 (PRM) {{{{ Conversion input data address
8 (PRM) {{{{ Conversion data output address
9 WRT {{{{ .{ Error output W1

Control conditions
(a) Sign of the data to be converted (SIN)
This parameter is significant only when you are converting BCD data into binary coded data. It
gives the sign of the BCD data.
Note that though it is insignificant when you are converting binary into BCD data, you cannot omit
SIN=0: Data (BCD code) to be input is positive.
SIN=1: Data (BCD code) to be input is negative.

(b) Type of conversion (CNV)

CNV=0: Convert binary data into BCD data
CNV=1: Convert BCD data into binary data.

(c) Reset (RST)

RST=0: Release reset
RST=1: Reset error output W1. In other words, set W1=0.

- 383 -

(d) Execution command (ACT)

ACT=0: Data is not converted. The value of W1 remains unchanged.
ACT=1: Data is converted.

(a) Format specification
Specify data length (1,2, or 4 bytes).
Use the first digit of the parameter to specify byte length.
1: one byte
2: two bytes
4: four bytes

(b) Input data address

Specify the address containing the input data address.

(c) Address for the conversion result output

Specify the address to output the data converted to BCD or binary format.

Error output (W1)

W1=0: Correct conversion
W1=1: Abnormally
The data to be converted is specified as BCD data but is found to be binary data, or the
specified number of bytes cannot contain (and hence an overflow occurs) the BCD data into
which a binary data is converted.

The multiple use of coil, WRT, WRT.NOT, SET or RST, that follows this
instruction are prohibited. You have to place a single coil instruction as the output
of this instruction.

Operation output register (R9000)

This register is set with data on operation. If register bit 1 is on, they signify the following.
For the positive/negative signs when binary data is converted into BCD data, see R9000.

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

(data exceeds the number of bytes specified)

- 384 -

4.9.5 DEC (Decode: SUB 4)

Outputs 1 when the two-digit BCD code signal is equal to a specified number, and 0 when not. This
instruction is used mainly to decode M or T function. The value type in this instruction is BCD.

Fig. 4.9.5 (a) shows the ladder format and Table 4.9.5 (a) shows the mnemonic format.

DEC {{{{ Address of decode signal
{{{{ Decode instruction

Fig. 4.9.5 (a) Format of DEC instruction

Table 4.9.5(a) Mnemonic of DEC instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 DEC {{{{ Code signal address
3 (PRM) {{{{ Decode specification
4 WRT {{{{ .{ W1, decoding result output W1

The mnemonic-format instruction name "DEC" for step number 2 above may be abbreviated as "D".

Control condition
ACT=0: Turns the decoding result output off (W1).
ACT=1: Performs decoding.
When the specified number is equal to the code signal, W1=1; when not, W1=0.

(a) Code signal address
Specify the address containing two-digit BCD code signals.

- 385 -

(b) Decode specification

There are two paths, the number and the number of digits.

Decode specification {{ {{

Number of digits specification

Number specification

(i) Number:
Specify the decode number.
Must always be decoded in two digits.
(ii) Number of digits:
01: The high-order digit of two decimal digits is set to 0 and only the low-order digit is
10: The low-order digit is set to 0 and only the high-order digit is decoded.
11: Two decimal digits are decoded.

W1 (decoding result output)

W1 is 1 when the status of the code signal at a specified address is equal to a specified number, 0 when
not. The address of W1 is determined by designer.

SUB 4 R200
R100.0 R103.1 3011

Fig. 4.9.5 (b) Ladder diagram using the DEC instruction

Table 4.9.5 (b) Mnemonic for Fig. 4.9.5 (b)

Step number Instruction Address No. Bit No. Remarks
1 RD R100 .0
2 AND R103 .1
3 DEC R200
4 (PRM) 3011
5 WRT R228 .1

- 386 -

4.9.6 DECB (Binary Decoding: SUB 25)

DECB decodes one, two, or four-byte binary code data. When one of the specified eight consecutive
numbers matches the code data, a logical high value (value 1) is set in the output data bit which
corresponds to the specified number. When these numbers do not match, a logical low value (value 0) is
Use this instruction for decoding data of the M or T function.
There are two specifications - basic specification and extended specification - for setting the format
specification parameter in the DECB instruction. The extended specification allows 8n consecutive
values to be decoded at a time. For the details of the setting of a format specification parameter, see the
description of parameters.


SUB 25 Decode result output

Code {{{{ 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
data {{{{
{{{{ Decode designating
number +0
1, 2 or 4-byte
binary code data Decode designating
number +1

Decode designating
number +7
Decode designating numbers
Eight numbers, each of which is added by 0, 1, 2, . . . , and 7 to the specified
number are decoded.
When number 62 is specified, for example, eight numbers of 62 to 69 are
If code data is 62, 0 bit of output data is turned on; if 69, 7th bit is turned on.

Fig. 4.9.6 (a) Function of DECB instruction (basic specification)

Decode result output

SUB 25 0†††
Code {{{{ 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
data DECB {{{{
{{{{ Decode designating
number +0
1, 2 or 4-byte
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
binary code data

Decode designating
number +8

8n-1 8(n-1)

Decode designating
number +(8n-1)

Decode designating numbers

8n numbers, each of which is added by 0, 1, 2, . . . , and (8n-1) to the specified number are
decoded. (n is set by the format specification parameter)
When number 62 is specified, for example, 8n numbers of 62 to 62+8n-1 are decoded.
If code data is 62, 0 bit of output data+0 is turned on; if 77, 7th bit of output data+1 is turned on.

Fig. 4.9.6 (b) Function of DECB instruction (extended specification)

- 387 -

Figs. 4.9.6 (c) and (d) show the ladder formats and Tables 4.9.6 (a) and (b) show the mnemonic formats.

SUB 25
DECB { Format specification
{{{{ Code data address
{{{{ Decode designation
{{{{ Decode result output address

Fig. 4.9.6 (c) Format of DECB instruction (basic specification)

Table 4.9.6 (a)

Mnemonic of DECB instruction (basic specification)
Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 25 DECB instruction
3 (PRM) { Format specification
4 (PRM) {{{{ Code data address
5 (PRM) {{{{ Decode designation
6 (PRM) {{{{ Decode result output address

SUB 25
DECB 0……… Format specification
{{{{ Code data address
{{{{ Decode designation
{{{{ Decode result output address

Fig. 4.9.6 (d) Format of DECB instruction (extended specification)

Table 4.9.6 (b)

Mnemonic of DECB instruction (extended specification)
Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 25 DECB instruction
3 (PRM) 0……… Format specification
4 (PRM) {{{{ Code data address
5 (PRM) {{{{ Decode designation
6 (PRM) {{{{ Decode result output address

Control conditions
(a) Command (ACT)
ACT=0: Resets all the output data bits.
ACT=1: Decodes data. Results of processing is set in the output data address.

- 388 -

(a) Format specification
Set the size of code data to the 1st digit of the parameter.
0001: Code data is in binary format of 1 byte length
0002: Code data is in binary format of 2 bytes length
0004: Code data is in binary format of 4 bytes length
When setting format specification in the following extended format, DECB can decode multiple (8 ×
n) bytes by 1 instruction.
0nn1: In case of decoding multiple (8 × nn) bytes and code data is binary format of 1 byte
0nn2: In case of decoding multiple (8 × nn) bytes and code data is binary format of 2 bytes
0nn4: In case of decoding multiple (8 × nn) bytes and code data is binary format of 4 bytes
The nn is the numerical value from 02 to 99. When setting 00 or 01, it works for decoding 8

Format specification (extended specification) :

0 n n X

The byte length setting of code data

1: 1 byte length
2: 2 byte length
4: 4 byte length

The multiple decoding number setting

It decodes 8 continuous numbers.
The decode result output address needs a memory of 1 byte length.
It decodes multiple (8×nn) continuous numbers.
The decode result output address needs a memory of nn bytes length.

(b) Code data address

Specifies the numbers to be decoded.

(c) Number specification decode designation

Specifies the numbers to be decoded.

(d) Decode result address

Specifies an address where the decoded result shall be output.
A one-byte area is necessary in the memory for the output.
When executing this instruction in extended specification, the area of setting by the format
specification for the nn bytes is necessary.

- 389 -

4.9.7 TBCDB (Binary to BCD Conversion (1 Byte Length) : SUB 313)

TBCDW (Binary to BCD Conversion (2 Bytes Length) : SUB 314)
TBCDD (Binary to BCD Conversion (4 Bytes Length) : SUB 315)
The Binary to BCD conversion instruction converts binary data to BCD format data.

To use this function, the option of “Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function” is

As indicated below, three types of Binary to BCD conversion instructions are available according to the
type of data to be converted.

Table 4.9.7 (a)Kinds of Binary to BCD conversion instruction

Data type
Instruction name SUB No.
Source Destination
1 TBCDB 313 1 byte length signed binary 2-digit BCD
2 TBCDW 314 2 bytes length signed binary 4-digit BCD
3 TBCDD 315 4 bytes length signed binary 8-digit BCD

If conversion source binary data is not within the valid BCD format data range (if source binary data is a
negative value or is greater than the maximum allowable value), the result of conversion is not output,
and W1=0 is set.

Fig. 4.9.7 shows the ladder format and Table 4.9.7(b) shows the mnemonic format.

Example : TBCDB Instruction


SUB 313 ○○○○ Source data

TBCDB ○○○○ Result of conversion output address
(Address or Constant)

Functional Instruction
SUB 313 ○○○○
TBCDB ○○○○


SUB 313 ○○○○

TBCDB ○○○○

Fig. 4.9.7 Format of TBCDB, TBCDW, TBCDD instruction

- 390 -

Table 4.9.7(b) Mnemonic of TBCDB, TBCDW, TBCDD instruction

Mnemonic format Memory status of control
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 313 SUB No. (TBCDB instruction)
3 (PRM) {{{{ Source data
4 (PRM) {{{{ Result of conversion output
address (Address or Constant)
5 WRT {{{{ .{ Normal end output W1

Control conditions
(a) Input signal (ACT)
ACT = 0: Instruction not executed.
ACT = 1: Executed.

(a) Source data
Specify conversion source binary data. In this parameter, a constant or a PMC memory address for
storing data can be specified.

(b) Result of conversion output address

Specify the address to which BCD format data produced as the result of conversion is to be output.

Output (W1)
W1=1 is set when an operation is terminated normally.
W1=0 is set when no operation is executed (ACT=0) or when conversion source data is not within the
valid BCD format data range.

1 W1 may be omitted. Moreover, an other functional instruction can be connected
instead of a coil.
2 With the similar functional instruction DCNVB, W1=1 is set when an operation is
terminated abnormally. With TBCDB, TBCDW, and TBCDD, W1=1 is set when
an operation is terminated normally.
3 No data is output to the operation output registers (R9000).

- 391 -

4.9.8 FBCDB (BCD to Binary Conversion (1 Byte Length) : SUB 313)

FBCDW (BCD to Binary Conversion (2 Bytes Length) : SUB 314)
FBCDD (BCD to Binary Conversion (4 Bytes Length) : SUB 315)
The BCD to Binary conversion instruction converts BCD format data to binary data.

To use this function, the option of “Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function” is

As indicated below, three types of BCD to Binary conversion instructions are available according to the
type of data to be converted.

Table 4.9.8 (a)

Kinds of BCD to Binary conversion instruction
Data type
Instruction name SUB No.
Source Destination
1 FBCDB 316 2-digit BCD 1 byte length signed binary
2 FBCDW 317 4-digit BCD 2 bytes length signed binary
3 FBCDD 318 8-digit BCD 4 bytes length signed binary

If conversion source data is invalid as BCD format data, the result of conversion is not output, and W1=0
is set.

Fig. 4.9.8 shows the ladder format and Table 4.9.8(b) shows the mnemonic format.

Example : FBCDB Instruction


SUB 316 ○○○○ Source data

FBCDB ○○○○ Result of conversion output address
(Address or Constant)

Functional Instruction
SUB 316 ○○○○
FBCDB ○○○○


SUB 316 ○○○○

FBCDB ○○○○

Fig. 4.9.8 Format of FBCDB, FBCDW, FBCDD instruction

- 392 -

Table 4.9.8(b) Mnemonic of FBCDB, FBCDW, FBCDD instruction

Mnemonic format Memory status of control
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 316 SUB No. (FBCDB instruction)
3 (PRM) {{{{ Source data
4 (PRM) {{{{ Result of conversion output
address (Address or Constant)
5 WRT {{{{ .{ Normal end output W1

Control conditions
(a) Input signal (ACT)
ACT = 0: Instruction not executed.
ACT = 1: Executed.

(a) Source data
Specify conversion source BCD format data. In this parameter, a constant or a PMC memory
address for storing data can be specified.

(b) Result of conversion output address

Specify the address to which binary data produced as the result of conversion is to be output.

Output (W1)
W1=1 is set when an operation is terminated normally.
W1=0 is set when no operation is executed (ACT=0) or when conversion source data is invalid as BCD
format data.

1 W1 may be omitted. Moreover, an other functional instruction can be connected
instead of a coil.
2 With the similar functional instruction DCNVB, W1=1 is set when an operation is
terminated abnormally. With FBCDB, FBCDW, and FBCDD, W1=1 is set when
an operation is terminated normally.
3 No sign is specified for binary data output as the result of conversion. Invert the
sign by using NEGSx after conversion if necessary.
4 No data is output to the operation output registers (R9000).

- 393 -


The following types of operation instruction are available. Use any of these instructions as appropriate for
your purpose.

Instruction name Sub number Processing

1 ADDB 36 Binary addition
2 SUBB 37 Binary subtraction
3 MULB 38 Binary multiplication
4 DIVB 39 Binary division
5 ADD 19 BCD addition
6 SUB 20 BCD subtraction
7 MUL 21 BCD multiplication
8 DIV 22 BCD division
9 NUMEB 40 Definition of binary constants
10 NUME 23 Definition of BCD constants
11 ADDSB 319 Addition (1 byte length)
12 ADDSW 320 Addition (2 bytes length)
13 ADDSD 321 Addition (4 bytes length)
14 SUBSB 322 Subtraction (1 byte length)
15 SUBSW 323 Subtraction (2 bytes length)
16 SUBSD 324 Subtraction (3 byte length)
17 MULSB 325 Multiplication (1 byte length)
18 MULSW 326 Multiplication (2 bytes length)
19 MULSD 327 Multiplication (4 bytes length)
20 DIVSB 328 Division (1 byte length)
21 DIVSW 329 Division (2 bytes length)
22 DIVSD 330 Division (4 bytes length)
23 MODSB 331 Remainder (1 byte length)
24 MODSW 332 Remainder (2 bytes length)
25 MODSD 333 Remainder (4 bytes length)
26 INCSB 334 Increment (1 byte length)
27 INCSW 335 Increment (2 bytes length)
28 INCSD 336 Increment (4 bytes length)
29 DECSB 337 Decrement (1 byte length)
30 DECSW 338 Decrement (2 bytes length)
31 DECSD 339 Decrement (4 bytes length)
32 ABSSB 340 Absolute value (1 byte length)
33 ABSSW 341 Absolute value (2 bytes length)
34 ABSSD 342 Absolute value (4 bytes length)
35 NEGSB 343 Sign inversion (1 byte length)
36 NEGSW 344 Sign inversion (2 bytes length)
37 NEGSD 345 Sign inversion (4 bytes length)

To use this function, the option of “Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function” is

- 394 -

4.10.1 ADDB (Binary Addition: SUB 36)

This instruction performs binary addition between 1-, 2-, and 4-byte data. In the operation result register
(R9000), operating data is set besides the numerical data representing the operation results. The required
number of bytes is necessary to store each augend, the added, and the operation output data.

Fig. 4.10.1 shows the ladder format and Table 4.10.1 shows the mnemonic format.

SUB 36
ACT ADDB …00… Format specification
{{{{ Augend address
{{{{ Addend data (address)
{{{{ Result output address

Fig. 4.10.1 Format of ADDB instruction

Table 4.10.1 Mnemonic of ADDB instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ RST RST
2 RD.STK {{{{ .{ ACT RST ACT
3 SUB 36 ADDB instruction
4 (PRM) …00… Format specification
5 (PRM) {{{{ Augend address
6 (PRM) {{{{ Addend data (address)
7 (PRM) {{{{ Result output address
8 WRT {{{{ .{ Error output W1

Control conditions
(a) Reset (RST)
RST=0: Release reset
RST=1: Resets error output W1. In other words, makes W1=0.

(b) Command (ACT)

ACT=0: Do not execute ADDB. W1 does not change now.
ACT=1: Execute ADDB.

- 395 -

(a) Format specification
Specifies data length (1, 2, and 4 bytes) and the format for the addend (constant or address).
0 0

Data length specification

1: 1 byte length data
2: 2 bytes length data
4: 4 bytes length data

Format specification
0: Constant data
1: Address data

(b) Augend address

Address containing the augend.

(c) Addend data (address)

Specification in (a) determines the format of the addend.

(d) Result output address

Specifies the address to contain the result of operation.

Error output (W1)

W1=0: Operation correct
W1=1: Operation incorrect
W1 goes on (W1=1) if the result of addition exceeds the specified data length. Then, the result
will be output and the overflow flag and other flags will be output to the operation output register.

The multiple use of coil, WRT, WRT.NOT, SET or RST, that follows this instruction
are prohibited. You have to place a single coil instruction as the output of this

Operation output register (R9000)

This register is set with data on operation. If register bit is on, they signify the following operation data:
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


- 396 -

4.10.2 SUBB (Binary Subtraction: SUB 37)

This instruction subtracts one data from another, both data being in the binary format of 1, 2 or 4 bytes.
In the operation result register (R9000), operation data is set besides the numerical data representing the
operation. A required number of bytes is necessary to store the subtrahend, minuend, and the result

Fig. 4.10.2 shows the ladder format and Table 4.10.2 shows the mnemonic format.

SUB 37
ACT SUBB …00… Format specification
{{{{ Menuend address
{{{{ Minuend data (address)
{{{{ Result output address

Fig. 4.10.2 Format of SUBB instruction

Table 4.10.2 Mnemonic of SUBB instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ RST RST
2 RD.STK {{{{ .{ ACT RST ACT
3 SUB 37 SUBB instruction
4 (PRM) …00… Format specification
5 (PRM) {{{{ Minuend address
6 (PRM) {{{{ Minuend data (address)
7 (PRM) {{{{ Result output address
8 WRT {{{{ .{ Error output W1

Control conditions
(a) Reset (RST)
RST=0: Release reset
RST=1: Resets error output W1. (Set W1 to 0.)

(b) Command (ACT)

ACT=0: Do not execute SUBB. W1 does not change now.
ACT=1: Execute SUBB.

- 397 -

(a) Format specification
Specifies data length (1, 2, and 4 bytes) and the format for the subtrahend (constant or address).

0 0

Data length specification

1: 1 byte length data
2: 2 bytes length data
4: 4 bytes length data
Format specification
0: Constant data
1: Address data

(b) Minuend address

Address containing the minuend.

(c) Minuend data (address)

Specification in (a) determines the format of the minuend.

(d) Result output address

Specifies the address to contain the result of operation.

Error output (W1)

W1=0: Operation correct
W1=1: Operation incorrect
W1 goes on (W1=1) if the result of subtraction exceeds the specified data length. Then, the result
will be output and the overflow flag and other flags will be output to the operation output register.

The multiple use of coil, WRT, WRT.NOT, SET or RST, that follows this instruction
are prohibited. You have to place a single coil instruction as the output of this

Operation output register (R9000)

This register is set with data on operation. If register bit is on, they signify the following operation data:

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


- 398 -

4.10.3 MULB (Binary Multiplication: SUB 38)

This instruction multiplies 1-, 2-, and 4-byte binary data items. In the operation result register (R9000),
operation data is set besides the numerical data representing the operation.
A required number of bytes is necessary to store multiplicand, multiplier, and the result (product).

Fig. 4.10.3 shows the ladder format and Table 4.10.3 shows the mnemonic format.

SUB 38
ACT MULB …00… Format specification
{{{{ Multiplicand address
{{{{ Multiplier data (address)
{{{{ Result output address

Fig. 4.10.3 Format of MULB instruction

Table 4.10.3 Mnemonic of MULB instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ RST RST
2 RD.STK {{{{ .{ ACT RST ACT
3 SUB 38 MULB instruction
4 (PRM) …00… Format specification
5 (PRM) {{{{ Multiplicand address
6 (PRM) {{{{ Multiplier data (address)
7 (PRM) {{{{ Result output address
8 WRT {{{{ .{ Error output W1

Control conditions
(a) Reset (RST)
RST=0: Release reset
RST=1: Resets error output W1. In other words, makes W1=0.

(b) Command (ACT)

ACT=0: Do not execute MULB. W1 does not change now.
ACT=1: Execute MULB.

- 399 -

(a) Format specification
Specifies data length (1, 2, and 4 bytes) and the format for the multiplier (constant or address).

0 0

Data length specification

1: 1 byte length data
2: 2 bytes length data
4: 4 bytes length data
Format specification
0: Constant data
1: Address data

(b) Multiplicand address

Address containing the multiplicand.

(c) Multiplier data (address or constant)

Specification in (a) determines the format of the multiplier.

(d) Result output address

Specifies the address to contain the result of operation.

Error output (W1)

W1=0: Operation correct
W1=1: Operation incorrect
W1 goes on (W1=1) if the result of multiplication exceeds the specified data length. Then, the
result will be output and the overflow flag and other flags will be output to the operation output

The multiple use of coil, WRT, WRT.NOT, SET or RST, that follows this instruction
are prohibited. You have to place a single coil instruction as the output of this

Operation output register (R9000)

This register is set with data on operation. If register bit is on, they signify the following operation data:

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


- 400 -

4.10.4 DIVB (Binary Division: SUB 39)

This instruction divides binary data items 1, 2, and 4 bytes in length. In the operation result register (R9000),
operation data is set and remainder is set to R9002 and following addresses.
A required number of bytes is necessary to store the dividend, divisor, and the result (quotient).

Fig. 4.10.4 shows the ladder format and Table 4.10.4 shows the mnemonic format.

SUB 39
ACT DIVB …00… Format specification
{{{{ Dividend address
{{{{ Divisor data (address)
{{{{ Result output address

Fig. 4.10.4 Format of DIVB instruction

Table 4.10.4 Mnemonic of DIVB instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ RST RST
2 RD.STK {{{{ .{ ACT RST ACT
3 SUB 39 DIVB instruction
4 (PRM) …00… Format specification
5 (PRM) {{{{ Dividend address
6 (PRM) {{{{ Divisor data (address)
7 (PRM) {{{{ Result output address
8 WRT {{{{ .{ Error output W1

Control conditions
(a) Reset (RST)
RST=0: Release reset
RST=1: Resets error output W1. In other words, makes W1=0.

(b) Command (ACT)

ACT=0: Do not execute DIVB. W1 does not change now.
ACT=1: Execute DIVB.

- 401 -

(a) Format specification
Specifies data length (1, 2, and 4 bytes) and the format for the divisor (constant or address).

0 0

Data length specification

Format specification 1: 1 byte length data
0: Constant data 2: 2 bytes length data
1: Address data 4: 4 bytes length data

(b) Dividend address

Address containing the dividend

(c) Divisor data (address)

Specification in (a) determines the format of the divisor.

(d) Result output address

Specified the address to contain the result of operation.

Error output (W1)

W1=0: Operation correct
W1=1: Operation incorrect
W1 goes on (W1=1) if the divisor is 0. Then, the result will be output and the overflow flag and
other flags will be output to the operation output register.

The multiple use of coil, WRT, WRT.NOT, SET or RST, that follows this instruction
are prohibited. You have to place a single coil instruction as the output of this

Operation output register (R9000)

This register is set with data on operation. If register bit is on, they signify the following operation data:

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Remainder output address

Depending on its length, the remainder is stored in one or more of registers R9002 to R9005.

- 402 -

4.10.5 ADD (BCD Addition: SUB 19)

Adds BCD two- or four-digit data.

Fig. 4.10.5 shows the ladder format and Table 4.10.5 shows the mnemonic format.

SUB 19
RST ADD { Data format of addend (Constant or address)
{{{{ Summand address
ACT {{{{ Addend
{{{{ Sum output address

Fig. 4.10.5 Format of ADD instruction

Table 4.10.5 Mnemonic of ADD instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ BYT BYT
2 RD.STK {{{{ .{ RST BYT RST
4 SUB 19 ADD instruction
5 (PRM) { Addend format
6 (PRM) {{{{ Summand address
7 (PRM) {{{{ Addend (address)
8 (PRM) {{{{ Sum output address
9 WRT {{{{ .{ Error output W1

Control conditions
(a) Specify the number of digits of data. (BYT)
BYT=0: Data is BCD two digits long.
BYT=1: Data is BCD four digits long.

(b) Reset (RST)

RST=0: Release reset.
RST=1: Resets error output W1, that is, sets W1 to 0.

(c) Execution command (ACT)

ACT=0: The ADD instruction is not executed. W1 does not change.
ACT=1: The ADD instruction is executed.

- 403 -

(a) Data format of addend
0: Specifies addend with a constant.
1: Specifies addend with an address.

(b) Summand address

Set the address storing the summand.

(c) Addend (address)

Addressing of the addend depends on above (a).

(d) Sum output address

Set the address to which the sum is to be output.

Error output
W1=0: Normal operation
W1=1: Abnormal operation. W1 is set to 1 to indicate an error, e.g. if the result of the addition exceeds
the data size specified for control condition (a) described above.

The multiple use of coil, WRT, WRT.NOT, SET or RST, that follows this instruction
are prohibited. You have to place a single coil instruction as the output of this

- 404 -

4.10.6 SUB (BCD Subtraction: SUB 20)

Subtracts BCD two- or four-digit data.

Fig. 4.10.6 shows the ladder format and Table 4.10.6 shows the mnemonic format.

SUB 20
RST SUB { Data format of subtrahend
{{{{ Minuend address
ACT {{{{ Subtrahend
{{{{ Difference output address

Fig. 4.10.6 Format of SUB instruction

Table 4.10.6 Mnemonic of SUB instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ BYT BYT
2 RD.STK {{{{ .{ RST BYT RST
4 SUB 20 SUB instruction
5 (PRM) { Data format of subtrahend
6 (PRM) {{{{ Minuend address
7 (PRM) {{{{ Subtrahend (address)
8 (PRM) {{{{ Difference output address
9 WRT {{{{ .{ Error output W1

Control conditions
(a) Specification of the number of digits of data. (BYT)
BYT=0: Data BCD two digits long
BYT=1: Data BCD four digits long

(b) Reset (RST)

RST=0: Release reset.
RST=1: Resets error output W1, that is, sets W1 to 0.

(c) Execution command (ACT)

ACT=0: The SUB instruction is not executed. W1 does not change.
ACT=1: The SUB instruction is executed.

- 405 -

(a) Data format of subtrahend
0: Specifies subtrahend with a constant.
1: Specifies subtrahend with an address.

(b) Minuend address

Set the address storing the minuend.

(c) Subtrahend (address)

Addressing of the subtrahend depends on above (a).

(d) Difference output address

Sets the address to which the difference is output.

Error output
W1=0: Normal operation
W1=1: Abnormal operation. W1 is set 1 to indicate an error if the difference is negative.

The multiple use of coil, WRT, WRT.NOT, SET or RST, that follows this instruction
are prohibited. You have to place a single coil instruction as the output of this

- 406 -

4.10.7 MUL (BCD Multiplication: SUB 21)

Multiplies BCD two- or four-digit data. The product must also be BCD two- or four-digit data.

Fig. 4.10.7 shows the ladder format and Table 4.10.7 shows the mnemonic format.

SUB 21
RST MUL { Data format of multiplier (constant or address)
{{{{ Multiplicand address
ACT {{{{ Multiplier
{{{{ Product output address

Fig. 4.10.7 Format of MUL instruction

Table 4.10.7 Mnemonic of MUL instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ BYT BYT
2 RD.STK {{{{ .{ RST BYT RST
4 SUB 21 MUL instruction
5 (PRM) { Data format of multiplier
6 (PRM) {{{{ Multiplicand address
7 (PRM) {{{{ Multiplier (address)
8 (PRM) {{{{ Product output address
9 WRT {{{{ .{ Error output W1

Control conditions
(a) Specify the number of digits of data. (BYT)
BYT=0: Data is BCD two digits long.
BYT=1: Data is BCD four digits long.

(b) Reset (RST)

RST=0: Releases reset.
RST=1: Resets error output W1, that is, sets W1 to 0.

(c) Execution command (ACT)

ACT=0: The MUL instruction is not executed. W1 does not change.
ACT=1: The MUL instruction is executed.

- 407 -

(a) Data format of multiplier
0: Specifies multiplier with a constant.
1: Specifies multiplier with an address.

(b) Multiplicand address

Sets the address storing the multiplicand.

(c) Multiplier (address)

Addressing of the multiplier depends on above (a).

(d) Product output address

Set the address to which the product is output.

Error output
W1=0: Normal operation
W1=1: Abnormal operation. W1=1 is set to indicate an error if the product exceeds the specified size.

The multiple use of coil, WRT, WRT.NOT, SET or RST, that follows this instruction
are prohibited. You have to place a single coil instruction as the output of this

- 408 -

4.10.8 DIV (BCD Division: SUB 22)

Divides BCD two- or four-digit data. Remainders are discarded.

Fig. 4.10.8 shows the ladder format and Table 4.10.8 shows the mnemonic format.

SUB 22
RST DIV { Divisor data format designation
{{{{ Dividend address
ACT {{{{ Divisor (address)
{{{{ Quotient output address

Fig. 4.10.8 Format of DIV instruction

Table 4.10.8 Mnemonic of DIV instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ BYT BYT
2 RD.STK {{{{ .{ RST BYT RST
4 SUB 22 DIV instruction
5 (PRM) { Divisor data format designation
6 (PRM) {{{{ Dividend address
7 (PRM) {{{{ Divider (address)
8 (PRM) {{{{ Quotient output address
9 WRT {{{{ .{ Error output W1

Control conditions
(a) Specify the number of digits of data. (BYT)
BYT=0: Data is BCD two digits long.
BYT=1: Data is BCD four digits long.

(b) Reset (RST)

RST=0: Releases reset.
RST=1: Resets error output W1, that is, sets W1 to 0.

(c) Execution command (ACT)

ACT=0: The DIV instruction is not executed. W1 does not change.
ACT=1: The DIV instruction is executed.

- 409 -

(a) Divisor data format designation
0: Specifies divisor data by constant.
1: Specifies divisor data by address.

(b) Dividend address

Sets the address storing the dividend.

(c) Divisor (address)

Addressing of the divisor depends on above (a).

(d) Quotient output address

Sets the address to which the quotient is output.

Error output
W1=0: Normal operation
W1=1: Abnormal operation. W1=1 is set to indicate an error if the divider is 0.

The multiple use of coil, WRT, WRT.NOT, SET or RST, that follows this instruction
are prohibited. You have to place a single coil instruction as the output of this

- 410 -

4.10.9 NUMEB (Definition of Binary Constants: SUB 40)

This instruction defines 1, 2, or 4-bytes long binary constant. Data entered in decimal during programming
is converted into binary data during program execution. The binary data is stored in the specified memory
There are two specifications - basic specification and extended specification - for setting the format
specification parameter in the NUMEB instruction. The extended specification allows all the set constants
to be defined simultaneously in an array having n elements. This extended specification is effective when
initializing a large memory area with value. For the details of the setting of a format specification parameter,
see the description of parameters.

Figs. 4.10.9 (a) and (b) show the ladder formats and Tables 4.10.9 (a) and (b) show the mnemonic formats.

SUB 40
NUMEB { Format specification
{{{{ Constant
{{{{ Constant output address

Fig. 4.10.9 (a) Format of NUMEB instruction (basic specification)

Table 4.10.9 (a) Mnemonic of NUMEB instruction (basic specification)

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 40 NUMEB instruction
3 (PRM) { Format specification
4 (PRM) {{{{ Constant
5 (PRM) {{{{ Constant output address

SUB 40
NUMEB 0……… Format specification
{{{{ Constant
{{{{ Constant output address

Fig. 4.10.9 (b) Format of NUMEB instruction (extended specification)

- 411 -

Table 4.10.9 (b) Mnemonic of NUMEB instruction (extended specification)

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 40 NUMEB instruction
3 (PRM) 0……… Format specification
4 (PRM) {{{{ Constant
5 (PRM) {{{{ Constant output address

Control conditions
(a) Command (ACT)
ACT= 0: Do not execute NUMEB.
ACT=1 : Execute NUMEB.

(a) Format specification
Specifies data length (1, 2, or 4 bytes).
Use the first parameter digit to specify byte length:
0001: Binary data of 1 byte length
0002: Binary data of 2 bytes length
0004: Binary data of 4 bytes length

When setting format specification in the following extended format, NUMEB can define all the set
constants simultaneously in an array having nn elements.
Specify data length (1, 2, or 4) to the 1st digit as above-mentioned.
Specify the number of the array in which is a constant to the 2nd and 3rd digit is defines.
Specify 0 to the 4th digit.
0nn1: In case of defining multiple (nn) data by 1 byte length
0nn2: In case of defining multiple (nn) data by 2 bytes length
0nn4: In case of defining multiple (nn) data by 4 bytes length

The n is the numerical value from 02 to 99. When setting 00 or 01, it works as the basic specification
that works for one data.

Format specification (extended specification):

0 n n x

The byte length setting of constant

1: 1 byte length
2: 2 byte length
4: 4 byte length

Number of data in the array

00-01 :
It defines constant at 1 memory.
02-99 :
It defines constants at multiple (nn) memory.

(b) Constant
Defined constants in decimal format. Set a constant data within the effective range for the byte length
which is set in above (a).

- 412 -

(c) Constant output address

Specifies the address of the area for output of the binary data. The memory of the number of bytes
which is set in above (a) is necessary.
When setting format specification in the extended format, it is necessary to reserve memory of (byte
length) × (number of array elements which define constant) which was set in above (a).

- 413 -

4.10.10 NUME (BCD Definition of Constant: SUB 23)

Defines constants, when required. In this case, constants are defined with this instructions. The value type
in this instruction is BCD.

Fig. 4.10.10 shows the ladder format and Table 4.10.10 shows the mnemonic format.

SUB 23
ACT NUME {{{{ Constant
{{{{ Constant output address

Fig. 4.10.10 Format of NUME instruction

Table 4.10.10 Mnemonic of NUME instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ BYT BYT
2 RD.STK {{{{ .{ ACT BYT ACT
3 SUB 23 NUME instruction
4 (PRM) {{{{ Constant
5 (PRM) {{{{ Constant output address

Control conditions
(a) Specify the number of digits of a constant. (BYT)
BYT=0: Constant is BCD two digits long.
BYT=1: Constant is BCD four digits long.

(b) Execution command (ACT)

ACT=0: The NUME instruction is not executed.
ACT=1: The NUME instruction is executed.

(a) Constant
Sets the constant as the number of digits specified for control condition (a).

(b) Constant output address

Sets the address to which the constant defined in parameter (a) is output.

- 414 -

4.10.11 ADDSB (Addition (1 Byte Length) : SUB 319)

ADDSW (Addition (2 Bytes Length) : SUB 320)
ADDSD (Addition (4 Bytes Length) : SUB 321)
The Addition instruction adds signed binary data.

To use this function, the option of “Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function” is

In "Augend data" and "Addend data", a constant or a PMC memory address for storing data can be
As indicated below, three types of Addition instructions are available according to the type of data to be
operated. In each instruction, "Augend data", "Addend data", and the data at "Result output address" are of
the same data type.

Table4.10.11 (a) Kinds of Addition instruction

Instruction name SUB No. Data type
1 ADDSB 319 1 byte length signed binary data
2 ADDSW 320 2 bytes length signed binary data
3 ADDSD 321 4 bytes length signed binary data

If an operation results in a positive overflow, the maximum value of each data type is output to "Result
output address", and W1=0 is set.
If an operation results in a negative overflow, the minimum value of each data type is output to "Result
output address", and W1=0 is set.

Fig. 4.10.11 shows the ladder format and Table 4.10.11(b) shows the mnemonic format.

Example : ADDSB Instruction


SUB 319 {{{{ Augend data (Address or Constant)

ADDSB {{{{ Addend data (Address or Constant)
{{{{ Result output address

Functional Instruction
SUB 319 {{{{
ADDSB {{{{


SUB 319 {{{{

ADDSB {{{{

Fig. 4.10.11 Format of ADDSB, ADDSW, ADDSD instruction

- 415 -

Table 4.10.11(b) Mnemonic of ADDSB, ADDSW, ADDSD instruction

Mnemonic format Memory status of control
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 319 SUB No. (ADDSB instruction)
3 (PRM) {{{{ Augend data (Address or Constant)
4 (PRM) {{{{ Addend data (Address or Constant)
5 (PRM) {{{{ Result output address
6 WRT {{{{ .{ Normal end output W1

Control conditions
(a) Input signal (ACT)
ACT = 0: Instruction not executed.
ACT = 1: Executed.

(a) Augend data
Specify an augend for addition operation. In this parameter, a constant or a PMC memory address for
storing data can be specified.

(b) Addend data

Specify an addend for addition operation. In this parameter, a constant or a PMC memory address for
storing data can be specified.

(c) Result output address

Specify the address to which the result of operation is to be output.

Output (W1)
W1=1 is set when an operation is terminated normally.
W1=0 is set when no operation is executed (ACT=0) or when an operation results in an overflow.

1 W1 may be omitted. Moreover, an other functional instruction can be connected
instead of a coil.
2 With the similar functional instruction ADDB, W1=1 is set when an operation is
terminated abnormally. With ADDSB, ADDSW, and ADDSD, W1=1 is set when
an operation is terminated normally.
3 No data is output to the operation output registers (R9000).

- 416 -

4.10.12 SUBSB (Subtraction (1 Byte Length) : SUB 322)

SUBSW (Subtraction (2 Bytes Length) : SUB 323)
SUBSD (Subtraction (4 Bytes Length) : SUB 324)
The Subtraction instruction subtracts signed binary data.

To use this function, the option of “Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function” is

In "Minuend" and "Subtrahend", a constant or a PMC memory address for storing data can be specified.
As indicated below, three types of Subtraction instructions are available according to the type of data to be
operated. In each instruction, "Minuend", "Subtrahend", and the data at "Result output address" are of the
same data type.

Table4.10.12 (a) Kinds of Subtraction instruction

Instruction name SUB No. Data type
1 SUBSB 322 1 byte length signed binary data
2 SUBSW 323 2 bytes length signed binary data
3 SUBSD 324 4 bytes length signed binary data

If an operation results in a positive overflow, the maximum value of each data type is output to "Result
output address", and W1=0 is set.
If an operation results in a negative overflow, the minimum value of each data type is output to "Result
output address", and W1=0 is set.

Fig. 4.10.12 shows the ladder format and Table 4.10.12(b) shows the mnemonic format.

Example : SUBSB Instruction


SUB 322 {{{{ Minuend (Address or Constant)

SUBSB {{{{ Subtrahend (Address or Constant)
{{{{ Result output address

Functional Instruction
SUB 322 {{{{
SUBSB {{{{


SUB 322 {{{{

SUBSB {{{{

Fig. 4.10.12 Format of SUBSB, SUBSW, SUBSD instruction

- 417 -

Table 4.10.12(b) Mnemonic of SUBSB, SUBSW, SUBSD instruction

Mnemonic format Memory status of control
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 322 SUB No. (SUBSB instruction)
3 (PRM) {{{{ Minuend (Address or Constant)
4 (PRM) {{{{ Subtrahend (Address or Constant)
5 (PRM) {{{{ Result output address
6 WRT {{{{ .{ Normal end output W1

Control conditions
(a) Input signal (ACT)
ACT = 0: Instruction not executed.
ACT = 1: Executed.

(a) Minuend
Specify a minuend for subtraction operation. In this parameter, a constant or a PMC memory address
for storing data can be specified.

(b) Subtrahend
Specify a subtrahend for subtraction operation. In this parameter, a constant or a PMC memory
address for storing data can be specified.

(c) Result output address

Specify the address to which the result of operation is to be output.

Output (W1)
W1=1 is set when an operation is terminated normally.
W1=0 is set when no operation is executed (ACT=0) or when an operation results in an overflow.

1 W1 may be omitted. Moreover, an other functional instruction can be connected
instead of a coil.
2 With the similar functional instruction SUBB, W1=1 is set when an operation is
terminated abnormally. With SUBSB, SUBSW, and SUBSD, W1=1 is set when an
operation is terminated normally.
3 No data is output to the operation output registers (R9000).

- 418 -

4.10.13 MULSB (Multiplication (1 Byte Length) : SUB 325)

MULSW (Multiplication (2 Bytes Length) : SUB 326)
MULSD (Multiplication (4 Bytes Length) : SUB 327)
The Multiplication instruction multiplies signed binary data.

To use this function, the option of “Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function” is

In "Multiplicand" and "Multiplier", a constant or a PMC memory address for storing data can be specified.
As indicated below, three types of Multiplication instructions are available according to the type of data to
be operated. In each instruction, "Multiplicand", "Multiplier", and the data at "Result output address" are of
the same data type.

Table 4.10.13 (a) Kinds of Multiplication instruction

Instruction name SUB No. Data type
1 MULSB 325 1 byte length signed binary data
2 MULSW 326 2 bytes length signed binary data
3 MULSD 327 4 bytes length signed binary data

If an operation results in a positive overflow, the maximum value of each data type is output to "Result
output address", and W1=0 is set.
If an operation results in a negative overflow, the minimum value of each data type is output to "Result
output address", and W1=0 is set.

Fig. 4.10.13 shows the ladder format and Table 4.10.13(b) shows the mnemonic format.

Example : MULSB Instruction


SUB 325 {{{{ Multiplicand (Address or Constant)

MULSB {{{{ Multiplier (Address or Constant)
{{{{ Result output address

Functional Instruction
SUB 325 {{{{
MULSB {{{{


SUB 325 {{{{

MULSB {{{{

Fig. 4.10.13 Format of MULSB, MULSW, MULSD instruction

- 419 -

Table 4.10.13(b) Mnemonic of MULSB, MULSW, MULSD instruction

Mnemonic format Memory status of control
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 325 SUB No. (MULSB instruction)
3 (PRM) {{{{ Multiplicand (Address or Constant)
4 (PRM) {{{{ Multiplier (Address or Constant)
5 (PRM) {{{{ Result output address
6 WRT {{{{ .{ Normal end output W1

Control conditions
(a) Input signal (ACT)
ACT = 0: Instruction not executed.
ACT = 1: Executed.

(a) Multiplicand
Specify a multiplicand for multiplication operation. In this parameter, a constant or a PMC memory
address for storing data can be specified.

(b) Multiplier
Specify a multiplier for multiplication operation. In this parameter, a constant or a PMC memory
address for storing data can be specified.

(c) Result output address

Specify the address to which the result of operation is to be output.

Output (W1)
W1=1 is set when an operation is terminated normally.
W1=0 is set when no operation is executed (ACT=0) or when an operation results in an overflow.

1 W1 may be omitted. Moreover, an other functional instruction can be connected
instead of a coil.
2 With the similar functional instruction MULB, W1=1 is set when an operation is
terminated abnormally. With MULSB, MULSW, and MULSD, W1=1 is set when
an operation is terminated normally.
3 No data is output to the operation output registers (R9000).

- 420 -

4.10.14 DIVSB (Division (1 Byte Length) : SUB 328)

DIVSW (Division (2 Bytes Length) : SUB 329)
DIVSD (Division (4 Bytes Length) : SUB 330)
The Division instruction divides signed binary data.

To use this function, the option of “Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function” is

In "Dividend" and "Divisor", a constant or a PMC memory address for storing data can be specified.
As indicated below, three types of Division instructions are available according to the type of data to be
operated. In each instruction, "Dividend", "Divisor", and the data at "Result output address" are of the same
data type.

Table 4.10.14 (a) Kinds of Division instruction

Instruction name SUB No. Data type
1 DIVSB 328 1 byte length signed binary data
2 DIVSW 329 2 bytes length signed binary data
3 DIVSD 330 4 bytes length signed binary data

If an operation results in an overflow, the maximum value of each data type is output to "Result output
address", and W1=0 is set.
If the divisor is 0, and the dividend is 0 or a positive value, the maximum value of each data type is output
to "Result output address", and W1=0 is set.
If the divisor is 0, and the dividend is a negative value, the minimum value of each data type is output to
"Result output address", and W1=0 is set.

- 421 -

Fig. 4.10.14 shows the ladder format and Table 4.10.14(b) shows the mnemonic format.

Example : DIVSB Instruction


SUB 328 {{{{ Dividend (Address or Constant)

DIVSB {{{{ Divisor (Address or Constant)
{{{{ Result output address

Functional Instruction
SUB 328 {{{{
DIVSB {{{{


SUB 328 {{{{

DIVSB {{{{

Fig. 4.10.14 Format of DIVSB, DIVSW, DIVSD instruction

Table 4.10.14(b) Mnemonic of DIVSB, DIVSW, DIVSD instruction

Mnemonic format Memory status of control
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 328 SUB No. (DIVSB instruction)
3 (PRM) {{{{ Dividend (Address or Constant)
4 (PRM) {{{{ Divisor (Address or Constant)
5 (PRM) {{{{ Result output address
6 WRT {{{{ .{ Normal end output W1

Control conditions
(a) Input signal (ACT)
ACT = 0: Instruction not executed.
ACT = 1: Executed.

(a) Dividend
Specify a dividend for division operation. In this parameter, a constant or a PMC memory address for
storing data can be specified.

(b) Divisor
Specify a divisor for division operation. In this parameter, a constant or a PMC memory address for
storing data can be specified.

- 422 -

(c) Result output address

Specify the address to which the result of operation is to be output.

Output (W1)
W1=1 is set when an operation is terminated normally.
W1=0 is set when no operation is executed (ACT=0), when the divisor is 0, or when an operation results in
an overflow.

1 W1 may be omitted. Moreover, an other functional instruction can be connected
instead of a coil.
2 With the similar functional instruction DIVB, W1=1 is set when an operation is
terminated abnormally. With DIVSB, DIVSW, and DIVSD, W1=1 is set when an
operation is terminated normally.
3 No data is output to the operation output registers (R9000).
4 No data is output to the remainder output addresses (R9002-R9005). To calculate
remainder data, use the MODSB, MODSW, or MODSD instruction.

The result of each operation depends on the signs of the dividend and divisor as indicated below.

Table 4.10.14 (c) State of sign in division operation (example)

Dividend Divisor Result of DIVSx Instruction Result of MODSx Instruction
20 3 6 2
20 -3 -6 2
-20 3 -6 -2
-20 -3 6 -2

- 423 -

4.10.15 MODSB (Remainder (1 Byte Length) : SUB 331)

MODSW (Remainder (2 Bytes Length) : SUB 332)
MODSD (Remainder (4 Bytes Length) : SUB 333)
The Remainder instruction divides signed binary data and calculates remainder data.

To use this function, the option of “Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function” is

In "Dividend" and "Divisor", a constant or a PMC memory address for storing data can be specified.
As indicated below, three types of Remainder instructions are available according to the type of data to be
operated. In each instruction, "Dividend", "Divisor", and the data at "Result output address" are of the same
data type.

Table 4.10.15 (a) Kinds of Remainder instruction

Instruction name SUB No. Data type
1 MODSB 331 1 byte length signed binary data
2 MODSW 332 2 bytes length signed binary data
3 MODSD 333 4 bytes length signed binary data

If the quotient of a division operation results in an overflow (if "Dividend" is the minimum value of each
data type or the divisor is -1), 0 is output to "Result output address", and W1=1 is set.
If "Divisor" is 0, and "Dividend" is 0 or a positive value, the maximum value of each data type is output to
"Result output address", and W1=0 is set.
If "Divisor" is 0, and "Dividend" is a negative value, the minimum value of each data type is output to
"Result output address", and W1=0.

- 424 -

Fig. 4.10.15 shows the ladder format and Table 4.10.15(b) shows the mnemonic format.

Example : MODSB Instruction


SUB 331 {{{{ Dividend (Address or Constant)

MODSB {{{{ Divisor (Address or Constant)
{{{{ Result output address

Functional Instruction
SUB 331 {{{{
MODSB {{{{


SUB 331 {{{{

MODSB {{{{

Fig. 4.10.15 Format of MODSB, MODSW, MODSD instruction

Table 4.10.15(b) Mnemonic of MODSB, MODSW, MODSD instruction

Mnemonic format Memory status of control
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 331 SUB No. (MODSB instruction)
3 (PRM) {{{{ Dividend (Address or Constant)
4 (PRM) {{{{ Divisor (Address or Constant)
5 (PRM) {{{{ Result output address
6 WRT {{{{ .{ Normal end output W1

Control conditions
(a) Input signal (ACT)
ACT = 0: Instruction not executed.
ACT = 1: Executed.

(a) Dividend
Specify a dividend for remainder operation. In this parameter, a constant or a PMC memory address
for storing data can be specified.

(b) Divisor
Specify a divisor for remainder operation. In this parameter, a constant or a PMC memory address for
storing data can be specified.

- 425 -

(c) Result output address

Specify the address to which the result of operation is to be output.

Output (W1)
W1=1 is set when an operation is terminated normally.
W1=0 is set when no operation is executed (ACT=0) or when the divisor is 0.

1 W1 may be omitted. Moreover, an other functional instruction can be connected
instead of a coil.
2 With the similar functional instruction DIVB, W1=1 is set when an operation is
terminated abnormally. With MODSB, MODSW, and MODSD, W1=1 is set when
an operation is terminated normally.
3 No data is output to the operation output registers (R9000).
4 No data is output to the remainder output addresses (R9002-R9005).

The result of each operation depends on the signs of the dividend and divisor as indicated below.

Table 4.10.15 (c) State of sign in division operation (example)

Dividend Divisor Result of DIVSx Instruction Result of MODSx Instruction
20 3 6 2
20 -3 -6 2
-20 3 -6 -2
-20 -3 6 -2

- 426 -

4.10.16 INCSB (Increment (1 Byte Length) : SUB 334)

INCSW (Increment (2 Bytes Length) : SUB 335)
INCSD (Increment (4 Bytes Length) : SUB 336)
The Increment instruction increments signed binary data by 1.

To use this function, the option of “Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function” is

As indicated below, three types of Increment instructions are available according to the type of data to be

Table 4.10.16 (a) Kinds of Increment instruction

Instruction name SUB No. Data type
1 INCSB 334 1 byte length signed binary data
2 INCSW 335 2 bytes length signed binary data
3 INCSD 336 4 bytes length signed binary data

If the Increment instruction is executed when data to be operated is the maximum value of a data type, the
data to be operated remains unchanged from the maximum value, and W1=0 is set.
For example, if data to be operated by the INCSW instruction is 32767, the data remains unchanged from
32767 as the result of operation, and W1=0 is set.

Fig. 4.10.16 shows the ladder format and Table 4.10.16(b) shows the mnemonic format.

Example : INCSB Instruction


SUB 334 {{{{ Data address


Functional Instruction
SUB 334 {{{{


SUB 334 {{{{


Fig. 4.10.16 Format of INCSB, INCSW, INCSD instruction

- 427 -

Table 4.10.16(b) Mnemonic of INCSB, INCSW, INCSD instruction

Mnemonic format Memory status of control
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 334 SUB No. (INCSB instruction)
3 (PRM) {{{{ Data address
4 WRT {{{{ .{ Normal end output W1

Control conditions
(a) Input signal (ACT)
ACT = 0: Instruction not executed.
ACT = 1: Executed.

(a) Data address
Specify the PMC memory address the value at which is to be incremented.

Output (W1)
W1=1 is set when an operation is terminated normally.
W1=0 is set when no operation is executed (ACT=0) or when an operation results in an overflow.

W1 may be omitted. Moreover, an other functional instruction can be connected
instead of a coil.

- 428 -

4.10.17 DECSB (Decrement (1 Byte Length) : SUB 337)

DECSW (Decrement (2 Bytes Length) : SUB 338)
DECSD (Decrement (4 Bytes Length) : SUB 339)
The Decrement instruction decrements signed binary data by 1.

To use this function, the option of “Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function” is

As indicated below, three types of Decrement instructions are available according to the type of data to be

Table 4.10.17 (a) Kinds of Decrement instruction

Instruction name SUB No. Data type
1 DECSB 337 1 byte length signed binary data
2 DECSW 338 2 bytes length signed binary data
3 DECSD 339 4 bytes length signed binary data

If the Decrement instruction is executed when data to be operated is the minimum value of a data type, the
data to be operated remains unchanged from the minimum value, and W1=0 is set.
For example, if data to be operated by the DECSW instruction is -32768, the data remains unchanged from
-32768 as the result of operation, and W1=0 is set.

Fig. 4.10.17 shows the ladder format and Table 4.10.17(b) shows the mnemonic format.

Example : DECSB Instruction


SUB 337 {{{{ Data address


Functional Instruction
SUB 337 {{{{


SUB 337 {{{{


Fig. 4.10.17 Format of DECSB, DECSW, DECSD instruction

- 429 -

Table 4.10.17(b) Mnemonic of DECSB, DECSW, DECSD instruction

Mnemonic format Memory status of control
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 337 SUB No. (DECSB instruction)
3 (PRM) {{{{ Data address
4 WRT {{{{ .{ Normal end output W1

Control conditions
(a) Input signal (ACT)
ACT = 0: Instruction not executed.
ACT = 1: Executed.

(a) Data address
Specify the PMC memory address the value at which is to be decremented.

Output (W1)
W1=1 is set when an operation is terminated normally.
W1=0 is set when no operation is executed (ACT=0) or when an operation results in an overflow.

W1 may be omitted. Moreover, an other functional instruction can be connected
instead of a coil.

- 430 -

4.10.18 ABSSB (Absolute Value (1 Byte Length) : SUB 340)

ABSSW (Absolute Value (2 Bytes Length) : SUB 341)
ABSSD (Absolute Value (4 Bytes Length) : SUB 342)
The Absolute value instruction calculates the absolute value of signed binary data.

To use this function, the option of “Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function” is

In "Source data", a constant or a PMC memory address for storing data can be specified.
As indicated below, three types of Absolute value instructions are available according to the type of data to
be operated. In each instruction, "Source data" and the data at "Result output address" are of the same data

Table 4.10.18 (a) Kinds of Absolute value instruction

Instruction name SUB No. Data type
1 ABSSB 340 1 byte length signed binary data
2 ABSSW 341 2 bytes length signed binary data
3 ABSSD 342 4 bytes length signed binary data

If an operation results in an overflow (if the minimum value of a data type is converted), the maximum
value of the data type is output to "Result output address", and W1=0 is set.

Fig. 4.10.18 shows the ladder format and Table 4.10.18(b) shows the mnemonic format.

Example : ABSSB Instruction


SUB 340 {{{{ Source data (Address or Constant)

ABSSB {{{{ Result output address

Functional Instruction
SUB 340 {{{{
ABSSB {{{{


SUB 340 {{{{

ABSSB {{{{

Fig. 4.10.18 Format of ABSSB, ABSSW, ABSSD instruction

- 431 -

Table 4.10.18(b) Mnemonic of ABSSB, ABSSW, ABSSD instruction

Mnemonic format Memory status of control
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 340 SUB No. (ABSSB instruction)
3 (PRM) {{{{ Source data (Address or Constant)
4 (PRM) {{{{ Result output address
5 WRT {{{{ .{ Normal end output W1

Control conditions
(a) Input signal (ACT)
ACT = 0: Instruction not executed.
ACT = 1: Executed.

(a) Source data
Specify source data to be converted to an absolute value. In this parameter, a constant or a PMC
memory address for storing data can be specified.

(b) Result output address

Specify the address to which the result of operation is to be output.

Output (W1)
W1=1 is set when an operation is terminated normally.
W1=0 is set when no operation is executed (ACT=0) or when an operation results in an overflow.

W1 may be omitted. Moreover, an other functional instruction can be connected
instead of a coil.

- 432 -

4.10.19 NEGSB (Sign Inversion (1 Byte Length) : SUB 343)

NEGSW (Sign Inversion (2 Bytes Length) : SUB 344)
NEGSD (Sign Inversion (4 Bytes Length) : SUB 345)
The Sign inversion instruction inverts the sign of signed binary data.

To use this function, the option of “Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function” is

In "Source data", a constant or a PMC memory address for storing data can be specified.
As indicated below, three types of Sign inversion instructions are available according to the type of data to
be operated. In each instruction, "Source data" and the data at "Result output address" are of the same data

Table 4.10.19 (a) Kinds of Sign inversion instruction

Instruction name SUB No. Data type
1 NEGSB 343 1 byte length signed binary data
2 NEGSW 344 2 bytes length signed binary data
3 NEGSD 345 4 bytes length signed binary data

If an operation results in an overflow (if the minimum value of a data type is converted), the maximum
value of the data type is output to "Result output address", and W1=0 is set.

Fig. 4.10.19 shows the ladder format and Table 4.10.19(b) shows the mnemonic format.

Example : NEGSB Instruction


SUB 343 {{{{ Source data (Address or Constant)

NEGSB {{{{ Result output address

Functional Instruction
SUB 343 {{{{
NEGSB {{{{


SUB 343 {{{{

NEGSB {{{{

Fig. 4.10.19 Format of NEGSB, NEGSW, NEGSD instruction

- 433 -

Table 4.10.19(b) Mnemonic of NEGSB, NEGSW, NEGSD instruction

Mnemonic format Memory status of control
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 343 SUB No. (NEGSB instruction)
3 (PRM) {{{{ Source data (Address or Constant)
4 (PRM) {{{{ Result output address
5 WRT {{{{ .{ Normal end output W1

Control conditions
(a) Input signal (ACT)
ACT = 0: Instruction not executed.
ACT = 1: Executed.

(a) Source data
Specify source data whose sign is to be inverted. In this parameter, a constant or a PMC memory
address for storing data can be specified.

(b) Result output address

Specify the address to which the result of operation is to be output.

Output (W1)
W1=1 is set when an operation is terminated normally.
W1=0 is set when no operation is executed (ACT=0) or when an operation results in an overflow.

W1 may be omitted. Moreover, an other functional instruction can be connected
instead of a coil.

- 434 -


The functions of the CNC can be used by means of the functional instructions of the PMC system. The
following types of instruction are available. Use any of these instructions as appropriate for your purpose.

Instruction name Sub number Processing

1 DISPB 41 Message display
2 EXIN 42 External data input
3 WINDR 51 Reading of CNC window data
4 WINDW 52 Writing of CNC window data
5 AXCTL 53 PMC axis control
6 PSGN2 63 Position signal
7 PSGNL 50 Position signal

- 435 -

4.11.1 DISPB (Display Message: SUB 41)

This instruction displays messages on the CNC screen. You can also specify the message number to
generate an alarm in the CNC.
You can program up to 2000 messages. You must use the special message addresses in your program to
simplify use of the messages. The following are the features of this function.

To use this instruction requires that the external data input option or external
message option be set on the CNC side.

(a) In the program, specify 0 in the parameter and set ACT to 1. See Fig. 4.11.1 (a).
If you set any bit of the message display request memory (addresses A) to "1" when ACT = 1, the
instruction displays the message data defined in the message data table corresponding to that bit.
While the message is displayed, the bit of the message display status memory corresponding to that
message remains to be "1".
Even if multiple messages are requested simultaneously, the instruction does not necessarily display
all the requested messages. The number of messages that can be displayed simultaneously is
determined by the specifications of the CNC screen. For example, if the CNC is designed to display
up to four messages on its screen at a time, a fifth message cannot be displayed unless any of the four
currently displayed messages is cleared. This way, you can display the sixth and subsequent messages
as you clear the currently displayed messages one by one.
Message display request memory Message data table
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 A000.0 (Message data corresponding to
A0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 address A000.0)
A1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
A000.1 (Message data corresponding to
A2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 address A000.1)
| ∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼
| ∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼
A249 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

A249.7 (Message data corresponding to

address A249.7)

Message display status memory

NC message screen
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
xxxx:(Message of A000.0)
A9000 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
A9001 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 yyyy:(Message of A000.1)
A9002 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 zzzz:(Message of A249.7)
| ∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼∼

A9249 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

Fig. 4.11.1 (a) Message display request memory, message display status memory, and message data table

When ACT = 0, no message display processing is performed at all. Make sure
that ACT is always set to "1" and code the program so that the message display
can be enabled or disabled by setting the data in the message display request

- 436 -

(i) Message display request memory

The message display request memory consists bits at A addresses on each PMC model. One bit
corresponds to one type of message data.
If you want to display a message on the CNC screen, set the corresponding display request memory 1.
Set 0 to erase the message of CNC screen.

(ii) Message display status memory

This memory locates at 2000 bits of the address A9000 to A9249. Each bit corresponds to a message.
While displaying a message in CNC screen, the corresponding bit is set to 1. The ladder can not write
on this memory.

(iii) Message data table

This table stores messages corresponding to the message display request bits. The table is stored in the
EPROM together with the sequence program. Message data table numbers correspond to the message
display request memory addresses.
The message data table capacity is 255 characters (255 bytes). A message number and a message
character string are defined within this capacity.
A character prepared in CNC screen key consists of one byte, and 4 bytes are necessary for a message
number (consisting of 4 characters) in the next item. A character not covered by the CNC screen keys
requires two bytes (a half-width kana character and a European character) or four bytes (a kanji
character or other full-width character). For details, see the column "Defining characters not found in
the CNC screen" described later.

(iv) Message number

There are two types of standard specification and extended specification.

• Standard specification
This message number consisting of 4 digits must always be defined at the start of each message
data. Using this four-digit number, set the type and number of the message and the CNC screen
on which the message is to be displayed. The CNC screen is as specified below by this message

Message number CNC screen Display contents

Alarm message
1000 to 1999 Alarm screen (on path 1)
• Path 1 is placed in the alarm state.
2000 to 2099 (*Note) Operator message
Operator message screen
2100 to 2999 (*Note) Operator message (with no message number)
Alarm message
• Path 2 is placed in the alarm state.
5000 to 5999 Alarm screen (on path 2)
• The displayed message number is a specified number from
which 4000 is subtracted.

Normally, the number of the operator message with the message number is 100
(2000 to 2099) and the number of it without the message number is 900 (2100 to
2999). By setting into the CNC parameter No. 6310 "The number of the operator
message with the message number", you can change the number of it with the
message number.
400 is set into the CNC parameter No.6310
- 2000 to 2399 displaying with the number
- 2400 to 2999 displaying without the number

- 437 -

• Extended specification (The message with a machine group number)

Set the following string format at the start of each set of message data to indicate the type and
number of the message and the CNC screen on which the message is to be displayed.
The format is as follows:
Alarm message
Operator message
AL 1 + 000 =
<1> <2> <3>
<1>: The first two characters indicate whether the message is an alarm message or operator
<2>: Represents a path number. In the case of an alarm message, specify a path number. In the
case of an operator message, specify the top path number in a machine group number.
<3>: This value represents a message number with a maximum of four characters. In the case of
an operator message, it indicates whether the message has a message number or not.

1 The path number specified with alarm message and operator message is the
interface path number in PMC side.
2 For the path number for the operator message, Specify the top path number. If you
specify other path number except the top, the operator message is not displayed.

The following table shows the message numbers and the corresponding CNC screens.

Message number CNC screen Display contents

Alarm message
AL1+000= to AL1+4095= Alarm screen (Path 1)
• Path 1 is placed in the alarm state.
Alarm message
AL2+000= to AL2+4095= Alarm screen (Path 2)
• Path 2 is placed in the alarm state.
Operator message
OP1+000= to OPn+4095= Operator message screen • Specify the top of path number of NC machine group to
display the operator message to the “n”

1 The message number may have leading zeros like "001".
2 Valid numbers of external alarm message are from 0 to 999 by default. You can
expand of message number the range to 0 to 4095 by setting 1 to CNC parameter
3 Valid numbers of external operator message are from 0 to 999 by default. You can
expand of message number the range to 0 to 4095 by setting 1 to CNC parameter
4 Valid numbers of external operator message with message number are from 0 to
99 by default. You can change the range of message number by CNC parameter

(b) You need not use numerical codes for message data input. Instead, when programming, directly key in
the characters making up the messages (from the CNC screen keyboard). For the characters that CNC
screen does not provide for, you must enter these characters by numerical data with special symbols
"@". For details, see the column "Defining characters not found in the CNC screen" described later.
- 438 -

(c) If you write the message data items in the ROM after programming, you cannot change them any more
(they will become fixed data items). The only exception is numerical values you want to use as
variables. You can display these values, existing in memory at the time when the message display
starts, by defining their memory addresses in the message data. Note, however, that their values in
memory cannot be displayed in real time.
(d) A message is displayed on the NC alarm message/operator message screen.
When using the DISPB instruction, you must satisfy the following conditions:
To use DISPB, the optional External Data Input function or External Message Display is necessary for

Fig. 4.11.1(b) shows the ladder format and Table 4.11.1(a) shows the mnemonic format.

SUB 41
DISPB 0 (Not used)

Fig. 4.11.1 (b) Format of DISPB instruction

Table 4.11.1 (a) Mnemonic of DISPB instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 41 DISPB instruction
3 (PRM) 0 (Not used)

Control conditions
ACT=0: Do not display messages on the CNC screen.
ACT=1: Display the messages on the CNC screen.

This parameter is not used.
Enter "0" as the input value. (NOTE)

Thanks to the compatibility with the former models, the instruction runs normally if
the entered value is in the range between 1 and 2000.

- 439 -

Numerical data display

To change the numerical data contained within the messages, enter in the messages the number of digits
making up the data and the memory address to contain the data. To differentiate between the numerical data
from the other message data, write it within [ ] in the message.
Since the brackets, [ ], are used to contain numerical data, they are not themselves treated as symbols to be
included in the messages.

(a) Numerical data format

(i) Signed

[Ibid, {{{{]

Address where the numerical data is stored

Set binary data in the specified address.

Set the "bid" data after the letter "I":

b: Number of bytes (1, 2, or 4)

i: Number of digits in the integer part (0 to 8)
d: Number of digits in the decimal part (0 to 8)

(ii) Unsigned

[Ubid, {{{{]
Address where the numerical data is stored
Set binary data in the specified address.

Set the "bid" data after the letter "U".

b: Number of bytes (1, 2, or 4)
i: Number of digits in the integer part (0 to 8)
d: Number of digits in the decimal part (0 to 8)

1 Sum of integer part digits and fractional part digits must be within 8.
2 Blank is displayed for digits exceeding 8 digits.
3 Do not use any space between the brackets, [ ].

(b) Example
The following message includes 3 digits tool number at the spindle and the offset data ({.{{) for
this tool. And these data are contained in memory address of 2bytes:
SPINDLE TOOL NO. = [I230, ††††]

- 440 -

Defining characters not found in the CNC screen

Message characters not covered by the CNC screen keys (kanji and half-width kana characters and
European character) can be input as follows:

(a) Half-width kana characters

(i) Data format
Numerical code enclosed with @ and @
(ii) Input method
Enter the numerical codes corresponding to the characters to be input, by referring to the
character code table (Table 4.11.1(b)). Each character requires two bytes.
Characters covered by the CNC screen keys can also be input in this way.
(iii) Example

Spaces are used between each numerical code in example to understand easily,
but do not use them actually.

(b) Kanji (full-width) characters

(i) Data format
Numerical code enclosed with @02 and 01@
(ii) Input method
Enter the codes corresponding to the characters to input, in accordance with JIS level-1/2 kanji
set. Each character requires four bytes.

1 It recommends that Kanji character is input from FANUC LADDER-III.
2 Some Kanji characters cannot be displayed. These characters can be checked by
“Invalid kanji character check button” on FANUC LADDER-III.
3 For operation of FANUC LADDER-III , refer to the following manual:
Manual title Drawing No.
FANUC LADDER-III Operator's Manual B-66234EN

(iii) Example

- 441 -

(c) The European characters type 1

(i) Data format
Numerical code enclosed with @0D and 01@.
(ii) Input method
Enter the numerical codes corresponding to the characters to input, by referring to the character
code table(Table 4.11.1 (c)) which includes characters for writing languages such as German,
French, Italian, etc. Each character requires two bytes.
(iii) Example
To input “UNZULÄSSIGE” when characters U,N,Z,U,L,S,I,G , and E are registered in the CNC
screen, enter the following:


You can only input the character code described in the character code table (Table
4.11.1 (c)) between “@0D” and “01@”.

(d) The European characters type 2

(i) Data format
Numerical code enclosed with @0E and 01@.
(ii) Input method
Enter the numerical codes corresponding to the characters to input, by referring to the character
code table(Table 4.11.1 (d)) which includes characters for writing Russian language. Each
character requires two bytes.
(iii) Example
To input “CИMBOЛ” when characters C,M,B, and O are registered in the CNC screen, enter the
C @0E A5 01@ MBO @0E A8 01@


You can only input the character code described in the character code table (Table
4.11.1 (d)) between “@0E” and “01@”.

(e) The European characters type 3

(i) Data format
Numerical code enclosed with @05 and 01@.
(ii) Input method
Enter the numerical codes corresponding to the characters to input, by referring to the character
code table(Table 4.11.1 (e)) which includes characters for writing languages such as Turkish,
Russian, etc. Each character requires two bytes.
(iii) Example
To input “ 123” when characters 1,2, and 3 are registered in the CNC screen, enter the following:
@05 ED 01@ 123


You can only input the character code described in the character code table (Table
4.11.1 (e)) between “@05” and “01@”.

- 442 -

1 To define @, enter @40...@, where 40 is the code corresponding to @40 . . . . @
Code for @
2 To renew the message line displayed on the CNC screen, input as:@ 0A @ at the
end of the data.
3 When using numerical codes, @ code occupies 1 byte, and space code occupies
2 bytes. (Space code = 20, 2 and 0 occupies 1 byte each).
4 The following control codes are used:
02: 2-byte code (kanji and hiragana characters)
0D: 1-byte code (European characters type 1)
0E: 1-byte code (European characters type 2)
05: 1-byte code (European characters type 3)
01: 1-byte code (alphanumeric and half-width kana characters)
Do not specify control code between control codes as follows. The characters may
not be correctly displayed.
@02 ... 02 ... 01@ @0D ... 0D ... 01@ @0E ... 0E ... 01@ @05 ... 05 ... 01@
@02 ... 01 ... 01@
5 Spaces are used between each numerical code in example to understand easily,
but do not use them actually.
6 Do not specify the character strings for numerical data display between control
codes such as @ and @, @02 and 01@, and etc.

Table 4.11.1(b) Character code table

2 3 4 5 A B C D
0 Space 0 @ P ~ - (*3) タ ミ
1 ! 1 A Q 。 ア チ ム
2 ” 2 B R 「 イ ツ メ
3 # 3 C S 」 ウ テ モ
4 $ 4 D T 、 エ ト ヤ
5 % 5 E U ・ オ ナ ユ
6 & 6 F V ヲ カ ニ ヨ
7 ’ 7 G W ァ キ ヌ ラ
8 ( 8 H X ィ ク ネ リ
9 ) 9 I Y ゥ ケ ノ ル
A * : J Z ェ コ ハ レ
B + ; K [ ォ サ ヒ ロ
C , < L ¥ ャ シ フ ワ
D - (*1) = M ] ュ ス ヘ ン

E キ > N ∧ ョ セ ホ

F / ? O _ (*2) ッ ソ マ
*1) Minus, *2) Under bar, *3) Long bar *4) Dakuten *5) Han-dakuten

- 443 -

Table 4.11.1(c) European character type1 code table

+0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +A +B +C +D +E +F





Table 4.11.1(d) European character type2 code table

+0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +A +B +C +D +E +F



Table 4.11.1(e) European character type3 code table

Character +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +A +B +C +D +E +F











Notes when this functional instruction is used in subroutine

See Subsection for details.

- 444 -

Message shift function

(a) General
In the message data areas corresponding to contiguous message display request memory locations,
message data can be displayed in any of several languages.
The language in which a message is displayed is selected by shifting the message display request bit
according to the address bit shift amount set the parameter in setting screen.
A0.0 Language 1 When A0.0 is turned on after setting the message display request bit shift
A0.1 Language 2 amount to 2, the message display request bit is shifted by 2 bits to display
A0.2 Language 3 language 3.
A0.3 Language 4
A0.4 Language 5
The parameters set on the setting screen are listed below. See Subsection 2.4.1 and Section 9.5 for
• Message shift value
Message display request bit shift amount
• Message shift start address
Start bit address of the message display request bit area to be shifted

(b) Examples
Example 1:
Message data in any of four languages is set starting at A0.0 in the order of Japanese, English,
Italian, German, Japanese and so on. The Italian message data is displayed.
Set the parameters as follows:
Message shift value : 2
Message shift start address : A0.0
(Message shift value = 0:Japanese/1:English/2:Italian/ 3:German)
Manipulate A0.0, A0.4, A1.0, and A1.4 with the ladder.

Message table
A0.0 Japanese 1
When A0.0 is turned on, Italian 1 is displayed.
A0.1 English 1
(The message data is shifted by 2 bits).
A0.2 Italian 1
A0.3 German 1
A0.4 Japanese 2
A0.5 English 2 When A0.4 is turned on, Italian 2 is displayed.
A0.6 Italian 2 (The message data is shifted by 2 bits).
A0.7 German 2
: :
Am.n :

- 445 -

Example 2:
As common alarm messages, English message data is displayed with A0.0 through A9.7.
Operator messages are set starting at A10.0 in the order of Japanese, English, Italian, German and
so on, and German message data is displayed.
Set the parameters as follows:
Message shift value : 3
Message shift start address : A10.0
(Message shift value = 0:Japanese/1:English/ 2:Italian/3:German)
Manipulate A10.0, A10.4, A11.0, A11.4, and so forth with the ladder.
When any of A0.0 to A9.7 is turned on, the message corresponding to the bit is displayed.

Message table

A0.0 English A (ALARM)

A0.1 English B (ALARM) When A0.1 is turned on, English
B is displayed.
A0.2 English C (ALARM)
∼ ∼
A10.0 Japanese 1 (OPE) When A10.0 is turned on,
A10.1 English 1 (OPE) German 1 is displayed. (The
A10.2 Italian 1 (OPE) message data is shifted by 3
A10.3 German 1 (OPE)
A10.4 Japanese 2 (OPE)
A10.5 English 2 (OPE) When A10.4 is turned on,
German 2 is displayed. (The
A10.6 Italian 2 (OPE) message data is shifted by 3
A10.7 German 2 (OPE) bits).
: :
: :
A m.n :

Example 3:
As common alarm messages, English message data is displayed with A0.0 through A9.7.
Operator messages are set starting at A10.0 in the order of Japanese, English, Italian, German and
so on, with 40 successive messages assigned to each language. For these messages, German
message data is displayed.
Set the parameters as follows:
Message shift value : 120 (40 × 3)
Message shift start address : A10.0
(Message shift value = 0:Japanese/40:English/ 80:Italian/120:German)
Manipulate A10.0 through A14.7 with the ladder.
When any of A0.0 to A9.7 is turned on, the message corresponding to the bit is displayed.

- 446 -

Message table

A0.0 English A (ALARM)

When A0.1 is turned on, English
A0.1 English B (ALARM)
B is displayed.
A0.2 English C (ALARM)
∼ ∼
A10.0 Japanese 1 (OPE)
When A10.0 is turned on,
A10.1 Japanese 2 (OPE)
∼ ∼
German 1 is displayed.
When A10.1 is turned on,
A15.0 English 1 (OPE) German 2 is displayed.
(The message data is shifted
∼ A15.1 English 2 (OPE)
∼ by 120 bits).

A20.0 Italian 1 (OPE)

∼ A20.1 Italian 2 (OPE)

A25.0 German 1 (OPE)
A25.1 German 2 (OPE)
: :
Am.n :

(c) Notes
The same message number should be assigned to a message in each language that has the same

Message table

A0.0 1000 English A (ALARM)

∼ A0.1 1001 English B (ALARM) ∼

A10.0 1000 Japanese 1 (OPE)
A10.1 1001 Japanese 2 (OPE)

PMC message multi-language display function

The PMC message multi-language display function manages the language of alarm message and operator
message stored in a separate file from ladder program, switching the language according to the language
setting of CNC using the message data defined in various languages.
For more details about this function, refer to “2.6 PMC MESSAGE MULTI-LANGUAGE DISPLAY

- 447 -

4.11.2 EXIN (External Data Input: SUB 42)

This instruction enables the use of the external data input functions (options) of the CNC. It controls the
"external data input signals" to be exchanged between CNC and PMC and automatically executes the
CNC-PMC handshake sequence. The use of this instruction facilitates the execution of the external data
input functions.

When using this instruction, do not directly write the "external data input signals" to
be exchanged between CNC and PMC. Writing these signals directly causes an
adverse effect on the handshake sequence, potentially disabling the external data
input functions or causing them to malfunction.

You can use the EXIN instruction only when optional external data input function is provided with NC.
Four-byte control data as described below is required for external data input function (option).
In addition to the basic specification, the extended specification is also supported that needs six bytes of
control data. With this setting, the extended operation can use ED16 to ED31 signals (for program number
O8 digits etc.). To use the extended specification, it is necessary to set to CNC parameter 6300#7 (EEX)=1.

CNC parameter
#7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0
6300 EEX
[Data format] Bit type
EEX EXIN function of PMC
0: basic specification
1: extended specification

1 To enable 8 digits of program number, set 1 to the CNC parameter No. 11304#3
2 To handle 8 digits of program number for EXIN instruction, set 1 to the CNC
parameter No. 6300#7 (EEX). This setting will be effective after cycling power of

Fig. 4.11.2 shows the ladder format and Table 4.11.2 shows the mnemonic format.

SUB 42
EXIN {{{{ Control data address

Fig. 4.11.2 Format of EXIN instruction

- 448 -

Table 4.11.2 Mnemonic of EXIN instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 42 EXIN instruction
3 (PRM) {{{{ Control data address
4 WRT {{{{ .{ Transmission completion W1

Control conditions
ACT=0: Do not process external data input/output.
ACT=1: Process external data input/output.
ACT is to be maintained '1' till the end of external data input/output. After external data input,
reset ACT(W1 = 1).

(a) Control data
The control data needs 4 continuous bytes from the specification address. The path is specified to the
1st byte. The addresses G0 to G2 of the interface from PMC to NC are specified by after 3 bytes. For
2nd path, the addresses G1000 to G1002 are specified.
In case of the extended specification (program number O8 digits etc.), a control data is extended. In
this case, the control data address needs 6 continuous bytes from the specified address. The path is
specified in the 1st byte. The addresses G0 to G2 and G210 to G211 of the interface from PMC to NC
are specified in later 5 bytes. For 2nd path, the addresses G1000 to G1002 and G1210 to G1211 are

Extended specification
Basic specification
(program number O8 digits etc.)

+1 +1
ED0 to ED7 ED0 to ED7
+2 +2
ED8 to ED15 ED8 to ED15
+3 +3
EA0 to EA6,ESTB ED16 to ED23
+4 +4
ED24 to ED31

[For single path control]

CTL+0 : 0
CTL+1 to CTL+3 : Data to be specified for G0 to G2

In case of the extended specification (program number O8 digits etc.), it sets CTL+1 to CTL+5 as
CTL+1 to CTL+2 : Data to be specified for G0 to G1
CTL+3 to CTL+4 : Data to be specified for G210 to G211
CTL+5 : Data to be specified for G2

- 449 -

[For multi path control]

(1) 1st path
CTL+0 : 0 or 1
CTL+1 to CTL+3 : Data to be specified for G0 to G2

In case of the extended specification (program number O8 digits etc.), it sets CTL+1 to CTL+5 as
CTL+1 to CTL+2 : Data to be specified for G0 to G1
CTL+3 to CTL+4 : Data to be specified for G210 to G211
CTL+5 : Data to be specified for G2

(2) 2nd path

CTL+0 : 2
CTL+1 to CTL+3 : Data to be specified for G1000 to G1002

In case of the extended specification (program number O8 digits etc.), it sets CTL+1 to CTL+5 as
CTL+1 to CTL+2 : Data to be specified for G1000 to G1001
CTL+3 to CTL+4 : Data to be specified for G1210 to G1211
CTL+5 : Data to be specified for G1002

Refer to the NC connecting manual for detailed data to be specified concerning
external data input.

End of transfer (W1)

This indicates end of transfer of external data. This transfer end condition shows the end of a series of
external data input sequence. This functional instruction executes a series of transfer sequence, and finally
sets ESTB = 0 in the PMC → NC interface. As a result, W1 is set to 1 (W1 = 1) after confirming that
EREND = 0.
When W1 = 1, transfer of data is over. Reset ACT now.

1 The EXIN command cannot input multiple external data items at the same time.
Be sure to issue the next EXIN command (ACT = 1) after external data transfer
ends (W1 = 1).
2 Be sure to specify an interlock when the external data input function is used by
commands other than the function command EXIN.
3 When an external program number search, one of the external data input
functions, is executed, the end of data transfer (W1 = 1) means that the search
command has been accepted. Note that this does not mean the completion of the
program search. To confirm the completion of the program search, check the
search completion signal (ESEND = 1) after the data transfer ends (W1 = 1).

- 450 -

Operation output register

If any of the following errors occurs during external data input, the bit in the operation output register is set.
In this case, external data transfer ends (W1 = 1).

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

EXIN error

(Description of errors)
• When the EXIN command (ACT = 1) is started, the strobe signal (ESTB) or EREND signal is
already on. The external data may be input by commands other than the function command

Notes when this functional instruction is used in subroutine

See Subsection for details.

- 451 -

4.11.3 WINDR (Reading CNC Window Data: SUB 51)

This function reads various data items via the window between the PMC and the CNC.
The "WINDR" is classified into two types. One type completes reading a data during one scan time.
Another type completes reading a data during a few scan times. The former is called the function of a
high-speed response and the latter is called the function of a low-speed response.

Fig. 4.11.3 shows the ladder format and Table 4.11.3 shows the mnemonic format.

SUB 51
WINDR {{{{ Control data address

Fig. 4.11.3 Format of WINDR instruction

Table 4.11.3 Mnemonic of WINDR instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 51 WINDR instruction
3 (PRM) {{{{ Control data address
4 WRT {{{{ .{ Read completion W1

Control condition
ACT=0: The WINDR function is not executed.
ACT=1: The WINDR function is executed. Using the function of a high-speed response, it is possible to
read the data continuously by always keeping ACT on. However, using the function of a
low-speed response, as soon as reading a data is completed (W1=1), reset "ACT" once (ACT=0).

(a) Control data address
The PMC byte address is used to specify the area where control data is stored.

Control data
CTL+0 Function code * Set the control data area by sequence
program before executing the
+2 Completion code "WINDR".

+4 Data length

+6 Data number

+8 Data attribute

+10 * Only the size of the read data is

Read data
∼ ∼ necessary for the data area below to
"CTL+10" usually.


See Chapter 5.
- 452 -

Reading completion (W1)

W1=0: "W1" is usually reset. The "W1=0" indicates that the "WINDR" is not executed or the "WINDR"
being executed now.
W1=1: "W1" is set when the reading a data is completed by the reading command (ACT=1). If the
function of a low-speed response is used, as soon as reading a data is completed (W1=1), reset
"ACT" (ACT=0).

Operation output register

If an error occurs during execution of the "WINDR" or "WINDW", the bit in the operation output register is
set. At the same time, the reading completion is set (W1=1). Details of the error are output to the completion
code (CTL+2) in the control data area. See Chapter 5.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


WINDR error

Notes when this functional instruction is used in subroutine

When you use the function of a low-speed response, there are a few limitations. See Subsection
When you use the function of a high-speed response, there is no limitation.

- 453 -

4.11.4 WINDW (Writing CNC Window Data: SUB 52)

This function writes various data items via the window between the PMC and the CNC.

Fig. 4.11.4 shows the ladder format and Table 4.11.4 shows the mnemonic format.

SUB 52
WINDW {{{{ Control data address

Fig. 4.11.4 Format of WINDW instruction

Table 4.11.4 Mnemonic of WINDW instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 52 WINDW instruction
3 (PRM) {{{{ Control data address
4 WRT {{{{ .{ Read completion W1

Control condition
ACT=0: The WINDW function is not executed.
ACT=1: The WINDW function is executed. As soon as writing a data is completed (W1=1), reset "ACT"
once (ACT=0).

(a) Control data address
The PMC byte address is used to specify the area where control data is stored.

Control data
CTL+0 Function code * Set the control data area by sequence
program before executing the
+2 Completion code "WINDW".

+4 Data length

+6 Data number

+8 Data attribute

+10 Writing data

∼ ∼

See Chapter 5.

- 454 -

Writing completion (W1)

W1=0: "W1" is usually reset. The "W1=0" indicates that the "WINDW" is not executed or the "WINDW"
being executed now.
W1=1: "W1" is set when the writing a data is completed by the writing command (ACT=1). As soon as
writing a data is completed (W1=1), reset "ACT" (ACT=0).

Operation output register

If an error occurs during execution of the "WINDR" or "WINDW", the bit in the operation output register is
set. At the same time, the writing completion is set (W1=1). Details of the error are output to the completion
code (CTL+2) in the control data area. See Chapter 5.

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

WINDW error

Notes when this functional instruction is used in subroutine

When you use the function of a low-speed response, there are a few limitations. See Subsection
When you use the function of a high-speed response, there is no limitation.

- 455 -

4.11.5 AXCTL (Axis Control by PMC: SUB 53)

To use this function requires that the PMC axis control option be set on the CNC

This function simplifies the handshake of DI/DO signal for the axis control by PMC.

Fig. 4.11.5 shows the ladder format and Table 4.11.5 shows the mnemonic format.

SUB 53
ACT AXCTL {{{{ Group No. of DI/DO signal
{{{{ Axis control data address

Fig. 4.11.5 Format of AXCTL instruction

Table 4.11.5 Mnemonic of AXCTL instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ RST RST
2 RD.STK {{{{ .{ ACT RST ACT
3 SUB 53 AXCTL instruction
4 (PRM) {{{{ Group No. of DI/DO signal
5 (PRM) {{{{ Axis control data address
6 WRT {{{{ .{ Processing completion W1

Control condition
ACT=0: The AXCTL function is not executed.
If RST is 1, PMC axis control instruction reset processing is performed.
ACT=1: The AXCTL function is executed.
ACT is to be maintained '1' till the end of AXCTL processing.
And reset ACT immediately after the processing is complete (W1 = 1) or when the CNC enters the
alarm state.
RST=0: Release reset.
RST=1: Set the reset signal (ECLRx) to 1 and W1 becomes 0. All the buffered commands are invalidated
and the command being executed is stopped.
If the CNC enters the alarm state, reset the PMC axis control instruction by setting ACT to 0.

- 456 -

1 Usually, set both ACT and RST to 0. Set ACT or RST to 1 only when executing the
instruction. Note that, while ACT or RST is set to 1, you cannot update the ladder
program after editing it.
2 If you make any change to the ladder program while RST is set to 1, you may be
unable to continue to execute the AXCTL instruction when re-executing the ladder
program. When changing the ladder program, set both ACT and RST to 0.
3 When RST and ACT become 1 at the same time, RST is prior to ACT.

(a) Group number of DI/DO signal
Specify the DI/DO signal group by the number.

Set value Signal group number DI address DO address

1 1 G142 to G149, G150.5 F130 to F132, F142
2 2 G154 to G161, G162.5 F133 to F135, F145
3 3 G166 to G173, G174.5 F136 to F138, F148
4 4 G178 to G185, G186.5 F139 to F141, F151
1001 5 G1142 to G1149, G1150.5 F1130 to F1132, F1142
1002 6 G1154 to G1161, G1162.5 F1133 to F1135, F1145
1003 7 G1166 to G1173, G1174.5 F1136 to F1138, F1148
1004 8 G1178 to G1185, G1186.5 F1139 to F1141, F1151

(b) Axis control data address

Select the addresses of the locations that contain PMC axis control data.

+0 Not used Specify 0.

1 Control command (EC0x to EC6x)

Command data 1 (EIF0x to EIF15x)

4 Command data 2 (EID0x to EID31x)


- 457 -

The following functions are available.

Operation Control Command data 1 Command data 2

Rapid traverse 00H Feedrate (Note 1) Total travel amount
Cutting feed (feed per min.) 01H Feedrate (Note 2) Total travel amount
Cutting feed (feed per revolution) 02H Feedrate per revolution Total travel amount
Skip (feed per min.) 03H Feedrate Total travel amount
Dwell 04H Not used Dwell time
Reference pos. return 05H Feedrate (Note 1) Not used
Continuous feed (Note 3) 06H Feedrate Feed direction (Note 4)
1st ref. pos. return 07H Feedrate (Note 1) Not used
2nd ref. pos. return 08H Not used
3rd ref. pos. return 09H Not used
4th ref. pos. return 0AH Not used
External pulse synchronization 0BH Pulse weighting Not used
(Position coder) (Note 3)
External pulse synchronization (1st 0DH Pulse weighting Not used
manual pulse generator) (Note 3)
External pulse synchronization (2nd 0EH Pulse weighting Not used
manual pulse generator) (Note 3)
External pulse synchronization (3rd 0FH Pulse weighting Not used
manual pulse generator) (Note 3)
Speed command (Note 5) 10H Feedrate Not used
Torque control 11H Maximum feedrate Torque data
Auxiliary function 1 12H Not used Auxiliary function code
Auxiliary function 2 14H Not used Auxiliary function code
Auxiliary function 3 15H Not used Auxiliary function code
Machine coordinate system selection 20H Rapid traverse rate (Note 1) Machine coordinate position
Cutting feedrate (sec/block) 21H Cutting feed time Total travel amount
Simultaneous start mode off 40H Not used Not used
Simultaneous start mode on 41H Simultaneous start group

1 The rapid traverse rate is effective when parameter RPD (No. 8002#0) is set to 1.
2 When you specify 0 for feedrate, CNC does not work. Please release this state by
RST = 1.
3 When you end a continuous feed or external pulse synchronization, set RST to 1.
And, continuous feed can't be used with buffering inhibits signal (EMBUFx) = 1.
You must set the signal to 0.
4 Specify the direction by most significant bit of command data 2.
5 Command control axis must be specified to rotary axis by setting parameter ROTx
(No. 1006#0) to 0.
6 For details such as the range of command data, please refer to the NC connecting
7 The above table is not up-to-date. For the latest information, refer to the
descriptions about PMC axis control in the "CNC Connection Manual (Functions)".

- 458 -

Example 1) In case of cutting feed (feed per min.)

+0 0H Not used (Specify 0).

Command code for cutting feed.

1 01H
(feed per min.)

2 Feedrate unit : mm/min.

4 Total travel amount

5 unit : 0.001mm

Example 2) In case of machine coordinate positioning.

+0 0H Not used (Specify 0).

Command code for machine coordinate

1 20H

2 0
or In case of CNC PRM8002#0 = 0 not used.
Feedrate = 1 Feedrate.

Position in machine
coordinate system

It is necessary to set the CNC parameters relating to the axis movement.

End of command (W1)

W1=0: It is 0 usually. W1=1 indicates that AXCTL instruction is completed.
Specify ACT=0 immediately after processing is completed. (W1=1).
W1=1: It will become 1 when the command of the axis control by PMC is buffered on CNC (when
EMBUFx=0) or when axis movement is completed (when EMBUFx=1).

- 459 -

Operation output register (R9000)

When error occurs by processing the axis control by PMC, the bit of the operation output register will be set.
At the same time, processing is over (W1=1).

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Group number of DI/DO signal specification


1 W1 becomes 1 regardless of the state of ACT.
2 It is not related to the state of the alarm signal (EIALx).

(1) The following signals are processed in this functional instruction.
• Axis control command signals EC0g to EC6g (G143.0 to G143.6)
• Controlled axis feed signals EIF0g to EIF15g (G144 to G145)
• Axis control data signals EID0g to EID31g (G146 to G149)
• Axis control command read signal EBUFg (G142.7)
• Axis control command read completion signal EBSYg (F130.7)
• Reset signal ECLRg (G142.6)

As for other than above signals (like the following signals), it is necessary to process G-addresses
(X-addresses) from the ladder program directly.
• Axis control temporary stop signal ESTPx (G142.5, G154.5, G166.5, G178.5)
• Servo-off signal ESOFx (G142.4, G154.4, G166.4, G178.4)
• Block stop signal ESBKx (G142.3, G154.3, G166.3, G178.3)
• Block stop disable signal EMSBKx (G143.7, G155.7, G167.7, G179.7)
• Controlled axis selection signals EAX1 to EAX8 (G136.0 to 7)
• Feedrate override signals *EFOV0 to *EFOV7 (G151.0 to 7)
• Override cancellation signal EOVC (G150.5)
• Rapid traverse override signals EROV2, EROV1 (G150.1,0)
• Dry run signal EDRN (G150.7)
• Manual rapid traverse selection signal ERT (G150.6)
• Skip signal SKIP/ESKIP (X4.7, X4.6)
• Buffering disable signal EMBUFx (G142.2、G154.2, G166.2, G178.2)

Movement cannot be sured when controlled axis selection signal (EAXx) is
changed in the state of ACT=1.

(2) Buffering inhibit signal (EMBUFx)

0: The commands are buffered on the CNC.
Even if one command is being executed, the CNC accepts the next command as long as there is
vacancy in the buffer on CNC.
W1 will become 1 when the command of the axis control by PMC is buffered on CNC.
1: Prohibits the buffering on CNC.
W1 will become 1 when the movement of the instructed axis control by PMC is completed.

- 460 -

4.11.6 PSGN2 (Position Signal: SUB 63)

This instruction is a position signal function. You can define the area of machine position for each PSGN2
instructions and you can know whether the current machine position is in the area or not.

Fig. 4.11.6 shows the ladder format and Table 4.11.6 shows the mnemonic format.

SUB 63
PSGN2 {{{{ Control data (Address)

Fig. 4.11.6 Format of PSGN2 instruction

Table 4.11.6 Mnemonic of PSGN2 instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 63 PSGN2 instruction
3 (PRM) {{{{ Control data (Address)
4 WRT {{{{ .{ Result W1

Control condition
(a) Command (ACT)
ACT=0: Do not execute the instruction. The W1 becomes 0.
ACT=1: Execute the instruction. The result is output to W1.

(a) Control data
Set the top address of the control data. There are two types of format for the control data. One is the
"Extended format" and the other is the "Basic format". On multi-path CNC, you can use this function
only using the "Extended format". We recommend using the "Extended format" in any case.

[Extended format]
- On multi-path CNC, choose this format.
- The continuous 12-bytes memory is necessary.
- You should set zero to the first 2-bytes area.

Control data +0 0 Set zero to this area.

(Extended format) (2byte)
+2 CNC path number 1: path 1, 2: path 2...
+3 Axis number 1: 1st axis, 2: 2nd axis...
+4 Position a Set to be a ≦ b.
+8 Position b
+11 (4byte)

- 461 -

[Basic format]
- This format is only available on single-path CNC.
- The continuous 9-bytes memory is necessary.

Control data +0 Axis number 1: 1st axis, 2: 2nd axis...

(Basic format) (1byte)
+1 Position a Set to be a ≦ b.
+5 Position b
+8 (4byte)

(a-1) CNC path number

This parameter is only available on "Extended format". Set the CNC path number with 1-byte length
binary data. If you set this parameter to zero, the path number is recognized as 1.
= 1: 1st path CNC
= 2: 2nd path CNC

(a-2) Axis number

Set the axis number with 1-byte length binary data. If you set this parameter to zero, this instruction
terminates with error status and W1 is turned off.
= 1: 1st axis
= 2: 2nd axis

(a-3) Position a, b
Set the machine position with 4-bytes length binary data with machine unit. You must set positions to
be "Position a ≦ Position b". The position value "1" means the minimum unit of data with machine
For example, when the setting of minimum unit of data is "IS-B" and the setting of machine unit is
"mm", the position 10000 means "10.000mm".

Minimum unit of data

Machine unit
mm / deg. 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001
inch / deg. 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001 0.0000001

1 You must set positions to be "Position a ≦Position b". If not, this instruction does
not work correctly.

- 462 -

Output (W1)
When the machine position is "Position a ≦Machine position ≦Position b", W1 is turned on.
W1=1: - When ACT=1 and "Position a ≦Machine position ≦Position b"
W1=0: - When ACT=0
- When ACT=1 and "Machine position < Position a" or "Position b < Machine position"
- When ACT=1 and invalid path or axis number is specified.

<The behavior of W1>

Machine - a b +


Operation Output Register (R9000)

When ACT=1 and some error occurs in this function, the corresponding bit of the operation output register
is set. In this case, W1 will be turned off. When ACT=0, the operation output register will not be updated.

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Invalid path or axis number

The example of using this instruction is shown bellow.
- The control data address is R320.
- The setting of machine unit is "mm".
- The setting of minimum unit of data is "IS-B".
- The axis is 3rd axis on 2nd CNC path.
- The settings of machine position are "-800mm" and "123.456 mm".
ACT SUB 63 R320 W1

In this case, you should set the control data using "Extended format" as following.

Control data R320 0 (2byte) Set zero to this area.

(Extended format) R322 2 (1byte) 2: path2
R323 3 (1byte) 3: 3rd axis
R324 -800000 (4byte) a = -800.000 mm
R328 123456 (4byte) b = 123.456 mm

When ACT=1 and the machine position is equal or grater than -800 mm and is equal or smaller than
123.456 mm, the W1 is turned on.

- 463 -

4.11.7 PSGNL (Position Signal: SUB 50)

This instruction is a position signal function. You can define eight areas of machine position for each
PSGNL instructions and you can know the area where the machine position is currently located.
This instruction is not available on multi-path CNC. On multi-path CNC, you should use the instruction

Fig. 4.11.7 shows the ladder format and Table 4.11.7 shows the mnemonic format.

SUB 50
PSGNL {{{{ Control data (Address)
{{{{ Output (Address)

Fig. 4.11.7 Format of PSGNL instruction

Table 4.11.7 Mnemonic of PSGNL instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 50 PSGNL instruction
3 (PRM) {{{{ Control data (Address)
4 (PRM) {{{{ Output (Address)

Control condition
(a) Command (ACT)
ACT=0: Do not execute the instruction. The W1 becomes 0.
ACT=1: Execute the instruction. The result is output to "Output".

- 464 -

(a) Control data
Set the top address of the control data.
- The continuous 29-bytes memory is necessary.

Control data +0 Axis number 1: 1st axis, 2: 2nd axis...

+1 Position a Set to be a < b < c < d < e < f < g
+5 Position b
+9 Position c
+13 Position d
+17 Position e
+21 Position f
+25 Position g
+28 (4byte)

(a-1) Axis number

Set the axis number with 1-byte length binary data. If you set this parameter to zero, this instruction
terminates with error status and the output will be zero.
= 1: 1st axis
= 2: 2nd axis

(a-3) Position a, b, c, d, e, f and g

Set the machine position with 4-bytes length binary data with machine unit. You must set positions to
be "Position a < b < c < d < e < f < g". The position value "1" means the minimum unit of data with
machine unit.
For example, when the setting of minimum unit of data is "IS-B" and the setting of machine unit is
"mm", the position 10000 means "10.000mm".

Minimum unit of data

Machine unit
mm / deg. 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001
inch / deg. 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001 0.0000001

1 You must set all positions to be "Position a < b < c < d < e < f < g". If not, this
instruction does not work correctly.

- 465 -

(b) Output
Set the output address to this parameter. This output needs 1-byte length memory. When ACT=1, one
of the bits corresponding to the current machine position is turned on by this instruction. When
ACT=1 and any error occurs in this instruction, all bits of output will be turned off. When ACT=0, the
output will not be updated.
The correspondence between the setting of Position (a) to (g) and the bit signals of output are shown

<The behavior of output>

Machine - a b c d e f g +
Position (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Output (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)









When "Machine position ≦ a": Output#7=1

When "a < Machine position ≦ b": Output#6=1
When "b < Machine position ≦ c": Output#5=1
When "c < Machine position ≦ d": Output#4=1
When "d < Machine position ≦ e": Output#3=1
When "e < Machine position ≦ f": Output#2=1
When "f < Machine position ≦ g": Output#1=1
When "g < Machine position": Output#0=1

- 466 -

Operation Output Register (R9000)

When ACT=1 and any error occurs in this function, the corresponding bit of the operation output register is
set. In this case, all bits of output will be turned off. When ACT=0, the operation output register will not be

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Invalid path or axis number

The example of using this instruction is shown bellow.
- The control data address is R320.
- The output address is R319.
- The setting of machine unit is "mm".
- The setting of minimum unit of data is "IS-B".
- The axis is 3rd axis.
- The each positions are "a = -400 mm", "b = -200 mm", "c = -100 mm", "d = 0 mm", "e = 10 mm",
"f = 100 mm" and "g = 123.456 mm".
ACT SUB 50 R320 R319

In this case, you should set the control data as following.

Control data R320 3 (1byte) 3: 3rd axis

R321 -400000 (4byte) a = -400 mm
R325 -200000 (4byte) b = -200 mm
R329 -100000 (4byte) c = -100 mm

R333 0 (4byte) d = 0 mm
R337 10000 (4byte) e = 10 mm
R341 100000 (4byte) f = 100 mm
R345 123456 (4byte) g = 123.456 mm

When "Machine pos. ≦ -400 mm": R319.7=1

When "-400 mm < Machine pos. ≦ -200 mm": R319.6=1
When "-200 mm < Machine pos. ≦ -100 mm": R319.5=1
When "-100 mm < Machine pos. ≦ 0 mm": R319.4=1
When "0 mm < Machine pos. ≦ 10 mm": R319.3=1
When "10 mm < Machine pos. ≦ 100 mm": R319.2=1
When "100 mm < Machine pos. ≦ 123.456 mm": R319.1=1
When "123.456 mm < Machine pos.": R319.0=1

- 467 -


The following types of program control instruction are available. Use any of these instructions as
appropriate for your purpose.

Instruction name Sub number Processing

1 COM 9 Common line control
2 COME 29 Common line control end
3 JMP 10 Jump
4 JMPE 30 Jump end
5 JMPB 68 Label jump 1
6 JMPC 73 Label jump 2
7 LBL 69 Label
8 CALL 65 Conditional subprogram call
9 CALLU 66 Unconditional subprogram call
10 SP 71 Subprogram
11 SPE 72 End of a subprogram
12 END1 1 End of a first level program
13 END2 2 End of a second level program
14 END3 48 End of a third level program
15 END 64 End of a ladder program
16 NOP 70 No operation
17 CS 74 Case call
18 CM 75 Sub program call in case call
19 CE 76 End of case call

- 468 -

4.12.1 COM (Common Line Control: SUB 9)

The coils in a region up to the common line control end instruction (COME) are controlled.
Set 0 for the number of coils, and specify the range to be controlled using the common line control end
If the common line control end instruction is not specified, the "COM FUNCTION MISSING" error results.

SUB 9 0

Range in
which the
instruction is

SUB 29

Fig. 4.12.1 (a) Function of COM instruction

Fig. 4.12.1 (b) shows the ladder format and Table 4.12.1 shows the mnemonic format.


Fig. 4.12.1 (b) Format of COM instruction

Table 4.12.1 Mnemonic of COM instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 9 COM instruction
3 (PRM) 0 Specify 0.

Control conditions
ACT=0: The coils within the region specified are unconditionally turned off (set to 0).
ACT=1: The program operates in the same way as when COM is not used.

- 469 -

(a) Specify 0. (Range specification only)

1 Operation of the COM instruction
Suppose a ladder diagram that includes the COM instruction, as shown below.
SUB 9 0



SUB 29

For the "OUTx" coils, the COM instruction makes the above ladder diagram similar
to the ladder description shown below.



A functional instruction in a range specified by COM executes processing,

regardless of COM ACT. However, if COM ACT=0, the coil of the execution result
becomes 0.
2 Another COM instruction cannot be specified in the range by the COM instruction.
3 If COM ACT=0, the coil of a WRT.NOT instruction in a range specified by COM
becomes 1 unconditionally as described in 1 above.

- 470 -

Do not create a program in which a combination of JMP and JMPE instructions is used to cause a jump to
and from a sequence between the COM and COME instructions; the ladder sequence may not be able to
operate normally after the jump.

JMP instruction

COM instruction

JMP instruction
COM instruction

COME instruction
JMPE instruction ×

COME instruction

JMPE instruction

- 471 -

4.12.2 COME (Common Line Control End: SUB 29)

This instruction indicates the division in the region specification of the common line control instruction
This instruction cannot be used alone. It must he used together with the COM instruction.

Fig. 4.12.2 shows the ladder format and Table 4.12.2 shows the mnemonic format.

SUB 29

Fig. 4.12.2 Format of COME instruction

Table 4.12.2 Mnemonic of COME instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 SUB 29 COME instruction

- 472 -

4.12.3 JMP (Jump: SUB 10)

The JMP instruction causes a departure from the normal sequence to executing instructions. When a JMP
instruction is specified, processing jumps to a jump end instruction (JMPE) without executing the logical
instructions (including functional instructions) in the range delimited by a jump end instruction (JMPE).
(See Fig. 4.12.3 (a).) Specify a range to be skipped using the jump end instruction.
When the jump end instruction is not specified, the message JUMP FUNCTION MISSING is displayed.

SUB 10 0

Valid range
of the JMP

SUB 30

Fig. 4.12.3 (a) Function of JMP instruction

Fig. 4.12.3 (b) shows the ladder format and Table 4.12.3 shows the mnemonic format.

SUB 10

Fig. 4.12.3 (b) Format of JMP instruction

Table 4.12.3 Mnemonic of JMP instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 10 JMP instruction
3 (PRM) 0 Specify 0.

Control conditions
ACT=1: The logical instructions (including functional instructions) in the specified range are skipped;
program execution proceeds to the next step.
ACT=0: The same operation as when JMP is not used is performed.

- 473 -

(a) Specify 0. (Range specification only)

JMP instruction operation
When ACT = 1, processing jumps to a jump end instruction (JMPE); the logical
instructions (including functional instructions) in the specified jump range are not
executed. This instruction can reduce the Ladder execution period (scan time).

Do not create a program in which a combination of JMP and JMPE instructions is used to cause a jump to
and from a sequence between the COM and COME instructions; the ladder sequence may not be able to
operate normally after the jump.

JMP instruction

COM instruction

JMP instruction
COM instruction

COME instruction
JMPE instruction ×

COME instruction
JMPE instruction

- 474 -

4.12.4 JMPE (Jump End: SUB 30)

This instruction indicates the division in the region specification of the jump instruction (JMP).
It cannot be used alone. It must be used together with the JMP instruction.

Fig. 4.12.4 shows the ladder format and Table 4.12.4 shows the mnemonic format.

SUB 30

Fig. 4.12.4 Format of JMPE instruction

Table 4.12.4 Mnemonic of JMPE instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 SUB 30 JMPE instruction

- 475 -

4.12.5 JMPB (Label Jump 1: SUB 68)

The JMPB functional instruction transfers control to a Ladder immediately after the label set in a Ladder
program. The jump instruction can transfer control freely before and after the instruction within the
program unit (main program or subprogram) in which the instruction is coded. (See the description of the
LBL functional instruction, which is be explained later.)
As compared with the conventional JMP functional instruction, JMPB has the following additional
• More than one jump instruction can be coded for the same label.
• Jump instructions can be nested.

Ladder program

Program unit Program unit





Fig. 4.12.5 shows the ladder format and Table 4.12.5 shows the mnemonic format.

SUB 68
JMPB L{{{{ Specification of the jump destination label

Fig. 4.12.5 Format of JMPB instruction

Table 4.12.5 Mnemonic of JMPB instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 68 JMPB instruction
3 (PRM) L{{{{ Specification of the jump destination

Control conditions
ACT=0: The next instruction after the JMPB instruction is executed.
ACT=1: Control is transferred to the Ladder immediately after the specified label.

- 476 -

(a) Label specification
Specifies the label of the jump destination. The label number must be specified in the L address form.
A value from L1 to L9999 can be specified.

1 For the specifications of this instruction, see the description of functional
instruction JMP.
2 When this instruction is used to jump back to a previous instruction, care must be
taken not to cause an infinite loop.

- 477 -

4.12.6 JMPC (Label Jump 2: SUB 73)

The JMPC functional instruction returns control from a subprogram to the main program. Be sure to code
the destination label in the main program. The specifications of this JMPC functional instruction are the
same as those of the JMPB functional instruction, except that JMPC always returns control to the main
• More than one jump instruction can be coded for the same label.

Ladder program
Main program Main program



Subprogram Subprogram



Fig. 4.12.6 shows the ladder format and Table 4.12.6 shows the mnemonic format.

SUB 73
JMPC L{{{{ Specification of the jump destination label

Fig. 4.12.6 Format of JMPC instruction

Table 4.12.6 Mnemonic of JMPC instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 73 JMPC instruction
3 (PRM) L{{{{ Specification of the jump destination

Control conditions
ACT=0: The instruction after the JMPC instruction is executed.
ACT=1: Control is transferred to the Ladder after the specified label.

- 478 -

(a) Label specification
Specifies the label of the jump destination. The label number must be specified in the L address form.
A number from L1 to L9999 can be specified.

1 For the specifications of this instruction, see the description of functional
instruction JMP.
2 When this instruction is used to jump back to a previous instruction, care must be
taken not to cause an infinite loop.

- 479 -

4.12.7 LBL (Label: SUB 69)

The LBL functional instruction specifies a label in a Ladder program. It specifies the jump destination for
the JMPB and JMPC functional instructions. (See the explanation of the JMPB and JMPC functional
Ladder program





Fig. 4.12.7 shows the ladder format and Table 4.12.7 shows the mnemonic format.

SUB 69
LBL L{{{{ Label specification

Fig. 4.12.7 Format of LBL instruction

Table 4.12.7 Mnemonic of LBL instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 SUB 69 LBL instruction
2 (PRM) L{{{{ Label specification

(a) Label specification
Specifies the jump destination for the JMPB and JMPC functional instructions. The label number
must be specified in the L address form. A label number from L1 to L9999 can be specified. A label
number can be used more than once as long as it is used in a different program unit (main program,

For the use of this instruction, see the description of functional instruction JMPB
and JMPC.

- 480 -

4.12.8 CALL (Conditional Subprogram Call: SUB 65)

The CALL functional instruction calls a subprogram. When a subprogram number is specified in CALL, a
jump occurs to the subprogram if a condition is satisfied.

Fig. 4.12.8 shows the ladder format and Table 4.12.8 shows the mnemonic format.

SUB 65
CALL P{{{{ Subprogram number

Fig. 4.12.8 Format of CALL instruction

Table 4.12.8 Mnemonic of CALL instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ ACT ACT
2 SUB 65 CALL instruction
3 (PRM) P{{{{ Subprogram number

Control conditions
(a) Input signal
ACT=0: The CALL instruction is not executed.
ACT=1: The CALL instruction is executed.

(a) Subprogram number
Specifies the subprogram number of a subprogram to be called. The subprogram number must be
specified in the P address form.
Example: To call subprogram 1

SUB 65 P1

Be careful when using the CALL instruction with the COM, COME, JMP, or JMPE
functional instruction.
For details, see Subsection 1.4.4.

- 481 -

4.12.9 CALLU (Unconditional Subprogram Call: SUB 66)

The CALLU functional instruction calls a subprogram. When a subprogram number is specified, a jump
occurs to the subprogram.

Fig. 4.12.9 shows the ladder format and Table 4.12.9 shows the mnemonic format.

SUB 66
CALLU P{{{{ Subprogram number

Fig. 4.12.9 Format of CALLU instruction

Table 4.12.9 Mnemonic of CALLU instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 SUB 66 CALLU instruction
2 (PRM) P{{{{ Subprogram number

(a) Subprogram number
Specifies the subprogram number of a subprogram to be called. The subprogram number must be
specified in the P address form.

Example: To call subprogram 1

SUB 66 P1

- 482 -

4.12.10 SP (Subprogram: SUB 71)

The SP functional instruction is used to create a subprogram. A subprogram number is specified as a
subprogram name. SP is used with the SPE functional instruction (mentioned later) to specify the
subprogram range.

Fig. 4.12.10 shows the ladder format and Table 4.12.10 shows the mnemonic format.

SUB 71
SP P{{{{ Subprogram number

Fig. 4.12.10 Format of SP instruction

Table 4.12.10 Mnemonic of SP instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 SUB 71 SP instruction
2 (PRM) P{{{{ Subprogram number

(a) Subprogram number
Specifies the subprogram number of a subprogram to be coded following this instruction. The
subprogram number must be specified in the P address form.

0i-D 0i-D / 0i Mate-D 0i-D

P1~P5000 P1~P512 P1~P512

The specified subprogram number must be unique within the sequence program.
Example: When the subprogram number is set to 1

SUB 71 P1

- 483 -

4.12.11 SPE (End of a Subprogram: SUB 72)

The SPE functional instruction is used to create a subprogram. SPE is used with the SP functional
instruction. It specifies the range of a subprogram. When this functional instruction has been executed,
control is returned to the functional instruction that called the subprogram.

SUB 72

Fig. 4.12.11 Format of SPE instruction

Table 4.12.11 Mnemonic of SPE instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 SUB 72 SPE instruction

4.12.12 END1 (1st Level Sequence Program End: SUB 1)

Must be specifies once in a sequence program, either at the end of the 1st level sequence, or at the beginning
of the 2nd level sequence when there is no 1st level sequence.


Fig. 4.12.12 Format of END1 instruction

Table 4.12.12 Mnemonic of END1 instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 SUB 1 END1 instruction

- 484 -

4.12.13 END2 (2nd Level Sequence Program End: SUB 2)

Specify at the end of the 2nd level sequence.


Fig. 4.12.13 Format of END2 instruction

Table 4.12.13 Mnemonic of END2 instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 SUB 2 END2 instruction

4.12.14 END3 (3rd Level Sequence Program End: SUB 48)

Specify this command at the end of the 3rd level sequence program. If there is no 3rd level sequence
program, this instruction need not be specified.

SUB 48

Fig. 4.12.14 Format of END3 instruction

Table 4.12.14 Mnemonic of END3 instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 SUB 48 END3 instruction

- 485 -

4.12.15 END (End of a Ladder Program: SUB 64)

The END functional instruction designates the end of a ladder program. END must be placed at the end of
the ladder program.

SUB 64

Fig. 4.12.15 Format of END instruction

Table 4.12.15 Mnemonic of END instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 SUB 64 END instruction

4.12.16 NOP (No Operation: SUB 70)

During creation of a ladder program using the programmer, if the program is compiled with specifying the
setting with which a net comment or form feed code is used and the point of the net comment is output,
position information of the net comment or form feed code is output as the NOP instruction. This
instruction performs no operation during execution of the ladder.

- 486 -

4.12.17 CS (Case Call: SUB 74)

The combination of one CS, one or more CM and one CE is used to construct a case call block.

The CS starts the case call block and the CE ends the block. Each CM that should be located between the CS
and CE specifies a sub program to be called in each case.

Executing case call block, the CS instruction evaluates the case number from its 1st parameter and only one
of CMs that is selected by the case number is activated and calls its associated sub program. When the case
number is 0, the 1st CM immediately after CS is executed and certain sub program is called. When the case
number is 1, the 2nd CM after CS is executed. The number from 0 to 255 is allowed as the case number.
When the case number except 0 through 255 is detected on CS, no sub program is called.

The CM instructions should be programmed immediately after the CS. Other functions except CM must not
be programmed between CS and CE. If not so, an error will be detected in compiling process.
The case call block is available only in LEVEL2 and outside of a COM and COME block where normal
subprogram call instructions such as CALL and CALLU are allowed. The case call block can be
programmed wherever normal subprogram call instructions can be programmed.

- 487 -

In the following example program, the sub program corresponding to the case number is called.
• R100 = 0 The sub program P10 is called.
• R100 = 1 The sub program P20 is called.
• R100 = 2 The sub program P50 is called.
• R100 = n The sub program P15 is called.


SUB74 Case Call Block

Case number

CM Case number 0
Sub program address

CM Case number 1
Sub program address

CM Case number 2
Sub program address

CM Case number n
P15 (255 in maximum)
Sub program address



- 488 -

Fig. 4.12.17 shows the ladder format and Table 4.12.17 shows the mnemonic format.

SUB 74
CS {{{{ Case number (Signed integer in 2 bytes length)

Fig. 4.12.17 Format of CS instruction

Table 4.12.17 Mnemonic of CS instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 SUB 74 CS instruction
2 (PRM) {{{{ Case number (Address)

(a) Case number
Set the address or symbol of the variable in which the case number is stored and commanded. The data
type is signed integer in 2 bytes length.

Case number is evaluated by CS only once in every cycle. Even if you change the
case number in the sub program which is called by the case call block, this change
becomes effective in next cycle. This means that only one or no sub program is
called in each case call block in each cycle.

- 489 -

4.12.18 CM (Sub Program Call in Case Call: SUB 75)

The combination of one CS, one or more CM and one CE is used to construct a case call block.

The CM that should be located between the CS and CE is used to specify a sub program to be called when
the case number meets the condition.

See the section 4.12.17 CS (Case Call: SUB 74) in details.

Fig. 4.12.18 shows the ladder format and Table 4.12.18 shows the mnemonic format.
The CM should be programmed immediately after the CS .Other functions except CM must not be
programmed between CS and CE.

SUB 75
CM P{{{{ Sub program address (P address)

Fig. 4.12.18 Format of CM instruction

Table 4.12.18 Mnemonic of CM instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 SUB 75 CM instruction
2 (PRM) P{{{{ Sub program address (P address)

(a) Sub program address
Set a P address or symbol of a sub program that is call in the case.

- 490 -

4.12.19 CE (End of Case Call: SUB 76)

The combination of one CS, one or more CM and one CE is used to construct a case call block.

The CE ends the case call block.

See the section 4.12.17 CS (Case Call: SUB 74) in details.

Fig.4.12.19 shows the ladder format and Table 4.12.19 shows the mnemonic format.

SUB 76

Fig. 4.12.19 Format of CE instruction

Table 4.12.19 Mnemonic of CE instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 SUB 76 CE instruction

- 491 -


The following types of rotation control instruction are available. Use any of these instructions as
appropriate for your purpose.

Instruction name Sub number Processing

1 ROT 6 Rotation control
2 ROTB 26 Binary rotation control

- 492 -

4.13.1 ROT (Rotation Control: SUB 6)

Controls rotors, such as the tool post, ATC, rotary table, etc., and is used for the following functions.
(a) Selection of the rotation direction via the shorter path
(b) Calculation of the number of steps between the current position and the goal position
(c) Calculation of the position one position before the goal or of the number of steps up to one position
before the goal

Fig. 4.13.1 (a) shows the ladder format and Table 4.13.1 shows the mnemonic format.

BYT ROT {{{{ Rotor indexing number
{{{{ Current position address
DIR {{{{ Goal position address
{{{{ Operation result output address



Fig. 4.13.1 (a) Format of ROT instruction

Table 4.13.1 Mnemonic of ROT instruction

Memory status of control
Mnemonic format
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST3 ST3 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ RNO RNO
2 RD.STK {{{{ .{ BYT RNO BYT
7 SUB 6 Rotor indexing number
8 (PRM) {{{{ Current position address
9 (PRM) {{{{ Goal position address
10 (PRM) {{{{ Operation result output address
11 (PRM) {{{{ Result output address
12 WRT {{{{ .{ Output of rotation direction W1

- 493 -

Control conditions
(a) Specify the starting number of the rotor. (RNO)
RNO=0: Begins the number of the position of the rotor with 0.
RNO=1: Begins the number of the position of the rotor with 1.

(b) Specify the number of digits of the process data (position data). (BYT)
BYT=0: BCD two digits
BYT=1: BCD four digits

(c) Select the rotation direction via the shorter path or not. (DIR)
DIR=0: No direction is selected. The direction of rotation is only forward.
DIR=1: Selected. See rotating direction output (W1) described below for details on the rotation

(d) Specify the operating conditions. (POS)

POS=0: Calculates the goal position.
POS=1: Calculates the position one position before the goal position.

(e) Specify the position or the number of steps. (INC)

INC=0: Calculates the number of the position. If the position one position before the goal position is
to be calculated, specify INC=0 and POS=1
INC=1: Calculates the number of steps. If the difference between the current position and the goal
position is to be calculated, specify INC=1 and POS=0.

(f) Execution command (ACT)

ACT=0: The ROT instruction is not executed. W1 does not change.
ACT=1: Executed. Normally, set ACT=0. If the operation results are required, set ACT=1.

(a) Rotor indexing number
Specify the rotor indexing number.

(b) Current position address

Specify the address storing the current position.

(c) Goal position address

Specify the address storing the goal position (or command value), for example the address storing the
NC output T code.

(d) Operation result output address

Calculate the number of steps for the rotor to rotate, the number of steps up to the position one position
before, or the position before the goal. When the calculating result is to be used, always check that

- 494 -

Rotating direction output (W1)

The direction of rotation for control of rotation via the shorter path is output to W1. When W1=0, the
direction is forward (FOR) when 1, reverse (REV). The definition of FOR and REV is shown in Fig. 4.13.1
(b). If the number given to the rotor is ascending, the rotation is FOR; if descending, REV. The address of
W1 can be determined arbitrarily. When, however, the result of W1 is to be used, always check that

An example of a 12-position rotor

(a) (b)

1 1
12 2 2 12

11 3
3 11

10 4 4 10

9 5 5 9

8 6 6 8
7 7

Indexing fixed position Indexing fixed position

Fig. 4.13.1 (b) Rotation direction

- 495 -

4.13.2 ROTB (Binary Rotation Control: SUB 26)

This instruction is used to control rotating elements including the tool post, ATC (Automatic Tool Changer),
rotary table, etc. In the ROT command a parameter indicating the number of rotating element indexing
positions is a fixed data in programming. For ROTB, however, you can specify an address for the number
of rotating element index positions, allowing change even after programming. The data handled are all in
the binary format. Otherwise, ROTB is coded in the same way as ROT.

Fig. 4.13.2 (a) shows the ladder format and Table 4.13.2 shows the mnemonic format.

SUB 26
DIR ROT { Format specification
{{{{ Rotating element indexed position address
POS {{{{ Current position address
{{{{ Target position address
INC {{{{ Arithmetic result output address


Fig. 4.13.2 (a) Format of ROTB instruction

Table 4.13.2 Mnemonic of ROTB instruction

Memory status of
Mnemonic format
control condition
Step Address
Instruction Bit No. Remarks ST3 ST2 ST3 ST1 ST0
number No.
1 RD {{{{ .{ RNO RNO
2 RD.STK {{{{ .{ DIR RNO DIR
7 (PRM) { Format specification
8 (PRM) {{{{ Rotating element indexed position address
9 (PRM) {{{{ Current position address
10 (PRM) {{{{ Target position address
11 (PRM) {{{{ Arithmetic result output address
12 WRT {{{{ .{ Output of rotation direction W1

Control conditions
The control conditions do not differ basically from those for ROT command. However, BYT has been
eliminated from ROTB (it forms part of the ROTB parameters).
For the reset, see ROT.

- 496 -

(a) Format
Specifies data length (1, 2, or 4 bytes). Use the first digit of the parameter to specify the number of
1: 1 byte
2: 2 bytes
4: 4 bytes
All numerical data (number of indexed positions for the rotating elements, current address, etc.) are in
the binary format. Therefore, they require the memory space specified by data length.

(b) Rotating element indexed position address

Specifies the address containing the number of rotary element positions to be indexed.

(c) Other parameters

For the functions and use of the other parameters, see the ROT instruction.

Output for rotational direction (W1)

See the ROT instruction.

Example of using the ROTB instruction

Fig. 4.13.2 (b) illustrates a ladder diagram for a 12-position rotor to be controlled for rotation via the shorter
path and for deceleration at the position one position before the goal.
• The goal position is specified with 32 bit binary code (address F26 to F29) from NC.
• The current position is entered with the binary code signal (address X41) from the machine tool.
• The result of calculating the position one position before the goal is output to address R230 (work
• Operation starts with the output TF (address F7.3) from the NC.
• The binary compare instruction (COMPB) is used to detect the deceleration and stop positions.

- 497 -

Logic 1
R0228.0 R0228.0

Shorter path or not
R0228.0 SUB 26 4 Reference data format R0228.1
A ROTB D0000 Rotor indexing number
X0041 Current position address
R0228.0 F0026 Goal position address
A R0230 Calculation result output address
F0007.3 Y0005.6 Y0005.7
F0007.3 SUB 32 1004 Reference data format
COMPB R0230 Reference data
X0041 Comparison data address
position detection
R9000.0 F0007.3 R0228.2
R0228.2 F0007.3 Y0005.5

R0228.3 Y0005.5
F0007.3 SUB 32 1004 Reference data format
COMPB F0026 Reference data
X0041 Comparison data address
TF TCOMPB Goal position
(stop position)
R9000.0 F0007.3 R0228.3 detection
Forward rotation
F0007.3 R0228.1 R0228.3 Y0005.6
Reverse rotation
F0007.3 R0228.1 R0228.3 Y0005.7

Fig. 4.13.2 (b) Example of a ladder diagram for the ROTB instruction

- 498 -


The instructions listed below are invalid for 0i-D/0iMate-D PMC.
If a ladder program used for another model is run on 0i-D/0iMate-D PMC, these instructions are not
executed. They cause no error but are treated as NOP instructions (which perform no operation when the
ladder program is executed).

Instruction name Sub number Processing

SPCNT 46 Main axis control
DISP 49 Message display
MMCWR 98 Reading of MMC window data
MMCWW 99 Writing of MMC window data
FNC90 90 Auxiliary functional instruction 1
FNC91 91 Auxiliary functional instruction 2
FNC92 92 Auxiliary functional instruction 3
FNC93 93 Auxiliary functional instruction 4
FNC94 94 Auxiliary functional instruction 5
FNC95 95 Auxiliary functional instruction 6
FNC96 96 Auxiliary functional instruction 7
FNC97 97 Auxiliary functional instruction 8

- 499 -


Some functional instructions may cause the ladder program to take a long time to stop or make it unable to
stop, if their ACT or RST condition remains on for no apparent reason. If the ladder program does not stop,
all operations aimed at changing the ladder program will take longer to end or will never end.
To avoid such problems, when you code a ladder program using functional instructions, you need to design
the ladder structure based on a thorough understanding of the control conditions of the individual
instructions you use.
Listed below are typical cases in which the ladder program will not stop.
• A low-speed window function is used for a WINDR or WINDW functional instruction, and its ACT
condition remains on.
• In an EXIN instruction, its ACT condition remains on.
• In an AXCTL instruction, its ACT condition or RST condition remains on.
• The jump destination label is present before a JMPB instruction.
• In a JMPC instruction, the jump destination label points to the same JMPC instruction.
If the ladder program takes long to stop or does not stop for any of these reasons, the following operations
will be affected.
1. Stopping the ladder program using a soft key on the screen
2. Reading a new ladder program from a memory card or other medium, by using the data input and
output screen
3 Updating the ladder program with changes made using the ladder diagram edit screen

If any of the above phenomena occurs, the functional instruction causing the problem needs to be fixed.
Check the functional instructions mentioned above to see whether there is any ACT or RST condition
remaining on, and correct the ladder program according to the following procedure.
1. Put the machine in safe condition and turn off the power of the NC.
2. Turn on the power of the NC while holding down the "CAN" and "Z" keys simultaneously, to restart
the NC with the ladder program halted.
3. In the ladder diagram edit screen, redesign the logic associated with the problematic functional
instruction. When done, set the ACT or RST condition to off. If the same operation is repeating
because of an inadequate JMPB or JMPC instruction, review the jump condition and, if necessary,
change the ladder structure.
4. Write the resulting logic to flash ROM using the I/O screen.
5. Run the ladder program.
If the ladder program does not stop or cannot be changed even after you make the correction, there may be
other functional instructions that have the same condition settings. Check for other functional instructions
having the same condition settings, besides the one you have corrected, and repeat the above procedure to
correct them all.

- 500 -

This chapter describes the functions that can be executed with the WINDR (SUB 51) and WINDW (SUB
52) functional instructions, as well as the formats and other details of the control data to be set for
executing these functions.

1. Compatibility with Series 0i-C/16i/18i/21i

The specifications of following WINDOW functions on Series 0i-D are different from ones on
Series 0i-C/16i/18i/21i.
• The new function “No.321 Reading a real type parameter” has been added. To read a real type
CNC parameter, use this function.
• The new function “No.323 Writing a real type parameter” has been added. To write a real type
CNC parameter, use this function.
• In the function “No.23 Reading the alarm status”, the output value has been extended into 4
bytes and some contents have been changed.
• The function “No.33 Reading diagnosis data” has been equipped as low-speed response type.
• The new function “No.395 Reading the pitch error compensation data” has been added. The
function “No.17, 154 Reading the parameter” can not read a pitch error compensation data. Use
this new function to read it.
• The new function “No.396 Writing the pitch error compensation data” has been added. The
function “No.18 Writing the parameter” can not write a pitch error compensation data. Use this
new function to write it.
• There is no general-purpose analog input on Series 0i-D/0i Mate-D. So the function “No.34
Reading the feed motor load current value (A/D conversion data)” can not read it. This function
can only read the feed motor load current value.
• To use the function “No.152 Entering torque limit data for the digital servo motor”, you should
set the CNC parameter No.6286#0 to 1.
• When you read a speed of a linear motor using the function "No.207 Reading the actual speed
of servo motor" with the data number 11, the unit of the read data is "cm / min".
• When using the function "No.30 Reading the servo delay for controlled axes" with the data
number N=0, the data is read with input unit. When using the function with the data number
N=1, the data is read with detection unit. On Series 0i-C/16i/18i/21i, the data is always read
with detection unit.
• When using the function "No.31 Reading the acceleration / deceleration delay on controlled
axes" with the data number N=0, the data is read with input unit. When using the function with
the data number N=1, the data is read with detection unit. On Series 0i-C/16i/18i/21i, the data
is always read with machine unit.
• The function "No.21 Reading a custom macro variable" or "No.59 Reading a P-CODE macro
variable" returns "mantissa"=0 and "number of decimal places"= -1 when the floating-point
type variable is "null".
• The function "No.22 Writing a custom macro variable" or "No.60 Writing a P-CODE macro
variable" can write "null" to the floating-point type variable by setting "mantissa"=0 and
"number of decimal places"= -1.
• The function "No.32 Reading modal data" cannot read a modal information for a block after the
next block.

- 501 -

Chapter 5, "WINDOW FUNCTIONS", consists of the following sections:

5.1 FORMATS OF CONTROL DATA..................................................................................................503

5.2 LOW-SPEED RESPONSE AND HIGH-SPEED RESPONSE ........................................................504
5.3 LIST OF WINDOW FUNCTIONS ..................................................................................................506
5.4 CNC INFORMATION......................................................................................................................512
5.5 AXIS INFORMATION ....................................................................................................................582
5.6 TOOL LIFE MANAGEMENT FUNCTION....................................................................................623

- 502 -


Input and output control data has the following structure.

Top address +0
Function code

Completion code

4 These data set as input data are remain

Data length
(Byte length of data area) unchanged in the output data.

Data number

Data attribute

Data area * Data length
Depends on the function.
≈ ≈

(1) In the explanation of the window functions below, minuses (-) in the data structure fields indicate
that input data need not be set in these fields or that output data in these fields is not significant.
(2) All data is in binary unless otherwise specified.
(3) All data block lengths and data lengths are indicated in bytes.
(4) Output data is valid only when window processing terminates normally.
(5) Output data always includes one of the following completion codes. Note, however, that all of the
completion codes listed are not always provided for each function.

Completion code Meaning

0 Normal termination
1 Error (invalid function code)
2 Error (invalid data block length)
3 Error (invalid data number)
4 Error (invalid data attribute)
5 Error (invalid data)
6 Error (necessary option missing)
7 Error (write-protected)
113 Error (The CNC status is that the writing data cannot be allowed.)

- 503 -


There are two types of window function - one executed at high speed and the other executed at low speed.

TYPE Number of scans to be executed until the window instruction is completed

LOW TWO SCAN TIMES OR MORE (Depends on the CNC processing priority and operation status.)

When using the low-speed response window function, set ACT to 0 immediately after the data transfer
end data (W1) is set to 1 for the window instruction. For details, see "CAUTION" below.

1 The window instruction of a low-speed response is controlled exclusively with the
other window instructions of low-speed response.
Therefore, when the data is read or written continuously, it is necessary to clear
ACT of the functional instruction to 0 once when the completion information (W1)
become 1.
It does not work about ACT=1 of the other window instructions of low-speed
response such as W1=1 and ACT=1 of the window instruction of a low-speed
The window instruction of a high-speed response is not exclusively controlled like
a low-speed response. Therefore, when the data is read or written continuously,
you need not make ACT=0.
2 The completion of the other window instruction of low-speed response may be
delayed by the execution of application using FOCAS2 functions and C language
executor application. If some window instruction of a low speed response is
executed continuously with a high frequency, the completion of the other window
instruction of low-speed response will be delayed, or may not be done. You
should take care that the execution of application using FOCAS2 functions and C
language executor application may be delayed. The window instruction of a low-
speed response should be executed with the lowest required frequency.

- 504 -

5.2.1 Note on the Programming of a Low-speed Response Window

If a low-speed response window instruction is programmed to keep its ACT condition to on for no
apparent reason, it may result in the ladder program taking a long time to stop or not being able to stop at
all. If the ladder program does not stop, all operations aimed at changing the ladder program will take
longer to end or will never end.
To avoid such problems, when you code a ladder program using functional instructions, you need to
design the ladder structure based on a thorough understanding of the control conditions of the individual
instructions you use.

If the ladder program takes long to stop or does not stop for any of these reasons, the following operations
will be affected.

1. Stopping the ladder program using a soft key on the screen

2. Reading a new ladder program from a memory card or other medium, by using the DATA I/O
3. Updating the ladder program with changes made using the LADDER DIAGRAM EDITOR screen

If any of the above phenomena occurs, the functional instruction causing the problem needs to be fixed.
For information about how to fix the problem, see Section 4.15.

- 505 -


5.3.1 List of Window Functions (Function Group Order)

Group No. Description Response R/W
1 Reading CNC system information 0 High-speed R
2 Reading a tool offset 13 High-speed R
3 Write a tool offset 14 Low-speed W
4 Reading a work piece origin offset value 15 High-speed R
5 Writing a work piece origin offset value 16 Low-speed W
6 Reading a parameter 17, 154 High-speed R
7 Writing a parameter 18 Low-speed W
8 Reading a real type parameter 321 High-speed R
9 Writing a real type parameter 323 Low-speed W
10 Reading setting data 19, 155 High-speed R
11 Writing setting data 20 Low-speed W
12 Reading a custom macro variable 21 High-speed R
13 Writing a custom macro variable 22 Low-speed W
14 Reading the CNC alarm status 23 High-speed R
CNC information 15 Reading the current program number 24 High-speed R
(Section 5.4) 16 Reading the current sequence number 25 High-speed R
17 Reading modal data 32 High-speed R
18 Reading diagnosis data 33 Low-speed R
19 Reading diagnosis data (specific number only) 156 High-speed R
20 Reading the P-code macro variable 59 High-speed R
21 Writing the P-code macro variable 60 Low-speed W
22 Reading CNC status information 76 High-speed R
Reading the current program number (8-digit program
23 90 High-speed R
24 Entering data on the program check screen 150 Low-speed W
25 Reading clock data (date and time) 151 High-speed R
26 Writing clock data (date and time) 139 Low-speed W
27 Reading the pitch error compensation data 395 High-speed R
28 Writing the pitch error compensation data 396 Low-speed W
29 Reading detailed information of CNC alarm 433 Low-speed R
1 Reading the actual velocity of controlled axes 26 High-speed R
Reading the absolute position (absolute coordinates)
2 27 High-speed R
of controlled axes
Reading the machine position (machine coordinates)
3 28 High-speed R
of controlled axes
Reading a skip position (stop coordinates of skip
4 29 High-speed R
Axis information operation (G31)) of controlled axes
(Section 5.5) 5 Reading the servo delay for controlled axes 30 High-speed R
Reading the acceleration/deceleration delay on
6 31 High-speed R
controlled axes
Reading the feed motor load current value (A/D
7 34 High-speed R
conversion data)
8 Reading the actual spindle speed 50 High-speed R
9 Reading the relative position on a controlled axis 74 High-speed R

- 506 -

Group No. Description Response R/W
10 Reading the remaining travel 75 High-speed R
11 Reading the actual velocity of each controlled axes 91 High-speed R
12 Reading actual spindle speeds 138 High-speed R
13 Entering torque limit data for the digital servo motor 152 Low-speed W
Axis information Reading load information of the spindle motor (serial
14 153 High-speed R
(Section 5.5) interface)
15 Reading the actual speed of servo motor 207 High-speed R
16 Reading the estimate disturbance torque data 211 High-speed R
17 Presetting the relative coordinate 249 Low-speed W
18 Reading the actual machine position of controlled axes 428 High-speed R
Reading the tool life management data (tool group
1 38 High-speed R
Reading tool life management data (number of tool
2 39 High-speed R
3 Reading tool life management data (number of tools) 40 High-speed R
4 Reading tool life management data (tool life) 41 High-speed R
5 Reading tool life management data (tool life counter) 42 High-speed R
Reading tool life management data (tool length
6 43 High-speed R
compensation number (1): Tool number)
Reading tool life management data (tool length
7 44 High-speed R
compensation number (2): Tool order number)
Reading tool life management data (cutter radius
8 45 High-speed R
compensation number (1): Tool number)
Reading tool life management data (cutter radius
9 46 High-speed R
compensation number (2): Tool order number)
Reading tool life management data (tool information
10 47 High-speed R
(1): Tool number)
Reading tool life management data (tool information
11 48 High-speed R
(2): Tool order number)
12 Reading tool life management data (tool number) 49 High-speed R
Tool life
Reading the tool life management data (tool life
management 13 160 High-speed R
counter type)
14 Registering tool life management data (tool group) 163 Low-speed W
(Section 5.6)
15 Writing tool life management data (tool life) 164 Low-speed W
16 Writing tool life management data (tool life counter) 165 Low-speed W
Writing tool life management data (tool life counter
17 166 Low-speed W
Writing tool life management data (tool length
18 167 Low-speed W
compensation number (1): Tool number)
Writing tool life management data (tool length
19 168 Low-speed W
compensation number (2): Tool order number)
Writing tool life management data (cutter radius
20 169 Low-speed W
compensation number (1): Tool number)
Writing tool life management data (cutter radius
21 170 Low-speed W
compensation number (2): Tool order number)
Writing tool life management data (tool information (1):
22 171 Low-speed W
Tool number)
Writing the tool management data (tool information (2):
23 172 Low-speed W
Tool order number)
24 Writing tool life management data (tool number) 173 Low-speed W
Reading the tool life management data (tool group
25 200 High-speed R
No.) (8-digit tool number)
Reading tool life management data (tool information
26 201 High-speed R
(1): Tool number) (8-digit tool number)

- 507 -

Group No. Description Response R/W
Registering tool life management data (tool group
27 202 Low-speed W
number) (8-digit tool number)
Reading tool life management data (tool length
28 compensation number (1): Tool number) (8-digit tool 227 High-speed R
Reading tool life management data (cutter radius
29 compensation number (1): Tool number) (8-digit tool 228 High-speed R
Tool life Writing tool life management data (tool length
management 30 compensation number (1): Tool number) (8-digit tool 229 Low-speed W
functions number)
(Section 5.6) Writing tool life management data (cutter radius
31 compensation number (1): Tool number) (8-digit tool 230 Low-speed W
Writing the tool life management data (tool information
32 231 Low-speed W
(1): Tool number) (8-digit tool number)
33 Deleting tool life management data (tool group) 324 Low-speed W
34 Deleting tool life management data (tool data) 325 Low-speed W
Clearing tool life management data (tool life counter
35 326 Low-speed W
and tool information)

*1 Function codes that have R in the R/W column are window read functions specifiable with the WINDR
function command. Function codes that have W in the R/W column are window write functions
specifiable with the WINDW function command.
*2 Functions of "High-speed" in their Response field can read or write data immediately upon request. On
the other hand, functions of "Low-speed" in their Response field need to request the CNC to read or
write data and receiving response from CNC completes the request.

To read or write data for the second path in two-path control CNC, add 1000 to
the function code number.

- 508 -

5.3.2 List of Window Functions (Function Code Order)

Description Response R/W
0 Reading CNC system information High-speed R
13 Reading a tool offset High-speed R
14 Writing a tool offset Low-speed W
15 Reading a work piece origin offset value High-speed R
16 Writing a work piece origin offset value Low-speed W
17 Reading a parameter High-speed R
18 Writing a parameter Low-speed W
19 Reading setting data High-speed R
20 Writing setting data Low-speed W
21 Reading a custom macro variable High-speed R
22 Writing a custom macro variable Low-speed W
23 Reading the CNC alarm status High-speed R
24 Reading the current program number High-speed R
25 Reading the current sequence number High-speed R
26 Reading the actual velocity of controlled axes High-speed R
27 Reading the absolute position (absolute coordinates) of controlled axes High-speed R
28 Reading the machine position (machine coordinates) of controlled axes High-speed R
Reading a skip position (stop coordinates of skip operation (G31)) of controlled
29 High-speed R
30 Reading the servo delay for controlled axes High-speed R
31 Reading the acceleration/deceleration delay on controlled axes High-speed R
32 Reading modal data High-speed R
33 Reading diagnosis data Low-speed R
34 Reading the feed motor load current value (A/D conversion data) High-speed R
38 Reading the tool life management data (tool group number) High-speed R
39 Reading tool life management data (number of tool groups) High-speed R
40 Reading tool life management data (number of tools) High-speed R
41 Reading tool life management data (tool life) High-speed R
42 Reading tool life management data (tool life counter) High-speed R
Reading tool life management data (tool length compensation number (1): Tool
43 High-speed R
Reading tool life management data (tool length compensation number (2): Tool
44 High-speed R
order number)
Reading tool life management data (cutter radius compensation number (1): Tool
45 High-speed R
Reading tool life management data (cutter radius compensation number (2): Tool
46 High-speed R
order number)
47 Reading tool life management data (tool information (1): Tool number) High-speed R
48 Reading tool life management data (tool information (2): Tool order number) High-speed R
49 Reading tool life management data (tool number) High-speed R
50 Reading the actual spindle speed High-speed R
59 Reading the P-code macro variable High-speed R
60 Writing the P-code macro variable Low-speed W
74 Reading the relative position on a controlled axis High-speed R
75 Reading the remaining travel High-speed R
76 Reading CNC status information High-speed R
90 Reading the current program number (8-digit program numbers) High-speed R
91 Reading the actual velocity of each controlled axes High-speed R
138 Reading actual spindle speeds High-speed R
139 Writing clock data (date and time) Low-speed W
150 Entering data on the program check screen Low-speed W

- 509 -

Description Response R/W
151 Reading clock data (date and time) High-speed R
152 Entering torque limit data for the digital servo motor Low-speed W
153 Reading load information of the spindle motor (serial interface) High-speed R
154 Reading a parameter High-speed R
155 Reading setting data High-speed R
156 Reading diagnosis data (specific number only) High-speed R
160 Reading the tool life management data (tool life counter type) High-speed R
163 Registering the tool life management data (tool group) Low-speed W
164 Writing the tool life management data (tool life) Low-speed W
165 Writing the tool life management data (tool life counter) Low-speed W
166 Writing the tool life management data (tool life counter type) Low-speed W
Writing the tool life management data (tool length compensation number (1): Tool
167 Low-speed W
Writing the tool life management data (tool length compensation number (2): Tool
168 Low-speed W
order number)
Writing the tool life management data (cutter radius compensation number (1):
169 Low-speed W
Tool number)
Writing the tool life management data (cutter radius compensation number (2):
170 Low-speed W
Tool order number)
171 Writing the tool life management data (tool information (1): Tool number) Low-speed W
172 Writing the tool management data (tool condition (2): Tool order number) Low-speed W
173 Writing the tool life management data (tool number) Low-speed W
200 Reading the tool life management data (tool group number) (8-digit tool number) High-speed R
Reading tool life management data (tool information (1): Tool number) (8-digit tool
201 High-speed R
202 Registering tool life management data (tool group number) (8-digit tool number) Low-speed W
207 Reading the actual speed of servo motor High-speed R
211 Reading the estimate disturbance torque data High-speed R
Reading tool life management data (tool length compensation number (1): Tool
227 High-speed R
number) (8-digit tool number)
Reading tool life management data (cutter radius compensation number (1): Tool
228 High-speed R
number) (8-digit tool number)
Writing tool life management data (tool length compensation number (1): Tool
229 Low-speed W
number) (8-digit tool number)
Writing tool life management data (cutter radius compensation number (1): Tool
230 Low-speed W
number) (8-digit tool number)
Writing the tool life management data (tool information (1): Tool number) (8-digit
231 Low-speed W
tool number)
249 Presetting the relative coordinate Low-speed W
321 Reading a real type parameter High-speed R
323 Writing a real type parameter Low-speed W
324 Deleting the tool life management data (tool group) Low-speed W
325 Deleting the tool life management data (tool data) Low-speed W
326 Deleting the tool life management data (tool life counter and tool information) Low-speed W
395 Reading the pitch error compensation data High-speed R
396 Writing the pitch error compensation data Low-speed W
428 Reading the actual machine position of controlled axes High-speed R
433 Reading detailed information of CNC alarm Low-speed R

- 510 -
*1 Function codes that have R in the R/W column are window read functions specifiable with the WINDR
function command. Function codes that have W in the R/W column are window write functions
specifiable with the WINDW function command.
*2 Functions of "High-speed" in their Response field can read or write data immediately upon request. On
the other hand, functions of "Low-speed" in their Response field need to request the CNC to read or
write data and receiving response from CNC completes the request.

To read or write data for the second path in two-path control CNC, add 1000 to
the function code number.

- 511 -


5.4.1 Reading CNC System Information (High-speed Response)

The system information specific to the CNC can be read including the CNC type (e.g., series name like 0),
the distinction between the machining center system (M) and the lathe system (T) for each CNC path, the
ROM series and edition of the CNC system software, and the number of axes to be controlled for each
CNC path.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)
(Need not to be set)
+6 (Data number N) Set 0 to this field.

+8 (Data attribute M) Set 0 to this field.


+10 (Data area)

+41 (Need not to be set)

Completion codes
0 CNC system information has been read normally.

- 512 -

Output data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Always terminates normally)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
(Same as input data)
+10 CNC series name ASCII characters
(2 bytes) (0)

+12 Machine type M/T ASCII characters

(2 bytes) (M, T)

+14 ROM series of CNC system ASCII characters

software (EX. G001, ...)
(4 bytes)
+18 ROM version of CNC system ASCII characters
software (0001, 0002, ...)
(4 bytes)
+22 Number of axes to be controlled ASCII characters
for the specified CNC path (2, 3, 4, ...)
+23 (2 bytes)

Data is stored from the upper digit in each lower byte.

- 513 -

5.4.2 Reading a Tool Offset (High-speed Response)

A tool offset value recorded in the CNC can be read.
Wear offset data, geometric offset data, cutter compensation data, and tool length offset data can be read
as a tool offset.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)
(Need not to be set)
+6 (Data number N)
Offset number

+8 (Data attribute M)
Offset type

+10 (Data area)

+41 (Need not to be set)

(a) Offset types (for machining centers)

Cutter Tool length
Wear 0 2
Geometric 1 3
If the type of tool offset need not be specified, enter 0.

(b) Offset types (for lathes)

Virtual B axis
X axis Z axis Tool tip R Y axis
tool tip (Reserved)
Wear 0 2 4 6 8 10
Geometric 1 3 5 7 9 11
2nd Geometric 12 13 14

Completion codes
0 The tool offset has been read normally.
3 The offset number specified for reading is invalid. (This completion code is returned when the
specified offset number data is not from 1 to the maximum number of offsets.)
4 There are mistakes in the data attribute that specifies the type of the offset to be read.

- 514 -

Output data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
Offset number
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Offset type
(Same as input data)
+10 Tool offset value Signed binary (A negative value is represented in 2's
+13 (4bytes) Upper 3 bytes are always "0" for virtual tool tip.

Output data unit

Input Increment system
system IS-A IS-B IS-C IS-D IS-E
Machining center mm, deg 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001
system inch 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001 0.0000001
0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001
mm, deg
0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001
Lathe specification
system Radius
0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001 0.0000001
0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001 0.0000001

- 515 -

5.4.3 Writing a Tool Offset (Low-speed Response)

The tool offset value can be directly written into the CNC.
Wear offset data, geometric offset data, cutter compensation data, and tool length offset data can be
written as a tool offset.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
Offset number

+8 (Data attribute M)
Offset type

+10 Tool offset value Signed binary (A negative value is represented in 2's
+13 Upper 3 bytes are always "0" for virtual tool tip.

(a) Offset types (for machining centers)

Cutter Tool length
Wear 0 2
Geometric 1 3
If the type of tool offset need not be specified, enter 0.

(b) Offset types (for lathes)

Virtual B axis
X axis Z axis Tool tip R Y axis
tool tip (Reserved)
Wear 0 2 4 6 8 10
Geometric 1 3 5 7 9 11
2nd Geometric 12 13 14

Input data unit

Input Increment system
system IS-A IS-B IS-C IS-D IS-E
Machining center mm, deg 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001
system inch 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001 0.0000001
0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001
mm, deg
0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001
Lathe specification
system Radius
0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001 0.0000001
0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001 0.0000001

- 516 -

Completion codes
0 The tool offset has been written normally.
2 The data byte length for the tool offset specified for writing is invalid.
3 The offset number specified for writing is invalid. (This completion code is returned when the
specified offset number data is not from 1 to the maximum number of offsets.)
4 There are mistakes in the data attribute that specifies the type of the offset to be written. (Some
wrong offset types do not result this completion code.)
5 The tool offset value is out of the effective range.
6 For the offset number specified for writing, the additional tool offset number option is required, but
it is missing.
Also, the tool function option is not added that is necessary for the type of the offset specified for
116 The tool offset value is out of the effective range set by the wrong operation prevention function.

Output data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)
(Same as input data)
+6 (Data number N)
Offset number
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Offset type
(Same as input data)
+10 Tool offset value Signed binary (A negative value is represented in 2's
+13 (Same as input data)

- 517 -

5.4.4 Reading a Workpiece Origin Offset Value (High-speed

The workpiece origin offset recorded in the CNC can be read.
A workpiece origin offset is provided for each controlled axis (the 1st axis to the 32th axis) in the CNC.
Either the workpiece origin offset for a specific axis can be read, or the workpiece origin offsets for all
axes can be read at one time. If the additional axis option is not provided, however, the workpiece origin
offset for the additional axis cannot be read.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)
(Need not to be set)
+6 (Data number N) N=0: External workpiece origin offset
Offset group number N=1: G54
: :
N=6: G59
With "addition of workpiece coordinate system pair"
N=7: G54.1 P1
: :
N=306: G54.1 P300
+8 (Data attribute M) M=1 to n: Workpiece origin offset number of a specific
Axis number axis. n is the axis number.
M=-1: Read for all axes.
+10 (Data area)
+41 (Need not to be set)

Completion codes
0 The workpiece origin offset has been read normally.
3 The specified offset number is invalid.
4 The specified axis number is invalid.

- 518 -

Output data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L) L=4: The workpiece origin offset value for a specific
Byte length of the workpiece axis is read.
origin offset value L=4*n: Workpiece origin offsets for all axes are read.
+6 (Data number N)
Offset group number
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Axis number
(Same as input data)
+10 Workpiece origin offset value Signed binary number (A negative value is
represented in 2's complement.)

Output data unit

Input Increment system

system IS-A IS-B IS-C IS-D IS-E
Machining center mm, deg 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001
system inch 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001 0.0000001
0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001
mm, deg
0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001
Lathe specification
system Radius
0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001 0.0000001
0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001 0.0000001

- 519 -

5.4.5 Writing a Workpiece Origin Offset Value (Low-speed

Data can be written directly as a workpiece origin offset value in the CNC.
A workpiece origin offset is provided for each controlled axis (the 1st axis to the 32th axis) in the CNC.
Either the workpiece origin offset value for a specific axis can be written, or the workpiece origin offset
values for all axes can be written at one time. If the additional axis option is not provided, however, the
workpiece origin offset value for the additional axis cannot be written.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L) L=4: Workpiece origin offset value for a specific axis
Byte length of the workpiece is written.
origin offset value L=4*n: Workpiece origin offset values for all axes are
+6 (Data number N) N=0: External workpiece origin offset
Offset group number N=1: G54
: :
N=6: G59
With the option of adding Workpiece coordinate
N=7: G54.1 P1
: :
N=306: G54.1 P300
+8 (Data attribute M) M=1 to n: Workpiece origin offset number of a specific
Axis number axis. n is the axis number.
M=-1: Write for all.
+10 Workpiece origin offset value Signed binary number (A negative value is
represented in 2's complement.)

Input data unit

Input Increment system
system IS-A IS-B IS-C IS-D IS-E
Machining center mm, deg 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001
system inch 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001 0.0000001
0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001
mm, deg
0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001
Lathe specification
system Radius
0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001 0.0000001
0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001 0.0000001

- 520 -

Completion codes
0 The workpiece origin offset has been written normally.
2 The specified data length is invalid.
3 The offset number is invalid.
4 The specified axis number is invalid.
5 The workpiece origin offset value is out of the effective range.
6 There is no workpiece coordinate shift option added.

Output data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)

(Same as input data)

+6 (Data number N)
Offset group number
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Axis number
(Same as input data)
+10 Workpiece origin offset value Signed binary number (A negative value is
represented in 2's complement.)
(Same as input data)

- 521 -

5.4.6 Reading a Parameter (High-speed Response)

The integer type parameter data of the CNC is read by directly accessing the CNC.
There are four types of the integer parameters in the CNC: Bit parameters having a definite meaning for
each bit, byte parameters holding 1-byte data, word parameters holding 2-byte data, and double word
parameters holding 4-byte data. Therefore, the length of the read data varies according to the parameter
number specified.
Note that bit parameters cannot be read in bit units. The eight bits (one byte) for a parameter number
must be read at a time.
For axis parameters, data for a specific axis can be read, or data for all axes can be read at a time.
For details of parameter data, refer to the Operator's manual of the CNC.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)
17 or 154

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)
(Need not to be set)
+6 (Data number N)
Parameter number

+8 (Data attribute M) M=0: No axis

Axis number M=1 to n: A specific axis
M=-1: All axes
+10 (Data area)
+41 (Need not to be set)

Completion codes
0 Parameter data has been read normally.
3 The parameter number specified for reading is invalid.
4 The specified data attribute is invalid because it is neither 0, -1, nor a value 1 to n (n is the number of

- 522 -

Output data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)
17 or 154

+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L) When no axis or one axis is specified
L=1: Bit or byte parameter
(L = 1, 2, 4, 1*n, 2*n, 4*n) L=2: Word parameter
L=4: Double word parameter
When all axes are specified
L=1*n: Bit or byte parameter
L=2*n: Word parameter
L=4*n: Double word parameter
+6 (Data number N)
Parameter number
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Axis number
(Same as input data)
+10 Parameter data Parameter - dependent form

Macro executor parameters 9000 to 9011 cannot be read.

- 523 -

5.4.7 Writing a Parameter (Low-speed Response)

Data can be written in an integer parameter in the CNC.
There are four types of the integer parameters in the CNC: Bit parameters having a definite meaning for
each bit, byte parameters holding 1-byte data, word parameters holding 2-byte data, and double word
parameters holding 4-byte data. Therefore, the length of the written data varies according to the
parameter specified.
Note that bit parameters cannot be written in bit units. The eight bits (one byte) for the parameter
number must be written at a time. This means that when a bit needs to be written, the whole data for the
corresponding parameter number shall be read first, modify the target bit in the read data, then the data
shall be rewritten.
For axis parameters, data for a specific axis can be read, or data for all axes can be read at a time.
For details of parameter data, refer to the Operator's manual of the CNC.
Some parameters cause a P/S alarm 000 when data is written. (The power must be turned off before
continuing operation.)

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L) When no axis or one axis is specified
L=1: Bit or byte parameter
(L = 1, 2, 4, 1*n, 2*n, 4*n) L=2: Word parameter
L=4: Double word parameter
When all axes are specified
L=1*n: Bit or byte parameter
L=2*n: Word parameter
L=4*n: Double word parameter
+6 (Data number N)
Parameter number

+8 (Data attribute M) M=0: No axis

Axis number M=1 to n: A specific axis
M=-1: All axes
+10 Parameter data Parameter - dependent form

Completion codes
0 Parameter data has been written normally.
2 The data byte length of the parameter specified for writing is invalid.
3 The parameter number specified for writing is invalid.
4 The specified data attribute is invalid because it is neither 0, -1, nor a value from 1 to n (n is the
number of axes).
6 The necessary option is not added.
113 The CNC status is that the writing the parameter cannot be allowed.

- 524 -

Output data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)

(Same as input data)

+6 (Data number N)
Parameter number
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Axis number
(Same as input data)
+10 Parameter data Parameter - dependent form

(Same as input data)

1 Parameters may not become effective immediately depending on the parameter
2 There is timing when it can't be written in some parameters. In this case '113' is
set to the completion code.

- 525 -

5.4.8 Reading a Real Type Parameter (High-speed Response)

This function can read a real type CNC parameter.

This function cannot read integer type or bit type parameters. To read an integer
type or bit type parameter, use the function having function code 17 or 154.

Input data structure

(1) Reading the non-axis type parameter or the axis type parameter for one axis (M=n)

Top Address +0 (Function Code)


+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)
(Need not to be set)
+6 (Data number N) Set the parameter number with singed binary format
Parameter number in four bytes length.

+10 (Data attribute M) M=0: Non-axis type parameter

Axis number M=1 to n: Axis number

+12 Decimal point position Set the decimal point position of the parameter value.

(2 bytes)
+14 (Data area)
+17 (Need not to be set)

- 526 -
(2) Reading axis type parameters for all axes (M=-1, Example for 3 controlled-axes)

Top Address +0 (Function Code)


+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)
(Need not to be set)
+6 (Data number N) Set the parameter number with singed binary format
Parameter number in four bytes length.

+10 (Data attribute M) All axes


+12 Decimal point position Set the decimal point position of the parameter value
for the 1st axis.
(2 bytes)
+14 (Data area)
(Need not to be set)
+18 Decimal point position Set the decimal point position of the parameter value
for the 2nd axis.
(2 bytes)
+20 (Data area)
(Need not to be set)
+24 Decimal point position Set the decimal point position of the parameter value
for the 3rd axis.
(2 bytes)
+26 (Data area)
+29 (Need not to be set)

Completion codes
0 Normal completion
3 The data number is invalid.
4 The data attribute is invalid.
5 The decimal point position is invalid.

- 527 -

Output data structure

(1) Reading the non-axis type parameter or the axis type parameter for one axis (M=n)

Top Address +0 (Function Code)


+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
Parameter number
(Same as input data)
+10 (Data attribute M)
Axis number
(Same as input data)
+12 Decimal point position

(Same as input data)

+14 Parameter value The read parameter value is set with signed binary
format in four bytes length.
+17 (4 bytes)

(2) Reading axis type parameters for all axes (M=-1, Example for 3 controlled-axes)

Top Address +0 (Function Code)


+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)
(6 bytes * 3 axes)
+6 (Data number N)
Parameter number
(Same as input data)
+10 (Data attribute M)
(Same as input data)
+12 Decimal point position

(Same as input data)

+14 Parameter value The read parameter value for the 1st axis is set with
signed binary format in four bytes length.
(4 bytes)
+18 Decimal point position

(Same as input data)

+20 Parameter value The read parameter value for the 2nd axis is set with
signed binary format in four bytes length.
(4 bytes)
+24 Decimal point position

(Same as input data)

+26 Parameter value The read parameter value for the 3rd axis is set with
signed binary format in four bytes length.
+29 (4 bytes)

- 528 -
The read parameter value for each specified decimal point position is shown below.

(The read value) = (Parameter value) * 10 (Decimal point position)

Parameter value Decimal point position Read value

0 1
1 12
1.234 2 123
3 1234
4 12340

- 529 -

5.4.9 Writing a Real Type Parameter (Low-speed Response)

This function can write a real type CNC parameter.

This function cannot write integer type or bit type parameters. To write an
integer type or bit type parameter, use the function having function code 18.

Input data structure

(1) Writing the non-axis type parameter or the axis type parameter for one axis (M=n)

Top Address +0 (Function Code)


+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L) Set the data length.

+6 (Data number N) Set the parameter number with singed binary format
Parameter number in four bytes length.

+10 (Data attribute M) M=0: Non-axis type parameter

Axis number M=1 to n: Axis number

+12 Decimal point position Set the decimal point position of the parameter value.

(2 bytes)
+14 Parameter value Set the parameter value with singed binary format in
four bytes length
+17 (4 bytes)

- 530 -
(2) Writing axis type parameters for all axes (M=-1, Example for 3 controlled-axes)

Top Address +0 (Function Code)


+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L) Set the data length.
(6bytes * 3axes)
+6 (Data number N) Set the parameter number with singed binary format
Parameter number in four bytes length.

+10 (Data attribute M) All axes


+12 Decimal point position Set the decimal point position of the parameter value
for the 1st axis.
(2 bytes)
+14 Parameter value Set the parameter value for the 1st axis with singed
binary format in four bytes length
(4 bytes)
+18 Decimal point position Set the decimal point position of the parameter value
for the 2nd axis.
(2 bytes)
+20 Parameter value Set the parameter value for the 2nd axis with singed
binary format in four bytes length
(4 bytes)
+24 Decimal point position Set the decimal point position of the parameter value
for the 3rd axis.
(2 bytes)
+26 Parameter value Set the parameter value for the 3rd axis with singed
binary format in four bytes length
+29 (4 bytes)

Completion codes
0 Normal completion
2 The data length is invalid.
3 The data number is invalid.
4 The data attribute is invalid.
5 The decimal point position is invalid.
113 The CNC status is that the writing the parameter cannot be allowed.

- 531 -

Output data structure

(1) Writing the non-axis type parameter or the axis type parameter for one controlled axis (M=n)

Top Address +0 (Function Code)


+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)
(Same as input data)
+6 (Data number N)
Parameter number
(Same as input data)
+10 (Data attribute M)
Axis number
(Same as input data)
+12 Decimal point position

(Same as input data)

+14 Parameter value

+17 (Same as input data)

(2) Reading axis type parameters for all axes (M=-1, Example for 3 controlled-axes)

Top Address +0 (Function Code)


+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)
(Same as input data)
+6 (Data number N)
Parameter number
(Same as input data)
+10 (Data attribute M)
(Same as input data)
+12 Decimal point position

(Same as input data)

+14 Parameter value

(Same as input data)

+18 Decimal point position

(Same as input data)

+20 Parameter value

(Same as input data)

+24 Decimal point position

(Same as input data)

+26 Parameter value

+29 (Same as input data)

- 532 -
The parameter value for each specified decimal point position is shown below.

(Writing value) = (Parameter value) * 10 (Decimal point position)

Writing value Decimal point position Parameter value

0 1234.000
1 123.400
1234 2 12.240
3 1.234
4 0.123

1 Parameters may not become effective immediately depending on the parameter
2 There is timing when it can't be written in some parameters. In this case '113' is
set to the completion code.

- 533 -

5.4.10 Reading Setting Data (High-speed Response)

The data set in the CNC is read by directly accessing the CNC.
There are four types of setting data in the CNC: Bit setting data having a definite meaning for each bit,
byte setting data stored in bytes, word setting data stored in 2-byte units, and double-word setting data
stored in 4-byte units. Therefore, the length of the read data varies according to the setting data
Note that bit setting data cannot be read in bit units. The eight bits (one byte) for the setting data
number must be read at a time.
For axis setting data, data for a specific axis can be read, or data for all axes can be read at a time.
For details of setting data, refer to the Operator's manual of the CNC.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)
19 or 155

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)
(Need not to be set)
+6 (Data number N)
Setting data number

+8 (Data attribute M) M=0: No axis

Axis number M=1 to n: A specific axis
M=-1: All axes
+10 (Data area)
+41 (Need not to be set)

Completion codes
0 Setting data has been read normally.
3 The setting number specified for reading is invalid.
4 The specified data attribute is invalid because it is neither 0, -1, nor a value from 1 to n (n is the
number of axes).

- 534 -

Output data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)
19 or 155

+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L) When no axis or one axis is specified
L=1: Bit or byte setting data
(L = 1, 2, 4, 1*n, 2*n, 4*n) L=2: Word setting data
L=4: Double word setting data
When all axes are specified
L=1*n: Bit or byte setting data
L=2*n: Word setting data
L=4*n: Double word parameter
+6 (Data number N)
Parameter number
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Axis number
(Same as input data)
+10 Setting data Parameter - dependent form

- 535 -

5.4.11 Writing Setting Data (Low-speed Response)

Data can be written as setting data in the CNC.
For details of setting data, refer to the Operator's manual of the CNC.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L) When no axis or one axis is specified
L=1: Bit or byte setting data
(L = 1, 2, 4, 1*n, 2*n, 4*n) L=2: Word setting data
L=4: Double word setting data
When all axes are specified
L=1*n: Bit or byte setting data
L=2*n: Word setting data
L=4*n: Double word setting data
+6 (Data number N)
Setting data number

+8 (Data attribute M) M=0: No axis

Axis number M=1 to n: A specific axis
M=-1: All axes
+10 Setting data Setting data - dependent form

Completion codes
0 Setting data has been written normally.
2 The byte length of the setting data specified for writing is invalid.
3 The setting data number specified for writing is invalid.
4 The specified data attribute is invalid because it is neither 0, -1, nor a value from 1 to n (n is the
number of axes).

Output data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)

(Same as input data)

+6 (Data number N)
Setting data number
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Axis number
(Same as input data)
+10 Setting data Setting data - dependent form

(Same as input data)

- 536 -

5.4.12 Reading a Custom Macro Variable (High-speed Response)

Using this function, you can read a common variable of custom macro variables. You cannot read a local
variable and a system variable.

Table5.4.12 (a) Common variables of custom macro

Custom macro common variable addition option Common variables
Not equiped #100~#149, #500~#549
Equiped #100~#199, #500~#999

For details of the custom macro variables, refer to the "Common to Lathe System
/ Machining Center System USER'S MANUAL (B-64304EN)".

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)
(Need not to be set)
+6 (Data number N)
Custom macro variable number

+8 (Data attribute M) M=0: No specifying number of decimal places

Number of decimal places M=1 to 8: Specifying number of decimal places

+10 (Data area)

+15 (Need not to be set)

Completion codes
0 Completed successfully
1 No option for custom macro variables
3 The data number is invalid.
4 The mantissa is out of range.

- 537 -

Output data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
Custom macro variable number
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Number of decimal places
(Same as input data)
+10 Mantissa(D1) Signed binary format in 4 bytes length

(4 bytes)
+14 Number of decimal places(D2) Signed binary format in 2 bytes length
D2 = -1, 0 to 8
+15 (2 bytes)

You can read D1 and D2 when the custom macro variable is expressed by the following formula.
[Custom macro variable] = D1 × 10 –D2

There is a "null" state on custom macro variables that means the value is not defined. When the custom
macro variable is "null", the D1=0 and the D2 = -1 are read in spite of the specified value of M.

Result data
Value of the custom Specified number of
Number of decimal
macro variable decimal places (M) Mantissa (D1)
places (D2)
0 1234 3
1 12 1
1.234 2 123 2
3 1234 3
4 12340 4
0 1 0 1
Null - 0 -1

When you set 0 to number of decimal places M, the read value of D2 may
changes by the value of the macro variable and the setting of CNC system. So,
we recommend to set 1 to 8 to number of decimal places M.

- 538 -

5.4.13 Writing a Custom Macro Variable (Low-speed Response)

Using this function, you can write value to a common variable of custom macro variables. You cannot
write to local variables or system variables.

Table5.4.13 (a) Common variables of custom macro

Custom macro common variable addition option Common variables
Not equiped #100~#149, #500~#549
Equiped #100~#199, #500~#999

For details of the custom macro variables, refer to the "Common to Lathe System
/ Machining Center System USER'S MANUAL (B-64304EN)".

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)


+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
Custom macro variable number

+8 (Data attribute M) Set 0 to this field.


+10 Mantissa (D1) Signed binary format in 4 bytes length

(4 bytes)
+14 Number of decimal places (D2) Signed binary format in 2 bytes length
D2 = -1, 0 to 8
+15 (2 bytes)

- 539 -

You should set values to D1 and D2 when the custom macro variable is expressed by the following
[Custom macro variable] = D1 × 10 –D2

There is a "null" state on custom macro variables that means the value is not defined. When you set D1=0
and D2= -1, the custom macro variable becomes "null" state.

Setting data Value of the custom macro

Mantissa (D1) Number of decimal places (D2)
1234 0 1234
1234 1 123.4
1234 2 12.34
1234 3 1.234
1234 4 0.1234
0 Except -1 0
0 -1 Null

Completion codes
0 Completed successfully
2 The data length is invalid.
3 The data number is invalid.
6 No option for custom macro variables
7 The variable is write-protected.

Output data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)
(Same as input data)
+6 (Data number N)
Custom macro variable number
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
(Same as input data)
+10 Mantissa (D1)

(Same as input data)

+14 Number of decimal places (D2)

+15 (Same as input data)

- 540 -

5.4.14 Reading the CNC Alarm Status (High-speed Response)

When the CNC is in the alarm status, the alarm status data can be read. The following alarm status data
can be read:

(a) First byte of alarm status data

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

SW : SW alarm (parameter writing alarm)

PW : PW alarm (alarm requiring power to be turned off)
IO : IO alarm (memory file alarm)
PS : PS alarm (program and operation alarm)
OT : OT alarm (overtravel alarm)
OH : OH alarm (overheat alarm)
SV : SV alarm (servo alarm)
SR : SR alarm (communication alarm)

(b) Second byte of alarm status data

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
(Reserved) BG IE DS SP MC

MC : MC alarm (macro alarm)

SP : SP alarm (spindle alarm)
DS : DS alarm (other alarm)
IE : IE alarm (malfunction prevention function alarm)
BG : BG alarm (background edit alarm)

(c) Third byte of alarm status data

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

(d) Fourth byte of alarm status data

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

- 541 -

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)
(Need not to be set)
+6 (Data number N) Set 0 to this field.

+8 (Data attribute M) Set 0 to this field.


+10 (Data area)

+41 (Need not to be set)

Completion codes
0 Completed successfully.

Output data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
(Same as input data)
+10 Alarm status 4 bytes bit type


In the previous CNC model (Series 0i-C, 16, 18, 21, etc.), the size of output data
are 2 bytes. On this model, note that the size of output data is expanded to 4

- 542 -

5.4.15 Reading the Current Program Number (High-speed Response)

The program number of a machining program being executed or selected on the CNC can be read.
When a subprogram is executed on the CNC, the program number of the main program can also be read.
Note that the program number that can be read is the first program number (first loop main program).
This function accepts only 4-digit program numbers. When the specification supports 8-digit program
numbers, specify function code 90 to read 8-digit program numbers.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)
(Need not to be set)
+6 (Data number N) Set 0 to this field.

+8 (Data attribute M) Set 0 to this field.


+10 (Data area)

+41 (Need not to be set)

Completion codes
0 The program number of the currently executing program was read successfully.
5 The program number exceeds 4-digit. (Use function code 90.)

Output data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
(Same as input data)
+10 Current program number (ON) Unsigned binary, 2 bytes long

+12 Program number of main Unsigned binary, 2 bytes long

program (OMN)

- 543 -

(a) Current program number (ON)

The program number of the program being executed is set.

(b) Program number of main program (OMN)

When the currently executing program is a subprogram, the program number of its main program
(first loop main program) is set. When the currently executing program is not a subprogram, 0 is

- 544 -

5.4.16 Reading the Current Sequence Number (High-speed

The sequence number of a machining program being executed on the CNC can be read. If sequence
numbers are not assigned to all blocks of the machining program, the sequence number of the most
recently executed block is read.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)
(Need not to be set)
+6 (Data number N) Set 0 to this field.

+8 (Data attribute M) Set 0 to this field.


+10 (Data area)

+41 (Need not to be set)

Completion codes
0 The current sequence number has been read normally.

Output data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L) Note that the data length must be set to 4 bytes even
4 though the current program number is 2 bytes long
(the sequence number is indicated by 5 digits).
+6 (Data number N)
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
(Same as input data)
+10 Current sequence number Unsigned binary


- 545 -

5.4.17 Reading Modal Data (High-speed Response)

Using this function, you can read modal information of CNC.

(1) Reading modal infomation of G-function (Data number=0 to 33, -1)

Using this function, you can read modal information of G-function.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)


+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)
(Need not to be set)
+6 (Data number N) N=0 to 33: Each data reading
Data type (See. Table 5.4.17 (a) to (c))
N=-1: Collective reading (Group No.0 to 31)
+8 (Data attribute M) M=0: Current block
Specified block M=1: Next block
M=2: (reserved)
+10 (Data area)
(Need not to be set)

1 A modal information for a block after the next block cannot be read.
2 When a collective reading, the read modal information of groups are from No. 0 to
No.31. To read modal information of over No. 31 group, use the each data
reading by setting over 31 to the data nubmer N.

- 546 -
Table5.4.17 (a) Modal information of G-function (part 1)
Group Machining center system Lathe system
number Code in a G code Code in a
G code
(Data type) group A series B series C series group
0 G00 0 G00 G00 G00 0
G01 1 G01 G01 G01 1
G02 2 G02 G02 G02 2
G02.2 10 G02.2 G02.2 G02.2 20
G02.3 12 G02.3 G02.3 G02.3 22
G02.4 15 G02.4 G02.4 G02.4 18
G03 3 G03 G03 G03 3
G03.2 11 G03.2 G03.2 G03.2 21
G03.3 13 G03.3 G03.3 G03.3 23
G03.4 16 G03.4 G03.4 G03.4 19
G06.2 14 G06.2 G06.2 G06.2 17
G33 4 G32 G33 G33 4
G34 24 G34 G34 G34 9
G35 22 G35 G35 G35 14
G36 23 G36 G36 G36 15
G90 G77 G20 5
G92 G78 G21 6
G94 G79 G24 7
1 G17 0 G96 G96 G96 1
G18 8 G97 G97 G97 0
G19 4
2 G90 0 G90 G90 0
G91 1 G91 G91 1
3 G22 1 G68 G68 G68 1
G23 0 G69 G69 G69 0
4 G93 2 G93 G93 G93 2
G94 0 G98 G94 G94 0
G95 1 G99 G95 G95 1
5 G20(G70) 0 G20 G20 G70 0
G21(G71) 1 G21 G21 G71 1
6 G40 0 G40 G40 G40 0
G41 1 G41 G41 G41 1
G41.2 3 G41.2 G41.2 G41.2 3
G41.3 5 G41.3 G41.3 G41.3 5
G41.4 6 G41.4 G41.4 G41.4 6
G41.5 8 G41.5 G41.5 G41.5 8
G41.6 10 G41.6 G41.6 G41.6 11
G42 2 G42 G42 G42 2
G42.2 4 G42.2 G42.2 G42.2 4
G42.4 7 G42.4 G42.4 G42.4 7
G42.5 9 G42.5 G42.5 G42.5 9
G42.6 11 G42.6 G42.6 G42.6 12

- 547 -

Table5.4.17 (b) Modal information of G-function (part 2)

Group Machining center system Lathe system
number Code in a G code Code in a
G code
(Data type) group A series B series C series group
7 G43 1 G25 G25 G25 0
G43.1 3 G26 G26 G26 1
G43.4 4
G43.5 5
G44 2
G49(G49.1) 0
8 G73 10 G22 G22 G22 1
G74 11 G23 G23 G23 0
G76 12
G80 0
G81 1
G82 2
G83 3
G84 4
G84.2 13
G84.3 14
G85 5
G86 6
G87 7
G88 8
G89 9
9 G98 0 G80 G80 G80 0
G99 1 G81 G81 G81 8
G82 G82 G82 9
G83 G83 G83 1
G83.1 G83.1 G83.1 10
G83.5 G83.5 G83.5 12
G83.6 G83.6 G83.6 14
G84 G84 G84 2
G84.2 G84.2 G84.2 11
G85 G85 G85 3
G87 G87 G87 5
G87.5 G87.5 G87.5 13
G87.6 G87.6 G87.6 15
G88 G88 G88 6
G89 G89 G89 7
10 G50 0 G98 G98 0
G51 1 G99 G99 1
11 G66 1 G66 G66 G66 1
G66.1 2 G66.1 G66.1 G66.1 2
G67 0 G67 G67 G67 0
12 G96 1
G97 0

- 548 -
Table5.4.17 (c) Modal information of G-function (part 3)
Group Machining center system Lathe system
number Code in a G code Code in a
G code
(Data type) group A series B series C series group
13 G54(G54.1) 0 G54(G54.1) G54(G54.1) G54(G54.1) 0
G55 1 G55 G55 G55 1
G56 2 G56 G56 G56 2
G57 3 G57 G57 G57 3
G58 4 G58 G58 G58 4
G59 5 G59 G59 G59 5
14 G61 1 G61 G61 G61 1
G62 2 G62 G62 G62 2
G63 3 G63 G63 G63 3
G64 0 G64 G64 G64 0
15 G68 1 G17 G17 G17 0
G68.2 2 G18 G18 G18 4
G69 0 G19 G19 G19 8
16 G15 0 G68.1 G68.1 G68.1 1
G16 1 G68.2 G68.2 G68.2 2
G69.1 G69.1 G69.1 0
17 G40.1 0 G50 G50 0
G41.1 1 G51 G51 1
G42.1 2
18 G25 0
G26 1
19 G50.2(G250) G50.2(G250) G50.2(G250) 0
G51.2(G251) G51.2(G251) G51.2(G251) 1
20 G12.1(G112) 1 G12.1(G112) G12.1(G112) G12.1(G112) 1
G13.1(G113) 0 G13.1(G113) G13.1(G113) G13.1(G113) 0
21 G50.1 0 G50.1 G50.1 G50.1 0
G51.1 1 G51.1 G51.1 G51.1 1
22 G43 G43 G43 1
G43.1 G43.1 G43.1 3
G43.4 G43.4 G43.4 4
G43.5 G43.5 G43.5 5
G43.7(G44.7) G43.7(G44.7) G43.7(G44.7) 6
G44 G44 G44 2
G49(G49.1) G49(G49.1) G49(G49.1) 0
23 G80.5 0 G15 G15 G15 0
G81.5 1 G16 G16 G16 1
26 G80.5 G80.5 G80.5 0
G81.5 G81.5 G81.5 1
27 G80.4 G80.4 G80.4 0
G81.4 G81.4 G81.4 1
30 G50.2 0
G51.2 1
33 G80.4 0
G81.4 1

- 549 -

Completion codes
0 Completed successfully
3 The data number is invalid
4 The data attribute is invalid

Output data structure

(1) Each data reading (Data number N=G code group number)

Top Address +0 (Function code)


+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
Data type
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Specified block
(Same as input data)
+10 Modal information of G-function See "Fig. 5.4.17 (a) Modal information of G-function".
(2 bytes)

(2) Corrective reading (Data number N=-1)

Top Address +0 (Function code)


+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L) n=1 to 32: Effective number of G-function group.

+6 (Data number N) N=-1: Corrective reading

(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Specified block
(Same as input data)
+10 Modal information of G-function See "Fig. 5.4.17 (a) Modal information of G-function".
group No.0
(2 bytes)
+12 Modal information of G-function See "Fig. 5.4.17 (a) Modal information of G-function".
group No.1
(2 bytes)
~ ~
+72 Modal information of G-function See "Fig. 5.4.17 (a) Modal information of G-function".
group No.31
+73 (2 bytes)

- 550 -

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Top Address +10

Code in a group
0 : Not specified in the group
1 : Specified in the group

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Top Address +11 0

Fig. 5.4.17 (a) Modal information of g-function

(2) Reading modal information of other than G-function (Data number=100 to 126, -2)
Using this function, you can read modal information of other than G-function.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)
(Need not to be set)
+6 (Data number N) N=100 to 126: Each data reading (See Table 5.4.17
Data type (d))
N=-2: Collective read (No.100 to 126)
+8 (Data attribute M) M=0: Current block
Specified block M=1: Next block
M=2: (reserved)
+10 (Data area)
(Need not to be set)

A modal information for a block after the next block cannot be read.

- 551 -

Table5.4.17 (d) Modal information of other than G-function

Data type Specified Address Description
100 B Second auxiliary function
101 D
102 E (Reserved)
103 F
104 H
105 L
106 M
107 S
108 T
109 R
110 P
111 Q
112 A
113 C
114 I
115 J
116 K
117 N
118 O
119 U
120 V
121 W
122 X
123 Y
124 Z
125 M2
126 M3

Completion codes
0 Completed successfully
3 The data number is invalid
4 The data attribute is invalid

- 552 -

Output data structure

(1) Each data reading (Data number N=See Table 5.4.17 (d))

Top Address +0 (Function code)


+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
Data type
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Specified block
(Same as input data)
+10 Modal information See "Fig. 5.4.17 (b) Modal information of other than
+15 (6 bytes)

(2) Corrective reading (Data number N=-2)

Top Address +0 (Function code)


+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
Data type
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Specified block
(Same as input data)
+10 Modal information of See "Fig. 5.4.17 (b) Modal information of other than
Data type No.100 G-function".
(6 bytes)
+16 Modal information of See "Fig. 5.4.17 (b) Modal information of other than
Data type No.101 G-function".
(6 bytes)
~ ~
+166 Modal information of See "Fig. 5.4.17 (b) Modal information of other than
Data type No.126 G-function".
(6 bytes)
+172 Reserved

+183 (12 bytes)

- 553 -

Data 4 bytes

FLAG1 1 byte

FLAG2 1 byte

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

0 : Positive
1 : Negative
0 : A decimal point not specified
1 : A decimal point specified
0 : Not specified in the current block
1 : Specified in the current block

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Number of decimal places

Fig. 5.4.17 (b) Modal information of other than G-function

1 The specification of whether a decimal point is specified or not, in FLAG1, and
the specification of the number of decimal places, in FLAG2, are valid only for F
code. Even if a decimal point is not specified, the number of decimal places
may not be 0.
2 PMC-SB7 outputs the number of input digits to bits 0 to 3 of FLAG1, while 0i-D/0i
Mate-D PMC does not. If you need to have the number of input digits output as
with the former specification, read the CNC parameters of the following numbers,
by using the window function for reading a parameter (function code 17 or 154).
• For the M function: No.3030(allowable number of digits of the M code)
• For the S function: No.3031(allowable number of digits of the S code)
• For the T function: No.3032(allowable number of digits of the T code)
• For the B function: No.3033(allowable number of digits of the B code)

- 554 -

5.4.18 Reading Diagnosis Data (Low-speed Response)

The information displayed on the diagnosis data screen is read by directly accessing the CNC.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)
(Need not to be set)
+6 (Data number N)
Diagnosis No.

+8 (Data attribute M) M=0: No axis

Axis number M=1 to n: axis number
M=-1: All axes
+10 (Data area)
(Need not to be set)

Completion codes
0 Diagnosis data has been read from the CNC normally.
3 The specified diagnosis data number is invalid.
4 The data specified as the data attribute is invalid because it is neither 0, -1, nor a value from 1 to n (n
is the number of axes).

Output data structure

(1) In the case of bit, byte, word or double word type data

Top Address +0 (Function code)


+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L) When no axis or one axis is specified
L L=1: Bit or byte data
(L = 1, 2, 4, 1*n, 2*n, 4*n) L=2: Word data
L=4: Double word data
When all axes are specified
L=1*n: Bit or byte data
L=2*n: Word data
L=4*n: Double word data
+6 (Data number N)
Diagnosis No.
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Axis number
(Same as input data)
+10 Diagnosis data Data - dependent form

(1, 2, 4 bytes)

- 555 -

(2) In the case of Floating point type data

Top Address +0 (Function code)


+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L) When no axis or one axis is specified
L L=6: Floating point type data
(L = 6, 6*n) When all axes are specified
L=6*n: Floating point type data
+6 (Data number N)
Diagnosis No.
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Axis number
(Same as input data)
+10 decimal point

(2 bytes)
+12 Diagnosis data

+15 (4 bytes)

- 556 -

5.4.19 Reading Diagnosis Data (High-speed Response)

The specific data displayed on the diagnosis data screen can be read with high-speed response.

Supported number of diagnosis data is as follows.

Number Data Data type Unit of data Valid data range

445 Spindle position data 2-word spindle Pulse 0 to 4095

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)
(Need not to be set)
+6 (Data number N)
Diagnosis number

+8 (Data attribute M) M=0: No axis

Axis number M=1 to n: axis number
M=-1: All axes
+10 (Data area)
(Need not to be set)

Completion codes
0 Diagnosis data has been read from the CNC normally.
3 The specified diagnosis data number is invalid.
4 The data specified as the data attribute is invalid because it is neither 0, -1, nor a value from 1 to n (n
is the number of axes).

- 557 -

Output data structure

(1) In the case of bit, byte, word or double word type data

Top Address +0 (Function code)


+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L) When no axis or one axis is specified
L L=1: Bit or byte data
(L = 1, 2, 4, 1*n, 2*n, 4*n) L=2: Word data
L=4: Double word data
When all axes are specified
L=1*n: Bit or byte data
L=2*n: Word data
L=4*n: Double word data
+6 (Data number N)
Diagnosis number
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Axis number
(Same as input data)
+10 Diagnosis data Data - dependent form

(1, 2, 4 bytes)

(2) In the case of Floating point type data

Top Address +0 (Function code)


+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L) When no axis or one axis is specified
L L=6: Floating point type data
(L = 6, 6*n) When all axes are specified
L=6*n: Floating point type data
+6 (Data number N)
Diagnosis number
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Axis number
(Same as input data)
+10 Decimal point

(2 bytes)
+12 Diagnosis data

+15 (4 bytes)

- 558 -

5.4.20 Reading a P-CODE Macro Variable (High-speed Response)

Using this function, you can read a P-CODE variable or an extended P-CODE variable for macro

Data type Number

P-CODE variables #10000 to #19999
Extended P-CODE variables #20000 to #89999

For details of the P-CODE variables and extended P-CODE variables, refer to the
"Macro Executor PROGRAMMING MANUAL (B-64303EN-2)".

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)
(Need not to be set)
+6 (Data number N) Signed binary format in 4 bytes length (note)
P-CODE variable number

+10 (Data attribute M) M=0: No specifying number of decimal places

Number of decimal places M=1 to 8: Specifying number of decimal places

+12 (Data area)

+17 (Need not to be set)

The data length is 4 bytes instead of 2 bytes.

Completion codes
0 Completed successfully
3 The data number is invalid.
4 The mantissa is out of range.

- 559 -

Output data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
P-CODE variable number
(Same as input data)
+10 (Data attribute M)
Number of decimal places
(Same as input data)
+12 Mantissa (D1) Signed binary format in 4 bytes length

(4 bytes)
+16 Number of decimal places (D2) Signed binary format in 2 bytes length
D2 = -1, 0 to 8 (Floating-point type)
+17 (2 bytes) D2 = 0 to 8 (Integer type)

You can read D1 and D2 when the P-CODE variable is expressed by the following formula.

[P-CODE variable] = D1 × 10 –D2

You can define the type of P-CODE variables as a floating-point type or an integer type by the setting of
CNC parameter No. 9033#3 and 9033#4.

(a) Floating-point type)

When P-CODE variables are floating-point type, there is a "null" state on P-CODE variables that
means the value is not defined. When the P-CODE variable is "null", the D1=0 and the D2 = -1 are
read in spite of the specified value of M.

Value of the Specified number of Result data

P-CODE variable decimal places (M) Mantissa (D1) Number of decimal places (D2)
0 (Note) 1234 3
1 12 1
1.234 2 123 2
3 1234 3
4 12340 4
0 1 0 1
Null - 0 -1

- 560 -
(b) Integer type)
When P-CODE variables are integer type, there is no "null" state.

Value of the Specified number of Result data

P-CODE variable decimal places (M) Mantissa (D1) Number of decimal places (D2)
0 (Note) 1234000 3
1 12340 1
1234 2 123400 2
3 1234000 3
4 12340000 4
0 1 0 1

When you set 0 to number of decimal places M, the read value of D2 may
changes by the value of the macro variable and the setting of CNC system. So,
we recommend to set 1 to 8 to number of decimal places M.

- 561 -

5.4.21 Writing a P-CODE Macro Variable (Low-speed Response)

Using this function, you can write value to a P-CODE variable or an extended P-CODE variable for
macro executor.

Data type Number

P-CODE variables #10000 to #19999
Extended P-CODE variables #20000 to #89999

For details of the P-CODE variables and extended P-CODE variables, refer to the
"Macro Executor PROGRAMMING MANUAL (B-64303EN-2)".

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N) Signed binary format in 4 bytes length (note)

P-CODE variable number

+10 (Data attribute M) Reserved

0 You should set 0 to this field.

+12 Mantissa (D1) Signed binary format in 4 bytes length

(4 bytes)
+16 Number of decimal places (D2) Signed binary format in 2 bytes length
D2 = -1, 0 to 8 (Floating-point type)
+17 (2 bytes) D2 = 0 to 8 (Integer type)

The data length is 4 bytes instead of 2 bytes.

You should set values to D1 and D2 when the custom macro variable is expressed by the following

[P-CODE variable] = D1 × 10 –D2

You can define the type of P-CODE variables as a floating-point type or an integer type by the setting of
CNC parameter No. 9033#3 and 9033#4.

- 562 -
(a) Floating-point type)
When P-CODE variables are floating-point type, there is a "null" state on P-CODE variables that
means the value is not defined. When you set D1=0 and D2= -1, the P-CODE variable becomes
"null" state.

Setting data Value of the P-CODE variable

Mantissa (D1) Number of decimal places (D2) (Floating-point)
1234 0 1234
1234 1 123.4
1234 2 12.34
1234 3 1.234
1234 4 0.1234
0 Except -1 0
0 -1 Null

(b) Integer type)

When P-CODE variables are integer type, there is no "null" state. We recommend setting 0 to
number of decimal places D2 for writing to an integer type variable. When a negative value is set to
D2, the D2 is regarded as 0.

Setting data Value of the P-CODE variable

Mantissa (D1) Number of decimal places (D2) (Integer)
1234 0 1234
1234 1 123
1234 2 12
1234 3 1
1234 4 0
0 Any 0

Completion codes
0 Completed successfully
2 The data length is invalid.
3 The data number is invalid.
6 No option for macro executor

- 563 -

Output data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)
(Same as input data)
+6 (Data number N)
P-CODE variable number
(Same as input data)
+10 (Data attribute M)
(Same as input data)
+12 Mantissa (D1)

(Same as input data)

+16 Number of decimal places (D2)

+17 (Same as input data)

- 564 -

5.4.22 Reading CNC Status Information (High-speed Response)

Status information (status indication on the screen) can be read from the CNC.
The types of status information that can be read are as follows.
(1) Indication of which mode is selected, automatic or manual
(2) Status of automatic operation
(3) Status of movement along the axis and dwelling
(4) Status of M, S, T, and B functions
(5) Statuses of emergency stop and the reset signal
(6) Alarm status
(7) Status of program edits

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)
(Need not to be set)
+6 (Data number N) Set 0 to this field.

+8 (Data attribute M) Set 0 to this field.


+10 (Data area)

+41 (Need not to be set)

Completion codes
0 CNC status information has been read normally.

- 565 -

Output data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
(Same as input data)
+10 Indication of which mode is 0: MDI
currently selected, automatic or 1: MEMory
manual (2 bytes) 2: **** (Other state)
4: HaNDle
5: JOG
6: Teach in JOG
7: Teach in HND
8: INC. feed
9: REFerence
10: ReMoTe
+12 Status of automatic operation 0: **** (Reset stste)
(2 bytes) 1: STOP
3: StaRT
+14 Status of movement along the 0: *** (Other state)
axis of dwelling 1: MoTioN
(2 bytes) 2: DWell
+16 Status of M, S, T, and B functions 0: *** (Other state)
(2 bytes) 1: FIN

+18 Status of emergency stop 0: (Releases the emergency stop state)

(2 bytes) 1: --EMerGency--
2: -RESET- (The reset signal is on)
+20 Alarm status 0: *** (Other state)
(2 bytes) 1: ALarM
2: BATtery low
+22 Status of program edit 0: ******* (Non editing)
(2 bytes) 1: EDIT
2: SeaRCH
6: LabelSKip
+23 9: ReSTaRt

- 566 -

5.4.23 Reading the Current Program Number (8-digit Program

Numbers) (High-speed Response)
This function reads CNC program numbers extended to 8 digits from the usual 4 digits.
Basically, this function is the same as function code 24 excluding the different data length of function
code 90.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)
(Need not to be set)
+6 (Data number N) Set 0 to this field.

+8 (Data attribute M) Set 0 to this field.


+10 (Data area)

+17 (Need not to be set)

Completion codes
0 The program number of the currently executing program has been read normally.

Output data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
(Same as input data)
+10 Number of the program currently Unsigned binary format, 4-byte length
being executed (ON)
+14 Program number of the main Unsigned binary format, 4-byte length
program (OMN)
+17 (4bytes)

- 567 -

(a) Number of the program currently being executed (ON)

The program number of the program currently being executed is set.
(b) Program number of the main program (OMN)
If the program currently being executed is a subprogram, the program number of its main program is
If the program currently being executed is not a subprogram, 0 is set.

- 568 -

5.4.24 Entering Data on the Program Check Screen (Low-speed

On the program check screen of the CNC, data can be entered for the spindle tool No. (HD.T) and the
next tool No. (NX.T).
This function is effective only when bit 2 of parameter 3108 is 1, and bit 1 of parameter 13200 is 1.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N) N=0: Spindle tool No. (8 digits)

0, 1 N=1: Next tool No. (8 dgits)

+8 (Data attribute M) Set 0 to this field.


+10 Data for the spindle tool No. Unsigned binary

or data for the next tool No.
+13 (4 bytes)

Completion codes
0 Data has been entered on the program check screen normally.
2 The data length in bytes is invalid.
3 The data No. is invalid.

Output data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)
(Same as input data)
+6 (Data number N) N=0: Spindle tool No.
N=1: Next tool No.
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
(Same as input data)
+10 Data for the spindle tool No. or Unsigned binary
data for the next tool No.
+13 (4 bytes)

- 569 -

5.4.25 Reading Clock Data (Date and Time) (High-speed Response)

The current date (year, month, day) and time (hours, minutes, seconds) can be read from the clock built
into the CNC.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)
(Need not to be set)
+6 (Data number N) N=-1: Reads current date and time
-1, 0, 1 N=0: Reads current date
N=1: Reads current time
+8 (Data attribute M) Set 0 to this field.

+10 (Data area)

(Need not to be set)

Completion codes
0 Data of the clock built into the CNC has been read normally.
3 A value other than 0, 1, and -1 was specified for the data No.

Output data structure

(1) When reading the current date or the current time.

Top Address +0 (Function code)


+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)

(Same as input data)

+8 (Data attribute M)
(Same as input data)
+10 Current date (year) Unsigned binary
Current time (hours)
+12 Current date (month) Unsigned binary
Current time (minutes)
+14 Current date (day) Unsigned binary
+15 Current time (seconds)

- 570 -
(2) When both the current date and current time are specified to be read by entering [-1] for the data No.

Top Address +0 (Function code)


+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)

(Same as input data)

+8 (Data attribute M)
(Same as input data)
+10 Current date (year) Unsigned binary

+12 Current date (month) Unsigned binary

+14 Current date (day) Unsigned binary

+16 Current time (hours) Unsigned binary

+18 Current time (minutes) Unsigned binary

+20 Current time (seconds) Unsigned binary


[Example] Sep. 10th, 1990 [Example] 23:59:59


Data area Data area

1990 23
+2 +2
9 59
+4 +4
10 59

- 571 -

5.4.26 Writing Clock Data (Date and Time) (Low-speed Response)

The current date (year, month, day) and time (hours, minutes, seconds) can be written to the clock built
into the CNC.

Input data structure

(1) When changing the current date or the current time.

Top Address +0 (Function code)


+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N) N=0: Writes current date

0,1 N=1: Writes current time
+8 (Data attribute M) Set 0 to this field.

+10 Current date (year) Signed binary in 2 bytes length.

or Year: 2000 to 2096
Current time (hours) Hours: 0 to 23
+12 Current date (month) Signed binary in 2 bytes length.
or Month: 1 to 12
Current time (minutes) Minites: 0 to 59
+14 Current date (day) Signed binary in 2 bytes length.
or day: 1 to 31
Current time (seconds) seconds: 0 to 59

- 572 -
(2) When changing both the current date and the current time.

Top Address +0 (Function code)


+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N) N=-1: Writes current date and current time

+8 (Data attribute M) Set 0 to this field.

+10 Signed binary in 2 bytes length.

Current date (year) Year: 2000 to 2096

+12 Signed binary in 2 bytes length.

Current date (month) Month: 1 to 12

+14 Signed binary in 2 bytes length.

Current date (day) day: 1 to 31

+16 Signed binary in 2 bytes length.

Current time (hours) Hours: 0 to 23

+18 Signed binary in 2 bytes length.

Current time (minutes) Minites: 0 to 59

+20 Signed binary in 2 bytes length.

Current time (seconds) seconds: 0 to 59

- 573 -

Completion codes
0 Data of the clock built into the CNC has been written normally.
2 Data length is invalid.
3 A value other than 0, 1, and -1 was specified for the data No.
5 Specified year, month, day, hours, minutes or seconds are incorrect.

Example Date Example Time

“Nov. 8th, 2007” “23 hours 59 minutes 59 Seconds”

+0 +0
139 139
+2 +2
0 0
+4 +4
6 6
+6 +6
0 1
+8 +8
0 0
+10 +10
2007 23
+12 +12
11 59
+14 +14
8 59

Output data structure

(1) When writing the current date or the current time.

Top Address +0 (Function code)


+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)

(Same as input data)

+8 (Data attribute M)
(Same as input data)
+10 Current date (year)
Current time (hours)
+12 Current date (month)
Current time (minutes)
+14 Current date (day)
+15 Current time (seconds)

- 574 -
(2) When writing both the current date and current time.

Top Address +0 (Function code)


+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)

(Same as input data)

+8 (Data attribute M)
(Same as input data)
+10 Current date (year)

+12 Current date (month)

+14 Current date (day)

+16 Current time (hours)

+18 Current time (minutes)

+20 Current time (seconds)


- 575 -

5.4.27 Reading the Pitch Error Compensation Value (High-speed

The pitch error compensation value on CNC can be read.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)
(Need not to be set)
+6 (Data number N)
Pitch error compensation No.

+8 (Data attribute M) Set 0 to this field.


+10 (Data area)

+41 (Need not to be set)

Completion codes
0 The pitch error compensation value has been read normally.
3 Illegal pitch error compensation number.

Output data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
Pitch error compensation No.
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
(Same as input data)
+10 Pitch error compensation value
(1 byte)

- 576 -

5.4.28 Writing the Pitch Error Compensation Value (Low-speed

Data can be written as pitch error compensation value on the CNC.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
Pitch error compensation No.

+8 (Data attribute M) Set 0 to this field.


+10 Pitch error compensation value

(1 byte)

Completion codes
0 The pitch error compensation value has been read normally.
2 Illegal data length.
3 Illegal pitch error compensation number.

Output data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)
(Same as input data)
+6 (Data number N)
Pitch error compensation No.
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
(Same as input data)
+10 Pitch error compensation value

(Same as input data)

- 577 -

5.4.29 Reading Detailed Information of CNC Alarm

You can read detailed information of 30 CNC alarms in the maximum. Moreover, you can read detailed
information of CNC alarms selected by an alarm type of input data.
The detailed information of CNC alarm is as follows.
- axis number
- alarm type
- alarm number

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)
(Need not to be set)
+6 (Data number N) N = 1 to 30
Maximum number of alarms

+8 (Data attribute M) -1: All alarm types

Alarm type number 0- n: Alarm type

+10 (Data)
+(12+8*(N-1)+7) (Need not to be set)

(1) Maximum number of alarms

You can set the number of alarms to read.
The maximum value is 30.

The appropriate size of the data area corresponding to the maximum number of
alarms is necessary.

(2) Alarm type number

A correspondence table of the alarm type and the alarm type number is as follows.

Alarm type number Alarm type Alarm type number Alarm type
-1 All alarm 10 DS alarm
0 SW alarm 11 IE alarm
1 PW alarm 12 BG alarm
2 IO alarm 13 (Reserve)
3 PS alarm 14 (Reserve)
4 OT alarm 15 EX alarm
5 OH alarm 16 (Reserve)
6 SV alarm 17 (Reserve)
7 SR alarm 18 (Reserve)
8 MC alarm 19 (Reserve)
9 SP alarm 20 (Reserve)

- 578 -

Completion codes
0: Completed successfully
1: Not supported
3: The maximum number of alarms is invalid.
You should set the number 1 to 30.
4: Alarm type number is invalid.

Output data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)


+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)

(L = 2 + 8 * N)
+6 (Data number N)

(Same as input data)

+8 (Data attribute M)

(Same as input data)

+10 Number of alarms 0 to 30

(2 bytes)
+12 Axis information Bit format in 4 bytes length
Refer to the "[Output data structure] (1)
(4bytes) Structure of detailed alarm information"
for details.
+16 Alarm type number Signed binary format in 2 bytes length
Refer to the "[Input data structure] (2) 1st
(2bytes) Alarm type number" for details.
+18 Alarm number Signed binary format in 2 bytes length
0 to 32767
~ ~
+(12+8*(N-1)) Axis information

+(12+8*(N-1)+4) Alarm type number
N th
+(12+8*(N-1)+6) Alarm number

+(12+8*(N-1)+7) (2bytes)

1 When the "number of alarms" is less than "maximum number of alarms" that you
specify, the data at the position of "number of alarms" or after are set with 0 in
"axis information" and -1 in "alarm type number" and "alarm number".
2 You ought not to program as depended on output order of the alarm information
because this order may be changed.

- 579 -

(1) Structure of detailed alarm information

When the occurrence alarm is axis type, the bit corresponding to the axis number is set to 1.
When the occurrence alarm is not axis type, all bits are set to 0.

Axis informatiojn (4bytes)

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 bit0
+12+8*(N-1)+0 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
+1 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9
+2 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17
+3 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25

NC alarm : EX0005(Not axis type)
: SV0302(An alarm for the 1st axis.)
: OT0500(An alarm for the 3rd axis.)

When these alarms occur, the read data is as follows.

1. In case that all alarm types are read and the maximum number of alarms is set to 4.

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
+4 (Data length)
+6 (Data number)
Maximum number of alarms
+8 (Data attribute)
Alarm type number
+10 Number of alarms
+12 Axis information
+16 Alarm type number
1 st
+18 Alarm number
+20 Axis information
+24 Alarm type number
2 nd
+26 Alarm number
+28 Axis information
+32 Alarm type number
3 rd
+34 Alarm number
+36 Axis information
+40 Alarm type number
4 th
+42 Alarm number
+43 -1

- 580 -
2. In case that OT alarm type is read and the maximum number of alarms is set to 4.

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
+4 (Data length)
+6 (Data number)
Maximum number of alarms
+8 (Data attribute)
Alarm type number
+10 Number of alarms
+12 Axis information
+16 Alarm type number
1 st
+18 Alarm number
+20 Axis information
+24 Alarm type number
2 nd
+26 Alarm number
+28 Axis information
+32 Alarm type number
3 rd
+34 Alarm number
+36 Axis information
+40 Alarm type number
4 th
+42 Alarm number
+43 -1

- 581 -


5.5.1 Reading the Actual Velocity of Controlled Axes (High-speed

The actual velocity of a movement on CNC-controlled axes can be read. Note that the read speed is the
composite velocity for the controlled axes. When movement involves only the basic three axes, the X, Y,
and Z axes, the composite velocity equals the actual velocity. When movement, however, involves the
fourth axis, such as a rotation axis or a parallel axis, as well as some of the basic three axes, the composite
velocity for all the relevant axes does not equal the actual velocity.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)
(Need not to be set)
+6 (Data number N) Set 0 to this field.

+8 (Data attribute M) Set 0 to this field.


+10 (Data area)

+41 (Need not to be set)

Completion codes
0 The actual velocity for the controlled axes has been read normally.

Onput data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
(Same as input data)
+10 Actual velocity for controlled Unsigned binary
axes <Data increments>
• Input in mm : 1mm/min.
+13 (4 bytes) • Input in inches : 0.01 inch/min

- 582 -

5.5.2 Reading the Absolute Position (Absolute Coordinates) of

Controlled Axes (High-speed Response)
The absolute coordinates of the CNC-controlled axes for movement can be read. According to the setting
of NC parameter No.3104#6 (DAL) and No.3104#7(DAC), the absolute coordinates can be read. The
values are the same as values displayed in the screen

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)
(Need not to be set)
+6 (Data number N) Set 0 to this field.

+8 (Data attribute M) M=1 to n: Absolute coordinate of a specific axis.

Axis number (n is the axis number.)
M=-1: Coordinates of all axes
+10 (Data area)
+41 (Need not to be set)

Completion codes
0 The absolute coordinates of the controlled axes have been read normally.
4 Data specified as the data attribute is invalid because it is neither -1 nor a value from 1 to n (n is the
number of axes). Alternatively, the specified axis number is greater than the number of controlled

Onput data structure

(1) When read a specified axis.

Top Address +0 (Function code)


+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Axis number
(Same as input data)
+10 Absolute coordinate of the Signed binary
controlled axis specified (A negative value is represented in 2's complement)
+13 (4 bytes)

- 583 -

(2) When read all axes. (ex. number of controlled axes is 3)

Top Address +0 (Function code)


+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)
(4bytes * 3axes)
+6 (Data number N)
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M) M=-1: All axes.
(Same as input data)
+10 Absolute coordinate of the first Signed binary
axis (A negative value is represented in 2's complement)
(4 bytes)
+14 Absolute coordinate of the Signed binary
second axis (A negative value is represented in 2's complement)
(4 bytes)
+18 Absolute coordinate of the third Signed binary
axis (A negative value is represented in 2's complement)
+21 (4 bytes)

Output data unit

Input system Increment system

mm, deg 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001
inch 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001 0.0000001

The reading position does not depend on the diameter or radius setting even
using the Diamiter and Radius Setting Switching function but depends only on
the setting of the CNC parameter No. 1006#3 (DIAx).

- 584 -

5.5.3 Reading the Machine Position (Machine Coordinates) of

Controlled Axes (High-speed Response)
The machine coordinates of CNC-controlled axes for movement can be read. The machine position is
read with the machine unit.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)
(Need not to be set)
+6 (Data number N) Set 0 to this field.

+8 (Data attribute M) M=1 to n: Machine coordinate of a specific axis.

Axis number (n is the axis number.)
M=-1: Coordinates of all axes
+10 (Data area)
+41 (Need not to be set)

Completion codes
0 The machine coordinates of the controlled axes have been read normally.
4 Data specified as the data attribute is invalid because it is neither -1 nor a value from 1 to n (n is the
number of axes). Alternatively, the specified axis number is greater than the number of the
controlled axes.

Onput data structure

(1) When read a specified axis.

Top Address +0 (Function code)


+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Axis number
(Same as input data)
+10 Machine coordinate of the Signed binary
controlled axis specified (A negative value is represented in 2's complement)
+13 (4 bytes)

- 585 -

(2) When read all axes. (ex. number of controlled axes is 3)

Top Address +0 (Function code)


+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)
(4bytes * 3axes)
+6 (Data number N)
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M) M=-1: All axes.
(Same as input data)
+10 Machine coordinate of the first Signed binary
axis (A negative value is represented in 2's complement)
(4 bytes)
+14 Machine coordinate of the Signed binary
second axis (A negative value is represented in 2's complement)
(4 bytes)
+18 Machine coordinate of the third Signed binary
axis (A negative value is represented in 2's complement)
+21 (4 bytes)

Output data unit

Increment system
Machine system
mm, deg 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001
inch 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001 0.0000001

When an inch machine is used in metric input, or when a millimeter machine is
used in inch input, the machine position that is read with bit 0 of parameter No.
3104 set to 1 differs from the value indicated by the CNC. In this case,
therefore, the value read through the ladder must be calculated (converted).

1 The reading position does not depend on the diameter or radius setting even
using the Diamiter and Radius Setting Switching function but depends only on
the setting of the CNC parameter No. 1006#3 (DIAx).
2 Update cycle of the machine position becomes faster by setting 1 to the CNC
parameter No. 11300#5 (MPH). You should apply this setting only if necessary
because this setting may lower the performance of CNC a little.

- 586 -

5.5.4 Reading a Skip Position (Stop Coordinates of Skip Operation

(G31)) of Controlled Axes (High-speed Response)
When a block of the skip operation (G31) is executed by the CNC and the skip signal goes on to stop the
machine, the absolute coordinates of the stop position on the axes of movement can be read.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)
(Need not to be set)
+6 (Data number N) Set 0 to this field.

+8 (Data attribute M) M=1 to n: Skip coordinate on a specific axis.

Axis number (n is the axis number.)
M=-1: Coordinates on all axes
+10 (Data area)
+41 (Need not to be set)

Completion codes
0 The coordinates of the skip stop position for the controlled axes have been read normally.
4 Data specified for the data attribute is invalid because it is neither -1 nor a value from 1 to n (n is the
number of axes). Alternatively, the specified axis number is greater than the number of controlled

Onput data structure

(1) When read a specified axis.

Top Address +0 (Function code)


+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Axis number
(Same as input data)
+10 Skip coordinate of the controlled Signed binary
axis specified (A negative value is represented in 2's complement)
+13 (4 bytes)

- 587 -

(2) When read all axes. (ex. number of controlled axes is 3)

Top Address +0 (Function code)


+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)
(4bytes * 3axes)
+6 (Data number N)
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M) M=-1: All axes.
(Same as input data)
+10 Skip coordinate of the first axis Signed binary
(A negative value is represented in 2's complement)
(4 bytes)
+14 Skip coordinate of the second Signed binary
axis (A negative value is represented in 2's complement)

(4 bytes)
+18 Skip coordinate of the third axis Signed binary
(A negative value is represented in 2's complement)
+21 (4 bytes)

Output data unit

Increment system
Input system
mm, deg 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001
inch 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001 0.0000001

The reading position does not depend on the diameter or radius setting even
using the Diamiter and Radius Setting Switching function but depends only on
the setting of the CNC parameter No. 1006#3 (DIAx).

- 588 -

5.5.5 Reading the Servo Delay for Controlled Axes (High-speed

The servo delay, which is the difference between the specified coordinates of CNC-controlled axes and
the actual servo position, can be read.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)
(Need not to be set)
+6 (Data number N) N=0: Read with Input unit
Unit N=1: Read with Detection unit

+8 (Data attribute M) M=1 to n: Axis number

Axis number M=-1: All axes

+10 (Data area)

+n (Need not to be set)

Completion codes
0 The servo delay for the controlled axes have been read normally.
3 The data number is invalid.
4 The data specified as the data attribute is invalid because it is neither -1 nor a value from 1 to n (n is
the number of axes). Alternatively, the specified axis number is greater than the number of
controlled axes.

Output data structure

(1) When read a specified axis.

Top Address +0 (Function code)


+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Axis number
(Same as input data)
+10 Servo delay Signed binary format in 4 bytes length.

+13 (4 bytes)

- 589 -

(2) When read all axes. (ex. number of controlled axes is 3)

Top Address +0 (Function code)


+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)
(4bytes * 3axes)
+6 (Data number N)
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M) M=-1: All axes.
(Same as input data)
+10 Servo delay of 1st axis Signed binary format in 4 bytes length

(4 bytes)
+14 Servo delay of 2nd axis Signed binary format in 4 bytes length

(4 bytes)
+18 Servo delay of 3rd axis Signed binary format in 4 bytes length

+21 (4 bytes)

Output data unit

(1) In case of the data number N=0
Increment system
Input system
mm, deg 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001
inch 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001 0.0000001

(2) In case of the data number N=1

Detection unit

The reading position does not depend on the diameter or radius setting even
using the Diamiter and Radius Setting Switching function but depends only on
the setting of the CNC parameter No. 1006#3 (DIAx).

- 590 -

5.5.6 Reading the Acceleration/Deceleration Delay on Controlled

Axes (High-speed Response)
The acceleration/deceleration delay, which is the difference between the coordinates of controlled axes
programmed in the CNC and the position after acceleration/deceleration is performed, can be read.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)


+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)
(Need not to be set)
+6 (Data number N) N=0: Read with Input unit
Unit N=1: Read with Detection unit

+8 (Data attribute M) M=1 to n: Axis number

Axis number M=-1: All axes

+10 (Data area)

+n (Need not to be set)

Completion codes
0 The acceleration/deceleration delay for the control axis has been read normally.
3 The data number is invalid.
4 The data specified as the data attribute is invalid because it is neither -1 nor a value from 1 to n (n is
the number of axes). Alternatively, the specified axis number is greater than the number of
controlled axes.

Output data structure

(1) When read a specified axis.

Top Address +0 (Function code)


+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Axis number
(Same as input data)
+10 Acc./Dec. delay Signed binary format in 4 bytes length.

+13 (4 bytes)

- 591 -

(2) When read all axes. (ex. number of controlled axes is 3)

Top Address +0 (Function code)


+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)
(4bytes * 3axes)
+6 (Data number N)
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M) M=-1: All axes.
(Same as input data)
+10 ACC./Dec. delay of 1st axis Signed binary format in 4 bytes length

(4 bytes)
+14 ACC./Dec. delay of 2nd axis Signed binary format in 4 bytes length

(4 bytes)
+18 ACC./Dec. delay of 3rd axis Signed binary format in 4 bytes length

+21 (4 bytes)

Output data unit

(1) In case of the data number N=0
Increment system
Input system
mm, deg 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001
inch 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001 0.0000001

(2) In case of the data number N=1

Detection unit

The reading position does not depend on the diameter or radius setting even
using the Diamiter and Radius Setting Switching function but depends only on
the setting of the CNC parameter No. 1006#3 (DIAx).

- 592 -

5.5.7 Reading the Feed Motor Load Current Value (A/D Conversion
Data) (High-speed Response)
The digital value converted from the load current of the CNC-controlled axis can be read.

The load current value of Cs-axis can not be read.
If you want to know a load information of Cs-axis, please use the function code
No.153 (Reading load information of the spindle motor).

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)
(Need not to be set)
+6 (Data number N) Type of analog voltage
2 N=2: Load information for the CNC-controlled axes.

+8 (Data attribute M) M=1 to n ('n' is maximum axis number)

Axis number

+10 (Data area)

(Need not to be set)

(a) Type of analog voltage (data number)

N Type of analog voltage
0 (reserved)
2 Load information for the CNC-controlled axes

There is no general-purpose analog input on 0i-D / 0i Mate-D. If you need such a
function, use the I/O Link analog input module.

(b) Specifying a CNC-controlled axis (data attribute)

Specify a CNC-controlled axis number for which the voltage conversion data for the load current is
to be read.

Completion codes
0 A/D conversion data has been read normally.
3 The data specified for the data number is invalid.
4 The data specified for the data attribute is invalid, or the specified axis number is greater than the
number of controlled axes.

- 593 -

Output data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Axis number
(Same as input data)
+10 A/D conversion data Binary number from 0 to +/-6554

+11 (2 bytes)

(a) A/D conversion data (AD) of CNC controlled axis load information
The load current for the specified CNC controlled axis is converted into analog voltage, the input to
the A/D converter to output a digital data.
The value actually set in the AD field is obtained from the following formula:

(AD) × N = Load current [Apeak]


AD = A/D conversion data [Value read by the window function (±)]

N = Nominal current limit for the amplifier corresponding to the motor
For the nominal current limits, see the table below or the descriptions of the control motor.

For the nominal current limits, see the descriptions of the control motor.

- 594 -

5.5.8 Reading the Actual Spindle Speed (High-speed Response)

The actual speed of the spindle can be read from the CNC.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)
(Need not to be set)
+6 (Data number N) Set 0 to this field.

+8 (Data attribute M) Set 0 to this field.


+10 (Data area)

+41 (Need not to be set)

Completion codes
0 The actual speed of the spindle has been read normally.

Output data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
(Same as input data)
+10 Actual spindle speed Unsigned binary
<Data unit>
+13 1/min

- 595 -

5.5.9 Reading the Relative Position on a Controlled Axis (High-

speed Response)
The relative coordinates of the machine moving along an axis controlled by the CNC can be read.
According to the setting of NC parameter No.3104#4 (DRL) and No.3104#5(DRC), the relative
coordinates can be read. The values are the same as values displayed in the screen

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)
(Need not to be set)
+6 (Data number N) Set 0 to this field.

+8 (Data attribute M) M=1 to n: Reads the relative coordinates of each

Axis number axis.
(n is an axis No.)
M=-1: Reads the relative coordinates of all axes
+10 (Data area)
+41 (Need not to be set)

Completion codes
0 The relative coordinates on the controlled axis have been read normally.
4 The specified data attribute is invalid. That is, a value other than -1 and 1 to n (number of axes) was
specified, or the specified axis No. was greater than the number of controlled axes.

Output data structure

(1) When read a specified axis.

Top Address +0 (Function code)


+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Axis number
(Same as input data)
+10 Relative coordinates on the Signed binary
specified controlled axis (A negative value is represented in 2's complement)
+13 (4 bytes)

- 596 -
(2) When read all axes. (ex. number of controlled axes is 3)

Top Address +0 (Function code)


+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)
(4bytes * 3axes)
+6 (Data number N)
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M) M=-1: All axes.
(Same as input data)
+10 Relative coordinates on the first Signed binary
axis (A negative value is represented in 2's complement)
(4 bytes)
+14 Relative coordinates on the Signed binary
second axis (A negative value is represented in 2's complement)
(4 bytes)
+18 Relative coordinates on the third Signed binary
axis (A negative value is represented in 2's complement)
+21 (4 bytes)

Output data unit

Increment system
Input system
mm, deg 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001
inch 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001 0.0000001

The reading position does not depend on the diameter or radius setting even
using the Diamiter and Radius Setting Switching function but depends only on
the setting of the CNC parameter No. 1006#3 (DIAx).

- 597 -

5.5.10 Reading the Remaining Travel (High-speed Response)

The remaining travel of the machine along an axis controlled by the CNC can be read. The unit of the
read data is different whether the move command setting of the axis is radius specification or diameter
specification. When the move command setting of the axis is radius specification, the CNC parameter
No.1006#3 is “0”, the read data is double of the data that is displayed on a CNC position screen. When
the move command setting of the axis is diameter specification, the CNC parameter No.1006#3 is “1”, the
read data is the same as the data that is displayed on a CNC position screen.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)
(Need not to be set)
+6 (Data number N) Set 0 to this field.

+8 (Data attribute M) M=1 to n: Reads the remaining travel along each

Axis number axis.
(n is an axis No.)
M=-1: Reads the remaining travel along all axes
+10 (Data area)
+41 (Need not to be set)

Completion codes
0 The remaining travel along the controlled axis has been read normally.
4 The specified data attribute is invalid. That is, a value other than -1 and 1 to n (number of axes) was
specified, or the specified axis No. was greater than the number of controlled axes.

Output data structure

(1) When read a specified axis.

Top Address +0 (Function code)


+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Axis number
(Same as input data)
+10 Remaining travel along the Signed binary
specified controlled axis (A negative value is represented in 2's complement)
+13 (4 bytes)

- 598 -
(2) When read all axes. (ex. number of controlled axes is 3)

Top Address +0 (Function code)


+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)
(4bytes * 3axes)
+6 (Data number N)
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M) M=-1: All axes.
(Same as input data)
+10 Remaining travel along the first Signed binary
axis (A negative value is represented in 2's complement)
(4 bytes)
+14 Remaining travel along the Signed binary
second axis (A negative value is represented in 2's complement)
(4 bytes)
+18 Remaining travel along the third Signed binary
axis (A negative value is represented in 2's complement)
+21 (4 bytes)

Output data unit

Setting of move command Input Increment system
(CNC parameter 1006#3) system IS-A IS-B IS-C IS-D ID-E
Radius specification mm deg 0.005 0.0005 0.00005 0.000005 0.0000005
(1006#3=0) inch 0.0005 0.00005 0.000005 0.0000005 0.00000005
Diameter specification mm deg 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001
(1006#3=1) inch 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001 0.0000001

The reading position does not depend on the diameter or radius setting even
using the Diamiter and Radius Setting Switching function but depends only on
the setting of the CNC parameter No. 1006#3 (DIAx).

- 599 -

5.5.11 Reading the Actual Velocity of each Controlled Axis (High-

speed Response)
The actual velocity of each controlled axis can be read.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)
(Need not to be set)
+6 (Data number N) Set 0 to this field.

+8 (Data attribute M) M=1 to n: Reads the actual velocity of each

Axis number controlled axis. (n is an axis No.)
M=-1: Reads the actual velocity of all controlled
+10 (Data area)
+41 (Need not to be set)

Completion codes
0 The actual velocity of the each controlled axis has been read normally.
4 The specified data attribute is invalid. That is, a value other than −1 and 1 to n (number of axes) was
specified, or the specified axis No. was greater than the number of controlled axes.

Output data structure

(1) When read a specified axis.

Top Address +0 (Function code)


+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Axis number
(Same as input data)
+10 Actual velocity of each controlled Unsigned binary(A negative value is represented in
axes 2's complement)
+13 (4 bytes)

- 600 -
(2) When read all axes. (ex. number of controlled axes is 3)

Top Address +0 (Function code)


+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)
(4bytes * 3axes)
+6 (Data number N)
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M) M=-1: All axes.
(Same as input data)
+10 Actual velocity of first axis Unsigned binary
(A negative value is represented in 2's complement)
(4 bytes)
+14 Actual velocity of second axis Unsigned binary
(A negative value is represented in 2's complement)
(4 bytes)
+18 Actual velocity of third axis Unsigned binary
(A negative value is represented in 2's complement)
+21 (4 bytes)

Output data unit

Increment system Data Increment
mm 1mm/min, 1deg/min
inch 0.01mm/min, 0.01deg/min

- 601 -

5.5.12 Reading Actual Spindle Speeds (High-speed Response)

(1) Actual spindle speed
This function reads the actual speed of the serial spindles.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)
(Need not to be set)
+6 (Data number N) Set 0 to this field.

+8 (Data attribute M) M=1 to n: Read spindles on each axis. (n is the

Spindle number spindle number)
M=-1: Read spindles on No.1 and No.2 axes
M=-2: Read spindles on No.1 to No.3 axes
M=-3: Read spindles on No.1 to No.4 axes
+10 (Data area)
(Need not to be set)

Completion codes
0 The actual spindle speed was read successfully.
4 The spindle speed in 'Data Attribute' has wrong values, that is, a value outside of the range -1 to -(n -
1) or 1 to n (n: number of spindles).

Output data structure

(1) When read a specified spindle.

Top Address +0 (Function code)


+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Spindle number
(Same as input data)
+10 Actual speed of specified spindle Signed binary
<Data unit>
+13 (4bytes) 1/min

- 602 -
(2) When read multiple spindles. (ex. 3 spindles)

Top Address +0 (Function code)


+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)
(4bytes * 3spindles)
+6 (Data number N)
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M) M=-2: Read spindles on No.1 to No.3 axes.
(Same as input data)
+10 Actual speed of No.1 spindle Signed binary
<Data unit>
(4 bytes) 1/min
+14 Actual speed of No.2 spindle Signed binary
<Data unit>
(4 bytes) 1/min
+18 Actual speed of No.3 spindle Signed binary
<Data unit>
+21 (4 bytes) 1/min

(2) Position coder-less actual spindle speed

This function reads the actual spindle speed (position coder-less actual spindle speed) obtained by
calculating the spindle motor speed of the serial spindles.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)
(Need not to be set)
+6 (Data number N) Set 0 to this field.

+8 (Data attribute M) M=11 to (10 + n): Read spindles on each axis. (n is

Spindle number(+10) the spindle number)
M=-11: Read spindles on No.1 and No.2 axes
M=-12: Read spindles on No.1 to No.3 axes
M=-13: Read spindles on No.1 to No.4 axes
+10 (Data area)
(Need not to be set)

Completion codes
0 The actual spindle speed was read successfully.
4 The spindle speed in 'Data Attribute' has wrong values, that is, a value outside of the range -11 to -(9
+ 1) or 11 to (10 + n) (n: number of spindles).

- 603 -

Output data structure

(1) When read a specified spindle.

Top Address +0 (Function code)


+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Spindle number(+10)
(Same as input data)
+10 Position coder-less actual Signed binary
spindle speed <Data unit>
+13 (4bytes) 1/min

(2) When read multiple spindles. (ex. 3 spindles)

Top Address +0 (Function code)


+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)
(4bytes * 3spindles)
+6 (Data number N)
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M) M=-12: Read spindles on No.1 to No.3 axes.
(Same as input data)
+10 Position coder-less actual No.1 Signed binary
spindle speed <Data unit>
(4bytes) 1/min
+14 Position coder-less actual No.2 Signed binary
spindle speed <Data unit>
(4bytes) 1/min
+18 Position coder-less actual No.3 Signed binary
spindle speed <Data unit>
+21 (4bytes) 1/min

- 604 -

5.5.13 Entering Torque Limit Data for the Digital Servo Motor (Low-
speed Response)
Torque limit values for the digital servo motor can be entered.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N) Set 0 to this field.


+8 (Data attribute M) M=1 to n: Axis No.

Axis number

+10 Torque limit data (2 byte) Unsigned binary

The high-order byte is <Unit : %>
+11 always set to 0 Values from 0 to 255 correspond to 0% to 100%

1 To use this function, you should set the CNC parameter No. 6286#0 to 1.
2 Calculate the torque limit data assuming that the value of CNC parameter
No.2060 is 100%. And, when using the standard parameter of servo motor, the
value of 100% means the maximum torque of it.

Completion codes
0: Torque limit data has been entered normally.
4: The specified data attribute is invalid. That is, a value other than 1 to n (number of axes) was
specified, or the specified axis No. was greater than the number of controlled axes.
113: The CNC status is that the writing data cannot be allowed. You should confirm that the CNC
parameter No. 6286#0 is set to 1.

- 605 -

Output data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)
(Same as input data)
+6 (Data number N)
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Axis number
(Same as input data)
+10 Torque limit data Unsigned binary
(2 byte) <Unit : %>
+11 (Same as input data) Values from 0 to 255 correspond to 0% to 100%

- 606 -

5.5.14 Reading Load Information of the Spindle Motor (Serial

Interface) (High-speed Response)
Load information of the serial spindle can be read.
The equation to normalize the load information is shown below

Load (%) = ×λ

L: Data read from the window

λ: The percentage of the maximum output of the motor to the continuous rated output of the motor
(When the maximum output is 180% and the continuous rated output is 100%, the percentage is

The "λ" is equal to the value of parameter No. 4127.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)
(Need not to be set)
+6 (Data number N) N=0: Read the load of the No.1 spindle
Spindle number N=1: Read the load of the No.2 spindle
N=2: Read the load of the No.3 spindle
N=3: Read the load of the No.4 spindle
N=-1: Read the loads of the No.1 and No.2 spindle
N=-2: Read the loads of the No.1 to No.3 spindles
N=-3: Read the loads of the No.1 to No.4 spindles
+8 (Data attribute M) Set 0 to this field.

+10 (Data area)

+41 (Need not to be set)

Completion codes
0 Load information of the serial spindle has been read normally.

- 607 -

Output data structure

(1) When read a specified spindle.

Top Address +0 (Function code)


+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
Spindle number
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
(Same as input data)
+10 Load information of the serial Unsigned binary, 2 bytes long

(2) When read multiple spindles. (ex. 3 spindles)

Top Address +0 (Function code)


+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)
(2bytes * 3spindles)
+6 (Data number N) N=-2: Read the loads of the No.1 to No.3 spindles
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
(Same as input data)
+10 Load information of the 1st serial Unsigned binary, 2 bytes long

+12 Load information of the 2nd Unsigned binary, 2 bytes long

serial spindle

+14 Load information of the 3rd serial Unsigned binary, 2 bytes long

- 608 -

5.5.15 Reading the Actual Speed of Servo Motor (High-speed

This function can read the following information of servo motor.
• Actual speed (rev / min)
• Thermal simulation data (OVC data)
• Torque command

(1) Reading the actual speed (Data number N = 11)

Reading the actual speed of servo motor.
The unit of the "Actual speed" are the "rev / min" for a rotary motor and the "cm / min" for a linear motor.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)
(Need not to be set)
+6 (Data number N) N=11: Actual speed (rev / min)

+8 (Data attribute M) M=1 to n: Axis number

Axis number M=-1: All axes

+10 (Data area)

(Need not to be set)

Completion codes
0 Normal completion
3 The data number is invalid.
4 The data attribute is invalid.

- 609 -

Output data structure

(1) When read a specified axis.

Top Address +0 (Function code)


+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Axis number
(Same as input data)
+10 Actual speed Signed binary format in 4 bytes length
Data unit: "rev / min" for a rotary motor, "cm / min" for
+13 (4 bytes) a linear motor

(2) When read all axes. (ex. number of controlled axes is 3)

Top Address +0 (Function code)


+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)
(4bytes * 3axes)
+6 (Data number N)
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M) M=-1: All axes.
(Same as input data)
+10 Actual speed for 1st axis Signed binary format in 4 bytes length
Data unit: "rev / min" for a rotary motor, "cm / min" for
(4 bytes) a linear motor
+14 Actual speed for 2nd axis Signed binary format in 4 bytes length
Data unit: "rev / min" for a rotary motor, "cm / min" for
(4 bytes) a linear motor
+18 Actual speed for 3rd axis Signed binary format in 4 bytes length
Data unit: "rev / min" for a rotary motor, "cm / min" for
+21 (4 bytes) a linear motor

- 610 -

(2) Reading the thermal simulation data (OVC data) (Data number N = 14)
Reading the thermal simulation data (OVC data) of servo motor.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)
(Need not to be set)
+6 (Data number N) N=14: Thermal simulation data (OVC data).

+8 (Data attribute M) M=1 to n: Axis number

Axis number M=-1: All axes

+10 (Data area)

(Need not to be set)

Completion codes
0 Normal completion
3 The data number is invalid.
4 The data attribute is invalid.

Output data structure

(1) When read a specified axis.

Top Address +0 (Function code)


+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Axis number
(Same as input data)
+10 Thermal simulation data Signed binary format in 2 bytes length
Data unit: %
(2 bytes) The OVC alarm will happen when this value is
+11 100 %.

- 611 -

(2) When read all axes. (ex. number of controlled axes is 3)

Top Address +0 (Function code)


+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)
(2bytes * 3axes)
+6 (Data number N)
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M) M=-1: All axes.
(Same as input data)
+10 Thermal simulation data for 1st Signed binary format in 2 bytes length
axis Data unit: %
(2 bytes) The OVC alarm will happen when this value is
100 %.
+12 Thermal simulation data for 2nd Signed binary format in 2 bytes length
axis Data unit: %
(2 bytes) The OVC alarm will happen when this value is
100 %.
+14 Thermal simulation data for 3rd Signed binary format in 2 bytes length
axis Data unit: %
(2 bytes) The OVC alarm will happen when this value is
+15 100 %.

- 612 -

(3) Reading the torque command (Data number N = 15)

Reading the torque command of servo motor.
The read "Torque command" is normalized from -6554 to 6554. The value 6554 corresponds to the
maximum current of servo amplifier.
Applying the following formula to this value, you can determine the ratio of the torque command to the
maximum current of amplifier.
Ratio (%) = [data] * 100 / 6554
Applying the following formula, you can also determine the torque command (Apeak).
Torque command (Apeak) = [data] * [maximum current of amplifier] / 6554

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)
(Need not to be set)
+6 (Data number N) N=15: Torque command.

+8 (Data attribute M) M=1 to n: Axis number

Axis number M=-1: All axes

+10 (Data area)

(Need not to be set)

Completion codes
0 Normal completion
3 The data number is invalid.
4 The data attribute is invalid.

Output data structure

(1) When read a specified axis.

Top Address +0 (Function code)


+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Axis number
(Same as input data)
+10 Torque command Signed binary format in 2 bytes length
Data: This data is nomalized from -6554 to 6554.
+11 (2 bytes)

- 613 -

(2) When read all axes. (ex. number of controlled axes is 3)

Top Address +0 (Function code)


+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)
(2bytes * 3axes)
+6 (Data number N)
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M) M=-1: All axes.

+10 Torque command for 1st axis Signed binary format in 2 bytes length
Data: This data is nomalized from -6554 to 6554.
(2 bytes)
+12 Torque command for 2nd axis Signed binary format in 2 bytes length
Data: This data is nomalized from -6554 to 6554.
(2 bytes)
+14 Torque command for 3rd axis Signed binary format in 2 bytes length
Data: This data is nomalized from -6554 to 6554.
+15 (2 bytes)

- 614 -

5.5.16 Reading the Estimate Disturbance Torque Data (High-speed

Using the abnormal load detection function, the CNC constantly calculates an estimated load torque.
Enabling the estimated load torque output function makes you able to read the data by using this function.

The abnormal load detection function option is required. For detailed settings of
parameters and so forth, refer to the description of abnormal load detection in
the Connection Manual (Function).

(1) Servo axis (Data number N = 0)

This function can read the estimate disturbance torque data. The estimate disturbance torque data is the
load current data except a necessary current data for acceleration / deceleration of the servo motor. This
read value is normalized from –7282 to 7282. The value 7282 corresponds to the maximum current of
servo amplifier.
Applying the following formula to this value, you can determine the ratio of the estimate disturbance
current to the maximum current of amplifier.
Ratio (%) = [data] * 100 / 7282
Applying the following formula, you can also determine the estimate disturbance current (Apeak).
Estimate disturbance current (Apeak) = [data] * N / 7282
The value of N is following.

Parameter No.2165 N
less than 20 The value of No.2165
20 or more The value that is rounded down below the one's digit of the value of No.2165

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)
(Need not to be set)
+6 (Data number N) Set 0 to this field.

+8 (Data attribute M) M=1 to n: Estimate disturbance torque data for

Axis number specific axis. ("n" is the axis number)
M=-1: Estimate disturbance torque data for all axes.
+10 (Data area)
(Need not to be set)

Completion codes
0 The estimate disturbance torque data have been read normally.
4 The data specified as the data attribute is invalid because it is neither -1 nor a value from 1 to n (n is
the number of axes). Alternatively, the specified axis number is greater than the number of
controlled axes.

- 615 -

Output data structure

(1) When read a specified axis.

Top Address +0 (Function code)


+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Axis number
(Same as input data)
+10 Estimate disturbance torque data (A negative value is represented in 2's complement)
for the controlled axis specified
+11 (2 bytes)

(2) When read all axes. (ex. number of controlled axes is 3)

Top Address +0 (Function code)


+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)
(2bytes * 3axes)
+6 (Data number N)
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M) M=-1: All axes.
(Same as input data)
+10 Estimate disturbance torque data Signed binary(A negative value is represented in 2's
for first axis complement)
(2 bytes)
+12 Estimate disturbance torque data Signed binary(A negative value is represented in 2's
for second axis complement)
(2 bytes)
+14 Estimate disturbance torque data Signed binary(A negative value is represented in 2's
for third axis complement)
+15 (2 bytes)

- 616 -

(2) Spindle axis (Data number N = 1)

This function can read the estimate disturbance torque data. The estimate disturbance torque data is the
load torque data except a necessary torque data for acceleration / deceleration of the spindle motor. This
read value is normalized from –16384 to 16384. The value 16384 corresponds to the maximum torque of
spindle motor.
Applying the following formula to this value, you can determine the ratio of the estimate disturbance
torque to the maximum torque of the spindle motor.
Ratio (%) = [data] * 100 / 16384
Applying the following formula, you can also determine the estimate disturbance torque (Nm). About the
30-min rated torque, refer to the specification document of the motor.
Estimate disturbance torque (Nm) = [data] * N / 16384
N = [The 30-min rated torque of the motor] * 1.2(In case of a SPINDLE MOTOR αi series.)

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)
(Need not to be set)
+6 (Data number N)

+8 (Data attribute M) M=1 to n: Read the load of each spindle (n is the

Spindle number spindle number)
M=-1: Read the loads of the No.1 and No.2 spindles
M=-2: Read the loads of the No.1 to No.3 spindles
M=-3: Read the loads of the No.1 to No.4 spindles
+10 (Data area)
(Need not to be set)

Completion codes
0 The estimate disturbance torque data have been read normally.
4 The data specified as the data attribute is invalid because it is neither a value from -1 to -(n-1) nor a
value from 1 to n (n is the number of axes). Alternatively, the specified axis number is greater than
the number of controlled axes.

- 617 -

Output data structure

(1) When read a specified spindle.

Top Address +0 (Function code)


+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Spindle number
(Same as input data)
+10 Estimate disturbance torque data Signed binary
for the controlled axis specified (A negative value is represented in 2's complement)
+11 (2 bytes)

(2) When read multiple spindles. (ex. 3 spindles)

Top Address +0 (Function code)


+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)
(2bytes * 3spindles)
+6 (Data number N)
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M) -2: Read the loads of the No.1 to No.3 spindles
(Same as input data)
+10 Estimate disturbance torque data Signed binary
for first axis (A negative value is represented in 2's complement)
(2 bytes)
+12 Estimate disturbance torque data Signed binary
for second axis (A negative value is represented in 2's complement)
(2 bytes)
+14 Estimate disturbance torque data Signed binary
for third axis (A negative value is represented in 2's complement)
+15 (2 bytes)

- 618 -

5.5.17 Presetting the Relative Coordinate (Low-speed Response)

The preset data is set to the relative coordinate controlled by CNC. If 0 is set as preset data it becomes to
But it is impossible to write the value of preset data to the transferring axis. In the case of the preset of
relative coordinate of all axes is executed by using this function, if only one axis is transferring, the preset
of relative coordinate cannot be executed, neither.

Input data structure

(1) When write a specified axis.

Top Address +0 (Function code)


+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N) Set 0 to this field.


+8 (Data attribute M) M=1 to n: Write data on each (n is the axis number)

Axis number

+10 Value of relative coordinate for Signed binary

the controlled axis specified (A negative value is represented in 2's complement)
+13 (4 bytes)

(2) When write all axes. (ex. number of controlled axes is 3)

Top Address +0 (Function code)


+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)
(4bytes * 3axes)
+6 (Data number N) Set 0 to this field.

+8 (Data attribute M) M=-1: All axes.


+10 Value of relative coordinate for Signed binary

the first axis (A negative value is represented in 2's complement)
(4 bytes)
+14 Value of relative coordinate for Signed binary
the second axis (A negative value is represented in 2's complement)
(4 bytes)
+18 Value of relative coordinate for Signed binary
the third axis (A negative value is represented in 2's complement)
+21 (4 bytes)

- 619 -

Input data unit

Increment system
Input system
mm, deg 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001
Machining center system
inch 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001 0.0000001
Radius specification 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001
mm, deg
Diameter specification 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001
Lathe system
Radius specification 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001 0.0000001
Diameter specification 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001 0.0000001

Completion codes
0 Success to set the value of relative coordinate.
4 Data specified for the data attribute is invalid because it is neither -1 nor a value from 1 to n (n is the
number of axes). Alternatively, the specified axis number is greater than the number of controlled
5 Relative coordinate is out of range.

Output data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)

(Same as input data)

+6 (Data number N)
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Axis number
(Same as input data)
+10 Value of relative coordinate

(4*n bytes)

- 620 -

5.5.18 Reading the Actual Machine Position of Controlled Axes

You can read the machine position (coordinates) using this function.
The position is read in the machine unit, independently of input unit.
When you set 1 to the data number, you can read the machine position that servo delay and
acceleration/deceleration delay is applied.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)
(Need not to be set)
+6 (Data number N) 0 : Machine position taht servo delay and
Data type acceleration/deceleration delay is not applied.
1 : Machine position taht servo delay and
acceleration/deceleration delay is applied.
+8 (Data attribute M) 1 to n (n is the number of axes in the CNC-path) :
Axis number Reads the value of a specified axis.
-1 : Reads the value of all axes in the CNC-path.
+10 (Data area)
(Need not to be set)

Completion codes
0 The machine position was read successfully.
3 The data specified as the data number is invalid.
4 The data specified as the data attribute is invalid because it is neither -1 nor a value from 1 to n (n is
the number of axes). Alternatively, the specified axis number is greater than the number of
controlled axes.
13 CNC is busy.

Output data structure

(1) When read a specified axis.

Top Address +0 (Function code)


+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
Data type
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Axis number
(Same as input data)
+10 Machine position Signed binary format in 4 bytes length.

+13 (4 bytes)

- 621 -

(2) When read all axes. (ex. number of controlled axes is 3)

Top Address +0 (Function code)


+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)
(4bytes * 3axes)
+6 (Data number N)
Data type
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M) M=-1: All axes.
(Same as input data)
+10 Machine position of 1st axis Signed binary format in 4 bytes length

(4 bytes)
+14 Machine position of 2nd axis Signed binary format in 4 bytes length

(4 bytes)
+18 Machine position of 3rd axis Signed binary format in 4 bytes length

+21 (4 bytes)

Output data unit

Increment system
Machine system
mm, deg 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001
inch 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001 0.0000001

The position is read in the machine unit, independently of input system.
Therefore, the read value differs from the position on CNC screen when
displaying machine coordinates on the ACTUAL POSITION screen with input
system (CNC parameter No.3104#0=1) on a machine that has difference unit of
input and output system.

1 The reading position does not depend on the diameter or radius setting even
using the Diamiter and Radius Setting Switching function but depends only on
the setting of the CNC parameter No. 1006#3 (DIAx).
2 To read a machine position that servo delay and acceleration/deceleration delay
is applied, set 1 to the CNC parameter No.11313#7.
3 When reading a machine position without servo delay and
acceleration/deceleration delay, the update cycle of the machine position
becomes faster by setting 1 to the CNC parameter No. 11300#5 (MPH). You
should apply this setting only if necessary because this setting may lower the
performance of CNC a little.

- 622 -


5.6.1 Reading The Tool Life Management Data

(Tool Group Number) (High-speed Response)
This function reads the tool group number in which the specified tool number is registered.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)
(Need not to be set)
+6 (Data number N) Set 0 to this field.

+8 (Data attribute M)
Tool No.

+10 (Data area)

+137 (MAX) (Need not to be set)

1 When the tool number is set to "0", the tool group number of the currently used
tool is read. If a tool group number is not specified after the power is turned ON,
tool group number "0" is read.
2 If the same tool belongs to two or more tool groups, 32 tool groups can be read
in the maximum. In this case, 128 bytes are required as the data area in the

Completion codes
0 The tool group number is read successfully.
4 The tool number in 'Data Attribute' has a wrong value.
5 The tool number is not registered.
6 The tool life management option has not been added on.

- 623 -

Output data structure

(1) When the specified tool is registered in only one group.

Top Address +0 (Function code)


+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Tool No.
(Same as input data)
+10 Tool group No. Unsigned binary

+13 (4 bytes)

(2) When the specified tool is registered in multiple groups. (ex. number of registered grou is 3)

Top Address +0 (Function code)


+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L) 'n' is the number of tool groups to which the specified
12 tool belongs
(4bytes * n)
+6 (Data number N)
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Tool No.
(Same as input data)
+10 Tool group No. Unsigned binary

(4 bytes)
+14 Tool group No. Unsigned binary

(4 bytes)
+18 Tool group No. Unsigned binary

+21 (4 bytes)

- 624 -

5.6.2 Reading Tool Life Management Data

(Number of Tool Groups) (High-speed Response)
This function reads the number of tool groups in the tool life management data.
The maximum number of pairs of tool life management data in whole CNC system is 256 pairs (or 1024
pairs when extended).
The number of pairs assigned to the path is set to CNC parameter No.6813. The number of tool groups
that can be registered varies depending on the setting of parameter No.6800#0(GS1) and
No.6800#1(GS2) of the CNC, as indicated in the following table.

Parameter 6800
GS2 GS1 Number of tool groups Tools per group
0 0 1/8 of Max. pairs (No.6813) 32
0 1 1/4 of Max. pairs (No.6813) 16
1 0 1/2 of Max. pairs (No.6813) 8
1 1 Max. pairs (No.6813) 4

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)
(Need not to be set)
+6 (Data number N) Set 0 to this field.

+8 (Data attribute M) Set 0 to this field.


+10 (Data area)

+41 (Need not to be set)

Completion codes
0 The number of tool group numbers has been read successfully.
6 No option for the tool life management.

- 625 -

Output data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
(Same as input data)
+10 Number of tool groups Unsigned binary

+13 (4 bytes)

- 626 -

5.6.3 Reading Tool Life Management Data

(Number of Tools) (High-speed Response)
This function reads the number of tools that belong to the tool group specified by tool group number,
from the tool life management data.
The number of tools that can be registered in each tool group varies depending on the setting of parameter
6800#0(GS1) and 6800#1(GS2) of the CNC, as indicated in the following table.

Parameter 6800
GS2 GS1 Number of tools in a tool group
0 0 1 to 32
0 1 1 to 16
1 0 1 to 8
1 1 1 to 4

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)
(Need not to be set)
+6 (Data number N)
Tool group number

+8 (Data attribute M) Set 0 to this field.


+10 (Data area)

+41 (Need not to be set)

Specifying "0" to the tool group number means the tool group that is currently
While no tool group is selected yet after power-on of CNC, "0" of the tool group
number results "0" of number of tools.

Completion codes
0 The number of tools has been read successfully.
3 The specified tool group number is incorrect.
6 No option for the tool life management.

- 627 -

Output data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
Tool group number
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
(Same as input data)
+10 Number of tools Unsigned binary

+13 (4 bytes)

- 628 -

5.6.4 Reading Tool Life Management Data (Tool Life)

(High-speed Response)
This function reads the tool life value of the tool group specified by tool group number, from the tool life
management data.
You can choose the method to manage tool lives by period of machining time or by the count of
machining cycles for each tool group.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)
(Need not to be set)
+6 (Data number N)
Tool group number

+8 (Data attribute M) Set 0 to this field.


+10 (Data area)

+41 (Need not to be set)

Specifying "0" to the tool group number means the tool group that is currently
While no tool group is selected yet after power-on of CNC, "0" of the tool group
number results "0" of tool life value.

Completion codes
0 The tool life has been read successfully.
3 The specified tool group number is incorrect.
6 No option for the tool life management.

- 629 -

Output data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
Tool group number
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
(Same as input data)
+10 Tool life Unsigned binary
Time or number or cycles
+13 (4 bytes)

In case the tool group chooses machining time to manage the lives of the tools, CNC parameter
No.6805#0(FCO) determines the unit of the return value as below.

FCO Unit
0 1 minute
1 0.1 minute

- 630 -

5.6.5 Reading Tool Life Management Data (Tool Life Counter)

(High-speed Response)
This function reads the tool life counter of the tool group specified by tool group number, from the tool
life management data.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)
(Need not to be set)
+6 (Data number N)
Tool group number

+8 (Data attribute M) Set 0 to this field.


+10 (Data area)

+41 (Need not to be set)

Specifying "0" to the tool group number means the tool group that is currently
While no tool group is selected yet after power-on of CNC, "0" of the tool group
number results "0" of tool life counter.

Completion codes
0 The tool life has been read successfully.
3 The specified tool group number is incorrect.
6 No option for the tool life management.

- 631 -

Output data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
Tool group number
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
(Same as input data)
+10 Tool life counter Unsigned binary
Time or number or cycles
+13 (4 bytes)

In case the tool group chooses machining time to manage the lives of the tools, CNC parameter
No.6805#0(FCO) determines the unit of the return value as below.

FCO Unit
0 1 minute
1 0.1 minute

- 632 -

5.6.6 Reading Tool Life Management Data

(Tool Length Compensation Number (1): Tool Number)
(High-speed Response)
This function reads the tool length compensation number of the tool specified by tool group number and
tool number, from the tool life management data.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)
(Need not to be set)
+6 (Data number N)
Tool group number

+8 (Data attribute M)
Tool number

+10 (Data area)

+41 (Need not to be set)

Specifying "0" to the tool group number means the tool group that is currently
selected, and "0" to the tool number means the tool that is currently used in the
While no tool group is selected yet after power-on of CNC, specifying the current
tool of the current group results "0" of tool length compensation number.

Completion codes
0 The tool length compensation number has been read successfully.
3 The specified tool group number is incorrect.
4 The specified tool number is incorrect.
5 The specified tool number is not found in the specified tool group.
6 No option for the tool life management.

- 633 -

Output data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
Tool group number
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Tool number
(Same as input data)
+10 Tool length compensation Unsigned binary
(4 bytes)

- 634 -

5.6.7 Reading Tool Life Management Data (Tool Length

Compensation Number (2): Tool Order Number)
(High-speed Response)
This function reads the tool length compensation number of the tool specified by tool group number and
tool order number, from the tool life management data.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)
(Need not to be set)
+6 (Data number N)
Tool group number

+8 (Data attribute M)
Tool order number

+10 (Data area)

+41 (Need not to be set)

Specifying "0" to the tool group number means the tool group that is currently
selected. While no tool group is selected yet after power-on of CNC, specifying
the current group results "0" of tool length compensation number.
Specifying "0" to the tool order number means the tool that is currently used. If
the tool group has not ever been selected, tool order number "0" means the first
tool in the group instead.

Completion codes
0 The tool length compensation number has been read successfully.
3 The specified tool group number is incorrect.
4 The specified tool order number is incorrect.
5 The specified tool group has no tool in the specified tool order position.
6 No option for the tool life management.

- 635 -

Output data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
Tool group number
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Tool order number
(Same as input data)
+10 Tool length compensation Unsigned binary
(4 bytes)

- 636 -

5.6.8 Reading Tool Life Management Data (Cutter Radius

Compensation Number (1): Tool Number)
(High-speed Response)
This function reads the cutter radius compensation number of the tool specified by tool group number and
tool number, from the tool life management data.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)
(Need not to be set)
+6 (Data number N)
Tool group number

+8 (Data attribute M)
Tool number

+10 (Data area)

+41 (Need not to be set)

Specifying "0" to the tool group number means the tool group that is currently
selected, and "0" to the tool number means the tool that is currently used in the
While no tool group is selected yet after power-on of CNC, specifying the current
tool of the current group results "0" of cutter radius compensation number.

Completion codes
0 The cutter radius compensation number has been read successfully.
3 The specified tool group number is incorrect.
4 The specified tool number is incorrect.
5 The specified tool number was not found in the specified tool group.
6 No option for the tool life management.

- 637 -

Output data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
Tool group number
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Tool number
(Same as input data)
+10 Cutter compensation number Unsigned binary

+13 (4 bytes)

- 638 -

5.6.9 Reading Tool Life Management Data (Cutter Radius

Compensation Number (2): Tool Order Number)
(High-speed Response)
This function reads the cutter radius compensation number of the tool specified by tool group number and
tool order number, from the tool life management data.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)
(Need not to be set)
+6 (Data number N)
Tool group number

+8 (Data attribute M)
Tool order number

+10 (Data area)

+41 (Need not to be set)

If 0 is specified for the tool group number, the tool group currently used is
referred. In this case, if any tool group has not been used since the power to the
CNC was turned on, 0 is read.
When 0 is specified for the tool order number, the data of the current tool in the
tool group is read if the group has already been used, or the data of the first tool
in the group is read if the group has not ever used.

Completion codes
0 The cutter radius compensation number has been read successfully.
3 The specified tool group number is incorrect.
4 The specified tool order number is incorrect.
5 The specified tool group has no tool in the specified tool order position.
6 No option for the tool life management.

- 639 -

Output data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
Tool group number
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Tool order number
(Same as input data)
+10 Cutter compensation number Unsigned binary

+13 (4 bytes)

- 640 -

5.6.10 Reading Tool Life Management Data

(Tool Information (1): Tool Number) (High-speed Response)
This function reads the status information of the tool specified by tool group number and tool number,
from the tool life management data.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)
(Need not to be set)
+6 (Data number N)
Tool group number

+8 (Data attribute M)
Tool number

+10 (Data area)

+41 (Need not to be set)

Specifying "0" to the tool group number means the tool group that is currently
selected, and "0" to the tool number means the tool that is currently used in the
While no tool group is selected yet after power-on of CNC, specifying the current
tool of the current group results "0" of tool status information.

Completion codes
0 The tool status information has been read successfully.
3 The specified tool group number is incorrect.
4 The specified tool number is incorrect.
5 The specified tool number was not found in the specified tool group.
6 No option for the tool life management.

- 641 -

Output data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
Tool group number
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Tool number
(Same as input data)
+10 Tool status information 0: See "CAUTION" on the previous page.
(4 bytes) 1: The tool is registered.
2: The tool has reached the end of its life.
3: The tool was skipped.
+13 The three high-order bytes are fixed to 0.

- 642 -

5.6.11 Reading Tool Life Management Data

(Tool Information (2): Tool Order Number)
(High-speed Response)
This function reads the status information of the tool specified by tool group number and tool order
number, from the tool life management data.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)
(Need not to be set)
+6 (Data number N)
Tool group number

+8 (Data attribute M)
Tool order number

+10 (Data area)

+41 (Need not to be set)

Specifying "0" to the tool group number means the tool group that is currently
selected. While no tool group is selected yet after power-on of CNC, specifying
the current group results "0" of tool status information.
Specifying "0" to the tool order number means the tool that is currently used. If
the tool group has not ever been selected, tool order number "0" means the first
tool in the group instead.

Completion codes
0 The tool status information has been read successfully.
3 The specified tool group number is incorrect.
4 The specified tool order number is incorrect.
5 The specified tool group has no tool in the specified tool order position.
6 No option for the tool life management.

- 643 -

Output data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
Tool group number
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Tool order number
(Same as input data)
+10 Tool status information 0: See "CAUTION" on the previous page.
(4 bytes) 1: The tool is registered.
2: The tool has reached the end of its life.
3: The tool was skipped.
+13 The three high-order bytes are fixed to 0.

- 644 -

5.6.12 Reading Tool Life Management Data (Tool Number)

(High-speed Response)
This function reads the tool number of the tool specified by tool group number and tool order number,
from the tool life management data.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)
(Need not to be set)
+6 (Data number N)
Tool group number

+8 (Data attribute M)
Tool order number

+10 (Data area)

+41 (Need not to be set)

Specifying "0" to the tool group number means the tool group that is currently
selected. While no tool group is selected yet after power-on of CNC, specifying
the current group results "0" of tool number.
Specifying "0" to the tool order number means the tool that is currently used. If
the tool group has not ever been selected, tool order number "0" means the first
tool in the group instead.

Completion codes
0 The tool number has been read successfully.
3 The specified tool group number is incorrect.
4 The specified tool order number is incorrect.
5 The specified tool group has no tool in the specified tool order position.
6 No option for the tool life management.

- 645 -

Output data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
Tool group number
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Tool order number
(Same as input data)
+10 Tool number Unsigned binary

+13 (4 bytes)

- 646 -

5.6.13 Reading the Tool Life Management Data

(Tool Life Counter Type) (High-speed Response)
This function reads the tool life counter type of the tool group specified by tool group number, from the
tool life management data.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)
(Need not to be set)
+6 (Data number N)
Tool group number

+8 (Data attribute M) Set 0 to this field.


+10 (Data area)

+11 (Need not to be set)

Specifying "0" to the tool group number means the tool group that is currently
selected. While no tool group is selected yet after power-on of CNC, "0" of the
tool group number results "0" of tool life counter type.

Completion codes
0 The tool life counter type has been read successfully.
3 The specified tool group number is incorrect.
6 No option for Tool life management.

Output data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
Tool group number
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
(Same as input data)
+10 Tool life counter type 0: No counter type
1: Frequency
+11 (2 bytes) 2: Real time

- 647 -

5.6.14 Registering Tool Life Management Data (Tool Group)

(Low-speed Response)
This function registers a tool group in the tool life management data, with tool number, length of life and
tool life counter type.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N) Set 0 to this field.


+8 (Data attribute M)
Tool number

+10 Tool group number Unsigned binary

(2 bytes)
+12 Tool life counter type 1: Number of uses
2: Real time in minutes
(2 bytes)
+14 Tool life Unsigned binary
1-65535 times (Number of uses)
(4 bytes) 1-4300 minutes (Read time) Note


CNC parameter FCO(6805#0) decides the unit of tool life value of real time
counter type as follows:
6805#0 = 0 : 1 minute (1–4300)
6805#0 = 1 : 0.1 minute (1–43000)

Completion codes
0 Succeeded to register the tool group.
3 The specified tool group number is incorrect.
4 The tool number in 'Data attribute' has wrong value.
5 The length of tool life in 'Data area' is out of range.
6 No option for the tool life management.

- 648 -

Output data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)
(Same as input data)
+6 (Data number N)
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Tool number
(Same as input data)
+10 Tool group number
(2 bytes)
(Same as input data)
+12 Tool life counter type
(2 bytes)
(Same as input data)
+14 Length of Tool life
(4 bytes)
+17 (Same as input data)

- 649 -

5.6.15 Writing Tool Life Management Data (Tool Life)

(Low-speed Response)
This function sets the length of tool life of the specified tool group in the tool life management data.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
Tool group number

+8 (Data attribute M) Set 0 to this field.


+10 Tool life Unsigned binary

1-65535 times (Number of uses)
(4 bytes) 1-4300 minutes (Read time) Note


CNC parameter FCO(6805#0) decides the unit of tool life value of real time
counter type as follows:
6805#0 = 0 : 1 minute (1–4300)
6805#0 = 1 : 0.1 minute (1–43000)

Completion codes
0 Succeeded to set the length of tool life.
3 The specified tool group number is incorrect.
5 The length of tool life is out of range.
6 No option for the tool life management.
13 The data of the currently selected tool group or the next tool group cannot be rewritten. An attempt
was made to rewrite the data of the currently selected tool group or the next group.

- 650 -

Output data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)
(Same as input data)
+6 (Data number N)
Tool group number
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
(Same as input data)
+10 Length of Tool life
(4 bytes)
+13 (Same as input data)

- 651 -

5.6.16 Writing Tool Life Management Data (Tool Life Counter)

(Low-speed Response)
This function sets the tool life counter in the specified tool group in the tool life management data.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
Tool group number

+8 (Data attribute M) Set 0 to this field.


+10 Tool life counter Unsigned binary

1-65535 times (Number of uses)
(4 bytes) 1-4300 minutes (Read time) Note


CNC parameter FCO(6805#0) decides the unit of tool life value of real time
counter type as follows:
6805#0 = 0 : 1 minute (1–4300)
6805#0 = 1 : 0.1 minute (1–43000)

Completion codes
0 Succeeded to set the tool life counter.
3 The specified tool group number is incorrect.
5 The value for tool life counter is out of range.
6 No option for the tool life management.

- 652 -

Output data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)
(Same as input data)
+6 (Data number N)
Tool group number
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
(Same as input data)
+10 Length of Tool life
(4 bytes)
+13 (Same as input data)

- 653 -

5.6.17 Writing Tool Life Management Data (Tool Life Counter Type)
(Low-speed Response)
This function sets the tool life counter type of specified tool group in the tool life management data.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
Tool group number

+8 (Data attribute M) Set 0 to this field.


+10 Tool life counter type 1: Number of uses

2: Real time in minutes
+11 (2 bytes)

Completion codes
0 Succeeded to set the tool life counter type.
3 The specified tool group number is incorrect.
5 The value for tool life counter type is wrong.
6 No option for the tool life management.

Output data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)
(Same as input data)
+6 (Data number N)
Tool group number
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
(Same as input data)
+10 Tool life counter type
(2 bytes)
+11 (Same as input data)

- 654 -

5.6.18 Writing Tool Life Management Data (Tool Length

Compensation Number (1): Tool Number)
(Low-speed Response)
This function sets the tool length compensation number of the specified tool group in the tool life
management data.
Input data structure
Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
Tool group number

+8 (Data attribute M)
Tool number

+10 Tool length compensation Unsigned binary

number 1-255

+13 (4 bytes)

Completion codes
0 Succeeded to set the tool length compensation number.
3 The specified tool group number is incorrect.
4 The tool number in 'Data attribute' has wrong value.
5 The tool number is not found in the tool group.
6 No option for the tool life management.
Output data structure
Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)
(Same as input data)
+6 (Data number N)
Tool group number
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Tool number
(Same as input data)
+10 Tool length compensation
(4 bytes)
+13 (Same as input data)

The effective value for tool length compensation number depends on tool
compensation number available on CNC.
- 655 -

5.6.19 Writing Tool Life Management Data (Tool Length

Compensation Number (2): Tool Order Number)
(Low-speed Response)
This function sets the tool length compensation number of the tool of the specified tool order number in
the tool life management data.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
Tool group number

+8 (Data attribute M)
Tool order number

+10 Tool length compensation Unsigned binary

number 1-255

+13 (4 bytes)

Completion codes
0 Succeeded to set the tool length compensation number.
3 The specified tool group number is incorrect.
4 The tool order number is wrong.
6 No option for the tool life management.

Output data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)
(Same as input data)
+6 (Data number N)
Tool group number
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Tool order number
(Same as input data)
+10 Tool length compensation
(4 bytes)
+13 (Same as input data)

The effective value for tool length compensation number depends on tool
compensation number available on CNC.
- 656 -

5.6.20 Writing Tool Life Management Data (Cutter Radius

Compensation Number (1): Tool Number)
(Low-speed Response)
This function sets the cutter radius compensation number of the specified tool group in the tool life
management data.
Input data structure
Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
Tool group number

+8 (Data attribute M)
Tool number

+10 Cutter radius compensation Unsigned binary

number 1-255
+13 (4 bytes)

Completion codes
0 Succeeded to set the cutter radius compensation number.
3 The specified tool group number is incorrect.
4 The tool number in 'Data attribute' has wrong value.
5 The tool number is not found in the tool group.
6 No option for the tool life management.

Output data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)
(Same as input data)
+6 (Data number N)
Tool group number
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Tool number
(Same as input data)
+10 Cutter radius compensation
number (4 bytes)
+13 (Same as input data)

The effective value for Cutter radius compensation number depends on tool
compensation number available on CNC.
- 657 -

5.6.21 Writing Tool Life Management Data (Cutter Radius

Compensation Number (2): Tool Order Number)
(Low-speed Response)
This function sets the cutter radius compensation number of the tool of the specified tool order number in
the tool life management data.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
Tool group number

+8 (Data attribute M)
Tool order number

+10 Cutter radius compensation Unsigned binary

number 1-255
+13 (4 bytes)

Completion codes
0 Succeeded to set the cutter radius compensation number.
3 The specified tool group number is incorrect.
4 The tool order number is wrong.
6 No option for the tool life management.

Output data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)
(Same as input data)
+6 (Data number N)
Tool group number
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Tool order number
(Same as input data)
+10 Cutter radius compensation
number (4 bytes)
+13 (Same as input data)

The effective value for cutter radius compensation number depends on tool
compensation number available on CNC.

- 658 -

5.6.22 Writing the Tool Life Management Data

(Tool Information (1): Tool Number) (Low-speed Response)
This function sets the Tool condition of the specified Tool group in the Tool life management data.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
Tool group number

+8 (Data attribute M)
Tool number

+10 Tool information 1: Tool state clear

2: Tool state skip
+11 (2 bytes)

Completion codes
0 The tool information is written successfully.
3 The tool group number exceeds maximum number of registered groups.
4 The specified tool number is incorrect.
5 The specified tool number is not registered to the specified tool group.
6 The tool life management option has not been added on.

Output data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)
(Same as input data)
+6 (Data number N)
Tool group number
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Tool number
(Same as input data)
+10 Tool information
(2 bytes)
+11 (Same as input data)

- 659 -

This function changes tool condition as shown below.

Command Before call After call
Skip (#) Unused ( )
clear Skip (#) In use (@)
Expired (*) Unused ( )
Unused ( ) Skip (#)
skip In use (@) Skip (#)
Expired (*) Skip (#)

- 660 -

5.6.23 Writing the Tool Management Data

(Tool Information (2): Tool Order Number)
(Low-speed Response)
This function changes the status of the tool specified by tool group number and tool order number, in the
tool life management data.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
Tool group number

+8 (Data attribute M)
Tool order number

+10 Tool information 1: Tool state clear

2: Tool state skip
+11 (2 bytes)

Completion codes
0 The tool information has been set successfully.
3 The specified tool group number is incorrect.
4 The tool order number is incorrect.
6 No option for Tool life management.

Output data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)
(Same as input data)
+6 (Data number N)
Tool group number
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Tool order number
(Same as input data)
+10 Tool information
(2 bytes)
+11 (Same as input data)

- 661 -

This function changes tool condition as shown below.

Command Before call After call
Skip (#) Unused ( )
clear Skip (#) In use (@)
Expired (*) Unused ( )
Unused ( ) Skip (#)
skip In use (@) Skip (#)
Expired (*) Skip (#)

- 662 -

5.6.24 Writing Tool Life Management Data (Tool Number)

(Low-speed Response)
This function registers a tool to the specified tool group in the tool life management data.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
Tool group number

+8 (Data attribute M)
Tool order number

+10 Tool number Unsigned binary

+13 (4 bytes)

Completion codes
0 Succeeded to register the tool number.
3 The specified tool group number is incorrect.
4 The tool order number is wrong.
6 No option for the tool life management.

Output data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)
(Same as input data)
+6 (Data number N)
Tool group number
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Tool order number
(Same as input data)
+10 Tool number
(4 bytes)
+13 (Same as input data)

- 663 -

5.6.25 Reading The Tool Life Management Data

(Tool Group Number) (High-speed Response)
(8-digit Tool Number)
This function reads the tool group number in which the specified tool number is registered. This function
supports 8 digits tool number.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)
(Need not to be set)
+6 (Data number N) Set 0 to this field.

+8 (Data attribute M)
Tool number

+12 (Data area)

+139 (MAX) (Need not to be set)

1 When the tool number is set to "0", the tool group number of the currently used
tool is read. If a tool group number is not specified after the power is turned ON,
tool group number "0" is read.
2 If the same tool belongs to two or more tool groups, 32 tool groups can be read
in the maximum. In this case, 128 bytes are required as the data area in the

Completion codes
0 The tool group number is read successfully.
4 The tool number in 'Data Attribute' has a wrong value.
5 The tool number is not registered.
6 The tool life management option has not been added on.

- 664 -

Output data structure

(1) When the specified tool is registered in only one group.

Top Address +0 (Function code)


+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Tool number
(Same as input data)
+12 Tool group number Unsigned binary

+15 (4 bytes)

(2) When the specified tool is registered in multiple groups. (ex. number of registered grou is 3)

Top Address +0 (Function code)


+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L) 'n' is the number of tool groups to which the specified
12 tool belongs
(4bytes * n)
+6 (Data number N)
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Tool number
(Same as input data)
+12 Tool group number Unsigned binary

(4 bytes)
+16 Tool group number Unsigned binary

(4 bytes)
+20 Tool group number Unsigned binary

+23 (4 bytes)

- 665 -

5.6.26 Reading Tool Life Management Data

(Tool Information (1): Tool Number) (High-speed Response)
(8-digit Tool Number)
This function reads the status information of the tool specified by tool group number and tool number,
from the tool life management data.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)
(Need not to be set)
+6 (Data number N)
Tool group number

+8 (Data attribute M)
Tool number

+12 (Data area)

+15 (Need not to be set)

Specifying "0" to the tool group number means the tool group that is currently
selected, and "0" to the tool number means the tool that is currently used in the
While no tool group is selected yet after power-on of CNC, specifying the current
tool of the current group results "0" of tool status information.

Completion codes
0 The tool information was read successfully.
3 The specified tool group number is incorrect.
4 The specified tool number is incorrect.
5 The specified tool number is not registered to the specified tool group.
6 No option for the tool life management.

- 666 -

Output data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
Tool group number
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Tool number
(Same as input data)
+12 Tool status information 0: See "CAUTION" on the previous page.
1: The tool is registered.
(4 bytes) 2: The tool has reached the end of its life.
3: The tool was skipped
+15 The three high-order bytes are fixed to 0.

- 667 -

5.6.27 Registering Tool Life Management Data

(Tool Group Number) (Low-speed Response)
(8-digit Tool Number)
This function registers the tool group number to tool life management data. Set the tool number, life
value and life counter type to the specified tool group.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N) Set 0 to this field.


+8 (Data attribute M)
Tool number

+12 Tool group number Unsigned binary

(2 bytes)
+14 Tool life counter type 1: Number of uses
2: Real time in minutes
(2 bytes)
+16 Tool life Unsigned binary
1-65535 times (Number or uses)
(4 bytes) 1-4300 minutes (Real time) Note


CNC parameter FCO(6805#0) decides the unit of tool life value of real time
counter type as follows:
6805#0 = 0 : 1 minute (1–4300)
6805#0 = 1 : 0.1 minute (1–43000)

Completion codes
0 The tool length was registered successfully.
3 The specified tool group number is incorrect.
4 The tool number in 'Data Attribute' has a wrong value.
5 The tool life value is out-of-range.
6 No option for the tool life management.

- 668 -

Output data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)
(Same as input data)
+6 (Data number N)
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Tool number
(Same as input data)
+12 Tool group number
(2 bytes)
(Same as input data)
+14 Tool life counter type
(2 bytes)
(Same as input data)
+16 Tool life value
(4 bytes)
+19 (Same as input data)

- 669 -

5.6.28 Reading Tool Life Management Data

(Tool Length Compensation Number (1): Tool Number)
(High-speed Response) (8-digit Tool Number)
This function reads the tool length compensation number of the tool specified by tool group number and
tool number, from the tool life management data.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)
(Need not to be set)
+6 (Data number N)
Tool group number

+8 (Data attribute M)
Tool number

+12 (Date area)

+15 (Need not to be set)

Specifying "0" to the tool group number means the tool group that is currently
selected, and "0" to the tool number means the tool that is currently used in the
While no tool group is selected yet after power-on of CNC, specifying the current
tool of the current group results "0" of tool length compensation number.

Completion codes
0 The tool length compensation number was read successfully.
3 The specified tool group number is incorrect.
4 The specified tool number is incorrect.
5 The specified tool number is not registered to the specified tool group.
6 No option for the tool life management.

- 670 -

Output data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
Tool group number
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Tool number
(Same as input data)
+12 Tool length compensation Unsigned binary
+15 (4 bytes)

- 671 -

5.6.29 Reading Tool Life Management Data

(Cutter Radius Compensation Number (1): Tool Number)
(High-speed Response) (8-digit Tool Number)
This function reads the cutter radius compensation number of the tool specified by tool group number and
tool number, from the tool life management data.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)
(Need not to be set)
+6 (Data number N)
Tool group number

+8 (Data attribute M)
Tool number

+12 (Date area)

+15 (Need not to be set)

Specifying "0" to the tool group number means the tool group that is currently
selected, and "0" to the tool number means the tool that is currently used in the
While no tool group is selected yet after power-on of CNC, specifying the current
tool of the current group results "0" of cutter radius compensation number.

Completion codes
0 The cutter radius compensation number was read successfully.
3 The specified tool group number is incorrect.
4 The specified tool number is incorrect.
5 The specified tool number is not registered to the specified tool group.
6 No option for the tool life management.

- 672 -

Output data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
Tool group number
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Tool number
(Same as input data)
+12 Cutter radius compensation Unsigned binary
+15 (4 bytes)

- 673 -

5.6.30 Writing Tool Life Management Data

(Tool Length Compensation Number (1): Tool Number)
(Low-speed Response) (8-digit Tool Number)
This function sets the tool length compensation number of a specified tool group in the tool life
management data.
Input data structure
Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
Tool group number

+8 (Data attribute M)
Tool number

+12 Tool length compensation Unsigned binary

number 1-255
+15 (4 bytes)

Completion codes
0 The tool length compensation number was written successfully.
3 The specified tool group number is incorrect.
4 The specified tool number is incorrect.
5 The specified tool number is not registered to the specified tool group.
6 No option for the tool life management.
Output data structure
Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)
(Same as input data)
+6 (Data number N)
Tool group number
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Tool number
(Same as input data)
+12 Tool length compensation
number(4 bytes)
+15 (Same as input data)

The effective value for tool length compensation number depends on tool
compensation number available on CNC.

- 674 -

5.6.31 Writing Tool Life Management Data

(Cutter Radius Compensation Number (1): Tool Number)
(Low-speed Response) (8-digit Tool Number)
This function sets the cutter radius compensation number of a tool belonging to a specified tool group in
the tool life management data.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
Tool group number

+8 (Data attribute M)
Tool number

+12 cutter radius compensation Unsigned binary

number 1-255
+15 (4 bytes)

Completion codes
0 The cutter radius compensation number was written successfully.
3 The specified tool group number is incorrect.
4 The specified tool number is incorrect.
5 The specified tool number is not registered to the specified tool group.
6 No option for the tool life management.

Output data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)
(Same as input data)
+6 (Data number N)
Tool group number
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Tool number
(Same as input data)
+12 Cutter radius compensation
number (4 bytes)
+15 (Same as input data)

The effective value for Cutter radius compensation number depends on tool
compensation number available on CNC.

- 675 -

5.6.32 Writing the Tool Life Management Data

(Tool Information (1): Tool Number)
(Low-speed Response) (8-digit Tool Number)
This function sets the tool information of a tool belonging to a specified tool group in the tool life
management data. This function supports 8 digits tool number.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L)

+6 (Data number N)
Tool group number

+8 (Data attribute M)
Tool number

+12 Tool information 1 : Clears tool status

2 : Skips tool status
+13 (2 bytes)

Completion codes
0 The tool information is written successfully.
3 The tool group number exceeds maximum number of registered groups.
4 The specified tool number is incorrect.
5 The specified tool number is not registered to the specified tool group.
6 The tool life management option has not been added on.

Output data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)
(Same as input data)
+6 (Data number N)
Tool group number
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Tool number
(Same as input data)
+12 Tool information
(2 bytes)
+13 (Same as input data)

- 676 -
This function changes tool condition as shown below.
Command Before call After call
Skip (#) Unused ( )
clear Skip (#) In use (@)
Expired (*) Unused ( )
Unused ( ) Skip (#)
skip In use (@) Skip (#)
Expired (*) Skip (#)

- 677 -

5.6.33 Deleting Tool life Management Data (Tool Group)

(Low-speed Response)
This function deletes the specified tool group in the tool life management data. In other words, it makes
the tool group to be unregistered.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L) Set 0 to this field.

+6 (Data number N)
Tool group number

+8 (Data attribute M) Set 0 to this field.


Completion codes
0 Succeeded to delete the tool group number.
3 The specified tool group number is incorrect.
6 No option for the tool life management.

Output data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)
(Same as input data)
+6 (Data number N)
Tool group number
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
+9 (Same as input data)

- 678 -

5.6.34 Deleting Tool life Management Data (Tool Data)

(Low-speed Response)
This function deletes the tool data at the specified tool order number in the tool life management data.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L) Set 0 to this field.

+6 (Data number N)
Tool group number

+8 (Data attribute M)
Tool order number

Completion codes
0 Succeeded to delete the tool group number.
3 The specified tool group number is incorrect.
4 The tool order number is wrong.
6 No option for the tool life management.

Output data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)
(Same as input data)
+6 (Data number N)
Tool group number
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
Tool order number
+9 (Same as input data)

- 679 -

5.6.35 Clearing Tool Life Management Data

(Tool Life Counter and Tool Information)
(Low-speed Response)
This function clears the tool life counter and all tool information of the specified tool group in the tool life
management data.

Input data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(Need not to be set)
+4 (Data length L) Set 0 to this field.

+6 (Data number N)
Tool group number

+8 (Data attribute M) Set 0 to this field.


Completion codes
0 Succeeded to clear the tool life counter and the tool information.
3 The specified tool group number is incorrect.
6 No option for the tool life management.

Output data structure

Top Address +0 (Function code)

+2 (Completion code)
(See above description)
+4 (Data length L)
(Same as input data)
+6 (Data number N)
Tool group number
(Same as input data)
+8 (Data attribute M)
+9 (Same as input data)

- 680 -


The basic configuration of the PMC screen is described below.

Screen title

PMC path Ladder PMC alarm

execution status

Soft key page
Key entry line turning key

Return key Message display line

NC status indication


Function keys

• Screen title: Displays the name of a specific submenu of the PMC.

• Ladder execution status: Displays the execution status of the ladder program.
• PMC alarm: Indicates whether any PMC alarm is occurring.
• PMC path: Displays the currently selected PMC.
• Key entry line: Line for entering a numerical value or character key string.
• Message display line: Displays an error or warning message.
• NC status indication: Displays the NC mode, the execution status of the NC program, the
currently selected NC path number.
• Return key: Used to switch from the PMC operation menu to a specific PMC
submenu or from a specific PMC submenu to the main menu of the PMC.
• Soft key page turning key: Used to turn soft key pages.

- 681 -

About the PMC screen

When you click the "SYSTEM" function key and then turn the soft key page by clicking the [+] soft key,
the main menu of the PMC is displayed.
The PMC main menu offers the following three types of submenus, which are respectively used for
specific purposes.
• PMC Maintenance ([PMCMNT] screen)
• PMC Ladder ([PMCLAD] screen)
• PMC Configuration ([PMCCNF] screen)

Each of these PMC submenus is explained below.

(1) PMC Maintenance menu

This menu displays the screens related to the maintenance of the PMC, such as those for PMC signal
status monitoring and traces and for PMC data display and editing.

(2) PMC Ladder menu

This menu displays the screens related to the display and editing of the ladder program.

(3) PMC Configuration menu

This menu displays the screens related to the display and editing of the data other than the ladder
constituting the sequence program, as well as the screen for setting the PMC functions.

- 682 -



6.1.1 Transition of the PMC Screens

PMC maintenance submenu
STATUS Signal status screen (See Section 7.1.)
PMC main menu
I/OLNK I/O link connection status screen (See Section 7.5.)

ALARM PMC alarm screen (See Section 7.2.)

I/O Data I/O screen (See Section 7.4.)

TIMER PMC parameter (timer) screen (See Subsection 7.3.1.)

COUNTR PMC parameter (counter) screen (See Subsection 7.3.2.)

PMC parameter (keep relay) (See Subsection 7.3.3.)

KEEPRL screen

DATA PMC parameter (data table) screen (See Subsection 7.3.4.)

TRACE Signal trace screen (See Subsection 7.6.1.)

Signal trace (parameter setting) (See Subsection 7.6.2.)

TRCPRM screen

I/ODGN II/O DIAGNOSIS screen (See Section 7.7.)

PMC ladder submenu

PMCLAD LIST Program list screen (See Section 8.1.)

< Ladder display/editing screen (See Sections 8.2 to 8.5.)


D. COIL Duplicate coil check screen (See Section 8.10.)

PMC configuration submenu

PMCCNF TITLE Title display/editing screen (See Section 9.1.)

Setting screens (general, message shift, (See Section 9.5.)

< SETING I/O link assignment data selection,
PMCST. PMC status screen (multi-PMC switch) (See Section 9.6.)

System parameter display/editing (See Section 9.8.)

SYSPRM screen

MODULE I/O module display/editing screen (See Section 9.4.)

Symbol and comment display/editing (See Section 9.2.)

SYMBOL screen

MESAGE Message display/editing screen (See Section 9.3.)

Online monitoring parameter setting (See Section 9.7.)


- 683 -

6.1.2 Basic Screen Operations

Use the operation soft keys to operate the individual screens.
To switch to the operation soft keys, do the following:
• Click the [(OPRT)] soft key, which is one of the PMC submenu soft key.
• Enter a numerical value or character string.

To switch from the operation soft keys to a specific PMC submenu or to the PMC main menu, click the
[<] soft key.

No operation soft keys are displayed when the screen requires no operation. In that case, the [(OPRT)]
soft key is not displayed, either.
On the other hand, a screen that involves multiple different functions consists of two or more layers of
operation soft keys.
In that case, to return from the operation soft keys of one layer to those of the previous layer, click the
[EXIT] soft key.

A transition diagram for the PMC main menu soft keys, PMC submenu soft keys, and operation soft keys
is shown below.

PMC main menu soft keys


PMC submenu soft keys

< (OPRT)

Operation soft keys (1st layer)

The number of
operation soft key
Operation soft keys (2nd layer) layers differs for
each screen.


Operation soft keys (3rd layer)

Fig. 6.1.2 Transition diagram for the PMC soft keys

- 684 -
Example) Ladder display/editing screen
Operate the ladder display/editing screen by switching three layers of operation soft keys - ladder display
operation soft keys (1st layer), ladder editing operation soft keys (2nd layer), and ladder net editing
operation soft keys (3rd layer).

PMC main menu

PMC ladder submenu

Ladder display operation soft keys

(1st layer)

Ladder editing operation soft keys

(2nd layer)

Ladder net editing operation soft keys

(3rd layer)

- 685 -


Several PMC screens can be protected from unauthorized attempts to display data or operate the screen,
based on preset conditions. This section describes such display and operation conditions.

There are two kinds of data protection for PMC. One is the Programmer Protection Function and another
is Protection of Data at 8 Levels.
The Programmer Protection Function is effective in standard. When the Protection of Data at 8 Levels is
added, the Programmer Protection Function becomes ineffective and the Protection of Data at 8 Levels
becomes effective.

6.2.1 Programmer Protection Function

This section contains important information for developers of application system
controlled by PMC. Improperly implemented application system may increase
possibility of defects in its safety. Careful examinations and considerations on
using and implementing with the functions explained especially in this section
are strongly required.

PMC system provides various embedded programmer functions such as edit, diagnosis and debugging
which help the programming and debugging of sequence program. To use these functions which may
even disable safety mechanism realized by sequence program, it is required that the operator of these
functions should be an expert who fully understands the sequence program and the operation of PMC. It
is also strongly recommended to the developer of machine that these functions should be protected from
careless use by ordinary operators after the machine is shipped into the field. Furthermore, if these
functions partly need to be used in the field for any purpose such as the maintenance or adjustment, the
developer of the machine should implement any means to enable these functions after forcing the
machine in safe mode or should let the operator know and strictly follow proper procedure to ensure the
The setting parameters described in this section are provided for the developer of machine to be able to
properly program the sequence or control the parameters for necessary conditions on which the operator
is allowed to use PMC programmer functions safely by eliminating careless operation which may cause
"stopping the ladder", "changing sequence program" or "changing important setting data".
These parameters can be set on the setting screen or in some system keep relays (K900 to 999).

- 686 -


If you set "PROGRAMMER ENABLE" to "YES", it enables the following functions as a supervisor
• Ladder editing screen
• Title data editing screen
• Symbol/comment data editing screen
• Message data editing screen
• I/O unit address setting screen
• Clear of PMC parameter
• Start/stop of ladder
• Forcing function
• Override function (NOTE)
• Setting of multi-language message display function
• Data I/O screen
• System parameter screen
• Parameter setting screen for online monitor
• Setting screen for the I/O link assignment data selection function
• Setting screen for keep relay K900 or after
• Sequence program input and output
• PMC parameter input and output
• Input and output of message data for multi-language display
• Saving of a sequence program to flash ROM
• Saving of message data for multi-language display to flash ROM

The override function also requires the setting of "OVERRIDE ENABLE" in the
setting parameters.

If the sequence program is stopped while the machine is operating, the machine
may cause unexpected operation. Before stopping the sequence program,
make sure that there is no one near the machine and that the tool will not collide
with the workpiece or machine. Operating the machine in any inappropriate
fashion can result in the death of or serious injury to the user. The tool,
workpiece, and/or machine can also be damaged.

Set this setting to "NO"(0) before shipment of the machine. If this setting is left
as "YES"(1), the operator may stop execution of the ladder program by mistake.
If you want to protect this setting, please make a sequence that always writes 0
in this bit by your ladder. Or please control the machine to force to translate into
safety state by sequence program using the way described in Section 2.2.4
when the ladder stops.

- 687 -


If you set "HIDE PMC PROGRAM" to "YES", it disables the following functions which have the
sequence program display.

• Ladder monitor screen

• Ladder editing screen
• Title data screen
• Title data editor screen
• Symbol/comment data viewer screen
• Symbol/comment data editor screen
• Message data viewer screen
• Message data editor screen
• I/O module viewer screen
• I/O module editor screen
• Clear of PMC parameter
• System parameter viewer screen
• System parameter editor screen
• Output of sequence program
• Output of message data for multi-language display

Even if this parameter is set to "YES", these functions do not be hidden except
for Ladder monitor/editing screen if "PROGRAMMER ENABLE" is set to "YES".


If you set "EDIT ENABLE" to "YES", it enables the following functions which can edit the program.
• Ladder editing screen*1
• Title data editing screen*1
• Symbol/comment data editing screen*1*2
• Message data editing screen*1*2
• I/O unit address setting screen*1
• Clear of PMC parameter*1*2
• Setting of multi-language message display function
• System parameter screen*1
• Setting screen for keep relay K900 or after
• Sequence program input*2
• Saving of a sequence program to flash ROM
• Input of message data for multi-language display*2
• Saving of message data for multi-language display to flash ROM

1 Even if this parameter is set to "YES", these functions which have program
display are invalid if "HIDE PMC PROGRAM" is set to "YES".
2 These screens with stop of ladder program require below setting "ALLOW PMC

- 688 -

Set this setting to "NO"(0) before shipment of the machine if you want to prohibit
operator form editing the program. If you want to protect this setting, please
make a sequence that always writes 0 in this bit by your ladder.


If you set "ALLOW PMC STOP" to "YES", it enables the following functions which require stop/start of
ladder program. *1

• Symbol/comment data editing screen*2

• Message data editing screen*2
• Clear of PMC parameter*2
• Start/stop of ladder
• System parameter screen*2
• Input of sequence program*2
• Input of message data for multi-language display*2

1 Even if this parameter is set to "YES", these functions which have program
display are invalid if "HIDE PMC PROGRAM" is set to "YES".
2 These editing screens require above setting "EDIT ENABLE".

If the sequence program is stopped while the machine is operating, the machine
may cause unexpected operation. Before stopping the sequence program,
make sure that there is no one near the machine and that the tool will not collide
with the workpiece or machine. Operating the machine in any inappropriate
fashion can result in the death of or serious injury to the user. The tool,
workpiece, and/or machine can also be damaged.

Set this setting to "NO"(0) before shipment of the machine. If this setting is left
as "YES"(1), the operator may stop execution of the ladder program by mistake.
If you want to protect this setting, please make a sequence that always writes 0
in this bit by your ladder. Or please control the machine to force to translate into
safety state by sequence program using the way described in Section 2.2.4
when the ladder stops.

- 689 -


If you set "RAM WRITE ENABLE" to "YES", it enables the following functions, regardless of the other

• Forcing function
• Override function (NOTE)
• The change of the PMC parameters from the timer, counter, keep relay, and data screens is disabled.
• The input of the PMC parameters from the PMC I/O screen is disabled.

The override function also requires the setting of "OVERRIDE ENABLE" in the
setting parameters.

Set this setting to "NO"(0) before shipment of the machine. If this setting is left
as "YES"(1), the operator may modify PMC parameters or PMC signals by
mistake. If you want to protect this setting, please make a sequence that always
writes 0 in this bit by your ladder.


If you set "DATA TBL CNTL SCREEN" to "NO", the data table control screen is not displayed.


If you set "IO GROUP SELECTION " to "SHOW", the setting screen for the selectable I/O link
assignment function is enabled.


If you set "HIDE PMC PARAM" to "YES", functions that are related to the PMC parameters are
protected, as follows:
• The timer, counter, keep relay, and data screens cannot be displayed.
• The PMC I/O screen cannot output the PMC parameters.

To enter the PMC parameters from the data I/O screen requires a special
operation. For information about how to enable the input of the PMC
parameters, see "Output from the data I/O screen" in Subsection 6.2.2.

- 690 -


If you set "PROTECT PMC PARAM" to "YES", functions that are related to the PMC parameters are
protected, as follows:
• The change of the PMC parameters from the timer, counter, keep relay, and data screens is disabled.
• The input of the PMC parameters from the PMC I/O screen is disabled.

1 To change the PMC parameters on an individual screen requires a special
operation. For information about how to enable the input of the PMC
parameters, see "Input from the PMC parameter screen" in Subsection 6.2.2.
2 To enter the PMC parameters from the data I/O screen requires a special
operation. For information about how to enable the input of the PMC
parameters, see "Output from the data I/O screen" in Subsection 6.2.2.


If you set " KEEP RELAY (SYSTEM)" to "SHOW", The KEEP RELAY for PMC system (after K900)
screen is enabled.

- 691 -

Example for setting parameters

(1) If you want to prohibit completely operator from accessing the sequence program;
• EDIT ENABLE (K901.6) "NO"
• ALLOW PMC STOP (K902.2) "NO"

(2) If you want to allow operator only monitoring the sequence program;
• EDIT ENABLE (K901.6) "NO"
• ALLOW PMC STOP (K902.2) "NO"

Please use the password function of sequence program for particular operator.
Please refer to FANUC LADDER-III operator's manual B-66234EN "5.4".

(3) If you want to allow operator monitoring and editing the sequence program;
• EDIT ENABLE (K901.6) "YES"
• ALLOW PMC STOP (K902.2) "NO"

Please use the password function of sequence program for particular operator.
Please refer to FANUC LADDER-III operator's manual B-66234EN "5.4".

(4) If you want to allow operator monitoring and editing the sequence program which requires stop of
• EDIT ENABLE (K901.6) "YES"

Please use the password function of sequence program for particular operator.
Please refer to FANUC LADDER-III operator's manual B-66234EN "5.4".

If a sequence program is stopped while the machine is operating, the machine
may behave unexpectedly. Before stopping the sequence program, make sure
that nobody is near the machine and that the tool cannot interfere with the work-
piece or machine. Incorrect operation of the machine presents an extreme risk of
death or serious injury to the user. Damage the tool, work-piece, and/or the
machine is also likely.

- 692 -
(5) The case that operator who familiar with the machine and the ladder sequence operate all the PMC
programmer functions;

If a sequence program is stopped while the machine is operating, the machine
may behave unexpectedly. Before stopping the sequence program, make sure
that nobody is near the machine and that the tool cannot interfere with the work-
piece or machine. Incorrect operation of the machine presents an extreme risk
of death or serious injury to the user. Damage the tool, work-piece, and/or the
machine is also likely.

(6) If you want to prohibit the editing and input/output of the ladder and allow the input/output of the
PMC parameters:
• EDIT ENABLE (K901.6) "NO"
• ALLOW PMC STOP (K902.2) "NO"
• HIDE PMC PARAM (K902.6) "NO"

1 To input the PMC parameters, place the NC in the emergency stop state and set
the PWE parameter, which is one of the NC parameters, to 1.
2 To output the PMC parameters, set the EDIT mode.

- 693 -

6.2.2 PMC Parameter Input/Output Conditions

Input from the PMC parameter screen
Usually, no data can be entered for PMC parameters because they are protected. The following methods
can be used to make it possible to enter data for them.
(1) If the sequence program is running (RUN state) (usually, this method should be used when the
machine is operating.)
(a) Place the NC in MDI mode or bring it to an emergency stop.
(b) Set "PWE" on the NC setting screen to 1 (see the following table).
(c) Alternatively, set the program protect signal (KEY4) to 1 (only if counters or data tables are
(d) The parameters are released from protection; so data can be entered for them (see the following
Timer {
Counter { {
Keep relay {
Data table { {
(e) After entering data for the parameters, return "PWE" or the KEY4 signal to the previous state.
(2) If the sequence program can be stopped (STOP state), for example, while it is being debugged
(a) Stop the sequence program.
(b) The parameter protection is released; so data can be entered for them.
If a sequence program is stopped while the machine is operating, the machine
may behave unexpectedly. Before stopping the sequence program, make sure
that nobody is near the machine and that the tool cannot interfere with the
workpiece or machine. Incorrect operation of the machine presents an extreme
risk of death or serious injury to the user. Damage the tool, workpiece, and/or
the machine is also likely.

1 These operations may be protected by the programmer protection function. For
details of the programmer protection function, see "PROTECT PMC PARAM" in
Subsection 6.2.1.
2 If you set "RAM WRITE ENABLE" to "YES", the change of the PMC parameters
is enabled, regardless of the above operations and the other protection. For
details "RAM WRITE ENABLE", see "RAM WRITE ENABLE" in Subsection

The guidance message displayed when protected PMC parameters are inputted on the PMC parameters
Guidance message Contents
MUST BE IN EMERGENCY STOP OR IN MDI MODE NC is not in edit mode and not in emergency stop mode.
EITHER PWE OR KEY4 MUST BE ON PWE is 0 and KEY4 signal is 0.
THIS FUNCTION IS PROTECTED This function is protected by the programmer protection
function or protection of data at 8 levels.

- 694 -

Input from the data I/O screen

To enter the PMC parameters from the data I/O screen requires the operation described below. The
following methods can be used to enable the input of the PMC parameters.
(1) If the sequence program is running (RUN state) (Under normal circumstances, this method should
be used when the machine is operating.)
(a) Place the NC in the emergency stop state or the EDIT mode.
(b) Set "PWE" on the NC setting screen to "1".
(c) The protection of the parameters is canceled, making it possible to enter them.
(d) After entering the PMC parameters, reset "PWE" to its original state.

(2) If the sequence program is being debugged and can be stopped (STOP state)
(a) Place the sequence program in the stop state.
(b) The protection of the parameters is canceled, making it possible to enter them.

1 These operations may be protected by the programmer protection function. For
details of the programmer protection function, see "PROTECT PMC PARAM" in
Subsection 6.2.1.
2 If you set "RAM WRITE ENABLE" to "YES", the input of the PMC parameters
from the PMC I/O screen is enabled, regardless of the above operations and the
other protection. For details "RAM WRITE ENABLE", see "RAM WRITE
ENABLE" in Subsection 6.2.1.

The guidance message displayed when protected PMC parameters are inputted on the I/O screen.
Guidance message Contents
MUST BE IN EMERGENCY STOP OR IN EDIT MODE CNC is not in emergency stop or EDIT mode.
THIS FUNCTION IS PROTECTED This function is protected by the programmer protection
function or protection of data at 8 levels.

Output from the data I/O screen

To output the PMC parameters from the data I/O screen requires the operation described below. The
following methods can be used to enable the output of the PMC parameters.
(1) If the sequence program is running (RUN state) (Under normal circumstances, this method should
be used when the machine is operating.)
(a) Place the CNC in the emergency stop state or the EDIT mode.
(b) The protection of the parameters is canceled, making it possible to enter them.

(2) If the sequence program is being debugged and can be stopped (STOP state)
(a) Place the sequence program in the stop state.
(b) The protection of the parameters is canceled, making it possible to enter them.

These operations may be protected by the programmer protection function. For
details of the programmer protection function, see "PROTECT PMC PARAM" in
Subsection 6.2.1.

The guidance message displayed when protected PMC parameters is outputted on the I/O screen.
Guidance message Contents
MUST BE IN EMERGENCY STOP OR IN EDIT MODE CNC is not in emergency stop or EDIT mode.
THIS FUNCTION IS PROTECTED This function is protected by the programmer protection
function or protection of data at 8 levels.

- 695 -

6.2.3 Password Function

The password function provides protection against unauthorized attempts to display or edit the content of
the ladder program. When the password function is in use, the ladder program cannot be displayed or
edited without entering the "password" that is preset with an offline programmer such as FANUC

(1) Types of password

There are two types of password.
• Display permission password
• Edit permission password

(2) Specifiable characters

For a character string to be specified as a password, it needs to meet the following conditions:
• 16 characters or less in length
• Alphabetic letters (uppercase only) and/or numbers

(3) Screens to be protected

The following screens are protected through the use of the password:
• Ladder display screen
• Ladder editing screen
• Program list display screen
• Program list editing screen

(4) Display of the protection status

The protection status of the program can be checked using the program list display screen or
program list editing screen. For details, see (2) in Section 8.1.

(5) Cancellation of the password

When you attempt to switch to a password-protected screen, you are asked to enter the password. In
this process, you can cancel the password by entering the "password character string" and then
clicking the input key.

1 Once you cancel the password, you will not be asked to enter the password until
you either shut down the system and turn on its power again or replace the
ladder program using the I/O or other function.
2 The sequence program that lets you turn on the power by pressing "X" and "O"
simultaneously can be cleared, regardless of whether the password is set or not.
3 When K903.2=1, you will not be asked to enter the password.

- 696 -

Switching of the password-protected screens

PMC main menu When the message appears

When the message appears prompting you to enter the
prompting you to enter the [PMCLAD] password for displaying data,
password for displaying data, enter the display permission
enter the display permission password or edit permission
password or edit permission PMC ladder menu password (*1).
password (*1).
Ladder display screen Program list
display screen

When the message appears prompting you
to enter the password for displaying data,
Ladder editing enter the display permission password or
screen edit permission password (*1) (*2).

When the message appears prompting

you to enter the password for editing data,
enter the edit permission password.

1 When only the display permission password is set, both the display and editing
functions are protected.
When only the edit permission password is set, the editing function is protected.
When both the display permission password and edit permission password are
set, both the display and editing functions are protected. In that case, you can
cancel the protection of the display and editing functions by using the edit
permission password.
2 Enter the password when you want to display the content of a program protected
by the partial protection function by using the [ZOOM] soft key.

- 697 -

6.2.4 Partial Protection Function for Ladder Program

This function classifies subprograms into two areas, protected area and unprotected area, and the
password protection affects only the protected area. As a result, it enables the partial protection for ladder
Therefore, it enables for dealers or end users to customize the ladder program and protects the program of
machine tool builders.

Ladder program
Level 1 Protected area:
Level 2 Display and edit permission
Level 3 passwords can protect the area
from displaying and editing.
Subprogram Machine tool builders can edit the
P1 to P1499 programs in this area

P1500 to P5000 Unprotected area:
Dealers or end users can edit the
programs in this area.

Setting method
On FANUC LADDER-III, you should set the edit permission password which has “#” character at the
beginning of string (Up to 16 characters including “#”)

(Ex.) The edit permission password #1425

The subprograms from P1500 to P5000 can be displayed and edited regardless of the password protection.
Even if you set the display permission password, the display of subprograms from P1500 to P5000 is not
protected owing to this function.

Table 6.2.4 The protection status of each program for partial protection function
Program type
not protected
Level 1 The display and editing functions are protected by each password.
Main programs Level 2
Level 3
P1 to P1499
Sub programs
P1500 to P5000 You can display and edit the subprograms without password.

This function can be used only for 0i-D PMC.

- 698 -

6.2.5 Protection of Data at 8 Levels

The protection of data at 8 levels is a common function of CNC and PMC.
8 operation levels can be set for CNC and PMC operation, and 8 protection levels can be set for various
types of CNC and PMC data.
When various types of CNC and PMC data are changed or output externally, the system compares the
operation level with the protection level to determine whether change or external output is allowed.

For the details of the protection of data at 8 levels on CNC, please refer to the
Connection Manual (Function) of CNC. And, please refer to the Users Manual of
CNC for the details of operation of setting the protection levels.

When the protection of data at 8 levels is added, the ordinary programmer
protection function of PMC becomes ineffective. But, the password function of
PMC is available with the protection of data at 8 levels at the same time.

All protection levels of PMC item are level 0 in the initial condition. Namely, all
PMC data are not protected. Therefore, please set the opportune level (value) to
prevent a miss operation.

Operation level
8 operation levels can be set for CNC and PMC operation.
Operation levels 0 to 3 are selected by the memory protection key signal. Operation levels 4 to 7 are
selected by password.

Operation level Setting method Sample classification

7 (High) Password --
6 Password MTB
5 Password Dealer, Integrator
4 Password End user
3 Memory protection key signal User level (Level1)
2 Memory protection key signal User level (Level2)
1 Memory protection key signal User level (Level3)
0 (Low) Memory protection key signal User level (Level4)

When operation level 4 to 7 is set, the operation level remains unchanged until the password is cleared.
(The operation level also remains unchanged if the power is turned off.)
Operation level 7 is reserved for CNC and PMC maintenance.

- 699 -

Data protection level

A data protection level can be set for each of the following types of data.
There are two data protection levels as shown below.
- Change protection level
Protection level used for changing data.
- Output protection level
Protection level used for externally outputting data.
Protection levels 0 (low) to 7 (high) can be set.

Table 6.2.5 (a) Setting items and protected action

Setting item Protected action
Data type Function Screen Operation
SETTING (ONLINE) CHANGE Parameters for online monitor screen Change
SETTING CHANGE Setting screen Change
SEQUENCE PROGRAM CHANGE Ladder diagram screen Edit
Title screen Edit
System parameter screen Edit
I/O module screen Edit
Symbol and Comment screen Edit
Message screen Edit
PMC status screen Activate/Stop program
Data I/O screen Read program
Write program to Flash ROM
OUTPUT Data I/O screen Write program to external
PMC PARAMETER CHANGE Data I/O screen Read PMC parameter
OUTPUT Data I/O screen Write PMC parameter
TIMER CHANGE Timer screen Change
COUNTER CHANGE Counter screen Change
KEEP RELAY CHANGE Keep relay screen (user area) Change
KEEP RELAY (SYSTEM) CHANGE Keep relay screen (system area) Change
DATA TABLE CHANGE Data table screen Change
DATA TABLE CONTROL CHANGE Data table control screen Change
PMC MEMORY CHANGE Signal status screen Forced I/O function

1 Some data types do not have an output function.
2 For data whose protection level is higher than the operation level, the protection
level cannot be changed.
3 The current data protection level cannot be changed to a protection level that is
higher than the current operation level.
4 The I/O protection level of message data for multi-language display is the same
as the I/O protection level of sequence programs.

- 700 -

Setting of PMC protection level


1 Press function key .

2 Press the continuous menu key several times until [PROTE] is displayed.
3 Press the [PROTE] soft key.
4 Press the [PMC] soft key.
The PROTECT LEVEL (PMC) screen shown below is displayed.

Fig. 6.2.5 (a) PMC protection level setting screen

5 Move the cursor to “CHANGE” level or “OUTPUT” level of a desired data item.
6 Key in a new desired level, then press the [INPUT] soft key.

- 701 -


Extended symbol and comment is displayed on the PMC screen.
For details of Extended symbol and comment, see " SPECIFICATION OF EXTENDED SYMBOL AND
COMMENT " in Subsection 1.2.7.

Maximum 7 characters of a local symbol

are displayed on ladder diagram.
If no local symbol, a global symbol is

Program No., Local symbol, value and A period is displayed on

comment are displayed on the additional the end of strings when
information line. comment is over the
If no local symbol, a global symbol is displayed. screen size.

Fig. 6.3 (a) Ladder diagram screen (extended symbol and comment)

Maximum 7 characters of a local

symbol are displayed on signal status
display area. If no local symbol, a
global symbol is displayed.

Program No., Local symbol and comment are A period is displayed on

displayed on the additional information line. the end of strings when
If no local symbol, a global symbol is displayed. comment is over the
screen size.

Fig. 6.3 (b) Signal status screen (extended symbol and comment)

When using extended symbol and comment, you can define local symbols in each sub-program.
Moreover, you can define multiple symbol and comment to one signal.

- 702 -
However, only one symbol and comment can to be displayed on PMC screen except I/O diagnosis screen
and symbol and comment screen, for a PMC address.
The priority of displaying symbol and comment, and range of search function is defined as follows.

Screen Displaying symbol and Searching symbol and

comment comment
Ladder screen (except address map) A symbol and comment is The following symbol and
Program list screen displayed by following priority. comment can be searched.
1 Local symbol and comment - Local symbol that defined to
that defined to displaying sub- displaying sub-program.
program. - Global symbol.
2 Global symbol and comment.
3 Symbol undefined comment.
Signal status screen A symbol and comment is All symbols and comments can be
PMC parameter (timer) screen displayed by following priority. searched.
PMC parameter (counter) screen 1 Global symbol and comment. You can search a local symbol by
PMC parameter (keep relay) screen 2 Local symbol and comment of following format.
PMC parameter (data table) screen LEVEL1 to 3. - (program name).(symbol)
Signal trace screen 3 Local symbol and comment of The program name is able to be
Signal trace (parameter setting) screen sub-program P1 to P5000. specified by sub-program number
Ladder (address map) screen 4 Symbol undefined comment. or a symbol of P-address.
I/O diagnosis screen All symbols and comments are All symbols and comments can be
Symbol and comment screen displayed. searched. A symbol or comment
can be searched by partial string.

When multiple symbol and comment are defined in one signal, you can search
each symbol name. On the other hand the symbol displayed on PMC screen is
one of these symbol names. So if you search a symbol, displayed symbol name
on searched position may be different from searched word.

- 703 -


The PMC maintenance menu displays the screens related to PMC maintenance including PMC signal
status monitoring, trace, and PMC data display/editing.
In order to move to the PMC maintenance menu, press the SYSTEM key then select the [PMCMNT] soft
key as shown below.


PMC main menu

PMC maintenance submenu




I/O DATA I/O screen








- 704 -


The SIGNAL STATUS screen displays the data at all addresses specified in the program. The data of
each address consists of a bit pattern (“0”s and/or “1”s) and a hexadecimal or decimal number at the
rightmost position on a byte-by-byte basis.

Signal status display area

Additional information line

The additional information line at the bottom of the screen displays the symbol and comment of the
address on which the cursor is placed. When the cursor is placed on a byte, the byte symbol and
comment are displayed.

Address Symbol Comment

Table contents
• ADDRESS: Address referenced by a sequence program
• 0 to 7: Data at each bit position
• HEX: Display of each byte in hexadecimal
• DEC: Display of each byte in decimal

Operation procedure
(1) Press the [STATUS] soft key. The screen shown above appears.
(2) Key in an address whose data to be displayed, then press the [SEARCH] soft key.
(3) The data starting at the input address is displayed as a bit pattern.
(4) To display the data at another address, press the cursor keys, page keys, or [SEARCH] soft key.
(5) To modify the status of a signal, switch to the forced I/O screen by pressing the [FORCE] soft key.

The [FORCE] soft key is displayed and usable when the forced I/O function is
enabled. For details, see Section 6.2.

- 705 -

(6) On the forced I/O screen, an overridden X signal or Y signal is prefixed by a greater-than sign (>) to
indicate the setting of override.

Soft keys on the Signal Status screen

Address search Switching to display in decimal Switching to the forced I/O screen

Switching to display in hexadecimal PMC path Switching

Fig. 7.1.1 (a) Soft keys on the SIGNAL STATUS screen

Operations using soft keys

(1) [SEARCH] Search for an address
Searches for a byte address or bit address.
(2) [DEC] Switching to display in decimal
Displays the data of each byte in decimal.
This soft key is enabled only when hexadecimal display is selected.

(3) [HEX] Switching to display in hexadecimal

Displays the data of each byte in hexadecimal.
This soft key is enabled only when decimal display is selected.

(4) [FORCE] Switching to the forced I/O screen

Switches the screen display to the forced I/O screen.

(5) [SW PMC] PMC path Switching

Switches PMC paths.
This soft key is effective to the dual check safety function.

- 706 -

7.1.1 Forced I/O Function

The forced I/O function enables a value to be input forcibly for the signal at an arbitrary PMC address.
With this function, for example, a sequence program can be debugged without using an I/O device by
forced input to X, and the signal routing on the I/O device can be checked efficiently without using a
sequence program by forced output to Y.
Two input modes are available: the forced I/O mode and the override mode. Choose from the two modes
for each application.

1 Special care must be exercised when modifying a signal with the forced
Input/output function. If the forced input/output function is used incorrectly, the
operation of the machine may be unpredictable. Never use this function when
person are near the machine.
2 The Override function is a special function for debugging the ladder program.
Therefore, when shipping the machine, please disable the Override function
3 When using the Override function, the update cycle of input/output signals of I/O
Link becomes to the same as the first level execution cycle of ladder program
(8ms). Do not use the Override function when you debug the ladder program
that is affected by the changing of update cycle of I/O signals.
4 The I/O setting values of the Override function are cleared when the power is
turned off. So, Override settings for all signals are reset when cycling the power
of CNC.

(1) Forced I/O mode

This mode is applicable to all PMC addresses.
Note, however, that a signal modified by forced I/O is overwritten by a sequence program or input
scanning, so that the result of modification by forced I/O is lost.

I/O address

Ladder Overwrite G,F,R,T,K,C,D,E

- 707 -

Example 1:
Forced I/O is performed for R0 in the following ladder program:

MOVE 1111




<1> The initial signal status is as follows:

X0.0 = off, K0 = 55H, R0 = 00H
<2> FFh is forcibly input to R0.
X0.0 = off, K0 = 55H, R0 = FFH
<3> When X0.0 is turned on, the R0 assumes the result of output by the sequence program.
X0.0 = on, K0 = 55H, R0 = 55H

Example 2:
Forced I/O is performed for X0 in a configuration where the I/O Unit-MODEL A is connected
to X0 via the I/O Link.

A value input from the I/O Unit-MODEL A is transferred to X0 cyclically. So, even if the
value of X0 is modified forcibly during a period, X0 is overwritten in the next cycle by the
value input from the I/O Unit-MODEL A.

1. Input from the machine


X0 = FFh X0 = FFh

2. The value of X0 is forcibly modified to 00h. X0 = 00h

3. Input from the machine in the next cycle

The value set by forced modification is

I/O Unit-MODEL A NC overwritten by the value input from the

X0 = FFh X0 = FFh

A value may be cyclically transferred even to an unallocated address. So, the forced I/O
function for X in the forced I/O mode must be used when a sequence program is debugged with
no I/O device connected or allocated.
When an I/O device is connected, use the override mode, described below, to debug a sequence

- 708 -

(2) Override mode

The state that disables a sequence program and machine signal from overwriting a value modified by
forced I/O is referred to as override. In the override mode, override can be set for arbitrary X and Y
signals. To X and Y addresses and other addresses for which override is not set, forced I/O is

Forced I/O is performed for X0 in a configuration where the I/O Unit-MODEL A is connected
to X0 via the I/O link.

1. Input from the machine


X0 = FFh
X0 = FFh

2. Override is set for X0.

Transfer from the I/O Unit-MODEL
A is disabled.

X0 = FFh
X0 = FFh

3. The value of X0 is forcibly modified to 00h.


X0 = FFh X0 = 00h

In this way, the forced I/O function for X in the override mode can also be used to debug a sequence
program when an I/O device is connected. If the override state is set for an Y address, a value after
modification by forced I/O is output to the I/O device.

- 709 -

7.1.2 Forced I/O Screen

On the forced I/O screen, the value of an arbitrary signal can be modified forcibly.
The forced I/O screen can be used in one of two input modes: the forced I/O mode and the override mode.
To move to the forced I/O screen, press the [FORCE] soft key on the SIGNAL STATUS screen. On the
forced I/O screen, the following operations can be performed:
• Signal search [SEARCH]
• Switching to display/input in decimal [DEC]
• Switching to display/input in hexadecimal [HEX]
• Transition to the signal status screen [EXIT]
• Signal on [ON]
• Signal off [OFF]
• Override setting [OVRSET]
• Override cancellation [OVRRST]
• Complete override cancellation [INIT]

Input mode

Signal status display area

Additional information

Key input line Message display line

In the input mode display area to the right of the title, "OVERRIDE" is displayed only when the forced
I/O mode is set to the override mode.
The signal status display area indicates the signal status of each address. The status shown below is
indicated for X and Y signal bits for which override is set.
(1) X signal
(Input signal from the I/O device) → (Input signal to the ladder)
The hexadecimal or decimal display field on the rightmost position of the screen displays the value
of the input signal to the ladder on the right side.

(2) Y signal
(Output signal from the ladder)→(Output signal to the I/O device)
The hexadecimal or decimal display field on the rightmost position of the screen displays the value
of the output signal from the ladder on the left side.

- 710 -

The message display line at the bottom of the screen displays an error message as required.
Soft keys on the forced I/O screen

Forced I/O

Address search Switching to decimal input Switching to the signal status display screen

Signal on Signal off

Switching to hexadecimal input

Switching to the signal status
Address search Switching to decimal input display screen

Signal on Signal off Override setting Override cancellation Complete override

Switching to hexadecimal input

Fig. 7.1.2 (a) Soft keys on the forced I/O screen

Operations using the soft keys

(1) [SEARCH] Search for an address
Searches for a byte address or bit address.
(2) [DEC] Switching to decimal input
Displays and inputs the data of each byte in decimal.
This soft key is enabled only when display/input in hexadecimal is selected.
(3) [HEX] Switching to hexadecimal input
Displays and inputs the data of each byte in hexadecimal.
This soft key is enabled only when display/input in decimal is selected.
(4) [EXIT] Switching to the signal status display screen
Quits the forced I/O function.
(5) [ON] Signal on
Turns on the signal on which the cursor is placed. Depending on the cursor position, bit operation or
byte operation can be performed.
(6) [OFF] Signal off
Turns off the signal on which the cursor is placed. Depending on the cursor position, bit operation
or byte operation can be performed.
(7) [OVRSET] Override setting
Sets the override state for the X or Y address on which the cursor is placed. Depending on the
cursor position, bit operation or byte operation can be performed.
This soft key is valid only in the override mode.

- 711 -

(8) [OVRRST] Override cancellation

Cancels the override state set for the X or Y address on which the cursor is placed. Depending on
the cursor position, bit operation or byte operation can be performed.
This soft key is valid only in the override mode.
(9) [INIT] Complete override cancellation
Cancels all override settings for X and Y addresses.
This soft key is valid only in the override mode.

Screen operations using other keys

(1) Input key
The input key is used to modify the signal status.
(a) Bit-by-bit setting
• Input 1 then press the input key to turn on the signal.
• Input 0 then press the input key to turn off the signal.
• Press the input key to toggle between the on and off statuses of the signal.
(b) Byte-by-byte setting
In the case of the byte cursor, input up to eight binary digits then press the input key. (When an
input value is shorter than eight digits, the value is input from bit 0.)
Example: When 100 is input, this value is input as follows:
Bit number 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
When the cursor is placed on the hexadecimal or decimal display field, hexadecimal input or
decimal input is enabled on a byte-by-byte basis.
(c) Successive data input
Data items can be input successively in a column. The cursor moves to the last input data item.
• As the data delimiter, ";" (EOB) is used.
Example: "1;0;1;" + Input key
• With ;=, the value of the immediately preceding data item is input.
Example: "1;=;=;0;=" + Input key inputs 1,1,1,0,0.
• With ;;, data items can be input, skipping an address.
Example: "1;;1" + Input key inputs no data for the second item.
• With "R;input-value;count", the same value can be input as many times as a specified
Example: "R;1;200" + Input key inputs two hundred 1s in a column.
(2) Cursor keys
With the cursor keys, select a signal to be modified.
If you press the cursor key for moving left when the cursor is placed at bit 7 of an arbitrary address,
the cursor changes to a byte cursor.
If you press the cursor key for moving right when the cursor is placed on the hexadecimal or decimal
display field of an arbitrary address, the cursor changes to a byte cursor for the next one entire byte.
When the cursor is placed on the hexadecimal or decimal display field or the cursor is a byte cursor,
the one-byte signal data of the address can be modified.
(3) Page keys
The page keys can be used to select a page to be displayed.

Operation of the return key

On the forced I/O screen, the operation of the return key is disabled.
Use the [EXIT] soft key to cancel the forced I/O mode and return to the Signal Status screen.

- 712 -


On this screen, an alarm message output from the PMC is displayed. To move to the PMC alarm screen,
press the [ALARM] soft key.

Page display

Alarm message display area

In the alarm message display area, an alarm message output from the PMC is displayed. When many
alarm messages are output to two or more pages, the page keys can be used to switch from one page to
In the page display area to the right of the title, the number of the page currently displaying messages is

For information about messages displayed, see Section 11.1.

- 713 -


PMC parameters (timer, counter, keep relay, and data table) can be set and displayed on each screen.
Moreover, data items can be input successively. The cursor moves to the last data item successively input.

Method of input
(1) As the data delimiter, ";" (EOB) is used.
Example: "100;200;300;" + Input key
(2) With ;=, the value of the immediately preceding data item is input.
Example: "100;=;=;200;=" + Input key inputs 100,100,100,200,200.
(3) With ;;, data items can be input, skipping an address.
Example: "100;;100" + Input key inputs no data for the second item.
(4) With "R;input-value;count", the same value can be input as many times as a specified count.
Example: "R;100;200" + Input key inputs two hundred 100s in a column.

- 714 -

7.3.1 Setting and Displaying Variable Timers ([TIMER] Screen)

This screen is used to set and display timer values for functional instruction variable timers (TMR:SUB 3).
This screen can be used in one of two modes: the simple display mode and the comment display mode.
To move to the TIMER screen, press the [TIMER] soft key.

Page display

Key input line Message display line

Additional information line

Fig. 7.3.1 (a) Simple display mode

Comment display

Fig. 7.3.1 (b) Comment display mode

When using a display unit which has 7 soft keys, the comment display mode is
not available.

- 715 -

Table contents
• NO.: Timer number specified for a functional instruction timer.
• ADDRESS: Address referenced by a sequence program
• PRESET: Timer setting value
• ACC: Timer accuracy
• COMMENT: T address comment

In the PRESET column, timer setting values are displayed. When the timer accuracy is 8, 48, 1, 10, or
100 msec, only a numeric value is displayed. When the timer accuracy is the second or minute, a time
value is displayed using H, M, and S with the separator "_" used to delimit one unit from another as

In the ACC column, timer accuracy values are displayed. The table below indicates the time setting
values and notation of each accuracy value.

Timer No. Accuracy notation Minimum time setting Maximum time setting
1 to 8 48 (initial value) 48 msec 1572.8 seconds
9 to 250 8 (initial value) 8 msec 262.1 seconds
1 to 250 1 1 msec 32.7 seconds
1 to 250 10 10 msec 327.7 seconds
1 to 250 100 100 msec 54.6 minutes
1 to 250 S 1 second 546 minutes
1 to 250 M 1 minute 546 hours

Above table is for 0i-D PMC. The timer number is 1 to 40 in 0i Mate-D PMC/L.

The additional information line at the bottom of the screen displays the symbol and comment of the
address on which the cursor is placed.

Soft key s on the TIMER screen

Switching to the soft key for accuracy setting T address search

Switching PMC path

Setting accuracy to 1 msec Setting accuracy to 10 msec Setting accuracy to 1 second

Setting accuracy to an initial value Setting accuracy to 100 msec Setting accuracy to 1 minute

Fig. 7.3.1 (c) Soft keys on the TIMER screen

- 716 -

Operations using the soft keys

(1) [SWITCH] Switching the display mode
Switches the display mode.
When using a display unit which has 7 soft keys, the soft key [SWITCH] is not
(2) [ACCRCY] Switching to the soft keys for accuracy setting
Switches to the soft keys for timer accuracy setting.
(3) [SEARCH] T address search
Searches for an input T address or timer number.
(4) [1MS] Setting accuracy to 1 msec
Sets timer accuracy to 1 msec.
(5) [10MS] Setting accuracy to 10 msec
Sets timer accuracy to 10 msec.
(6) [100MS] Setting accuracy to 100 msec
Sets timer accuracy to 100 msec.
(7) [1SEC] Setting accuracy to 1 second
Sets timer accuracy to 1 second.
(8) [1MIN] Setting accuracy to 1 mimute
Sets timer accuracy to 1 mimute.
(9) [INIT] Setting accuracy to an initial value
Sets the timer accuracy of the timer number on which the cursor is placed to an initial value (8 msec
or 48 msec).
(10) [SW PMC] PMC path Switching
Switches PMC paths.
This soft key is effective to the dual check safety function.
Data input using the input key
When timer accuracy is set to 1 second or 1 minute, the unit is the second if S is specified at the end of an
input value; the unit is the minute if M is specified; the unit is the hour if H is specified.
When setting "2 hours, 46 minutes, 40 seconds" as the timer address for timer accuracy 1 second:
"2H46M40S"+ input key is inputted.

- 717 -

7.3.2 Setting and Displaying Counter Values ([COUNTR] Screen)

This screen is used to set and display the maximum and minimum counter values for functional
instruction counters (SUB 5). This screen can be used in one of two modes: the simple display mode and
the comment display mode. To move to the COUNTER screen, press the [COUNTR] soft key.

Page display

Key input line Message display line

Additional information line

Fig. 7.3.2 (a) Simple display mode

Comment display

Fig. 7.3.2 (b) Comment display mode

When using a display unit which has 7 soft keys, the comment display mode is
not available.

Table contents
• NO.: Counter number specified for a functional instruction counter
- 718 -

• ADDRESS: Address referenced by a sequence program

• PRESET: Maximum counter value (a minimum counter value is specified by a counter
• CURRENT: Current counter value
• COMMENT: Comment on the C address of a setting value

The additional information line at the bottom of the screen displays the symbol and comment of the
address on which the cursor is placed. If the cursor is placed on a PRESET value, the symbol and
comment of the address of the PRESET value are displayed. If the cursor is placed on a CURRENT
value, the symbol and comment of the address of the CURRENT value are displayed.

Counter types and maximum values

Counter type PRESET maximum value CURRENT maximum value
BINARY 32767 32767
BCD 9999 9999

Soft keys on the COUNTER screen

C address search

PMC path Switching

Fig. 7.3.2 (c) Soft keys on the COUNTER screen

Operations using the soft keys

(1) [SWITCH] Display mode switching
Switches the display mode.
When using a display unit which has 7 soft keys, the soft key [SWITCH] is not

(2) [SEARCH] C address search

Searches for an input C address or counter number.
(3) [SW PMC] PMC path switching
Switches PMC paths.
This soft key is effective to the dual check safety function.

- 719 -

7.3.3 Setting and Displaying Keep Relays ([KEEPRL] Screen)

This screen is used for setting and displaying the Keep Relays. To move to the KEEP RELAY screen,
press the [KEEPRL] soft key.

Page display

Key input line Message display line

Additional information line

Contents of the table

• ADDRESS: Address referred by sequence Program
• 0 to 7: Contents of each bit
• HEX: Value of the byte data in hexadecimal notation
The additional information line at the bottom of the screen displays the symbol and comment of the
address on which the cursor is placed. When the cursor is placed on a byte, the byte symbol and
comment are displayed.
Since Keep Relay is nonvolatile memory, the contents are not lost even if you turn off the power.
The Keep Relay area consists of parts as follows.
0i-D /0i Mate-D 0i-D
0i-D PMC
User area K0 to K99 K0 to K19 K0 to K19
Area for management software K900 to K999 K900 to K999 K900 to K999

For details of the area for the PMC management software, see Subsection 2.2.11.

If the area for the PMC management software is protected by the programmer
protection function, the area is not displayed on the KEEP RELAY screen. For
details, see Section 6.2.

- 720 -

Screen operations
Soft keys on the KEEP RELAY screen

K address search

PMC path Switching

Fig. 7.3.3 Soft keys on the KEEP RELAY screen

Operations using the soft keys

(1) [SEARCH] K address search
Searches for an input K address.
(2) [SW PMC] PMC path switching
Switches PMC paths.
This soft key is effective to dual check safety function.

Data input using the input key

The input key is used to modify the signal status.
(1) Bit-by-bit setting
• Input 1 then press the input key to turn on the signal.
• Input 0 then press the input key to turn off the signal.
(2) Byte-by-byte setting
In the case of the byte cursor, input up to eight binary digits then press the input key. (When an
input value is shorter than eight digits, the value is input from bit 0.)
Example: When 100 is input, this value is input as follows:
Bit number 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
When the cursor is placed on the hexadecimal display field, hexadecimal input is enabled on a byte-
by-byte basis.
Cursor keys
With the cursor keys, select a signal to be modified.
If you press the cursor key for moving left when the cursor is placed at bit 7 of an arbitrary address, the
cursor changes to a byte cursor.
If you press the cursor key for moving right when the cursor is placed on the hexadecimal display field of
an arbitrary address, the cursor changes to a byte cursor for the next one entire byte.
When the cursor is on the hexadecimal display field or the cursor is a byte cursor, the one-byte signal data
of the address can be modified.

1 Do not use the special use area, because the relays in this area are reserved for
PMC system software use, and they affect behavior of the PMC software. Set
"0" to any relays that are not mentioned below, to prevent unexpected behavior
of PMC.
2 Be sure to set the reserved portion of the area for the PMC management
software to 0.

- 721 -

7.3.4 Setting and Displaying Data Tables ([DATA] Screen)

Data table has two related screens; DATA TABLE CONTROL and DATA TABLE. And similarly, extra
relay has two related screens; EXTRA RELAY CONTROL and EXTRA RELAY. These screens can be
switched to each other. To move to the data screen, press the [DATA] soft key.

DATA TABLE CONTROL screen ([List] screen)

Pressing the [DATA] soft key displays the DATA TABLE CONTROL screen for data table
management. This screen can be used in one of two modes: the simple display mode and the
comment display mode.

Display of the
number of groups

Page display

Key input line Message display line

Additional information line

Fig. 7.3.4 (a) Simple display mode

display area

Fig. 7.3.4 (b) Comment display mode

- 722 -

When using a display unit which has 7 soft keys, the comment display mode is
not available.

Table contents
• GROUP TABLE COUNT: Number of data items in the data table
• NO.: Group number
• ADDRESS: Data table start address
• PARAMETER: Data table control parameter
• TYPE: Data length (0 = 1 byte, 1 = 2 bytes, 2 = 4 bytes, 3 = bit)
• DATA: Number of data items in each data table
• COMMENT: Comment on the start D address of each group

The additional information line at the bottom of the screen displays the symbol and comment of the
address on which the cursor is placed. When the cursor is placed on the PARAMETER, TYPE, or DATA
column, the current setting is displayed.

The ADDRESS column displays the start address of a data table. Multiple groups may share an address.
When the [SYMBOL] soft key is pressed, the symbol of the start address is displayed.

The data table control parameters have the following meanings:
#7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0

0: Binary format
1: BCD format (Bits 2 and 3 are invalid.)
0: Without input protection
1: With input protection
0: Binary or BCD format (Bit 0 is valid.)
1: Hexadecimal format (Bits 0 and 3 are invalid.)
0: Signed (valid only when bits 0 and 2 are set to 0)
1: Unsigned (valid only when bits 0 and 2 are set to 0)

1 When data table control data is protected by the programmer protection function,
the data table control data screen is not displayed. For details, see Section 6.2.
2 When PMC parameters are output using the I/O screen (see Section 7.4), only
the data of an address D area set in the data table control data is output from the
data table screen. The data of an address D area not set in the data table
control data is not output.

- 723 -

Soft keys on the DATA TABLE CONTROL screen

Group number search Symbol display switching

Switching to the zoom screen

Input of the number of groups Address display switching

Data table control data Switching to the soft keys for Switching to Extra
initialization data size setting relay screen

Switching to the PMC path Switching

soft keys for
parameter setting
Switching to Data
table screen
Soft keys for parameter setting

Setting for signed decimal Setting for BCD Protection state modification

Setting for unsigned Setting for hexadecimal


Soft keys for data size setting

Setting for byte Setting for bit

Setting for word Setting for double word

Fig. 7.3.4 (c) Soft keys on the DATA TABLE CONTROL screen

Operations using the soft keys

(1) [SWITCH] Display mode switching
Switches the display mode.
When using a display unit which has 7 soft keys, the soft key [SWITCH] is not

(2) [ZOOM] Switching to the zoom screen

Switches the screen display to the DATA TABLE screen.
(3) [G.CONT] Input of the number of groups
By pressing this soft key after inputting the number of groups, the number of groups on the data
table can be set.
(4) [NO.SRH] Group number search
By pressing this soft key after inputting a group number, the cursor can be moved to the specified
(5) [SYMBOL] Symbol display switching
Displays the symbol of the start address of a data table in the ADDRESS column.
This soft key is valid only for address display.

- 724 -

(6) [ADRS] Address display switching

Displays the start address of a data table in the ADDRESS column.
This soft key is valid for symbol display.
(7) [INIT] Data table control data initialization
Initializes the setting of data table control data.
1 D0000 00000000 0 10000 (NOTE)

1 When data table control data is initialized, the entire data area is set as a single
table. The start address is the start address of the D addresses. The control
parameters are set as follows: signed binary format, without input protection,
one-byte data size, and the number of data items set to the total number of bytes
in the entire D address area.
2 For 0i Mate-D PMC/L, the initial number of data items is 3000. For 0i-D PMC, it
is 10000.

(8) [PARAM] Switching to the soft keys for parameter setting

Switches to the soft keys for setting the parameters of data table control data.
(9) [TYPE] Switching to the soft keys for data setting
Switches to the soft keys for data size setting.
(10) [SW PMC] PMC path switching
Switches PMC paths.
This soft key is effective to the dual check safety function.
(11) [RELAY]/[TABLE] Switching to Extra relay/Data Table control data
Switch the contents of the screen between the control data for Data table (D) and those for extra
relays (E).
To switch to extra relay control data, the system keep relay K909.5 needs to be 1.
(12) [SIGN] Setting for signed decimal
Sets signed decimal for the parameters of data table control data.
(13) [UNSIGN] Setting for unsigned decimal
Sets unsigned decimal for the parameters of data table control data.
(14) [BCD] Setting for BCD
Sets BCD for the parameters of data table control data.
(15) [HEX] Setting for hexadecimal
Sets hexadecimal for the parameters of data table control data.
(16) [PROT.] Protection state modification
Modifies the protection state of the parameters of data table control data.
(17) [BYTE] Setting for byte
Sets the data size to one byte.
(18) [WORD] Setting for word
Sets the data size to two bytes.
(19) [DWORD] Setting for double word
Sets the data size to four bytes.
(20) [BIT] Setting for bit
Sets the data size to one bit.
When the data size is one bit, the unit for the number of data items is one byte.

- 725 -

DATA TABLE screen ([ZOOM] screen)

If the data table control data is specified, clicking the [ZOOM] soft key on the data table control data
screen displays the data table setting screen. This screen can be used in one of three modes: the
simple display mode, the comment display mode, and the bit display mode.

information line

Page display

Key input line Message display line

Additional information line

Fig. 7.3.4 (d) Simple display mode

Comment display area

Fig. 7.3.4 (e) Comment display mode

When using a display unit which has 7 soft keys, the comment display mode is
not available.

- 726 -

Fig. 7.3.4 (f) Bit display mode

Table contents
• NO.
• ADDRESS: Address used by the sequence program
• DATA: Data value of data table
• COMMENT: Comment on the D address
• 0 to 7: Data of each bit
• HEX: Display of each byte in hexadecimal
The group information line at the top of the screen displays a group number, group start address, settings,
and comment on the start address.
The additional information line at the bottom of the screen displays the symbol and comment of the
address on which the cursor is placed. In the bit display mode, a bit symbol and comment, or a byte
symbol and comment are displayed, depending on the cursor position.
Soft keys on the DATA TABLE screen

Switching to the list screen Address search Switching to the Extra relay screen

Group number search

Switching to the Data table screen

PMC path Switching

Fig. 7.3.4 (g) Soft keys on the DATA TABLE screen

- 727 -

Operations using the soft keys

(1) [SWITCH] Display mode switching
Switches the mode between the simple display mode and comment display mode when the data size
is one byte, two bytes, or four bytes. When the data size is one bit, this soft key switches the mode
between the simple display mode and bit display mode.
When using a display unit which has 7 soft keys, the soft key [SWITCH] is not

(2) [LIST] Switching to the list screen

Clicking this soft key switches to the data table control data screen.
(3) [G-SRCH] Group number search
After the entry of a group number for a data table to be searched in another group, clicking this key
moves the cursor to the beginning of that group.
(4) [SEARCH] Address search
After the entry of an address, clicking this key moves the cursor to the specified address within the
currently selected group. In the bit display mode, this soft key searches for a byte address or bit
(5) [RELAY]/[TABLE] Switching to Extra relay/Data Table
Switch the contents of the screen between Data table (D) and extra relays (E).
To switch to extra relay, the system keep relay K909.5 needs to be 1.
(6) [SW PMC] PMC path switching
Switches PMC paths.
This soft key is effective to the dual check safety function.

Screen operations in the bit display mode

In the bit display mode, the method of operation described below is used.
(1) Input key
The input key is used to modify the signal status.
(a) Bit-by-bit setting
• Input 1 then press the input key to turn on the signal.
• Input 0 then press the input key to turn off the signal.
(b) Byte-by-byte setting
In the case of the byte cursor, input up to eight binary digits then press the input key. (When an
input value is shorter than eight digits, the value is input from bit 0.)
Example: When 100 is input, this value is input as follows:
Bit number 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
When the cursor is placed on the hexadecimal display field, hexadecimal input is enabled on a
byte-by-byte basis.
(2) Cursor keys
With the cursor keys, select a signal to be modified.
If you press the cursor key for moving left when the cursor is placed at bit 7 of an arbitrary address,
the cursor changes to a byte cursor.
If you press the cursor key for moving right when the cursor is placed on the hexadecimal display
field of an arbitrary address, the cursor changes to a byte cursor for the next one entire byte.
When the cursor is placed on the hexadecimal display field, or the cursor is a byte cursor, the one-
byte signal data of the address can be modified.

- 728 -

EXTRA RELAY CONTROL screen ([LIST] screen)

To switch to the EXTRA RELAY CONTROL screen in which you can manage the extra relay tables, use
[RELAY] soft key in DATA TABLE CONTROL screen.
The operation of this screen is similar to the DATA TABLE CONTROL screen. See “DATA TABLE
CONTROL screen ([List] screen)” for the detail of the operations.
To make it easy to distinguish the EXTRA RELAY CONTROL screen from DATA TABLE CONTROL
screen, the EXTRA RELAY CONTROL screen has white background at the line of “GROUP TABLE

- 729 -

EXTRA RELAY screen ([ZOOM] screen)

When the extra relay control data are properly set, pressing [ZOOM] soft key at EXTRA RELAY
CONTROL screen leads you to the EXTRA RELAY screen. Similarly to the DATA TABLE screen, this
screen can show the contents of extra relays in three display modes; the simple display mode, the
comment display mode, and the bit display mode.
The operation of this screen is similar to the DATA TABLE screen. See “DATA TABLE screen
([ZOOM] screen)” for the detail of the operations.
To make it easy to distinguish the EXTRA RELAY screen from DATA TABLE screen, the EXTRA
RELAY screen has white background at the line of the group information.

1 Extra relays (E) can be included only in PMC parameter output from 1st PMC. If
you set 1 to the system keep relay K906.3, no information of extra relays is
included in PMC parameter output.
2 You have an option on the format of the extra relays when you include the extra
relays in the PMC parameter output. See “2.3.2 PMC Parameter Format” for the
detail of the format of the extra relays.
3 Even if the extra relays are not configured as non-volatile memory, their control
data are non-volatile.

- 730 -


To move to the I/O screen, press the [I/O] soft key.

On this screen, sequence programs, PMC parameters and PMC message data for multi-language display
can be written to the specified device, read from the device, and compared. The query selection cursor,
which moves vertically from one question to another, is displayed, as is the option selection cursor, which
moves horizontally from one option to another.

The following types of devices can be used for input/output. The desired device type can be selected by
positioning the query selection cursor to "DEVICE" and moving the option selection cursor to that type.

• MEMORY CARD: Data can be output to and input from a memory card.
• FLASH ROM: Data can be output to and input from flash ROM.
• FLOPPY: Data can be output to and input from Handy File or Floppy Cassette.
• OTHERS: Data can be output to and input from other general-purpose RS-232C
input/output devices.

In STATUS in the lower part of the screen, a detailed explanation of execution and the execution status
are displayed. During write, read, and comparison, the size of the data already transferred is indicated as
the execution (intermediate) result.

- 731 -

The following gives a display example shown when PMC parameters are written to a memory card:

Soft keys on the I/O screen

Execution Switch to the list screen Switch to the port setting screen

Change the input mode Delete a character Generating a new file name


Fig. 7.4 Soft keys on the I/O screen

Operations using the soft keys

(1) [EXEC] Execution
Executes a processing item selected for FUNCTION.
During execution, the [CANCEL] soft key is displayed.
(2) [LIST] Switching to the list screen
Switches the screen display to the file list screen.
This soft key is valid only when MEMORY CARD or FLOPPY is selected for DEVICE.
(3) [SETING] Switching to the port setting screen
Switches the screen display to the Port setting screen.
This soft key is valid only when FLOPPY or OTHERS is selected for DEVICE.
(4) [CANCEL] Cancellation
Cancels execution. Upon normal termination, the display of this soft key disappears.
(5) [NAME] Generating a new file name
Unused new file name is generated by searching files on a memory card or a floppy disk. This soft
key is displayed when a writing function to memory card or to floppy disk is selected.

- 732 -

New file name is generated with the following format.

PMC path Data type Data number

• PMC path
Set a following string that indicates a PMC path.

PMC path String

0i-D PMC, 0i-D/0i Mate-D PMC/L PMC1
Dual check safety PMC PMCS

• Data type
Set a following string that indicates a data type.

Data type String

Sequence program LAD
PMC parameter PRM
Message data for multi-language display MSG

• Data number
The data number is the three digits number that begins at '000'. The next number of the
maximum data number of a file that exists on a memory card or floppy disk is set to the data
number. However, when a file that has a data number '999' exists on a memory card or floppy
disk, '999' is set to the data number.

When 128 or more files exist on a memory card or floppy disk, the "Generating
new file name" does not work correctly. You should only use this function when
127 or less files exist on the device.

(6) [INPMOD] Changing the input mode

By pressing the [INPMOD] softkey, the input mode is changed in the following order. The indicator
"INSERT" that appears on the screen means insert mode. The indicator "ALTER" means replace
mode. This soft key [INPMOD] appears only when the cursor is on the FILE NAME box.

Full-string Insert Replace

input mode mode

• Full-string input
An entire file name is selected by the cursor and the entire file name is replaced by input.
• Insert mode
Input characters are inserted at the cursor. If you press the INPUT key without no character,
one space character will be inserted.
• Replace mode
The characters on and after cursor are replaced by input characters. If you press the INPUT key
without no character, the character on the cursor will be replaced by space character.

- 733 -

(7) [DELCHR] Deleting a character

Delete a character on the cursor. This softkey [DELCHR] appears only when the cursor is on the
FILE NAME box and the input mode is "INSERT" or "ALTER".

For the description of the error messages on the I/O screen, see Section 11.1.

- 734 -

7.4.1 Writing to the Memory Card

A memory card used to input/output sequence programs with the I/O screen can directly transfer data to
and from the programmer device (FANUC LADDER-III).

The table below indicates the available memory cards and their usable functions.
Each card must comply with TYPE1 or TYPE2 of PCMCIA (Personal Computer Memory Card
International Association) 2.0 or later, or must comply with TYPE1 or TYPE2 of JEIDA (Japan
Electronic Industry Development Association) 4.0 or later. The format complies with the FAT file
system of MS-DOS.
{: Supported
×: Not supported
Flash memory card
ATA card SRAM card
Supported card Unsupported card
Read of a file { { { {
Format of a card { { { ×
Write of a file { { { ×
Delete of a file { { × ×
List of a file { { { {

Writing to the flash memory card

The supported type of flash memory card is:
• Series 2 flash memory card of Intel (or equivalent)

A file can be written to a card formatted in the MS-DOS format. However, the following restrictions are
• Existing files cannot be replaced.
• Cards formatted by the flash file system cannot be used. (Even the read function and directory
display function cannot be used.)
• The data of a flash memory card written to in the built-in slot of a personal computer may not be

- 735 -

No data can be written to the last 128K bytes of a card. This means that the usable card size is (card size -
128K bytes).For details, see Fig. 7.4.1.

Before a write




128K bytes

After a write





128K bytes

Fig. 7.4.1

If an attempt is made to write File-D in Fig. 7.4.1, an error occurs.

Actually, the data of File-D is written to the shaded portion ( ), but the data cannot be read, and the
directory cannot be displayed.
Moreover, no additional files can be written to this memory card.

Recommendable devices that can handle a flash memory card formatted and
written to by the FANUC system are unavailable from manufacturers other than
FANUC. Moreover, recommendable devices that can format and write to a card
to allow read operation by the FANUC system are unavailable from
manufacturers other than FANUC.
This is because the demand for flash memory cards in the card market is so low
that compatible models are disappearing.
When using flash memory cards, understand the situations mentioned above
and fully take compatibility into consideration.

- 736 -

7.4.2 Setting the Communication Port ([SETING] Screen)

When FLOPPY or OTHERS is selected for DEVICE on the I/O screen, the [SETING] soft key is
displayed. When you press this soft key, the screen display changes to the port setting screen. The screen
below is a sample screen displayed when FLOPPY is selected for DEVICE.

This screen allows the setting of the communication data required for communication using the RS-232C.
Communication data can be set for each of the two types of devices independently of the other.
Selected device type is displayed to "DEVICE" menu on screen.

Explanation of each question

Check that an RS-232C cable is connected to the main board of the control unit. Directly enter the
number corresponding to the connected connector.
1.......... JD36A
2.......... JD36B
1200: Sets the baud rate to "1200".
2400: Sets the baud rate to "2400".
4800: Sets the baud rate to "4800".
9600: Sets the baud rate to "9600".
19200: Sets the baud rate to "19200".
1 BIT: Sets the number of stop bits to "1".
2 BITS: Sets the number of stop bits to "2".
"WRITE CODE" is displayed when "OTHERS" is selected for "DEVICE".
ASCII: Sets the output code to "ASCII".
ISO: Sets the output code to "ISO".

Parity is always "NONE".

- 737 -

Soft keys on the port setting screen

Setting initialization Switching to the I/O screen

Fig. 7.4.2 Soft keys on the port setting screen

Explanation of soft keys

(1) [INIT] Setting initialization
Sets all the parameters to their initial values.
The table below indicates the initial value of each setting item.
Table 7.4.2 Initial values
BAUD RATE 4800 4800

(2) [EXIT] Switching to the I/O screen

Terminates the setting of the communication parameters and switches the screen display to the I/O

Operation of the return key

On the port setting screen, the operation of the return key is disabled.
Use the [EXIT] soft key to terminate the setting of the communication parameters and return to the I/O

- 738 -

7.4.3 Displaying a File List ([LIST] Screen)

When MEMORY CARD or FLOPPY is selected for DEVICE on the I/O screen, the [LIST] soft key is
displayed. When you press this soft key, the screen display changes to the file list screen. The screen
below is a sample screen displayed when MEMORY CARD is selected for DEVICE.

If MEMORY CARD is selected for DEVICE, and a memory card holding files is inserted into the slot,
the contents of the memory card are displayed. If FLOPPY is selected for DEVICE, the contents of a
Floppy Cassette or Handy File are displayed.

Up to 128 files can be displayed on this screen. When 129 or more files are
saved, the 129th and subsequent files are ignored.

When a file is selected on this screen, the screen display can be returned to the I/O screen. To select a file,
place the cursor at the name of the file, then press either the [SELECT] soft key or the INPUT key. After
the key entry, the screen display switches to the I/O screen automatically. In this case, the cursor is
positioned at READ on the FUNCTION menu, and the number and name of the file selected on the list
screen are indicated in the FILE NO. and FILE NAME fields, respectively. A display example is shown

- 739 -

To return the screen display to the I/O screen without selecting a file, press the [EXIT] soft key. Even if
the memory card or the floppy disk in the floppy cassette, or the handy file is exchanged while the file list
screen is being displayed, the display data is not automatically updated. In this case, press the [REFRSH]
soft key. The contents of the new memory card are then displayed.

Soft keys on the file list screen

File selection List updating Switching to the I/O screen

Fig. 7.4.3 Soft keys on the file list screen

Explanation of soft keys

(1) [SELECT] File selection
Selects a file, and returns the screen display to the I/O screen.
(2) [REFRSH] List updating
Redisplays the file list screen.
(3) [EXIT] Switching to the I/O screen
Switches the screen display to the I/O screen without selecting a file.

Operation of the return key

On the file list screen, the operation of the return key is disabled.
Use the [EXIT] soft key to return to the I/O screen without selecting a file.

- 740 -

7.4.4 Setting an I/O Target PMC

The system with the dual check safety function enables an I/O target PMC to be selected on the I/O

Specification of a PMC in the item of PMC

Select PMC with the query selection cursor then select an I/O target PMC by moving the option selection

The PMC query may not be displayed, depending on the setting of each query.
For details, see the description of each operation procedure.

When the dual check safety function exist:


When only PMC1 exists, the indication below is provided, so that no selection operation is required. In
this case, the query selection cursor does not move to PMC.

Specification of a PMC when a sequence program is read

When the data of the I/O screen is read, the type of data is automatically identified. The procedure for
reading a sequence program is described below.

Soft keys for reading a sequence program

(1) Reading a sequence program including PMC information

(a) After setting a device on the I/O screen, select READ for FUNCTION, then press the [EXEC]
soft key.
(b) The following message is displayed:
(As PMCx, the PMC number embedded in the data is displayed. "PMC DCS" is displayed for
a program for dual check safety.)
(c) Press the [EXEC] soft key to continue the operation.
(d) Press the [CANCEL] soft key to stop the operation.

(2) Reading a sequence program for the conventional model

When the reading of the sequence program of the conventional model begins, the following message
is displayed, and the read operation is terminated abnormally:

- 741 -

Specification of a PMC when PMC parameters are read

When the data of the I/O screen is read, the type of data is automatically identified. The procedure for
reading PMC parameters is described below.

Soft keys for reading PMC parameters

When PMC parameters including PMC information are read

When PMC parameters for the conventional model are read with the multi-PMC system

(1) Reading PMC parameters including PMC information

(a) After setting a device, select READ for FUNCTION, then execute.
(b) The following message is displayed:
(As PMCx, the PMC number embedded in the data is displayed. "PMC DCS" is displayed for
parameters for dual check safety.)
(c) Press the [EXEC] soft key to continue the operation.
(d) Press the [CANCEL] soft key to stop the operation.

(2) Reading PMC parameters for the conventional model

(a) After setting a device, select READ for FUNCTION, then execute.
(b) The following message is displayed:
(c) Select a read source PMC with the corresponding soft key.
(d) Press the [CANCEL] soft key to stop processing.

1 When only the first PMC exists, only the step for reading PMC parameters
including PMC information needs to be executed.
2 For a nonexistent PMC, no soft key is displayed.

- 742 -

7.4.5 Outputting a Sequence Program to the Memory Card

A sequence program can be output from a PMC to the memory card. To use this function, perform the
operation described below on the I/O screen.

This operation can be performed only when the operation condition allows
sequence program output. For details, see Section 6.2.

(1) On the I/O screen, make the following settings with the query selection cursor and option selection

Query Setting
PMC (Output target PMC)

For the setting of an output target PMC, see Subsection 7.4.4.

(2) Move the query selection cursor to FILE NAME and enter a file name.
You should enter the file name with "8.3 format" that is constructed with base name, less than 8
characters, dot "." and extension, less than 3 characters.
Or, press the [NAME] soft key to set a new file name.

(3) Press the [EXEC] soft key to output the sequence program.
Press the [CANCEL] soft key to stop the operation.

(4) If the specified file name already exists on a memory card, the following message will be displayed.
If you want to overwrite the file, press the [YES] soft key. And, if you want to cancel the output,
press the [NO] key.


For the supported memory cards, see the pertinent table in Subsection 7.4.1.

For writing to the flash memory card, see "Writing to the flash memory card" in
Subsection 7.4.1.

- 743 -

7.4.6 Inputting a Sequence Program from the Memory Card

A sequence program can be input from the memory card to a PMC. To use this function, perform the
operation described below on the I/O screen.

When the sequence program being executed is updated to the sequence
program whose symbols are assigned to the different addresses, the signal state
may be unsuitable. If you activate the sequence program in this state, the
machine may behave in an unexpected way, and there is an extreme risk of
death or serious injury, as well as the likelihood of the tool, workpiece and
machine being damaged. Therefore, initialize the signals if needed before
starting the updated sequence program.

When editing FB definitions and FB instances by the offline editing function on
FANUC LADDER-III, the addresses assigned to the parameters and variables of
function block will be changed. Therefore, the parameters and variables of all
function blocks will be initialized by 0 when the sequence program is inputted
into CNC. (See “10.1.4 Assignment of FB variable” for details.)

1 This operation can be performed only when the operation condition allows
sequence program input. For details, see Section 6.2.
2 In a sequence program which uses exteneded symbol and comment format, if
you edit the symbol / comment data of the sequence program by FANUC
LADDER-III and store it into CNC with K903.5=1, the address area for
automatically assignment will be initialized to 0.

(1) On the I/O screen, make the following settings with the query selection cursor and option selection
Query Setting

(2) Specify an input target sequence program by performing the following operations:
• Move the query selection cursor to FILE NO., then key in an input target file number. At this
time, the FILE NAME field displays the file name corresponding to the entered file number.
• Move the query selection cursor to FILE NAME, then key in the input target file name.
• Switch the screen display to the list screen, then select the input target file.
For the list screen, see Subsection 7.4.3.

If a value is set in the FILE NO. field, and a file name not corresponding to the
file number is entered in the FILE NAME field when FILE NO. and FILE NAME
are displayed at the same time, the value set in the FILE NO. field is erased, and
the setting in the FILE NAME field becomes valid.

- 744 -

(3) Press the [EXEC] soft key.

Before the reading of the file is started, the following message is displayed to check if read
processing may be executed:
"Reading sequence program PMC1"
<Caution> Take special care reading a sequence program or PMC parameters.
* When an inadequate file is read, the machine can make an unexpected movement.
* When a sequence program is read during operation, the program being executed is
automatically stopped.
("PMC DCS" is displayed for a program for dual check safety.)
Press the [EXEC] soft key to continue the operation. Press the [CANCEL] soft key to stop the
If the reading of the sequence program is continued, the ladder program being executed is
automatically stopped.

1 When the format of a specified file cannot be recognized, the read operation is
terminated abnormally with the following message:
2 Sequence programs for the conventional model cannot be read. If a sequence
program for the conventional model is read, the read operation is terminated
abnormally with the following message:

1 If a ladder program is read while another ladder program is being executed, the
ladder program being executed is automatically stopped. Take special care
when stopping a ladder program. If a ladder program is stopped at an
inadequate timing or in an inadequate machine state, the machine can make an
unexpected movement. Moreover, when a ladder program is stopped, the safety
feature and monitoring based on the ladder program do not function. Before
stopping a ladder program, make sure that the machine state is normal and that
there is no person near the machine.
2 When an attempt is made to stop the ladder program being executed, the stop
processing may continue endlessly, depending on the ladder operation. In such
a case, modify the ladder program according to Section 4.15.

For the supported memory cards, see the pertinent table in Subsection 7.4.1.

- 745 -

7.4.7 Comparing Sequence Programs with Memory Card Files

A sequence program comparison can be made between the PMC and memory card. To use this function,
perform the operation described below on the I/O screen.

Compare operation can be performed only when the operation condition allows
sequence program output. For details, see Section 6.2.

(1) On the I/O screen, make the following settings with the query selection cursor and option selection

Query Setting

(2) Specify a sequence program to be compared, by performing the following operations:

• Move the query selection cursor to FILE NO., then key in a compare target file number. At
this time, the FILE NAME field displays the file name corresponding to the entered file number.
• Move the query selection cursor to FILE NAME, then key in the compare target file name.
• Switch the screen display to the list screen, then select the compare target file.
For the list screen, see Subsection 7.4.3.

If a value is set in the FILE NO. field, and a file name not corresponding to the
file number is entered in the FILE NAME field when FILE NO. and FILE NAME
are displayed at the same time, the value set in the FILE NO. field is erased, and
the setting in the FILE NAME field becomes valid.

(3) Press the [EXEC] soft key to execute a sequence program comparison.
Press the [CANCEL] soft key to stop the operation.

1 When the format of a specified file cannot be recognized, the compare operation
is terminated abnormally with the following message:
2 Sequence programs for the conventional model cannot be compared. If a
sequence program for the conventional model is compared, the compare
operation is terminated abnormally with the following message:

For the supported memory cards, see the pertinent table in Subsection 7.4.1.

- 746 -

7.4.8 Saving Sequence Programs to the Flash ROM

Sequence programs can be saved from a PMC to the flash ROM. To use this function, perform the
operation described below on the I/O screen.

This operation can be performed only when the operation condition allows
sequence program output. For details, see Section 6.2.

(1) On the I/O screen, make the following settings with the query selection cursor and option selection

Query Setting
PMC (Output target PMC)

For the setting of an output target PMC, see Subsection 7.4.4.

(2) Press the [EXEC] soft key to save sequence programs.

When writing to the flash ROM is performed, the processing cannot be stopped.

When programs are written, flash ROM initialization may consume some time.
During initialization, "INITIALIZING FLASH ROM." is displayed in the STATUS
display field.

- 747 -

7.4.9 Inputting Sequence Programs from the Flash ROM

Sequence programs can be inputted from the flash ROM to a PMC. To use this function, perform the
operation described below on the I/O screen.

When the sequence program being executed is updated to the sequence
program whose symbols are assigned to the different addresses, the signal state
may be unsuitable. If you activate the sequence program in this state, the
machine may behave in an unexpected way, and there is an extreme risk of
death or serious injury, as well as the likelihood of the tool, workpiece and
machine being damaged. Therefore, initialize the signals if needed before
starting the updated sequence program.

When editing FB definitions and FB instances by the offline editing function on
FANUC LADDER-III, the addresses assigned to the parameters and variables of
function block will be changed. Therefore, the parameters and variables of all
function blocks will be initialized by 0 when the sequence program is inputted
into CNC. (See “10.1.4 Assignment of FB variable” for details.)

1 This operation can be performed only when the operation condition allows
sequence program input. For details, see Section 6.2.
2 In a sequence program which uses exteneded symbol and comment format, if
you edit the symbol / comment data of the sequence program by FANUC
LADDER-III and store it into CNC with K903.5=1, the address area for
automatically assignment will be initialized to 0.

(1) On the I/O screen, make the following settings with the query selection cursor and option selection

Query Setting
PMC (Input target PMC)

For the setting of an input target PMC, see Subsection 7.4.4.

(2) Press the [EXEC] soft key to input sequence programs.

When reading from the flash ROM is performed, the processing cannot be stopped.
If the reading of sequence programs is continued, the ladder program being executed is
automatically stopped.

- 748 -

1 If a ladder program is read while another ladder program is being executed, the
ladder program being executed is automatically stopped. Take special care
when stopping a ladder program. If a ladder program is stopped at an
inadequate timing or in an inadequate machine state, the machine can make an
unexpected movement. Moreover, when a ladder program is stopped, the safety
feature and monitoring based on the ladder program do not function. Before
stopping a ladder program, make sure that the machine state is normal and that
there is no person near the machine.
2 When an attempt is made to stop the ladder program being executed, the stop
processing may continue endlessly, depending on the ladder operation. In such
a case, modify the ladder program according to Section 4.15.

- 749 -

7.4.10 Comparing Sequence Programs with Flash ROM Files

A sequence program comparison can be made between the PMC and flash ROM. To use this function,
perform the operation described below on the I/O screen.

Compare operation can be performed only when the operation condition allows
sequence program output. For details, see Section 6.2.

(1) On the I/O screen, make the following settings with the query selection cursor and option selection

Query Setting
PMC (Compare target PMC)

For the setting of an compare target PMC, see Subsection 7.4.4.

(2) Press the [EXEC] soft key to execute a sequence program comparison.
When a sequence program camparison with the flash ROM is performed, the processing cannot be

- 750 -

7.4.11 Outputting a Sequence Program to the FLOPPY

A sequence program can be output from a PMC to a Floppy Cassette or Handy File connected via RS-
232C. To use this function, perform the operation described below on the I/O screen. To set the
communication parameters, display the port setting screen by pressing the [SETING] soft key. For the
port setting screen, see Subsection 7.4.2.

This operation can be performed only when the operation condition allows
sequence program output. For details, see Section 6.2.

(1) On the I/O screen, make the following settings with the query selection cursor and option selection
Query Setting
PMC (Output target PMC)

For the setting of an output target PMC, see Subsection 7.4.4.

(2) Move the query selection cursor to FILE NAME and enter a file name.
When using a MS-DOS formatted floppy disk, you should enter the file name with "8.3 format" that
is constructed with base name, less than 8 characters, dot "." and extension, less than 3 characters.
When using a FANUC formatted floppy disk, you should enter the file name with less than 17
Or, press the [NAME] soft key to set a new file name.

(3) Press the [EXEC] soft key to output the sequence program.
Press the [CANCEL] soft key to stop the operation.

- 751 -

7.4.12 Inputting a Sequence Program from the FLOPPY

A sequence program can be input to a PMC from a Floppy Cassette or Handy File connected via RS-
232C. To use this function, perform the operation described below on the I/O screen. To set the
communication parameters, display the port setting screen by pressing the [SETING] soft key. For the
port setting screen, see Subsection 7.4.2.

When the sequence program being executed is updated to the sequence
program whose symbols are assigned to the different addresses, the signal state
may be unsuitable. If you activate the sequence program in this state, the
machine may behave in an unexpected way, and there is an extreme risk of
death or serious injury, as well as the likelihood of the tool, workpiece and
machine being damaged. Therefore, initialize the signals if needed before
starting the updated sequence program.

When editing FB definitions and FB instances by the offline editing function on
FANUC LADDER-III, the addresses assigned to the parameters and variables of
function block will be changed. Therefore, the parameters and variables of all
function blocks will be initialized by 0 when the sequence program is inputted
into CNC. (See “10.1.4 Assignment of FB variable” for details.)

1 This operation can be performed only when the operation condition allows
sequence program input. For details, see Section 6.2.
2 In a sequence program which uses exteneded symbol and comment format, if
you edit the symbol / comment data of the sequence program by FANUC
LADDER-III and store it into CNC with K903.5=1, the address area for
automatically assignment will be initialized to 0.

(1) On the I/O screen, make the following settings with the query selection cursor and option selection

Query Setting

(2) Specify an input target sequence program by performing the following operations:
• Move the query selection cursor to FILE NO., then key in an input target file number. At this time,
the FILE NAME field displays the file name corresponding to the entered file number.
• Move the query selection cursor to FILE NAME, then key in the input target file name.
• Switch the screen display to the list screen, then select the input target file.
For the list screen, see Subsection 7.4.3.

If a value is set in the FILE NO. field, and a file name not corresponding to the
file number is entered in the FILE NAME field when FILE NO. and FILE NAME
are displayed at the same time, the value set in the FILE NO. field is erased, and
the setting in the FILE NAME field becomes valid.

- 752 -

(3) Press the [EXEC] soft key.

Before the reading of the file is started, the following message is displayed to check if read
processing may be executed:
("PMC DCS" is displayed for a program for dual check safety.)
Press the [EXEC] soft key to continue the operation. Press the [CANCEL] soft key to stop the
If the reading of the sequence program is continued, the ladder program being executed is
automatically stopped.

1 When the format of a specified file cannot be recognized, the read operation is
terminated abnormally with the following message:
2 Sequence programs for the conventional model cannot be read. If a sequence
program for the conventional model is read, the read operation is terminated
abnormally with the following message:

1 If a ladder program is read while another ladder program is being executed, the
ladder program being executed is automatically stopped. Take special care
when stopping a ladder program. If a ladder program is stopped at an
inadequate timing or in an inadequate machine state, the machine can make an
unexpected movement. Moreover, when a ladder program is stopped, the safety
feature and monitoring based on the ladder program do not function. Before
stopping a ladder program, make sure that the machine state is normal and that
there is no person near the machine.
2 When an attempt is made to stop the ladder program being executed, the stop
processing may continue endlessly, depending on the ladder operation. In such
a case, modify the ladder program according to Section 4.15.

- 753 -

7.4.13 Comparing Sequence Programs with FLOPPY Files

A sequence program comparison can be made between the PMC and Floppy Cassette or Handy File
connected via RS-232C. To use this function, perform the operation described below on the I/O screen.
To set the communication parameters, display the port setting screen by pressing the [SETING] soft key.
For the port setting screen, see Subsection 7.4.2.

Compare operation can be performed only when the operation condition allows
sequence program output. For details, see Section 6.2.

(1) On the I/O screen, make the following settings with the query selection cursor and option selection

Query Setting

(2) Specify a sequence program to be compared, by performing the following operations:

• Move the query selection cursor to FILE NO., then key in a compare target file number. At this time,
the FILE NAME field displays the file name corresponding to the entered file number.
• Move the query selection cursor to FILE NAME, then key in the compare target file name.
• Switch the screen display to the list screen, then select the compare target file.
For the list screen, see Subsection 7.4.3.

If a value is set in the FILE NO. field, and a file name not corresponding to the
file number is entered in the FILE NAME field when FILE NO. and FILE NAME
are displayed at the same time, the value set in the FILE NO. field is erased, and
the setting in the FILE NAME field becomes valid.

(3) Press the [EXEC] soft key to execute a sequence program comparison.
Press the [CANCEL] soft key to stop the operation.

1 When the format of a specified file cannot be recognized, the compare operation
is terminated abnormally with the following message:
2 Sequence programs for the conventional model cannot be compared. If a
sequence program for the conventional model is compared, the compare
operation is terminated abnormally with the following message:

- 754 -

7.4.14 Outputting Sequence Programs to Other Devices

(via the RS-232C Port)
Sequence programs can be output from a PMC to another type of device connected via RS-232C. To use
this function, perform the operation described below on the I/O screen. To set the communication
parameters, display the port setting screen by pressing the [SETING] soft key. For the port setting screen,
see Subsection 7.4.2.

This operation can be performed only when the operation condition allows
sequence program output. For details, see Section 6.2.

(1) On the I/O screen, make the following settings with the query selection cursor and option selection

Query Setting
PMC (Output target PMC)

For the setting of an output target PMC, see Subsection 7.4.4.

(2) Press the [EXEC] soft key to output sequence programs.

Press the [CANCEL] soft key to stop the operation.

- 755 -

7.4.15 Inputting Sequence Programs from Other Devices

(via the RS-232C Port)
Sequence programs can be input to a PMC from another type of device connected via RS-232C. To use
this function, perform the operation described below on the I/O screen. To set the communication
parameters, display the port setting screen by pressing the [SETING] soft key. For the port setting screen,
see Subsection 7.4.2.

When the sequence program being executed is updated to the sequence
program whose symbols are assigned to the different addresses, the signal state
may be unsuitable. If you activate the sequence program in this state, the
machine may behave in an unexpected way, and there is an extreme risk of
death or serious injury, as well as the likelihood of the tool, workpiece and
machine being damaged. Therefore, initialize the signals if needed before
starting the updated sequence program.

When editing FB definitions and FB instances by the offline editing function on
FANUC LADDER-III, the addresses assigned to the parameters and variables of
function block will be changed. Therefore, the parameters and variables of all
function blocks will be initialized by 0 when the sequence program is inputted
into CNC. (See “10.1.4 Assignment of FB variable” for details.)

1 This operation can be performed only when the operation condition allows
sequence program input. For details, see Section 6.2.
2 In a sequence program which uses exteneded symbol and comment format, if
you edit the symbol / comment data of the sequence program by FANUC
LADDER-III and store it into CNC with K903.5=1, the address area for
automatically assignment will be initialized to 0.

(1) On the I/O screen, make the following settings with the query selection cursor and option selection

Query Setting

- 756 -

(2) Press the [EXEC] soft key.

Before the reading of a file is started, the following message is displayed to check if read processing
may be executed:
("PMC DCS" is displayed for a program for dual check safety.)
Press the [EXEC] soft key to continue the operation. Press the [CANCEL] soft key to stop the
If the reading of sequence programs is continued, the ladder program being executed is
automatically stopped.

1 When the format of a specified file cannot be recognized, the read operation is
terminated abnormally with the following message:
2 Sequence programs for the conventional model cannot be read. If a sequence
program for the conventional model is read, the read operation is terminated
abnormally with the following message:

1 If a ladder program is read while another ladder program is being executed, the
ladder program being executed is automatically stopped. Take special care
when stopping a ladder program. If a ladder program is stopped at an
inadequate timing or in an inadequate machine state, the machine can make an
unexpected movement. Moreover, when a ladder program is stopped, the safety
feature and monitoring based on the ladder program do not function. Before
stopping a ladder program, make sure that the machine state is normal and that
there is no person near the machine.
2 When an attempt is made to stop the ladder program being executed, the stop
processing may continue endlessly, depending on the ladder operation. In such
a case, modify the ladder program according to Section 4.15.

- 757 -

7.4.16 Comparing Sequence Programs with Files of Other Devices

(via the RS-232C Port)
A sequence program comparison can be made between the PMC and another type of device connected via
RS-232C. To use this function, perform the operation described below on the I/O screen. To set the
communication parameters, display the port setting screen by pressing the [SETING] soft key. For the
port setting screen, see Subsection 7.4.2.

Compare operation can be performed only when the operation condition allows
sequence program output. For details, see Section 6.2.

(1) On the I/O screen, make the following settings with the query selection cursor and option selection

Query Setting

(2) Press the [EXEC] soft key to execute a sequence program comparison.
Press the [CANCEL] soft key to stop the operation.

1 When the format of a specified file cannot be recognized, the compare operation
is terminated abnormally with the following message:
2 Sequence programs for the conventional model cannot be compared. If a
sequence program for the conventional model is compared, the compare
operation is terminated abnormally with the following message:

- 758 -

7.4.17 Outputting PMC Parameters to the Memory Card

PMC parameters can be output from a PMC to the memory card. To use this function, perform the
operation described below on the I/O screen.

This operation can be performed only when the operation condition allows PMC
parameter output. For details, see Section 6.2.

(1) On the I/O screen, make the following settings with the query selection cursor and option selection

Query Setting
PMC (Output target PMC)

For the setting of an output target PMC, see Subsection 7.4.4.

(2) Move the query selection cursor to FILE NAME and enter a file name.
You should enter the file name with "8.3 format" that is constructed with base name, less than 8
characters, dot "." and extension, less than 3 characters.
Or, press the [NAME] soft key to set a new file name.

(3) Press the [EXEC] soft key to output PMC parameters.

Press the [CANCEL] soft key to stop the operation.

(4) If the specified file name already exists on a memory card, the following message will be displayed.
If you want to overwrite the file, press the [YES] soft key. And, if you want to cancel the output,
press the [NO] key.


For the supported memory cards, see the pertinent table in Subsection 7.4.1.

1 For writing to the flash memory card, see "Writing to the flash memory card" in
Subsection 7.4.1.

- 759 -

7.4.18 Inputting PMC Parameters from the Memory Card

PMC parameters can be input from the memory card to a PMC. To use this function, perform the
operation described below on the I/O screen.

This operation can be performed only when the operation condition allows PMC
parameter input. For details, see Section 6.2.

(1) On the I/O screen, make the following settings with the query selection cursor and option selection

Query Setting

(2) Specify input target PMC parameters by performing the following operations:
• Move the query selection cursor to FILE NO., then key in an input target file number. At this
time, the FILE NAME field displays the file name corresponding to the entered file number.
• Move the query selection cursor to FILE NAME, then key in the input target file name.
• Switch the screen display to the list screen, then select the input target file.
For the list screen, see Subsection 7.4.3.

If a value is set in the FILE NO. field, and a file name not corresponding to the
file number is entered in the FILE NAME field when FILE NO. and FILE NAME
are displayed at the same time, the value set in the FILE NO. field is erased, and
the setting in the FILE NAME field becomes valid.

(3) Press the [EXEC] soft key.

Before the reading of the file is started, the following message is displayed to check if read
processing may be executed:
("PMC DCS" is displayed for parameters for dual check safety.)
Press the [EXEC] soft key to continue the operation. Press the [CANCEL] soft key to stop the
If the reading of PMC parameters is continued, the PMC parameters are rewritten even when a
ladder program is being executed.

When the format of a specified file cannot be recognized, the read operation is
terminated abnormally with the following message:

When PMC parameters are read, a modified parameter can exercise an
unexpected influence on ladder operation. Before reading PMC parameters,
make sure that the parameters to be read do not affect ladder operation.

For the supported memory cards, see the pertinent table in Subsection 7.4.1.

- 760 -

7.4.19 Comparing PMC Parameters with Memory Card Files

A PMC parameter comparison can be made between the PMC and memory card. To use this function,
perform the operation described below on the I/O screen.

Compare operation can be performed only when the operation condition allows
PMC parameter output. For details, see Section 6.2.

(1) On the I/O screen, make the following settings with the query selection cursor and option selection

Query Setting

(2) Specify PMC parameters to be compared, by performing the following operations:

• Move the query selection cursor to FILE NO., then key in a compare target file number. At
this time, the FILE NAME field displays the file name corresponding to the entered file number.
• Move the query selection cursor to FILE NAME, then key in the compare target file name.
• Switch the screen display to the list screen, then select the compare target file.
For the list screen, see Subsection 7.4.3.

If a value is set in the FILE NO. field, and a file name not corresponding to the
file number is entered in the FILE NAME field when FILE NO. and FILE NAME
are displayed at the same time, the value set in the FILE NO. field is erased, and
the setting in the FILE NAME field becomes valid.

(3) Press the [EXEC] soft key to execute a PMC parameter comparison.
Press the [CANCEL] soft key to stop the operation.

When the format of a specified file cannot be recognized, the compare operation
is terminated abnormally with the following message:

For the supported memory cards, see the pertinent table in Subsection 7.4.1.

- 761 -

7.4.20 Outputting PMC Parameters to the FLOPPY

PMC parameters can be output from a PMC to a Floppy Cassette or Handy File connected via RS-232C.
To use this function, perform the operation described below on the I/O screen. To set the communication
parameters, display the port setting screen by pressing the [SETING] soft key. For the port setting screen,
see Subsection 7.4.2.

This operation can be performed only when the operation condition allows PMC
parameter output. For details, see Section 6.2.

(1) On the I/O screen, make the following settings with the query selection cursor and option selection

Query Setting
PMC (Output target PMC)

For the setting of an output target PMC, see Subsection 7.4.4.

(2) Move the query selection cursor to FILE NAME and enter a file name.
When using a MS-DOS formatted floppy disk, you should enter the file name with "8.3 format" that
is constructed with base name, less than 8 characters, dot "." and extension, less than 3 characters.
When using a FANUC formatted floppy disk, you should enter the file name with less than 17
Or, press the [NAME] soft key to set a new file name.

(3) Press the [EXEC] soft key to output the PMC parameters.
Press the [CANCEL] soft key to stop the operation.

- 762 -

7.4.21 Inputting PMC Parameters from the FLOPPY

PMC parameters can be input to a PMC from a Floppy Cassette or Handy File connected via RS-232C.
To use this function, perform the operation described below on the I/O screen. To set the communication
parameters, display the port setting screen by pressing the [SETING] soft key. For the port setting screen,
see Subsection 7.4.2.

This operation can be performed only when the operation condition allows PMC
parameter input. For details, see Section 6.2.

(1) On the I/O screen, make the following settings with the query selection cursor and option selection

Query Setting

(2) Specify input target PMC parameters by performing the following operations:
• Move the query selection cursor to FILE NO., then key in an input target file number. At this
time, the FILE NAME field displays the file name corresponding to the entered file number.
• Move the query selection cursor to FILE NAME, then key in the input target file name.
• Switch the screen display to the list screen, then select the input target file.
For the list screen, see Subsection 7.4.3.

If a value is set in the FILE NO. field, and a file name not corresponding to the
file number is entered in the FILE NAME field when FILE NO. and FILE NAME
are displayed at the same time, the value set in the FILE NO. field is erased, and
the setting in the FILE NAME field becomes valid.

(3) Press the [EXEC] soft key.

Before the reading of the file is started, the following message is displayed to check if read
processing may be executed:
("PMC DCS" is displayed for parameters for dual check safety.)
Press the [EXEC] soft key to continue the operation. Press the [CANCEL] soft key to stop the
If the reading of PMC parameters is continued, the PMC parameters are rewritten even when a
ladder program is being executed.

When the format of a specified file cannot be recognized, the read operation is
terminated abnormally with the following message:

- 763 -

When PMC parameters are read, a modified parameter can exercise an
unexpected influence on ladder operation. Before reading PMC parameters,
make sure that the parameters to be read do not affect ladder operation.

- 764 -

7.4.22 Comparing PMC Parameters with FLOPPY Files

A PMC parameter comparison can be made between the PMC and Floppy Cassette or Handy File
connected via RS-232C. To use this function, perform the operation described below on the I/O screen.
To set the communication parameters, display the port setting screen by pressing the [SETING] soft key.
For the port setting screen, see Subsection 7.4.2.

Compare operation can be performed only when the operation condition allows
PMC parameter output. For details, see Section 6.2.

(1) On the I/O screen, make the following settings with the query selection cursor and option selection

Query Setting

(2) Specify PMC parameters to be compared, by performing the following operations:

• Move the query selection cursor to FILE NO., then key in a compare target file number. At
this time, the FILE NAME field displays the file name corresponding to the entered file number.
• Move the query selection cursor to FILE NAME, then key in the compare target file name.
• Switch the screen display to the list screen, then select the compare target file.
For the list screen, see Subsection 7.4.3.

If a value is set in the FILE NO. field, and a file name not corresponding to the
file number is entered in the FILE NAME field when FILE NO. and FILE NAME
are displayed at the same time, the value set in the FILE NO. field is erased, and
the setting in the FILE NAME field becomes valid.

(3) Press the [EXEC] soft key to execute a PMC parameter comparison.
Press the [CANCEL] soft key to stop the operation.

When the format of a specified file cannot be recognized, the compare operation
is terminated abnormally with the following message:

- 765 -

7.4.23 Outputting PMC Parameters to Other Devices

(via the RS-232C Port)
PMC parameters can be output from a PMC to another type of device connected via RS-232C. To use
this function, perform the operation described below on the I/O screen. To set the communication
parameters, display the port setting screen by pressing the [SETING] soft key. For the port setting screen,
see Subsection 7.4.2.

This operation can be performed only when the operation condition allows PMC
parameter output. For details, see Section 6.2.

(1) On the I/O screen, make the following settings with the query selection cursor and option selection

Query Setting
PMC (Output target PMC)

For the setting of an output target PMC, see Subsection 7.4.4.

(2) Press the [EXEC] soft key to output PMC parameters.

Press the [CANCEL] soft key to stop the operation.

- 766 -

7.4.24 Inputting PMC Parameters from Other Devices

(via the RS-232C Port)
PMC parameters can be input to a PMC from another type of device connected via RS-232C. To use this
function, perform the operation described below on the I/O screen. To set the communication parameters,
display the port setting screen by pressing the [SETING] soft key. For the port setting screen, see
Subsection 7.4.2.
This operation can be performed only when the operation condition allows PMC
parameter input. For details, see Section 6.2.
(1) On the I/O screen, make the following settings with the query selection cursor and option selection
Query Setting

(2) Press the [EXEC] soft key.

Before the reading of a file is started, the following message is displayed to check if read processing
may be executed:
("PMC DCS" is displayed for parameters for dual check safety.)
Press the [EXEC] soft key to continue the operation. Press the [CANCEL] soft key to stop the
If the reading of PMC parameters is continued, the PMC parameters are rewritten even when a
ladder program is being executed.
When the format of a specified file cannot be recognized, the read operation is
terminated abnormally with the following message:

When PMC parameters are read, a modified parameter can exercise an
unexpected influence on ladder operation. Before reading PMC parameters,
make sure that the parameters to be read do not affect ladder operation.

- 767 -

7.4.25 Comparing PMC Parameters with Files of Other Devices

(via the RS-232C Port)
A PMC parameter comparison can be made between the PMC and another type of device connected via
RS-232C. To use this function, perform the operation described below on the I/O screen. To set the
communication parameters, display the port setting screen by pressing the [SETING] soft key. For the
port setting screen, see Subsection 7.4.2.

Compare operation can be performed only when the operation condition allows
PMC parameter output. For details, see Section 6.2.

(1) On the I/O screen, make the following settings with the query selection cursor and option selection

Query Setting

(2) Press the [EXEC] soft key to execute a PMC parameter comparison.
Press the [CANCEL] soft key to stop the operation.

When the format of a specified file cannot be recognized, the compare operation
is terminated abnormally with the following message:

- 768 -

7.4.26 Outputting a Message Data for Multi-Language Display to the

Memory Card
A message data for multi-language display can be output from a PMC to the memory card. To use this
function, perform the operation described below on the I/O screen.

This operation can be performed only when the operation condition allows
message data for multi-language display output. For details, see Section 6.2.

(1) On the I/O screen, make the following settings with the query selection cursor and option selection

Query Setting
PMC (Output target PMC)

For the setting of an output target PMC, see Subsection 7.4.4.

(2) Move the query selection cursor to FILE NAME and enter a file name.
You should enter the file name with "8.3 format" that is constructed with base name, less than 8
characters, dot "." and extension, less than 3 characters.
Or, press the [NAME] soft key to set a new file name.

(3) Press the [EXEC] soft key to output the message data for multi-language display.
Press the [CANCEL] soft key to stop the operation.

(4) If the specified file name already exists on a memory card, the following message will be displayed.
If you want to overwrite the file, press the [YES] soft key. And, if you want to cancel the output,
press the [NO] key.


For the supported memory cards, see the pertinent table in Subsection 7.4.1.

For writing to the flash memory card, see "Writing to the flash memory card" in
Subsection 7.4.1.

- 769 -

7.4.27 Inputting a Message Data for Multi-Language Display from

the Memory Card
A message data for multi-language display can be input from the memory card to a PMC. To use this
function, perform the operation described below on the I/O screen.

This operation can be performed only when the operation condition allows
message data for multi-language display input. For details, see Section 6.2.

(1) On the I/O screen, make the following settings with the query selection cursor and option selection
Query Setting

(2) Specify an input target message data for multi-language display by performing the following
• Move the query selection cursor to FILE NO., then key in an input target file number. At this
time, the FILE NAME field displays the file name corresponding to the entered file number.
• Move the query selection cursor to FILE NAME, then key in the input target file name.
• Switch the screen display to the list screen, then select the input target file.
For the list screen, see Subsection 7.4.3.

If a value is set in the FILE NO. field, and a file name not corresponding to the
file number is entered in the FILE NAME field when FILE NO. and FILE NAME
are displayed at the same time, the value set in the FILE NO. field is erased, and
the setting in the FILE NAME field becomes valid.
(3) Press the [EXEC] soft key.
Before the reading of the file is started, the following message is displayed to check if read
processing may be executed:
<Caution> Take special care reading a sequence program or PMC parameters.
* When an inadequate file is read, the machine can make an unexpected movement.
* When a sequence program is read during operation, the program being executed is
automatically stopped.
(As PMCx, the PMC number embedded in the data is displayed.)
Press the [EXEC] soft key to continue the operation. Press the [CANCEL] soft key to stop the
If the reading of the message data for multi-language display is continued, the ladder program being
executed is automatically stopped.

1 When the format of a specified file cannot be recognized, the read operation is
terminated abnormally with the following message:

- 770 -

1 If a message data for multi-language display is read while ladder program is
being executed, the ladder program being executed is automatically stopped.
Take special care when stopping a ladder program. If a ladder program is
stopped at an inadequate timing or in an inadequate machine state, the machine
can make an unexpected movement. Moreover, when a ladder program is
stopped, the safety feature and monitoring based on the ladder program do not
function. Before stopping a ladder program, make sure that the machine state is
normal and that there is no person near the machine.
2 When an attempt is made to stop the ladder program being executed, the stop
processing may continue endlessly, depending on the ladder operation. In such
a case, modify the ladder program according to Section 4.15.

For the supported memory cards, see the pertinent table in Subsection 7.4.1.

- 771 -

7.4.28 Comparing Message Data for Multi-Language Display with

Memory Card Files
A message data for multi-language display comparison can be made between the PMC and memory card.
To use this function, perform the operation described below on the I/O screen.

Compare operation can be performed only when the operation condition allows
message data for multi-language display output. For details, see Section 6.2.
(1) On the I/O screen, make the following settings with the query selection cursor and option selection
Query Setting

(2) Specify a message data for multi-language display to be compared, by performing the following
• Move the query selection cursor to FILE NO., then key in a compare target file number. At
this time, the FILE NAME field displays the file name corresponding to the entered file number.
• Move the query selection cursor to FILE NAME, then key in the compare target file name.
• Switch the screen display to the list screen, then select the compare target file.
For the list screen, see Subsection 7.4.3.

If a value is set in the FILE NO. field, and a file name not corresponding to the
file number is entered in the FILE NAME field when FILE NO. and FILE NAME
are displayed at the same time, the value set in the FILE NO. field is erased, and
the setting in the FILE NAME field becomes valid.
(3) Press the [EXEC] soft key to execute a message data for multi-language display comparison.
Press the [CANCEL] soft key to stop the operation.

1 When the format of a specified file cannot be recognized, the compare operation
is terminated abnormally with the following message:
For the supported memory cards, see the pertinent table in Subsection 7.4.1.

- 772 -

7.4.29 Saving Message Data for Multi-Language Display to the Flash

Message data for multi-language display can be saved from a PMC to the flash ROM. To use this
function, perform the operation described below on the I/O screen.

This operation can be performed only when the operation condition allows
message data for multi-language display output. For details, see Section 6.2.

(1) On the I/O screen, make the following settings with the query selection cursor and option selection

Query Setting
PMC (Output target PMC)

For the setting of an output target PMC, see Subsection 7.4.4.

(2) Press the [EXEC] soft key to save s message data for multi-language display.
When writing to the flash ROM is performed, the processing cannot be stopped.

When programs are written, flash ROM initialization may consume some time.
During initialization, "INITIALIZING FLASH ROM." is displayed in the STATUS
display field.

- 773 -

7.4.30 Inputting Message Data for Multi-Language Display from the

Flash ROM
Message data for multi-language display can be inputted from the flash ROM to a PMC. To use this
function, perform the operation described below on the I/O screen.

This operation can be performed only when the operation condition allows
message data for multi-language display input. For details, see Section 6.2.

(1) On the I/O screen, make the following settings with the query selection cursor and option selection

Query Setting
PMC (Input target PMC)

For the setting of an input target PMC, see Subsection 7.4.4.

(2) Press the [EXEC] soft key to input message data for multi-language display.
When reading from the flash ROM is performed, the processing cannot be stopped.
If the reading of message data for multi-language display is continued, the ladder program being
executed is automatically stopped.

1 If a message data for multi-language display is read while ladder program is
being executed, the ladder program being executed is automatically stopped.
Take special care when stopping a ladder program. If a ladder program is
stopped at an inadequate timing or in an inadequate machine state, the machine
can make an unexpected movement. Moreover, when a ladder program is
stopped, the safety feature and monitoring based on the ladder program do not
function. Before stopping a ladder program, make sure that the machine state is
normal and that there is no person near the machine.
2 When an attempt is made to stop the ladder program being executed, the stop
processing may continue endlessly, depending on the ladder operation. In such
a case, modify the ladder program according to Section 4.15.

- 774 -

7.4.31 Comparing Message Data for Multi-Language Display with

Flash ROM Files
A message data for multi-language display comparison can be made between the PMC and flash ROM.
To use this function, perform the operation described below on the I/O screen.

Compare operation can be performed only when the operation condition allows
message data for multi-language display output. For details, see Section 6.2.

(1) On the I/O screen, make the following settings with the query selection cursor and option selection

Query Setting
PMC (Compare target PMC)

For the setting of a compare target PMC, see Subsection 7.4.4.

(2) Press the [EXEC] soft key to execute a message data for multi-language display comparison.
When a message data for multi-language display camparison with the flash ROM is performed, the
processing cannot be stopped.

- 775 -

7.4.32 Deleting Memory Card Files or Formatting a Memory Card

A file on a memory card can be deleted, or a memory card can be formatted. To use this function,
perform the operation described below on the I/O screen.

Deleting memory card files

(1) On the I/O screen, make the following settings with the query selection cursor and option selection

Query Setting

(2) Specify a file to be deleted, by performing the following operations:

• Move the query selection cursor to FILE NO., then key in the number of a file to be deleted.
At this time, the FILE NAME field displays the file name corresponding to the entered file
• Move the query selection cursor to FILE NAME, then key in the name of the file to be deleted.
• Switch the screen display to the list screen, then select the file to be deleted.
For the list screen, see Subsection 7.4.3.

If a value is set in the FILE NO. field, and a file name not corresponding to the
file number is entered in the FILE NAME field when FILE NO. and FILE NAME
are displayed at the same time, the value set in the FILE NO. field is erased, and
the setting in the FILE NAME field becomes valid.

(3) Press the [EXEC] soft key to delete the file.

Press the [CANCEL] soft key to stop the operation.

No files can be deleted from a flash memory card.

Formatting a memory card

(1) On the I/O screen, make the following settings with the query selection cursor and option selection

Query Setting

(2) Press the [EXEC] soft key to format the memory card.
Press the [CANCEL] soft key to stop the operation.

When the formatting of a memory card is executed with FORMAT selected, all
data of the memory card is lost. Be careful when formatting a memory card.

For the supported memory cards, see the pertinent table in Subsection 7.4.1.

For writing to the flash memory card, see "Writing to the flash memory card" in
Subsection 7.4.1.

- 776 -

7.4.33 Deleting One or All FLOPPY Files

A specified file or all files on a Floppy Cassette or Handy File connected via RS-232C can be deleted. To
use this function, perform the operation described below on the I/O screen. To set the communication
parameters, display the port setting screen by pressing the [SETING] soft key. For details of the port
setting screen, see Subsection 7.4.2.

Deleting a specified file on the FLOPPY

(1) On the I/O screen, make the following settings with the query selection cursor and option selection

Query Setting

(2) Specify a file to be deleted, by performing the following operations:

• Move the query selection cursor to FILE NO., then key in the number of a file to be deleted.
At this time, the FILE NAME field displays the file name corresponding to the entered file
• Move the query selection cursor to FILE NAME, then key in the name of the file to be deleted.
• Switch the screen display to the list screen, then select the file to be deleted.
For the list screen, see Subsection 7.4.3.

If a value is set in the FILE NO. field, and a file name not corresponding to the
file number is entered in the FILE NAME field when FILE NO. and FILE NAME
are displayed at the same time, the value set in the FILE NO. field is erased, and
the setting in the FILE NAME field becomes valid.

(3) Press the [EXEC] soft key to delete the file.

Press the [CANCEL] soft key to stop the operation.

Deleting all files on the FLOPPY

(1) On the I/O screen, make the following settings with the query selection cursor and option selection

Query Setting

(2) Press the [EXEC] soft key to delete all files.

Press the [CANCEL] soft key to stop the operation.

The following Floppy Cassette does not support the operation of FORMAT:

- 777 -


I/O LINK MONITOR screen shows the types and the ID codes of I/O Units that are connected to I/O
Link in order of Group number.
To switch the screen display to the I/O LINK MONITOR screen, press the [I/OLNK] soft key.

I/O Unit type

Channel number

I/O Unit ID code

Group number

Table 7.5 Displayed type and true type of I/O Units

Displayed I/O Unit ID True I/O Unit
CONNECTION UNIT 80 Connection Unit
OPERATOR PANEL 82 Connection Unit for Operators Panel
I/O-B3 83 I/O B3
PLC SERIES 90-30 45 PLC SERIES 90-30
POWER MATE / I/O LINK BETA 4A Power Mate or I/O Link Beta
SERIES 0 50 Series 0
OPERATOR I/F BOARD (MPG1) 53 Machine Operators Panel Interface
LINK CONNECTION UNIT 96 I/O Link Connecting Unit
R-J MATE 61 R-J Mate
CONNECTOR PANEL MODULE A9 I/O module for connector panel
OPERATOR PANEL A1 AA I/O module for operator's panel
OPERATOR I/F BOARD (MPG3) 6B Operator Interface(with MPG)
LOADER I/O AF I/O Board for Loader
I/O CARD B2 I/O board
LOADER I/O (MATRIX) B4 I/O Board for Loader(Matrix)
PROCESS I/O FA B5 Process I/O for robot controller
PROCESS IO 89 Process I/O for robot controller
I/O LINK ADAPTER 8B I/O Link adapter
- 778 -

Displayed I/O Unit ID True I/O Unit

ROBOT CONTROLLER 52 Controller for robot
GE Fanuc PLC 54 GE Fanuc PLC
OPERATOR PANEL 95 I/O for Series 0
LASER OSCILLATOR 97 Laser Oscillator
FIXED I/O TYPE A 98 I/O for Robot Type A
FIXED I/O TYPE B 99 I/O for Robot Type B
AS-I CONVERTER 77 AS-i Converter
OPERATOR PANEL B A8 I/O Module(for Operator Panel 48/32)
MACHINE OPERATOR PANEL A A8 I/O Module(for Machine Operator Panel of 0 Type)
CONNECTION UNIT C1 (MPG) A8 Connection Unit C1(with MPG)
MACHINE OPERATOR PANEL B A8 I/O Module (for Machine Operator Panel)
I/O MODULE WITH LCD A8 LCD display embedded I/O
UNKNOWN UNIT - Unknown I/O Unit

1 IDs other than those for the I/O units listed in Table 7.5 represent undefined
2 I/O Units not for this CNC system are also written in Table 7.5.

Soft keys

Displays connection status of the Displays connection status of

previous channel the next channel

- 779 -


After setting a signal sampling condition on the trace parameter setting screen, PMC signal transitions can
be traced on the SIGNAL TRACE screen by executing the trace function.
To switch the screen display to the SIGNAL TRACE screen, press the [TRACE] soft key.
To switch the screen display to the trace parameter setting screen, press the [TRCPRM] soft key.

With the multi-PMC system, the signals of all PMCs can be traced simultaneously.

7.6.1 Signal Trace Function ([TRACE] Screen)

SIGNAL TRACE screen (initial screen)

Before trace operation can be executed, the trace parameters must be set. Press the [TRCPRM] soft key
to switch the screen display to the trace parameter setting screen.
By setting the PMC setting screen, the trace function can be automatically started after the power is
turned on. In this case as well, the trace parameters must be set beforehand.

For the setting to automatically start the trace function after the power is turned
on, see Subsection 7.6.5.

- 780 -

7.6.2 Setting of Trace Parameter ([TRCPRM] Screen)

On the trace parameter setting screen, a sampling condition can be set. The screen consists of two pages.
Use the page keys to switch between the pages.

Trace parameter setting screen (first page)


Determines the sampling mode.
• TIME CYCLE: Samples at every specified cycle time.
• SIGNAL TRANSITION: Monitors the signal at a set cycle and samples when the signal
makes a transition.
The resolution of sampling is inputted. The default value is the minimum sampling resolution (msec),
which varies depending on the CNC.
Setting range: Minimum sampling resolution to 1000 (msec)
An input value is rounded off to a multiple of the minimum sampling resolution (msec) which is
closest to but not greater than the input value.
This parameter is displayed when "TIME CYCLE" is set on "SAMPLING/ MODE". The execution
time of trace is inputted. The value of "SAMPLING/ RESOLUTION" or the number of specified
signal address changes the range of the value that is able to input. The range is displayed on the right
This parameter is displayed when "SIGNAL TRANSITION" is set on SAMPLING/ MODE". The
number of sampling is inputted. The value of "SAMPLING/ RESOLUTION" or the number of
specified signal addresses changes the range of the value that is able to input. The range is displayed
on the right side.
Determines the condition to stop the trace.
• NONE: Does not stop the tracing automatically.
• BUFFER FULL: Stops the tracing when the buffer becomes full.
• TRIGGER: Stops the tracing by trigger.

- 781 -


When "TRIGGER" is set on "STOP CONDITION", this parameter is enabled. Input signal address
or symbol name as stop trigger.


When "TRIGGER" is set on "STOP CONDITION", this parameter is enabled. Determine the trigger
mode when the trace is stopped.
• RISING EDGE: Stops the tracing automatically by rising up of the trigger signal.
• FALLING EDGE: Stops the tracing automatically by falling down of the trigger signal.
• BOTH EDGE: Stops the tracing automatically by rising up or falling down of the trigger
When "TRIGGER" is set on "STOP CONDITION", this parameter is enabled. Input the ratio of the
sampling time or number which specifies the position where specified trigger condition is on. If you
would like to examine the transitions of the signal before the trigger condition, you should set a big
value in this parameter. If you would like to examine the transitions of the signal after the trigger
condition, you should set a small value in this parameter.
The case that sampling time is 10 seconds and trigger position is set as "10%".

Trigger position

← 1 sec →← 9 sec →


When "SIGNAL TRANSITION" is set on "TRACE MODE", this parameter is enabled.
Determine the sampling condition.
• TRIGGER: Samples the status of specified signals when the specified sampling
condition is on.
• ANY CHANGE: Samples the status of specified signals when the signals change.
When "SIGNAL TRANSITION" is set on "TRACE MODE", and "TRIGGER" is set on
"SAMPLING CONDITION", this parameter is enabled. Input signal address or symbol name as
sampling trigger.


When "SIGNAL TRANSITION" is set on "TRACE MODE", and "TRIGGER" is set on
"SAMPLING CONDITION", this parameter is enabled. Input trigger mode that determines the
condition of specified trigger.
• RISING EDGE: Samples the status of specified signals by rising up of the trigger signal.
• FALLING EDGE:Samples the status of specified signals by falling down of the trigger signal.
• BOTH EDGE: Samples the status of specified signals by rising up or falling down of the
trigger signal.
• ON: Samples the status of specified signals during the trigger signal is on.
• OFF: Samples the status of specified signals during the trigger signal is off.

- 782 -

Page 2 of the PARAMETER SETTING screen

You can set the addresses or symbols that should be sampled.

Trace parameter setting screen (second page)

(1) Setting addresses

In case of inputting discrete bit addresses, any bit address can be inputted.
Moreover, when you input byte address, all bits of the address (bits 0 to 7) are set automatically.
Maximum 32 points of signal address can be inputted.
1 The dual check safety PMC cannot be traced.
2 Increasing the number of the signal address changes the capacity of
"SAMPLING/ TIME" or "SAMPLING/ FRAME" in page 1. If the capacity is
changed, the following warning message is displayed. (The "n" on the message
means the maximum value that is able to input.)
a) In case of "TIME CYCLE" mode
b) In case of "SIGNAL TRANSITION" mode

(2) Soft keys

Soft keys on the setting screen of sampling address are as follows
• [DELETE]: Clears the value of the edit box on the cursor.
• [SYMBOL]/[ADRS]: Changes the address display to the symbol display. However, display of
the address that is not defined the symbol does not change. This soft
key also changes to "ADRS". The following soft keys are displayed.
• [MV. UP]: Exchanges the signal indicated the cursor for the signal above one line.
• [MV. DWN]: Exchanges the signal indicated the cursor for the signal below one line.
• [DELALL]: Clears all of the value of the edit box.

- 783 -

(3) Trigger setting

When "SIGNAL TRANSITION" is set on "TRACE MODE" and "ANY CHANGE" is set on
"SAMPLING CONDITION", it can be set whether to use the setting address as the signals that
should trigger the sampling in the setting signals. As for the signal address where the trigger was set,
"9" is displayed right. Soft keys on the Trigger setting screen are as follows:
• TRGON: Sets the Trigger on.
• TRGOFF:Sets the Trigger off.
The default setting is trigger on for all signals.

- 784 -

7.6.3 Execution of Trace

After the trace parameters are set, a trace operation can be started by pressing the [(OPRT)] soft key and
the [START] soft key on the SIGNAL TRACE screen. The following is the screen examples of the trace
execution by "TIME CYCLE" mode and "SIGNAL TRANSITION" mode.

Execution of trace screen (TIME CYCLE mode)

Execution of trace screen (SIGNAL TRANSITION mode)

The result of trace is immediately displayed during execution of the trace.

When the stop conditions that is set in parameter setting screen is satisfied the execution is finished.
Pushing [STOP] soft key aborts the execution. In "SIGNAL TRANSITION" mode, graphic display is not
refreshed until any signal for sampling trigger changes.

- 785 -

7.6.4 Operation after Execution of Trace

When the execution is finished, the result of trace is displayed. The followings are the screen examples of
trace by "TIME CYCLE" and "SIGNAL TRANSITION" mode.

Result of trace screen (TIME CYCLE mode)

Result of trace screen (SIGNAL TRANSITION mode)

- 786 -

The cursor indicating current position is initially displayed on the original point (0 point). The position of
the cursor is displayed in "CURSOR POSITION" in the upper of the screen. The cursor can move
horizontally with the <←> or <→> key. After the execution, following operation is enabled.
(1) Scroll of screen
- Cursor up/down key and Page up/down key
Enables the vertical scroll for the specified signal
- Cursor right/left key, [NEXT>>] soft key and [<< PREV] soft key
Enables the horizontal scroll of the graph.
(2) Automatic calculation of the selected range
Pressing the [MARK] soft key marks the current position and displays the mark cursor.
If the mark cursor duplicates with the current position cursor, the current position cursor has priority
of display. The "MARK POSITION" that shows the position of the mark cursor and "RANGE" that
shows the range between the mark cursor and the current position cursor are displayed in the upper
of screen.
Moving the current position cursor changes these values. Pressing the [MARK] soft key again
releases the select range mode.

Result of trace screen (Mark cursor display)

(3) Zoom in/Zoom out of waveform

Pressing the [Z.IN] soft key magnifies the display of chart. Pressing the [Z.OUT] soft key reduces
the display of chart. Pressing these soft keys also change the scale value of the graduation on the
graph. When trace is just finished, the default zooming level was the most magnified level. In
“ZOOM OUT” mode, " " is displayed as following screen example when the transitions of signal
cannot be expressed accurately enough. The limitation of “ZOOM OUT” displays all of result of the
trace in one page.

- 787 -

Result of trace screen (Zoom out display)

(4) Exchange of sampling signal

Pressing the [MV.UP] soft key exchanges the signal indicated by the signal cursor for the signal one
line above. Pressing the [MV.DWN] soft key exchanges the signal indicated by the signal cursor for
the signal one line below. The result of the operation is cancelled by the execution of trace or putting
the power off. When you would like to preserve the order of displayed signals against the executing
or powering off, please change the order on "SAMPLING ADDRESS" screen.

7.6.5 Automatic Start of Trace Setting

Trace execution is automatically started after power-on by setting a PMC setting data.


For details of the method of setting PMC setting data, see Section 9.5.

- 788 -

7.6.6 Trace Result Output

If trace result data is present when a trace operation has been executed, the data can be output to the
memory card. Output trace result data can be input to application software such as spreadsheet software
run on the personal computer. For the method of input, refer to the relevant manual of application

(1) Operation
Press the [OUTPUT] soft key. The soft key display changes to [EXEC] and [CANCEL]. Press the
[EXEC] soft key to start output. Upon completion of output, the soft key display returns to the
initial status on the signal trace result screen.

(2) File name

The name of an output file is PMCTRACE.000. If a file with the same name exists on the memory
card, the extension is incremented to PMCTRACE.001, PMCTRACE.002, and so on (up to

(3) Output format

Trace result data is output in the text format. Character string data items such as item names and
setting names are enclosed in quotation marks (').
Output data is divided into four major blocks: a header, data of the first parameter setting page, data
of the second parameter setting page, and trace result data.

(a) Header
At the start of data, an identifier representing the type of data and edition information are
Identifier: ('PMC TRACE DATA')
Edition information: ('Edition', 1)

(b) Data of the first parameter setting page

identifier, , ,
setting-number, setting-item-name, setting, setting-character-string
setting-number, setting-item-name, setting, setting-character-string
setting-number, setting-item-name, setting, setting-character-string
setting-number, setting-item-name, setting, setting-character-string

• identifier Character string data

The character string 'Setting' is output.

• setting-number Numeric data

The numbers (starting with 1) assigned to setting items in ascending
order are output.

• setting-item-name Character string data

The character string of each setting item is output.

• setting Numeric data

A value that is originally numeric, such as a resolution value, is
directly output. Numbers (starting with 1) are assigned from left to
right to options from which a choice is to be made, such as TIME
CYCLE/SIGNAL TRANSITION, and the number assigned to a
selected option is output.
- 789 -

• setting-character-string Character string data

For a setting that is numeric data, its unit, if used, is output.
For an option that is converted to a number in the item of
"setting" mentioned above, the original character string data
is output. In other cases, a blank is output in this column.

Table of data of the first parameter setting page

Item Setting item name Setting Setting character string
Sampling mode 1 'Sampling mode'
Sampling resolution 2 'Sampling resolution' Numeric value 'MSEC'
Sampling time 'Sampling time'
3 Numeric value 'SEC'
Sampling frame 'Sampling frame'
1 'NONE'
Stop condition 4 'Stop condition' 2 'BUFFER FULL'
Stop trigger address 5 'Stop trigger address' Address Symbol
Stop trigger mode 6 'Stop trigger mode' 2 'FALLING EDGE'
Stop position 7 'Stop trigger position' Numeric value %
Sampling condition 8 'Sampling condition'
Sampling trigger address 9 'Sampling trigger address' Address Symbol
Sampling trigger mode 10 'Sampling trigger mode' 2 'FALLING EDGE'

1 For a setting item that is invalidated in combination with another setting, only a
setting number and setting item name are output, with a blank output in the
setting column and the setting character string column. (However, commas are
not omitted.)
2 For an item name that changes according to the setting of another item, the item
name displayed according to the setting is displayed. (Example: Sampling
time/Sampling frame dependent on the selection of a Sampling mode option)
3 For a sampling stop trigger address and sampling trigger address, an address is
output in the setting column, and a symbol is output in the setting character
string column. When no symbol is set, an address is output in the setting
character string column as well.
4 For a sampling stop trigger position, (successful trigger position/sampling frame
count) is output after "%". (This is because a frame position is internally held, so
that an error can occur at the time of conversion to a percentage value.)

- 790 -

(c) Data of the second parameter setting page

identifier-1, data-1, data-2, data-3, . . . . .
identifier-2, data-1, data-2, data-3, . . . . .
identifier-3, data-1, data-2, data-3, . . . . .
identifier-4, data-1, data-2, data-3, . . . . .

• identifier Character string data

'Address': Sampling address
'Symbol': Symbol defined for a sampling address
'Comment': Comment defined for a sampling address
'Check': Indicates whether a check is made to see if each signal is used to trigger
• data
'Address': Address character string
'Symbol': Symbol character string
'Comment': Comment character string
'Check': With check = 1/without check = 0

1 Data is not output beyond set sampling addresses. This means that no blank is
output in the item of 'Address'.
2 For an address for which no symbol or no comment is set, no data is output, but
a blank is output in the column. Commas are not omitted but are output for up to
set sampling addresses.

(d) Trace result data

identifier, sampling-address-1, sampling-address-2, . . . . .
frame-count, data-1, data-2, data-3. . . . .

• identifier Character string data

The character string 'Data' is output.
• frame-count Numeric value
The position where the frame count is 0 is a position where triggering is
performed successfully. If triggering is unsuccessful, the frame count is 0 at
the point where sampling stopped.
• data Numeric data
The value 0 or 1 is output.
It is assumed that data is output until an EOF (end of file) appears.
Information such as data size is not set.

- 791 -

(4) Example of trace result output (For view comfort, tab settings are made in several places. In actual
data output, however, no tab settings are made.)


‘Edition’, 1

‘Setting’, , ,
1,‘Sampling mode’, 2, ‘SIGNAL TRANSITION’
2,‘Sampling resolution’, 8, ‘MSEC’
3,‘Sampling time’, 2000,
4,‘Stop condition’, 3, ‘TRIGGER’
5,‘Stop trigger address’, ‘X10.0’, ‘SYMBOL1’
6,‘Stop trigger mode’, 1, ‘RISING EDGE’
7,‘Stop trigger position’, 50(1250/2500), ‘%’
8,‘Sampling condition’, 1, ‘TRIGGER’
9,‘Sampling trigger address’,‘X10.1’, ‘SYMBOL2’
10,‘Sampling trigger mode’, 3, ‘BOTH EDGE’

‘Address’,‘R0000.0’, ‘R0000.1’, ‘R0000.2’, ‘R0000.3’, ‘R0000.4’, ‘R0000.5’,

‘R0000.6’, ‘R0000.7’, ‘R0001.0’, R0002.0’
‘Symbol’, ‘ZRN_M’ , , , ‘*SPA1’ , ‘*SPA2’, ‘MX-RD’,‘RSTN’, ‘RSTMA’,
‘MO1X’, ‘MO2X’
‘Comment’, ‘ZRN MODE’, ’TIME CNT.AUX1(MEM)’ , , , , ‘READ
‘Check’, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1

‘Data’,‘R0000.0’, ‘R0000.1’, ‘R0000.2’, ‘R0000.3’, ‘R0000.4’, ‘R0000.5’,

‘R0000.6’, ‘R0000.7’, ‘R0001.0’, ‘R0002.0’
-6, 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
-5, 0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1
-4, 1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0
-3, 0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1
-2, 0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,0
-1, 1,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1
0, 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
1, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
2, 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
3, 0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1
4, 1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0

- 792 -


The I/O diagnosis screen shows the status of I/O variables, which are extracted from symbol data, and
configuration of network and the status of communication of I/O modules. The following items are listed
in this screen:

• The symbol and comment of the variable

• The status of the variable
• The address of the variable
• The type of I/O network device
• The type of I/O module of the network device
• The network address information of the network device
• The communication status of the network device

Supported types of I/O network device are PROFIBUS and I/O LINK.

There are two screens related to I/O diagnosis function.

(1) The I/O diagnosis screen

The I/O variables are listed in this screen. You can check the configuration of the I/O network
devices and the status of the communication with them.
You can select three ways of ordering the list by softkeys:

• Address order (Default)

The variables are displayed in the order of their actual addresses.
• Symbol order
The variables are displayed in the alphabetical order of their symbols.
• Network order
The variables are displayed in the order of their network addresses. Only the variables actually
associated with an I/O network appear in this mode.

“Symbol order” is available only in case of the sequence program with extended
symbol and comment.

(2) The setting screen

You can configure the I/O diagnosis screen at the setting screen

- 793 -

7.7.1 I/O DIAGNOSIS Screen

In I/O Diagnosis screen, you can check the status of each I/O variable. You can also check the
configuration of I/O devices and the communication status with them.

Listing order

Additional information


To include a specific string which means a kind of signals in a part of symbol string, these signals on
I/O diagnosis screen are classified and you can easy to understand the status of signals.
The group names of the I/O variables are displayed, which are extracted (Max. 4 chars) out of their
symbol names as configured in “GROUP FORMAT” in the setting screen.
The groups to be displayed can be specified by soft key.
[ALLGRP] All groups are displayed.
[GROUP] The group entered by key or the group under the cursor is selected to be displayed.


The symbol names of the I/O variables are displayed.
The symbol names are displayed in the following formats according to the setting of the “SHOW
PROGRAM” on the Setting screen of I/O DIAGNOSIS.
<Program Symbol>.<Signal Symbol>
<Program Number>.<Signal Symbol>
<Signal Symbol>
For details of the setting of the “SHOW PROGRAM”, see to the description of “SHOW
PROGRAM” in Section 7.7.2

The actual locations of I/O variables are displayed.

- 794 -

The current values of I/O variables are displayed as signed decimal, according to the data type of
them (i.e. BOOL, BYTE, WORD, and DWORD). If the data type is BOOL, “ON” or “OFF” is also
displayed as follows.


The information related to I/O network is displayed in the display format below:

<I/O type><Network type> : <Network address> : <status>

I/O type:
Module type Shown as
Input module I
Output module O
Other *

Network type:
Network type Shown as
I/O LINK Ln (n: channel number)

Network address:
Network type Network address notation
PROFIBUS <Slave #>.<Slot #>
I/O LINK <Group #>.<Base #>.<Slot #>

This screen shows the I/O information according to the network setting that
became effective at the time of the last power-on.
The notes for each network device are as follows:

1. If you have changed some of the profibus parameters, you have to cycle the
power once to make the changes take effect.

1. Only the I/O Link assingments, which are made effective by the setting of
“Machine Signal Interface” in Configuration Parameter menu and the setting
of “Selectable I/O Link Assignment Function”, are displayed.
2. If you have changed the following parameters, you have to cycle the power
once to make them take effect:
• “I/O module assignment data”
• “Machine signal interface” in PMC configuration parameter
• “Selectable I/O Link assignment function”
3. If you have stored new sequence program to PMC, its I/O Link assignment
data will not take effect until you write it into Flash-ROM and cycle the power

- 795 -

Status: the status of communication

“OK” or “NG” is displayed.

The remarks up to 8 characters extracted from comment data are displayed. To specify the remark at
this field, set “100” to the attribute value of the comment, which you want to show in this field, on

(7) Additional information window

In this window, symbol and comment of the I/O variable under the cursor are displayed. When
language dependent comment attributes are specified, corresponding comment is displayed
according to the current language setting of the CNC.
In FANUC LADDER-III, the attribute value of comment should be set to 0 to 17 to display language
dependent comment

Attribute value: 0 to 17
0: English 9: Danish
1: Japanese 10: Portuguese
2: German 11: Polish
3: French 12: Hungarian
4: Chinese (Traditional) 13: Swedish
5: Italian 14: Czech
6: Korean 15: Chinese (Simplified)
7: Spanish 16: Russian
8: Dutch 17: Turkish

In case of the extended symbol and comment, the comments on the screen will
be switched dynamically another language when the language setting of CNC

Screen operations
Softkeys on the I/O Diagnosis screen

Search for data Switch to the address order display Switch to the network order display

Switch to the all group display PMC path switching Screen settings

Switch to the specified group display Switch to the symbol order display

Operations using soft keys

(1) [SEARCH] Search symbol or address
Pressing [SEARCH] soft key after a string searches the string in the symbols and addresses, and
shows a symbol or an address that contains the string if found.
The search is performed toward bottom of the list. When it reaches the bottom of the list, it goes
back to the top and continues.
Pressing [SEARCH] alone repeats the last search.
When the search hits, the part of the searched string is highlighted by light blue background in the
Additional Information window.

- 796 -

Example: Case of searching “MESS” to hit the symbol “OPMESS-20”.

1 When arrived back to the starting position where the first search operation hit by
repeated search of the same entry, the message “REACHED TO THE END OF
SYMBOL DATA.” appears.
2 If the setting “SHOW PROGRAM” is set to “SYMBOL” or “PROGRAM NO.”, the
symbol name is displayed in one of forms below:
<Program Symbol>.<Signal Symbol>
<Program Number>.<Signal Symbol>
In this case, search function will not hit in “Program Symbol” nor “Program
3 On a symbol screen in network order a searching word is performed in address
order. When you search a part string and some word are hit, the searched
position (cursor position) may move to unexpected direction.

(2) [ADRS] Sort by address order

Displays I/O variables in address order. (Default)
In this mode, the mark “(ADDRESS)” is appended in the title of this screen, and the [ADRS] soft
key is highlighted with yellow background.

(3) [SYMBOL] Sort by symbol order

Displays I/O variables in symbol order.
In this mode, the mark “(SYMBOL)” is appended in the title of this screen, and the [SYMBOL] soft
key is highlighted with yellow background.

“Symbol order” is available only in case of the sequence program with extended
symbol and comment.

- 797 -

(4) [NETWRK] Sort by network address order

Displays I/O variables in order of network address.
Only the I/O variables that is actually effective are displayed.
In this mode, the mark “(NETWORK)” is appended in the title of this screen, and the [NETWRK]
soft key is highlighted with yellow background.

The I/O variables are sorted by its network address. The sorting order is not affected by the type of
modules such as input or output. The order is determined according only to priority of network
address portion as following:

PROFIBUS : Slave Number, Slot Number

I/O LINK : Channel, Group, Base, Slot

If while sorting the I/O variables in “Network order” mode, the following messages may

(5) [GROUP] Filter by group

Choose a group to which the I/O variables to be displayed belong. Press this soft key following the
group name, or press it alone with the cursor placed on the group you want to specify.
The way to order the I/O variables will not change.
If the setting “GROUP FORMAT” is not specified, the soft key [GROUP] and [ALLGRP] are not

If while extracting the I/O variables of specific group, the following messages may

(6) [ALLGRP] Cancel group filter

Displays I/O variables of any group. (Default)
If the setting “GROUP FORMAT” is not specified, the soft key [GROUP] and [ALLGRP] are not

(7) [SW PMC] Switches PMC path.

Change the PMC path of which the I/O variables are to be shown.
In “Network order” mode, this soft key is not displayed because the network addresses do not
depend on PMC path.
Unless the system has dual check safety PMC, this soft key is not effective.

(8) [SETING] Configure the setting of this screen

Goes to the setting screen of I/O diagnosis.

- 798 -

Screen operation using other keys

(1) Cursor keys
Move cursor to change the I/O variable, whose information is displayed in Additional information
window, or to which the forcing function is performed. They scroll up and down the contents of the
screen if necessary.

(2) Page keys

Scroll up or down the contents of the screen by page.

(3) Input key

If the forcing function is available, you can change the status of I/O variables by Input key.
(a) Changing a bit signal
• “1” + Input key to turn on the signal.
• “0” + Input key to turn off the signal.
• Press Input key alone to toggle the signal
(b) Changing a byte, word, dword variable
Press Input key following signed decimal

If the setting item “FORCING ENABLE” is set to “YES” in the setting screen, you can change the
value of I/O variables as described above.
The mark “FORCING” at the right end of the screen title indicates the forcing function is enabled.

1 You have to pay special attention to use Forced I/O function to change status of signals.
Inappropriate use of Forced I/O function may cause unexpected reaction of machine.
You have to make it sure that nobody is near the machine when you use this function.
2 As you use Forcing mode of Forced I/O function to change status of signal, however, the
signal may look proof against Forced I/O function, because LADDER program or I/O
device writes into the signal repeatedly. In this case, even if the signal looks unchanged,
actual signal may be changed in very short moment. You should be careful for the
reaction of machine to such signal changes.

- 799 -


In “I/O DIAGNOSIS (SETTING)” screen, you can change the setting to configure the I/O diagnosis

Fig. 7.7.2(a) Setting screen of the I/O diagnosis

(for extended symbol and comment)

Fig.7.7.2 (b) Setting screen of the I/O diagnosis

(for former symbol and comment)

- 800 -


The group names shown in I/O Diagnosis screen are strings extracted from their symbol names
according to this parameter.
Sets the character of delimiter for extraction. Every appearance of this character in a symbol
string cut the symbol into “fields”.
If no character is given, the group feature of I/O Diagnosis screen is disabled.
In this case, the field number has no effect.

Sets the field number, which indicates the field to be a group name. If this number is 1, the
first field, which means the portion of each symbol name from the first character to the
character just before the first appearance of the delimiter character.
If 0 is set, the group feature of I/O Diagnosis screen is disabled.
In this case, the delimiter has no effect.

Case of “_” as delimiter, and group name at 2nd field
As a result, “AL” is extracted as its group name


Enables or disables the forcing function.

1 You have to pay special attention to use Forced I/O function to change status of signals.
Inappropriate use of Forced I/O function may cause unexpected reaction of machine.
You have to make it sure that nobody is near the machine when you use this function.
2 As you use Forcing mode of Forced I/O function to change status of signal, however, the
signal may look proof against Forced I/O function, because LADDER program or I/O
device writes into the signal repeatedly. In this case, even if the signal looks unchanged,
actual signal may be changed in very short moment. You should be careful for the
reaction of machine to such signal changes.

If the Forced I/O function is protected by the programmer protection function, this setting
is not effective.
The Forced I/O function will be protected in the condition as follows.

In case of Programmer Protection Function


In case of Protection of Data at 8 Levels

• Operation level is less than CHANGE level of “PMC MEMORY”.

- 801 -


Determines the form of symbol name in the I/O Diagnosis screen.
SYMBOL: Symbol names are displayed in the form below:
<Program Symbol>.<Signal Symbol>
If symbol name is too long for the symbol field of the I/O Diagnosis screen, the tail of signal
symbol is cut to fit it.
PROGRAM NO.: Symbol names are displayed in the form below:
<Program Number>.<Signal Symbol>
If symbol name is too long for the symbol field of the I/O Diagnosis screen, the tail of signal
symbol is cut to fit it.
NONE: Program symbol nor program number is not displayed.

These setting data are kept in the nonvolatile memory not to be lost even if the
power is turned off.

Screen operations
Softkeys on the I/O Diagnosis screen

Goes to I/O Diagnosis screen

Copy each itmes to all PMC path Initializes each items

Operations using the soft keys

(1) [EXIT]
Goes to the I/O Diagnosis screen.
(2) [SETALL] Copies settings to all PMC paths
Copies current settings to all other PMC paths.
(3) [INIT] Initializes settings
All the settings are initialized to their initial values as follows:



- 802 -


The PMC LADDER menu contains the screens related to PMC Ladder diagrams, such as the PROGRAM
You can switch to the PMC LADDER menu by operating on the "SYSTEM" key and then the
[PMCLAD] soft key.


PMC main menu


PMCLAD LIST Program list screen

< Ladder diagram Monitor / Editor

LADDER screen

D. COIL Duplicate coil check screen

Pressing the [LADDER] soft key causes the sequence program to be dynamically displayed, allowing you
to monitor operation. The editor screen allows you to make changes to relay and functional instructions
in the sequence program to change the operation of the sequence program.
The ladder diagram display/editor functions consist of the following screens:
(1) Ladder diagram display screen (LADDER DIAGRAM MONITOR screen)
Displays ladder diagrams to monitor the current states of relays, coils, and so on.
Displays selected ladder net to monitor the current states of relays, coils, and so on.
Allows you to edit ladder diagram in units of net.
(4) NET EDITOR screen
Allows you to edit single net in a ladder diagram.
Allows you to select the subprogram to be displayed on the LADDER DIAGRAM MONITOR
Allows you to edit a ladder program in units of subprograms. Also allows you to select the
subprogram to be edited on the LADDER DIAGRAM EDITOR screen.
Displays the list of the called subprogram and the subprogram switching history.
The following screens can be called from the LADDER DIAGRAM EDITOR screen:
Allows you to view the contents of the data table for functional instruction with a data table.
Allows you to edit the contents of the data table for functional instruction with a data table.
You can protect these screens by using the programmer protection function. For
details, see Section 6.2.
You can change between screens as shown in the figure below.
- 803 -

PMC main menu

[<] [PMCLAD]
[<] [<]


VIEWER screen MONITOR screen VIEWER screen
Display function [LIST] [ZOOM]

Edit function EDITOR screen EDITOR screen



Fig. 8 Changes between screens

The [EDIT] soft key on the LADDER DIAGRAM MONITOR screen is displayed
and becomes available if the programmer protection function enables to edit
ladder program. For details, see Section 6.2.

- 804 -


The PROGRAM LIST VIEWER screen shows program information such as the program size.

SP area
Size area

Ladder preview display area

Program number area

Key input line Message display line

(1) Screen structures

(a) A program list is displayed on the left side of the screen; on the right side, the ladder diagram
of the program currently indicated by the cursor on the program list is displayed.
(b) In the message line, error messages or inquiry messages will be displayed depending on the
(c) The program list displays up to 18 programs at a time in the list display area.
(2) Area of program list
(a) In the "SP area", the protect information for subprograms is displayed, so are their program
(Lock): Unable to browse and edit (Global program)
(Magnifying glass): Ladder program which is able to browse but unable to edit
(Pencil): Ladder program which is able to browse and edit
(b) Program name is displayed in the "PROG NO." field for each program.
There are three kinds of program names.
COLLECT: means the collective monitor screen.
GLOBAL: means the whole program.
LEVELn (n = 1, 2, 3): means the Ladder level 1, 2 and 3.
Pm (m = subprogram number): means subprogram.
Setting screen to “SYMBOL”, you can display symbols.
(c) The program size is displayed in the “SIZE” field for each program.
If the program size is not over 1024 byte, the unit is shown in byte.
If it is over 1024 byte, the unit is shown in kilo (1024) byte with “K”.
Ex.) The case that program size is not over 1024 byte.
1023 bytes: “1023” is shown.
Ex.) The case that program size is over 1024 byte.
20000 bytes: “19K” is shown.
(Sizes are rounded off to whole numbers before being displayed.)

- 805 -

(3) Operation with Soft keys

Soft key of PROGRAM LIST VIEWER screen

Search for program

Display the contents

of program PMC path Switching

(a) [ZOOM] Display the contents of program

Goes to LADDER DIAGRAM MONITOR screen. If you press [ZOOM] soft key without
strings, the program under the cursor is displayed at LADDER DIAGRAM MONITOR screen.
If you entered program name (See (a) in (5) for detail) or symbol before pressing [ZOOM] soft
key, the program according to the preceding string is searched and the program is displayed at
But, when the selected program is protected to monitor, you have to unlock the protection.
(b) [SEARCH] Search for program
Searches the program. If you entered program name (See (a) in (5) for detail) or symbol and
press [SEARCH] soft key, the program according to the preceding string is searched, the cursor
points the program.
(c) [SW PMC] PMC path Switching
Switches PMC paths.
This soft key is effective to the dual check safety function.

(4) Other operations

(a) Cursor move keys, Page change keys
You can move cursor by all cursor move keys and Page change keys.
(b) INPUT key
You can operate same as [ZOOM] soft key.

(5) Note of searching and zooming operations

(a) When you specify a subprogram to search for, or to zoom into, you can use following notation
for each program part:
GLOBAL: “0”(Zero) or “G”
LEVEL1, 2, 3: “L” + Number Ex.) “L1”, “L01”, etc
Pn: Number or “P” + Number Ex.) “1”, “P1”, “P01”
(b) Search function by [SEARCH] soft key tries to suppose the given word as an item to be
searched in following order.
1. The string for GLOBAL or LEVEL: “0”(Zero), “G”, “L” + Number
The number for subprogram: Number
2. Symbol
3. The string for subprogram: “P” + Number

(6) Ladder preview

The subprogram indicated by the cursor in the program list is displayed in the ladder display area on
the right of the screen.
If you wish to operate on the ladder diagram, you must switch to the LADDER DIAGRAM
MONITOR screen by using the [ZOOM] soft key from the program list.

- 806 -

8.1.1 Setting the Program List Screen

(1) Program list screen setting

To make settings on the program list screen, use the [SETING] soft key on the ladder screen.
Page 2 of the ladder setting screen contains the settings of the program list screen.

(2) Setting items

Specifies whether to display each subprograms on Program List display screen in order of
program numbers or symbols. When ADDRESS NOTATION is SYMBOL, programs without
symbols are displayed in order of program number after programs with the symbols.
COLLECT,GLOBAL, LEVEL1, LEVEL2, LEVEL3 are out of target of sort.
Program List display screen in order of program numbers.
Program List display screen in order of symbols.


Frame net means functional instruction END1, 2 and 3 on LEVEL1, 2, 3, and functional
instruction SP and SPE on subprogram.
It determines whether the frame net in the LADDER DIAGRAM MONITOR/EDITOR screen
are displayed or not, when you selected the program and press [ZOOM] soft key in the
SHOW (default)
The frame net is displayed in the LADDER DIAGRAM MONITOR/EDITOR screen.
The frame net is not displayed in the LADDER DIAGRAM MONITOR/EDITOR screen.

- 807 -


LADDER DIAGRAM MONITOR screen shows the on/off status of contacts and coils, and the contents
of address specified for parameter of functional instructions.
From the PMC LADDER menu, you can switch to the LADDER DIAGRAM MONITOR screen by using
the [LADDER] soft key. You can use following operation at this screen, including "Forced I/O function
(Forcing mode)", by which you can force the relay or the address parameters of functional instructions to
a new status or value.
• Switch subprogram to show [LIST]
• Search for address or others [SEARCH]
• Show data table of functional instructions [TABLE]
• Forced I/O function (Forcing mode) "number" + INPUT key

Current subprogram Title information (REMARKS)

Area for LADDER Diagram

Additional information line

Key input line
Message line

(1) Screen structures

(a) Title information (REMARKS) of the LADDER Program, the current subprogram, and the
current position information of the Diagram displayed in this screen, are displayed above the
LADDER Diagram.
When you select a subprogram to be displayed, range for search function is indicated at right of
the top line as "LOCAL" or "GLOBAL". In case of "LOCAL", the range for search function
is restricted within the current subprogram. In case of "GLOBAL", on the other hand, search
function searches whole of LADDER program, and switch current subprogram automatically
according to the result of searching.

- 808 -
(b) In the additional information line near the bottom of the screen, the following information of
the address under the cursor is displayed when the cursor is shown.
• Net number of the net at the cursor
• Address and its symbol and comment information
• Current value

Symbol and Comment are displayed with fixed length when using Basic type Symbol and
Comment data.
In case of the bit address under the cursor.

In case of the byte address under the cursor.(4 bytes parameter)

Left justified Symbol and Comment are displayed with flexible length when using Extended
type Symbol and Comment data.
In case of the bit address under the cursor.

In case of the byte address under the cursor.(4 bytes parameter)

1 When you set K903.1 to 1 and using Basic type Symbol and Comment data, the
symbol and comment are displayed with flexible length on additional information
line, as same as when using Extended Symbol and Comment data.
2 Displayed comment characters on additional information line is shown below
when the symbol and comment are displayed with fixed length.
8.4 inch : 15 characters
10.4 inch : 15 characters
3 When symbol and comment on an additional information line are displayed with
flexible length and all the characters of comment cannot be displayed on the line,
a period is displayed at the end of comment string.

(c) In the message line, error messages or inquiry messages will be displayed depending on the
(d) In the area for LADDER diagrams, 8 × 8, 8 × 6, 8 × 4, 7 × 8, 7 × 6, and 7 × 4 relays can be
displayed (horizontally and vertically). For details, see Subsection 8.2.2.
(e) The gage indicating the current display position in relation to the whole Ladder program is
displayed at the right end of the screen.

- 809 -

(2) LADDER diagram

(a) Nets wider than the screen width are displayed as “Continuous Net” using continuous marks
(“>A1>”). Same continuous marks mean they are connected with each other.

(3) Monitor
(a) Contacts and coils change their colors and/or shapes according to the status of the signals.
The status of power flow is not displayed.
(b) Usually, the parameters of functional instructions are monitored and displayed. You can
suppress the monitor and display by an appropriate setting. For details, see Subsection 8.2.2.

(4) Displaying Symbols and Comments

(a) Usually, addresses are displayed above contacts and coils. For an address with a symbol
assigned, you can change the setting so that the symbol is displayed instead of the address.
You can add colors to addresses. For details, see Subsection 8.2.2.
(b) If the address of a contact has a comment attached, the comment is displayed below the contact.
You can change its display mode by changing the setting. You can add colors to comments.
For details, see Subsection 8.2.2.
(c) If the address used with coil has a comment string assigned, the comment strings will be
displayed at the right margin beside the coil. You can use this margin area to display an
additional relay instead of the comment string by setting: at this setting, one more relay can be
displayed in each diagram line. You can add colors to comments. For details, see
Subsection 8.2.2.

- 810 -

8.2.1 Operating on the LADDER DIAGRAM MONITOR Screen

Main soft keys of LADDER Diagram Monitor screen

Display Data Table

Display Subprogram LADDER Diagram Editor MONITOR screen
Program List

Back previous Subprogram List Screen Settings

PMC path Switching
Jump to
Search soft keys Search Functional Pick up a Ladder
Search Write Coil Instruction Diagram net
Search Address or Net

Search previous Search next Switch range Exit

(1) Operation with Soft keys

Goes to PROGRAM LIST VIEWER screen to choose subprogram to be displayed at LADDER
(b) [SEARCH] Search & Jump
Change soft keys to “Search soft keys”. Use the [EXIT] soft key to return to the “Main soft
“Search soft keys” consists of followings:
• [TOPBTM] Jump to Top/Bottom
Jumps to the top of LADDER Program. If the top is displayed already, then jump to the
• [SEARCH] Search Address/Net
Searches the PMC address or the net according to the preceding string. You can specify
both of bit address and byte address.
When digits are entered, the digits are supposed to be a net number and the screen will
jump to the net of the net number.
When a string other than digits is entered, the string is examined as a symbol for PMC
address at first. If the string is found to match a symbol, then the address that the symbol
means will be searched for.
If no symbol matches the string, then the string is examined as PMC address at next. If the
string indicates correct PMC address, then the address will be searched for.
When cursor is hidden, the net that has the specified net number or contains the specified
address will be shown at the top of the screen. When cursor is shown, the cursor moves
to the relay or the parameter to show the found address directly.
When target address is in a program protected by the partial protection function, it can be
skipped and moved to the next by pressing the [SKIP] key.
• [W-SRCH] Search Write Coil
Searches for the write coils with the address that entered string means. Any contacts
with the address are ignored.

- 811 -

• [F-SRCH] Search Functional Instruction

Searches for the functional instructions by its SUB number or its mnemonic name such as
“TMR” or “END2”.
• [PICKUP] Pick up a ladder net and load it into the COLLECTIVE MONITOR screen
Picks up the ladder net to monitor and loads it into the COLLECTIVE MONITOR screen.
• [PREV] Search previous
Repeats to search the same thing backward (upward).
• [NEXT] Search next
Repeats to search the same thing forward (downward).
• [GLOBAL]/[LOCAL] Change range
Changes the range for searching between GLOBAL and LOCAL; GLOBAL means whole
of program, and LOCAL means within the displaying subprogram. Current range for
searching is indicated at right of the information line at top of screen.
• [EXIT] Exit from the search function
Exits from a search process and returns you to the main soft key display.
Goes to FUNCTIONAL INSTRUCTION DATA TABLE VIEWER screen to examine contents
of Data Table of functional instructions such as COD (SUB 7) and CODB (SUB 27), which
have Data Table in themselves. This soft key appears only when the cursor is on a functional
instruction that has Data Table.
(d) [ZOOM] Display contents of subprogram
Placing the cursor on a CALL/CALLU/CM instruction, [ZOOM] soft key is displayed.
Pressing [ZOOM] soft key switches the subprogram on the screen to the one which the
instruction under the cursor calls. Each subprogram switching is recorded in the subprogram
history (Max. 16 records), and you can trace back the history by [BACK] soft key. You can see
the list of subprograms in the current history at the Subprogram List Display screen.
Goes to LADDER DIAGRAM EDITOR screen. This soft key appears only when
Programmer function is enabled. And activating Online Monitor function disables this soft
If the ladder program is password-protected, you are asked to enter a password. Enter the
password required to edit the program.
(f) [SWITCH] Switch to COLLECTIVE MONITOR screen
Switches to COLLECTIVE MONITOR screen.
(g) [BACK] Show the preceding subprogram
Ladder Diagram Monitor screen manages the history of the subprograms which have been
displayed. You can use [BACK] soft key to trace back the history to recall the previous
subprogram. You can see the subprograms in the current history at the subprogram list screen.
(h) [SPLIST] Switch to the subprogram list screen
The subprogram list screen shows the list of the subprograms which are called by the current
subprogram. You can choose a subprogram from the list, which will be displayed on the screen.
On the other hand, the history of the displayed subprogram is displayed.
(i) [SW PMC] PMC path Switching
Switches PMC paths.
This soft key is effective to the dual check safety function.
(j) [SETING] Screen settings
Goes to setting screen for LADDER DIAGRAM MONITOR screen. You can change various
settings for LADDER DIAGRAM MONITOR screen at the screen. Use the [EXIT] soft key
to return to LADDER DIAGRAM MONITOR screen. See Subsection 8.2.2 for the detail.

- 812 -
(2) Other operations
(a) Cursor move keys, Page change keys
With cursor hidden, you can move diagram in the screen by up/down Cursor move keys and
Page change keys.

Move screen
← →
Search backward

PAGE ↓ Search forward

Function of Cursor keys when cursor is hidden

With cursor displayed, you can move the cursor by all cursor move keys and Page change keys.
When cursor is placed on some relay or some address parameter of a functional instruction, the
information about the address under cursor is displayed at “Additional Information Line”.
(b) “number” + INPUT key
When cursor is shown, you can force the value of the address under cursor by entering new
value as “number” + INPUT key. In this screen, Forced I/O function is limited only to
Forcing mode. This Forced I/O function asks you to confirm your intention before it takes
effect. Once it is confirmed that you actually want to change value by this function, you can
change the value of the same relay or parameter without further confirmation. However, after
you move cursor or you operate other functions, you will be asked when you use the Forced I/O
function again.

1 You have to pay special attention to use Forced I/O function to change status of
signals. Inappropriate use of Forced I/O function may cause unexpected
reaction of machine. You have to make it sure that nobody is near the machine
when you use this function.
2 As you use Forcing mode of Forced I/O function to change status of signal,
however, the signal may look proof against Forced I/O function, because LADDER
program or I/O device writes into the signal repeatedly. In this case, even if the
signal looks unchanged, actual signal may be changed in very short moment.
You should be careful for the reaction of machine to such signal changes.

1 If the forced I/O function is protected by the programmer protection function,
pressing the INPUT key has no effect. For details of protection conditions, and
the like, see Section 6.2.
2 Parameters of timer functional instructions, TMR and TMRB, which have special
monitor formats, are not supported by Forced I/O function. For details, see the
description of functional instructions of special monitor format in Subsection 8.2.3.

(3) Notes for Search function

- 813 -

(a) The string followed by [SEARCH] is treated as symbol first. In case that the symbol “D0” is
assigned to the bit address “R0.0”, the operation “D0” + [SEARCH] will search the bit address
“R0.0”, instead of byte address “D0”.
(b) To search the symbol that consists of only digit characters, which will usually be treated as net
number, you can use leading space to specify explicitly the string is symbol. For example,
while “123” + [SEARCH] will search the 123rd net from top of the LADDER, “_123” +
[SEARCH] (“_” is space) will search address with symbol “123”.
(c) When the range for searching is GLOBAL, and the target is found in other than displaying
subprogram, the screen will automatically switch to the subprogram to which the found target
belongs. Searching GLOBAL net number that current subprogram does not contain, for
example, the subprogram that contains the net of the net number will appear in the screen,
displaying the net.

(4) Shortcuts
(a) When cursor is hidden, left/right cursor move keys without string act just like [PREV]/[NEXT]
soft keys.
(b) String followed by [SEARCH] soft key in “Main soft keys” starts searching directly.
(c) [SEARCH] soft key in the search soft keys without string searches the address or the functional
instruction under cursor forward. If cursor is hidden, or cursor is placed neither on a relay nor
on a functional instruction, this operation just repeats the last successful search forward, just
like [NEXT] soft key.
(d) [W-SRCH] soft key without string searches forward a write coil of the same address with relay
under cursor. If cursor is hidden, or cursor is not placed on a relay, this operation will search
a write coil of the bit address that is searched at last successful search. If the last search was
not made with bit address, the last entered string for searching is used to determine what bit
address is to be searched for a write coil.
(e) [F-SRCH] soft key without string searches forward the same functional instruction with one
under cursor. If cursor is hidden, or cursor is not placed on a functional instruction, this
operation will search a functional instruction that is searched at last successful search. If the
last search was not made for functional instruction, the last entered string for searching is used
to determine what functional instruction is to be searched.
(f) [LIST] soft key following string that indicates subprogram, switches subprogram on LADDER
DIAGRAM MONITOR screen. Examples for strings to specify subprogram are following:
“L1” Level 1
“P10”, “10” Subprogram “P10”
“0”(zero), “G” Whole of LADDER program (Global)

- 814 -

8.2.2 Setting the Display Format of the LADDER DIAGRAM


(1) Display screen

The LADDER DIAGRAM MONITOR screen is partially displayed on the screen.
The relays displayed here will change real-time by changing the setting.

(2) Setting items

LADDER DIAGRAM MONITOR (SETTING) screen contains the setting items below:
Determines whether the bit and byte addresses in the LADDER Diagram are displayed as
corresponding symbols, or the addresses themselves.

SYMBOL (default)
Addresses that have a symbol are displayed by the symbols. Addresses without symbols
are displayed by the addresses themselves.
All addresses are displayed as the addresses themselves even if they have a symbol.


Change the shape of functional instructions. There are three options as below. You have to
choose other than “COMPACT” to show the current values of address parameters of functional

COMPACT (default)
Occupies least space in diagram. Monitors of current values of address parameters are
Extends the box horizontally to reserve spaces for the monitors of current values of
address parameters. The box becomes wider than COMPACT.
Extends the box vertically to reserve spaces for the monitors of current values of address
parameters. The box becomes taller than COMPACT.

- 815 -

Display styles of functional instructions




The displays of current values of address parameters change their format according to each
parameter. See Subsection 8.2.3 for detail.
When you place the cursor on an address parameter, its current value is displayed in the
“Additional Information Line” in both formats of binary decimal, and BCD (or hexadecimal


Set the style of relay comment. These are three options as below. When you display relay
comment, less ladder diagram circuits are shown.

NONE (default)
Relay comments are not displayed.
Relay comments are displayed in one line. Up to 15 characters (7 characters in Japanese)
of relay comment can be displayed when "WIDE" is selected for the "CONTACT
WIDTH" setting that is described below. Characters after 15th character will not be
Relay comments are displayed in two lines. Up to 30 characters (14 characters in
Japanese) of relay comment can be displayed when "WIDE" is selected to the
"CONTACT WIDTH" setting that is described below. Up to 14 characters can be
displayed. Characters after 30th character will not be displayed.
Display styles of relay comment










- 816 -


Set the style of relay width. When "WIDE" is selected for the "CONTACT WIDTH" setting,
up to 15 characters of symbol on relay can be displayed. Moreover, when "1 LINE" is selected
for the "SHOW COMMENT OF CONTACT" setting, up to 15 characters of relay comment
can be displayed. When "2 LINE" is selected for the "SHOW COMMENT OF CONTACT"
setting, up to 30 characters of relay comment can be displayed. However, in these cases, fewer
contacts can be displayed.

NORMAL (default)
A relay is expressed with 8-character length.
Up to 7 characters of symbol can be displayed.
A relay is expressed with 16-character length.
Up to 15 characters of symbol can be displayed.

Display styles of relay




Determines whether to show coil comments.

YES (default)
Right margin of 2 lines of 15 characters is reserved for display of coil comments.
Right margin is used to extend diagram by one more relay, instead of showing coil
comment. The screen position bar is also displayed at the right edge of the screen in this
Show Coil comment setting



Determines whether to show cursor.

Cursor is displayed. Cursor move keys will move the cursor. When the cursor is
placed on bit or byte addresses, the information of the address is displayed at "Additional
Information Line". When you search something with the cursor displayed, the cursor
goes directly where it is found. This option is recommended for search operation with
LADDER program that contains many large nets.
NO (default)
Cursor is not displayed. Up/down cursor move keys will scroll the contents of screen
directly. When you search something with the cursor hidden, the net, which contains it,
will appear at the top of the screen.

- 817 -


Determines whether a net number is counted as "LOCAL" starting from the top of current
subprogram, or is counted as "GLOBAL" starting from the top of whole program. This
setting also affects the expression of net number at searching nets by number.

Net number starts from 1 at top of current subprogram. Net number is defined only
within current subprogram. The net number information at upper right of the screen is
displayed in the format "displaying range/nets in subprogram NET".
GLOBAL (default)
Net number starts from 1 at top of Level 1 program. Net number is defined identically at
whole of program. The net number information at upper right of the screen is displayed
in the format "displaying range/subprogram range NET".

Definition of net number


Current Current
Subprogram Subprogram

- 818 -
Allows search process to wrap from top/bottom to bottom/top to continue to search.
YES (default)
Downward search will continue to search from top of LADDER when reaches to bottom.
Upward search will also continue to search from bottom when reaches to top.
Search process will fail when reached top or bottom, and displays an error message at
Message Line.

YES Wrap search

?????? NO

Not found


Not found


Changes the appearance of LADDER diagram. Lines, relays, and functional instructions that
constitute LADDER diagram can be changed in the colors and the shapes.

- 819 -

Sets thickness of diagram lines. This setting also affects shapes of relays.
YES (default)
Diagram is drawn with thick lines. Relays are drawn in more distinct shapes.
You have to choose this option to make following "VARIABLE RELAY SYMBOL"
setting effective.
Diagram is drawn with thin lines. Relays are drawn in smaller shapes.

Bold Diagram setting




Determines whether to change the shapes of relays according to their on/off status, or to
fix their shapes. This setting is effective only when the setting "BOLD DIAGRAM" is
set to "YES".

Shapes of relays change according to their on/off status. This option is effective
only when the setting "BOLD DIAGRAM" is set to "YES". If it is set to "NO",
shapes of relays will not change regardless of this setting.
NO (default)
Shapes of relays will not change.

Change of relay shapes at on/off status

- 820 -

Colors for the relay address are set. You can specify these colors by entering color
number. 16 colors (from No. 0 to No. 15) are available. Foreground color should be
different from background one.
General color and its background color for LADDER Diagram. You can specify these
colors by entering color number, or by using right and left cursor move keys to change the
color number. You can use 16 numbers from 0 to 15; however, some different number
may correspond to the same color. You can not specify the same number to the
foreground and the background colors.
Color setting for the active relay. When a contact allows power flow, and when a coil
receives power, they are active and are displayed with this color setting. When contacts
and coils are not active, they are displayed with "general color". You can specify these
colors in the same manner as color setting of DIAGRAM COLOR, etc.
Color setting for the monitor of functional instruction parameters. They are displayed
when functional instructions are displayed in the shape other than "COMPACT". You
can specify these colors in the same manner as color setting of DIAGRAM COLOR, etc.
Colors for the relay comment are set. You can specify these colors by entering color
number, or by moving right and left cursor. 16 colors (from No. 0 to No. 15) are
available. Foreground color should be different from background one.

(3) Soft keys

LADDER DIAGRAM MONITOR (SETTING) screen has the soft keys of options and following:
(a) [INIT] Initialize all settings
All settings will be initialized to the default values.
(b) [EXIT] Switch to LADDER DIAGRAM MONITOR screen
Ends the LADDER DIAGRAM MONITOR (SETTING) screen and switches to LADDER

(4) Settings on multi-path PMC system

On the multi-path PMC systems by using Dual Check Safety function, the Ladder Diagram related
configuration is common to all PMC paths at first. To make it independent for each PMC path, set
system keep relay K909.4 to 1.
For example, different color settings may make it easier to recognize the PMC path which the
Ladder Diagram on the screen belongs to.
When you set 1 to K909.4 at the first time, the PMC path will inherit the old settings, and the PMC
for Dual Check Safety will start with the initial settings.

- 821 -

8.2.3 Display Format for Parameters

The following table shows all monitor formats for each parameter of each functional instruction.

1 "Variable" in "Monitor format" field means that this parameter changes its size
according to the other parameter. See the descriptions for each functional
instruction for detail.
2 Functional instruction with "*" mark has Data table.

No. Name Parameter Monitor format No. Name Parameter Monitor format
1 END1 − − 18 XMOV 1 constant
2 END2 − − 2 4-digits BCD
3 TMR 1 special 3 4-digits BCD
4 DEC 1 2-digits BCD 4 4-digits BCD
2 constant 19 ADD 1 constant
5 CTR 1 special 2 4-digits BCD
6 ROT 1 constant 3 4-digits BCD
2 4-digits BCD 4 4-digits BCD
3 4-digits BCD 20 SUB 1 constant
4 4-digits BCD 2 4-digits BCD
7 COD * 1 constant 3 4-digits BCD
2 2-digits BCD 4 4-digits BCD
3 4-digits BCD 21 MUL 1 constant
8 MOVE 1 constant 2 4-digits BCD
2 constant 3 4-digits BCD
3 2-digits HEX 4 4-digits BCD
4 2-digits HEX 22 DIV 1 constant
9 COM 1 constant 2 4-digits BCD
10 JMP 1 constant 3 4-digits BCD
11 PARI 1 1-byte binary 4 4-digits BCD
14 DCNV 1 no monitor 23 NUME 1 constant
2 no monitor 2 4-digits BCD
15 COMP 1 constant 24 TMRB 1 special
2 4-digits BCD 2 constant
3 4-digits BCD 25 DECB 1 constant
16 COIN 1 constant 2 variable binary
2 4-digits BCD 3 constant
3 4-digits BCD 4 2-digits HEX
17 DSCH 1 constant 26 ROTB 1 constant
2 4-digits BCD 2 variable binary
3 4-digits BCD 3 variable binary
4 4-digits BCD 4 variable binary
5 variable binary

- 822 -

No. Name Parameter Monitor format No. Name Parameter Monitor format
27 CODB * 1 constant 39 DIVB 1 constant
2 constant 2 variable binary
3 1-byte binary 3 constant or
4 variable binary variable binary
28 MOVOR 1 2-digits HEX 4 variable binary
2 2-digits HEX 40 NUMEB 1 constant
3 2-digits HEX 2 constant
29 COME − − 3 variable binary
30 JMPE − − 41 DISPB 1 constant
31 DCNVB 1 constant 42 EXIN 1 8-digits HEX
2 no monitor 43 MOVB 1 1-byte binary
3 no monitor 2 1-byte binary
32 COMPB 1 constant 44 MOVW 1 2-bytes binary
2 constant or 2 2-bytes binary
variable binary 45 MOVN 1 constant
3 variable binary 2 4-bytes binary
33 SFT 1 4-digits HEX 3 4-bytes binary
34 DSCHB 1 constant 47 MOVD 1 4-bytes binary
2 variable binary 2 4-bytes binary
3 variable binary 48 END3 − −
4 variable binary 50 PSGNL 1 1-byte binary
5 variable binary 2 2-digits HEX
35 XMOVB 1 constant 51 WINDR 1 2-bytes binary
2 variable binary 52 WINDW 1 2-bytes binary
3 variable binary 53 AXCTL 1 constant
4 variable binary 2 8-digits HEX
5 variable binary 54 TMRC 1 constant
36 ADDB 1 constant 2 special
2 variable binary 3 special
3 constant or 55 CTRC 1 2-bytes binary
variable binary
4 variable binary 56 CTRB 1 constant
37 SUBB 1 constant 2 special
2 variable binary 57 DIFU 1 constant
3 constant or 58 DIFD 1 constant
variable binary 59 EOR 1 constant
4 variable binary 2 variable HEX
38 MULB 1 constant 3 constant or
2 variable binary variable HEX
3 constant or 4 variable HEX
variable binary
4 variable binary

- 823 -

No. Name Parameter Monitor format No. Name Parameter Monitor format
60 AND 1 constant 203 NEB 1 constant or
2 variable HEX 1-byte binary
3 constant or 2 constant or
variable HEX 1-byte binary
4 variable HEX 204 NEW 1 constant or
61 OR 1 constant 2-bytes binary
2 variable HEX 2 constant or
3 constant or 2-bytes binary
variable HEX 205 NED 1 constant or
4 variable HEX 4-bytes binary
62 NOT 1 constant 2 constant or
2 variable HEX 4-bytes binary
3 variable HEX 206 GTB 1 constant or
63 PSGN2 1 1-byte binary 1-byte binary
64 END − − 2 constant or
65 CALL 1 no monitor 1-byte binary
66 CALLU 1 no monitor 207 GTW 1 constant or
68 JMPB 1 no monitor 2-bytes binary
69 LBL 1 no monitor 2 constant or
70 NOP 1 constant 2-bytes binary
71 SP 1 no monitor 208 GTD 1 constant or
72 SPE − − 4-bytes binary
73 JMPC 1 no monitor 2 constant or
74 CS 1 2-bytes binary 4-bytes binary
75 CM 1 no monitor 209 LTB 1 constant or
76 CE - − 1-byte binary
77 TMRBF 1 special 2 constant or
2 constant 1-byte binary
200 EQB 1 constant or 210 LTW 1 constant or
1-byte binary 2-bytes binary
2 constant or 2 constant or
1-byte binary 2-bytes binary
201 EQW 1 constant or 211 LTD 1 constant or
2-bytes binary 4-bytes binary
2 constant or 2 constant or
2-bytes binary 4-bytes binary
202 EQD 1 constant or 212 GEB 1 constant or
4-bytes binary 1-byte binary
2 constant or 2 constant or
4-bytes binary 1-byte binary

- 824 -

No. Name Parameter Monitor format No. Name Parameter Monitor format
213 GEW 1 constant or 221 TMRST 1 Constant or
2-bytes binary Special
2 constant or 2 Special
2-bytes binary 3 No monitor
214 GED 1 constant or 222 TMRSS 1 Constant or
4-bytes binary Special
2 constant or 2 Special
4-bytes binary 3 No monitor
215 LEB 1 constant or 223 CTRD 1 4-bytes binary
1-byte binary 2 4-bytes binary
2 constant or 224 MOVBT 1 No monitor
1-byte binary 2 4-bytes HEX
216 LEW 1 constant or 3 Constant
2-bytes binary 4 4-bytes HEX
2 constant or 5 Constant
2-bytes binary 225 SETNB 1 No monitor
217 LED 1 constant or 2 Constant or
4-bytes binary 1-byte binary
2 constant or 3 1-byte binary
4-bytes binary 226 SETNW 1 No monitor
218 RNGB 1 constant or 2 Constant or
1-byte binary 2-bytes binary
2 constant or 3 2-bytes binary
1-byte binary 227 SETND 1 No monitor
3 constant or 2 Constant or
1-byte binary 4-bytes binary
219 RNGW 1 constant or 3 4-bytes binary
2-bytes binary 228 XCHGB 1 1-byte binary
2 constant or 2 1-byte binary
2-bytes binary 229 XCHGW 1 2-bytes binary
3 constant or 2 2-bytes binary
2-bytes binary 230 XCHGD 1 4-bytes binary
220 RNGD 1 constant or 2 4-bytes binary
4-bytes binary 231 SWAPW 1 No monitor
2 constant or 2 2-bytes binary
4-bytes binary 3 2-bytes binary
3 constant or 232 SWAPD 1 No monitor
4-bytes binary 2 4-bytes binary
3 4-bytes binary

- 825 -

No. Name Parameter Monitor format No. Name Parameter Monitor format
233 TBLRB 1 No monitor 241 DSEQB 1 No monitor
2 1-byte binary 2 1-byte binary
3 Constant or 3 Constant or
2-bytes binary 2-bytes binary
4 1-byte binary 4 Constant or
234 TBLRW 1 No monitor 1-byte binary
2 2-bytes binary 5 2-bytes binary
3 Constant or 242 DSEQW 1 No monitor
2-bytes binary 2 2-bytes binary
4 2-bytes binary 3 Constant or
235 TBLRD 1 No monitor 2-bytes binary
2 4-bytes binary 4 Constant or
3 Constant or 2-bytes binary
2-bytes binary 5 2-bytes binary
4 4-bytes binary 243 DSEQD 1 No monitor
236 TBLRN 1 No monitor 2 4-bytes binary
2 No monitor 3 Constant or
3 4-bytes binary 2-bytes binary
4 Constant or 4 Constant or
2-bytes binary 4-bytes binary
5 4-bytes binary 5 2-bytes binary
237 TBLWB 1 No monitor 244 DSNEB 1 No monitor
2 1-byte binary 2 1-byte binary
3 Constant or 3 Constant or
2-bytes binary 2-bytes binary
4 1-byte binary 4 Constant or
238 TBLWW 1 No monitor 1-byte binary
2 2-bytes binary 5 2-bytes binary
3 Constant or 245 DSNEW 1 No monitor
2-bytes binary 2 2-bytes binary
4 2-bytes binary 3 Constant or
239 TBLWD 1 No monitor 2-bytes binary
2 4-bytes binary 4 Constant or
3 Constant or 2-bytes binary
2-bytes binary 5 2-bytes binary
4 4-bytes binary 246 DSNED 1 No monitor
240 TBLWN 1 No monitor 2 4-bytes binary
2 No monitor 3 Constant or
3 4-bytes binary 2-bytes binary
4 Constant or 4 Constant or
2-bytes binary 4-bytes binary
5 4-bytes binary 5 2-bytes binary

- 826 -

No. Name Parameter Monitor format No. Name Parameter Monitor format
247 DSGTB 1 No monitor 253 DSGEB 1 No monitor
2 1-byte binary 2 1-byte binary
3 Constant or 3 Constant or
2-bytes binary 2-bytes binary
4 Constant or 4 Constant or
1-byte binary 1-byte binary
5 2-bytes binary 5 2-bytes binary
248 DSGTW 1 No monitor 254 DSGEW 1 No monitor
2 2-bytes binary 2 2-bytes binary
3 Constant or 3 Constant or
2-bytes binary 2-bytes binary
4 Constant or 4 Constant or
2-bytes binary 2-bytes binary
5 2-bytes binary 5 2-bytes binary
249 DSGTD 1 No monitor 255 DSGED 1 No monitor
2 4-bytes binary 2 4-bytes binary
3 Constant or 3 Constant or
2-bytes binary 2-bytes binary
4 Constant or 4 Constant or
4-bytes binary 4-bytes binary
5 2-bytes binary 5 2-bytes binary
250 DSLTB 1 No monitor 256 DSLEB 1 No monitor
2 1-byte binary 2 1-byte binary
3 Constant or 3 Constant or
2-bytes binary 2-bytes binary
4 Constant or 4 Constant or
1-byte binary 1-byte binary
5 2-bytes binary 5 2-bytes binary
251 DSLTW 1 No monitor 257 DSLEW 1 No monitor
2 2-bytes binary 2 2-bytes binary
3 Constant or 3 Constant or
2-bytes binary 2-bytes binary
4 Constant or 4 Constant or
2-bytes binary 2-bytes binary
5 2-bytes binary 5 2-bytes binary
252 DSLTD 1 No monitor 258 DSLED 1 No monitor
2 4-bytes binary 2 4-bytes binary
3 Constant or 3 Constant or
2-bytes binary 2-bytes binary
4 Constant or 4 Constant or
4-bytes binary 4-bytes binary
5 2-bytes binary 5 2-bytes binary

- 827 -

No. Name Parameter Monitor format No. Name Parameter Monitor format
259 DMAXB 1 No monitor 265 EORB 1 Constant or
2 1-byte binary 1-byte HEX
3 Constant or 2 Constant or
2-bytes binary 1-byte HEX
4 1-byte binary 3 1-byte HEX
5 2-bytes binary 266 EORW 1 Constant or
260 DMAXW 1 No monitor 2-bytes HEX
2 2-bytes binary 2 Constant or
3 Constant or 2-bytes HEX
2-bytes binary 3 2-bytes HEX
4 2-bytes binary 267 EORD 1 Constant or
5 2-bytes binary 4-bytes HEX
261 DMAXD 1 No monitor 2 Constant or
2 4-bytes binary 4-bytes HEX
3 Constant or 3 4-bytes HEX
2-bytes binary 268 ANDB 1 Constant or
4 4-bytes binary 1-byte HEX
5 2-bytes binary 2 Constant or
262 DMINB 1 No monitor 1-byte HEX
2 1-byte binary 3 1-byte HEX
3 Constant or 269 ANDW 1 Constant or
2-bytes binary 2-bytes HEX
4 1-byte binary 2 Constant or
5 2-bytes binary 2-bytes HEX
263 DMINW 1 No monitor 3 2-bytes HEX
2 2-bytes binary 270 ANDD 1 Constant or
3 Constant or 4-bytes HEX
2-bytes binary 2 Constant or
4 2-bytes binary 4-bytes HEX
5 2-bytes binary 3 4-bytes HEX
264 DMIND 1 No monitor 271 ORB 1 Constant or
2 4-bytes binary 1-byte HEX
3 Constant or 2 Constant or
2-bytes binary 1-byte HEX
4 4-bytes binary 3 1-byte HEX
5 2-bytes binary 272 ORW 1 Constant or
2-bytes HEX
2 Constant or
2-bytes HEX
3 2-bytes HEX

- 828 -

No. Name Parameter Monitor format No. Name Parameter Monitor format
273 ORD 1 Constant or 282 SHRW 1 Constant or
4-bytes HEX 2-bytes HEX
2 Constant or 2 Constant or
4-bytes HEX 2-bytes binary
3 4-bytes HEX 3 2-bytes HEX
274 NOTB 1 Constant or 283 SHRD 1 Constant or
1-byte HEX 4-bytes HEX
2 1-byte HEX 2 Constant or
275 NOTW 1 Constant or 4-bytes binary
2-bytes HEX 3 4-bytes HEX
2 2-bytes HEX 284 SHRN 1 No monitor
276 NOTD 1 Constant or 2 Constant or
4-bytes HEX 4-bytes HEX
2 4-bytes HEX 3 Constant or
277 SHLB 1 Constant or 4-bytes binary
1-byte HEX 4 4-bytes HEX
2 Constant or 285 ROLB 1 Constant or
1-byte binary 1-byte HEX
3 1-byte HEX 2 Constant or
278 SHLW 1 Constant or 1-byte binary
2-bytes HEX 3 1-byte HEX
2 Constant or 286 ROLW 1 Constant or
2-bytes binary 2-bytes HEX
3 2-bytes HEX 2 Constant or
279 SHLD 1 Constant or 2-bytes binary
4-bytes HEX 3 2-bytes HEX
2 Constant or 287 ROLD 1 Constant or
4-bytes binary 4-bytes HEX
3 4-bytes HEX 2 Constant or
280 SHLN 1 No monitor 4-bytes binary
2 Constant or 3 4-bytes HEX
4-byteS HEX 288 ROLN 1 No monitor
3 Constant or 2 Constant or
4-bytes binary 4-bytes HEX
4 4-bytes HEX 3 Constant or
281 SHRB 1 Constant or 4-bytes binary
1-byte HEX 4 4-bytes HEX
2 Constant or 289 RORB 1 Constant or
1-byte binary 1-byte HEX
3 1-byte HEX 2 Constant or
1-byte binary
3 1-byte HEX

- 829 -

No. Name Parameter Monitor format No. Name Parameter Monitor format
290 RORW 1 Constant or 301 BTSTB 1 1-byte HEX
2-bytes HEX 2 Constant or
2 Constant or 1-byte binary
2-bytes binary 302 BTSTW 1 2-bytes HEX
3 2-bytes HEX 2 Constant or
291 RORD 1 Constant or 2-bytes binary
4-bytes HEX 303 BTSTD 1 4-bytes HEX
2 Constant or 2 Constant or
4-bytes binary 4-bytes binary
3 4-bytes HEX 304 BTSTN 1 No monitor
292 RORN 1 No monitor 2 4-bytes HEX
2 Constant or 3 Constant or
4-bytes HEX 4-bytes binary
3 Constant or 305 BPOSB 1 1-byte HEX
4-bytes binary 2 1-byte binary
4 4-bytes HEX 306 BPOSW 1 2-bytes HEX
293 BSETB 1 1-byte HEX 2 2-bytes binary
2 Constant or 307 BPOSD 1 4-bytes HEX
1-byte binary 2 4-bytes binary
294 BSETW 1 2-bytes HEX 308 BPOSN 1 No monitor
2 Constant or 2 4-bytes HEX
2-bytes binary 3 4-bytes binary
295 BSETD 1 4-bytes HEX 309 BCNTB 1 1-byte HEX
2 Constant or 2 1-byte binary
4-bytes binary 310 BCNTW 1 2-bytes HEX
296 BSETN 1 No monitor 2 2-bytes binary
2 4-bytes HEX 311 BCNTD 1 4-bytes HEX
3 Constant or 2 4-bytes binary
4-bytes binary 312 BCNTN 1 No monitor
297 BRSTB 1 1-byte HEX 2 4-bytes HEX
2 Constant or 3 4-bytes binary
1-byte binary 313 TBCDB 1 Constant or
298 BRSTW 1 2-bytes HEX 1-byte binary
2 Constant or 2 1-byte HEX
2-bytes binary 314 TBCDW 1 Constant or
299 BRSTD 1 4-bytes HEX 2-bytes binary
2 Constant or 2 2-bytes HEX
4-bytes binary 315 TBCDD 1 Constant or
300 BRSTN 1 No monitor 4-bytes binary
2 4-bytes HEX 2 4-bytes HEX
3 Constant or
4-bytes binary

- 830 -

No. Name Parameter Monitor format No. Name Parameter Monitor format
316 FBCDB 1 Constant or 325 MULSB 1 Constant or
1-byte HEX 1-byte binary
2 1-byte binary 2 Constant or
317 FBCDW 1 Constant or 1-byte binary
2-bytes HEX 3 1-byte binary
2 2-bytes binary 326 MULSW 1 Constant or
318 FBCDD 1 Constant or 2-bytes binary
4-bytes HEX 2 Constant or
2 4-bytes binary 2-bytes binary
319 ADDSB 1 Constant or 3 2-bytes binary
1-byte binary 327 MULSD 1 Constant or
2 Constant or 4-bytes binary
1-byte binary 2 Constant or
3 1-byte binary 4-bytes binary
320 ADDSW 1 Constant or 3 4-bytes binary
2-bytes binary 328 DIVSB 1 Constant or
2 Constant or 1-byte binary
2-bytes binary 2 Constant or
3 2-bytes binary 1-byte binary
321 ADDSD 1 Constant or 3 1-byte binary
4-bytes binary 329 DIVSW 1 Constant or
2 Constant or 2-bytes binary
4-bytes binary 2 Constant or
3 4-bytes binary 2-bytes binary
322 SUBSB 1 Constant or 3 2-bytes binary
1-byte binary 330 DIVSD 1 Constant or
2 Constant or 4-bytes binary
1-byte binary 2 Constant or
3 1-byte binary 4-bytes binary
323 SUBSW 1 Constant or 3 4-bytes binary
2-bytes binary 331 MODSB 1 Constant or
2 Constant or 1-byte binary
2-bytes binary 2 Constant or
3 2-bytes binary 1-byte binary
324 SUBSD 1 Constant or 3 1-byte binary
4-bytes binary 332 MODSW 1 Constant or
2 Constant or 2-bytes binary
4-bytes binary 2 Constant or
3 4-bytes binary 2-bytes binary
3 2-bytes binary

- 831 -

No. Name Parameter Monitor format

333 MODSD 1 Constant or
4-bytes binary
2 Constant or
4-bytes binary
3 4-bytes binary
334 INCSB 1 1-byte binary
335 INCSW 1 2-bytes binary
336 INCSD 1 4-bytes binary
337 DECSB 1 1-byte binary
338 DECSW 1 2-bytes binary
339 DECSD 1 4-bytes binary
340 ABSSB 1 Constant or
1-byte binary
2 1-byte binary
341 ABSSW 1 Constant or
2-bytes binary
2 2-bytes binary
342 ABSSD 1 Constant or
4-bytes binary
2 4-bytes binary
343 NEGSB 1 Constant or
1-byte binary
2 1-byte binary
344 NEGSW 1 Constant or
2-bytes binary
2 2-bytes binary
345 NEGSD 1 Constant or
4-bytes binary
2 4-bytes binary

- 832 -

• Functional instructions of special monitor format

Displays instructions in the following format:

Functional instructions Functional instruction
Vertical display horizontal display
Timer number = Current value Timer number
Preset value Current value
Preset value
The monitor display format of the preset values and the current values varies depending on the
timer precision, as given in the table below. For details of timer precision, see Subsection 7.3.1.
TMR Precision Resolution Display format
0 8 msec/48 msec by second
1 1 msec by second
2 10 msec by second
3 100 msec by second
4 1 second HH:MM:SS
5 1 minute HH:MM:SS

Displays current value by seconds (HH:MM:SS if 1 minute or more) (preset value is displayed by
The 2nd parameter shows preset value, and the 3rd parameter shows current value as their
monitor displays.
These two monitor displays changes their format according to the 1st parameter as below:
1st parameter Resolution Display format
0 8 msec by second
1 48 msec by second
TMRC 2 1 second HH:MM:SS
3 10 seconds HH:MM:SS
4 1 minute HH:MM:SS
5 1 msec by second
6 10 msec by second
7 100 msec by second

Displays current value by seconds (HH:MM:SS if 1 minute or more) (preset value is displayed by
By the setting time or the addition time, the monitor display format is changed as follows.
In the case of 59 minutes and less than 59 seconds:
When 1 hour is exceeded:
By the setting time or the addition time, the monitor display format is changed as follows.
In the case of less than 10000 hours:
When 10000 hours is exceeded:
It displays by 10 figures of signed decimal numbers.
Displays in "Current/Preset" format by binary or BCD according to the counter type setting in
LADDER Program.

- 833 -


FUNCTIONAL INSTRUCTION DATA TABLE VIEWER screen shows the contents of following data
table that belongs to some functional instructions.
• Functional Instruction COD (SUB7)
• Functional Instruction CODB (SUB27)
To reach this screen, at LADDER DIAGRAM MONITOR screen, press [TABLE] soft key that is
displayed when the cursor is on the following functional instructions which have a data table.
Following operations are available at this screen.
• Search for data table number. [N.SRCH]
• Search for data value. [V.SRCH]
• Change the displaying data digits. [BCD2], [BCD4]
(These soft keys can be operated only at FUNCTIONAL INSTRUCTION DATA TABLE VIEWER
screen of functional instruction COD.)


(1) Screen structures

(a) The functional instruction name, the number of data table, data length and data types are
displayed above the Data Table.
(b) In the message line, error messages or inquiry messages will be displayed depending on the
(c) In case of functional instruction COD, the data of 6 lines and 14 columns can be displayed in
the area for Data table.
In case of functional instruction CODB, the data of 4 lines and 14 columns can be displayed in
the area for Data table.

- 834 -
(2) Operations

Soft keys of Functional Instruction Data Table Viewer screen of functional instruction COD
Search for data Search for
table number data value Display BCD2 digits Display BCD4 digits


Soft keys of Functional Instruction Data Table Viewer screen of functional instruction CODB

Search for data Search for

table number data value


(a) [N.SRCH] Search for data table number

Searches the data table number which you specified.
Then the cursor is displayed on the data of the target number.
And the cursor is disappeared when you operate something.
(b) [V.SRCH] Search for data value
Searches the data value which you specified.
Then the cursor is displayed on the target data.
And the cursor is disappeared when you operate something.
(c) [BCD2] Display BCD2 digits
Changes the display data type to 2 digits of BCD. This operation only switches the display
data type. So it does never edit the data on memory.
(d) [BCD4] Display BCD4 digits
Changes the display data type to 4 digits of BCD. This operation only switches the display
data type. So it does never edit the data on memory.
(e) [EXIT] Exit View
VIEWER screen and switches to LADDER DIAGRAM MONITOR screen.
(f) Cursor move keys, Page change keys
You can scroll screen by right/left cursor move keys and Page change keys.
(g) Operation of the return key
On the FUNCTIONAL INSTRUCTION DATA TABLE VIEWER screen, the return key has
no effect.
After you have finished editing data, and want to return to the LADDER DIAGRAM
MONITOR screen, use the [EXIT] soft key.

- 835 -


At LADDER DIAGRAM EDITOR screen you can edit LADDER program to change its behavior.
To switch LADDER DIAGRAM EDITOR screen, press [EDIT] soft key at LADDER DIAGRAM
MONITOR screen.
Following operations are available at LADDER DIAGRAM EDITOR screen.

• Delete by net [DELETE]

• Move by net [CUT] & [PASTE]
• Copy by net [COPY] & [PASTE]
• Change address of contacts and coils "bit address" + INPUT key
• Change parameters of functional instructions "number" or "byte address" + INPUT key
• Add new net [CREATE]
• Change construction of net [ZOOM]
• Make changes effective [UPDATE]
• Abandon changes [RESTRE]
• Cancel edit [CANCEL]


- 836 -

1 You can edit ladder programs regardless of whether they are active or not. To
execute a ladder program with the results of editing being reflected, you must
update the ladder program. To do this, click the [UPDATE] soft key, or update
the program when exiting from the LADDER DIAGRAM EDITOR screen. For
details of the method of protecting editing, see Section 7.3.
2 After you have edited a sequence program, the results of editing will be lost if the
power is turned off without first writing the edited sequence program to flash ROM.
Write the sequence program to flash ROM on the I/O screen. If you set "WRITE
TO F-ROM(EDIT)" to "YES" on the general functions' setting parameter screen, a
confirmation message will be displayed, prompting you to ask whether to write a
sequence program to flash ROM after the end of editing. For details of this
setting, see Section 9.5.

(1) Screen structures

(a) It is basically same with LADDER DIAGRAM MONITOR screen, except that no monitor
displays of relays and parameters of functional instructions are displayed.
(b) At right side of LADDER Diagram area, a position bar is always displayed, which indicates
screen position within current subprogram: in LADDER DIAGRAM MONITOR screen, this
position bar is exclusively displayed with comments of write coil. Sometimes, this position
bar hides a part of write coil comments.

(2) LADDER Diagram

(a) Style of LADDER Diagram is basically same with LADDER DIAGRAM MONITOR screen,
except that functional instructions are drawn always in "COMPACT" format that has no
monitor displays.
(b) Cursor is shown always. And the net, which will be an object of following editing operations,
is emphasized in screen.

- 837 -

8.3.1 Operating on the LADDER DIAGRAM EDITOR Screen

Soft keys of LADDER Diagram Editor screen

Program List Change to Search soft keys Add net Automatic input

Edit new net

Select net Delete net Cut net Copy net Paste net

Display address
map display Make changes
Change address screen effective Abandon changes Setting screen

Run/stop LADDER Cancel edit Exit

Fig. 8.3.1 Soft keys of LADDER DIAGRAM EDITOR screen

(1) Operation with Soft keys

Goes to PROGRAM LIST EDITOR screen to choose which subprogram to be edited at
LADDER DIAGRAM EDITOR screen. The PROGRAM LIST EDITOR screen can also edit
(b) [SEARCH] Search & Jump
Change soft keys to "Search soft keys". Use the [EXIT] soft key to return to the "Main soft
"Search soft keys" are quite same with ones of LADDER DIAGRAM MONITOR screen.
(c) [ZOOM] Change construction of net
Goes to NET EDITOR screen to modify structure of the selected net.
You can select the net to be modified, either a net under the cursor or multiple nets near the
cursor by setting of "ZOOM MODE" on ladder diagram editor setting screen.
(d) [CREATE] Add new net
Create and add new net to cursor position. Pressing this soft key reaches NET EDITOR
screen, so that new net is constructed.
(e) [AUTO] Automatic input of unused address/parameter number
Executes the function for automatically inputting an unused address or parameter number.
For details of these functions, see Sections 8.7 and 8.8.
(f) [SELECT] Select multiple nets
Used to specify multiple nets before performing an editing operation such as [DELETE],
[CUT], and [COPY]. Press the [SELECT] soft key to select the start point of the range to be
selected, then use the cursor movement keys or the search function to specify the end point of
the selected range. After you have selected nets, edit them by pressing the appropriate editing
soft key. While the multiple nets are being selected, the information on the selected range is
displayed on the additional information line. And the [SELECT] soft key is highlighted with
yellow background .

- 838 -
(g) [DELETE] Delete net
Deletes selected nets. The nets deleted by [DELETE] soft key are lost. If you delete wrong
nets by the [DELETE] soft key, you have to abandon the all modifications you have made, and
restore LADDER program to the original one before editing operation by using the [RESTRE]
soft key.
(h) [CUT] Cut nets
Cuts selected nets. The cut nets are preserved in Paste Buffer, and disappear from diagram.
The contents of Paste Buffer before [CUT] operation are lost.
[CUT] and [PASTE] soft keys are used to move nets.
The Paste Buffer can contain approx. 8000 steps maximum, and [CUT] may fail to cut nets of
over 8000 steps.
(i) [COPY] Copy nets
Copy selected nets into Paste Buffer. No change on diagram will be made. The contents of
Paste Buffer before [COPY] operation are lost.
[COPY] and [PASTE] soft keys are used to copy nets.
(j) [PASTE] Paste nets
Pastes nets at cursor position, which were stored into Paste Buffer by [CUT] or [COPY] soft
Pressing [PASTE] soft key while selecting nets using [SELECT] soft key, alters the selected
nets with the nets in Paste Buffer.
The contents of Paste Buffer will remain until turning NC power off.
(k) [CHANGE] Change addresses
Switches to the mode in which the address alteration function is enabled.
(l) [ADRMAP] Display the address map display screen
Displays the address map display screen to view references of addresses in use.
(m) [UPDATE] Make changes effective
Reflects the results of the editing operations executed thus far in the ladder program under
execution. If it succeeds to update running LADDER, edited LADDER starts to run.

You have to pay special attention to modify running LADDER program. If you
modify LADDER program in wrong way, or update LADDER program with the
machine in improper status, it may cause unexpected reaction of the machine.
You have to make it sure that modifications you make on LADDER program is
appropriate, machine is in proper status, and nobody is near the machine, when
you update LADDER program.

(n) [RESTRE] Abandon changes

Abandons all changes, and restores LADDER program to the one at entering LADDER
DIAGRAM EDITOR screen, or last updated one using [UPDATE] soft key. This soft key is
useful when you make wrong modifications and hard to recover from them.
(o) [SETING] Screen settings
Goes to setting screen for LADDER DIAGRAM EDITOR screen. You can change various
settings for LADDER DIAGRAM EDITOR screen at the screen. Use [EXIT] soft key to
return to LADDER DIAGRAM EDITOR screen.
(p) [RUN]/[STOP] Run and stop LADDER program
Controls LADDER program execution. [RUN] soft key makes LADDER run, and [STOP]
soft key makes LADDER stop. If changes are reflected normally, the LADDER program as
edited will be executed at that point.

- 839 -

You have to pay special attention to run/stop LADDER program.
Running/stopping LADDER program in a wrong timing, or with machine in
improper status, may cause unexpected reaction of machine. You have to make
it sure that machine is in proper status, and nobody is near the machine when you
run/stop LADDER program.

(q) [CANCEL] Abandon editing

Abandons all changes, and restores LADDER program to the one at entering LADDER
DIAGRAM EDITOR screen, or last updated one using [UPDATE] soft key. Switches to
(r) [EXIT] Exit Editor
Updates running LADDER program to edited LADDER program, so that the all modifications
will take effects, and exits the editor screen. Pressing function keys such as the SYSTEM key
while editing a ladder diagram does not allow you to move to another screen, unless you have
finished editing.

You have to pay special attention to modify running LADDER program. If you
modify LADDER program in wrong way, or update LADDER program with the
machine in improper status, may cause unexpected reaction of the machine.
You have to make it sure that modifications you make on LADDER program is
appropriate, machine is in proper status, and nobody is near the machine, when
you update LADDER program.

(2) Other operations

(a) Cursor move keys, Page change keys
Cursor move keys and Page change keys move cursor on screen. When cursor is placed on
some relay or some address parameter of a functional instruction, the information about the
address under cursor is displayed at "Additional Information Line".
(b) "bit address" + INPUT key
Changes bit address of relay under cursor.
(c) "number" or "byte address" + INPUT key
Changes parameter of functional instructions under cursor.
But, there are some parameters that can not change by this operation. If you see a message
that means that this parameter can not be changed, use NET EDITOR screen to change the
(3) Shortcuts
(a) Same shortcut search operations with LADDER DIAGRAM MONITOR screen are available.
For their detail, see descriptions about shortcut operations of LADDER DIAGRAM
MONITOR screen.
(b) Same shortcut operations using [LIST] soft key with LADDER DIAGRAM MONITOR screen
are available.
(4) Operation of the return key
On the LADDER DIAGRAM EDITOR screen, the return key has no effect.
After you have finished editing ladder data, and want to return to the LADDER DIAGRAM
MONITOR screen, use the [EXIT] soft key.

- 840 -

8.3.2 Setting the LADDER DIAGRAM EDITOR Screen


(1) Display screen

The LADDER DIAGRAM EDITOR screen is partially displayed on the screen.
The relays displayed here will change real-time by changing the setting.

(2) Setting items

LADDER DIAGRAM EDITOR (SETTING) screen contains the setting items below:
Determines whether the bit and byte addresses in the LADDER Diagram are displayed as
corresponding symbols, or the addresses themselves.

SYMBOL (default)
Addresses that have a symbol are displayed by the symbols. Addresses without symbols
are displayed by the addresses themselves.
All addresses are displayed as the addresses themselves even if they have a symbol.
Set the style of relay comment. These are three options as below. When you display relay
comment, less ladder diagram circuits are shown.

NONE (default)
Relay comments are not displayed.
Relay comments are displayed in one line. Up to 15 characters (7 characters in Japanese)
of relay comment can be displayed when "WIDE" is selected for the "CONTACT
WIDTH" setting that is described below. Characters after 15th character will not be
Relay comments are displayed in two lines. Up to 30 characters (14 characters in
Japanese) of relay comment can be displayed when "WIDE" is selected to the
"CONTACT WIDTH" setting that is described below. Up to 14 characters can be
displayed. Characters after 30th character will not be displayed.

- 841 -

Display styles of relay comment











Set the style of relay width. When "WIDE" is selected for the "CONTACT WIDTH" setting,
up to 15 characters of symbol on relay can be displayed. Moreover, when "1 LINE" is selected
for the "SHOW COMMENT OF CONTACT" setting, up to 15 characters of relay comment
can be displayed. When "2 LINE" is selected for the "SHOW COMMENT OF CONTACT"
setting, up to 30 characters of relay comment can be displayed. However, in these cases, fewer
contacts can be displayed.

NORMAL (default)
A relay is expressed with 8-character length.
Up to 7 characters of symbol can be displayed.
A relay is expressed with 16-character length.
Up to 15 characters of symbol can be displayed.

Display styles of relay




Determines whether to show coil comments. Unlike the LADDER DIAGRAM MONITOR
screen, the gage indicating the current display position is displayed at the right end of the
LADDER DIAGRAM EDITOR screen, regardless of this setting.

YES (default)
Right margin of 2 lines of 15 characters is reserved for display of coil comments.
Right margin is used to extend diagram by one more relay, instead of showing coil

- 842 -

Show Coil comment setting



Determines whether a net number is counted as "LOCAL" starting from the top of current
subprogram, or is counted as "GLOBAL" starting from the top of whole program. This
setting also affects the expression of net number at searching nets by number.

Net number starts from 1 at top of current subprogram. Net number is defined only
within current subprogram. The net number information at upper right of the screen is
displayed in the format "displaying range / nets in subprogram NET".
GLOBAL (default)
Net number starts from 1 at top of Level 1 program. Net number is defined identically at
whole of program. The net number information at upper right of the screen is displayed
in the format "displaying range / subprogram range NET".

Definition of net number


Current Current
Subprogram Subprogram


Allows search process to wrap from top/bottom to bottom/top to continue to search.

YES (default)
Downward search will continue to search from top of LADDER when reaches to bottom.
Upward search will also continue to search from bottom when reaches to top.
Search process will fail when reached top or bottom, and displays an error message at
Message Line.

- 843 -

Wrap search

Not found


Not found


Allows you to specify whether to always perform the postprocessing necessary to operate a
ladder program or perform it only if the ladder program has been changed.

YES (default)
Postprocessing is always performed when you exit from the LADDER DIAGRAM
EDITOR screen. The postprocessing checks the contents of the ladder diagram. This
means that merely by entering the LADDER DIAGRAM EDITOR screen and then exiting
from it, the contents of the ladder diagram is checked again.
Postprocessing is performed only if the ladder program has been changed. No
postprocessing will be performed when you enter the LADDER DIAGRAM EDITOR
screen and then exiting from it. This means that you can exit from the LADDER
DIAGRAM EDITOR screen even if the ladder program contains an error.


When going to NET EDITOR screen by [ZOOM] soft key on ladder editor screen, you can
select the net to be modified, either a net under the cursor or multiple nets near the cursor.

ONE NET (default)

You can modify a net under the cursor.
Action in modifying an existing net when "ZOOM MODE" is "ONE NET".

Net 1 Editing Net 1

Net 2 Net 2a Net 2a
Net 3 Net 3
: :

Cursor : :

- 844 -
You can modify multiple nets near the cursor.
Action in modifying an existing net when “ZOOM MODE” is “MULTIPLE NETS”.

Net 1 Editing Net 1

Net 2 Net 2a Net 2a
Net 3 Net 3a Net 3a
Net 4 Net 4a Net 4a
Net 5 Net 5a Net 5a
Net 6 Net 6a Net 6a
Net 7 Net 7a Net 7a
Cursor Net 8a
Net 8 Net 8a
Net 9 Net 9
Net 10 Net 10
Net 11 Net 11
: :
: :


Changes the appearance of LADDER diagram. Lines, relays, and functional instructions that
constitute LADDER diagram can be changed in the colors and the shapes. You can set colors
by entering their numbers. You can set 16 colors from 0 to 15. (Different numbers may
correspond to the same color.) You cannot set the same color number for the display and
background colors of the same portion.

Page 3 of the setting screen

- 845 -

Sets thickness of diagram lines. This setting also affects shapes of relays.
YES (default)
Diagram is drawn with thick lines. Relays are drawn in more distinct shapes.
Diagram is drawn with thin lines. Relays are drawn in smaller shapes.

Bold Diagram setting



Colors for the relay address are set. You can specify these colors by entering color
number. 16 colors (from No. 0 to No. 15) are available. Foreground color should be
different from background one.
General color and its background color for LADDER Diagram.
Color setting for a selected net. The net subject to the editing operation will be displayed
in this color.
Color setting for a net protected from an editing operation. The protected net will not be
selected as an object of editing. When a subprogram is displayed, those nets that contain
the following functional instructions are protected so that they cannot be deleted or
Colors for the relay comment are set. You can specify these colors by entering color
number. 16 colors (from No. 0 to No. 15) are available. Foreground color should be
different from background one.

(3) Soft keys

LADDER DIAGRAM EDITOR (SETTING) screen has the soft keys of options and following:
(a) [INIT] Initialize all settings
All settings will be initialized to the default values.
(b) [EXIT] Switch to LADDER DIAGRAM EDITOR screen
Ends the LADDER DIAGRAM EDITOR (SETTING) screen and switches to LADDER

(4) Settings on multi-path PMC system

On the multi-path PMC systems by using Dual Check Safety function, the Ladder Diagram related
configuration is common to all PMC paths at first. To make it independent for each PMC path, set
system keep relay K909.4 to 1.
For example, different color settings may make it easier to recognize the PMC path which the
Ladder Diagram on the screen belongs to.
When you set 1 to K909.4 at the first time, the PMC path will inherit the old settings, and the PMC
for Dual Check Safety will start with the initial settings.
- 846 -

8.3.3 NET EDITOR Screen

At NET EDITOR screen, you can create new net, and modify existing net.

• Changing existing nets

If you move a net with the [ZOOM] soft key, you will enter a mode (Modify mode) in which you
can change the net.
You can select the net to be modified, either a net under the cursor or multiple nets near the cursor
by setting of "ZOOM MODE" on ladder diagram editor setting screen.
• Adding a new net
When [CREATE] soft key is used, this screen is in "New mode" to create new net from nothing.

Following operations are available at this screen:

• Place new contacts and coils "bit address" + [ ], [ ], etc.
• Change type of contacts and coils [ ], [ ], etc.
• Place new functional instructions [FUNC]
• Change type of functional instructions [FUNC]
• Erase contacts, coils, and functional instructions [ ]
• Draw/erase connecting lines [ ]/[ ], [ ], [ ]
• Edit data table of functional instructions [TABLE]
• Insert line/column [INSLIN], [INSCLM], [APPCLM]
• Change address of contacts and coils "bit address" + INPUT key
• Change parameters of functional instructions "number" or "byte address" + INPUT key
• Abandon modifications [CANCEL]
• Restore the net to the state it was before editing [RESTRE]

Fig. 8.3.3 (a) Structure of the NET EDITOR screen (ONE NET)

- 847 -

Fig. 8.3.3 (b) Structure of the NET EDITOR screen (MULTIPLE NETS)

(1) Screen structures

(a) It is basically same with LADDER DIAGRAM EDITOR screen.
(b) The gage indicating the current display position in relation to the edit area is displayed at the
right end of the screen.
(c) Current edit mode is indicated at right of the top line as "NEW MODE" or "MODFY MODE".
When [ZOOM] soft key at LADDER DIAGRAM EDITOR screen is used to reach NET
EDITOR screen, the screen is in Modify mode, and when [CREATE] soft key is used, it is in
New mode.
(d) Current net number is displayed at right of the top line. The net number is same with the net
number in previous LADDER DIAGRAM EDITOR screen.
(e) NET EDITOR screen expands image of net horizontally for a wider net according to its width,
while LADDER DIAGRAM MONITOR/EDITOR screen folds nets wider than screen width.
When net width is expanded over screen width, attempt to move cursor out of screen will scroll
net image to the direction.
The net of maximum size occupies area of 1024 elements, but actually available area may be
little less for internal use according to the internal condition: "element" means the space that is
occupied by single relay.
(f) The maximum size of edit area occupies the area for 1024 elements when you modify and add
multiple nets.
If "ZOOM MODE" is "MULTIPLE NETS" on ladder diagram editor setting screen, the half of
edit area is filled with modified net when going to NET EDITOR screen by [ZOOM] soft key
on the ladder editor screen.

- 848 -
(2) Operation with Soft keys

Soft keys of Net Editor screen

A contact B contact Normal coil Inverted coil instructions

Horizontal Delete Left vertical Right vertical Automatic

connection connection connection input

Set coil Reset coil Data table Abandon changes Edit next net

Insert line Insert column Add column Cancel edit Exit

Fig. 8.3.3 (b) Soft keys of NET EDITOR screen

(a) [ ], [ ], [ ], [ ], [ S ], [ R ], [ ], [ ]
Place relays (contacts and coils), or change type of existing relays.
When one of these relay soft keys is pressed at cursor on blank place, new relay of the soft key
is placed under the
cursor. When the soft key follows a string that means a bit address, the bit address is assigned
to the newly placed relay.
If no bit address is given, last entered bit address is automatically used for the new relay. If no
bit address has been entered yet, the new relay will have no address assigned to it. Contacts can
be placed at other than rightmost column, and coils can be placed at rightmost column only.
Moving cursor onto an existing relay, pressing a relay soft key of different type changes the
type of relay under the cursor. But, changing coil to contact, and changing contact to coil are

The soft key of Positive transition contact[ ] and Negative transition
contact[ ] are displayed when the Extended PMC Ladder Instruction
Function is effective.

Sample of contacts and coils

- 849 -

(b) [FUNC] Enter and change functional instruction

Places functional instruction, or changes type of existing functional instruction.
When [FUNC] soft key is pressed at cursor on blank place, new functional instruction will be
placed under the cursor: list of available functional instructions is displayed, then choose type
of functional instruction to be entered. When [FUNC] soft key follows a string that means
number or name of a functional instruction, the specified functional instruction is entered
directly, without the list screen.
Moving cursor onto an existing functional instruction, pressing [FUNC] soft key changes the
type of functional instruction under the cursor.

(c) [ ] Draw horizontal connection

Draws horizontal connection line. Or alters an existing relay to horizontal line.

(d) [ ] Erase relays and functional instructions

Erases relays and functional instructions under cursor.

(e) [ ], [ ] Draw and erase vertical connection

Draw vertical connection line upward from right or left edge of relay or horizontal line under
cursor. Or erase existing vertical lines.
If the relay or line under the cursor has no vertical line upward, these soft keys have solid
arrows, and indicate that pressing them means drawing lines. On the other hand, if a vertical
line already exists under the cursor, arrows in these soft keys become pale ([ ], [ ]),
and indicate that pressing them means erasing lines.

Drawing and erasing vertical connection line

(f) [AUTO] Automatic input of unused address/parameter number

Executes the function for automatically inputting an unused address or parameter number.
For details of these functions, see Sections 8.7 and 8.8.

(g) [TABLE] Edit data table

Reaches FUNCTIONAL INSTRUCTION DATA TABLE EDITOR screen to edit data table of
functional instruction under cursor. This soft key appears only when cursor is on a functional
instruction that has data table with it.
For detail of editing operation of data table, see descriptions of FUNCTIONAL

(h) [RESTRE] Restore net

Restores the currently edited net to the state it was before the start of editing. If you called the
NET EDITOR screen with the [CREATE] soft key from the LADDER DIAGRAM EDITOR
screen, the net will be restored to the state in which it contains nothing; if you called the NET
EDITOR screen with the [ZOOM] soft key, the net will be restored to the state it was before
the changes.

- 850 -
(i) [NXTNET] Go to next net
If [ZOOM] soft key at LADDER DIAGRAM EDITOR screen is used to reach NET EDITOR
screen, the [NXTNET] soft key acts on setting of "ZOOM MODE" on ladder diagram editor
setting screen.

In case of "ZOOM MODE" is "ONE NET"

Finishes editing current net, and goes to next net.
If [ZOOM] soft key at LADDER DIAGRAM EDITOR screen is used to reach NET
EDITOR screen, [NXTNET] will finish modifying current net, and the next net will be an
object of further editing operation.
Action of [NXTNET] soft key in modifying an existing net when "ZOOM MODE" is "ONE NET".

Net 1 Editing Net 1

Net 2 Net 2a
Net 3 Net 2a Net 3 Net 3a
Net 4 Net 4
: :
: :

In case of "ZOOM MODE" is " MULTIPLE NETS"

Finishes editing current net, change multiple nets to be modified by centering the cursor,
on the editing area.
Action of [NXTNET] soft key in modifying an existing net when "ZOOM MODE" is "MULTIPLE NETS".

Net 1 Editing Net 1

Net 2 Net 2a Net 2a
Net 3 Net 3a Net 3a
Net 4 Net 4a Net 4a
Net 5 Net 5a Net 5a Net 5b
Net 6 Net 6a Net 6a Net 6b
Net 7 Net 7a Net 7a Net 7b
Net 8 Net 8a Net 8a Net 8b
Net 9 Net 9 Net 9a
Net 10 Net 10 Net 10a
Net 11 Net 11 Net 11a
: :
: :

- 851 -

If [CREATE] soft key at LADDER DIAGRAM EDITOR screen is used to reach NET
EDITOR screen, [NXTNET] will finish creating current net, insert it into the LADDER
program, and start with blank to create another new net to be inserted next to the current net.

Action of [NXTNET] soft key in adding a new net

Net 1 Net 1
Net 2 Editing Net 2a Editing
Net 3 Net A Net A Net B
Net 4 Net 3
Net 4

(j) [INSLIN] Insert line

Inserts one blank line at cursor position. Diagram elements at or below vertical cursor
position will be shifted downward by one line. Inserting line at middle of functional
instruction box will expand the box vertically to make a space between the input conditions.

Action of inserting line

(k) [INSCLM] Insert column before cursor

Inserts one blank column at cursor position. Diagram elements at or on right of horizontal
cursor position will be shifted to right by one column. And if there is no room to shift the
elements, a new column is added and the Diagram area will be expanded to right.

Action of inserting column

- 852 -
(l) [APPCLM] Insert column after cursor
Inserts one blank column at right of cursor position. Diagram elements on right of horizontal
cursor position will be shifted to right by one column. And if necessary, net will be expanded
to right.

Action of appending column

(m) [CANCEL] Abandon changes

Restores the currently edited net to the state it was before the start of editing and moves you to
DIAGRAM EDITOR screen is used to reach NET EDITOR screen, it will be back to blank net,
and if [ZOOM] soft key is used, it will be back to the old net before modifications in this

(n) [EXIT] Exit editor screen

Analyzes current editing net, and store it into LADDER program.
If some error is found in the net, it still remains NET EDITOR screen, and an error message
will be displayed. According to a kind of error, cursor may indicate where the error is

(3) Other operations

(a) Cursor move keys, Page change keys
Cursor move keys and Page change keys move cursor on screen.
NET EDITOR screen expands image of net horizontally for a wider net according to its width,
while LADDER DIAGRAM MONITOR/EDITOR screen folds nets wider than screen width.
When net width is expanded over screen width, attempt to move cursor out of screen will scroll
net image to the direction. The net of maximum size occupies area of 1024 elements, but
actually available area may be little less for internal use according to the internal condition:
"element" means the space that is occupied by single relay.
(b) "bit address" + INPUT key
Changes bit address of relay under cursor.
(c) "number" / "byte address" + INPUT key
Changes parameter of functional instructions under cursor.

(4) Operation of the return key

On the LADDER NET EDITOR screen, the return key has no effect.
After you have finished editing ladder net data, and want to return to the LADDER DIAGRAM
EDITOR screen, use the [EXIT] soft key.

- 853 -

(5) Displaying extended symbol and comment

When using extended symbol and comment, you can define local symbols in each sub-program.

On NET EDITOR screen, the priority of displaying symbol and comment by setting of "ZOOM
MODE" on ladder diagram editor setting screen and by selected program is defined as follows.

ZOOM MODE Program Displaying symbol and comment

The whole program, A symbol and comment is displayed by following priority.
LEVEL 1 to 3, 1 Local symbol and comment that defined to
ONE NET sub-program P1 to P5000. displaying sub-program.
2 Global symbol and comment.
3 Symbol undefined comment.
The whole program Global symbol and comment.
LEVEL 1 to 3, A symbol and comment is displayed by following priority.
sub-program P1 to P5000. 1 Local symbol and comment that defined to
displaying sub-program.
2 Global symbol and comment.
3 Symbol undefined comment.

- 854 -

8.3.4 Structure of Valid Net

There are the standard type and the extended type of the structures of ladder net. When the Extended
PMC Ladder Instruction Function is invalid, only structure of standard type net can be used. In this case,
please program with structure of standard type net.
When the Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function is valid, structure of standard type net and
structure of extended type net can be intermingled. Structure of extended type net includes structure of
standard type net. And complicated logic can be expressed in one net. Structure of standard type net

Valid net must have following structure:

Convergence point

Input section section

Structure of valid net

"Input section" consists of contacts and functional instruction, and the result of operations of input section
is led to "Convergence point". After the convergence point, there is "Output section" that consists of
coils only. The "Convergence point" is the nearest point to right power line, where all connections join
with each other to gather into single connection.

Convergence Output
Input section point section

Sample of valid net

Input section contains at least one relay or functional instruction, however, output section may contain

Example of net with no output section

Valid net is also restricted in following rules:

• Only one functional instruction is available for a net.
• Functional instruction can be placed only at last (rightmost) of input section.
• Only coils can be contained in output section.

- 855 -
8.LADDER DIAGRAM MONITOR AND EDITOR SCREENS ([PMCLAD]) B-64393EN/02 Structure of extended type net

If the structure of extended type net is used, a more complicated circuit can be made compared with the
structure of standard type net.

In order to use the structure of extended type net, the option of the Extended
PMC Ladder Instruction Function is necessary.

As for the structure of extended type net, the following points are extended to the structure of standard
type net.
• Two or more functional instructions can be used for one net.
• A relay or other functional instructions are connectable with the output of a functional instruction.
• In the output section, not only a coil (coil, negative coil, set coil, reset coil) but also a relay and the
functional instruction can be located.
Convergence point

Input section Output section

Functional Functional
instruction instruction

Branch point

Sample of valid net

The functional instruction, which can be used with the structure of extended type
net has restriction. For details, please refer to Table

- 856 -

The functional instruction, which can be used in the structure of extended

type net.
Instruction Name SUB Number Usable in Extended type net
END1 1 No
END2 2 No
TMR 3 No
DEC 4 No
CTR 5 No
ROT 6 No
COD 7 No
COM 9 No
JMP 10 No
PARI 11 No
DCNV 14 No
COMP 15 No
COIN 16 No
DSCH 17 No
XMOV 18 No
ADD 19 No
SUB 20 No
MUL 21 No
DIV 22 No
NUME 23 No
TMRB 24 No
DECB 25 No
ROTB 26 No
CODB 27 No
COME 29 No
JMPE 30 No
SFT 33 No
ADDB 36 No
SUBB 37 No
MULB 38 No
DIVB 39 No
EXIN 42 No
MOVB 43 Yes (Note)
MOVW 44 Yes (Note)
MOVN 45 Yes (Note)
MOVD 47 Yes (Note)
END3 48 No
TMRC 54 No
CTRC 55 No

- 857 -

Instruction Name SUB Number Usable in Extended type net

CTRB 56 No
DIFU 57 Yes
DIFD 58 Yes
EOR 59 No
AND 60 No
OR 61 No
NOT 62 No
PSGN2 63 No
END 64 No
CALL 65 No
JMPB 68 No
LBL 69 No
NOP 70 No
SP 71 No
SPE 72 No
JMPC 73 No
CS 74 No
CM 75 No
CE 76 No
EQB 200 Yes
EQW 201 Yes
EQD 202 Yes
NEB 203 Yes
NEW 204 Yes
NED 205 Yes
GTB 206 Yes
GTW 207 Yes
GTD 208 Yes
LTB 209 Yes
LTW 210 Yes
LTD 211 Yes
GEB 212 Yes
GEW 213 Yes
GED 214 Yes
LEB 215 Yes
LEW 216 Yes
LED 217 Yes
RNGB 218 Yes
RNGW 219 Yes
RNGD 220 Yes
TMRST 221 No
TMRSS 222 No
CTRD 223 No
MOVBT 224 Yes
SETNB 225 Yes
SETNW 226 Yes
SETND 227 Yes
XCHGB 228 Yes
XCHGW 229 Yes
XCHGD 230 Yes
SWAPW 231 Yes
SWAPD 232 Yes
- 858 -

Instruction Name SUB Number Usable in Extended type net

TBLRB 233 Yes
TBLRW 234 Yes
TBLRD 235 Yes
TBLRN 236 Yes
TBLWB 237 Yes
TBLWW 238 Yes
TBLWD 239 Yes
TBLWN 240 Yes
DSEQB 241 Yes
DSEQW 242 Yes
DSEQD 243 Yes
DSNEB 244 Yes
DSNEW 245 Yes
DSNED 246 Yes
DSGTB 247 Yes
DSGTW 248 Yes
DSGTD 249 Yes
DSLTB 250 Yes
DSLTW 251 Yes
DSLTD 252 Yes
DSGEB 253 Yes
DSGEW 254 Yes
DSGED 255 Yes
DSLEB 256 Yes
DSLEW 257 Yes
DSLED 258 Yes
DMAXB 259 Yes
DMAXW 260 Yes
DMAXD 261 Yes
DMINB 262 Yes
DMINW 263 Yes
DMIND 264 Yes
EORB 265 Yes
EORW 266 Yes
EORD 267 Yes
ANDB 268 Yes
ANDW 269 Yes
ANDD 270 Yes
ORB 271 Yes
ORW 272 Yes
ORD 273 Yes
NOTB 274 Yes
NOTW 275 Yes
NOTD 276 Yes
SHLB 277 Yes
SHLW 278 Yes
SHLD 279 Yes
SHLN 280 Yes
SHRB 281 Yes
SHRW 282 Yes
SHRD 283 Yes
SHRN 284 Yes
ROLB 285 Yes
ROLW 286 Yes

- 859 -

Instruction Name SUB Number Usable in Extended type net

ROLD 287 Yes
ROLN 288 Yes
RORB 289 Yes
RORW 290 Yes
RORD 291 Yes
RORN 292 Yes
BSETB 293 Yes
BSETW 294 Yes
BSETD 295 Yes
BSETN 296 Yes
BRSTB 297 Yes
BRSTW 298 Yes
BRSTD 299 Yes
BRSTN 300 Yes
BTSTB 301 Yes
BTSTW 302 Yes
BTSTD 303 Yes
BTSTN 304 Yes
BPOSB 305 Yes
BPOSW 306 Yes
BPOSD 307 Yes
BPOSN 308 Yes
BCNTB 309 Yes
BCNTW 310 Yes
BCNTD 311 Yes
BCNTN 312 Yes
TBCDB 313 Yes
TBCDW 314 Yes
TBCDD 315 Yes
FBCDB 316 Yes
FBCDW 317 Yes
FBCDD 318 Yes
ADDSB 319 Yes
ADDSW 320 Yes
ADDSD 321 Yes
SUBSB 322 Yes
SUBSW 323 Yes
SUBSD 324 Yes
MULSB 325 Yes
MULSW 326 Yes
MULSD 327 Yes
DIVSB 328 Yes
DIVSW 329 Yes
DIVSD 330 Yes
MODSB 331 Yes
MODSW 332 Yes
MODSD 333 Yes
INCSB 334 Yes
INCSW 335 Yes
INCSD 336 Yes
DECSB 337 Yes
DECSW 338 Yes
DECSD 339 Yes
ABSSB 340 Yes
- 860 -

Instruction Name SUB Number Usable in Extended type net

ABSSW 341 Yes
ABSSD 342 Yes
NEGSB 343 Yes
NEGSW 344 Yes
NEGSD 345 Yes

When using it with structure of extended type net, it is also possible to also output
a result of operation to a coil or to omit a coil.

- 861 -
8.LADDER DIAGRAM MONITOR AND EDITOR SCREENS ([PMCLAD]) B-64393EN/02 Ladder that is not programmable

Following ladder diagrams are not programmable.

(1) Perform an OR operation in the middle of operation.



(2) A loop circuit is placed before and after of functional instruction.



C instruction

- 862 -

8.3.5 Optimization
In order to generate the always same object from the inputted ladder diagram, the optimization which
deletes bit stack manipulation omissible by changing an operation order, makes smaller the object
generated, and makes execution speed quick is performed. However, the optimization which changes an
access order to each bit address is not performed.


Inputted ladder diagram

Mnemonic Stack consumption

RD A 0
OR D 1


Optimized ladder diagram

Mnemonic Stack consumption

RD A 0
OR C 0
OR D 0

- 863 -


Pressing [FUNC] soft key at NET EDITOR screen reaches FUNCTIONAL INSTRUCTION LIST screen
at which you can choose a functional instruction to be entered from the list of all available functional


- 864 -
Operations at this screen are below:

(1) Operation with soft keys

(a) [SELECT] Select a functional instruction
Selects a functional instruction. The functional instruction is entered into the editing net.
(b) [NUMBER], [NAME] Rearrange functional instructions list
Rearrange functional instructions list in two ways. [NUMBER] soft key arranges the list in
numerical order with their identifying numbers, on the other hand, [NAME] soft key arranges it
in alphabetical order with their names.
(c) [CANCEL] Quit selecting
Quits selecting functional instruction, and return to NET EDITOR screen.

(2) Other operations

(a) Cursor move keys
Cursor move keys move cursor on screen. According to the cursor position, the functional
instruction to be selected changes.
(b) INPUT key
Act just like [SELECT] soft key.

(3) Shortcuts
(a) [SELECT] soft key and INPUT key following number or name of a functional instruction will
select the specified functional instruction directly, instead of the one under cursor.
(b) When [FUNC] soft key in NET EDITOR screen is pressed following a string that means
number or name of a functional instruction, the specified functional instruction is entered
directly, without displaying FUNCTIONAL INSTRUCTION LIST screen.

- 865 -


At FUNCTIONAL INSTRUCTION DATA TABLE EDITOR screen, you can edit the contents of data
table that belongs to some functional instructions.
To reach this screen, at NET EDITOR screen, press [TABLE] soft key that is displayed when the cursor
is on the following functional instructions which have a data table.
• Functional Instruction COD (SUB7)
• Functional Instruction CODB (SUB27)
Following edit operations are available at this screen.
• Change the data table value "number" + INPUT key
• Change the data length [BYTE], [WORD], [DWORD]
(These soft keys can be operated only at FUNCTIONAL INSTRUCTION DATA TABLE EDITOR
screen of Functional Instruction CODB.)
• Change the number of data [COUNT]
• Initialize all of data [INIT]


(1) Screen structures


(2) Display data

The cursor is shown always. You can edit the data that is pointed by the cursor.

- 866 -


Soft keys of FUNCTIONAL INSTRUCTION DATA TABLE EDITOR screen of functional instruction COD

Soft keys of FUNCTIONAL INSTRUCTION DATA TABLE EDITOR screen of functional instruction CODB

(1) [N.SRCH] Search for data table number

Searches the data table number which you specified.
(2) [V.SRCH] Search for data value
Searches the data value which you specified.
(3) [BCD2] Display BCD2 digits
Changes the display data type to 2 digits of BCD. This operation only switches the display data
type. So it does never edit the data on memory.
(4) [BCD4] Display BCD4 digits
Changes the display data type to 4 digits of BCD. This operation only switches the display data type.
So it does never edit the data on memory.

In the functional instruction COD (SUB7), the data type of the data table can
dynamically be changed either BCD2 or BCD4 by "BYT" which is one of input
condition. So the data type of the data table is decided when the functional
instruction COD is executed. Decide the display data digit according to the status
of "BYT" by pressing either [BCD2] soft key or [BCD4] soft key. After turning the
power on, the default displaying data type is BCD4 digits. But if you change data
type by pressing [BCD2] soft key or [BCD4] soft key, the data type is kept until you
change again.
The data table of functional instruction COD is stored in the memory as BCD4
digits type. If you change the data type from BCD4 digits to BCD2 digits, the data
is displayed without higher 2-digits. But the data of higher 2-digits is kept in the
memory. So you return the data type from BCD2 digits to BCD4 digits, the
former BCD4 digits is recovered. The input range of the data obeys the current
data type.

(5) [BYTE] Change to the BYTE length

Changes data length to 1 byte. If overflowed data is found, the cursor points it, and this operation
aborts. Then, correct it and press [BYTE] soft key again.
(6) [WORD] Change to the 2 BYTE length
Changes data length to 2 bytes. If overflowed data is found, the cursor points it, and this operation
aborts. Then, correct it and press [WORD] soft key again.
(7) [DWORD] Change to the 4 BYTE length
Changes data length to 4 bytes.

- 867 -

On functional instruction CODB, the data type is decided by the first parameter of
it. So, if you change data type, the first parameter is changed too.
When you added functional instruction CODB to ladder program, the default data
type is BYTE.

(8) [COUNT] Change the number of data

Changes the number of data. If you expanded the number of data, "0" is set to expanded data as

In case of functional instruction COD, the number of data is decided by the first
parameter of it. In case of functional instruction CODB, the number of data is
decided by the second parameter of it. If you change the number of data, these
parameters are changed too.

(9) [INIT] Initialize all of data

Initializes all of data to "0". The number of data is not changed.
(10) [EXIT] Exit Editor
EDITOR screen.
(11) Cursor move keys, page change keys
You can move the cursor by all cursor move keys and page change keys.
(12) Operation of the return key
On the FUNCTIONAL INSTRUCTION DATA TABLE EDITOR screen, the return key has no
After you have finished editing ladder net data, and want to return to the LADDER DIAGRAM
EDITOR screen, use the [EXIT] soft key.
(13) "number" + INPUT key
Changes the data that is pointed by the cursor.
The input range of the data obeys the data length and the display data type.
Ex.) The case of functional instruction COD and displaying BCD2 digits
The available data range: 0 to 99
Ex.) The case of functional instruction CODB and length of 2 BYTE
The available data range: -32768 to 32767
And you can input multiple numbers by the following methods.
(a) ";"(EOB) is used for separating data.
Ex.) Press the INPUT key after typing "100;200;300;"
(b) ";=" is used for inputting the same value as preceding data.
Ex.) Press the INPUT key after typing "100;=;=;200;=", and it becomes
(c) ";;" is used for skipping an input address.
Ex.) Press the INPUT key after typing "100;;100". The second data is not inputted.

- 868 -


At PROGRAM LIST EDITOR screen you can create new program and delete a program in addition to
the function of PROGRAM LIST VIEWER screen. To reach this screen, press [LIST] soft key at
LADDER DIAGRAM EDITOR screen. Following operations are available at PROGRAM LIST
EDITOR screen. For more detail of these operations, see the descriptions of each key to operate.
• Create new program [NEW]
• Delete a program [DELETE]

Fig. 8.3.9 PROGRAM LIST EDITOR screen

On the PROGRAM LIST EDITOR screen, a preview of the editor screen for the ladder program currently
positioned by the cursor on the program list is displayed on the right of the screen.

(1) Operations using the soft keys

Soft keys of Program List Editor screen

Display the contents of program Add new program

Search for program Delete a program

Soft keys of PROGRAM LIST EDITOR screen

(a) [ZOOM] Display the contents of program


(b) [SEARCH] Search for program

Searches for a program. Pressing [SEARCH] soft key after entering a program name or
symbol name searches for program corresponding to the input character string and moves the
cursor to the program.

- 869 -

(c) [NEW] Create new program

If you entered program name or symbol and press [NEW] soft key, the program will be
checked its existence. If such program is not found, new program will be created. The created
program is inserted automatically into the program list and the cursor points it. The following
ladder nets are created automatically according to the type of created program by this
LEVEL1: Functional instruction END1
LEVEL2: Functional instruction END2
LEVEL3: Functional instruction END3
Subprogram: Functional instruction SP, SPE
If the status of protection of the program is enabled to edit, this operation is available.
(d) [DELETE] Delete a program
Deletes a program. If you entered no strings and press [DELETE] soft key, the program under
the cursor is deleted. If you entered program name or symbol and press [DELETE] soft key, the
program will be checked its existence, and will be deleted if such program is found.
But, GLOBAL, LEVEL1 and LEVEL2 should always exist on program list. If you delete
these programs, the contents of program are abandoned. But these programs do not disappear
on program list.
If the status of protection of the program is enabled to edit, this operation is available.

- 870 -

8.3.10 Setting the PROGRAM LIST EDITOR Screen


(1) Program list screen setting

To set the program list screen, use the [SETING] soft key on the Ladder screen.
Page 2 of the ladder setting screen, contains the setting items for the program list screen.
Specifies whether to display each subprograms on Program List editor screen in order of
program numbers or symbols. When ADDRESS NOTATION is SYMBOL, programs without
symbols are displayed in order of program number after programs with the symbols. GLOBAL,
LEVEL1, LEVEL2, LEVEL3 are out of target of sort.
Program List display screen in order of program numbers.
Program List display screen in order of symbols.
Frame nets refer to function instructions END1, END2, END3 at LEVEL1, LEVEL2, and
LEVEL3 and function instructions SP and SPE in subprograms. When you display the
contents of a program with the [ZOOM] soft key from the PROGRAM LIST
VIEWER/EDITOR screens, specify whether or not to display these frame nets.
SHOW (default)
Displays frame nets on the LADDER DIAGRAM MONITOR/EDITOR screens.
Hides frame nets from the LADDER DIAGRAM MONITOR/EDITOR screens.

- 871 -



8.4.1 Collective Monitor Function

The COLLECTIVE MONITOR screen allows you to specify the ladder net containing the coils to be
monitored, so that you can monitor only the necessary ladder net.
The COLLECTIVE MONITOR screen can be called in either of the following ways:

(1) Calling from the PROGRAM LIST VIEWER screen

On the program list screen, move the cursor to the "COLLECT" program position, then press the
[ZOOM] soft key.

Fig. 8.4.1 (a) PROGRAM LIST VIEWER screen

- 872 -
(2) Calling from the LADDER DIAGRAM MONITOR screen
On the LADDER DIAGRAM MONITOR screen, press the [SWITCH] soft key.

Fig. 8.4.1 (b) LADDER DIAGRAM MONITOR screen

- 873 -

8.4.2 Collective Monitor Screen

The COLLECTIVE MONITOR screen is such as that shown below. At first, it does not display any
ladder diagram. Ladder nets will be added to this screen as they are selected with coil search and pickup
operations. Up to 128 nets can be added to the COLLECTIVE MONITOR screen. If an attempt is
made to add more, the most recently added 128 nets will be displayed.

Fig. 8.4.2 (a) COLLECTIVE MONITOR screen (initial screen)

(1) Operations using the soft keys

Soft keys of Collective Monitor screen

Pick up a ladder Switches to LADDER

Program List diagram net Jump to the ladder diagram net DIAGRAM MONITOR screen

Delete a net Initialization of COLLECTIVE Display a content of subprogram Screen setting

MONITOR screen

Fig. 8.4.2 (b) Soft keys of COLLECTIVE MONITOR screen

(a) [LIST] Calling PROGRAM LIST VIEWER screen.

Calls PROGRAM LIST VIEWER screen. On PROGRAM LIST VIEWER screen, you can
switch subprograms to be displayed on LADDER DIAGRAM MONITOR screen.
(b) [PICKUP] Picking up ladder nets.
Picks up ladder nets with coil which you want to monitor, on COLLECTIVE MONITOR
(c) [JUMP] Jump to a ladder net.
On LADDER DIAGRAM MONITOR screen, search the ladder net at a cursor position on
COLLECTIVE MONITOR screen and jumps to the ladder net.
(d) [SWITCH] Switches to LADDER DIAGRAM MONITOR screen.
Switches to LADDER DIAGRAM MONITOR screen.
- 874 -
(e) [DELETE] Quits to display a ladder diagram net on the screen. (1 net)
Quits to display a ladder diagram net (only 1 net) which is picked up on COLLECTIVE
MONITOR screen. This soft key appears by setting "SHOW CURSOR" to "YES" on the
setting screen.
(f) [DELALL] Erases to display a ladder diagram net on the screen. (all nets)
Erases to display ladder diagram nets (all net) which is picked up on COLLECTIVE
MONITOR screen.
(g) [ZOOM] Display contents of subprogram.
Placing the cursor on a CALL/CALLU/CM instruction and pressing [ZOOM] soft key displays
the target subprogram.
(h) [SETING] Screen settings.
Calling the setting screen for COLLECTIVE MONITOR screen. You can change each settings
of a ladder diagram display. Return to COLLECTIVE MONITOR screen when press the
[EXIT] soft key.

(2) Specifying the ladder diagram to monitor

The operation for picking up ladder nets which you want to monitor on COLLECTIVE MONITOR
screen is as follows.
(a) Specification of ladder nets on COLLECTIVE MONITOR screen
• Specify the address by key input
Pick up a ladder net by keying in the address used by a coil.
• Indication from a ladder net on the COLLECTIVE MONITOR screen
Indicate a relay on an already picked up ladder net, with the cursor, to pick up the net that
uses the relay address for the coil.
(b) Specifying a ladder net from the LADDER DIAGRAM MONITOR screen
Specify a net from the LADDER DIAGRAM MONITOR screen to pick it and load it into the

(3) Picking up a ladder net on the COLLECTIVE MONITOR screen

You can pick up a ladder net from the COLLECTIVE MONITOR screen. The procedure for
picking up a ladder net is as described below.
(a) Address specification
(i) Enter the address to monitor (for example, R10.1).
(ii) Press the [PICKUP] soft key.
(iii) The net in which a coil uses the address specified in (i) will be picked up and loaded at the
beginning of the screen.
(b) Specification of an address from a ladder net on the screen
(i) Move the cursor to a relay on the ladder net that uses the address you want to monitor.
(ii) Press the [PICKUP] soft key.
(iii) The net in which a coil uses the address specified in (i) will be picked up and loaded at the
beginning of the screen, and the cursor moves to the specified coil position.

- 875 -

Fig. 8.4.2 (c) COLLECTIVE MONITOR screen

(4) Picking up a ladder net from the LADDER DIAGRAM MONITOR screen
You can pick up a ladder net from the LADDER DIAGRAM MONITOR screen. The procedure
for picking up a ladder net is as described below.
(a) From the LADDER DIAGRAM MONITOR screen, press the [SEARCH] soft key to display
the soft keys for search.
(b) Move the cursor to the ladder net to pick up.
(c) Press the [PICKUP] soft key to pick up and load the net specified in (b) at the beginning of the
(d) For the ladder net picked up and loaded into the COLLECTIVE MONITOR screen, the " "
mark is displayed at the left end of the net.

Fig. 8.4.2 (d) LADDER DIAGRAM MONITOR screen (search soft keys)

- 876 -


You can alter the address used in a ladder program with another address.
To perform address change, press the [CHANGE] soft key to switch to address change mode.

- 877 -

8.5.1 Screen Structures

LADDER diagram display area

Key input line

Address input line Message display line

(1) Key input line

Area in which data is displayed as it is keyed in.
(2) Message display line
Area in which confirmation and error messages are displayed.
(3) Address input line
Enter the address used in the ladder program in the "OLD ADDRESS" field and a new address into
the "NEW ADDRESS" field.
You can enter either PMC addresses or symbols as addresses.

- 878 -

8.5.2 Operating on the Screen

(1) Entering an address
You can enter an address by entering a "character string" and pressing the [INPUT] key.

• Address specification using a wildcard

You can use a wildcard (*) in the bit portion of a bit address.
Example: X100.*, which represents X100.0 to X100.7

The following input examples result in errors (invalid input).

(a) Use of a wildcard in a symbol
Example: ALWYS*
(b) Use of a wildcard in a portion other than the bit portion of a bit address
Example: X10*.0, X10*.*
(c) Use of a wildcard in a byte address
Example: X10*

(2) Operation with soft keys

Address alteration function soft keys

Alter to the address specified in the NEW ADDRESS field

Alter to the address specified in the NEW ADDRESS field at once

Switch the cursor position Move a symbol

Check the address to use

Exit from the address alteration function

Search in the forward direction
Acquire the address
Search in the backward direction indicated by the cursor

Specify the area subject to search and alteration

Address alteration function soft keys

(a) [ALTER] Alter to the address specified in the NEW ADDRESS field
Alters the address indicated by the cursor in the ladder diagram display area to the address
specified in the "NEW ADDRESS" field.
This soft key is not displayed if the cursor in the ladder diagram does not indicate an address
that can be altered.
(b) [ALTALL] Alter to the address specified in the NEW ADDRESS field at once
Alters all instances of the address specified in the "OLD ADDRESS" field to the address
specified in the "NEW ADDRESS" field at once. If a whole program is selected, alteration
will take place globally. If a local program is selected, alteration will take place locally.
The following messages are displayed at the start and end of alteration.
(Confirmation message before alteration)
(At the end of alteration)
(c) [<=>] Switch the cursor position
Switches the cursor position between "OLD ADDRESS" and "NEW ADDRESS" alternately.

- 879 -

(d) [MV-SYM] Move a symbol

Deletes the symbol of the address in the "OLD ADDRESS" field and redefines it for the
address in the "NEW ADDRESS" field.
The following messages are displayed at the start and end of alteration.
(Confirmation message before alteration)
(At the end of alteration)
(e) [USECHK] Check the address to use
Checks to see if the address specified in the "NEW ADDRESS" field is in use by searching for
the address through the ladder diagram.
(f) [PREV] Search in the backward direction
Searches for the address specified in the "OLD ADDRESS" field through the ladder diagram in
the backward direction.
(g) [NEXT] Search in the forward direction
Searches for the address specified in the "OLD ADDRESS" field through the ladder diagram in
the forward direction.
(h) [GLOBAL/LOCAL] Specify the area subject to search and alteration
Used to specify either the entire program (global) or the subprogram (local) as the area subject
to search and alteration in the ladder diagram.
This soft key is displayed when a local program is selected in the program list screen.
(i) [PICKUP] Acquire the address indicated by the cursor
Used to pick up and load the address indicated by the cursor in the ladder diagram into the
(j) [EXIT] Exits from the address alternation function
Exits from the address alteration function and returns you to the ladder edit functions.
To use the address alteration function again, press the [CHANGE] soft key while the ladder
edit functions are displayed.

- 880 -


You can switch the LADDER DIAGRAM EDITOR screen to the address map display screen where you
can view a list of addresses in use.
The address map display screen displays 24-byte bit map starting at any address.
Those "addresses not referenced in ladder diagrams that have symbols/comments defined" are also

8.6.1 Address Map Display Screen

Clicking the [ADRMAP] soft key on the ladder editor screen causes that screen to switch to the address
map display screen.

(1) Address representation

By representing each bit as described below, the status of PMC addresses in use are indicated.
Blank: Address bit not in use
*: Address bit in use (When a byte is used, an asterisk (*) is displayed to the left of the address
*R100 • • • • • • • •: R100 is byte reference.
R101 ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗: R101.0 to R101.7 are bit reference, respectively.
*R102 ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗: Either byte or bit reference
S: Bit not referenced in the ladder diagram but that has a symbol/comment defined.

(2) Additional display line

Any symbol/comment of the address at the cursor position is displayed in the additional display line.

- 881 -

8.6.2 Operating on the Screen

(1) Operation with soft keys

(a) [SEARCH] Search for an address

Searches for the specified address and displays it as the start address of the address map
(b) [UNUSED] Search for unused address
Displays an address map centering on the unused address with the smallest number found from
the specified address (if not specified, the address at which the cursor is currently located) and
containing the preceding and succeeding 12 bytes, 24 bytes in total.

1 Parameters of functional instructions are handled as addresses in use with a
length of one byte, regardless of the data length of the parameters.
2 The range of the addresses to be searched for is determined by the specified
Example: When R100.0 is specified, R100.0 to R7999.7 are searched for. (0i-D
3 The following addresses are not subject to unused address search: (0i-D PMC)
X/Y1000 to X/Y1127, R9000 to R9499, T0 to T499, T9000 to T9499, C0 to C399,
C5000 to C5199, K900 to K999, A9000 to A9249, P1 to P5000, and L1 to L9999

(c) [JUMP]
Moves you to the net in which the bit address at the cursor position is in use. At this time, the
soft keys will be those of a search menu, allowing lap search with a single round, regardless of
the ladder screen settings.
(d) [EXIT]
Switches the screen to the LADDER DIAGRAM EDITOR screen. At this time, the
LADDER DIAGRAM EDITOR screen displays the ladder net that it displayed before the
switch to this screen.

(2) Other operations with keys

You can use the page switch keys to switch between pages.
You cannot scroll with the cursor movement keys.

- 882 -


This function automatically inputs unused R, D, and E addresses during ladder editing.

Specifying an unused start address

Enter any R, D, or E address and press the [AUTO] soft key.
The system searches for an unused bit through a list of addresses in the ascending order, starting at that
address, inputs the unused address of the unused bit and places that address at the top of the list of unused
addresses. If you repeat this operation, the unused start address will be updated. This address is not
displayed on the screen. Upon the completion of editing, the stored unused start address is abandoned.

Automatic input of R, D, or E address

After you have specified an unused start address, entering a single address character "R", "D", or "E" and
pressing the [AUTO] soft key causes an unused bit address subsequent to the specified unused address to
be automatically input.
For the R address, a simpler operation is available: Merely pressing the [AUTO] soft key enables
automatic input.
If you perform this operation without specifying an unused start address, the system searches for unused
bit, starting at the first address of the specified address type.
If an address used by a functional instruction parameter before a search for an unused address is found,
the following message will be displayed and the search for an unused bit will be stopped to avoid the
simultaneous uses of the address.


This operation is available to bit addresses only.
You cannot automatically input byte addresses.

- 883 -


This function automatically inputs the unused numbers for the parameters of functional instructions
during ladder editing.

This function is applicable to the first parameters of the following functional instructions.

Moving the cursor to one of these parameters and pressing the [AUTO] soft key causes an unused
parameter number to be input.

Special specifications apply to SUB3 (TMR) and SUB5 (CTR). For details, see
"Automatic input of the TMR parameter of a functional instruction" and "Automatic
input of the CTR parameter of a functional instruction", described later.

If you perform this operation with a parameter number already input, an unused parameter number
subsequent to that number will be set.
If an attempt is made to perform this operation on a function instruction to which this operation is not
applicable, the following error message will be displayed.


If no unused numbers for parameters are found, the following error message will be displayed.


Automatic input of the TMR parameter of a functional instruction

When inputting the TMR parameter, you must consider precision.

(1) Range of parameter numbers subject to this automatic input

Timer numbers with their precision default setting being 8 msec (timer number 9 and subsequent
numbers) are assumed to be subject to this automatic input.

(2) Display of setting and precision of an input timer number

The setting and precision of an input timer number are displayed in the additional display line in the
following format:

TMR-number xx: setting xxxxxxxxxx precision xxMS

Automatic input of the CTR parameter of a functional instruction

(1) Display of the setting and current value of an input counter number
The setting and current-value of an input counter number are displayed in the additional display line
in the following format:

- 884 -
CTR-number xx: setting xxxxxxxxxx current-value xxxxxxx

- 885 -


This function automatically detects double coils when you edit WRT coils with ladder editing operations.

Time to check
When you edit coils, this function always detects double coils.
When the check makes a hit, the following message is displayed:

Xxxxx.x IS USED IN NET xxxxx AS COIL.

The coil editing refers to the following:

• Creation of a new WRT coil and change of a coil to a WRT coil
• Creation of a new WRT.NOT coil and change of a coil to a WRT.NOT coil
• Creation of a new SET/RST coil and change of a coil to a SET/RST coil

Objects of the check

Only coils are the objects of this check.
Thus, the following are not the object of this check:
• Output parameters of functional instructions

- 886 -


On the Duplicate Coil Check screen, you can check the overwriting of a PMC address from some coil
instructions. And, you can check the multiple use of instruction number of the following numbered
functional instructions.

Instruction name SUB number Function

TMR 3 Timer
TMRB 24 Fixed Timer
TMRBF 77 Off Delay Fixed Timer
CTR 5 Counter
CTRB 56 Fixed Counter
DIFU 57 Rising Edge Detection
DIFD 58 Falling Edge Detection

The result of check is displayed with a list of net numbers of a program that is using duplicated data.

You can display a selected ladder net by moving the cursor and pressing the [JUMP] soft key.

Data continuation mark (upper)

Address and Instruction number display area

Net number display area

Data continuation mark (lower)

Additional information display line

Fig. 8.10 (a) Duplicate coil check screen

Screen structures
Duplicated PMC address of coil and Functional instruction's name and number are displayed. You
can also display it by symbol instead of PMC address by pressing the [SYMBOL] soft key.

(2) NET NO.

Some net numbers using the same coil or instruction number are displayed. The net number is
displayed in the following format by the configuration of PMC and the setting of the Ladder diagram

Setting of Ladder screen

Configuration of PMC Net number display format
Global NET NO.
One path

- 887 -

(3) Data continuation mark

This mark is displayed when the data continues to the pointed direction.

(4) Additional information display line

Symbol and comment of the cursor focused data are displayed

Soft keys on the Duplicate coil check screen

Searching of a PMC address or a Functional instruction PMC path Switching

Jump to a duplication net Switches PMC address display mode

Fig. 8.10 (b) Soft keys on the Duplicate coil check screen

Operations using soft keys

(1) [SEARCH] Searches a PMC address or a Functional instruction
This searches a PMC address or a Functional instruction. If specified PMC address or Functional
instruction is not duplicated, the following message is displayed, and duplications that found after it
are displayed.

When searching a PMC address :

When searching a Functional instruction :

When you cancel the searching, the check result display area is cleared. Please operate the search
function again to re-display it.

The following letters can be used for searching PMC address.

• Bit address (ex. "R100.1" + [SEARCH])

• Byte address (ex. "R200" + [SEARCH])
• PMC memory type (ex. "R" + [SEARCH])

- 888 -
The following letters can be used for searching functional instruction.

Functional instruction Operation

TMR (Timer : SUB 3)
"3" + [SEARCH]
TMRB (Fixed Timer : SUB 24)
"24" + [SEARCH]
TMRBF (Off delay fixed Timer : SUB 77)
CTR (Counter : SUB 5)
"5" + [SEARCH]
CTRB (Fixed Counter : SUB 56)
DIFU (Rising Edge Detection : SUB 57)
"57" + [SEARCH]
DIFD (Falling Edge Detection : SUB58)
"58" + [SEARCH]

(2) [JUMP] Jump to a duplication net

Change to the Ladder diagram screen and display the selected net. This soft key is displayed when
any duplication is detected.

(3) [SYMBOL] / [ADRS] Switches PMC address display mode

By pressing the [SYMBOL] soft key, you can change PMC addresses to symbol on the check result
display area. And, you can change to the original PMC address by pressing the [ADRS] soft key.

(4) [SW PMC] Switches PMC path

Switches PMC paths.
This soft key is effective to the dual check safety function.

Operations using other keys

(1) Cursor keys
Move the cursor displayed on a net number. You can display any Ladder net selected with the cursor,
by pressing the [JUMP] soft key.
When the cursor is on the top or bottom line of the screen, pressing the cursor key of the same
direction scrolls the contents of the screen.

(2) Page keys

Scroll up or down the contests of the screen by page.

- 889 -


8.11.1 Display history of a Subprogram

To record the switching history of subprogram display in the LADDER DIAGRAM DISPLAY screen
and STEP SEQUENCE DISPLAY screen, you can trace back the history by [BACK] soft key.

Program List State Display(Global)

Step Sequence Display [ZOOM] Ladder Diagram Display

History 1 Step Screen Subprogram List State Display Ladder Screen Subprogram List Collective Monitor

Program List

History 2 Step Screen Subprogram List State Display Ladder Screen Subprogram List Collective Monitor


History 3
Step Screen Subprogram List State Display Ladder Screen Subprogram List Collective Monitor


History 4 Step Screen Subprogram List State Display Ladder Screen Subprogram List Collective Monitor

History n Step Screen Subprogram List State Display Ladder Screen Subprogram List Collective Monitor

Fig.8.11.1 (a) Display history of a Subprogram

- 890 -

Management of history information

Max.16 records are recorded in the history information. When subprogram is switched more than 16
times, the old history information is deleted in turn.
Jump within the same subprogram is not recorded.
When changing the sequence program by the PMC data I/O screen or FANUC LADDER-III, all the
display history of the subprogram is deleted.
The display history is not deleted even if the program is changed by the LADDER DIAGRAM EDITOR
screen. When deleting a subprogram, the deleted subprogram is removed from the history. And the
history information is not recorded by switching the subprogram in the LADDER DIAGRAM EDITOR
screen. When the subprogram A which is displayed just before starting the editing operation is different
from the subprogram B which is displayed just after editing, it is switched from B to A by the [BACK]

Operation P1 P101 P201 P201

Move Start Editing

P202 Edit
Finish Editing

P203 P203

History P1 P101 P201 P203

Fig.8.11.1 (b) Management of historical information

Display of the history in the subprogram list screen

The display history of subprograms and the list of calling subprogram are displayed together.
The display history of subprograms is displayed as the history number in the program type section. The
oldest history number is 1 and as it becomes newer, the number becomes larger.
You can move the cursor to the subprogram in the list of the history.
When the cursor is positioned on a subprogram in the history and it is zoomed, you can back to the older
subprogram of history directly.

- 891 -

8.11.2 Subprogram List Display Screen

The Subprogram List Display screen shows the list of the subprograms which are called by the current
subprogram. You can choose a subprogram from the list, which will be displayed on the screen. On the
other hand, the history of the displayed subprogram is also displayed.
SP area

History of

Size area

Ladder preview display area


Key input line Message display line

Fig.8.11.2 (a) Subprogram List Display Screen

(1) Operation with Soft keys

Main soft keys of Subprogram list screen

Display Subprogram Back previous Display current subprogram

Search for subprogram Display Program List

(a) [ZOOM] Display specified subprogram

Switches the screen display to the ladder diagram display screen. When you press the [ZOOM]
soft key without entering a character string, the ladder diagram display screen is displayed with
subprogram under the cursor. When you press the [ZOOM] soft key after entering a program
name or symbol name, the subprogram corresponding to the entered character string is
displayed. If the subprogram is protected, the password needs to be released.
(b) [BACK] Switch to the program list screen or the previous history
When the display history is one, it returns to the program list display screen. When the display
history is two or more, it returns to the previous history.
(c) [LADDER] Switch to the ladder diagram monitor screen
Switches the screen display to the ladder diagram monitor screen which displays the current

- 892 -
(d) [SEARCH] Subprogram search
Searches for a subprogram. When you press the [SEARCH] soft key after entering a
subprogram name or symbol name, the subprogram corresponding to the entered character
string is searched for.
Displays the program list screen.

(2) Others
For details of screen structures and operation, see Section 8.1, "DISPLAYING A PROGRAM LIST

8.11.3 Setting Subprogram List Screen

The setting the subprogram list display screen is shared with the program list display screen.
For details of the setting screen, see Subsection 8.1.1, "Setting Program List Screen".

- 893 -


The PMC configuration menu is used to display screens related to PMC configuration data that change
the target PMC, and display and edit PMC data.
You can move to the PMC configuration menu by pressing the [SYSTEM] key, then the [PMCCNF] soft


PMC main menu PMC submenu

PMC configuration menu
TITLE Title display/edit screens
Setting screens (for general functions, multi-
SETING language message function, selectable I/O Link
< assignment function, and override mode)
PMCST. PMC status screen

SYSPRM System parameter display/edit screens

MODULE I/O module display/edit screens

SYMBOL Symbol and comment display/edit screens

MESAGE Message display/edit screens

ONLINE Online monitor parameter setting screen

- 894 -



9.1.1 Displaying Title Data

On the TITLE DATA screen, you can check the title data items and some ladder information items. To
switch to the TITLE DATA screen, press the [TITLE] soft key.
Besides, the following operation is available in the TITLE DATA screen.

• Moving to the TITLE DATA EDITOR screen [EDIT]

• Moving to the TITLE DATA (MESSAGE) screen [MESAGE]

Title data of sequence program

Series and edition of PMC system software

PMC type

Used memory size Scan time

Key input line
Message display line

(1) Title data

The following title data that is set in the sequence program is displayed.

Item Max. characters


(2) PMC control program

The series and edition of PMC system software is displayed.

- 895 -

(3) Used memory

Using memory size for each data are displayed. The following information is displayed.
• All program size
• Ladder program size
• Symbol & Comment data size
• Message data size

(4) PMC type

The PMC type of PMC system software is displayed. And, the PMC type of sequence program is

(5) Scan time

The scan time of sequence program is displayed. The following information is displayed.
• Current scan time
• Maximum scan time
• Minimum scan time

Screen operations

Soft keys on the PMC Title Data screen

Switch to the editor screen Switch to the TITLE DATA (MESSAGE) screen

Fig. 9.1.1 Soft keys on the TITLE DATA screen

(1) Operations using the soft keys

(a) [EDIT] Switch to the editor screen
Switches to the TITLE DATA EDITOR screen.
(b) [MESAGE] Switch to the TITLE DATA (MESSAGE) screen
Switches to the TITLE DATA (MESSAGE) screen.

The [EDIT] soft key appears when the Programmer Protection is released, and
it becomes effective.

- 896 -

9.1.2 Editing Title Data

On the TITLE DATA EDITOR screen, you can edit title data items. To switch to the TITLE DATA
EDITOR screen, press the [EDIT] soft key on the TITLE DATA screen.
On the TITLE DATA EDITOR screen, you can perform the following operations:
• Changing the input mode [INPMOD]
• Deleting title data [DELETE]
• Moving to the TITLE DATA screen [EXIT]

Input mode

Title data edit area

Key input line

Message display line

Screen operations
Soft keys on the PMC Title Data Editor screen

Change the input mode Delete title data Move to the PMC Title Data screen

Fig. 9.1.2 Soft keys on the TITLE DATA EDITOR screen

- 897 -

(1) Operations using the soft keys

(a) [INPMOD] Change the input mode
Pressing the [INPMOD] soft key changes the input mode. The selection cycles in the following
order. In the insert mode, "INSERT" appears on the screen; in the replace mode, "ALTER"

Full-string Insert Replace

input mode mode

• Full-string input
The entire string at the cursor is selected and replaced with an input string.
• Insert mode
Input characters are inserted at the cursor. Pressing the INPUT key with inputting no
characters inserts one space.
• Replace mode
Input characters replace characters at and after the cursor. Pressing the INPUT key with
inputting no characters replaces the character at the cursor with a space.

(b) [DELETE] Delete characters

Deletes selected characters.

(c) [EXIT] Switch to the TITLE DATA screen

Terminates editing of title data and moves to the TITLE DATA screen.

(2) Screen operation using other keys

Use cursor keys to select characters to be edited.

(3) RETURN key operation

On the TITLE DATA EDITOR screen, the return key operation is disabled.
To terminate title editing and return to the TITLE DATA screen, use the [EXIT] soft key.

- 898 -

9.1.3 Displaying Title Data (Message)

On the TITLE DATA (MESSAGE) screen, message data for multi-language display can be checked. To
switch to the TITLE DATA (MESSAGE) screen, press the [MESAGE TITLE] soft key. On the TITLE
DATA (MESSAGE) screen, the operation described below can be performed.
• Moving to the TITLE DATA screen [TITLE]

Title data display area

List of usable languages

Memory use status for message data

Key input line Message display line

Message title data consists of the following items:

• TITLE : Message file title information
• AVAILABLE LANGUAGE : List of language IDs included in a message file
• MEMORY USED : Memory use status of a message file

Screen operation

Soft key on the TITLE DATA (MESSAGE) screen

Switch to the TITLE DATA screen

Fig. 9.1.3 Soft key on the TITLE DATA (MESSAGE) screen

(1) Operation using the soft key

(a) [TITLE] Switch to the TITLE DATA screen
Switches to the TITLE DATA screen.

- 899 -


The display and operation of symbol and comment screen differs in former type from extended type.

For details of former type symbol and comment screen, see Subsection 9.2.1 to 9.2.4.
For details of extended type symbol and comment screen, see Subsection 9.2.5 to 9.2.7.

9.2.1 Displaying Symbol and Comment Data

On the SYMBOL & COMMENT DATA VIEWER screen, you can check symbol and comment data
items defined for each address byte or bit used by a ladder program.

Scroll bar

Symbol and comment display area

Amount of memory Total amount of memory occupied

occupied by symbol data by symbol and comment data

Amount of memory occupied

by comment data
Key input line
Message display line

ADDRESS: Displays the byte or bit addresses for which a symbol or comment is registered.
SYMBOL: Displays the symbol for each address (16 characters).
COMMENT: Displays the comment for the address (30 characters).
Scroll bar: Indicates the position of the current displayed data.
Amount of occupied memory:
The amounts of memory occupied by symbol data and of that occupied by comment data,
and total amount of memory occupied by symbol and comment data are displayed under
the symbol and comment display.

- 900 -

Screen operations
Soft keys on the SYMBOL & COMMENT DATA VIEWER screen

Switch to the editor screen Search for data

Fig. 9.2.1 Soft keys on the SYMBOL & COMMENT DATA VIEWER screen

(1) Operations using the soft keys

(a) [EDIT] Switch to the editor screen
Moves to the SYMBOL & COMMENT DATA EDITOR screen.
(b) [SEARCH] Search for data
Searches for the address corresponding to the input string or an address for which symbol or
comment data containing the input string is defined and displays it on the screen. Both bit and
byte addresses can be searched for.

(2) Screen operations using other keys

Cursor keys: Move the cursor.
Page keys: Scroll the screen up or down one page.

When the programmer protection function is enabled, the [EDIT] soft key
appears and is available. When the online monitor function is enabled, you
cannot move to the SYMBOL & COMMENT DATA EDITOR screen.
For details, see Section 6.2.

- 901 -

9.2.2 Editing Symbol and Comment Data

On the SYMBOL & COMMENT DATA EDITOR screen, you can define a symbol for a desired address
byte or bit and add a comment. You can also change already defined symbol and comment data.

Amount of unused memory for

symbol and comment data

Amount of unused memory: The amount of unused memory for editing symbol and comment data is
displayed under the symbol and comment display.

Screen operations
Soft keys on the SYMBOL & COMMENT DATA EDITOR screen

Change data or register changed data as a new entry Delete all data

Register a new entry Delete data Search for data

Terminate editing

Fig. 9.2.2 Soft keys on the SYMBOL & COMMENT DATA EDITOR screen

- 902 -
(1) Operations using the soft keys
(a) [ZOOM] Change data or register changed data as a new entry
Switches to the screen for changing data of the entry at the cursor or registering the changed
data as a new entry.
(b) [NEW] Register a new entry
Switches to the screen for registering a new entry.
(c) [DELETE] Delete data
Deletes symbol and comment data at the cursor.
(d) [DELALL] Delete all data
Deletes all symbol and comment data.
(e) [SEARCH] Search for data
Searches for the address corresponding to the input string or an address for which symbol or
comment data containing the input string is defined and displays it on the screen. Both bit and
byte addresses can be searched for.
(f) [EXIT] Terminate editing
Switches to the SYMBOL & COMMENT DATA VIEWER screen.

(2) Editing a set of symbol and comment data at a time

An address, symbol, and comment are input at a time.
Enter a symbol and comment following an address with delimiting them by non-alphanumeric
characters as shown below and press the INPUT key. Symbol or comment data can be omitted.
address/symbol/comment/ INPUT key ("/" is a non-alphanumeric character.)

Example 1:
Inputs an address, symbol, and comment. A slash “/” is used as a delimiter.

Example 2:
Omits a comment. A slash “/” is used as a delimiter.
G0.4/*EMG// INPUT key
G0.4/*EMG/ INPUT key
G0.4/*EMG INPUT key

To update symbol or comment data for an existing address, move the cursor to the target address and
enter symbol or comment data with omitting the address.

Example 3:
Omits an address and inputs symbol and comment data. A slash “/” is used as a delimiter.

In this case, when symbol or comment data is omitted, the displayed data is not changed.

(3) Screen operations using other keys

Cursor keys: Move the cursor.
Page keys: Scroll the screen up or down one page.

(4) RETURN key operation

On the SYMBOL & COMMENT DATA EDITOR screen, the return key operation is disabled.
To terminate editing of symbol and comment data and return to the SYMBOL & COMMENT
DATA VIEWER screen, use the [EXIT] soft key.

- 903 -

9.2.3 Partially Changing Symbol and Comment Data

On the SYMBOL & COMMENT DATA EDITOR screen, pressing the [ZOOM] soft key displays the
following screen. At the bottom of the screen, the area for editing a symbol and comment data entry
appears. You can define a symbol for a desired address byte or bit and add a comment. You can also
change already defined symbol and comment data.
For a registered data entry, you can edit the address, symbol, and comment in character units.

Area for editing a symbol

and comment data entry

Amount of unused memory for

symbol and comment data

Key input line Message display line

Amount of unused memory:

The amount of unused memory for editing symbol and comment data is displayed.
Area for editing a symbol and comment data entry:
Enter an address, symbol data, and comment data.

Screen operations
Soft keys on the symbol & comment data entry editor screen

Change the input mode Replace an entry New entry Delete characters Cancel edits

Editing previous entry Editing next entry

Fig. 9.2.3 Soft keys on the symbol & comment data entry editor screen

- 904 -
(1) Operations using the soft keys
(a) [INPMOD] Change the input mode
Pressing the [INPMOD] soft key changes the input mode. The selection cycles in the following
order. In the insert mode, "INSERT" appears on the screen; in the replace mode, "ALTER"

Full-string Insert Replace

input mode mode

• Full-string input
The entire string at the cursor is selected and replaced with an input string.
• Insert mode
Input characters are inserted at the cursor. Pressing the INPUT key with inputting no
characters inserts one space.
• Replace mode
Input characters replace characters at and after the cursor. Pressing the INPUT key with
inputting no characters replaces the character at the cursor with a space.
(b) [ALTER] Replace an entry
Replaces the target entry with edit data. When the data in the address field is updated and the
address is a new one, the original data corresponding to the old address is deleted and the edit
data is registered as a new entry. If an address to be registered as a new one is already
registered, a confirmation message appears, which asks you if you are sure to overwrite the old
(c) [ADD] New entry
Registers input data as a new entry. If the address of the new entry is already registered, a
confirmation message appears, which asks you if you are sure to overwrite the old data.
(d) [DELETE] Delete characters
Performs either of the following deletions:
• In the full-string input mode
Deletes the string at the cursor.
• In the insert or replace mode
Deletes one character at the cursor.
(e) [CANCEL] Cancel edits
Cancels edits and switches to the SYMBOL & COMMENT DATA EDITOR screen. The data
is not updated.
(f) [PREV] Editing previous entry
You can edit a symbol and comment on previous entry without leaving from editing mode.
(g) [NEXT] Editing next entry
You can edit a symbol and comment on next entry without leaving from editing screen.

(2) RETURN key operation

On the symbol & comment data entry editor screen, the return key operation is disabled. To
terminate editing of a symbol and comment data entry and return to the SYMBOL & COMMENT
DATA EDITOR screen, use the [EXIT] soft key.

- 905 -

9.2.4 Registering New Symbol and Comment Data

On the SYMBOL & COMMENT DATA EDITOR screen, pressing the [NEW] soft key displays the
following screen. At the bottom of the screen, the area for editing a symbol and comment data entry
appears. You can register new entry data.

Area for editing a symbol

and comment data entry

Amount of unused memory for

symbol and comment data

Key input line Message display line

Amount of unused memory:

The amount of unused memory for editing symbol and comment data is displayed.
Area for editing a symbol and comment data entry:
Enter an address, symbol data, and comment data.

Screen operations
Symbol & comment data entry editor screen

Delete characters

Change the input mode New entry Cancel edits

Fig. 9.2.4 Soft keys on the symbol & comment data entry editor screen

- 906 -
(1) Operations using the soft keys
(a) [INPMOD] Change the input mode
Pressing the [INPMOD] soft key changes the input mode. The selection cycles in the following
order. In the insert mode, "INSERT" appears on the screen; in the replace mode, "ALTER"
Full-string Insert Replace
input mode mode

• Full-string input
The entire string at the cursor is selected and replaced with an input string.
• Insert mode
Input characters are inserted at the cursor. Pressing the INPUT key with inputting no
characters inserts one space.
• Replace mode
Input characters replace characters at and after the cursor. Pressing the INPUT key with
inputting no characters replaces the character at the cursor with a space.
(b) [ADD] Register new entry data
Registers input data as a new entry. If the address of the new entry is already registered, a
confirmation message appears, which asks you if you are sure to overwrite the old data.
(c) [DELETE] Delete entry data
Performs either of the following deletions:
• In the full-string input mode
Deletes the string at the cursor.
• In the insert or replace mode
Deletes one character at the cursor.
(d) [CANCEL] Cancel edits
Cancels edits and switches to the SYMBOL & COMMENT DATA EDITOR screen. The data
is not updated.
(2) Screen operation using other keys
Cursor keys: Move the cursor.
(3) RETURN key operation
On the symbol & comment data entry editor screen, the return key operation is disabled. To
terminate editing of a symbol and comment data entry and return to the SYMBOL & COMMENT
DATA EDITOR screen, use the [EXIT] soft key.

- 907 -

9.2.5 Displaying Extended Symbol and Comment

Pressing the [SYMBOL] soft key, screen changes to symbol and comment displaying screen. In this
screen, you can see all defined symbols and comments.
There are two displaying modes. One is “Outline mode” and another is “Details mode”. You can change
this mode each other by pressing the [DSPMOD] soft key.

Scroll bar

Symbol and comment list display area

Amount of memory occupied Total mount of memory occupied

by comment data by symbol and comment data

Key input line

Amount of memory occupied

by symbol data
Message display line

Fig. 9.2.5(a) Extended symbol and comment displaying screen (Outline mode, Symbol order)

Symbol and comment list display area

Symbol and comment detail display area

Fig. 9.2.5(b) Extended symbol and comment displaying screen (Details mode, Symbol order)

- 908 -
Pressing the [ADRS] or [SYMBOL] soft key, you can sort entries by address or characters of symbol.

Fig. 9.2.5(c) Extended symbol and comment displaying screen (Outline mode, Address order)

Fig. 9.2.5(d) Extended symbol and comment displaying screen (Details mode, Address order)

PROG.SYMBOL: Symbol is displayed. When a symbol is local symbol, this symbol is displayed as the
ADDRESS: Address is displayed.
TYPE: Data type is displayed.
COMMENT: Comment is displayed. When multi comments are defined, you can see each comment
by pressing the soft key [SW.CMT].

- 909 -

Soft keys on the SYMBOL & COMMENT DATA VIEWER screen

Change the displayed

Switch to the editor screen Search for data comment

Switch to the address Switch the program name Change the display mode
order display to symbol notation

Switch to the symbol Switch the program name

order display to program number

Fig. 9.2.5(e) Soft key layout in extended symbol and comment displaying screen

(1) Operation by soft key

(a) [EDIT] Changing to editing screen
Pressing the [EDIT] soft key, the screen is changed to “extended symbol and comment editing
(b) [SEARCH] Searching word
You can search entry by address expression, part characters of symbol or part characters of
(c) [ADRS] / [SYMBOL] Changing a displaying order
You can change the displaying order. Pressing the [ADRS] soft key, all entries are sorted by
address. Pressing the [SYMBOL] soft key, entries are sorted by character of symbols in each
sub programs.
(d) [PRGSYM] / [PRGNO.] Changing a display of program name
Pressing the [PRGSYM] soft key, all symbols defined to addresses P are displayed as a name
of sub program. Pressing the [PRGNO.] soft key, addresses P are displayed as a name of
(e) [SW.CMT] Changing a display of comment set.
Pressing the [SW.CMT] soft key, current displaying comment set is changed to next comment
(f) [DSPMOD] Changing the displaying mode
There are two displaying modes. One is “Outline mode” and another is “Details mode”. You
can change this mode each other by pressing the [DSPMOD] soft key.

(2) Operation by other keys

CURSOR KEY: Moving cursor
PAGE KEY: Paging up or down.

- 910 -

9.2.6 Editing Extended Symbol and Comment

In symbol and comment editing screen, you can change, add or delete symbol and comment. To change
screen to the symbol and comment editing screen, press the [EDIT] soft key in the symbol and comment
display screen.

Fig. 9.2.6(a) Extended symbol and comment editing screen (One comment display)

Pressing the [ALLCMT] soft key changes a screen to the “All comment display” screen. In the “All
comment display” screen, you can refer to other comment sets in editing.

Fig. 9.2.6 (b) Extended symbol and comment editing screen (All comment display)

FREE: Free memory size to store symbol and comment is shown. Editing various data such as sequence
program and message will change this free size.

- 911 -

Soft keys on the SYMBOL & COMMENT DATA EDITOR screen

Change to the all comment

displayed screen
Switch the program name to Create a new entry
Switch to the address order display symbol notation

End of editing
Search for data Display the previous entry Display the next entry

Delete entry Change displaying


Switch to the symbol order display Switch the program name

to program number

Change to the one comment

displayed screen

Input the line feed code

Change the input mode Delete all data
(for comment)

Select characters Delete characters Cut characters Copy characters Paste characters

Soft keys for the data type inputting edit-box

Set to BOOL Set to BYTE Set to WORD Set to DWORD

Fig. 9.2.6 (c) Soft key layout in extended symbol and comment editing screen

- 912 -
(1) Operation by soft key
(a) [ALLCMT] / [ONECMT] Changing the comment display mode
This soft key allows you to change the comment display mode.
One mode is “All comment display”. Another is “One comment display”. In the “All comment
display” mode, you can edit all comments in the same screen. In the “One comment display”
mode, you can refer to another symbol and comment.
(b) [SEARCH] Searching word
You can search entry by address expression, part characters of symbol or part characters of
(c) [PREV] Editing previous entry
You can edit a symbol and comment on previous entry without leaving from editing mode.
(d) [NEXT] Editing next entry
You can edit a symbol and comment on next entry without leaving from editing screen.
(e) [NEW] Adding a new entry
You can add a new symbol and comment entry.
(f) [DELETE] Deleting entry
You can delete a symbol and comment entry.
(g) [ADRS] / [SYMBOL] Changing a displaying order
You can change the displaying order. Pressing the soft key [ADRS], all entries are sorted by
address. Pressing the soft key [SYMBOL], entries are sorted by character of symbols in each
sub programs.
(h) [PRGSYM] / [PRGNO.] Changing a display of program name
Pressing the [PRGSYM] soft key, all symbols defined to addresses P are displayed as a name
of sub program. Pressing the [PRGNO.] soft key, addresses P are displayed as a name of
(i) [SW.CMT] Changing a display of comment set.
Pressing the [SW.CMT] soft key, current displaying comment set is changed to next comment
(j) [EXIT] Terminating editing
Pressing the [EXIT] soft key, editing of symbol and comment is terminated. A screen is
changed to symbol and comment display screen.
(k) [INPMOD] Changing an input mode
Pressing the [INPMOD] soft key, input mode is changed as following. Current input mode is
displayed on right top of the screen.

This mode is whole editing mode. Whole characters on the cursor are replaced.
The input characters are inserted before the cursor. On comment editing box, pressing the
INPUT key with no character inserts one white space before the cursor.
The characters on and after cursor are overwritten by input characters. On comment
editing box, pressing the INPUT key with no character overwrites a character on the
cursor by one white space.
(l) [LF] Inserting a new line code
On comment editing box, pressing the [LF] soft key inserts a new line code. When you print a
sequence program on FANUC LADDER-III, comment string starts new line at the inserted new
line code. New line code is only available in comment string.

- 913 -

(m) [DELALL] Deleting all symbols and comments

Pressing the [DELALL] soft key deletes all symbols and comments.
(n) [SELECT] Selecting
Pressing the [SELECT] soft key starts selecting and after that moving the cursor selects some
characters for deleting, overwriting, copying or cutting. To input characters with selecting some
characters can overwrites selecting characters by the input characters.
(o) [DELETE] Deleting characters
To press the [DELETE] soft key with selecting some characters deletes them.
(p) [CUT] Cutting characters
To press the [CUT] soft key with selecting some characters cuts them and sends them to
pasting buffer. Previous contents of the pasting buffer are lost and new contents are stored. To
move some characters, use the [SELECT], [CUT] and [PASTE] soft key.
(q) [COPY] Copying characters
To press the [COPY] soft key with selecting some characters send them to pasting buffer.
Previous contents of the pasting buffer are lost and new contents are stored. To copy some
characters, use the [SELECT], [COPY] and [PASTE] soft key.
(r) [PASTE] Pasting characters
To press the [PASTE] soft key pastes the contents of pasting buffer. In the “WHOLE” mode,
pasted characters overwrite whole characters on the cursor. In the “INSERT” mode, pasted
characters are inserted at before the cursor. In the “ALTER” mode, pasted characters overwrite
characters on the cursor. Pasting operation does not delete the contents of pasting buffer. So
you can paste repeatedly.

(2) Operation by other keys

CURSOR KEY: Moving cursor
PAGE KEY: Paging up or down.

(3) Operation by “RETURN” key

On the symbol and comment editing screen, the “RETURN” key is not available. To terminate
symbol and comment editing, press the [EXIT] soft key.

- 914 -

9.2.7 Adding an Extended Symbol and Comment

To add a new entry of symbol and comment, press the [NEW] soft key. In this situation, you can also
change the comment displaying mode. One is the “one comment displaying mode” and another is “all
comments displaying mode”.

Fig. 9.2.7 (a) Adding new entry of symbol and comment screen (One comment display)

Fig. 9.2.7 (b) Adding new entry of symbol and comment screen (All comment display)

- 915 -

Soft keys on the SYMBOL & COMMENT DATA EDITOR screen (New entry mode)
Change to the all comment
displayed screen Registering the entry Registering the current entry and create a new entry

Switch displaying
comment Cancel edits

Change to the one comment

displayed screen

Change the input mode Insert the line feed code (for comment)

Select characters Delete characters Cut characters Copy characters Paste characters

Fig. 9.2.7 (c) Soft key layout in adding new entry of symbol and comment screen

(1) Operation by soft key

(a) [ADD] Registering new entry
Pressing the [ADD] soft key register new entry of symbol and comment.
(b) [NEXT] Creating new entry
You can create a new symbol and comment entry without leaving from editing mode.
(c) [CANCEL] Discarding the new entry
Pressing the [CANCEL] soft key discards current new entry.

As for the explanation of other soft keys, please refer to "9.2.6 Editing Extended Symbol and

(2) Operation by other keys

CURSOR KEY: Moving cursor
PAGE KEY: Paging up or down.

(3) Operation by “RETURN” key

On the symbol and comment editing screen, the “RETURN” key is not available. To terminate
symbol and comment editing, press the [ADD] or [CANCEL] soft key.

- 916 -



9.3.1 Displaying Message Data

On the MESSAGE DATA VIEWER screen, you can check each external message data item output to the
NC screen by functional instruction DISPB.
To display the MESSAGE DATA VIEWER screen, press the [MESAGE] soft key. On the MESSAGE
DATA VIEWER screen, you can perform the following operations:
• Moving to the MESSAGE DATA EDITOR screen [EDIT]
• Searching for message data [SEARCH]
• Previewing message data [PVIEW]
Multi-language message data are not displayed on this screen. When you create
or edit the data, use FANUC LADDER-III.

Simple message data display area

Detailed message data display

Key input line Message display line

Description of items in the table

• ADDRESS: Message address
• MON: Current status of the message requests (A addresses)
• NO.: Message number
• MESSAGE: Message data

Screen configuration
(1) On the screen, message addresses, message requesting monitors, message numbers, and message
data are displayed from left to right. A message requesting monitor indicates the status of the signal
(A addresses) of the message address. In the simple message data display area, the first line of data
is displayed.
(2) In the detailed message data display at the bottom of the screen, message data at the cursor is all
(3) On the message display line at the bottom of the screen, an error message appears when issued.

- 917 -

Screen operations
Soft keys on the PMC Message Data Viewer screen

Switch to the editor screen Previewing message data

Search for message data

Fig. 9.3.1 Soft keys on the MESSAGE DATA VIEWER screen

(1) Operations using the soft keys

(a) [SEARCH] Search for message data
Searches for the address for which message data containing an address, message number, or
string corresponding to the input string is set and displays the message data on the screen.
When a byte address is searched for, a bit 0 address is found.
When A2 is searched for, the cursor moves to A2.0.
(b) [EDIT] Switch to the editor screen
Moves to the MESSAGE DATA EDITOR screen.

When the programmer protection function is enabled, the [EDIT] soft key
appears and is available. When the online monitor function is enabled, you
cannot move to the MESSAGE DATA EDITOR screen. For details, see Section
(c) [PVIEW] Previewing message data
Displays a character code enclosed by at signs (@) with the corresponding character actually
Kana: ”@B6C532@” →”カナ 2”
Kanji: ”@0248733E6F44643B5F01@100”→”非常停止 100”
European character type 1: UNZUL@0DC101@SSIGE → "UNZULÄSSIGE"
European character type 2: C@0EA501@MBO@0EA801@ → "CИMBOЛ"
European character type 3: @05ED01@123 → " 123"

To terminate preview display, press the [EXIT] soft key.

(2) Screen operation using other keys
Use cursor and page keys to change the message data in the detailed message data display.

- 918 -

9.3.2 Editing Message Data

On the MESSAGE DATA EDITOR screen, you can edit message data items.
To move to the MESSAGE DATA EDITOR screen, press the [EDIT] soft key on the MESSAGE DATA
VIEWER screen. On the MESSAGE DATA EDITOR screen, you can perform the following operations:
• Moving to the message data entry editor screen [ZOOM]
• Searching for message data [SEARCH]
• Previewing message data [PVIEW]
• Moving to the MESSAGE DATA VIEWER screen [EXIT]
• Selecting multiple entries [SELECT]
• Deleting an entry [DELETE]
• Moving an entry [CUT] and [PASTE]
• Copying an entry [COPY] and [PASTE]
• Deleting all entries [DELALL]

Message data edit area

Detailed message data display

Key input line Message display line

Screen configuration
(1) On the screen, message addresses, message numbers, and message data are displayed from left to
right. In the message data edit area, the first line of data is displayed.
(2) In the detailed message data display at the bottom of the screen, message data at the cursor is all
(3) On the message display line at the bottom of the screen, an error message appears when issued.

- 919 -

Screen operations
Soft keys on the PMC Message Data Editor screen
Previewing message
data characters

Display the entry editor screen Search for message data Switch to the display screen

Paste an entry

Select multiple entries Delete an entry Cut an entry Copy an entry

Delete all entries

Fig. 9.3.2 Soft keys on the MESSAGE DATA EDITOR screen

(1) Operations using the soft keys

(a) [ZOOM] Switch to the entry editor screen
Moves to the entry editor screen for message data to edit entry data at the cursor.
(b) [SEARCH] Search for message data
Searches for an address, message number, or message data string. The operation method
conforms to that for [SEARCH] on the MESSAGE DATA VIEWER screen. For details, see
"Screen operations" for the MESSAGE DATA VIEWER screen.
(c) [PVIEW] Previewing message data
Displays a character code enclosed by at signs (@) with the corresponding character actually
The operation method conforms to that for [PVIEW] on the MESSAGE DATA VIEWER
screen. For details, see "Screen operations" for the MESSAGE DATA VIEWER screen.
(d) [EXIT] Switch to the display screen
Terminates editing of message data and moves to the MESSAGE DATA VIEWER screen.
(e) [SELECT] Select multiple entries
Use this key to specify multiple entries to be edited with a soft key such as [DELETE].
Pressing this soft key puts the screen into the mode for selecting multiple entries starting from
the entry being edited at that time. Move the cursor and use the search function so that the
entries to be edited are selected. After the entries to be edited are selected, edit them by
pressing each edit soft key. When you want to delete, move, or copy multiple entries, use this
soft key to select multiple entries.
(f) [DELETE] Delete an entry
Deletes a selected entry.
(g) [CUT] Cut an entry
Cuts a selected entry. The cut data is transferred to the pasting buffer and deleted from message
data. The contents of the pasting buffer before the data is transferred are erased. When you want
to move data from an entry to another, use this soft key together with the [PASTE] soft key.
(h) [COPY] Copy an entry
Transfers a selected entry to the pasting buffer. The message data is not changed. The contents
of the pasting buffer before the data is transferred are erased. When you want to copy data in
an entry to another, use this soft key together with the [PASTE] soft key.

- 920 -
(i) [PASTE] Paste an entry
Replaces data at the cursor with the entry transferred to the pasting buffer by the [CUT] or
[COPY] soft key. When the contents of the pasting buffer are pasted by pressing the [PASTE]
soft key, they are not erased. The contents of the pasting buffer are retained until the power to
the NC is turned off.
(j) [DELALL] Delete all entries
Deletes all message data.

(2) Editing message data for an entry at a time

Message data for an entry is input at a time.
(a) Standard specification
Enter a message string following a message number with delimiting them by a semicolon (;) as
shown below and press the INPUT key.
Example: 2001; ABCDEFG INPUT key

(b) Extended specification

Enter a message string following a message number in the extended specification format as
shown below and press the INPUT key.
Example: AL1+000= ABCDEFG INPUT key
For details of the extended specification of message number, see the description
of Extended specification in Subsection 4.11.1.(iv)

(3) Screen operation using other keys

Use cursor and page keys to change the message data in the detailed message data display.

(4) RETURN key operation

On the MESSAGE DATA EDITOR screen, the return key operation is disabled. To terminate editing
of message data and return to the MESSAGE DATA VIEWER screen, use the [EXIT] soft key.

- 921 -

9.3.3 Editing Desired Message Data

On the message data entry editor screen, you can edit desired message data. To move to the message data
entry editor screen, press the [ZOOM] soft key on the MESSAGE DATA EDITOR screen. On the
message data entry editor screen, you can perform the following operations:
• Changing the input mode [INPMOD]
• Changing data to be edited [<=>]
• Inserting an at sign (@) [@]
• Previewing message data [PVIEW]
• Moving to the MESSAGE DATA EDITOR screen [EXIT]
• Selecting a string [SELECT]
• Deleting a string [DELETE]
• Moving a string [CUT] and [PASTE]
• Copying a string [COPY] and [PASTE]
• Canceling edits [CANCEL]

Input mode

Simple message data display area

Message number edit area Area for editing a message data string

Key input line Message display line

Screen configuration
(1) On the screen, message addresses, message numbers, and message data are displayed from left to
right. In the simple message data display area, the first line of data is displayed.
(2) The message number edit area and area for editing a message data string at the bottom of the screen
are used to edit the message number and data.
(3) On the message display line at the bottom of the screen, an error message appears when issued.

- 922 -

Screen operations
Soft keys on the message data entry editor screen

Previewing message data

Change the input mode Change data to be edited Input an at sign (@) Switch to the editor screen

Select characters Delete characters Cut characters Copy characters Paste characters

Editing previous entry Editing next entry

Cancel edits

Fig. 9.3.3 Soft keys on the message data entry editor screen

(1) Operations using the soft keys

(a) [INPMOD] Change the input mode
Pressing [INPMOD] changes the input mode. The selection cycles in the following order. In
the insert mode, "INSERT" appears on the screen; in the replace mode, "ALTER" appears.
Full-string Insert Replace
input mode mode

• Full-string input
The entire string at the cursor is selected and replaced with an input string.
• Insert mode
Input characters are inserted at the cursor. Pressing the INPUT key with inputting no
characters inserts one space.
• Replace mode
Input characters replace characters at and after the cursor. Pressing the INPUT key with
inputting no characters replaces the character at the cursor with a space.
(b) [<=>] Change data to be edited
Use this soft key to move the cursor between the message number edit area and area for editing
a message string. You can check the cursor position to know which data is currently being
(c) [@] Input an at sign (@)
To display a kana, kanji, or special character, the character code of the character is enclosed by
at signs (@). To simplify the input of an at sign (@), this soft key adds an at sign (@) to the
string in the key input line. This soft key is enabled when the input mode is insert or replace.
In the full-string input mode, this soft key is not displayed.
(d) [PVIEW] Previewing message data
Displays a character code enclosed by at signs (@) with the corresponding character actually
The operation method conforms to that for [PVIEW] on the MESSAGE DATA VIEWER
screen. For details, see "Screen operations" for the MESSAGE DATA VIEWER screen.

- 923 -

(e) [EXIT] Switch to the editor screen

Terminates entry editing of message data and moves to the MESSAGE DATA EDITOR screen.
(f) [SELECT] Select characters
Use this key to specify multiple characters to be edited with a soft key such as [DELETE].
Pressing this soft key puts the screen into the mode for selecting multiple characters starting
from the character being edited at that time. Move the cursor so that the characters to be edited
are selected. After the characters to be edited are selected, operate each edit soft key or enter
characters. This soft key is enabled when the input mode is insert or replace. In the full-string
input mode, this soft key is not displayed.
(g) [DELETE] Delete characters
Deletes selected characters.
(h) [CUT] Cut characters
Cuts selected characters. The cut characters are transferred to the pasting buffer and deleted
from message data. The contents of the pasting buffer before the characters are transferred are
erased. When you want to move characters, use this soft key together with the [PASTE] soft
(i) [COPY] Copy characters
Transfers selected characters to the pasting buffer. The message data is not changed. The
contents of the pasting buffer before the characters are transferred are erased. When you want
to copy characters, use this soft key together with the [PASTE] soft key.
(j) [PASTE] Paste characters
Inserts the characters transferred to the pasting buffer by the [CUT] or [COPY] soft key at the
cursor in the insert input mode or replaces the data at the cursor with the characters in other
input modes. When the contents of the pasting buffer are pasted by pressing the [PASTE] soft
key, they are not erased. The contents of the pasting buffer are retained until the power to the
NC is turned off.
(k) [PREV] Editing previous entry
You can edit a symbol and comment on previous entry without leaving from editing mode. And
the up cursor move key acts just like [PREV] soft key.
(l) [NEXT] Editing next entry
You can edit a symbol and comment on next entry without leaving from editing mode. And the
down cursor move key acts just like [NEXT] soft key.
(m) [CANCEL] Cancel edits
Cancels edits made on this screen.

(2) Screen operation using other keys

Use cursor keys to change the character to be edited.

(3) RETURN key operation

On the message data entry editor screen, the return key operation is disabled. To terminate entry
editing of message data and return to the MESSAGE DATA EDITOR screen, use the [EXIT] soft

1 For details of the input format for kanji and other special character strings, see
Subsection 4.11.1.
2 For details of the extended specification of message number, see the description
of Extended specification in Subsection 4.11.1.(iv)

- 924 -



9.4.1 Displaying I/O Module Allocation Data

The I/O MODULE VIEWER screen displays data of allocation of I/O modules to X and Y addresses.
Check that I/O modules are allocated correctly.
To switch to the I/O MODULE VIEWER screen, press the [MODULE] soft key.

Channel number

Address Group Base Slot Allocation name

Message display line Key input line

Screen operations

Soft keys on the I/O MODULE VIEWER screen

Switch to the allocation editor screen

Change the channel

Fig. 9.4.1 Soft keys on the I/O MODULE VIEWER screen

(1) Operations using the soft keys

(a) [EDIT] Switch to the I/O MODULE EDITOR screen
(b) [PRV.CH] Display I/O module allocation data for the previous channel
(c) [NXT.CH] Display I/O module allocation data for the next channel

- 925 -

9.4.2 Editing I/O Module Allocation Data

On the I/O MODULE EDITOR screen, you can edit data of allocation of I/O modules to X and Y
To switch to the I/O MODULE EDITOR screen, press the [EDIT] soft key on the I/O MODULE
VIEWER screen.

Channel number

Address Group Base Slot Allocation name

Key input line

Screen operations
Soft keys in I/O MODULE EDITOR screen

Delete allocation at Cursor position Delete all allocation Terminate editing

(1) Operations using the soft keys

(a) [DELETE] Delete allocation data
Deletes allocation data at the cursor.
(b) [DELALL] Delete all allocation data
When this soft key is pressed, the following confirmation message appears:
The [YES] and [NO] soft keys appear. Press [NO] to cancel deletion or [YES] to execute
(c) [EXIT] Switch to the I/O MODULE VIEWER screen

(2) Allocation of I/O Units to X and Y addresses

(a) Set the cursor at address to which you will allocate new I/O Unit.
(b) Type "Group. Base. Slot. I/O-module-name" and press INPUT key.
Ex) In case you allocate "Group = 1, Base = 0, Slot = 5, Name = ID16C" to X08, set the cursor
at X08 and 1.0.5.ID16C + INPUT key

- 926 -

(a) Set the cursor at X08

(b) 1.0.5.ID16C + INPUT key

As to the allocation name of I/O Unit, see Tables 3.2 (a) to 3.2 (c) in Chapter 3.

(c) The I/O Unit is allocated to address of the cursor position for the I/O Unit size.
In case of above example (b), I/O Unit is allocated at X08 and X09 like as follows.

(c) I/O Unit is allocated at X08 and X09

1 To make the allocation effective, after storing the Ladder program in the flash
ROM, turn the power to the CNC and all slave I/O devices off, then on again.
2 The Ladder program is not stopped automatically when you open I/O MODULE
VIEWER screen or EDITOR screen.

- 927 -

(3) Delete allocation

(a) Set the cursor at allocation of which you will delete and press [DELETE] soft key.
(b) The allocation is deleted.
(4) Delete all allocation
(a) Press [DELALL] soft key.
(c) Press [YES] soft key.
(d) Allocation of X and Y are all deleted.
(5) RETURN key operation
On the I/O MODULE EDITOR screen, the return key operation is disabled. To terminate editing of
allocation data and return to the I/O MODULE VIEWER screen, use the [EXIT] soft key.

- 928 -


There are following setting parameter screens.
Use the [NEXT] and [PREV] soft keys to switch from a setting screen to another as shown in the figure

You can also use the keep relay screen (for K900 and after) to set these setting

Setting screen of multi-language display function, selectable I/O link assignment function and
OVERRIDE mode of the forced input/output function and System Keep Relay screen can be protected by
programmer protection function.



PMC SETTING (GENERAL) screen Keep Relay

The screen protection [NEXT] Page Down The screen protection




The screen protection [NEXT]



The screen protection [NEXT]

- 929 -


On the PMC SETTING (GENERAL) screen, set parameters that specify the use condition of each
PMC function.

Use the [↑] and [↓] keys to move the item cursor.
Use the [←] and [→] keys to move the setting cursor and set the parameter.
Use the page keys to switch to another page.

(a) TRACE START (K906.5)

MANUAL: Executes the trace function by operating the corresponding soft key on the trace
AUTO: Automatically executes the trace function after power-on.

(b) EDIT ENABLE(EDIT) (K901.6)

NO: Prevents editing of the sequence program.
YES: Allows editing of the sequence program.

This setting effects some PMC functions.
For details, see Section 6.2.

(c) WRITE TO F-ROM (EDIT) (K902.0)

NO: Does not write to flash ROM automatically after editing of sequence program.
YES: Writes to flash ROM automatically after editing of sequence program.
NO: Prevents forcing function.
YES: Allows forcing function.

This setting effects some PMC functions.
For details, see Section 6.2.

- 930 -
YES: Displays PMC parameter data table control screen.
NO: Does not displays PMC parameter data table control screen.

(f) HIDE PMC PARAM (K902.6)

NO: Allows PMC parameter display.
YES: Prevents PMC parameter display.

This setting effects some PMC functions.
For details, see Section 6.2.


NO: Allows PMC parameter editing.
YES: Prevents PMC parameter editing.


NO: Allows sequence program display.
YES: Prevents sequence program display.

This setting effects some PMC functions.
For details, see Section 6.2.


HIDE: The PMC SETTING (SELECTABLE I/O) screen is not displayed.
SHOW: The PMC SETTING (SELECTABLE I/O) screen is displayed.

(j) KEEP RELAY (SYSTEM) (K906.6)

HIDE: The KEEP RELAY (K900-K999) screen is not displayed.
SHOW: The KEEP RELAY (K900-K999) screen is displayed.

(k) LADDER START (K900.2)

AUTO: Executes the sequence program automatically after the power turns on.
MANUAL: Executes the sequence program by [RUN] soft-key.

(l) ALLOW PMC STOP (K902.2)

NO: Prevents run/stop operation of the sequence program.
YES: Allows run/stop operation of the sequence program.

This setting effects some PMC functions.
For details, see Section 6.2.


NO: Disables embedded programmer.
YES: Enables embedded programmer.

This setting effects some PMC functions.
For details, see Section 6.2.

- 931 -


On the PMC SETTING (MESSAGE SHIFT) screen, set the parameters for the message shift
function by functional instruction DISPB.

For details of the display condition for this screen, see Section 6.2.


Enter the amount by which the message display request bit is to be shifted.
The valid data range is between 0 and 1999. The initial value is 0.
After entering a value, press the INPUT key to set the value.
The input data is also retained after power-off.


Enter the start bit address of the area for the message display request bit to be shifted.
The specified address must be within the A address area. The initial value is A0.0.
The input data is also retained after power-off.

Data set for "MESSAGE SHIFT START ADDRESS" is valid only when the value
set for "MESSAGE SHIFT VALUE" is other than 0.

- 932 -
(3) Setting screens for the selectable I/O link assignment function


This caution screen is displayed for the operator's attention when the operator is switching to

Read the displayed caution carefully.

When you are sure to set parameters after reading the caution, press the [YES] soft key.
This soft key switches to the PMC SETTING (SELECTABLE I/O) screen.

For details of the display condition for this screen, see Section 6.2.

If you modify this setting parameter without care, the I/O assignment data may
not match I/O devices and turning on the power may result in unexpected
malfunctions of machine. So, it is required that the operator of this function
should be an expert who fully understands the sequence program and the
operation of PMC. It is also strongly recommended to the developer of machine
that this setting screen should be protected from careless use by ordinary
operators after the machine is shipped into the field.

- 933 -


You can set the group of optional I/O device that is connected with each machines.

The maximum number of I/O Link channels per PMC is 2.

You can set as many sets of these parameters as the number of available I/O Link channels.
To switch to another page, use the page keys.
When the number of I/O Link channels is 2, you cannot set channel 3.
(channel 1: K920 and K921, channel 2: K922 and K923)
You can select effective I/O group in I/O link assignment data.
1: I/O group is effective.
0: I/O group is no effective.
The "*" mark means that the group is set as the basic part by the parameter "BASIC GROUP
COUNT" on the SYSTEM PARAMETER screen. The value can not be set into this parts.

- 934 -
On this screen, specify whether to enable the override function.

For details of the display condition for this screen, see Section 6.2.


YES: Enables the override function.
NO: Disables the override function.

The change to this parameter setting is made effective at the next power-on.
After changing the setting of this parameter, be sure to turn the power off, then
on again.

Special care must be exercised when using the Override function. If the Override
function is used incorrectly, the operation of the machine may be unpredictable.
Therefore, please use the Override function after understood "7.1.1 Forced I/O
function" sufficiently. Moreover, When shipping the machine, please disable the
Override function invariably.

- 935 -

(5) Operations using the soft keys

Soft keys common to the setting parameter screens

Move to the next setting screen

Move to the previous setting screen

Soft keys on the PMC SETTING (WARN SELECTABLE I/O) screen


(a) [PREV] Switch to the previous page

(b) [NEXT] Switch to the next page
(c) [YES] Switch to the PMC SETTING (SELECTABLE I/O) screen

- 936 -


On the PMC STATUS screen, you can display the status of each existing PMC. To switch to the PMC
STATUS screen, press the [PMCST.] soft key.

Ladder execution time

Title information

Ladder execution performance monitor Alarm mark

Program number and edition

The status display for PMC shows title information (comment), ladder execution performance monitor,
current execution time of the ladder program, sequence program number and edition corresponding to the
title data, and alarm mark.

The ladder execution performance monitor shows the progress of the execution of the level-1 and level-2
sequence sections of the ladder program on the monitor bar. The progress of the execution of the level-1
sequence section of the ladder program is displayed with a numeric value next to the monitor bar. When
the ladder program is stopped, the monitor bar is not displayed.
The alarm mark is displayed only when an alarm is issued on the PMC. Nothing is displayed when no
alarm is issued.

On this screen, you can start and stop a ladder program.

Soft keys on the PMC STATUS screen

Change the PMC path Start and stop a ladder program

Fig. 9.6 Soft keys on the PMC STATUS screen

- 937 -

Operation using the soft key

(1) [SW PMC] Change the PMC path

Changes the target PMC for display and operation on each screen.
You can check the position of the cursor displayed at the title information of each PMC to know the
current target PMC.
(2) [RUN]/[STOP] Start and stop a ladder program
For details of these operations, see Subsection 9.6.1.

When the programmer protection function is enabled, the [RUN]/[STOP] soft key
appears and is available. For details, see Section 6.2.

- 938 -

9.6.1 Starting and Stopping Sequence Programs

On the title display screen, you can start or stop a sequence program.

(1) Starting a sequence program ([RUN])

When a program is stopped, pressing the [RUN] soft key causes the system to display the inquiry
message "ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO RUN PROGRAM?". Pressing the [YES] soft key in
response to this message causes the program to start. The status line display changes to "RUN".
The sequence program starts from the beginning. The soft key changes to [STOP].
(2) Stopping a sequence program ([STOP])
When a program is running, pressing the [STOP] soft key causes the system to display the inquiry
message "ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO STOP PROGRAM?". Pressing the [YES] soft key in
response to this message causes the program to stop. The status line display changes to "STOP".
The soft key changes to [RUN].

If the sequence program is stopped while the machine is operating, the machine
may behave in an unexpected way. Before stopping the sequence program,
ensure that there are no people near the machine and that the tool cannot
collide with the workpiece or machine.
Otherwise, there is an extreme risk of death or serious injury, as well as the
likelihood of the tool, workpiece, and machine being damaged.

(3) Automatic operation of a sequence program

When LADDER START is set to AUTO (bit 2 of the keep relay K900 = 0) on the setting screen, a
sequence program can be executed automatically when the power is turned on.
And the inquiry message “ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO RUN PROGRAM?” is displayed
after editing the following data. Pressing the [YES] softkey in response to this message causes the
program to start. The status line display changes to "RUN".
• symbol comment data
• message data
• system parameter

In case of a fatal PMC alarm that prevents the program to start, even if you
press "YES" softkey, the program will not start.

- 939 -


The online function allows PMC data to be displayed and edited on a personal computer when the PMC is
connected to FANUC LADDER-III or Ladder Editing Package.
Following functions are available in the online function.
• Ladder monitor display
• Online ladder editing
• PMC parameter display and editing
• Signal state monitor
• Input/output to and from the PMC (loading from the PMC, storing to the PMC)
• Writing to flash ROM
For detailed explanation of the online function, refer to the following manuals:

Manual name Drawing number Description

FANUC LADDER-III Operator's Manual B-66234EN Online function by FANUC LADDER-III
Ladder Editing Package (Windows) Operator's B-63484EN Online function by Ladder Editing Package

When the online function is used with RS-232C, the selected channel is
occupied by the PMC system. To use other functions with RS-232C, specify
other channel setting than the one used by online function.

Even while you are monitoring signals, ladder program and PMC parameters, and editing PMC
parameters using the online function, you can monitor them also on following PMC screen.


• I/O DIAGNOSIS screen

On these screens, if you start editing the sequence program by online edit or storing another sequence
program from FANUC LADDER-III or Ladder Editing Package to PMC, PMC will stop monitoring the
sequence program. When updating the sequence program is completed, PMC will start monitoring the
new program again.

- 940 -
However, on the following PMC screens, even if you start storing another sequence program from
FANUC LADDER-III or Ladder Editing Package to PMC, symbol and comment data displayed in the
screen will not be updated automatically.
When symbol and comment data are displayed again by page up/down key, etc, the updated symbol and
comment data will be displayed.



1 While communicating with online function, you can not move to following PMC
editor screens and an attempt will result in an error message "PROGRAM IS
On the other hand, while the following PMC screens are displayed, a demand to
make connection with the online function of FANUC LADDER-III or Ladder
Editing Package will be rejected, and will issue a communication error instead
and you can not use online function.
Use the online function on the screen except following PMC screens.
- PMC PARAMETER (DATA TABLE) screen (write enable)
(When data table control data is protected, the data table control data can not
be modified on the screen. For details, see section 6.2.1 and 6.2.2)
2 If you start storing a PMC parameter from FANUC LADDER-III or Ladder Editing
Package to PMC, while the PMC PARAMETER (DATA TABLE) screen is
displayed, data table is displayed according to the old data table control data
until you once exit and re-enter PMC PARAMETER (DATA TABLE) screen.

- 941 -

9.7.1 Setting Parameters for the Online Function

The online function can be connected using one of the following three methods.

Connection method Applicable software

Ethernet FANUC LADDER-III and Ladder Editing Package
HSSB Ladder Editing Package

Before using the online function, put the online function into the connection waiting state on the PMC.
To put the PMC into the connection waiting state, use the PARAMETERS FOR ONLINE MONITOR
screen or relevant CNC parameter.
To use Ethernet for connecting the online function, set Ethernet communication parameters. For details
of the Ethernet communication parameters, see Subsection 9.7.3.

(1) Setting of online connection using the PARAMETERS FOR ONLINE MONITOR screen
Press the [ONLINE] soft key to display the PARAMETERS FOR ONLINE MONITOR screen.

When the programmer protection function is enabled, the online setting screen is
available. For details, see Section 6.2.


EMG ST: Terminates communication forcibly. Use this key if communication becomes abnormal
and the connection cannot be terminated normally.
INIT: Initializes the parameters to their default values.

In case of configuration of CNC with which neither Ethernet nor HSSB is
available, the item of "HIGH SPEED " is not displayed.

- 942 -
(a) Case of connection by RS-232C (FANUC LADDER-III)
(i) Check that "NOT USE" is selected at the "RS-232C" item.
(ii) Set the parameter of "CHANNEL" and "BAUD RATE".
(iii) Move the cursor to the "RS-232C" item with Up or Down Cursor key.
(iv) Select "USE" with Left or Right Cursor key.
(b) Case of connection by Ethernet (FANUC LADDER-III, Ladder Editing Package)
(i) Move the cursor to the "HIGH SPEED" item with Up or Down Cursor key.
(ii) Select "USE" with Left or Right Cursor key.
(c) Case of connection by HSSB (Ladder Editing Package)
(i) Move the cursor to the "HIGH SPEED" item with Up or Down Cursor key.
(ii) Select "USE" with Left or Right Cursor key.

1 When both "RS-232C = USE" and "HIGH SPEED = USE" are selected, the PMC
system will communicate with the application which is connected at first. If PMC
system is already connecting with an application, it can not connect with other
2 When you use the online function by Ethernet, the setting of Ethernet
parameters at CNC is necessary in advance.

(2) Setting of online connection by NC parameter

You can enable and disable the online connection for Ethernet, HSSB and RS-232C by NC
parameter No.24 without setting on the PMC online setting screen.
For details of the parameter, see Subsection 2.4.3.

- 943 -

9.7.2 Communication Status

The communication status of RS-232C and HIGH SPEED are displayed at the online monitor screen
during the online communication.

Fig. 9.7.2 Communication status of online setting screen

RS-232C : The communication condition of RS-232C is displayed.

HIGH SPEED : The communication condition of high-speed I/F (HSSB or Ethernet) is displayed.

The display messages and the meanings are shown in the table of below.

Displayed messages Meanings

INACTIVE The communication is inactive.
STOPPING The communication is being stopped.(Wait for the termination of
STARTING The communication is being started.(Wait for the termination of communication
over another communication path)
STAND-BY The communication is in standby mode.
CONNECTED The communication is being connected.
NO OPTION The port can be not opened because there is not option of RS-232C.
BAD PARAMETER Invalid RS-232C parameters are specified.
TIMEOUT ERROR A time-out has occurred and communication is aborted.
TIMEOUT(K) ERROR A time-out has occurred and communication is aborted.
BCC ERROR Invalid Block Check Code (packet parity) is specified.
PARITY ERROR A parity error has occurred.
OVER-RUN ERROR A reception overrun has occurred.
SEQUENCE ERROR Packets have been received in invalid sequence.
DATA ERROR Incorrect packet has been received.
QUEUE OVERFLOW The transmit/receive queue has overflowed.
DISCONNECTED Communication has been terminated successfully.
NO CONNECTION The cable is disconnected.

- 944 -

9.7.3 About Ethernet Communication Parameters

(1) Setting of ethernet parameters
When you try to connect FANUC LADDER-III or Ladder Editing Package with CNC by Ethernet, it
is necessary to set some Ethernet parameters. The setting of Ethernet parameters can be set in the
following Ethernet parameter screen of CNC. Please refer to "FANUC Ethernet Board/DATA
SERVER Board OPERATOR'S MANUAL" (B-63354EN) about the detail of the setting screen and
setting parameters.
The setting item necessary for Ethernet connection for PMC online function is as follows.
• IP ADDRESS (Set the IP address of CNC. etc.)
• SUBNET MASK (Set the mask address of the IP address. etc.)
• ROUTER IP ADDRESS (If you use the router, set the Router IP Address.)
• PORT NUMBER (TCP) (8193 etc.)

Fig. 9.7.3(a) Ethernet parameter setting screen

Fig. 9.7.3(b) Ethernet parameter setting screen

- 945 -

(2) Starting online communication by offline programmer (Ethernet connection)

The procedures for online connection with PMC and the offline programmer (FANUC LADDER-III,
Ladder Editing Package) by Ethernet are as follows. (Example: FANUC LADDER-III)
(a) Start up FANUC LADDER-III, and click the [Communication] on [Tool] menu.

(b) Select the [Network Address] tab and push the <Add Host> button. Input the "IP Address" and
"Port No." inputted in (1) of this subsection.

- 946 -
(c) Select the [Setting] tab, and add the IP Address to "Use device".

(d) Push the <Connect> button for start of the communication.

- 947 -

9.7.4 About Connection Log of Ethernet

If any errors have occurred during Ethernet connection, the contents of the errors are displayed at
"EMBEDDED LOG" screen of CNC.
Refer to this screen when the communication does not start.

Fig. 9.7.4 The log screen of embedded Ethernet

- 948 -

Connection log Meanings and countermeasures

SnpErr: PDU = m, n, [x] date time An error has occurred during the online communication.
SnpErr: PDU = n, [x] date time m, n: Online communication information that is internal information of a
SnpErr: TaskTimeOut[x] date time system.
x: Error information
6001 PMC does not support the Ethernet.
Confirm the Series/Edition of PMC software.
6003 Unsupported command data was received. Confirm the
Series/Edition of Ethernet board software.
6004 There was an error in command data.
Confirm the Series/Edition of Ethernet board software.
6005 PMC does not receive command data.
Confirm the communication status at the online setting screen of
6010 PMC does not receive command data.
Confirm if "HIGH SPEED = USE" is selected and other application is
not connected at the online setting screen of PMC.
6011 Time-out error occurred at PMC.
Increase the value of "Time Out" in [Network Address] of
[Communication] menu for FANUC LADDER-III or Ladder Editing
6012 PMC does not receive command data because it is busy for
Confirm the communication status at the online setting screen of
6013 Time-out error occurred at PMC.
Increase the value of "Time Out" in [Network Address] of
[Communication] menu for FANUC LADDER-III or Ladder Editing
6101 PMC received an unsupported function code.
Confirm the Series/Edition of PMC software.
date time : The time when the error occurred.
Ex.) "0323" means March 23rd.
"1858" means 6:58 PM.
"21161714" means 21st 4:17 PM 14 seconds.

- 949 -


On the SYSTEM PARAMETER screen, you can display and set the following data items:

• Counter data type

• Parameters for an FS0 operator's panel
• Parameters for the selectable I/O Link assignment function

To switch to each data display/setting screen, use the page keys.

9.8.1 Displaying and Setting the Counter Data Type

Display and set the type of counter data used by the functional instruction counter.

Display screen

Screen operation

Switch to the edit screen

- 950 -
(1) Operation using the soft key
[EDIT] Switch to the edit screen
Switches to the system parameter edit screen.

When the programmer protection function is enabled, the [EDIT] soft key
appears and is available. When the online monitor function is enabled, you
cannot move to the system parameter edit screen. For details, see Section 6.2.

Setting screen

Screen operation
Terminate setting

Initialize settings

(1) Operation using the soft key

(a) [EXIT] Terminate setting
Switches to the system parameter display screen.

After changing the data type, set the counter value again.
See Subsection 7.3.2.

(b) [INIT] Initialize settings

Initializes all system parameters.

- 951 -

(2) Screen operation using other keys

Use cursor keys to switch between BINARY and BCD.

(3) RETURN key operation

On the system parameter edit screen, the return key operation is disabled. To terminate system
parameter editing and return to the system parameter display screen, use the [EXIT] soft key.

- 952 -

9.8.2 Displaying and Setting Parameters for an FS0 Operator's

Display and set parameters for using an FS0 operator's panel.

Display screen

• FS0 OPERATOR PANEL Whether to use an FS0 operator's panel

• KEY DI ADDRESS Start address of actually connected external DI
• LED DO ADDRESS Start address of actually connected external DO
• KEY BIT IMAGE ADDRESS Start address of the key image referenced by user programs
• LED BIT IMAGE ADDRESS Start address of the LED image generated by user programs

Screen operation

Move to the edit screen

(1) Operation using the soft key

[EDIT] Switch to the edit screen
Switches to the system parameter edit screen.
When the programmer protection function is enabled, the [EDIT] soft key
appears and is available. When the online monitor function is enabled, you
cannot move to the system parameter edit screen. For details, see Section 6.2.

- 953 -

Setting screen


Specify whether to connect an FS0 operator's panel. When setting this item to YES, set the
addresses of the actual DI and DO connected to the operator's panel, address of the key image
transferred from the operator's panel, and address of the LED image transferred to the operator's
Set the start address of the actually connected external DI with a PMC address (X0 to X127, X200 to
X327, X400 to X527, or X600 to X727).
Set the start address of the actually connected external DO with a PMC address (Y0 to Y127, Y200
to Y327, Y400 to Y527, or Y600 to Y727).
Set the start address of the key image referenced by user programs with a PMC address. Normally,
set an internal relay (R) area.
Set the start address of the LED image generated by user programs with a PMC address. Normally,
set an internal relay (R) area.

Screen operation
Terminate setting

Initialize settings

- 954 -
(1) Operation using the soft key
(a) [EXIT] Terminate setting
Switches to the system parameter display screen.
(b) [INIT] Initialize settings
Initializes all system parameters.

(2) Screen operations using other keys

Use the [↑] and [↓] cursor keys to change the item to be edited.
Use the [←] and [→] cursor keys to change the setting.

(3) RETURN key operation

On the system parameter edit screen, the return key operation is disabled. To terminate system
parameter editing and return to the system parameter display screen, use the [EXIT] soft key.

- 955 -

9.8.3 Displaying and Setting Parameters for the Selectable I/O Link
Assignment Function
Display and set parameters for using the selectable I/O Link assignment function.

Display screen

Whether to enable or disable the selectable I/O Link assignment function
Number of groups always enabled for any machine configuration

Screen operation

Move to the edit screen

(1) Operation using the soft key

[EDIT] Switch to the edit screen
Switches to the system parameter edit screen.

When the programmer protection function is enabled, the [EDIT] soft key
appears and is available. When the online monitor function is enabled, the
system parameter edit screen cannot be displayed. For details, see Section 6.2.

- 956 -

Setting screen

Specify whether to enable or disable the selectable I/O Link assignment function with YES or NO.
The initial setting is NO (disabled).
Set the number of groups always enabled for any machine configuration.

When enabling this function, set the setting parameters (K920 to K927 described
below) properly according to the actually connected I/O devices. If this function
is enabled, but the DI/DO area is not assigned to a hardware channel, the
function does not operate.

The parameters can be set only for available channels according to the I/O Link
configuration. For a channel for which the parameters cannot be set, the BASIC
GROUP COUNT field is left blank.

- 957 -

Screen operation
Terminate setting

Initialize settings

(1) Operation using the soft key

(a) [EXIT] Terminate setting
Switches to the system parameter display screen.
(b) [INIT] Initialize settings
Initializes all system parameters.

(2) Screen operations using other keys

Use the [↑] and [↓] cursor keys to change the item to be edited.
Use the [←] and [→] cursor keys to change the setting.

(3) RETURN key operation

On the system parameter edit screen, the return key operation is disabled. To terminate system
parameter editing and return to the system parameter display screen, use the [EXIT] soft key.

- 958 -


A “function block” is a block of a ladder program defined in advance that implements a particular process
You can place a defined function block in other ladder program and set required input/output parameters
to execute the function.
By defining a frequently used function as a function block, you can reuse the function easily, and can
reduce the time required for programming and increase the development efficiency.
In addition, program diagnosis can be performed without displaying the detailed program in the function
block, which is also effective to decreases the amount of the printed maintenance ladder diagram.

Ladder program Ladder program

Often used processing FUNC1

IN1 OUT1 Functin block
IN2 OUT2 Reuse

block FUNC2


Function block definition

Fig. 10.1 (a) Reusing a program using a function block

To use the Function Block function, its option is necessary. This option includes
the Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function. So, it is not necessary to arrange
the option of the Extended PMC Ladder Instruction Function separately.

Definition and instance

To create a function block, you need ladder program to implement the function and the input and output
signals for the program. These are called as “function block definition.” You can paste the defined
function block into an actual program and specify the input and output signals to call and execute the
function. Each function block pasted into a program is called a “function block instance.” You can create
more than one instances of the same function block in a program.

Programming using function blocks requires FANUC LADDER-III, a PMC
programmer that runs on PC. You can also use PMC screens built into the CNC
to display the function block monitor and to change addresses and other items
that are set as parameters.

- 959 -

Assignment of addresses to parameters and variables

Program a ladder program in a function block definition using variables (symbols) to which specific
addresses are not assigned (symbol programming). When a program containing a function block instance
is compiled, specific addresses are assigned to the parameters and variables used in the program in the
function block. Different addresses are assigned to different function block instances and individual
instances operate independently.

10.1.1 Item Names

A function block is represented by a rectangle as shown below.

Instance name

Function block name

Input parameter

X0.0 FUNC Y0.0

IN1 OUT1 Output section

100 IN2 OUT2 R100

R0.0 IO1 IO1
Output parameter
Input/output parameter

Input section

Fig. 10.1.1 (a) Function block

An “instance name” is a name that uniquely identifies each instance of a function block. Each instance
has different name with each other.

A “function block name” is the name of the source function block definition of each instance. The
instances that call the same function block have the same function block name.

“Input parameters” receive input signals to a function block. Specify the value passed to each input
parameter with an address or constant in the “input section”. For a bit signal, specify its address on the
relevant contact.

“Output parameters” are output signals from a function block. In the “output section”, specify the
address for receiving each output parameter value to fetch the output of the function block. For a bit
signal, specify its address on the relevant coil.

“Input/output parameters” functions as both input and output of a function block. It is represented as
the two same parameter names in the input and output parameter positions connected by a line.

- 960 -

10.1.2 Overview of Specifications

(1) Function block definition
Item Specification Remarks
Function block name Identifier consisting of up to 40 characters Conforms to IEC61131-3.
Comment Character string consisting of up to 255 Can be displayed on NC
characters x 4 (Japanese characters available) screens.
Parameter Up to 64 parameters in total of input and output
Data protection For each function block, “editing protection” or
“browsing and editing protection” using a
password can be specified.
Other information Version information

(2) Parameter specifications

Item Specification Remarks
Types of parameters Input parameter The EN input and ENO
Input/output parameter (NOTE 1) output are also supported.
Output parameter
Maximum number of parameters 64 parameters in total
Name (symbol) Identifier consisting of up to 40 characters Conforms to IEC61131-3.
Comment Character string consisting of up to 255 Can be displayed on NC
characters x 4 (Japanese characters available) screens.
Data types BOOL Conforms to IEC61131-3.
Count specification (NOTE 2) 1 to 32 Integer parameters other
than BOOL only
Displaying Internal and External BOOL Can be specified up to 16
Variables in the Monitor (FB SINT, USINT, INT, UINT, DINT, UDINT parameters in each
Instance Monitor Display) BYTE, WORD, DWORD function block.
8-bit bit string, 16-bit bit string

When editing FB definitions and FB instances by the offline editing function on
FANUC LADDER-III, the addresses assigned to the parameters and variables of
function block will be changed. Therefore, the parameters and variables of all
function blocks will be initialized by 0 when the sequence program is inputted into
CNC. (See “10.1.4 Assignment of FB variable” for details.)

1 While the data of input/output parameters are passed by reference, the data of
other parameters are passed by value.
2 A value of 2 or larger can be specified to pass multiple contiguous data items of
the same data type.

- 961 -

(3) Variable specifications

Item Specification Remarks
Types of variables Internal variable
External variable
Maximum number of variables 1024 in total
Name (symbol) Identifier consisting of up to 40 characters Conforms to IEC61131-3.
Comment Character string consisting of up to 255 Can be displayed on NC
characters x 4 (Japanese characters available) screens.
Data types BOOL Conforms to IEC61131-3.
Count specification (NOTE 1) 1 to 1000 Can be specified only for
non-bool internal variables.
Nonvolatile memory type Available Can be specified only for
specification internal variables.
Memory allocation of internal Contiguously allocated in the order in which they Divided into nonvolatile
variables are defined. and volatile types and
arranged in different areas.
Displaying Internal and External BOOL Can be specified up to 16
Variables in the Monitor (FB SINT, USINT, INT, UINT, DINT, UDINT variables in each function
Instance Monitor Display) BYTE, WORD, DWORD block.
8-bit bit string, 16-bit bit string

When editing FB definitions and FB instances by the offline editing function on
FANUC LADDER-III, the addresses assigned to the parameters and variables of
function block will be changed. Therefore, the parameters and variables of all
function blocks will be initialized by 0 when the sequence program is inputted into
CNC. (See “10.1.4 Assignment of FB variable” for details.)

1 A value of 2 or larger can be specified to allocate contiguous areas for multiple
data items of the same data type.

- 962 -
(4) Program in a function block(FB body program)
Item Specification Remarks
Programming language Ladder language can call another function block
(up to 4 nested levels).
Maximum number of steps 8000 steps per function block
Available addresses Defined parameters, and internal and external
variables (NOTE 1)
Fixed PMC addresses (NOTE 2)
Available instructions Basic and functional instructions available with the
PMC for 0i-D/0i Mate-D. The following
instructions cannot be used, however:
The following instructions cannot be used in any
function block for which more than one instance is
to be created:
For the following instructions, the automatic
number assignment function must be used:
Call of another function block Other function block can be called up to 4 levels

1 They are programmed not with actual addresses, but with symbols.
2 Any addresses (including X, Y, F, G, R, D, and so on) available in the ladder
language of the PMC for 0i-D/ 0i Mate-D can be directly specified.

(5) Function block call

Item Specification Remarks
Instance name Identifier consisting of up to 40 characters Conforms to IEC61131-3.
Comment Character string consisting of up to 255 Can be displayed on NC
characters x 4 (Japanese characters available) screens.
Parameter specification For a BOOL parameter, connect basic
For an integer parameter, specify an address or
For an integer input/output parameter, specify an
address only.
Program level to call function block Can be called from level 1 to 3 or subprogram.
Placed as a net in ladder program.
Number of function block calls Up to 1024 types of function blocks Function block instance
Up to 5000 calls (instances) (NOTE 1) called from a function block
also included

1 In PMC for 0i-D, up to 5000 instances can be used. In DCS PMC and PMC/L for
0i-D/0i Mate-D, up to 512 instances can be used.

- 963 -

(6) PMC screen display and operations

Item Specification Remarks
Monitor display The signal status and values of parameters can
be monitored.
Internal and external variable Up to 16 internal and external variables can be To add and change the
monitor monitored. Internal and external
(FB instance monitor display) Setting to show/hide the monitor is available. variable monitor, FANUC
LADDER-III is required.
Variable monitor by
bit-string form is available
only in the FB instance
monitor display.
Function block zoom The program in a function block can be zoomed. You can also go back to
the previous function block
screen after zooming.
Operation available during monitor Forcibly turning the signal on or off
Diagnosis functions Trace function which displays signal changes in
graph form
Collective Monitor function which calls up the coil
from a contact
Function block editing Only input and output sections for parameters can To change the FB body
(editing function built into the PMC) be changed. The ladder circuit of the FB body program, FANUC
program cannot be changed. LADDER-III is required.

- 964 -

10.1.3 Memory Usage Related to Function Blocks

The following table lists memory usage related to programming using function blocks.

Table10.1.3 (a) Memory usage related to function blocks

Category Item Memory usage (NOTE 1)
Function block One function block (including name and 55 to 148 bytes
definition information comment character string)
(NOTE 2) One parameter information item (including 14 to 91 bytes
symbol and comment character string)
Program section Varies depending on the program (NOTE 3)
Function block call One call 76 bytes
(instance) BOOL type parameter 12 bytes + Input/Output circuit(NOTE 5)
Parameter other than BOOL type 24 bytes (NOTE 5)
FB body program section Equivalent to a conventional ladder
(NOTE 4) program(NOTE 6)
Symbol and comment One definition 16 to 23 bytes (NOTE 8)
(Extended function One symbol character 1 byte
format) One comment character 1 byte (NOTE 7)
(single-byte character)
One function block (NOTE 9) 8 bytes

1 In addition to the memory usage listed in the table, some amount of memory may
be used to adjust the memory allocation.
2 These items are required for each type of function block used in the program.
3 To enable function block definitions to be restored at decompilation, include the
function block definition data in the object. In this case, the memory usage varies
depending on the contents of the function block definition. Generally the memory
usage of a function block consisting of 8000 steps may be about 7K to 10K bytes.
4 The size of FB body program is added for each instance.
5 The memory usage in following cases is 8 bytes.
- Case of input side of input/output parameter
- Case of omitted output side of output parameter and input/output parameter.
6 The size of FB body program is calculated in the same way as for conventional
ladder programs as the memory usage listed in the table below.
Type of instruction Memory usage
Basic instruction 4 bytes
Functional instruction 4 bytes
Functional instruction parameter 4 bytes
See “2.1.4 Sequence Program Memory Capacity” for details.
7 One double-byte character uses 2 bytes.
8 One definition of symbol and comment data uses 16 to 23 bytes of memory. In
addition, memory is used based on the lengths of the symbol and comment
character strings.
9 This memory is required for each function block call.

- 965 -

10.1.4 Assignment of FB variable

An address of FB variable is assigned at compiling on FANUC LADDER-III and the assigned address
depends on the arrangement of FB instance in the ladder program. Therefore, when FB definition and FB
instance are edited, the assignment of address may be changed.
When the sequence program being executed is updated to the sequence program whose FB variables are
assigned to the different addresses, value of the variables may be unsuitable. For this reason, when
updating sequence program to the one whose FB variables are assigned to the different addresses, the
PMC system software will initialize FB variable area by 0. Therefore, you should design your function
block to operate safety when updating sequence program to the one whose FB variables are assigned to
the different addresses. The initialization range of FB variable area is not only actually assigned address
for variables but all addresses specified by setting of “Assignment Address of FB” on FANUC

When updating sequence program to the one by the following operations, FB variable area will be
(a) When changing a FB definition (except for editing FB body program only)
(b) When adding / deleting / moving a FB instance
(c) When changing an address of input / output parameter
(d) When changing a symbol / comment data referred as an external variable
(e) When changing the setting of “Assignment Address of FB” in the system parameter

1 Depending on how you modify the sequence program, the updated sequence
program may run safety without initializing FB variable area.
2 By setting 1 to K903.4 of system keep relay, you can choose not initialize FB
variable area when changing the address of FB variable. (See “2.2.11 System
Keep Relay Addresses (K)” for details)

- 966 -


The definition section of a function block consists of the following information:

• Function block name

• Information of variables (including parameters and internal variables)
• FB body program
• Other information

The following sections explain the above items.

10.2.1 Function Block Name

A function block name is a character string used to identify a function block.
A character string consisting of the following characters (identifier conforming to IEC61131-3) can be
used as the name of a function block:

• Alphabetic characters (A to Z)
• Numeric characters (0 to 9)
• Underscore (_)

1 A function block name must not begin with a numeric character. When an
underscore is specified as the first character, it must be followed by an
alphanumeric character.
2 A name character string can consist of up to 40 characters.

In addition to the name, you can define an arbitrary character string as a comment for a function block.

- 967 -

10.2.2 Variable Information

Variables used in the FB body program must be declared in advance.
The following types of variables are available in the program:

• Parameter
• Internal variable
• External variable

When editing FB definitions and FB instances by the offline editing function on
FANUC LADDER-III, the addresses assigned to the parameters and variables of
function block will be changed. Therefore, the parameters and variables of all
function blocks will be initialized by 0 when the sequence program is inputted into
CNC. (See “10.1.4 Assignment of FB variable” for details.)

The following table lists the maximum number of variables of each type that can be used in a function

Type Maximum number

Parameter 64 in total
Internal and external variables 1024 in total

1 Different addresses are assigned for parameters and internal variables in different
function block instances.
2 You can directly specify an actual address in the FB body program. In this case,
the address has an effect equivalent to an external variable. The address is not
included in the above number because it is not assumed to be an external

Each type of variable definition consists of the following information. Each variable type has its features
and restrictions. For details, see the explanation of each type of variable.

(a) Symbol
Each variable is identified by a symbol represented by a character string consisting of the following
characters (identifier conforming to IEC61131-3):

• Alphabetic characters (A to Z)
• Numeric characters (0 to 9)
• Underscore (_)

1 A symbol must not begin with a numeric character. When an underscore is
specified as the first character, it must be followed by an alphanumeric character.
2 A symbol character string can consist of up to 40 characters.
3 The following symbols are reserved and not available for other purpose:
• EN
For details of these symbols, see “(1) EN input and ENO output”.

- 968 -
In addition to the symbol, you can define an arbitrary character string as a comment for each

You cannot use the same symbol for more than one variable in a function block definition.

(b) Basic data type

A defined variable must have one of the following data types conforming to IEC61131-3.

Type name Data type Monitor format

BOOL 1-bit bool value ON/OFF
SINT 8-bit signed integer value Signed decimal number
USINT 8-bit unsigned integer value Unsigned decimal number
INT 16-bit signed integer value Signed decimal number
UINT 16-bit unsigned integer value Unsigned decimal number
DINT 32-bit signed integer value Signed decimal number
UDINT 32-bit unsigned integer value Unsigned decimal number
BYTE 8-bit bit string Hexadecimal number
WORD 16-bit bit string Hexadecimal number
DWORD 32-bit bit string Hexadecimal number

1 A constant is also displayed in the monitor format listed above if given to an input
2 BCD data is correctly displayed in hexadecimal notation.

(c) Count specification

For input and output parameters and internal variables of the data types that occupy 1 byte or more
such as INT, you can specify the number of data items to allocate their area. For example, when you
specify 3 for the number of an INT internal variable, 6-byte area is allocated as the area for the

Type of variable Count specification range

Input or output parameter 1 to 32
Internal variable 1 to 1000

The larger value is specified as the number of input or output parameters, the
larger amount of data must be copied during the execution of each relevant
function block instance, resulting in worse performance. In this case, memory
allocated for each instance is also increased. If you require input or output
parameters that use a large amount of PMC memory (R, D), you can use
input/output parameters to efficiently pass the large data.

Parameters are variables used to exchange values between a function block and the circuit outside the
function block.

Parameters are divided into the following types:

• Input parameter
• Output parameter
• Input/output parameter

- 969 -

In addition, there are the following two special parameters:

• EN input
• ENO output

The EN input and ENO output are special input and output parameters that control the execution of the
function block. For details, see “(1) EN input and ENO output” below.

For each parameter, specify an address for exchanging a value or a constant. While a constant or
address can be specified for an input parameter, only an address can be specified for an input/output
parameter or output parameter.

Each type of parameter is explained below.

(1) EN input and ENO output

The EN input is an input parameter which controls execution of the function block itself. The ENO
output is an output parameter which indicates whether the function block terminates normally when
the execution of the function block itself is completed.
The EN input and ENO output may or may not be specified. When defining a function block, specify
whether to use each of the EN input and ENO output.

A parameter having the name of EN or ENO is always treated as the EN input or
ENO output. You cannot define a parameter or variable other than the EN input or
ENO output with the name of EN or ENO.

Fig.10.2.2 (a) EN input and ENO output

(a) EN input
The EN input controls whether to execute the function block. It functions as follows:

• When the EN input is ON, the FB body program is executed. When the FB has ENO
output, the ENO is set to ON before the program is executed.
• When the EN input is OFF, the FB body program is not executed and control is passed to
the execution of the subsequent program with the status at that point kept. When the FB
has ENO output, the ENO is set to OFF.

When the FB has no EN input, the FB body program is executed in the same way as when it is

You can also use common line control (COM instruction) to control execution,
which is similar to using the EN input. Common line control is also valid for a
function block for without EN input.

- 970 -
(b) ENO output
The ENO output indicates whether operation of a function block terminates normally. The
value of the ENO output is set to ON before the FB body program is executed. If an error
occurs in the FB body program and the output is invalid, the ENO output should be set to OFF.
When the EN input is OFF or when ACT of common line control (COM instruction) is OFF,
the ENO output is automatically set to OFF.

(2) Input parameter

An input parameter is a variable which receives the input to the FB body program. It is read only in
the FB body program. The EN input is a kind of input parameter.
Input parameters are displayed at the left side of a function block instance.

Fig.10.2.2 (b) Input parameters and input section

You cannot write to an input parameter in the FB body program.

- 971 -

(3) Output parameter

An output parameter is a variable to pass the output from the FB body program. A value should be
set to it by the FB body program. The ENO output is a kind of output parameter.
If you do not have to fetch any output value, you can leave an output section without specifying an
Output parameters are displayed at the right side of a function block instance in the output section.

Fig.10.2.2 (c) Output parameters and output section

If a value is not set for an output parameter in the FB body program, the previous
value is remained.

(4) Input/output parameter

An input/output parameter is handled as a variable which receives the input to the FB body program
and of which value can be changed by the FB body program.
It can be read and written by the FB body program without restrictions.
An input/output parameter is displayed at both sides of a function block connected by a line.

Fig.10.2.2 (d) Input/output parameter display

- 972 -
For an input/output parameter, you can specify an address in each of the left input and right output
sections. You can omit an address in the output section, but cannot omit one in the input section.
When an input/output parameter is accessed in the FB body program, the address specified in the
input section is referenced directly. The value of the input/output parameter is copied to the address
specified in the output section after function block processing terminates.
For input/output parameter “Current Value” in the figure above, the address specified in the input
section is “R0120” and that specified in the output section is “R1020.”

(a) Feature of input/output parameters

For an input parameter, the given constant or the value at the specified address is stored in the
variable assigned as the input parameter before the start of FB body program processing. For an
output parameter, the value of the output parameter is written at the specified address after the
termination of function block processing.
In contrast, for an input/output parameter, the program in the function block directly accesses
the address specified in the input section. Therefore, writing an input/output parameter by the
FB body program means directly writing a value at the address specified in the input section for
that input/output parameter.
You can use this feature of input/output parameters when the order to access signals must
strictly be controlled in a function block or when a large amount of data such as table data
needs to be passed.

(b) Notes on input/output parameters

Note the following points when using input/output parameters:

• No constant can be specified for an input/output parameter.

• The value of an input/output parameter may change during the execution of the FB body
• The address assigned in the input section for an input/output parameter cannot be changed
by the online editing function or on the PMC ladder diagram editor screen.
• When the same address is set to different input/output parameters of a function block, or
when an address used as an external variable in the function block is set for an
input/output parameter of the function block, a correct symbol may not be displayed for
the address in the FB body program when displayed.

- 973 -

Internal variables
An internal variable is used only in the function block.

(1) Nonvolatile memory type

The nonvolatile memory type can be specified for an internal variable. In this case, the variable is
allocated in the nonvolatile memory type area (D address).

(2) Arrangement
Internal variables are arranged in contiguous memory areas in the order in which they are defined.
Nonvolatile and volatile variables are arranged in different areas.

1 When internal variables of different data types are arranged, any variable of a
data type such as INT or DWORD that occupies at least 2 bytes is not aligned
based on the data type, but is arranged on a byte boundary. To avoid affect
performance, try to adjust the order of variable definitions so that variables of
these data types are arranged at even addresses. (The start of an internal
variable is always arranged at an even address.)
2 When a non-BOOL variable is arranged following a BOOL variable, any unused
bit address is not assigned to other BOOL variable after that. For example,
BOOL, SINT, BOOL, and SINT variables defined in this order use 4 byte area. A
used memory can be reduced to define the BOOL variables contiguously.

#7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0
Unused BOOL uses 1 bit.
SINT uses 1 byte.
Unused BOOL uses 1 bit.
SINT uses 1 byte.

(3) Input parameter

When a function block is displayed on the screen, any internal variable is not displayed on that
screen. If you want to display and monitor the value of an internal variable in the function block, you
can specify the “monitor display” attribute with FANUC LADDER-III to display and monitor the
value of the variable in the function block. For details of monitor display of internal variables,
Subsection 10.5.3, "Displaying Internal and External Variables in the Monitor (FB Instance Monitor

- 974 -

External variables
An external variable is used in a function block to refer a symbol defined in advance in ladder program
outside the function block. The entity (address) to be accessed is the same even from different function
block instances.
If a symbol definition of the same name as an external variable is not found during compilation, an error

1 Details (including the real address) of an external variable are defined not by an
external variable declaration in the function block definition, but by symbol data of
the used ladder program. An external variable declaration in a function block
definition is used for referencing a variable defined in the ladder program.
2 The name of an external variable is an identifier conforming to IEC61131-3, so
only a symbol defined as an identifier conforming to IEC61131-3 can be
referenced. For details of a variable name, see Section 10.2.2, “Variable
3 The symbol and data type of a declared external variable must be consistent
within the whole program. For example, if a program registers symbol “ABC” of the
bit type, and a function block declares “ABC” as a byte external variable, a
compilation error occurs because the data type of the variable indicated by symbol
“ABC” is inconsistent.
4 A fixed address can be referenced by writing not a symbol, but a specific address
directly in the FB body program. In this case, the address does not need to be
counted as an external variable.

(1) Monitor display

The “monitor display” attribute can be specified for an external variable like an internal variable.
Specifying this attribute with FANUC LADDER-III will display and monitor an external variable,
which is normally not displayed in the function block.
For details of monitor display of internal variables, see Subsection 10.5.3, "Displaying Internal and
External Variables in the Monitor (FB Instance Monitor Display)".

- 975 -

10.2.3 FB Body Program

The function of each function block is defined by ladder program programmed using symbols. All
symbols that appear in the program must be declared as variables in advance. You can also specify an
address directly in a program to always access a fixed address.

Creating more than one instance of a function block which writes data at a fixed
address causes duplicate writing.

(1) Levels of nested function block calls

From the FB body program, other function block can be called. Calling function block can be nested
up to 4 levels deep. If calling function block is nested more than 4 levels deep, a compilation error

1 An ordinary subprogram cannot be called from a function block.
2 A function block call is independent of the nesting of subprogram call using the
CALL or CALLU instruction in the ladder language. Therefore, you do not have to
count a function block call in the number of nested subprogram call levels, or a
subprogram call in the number of nested function block call levels.
3 The depth of nested function block calls is not determined based on not the
number of nested function blocks actually called during execution, but the number
of nested function block calls defined in the program. That is, a function block call
that is programmed not to call actually is also counted. Therefore, any function
block cannot be called recursively.
4 For each of function block calls (instances) in a function block, a number is
automatically added to its instance name during compilation on FANUC
LADDER-III so that they have different names.

(2) Restrictions
There are some restrictions at creating the FB body program comparing with an ordinary ladder

(a) Functional instructions

There are restrictions and notes on some functional instructions.
The following functional instructions cannot be used in the FB body program:
• CS, CM, CE

Do not use the following functional instructions in a function block of which more than one
instance is to be created because they cannot perform independent operations for different
function block instances:

- 976 -
When the following functional instructions are used in a function block, set 0 to the timer
number, and rising and falling numbers with FANUC LADDER-III so that the automatic
number assignment function assigns different numbers for different function block instances:

If these functional instructions are used in a program without using the automatic
number assignment function, these instructions may not work correctly because
more than one functional instruction having the same number may operate

When the following functional instructions are used in a FB body program, time is integrated
only while the FB body program is called:

The following functional instructions are executed in plural ladder scans. Do not cancel calling
a FB body program when the status of instruction is not completed (executing). Executing of
instruction means that from the execution start (ACT) is set to 1 and transfer completion (coil)
becomes 1 until the ACT is set to 0 and the coil becomes 0:
• WINDR (low-speed type only)
• WINDW (low-speed type only)

1 When the FB body program call is canceled in executing one of the above
functional instructions, other EXIN, WINDR, WINDW and AXCTL may not work
correctly. Operation of instruction is not also guaranteed.
2 As for AXCTL instruction, use the reset request (RST) = 0 normally. Do not cancel
the FB body program call when the reset request (RST) = 1. When canceled,
other AXCTL may not work correctly and operation of instruction is not

For the example, see Subsection, " Notes on using subroutines".

(b) Other restrictions

In addition, the following restrictions apply on the FB body program:
• A value cannot be written to an input parameter.
• The JMP and JMPE instructions and the COM and COME instructions must be paired
within a function block.
• The JMPB instruction can jump only to the LBL instruction within the function block.
• A program consisting of up to 8000 steps can be created in a function block.
• Because a FB body program is not executed when the EN input is OFF, it is referred as
always ON in the case of it is used in the FB body program. So, the EN input can not be
used as the input signal of DIFU/DIFD, -|P|-, -|N|- and counter instructions to catch rising
and falling edge.

- 977 -

10.2.4 Other Information

A function block definition also contains the following information:

• Version information
• Protection information

The following explains the above information.

(1) Version information

The following information is included as version information in a function block definition:

• Character string indicating the user definition version (character string consisting of up to 16
desired characters)
• Last update time stamp

These information items are used for managing the function block in a library. They are also used as
criteria at an identity check function for function blocks during recompilation on FANUC

FANUC LADDER-III automatically records the last update time stamp. You do not
need specific setting or operation.

(2) Protection information

Protection information is used to protect a function block definition from editing or browsing with a
After a password for protection is set, the password is required when the function block definition is
to be edited or the FB body program is to be browsed (displayed in the monitor).
Protection information set in a function block definition is inherited to each function block instance
generated from the function block definition.

There are the following two types of password protection:

• Editing protection
• Browsing and editing protection

Select editing or browsing and editing protection and set a password to protect the function block
definition. You can use a character string consisting of up to any 16 desired characters for the
According to the selected type of protection, the relevant operations are prohibited as listed in the
table below.

Type of protection Browsing Editing

No protection ○ Enabled ○ Enabled
Editing protection ○ Enabled × Disabled
Browsing and editing protection × Disabled × Disabled

- 978 -
Each protection setting prohibits the following operations.

Type of protection Example of prohibited operation

Editing protection Editing of the function block definition (Deletion of the function block
definition itself is possible.)
Browsing and editing protection Display and monitor display of the FB body program

The FB body program can be displayed and monitored on both the PMC screens
and FANUC LADDER-III, but can be edited only on FANUC LADDER-III in the
offline mode.

Protection with a password can be released by entering the password to enable the relevant operation

- 979 -


To use a defined function block actually, insert an instruction (instance) which calls the function block in
a program and set signals and other items in the input and output section to complete the calling section.
An object code which calls the specified function block processing is generated based on the information
at compilation on FANUC LADDER-III.

When editing FB definitions and FB instances by the offline editing function on
FANUC LADDER-III, the addresses assigned to the parameters and variables of
function block will be changed. Therefore, the parameters and variables of all
function blocks will be initialized by 0 when the sequence program is inputted into
CNC. (See “10.1.4 Assignment of FB variable” for details.)

10.3.1 Function Block Call Positions

This section explains about difference by the positions of function block call.

(1) Program levels

A function block can be called from any position in level 1 to 3 ladder programs and subprograms.

(2) Common line control

When the ACT condition of the COM instruction is OFF, a function block call between COM and
COME is not called and the processing in the function block is not executed.
This is the same effect as when the EN input is set to OFF. For a function block without EN input,
you can use common line control to control a conditional function block call, which is similar to
using the EN input.

10.3.2 Creating a Function Block Call Section

Follow the procedure below to create a function block call section:

(a) Enable the reference to the definition of a function block to be called.

(b) Choose the function block definition and create a function block call section in the program.
(c) Assign a name (instance name) to the function block call section.
(d) Set a value, address, or symbol for each parameter.

A total of function block instance which can be created in a program is as follows.
• Up to 5000, in the case of PMC for 0i-D
• Up to 512, in the case of DCS PMC and PMC/L for 0i-D/0i Mate-D
This number includes function blocks called from other function blocks.

The following explains the above procedure in detail.

- 980 -
(1) Name of a function block instance
To insert an instruction which calls a function block in a ladder program, a name must be assigned to
the instance to be created at that time. Instance names are assigned to distinguish individual
instances when the same function block is called plurally in a program. The same name cannot be
assigned to more than one instance.
For the name of a function block instance, specify a character string consisting of the following
characters (identifier conforming to IEC61131-3):

• Alphabetic characters (A to Z)
• Numeric characters (0 to 9)
• Underscore (_)

1 A function block instance name must not begin with a numeric character. When
an underscore is specified as the first character, it must be followed by an
alphanumeric character.
2 A name character string can consists of up to 40 characters.
3 When a function block contains a function block call instance, underscore (_) +
4-digit number is automatically added to the instance name in the function block
definition during compilation on FANUC LADDER-III so that the name uniquely
identifies the instance. For this reason, 5 characters (“_nnnn”) are added to a
function block instance name in a function block definition and the maximum
number of characters of the instance name becomes 35. If a name to which a
number is added is the name of another symbol, a compilation error occurs. Do
not use any similar symbols.
FB definition containing FB calls PARENT1




CHILD2 Instantiation CHILD2_0002


- 981 -

(2) Setting data in the input and output section

After inputting a function block instance, set a numeric value or address to each parameter of the
function block in the input or output section.
The available range differs depending on the type of parameter. For details, see “Parameters” in
Subsection 10.2.2.

For a non-BOOL parameter, specify an address to the right or left side of the parameter name. For an
input parameter, you can also specify a constant.

Fig.10.3.2 (a) Specifying an address (upper) and a constant (lower) for parameters

For a BOOL parameter, a contact is displayed in the input section. Specify an address on the contact.
And, you can add coils, contacts and connection lines if needed.

Fig.10.3.2 (b) Specifying a contact and a coil for BOOL parameters

For an input/output parameter, no contact is displayed in the input section even when the data type is
BOOL. Directly specify an address in the same way as for other data types of parameters.

For the output section for an output parameter or input/output parameter, you can omit the address
specification if the output value does not need to be saved.

The consistency of the data type between the symbol set to the parameter and the
parameter itself is basically not checked. Combination of the BOOL and
non-BOOL types causes an error. Any combination of a numeric type (such as
INT or DINT) and a bit set type (such as BYTE) is available.
When a symbol of a different type is set for an input or output parameter, data of
the size which suites to the type of parameter is actually input or output. Note that
if data is input and output in different sizes, the program may not work as

- 982 -


A function block call section is executed in the following three steps:

1. Input process
2. Execution of the FB body program
3. Output process

The following explains the processing performed in each step in detail.

(1) Input process

In input process, given signals and numeric values are set to input parameters. The values are
sequentially set for the input parameters from the top to the bottom.

Fig.10.4 (a) Input process

In the example in this figure, input process will be performed as follows:

1. The signal status of R0000.0 is copied into input parameter “count signal”.
2. The signal status of R0000.1 is copied into input parameter “reset signal”.
3. The value 10000 is copied into input parameter “setting value”.

The address of input/output parameter “current value” itself will be R0120 and the value is not
When a function block to be executed has the EN input and the EN input is OFF,
value is set for the subsequent input parameters but the subsequent execution
step of the FB body program is skipped. For details of the EN input, see Section
10.2.2, “Variable Information”.

- 983 -

(2) Execution of the FB body program

After values are set to all input parameters by input process, the FB body program is executed.

When a function block to be executed has the EN input and the EN input is OFF,
the FB body program is not executed. For details of the EN input, see Section
10.2.2, “Variable Information”.

(3) Output process

After the FB body program has been executed, output process is performed.
In output processing, the values of the output parameters are set to the addresses connected to these
output parameters. The values of the output parameters are sequentially set from the top to the

Fig.10.4 (b) Output process

In the example in this figure, output process will be performed as follows:

1. The signal status of output parameter “count up” is copied into R0001.0.
2. The value of input/output parameter “current value” is copied into R1020.

1 Output process is performed in the order in which parameters are arranged.
When the order in which values are set is important, change the order of
parameters or use input/output parameters to adjust the timing to set values.
2 When a value is set to an input/output parameter in the FB body program, the
value is set directly to the address specified in the input section of the input/output
parameter. Then the value of output and input/output parameter is set to an
address in the output section at output process.

- 984 -


A function block in a ladder program is displayed on the ladder diagram monitor screen. The displayed
items include the function block definition name, instance name, and defined input, output, and
input/output signals. You can also monitor the active/inactive state of the function block, the value of
each parameter, and input and output values during the execution of the ladder.
In addition, you can use the editing function to change addresses and values set in the input and output
sections of the function block.

FB instance name
FB definition name

Active/inactive state of the

input parameter

Output parameter

Input parameter

Input section Input/output parameter Output section

Fig.10.5 (a) Display of the function block

The following table lists whether each PMC function related to function blocks is available with the
Series 0i-D/0i Mate-D.

Table10.5 (a) List of functions

PMC functions related to function block PMC screen
Displaying and editing a ・Displaying a list of function blocks ×
function block ・Creating and editing a new function block ×
Displaying and editing the ・Displaying the function block instance ○
function block instance ・Creating and copying the function block instance ×
・Deleting the function block instance ○
・Changing data in the input and output sections of the function ○(NOTE)
block instance
・Displaying the ladder program in the function block instance ○
・Modifying the ladder program in the function block instance ×

Any address in the input section assigned to an input/output parameter cannot be

- 985 -

10.5.1 Program List Display Screen

The PROGRAM LIST VIEWER screen shows program information such as the program size.
SP area
Size area

Ladder preview display area

Program number area

Key input line Message display line

Fig.10.5.1 (a) Program List Display Screen

Any function block is not displayed in the program list of this screen.
When pressing the [ZOOM] soft key after inputting the function block instance name, the screen display
switches to the FB body program of the specified function block instance.

For details of the screen, see Section 8.1, "DISPLAYING A PROGRAM LIST ([LIST] SCREEN)".

The size of FB body program is not included in the program size of GLOBAL and
each subprogram displayed in the list.

- 986 -


A function block in a ladder program is displayed on the ladder diagram monitor screen. You can also
monitor the active/inactive state of the function block, the value of each parameter, and input and output
values during the execution of the ladder.
Title information (REMARKS) and current subprogram

Area for LADDER Diagram

Additional information line Key input line

Message display line

Fig.10.5.2 (a) Function block displayed on the ladder diagram monitor screen

(1) Screen structures

(a) At the top of the screen, the title information (REMARKS) and current subprogram information
(“[comment] program number (symbol)”) are displayed together with the ladder position which
is displayed on the screen.
(b) The message display line displays a message such as an error message and inquiry, depending
on the situation.
(c) The additional information line displays the information of the function block when the cursor
is placed on the function block instance.

- 987 -

When the cursor position is on the function block parameter.

Net number Symbol Value (INT/HEX or BOOL) Comment

PMC address

• Net number
Number of the net at the cursor position
• PMC address
4-digit byte address + bit address
• Symbol
Symbol set for the function block parameter
• Comment
Comment set for the function block parameter
• Value
Value of the parameter at the cursor position according to its data type
- When the type is BOOL: “ON” or “OFF”
- When the type is not BOOL: Decimal or hexadecimal number

When the cursor is positioned on a constant or an omitted parameter in the output
section, only the net number is displayed.

When the cursor position is on the function block definition name or instance name.
• Function block definition name
Net number Function block definition name Comment

• Function block instance name

Net number Function block instance name Comment

Function block definition name

- 988 -
(2) Function block display
On the ladder diagram monitor screen, you can monitor the signal status and current value of each
parameter of a function block in the ladder program being executed. The parameter is displayed in
the format corresponding to its data type.

1 4


Fig.10.5.2 (b) Sample of a function block monitor

Each item in Fig. 10.5.2 (b) is explained below.

1. For a BOOL parameter in the input section, contact instructions are connected.

No constant can be set for a BOOL parameter.

2. Displays the numeric value set to the input parameter as a constant.

3. Displays the PMC address set of the input/output parameter.

For an input/output parameter, no constant can be set in the input section. Set a
PMC address.

4. For a BOOL parameter in the output section, coil instructions are connected. And, you can
connect a contact instruction before the coil instruction.
5. Displays the PMC address defined as the copy destination of the output parameter.
6. Displays a blank when output section for a parameter is omitted.

- 989 -

(3) Monitor display screen

The status is displayed at border between the input section and input parameter, and between
the output parameter and output section which indicates the active/inactive state of the

When the input parameter is on When the output parameter is off


The value of the input parameter, output parameter and input/output parameter is displayed
with a signed decimal number.
When the parameter value is -1200


The value of the input parameter, output parameter and input/output parameter is displayed
with an unsigned decimal number.
When the parameter value is 10000


The value of the input parameter, output parameter and input/output parameter is displayed
with a hexadecimal number.
The number of displayed digits differs depending on the data type.



- 990 -
(4) Operation with Soft keys
The soft key operations to function block are described below. About the other operation with soft
keys, see Subsection 8.2.1, "Operating on the LADDER DIAGRAM MONITOR Screen".

Main soft keys of LADDER Diagram Monitor screen

Program List Display Data Table Display Subprogram LADDER Diagram Editor MONITOR screen

Back to previous FB Information Subprogram List Switch PMC paths Screen Settings

Search soft keys

Jump to Search Address or Net Search Write Coil Search Functional Pick up a Ladder
Top/Bottom Instruction Diagram net

Search previous Search next Switch range Exit


Displays the program list screen. Specifying a function block instance name and pressing the
[LIST] soft key can zoom in the FB body program.
(b) [SEARCH] Search & Jump
Change soft keys to “Search soft keys”. There are the following search functions related to
function blocks.

Table10.5.2 (a) Search functions

Function name Searched item related to function blocks
Search PMC address used in the input or output section of a function block
PMC address used for a function block parameter
An internal or external variable (PMC address) which the FB instance monitor is set
Function block instance name
Coil search BOOL parameter in the output section of a function block
Functional instruction search Function block definition name
Pick up Pick up the function block net and net in the FB body program
Previous Search target
Next Search target

- 991 -

1 When search function find the target and attempt to zoom in a function block for
which browsing and editing protection is set, you are asked to enter the password.
When pressing the [SKIP] key in this case, the target address is skipped and the
next target is searched.
2 When a GLOBAL program is displayed and you search for an internal variable of a
function block, the FB body program is displayed and the cursor moves to the
target address.
3 When a subprogram is displayed and you search for an internal variable of a
function block in the global search mode, the cursor also moves to the target
address in the FB body program.


Goes to FUNCTIONAL INSTRUCTION DATA TABLE VIEWER screen to examine contents
of Data Table of functional instructions such as COD (SUB 7) and CODB (SUB 27), which
have Data Table in themselves. This soft key appears only when the cursor is on a functional
instruction that has Data Table.
(d) [ZOOM] Display contents of subprogram/function block
When positioning the cursor on a CALL/CALLU/CM instruction or a function block instance,
the [ZOOM] soft key is displayed. Pressing the [ZOOM] soft key displays the subprogram and
FB body program. When you attempt to zoom in a password-protected subprogram or function
block, you are asked to enter the password.

1 The FB body program is not included in the GLOBAL program. To display an FB
body program, zoom in the function block from the section in which the relevant
function block instance is used.
2 When K903.2=1, you will not be asked to enter the password.


Goes to LADDER DIAGRAM EDITOR screen. Even if the [EDIT] soft key is pressed, an
error message is displayed and edit operation is disabled when an FB body program is
(f) [SWITCH] Switch to COLLECTIVE MONITOR screen
Switches to COLLECTIVE MONITOR screen.
(g) [BACK] Show the preceding subprogram/function block
Traces back the history to recall the previous displayed subprogram and function block.
(h) [FB INFO] Function block information display
Displays information (version, date, and protection status) on the function block at the cursor
position at the message display line. This soft key is displayed only when the cursor is
positioned on a function block.

Version Date Protection status
01 2007/09/03 PROT = P

Protection status
P : browsing and editing protection
R : editing protection

- 992 -
(i) [SPLIST] Switch to the subprogram list screen
Switches the screen display to the subprogram list display screen.
(j) [SWITCH] Switch PMC paths
Switches PMC paths.
(k) [SETING] Screen settings
Goes to setting screen for LADDER DIAGRAM MONITOR screen.

- 993 -

10.5.3 Displaying Internal and External Variables in the Monitor (FB

Instance Monitor Display)
Normally, when a function block is displayed on the ladder diagram monitor screen, the signal status and
current value of each parameter is displayed in the monitor, but the internal and external variables used in
the function block are not displayed.
However, you can specify the “monitor display” attribute for specific internal or external variables that
you can monitor their values in the same way as for parameters, which provide a clue for the internal
status of the function block. This monitor display is called “FB instance monitor”.
The monitor display attribute can be specified for up to 16 internal and external variables in one function
For FB instance monitor display, you can specify the following monitor formats in addition to the
ordinary monitor formats.

Type name Data type Monitor format

BYTE (bit) 8-bit bit string Bit string display
WORD (bit) 16-bit bit string Bit string display

Internal and external variables with the monitor display attribute are listed under the monitor display of
parameters. You can also change the value of each variable displayed in the monitor.

BYTE variable comment BYTE variable bit string monitor

BOOL variable comment BOOL variable monitor

INT variable comment INT variable monitor

Fig.10.5.3 (a) FB instance monitor display

You can display or hide the FB instance monitor by the screen setting. See Subsection 10.5.5 " Setting the
Display Format of the LADDER DIAGRAM MONITOR Screen".
The variables to be displayed in the FB instance monitor can be defined in the function block definition

1 You can monitor variables in the bit string display of BYTE and WORD only in the
FB instance monitor.
2 The 32-bit bit string monitor format is not available.

- 994 -

10.5.4 Displaying the FB Body Program

To move the cursor to the function block on the ladder diagram monitor screen and press the [ZOOM]
soft key, you can display the ladder circuit in the function block in the monitor.
You can also press the [BACK] soft key to return the screen to the display the function block monitor
display mode.

(1) Items displayed at the top of the screen

The following function block information is displayed at the top of the screen when a FB body
program is displayed.

Function block definition name Function block instance name Function block instance comment Net number

• Function block definition name

Name of the function block definition
• Function block instance name
Symbol registered as the function block instance name
• Function block instance comment
The comment set for the function block instance
• Net number
Local net number in the function block

- 995 -

10.5.5 Setting the Display Format of the LADDER DIAGRAM

You can set the display format of the LADDER DIAGRAM MONITOR screen. The settings mainly
related to the display format of function block instance are as follows.



About other settings, see Subsection 8.2.2 "Setting the Display Format of the LADDER DIAGRAM
MONITOR Screen".


The display line of comment of contact, the display line of parameter name, and the presence of
monitor display on the function block instance vary according to the setting of “SHOW COMMENT

Fig.10.5.5 (a) Setting of “SHOW COMMENT OF CONTACT”

Setting of “SHOW COMMENT Parameter Comment in the input and output sections
OF CONTACT” Name Non-BOOL monitor BOOL (relay) Non-BOOL (byte address)
2 line 2 lines Displayed 2 lines 2 lines
1 line 2 lines Displayed 1 line 1 line
None (default) 2 lines Not displayed Not displayed Not displayed

- 996 -
The display format in each setting value is shown below.


The display format when setting “2 LINE” for “SHOW COMMENT OF CONTACT” is as

Display item Description

Name Comment or symbol (15 single-byte characters x 2 lines)
Non-BOOL monitor Displayed
BOOL Address or symbol (15 single-byte characters x 1 line)
Input/output Comment (15 single-byte characters x 2 lines)
sections Non-BOOL Address or symbol (15 single-byte characters x 2 lines)
Comment (15 single-byte characters x 2 lines)

Fig.10.5.5 (b) Display screen of “SHOW COMMENT OF CONTACT = 2 LINE”

- 997 -


The display format when setting “1 LINE” for “SHOW COMMENT OF CONTACT” is as

Display item Description

Parameter name Comment or symbol (15 single-byte characters x 2 lines)
Non-BOOL monitor Displayed
BOOL Address or symbol (15 single-byte characters x 1 line)
Input/output Comment (15 single-byte characters x 1 lines)
sections Non-BOOL Address or symbol (15 single-byte characters x 2 lines)
Comment (15 single-byte characters x 1 lines)

Fig.10.5.5 (c) Display screen of “SHOW COMMENT OF CONTACT = 1 LINE”

- 998 -
The display format when setting “NONE” for “SHOW COMMENT OF CONTACT” is as

Display item Description

Parameter name Comment or symbol (15 single-byte characters x 2 lines)
Non-BOOL monitor Not displayed
Input/output BOOL Address or symbol (15 single-byte characters x 1 line)
sections Non-BOOL Address or symbol (15 single-byte characters x 2 lines)

Fig.10.5.5 (d) Display screen of “SHOW COMMENT OF CONTACT = NONE”

- 999 -


Determines whether the bit / byte address in FB body program is displayed in a corresponding
symbol or it is always displayed in an address.
SYMBOL (default)
The address with a symbol is displayed by the symbol. The address with no symbol is
displayed by the address.
The address with a symbol is also displayed by the address.

Fig.10.5.5 (e) Display settings of the function block


Determines whether to show FB instance monitor display.
YES (default)
FB instance monitor is displayed.
FB instance monitor is not displayed.


Determines whether the parameter name of function block instance is displayed as corresponding
symbol or comment.
COMMENT (default)
Parameter name of function block is displayed by its comment.
Parameter name of function block is displayed by its symbol.

- 1000 -
The display color of each element of function block instance is determined by a color setting on the
ladder diagram monitor setting screen. The correspondence of the display color in each element and
the setting item is as follows.

Table10.5.5 (a) Display color settings related to function block

Element Setting item
Function block instance name ADDRESS COLOR
Function block definition name DIAGRAM COLOR
Function block instance frame DIAGRAM COLOR
PMC address (in the input or output section) ADDRESS COLOR
Constant (in the input section) DIAGRAM COLOR
Parameter name (parameter) DIAGRAM COLOR
Monitor value (parameter) PARAMETER COLOR
Active/inactive state (parameter) ACTIVE RELAY COLOR
Variable name DIAGRAM COLOR
(in the FB instance monitor)
Variable monitor value: PARAMETER COLOR
(in the FB instance monitor)
Variable monitor value: ON:ACTIVE RELAY COLOR
(in the FB instance monitor)
Variable monitor value: ACTIVE RELAY COLOR
Bit string (BACK GROUND)
(in the FB instance monitor)

- 1001 -


You can edit PMC addresses and constants set in the input and output sections of a function block. You
cannot change any parameter defined in the function block. The input section for an input/output
parameter can not be changed, however.

Table10.5.6 (a) Whether the input and output sections can be edited
Input section Output section
Input parameter Can be edited.
Input/output parameter Cannot be edited. Can be edited. (NOTE)
Output parameter Can be edited. (NOTE)

The following operations are not possible in the LADDER DIAGRAM EDITOR
Screen. Use the NET EDITOR Screen instead.
• Adding or deleting a contact or a coil in the input section or the output section
of BOOL type parameter.
• Omitting the address set in the output section.
• Setting the address in the output section which is omitted.

Fig.10.5.6 (a) Function block displayed on the ladder diagram editor screen

- 1002 -
(1) Screen structures
(a) It is basically same with LADDER DIAGRAM MONITOR screen. It displays a function
block like the ladder diagram monitor screen. The parameter or FB instance monitor is not
displayed, however.
(b) Items displayed in the additional information display line on the ladder diagram editor screen
are almost the same as in the line on the ladder diagram monitor screen. When the cursor is
positioned on the input or output parameter or input/output parameter of the function block,
however, the type of that parameter is displayed at the rightmost position in the additional
information display line.

Net number PMC address Symbol Comment Type

(2) Operation with Soft keys

Soft keys of LADDER Diagram Editor screen

Program List Change to Search soft keys Edit new net Add net Automatic input

Select net Delete net Cut net Copy net Paste net

Display address
map display Make changes
Change address screen effective Abandon changes Setting screen

Run/stop LADDER Cancel edit Exit

Fig.10.5.6 (b) Soft keys of LADDER DIAGRAM EDITOR screen


Goes to PROGRAM LIST EDITOR screen to choose which subprogram to be edited at
LADDER DIAGRAM EDITOR screen. The PROGRAM LIST EDITOR screen can also edit
subprograms. Inputting a function block instance name and pressing the [LIST] soft key
appears the message “CANNOT EDIT FUNCTION BLOCK” in the message line.
(b) [SEARCH] Search & Jump
The way of using the search soft keys is the same as in the ladder diagram monitor screen. If a
PMC address etc. in the FB body program is searched for in the global search mode, the
message “CANNOT EDIT FUNCTION BLOCK” appears in the message line.
(c) [ZOOM] Change construction of net
Calls the net editor screen to modify the net structure. You can position the cursor on a function
block instance and press the [ZOOM] soft key to edit the net of the function block instance.
(d) [CREATE] Add new net
Create and add new net to cursor position. Pressing this soft key reaches NET EDITOR screen,
so that new net is constructed.

- 1003 -

(e) [AUTO] Automatic input of unused address/parameter number

Executes the function to automatically input an unused address or parameter number. The range
of specified PMC addresses of the "Assignment Address of FB" and "Automatic Assignment
Address" in the FANUC LADDER-III are excluded from the target of the automatic input.
(f) [SELECT] Select multiple nets
Used to specify multiple nets before performing an editing operation such as [DELETE],
[CUT], and [COPY] soft key.
(g) [DELETE] Delete net
Deletes the selected net. You can delete a net containing a function block.

Even if a net of function block instance is deleted, the FB body program remains.
To delete unused FB body program, you have to delete a net of FB instance by
the offline editing function on FANUC LADDER-III.

(h) [CUT] Cut nets

Cuts selected nets. If a net containing a function block is selected, an error message appears and
the net cannot be removed.
(i) [COPY] Copy nets
Copies the selected net. If a net containing a function block is selected, an error message
appears and the net cannot be copied.
(j) [PASTE] Paste nets
Pastes nets at cursor position, which were stored into Paste Buffer by [CUT] or [COPY] soft
(k) [CHANGE] Change addresses
Displays the address conversion soft keys to use the address conversion function. You can
change a PMC address set in the input or output section of a function block.
(l) [ADRMAP] Display the address map display screen
Displays the address map display screen to view references of addresses in use.
(m) [UPDATE] Make changes effective
Updates the ladder program with the results of the editing operations and make it ready to be
actually executed. If it succeeds to update running LADDER, edited LADDER starts to run.
(n) [RESTRE] Abandon changes
Abandons all changes, and restores LADDER program to the one at entering LADDER
DIAGRAM EDITOR screen, or last updated one using [UPDATE] soft key.
(o) [SETING] Screen settings
Goes to setting screen for LADDER DIAGRAM EDITOR screen.
(p) [RUN]/[STOP] Run and stop LADDER program
Controls LADDER program execution. [RUN] soft key makes LADDER run, and [STOP] soft
key makes LADDER stop. If changes are applied normally, the LADDER program as edited
will be executed at that point.
(q) [CANCEL] Abandon editing
Abandons all changes, and restores LADDER program to the one at entering LADDER
DIAGRAM EDITOR screen, or last updated one using [UPDATE] soft key. Switches to
(r) [EXIT] Exit Editor
Updates running LADDER program to edited LADDER program, so that the all modifications
will take effects, and exits the editor screen.

- 1004 -

10.5.7 NET EDITOR Screen

At NET EDITOR screen, you can create new net, and modify existing net. You can edit the net of input
and output sections of a function block instance which is selected in the LADDER DIAGRAM EDITOR
screen. You can also set an address in the omitted output section or delete and omit it in the output

This screen is the same as the screen described in Subsection 8.3.3, "NET EDITOR Screen". For details
of the screen, see Subsection 8.3.3.

10.5.8 Address Alteration Function

To perform address change, press the [CHANGE] soft key from the LADDER DIAGRAM EDITOR
screen to switch to the address change mode.

The input and output parameters of a function block instance and the PMC
address used in the FB body program cannot be changed by this function. To
change these addresses, use FANUC LADDER-III.

(1) Operation with soft keys

Address alteration function soft keys

Alter to the address specified in the NEW ADDRESS field

Alter to the address specified in the NEW ADDRESS field at once Check the address usage

Switch the cursor position Move a symbol

Search in the backward direction Acquire the address

indicated by the cursor
Search in the forward direction

Specify the area subject to search and alteration Exit from the address alteration function

Fig.10.5.8 (a) Address alteration function soft keys

PMC addresses used in the input and output section of the function block can be changed. The
following explains address conversion function operations related to function blocks. For details, see

You can position the cursor on an address in the input or output section of a function block,
enter a desired PMC address for “Alter address”, and press the [ALTER] soft key to replace a
PMC address.
You can set a PMC address set in the input or output section of a function block for “OLD
ADDRESS” and a PMC address after conversion for “NEW ADDRESS”, and press the
[ALTALL] soft key to convert the address in the input and output sections of the function block
that is set for “OLD ADDRESS”.

- 1005 -

Checks to see if the address specified in the "NEW ADDRESS" field is in use by searching for
the address through the ladder diagram. The address used in the function block instance and FB
body program is the subject of the use check, too.
You can fetch a PMC address set in the input or output or input/output section of a function
block for “OLD ADDRESS” or “NEW ADDRESS”.

When trying to alter an address assigned in the input section for an input/output
parameter, the following error message is displayed.

- 1006 -

10.5.9 Address Map Display Screen

Pressing the [ADRMAP] soft key on the ladder editor screen causes that screen to switch to the address
map display screen.

Fig.10.5.9 (a) Address Map Display Screen

An asterisk (*) is marked also to the address which is used in the FB body program and function block
instance when using a function block function.

Symbol and comment (s) is marked to the address of internal and external variables that are not used
actually in the FB body program and function block instance but defined in function block.

1 Non-BOOL parameters of function block are handled as addresses in use with a
length of one byte, regardless of the data length of the parameters.
2 It does not jump to the address used in the FB body program because it cannot be

For details of the Address Map Display Screen, see Subsection 8.6.1, "Address Map Display Screen".

- 1007 -

10.5.10 Duplicate Coil Check Screen

On the Duplicate Coil Check screen, you can check the overwriting of a PMC address by multiple coil
instructions. And, you can also check the multiple use of instruction number of the following functional

Instruction name SUB number Function

TMR 3 Timer
TMRB 24 Fixed Timer
TMRBF 77 Off Delay Fixed Timer
CTR 5 Counter
CTRB 56 Fixed Counter
DIFU 57 Rising Edge Detection
DIFD 58 Falling Edge Detection

The target of multiple use check related to function block is as follows.

• A coil in the FB body program

• The instruction number of the above functional instructions in the FB body program
• A coil in the output section of a function block instance
• A BOOL input parameter of a function block instance

For details of the Duplicate Coil Check, see Section 8.10, "CHECKING OF DUPLICATE COIL

Do not delete the symbol for the function block instance name on the symbol and
comment editor screen. When it is deleted, jump function for FB body program
become unavailable.

- 1008 -

10.5.11 Subprogram List Display Screen

The Sub Program List Viewer screen shows the list of the subprograms and function blocks called by the
current subprogram. On the other hand, the history of the displayed subprogram and function block is
History of the
SP area
displayed subprogram
and function block

Size area
Called subprogram

Ladder preview display area

Called FB body program

Key input line Message display line

Fig.10.5.11 (a) Subprogram List Display Screen

There are the following operations related to function blocks.

(1) Area of subprogram list
In the "SP area", the program types of function block are displayed.
(Lock) : Unable to browse and edit
(Magnifying glass) : Able to browse but unable to edit

- 1009 -

(2) Function block display of browsing and editing protection

When you preview a FB body program for which browsing and editing protection is set, the
following contents are displayed.
Comment of function block

Fig.10.5.11 (b) Preview display when FB program is protected

Do not delete the symbol for the function block instance name on the symbol and
comment editor screen. When it is deleted, displaying the screen in order of
symbols may not work correctly.

For details of the Subprogram List Display Screen, see Section 8.11, "DISPLAYING A SUBPROGRAM

- 1010 -

10.5.12 Title Screen

On the TITLE DATA screen, you can check the title data items and some ladder information items. The
following items are displayed when using the function block function.

• The size of function block

Memory size used for the part of FB body program of function block. And, memory size used for
ladder also includes FB body program size.

• The size of function block information

Data size for the function block information as for the function block definition etc.

The size of function block

The size of function block information

Fig.10.5.12 (a) Title Screen

For details of the Title Screen, see Section 9.1, "DISPLAYING AND EDITING TITLE DATA ([TITLE]

- 1011 -


10.6.1 Extended Symbol and Comment Screen

This screen is the same as the screen described in Subsection 9.2.5, "Displaying Extended Symbol and
Comment". For details of the screen, see Subsection 9.2.5.

There are the following symbol and comment data definitions related to function block.
(1) Symbol and comment definition of function block instance name
PROG.SYMBOL: Displayed as the form “[PROGRAM NAME].[SYMBOL]”
ADDRESS: This column is blank.
TYPE: “FB_I” is displayed.

(2) Symbol and comment definition of internal and external variables in the function block
PROG.SYMBOL: Local symbol to the function block
• When a symbol is defined for the function block instance:
• When a symbol is not defined for the function block instance:

The symbol for a function block cannot be changed or added. Available
operations are line deletion in entry units and all deletion only.

Fig.10.6.1 (a) Extended Symbol and Comment Screen

- 1012 -

10.6.2 Displaying Extended Symbol and Comment

The following table lists how symbols and comments are displayed and searched for on each screen.

Searching symbol and

Screen Displaying symbol and comment
Ladder screen (except address map) A symbol and comment is displayed The following symbol and
Program list screen by following priority. comment can be searched.
Subprogram list screen 1 Local symbol and comment that - Local symbol that defined to
defined to displayed displayed subprogram or
subprogram or function block. function block.
2 Global symbol and comment. - Global symbol.
3 Comment without symbol.
Signal status screen A symbol and comment is displayed All symbols and comments can be
PMC parameter (timer) screen by following priority. searched.
PMC parameter (counter) screen 1 Global symbol and comment. You can search a local symbol by
PMC parameter (keep relay) screen 2 Local symbol and comment of following format.
PMC parameter (data table) screen LEVEL1 to 3. - (program name).(symbol)
Signal trace screen 3 Local symbol and comment of The program name is able to be
Signal trace (parameter setting) sub-program P1 to P5000. specified by sub-program number
screen 4 Local symbol and comment for or a symbol of P-address. For a
Ladder (address map) screen the function block function block, specify it with a
5 Comment without symbol. function block instance name.
I/O diagnosis screen All symbols and comments are All symbols and comments can be
Symbol and comment screen displayed. searched. A symbol or comment
can be searched by partial string.

When multiple symbol and comment are defined to the same address, you can
search it by each symbol name. On the other hand the symbol displayed for the
address on PMC screen is one of these symbol names. So if you search such a
symbol, displayed symbol name on searched position may be different from the
symbol searched.

- 1013 -


Chapter 11, "PMC ALARM MESSAGES AND ACTIONS TO TAKE", consists of the following

11.1 ALARM MESSAGE LIST .............................................................................................................1015

11.2 I/O LINK COMMUNICATION ERRORS AND ACTIONS TO TAKE.......................................1039

- 1014 -


11.1.1 Messages That May Be Displayed on the PMC Alarm Screen

The following table lists the PMC alarm messages that may be displayed on the PMC alarm screen.

Alarm number Faulty location/corrective action Contents

ER01 PROGRAM DATA <1> Enter the sequence program again. The sequence program is invalid.
ERROR <2> If this error recurs even after you have
entered the sequence program again, the
error may be due to a hardware fault. In
that case, contact us.
ER02 PROGRAM SIZE <1> Reduce the size of the sequence The sequence program is too large
OVER program. to load into the save area.
<2> Contact us, and specify a ladder step The sequence program is invalid.
count option that allows you to set a
larger program size.
ER03 PROGRAM SIZE <1> Reduce the size of the sequence The sequence program exceeds the
ERROR(OPTION) program. size specified by the ladder step
<2> Contact us, and specify a ladder step count option.
count option that allows you to set a
larger program size.
ER04 PMC TYPE UNMATCH Change the sequence program so that it The PMC type specified in the
specifies the adequate PMC type, by using the sequence program does not match
programmer. the type of the PMC actually in use.
ER07 NO OPTION(LADDER <1> Restore the backup CNC parameter No ladder step count option is
STEP) data. found.
<2> Contact us, and specify a ladder step
count option that allows you to set a
larger program size.
ER08 OBJECT UNMATCH Contact us. An unsupported function is used in
the sequence program.
ER09 PMC LABEL CHECK <1> Turn on the power of the CNC again, by The nonvolatile memory of the PMC
ERROR. PLEASE TURN ON holding down the 'O' and 'Z' keys at the system needs to be initialized in
POWER AGAIN WITH same time. such cases as when you have
PRESSING 'O'&'Z'. (CLEAR <2> Replace the backup batteries. changed the PMC model.
ER17 PROGRAM PARITY <1> Enter the sequence program again. The parity of the sequence program
<2> If this error recurs even after you have is invalid.
entered the sequence program again, the
error may be due to a hardware fault. In
that case, contact us.
ER18 PROGRAM DATA Enter the sequence program again. An interrupt was specified while the
ERROR BY I/O sequence program was being read.
ER19 LADDER DATA Display the LADDER DIAGRAM EDITOR The ladder data is broken.
ERROR screen again, and terminate the editing
operation by pressing the [EXIT] soft key.
ER22 NO PROGRAM Enter the sequence program again. The sequence program is empty.
ER27 LADDER FUNC. PRM Correct the sequence program; change the An out-of-range parameter number
IS OUT OF RANGE parameter number specified in a functional is specified in the TMR, TMRB,
instruction to a value that is within the CTR, CTRB, DIFU, or DIFD
allowable range. functional instruction.
ER28 NO OPTION(I/O LINK Contact us; specify the I/O Link point count The I/O Link point count expansion
CHx) expansion option for the indicated channel. option is not specified for CHx.

- 1015 -

Alarm number Faulty location/corrective action Contents

ER31 NO OPTION <1> Change the sequence program so that it The ladder program needs the
(EXTENDED PMC LADDER specifies the adequate PMC type, by Extended PMC Ladder Instruction
INSTRUCTION FUNCTION) using the programmer. Function option but the option is not
<2> Contact us, and specify a Extended PMC provided. Or the PMC type of the
Ladder Instruction Function option. ladder program is not compatible
with the actual PMC type.
ER32 NO I/O DEVICE <1> Check whether the power of each I/O None of the I/O devices, such as the
device is on. I/O Link, connection unit, and Power
<2> Check whether the power of each I/O Mate, is connected.
device has been turned on before the
<3> Check cable connections.
<4> Replace the faulty hardware. (Main board
or PMC module)
ER33 I/O LINK ERROR Contact us; replace the faulty hardware. The LSI for the I/O Link is faulty.
ER34 I/O LINK ERROR(xx) <1> Check the cable connections to the An I/O device communication error
devices of group xx. occurred on the slave side of group
Or <2> Check whether the power of each I/O xx.
ER34 I/O LINK ERROR(CHn device has been turned on before the
xx) note CNC.
<3> Replace any device of group xx in which
the PMC control module is embedded.
ER35 TOO MUCH OUTPUT Reduce the output data count of group xx. The output data count of I/O Link
DATA IN GROUP(xx) note group xx exceeds the upper limit (33
Or bytes). The superfluous data is
ER35 TOO MUCH OUTPUT regarded as invalid.
DATA IN GROUP(CHn xx) note
ER36 TOO MUCH INPUT Reduce the input data count of group xx. The input data count of I/O Link
DATA IN GROUP(xx) note group xx exceeds the upper limit (33
Or bytes). The superfluous data is
ER36 TOO MUCH INPUT regarded as invalid.
DATA IN GROUP(CHn xx) note
ER37 TOO MUCH SLOT IN Correct the slot number to a value of 10 or The slot number for the I/O Link
BASE less. exceed the upper limit (10). The
Or slot number larger than 11 is
ER37 TOO MUCH SLOT IN regarded as invalid.
ER38 MAX SETTING Reduce the total amount of output data of all The I/O area for the I/O Link is
OUTPUT DATA OVER(xx) note groups to 128 bytes or less. insufficient.
Or (The area allocated to the group xx
ER38 MAX SETTING and later on the output side is
OUTPUT DATA OVER(CHn regarded as invalid.)
xx) note
ER39 MAX SETTING INPUT Reduce the total amount of input data of all The I/O area for the I/O Link is
DATA OVER(xx) note groups to 128 bytes or less. insufficient.
Or (The area allocated to the group xx
ER39 MAX SETTING INPUT and later on the input side is
DATA OVER(CHn xx) note regarded as invalid.)
ER43 PROGRAM DATA <1> Store sequence program which is The sequence program is invalid.
ERROR(PT/NT) compiled again after recompilations using
<2> If you see the same alarm again after
<1>, contact us.

- 1016 -

Alarm number Faulty location/corrective action Contents

ER44 INCOMPATIBLE Contact us, and replace the hardware which The hardware configuration does
HARDWARE supports the Extended PMC not
(EXTENDED PMC LADDER Ladder Instruction Function option. support the Extended PMC Ladder
INSTRCTION FUNCTION) Instruction Function option.
ER45 NO PTION Add a required function block option. No function block option is
(FUNCTON BLOCK) specified.
ER48 STEP SEQUENCE Remove the setting of exceeding setting time The activated condition of step
TIME OVER(xxH) on the STEP SEQUENCE TIME MONITOR sequence exceeds the time limit,
SETTING screen. which is set on the STEP
SETTING screen.
ER50 PMC EXECUTION Check CNC parameter Nos. 11900 to 11902. The set execution order of the multi-
ORDER ERROR PMC function is invalid.
ER51 PMC EXECUTION Check CNC parameter Nos. 11905 to 11907. The set execution percentage of the
PERCENTAGE ERROR multi-PMC function is invalid.
ER52 I/O LINK CHANNEL Check CNC parameter Nos. 11910 to 11913. The I/O Link channel assignment to
ASSIGNMENT ERROR the PMC system is invalid.
ER53 I/O LINK CHANNEL Check CNC parameter Nos. 11915 to 11918. The I/O Link channel division
DEVIDE ERROR function setting is invalid.
ER54 NC-PMC I/F Check CNC parameter Nos. 11920 to 11929. The interface assignment between
ER55 LEVEL1 EXECUTION Check CNC parameter No. 11930. The set ladder level 1 execution
CYCLE ERROR cycle is invalid.
ER56 TOTAL PROGRAM Contact us; check ladder step option In multi-PMC, Total ladder step is
ER57 MULTI-PATH PMC I/F Check CNC parameter No. 11932. The assignment of multi-path PMC
ASSIGNMENT ERROR interface is invalid.
ER58 PMC MEMORY TYPE Check CNC parameter No.11940 to The setting of PMC Memory Type is
SETTING ERROR No.11942. invalid.
ER96 IO LINK MAX GROUP <1> Check the PMC paths and addresses of When dual assignment of I/O link
OVER(CHn) first and second blocks of n channel on channel is used, total groups of first
configuration parameter setting screen. and second block exceeds 16
<2> Check the total groups of first and groups.
second block on I/O module assignment. No I/O device that is connected to
<3> Check the parameter setting of "I/O link the channel associated with this
assignment function". alarm will be linked.
The ladder program runs regardless
of the occurrence of this alarm.

- 1017 -

Alarm number Faulty location/corrective action Contents

ER97 IO LINK FAILURE(CHx If this alarm begins to happen on a well- This alarm happens when less I/O
yyGROUP) note worked machine, the cause may be following. devices are connected.
<1> CNC cannot communicate with I/O This alarm happens when a total
devices of group yy. group count of the I/O module
- The failure of the cable or contact from group assignment are different with one of
(yy – 1) to yy connected device count.
- The power failure of I/O device of group yy No I/O device that is connected to
- The delay of power of I/O device of group yy the channel associated with this
- The failure of the I/O device of group yy alarm will be linked.
- The failure of the I/O device of group (yy – 1) The ladder program runs regardless
<2> The power of some I/O devices remain of the occurrence of this alarm.
when you turn off and on power of the
CNC control.
- When you turn off power of CNC control, you
have to turn off power of all I/O devices.

If this alarm happens when a debugging of

sequence program, the cause may be above
or following.
<1> The mistake of the I/O module
<2> The mistake of the parameter setting of
"I/O link assignment function"
<3> The mistake of the setting of dual
assignment of I/O link
WN02 OPERATE PANEL Correct the Series 0 operator's panel address The Series 0 operator's panel
ADDRESS that is set in the PMC system parameter. address that is set in the PMC
ERROR system parameter is invalid.
WN03 ABORT NC- <1> Check the ladder program to verify that it The ladder program was stopped
WINDOW/EXIN is free from errors, and then restart the while communication was in
ladder program (press the RUN key). progress between CNC and PMC.
<2> Turn on the power of the CNC again. This alarm may cause the WINDR,
functional instructions to
WN07 LADDER SP Correct the sequence program so that the There are too many levels of
ERROR(STACK) subprogram has eight or fewer levels of nesting (levels more than 8) for the
nesting. CALL or CALLU functional
instruction to call the subprogram.
WN09 SEQUENCE If you want to use a changed sequence You have changed the sequence
PROGRAM IS NOT program again next time you power on the program using the LADDER
WRITTEN TO FLASH ROM system, write the sequence program to flash DIAGRAM EDITOR screen or DATA
ROM. If you have made any unwanted I/O screen, but you have not yet
change to the sequence program by mistake, written the changed sequence
read the original sequence program from flash program to flash ROM. If you shut
ROM. down the system without writing the
changed sequence program to flash
ROM, the changes you have made
will be nowhere next time you turn
on the power.
WN10 NO OPTION(STEP <1> Add the step sequence option. No step sequence option was found
SEQUENCE) <2> Arrange so that the step sequence when the system attempted to
subprogram will not be called. execute a step sequence.
WN11 INCOMPATIBLE Compile the sequence program again with An incompatible functional
FUNCTION FANUC LADDER-III or Ladder Editing instruction is using in the sequence
Package. program.
- 1018 -

Alarm number Faulty location/corrective action Contents

WN57 OVERRIDE The Override function is for only debugging. The Override function is activating.
FUNCTION IS ACTIVE So, please disable the function when shipping
the machine.
WN58 UNSUPPORTED Correct the sequence program with Ladder An unsupported functional
FUNCTION editing function on PMC screen. instruction is using in the sequence
program. The functional instruction
was skipped.
WN59 MESSAGE FILE Correct the error in the message file for multi- A symbol nonexistent in the ladder
SYMBOL UNDEFINED language display. is defined in the message file for
multi-language display.
WN60 MESSAGE FILE Correct the error in the message file for multi- A symbol other than those set in the
SYMBOL INVALID language display. A address area is defined in the
message file for multi-language
WN61 MESSAGE FILE Correct the error in the message file for multi- The A address area has a duplicate
ADDRESS DUPLICATE language display. definition between a symbol and
address or between symbols.
WN62 MESSAGE FILE Correct the error in the message file for multi- A message number differs between
NUMBER ERROR language display. the ladder and message file for
multi-language display at the same
A address.
WN63 MESSAGE FILE IS If you want to use a changed message file for You have changed the message
NOT WRITTEN TO FLASH multi-language display again next time you data for multi-language display
ROM power on the system, write the message file to using DATA I/O screen, but you
flash ROM. have not yet written the changed
message data to flash ROM. If you
shut down the system without
writing the changed message data
to flash ROM, the changes you
have made will be nowhere next
time you turn on the power.
WN64 MESSAGE FILE SIZE <1> Reduce the size of the message file for The message file for multi-language
OVER multi-language display. display is too large to load into the
<2> Contact us and specify an option for a save area.
larger size. The message file for multi-language
display is invalid.
WN65 MESSAGE FILE Contact us. An unsupported function is used in
MISMATCH the message file for multi-language
WN66 MESSAGE FILE <1> Enter the message file for multi-language The parity of the message file for
PARITY display again. multi-language display is invalid.
<2> If this error recurs even after you have
entered the message file for multi-
language display again, the error may be
due to a hardware fault. In that case,
contact us.
WN67 MESSAGE FILE Enter the message file for multi-language An interrupt was specified while the
ERROR BY I/O display again. message file for multi-language
display was being read.

The displayed group number is wiring number of I/O device.

- 1019 -

11.1.2 PMC System Alarm Messages

Alarm number Faulty location/corrective action Contents
PC004 CPU ERR xxxxxxxx:yyyyyyyy This alarm may be due to a A CPU error occurred in the PMC
PC006 CPU ERR xxxxxxxx:yyyyyyyy software/hardware fault; contact us system.
PC009 CPU ERR xxxxxxxx:yyyyyyyy with information on the circumstances xxxxxxxx and yyyyyyyy are internal
PC010 CPU ERR xxxxxxxx:yyyyyyyy under which the alarm occurred error codes.
PC012 CPU ERR xxxxxxxx:yyyyyyyy (displayed message, system
configuration, operation suspected of
causing the alarm, timing of alarm
occurrence, frequency of occurrence,
etc.) as well as the displayed internal
error codes.
PC030 RAM PARI xxxxxxxx:yyyyyyyy This alarm may be due to a hardware A RAM parity error occurred in the
fault; contact us with information on PMC system.
the circumstances under which the xxxxxxxx and yyyyyyyy are internal
alarm occurred (displayed message, error codes.
system configuration, operation
suspected of causing the alarm,
timing of alarm occurrence, frequency
of occurrence, etc.) as well as the
displayed internal error codes.
PC050 IOLINK ER1 CHz:GRyy:xxnote Check the I/O device which is located An I/O Link communication error
at group number yy (0-15) in channel occurred.
number z (1-3) with the following z is a channel number.
point of view. yy is a group number.
<1> The power of the I/O Link master xx is a internal error code.
and/or slave devices is faulty. There is a possibility that some
– instantaneous power failure problem occurs at the I/O Link
– unstable power line device or the neighborhood.
<2> The power cable of the I/O Link However, please note that It may
master and/or slave devices is not show a accurate group number
faulty. with some conditions of the
– faulty wiring problem. But in any case, this
– incomplete contact indicated number helps you to
<3> The communication cable to the solve the problem.
I/O Link device is faulty.
– faulty wiring
– incomplete contact
<4> The I/O Link device is faulty.

- 1020 -

Alarm number Faulty location/corrective action Contents

PC051 IOLINK ER2 CHz:yy:xx:ww:vv <1> When you use a I/O Unit-Model An I/O Link communication error
A, no base extension unit is occurred.
connected corresponding to a I/O z is a channel number.
assignment data. Check yy, xx, ww, vv are internal error
connection of I/O devices and I/O code.
assignment data.
<2> When you use Power Mate as
I/O Link slave device and/or
Servo Motor Beta series I/O Link
option, some system alarm
occurs in such devices.
<3> A Communication may be
influenced by noise. Check the
ground wire and the shield of the
communication cables.
<4> The output of the I/O Link
devices is short-circuited.
<5> The power of the I/O Link master
and/or slave devices is faulty.
– instantaneous power failure
– unstable power line
<6> The power cable of the I/O Link
master and/or slave devices is
– faulty wiring
– incomplete contact
<7> The communication cable to the
I/O Link device is faulty.
– faulty wiring
– incomplete contact
PC060 BUS xxxxxxxx:yyyyyyyy This alarm may be due to a A bus error occurred in the PMC
software/hardware fault; contact us system.
with information on the circumstances
under which the alarm occurred
(displayed message, system
configuration, operation suspected of
causing the alarm, timing of alarm
occurrence, frequency of occurrence,
etc.) as well as the displayed internal
error codes.
PC070 LADDER SPE (PMCn) Check the correspondence between A stack error occurred with the
the CALL or CALLU instruction and SPE functional instruction of the
the SPE instruction. ladder program of n path.
PC097 LADDER PARITY ERR(PMCn) This alarm may be due to a hardware A RAM check error occurred.
PC098 CODE PARITY ERR fault; contact us with information on
the circumstances under which the
alarm occurred (displayed message,
system configuration, operation
suspected of causing the alarm,
timing of alarm occurrence, frequency
of occurrence, etc.).

- 1021 -

Alarm number Faulty location/corrective action Contents

PC501 NC/PMC INTERFACE ERR Contact us with information on the The read or write operation
PATHn circumstances under which the alarm between CNC and PMC failed.
occurred (displayed message, system
configuration, operation suspected of
causing the alarm, timing of alarm
occurrence, frequency of occurrence,
PC502 LADDER SUBaaa (PMCn) Correct the sequence program so The sequence program uses the
that the SUBaaa functional instruction SUBaaa functional instruction that
will not be used. is not supported in PMCn.

The displayed group number is wiring number of I/O device.

- 1022 -

11.1.3 Operation Errors

Error messages that may be displayed on the PMC LADDER DIAGRAM
VIEWER screen
Alarm number Faulty location/corrective action Contents
INPUT INVALID Input a valid address or numeric The input address or numeric value is
value. invalid.
LADDER PROGRAM IS Enter the password. The screen cannot be displayed
PROTECTED BY PASSWORD because the program is protected by
the password.
ILLEGAL SUBPROGRAM NAME Input a existent subprogram number A nonexistent subprogram number or
or symbol. symbol is specified.
SYMBOL UNDEFINED Input a defined symbol or bit address. An undefined symbol character string is
THE NET IS NOT FOUND The specified net is not found.
THE ADDRESS IS NOT FOUND The specified address is not found.
THE FUNCTIONAL The specified functional instruction is
WRITE COIL NEEDS BIT Specify a bit address for the write coil You entered a byte address when
ADDRESS search. specifying an address used for the write
coil search.
SOME NETS ARE DISCARDED The system cannot pick up all the The system failed to pick up all the nets
nets. Choose the nets to pick up, by because there were 128 nets or more to
using the LADDER DIAGRAM be picked up.
VIEWER display screen, and then
perform the net pickup operation
PROGRAM IS BEING MODIFIED Disconnect the online communication The ladder data cannot be displayed
with FANUC LADDER-III. Stop other because online communication with
applications from accessing the FANUC LADDER-III is in progress or
ladder data. another application is accessing the
ladder data.
THIS FUNCTION IS Cancel the protection by the This function is protected by the
PROTECTED programmer protection function or 8- programmer protection function or 8-
level protection function. level protection function.
CANNOT EDIT FUNCTION Use FANUC LADDER-III to edit You tried to edit the FB body program.
BLOCK function block.

- 1023 -

Error messages that may be displayed on the PMC LADDER DIAGRAM

EDITOR screen
Alarm number Faulty location/corrective action Contents
THIS NET IS PROTECTED When you are editing data on a per-
subprogram basis, you cannot edit the
subprogram frame nets (END1, END2,
END3, SP, and SPE).
TOO LARGE DATA TO COPY Reduce the range of data to copy. The selected range of data exceeds the
Perform the copy operation several size of the copy buffer.
times, copying a smaller range of
data at a time.
TOO LARGE DATA TO PASTE Reduce the size of data to paste. An attempt was made to paste data
whose size exceeded the free space of
the sequence program.
BIT ADDRESS IS REQUIRED Make sure that the address types An attempt was made to alter a bit
match for the alteration operation. address to a byte address.
BYTE ADDRESS IS REQUIRED Make sure that the address types An attempt was made to alter a byte
match for the alteration operation. address to a bit address.
ILLEGAL PMC ADDRESS Check the address to be input, and • A character string was entered that
then enter it correctly. was unacceptable as a PMC address.
• A wildcard (*) was specified in an
inappropriate manner.
• Ether "OLD ADDRESS" or "NEW
ADDRESS" was not entered.
THIS ADDRESS IS READ-ONLY Enter a write-permitted address. • An attempt was made to alter a write
coil address to a write-prohibited bit
• An attempt was made to alter an
address set in an output parameter of
a functional instruction to a write-
prohibited bit address.
THE ADDRESS TYPE ARE Check the types of the address in The type of the addresses in "OLD
MISMATCHED "OLD ADDRESS" and "NEW ADDRESS" does not match that in "NEW
ADDRESS" and, if necessary, enter ADDRESS".
the correct address or addresses.
***** DOSE NOT HAVE SYMBOL Define symbol data in "OLD No symbol data is defined in "OLD
***** ALREADY HAS SYMBOL Make sure that the address types Symbol data is already defined in "NEW
match for the alteration operation. ADDRESS".
CANNOT CUT FUNCTION Use FANUC LADDER-III to edit You tried to cut the net including the
BLOCK function block. Cut the net which is function block.
not including the function block.
CANNOT COPY FUNCTION Use FANUC LADDER-III to edit You tried to copy the net including the
BLOCK function block. Copy the net which is function block.
not including the function block.
CANNOT EDIT FUNCTION Use FANUC LADDER-III to edit You tried to edit the FB body program.
BLOCK function block.
CANNOT INPUT AT THIS Set in the NET EDITOR screen. You tried to set an address in the output
SCREEN section that is omitted in the function
CANNOT EDIT INPUT/OUTPUT An address in the input section of an
PARAM ADDRESS input/output parameter in the function
block cannot be changed.
NO CONSTANT TO When the input parameter of the function
PARAMETER OF PLURAL TYPE block is plural data type, the constant
cannot be set.
- 1024 -

Error messages that may be displayed on the PMC LADDER DIAGRAM

EDITOR screen (when updating)
Alarm number Faulty location/corrective action Contents
OVERLAPPED COM If COME is missing, add it in proper There is no COME that corresponds
position. If the COM is unnecessary, to this COM.
remove it.
END IN COM If COME is missing, add it in proper END,END1,END2, or END3 is found
END1 IN COM position. If COM is unnecessary, remove between COM and COME.
JMPE IN COM JMPE and corresponding JMP must have JMPE is found between COM and
same COM/COME status. Review JMP COME, and JMP and corresponding
range and COM range, to adjust not to JMPE have different COM/COME
overlap with each other: it is possible that status.
one range includes the other completely.
SP/SPE IN COM If COME is missing, add it in proper SP or SPE is found between COM
position. If the COM is unnecessary, and COME.
remove it.
COME WITHOUT COM If COM is missing, add it in proper There is no COM that corresponds to
position. If the COME is unnecessary, this COME.
remove it.
COME NOT FOUND AFTER If COME is missing, add it in proper There is no COME that corresponds
COM position. If the COM is unnecessary, to this COM.
remove it.
DUPLICATE CTR NUMBER If some of them are unnecessary, remove Plural CTRs have the same number
(WARN) them. If all of them are necessary, assign as their parameter. (This is warning.)
other number to parameter of them to
make them unique. (If two or more
instructions with same parameter number
will never be active simultaneously at one
time, the Ladder program has a possibility
to work correctly, however, it is
recommended from safety and
maintenance points of view, that all these
instructions should have different
parameter number with each other.)
ILLEGAL CTR NUMBER If unnecessary, remove it. Assign correct CTR has parameter number that is
number not to exceed the maximum out of range.
number defined by each PMC model.
DUPLICATE DIFU/DIFD If some of them are unnecessary, remove Plural DIFUs or DIFDs have the
NUMBER them. If all of them are necessary, assign same number as their parameter.
(WARN) other number to parameter of them to (This is warning.)
make them unique. (If two or more
instructions with same parameter number
will never be active simultaneously at one
time, the Ladder program has a possibility
to work correctly, however, it is
recommended from safety and
maintenance points of view, that all these
instructions should have different
parameter number with each other.)
ILLEGAL DIFU/DIFD NUMBER If unnecessary, remove it. Assign correct DIFU or DIFD has parameter number
number not to exceed the maximum that is out of range.
number defined by each PMC model.
NO END Add END, END1, END2 or END3 in END, END1, END2 or END3 is not
NO END1 proper position. found.
- 1025 -

Alarm number Faulty location/corrective action Contents

DUPLICATE END1 Remove extra END1, END2 or END3. Multiple END1, END2 or END3 are
GARBAGE AFTER END Remove unnecessary nets, and move There are some nets after END,
GARBAGE AFTER END2 necessary nets to proper position so that END2 or END3, which will not be
GARBAGE AFTER END3 they will be executed. executed.
OVERLAPPED JMP If JMPE is missing, add it in proper There is no JMPE that corresponds
position. If the JMP is unnecessary, to this JMP.
remove it.
JMP/JMPE TO BAD COM JMP and corresponding JMPE must have JMP and corresponding JMPE have
LEVEL same COM/COME status. Review JMP different COM/COME status.
range and COM range, to adjust not to
overlap with each other: it is possible that
one range includes the other completely.
COME IN JMP COME and corresponding COM must COME is found between JMP and
have same JMP/JMPE status. Review JMPE, and COM and corresponding
COM range and JMP range, to adjust not COME have different JMP/JMPE
to overlap with each other: it is possible status.
that one range includes the other
END IN JMP If JMPE is missing, add it in proper END,END1,END2, or END3 is found
END1 IN JMP position. If JMP is unnecessary, remove between JMP and JMPE.
SP/SPE IN JMP If JMPE is missing, add it in proper SP or SPE is found between JMP
position. If the JMP is unnecessary, and JMPE.
remove it.
JMPB OVER COM BORDER JMPB and its destination must have JMPB and its destination differ in
same COM/COME status. Review range COM/COME status.
of JMPB and COM range, to adjust not to
overlap with each other: it is possible that
one range includes the other completely.
JMPB OVER LEVEL JMPB can only jump to the same JMPB jumps to different program
program level, or within a subprogram. If level.
the JMPB is unnecessary, remove it. If
LBL for the JMPB is missing, add it in
proper position. If it should be JMPC,
correct it.
LBL FOR JMPB NOT FOUND If JMPB is unnecessary, remove it. If LBL Can not find proper LBL for JMPB.
is missing, add it in proper position.
JMPC IN BAD LEVEL JMPC is used to jump from a subprogram JMPC is used in other than
to level 2. If the JMPC is unnecessary, subprogram.
remove it. If it should be JMPB or JMP,
correct it.
LBL FOR JMPC NOT FOUND If JMPC is unnecessary, remove it. If LBL Can not find proper LBL for JMPC.
is missing, add it in proper position:
JMPC jumps into level 2.
LBL FOR JMPC IN BAD LEVEL JMPC is used to jump from a subprogram Destination of JMPC is not level 2.
to level 2. If the JMPC is unnecessary,
remove it. If another LBL of same L-
address that the JMPC is intended to
jump exists in the subprogram, assign
different L-address to these two LBLs. If it
should be JMPB or JMP, correct it.

- 1026 -

Alarm number Faulty location/corrective action Contents

JMPC INTO COM LBL for JMPC must be located out of any JMPC jumps to LBL between COM
COM and COME pair. If the JMPC is and COME.
unnecessary, remove it. If the LBL is
located wrong, move it to correct position.
If the L-address of JMPC is wrong,
correct it.
JMPE WITHOUT JMP If JMP is missing, add it in proper There is no JMP that corresponds to
position. If the JMPE is unnecessary, this JMPE.
remove it.
JMPE NOT FOUND AFTER If JMPE is missing, add it in proper There is no JMPE that corresponds
JMP position. If the JMP is unnecessary, to this JMP.
remove it.
TOO MANY LBL Remove unnecessary LBLs. If this error There are too many LBLs.
still occurs, adjust the construction of
program to use less LBLs.
DUPLICATE LBL If some of these LBLs are unnecessary, Same L-address is used in plural
remove them. If all of these LBLs is LBLs.
necessary, assign other L-addresses to
them to make all LBLs unique.
OVERLAPPED SP If SPE is missing, add it in proper There is no SPE that corresponds to
position. If the SP is unnecessary, this SP.
remove it.
SPE WITHOUT SP If SP is missing, add it in proper position. There is no SP that corresponds to
If the SPE is unnecessary, remove it. this SPE.
SPE NOT FOUND AFTER SP If SPE is missing, add it in proper There is no SPE that corresponds to
position. If the SP is unnecessary, this SP.
remove it.
END IN SP If SPE is missing, add it in proper END is found between SP and SPE.
position. If END is in wrong place, move it
to proper position.
DUPLICATE P ADDRESS If some of these SPs are unnecessary, Same P-address is used in plural
remove them. If all of these SPs is SPs.
necessary, assign other P-addresses to
them to make all SPs unique.
DUPLICATE TMRB/TMRBF If some of them are unnecessary, remove Plural TMRBs or TMRBFs have the
NUMBER them. If all of them are necessary, assign same number as their parameter.
(WARN) other number to parameter of them to (This is warning.)
make them unique. (If two or more
instructions with same parameter number
will never be active simultaneously at one
time, the Ladder program has a possibility
to work correctly, however, it is
recommended from safety and
maintenance points of view, that all these
instructions should have different
parameter number with each other.)
ILLEGAL TMRB/TMRBF If unnecessary, remove it. Assign correct TMRB or TMRBF has parameter
NUMBER number not to exceed the maximum number that is out of range.
number defined by each PMC model.

- 1027 -

Alarm number Faulty location/corrective action Contents

DUPLICATE TMR NUMBER If some of them are unnecessary, remove Plural TMRs have the same number
(WARNI) them. If all of them are necessary, assign as their parameter. (This is warning.)
other number to parameter of them to
make them unique. (If two or more
instructions with same parameter number
will never be active simultaneously at one
time, the Ladder program has a possibility
to work correctly, however, it is
recommended from safety and
maintenance points of view, that all these
instructions should have different
parameter number with each other.)
ILLEGAL TMR NUMBER If unnecessary, remove it. Assign correct TMR has parameter number that is
number not to exceed the maximum out of range.
number defined by each PMC model.
NO SUCH SUBPROGRAM If it calls wrong subprogram, correct it. If Subprogram that is called by
the subprogram is missing, create it. CALL/CALLU is not found.
UNAVAILABLE INSTRUCTION Confirm that this ladder program is Unsupported instruction for this PMC
correct one. If this program is correct one, model is found.
all these unsupported instructions have to
be removed.
SP IN BAD LEVEL SP can be used at top of a subprogram. SP is found in wrong place.
Correct it so that no SP exists in other
LADDER PROGRAM IS This ladder program must be all cleared Ladder program may be broken by
BROKEN once, and remake ladder program. some reason.
NO WRITE COIL Add proper write coil. Write coil is necessary, but is not
CALL/CALLU IN BAD LEVEL CALL/CALLU must be used in Level 2 or CALL/CALLU is used in wrong place.
in subprograms. Do not use any other
SP IN LEVEL3 If END3 is located wrong, move it to SP is found in level 3.
correct position. If the SP is unnecessary,
remove it.
CS/CM/CE IN COM If COME is missing, add it in proper CS,CM or CE is found between COM
position. If the COM is unnecessary, and COME.
remove it.
CS/CM/CE IN BAD LEVEL CS, CM or CE must be used in Level 2 or CS,CM, or CE is used in wrong
in subprograms. Do not use any other place.
CM/CE WITHOUT CS If CS is missing, add it in proper position. There is no CS that corresponds to
If the CM or CE is unnecessary, remove this CM or CE.
INSTRUCTION EXCEPT CM IN CS If CE is missing, add it in proper position. Instruction except CM is found
If the instruction other than CM is between CS and CE.
unnecessary, remove it.
OVERLAPPED CS If CE is missing, add it in proper position. There is no CE that corresponds to
If the CS is unnecessary, remove it. this CS.
FB BODY PROGRAM IS This ladder program must be all cleared An FB body program may be broken
BROKEN once, and remake ladder program. by some reason.

Error messages that may be displayed on the PMC NET EDITOR screen
Alarm number Faulty location/corrective action Contents
ILLEGAL FUNCTIONAL Specify the name of an available The entered name of functional
INSTRUCTION NAME functional instruction. instruction is invalid.
- 1028 -

Alarm number Faulty location/corrective action Contents

TOO MANY FUNCTION IN ONE Only one functional instruction is Too many functional instructions are in
NET allowed to constitute a net. If one net.
necessary, divide the net into plural
TOO LARGE NET Divide the net into plural nets so that Net is too large. When a net is
step number in a net may become converted into the object, the net
small. exceeds 256 steps.
NO INPUT FOR OPERATION Coil without input, or coil connected to No signal is provided for logical
output of functional instruction that has operation.
no output, causes this error. If coil is
not necessary, remove it. If necessary,
connect it to meaningful input.
OPERATION AFTER FUNCTION Output of functional instruction can not No logical operation with functional
IS FORBIDDEN be connected to a contact, nor to instruction output is permitted, except
conjunction with other signal that will write coils.
be implemented by logical-or
WRITE COIL IS EXPECTED Write coil is not found even if it is Write coil is expected, but not found.
expected. Add proper write coil to the
BAD COIL LOCATION Coil can be located only at rightmost Coil is located in bad position.
column. Any coil located at other place
must be erased once, and place
necessary coils in correct place.
SHORT CIRCUIT Find contact with terminals connected Some contacts are connected with
by short circuit, and correct short circuit. CTR has a parameter
connections. number that is out of the range.
FUNCTION AFTER Functional instruction can not be used Functional instruction is used in output
DIVERGENCE IS FORBIDDEN in output section of net. If necessary, section of net.
divide the net into plural nets.
ALL COIL MUST HAVE SAME Left terminals of all coils in a net must When a net contains more than one
INPUT be connected to same input point. coil, the coils should not have any
contact beside them affects only of the
BAD CONDITION INPUT Check the connection of all condition Some condition input of functional
inputs of the functional instruction. instruction is not connected correctly.
Especially for functional instruction that
has more than one condition input,
check if connections to condition inputs
interfere with each other.
NO CONNECTION Correct the connection where is not The elements, such as contacts and
connected. coils, are not connected..
NET IS TOO COMPLICATED Examine every connection, and find Net is too complicated to analyze.
unnecessarily bending connection, or
coils that are connected to different
PARAMETER IS NOT SUPPLIED Enter all of the relay addresses, and Relay with blank address, or blank
parameters of functional instructions. parameter of functional instruction, is
TOO LARGE DATA FOR NET- Change for being to modify net by The net data in net editor screen is too
EDITOR [NEXT NET] soft key. large.
TOO MANY FUNCTIONS FOR Change for being to modify net by There are too many functional
NET-EDITOR [NEXT NET] soft key. instructions in net editor screen.
BAD DIAGRAM STRUCTURE Examine every connection, and find Circuit is too complicated to analyze.
the error of connection of relay or
functional instruction.
- 1029 -

Alarm number Faulty location/corrective action Contents

NOT SUPPORT ENHANCED Replace other functional instruction The ladder net Structure of extended
LADDER DIAGRAM which supports Structure of extended type net contains a functional
type net. instruction which does not support
Or, change the ladder net construction Structure of extended type net.
not to be Structure of extended type
TOO COMPLICATED CIRCUIT The circuit lines branched from a The circuit construction around
AROUND FUNCTION conditional input for some functional functional
instruction must reach the right power instruction is too complicated.
line without joining the output line from
the functional instruction.
Refer to
CONNECT OUTPUT TO COIL Connect the output of the functional
The output of the functional instruction
DIRECTLY instruction directly to a coil. is not
connected directly to a coil.
SINGLE COIL IS EXPECTED This functional instruction must have A functional instruction has multiple
single coil directly connected to the coils
output. connected to its output which are
INVALID CIRCUIT FOR FB Specify a contact or a coil to function A functional instruction is connected to
PARAMETER block parameter. function block parameter.
PARAMETER IS NOT SUPPLIED Specify an address. The address is not assigned to the
input section and the coil of output
section of a function block.
CAN NOT PLACE FB AND Delete the functional instruction placed A functional instruction is placed on
FUNCTION IN ONE NET on the same net as the function block. the same net as the function block.
NO ASSIGNMENT TO FB Specify a contact. The contact is not assigned in the
CONTACT input section for a BOOL type of the
function block.

- 1030 -

Error messages that may be displayed on the TITLE DATA EDITOR screen
Alarm number Faulty location/corrective action Contents
TOO MANY Make sure that the entered character The number of characters in the entered
CHARACTERS string is within the allowable input length.character string exceeds the allowable input
length. Some of the characters are
PROGRAM IS BEING Disconnect the online communication with The title data cannot be displayed because
MODIFIED FANUC LADDER-III. Stop other online communication with FANUC
applications from accessing the title data. LADDER-III is in progress or another
application is accessing the title data.
THIS FUNCTION IS Cancel the protection by the programmer This function is protected by the
PROTECTED protection function or 8-level protection programmer protection function or 8-level
function. protection function.

Error messages that may be displayed on the SYMBOL & COMMENT DATA
EDITOR screen
Alarm number Faulty location/corrective action Contents
TOO MANY Make sure that the entered address is The number of characters in the entered
CHARACTERS within the allowable input length. address exceeds the allowable address
input length.
ADDRESS IS REQUIRED Enter data in a batch correctly, as No address was entered during the batch
instructed in "Editing a set of symbol and input of address, symbol, and comment
comment data" in Subsection 9.2.2. data using the SYMBOL & COMMENT
EDITOR screen.
ILLEGAL PMC ADDRESS Enter an address correctly. The specified address is invalid, or the
entered address character string contains
a space or spaces.
THE ADDRESS Specify another address. An already registered address was
THE SYMBOL NAME IS Specify another symbol. An already registered symbol was entered.
PMC ADDRESS MUST Enter a PMC address in the ADDRESS No PMC address was entered when new
BE ENTERED field. symbol/comment data is registered.
TOO LONG SYMBOL Make sure that the symbol consists of 16 The entered symbol exceeds the specified
NAME characters or less. number of characters.
TOO LONG COMMENT Make sure that the comment consists of 30 The entered comment exceeds the
STRING characters or less. specified number of characters.
BAD SYMBOL NAME Define a symbol that contains no space. The entered symbol contains a space or
THE STRING IS NOT Specify another character string for the The search was done for the specified
FOUND search. character string but did not find it.
OUT OF SPACE Create free space for the sequence The symbol/comment editing area has no
program, by deleting unnecessary ladder free space.
or message data.
PROGRAM IS BEING Disconnect the online communication with The symbol/comment data cannot be
MODIFIED FANUC LADDER-III. Stop other displayed because online communication
applications from accessing the with FANUC LADDER-III is in progress or
symbol/comment data. another application is accessing the
symbol/comment data.
THIS FUNCTION IS Cancel the protection by the programmer This function is protected by the
PROTECTED protection function or 8-level protection programmer protection function or 8-level
function. protection function.

- 1031 -

Error messages that may be displayed on the MESSAGE DATA EDITOR

Alarm number Faulty location/corrective action Contents
INPUT INVALID Correct the message number. The format of the message number is
Enter ";" in the 5th digit position in the invalid, or the delimiter code - semicolon
batch message input process. (;) - was not entered in the batch
message input process.
ILLEGAL NUMBER Enter a four-digit number as the The entered message number contains
message number. any nonnumeric character, or a number
shorter than four digits was entered.
THE NUMBER IS OUT OF Enter the number in the range from 0 The entered message number is out of
RANGE to 4095 for the message number of range.
the format with path number, and
1000 to 9999 for the message
number of other format.
CLOSING "@" IS NOT FOUND When entering kana or other One of the @ sign pair is missing.
Japanese characters, make sure that
they are enclosed within a pair of @
BAD NUMBER OF Enter a character string correctly The number of characters entered
CHARACTERS IN "@-@" between a pair of @ signs. between the pair of @ signs is not even.
ILLEGAL CHARACTER IN "@-@" Enter a character string correctly One or more invalid character codes
between a pair of @ signs. exist between the pair of @ signs.
BAD NUMBER OF Enter a two-byte code correctly The number of characters in the two-
CHARACTERS FOR 2-BYTE between @02 and 01@. byte code (characters entered between
CODE @02 and 01@) is not a multiple of four.
ILLEGAL 2-BYTE CODE Enter a two-byte code correctly The two-byte code (characters entered
between @02 and 01@. between @02 and 01@) contains one
or more characters other than the JIS
CLOSING CONTROL CODE "01" Enter the closing control code. The two-byte code (characters entered
IS NOT FOUND between @02 and 01@) lacks the
closing control code (01).
CONTROL CODE "XX" IS Remove any repeated control code. The starting control code (02), closing
REPEATED control code (01), and/or umlaut code
(0D) is repeated.
CLOSING "]" IS NOT FOUND Make sure that the "[" and "]" codes The delimiter codes for numerical data
are entered in pairs. are not entered in pairs.
BAD NUMERICAL DATA Specify the numerical data correctly. The format of the numerical data is
FORMAT invalid.
BAD PMC ADDRESS FOR Enter an available address. The address section of the numerical
NUMERIAL DATA data is invalid.
PROGRAM IS BEING MODIFIED Disconnect the online communication The message data cannot be displayed
with FANUC LADDER-III. Stop other because online communication with
applications from accessing the FANUC LADDER-III is in progress or
message data. another application is accessing the
message data.
THIS FUNCTION IS Cancel the protection by the This function is protected by the
PROTECTED programmer protection function or 8- programmer protection function or 8-
level protection function. level protection function.

- 1032 -

Error messages that may be displayed on the I/O MODULE EDITOR screen

Alarm number Faulty location/corrective action Contents

GROUP NUMBER IS TOO Specify 15 or a smaller value as the The entered group number is too
LARGE group number. large.
BASE NUMBER IS TOO LARGE Specify base number 0 for I/O Unit-B The entered base number is too large.
(##, #1 - #10).
SLOT NUMBER IS TOO LARGE Specify 30 or a smaller value as the The entered slot number is too large.
slot number for I/O Unit-B (##, #1 -
For other I/O units, specify 10 or a
smaller value.
SLOT NUMBER IS TOO SMALL Specify 0 or a large value as the slot The entered slot number is too small.
number for I/O Unit-B (##, #1 - #10).
For other I/O units, specify 1 or a larger
I/O UNIT NAME MISMATCH Check the I/O unit name or address.The input I/O unit is assigned to the Y
address, or the output I/O unit is
assigned to the X address.
ILLEGAL I/O UNIT NAME Enter an I/O unit that is listed in Tables The entered I/O unit name is invalid.
3.2 (a) to 3.2 (c) in Chapter 3.
NOT ENOUGH SPACE Enter the data again after creating free There is not enough free address
space by deleting the data allocated space for the size of the I/O unit you
behind the current cursor position or by are going to assign.
other adequate means. This error also occurs if you attempt to
assign the I/O unit to an already
allocated address space.
PROGRAM IS BEING MODIFIED Disconnect the online communication The I/O module data cannot be
with FANUC LADDER-III. Stop other displayed because online
applications from accessing the I/O communication with FANUC LADDER-
module data. III is in progress or another application
is accessing the I/O module data.
THIS FUNCTION IS Cancel the protection by the This function is protected by the
PROTECTED programmer protection function or 8- programmer protection function or 8-
level protection function. level protection function.

Error messages that may be displayed on the SYSTEM PARAMETER screen

Alarm number Faulty location/corrective action Contents
INPUT INVALID Enter a numerical value correctly, as
The entered numerical value or its
instructed in Section 9.8. input format is invalid.
SYMBOL UNDEFINED Enter a defined symbol or bit address.
An undefined symbol character string
was entered.
PROGRAM IS BEING MODIFIED Disconnect the online communication The system parameter data cannot be
with FANUC LADDER-III. Stop other displayed because online
applications from accessing the system communication with FANUC LADDER-
parameter data. III is in progress or another application
is accessing the system parameter
THIS FUNCTION IS Cancel the protection by the This function is protected by the
PROTECTED programmer protection function or 8- programmer protection function or 8-
level protection function. level protection function.

- 1033 -

Error messages that may be displayed on the SIGNAL STATUS screen

Alarm number Faulty location/corrective action Contents
INPUT INVALID Enter a numerical value correctly, as The entered numerical value or its
instructed in "Screen operations using input format is invalid.
other keys" in Subsection 7.1.2.
SYMBOL UNDEFINED Enter a defined symbol or bit address. An undefined symbol character string
was entered.
THIS FUNCTION IS Cancel the protection by the This function is protected by the
PROTECTED programmer protection function or 8- programmer protection function or 8-
level protection function. level protection function.

Error messages that may be displayed on the PMC PARAM screen

Alarm number Faulty location/corrective action Contents

INPUT INVALID Enter a numerical value correctly, as The entered numerical value or its
instructed in Section 7.3. input format is invalid.
THIS FUNCTION IS Cancel the protection by the This function is protected by the
PROTECTED programmer protection function or 8- programmer protection function or 8-
level protection function. level protection function.

Error messages that may be displayed on the SIGNAL TRACE screen

Alarm number Faulty location/corrective action Contents

IN USE other application finishes using the application is currently using the trace
trace function before executing it. function.
NO SAMPLING ADDRESS Specify a bit address as a sampling No sampling address is specified in
address in the trace parameter. the trace parameter.
NO STOP TRIGGER ADDRESS Specify a bit address as the stop The stop trigger address is not
trigger address in the trace parameter. specified in the trace parameter.
NO SAMPLING TRIGGER Specify a bit address as the sampling The sampling trigger address is not
ADDRESS trigger address in the trace parameter. specified in the trace parameter.

Error messages that may be displayed on the trace setting screen

Alarm number Faulty location/corrective action Contents

INPUT INVALID Enter a numerical value that is within A nonnumeric value or an out-of-range
the specified data range of the relevant parameter value was entered.
trace parameter.
SYMBOL UNDEFINED Enter a defined symbol or bit address. An undefined symbol character string
was entered.
BIT ADDRESS IS REQUIRED Specify a bit address as the stop or A byte address was specified as the
sampling trigger address. stop or sampling trigger address.
INVALID STOP TRIGGER Enter a PMC signal address that can The bit address entered as the stop
ADDRESS be used as the stop trigger address. trigger address is invalid.
INVALID SAMPLING TRIGGER Enter a PMC signal address that can The bit address entered as the
ADDRESS be used as the sampling trigger sampling trigger address is invalid.

- 1034 -

11.1.4 I/O Communication Error Messages

The error messages that may appear on the I/O screen and their meanings and actions are listed below.

Error messages displayed during memory card I/O operation

Alarm number Faulty location/corrective action Contents
MEMORY CARD IS NOT READY Check whether a memory card is No memory card is installed.
MEMORYCARD IS FULL Delete files to create available space. There is no available space in the
memory card.
MEMORYCARD IS WRITE Release the write protection of the The memory card is write-protected.
PROTECTED memory card.
MEMORYCARD IS NOT Format the memory card. The memory card cannot be
FORMATTED recognized.
TOO MANY FILES IN Delete unnecessary files to reduce the There are too many files.
MEMORYCARD number of files.
FILE NOT FOUND On the list screen, check the file name The specified file cannot be found.
or file number.
FILE IS READ-ONLY Check the attributes of the file. Write to the specified file is not
FILE NAME IS INVALID Specify the file name in MS-DOS form. The file name is illegal.
COULD NOT FORMAT MEMORY The NC cannot format this memory The memory card cannot be formatted.
CARD card. Use another unit such as a
personal computer to format the
memory card.
UNSUPPORTED Replace the memory card with another This memory card is not supported.
CAN NOT DELETE FILE Check the attributes of the file. An error occurred when a file was
deleted from the memory card.
MEMORYCARD BATTERY Replace the battery of the memory The battery of the memory card has
ALARM card. become weak.
THIS FILE NAME IS ALREADY Change the file name to another one. The file name is already used.
MEMORYCARD ACCESS Replace the memory card with another The memory card cannot be accessed.
ERROR one.
DIFFERENCE FOUND File comparison detected a mismatch.
MEMORY CARD IS LOCKED BY Wait until the PMC user completes Another PMC user is using the
OTHER FUNCTION processing, then retry. memory card.
MEMORY CARD HEADER ROM This file cannot be read. Check the An attempt was made to read a file,
DATA ID IS ILLEGAL type of the file. but its ROM data ID was illegal.
FILE NUMBER CAN NOT If the file does not exist, the key entry The file number cannot be selected.
SELECTED is invalid. If this error occurs even
when the cursor is placed at a file
name, contact the FANUC service
THE FILE NUMBER DOES NOT Check the total number of files on the The entered file number is not present.
EXIST list screen. The entered number exceeds the total
number of files.
FILE NUMBER IS RESTRICTED Enter a numeric value not exceeding A value up to 128 can be entered as
TO "128" 128. the file number.
MEMORY CARD IS USED BY Retry after terminating the other Some other function is currently using
OTHER FUNCTION function that is currently using the the memory card.
memory card.
MEMORY CARD IS WRITE Cancel the write protection of the The memory card is write protected.
PROTECTED memory card, or use another memory
card that is not write protected.
- 1035 -

Alarm number Faulty location/corrective action Contents

UNSUPPORTED MEMORY Use another memory card. This is an unsupported type of memory
CARD card.
COULD NOT DELETE FILE Check the read/write permission The file cannot be deleted.
attribute of the file.
TRACE FILE NUMBER IS OVER Delete unnecessary old trace result file No more trace result file can be
or files. created because the maximum trace
result file number (file extension) has
been reached.
INTERNAL ERROR (xxxxxxxxxx) Contact the FANUC service center, An error due to an internal factor
and report the displayed message occurred. Details on the error are
correctly. displayed in parentheses.

Error messages displayed during flash ROM I/O operation

Alarm number Faulty location/corrective action Contents
NOT IN EMG STOP MODE Place the system in the emergency The system is not in the emergency
stop state. stop state.
INVALID SEQUENCE PROGRAM Check the program. The transfer program is illegal.
DIFFERENCE FOUND A file comparison detected a
FLASH ROM IS LOCKED BY Wait until the PMC user completes Another PMC user is using the flash
OTHER FUNCTION processing, then retry. ROM.
FLASH ROM HEADER ROM This file cannot be read. Check the An attempt was made to read a file,
DATA ID IS ILLEGAL type of the file. but its ROM data ID was illegal.
FLASH ROM IS USED BY This file cannot be read. Check the The ROM data ID of the file you
OTHER FUNCTION type of the file. attempted to read is invalid.
INTERNAL ERROR (xxxxxxxxxx) Contact the FANUC service center, An error due to an internal factor
and report the displayed message occurred. Details on the error are
correctly. displayed in parentheses.

- 1036 -

Error messages displayed during FLOPPY or other input/output device I/O

Alarm number Faulty location/corrective action Contents
ILLEGAL PMC PARAMETER Specify a file of the PMC parameter The specified file is not of the PMC
FORMAT format. Also, check the specified file to parameter format.
see whether its content is not
ILLEGAL HANDY FILE FORMAT Specify a file of the handy file format. The specified file is not of the handy
Also, check the specified file to see file format.
whether its content is not disrupted.
UNKNOWN FILE FORMAT Specify file of recognizable format such Can not recognize the format of
as PMC parameter format, or check specified file.
the contents of the file.
FILE NAME OR FILE NUMBER Specify file name or file number for the Need file name or file number to
IS REQUIRED operation. identify file to read, compare, or delete.
COMMUNICATION TIMEOUT Check the communication parameters Communication with the I/O device
such as baud rate, and retry to has been timeout.
I/O DEVICE IS NOT ATTACHED Check the power of I/O device is ON. Any I/O device is not connected, or
OR IN ERROR STATUS Check the I/O device is connected. some error has occurred in it.
Check the cable that connects I/O
device with PMC is correct one. If
some error has occurred in I/O device,
solve it.
RECEIVED BAD DATA: CHECK Check the PMC's communication Invalid data has been received.
THE COMMUNICATION parameters such as baud rate match
PARAMETERS the ones of I/O device.
RECEIVED DATA HAS Check the communication parameters Too many data have received at once.
OVERRUN about flow control.
OTHERS FUNCTION IS USING Use the other channel, or stop the Others function is using this channel.
THIS CHANNEL function.
BAD COMMUNICATION Check the communication parameters Setting parameters of communication
PARAMETER such as baud rate. are not correct.
OTHER FUNCTION IS USING I/O Wait until function that using I/O Another function such as FANUC
FUNCTION function do finish, or stop the function. LADDER-III is using I/O function.
UNKNOWN HANDY FILE Check the file. The received data is not a program of
FORMAT DATA the PMC system or is a program of
some other incompatible type.
ILLEGAL BAUD RATE SETTING Set a valid baud rate. The set baud rate is invalid.
ILLEGAL CHANNEL NUMBER Set a valid channel number. The set channel number is invalid.
ILLEGAL PARITY BIT SETTING Set a valid parity bit. The set parity bit is invalid.
ILLEGAL STOP BIT SETTING Set a valid stop bit. The set stop bit is invalid.
ILLEGAL WRITE CODE Set a valid output code. The set output code is invalid.
SEQUENCE PROGRAM IS IN Wait until On-line function, do finish the Can not input/output of sequence
USE BY ONLINE FUNCTION using I/O function. In general, both of program, because On-line function is
I/O function and On-line function using sequence program.
should not be used at the same time.

- 1037 -

Common error messages that may be displayed on individual devices during

the I/O operations
Alarm number Faulty location/corrective action Contents
ERROR OCCURS IN SEQUENCE Check the PMC alarm screen and Data cannot be output because there
PROGRAM correct the indicated program error is an error in the ladder program.
UNKNOWN DATA TYPE Check the file. The PMC type of the input data is
THIS FUNCTION IS NOT Check the related settings. There are not all the settings that are
ALLOWED needed to use this function.
PMC PARAMETER IS LOCKED Retry after terminating the other The PMC parameter is currently used
BY OTHER FUNCTION function that is currently using the by some other function and cannot be
PMC parameter. referenced by this function.
THIS DEVICE IS USED BY Retry after terminating the other The specified device is currently used
OTHER FUNCTION function that is currently using the by some other function and cannot be
specified device. used by this function.
PMC PARAMETER IS Retry after terminating the other The PMC parameter is currently used
PROTECTED BY OTHER function that is currently using the by some other function and cannot be
FUNCTION PMC parameter. changed by this function.
LADDER TYPE UNMATCH Specify a program of a valid type. The specified program is of a different
type and cannot be read.
TOO LARGE SEQUENCE Check the file. Or, change to a step The ladder program is too large to
PROGRAM number option that allows you to set read.
a larger program size.
SEQUENCE PROGRAM IS USED Retry after terminating the other The ladder program is currently used
BY OTHER FUNCTION function that is currently displaying by some other function and cannot be
the ladder program. referenced by this function.

- 1038 -


If an I/O Link communication error occurs, the system generates a system alarm, displaying an error
message of the following format.


In this message format, CHn (where n is 1 or a higher number) represents the number of the channel that
has caused the communication error. “Gra” represents a group number in which a problem may occur.
“bb” means internal code.
However, correct group number may not be shown depend on cause or condition of the communication
error. Please note that it is difficult to identify the cause of the error or the location of the fault with these
values alone, for the following reasons.

(1) If the communication error has resulted from a hardware fault or noise, these register values
themselves may not be correct.
(2) Different register values may be presented for the same cause depending on the timing of the error

Therefore, it is important to consider other circumstantial factors in addition to this displaying.

11.2.1 Causes of Communication Errors

An I/O Link communication error can stem from various types of causes such as those described below.

(1) Improper cable type, cable cut, or inadequate connection

Several different types of I/O Link electrical cables are used, as listed below. Check that the cable
of the proper type is connected to each device. Also, check the connection of each cable, based on
"Connection Manual (Hardware)". Pay particular attention to those signals to be carried over a
twisted-pair cable. Make sure that the SIN signal is paired with the *SIN signal and that the SOUT
signal is paired with the *SOUT signal. If any of these signals is paired with the wrong signal, the
cable will become more susceptible to noise. Do not connect any unnecessary cable. Since the
system has the +24V and +5V power cables, connecting an unnecessary cable can lead to a failure or
• K1X: Used to connect groups.
• K2X: Used for base extension.
• K3X: Used to connect an optical I/O Link adapter or I/O Link dummy unit.

(2) Connection to the wrong connector

The output end of a cable between I/O Link groups is connected to "JD1A" and its input end is
connected to "JD1B". Check each cable to see whether it is not connected to the wrong connector.
(3) Loose connector connection
Check each cable to see whether it is firmly connected to the relevant connector. The cable may be
connected loosely.
(4) Assignment data mismatch
If the actual link configuration does not match the assignment data, a communication error may
result. For example, if base extensions (bases 1 to 3) are assigned but if those bases are not
connected, a system alarm is generated when the CNC is started.

- 1039 -

(5) Noise
Take necessary counter-noise measures, as instructed in "Connection Manual (Hardware)". If the
communication cables are bundled together with the power cables, noise may be introduced to the
communication cables. To avoid such noise, install the communication cables and the power cables
in separate bundles. Also, connect the shield of the communication cable to the ground plate using a
cable clamp. (Refer to "Connection Manual (Hardware)".)
(6) DO connection to ground
With some types of operator's panel, a communication alarm occurs if the DO terminal is connected
to ground or to another DO terminal due to inadequate cable connection, module malfunction or
failure, or other cause.
(7) Insufficient power capacity or drop in voltage
Check whether the power capacity is insufficient. While the machine had a sufficient power
capacity when originally designed, it may be suffering a power shortage due to such factors as
subsequent modifications to the machine design and/or the factory facilities. Also, even if there is
no problem under normal operating conditions, certain operations may result in a drop in voltage.
(8) Loose power connection
Check that the power cable is connected firmly. Several cases have been identified in which
intermittent errors occur at an extremely low incidence because the power cable is loosely connected
to the power unit precluding the stable supply of power to the slave.
(9) Power unit malfunction or failure
A communication error may result from an instantaneous interruption of power supply due to a
malfunction or failure of the power unit.
(10) Restart of the slave at the time of the CNC restart
When the master I/O Link device is restarted, the slave needs to be restarted as well. Particular care
must be exercised about intelligent-type slaves (those that exert standalone control independently,
such as FS0-C, Power Mate, β amplifier, and spindle monitor unit) because, when the power of the
master is turned off, a system alarm is generated in the slave. If the CNC alone is restarted in this
situation, the system alarm in the slave causes another system alarm to be generated in the master.
(11) System alarm in the slave
In cases where intelligent-type slaves are used, if a system alarm occurs in any of the slaves, the
master also generates a system alarm. Similarly, if a system alarm occurs in the master, the slave
generates a system alarm as well. Therefore, when such slaves are used, it is important to know
which device (master or slave) has generated a system alarm first.
If only the master is experiencing a system alarm while no such alarm is occurring in the slave, the
likely cause is that the power of the slave was turned off instantaneously, causing a system alarm in
the master, and then the slave was restarted.
(12) Failure to connect the optical I/O Link adapter to ground
The optical I/O Link adapter, which accomplishes conversion between electrical cable and optical
cable, uses its own case as a grounding body. Therefore, the case of the adapter must be connected
to ground.
(13) CNC or I/O device malfunction or failure
A communication error may stem from a hardware malfunction or failure. Try replacing boards
having an I/O Link connector (master PCB and PMC boards), the PMC control module (which may
be attached directly to the master PCB in some PMC types), back panel, individual slaves, or other
adequate components.
(14) Operation mistake
If the error has occurred only once, it may be due to an operation mistake, such as turning off the
power of the slave inadvertently.

- 1040 -

11.2.2 Check Items

Check the following items individually to make a judgment as to whether any of the causes described in
the preceding subsection is present.

(1) Operation records

"Had the machine been operating normally before the error occurred?"

If the machine suddenly starts to experience problems while it has been operating normally all along,
one potential cause of those problems is noise, loose connector connection, or insufficient power
capacity due to such factors as modifications to machine design and/or the factory facilities.
Another highly likely cause is a hardware failure.
If the machine is still in the startup phase and has no operation records, you need to begin your
investigation by checking the assignment data and hardware connections.

(2) Configuration and assignment data

"How are the I/O Link devices configured?"

Examine the actual I/O Link configuration (types of the master and slaves and their connections) and
the assignment data.
Based on "Connection Manual (Hardware)", check whether the assignment data matches the actual
I/O Link configuration, whether the I/O Link point count is within the limit, whether terminal
resistors and other connectors are properly connected, whether a power cable is properly connected
to each master and slave, whether the power-on or power-off procedure has been performed
normally, and so on.

(3) Timing

"What did you do when the error occurred?"

If the error occurs when you turn on the power, first check whether each cable connector is
connected to the appropriate device, as well as the assignment data. A system alarm occurs when
the power is turned on, if bases 1 to 3 are assigned while bases 1 to 3 are actually not connected.
Also, when the master is restarted, the slave needs to be restarted as well. Check that the power of
the slave is off before turning off the power of the master.
If the error repeats every time you carry out a certain operation, the likely cause is that an inadequate
voltage is applied to the machine because of loose connector connection, noise, insufficient power
capacity, or DO connection to ground that is caused by that particular operation.

(4) Operation

"Does the error occur every time you carry out the same operation?"

If the error occurs every time you carry out the same operation, you can locate the faulty part by
removing the slaves sequentially starting with the one having the largest group number. Note that
removing certain types of slaves (e.g., operator's panel) leaves you unable to manipulate the machine.
Take necessary precautions for safety before removing such slaves.
If an error is unrepeatable and occurs with low frequency, its cause is difficult to identify. In that
case, there is no option but to take every possible measure and see if the error will be corrected.
Such measures include replacing hardware components (masters, slaves, cables, etc.), strengthening
the power supply (using an independent power source not shared with other devices), enhancing the
earth grounding system, shielding the cables, and installing the PMC cables and other cables in
separate bundles.
- 1041 -

(5) Phenomenon

"Does the error cause the same phenomenon every time?"

Each time the same error occurs, check the system alarm message (register values), the LEDs on the
slave, and the system alarm message displayed by the slave. As described earlier, these indications
may vary depending on certain conditions. If the status denoted by these indications changes every
time, the information given by the register values and LEDs is not reliable.

(6) Alarm history/system alarm history

"Is there any other alarm?"

The communication error may be due to another alarm event that occurred before the I/O Link
system alarm. Check the alarm history and system alarm history records for any such alarm.
If the slave also has alarm history and system alarm history data, check those history records as well.

(7) Register values

"What kind of alarm is occurring?"

If the same register values are displayed every time the system alarm occurs, those register values
may help you identify the location or cause of the error. However, as described earlier, these
register values are not always valid.

(8) Retry counters

"Isn't the communication unstable?"

In response to an error that has occurred singly, the I/O Link attempts to retransmit data. If the error
cannot be avoided by this retransmission attempt, then a system alarm is generated.
Every time such a retransmission takes place, one of the register values is incremented by 1. The
addresses of these registers are the same regardless of the type of the PMC system.

Meaning of the register PMC address Size

Retry counter of channel 1 R9051 1 byte
Retry counter of channel 2 R9057 1 byte
Retry counter of channel 3 R9165 1 byte

By checking these register values, you can know whether the communication had been unstable all
along or a communication error occurred suddenly after a reasonable period of stable operation.
In cases where a communication error repeats intermittently and the values of these registers are
frequently updated, try replacing adequate hardware components. If the register values come to stay
unchanged after you replace a certain hardware component, then you can tell that particular
hardware component is the cause of the error.
These registers are volatile memory, and their values are cleared to 0 at the time of powering on.

- 1042 -

11.2.3 Sample Cases

A system alarm occurs once a day.
<Category> Improper cable type, cable cut, or inadequate connection

Optical I/O link Optical I/O link
adapter adapter

Optical cable

Operator's Connector I/O Unit-A

panel I/O panel I/O

Group 0 Group 1 Group 2

<Cause> Groups 0 and 1 were connected using a cable to which a +5 V power wire was
<Explanation> The cable to which a +5V power wire is attached is intended to connect optical I/O
Link adapters. When not using optical I/O Link adapters, use a cable to which a +5V
power wire is not attached.
Note that, when this troubleshooting work (replacing the cable) was done, the
operator's panel I/O module was replaced as well. Therefore, the direct cause of the
error might have been the operator's panel I/O module.

A system alarm occurs two or three times a day.

<Category> Improper cable type, cable cut, or inadequate connection


Operator's β amplifier β amplifier Connector

panel I/O panel I/O

Group 0 Group 1 Group 2 Group 3

<Cause> The cable between groups 2 and 3 had a short circuit inside it.
<Explanation> Because the alarm had been occurring with relatively high frequency (two or three
times a day), the cause of the error was located by removing the salve devices
sequentially starting with the one having the largest group number.

- 1043 -

A system alarm occurs if you execute "I/O Link startup" after storing the
ladder program using the online monitor.
<Category> Assignment data mismatch
<Register> 83:41


I/O Unit-A I/O Unit-A I/O Unit-A

Group 0 Group 1 Group 2

<Cause> The groups and bases had been set mistakenly.

(Correct) (Wrong)

Group Base Slot Module name Group Base Slot Module name

0 0 N Module 1 0 0 n Module 1

1 0 N Module 2 0 1 n Module 2

2 0 N Module 3 0 2 n Module 3

<Explanation> If the base numbers are mistakenly assigned, the error almost always occurs when the
power of the CNC is turned on.

A system alarm is prone to occur when the feeder starts to operate after the
machining process.
<Category> Noise


I/O Unit-A Operator's Power

panel Mate-D

Group 0 Group 1 Group 2

<Cause> None of the masters, slaves, or communication cables were properly grounded to earth.
<Explanation> If a system alarm is prone to occur in response to a specific operation, it is highly
likely that a drop in voltage, noise interference, loose cable connection, or short circuit
results from that operation.

- 1044 -

A system alarm occurs almost every time the automatic operation begins.
<Category> Noise


I/O Unit-A Operator's


Group 0 Group 1

<Cause> The communication cables and power cables were installed in the same bundle.
<Explanation> The error no longer occurred after the communication cables and power cables were
installed in separate bundles. In this case, too, noise is considered to be the cause of
the error. Note, however, that such noise-caused errors do not necessarily occur in
response to one specific operation. In many cases, they emerge as intermittent errors
that occur with extremely low frequency and it is difficult to identify any particular
condition for them to arise. Therefore, if an error is occurring intermittently and if
you have potential error factors, such as any hardware component not connected to
ground, poor grounding, and cables installed near a noise source, you need to take
necessary measures for each of those error factors and see if the error will be corrected.

A system alarm occurs at a cycle start.

<Category> DO connection to ground


I/O Unit-A I/O Unit-A I/O Unit-A Operator's

panel I/O
Group 0 Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4

<Cause> DO was short-circuited due to a wiring mistake on the operator's panel.

<Explanation> Some operator's panel I/O modules cause a system alarm if the DO output is
connected to ground. In this case, we were able to identify the faulty component by
checking the signal which is turned on at a cycle start on the operator's panel.

- 1045 -

A system alarm occurs once every five times the feeder is moved.
<Category> Insufficient power capacity or drop in voltage


I/O Unit-A

Group 0

<Cause> The power voltage of the slave dropped from 24 volts to 17 volts when the feeder was
<Explanation> If a system alarm is prone to occur in response to a specific operation, it is highly
likely that a drop in voltage, noise interference, or loose cable connection results from
that operation.

A system alarm occurs every time an external alarm is displayed.

<Category> Insufficient power capacity or drop in voltage


β amplifier I/O Unit-A

Group 0 Group 1

<Cause> A flashing lamp was lit when an alarm occurred, which caused the power voltage of
the slave to drop from 24 volts to 10 volts.
<Explanation> We checked the LED of group 0 (β amplifier) and found that an NMI had occurred.
As a result of examining the power supply of the β amplifier, we were able to confirm
that its voltage would drop when its flashing lamp was lit.

- 1046 -

A system alarm occurs intermittently (A).

<Category> Loose power connection


I/O Unit-A Spindle I/O Unit-A I/O Unit-A

monitor unit

Group 0 Group 1 Group 2 Group 3

<Cause> The cable was loosely connected to the terminal block of the slave power unit; it was
merely in touch of the block. We conducted a voltage measurement and found that the
voltage of the slave sometimes dropped from the 24-volt level.
<Explanation> At the time when this measurement was conducted, the voltage of the slave dropped
only by 2 volts or so and no system alarm occurred. However, when the voltage level
is unstable, any instantaneous yet substantial change in voltage can lead to an error.
To prevent this, check that each cable is connected firmly, replace the power supply
unit, or use a stable power supply.

A system alarm sometimes occurs at powering on.

<Category> Restart of the slave at the time of the CNC restart
<Configuration> (Unknown)
<Cause> Due to a wiring mistake, some slaves did not turn off their power even when the
power of the CNC was turned off.
<Explanation> When the master I/O Link device is restarted, all the slaves need to be restarted as well.
The error occurred intermittently because only the CNC power was turned on or off
rather than turning on or off the main power.

A system alarm occurs when data is written using the BOOT screen.
<Category> Restart of the slave at the time of the CNC restart
<Configuration> (Unknown)
<Cause> When a macro was to be written using the BOOT screen, only the power of the CNC
was turned off and then on while the power of the slaves remained on.
<Explanation> When the master I/O Link device is restarted, all the slaves need to be restarted as well.

- 1047 -

A system alarm occurs every time the power is turned on.

<Category> System down of in the slave


Operator's I/O Unit-A Power Power

panel Mate-E Mate-E
connection unit

Group 0 Group 1 Group 2 Group 3

<Cause> A RAM parity error had occurred in Power Mate-E of group 2.

<Explanation> Since group 2 was Power Mate-E, we checked the alarm using the DPL and MDI and
confirmed that a RAM parity error had occurred in the device.

System alarms began to occur after the machine had been in operation for
about one year.
<Category> Failure to connect the optical I/O Link adapter to ground
<Configuration> (Unknown)
<Cause> The connection between the optical I/O Link adapter case and the inside of the optical
I/O Link adapter was loose.
<Explanation> The case of the optical I/O Link adapter is not painted and serves as a grounding body
as well. Therefore, the optical I/O Link adapter must be connected to ground. In this
case, the adapter was properly grounded but, because it was installed in a position
subject to vibration, the connection between the adapter case and the inside of the
adapter had been lost.

A system alarm occurs every time the power is turned on.

<Category> CNC or I/O device malfunction or failure


Operator's Spindle Connector Connector Connector Connector

panel I/O monitor unit panel I/O panel I/O panel I/O panel I/O

Group 0 Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5

<Cause> The basic connector panel I/O module of group 5 was faulty.
<Explanation> Since the alarm had occurred every time the power was turned on, we removed the
devices sequentially, starting with the one having the largest group number, and
checked whether an alarm would arise. As a result, we found out that the system
would start normally when group 5 was removed. We then conducted a test with the
basic module of group 5 attached to another CNC and discovered that the error was
due to the malfunction of that individual module.
- 1048 -
B-64393EN/02 INDEX

BCNTN (Bit Count (Arbitrary Bytes Length):
<A> SUB 312)......................................................................372
About Connection Log of Ethernet ..............................948 BCNTW (Bit Count (2 Bytes Length): SUB 310)........370
About Ethernet Communication Parameters ................945 BIT OPERATION........................................................298
ABSSB (Absolute Value (1 Byte Length): SUB 340)..431 BPOSB (Bit Search (1 Byte Length): SUB 305)..........364
ABSSD (Absolute Value (4 Bytes Length): SUB 342) 431 BPOSD (Bit Search (4 Bytes Length): SUB 307) ........364
ABSSW (Absolute Value (2 Bytes Length): SUB 341)431 BPOSN (Bit Search (Arbitrary Bytes Length):
ADD (BCD Addition: SUB 19) ...................................403 SUB 308)......................................................................367
ADDB (Binary Addition: SUB 36) ..............................395 BPOSW (Bit Search (2 Bytes Length): SUB 306) .......364
Adding an Extended Symbol and Comment ................915 BRSTB (Bit Reset (1 Byte Length): SUB 297)............354
Address Alteration Function ...............................877,1005 BRSTD (Bit Reset (4 Bytes Length): SUB 299) ..........354
Address Map Display Screen ..............................881,1007 BRSTN (Bit Reset (Arbitrary Bytes Length):
Addresses for Signals Between the PMC and CNC SUB 300)......................................................................356
(F, G)..............................................................................57 BRSTW (Bit Reset (2 Bytes Length): SUB 298) .........354
Addresses of Signals Between the PMC and Machine BSETB (Bit Set (1 Byte Length): SUB 293)................349
(X, Y) .............................................................................58 BSETD (Bit Set (4 Bytes Length): SUB 295)..............349
ADDSB (Addition (1 Byte Length): SUB 319) ...........415 BSETN (Bit Set (Arbitrary Bytes Length): SUB 296) .351
ADDSD (Addition (4 Bytes Length): SUB 321)..........415 BSETW (Bit Set (2 Bytes Length): SUB 294) .............349
ADDSW (Addition (2 Bytes Length): SUB 320).........415 BTSTB (Bit Test (1 Byte Length): SUB 301)..............359
ALARM MESSAGE LIST ........................................1015 BTSTD (Bit Test (4 Bytes Length): SUB 303) ............359
AND (Logical AND: SUB 60).....................................304 BTSTN (Bit Test (Arbitrary Bytes Length): SUB 304)361
AND Instruction...........................................................162 BTSTW (Bit Test (2 Bytes Length): SUB 302) ...........359
AND.NOT Instruction..................................................163
AND.STK Instruction ..................................................168 <C>
ANDB (Logical AND (1 Byte Length): SUB 268) ......317 CALL (Conditional Subprogram Call: SUB 65) ..........481
ANDD (Logical AND (4 Bytes Length): SUB 270) ....317 CALLU (Unconditional Subprogram Call: SUB 66) ...482
ANDNT Instruction .....................................................178 Causes of Communication Errors...............................1039
ANDPT Instruction ......................................................174 Cautions for Reading from/Writing to Nonvolatile
ANDW (Logical AND (2 Bytes Length): SUB 269) ...317 Memory ..........................................................................86
ASSIGNMENT METHOD ..........................................115 CE (End of Case Call: SUB 76) ...................................491
Assignment Method for a Handy Machine Operator's Check Items................................................................1041
Panel.............................................................................133 CHECKING OF DUPLICATE COIL ([D. COIL]
Assignment Method for an AS-i Converter Unit..........134 SCREEN) .....................................................................887
Assignment Method for Distribution I/O Connection CHECKING PMC ALARMS ([ALARM] SCREEN)..713
Panel I/O Modules and Distribution I/O Operator's Checking Sequence Program..........................................14
Panel I/O Modules........................................................125 Clearing Tool Life Management Data (Tool Life
Assignment Method for I/O Link Connection Units ....131 Counter and Tool Information) (Low-speed Response)680
Assignment Method for I/O Unit-MODEL A ..............120 CM (Sub Program Call in Case Call: SUB 75) ............490
Assignment Method for I/O Unit-MODEL B ..............122 CNC INFORMATION.................................................512
Assignment Method for the Power Mate......................130 CNC Parameters Related to the PMCs ...........................97
Assignment of FB variable...........................................966 COD (Code Conversion: SUB 7) .................................375
Automatic Start of Trace Setting..................................788 CODB (Binary Code Conversion: SUB 27).................378
AUTOMATICALLY INPUTTING UNUSED CODE CONVERSION ................................................374
PARAMETER NUMBERS .........................................884 COIN (Coincidence Check: SUB 16)...........................297
AXCTL (Axis Control by PMC: SUB 53) ...................456 Collective Monitor Function ........................................872
AXIS INFORMATION................................................582 Collective Monitor Screen ...........................................874
COM (Common Line Control: SUB 9) ........................469
<B> COME (Common Line Control End: SUB 29) ............472
Basic Configuration of PMC............................................1 Comment ..........................................................................6
Basic Instructions ....................................................43,154 Communication Status .................................................944
Basic Screen Operations...............................................684 COMP (Comparison: SUB 15).....................................296
Basic Specifications .......................................................36 Comparing Message Data for Multi-Language Display
BCNTB (Bit Count (1 Byte Length): SUB 309) ..........370 with Flash ROM Files ..................................................775
BCNTD (Bit Count (4 Bytes Length): SUB 311) ........370

INDEX B-64393EN/02

Comparing Message Data for Multi-Language Display Deleting Tool life Management Data (Tool Data)
with Memory Card Files ..............................................772 (Low-speed Response) .................................................679
Comparing PMC Parameters with Files of Other Deleting Tool life Management Data (Tool Group)
Devices (via the RS-232C Port) ...................................768 (Low-speed Response) .................................................678
Comparing PMC Parameters with FLOPPY Files .......765 Details of the Basic Instructions...................................156
Comparing PMC Parameters with Memory Card Files 761 DETECTION OF DOUBLE COILS............................886
Comparing Sequence Programs with Files of Other Determining Specification..............................................12
Devices (via the RS-232C Port) ...................................758 DIFD (Falling Edge Detection: SUB 58) .....................301
Comparing Sequence Programs with Flash ROM Difference Between Relay Sequence Circuit and Ladder
Files..............................................................................750 Sequence Program............................................................8
Comparing Sequence Programs with FLOPPY Files ...754 DIFU (Rising Edge Detection: SUB 57) ......................300
Comparing Sequence Programs with Memory Card DISPB (Display Message: SUB 41).............................436
Files..............................................................................746 DISPLAY AND OPERATION CONDITIONS FOR
COMPARISON............................................................278 SCREENS ....................................................................686
Compatibility between 0i-D / 0i Mate-D PMC/L and Display Format for Parameters.....................................822
PMC-SA1 for 0i-C / 0i Mate-C....................................100 Display history of a Subprogram..................................890
Compatibility between 0i-D DCSPMC and Display of European Characters...................................107
30i/31i/32i-A DCSPMC ...............................................102 Display of Simplified Chinese and Korean (Hangul
Compatibility between 0i-D PMC and 30i/31i/32i-A Characters) ...................................................................108
PMC .............................................................................101 Displaying a File List ([LIST] Screen).........................739
Compatibility between 0i-D PMC and PMC-SB7 for DISPLAYING A PROGRAM LIST ([LIST]
0i-C ................................................................................99 SCREEN) .....................................................................805
Compatibility between 0i-D/0i Mate-D PMC/L and DISPLAYING A SUBPROGRAM LIST ([SPLIST]
32i-A PMC/L ...............................................................101 SCREEN) .....................................................................890
MODELS .......................................................................99 BLOCK ........................................................................985
COMPB (Comparison Between Binary Data: SUB 32)293 DISPLAYING AND EDITING I/O MODULE
Configuration of an I/O Link .......................................113 ALLOCATION DATA ([MODULE] SCREENS).......925
COUNTER...................................................................201 DISPLAYING AND EDITING MESSAGE DATA
Counter Addresses (C) ...................................................70 ([MESAGE] SCREENS)..............................................917
Creating a Function Block Call Section .......................980 DISPLAYING AND EDITING PMC SETTINGS
Creating Ladder Diagram...............................................12 ([SETING] SCREENS) ................................................929
CS (Case Call: SUB 74) ...............................................487 DISPLAYING AND EDITING SYMBOL AND
CTR (Counter: SUB 5).................................................202 COMMENT ...............................................................1012
CTRB (Fixed Counter: SUB 56) ..................................208 DISPLAYING AND EDITING SYMBOL AND
CTRC (Counter: SUB 55) ............................................210 COMMENT DATA ([SYMBOL] SCREENS) ............900
CTRD (Counter (4 Bytes Length): SUB 223) ..............212 DISPLAYING AND EDITING TITLE DATA
([TITLE] SCREENS) ...................................................895
<D> Displaying and Setting Parameters for an FS0
DATA BACKED UP BY THE BATTERY.................110 Operator's Panel ...........................................................953
Data Size for PMC Message Multi-Language Display ..40 THE ONLINE FUNCTION ([ONLINE] SCREEN) ....940
Data Table Addresses (D) ..............................................79 Displaying and Setting Parameters for the Selectable
DATA TRANSFER .....................................................215 I/O Link Assignment Function.....................................956
DCNV (Data Conversion: SUB 14) .............................381 DISPLAYING AND SETTING SYSTEM
DCNVB (Extended Data Conversion: SUB 31)...........383 PARAMETERS ([SYSPRM] SCREENS) ...................950
DEC (Decode: SUB 4) .................................................385 Displaying and Setting the Counter Data Type ............950
DECB (Binary Decoding: SUB 25) .............................387 Displaying Extended Symbol and Comment702,908,1013
DECSB (Decrement (1 Byte Length): SUB 337).........429 DISPLAYING I/O LINK CONNECTION STATUS
DECSD (Decrement (4 Bytes Length): SUB 339) .......429 ([I/OLNK] SCREEN)...................................................778
DECSW (Decrement (2 Bytes Length): SUB 338) ......429 Displaying I/O Module Allocation Data ......................925
DEFINITION OF WARNING, CAUTION, AND Displaying Internal and External Variables in
NOTE............................................................................s-1 the Monitor (FB Instance Monitor Display).................994
Deleting Memory Card Files or Formatting a Memory Displaying Message Data.............................................917
Card..............................................................................776 Displaying Symbol and Comment Data .......................900
Deleting One or All FLOPPY Files..............................777 Displaying the FB Body Program ................................995

B-64393EN/02 INDEX


CHANGING THE TARGET PMC ([PMCST.] Editing Desired Message Data .....................................922
SCREENS)...................................................................937 Editing Extended Symbol and Comment .....................911
Displaying Title Data ...................................................895 Editing I/O Module Allocation Data ............................926
Displaying Title Data (Message)..................................899 EDITING LADDER PROGRAMS..............................836
DIV (BCD Division: SUB 22) .....................................409 Editing Message Data...................................................919
DIVB (Binary Division: SUB 39) ................................401 Editing Sequence Program .............................................12
DIVSB (Division (1 Byte Length): SUB 328) .............421 Editing Symbol and Comment Data.............................902
DIVSD (Division (4 Bytes Length): SUB 330)............421 Editing Title Data.........................................................897
DIVSW (Division (2 Bytes Length): SUB 329)...........421 END (End of a Ladder Program: SUB 64)...................486
DMAXB (Maximum Data (1 Byte Length): SUB 259)270 END1 (1st Level Sequence Program End: SUB 1) ......484
DMAXD (Maximum Data (4 Bytes Length): END2 (2nd Level Sequence Program End: SUB 2) .....485
SUB 261)......................................................................270 END3 (3rd Level Sequence Program End: SUB 48)....485
DMAXW (Maximum Data (2 Bytes Length): Entering Data on the Program Check Screen
SUB 260)......................................................................270 (Low-speed Response) .................................................569
DMINB (Minimum Data (1 Byte Length): SUB 262) .274 Entering Torque Limit Data for the Digital Servo
DMIND (Minimum Data (4 Bytes Length): SUB 264)274 Motor (Low-speed Response) ......................................605
DMINW (Minimum Data (2 Bytes Length): SUB 263)274 EOR (Exclusive OR: SUB 59) .....................................302
DSCH (Data Search: SUB 17) .....................................249 EORB (Exclusive OR (1 Byte Length): SUB 265) ......314
DSCHB (Binary Data Search: SUB 34).......................246 EORD (Exclusive OR (4 Bytes Length): SUB 267) ....314
DSEQB (Searching Data from Table(=)(1 Byte EORW (Exclusive OR (2 Bytes Length): SUB 266)....314
Length):SUB 241)........................................................264 EQB (1 Byte Length: SUB 200)...................................279
DSEQD (Searching Data from Table(=)(4 Bytes EQD (4 Bytes Length: SUB 202).................................279
Length):SUB 243)........................................................264 EQW (2 Bytes Length: SUB 201) ................................279
DSEQW (Searching Data from Table(=)(2 Bytes Example .......................................................................147
Length):SUB 242)........................................................264 EXECUTING A FUNCTION BLOCK........................983
DSGEB (Searching Data from Table(≧)(1 Byte EXECUTION OF SEQUENCE PROGRAM.................15
Length):SUB 253)........................................................264 Execution of Trace .......................................................785
DSGED (Searching Data from Table(≧)(4 Bytes Execution Procedure of Sequence Program ...................16
Length) :SUB 255).......................................................264 EXIN (External Data Input: SUB 42) ..........................448
DSGEW (Searching Data from Table(≧)(2 Bytes Extended Symbol and Comment Screen ....................1012
Length):SUB 254)........................................................264 Extra Relay Addresses (E) .............................................64
DSGTB (Searching Data from Table(>)(1 Byte
Length):SUB 247)........................................................264 <F>
DSGTD (Searching Data from Table(>)(4 Bytes FB Body Program ........................................................976
Length):SUB 249)........................................................264 FBCDB (BCD to Binary Conversion (1 Byte Length):
DSGTW (Searching Data from Table(>)(2 Bytes SUB 313)......................................................................392
Length):SUB 248)........................................................264 FBCDD (BCD to Binary Conversion (4 Bytes Length):
DSLEB (Searching Data from Table(≦)(1 Byte SUB 315)......................................................................392
Length) :SUB 256).......................................................264 FBCDW (BCD to Binary Conversion (2 Bytes Length):
DSLED (Searching Data from Table(≦)(4 Bytes SUB 314)......................................................................392
Length) :SUB 258).......................................................264 Forced I/O Function .....................................................707
DSLEW (Searching Data from Table(≦)(2 Bytes Forced I/O Screen ........................................................710
Length) :SUB 257).......................................................264 Format of the Functional Instructions ..........................182
DSLTB (Searching Data from Table(<)(1 Byte FORMATS OF CONTROL DATA .............................503
Length):SUB 250)........................................................264 FS0 Operator's Panel ....................................................136
DSLTD (Searching Data from Table(<)(4 Bytes FUNCTION BLOCK CALL........................................980
Length):SUB 252)........................................................264 Function Block Call Positions......................................980
DSLTW (Searching Data from Table(<)(2 Bytes FUNCTION BLOCK DEFINITION............................967
Length):SUB 251)........................................................264 FUNCTION BLOCK FUNCTION ..............................959
DSNEB (Searching Data from Table(≠)(1 Byte Function Block Name...................................................967
Length):SUB 244)........................................................264 FUNCTION TO AUTOMATICALLY INPUT
DSNED (Searching Data from Table(≠)(4 Bytes UNUSED ADDRESSES ..............................................883
Length):SUB 246)........................................................264 FUNCTION TO REFERENCE ADDRESSES IN
DSNEW (Searching Data from Table(≠)(2 Bytes USE ..............................................................................881
Length):SUB 245)........................................................264 FUNCTIONAL INSTRUCTION DATA TABLE
Duplicate Coil Check Screen .....................................1008 EDITOR Screen ...........................................................866

INDEX B-64393EN/02


VIEWER Screen ..........................................................834 Label Number Addresses (L) .........................................84
FUNCTIONAL INSTRUCTION LIST Screen............864 LADDER DIAGRAM EDITOR Screen ....................1002
FUNCTIONAL INSTRUCTIONS...............................182 Ladder Diagram Format ...................................................5
Functional Instructions (Arranged in Sequence of LADDER DIAGRAM MONITOR AND EDITOR
Instruction Group)..........................................................44 SCREENS ([PMCLAD])..............................................803
Functional Instructions (Arranged in Sequence of SUB LADDER DIAGRAM MONITOR Screen...................987
No.) ................................................................................51 LADDER LANGUAGE...............................................153
Ladder that is not programmable..................................862
<G> LBL (Label: SUB 69)...................................................480
GEB (1 Byte Length: SUB 212) ..................................287 LEB (1 Byte Length: SUB 215) ...................................289
GED (4 Bytes Length: SUB 214).................................287 LED (4 Bytes Length: SUB 217) .................................289
GEW (2 Bytes Length: SUB 213)................................287 LEW (2 Bytes Length: SUB 216) ................................289
Graphic Symbols of Relays and Coils..............................7 Line Number and Net Number .........................................7
GTB (1 Byte Length: SUB 206) ..................................283 LIST OF WINDOW FUNCTIONS..............................506
GTD (4 Bytes Length: SUB 208).................................283 List of Window Functions (Function Code Order).......509
GTW (2 Bytes Length: SUB 207)................................283 List of Window Functions (Function Group Order) .....506
<I> RESPONSE..................................................................504
I/O Communication Error Messages ..........................1035 LTB (1 Byte Length: SUB 209) ...................................285
I/O DIAGNOSIS Screen ..............................................794 LTD (4 Bytes Length: SUB 211) .................................285
I/O LINK......................................................................112 LTW (2 Bytes Length: SUB 210) ................................285
ACTIONS TO TAKE.................................................1039 <M>
I/O LINK CONNECTION CHECK FUNCTION........152 Maximum Number of Message ....................................107
I/O Signals of PMC ..........................................................1 Memory Usage Related to Function Blocks.................965
Implementation ..............................................................19 Message Display Addresses (A).....................................68
INCSB (Increment (1 Byte Length): SUB 334) ...........427 Messages That May Be Displayed on the PMC Alarm
INCSD (Increment (4 Bytes Length): SUB 336) .........427 Screen.........................................................................1015
INCSW (Increment (2 Bytes Length): SUB 335).........427 MODSB (Remainder (1 Byte Length): SUB 331) .......424
Inputting a Message Data for Multi-Language Display MODSD (Remainder (4 Bytes Length): SUB 333)......424
from the Memory Card.................................................770 MODSW (Remainder (2 Bytes Length): SUB 332).....424
Inputting a Sequence Program from the FLOPPY .......752 MONITORING I/O DIAGNOSIS ([I/ODGN]
Inputting a Sequence Program from the Memory SCREEN) .....................................................................793
Card..............................................................................744 MONITORING LADDER DIAGRAMS ([LADDER]
Inputting Message Data for Multi-Language Display SCREEN) .....................................................................808
from the Flash ROM ....................................................774 MONITORING PMC SIGNAL STATUS ([STATUS]
Inputting PMC Parameters from Other Devices (via SCREEN) .....................................................................705
the RS-232C Port) ........................................................767 MOVB (Transfer of 1 Byte: SUB 43) ..........................216
Inputting PMC Parameters from the FLOPPY.............763 MOVBT (Bit Transfer: SUB 224)................................234
Inputting PMC Parameters from the Memory Card .....760 MOVD (Transfer of 4 Bytes: SUB 47) ........................218
Inputting Sequence Programs from Other Devices (via MOVE (Logical Product Transfer: SUB 8)..................220
the RS-232C Port) ........................................................756 MOVN (Transfer of an Arbitrary Number of Bytes:
Inputting Sequence Programs from the Flash ROM.....748 SUB 45)........................................................................219
INSTRUCTIONS RELATED TO CNC FUNCTIONS435 MOVOR (Data Transfer After Logical Sum: SUB 28) 222
Interlock .........................................................................34 MOVW (Transfer of 2 Bytes: SUB 44)........................217
Internal Relay Addresses (R) .........................................59 MUL (BCD Multiplication: SUB 21)...........................407
INVALID INSTRUCTIONS........................................499 MULB (Binary Multiplication: SUB 38) .....................399
Item Names ..................................................................960 MULSB (Multiplication (1 Byte Length): SUB 325)...419
MULSD (Multiplication (4 Bytes Length): SUB 327).419
<J> MULSW (Multiplication (2 Bytes Length): SUB 326) 419
JMP (Jump: SUB 10) ...................................................473 Multi-Language Display ..............................................106
JMPB (Label Jump 1: SUB 68)....................................476
JMPC (Label Jump 2: SUB 73)....................................478 <N>
JMPE (Jump End: SUB 30)..........................................475 NEB (1 Byte Length: SUB 203)...................................281
NED (4 Bytes Length: SUB 205).................................281
<K> NEGSB (Sign Inversion (1 Byte Length): SUB 343)...433
Keep Relay Addresses (K) .............................................72 NEGSD (Sign Inversion (4 Bytes Length): SUB 345) .433
B-64393EN/02 INDEX

NEGSW (Sign Inversion (2 Bytes Length): SUB 344) 433 OVERVIEW OF PMC .....................................................1
NET EDITOR Screen .........................................847,1005 Overview of Specifications ..........................................961
NEW (2 Bytes Length: SUB 204)................................281
Nonvolatile Memory Control Address (K).....................73 <P>
NOP (No Operation: SUB 70)......................................486 PARAMETERS FOR THE PMC SYSTEM ..................94
NOT (Logical NOT: SUB 62)......................................308 PARI (Parity Check: SUB 11)......................................310
NOTB (Logical NOT (1 Byte Length): SUB 274).......323 Partial Protection Function for Ladder Program ..........698
NOTD (Logical NOT (4 Bytes Length): SUB 276) .....323 Partially Changing Symbol and Comment Data...........904
NOTE ON PROGRAMMING .....................................500 Password Function .......................................................696
Note on the Programming of a Low-speed Response PMC Addresses ..............................................................41
Window Instruction......................................................505 PMC ALARM MESSAGES AND ACTIONS TO
Notes ............................................................................151 TAKE .........................................................................1014
Notes on I/O Signals Updated by Other Than PMC.......34 PMC CONFIGURATION DATA SETTING
Notes on using subroutines ............................................28 SCREENS ([PMCCNF]) ..............................................894
NOTW (Logical NOT (2 Bytes Length): SUB 275) ....323 PMC DIAGNOSIS AND MAINTENANCE
Numbers of Input Points and of Output Points of SCREENS ([PMCMNT]).............................................704
the I/O Link..................................................................114 PMC MESSAGE MULTI-LANGUAGE DISPLAY
NUME (BCD Definition of Constant: SUB 23)...........414 FUNCTION..................................................................104
NUMEB (Definition of Binary Constants: SUB 40)....411 PMC Parameter Format..................................................87
PMC Parameter Input/Output Conditions ....................694
<O> PMC PARAMETERS ....................................................85
Operating on the FUNCTIONAL INSTRUCTION PMC Signal Addresses................................................2,57
DATA TABLE EDITOR Screen .................................867 PMC SPECIFICATIONS...............................................36
Operating on the LADDER DIAGRAM EDITOR PMC System Alarm Messages ...................................1020
Screen...........................................................................838 PMC System Parameters ................................................96
Operating on the LADDER DIAGRAM MONITOR PMC/L FUNCTION FOR Series 0i-D/0i Mate-D..........35
Screen...........................................................................811 POP Instruction ............................................................181
Operating on the Screen ........................................879,882 Presetting the Relative Coordinate (Low-speed
OPERATING THE PMC SCREEN .............................681 Response) .....................................................................619
Operation after Execution of Trace ..............................786 Processing Priority (1st Level, 2nd Level, and 3rd
Operation Errors.........................................................1023 Level) .............................................................................17
OPERATION INSTRUCTION....................................394 Program Capacity...........................................................39
OPERATION SCREENS OF THE PMC AND SOFT PROGRAM CONTROL ..............................................468
KEY ORGANIZATION ..............................................683 Program List Display Screen........................................986
Optimization.................................................................863 PROGRAM LIST EDITOR Screen .............................869
OR (Logical OR: SUB 61) ...........................................306 Programmer Protection Function .................................686
OR Instruction..............................................................164 Protection of Data at 8 Levels ......................................699
OR.NOT Instruction.....................................................165 PSGN2 (Position Signal: SUB 63) ...............................461
OR.STK Instruction .....................................................169 PSGNL (Position Signal: SUB 50)...............................464
ORB (Logical OR (1 Byte Length): SUB 271) ............320 PUSH Instruction .........................................................181
ORD (Logical OR (4 Bytes Length): SUB 273) ..........320
ORNT Instruction.........................................................179 <R>
ORPT Instruction .........................................................175 RD Instruction..............................................................158
ORW (Logical OR (2 Bytes Length): SUB 272) .........320 RD.NOT Instruction.....................................................159
Other Information.........................................................978 RD.NOT.STK Instruction ............................................167
Outline..........................................................................144 RD.STK Instruction .....................................................166
Outputting a Message Data for Multi-Language Display RDNT Instruction.........................................................177
to the Memory Card .....................................................769 RDNT.STK Instruction ................................................180
Outputting a Sequence Program to the FLOPPY .........751 RDPT Instruction .........................................................173
Outputting a Sequence Program to the Memory Card..743 RDPT.STK Instruction.................................................176
Outputting PMC Parameters to Other Devices (via Reading a Custom Macro Variable (High-speed
the RS-232C Port) ........................................................766 Response) .....................................................................537
Outputting PMC Parameters to the FLOPPY...............762 Reading a Parameter (High-speed Response)...............522
Outputting PMC Parameters to the Memory Card .......759 Reading a P-CODE Macro Variable (High-speed
Outputting Sequence Programs to Other Devices (via Response) .....................................................................559
the RS-232C Port) ........................................................755 Reading a Real Type Parameter (High-speed
OVERVIEW ................................................................959 Response) .....................................................................526

INDEX B-64393EN/02

Reading a Skip Position (Stop Coordinates of Skip Reading The Tool Life Management Data (Tool Group
Operation (G31)) of Controlled Axes (High-speed Number) (High-speed Response) .................................623
Response) .....................................................................587 Reading The Tool Life Management Data (Tool Group
Reading a Tool Offset (High-speed Response) ............514 Number) (High-speed Response) (8-digit Tool Number)
Reading a Workpiece Origin Offset Value .....................................................................................664
(High-speed Response) ................................................518 Reading the Tool Life Management Data (Tool Life
Reading Actual Spindle Speeds (High-speed Counter Type) (High-speed Response) ........................647
Response) .....................................................................602 Reading Tool Life Management Data (Cutter Radius
Reading Clock Data (Date and Time) (High-speed Compensation Number (1): Tool Number) (High-speed
Response) .....................................................................570 Response) .....................................................................637
Reading CNC Status Information (High-speed Reading Tool Life Management Data (Cutter Radius
Response) .....................................................................565 Compensation Number (1): Tool Number) (High-speed
Reading CNC System Information (High-speed Response) (8-digit Tool Number) ................................672
Response) .....................................................................512 Reading Tool Life Management Data (Cutter Radius
Reading Detailed Information of CNC Alarm .............578 Compensation Number (2): Tool Order Number)
Reading Diagnosis Data (High-speed Response) .........557 (High-speed Response).................................................639
Reading Diagnosis Data (Low-speed Response)..........555 Reading Tool Life Management Data (Number of Tool
Reading Load Information of the Spindle Motor Groups) (High-speed Response)...................................625
(Serial Interface) (High-speed Response) ....................607 Reading Tool Life Management Data (Number of Tools)
Reading Modal Data (High-speed Response) ..............546 (High-speed Response).................................................627
Reading Setting Data (High-speed Response)..............534 Reading Tool Life Management Data (Tool Information
Reading the Absolute Position (Absolute Coordinates) (1): Tool Number) (High-speed Response) ..................641
of Controlled Axes (High-speed Response) .................583 Reading Tool Life Management Data (Tool Information
Reading the Acceleration/Deceleration Delay on (1): Tool Number) (High-speed Response) (8-digit Tool
Controlled Axes (High-speed Response) .....................591 Number) .......................................................................666
Reading the Actual Machine Position of Controlled Reading Tool Life Management Data (Tool Information
Axes .............................................................................621 (2): Tool Order Number) (High-speed Response)........643
Reading the Actual Speed of Servo Motor (High-speed Reading Tool Life Management Data (Tool Length
Response) .....................................................................609 Compensation Number (1): Tool Number) (High-speed
Reading the Actual Spindle Speed (High-speed Response) .....................................................................633
Response) .....................................................................595 Reading Tool Life Management Data (Tool Length
Reading the Actual Velocity of Controlled Axes Compensation Number (1): Tool Number) (High-speed
(High-speed Response) ................................................582 Response) (8-digit Tool Number) ................................670
Reading the Actual Velocity of each Controlled Axis Reading Tool Life Management Data (Tool Length
(High-speed Response) ................................................600 Compensation Number (2): Tool Order Number)
Reading the CNC Alarm Status (High-speed (High-speed Response).................................................635
Response) .....................................................................541 Reading Tool Life Management Data (Tool Life
Reading the Current Program Number (8-digit Counter) (High-speed Response) .................................631
Program Numbers) (High-speed Response) .................567 Reading Tool Life Management Data (Tool Life)
Reading the Current Program Number (High-speed (High-speed Response).................................................629
Response) .....................................................................543 Reading Tool Life Management Data (Tool Number)
Reading the Current Sequence Number (High-speed (High-speed Response).................................................645
Response) .....................................................................545 Registering New Symbol and Comment Data..............906
Reading the Estimate Disturbance Torque Data Registering Tool Life Management Data (Tool Group
(High-speed Response) ................................................615 Number) (Low-speed Response) (8-digit Tool Number)
Reading the Feed Motor Load Current Value (A/D .....................................................................................668
Conversion Data) (High-speed Response) ...................593 Registering Tool Life Management Data (Tool Group)
Reading the Machine Position (Machine Coordinates) (Low-speed Response) .................................................648
of Controlled Axes (High-speed Response) .................585 Repetitive Operation ......................................................17
Reading the Pitch Error Compensation Value RNGB (1 Byte Length: SUB 218)................................291
(High-speed Response) ................................................576 RNGD (4 Bytes Length: SUB 220)..............................291
Reading the Relative Position on a Controlled Axis RNGW (2 Bytes Length: SUB 219) .............................291
(High-speed Response) ................................................596 ROLB (Bit Rotation Left (1 Byte Length): SUB 285) .337
Reading the Remaining Travel (High-speed ROLD (Bit Rotation Left (4 Bytes Length): SUB 287)337
Response) .....................................................................598 ROLN (Bit Rotation Left (Arbitrary Bytes Length):
Reading the Servo Delay for Controlled Axes SUB 288)......................................................................340
(High-speed Response) ................................................589

B-64393EN/02 INDEX

ROLW (Bit Rotation Left (2 Bytes Length): SHLW (Bit Shift Left (2 Bytes Length): SUB 278) .....325
SUB 286)......................................................................337 SHRB (Bit Shift Right (1 Byte Length): SUB 281) .....331
RORB (Bit Rotation Right (1 Byte Length): SHRD (Bit Shift Right (4 Bytes Length): SUB 283) ...331
SUB 289)......................................................................343 SHRN (Bit Shift Right (Arbitrary Bytes Length):
RORD (Bit Rotation Right (4 Bytes Length): SUB 284)......................................................................334
SUB 291)......................................................................343 SHRW (Bit Shift Right (2 Bytes Length): SUB 282)...331
RORN (Bit Rotation Right (Arbitrary Bytes Length): SUB Signal Name (Symbol Name)...........................................6
292) ..............................................................................346 Signal Trace Function ([TRACE] Screen) ...................780
RORW (Bit Rotation Right (2 Bytes Length): Signed Binary Comparison (<).....................................285
SUB 290)......................................................................343 Signed Binary Comparison (=).....................................279
ROT (Rotation Control: SUB 6) ..................................493 Signed Binary Comparison (>).....................................283
ROTATION CONTROL..............................................492 Signed Binary Comparison (≦)...................................289
ROTB (Binary Rotation Control: SUB 26) ..................496 Signed Binary Comparison (≧)...................................287
RST Instruction ............................................................172 Signed Binary Comparison (≠).....................................281
Signed Binary Comparison (Range).............................291
<S> SP (Subprogram: SUB 71) ...........................................483
Sample Cases .............................................................1043 SPE (End of a Subprogram: SUB 72) ..........................484
Saving Message Data for Multi-Language Display to Specification of Extended Symbol and Comment............9
the Flash ROM .............................................................773 SPECIFICATIONS ........................................................36
Saving Sequence Programs to the Flash ROM.............747 Starting and Stopping Sequence Programs...................939
Screen Structures..........................................................878 Storage and Management of Sequence Program ............14
SELECTABLE I/O LINK ASSIGNMENT FUNCTION Structure of extended type net......................................856
.....................................................................................144 Structure of standard type net.......................................855
SELECTING AND DISPLAYING THE NECESSARY Structure of Valid Net ..................................................855
LADDER NET ([SWITCH] SCREEN]) ......................872 Structured Sequence Program ........................................19
SEQUENCE PROGRAM CREATION PROCEDURE .12 SUB (BCD Subtraction: SUB 20) ................................405
Sequence Program Memory Capacity ............................40 SUBB (Binary Subtraction: SUB 37)...........................397
SET Instruction ............................................................171 Subprogram List Display Screen.........................892,1009
SETNB (Data Setting (1 Byte Length): SUB 225).......237 Subprogram Number Addresses (P) ...............................84
SETND (Data Setting (4 Bytes Length): SUB 227).....237 Subprogramming and nesting.........................................24
SETNW (Data Setting (2 Bytes Length): SUB 226) ....237 SUBSB (Subtraction (1 Byte Length): SUB 322) ........417
Setting an I/O Target PMC...........................................741 SUBSD (Subtraction (4 Bytes Length): SUB 324) ......417
Setting and Displaying Counter Values ([COUNTR] SUBSW (Subtraction (2 Bytes Length): SUB 323)......417
Screen) .........................................................................718 SWAPD (Data Swap (4 Bytes Length): SUB 232) ......243
Setting and Displaying Data Tables ([DATA] Screen) 722 SWAPW (Data Swap (2 Bytes Length): SUB 231) .....243
Setting and Displaying Keep Relays ([KEEPRL] Synchronization Processing of I/O Signals ....................30
Screen) .........................................................................720 System Keep Relay Addresses (K).................................74
SETTING AND DISPLAYING PMC System Relay Addresses (R9000) ..................................60
PARAMETERS ...........................................................714
Setting and Displaying Variable Timers ([TIMER] <T>
Screen) .........................................................................715 TABLE DATA.............................................................251
Setting of Trace Parameter ([TRCPRM] Screen).........781 TBCDB (Binary to BCD Conversion (1 Byte Length):
Setting Parameters..........................................................94 SUB 313)......................................................................390
Setting Parameters for the Online Function .................942 TBCDD (Binary to BCD Conversion (4 Bytes
SETTING Screen of I/O DIAGNOSIS ........................800 Length): SUB 315) .......................................................390
Setting Subprogram List Screen...................................893 TBCDW (Binary to BCD Conversion (2 Bytes
Setting the Communication Port ([SETING] Screen) ..737 Length): SUB 314) .......................................................390
Setting the Display Format of the LADDER TBLRB (Reading Data from Table (1 Byte Length):
DIAGRAM MONITOR Screen ............................815,996 SUB 233)......................................................................252
Setting the LADDER DIAGRAM EDITOR Screen ....841 TBLRD (Reading Data from Table (4 Bytes Length):
Setting the PROGRAM LIST EDITOR Screen ...........871 SUB 235)......................................................................252
Setting the Program List Screen...................................807 TBLRN (Reading Data from Table (Arbitrary Bytes
SFT (Shift Register: SUB 33) ......................................312 Length): SUB 236) .......................................................255
SHLB (Bit Shift Left (1 Byte Length): SUB 277)........325 TBLRW (Reading Data from Table (2 Bytes Length):
SHLD (Bit Shift Left (4 Bytes Length): SUB 279)......325 SUB 234)......................................................................252
SHLN (Bit Shift Left (Arbitrary Bytes Length): TBLWB (Writing Data to Table (1 Byte Length):
SUB 280)......................................................................328 SUB 237)......................................................................258

INDEX B-64393EN/02

TBLWD (Writing Data to Table (4 Bytes Length): Writing the Tool Life Management Data (Tool
SUB 239)......................................................................258 Information (1): Tool Number) (Low-speed Response)
TBLWN (Writing Data to Table (Arbitrary Bytes (8-digit Tool Number)..................................................676
Length): SUB 240).......................................................261 Writing the Tool Management Data (Tool Information
TBLWW (Writing Data to Table (2 Bytes Length): (2): Tool Order Number) (Low-speed Response).........661
SUB 238)......................................................................258 Writing to the Memory Card ........................................735
The Convert Method of Source Program Using Writing Tool Life Management Data (Cutter Radius
FANUC LADDER-III..................................................102 Compensation Number (1): Tool Number) (Low-speed
TIMER .........................................................................187 Response) .....................................................................657
Timer Addresses (T) ......................................................69 Writing Tool Life Management Data (Cutter Radius
Title Screen ................................................................1011 Compensation Number (1): Tool Number) (Low-speed
TMR (On-delay Timer: SUB 3) ...................................188 Response) (8-digit Tool Number) ................................675
TMRB (Fixed On-delay Timer: SUB 24) ....................190 Writing Tool Life Management Data (Cutter Radius
TMRBF (Fixed Off-delay Timer: SUB 77)..................192 Compensation Number (2): Tool Order Number)
TMRC (On-delay Timer: SUB 54) ..............................194 (Low-speed Response) .................................................658
TMRSS (Stop Watch Timer (1sec Accuracy): Writing Tool Life Management Data (Tool Length
SUB 222)......................................................................197 Compensation Number (1): Tool Number) (Low-speed
TMRST (Stop Watch Timer (1ms Accuracy): Response) .....................................................................655
SUB 221)......................................................................197 Writing Tool Life Management Data (Tool Length
TOOL LIFE MANAGEMENT FUNCTION ...............623 Compensation Number (1): Tool Number) (Low-speed
Trace Result Output .....................................................789 Response) (8-digit Tool Number) ................................674
TRACING AND DISPLAYING PMC SIGNAL Writing Tool Life Management Data (Tool Length
STATUS.......................................................................780 Compensation Number (2): Tool Order Number)
Transferring and Writing Sequence Program to PMC....13 (Low-speed Response) .................................................656
Transition of the PMC Screens ....................................683 Writing Tool Life Management Data (Tool Life
Counter Type) (Low-speed Response) .........................654
<U> Writing Tool Life Management Data (Tool Life
Usage of PMC Message Multi-Language Display Counter) (Low-speed Response) ..................................652
Function .......................................................................104 Writing Tool Life Management Data (Tool Life)
(Low-speed Response) .................................................650
<V> Writing Tool Life Management Data (Tool Number)
Variable Information ....................................................968 (Low-speed Response) .................................................663
WRT Instruction...........................................................160
<W> WRT.NOT Instruction .................................................161
WHAT IS LADDER LANGUAGE? ...............................5
WHAT IS PMC? ..............................................................1 <X>
WHAT IS THE I/O LINK? ..........................................112 XCHGB (Data Exchange (1 Byte Length): SUB 228) .240
WINDOW FUNCTIONS .............................................501 XCHGD (Data Exchange (4 Bytes Length): SUB 230)240
WINDR (Reading CNC Window Data: SUB 51) ........452 XCHGW (Data Exchange (2 Bytes Length):
WINDW (Writing CNC Window Data: SUB 52) ........454 SUB 229)......................................................................240
Writing a Custom Macro Variable (Low-speed XMOV (Indexed Data Transfer: SUB 18)....................231
Response) .....................................................................539 XMOVB (Binary Index Modifier Data Transfer:
Writing a Parameter (Low-speed Response) ................524 SUB 35)........................................................................223
Writing a P-CODE Macro Variable (Low-speed
Response) .....................................................................562
Writing a Real Type Parameter (Low-speed
Response) .....................................................................530
Writing a Tool Offset (Low-speed Response)..............516
Writing a Workpiece Origin Offset Value (Low-speed
Response) .....................................................................520
Writing Clock Data (Date and Time) (Low-speed
Response) .....................................................................572
Writing Setting Data (Low-speed Response) ...............536
Writing the Pitch Error Compensation Value
(Low-speed Response) .................................................577
Writing the Tool Life Management Data (Tool
Information (1): Tool Number) (Low-speed Response)659

Revision Record

• Addition of Dual Check Safety function

02 Apr.,2009
• Correction of errors

01 Apr., 2008 __________________________________________

Edition Date Contents Edition Date Contents

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