Lect. 3.1 Globalization
Lect. 3.1 Globalization
Lect. 3.1 Globalization
Please read it if you can spare the time it can only do you
good.please read the topics in your textbooks too.
What is globalization???
Globalization refers to the trend toward countries joining together economically, through education,
society and politics, and viewing themselves not only through their national identity but also as part of
the world as a whole.
Advantages of globalization
Disadvantages of globalization
Spread of a materialistic lifestyle and attitude that sees consumption as the path to prosperity
International bodies like the World Trade Organization infringe on national and individual sovereignty
Increase in the chances of civil war within developing countries and open war between developing
countries as they vie for resources
Decreases in environmental integrity as polluting corporations take advantage of weak regulatory rules
in developing countries
Increased flow of skilled and non-skilled jobs from developed to developing nations as corporations seek
out the cheapest labor
Corporate influence of nation-states far exceeds that of civil society organizations and average
Threat that control of world media by a handful of corporations will limit cultural expression
Greater chance of reactions for globalization being violent in an attempt to preserve cultural heritage
Globalization Is Here to Stay!
Globalization does have problems and negative effects, but it is not going to disappear.
We need to learn how to reap its benefits, and minimize its costs.
To do that, we must:
What is Globalization?
Globalization Used to describe the growing integration of economics worldwide through increases in
trade investment flows, and technology transfer. What Globalization is all about?
Globalization describes the interplay across cultures of macro-social forces. These forces include
religion, politics, and economics. Globalization can erode and universalize the characteristics of a local
Educational Terms
Economic Terms Is the increasing economic interdependence of national economies across the world
through a rapid increase in cross-border movement of goods, service, technology, and capital.
Political Terms
Under globalization, politics can take place above the state through political integration schemes such
as the European Union and through intergovernmental organizations such as the International
Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the World Trade Organization.
Political activity can also transcend national borders through global movements and NGOs. Civil society
organizations act globally by forming alliances with organizations in other countries, using global
communications systems, and lobbying international organizations and other actors directly, instead of
working through their national governments.
Cultural Terms
Refers to the transmission of ideas, meanings and values across national borders. This process is
marked by the spread of commodities and ideologies, which become standardized around the world.
Mass consumption serves as a facilitator between different people and cultures around the globe as a
result of the exponential growth of the human population.
. Aspects of Globalization
1. Industrial Globalization, Trans-Nationalization refers to the rise and expansion of multinational and
transnational enterprises
2. Financial Globalization refers to the emergence of worldwide financial markets and better access to
external financing for corporate, national and sub-national borrowers
3. Political Globalization refers to the spread of political sphere of interests to the regions and countries
outside the neighborhood of political actors and the potential formation of a global citizen movement
4. Information Globalization refers to the increase in information flows between geographically remote
6. Globalism refers to the universal internationalist impulse that the world is connected
What are the Core Values and Competencies for Global Education?
Social justice
Human rights
Cultural integrity
Democratic participation
Effective organizing
1. Socio-cultural Issues
Massive migration- are changing the ways we experience national identities and cultural belonging
Global changes in culture- deeply affect educational policies, practices and institutions
2. Economic Issues
Worldwide inequality
3. Political Issues
Global conflict
Environmental issues
Forces of Globalization
Taxing youth
Education system
Economic realities
Social processes
Cultural flows
. Roles of education
Education will need both rethinking and restructuring if schooling is to best prepare the children and
the youth of the world to engage globalizations new challenges, opportunities and costs.
Education should shape the cognitive skills, interpersonal sensibilities, and cultural sophistication of
children and youth whose lives will be both engaged in local contexts and responsive to larger
transnational process.
. Globalization and its Impact on Education
. 1. Content of Education
B. Productivity Orientation- the basic objective of globalization is to enhance productivity and to make
the educational system an instrument in preparing students who can complete in the world markets as
productive members of the society.
A. Internationalization of education This has become a worldwide phenomenon because of the entry
World Trade Organization (WTO) and the inclusion of educational services under the General Agreement
on Trade and Services (GATS) which has given a boost to the internationalization of higher education.
B. Finance-related issues In order to be a part of global configuration, the requirement of funds for
social services including education win increase manifold.
C. Privatization of secondary and higher education As a corollary to the suggestions about reducing
public investment in secondary and higher education, a plea has been made to hand over these sectors
to private bodies.
Impact on Education
With more pressure on it to assure that the next generation of workers are prepared for some
amorphous job market of 21st century.
Educational system will increasingly provide the sites of struggle over the meaning and power of
national identity and a national culture.