HW5 Solutions PDF
HW5 Solutions PDF
HW5 Solutions PDF
1. Problem: A silicon p-n junction is formed between n-type Si doped with ND = 1017 cm3 and p-type Si
doped with NA = 1016 cm3 .
(a) Sketch the energy band diagram. Label all axes and all important energy levels.
(b) Find nn0 , np0 , pp0 , and pn0 . Sketch the carrier concentration (of both electrons and holes) as a function
of position.
(c) Calculate the built-in potential Vbi in eV.
(a) The energy band diagram with labeled important energy levels and axes is
17 3
nn0 = ND = 10 cm . (2)
In the depletion region,
n2i 4 3
np0 = = 2.25 10 cm (3)
for p-side and
n2i 3 3
pn0 = = 2.25 10 cm (4)
for n-side.
The diagram for carrier concentration is:
kB T NA ND kB T pp
Vbi = ln( ) = ln( ) = 0.7543eV. (5)
q n2i q pn
2. Problem: A Si p-n junction has dopant concentrations ND = 2 1015 cm3 and NA = 2 1016 cm3 .
Calculate the built-in potential Vbi in eV and the total width of the depletion region W = xn0 + xp0 at zero
bias (that is, Va = 0) and under a reverse bias Va = 8V.
Solution: (a) Given ni = 1.5 1010 cm3 , the build-in potential is:
kB T NA ND kB T pp
Vbi = ln( ) = ln( ) = 0.6709eV. (6)
q n2i q pn
(b) According to Eq. (140) & (141) in lecture notes Part 2, the depletion width with a bias Va is give by:
2s (Vbi Va ) 1 1
W = ( + ). (7)
Cj = , (10)
where A is the cross-sectional area of the junction and W is the depletion width calculated by:
2s (Vbi Va ) 1 1
W = ( + ) = 2.7549m, (11)
0 V )
2s (Vbi
0 a 1 1
W = ( + ) = 2.6938m. (12)
q 2NA ND
Therefore, the percent change in junction depletion capacitance is given by:
Cj0 Cj W W0
= = 2.27%. (13)
Cj W0
4. Problem: Consider a p+ -n Si junction at T = 300 K with NA = 1018 cm3 and ND = 1016 cm3 . The
minority carrier hole diffusion constant is Dp = 12 cm2 /s and the minority carrier hole lifetime is p = 100 ns.
The cross-sectional area of the junction is A = 104 cm2 . Calculate the reverse saturation current Is = AJs .
Calculate also the current at a forward bias Va = 0.5 V.
Solution: Since NA ND , it is an asymmetric junction and the total current is dominated by the most
heavily-doped side of the junction. According to Eq. (151) in lecture notes Part 2, the saturation current density
is given by
qDp pn0
Js = (14)
5. Which are the most important breakdown mechanisms in a reverse-biased p-n junction? Describe succintly
(no more than one paragraph for each process) how they work and how they trigger the breakdown process.
Solution: The important breakdown mechanisms are Zener and Avalanche. Refer to pages 108-117 in lecture
notes Part 2.
6. Problem: (a) Calculate the maximum width of the depletion layer wmax (at the onset of inversion) and the
maximum depletion charge |Qd,max | in p-type Si, GaAs, and Ge semiconductors of an MOS structure with
NA = 1016 cm3 and at T = 300 K.
(b) Repeat the calculations for T = 77 K.
Solution: v
u 4r 0 k T ln NA
t B ni
Wmax = (18)
q 2 NA
Qd = qNA Wmax . (19)
(a) At T = 300K,
For Si,
10 3
ni = 1.5 10 cm (20)
r = 11.7. (21)
M = qM = 3.2eV (49)
M S = M S = 1.73eV. (50)
M = qS = 4.05eV (51)
M S = M S = 0.889eV. (52)
M = qM = 5.16eV (53)
M S = M S = 0.221eV. (54)