The document contains two tables of theoretical calculation data from experiments. Table 1 contains data over time including velocity, temperature, density, viscosity, heat transfer coefficient and flow rate. Table 2 contains similar data for a second experiment. The tables provide detailed theoretical calculations and measured values to analyze heat transfer over time in an experimental setup.
The document contains two tables of theoretical calculation data from experiments. Table 1 contains data over time including velocity, temperature, density, viscosity, heat transfer coefficient and flow rate. Table 2 contains similar data for a second experiment. The tables provide detailed theoretical calculations and measured values to analyze heat transfer over time in an experimental setup.
The document contains two tables of theoretical calculation data from experiments. Table 1 contains data over time including velocity, temperature, density, viscosity, heat transfer coefficient and flow rate. Table 2 contains similar data for a second experiment. The tables provide detailed theoretical calculations and measured values to analyze heat transfer over time in an experimental setup.
The document contains two tables of theoretical calculation data from experiments. Table 1 contains data over time including velocity, temperature, density, viscosity, heat transfer coefficient and flow rate. Table 2 contains similar data for a second experiment. The tables provide detailed theoretical calculations and measured values to analyze heat transfer over time in an experimental setup.