Severe Service Solutions
Severe Service Solutions
Severe Service Solutions
TSS 0109
Our range of high-performance top and bottom-guided control For more than 45 years, KKI has built up a reputation for
valves includes single and double-seated valves suitable for delivering valve solutions for the most arduous service
low and high-capacity applications, as well as three-way valves conditions. We have developed a range of advanced, high-quality
for mixing or splitting flows. Our control valves are designed to severe service valve solutions for every type of problematic
facilitate pressure drops at all stages of transportation in the oil, application, from high-pressure, high-temperature environments
gas and power industries. All valves are refined by our engineers to sub-zero temperatures. Our valves are designed to combat
to suit the needs of each application and all service conditions. the effects of cavitation, flashing, erosion, contaminated fluids,
corrosion, high velocity, vibration, noise and energy dissipation.
The Series 1200/7200 range of cage-guided control valves is INSTRUMENTS
KKIs core product. The exceptional valves in this range KKI offers a wide selection of sophisticated instrumentation to
combine high-integrity features, such as ASME VIII support our comprehensive range of high-performance valves
body/bonnet bolting design, a high flow capacity and a wide and actuators. The instruments we supply include pneumatic
range of trim designs, from low-noise anti-cavitation to and electro-magnetic positioners, airsets, volume boosters
multi-stage trims. These valves are ideally suited to the critical and airlocks. All instruments are specified to deliver optimum
service process control requirements of a wide range of performance for the service conditions and specific needs of
industry applications. each application. We also supply proprietary instruments to
suit individual customer preferences.
The KKI Series 73 surface choke valve offers a unique solution ACTUATORS
for the majority of choke applications in the oil and gas Our range of robust, versatile and reliable pneumatic actuators
industry. The flexible valve design can incorporate many includes the G, C and D Series models. These have been
different trim and body material options to suit differing flow developed to meet the needs of all control valve applications,
rates and in-service conditions. Thousands of KKI Series 73 offering proven design and high reliability. They are used
surface chokes are installed around the world on projects for extensively for on-shore, offshore and power installations. In
some of the worlds leading oil and gas production companies. addition, we supply various proprietary actuators such as
electric, electro-hydraulic, pneumatic stepping and hydraulic
ROTARY CONTROL VALVES stepping actuators to meet customer requirements. All actuators
The Rotrol range of high-capacity butterfly valves has been can be supplied with hand-wheels and limit stop features.
developed to overcome the problems associated with control,
cavitation and noise in conventional butterfly valve designs.
Lighter in weight and more compact than globe valve
alternatives, this innovative valve performs especially well in
severe-service applications, where pressure drops tend to be
high in the controlling position but where high-capacity
throughputs at low pressure drops are also required.
KKI have an unrivalled blend of proven expertise, innovative Maintaining the highest
design technology and skilled engineering. This is the motivating standards of quality
force behind the development of the KKI range of high quality throughout design, production
Severe Service Control Valves, Surface Choke Valves and and customer service is the
Butterfly Valves. KKI has been manufacturing Severe Service cornerstone of Koso Kent
Valves for over 45 years. Introls philosophy. Our plant is
accredited in accordance with
Whether it is for problematic applications relating to High Quality Management System
Pressure, High Temperature, Sub Zero Temperatures, ISO 9001 and Environmental
Cavitation, Flashing, Erosion, Solids Contaminated Fluids, Management System ISO
Corrosion, High Velocity, Vibration, Noise or Energy 14001. In addition all products,
Dissipation, KKI has proved it has the solutions. These issues where applicable, conform to
are discussed in the following sections together with Case ATEX, PED and all other
Studies, which present some of the solutions provided by KKI applicable EU Directives and
to handle potentially problematic applications. In addition to are CE marked accordingly.
this KKI has the proven Koso Vector (velocity control)
Labyrinth Disk Stack design in it's product portfolio. The companys standard
manufacturing experience
includes NACE MR01.75,
NORSOK, API 6A specifications
and individual customer
specifications. Our in-house
inspection and testing facilities
include hardness testing,
NDE, PMI, gas and flow
testing. Safety is the key
element in everything we do,
with all employees undergoing
both general and specific
Health and Safety training.
Fig 01
Vector (velocity control)
Labyrinth disk stack trim design
Fig 02
Turbotrol control valve
TSS 0109
There is level of mystique surrounding specific applications encountered in the control valve
industry. Certain manufacturers try to differentiate themselves by specifying such applications
as severe service. It should be noted that there is no definitive ruling as to what is and is not
severe service. In reality it really depends on the severity of the operating conditions and on the
importance of the valve to the operation of the plant.
KKI have over the years operated at the leading edge of the oil and gas industry and have as
such encountered ever increasing demands in terms of pressure drop, contamination and
increased flow rates.
In order to handle these arduous applications special selection criteria have been
developed. Some applications that are frequently classified as Severe Service include:
The trims presented on this page are some examples of the Severe Fig 06
Service Trims available from Koso Kent Introl. Vector D disk velocity control
Labyrinth trim design
Fig 03
HFL-3 high performance
Multi-sleeve / Multi-step trim
Fig 04
Tungsten carbide plug for
heavily contaminated fluids
KKI is committed to providing fully analysed and tested valve m/s
product for the Severest Service Applications. Our expert 155
engineering staff continually design, develop and test products
to meet the ever-changing needs of the industry while
supporting products that are already installed and operating
throughout the world.
Our engineering staff utilise modern engineering tools, such as
3D Modelling, Finite Element Analysis, and CFD analysis to 39
ensure that the products are designed to the highest level of
integrity and reliability. 0
Fig 08
Plan view of a valve trim showing the sand particle trajectory
Fig 07
CFD analysis of 5 stage multi-spline
Fig 09
CFD analysis of a valve trim
Fig 10
Choke body evaluation using Finite Element Analysis
TSS 0109
The trim in the adjacent photographs illustrates the extreme CAVITATION EXPLAINED
damage that high levels of cavitation can produce on pump
minimum flow recirculation applications it can literally tear a
Cavitation is the phenomenon
trim apart in minutes.
that can occur in control
valves on liquid duties. In its
Either incorrect specification of the operating conditions or the
most severe form cavitation
incorrect design of trim are the underlying factors in such an
can destroy a control valve
application. In this particular instance the incorrect outlet
trim in a matter of hours. It is
pressure specified at 6 bar, was in fact atmospheric, resulting in
therefore important to control
this extreme level of erosion. The valve operated for only a few
the level of cavitation when
hours before it had to be taken out of service.
selecting a control valve.
The original trim design incorporated 5 stages (10 turns) of
Fig 12 and 13 Cavitation occurs on liquid
pressure let-down, but the pressure drop apportionment did not
Original trim with severe applications when the fluid
eliminate cavitation, due to the much lower downstream
cavitation damage static pressure firstly reduces
pressure. In order to handle this pressure drop and eliminate
below the fluid vapour
cavitation, the trim design needed an additional 4 stages of
pressure (Pv) and
let-down, giving a total of 14 turns within the existing valve
subsequently rises (recovers)
body design, see HFL-9 Stage Anti-Cavitation trim.
above the fluid vapour
pressure. This results firstly in
The area increase through the trim resulted in lower pressure
the creation of small vapour
drops in the outlet stages of the trim and thereby eliminating
bubbles (cavities).
cavitation, even though the outlet pressure was close to
atmospheric. This design is a hybrid of the KKI Turbotrol valve
Subsequently these cavities
that is used on similar applications and discussed in the
collapse producing localised
following section.
shock wave micro-jets. If
these impact on the metallic
surface of the valve then
severe pitting and erosion
damage can occur. A
complete explanation of
cavitation and the KKI
method of calculating the
Cavitation Index is given in
the Technical Selection
Fig 14 Manual TS 20 available at
Comparison between
low and high recovery
trim designs
The patented Turbotrol valve design is utilised on very high- TURBOTROL DESIGN SPECIFICATION
pressure drop liquid applications to eliminate the potentially Sizes 112 to 8" (40mm to 200mm)
erosive effects of cavitation. This design was first introduced Ratings ANSI 600 to 4,500 / API 3,000 to 15,000
Design ISO 10423 / API 6A / API 17D / ANSI B16.34 /
by KKI in the mid 1980s and was specifically developed for
minimum flow re-circulation pump protection. This design is
Standards PED / ATEX / NACE MR01.75 / ISO 15156 / NORSOK
typically employed on applications where the pressure drop
End Conns. ISO 10423 / API 6A / API 17D / ANSI Flanges /
requirement is in excess of 200 bar and the downstream
Hub type connections
pressure is close to Pv.
Stages of let-down 4 to 9 (9 to 14 turns)
The design incorporates between 4 and 9 stages (9 and 14
turns). The flow is directed through a series of radial and axial Fig 16
flow paths, where the fluid is firstly split into many small flows Illustration of a
and then recombines into an axial flow. This occurs repeatedly Multi-spline trim
as it passes through the trim ensuring controlled dissipation of
the fluid energy. The control of the velocity through the trim
reduces the high wear rates normally associated with high
pressure drop applications.
An additional feature of the Turbotrol is the plug seating face,
which is protected from the effects of wire-drawing and
erosion at low flows. A dead band is introduced adjacent to the
seat, which ensures that the seating faces are positioned
outside the high velocity turbulent flow streams prior to the
flow stream holes being exposed.
Fig 15
Illustration of
a 9 stage
Turbotrol trim
The multi-spline trim is designed to extend the Turbotrol range
for high-pressure drop liquid services for applications with low
flow rate requirements. These trims are supplied in valve sizes
up to 2" (50mm) diameter. In common with the larger Turbotrol
trims, the flow sleeve and plug are constructed as an insert-able
cartridge, with up to 5 stages of pressure drop to ensure that
cavitation does not occur throughout the stated flow range.
The fire water system on offshore platforms, see fig 18, has Fig 18 Fire Water System
proven to be an extremely onerous duty. KKI became involved
in this application when a competitors Butterfly Valve suffered Overload dump
Fire wall
severe vibration, resulting in a failure of the system and causing (Atmos, pressure)
a Health & Safety issue due to the fact that both the sprinkler
and deluge system would not function correctly. On closer
Fire Water
inspection of the valve, erosion (resulting from cavitation) of the control Fire water
Diesel fire
vane, valve body and seating area was discovered. pump
valve ring main
On investigation it was noted that the valves were originally Ring main
specified to be operating with an inlet pressure of 6 bar and 5 bar
Inlet pressure
a pressure drop of 1 bar. Following installation it was revealed 6 bar
that the operating pressure drop under test conditions was
significantly higher. The pressure drop was actually 5 bar and
the flow rate had increased from 250 to 340 m /hr. This meant
baffle plate
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Although it was clear that a larger globe type valve fitted with a
low pressure recovery trim would be suitable for the operating
pressures, the operator required a valve that would fit into the
existing pipework configuration. KKI provided the Rotrol High
Performance Butterfly Valve as the solution. This product had
undergone extensive tests both on KKIs water test facility and at
Brown Boveri Corporation (Baden) research facility. The special low
recovery vane enables high-pressure drops to be handled without
the onset of cavitation.
Fig 17
Cavitation damage to Butterfly valve A comparison between the respective pressure recovery
characteristics of a Standard Vane and a Rotrol vane is
presented in Fig 19. The Cavitation Index (C I) for the Rotrol
valve under the most extreme condition was - 0.5 bar. The valve
was installed and operated without the previous problems of
cavitation and unstable control. This valve is now an accepted
solution to what is still an onerous application.
The Rotrol Butterfly Valve range was developed to overcome the The innovative design, refer to Fig 21, incorporates a profiled
problems associated with control, cavitation and noise that vane that has cowls on its leading and trailing edges. The
would otherwise cause premature mechanical wear and failure cowls are drilled with a series of holes to allow flow to pass
of components on conventional Butterfly and Ball Valve designs. through the cowl.
Thus, at low valve openings when the cowls are most effective
the flow passes through these holes, producing smaller
turbulence scale and a similar low pressure recovery to that of
a cage style trim, refer to Fig 20. This allows the valve to handle
higher pressure drops and higher velocities without the onset
of cavitation and noise.
P1 ROTROL DISC This specialised valve performs exceptionally well in severe service
(LOW DISCOVERY) applications with its variable resistance trim, where the pressure
Fig 21
Rotrol valve with
outlet baffle plate
TSS 0109
In 1974 Koso Kent Introl supplied a number of control valves The original trim was a HFD cage guided design with an
for a separator level control system schematic represented operating pressure drop of 100 bar (1450psi). In the early 1980s
below in the Separator Level Control Schematic. the client introduced water injection, the additional water cut
resulted in the fluid being contaminated with sand. Within two
weeks of operation of the valve, the trim was being severely
eroded, due to the excess sand contamination.
Fig 22
Separator level
control schematic
Gas Gas
Test separator
Production control valve
choke First stage First stage
separator separator
third stage level
control valve
Fig 25
Fully stellited cage guided trim after two weeks operation
High v
Over the next two years KKI developed the LCV trim design,
The features of this design were patented and form the basis
of the Koso Kent Introl Severe Service Choke Trim design as
well as being an option within the globe control valve product
range. The success of the trim design utilising tungsten
carbide as presented in Fig 24 shows a relatively small amount
of erosion to the sacrificial elements after two years operation.
Koso Kent Introl has been supplying high technology surface To date thousands of Kent Introl Series 73 surface chokes have
choke valves since 1975. The design of the severe service trim been installed around the world on projects for some of the
incorporated in this valve was discussed in the previous section. worlds leading oil and gas companies.
1" to 16" (25mm to 400mm).
ANSI 600 to 4,500 / API 3,000 to 15,000.
Fig 26
ISO 10423 / API 6A / API 17D / ANSI B16.34 / ASME VIII
In-line choke with
Hydraulic actuator
PED / ATEX / NACE MR01.75 / ISO 15156 / NORSOK.
ISO 10423 / API 6A / API 17D / ANSI Flanges / Hub type
connections. Other end connections available on request.
HF, LCV, Microspline, Multi-spline, Vector and various Multi-stage
trim options. Other special trim configurations available on
A wide range of actuator options are available,
including manual, pneumatic spring opposed diaphragm,
pneumatic piston, pneumatic stepping, hydraulic stepping,
electric, and electro-hydraulic.
TSS 0109
KKI have a great deal of experience of supplying valves that operate on flashing fluids, both
contaminated and un-contaminated. Flashing service applications range from relatively benign
conditions, i.e. when the downstream pressure is just below the fluid vapour pressure, to severe,
i.e. when the fluid is flashing at inlet to the valve and with pressure drops in excess of 20 bar.
Fig 29
Fig 27 A competitors trim which has
Competitors torturous path trim design that failed on a Severe been replaced by a KKI
Service application due to contamination and Interstage flashing tungsten carbide trim design
When high velocity jets of liquid impinge against a solid surface High velocity jets of fluid emerging from the controlling orifices
some of the material will be eroded, the amount is dependant of the valve trim may result in the erosion of any surface on
on the hardness and resilience of the material and on the which they impinge and the effects of this will be enhanced if
impact velocity and angle of impact. The inclusions of abrasive the fluid contains abrasive particles such as sand. High velocity
particles in the liquid aggravate the erosive process. jets of gas or vapour containing droplets of liquid can also
produce severe erosion damage.
Inconel (cladding) 175 V = volume of material eroded mm3/mm2
Stainless 420 407 = coefficient depending on material hardness (refer to adjacent table)
Tungsten Carbide 801 = angle of incidence of a jet with surface degree
(min. for use in the equation = 20o)
As with cavitation, predictive calculations are difficult because The graph below relates erosion rate versus velocity for different
there are so many variables affecting the rate of erosion. material grades. This shows the significant improvements that
can be made by utilising stellite or tungsten carbide on
Research at universities and within the industry has produced potentially erosive services.
some proposals and arguably the most user friendly of these
from the valve applications engineers viewpoint is from the work
carried out by M.M. Salama, E.S. Ventakesh and E. Rabinowicz.
, , , ,
Three years predicted erosion for clean liquids with an SG of 1 and an incidence angle of 90 Degrees
1.00E-06 5 10 15 20
Inconel (cladding)
1.00E-07 Stainless 316
Stellite No6
1.00E-08 Stainless 17/4PH
Stainless 420
Volume erosion (mm3/mm2)
Jet velocity (m/s)
TSS 0109
The control of this noise generation has been a major Aerodynamically generated noise usually seems to emanate
undertaking over many years. Over this period KKI have from a point in the downstream pipe-work approximately 1 to 2
undertaken a number of Research Projects in order to gain a pipe diameters from the exit of the valve. This distance is
better understanding of this process. related to the pipe-work configuration and outlet flow velocity.
Aerodynamic noise generation is attributed to the presence of KKI has been providing solutions for high noise level applications
high turbulence levels and shock waves in the valve, since the 1960s. The development of these trims has advanced
downstream of the flow restriction. The high levels of considerably with the aid of experimental research
turbulence are a result of dissipating high levels of energy by programmes and more recently Computational Fluid Dynamics.
throttling the flow. The turbulence energy is converted by a
non-linear process into internal and acoustic energy, and KKI undertook an extensive research program during the
subsequently the acoustic energy is propagated downstream 1980s into Aerodynamic noise generation within control valves.
with a small percentage being transmitted through the pipe This resulted in the successful introduction of the low noise
wall and into the surroundings as acoustic sound waves. trim designs referred to as HFQ1 and HFQ2. These complemented
the already proven HFD (Double Stage) and HFT (Triple Stage)
trim designs previously used for low noise applications.
The preferred flow direction is under the plug for the HFQ trim
design. This enables the optimum flow area increase as the
flow passes through each stage of the trim. The result is a very
low trim exit velocity and very high levels of noise attenuation.
The flow geometry means that the process fluid enters the cage
radially and passes through the subsequent sleeves in a
torturous path resulting in high frictional and impingement
losses. Shock wave formation is controlled by jet impingement
on the sleeves, this has been shown to have a major
(advantageous) bearing on the noise generation process.
The KKI family of HF trims (HF, HFD, HFT, HFQ1 & HFQ2)
provide high levels of dynamic attenuation (upto 40dBA),
whilst avoiding the problems of erosion and vibration.
Flow path
Fig 31 Fig 32
5 stage (9 turns) low noise trim design Plan view of a HFQ2 low noise trim
In solving aerodynamic noise generation problems it must also In selecting these devices it is necessary to ensure that the
be recognised that there is a need to control downstream trim silencer system operates effectively over the full range of
velocities, otherwise high pipeline velocities can produce operating conditions. This approach has been used
secondary noise which could be significantly higher than that successfully by KKI for in excess of 30 years.
produced by the valve trim.
Certain valve manufacturers will endeavour to exclude the use
It is generally accepted that to achieve a low noise solution, the of battle plates as dynamic attenuators because of the
downstream velocity should be restricted to less than 0.3 times commercial advantage it provides against larger valve
the fluid sonic velocity. This coincides with the velocity at solutions. However, there is no valid technical reason why
which compressibility effects start to become noticeable. In silencers/baffles should not be used, on the proviso that all
order to address this problem KKI utilise down stream silencers, operating conditions have been considered in their selection.
these take the form of a taper pipe fitted with a number of
baffle plates (circular plates with a number of drilled holes).
Fig 33
Baffle plate
If there is a sudden closure of a valve or a trip out of a pump, The fluid upstream is compressed causing a pressure surge
either at the start or the end of pipeline or at an intermediary and downstream there will be a rarefaction in pressure, which
pump station, the flow at that point will be brought to rest or will encourage reverse flow. Pressure surges and reverse flows
significantly reduced. The fluid upstream and down stream is are extremely dangerous causing damage to pumps and
not aware of this stoppage and continues to flow under its possible to fracture to the pipeline. A surge on a long pipeline
mass momentum. operating at a normal pressure of 17.5 bar can generate a
transient pressure of 96 bar if uncontrolled.
Great care was also taken to control the velocity through the valve.
Although the valve was described as a 16" angle design, the trim
components and size were the same as used on a 24" valve.
Fig 35
Alaska pipeline Anti-surge Severe Service control valves
Although all control valve applications are sized considering all Usually, the valve specification states the exact requirements,
the operating conditions and ensuring adequate valve openings i.e. the maximum range of the valve design Cv. These are
for control, the anti-surge does require particular attention. specified to ensure that when the valve is brought into service
it can control the flow so that the compressor does not move
towards a surge condition.
Fig 36 Eratic response due to vibration The graphs shown in Figs 36 and 37 present traces of the
actual valve opening conditions during a re-cycle operation.
Under most of the operational range the valve control remained
stable. However, under certain instances the response of the
valve was eratic as shown in Fig 36. The green and red lines are
the input (instrument signal) and output (valve position) of the
PRESSURE device. This shows that although the input signal (green) is
requesting the valve to close, the valve actually remains open
as shown by the red trace. Corresponding with this occurrence
was a sudden increase in SPL. This was not aerodynamic noise
generation, it was a result of high vibration levels at a discrete
INPUT SIGNAL frequency due to fluid induced resonance.
KKI are in the enviable position of being able to supply the The Koso Vector Labyrinth trims limit harmful flow velocities by
most appropriate design for the specified application whether separating the flow into smaller individual channels, and then
high pressure drop cavitating, high pressure drop flashing or stage the full pressure drop across multiple turns in the fluid
high pressure drop gas application, this proven trim design path. This is the basic principle of the HFL trim design, however,
delivers accurate control, long life, free from cavitation, on the Vector designs the allowed pressure drops are
erosion, vibration and noise problems. significantly lower, leading to much lower velocities that are well
within any threshold for erosion for the majority of trim materials.
The design has evolved through many decades of experience
in solving severe service applications where durability, In addition to the Vector D Labyrinth trim shown in Fig 40 Koso
reliability, repeatability and accurate / precise control are has also developed the Vector M Multi-step trim, shown below.
required. The advanced design velocity control trim prevents This gives a smooth and continuous increasing flow over the full
generation of noise and / or cavitation at the source. travel of the valve. This eliminates the inherent stepped flow
that occurs in most stacked disc designs, see Fig 38.
Fig 38
Flow characteristic comparison Fig 39
between D and M Vector Vector M trim design
Fig 40
Vector D Labyrinth disc
KKI continually tests their products to ensure that the units
meet the ever-changing requirements of the specific Industry
that the units will be used in.
Some of the tests that are carried out include the following:
Fig 42
Choke valve during cryogenic testing
Fig 41 Fig 43
Turbotrol valve on 480 bar Control valve during flow testing
test loop undergoing FAT
+44 (0)1484 710311
+44 (0)1484 407407
Copyright 2014
All rights reserved Koso Kent Introl Limited