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Malaysian Journal of Economic

Estimating Studies 49
the Underground (2): 91-109,
Economy from 2012 ISSN 1511-4554
the Tax Gap: The Case of Malaysia

Estimating the Underground Economy from the Tax Gap:

The Case of Malaysia
Marliza Mohamed
University of Malaya

Abstract: The Underground Economy (UE) in Malaysia is estimated using ratio technique
on tax and criminal annual time series enforcement data. For the period of 1980 to 2009,
UE rose between 9 and 27 per cent of GDP. UE grows in the opposite direction of GDP
during good and bad times, and has shrunk due to slower growth in the last decade. The
size of the direct tax gap is about 10 per cent of direct tax revenue, 15 per cent of federal
revenue or 33 per cent of federal deficit. There is a shift in the tax non-compliance mix in
the irregular economy and a rise infraud activities in the illegal economy. The change in tax
non-compliance mix is likely due to taxation reforms.The rise in fraud activities highlights
the urgency of more efficient and effective enforcement.

Keywords: Irregular economy, illegal economy, tax gap, underground economy

JEL classification: E26, H26, H50

1. Introduction
A countrys economic performance as indicated by the Official Economy (OE) is known as
the GDP. It measures most lawful activities and excludes activities that evade rules due to
their hidden nature. The unmeasured activities create a gap between GDP and the potential
economy leading to the conceptualisation of a second economy, that has been submerged
in various terminologies, wide scope definitions, and vague concepts which are often
intermixed (Carter 1984; Schneider and Enste 2000; Hesam 2003). Among the various terms
used are Hidden Economy, Informal Economy, Shadow Economy and Underground Economy
(UE). The UE is often referred to as a subset of this second economy that is taken to mean
those activities which are concealed from government regulatory agencies such as tax
There are positive and negative consequences of UE. The existence of the UE
contributes positively in terms of employment creation and societal welfare as it provides
survival lines for the unfortunate. According to McKinsey (2004) the benefits of the life line
and the redeployed profits in the mainstream economy are only in the short term. They are
greatly overweighed by the considerable long-term burden of socio-economic cost. The
negative impacts include inefficient goods and labour markets, distorted statistics, deprived
workers rights and guarantees, and diverted finances through tax evasion. These collectively
affect public finances and possibly lead to policy crises.
The UE is likely to be a permanent phenomenon both in the developing and developed
countries. In developing countries, smaller enterprises would initiate the informal sector to
support the larger ones, providing job opportunities and facilitating poverty eradication.

Faculty of Economics & Administration, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

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Meanwhile, in developed countries, rising electronic transactions have accelerated e-

commerce sales. As cyberspace businesses are paperless, borderless and voluminous,
with securities of invisible business trails, tax non-compliance is likely to rise (Sithamparan
Hence, its existence should be acceptable, but the size and the extent of its societal and
economic costs is a major concern. As such, a continuous estimation of the size and growth
of the UE remains important. Therefore governments need to formulate effective policies
and appropriate strategic plans as well as draw up measures for efficient administration.
The aim of this study is to examine the extent of UE with the objective of estimating its
size, growth and extent of tax loss relative to federal account. As it is not possible to
measure the entire activities of the UE, its definition is narrowed down into the irregular
economy (comprising legal commercial activities that are not reported to tax authorities)
and illegal economy (comprising criminal commercial activities, which naturally escape tax
because people would conceal their prohibited activities from the authorities). As both
constitute unreported incomes that evade tax law, they are used as examples of the UE that
contribute to tax loss (Figure 1).
We begin with an overview of the UE. Section 2 discusses the UE by its indicators,
determinants, size, and trend. It also explores the proxy indicators of UE in Malaysia. The
design of the conceptual framework, the appropriate methodology, data employed and
analysis are found in Section 3. Section 4 reports the estimates and interprets the results.
Section 5 summarises the results, outlines the limitations and contributions, and finally

(OE or GDP)
Informal sector
UE - legitimate
and criminal economic Household
Federal sector
revenue (taxes
and non taxes)
Second Economy

Figure 1. Schematic representation of the Potential Economy constituting the Official Economy,
Second Economy and Underground Economy (UE)

2. Size of the Second Economy (SE) International and Malaysian

Many studies have attempted to estimate the economic gap , however it is not clear whether
it represents the SE or just a portion of it which is the UE. For the purpose of discussion in
this journal, we refer to the past estimates as the UE which scope may not be as narrow as
this study defines. As UE is a latent variable, its evidence would be captured in some
observable traces of related variables in the spheres of income and expenditure which are

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Estimating the Underground Economy from the Tax Gap: The Case of Malaysia

linked to the determinants of UE. These observable forms are the proxy indicators which are
reflected in non-compliant activities. Tax non-compliance is commonly used because
participants of UE would conceal their activities from the tax authority by not reporting the
income derived to avoid being caught. From a tax perspective, where trade in the official
economy is concerned, the trader gains money while the consumer gets the product. Trade
is then completed with taxes paid. Whereas, trading in the UE ends without any tax paid. To
curb UE, the government could intervene through effective and efficient law enforcement
(Bhattacharya,1999). According to Tanzi (1982), Tucker (1982) and Slemrod (2007), the legal
activities conducted underground to escape taxation appear to be the fastest growing
component of the SE, largely because of the relaxed tax enforcement system.
Schneider (2002) and Shneider and Enste (2000) indicate that there is a significant,
growing underground sector in most countries, which evolves over time and leads to a high
degree of fund laundering. The size of the UE could range from 4 to 60 per cent of a
countrys GDP, depending on the countrys economy and data coverage (activities measured
and time period), methods employed and assumptions made. Hence, estimates require careful
interpretation and comparisons remain somewhat crude. In general, the size is smaller for
developed countries and larger for undeveloped countries. In 2000, it varied from 10 to 16
per cent of GDP for OECD countries, 21 to 30 per cent for transition economies and 35 to 60
per cent for developing and undeveloped countries. For countries in Asia, it ranges from
11.3 per cent in Japan to 44.6 per cent in Thailand. It is smaller in countries where
involvement of the public sector is relatively smaller (Japan, United States and Switzerland)
and there exists a comparatively high tax morality (United States and Switzerland). Kesner-
Skreb (1997) concludes that UE is inherent in all countries with only its size differing.
In general, legal activities are about 3 to 4 times larger than the illegal activities, ranging
in size from 5 per cent of GDP during a brisk economy to 20 per cent during a slow economy.
Kadokura (2000) has shown that the UE in Japan consists of about 70 per cent legal activities
(tax evasion) and 30 per cent illegal activities. Vaknin (2000) indicates that illegal activities
constitute up to 20 per cent of the UE in the United States. Meanwhile, Schlosser (2003)
estimates illegal activities in the United States to account for about 10 per cent of its
economy. Despite the substantial size, the Revenue and Customs of the United Kingdom
(2007-08) estimates about 80 per cent of the legal activities evade relatively small amounts
of tax.
Burrow et al. (2004) reports that the UE has increased in relation to GDP. Based on a
survey of 21 OECD countries (including Belgium, Denmark, Italy, Norway, Spain and Sweden),
the UE has grown to at least 20 per cent from 1970 to 2000. In the United States, it has
doubled from 4 per cent of the GDP in 1970 to 9 per cent in 2000, while in the states of the
former Soviet Union, it grew between 1990 and 1998 from about 25 to 33 per cent. Esbenshade
(2001) states that the growth of the informal economy follows the new global economy
based on small units of production that lend themselves to informal relationships and
practices. Kelchev (2006) concludes that over the last 13 years, countries have noted that
the informal economy grew in tandem with the GDP.
For Malaysia, past studies show the estimated UE to range from 0.2 to 85 per cent
(Table 1). Although the estimates could be interpreted according to the scope of definition,
data coverage, methods employed and assumptions made, they do not show any structural
proportion or trend and lack statistical information for policy and strategic positioning.

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Table 1. Size of the Second Economy in Malaysia (1971-2000)

Researcher Method Data coverage Second

Period Activities measured Economy as
% of GDP/
Kanbur Direct tax 1980 - 1985 Direct tax evasion as captured by 0.2 - 1.2
(1993) non- fraud detection
Mahfar Direct tax 1994 Direct tax non reporting as 30
(1994) non- captured by failure of filing
compliance return forms
Kasipillai Indirect 1971 - 1994 Cash transaction 8.7 - 3.7
(1997) method
- Monetarya
Aziz Survey 1987, 1993, Small establishment and 19.7 - 13.2
(2004) 1996, 1997 household labour force
Abdul US-Australia 1995 - 1997 National discrepancy 48
(2001) - Gap approach
Direct tax non- Direct tax non reporting as captured 29
compliance by failure of filing return forms
Tax officers Direct tax perception of authority 85
OECD Indirect 1999-2000 Cash transactions 33
(2003) method
(interna- - Monetary
Current Non- 1980-2009 i. Irregular economy
study compliance a. Direct taxes (evasion & debt)
b. Indirect taxes (evasion & debt)
ii Illegal economy (bribery, drugs,
swindling, cheating etc.)

Over the period 1960-2008, although Malaysia experienced impressive growth in tax
revenue of about 115-fold, various proxy indicators of UE are seen. Among others are
changes in tax mix revenue from indirect to direct tax (signifying more opportunities for tax
evasion), higher indirect tax burden reform to inhibit certain types of consumption and to
protect local products (creating incentives for smuggling), reducing tax-GDP ratio from 18
to 15 per cent (indicating an inelastic tax growth relative to GDP), rising federal deficit,
widening of savings-investment gap (implying income is not properly streamed or utilised),
citizens dismay and dissatisfaction over pro-fligacy(refusal of citizens to share income
through taxes), moderate unemployment rate coupled with rising commercial crime (creation
of informal jobs for desperate jobless), relative high growth of private and luxury

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Estimating the Underground Economy from the Tax Gap: The Case of Malaysia

consumption (indicating a spendthrift culture), and widening of skewed income distribution

(income disparity could emanate from unfair opportunities and burden).

3. Conceptual Framework, Methodology and Data

Past estimations have relied on two main methods. Indirect methods examine the growth of
determinants of proxy indicators (e.g. income and expenditure discrepancy, labour force
behaviour, monetary aggregates and physical consumption). Direct methods have resorted
to experimental studies, survey data and compliant records of direct tax. Indirect methods
do not allow estimation of its absolute value and the close proximity growth between
determinants and proxy indicators are often subject to imprecision and controversy.
For this reason, this study employs the non-compliant method and to be more focused,
uses tax and criminal enforcement records as it could uncover concealed income from tax
authorities. Among researchers who employed the non-compliant method are Simon and
Witte (1982) for United States, Frey and Pommerehne (1984) for Sweden, IRS (1979) and
OHiggins (1989) for United Kingdom and Kinsey (1987) for Netherlands.
The UE is computed in both point and range estimates, based on tax non-compliant
ratio in annual time series of a 30-year period. The tax non-compliance comprises of unreported
income and unpaid reported tax from tax payers who are already in the tax base, and unreported
income from tax payers who are outside the tax base.
The schematic representation of the study framework constitutes the circular flow of
tax compliance and non-compliance data for sampling (Figure 2: [A+B+C: R]) to infer the
flow of a countrys economy comprising the official economy and the UE. In other words,
the tax non compliance ratio is assumed to mirror the non-compliant economy (UE) of the
country (Figure 3: [Z: Y] [A+B+C: R]).
Data source consisted of the entire enforcement time series aggregate tax data of 1980-
2009 and commercial criminal activities of 1998-2009. Tax data were obtained from the
Inland Revenue Board Malaysia (direct tax) and Royal Malaysian Customs Department
(indirect tax), while data on commercial criminal (activities of drug trafficking, gambling,
betting, piracy, cyber and multimedia crimes, ATM crimes, forgeries, frauds, breach of
trusts) from the Royal Police Force and Anti-Corruption Commission (bribery activities).
Several assumptions were made to the methodology and analyses. The tax base structure
approximates the countrys economic structure, the unreported incomes do not coincide
with reported income and are all value added economy, and the income tax structure of both
the UE and OE is identical. Although the enforcement data captures true non-compliant
events, it is often argued that they under represent the actual level of violation. To overcome
this under-estimation, the magnitude captured successfully are amplified by the upper and
lower bound enforcement success rates (ESR). The ESR is based on the annual proportion
of finalised over non-finalised cases. Assuming that they are consistent, the product of the
successful enforcement cases (low bound estimate) and ESR, would increase proportionately
to give higher estimates. The ESR for criminal activities is based on ESR on bribery while
ESR for legal activities is based on ESR on direct tax non-compliance. The UE is estimated
in a range of three-level series: UE in the lower series (the successful enforcement cases
[SC]); UE in the moderate series (SC x upper ESR); and UE in the upper series (SC x lower

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Individual and institution Transfer tax revenue through Inland Revenue Board
Federal Government
a. Compliant record:
entire tax base
Compliant activities Not liable to tax
1. Reported income(R) Tax revenue= R
2. Tax paid
b. Non-compliant record:
entire enforcement data
(tax and criminal activities)
Non-compliant activities Not liable to tax
1. Unreported income (A) Tax paid + fine = A
a. Legitimate activities (as captured by enforcement)
b. Criminal activities Tax loss = C
(if not captured by
2. Unpaid tax (B) Tax loss = B
Sample: Direct tax non-
compliant ratio or direct
tax gap ratio

Figure 2. Schematic representation of data sampling to estimate direct tax gap

a. The entire compliant record constitutes tax revenue, as part of the federal revenue
b. The entire non-compliant record consists of unreported taxable income (legal and illegal activities)
and unpaid tax, tax paid plus fine or tax loss.
c. Direct tax non-compliant to compliant ratio is [A+B+C: R]

Assuming that income from the UE is taxable, in a tax system of progressive tax rates
the amount of tax loss would depend on the income level. For appropriate estimation of tax
loss, computation is based on three probable tax rates. UE in each level series is multiplied
by the following: effective tax rate (UE x 10%); average enforcement tax rate (UE x 22%); and
marginal progressive tax rate (UE x 27%).
The equations for estimating the size of UE are as follows:
1. Sample from the entire direct tax compliance (DTC) and indirect tax compliance (inDTC) of
the tax base:
i. DTC = [voluntary reported direct tax] + [voluntary paid direct tax]
= [Dtxrev ] + [Dtxp]
ii. inDTC= [voluntary reported indirect tax] + [voluntary paid indirect tax]
= [inDtxrev ]+ [inDtxp]

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Estimating the Underground Economy from the Tax Gap: The Case of Malaysia

Transfer payments:
subsidies and utility benefits
Countrys entire
economy (TE) BOARD
Transparency, integrity, OE (Y) Not liable
fair judgment and (compliant economy or
administration i.e. GDP value) Tax paid Federal revenue
(individual and

UE (Z)
Tax burden,
intense regulation,
(unobservable non-compliant
Tax paid + fine
Federal revenue

1. Irregular economy (income
from legal activities but evades
Tax loss Federal deficit

negative attitudes, tax law)

economic constraints, 2. Illegal economy (income from
CPI criminal activities by nature
evades tax law)
Population: UE:
OE ratio is based on
tax gap ratio
[ Z: Y] = [A+B+C:R]

Figure 3. Schematic representation of the population inferred

a. OE completes with tax paid forms part of the federal revenue to be utilised for the benefit of citizens
and country.
b. UE escapes tax forms part of federal deficit for the citizens and country to bear the negative
c. A countrys non-compliant to compliant economy is based on direct tax gap ratio [Z: Y]

2. Sample from the entire captured direct tax non compliance (DTNC) and indirect tax non
compliance (inDTNC):
i. DTNC = [Direct tax evasion due to under reporting] + [unpaid DT] + [Direct tax
evasion due to non filing]= [Dtxev] + [Dtxup] + [(inDtev + inDtxup) + (UEcrbribe +
UEcrdrugs + UEcrothers)]
ii. inDTNC = [inDirect tax evasion due to under reporting] + [unpaid inDT] = [inDtev] +
3. Tax non-compliant ratio (TNCR) for each activity is assumed to mirror in the UE ratio i.e.
A+B+C: R Z:Y as in Figures 2 and 3:
i. TNCR due to direct tax evasion = [Dtxev : Dtxrev] UEDtxev : OE

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ii. TNCR due to unpaid direct tax = [Dtxup : Dtxp] UEDtxup : OE

iii. TNCR due to indirect tax evasion = [inDtxev : inDtxrev] UEinDtxev: OE
iv. TNCR due to unpaid indirect tax = [inDtxup : inDtxp] UEinDtxup: : OE
4. Sum of TNCR (sample) mirrors in the non-compliant ratio of the legal activities in the
entire economy (UETNCR). Its absolute value (UEL) is computed based on the GDP value,
and expressed as a percentage proportion of GDP.
i. UETNCR = UEDtxev + UEDtxup + UEinDtxev + UEinDtxup
5. Sample from the entire enforcement on criminal activities (cr):
As it is not possible to compute non-compliant ratio for criminal activities (UEcr = UEcrbribe
+ UEcrdrugs + UEcrothers], the incomes from these activities are added directly to the UEL.
6. UE consists of the irregular economy (UEL =tax non compliance of legal activities) and
illegal economy (UEcr = tax non-compliance of criminal activities) are estimated in point
estimate for each year:
i. {UEL + UEcr}t= {UEDtxev + UEDtxup + UEinDtxev + UEinDtxup + UEcrbribe. + UEcrdrugs + UEcrothers}t
ii. {UE}t= {UEDtx(ev + up) + UEinDtx(ev + up) + UEcr(bribe + drugs + others)}t
7. Assuming that the point estimates represent UE in low series (Ls), amplifying them by
ESR, would generate products of UE in the moderate series (Ms) and upper series (Us) as
i. TNC activities regular economy
a. Ls estimate for DT evasion Ls UEDtxev
b. Ls estimate for inDT tax evasion Ls UEinDtxev
c. LsDtxev x average ESR = Us estimate for DT evasion Us UEDtxev
d. LsinDtxev x average ESR = Us estimate for inDT evasion Us UEinDtxev
ii. Criminal activities (cr) illegal economy
a. Ls estimate of criminal activities Ls UEcr
b. Ls cr x high ESR = Ms estimate for criminal activities (Ms UEcr)
c. Ls cr x low ESR = Us estimate for criminal activities (Us UEcr)
iii. Sum of TNC activities and cr activities UE consisting of the irregular and illegal
a. Ls UE Dtxev + Ls UE inDtxev + UE Dtxup + UE inDtxup+ Ls cr = Ls UE
b. Us UE Dtxev + Us UE inDtxev + UE Dtxup + UEinDtxup + Ms cr = Ms UE
c. Us UE Dtxev + Us UE inDtxev + UE Dtxup + UE inDtxup + Us cr = Us UE
Simplified equation:
Ls (cr + UE Dtxev + UE inDtxev) + UE (Dtxup+ inDtxup) = Ls UE
Ms cr + US (UE Dtxev + UE inDtxev) + UE (Dtxup+ inDtxup) = Ms UE
Us (cr + UE Dtxev + UE inDtxev) + UE (Dtxup+ inDtxup) = Us UE

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Estimating the Underground Economy from the Tax Gap: The Case of Malaysia

4. Results and Interpretations

4.1 UE Size and Growth
As the ESR for tax non-compliance is between 38 and 63 per cent, we employed its average
of 50 per cent in the computation. In the case of criminal activities, we computed two ESR,
that is, based on the number of accused over investigation cases (about 7%) and the
number of accused over arrested cases (about 16%). For simplification, we rounded up
the estimates to the nearest tenth; 50 per cent for legitimate activities; and10 and 20 per cent
for criminal activities.
As illustrated in Figure 4, the size of the UE lies between 8.69 per cent (2007) and 39.87
per cent (1998) of the GDP. In normal times, it hovers around 20 per cent of GDP, but
fluctuates in the opposite direction of GDP during good and bad times. Table 2 and Figure
5 show that UE growth increased substantially in 1989, 1998 and 2004 from 32.50 to 40.40
per cent, 36.46 to 125.18 per cent, and 77.98 to 111.92 per cent respectively. But for the same

Figure 4. UE in three level series relative to GDP size

Figure 5. UE growth per annum

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Table 2. UE growth in the recession years

UE in range estimates UE low (%) UE moderate (%) UE upper (%)

1988-89 32.50 40.40 40.40
1998-99 36.46 74.32 125.18
2003-04 111.92 77.98 95.32

Figure 6. UE growth relative to GDP real and GDP nominal

Table 3. UE by size and growth examined over a 5-year period

5-year Size (RM million) Growth

period Lower Moderate Upper Lower Moderate Upper
bound bound bound bound (%) bound (%) bound (%)
1980-84 2,514 9,360 9,360 9.98 10.20 10.20
1985-89 6,205 12,970 12,970 13.86 16.27 16.27
1990-94 39,347 56,662 57,624 13.33 15.21 15.52
1995-99 98,520 169,211 202,242 16.76 22.35 30.06
2000-04 129,246 230,366 252,916 9.94 9.40 14.00
2005-09 150,328 281,545 314,730 -2.55 -0.85 -3.54
Total 426,161 760,113 849,843

years, GDP real growth reduced to 4.70 per cent in 1989, -7.36 per cent in 1998 and 4.00 per
cent in 2004. Meanwhile, the GDP nominal was reduced to 5.23 per cent in 1989, 0.51 per
cent in 1998 and 6.55 per cent in 2004 (Figure 6).
Over the period 1990-2009, the UE increased about 3.82 to 5.46-fold, with the value
ranging from RM 426 billion to RM850 billion indicating growth from 10.20 per cent in the
1980s to its peak of 30.06 per cent in the late 1990s, gradually declining in the recent years
(Table 3). However, the gap between the lower and upper estimates is widening.
As summarised in Table 4, UE size relative to its growth ranged between 10.55 and 11.10
per cent (1980-84) of GDP, peaking in the range of 18.10 to 26.94 per cent (1995-99), and

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Estimating the Underground Economy from the Tax Gap: The Case of Malaysia

Table 4. UE as a percentage of GDP examined over a 5-year period

5-year period Low UE /GDP Moderate UE / GDP High UE /GDP UE /GDP

(%) (%) (%) (%)
1980-84 10.55 11.10 11.10 10.92
1985-89 11.45 12.56 12.56 12.19
1990-94 14.81 18.21 18.48 17.17
1995-99 18.10 24.52 26.94 23.19
2000-04 13.21 20.03 21.69 18.31
2005-09 8.92 14.16 15.40 12.83

gradually reducing in the range of 8.92 to15.40 per cent in the period 2005-09. Higher UE
growth that doubled and tripled during the recession years of 1989, 1998 and 2004 in the
opposite direction to GDP growth implies a complementary association. It supports the
contention that the potential economy consists of two economic components: the official
economy and the second economy. It suggests that during a recession phase, the UE as
the thriving economy rises to fill the economic gap making it relatively large in size. The UE
then reduces its role as the country recedes from the sluggish performance in the phase of
economic recovery. This positive role has also a socio-economic explanation in that people
would resort to underground activities as survival lines. This social shock absorberevent
allows the institution to reduce production costs by employing informal workers who are
desperate for jobs in bad times.
This phenomenon suggests that the UE could reduce some recession impacts and
supports the contention that it forms part of the solution to urban decay and unemployment.
It could also mean that a rise in GDP in good times may not reflect a true increase in
production, but actually constitute a shift in the production from UE to OE (unrecorded to
recorded form). Nevertheless, a substantial shift of UE to OE is important as this will
generate more tax revenue.

Figure 7. UE by proportion of illegal economy

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Figure 8. UE by proportion of direct tax non-compliance

Figure 9. UE by tproportion of indirect tax non-compliance

4.2 UE by Components of Irregular and Illegal Economy

The proportion of the UE components is illustrated in Figures 7 to 9. Comparison is made
between two conflicting economies: 1998 (recession year) and 2006 (good time). The UE is
about 33.37 per cent (1998) and 9.77 per cent (2006) of GDP size. By component, the irregular
economy constitutes about 19.02 per cent (1998) and 8.4 per cent (2006), while the illegal
economy constitutes 8.4 per cent (1998) and 1.37 per cent (2006) of the GDP. In normal
times, the proportion of the irregular economy and illegal economy hover around 80 and 20
per cent respectively. But during an economic downturn the portion of illegal economy
increased by up to 40 per cent while the irregular economy reduced by 60 per cent.
The proportion of the illegal economy was 42.62 per cent for 1998 and 13.54 per cent for
2006. The irregular economy mix shows direct tax non-compliance of 50.23 per cent for 1998
and 64.63 per cent for 2006 and indirect tax non-compliance of 7.15 per cent for 1998 and
21.83 per cent for 2006. The proportion mix indicates that the irregular economy in Malaysia

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Estimating the Underground Economy from the Tax Gap: The Case of Malaysia

is about 4 times larger than the illegal economy in normal times, 6 times larger than the illegal
economy in good times, but only 1.5 times larger than the illegal economy in bad times. The
composition of the UE is comparable to the economists general estimates of the irregular
economy being about 3 to 4 times larger than the illegal economy.
A higher proportion of the illegal economy during the economic downturn is likely due
to the economic pressures that cause people to opt for UE as life line survival, contributing
to more unreported income for tax leading to an erosion of the tax base.
Although the proportion of direct tax non-compliance in the irregular economy is larger
(50% to 76%) than the indirect tax non-compliance (7% to 30%), it is seen to be gradually
displaced over the years. The proportion of the former has been reduced by 50 per cent
while the latter increased by 33 per cent. The shift of tax non-compliance mix is consistent
with the tax reform to a lower direct tax burden and to a higher indirect tax burden. A
higher direct tax burden prior to the 1990s reflects that hiding incomes to avoid taxation was
more profitable while the lower direct tax burden in the 1990s created lower incentives for
evasion as the profits of reporting ones true income was reduced. Hence, apart from
government policy to promote economic growth, reforms towards a lower direct tax burden
have a negative association with the UE.
Meanwhile, the higher indirect tax burden reform (additional taxes and higher tax rates)
coupled with other rigid regulations to encourage local production, discourage health hazard
consumption and reduce social problems, would have instead encouraged people to smuggle
goods.This suggests that a rigid policy, if not countered by efficient and effective law
enforcement, would lead to policy failure as well as revenue loss.This phenomenon is
consistent with the experience of other countries where the increase in tax rates and tariff on
imports of traded goods has been shown to induce smuggling activities (Morgensen et al.
1995; Farnazegan 2008).
The shift in tax non-compliance mix conforms to the economic theory of tax burden that
encourages people to evade income tax. Nevertheless, despite the shift, the UE continues
to rise in its absolute value, signifying that a further reduction of direct tax burden would
not likely reduce UE further. A further reduction in tax burden must be weighed against the
benefits of public goods and services financed by tax revenue. Intuitively, it is unwise to
further reduce the tax burden as taxes are an important fiscal and social policy instrument.
Schneider (2002) who did a study on Australia in the period 1988-89, pointed out that
the hidden economy did not decrease despite the reduction in all the marginal tax rates on
income and a general simplification of the tax system. The limitation is partly due to the
positive effects of the changes in the tax system as well as the larger negative effects of
other voluminous regulations or determinants.

4.3 UE by Components of Tax Non-compliance

As shown in Tables 5 to 8, because of the activities of tax non-compliance, the UE indicates
a trend of a reduction in unpaid taxes and rising tax evasion. Indirect tax non-compliance
consists of about 30 per cent unpaid tax and 70 per cent tax evasion while direct tax compliance
consists of about 60 per cent unpaid tax and 40 per cent tax evasion. It signifies that the
share of unpaid indirect tax is about half of indirect tax evasion, while the share of unpaid
direct tax is double that of direct tax evasion. The opposite proportion mix between unpaid
tax and tax evasion implies that the burden of direct tax is to part with the payment of tax

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Table 5. Components of indirect tax non-compliance

5 year time UE in the low series UE in the upper series

income) *Tax evasion Unpaid tax *Tax evasion Unpaid tax
(unreported (%) (unreported (%)
income)(%) income)(%)
1990-94 54.58 45.42 70.62 29.38
1995-99 72.75 27.25 84.23 15.77
2000-04 75.60 24.40 86.10 13.90
2005-09 66.17 33.83 79.64 20.36
* Tax evasion in range estimates based on enforcement success rate.

Table 6. Components of tax non-compliance by criminal activities over a 5-year period

5-year period Bribery (%) Drug trafficking (%) Other commercial crimes* (%) Total (%)
1995-99 4.04 42.86 53.10 100.00
2000-04 2.98 4.76 92.26 100.00
2005-09 1.60 8.82 89.58 100.00
Average 3 19 78

* Breaches of trust/swindle/cheating offences constitute 75% of commercial crimes.

Table 7. Direct tax gap with unreported income constituting criminal activities

5-year period Tax evasion Unpaid tax Tax evasion Total

(under reported (%) (non filing) (%)
income) (%) (%)
1980-84 16.67 83.33 0.00 100.00
1985-89 16.67 83.33 0.00 100.00
1990-94 16.43 83.30 0.27 100.00
1995-99 15.18 81.58 3.25 100.00
2000-04 26.98 69.38 3.64 100.00
2005-09 34.87 61.24 3.89 100.00

Table 8. Direct tax gap with unreported income constituting criminal activities and indirect tax non-

5-year period Tax evasion Unpaid tax (%) Tax evasion Total (%)
(under reported (non filing)
income)(%) (%)
1990-94 9.97 16.98 68.11 78.26 11.77 14.91 100.00
1995-99 12.05 19.68 58.50 72.61 15.35 21.82 100.00
2000-04 11.92 15.79 37.22 55.71 32.37 46.99 100.00
2005-09 17.94 21.78 25.69 42.24 39.82 52.35 100.00

104 Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies Vol. 49 No. 2, 2012

Estimating the Underground Economy from the Tax Gap: The Case of Malaysia

liability whereas the burden of indirect tax is to consume official goods at a higher cost
compared to smuggled goods.
Tax non-compliance of the illegal economy shows that fraud/breach of trust/swindle/
cheating activities constitute the most (53.10% to 92.26%) (and is rising) followed by a
reduction in drug trafficking (4.76% to 2.86%) and bribery (1.60% to 4.04%) (Table 6).
The direct tax non-compliance or direct tax gap is presented in two scenarios. Assuming
that the income from indirect (income tax office) tax, non-compliance and criminal activities
is not reported direct to the tax authority (income tax office) to avoid being traced and
caught, it would constitute tax evasion of the non-filing group who are outside the captured
tax base. In the first scenario (Table 7), we considered only the incomes from criminal
activities as unreported income from the non-filing group; the components mix are 64 per
cent (unpaid tax), 32 per cent (under-reporting) and 4 per cent (non-filing). In the second
scenario (Table 8), we considered the incomes from both criminal and indirect tax non-
compliant activities as unreported income from the non-filing group; the components mix

Figure 10. UE in lower series by direct tax gap mix

Figure 11. UE in upper series by direct tax gap mix

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Marliza Mohamed

are 62.21 per cent (unpaid tax), 12.97 per cent (under- reporting) and 24.83 per cent (non-
In both scenarios, although the unpaid tax forms the largest component of direct tax
gap, its declining trend is an indication of an improving tax collection system. Tax evasion
due to under-reporting of legal income in the existing tax base is almost consistent, reflecting
considerable monitoring. However, the rising tax evasion outside the existing tax base
(Figures10 and 11) highlight a positive trend of potential tax loss in the future.
The extent of tax loss is shown as percentage size relative to tax revenue, federal
revenue and federal deficit in the last two decades in three probable tax rates at 10.22 and 27
per cent. For the period 1990-1999, the direct tax loss is between 6.61 and 33.68 per cent of
direct tax revenue, 13.85 and 14.49 per cent of federal revenue, and 60.38 and 307.28 per

Table 9. Direct tax loss relative to federal account at plausible tax rates (1990-1999)

Period 1990-1999 (RM million): Direct tax loss

Federal deficit UE level Amount As % As % As %
Federal deficit: RM 22,834 (RM) of federal of federal of direct
Federal revenue: RM 484,317 deficit revenue tax revenue
Direct tax revenue: RM 208,495
10% (effective tax rate) Low series 13,787 60.38 2.85 6.61
Moderate series 22,587 98.92 4.66 10.83
Upper series 25,987 113.81 5.37 12.46
22% (average tax rate) Low series 30,331 132.83 6.26 14.55
Moderate series 49,692 217.62 10.26 23.83
Upper series 57,171 250.37 11.80 27.42
27% (marginal tax rate) Low series 37,224 163.02 7.69 17.85
Moderate series 60,986 267.08 12.59 29.25
Upper series 70,164 307.28 14.49 33.65

Table 10. Direct tax loss relative to federal account at plausible tax rates (2000-2009)

Period 2000-2009 (RM million): Direct tax loss

Federal deficit: RM 452,397 UE level Amount As % As % As % of
Federal revenue: RM 1,106,504 (RM) of federal of federal direct tax
Direct tax revenue: RM 583,070 deficit revenue revenue
10% (effective tax rate) Low series 27,957 6.18 2.53 4.79
Moderate series 51,191 11.32 4.63 8.78
Upper series 56,765 12.55 5.13 9.74
22% (average tax rate) Low series 61,506 13.60 5.56 10.55
Moderate series 112,620 24.89 10.18 19.32
Upper series 124,882 27.60 11.29 21.42
27% (marginal tax rate) Low series 75,485 16.69 6.82 12.95
Moderate series 138,216 30.55 12.49 23.70
Upper series 153,264 33.88 13.85 26.29

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Estimating the Underground Economy from the Tax Gap: The Case of Malaysia

cent of federal deficit. Meanwhile, for the period 2000-2009, the direct tax loss is between
4.79 and 26.29 per cent of direct tax revenue, 2.53 and 13.85 per cent of federal revenue, and
6.18 and 33.88 per cent of federal deficit. For these two periods, the proportion of tax loss
relative to direct tax revenue is about the same, but the proportion range is relatively large
by federal revenue and larger by federal deficit. This is partly due to faster UE growth in the
earlier period but a faster growth of the federal expenditure in the later period.

5. Concluding Remarks
Measuring a hidden variable is often arbitrary. Yet without any guesstimates, judgment and
development of the area of the second economy is not possible. To reduce skeptical
views, this study has considered employing enforcement data that captures true events
over which the researcher had no control to reduce bias estimates. Therefore several
assumptions had to be made about the data coverage, and amplifying techniques applied in
order to rectify the under coverage and over counting income mix. Considering the proxy
indicators, findings should at best be acceptable as conservative and reasonable estimates
to provide some baseline data and guidance for appropriate formulation or adjustment of
government policies and strategic planning. The tax gap is a negative indicator of an effective
tax system and denotes the benchmark for potential tax revenue while substantial tax loss is
an indication of weak enforcement and dissatisfaction of the citizens.
Irregular economic conditions rather than the size of the illegal economy would explain
a larger component of the UE. The reducing growth of UE recently and its smaller size
relative to GDP is a good sign. However, although accounting for a smaller component of
the UE, the increasing size of the illegal economy does not augur well. Its opposite growth
relative to GDP implies that UE forms an economy in transition to stabilise the economic
downturn, supporting the existence of an economic gap in a country. Although direct tax
non-compliance constitutes a larger portion of the irregular economy, its share of indirect
tax non-compliance is reducing. The displacement is partly due to the lower direct tax
burden reform and higher indirect tax burden reform. Despite a large share of direct tax non-
compliance in the irregular economy, the lower direct tax burden is only adequate for shifting
the tax non-compliance mix and reducing the growth of the UE recently, but not in its
absolute value. Studying the UE by the direct tax gap method shows that unpaid tax
constitutes the most, followed by tax evasion due to income under-reporting and non-
filing. There is a trend towards reducing unpaid tax, a consistent tax evasion within the
existing tax base, and rising tax evasion outside the captured tax base. A tax loss of about
15 per cent federal revenue or about 33 per cent of the federal deficit is no doubt a sizeable
budgetary implications. The UE partly explains the more than 10 years of federal deficit
while the rising tax evasion denotes a continuation. Its long-run consequence would force
the government to adopt an austerity drive of either reducing the federal expenditure or
withdrawing subsidies, or increasing borrowings. Limiting public benefits and acquiring
more debt would lead to further erosion of the federal account and eventually drive away
public or investor trust and confidence.
The substantial UE that is not inconsistent to GDP size and the wider gap between the
lower and upper range estimates signify that enforcement is required. It is proposed that
tax, police and anti-corruption agencies gear up for more effective and efficient law
enforcement to curb non-compliance. A study on how to shift the UE to OE would be useful

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so that income per capita could be computed based on a higher GDP value, inter alia
achieving the countrys vision of high income economy. According to Bicanic and Ott
(1997), research on the UE would lead not only to a more comprehensive awareness but also
to better efficacy of economic policy. Hence, a continuous assessment and review of the UE
as an enduring institution in the Malaysian society is essential.

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