Chassis Engineering by Herb Adams
Chassis Engineering by Herb Adams
Chassis Engineering by Herb Adams
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Published by The Berkley Publishing Group
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The Penguin Group (USA) Inc. World Wide Web site address is
Adams, Herb.
Chassis engineering : chassis design building & tuning
for high performance handling / by Herb Adams
p. em.
Includes index.
ISBN 1-55788-055-7
1. Automobiles-Chassis. 2. Automobiles-Performance.
1. Title.
TL255.A23 1993
629.24-dc20 92-37394
NOTICE: The information in this book is true and complete to the best of our knowledge. All recom
mendations on parts and procedures are made without any guarantees on the part of the author or the
publisher. Tampering with or altering any emissions-control device, or modifying an emissions-controlled
vehicle is in violation of federal regulations. Author and publisher di sclaim all liability incurred in
connection with the use of this information.
All right s reserved. This book , or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission.
he purpose of this book is to explain understand the whys of suspension and han
the track, they are the key to improved han age mechanical skills should be able to make
dling. Almost all of the suspension variables are significant improvements in the cornering per
related to how well a car's tires react to the formance of their car, regardless of the type or
ground. application, be it street, circle track or road rac
Just as in the case of engine tuning, where ing. Because of the many different types of vehi
very small changes can have a dramatic effect cles and racing applications, it would be nearly
on horsepower output, very slight changes in impossible to do a true "how-to" book. The idea
the suspension of your car can have significant is to present the information in a universal man
effects on your handling. Even a one-degree ner, so it can be applied to suit any need.
change in camber can have a measurable effect The information contained in this book was
on performance, so a high degree of precision is accumulated over many years, the result of
required to set-up a suspension properly. numerous contributions by top engineers and
Another aspect of suspension tuning that racers. It is not unusual for an engineer or a car
should be stressed at the beginning is the con builder to struggle for months to solve a prob
cept of optimizing settings. For example, if you lem. And, once they do find the answer, it is sim
increased your tire pressure from 30 to 40 psi, ple to follow their lead. During the past 30
and you measured some improvement, there is years, there has been a tremendous increase in
no reason to assume that increasing the pres the available knowledge on car handling, and
sure from 40 to 50 psi will have an equal this book attempts to present some of this infor
improvement. If the tire operates best at 40 psi, mation. Therefore, when "we" is used through
increasing the pressure to 50 psi could actually out this book, it refers to all those people who
reduce its performance. Every suspension have helped to accumulate this information.
adjustment and setting has an optimum value. To help explain the handling concepts, I have
We know that more valve timing in an engine organized this book using the "building block"
can increase power up to a certain point and approach. The first chapters present the most
then further increases will lose power. The basic concepts. The later chapters use these
same concept is true in suspension tuning. basic concepts to explain the more complicated
This is not an engineering book in the classi relationships and solve common problems.
cal sense, but rather an explanation of how engi Don't read the chapters out of order, because
neering principles are applied to the automobile you need to fully understand tire characteris
chassis. This application of engineering to the tics before you can understand weight distribu
automobile chassis is a very specialized field of tion dynamics, or you need to know how tire
study, so it is not widely practiced. However, loadings, stabilizer bars and spring rates affect
the interest in chassis engineering is very handling before you can correct any oversteer
broad, because there are so many automotive or understeer problems. The study of chassis
enthusiasts interested in improving the corner engineering is complex and can be difficult to
ing performance of their cars. By studying the grasp. Hopefully, this book will make it easier.
engineering relationships, and the examples
given in this book, most enthusiasts with aver Herb Adams
he tires on your ~a r have more effect on its TIRE TRACTION VS. LOAD
By making a chart of the tire performance curve
TIRE PERFORMANCE CURVE (Chart 1-1) it is possible to see how the cornering
efficiency of the tire decreases as the vertical load
ing is increased. The vertical load and traction read
ings were taken from the tire performance curve
nering efficiency of 140%, it would be possible for a
....J 1,000 car to corner at 1.40 g's. When the cornering efficien
500 /
V cy is only 75%, the same car would corner at .75 g's.
By looking at tire cornering efficiency, you can eas
ily see that you will get the most cornering power as
a percentage of the vertical load when the vertical
0 loads are lower. A tire's cornering efficiency reduces
a: quickly when it is asked to support more and more
weight. This characteristic of any tire is a key ele
o 500 1,000 1,500 2,000
ment in understanding why cars handle the way
they do . Understanding this aspect of a tire's per
formance is necessary to analyze the more complex
conditions that a car experiences during actual driv
Figure 1-1. This is a tire performance curve. The amount attraction
available from any given tire is dependent on how much weight is ing conditions.
on the tire. As weight is increased, the traction also increases. The
important thing that must be recognized however, is that the
increase in traction becomes less and less as the weight is
Chart 1-1
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -t
V" v
I- '--
~ ~
Figure 1-2. When a tire is perpendicular to the ground, it has zero camber angle. This condit ion provides the biggest tire patch for the most
possibl e traction. Equally important is that the unit-loading on each part of the tire pat ch is more evenly distributed when the tire has zero
camber angle. As shown here, a positive camber angle will result in less of a tire patch.
Tire Factors-When analyzing your car's handling, The Circle of Traction concept is based on the fact
tire factors such as contact patch, tread depth, that a tire has only a certain amount of traction at
aspect ratio, etc., must be considered because they any given time. This total amount of traction is
change how much traction your tires can provide for dependent on the weight on the tire, the track con
a given vertical load. These factors raise or lower ditions, the weather, etc. When studying the Circle
the traction curve and they can cause the shape of of Traction, th e total amount of traction is consid
the curve to change. When the same size and type ered constant. What the Circle of Traction shows is
of tire is used at all four locations, these factors how this total amount of traction is distributed
affect how much traction is available. between cornering forces and acceleration or brak
ing forces. If you only have so much traction avail
able, deciding how to use this traction can have an
important effect on how well a car handles. The
Circle of Traction concept says that the amount of
A tire will provide the maximum traction at any cornering force available for a tire will be reduced by
given vertical load when it is perpendicular to the whatever amount of the total traction is also used
ground. This is called zero camber angle (Figure 1-2). for acceleration or braking.
When the tire is perpendicular to the ground, its con How it Works-If you could view the tire contact
tact patch is bigger than when it is at any other angle. patch as it moves along th e roadway, you could see
Contact patch is the area of the Ute in direct contact how this Circle of Traction operates. The total trac
with the road surface. If a tire is tilted out at the top, tion capability can be represented by an arrow on a
it has positive camber. This condition reduces the circular graph. This arrow represents the available
tire contact patch and the tire will not provide as traction and it can be pointed in any direction
much traction as when it is perpendicular. Negative (Figure 1-3).
camber, when the top of the tire is tilted inward, is For example, if a sample tire had 1000 lbs. of load
often dialed in to compensate for the moving or on it, and its cornering efficiency was 100%, it would
bending (known as deflection) of suspension parts. provide 1000 lbs . of traction. This 1000 lbs. of trac
When it is used, the result is to have zero camber tion is available in any direction-pure cornering,
angle when maximum tire traction is needed. acceleration or braking. But unfortunately, it is not
Figure 1-3. The Circle of Traction shows that any given tire has only a certain amount of traction. This amount of traction can be directed
in any direction, but if any of it is used for acceleration, less will be available for cornering.
available in any two directions at once at its full trac tion force , there is less cornering force available at
tion of 1000 Ibs. If some of the total 1000 Ibs. is used the rear, so the car has more oversteer as the driver
in acceleration, less than 1000 lbs. will be available applies more power.
for cornering. The total is not additive, but is a vec Acceleration Effects-The extreme example of this
tor amount that can be used in combination as condition is a car making a wheel-spinning start. If
shown on the Circle. there is enough power to cause both rear wheels to
Every driver has experienced the effects on han break traction, all of the tires' traction is being used
dling of this condition. When exiting a turn, a car in the accelerating direction. As shown in the Circle
that has normal understeer will have oversteer at of Traction diagram (Figure 1-3), this condition
full throttle. The reason for this change in cornering results in zero cornering power available from the
attitude on the same car in the same corner can be tires to restrain the car from side loadings. The
explained by looking at the Circle of Traction. As the results of this lack of lateral force from the tires will
driver asks the rear tires to absorb more accelera cause the rear of the car to "fish-tail."
the need to recognize the weight of the object. For
instance, a 3000-lb. cornering force acting on a 3000
lb. car would be a 1.0 g load. The same 3000-lb. force
on a 4000-lb. car would be a .75 g load. By describ
ing cornering forces in g's, various cars can be com
pared equally, regardless of their individual weights.
n Chapter 1, we discussed how the amount of steer, or push through the turn. If a car goes around
you know how much vertical load there is, and how A car's weight distribution is determined by how
much traction is available, you can determine how much weight is on each tire . These weights change
much total cornering power the car has available. due to load transfer. The changes in loading are the
Knowing the individual tire traction limits can also result of forces acting on the car. The following
tell you some of the handling characteristics such as examples illustrate how some of these forces can
understeer and oversteer. change the individual vertical loads on each tire of a
Understeer & Oversteer-These are terms that car.
describe how a car goes around a corner. If a car Using this type of analysis is helpful in under
goes around a corner with the front of the car point standing how the static and dynamic weight distri
ed toward the outside of the turn, it is said to under- bution of a car can affect its handling characteris
tics. This example shows how the weights and
Weight distribution is how therefore the traction available can change as a car
much weight, or load, each tire
has on it at rest. However, when
the car goes around a turn,
weight will be transferred from
the inside tires to the outside
tires, which is known as lateral
weight transfer. The more
weight on a tire, the less trac
tion it will have. With this
knowledge , you can control the
amount of weight transfer so
your outside tires will have the
maximum traction available.
Understanding this relationship
is a fundamental key to good
handling. Photo by Michael
- - - - - -- - - -- - - - -t
Figure 2-1. Understeer is the condition where a car needs more than normal front-wheel steering angle to go around a corner; the front-end
of the vehicle tends to break loose and slide, or push toward the outside of a tum. Oversteer is when a car needs less than normal front
wheel steering angle to go around a corner; the rear end of the vehicle tends to break loose and slide outward.
moves. But the important concept to understand is This theoretical car has 750 Ibs. on each wheel.
that the traction available from a tire is dependent Using the tire performance curve in Figure l-Lon
on its vertical load. The confusing aspect is that the page 2, you can see that you would have 850 Ibs. of
percentage of traction improvement goes down as traction available at each wheel. The total traction
the load goes up. As we look at the following exam would be 3400 Ibs. and th e cornering force would be
ples, keep in mind that the traction available values 1.13 g's. See Chart 2-1. To find the total cornering
in the charts were taken from our tire performance force in g's, you would divide the total traction by
curve, Figure 1-1, page 2. the total weight, from Chart 2-1, or:
Example One Traction
Assume we have a car with the following weight Total Cornering Force =
Car Weight: 30001bs. 3400
Total Cornering Force = =1.13g's
Front End Weight: 50% 3000
Left Side Weight Bias: o
Load Transfer From
Cornering: o
Chart 2-1
Tire Static Weight Traction
Location On Tire Available
Chart 2-2
Tire Static Weight Lateral Weight Weight On Tire Traction
Location On Tire Transfer During Cornering Available
This sounds pretty good until you realize that the change in loading is dependent on the cornering
weight will transfer from the inside tires to the out force (g's), the car track width (T), the height of the
side tires as the car develops cornering force going center of gravity (H) and the overall weight of the
around a corner. car 0N). See Figure 2-3. Expressed as a formula:
Figure 2-2. When a car goes around a corner, some of its weight Figure 2-3. The amount of lateral weight transfer is dependent on
transfers from the inside tires to the outside tires. This causes the the weight of the car, the magnitude of the cornering force, the
weight on the outside tires to increase while the weight on the height of the center ofgravity (H), and the track width (T).
inside tires decreases.
Chart 2-3
the weight transfer for a 3000-lb. car at 1.00 g cor only turn left. In this case, assume the car has the
nering force would be: following specifications:
3000 x 20 Front End Weight: 50%
Lateral Weight Transfer = = 1000 Ibs.
60 Left Side Weight Bias: 6001bs.
This means 1000 lbs. of load will be transferred Load Transfer From Cornering: 10001bs.
from the inside tires to the outside tires during cor
Under these conditions, the tire loadings and trac
nering. On a car with equal front-to-rear weight dis
tion values would be as shown in Chart 2-3. Again, to
tribution, this lateral weight transfer would be split
find the total cornering force , plug the total traction
evenly to 500 lbs . on each axle. If the car turns left, available and total weight into the formula:
the left-side tires will lose 500 lbs. each and the right
side tire will gain 500 lbs. At these tire loadings, the Total Cornering Force = - - = 1.13 g's
traction available would be 3160 lbs. To see where 3000
we got that total, look at Chart 2-2. This shows how increasing the weight on the left
Again, the traction available was calculated by side (preloading) is effective in equalizing tire load
using the tire performance chart, Figure l-l on page ings during cornering, so that all the tires equally
2, as it will be for all of the charts in the following share the load and produce the maximum in corner
examples. Now, to find the cornering force, take the ing force.
total traction available in Chart 2-2 and divide it by
the total weight on the tire when cornering, or: Example Four
3160 To see the effect of having a front-heavy car, let's
Total Cornering Force = = 1.05 g's see what happens when we make the front-end
3000 weight 60%with no left-side weight bias and our nor
As can be seen, cornering power was decreased mal 1000-lb. weight transfer from cornering. With
(from 1.13 to 1.05 g's) because of the lateral weight the same 3000-lb. car, there would be 1800 lbs. on
transfer due to the cornering loads. the front tires and 1200 lbs. on the rear tires. The
static weights, cornering weights and traction avail
Example Three able would be as shown in Chart 2-4. Plugged into
One way to help equalize the weight on the tires the formula, it would look like:
during cornering is to preload the inside tires. This 3130
is done by moving some of the weight from the right Total Cornering Force = - - = 1.04 g's
side of the car to the left side of the car. This will
obviously only work on a circle track, where the cars Note that this is the average cornering force.
Chart 2-4
This total is misleading, because if you look at just This analysis shows that the car in this example
the front-end weights and traction forces in Chart 2 will not only corner slower than one with equal
4, you see that there is 1750 Ibs. of traction for front-to-rear weight distribution, but it will also
pulling the front-end weight of 1800 Ibs. around cor understeer in the corners. If the front traction is not
ners. The front-end cornering force would then be: able to pull the front weight as well as the rear trac
tion can pull the rear weight, the front-end won't
1750 stick as well as the rear-end . This causes the car to
Front Cornering Force = .97 g's
1800 understeer in the corners and to wear the right front
tire faster than normal.
At the rear, as shown in Chart 2-4, th ere is 1380 Ibs. Even more important is to note that although the
of traction to pull 1200 Ibs. of weight around cor total traction will permit the car to corner at 1.04 g's,
ners. This means the rear cornering forc e will be: the front-end won't corner at over .97 g's. This
1380 means that because of understeer, the car can only
Rear Cornering Force = =1.15g's corner at .97 g's. This is considerably less than the
1.13 g's shown in Example Three.
Example Five
This example is a combination for Examples 2, 3
and 4. Our interest with this combination is to see if
the use of left-side weight bias will improve the cor
nering power of-a front-heavy car and if it will solve
the understeer problem. The static and cornering
weights as compared to traction forces are listed in
Chart 2-5. Plugged into the formula . th e values are :
Total Corneri ng Force = - - = .12 g's
Chart 2-5
rear totals from Chart 2-5 and work them into the adding 200 Ibs. of weight to the right rear tire . Using
equation separately: a chassis wedge is a common method used to cure
understeer. Wedging is accomplished by preloading
Front Cornering Force 1.03 g's the left front or right rear spring. When 200 Ibs. of
1800 wedge is added to the right rear, the weight on the
1520 left front will also increase about 200 Ibs., with a
Rear Cornering Force = = 1.27 g's reduction in the weight on the right front and left
1200 rear of a similar 200 lbs. Assume our car has th e fol
lowing specifications:
As was the case in Example Four, the car will only
be able to corner at 1.03 g's because this is all the Wedge Weight: 200 lbs,
front-end traction the car has available. This value Front End Weight: 60%
is still considerably lower than the 1.13g's shown in
Left Side Weight Bias: 600 lbs.
Example Three.
Load Transfer from Cornering: 1000 lbs.
Example Six Taking this data and putting it into Chart 2-6
The parameters for this exercise are the same as reveals that there is 3220 lbs. of traction available.
Example Five, except the chassis is wedged by Once again , take the data from Chart 2-6 and work it
A car that is front-heavy will have less traction available from the front tires to pull the front-end weight around the corner, while increas
ing the amount available at the rear to pull the rear-end weight around the corner. If the front traction is not abl e to pull the front-end
weight as well as the rear traction pulls the rear-end weight, the front-end of the car won 't "stick " as well, and understeer as a result. See
Example Four. Photo by Michael Lutfy.
This example shows that the car will still under
steer in the turns, but it will do it less, and the car
1500 LBS 1000 LBS will go around corners faster. The front traction is
still weak, but wedging the chassis increased the
car's front cornering force from the value shown in
Example Five, 1.03g's to 1.06 g's. This is a significant
improvement, but it is still far less than the total 1.13
g's we showed in Example Three.
1000 LBS
Chart 2-6
Tire Static Weight Lateral Weight Weight On Tire Traction
hen a car goes around a corner it will results in less cornering power. Less roll angle
~ -
-. .:
Figure 3-1. When a car rolls due to the cornering force, the tires usually roll with the car and develop a positive camber angle to the ground.
is the amount of negative camber with the car at changing the height of the center of gravity is not
rest. By doing this, you help to keep the outside always an available means of controlling the roll
front tire perpendicular to the track, even if there is angle on a given car.
excessive body roll. Roll Center Height-As can be seen in Figure 3-2,
Using excessive static negative camber can lead to raising the suspension roll center will reduce the roll
problems, however. For most street applications, angle. Since the roll center height is an integral ele
the maximum is about 1.0 degrees, or else the ment of the total suspension geometry picture, we
insides of the tires will wear. For competition, static will discuss its effects in Chapter 7.
negative camber settings of 2 or 3 degrees are often Track Width-Because the lateral spring base is
used. Tire temperatures can be used to optimize the proportional to the track width, a wider track dimen
amount of negative camber for most applications sion will reduce the roll angle. As was the case with
(see Chapter 16). center of gravity height however, most cars already
have as wide a track as practical. This means that
Solutions for any given car, we can not expect to cause much
Because there are limits to the amount of negative of a reduction in the roll angle by increasing the
camber that can be used, it is important to control track dimension.
the amount of roll angle. The roll angle can be con Cornering Force Amount-As can be seen from the
trolled to varying degrees with the following ele GTO in the photo on page 13, more cornering force
ments of chassis design and setup. will result in more roll angle. If you want to go
Center of Gravity Height-It is easy to see why a around corners as fast as possible, you will have
lower center of gravity will result in less roll angle . ever-increasing cornering forces , and therefore ever
Most cars are already as low as is practical, so increasing roll angles. For example, if a street-driven
, ~
-- r--
Figure 3-2. A car 's roll angle is dependent on the distance between the height of the center of gravity and the height of the front and rear
roll centers. The greater this distance, the greater the roll angle for any giv en cornering force.
- ......... -
Figure 3-3. The left drawing shows how an anti-roll bar is twisted when the body rolls in a tum . This creates forces at the four points where
the bar is attached to the vehicle. The forces are shown in the right drawing. Forces A on the suspension increase weight transfer to the
outside tire . Forces B on the frame resist body roll. The effect is a reduction of body roll and an increase in weight transfer at the end of
the chassis which has the anti-roll bar. Because the total weight transfer due to centrifugal force is not changed, the opposite end of the
chassis has reduced weight transfer.
car with street tires could corner at .75 g's, it might motion to twist the bar (Figure 3-3). The stiffer the
have a roll angle of 3 degrees. This same car on race bar, the more resistance to body roll it can provide.
tires might corner at 1.00 g's. If it did, the roll angle Since the forces that cause the car to roll are being
would increase to 4 degrees. This means that cars absorbed by the stabilizer bar. and these forces are
that corner faster will need more roll stiffness to fed into each lower control arm, the outside tire
control the roll angle. loadings will increase as the stabilizer bar twists.
The stiffness of a stabilizer bar increases very quick
Roll Stiffness ly as its diameter is increased. The stiffness is a
The best way to control camber changes caused function of the diameter to the 4th power, or:
by body roll is to limit the roll angle by changing the
roll stiffness of the suspension. The two most com
Stiffness = D4
mon means of controlling the roll stiffness on any
given car are via the springs and the stabilizer bars.
Spring Rates-Increasing the spring rates will
reduce roll angle. Unfortunately, raising the spring
rates can also change other aspects of the car's han
dling. As an example. if a car had a front spring rate
of 700 lbs .-inch and a roll angle of 2 degrees, and you f 6.00"
wanted to reduce the roll angle to 1 degree, you'd
need to install 1400 lbs-in. front springs. This would <
double the roll resistance. But increasing the spring
rates this much would also upset the ride motions
and cause the car to understeer. Springs are dis
cussed in greater detail in Chapter 5.
Stabilizer Bars---The best way to increase roll stiff
ness is to increase the size or effectiveness of the
stabilizer bars, which are sometimes called anti-roll
bars. If a car is to roll, one wheel will be up in com
pression and one wheel will be in drooping down.
Figure 3-4. The effecti veness of a stabilizer bar is dependent on the
Stabilizer bars limit the roll angle of a car by using length of the swing-arm as well as its diameter. The longer the
their torsional stiffness to resist the movement of swing-arm length, the less force the bar can provide with the same
amount of movement at its end. For example, a stabilizer bar with
one wheel up and one wheel down. Connecting both a swing-arm length of 6 inches will produce twic e the amount of
wheels to each end of a stabilizer bar causes this roll stiffness as a bar with a 12-inch swing-arm length.
Chart 3-1
Lateral Weight
Tire Static Lateral Weight Weight wI Transfer w/Front Weight wI Traction
Location Weight Transfer Cornering Load Stabilizer Bar Front Bar Available
This means that a 1 l/4-inch diam eter stabilizer arms will produce twice as much roll stiffness as
bar is 2.44 times as stiff as a l.Ou-tnch diameter sta 12.00-inch long arms (Figure 3-4). Also, the total roll
bilizer bar. But, the stiffness of the bar must be stiffness of a given stabilizer bar is dependent on the
properly transmitted into the chassis to do any stiffness of the frame mounting, the stiffness of the
good. The length of the arms that feed the stabilizer arms, the stiffness of the drop links, and where the
bar loads into the chassis have a dramatic effect on drop links connect to the lower control arms.
how much roll stiffness a given bar can produce on
the chassis. The longer the bar, the less effective it
will be . For example, 6.00-inch long stabilizer bar ROLL FORCE DISTRIBUTION
By varying the size and effectiveness of the front
stabilizer bar vs. the size and effectiveness of the
rear stabilizer bar, it is possible to change the under
steer/oversteer characteristics of a car. Since the
forces resisting the roll of the car are fed to the out
side tires, it is possible to decide whether the front
outside tire or the rear outside tire will absorb most
of these forces. If a car has understeer, too much
load is on the front outside tire. By increasing the
effectiveness of the rear stabilizer bar, some of this
load can be transferred during cornering to the out
side rear tire . Doing this will eliminate the under
steer, because the front and rear outside tires will be
more equally loaded.
The following examples show how transferring
The effectiveness of a stabiliz er bar is also dependent on how well some of the forces resisting body roll can be fed into
the bar is mounted to the fram e and to the control arms. Any lost
motion at these connections will result in a loss of bar effective
the rear tires to eliminate understeer. These exam
ness. Mak e sure you use high-quality, rigid materials for the con ples use the same tire curve as shown in Figure 1-1
struction of links and brackets.
Chart 3-2
(Chapter 1 page 2) and use the same procedures as To find the front cornering force only, take the
explained in Chapter 2. These examples are for a cir totals of both front tires only from Chart 3-1 and plug
cle track car that only turns left. On cars that turn into the formula:
left and right, the sample principles apply, but in
opposite directions. Front Cornering Force = - - = 1.01 g's
Rear roll stiffness changes using a rear stabil izer bar are the primary means of balancing the understeer/ooerste er characteristics of road
race and high performance street cars. Photo by M ichael Lutfy.
take the information from Chart 3-2 for the fronts SUMMARY
and rears separately and plug them into the formula:
All of the preceding information can be summa
1650 rized into the following:
Front Cornering Force = =1.10g'8
1500 1. Increasing the rear roll stiffness reduces
Rear Cornering Force = =1.10g'8
1500 2. As a larger rear stabilizer bar will reduce
understeer because of its ability to
In this e xample, there is no understeer because increase the dynamic weight on the out
the cornering forces at both the front and rear are side rear tire, it will also work on cars that
equal. When comparing the two examples, note that turn in both directions.
the total available g-forces are increased when a rear
stabilizer bar is used to control half of the roll angle . 3. Because left-side weight bias and weight
More importantly, the front g-forces are increased by wedging will not work on a road-race car
9% and the car no longer suffers from understeer. or a street-driven car, rear roll stiffness
Balancing a car's stabilizer bars is as an important changes from a rear stabilizer bar are the
aspect of chassis tuning as balancing the springs primary means (although not the only
and the static weights. method) of balancing the understeer/over
steer characteristics of these cars.
ven the best suspension geometry and sus
Loss of Camber Control
(TOP VIEW) A tire generates its maximum cornering power
when it is perpendicular to the road surface. If the
suspension bushings deflect when they are loaded
by high cornering forces, the tire is forced to posi
tive camber-and cornering forces are reduced
(Figure 4-3). This explains why setting static nega
tive camber helps cornering power. By aligning the
--------t--+--+-+-+--+-Io._- -- - - - suspension with negative camber when the car is at
rest, you anticipate the positive camber caused by
rubber bushing deflection during cornering. If the
suspension bushing material resists deflection,
there is less loss of camber control.
The loss of cornering power due to rubber bush
ing deflection is a problem on cars with independent
front suspension and on cars with independent rear
suspension. The need for a better bushing material
Figure 4-2. For most street driving, rubber bushings work very well. is especially important to Corvette owners because
But under high performance driving conditions, the rubber
deflects, allowing the inner sleeve to move toward the outer
camber loss at the rear will cause oversteer (Figure
sleeve, which changes the location of the control arm . 4-4).
Figure 4-3. When the front control arm bushings deflect, the control
arms can move in relation to the frame. The cornering loads
cause this deflection to result in positive camber, which reduces Figure 4-4. If a car has independent rear suspension with rubber
and distorts the tire patch. The net effect is a loss of cornering bushings, the deflection will again result in positive camber and a
power at the front . loss of traction at the rear wheels.
- .--,
~\ \
lJ (
In recent years, several companies have offered
urethane suspension bushings. These plastic bush
ings look great on the parts shelf. Unfortunately, the
urethane used in the products we have evaluated is
not a material well suited for suspension bushings.
Depending on the application, suspension bush
ings must allow movement in different planes. The
most common plane of movement is simple rotation.
Rubber bushings allow rotation by the internal
shear of the rubber itself. This means there is no
sliding motion between any of the members. The
rubber flexes to allow the inner and outer sleeves to
rotate relative to each another. Since there is no
sliding motion, there is no friction-caused wear and
no need for lubrication. Because the rubber is mold
Urethane bushings prevent deflections, but because urethane is a ed to the inner and outer sleeves, there are no criti
sticky plastic, the use of urethane bushings usually results in a sus
pension which is not free to move . This binding is made worse
cal tolerances to maintain during manufacturing.
when the lubrication is forced out of the joint over time. Graphite This is one of the features that allows rubber bush
filled urethane does not solve the problem. ings to be made inexpensively.
When a steel or urethane suspension bushing is
because the driving force aims the car toward the used, the bushing material cannot deflect. There
outside of the turn. must be some sliding motion to permit rotation
The opposite happens during braking. The bush between the inner and the outer sleeve (Figure 4-7).
ing deflects and produces toe-out and oversteer.
This varying condition-understeer under accelera
tion and oversteer during braking-doesn't promote RUBBER TWIST VS. SLIDING MOTION
driver confidence. A good-handling car should be
predictable and controllable.
The first step in eliminating erratic handling is to
reduce deflection in the control arm bushings
(Figure 4-6).
There are several types of suspension bushings
that will eliminate deflection. One obvious alterna URETHANE BUSHING SURFACES
tive is the old steel-on-steel bushings used by the UNLOADED SLIDING
factories before the development of rubber bush
ings. Steel-on-steel bushings require periodic greas
ing and close tolerances to operate properly.
Like all non-rubber bushings, they offer no isola
tion between the control arms and the chassis, so
more road noise is transmitted to the passenger
Figure 4-7. A rubber bushing allows the inner sleeve to rotate in
compartment. Steel-on-steel bushings are used on relation to the outer sleeve by deformation of the rubber itself Any
some race cars because road noise is not a concern. hard bushing, like urethane, requires a sliding motion between the
inner sleeve and the bushing material. This type of bushing is real
ly a bearing, so slippery-type plastics are required.
( ) 0
( )
Figure 4-8. When a suspension member must move in rotatio n and twist at the same tim e, the bushing must perm it this complex moti on.
vtany rear suspension bushings are of this type, because they must allow the chassis and body to roll whil e at the same time allow the axle
'0 move up and down. This diagram shows an early Corvette rear suspension, which has the same requirements.
ber can deflect axially and rotationally at the same
time. Simple urethane and nyliner bushings can not
provide this combination of motions , and are not
satisfactory for this use (Figure 4-8).
Spherical bearings can provide this combination
of motions. Spherical bearings are expensive, how
ever, so I recommend them only for this specific
type of application. Many grades and levels of qual
ity are currently available to the spherical bushing
buyer. Testing has convinced me that only aircraft
quality, hardened steel-on-hardened steel bearings
will provide long-term durability. Considering the
labor required to install the bushings, using lower
quality, less durable bearings makes poor economic
Spherical bearings are made to very close toler
ances, so their supporting parts must also be made
accurately. As a result, they are more expensive
than cheap, molded parts.
Some suspension bushings are subject to a combi
nation of rotational movement and angular twist.
The bushings used between the frame and rear con
trol arms on '63-'82 Corvettes are an example.
Rubber bushings work in this case, because the rub
prings and shocks are an integral part of Chart 5-1, the spring compresses 1 inch for every
Wheel Rate vs, Spring Rate
Chart 5-1 This relationship often becomes confusing when
Typical Rear Spring enthusiasts try to actually measure the results.
Wheel rate is the actual spring rate at the wheel as
opposed to spring rate at the spring. It is not a sim
Amount of Spring Spring Rate Spring Load ple relationship , so adding 100 lbs . of spring rate will
Compression (Ibs/in.l (Ibs.l not add 100 lbs. of wheel rat e unless the spring is
mounted directly on the axle. Anytime there are
1.00 inch 150 150 linkages such as control arms involved, you have to
2.00 150 300 consider the linkage ratios. Since most mod ern cars
.- , use upper and lower control arms on their front sus
3.00 150 450 pension, we will use this example to demonstrate
4.00 150 600 how linkage ratios work. Figure 5-1 shows a
schematic of a typical front suspension having an
5.00 150 750
upper and a lower control arm with the spring acting
6.00 150 900 on the lower control arm. The formula for determin
7.00 150 1050 ing the wheel rate is:
1 4 - - - - - - - - - - C - - - - - - - - - - - - . - j
Figure 5-1. The spring rate at the wheel is not the same as the rate of the spring if there are any linkages in volved. This sho ws a typical
front suspensio n arrangement listing where the dim ensions for the control arm and instant center point are located. To decipher what the
coordinates are, see the text nearby.
If the dimensions are plugged into the formula it
would look like this for a 500-lbs-in. spring rate:
(149)2 X (90)2
( \ / '7 Wheel Rate = 500 94
\ / /
J /
\; / f Wheel Rate = 500 x (.64)2 x (.96)2
\ / Wheel Rate = 500 x .41 x .92
\ / Wheel Rate = 188 Ibs-in.
\, - - \ - - \ - - - - f J ----../
Note that with this configuration the wheel rate is
about 37% of the spring rate. This means that
adding 100 Ibs. of spring rate will only add 37 Ibs-in.
of wheel rate.
POINT Using the same example, let 's see what happens
when the spring location on the lower control arm is
moved outboard 1.00 inch. With this configuration:
(1410)2 X
make a scaled drawing based on measurements you
have taken off your car with the car setting at ride Wheel Rate = 500
height. This sounds like a lot of work, but you can
do it in about an hour with a tape measure. It is not
necessary to measure more accurately than 1/16 Wheel Rate = 500 x (.71)2 x (.96)2
inch to get good results. Care should be taken, how Wheel Rate = 500 x .50 x .92
ever, in determining the actual pivot point of the ball Wheel Rate = 230
joints . This is difficult to measure since it is inside
the joint. If you have a ball joint off the car, you can This wheel rate represents about 46% of the spring
move it from one extreme to the other and eyeball rate, so moving the spring acting point outboard
what appears to be the actual pivot point. It is usu 1.00 inch increased the wheel rate more than if
ally close to the flange or the end of the housing, so another 100 lbs-in. of spring rate had been added .
you can use this as a reference point in making the Because of the effects of the linkage ratios, it is
measurements on your car (Figure 5-2). usually impossible to compare the spring rates of
When you have made your front-end layout, you one car vs. the spring rates of another car unless all
will have the A-B-C-D dimensions you need to fill in the linkage dimensions are known to be exact. From
the wheel rate equation. For the purposes of expla the above examples, it is also obvious that just using
nation let's assume your dimensions are: wheels with more or less offset will have a slight
A = 9.0 in. effect on the actual wheel rate.
B = 14.0 In. Calculating Coil Spring Rates
C = 90.0 in. If you have access to a spring rate checker, you
D = 94.0 in. can measure all of your springs. If you don't have a
Figure 5-3. When calculating coil spring rates, it is necessary to determine the specific spring dimensions. This diagram shows where these
dimensions are measured from for a typical coil spring.
checker, you can also determine the rate of your coil ing coils, only consider those that can move as the
springs by measuring them and using this formula: spring is compressed. For the example, assume a
Gd 4
spring with 10 active coils.
Spring Rate = -
Determining the mean coil diameter can be done
8ND3 with a tape measure, from th e end of the spring, as
shown in Figure 5-3. For th e example, assume a
G = Torsional modules for steel = 11.25 x mean coil diameter of 5.00 inch es . Filling in the for
106 or 11,250,000 mula with measured numbers will result in:
LEAF SPRING Calculating Leaf Spring Rates
DIMENSIONS Leaf spring rate is determined by the spring's
physical dimensions as shown in Figure 5-4. The
OF EACH spring rate of a leaf spring can be approximated with
this formula:
2. Increasing the wire diameter will cause a 12 =A Constant for all Leaf Springs
dramatic increase in the rate of the spring.
If we increased the wire diameter only 1/32 For the example, assume the following specifica
of an inch the rate would be : tions:
joint as possible. There are obvious clearance con Rear Leaf Springs
siderations which must be resolved, but in general, Since rear leaf springs are also used to transmit
the closer the better. On Winston Cup cars, which acceleration and braking forces, their positioning
still use 5.0 diameter springs, it is impossible to get and configuration is more critical. These forces
the springs very close to the ball joint. This results cause the axle housing to twist, and in doing this,
in big linkage ratios and the need for very high the leaf springs tend to wrap-up and distort. To
spring rates. counteract this condition, it is necessary to increase
It is also a good policy to mount the springs in a the number of leaves, or the thickness of the leaves,
nearly vertical position to keep the spring force at to give the spring enough stiffness to resist these
its full value. forces. Unfortunately, adding leaves or making them
thicker, also increases the spring rate. This conflict
Rear Coil Springs is solved by adding leaves only to the front of the
It is often possible to mount rear coil springs leaf spring, which provides the spring with the stiff
directly on the axle housing. This configuration pro ness in the front half it needs to resist the axle
duces wheel rates equal to the spring rates. The torque reaction while not increasing the spring rate
rear springs can also be mounted on the rear control as much as if a full leaf was added. Most leaf springs
arms, but since this introduces linkage ratio consid used on high performance cars have extra leaves
erations, the wheel rate will not be the same as the only on the front of the spring for this reason.
spring rate.
When mounting the rear springs, it is also neces
sary to consider the angle of the springs from verti JOUNCE BUMPERS
cal as this angle can affect the actual spring force. Jounce bumpers are rubber blocks that keep the
Angling the springs from vertical can reduce the lower control arms from hitting the frame on severe
effective force the spring can provide in the vertical bumps. Many enthusiasts throw these away which
direction. A slight angle has little effect, but any is a mistake, because they don't realize that these
thing over 30 degrees will result in a significant bumpers are really variable-rate springs. By using
reduction in the vertical force on the axle, which jounce bumpers, it is possible to use softer spring
reduces the spring's effectiveness. rates. In the free travel before the jounce bumpers
touch the frame, only the car springs are active in
Winston Cup cars use 5.0-inch diameter springs, so it is This is a typical rubber jounce bumper installed on a lower control
impossible to get the springs very close to the ball joint. This arm. The jounce bumper prevents the lower control arm from hit
results in big linkage ratios, and the need for very high spring ting the frame on severe bumps. Don 't throw them away, like some
rates. enthusiasts do-they act as variable-rate springs.
the suspension. On severe bumps, the jounce
bumpers are compressed between the frame and
the control arms, and the effective spring rate of the
600 - LOAD
suspension is increased. Jounce bumpers are
shaped to provide an ever-increasing rate as they JOUNCE
are compressed. It is a mistake to trim the shape of
a jounce bumper because it destroys the bumper's
progressive rate characteristics. Jounce bumpers
can be used on race cars for the same reasons they en 400 - LOAD
work on production cars (Figure 5-5). ...J DUE TO
...J 300
All of the above is good background information,
but in the end you have to make the decision on
which springs to use on your car. Understanding all
of the factors involved will help make that decision,
as well as help to rationalize the springs you are
already using. The following are some of the factors
100 1/
that should be considered in choosing springs for
your car.
Aerodynamic Effects
/ 100 200 300 400
Some race cars, like Indy racers, can have aerody INCHES OF WHEELTRAVEL
namic downforce that is greater than the weight of
the car. If you have a 2000-lb. car with 2000-lbs. of Figure 5-5. When a jounce bumper is used to supplement the regu
downforce, you will need spring rates and spring lar spring rate, it provides a variable spring rate. The increase in
loads twice as high as if there were no aerodynamic rate helps to prevent the suspension from bottoming out over
severe bumps while allowing the use of softer springs necessary
downforce. A stock body car on a 1/4 mile track for a smooth ride and good cornering force.
does not have much aerodynamic downforce, but
some Modified cars do have a considerable amount.
a spring rate as possible. The traction between a
Spring Rates Left-to-Right
car's tires and the road is the only source for devel
Circle track cars will have a large percentage of
oping cornering power. If the tires are not in contact
their weight transferred to the right side of the car
with the road, they develop zero cornering power.
during cornering. Since the effective weight on the
Soft spring rates allow the tires to better follow road
right side is increased, it follows that more spring
bumps and irregularities so the tires stay in contact
rate and spring load will be required. Keeping softer
with the road a higher percentage of the time .
spring rates on the left side is a popular choice, pro
Higher spring rates can also limit suspension in both
viding it doesn't upset the overall balance of the car.
the bump and rebound directions. If your car is not
Road-racing and street-driven cars usually use the
getting full suspension travel, it might not be allow
same spring rates and spring loads from side-to-side
ing the tires to follow the road as much as possible.
because they run around both left- and right-hand
Variable Rate Springs-A study of the optimum
spring rates for a car eventually come to the conclu
Effects of Too Much Spring Rate sion that the best spring rate is a variable one. We
Since most race cars can adjust the spring load to would like to have a soft spring rate to absorb the
set the correct ride height, choosing the best spring road irregularities and then have a high spring rate
rate is usually of the most concern to racers. We to absorb the larger bumps. Springs are available
have discussed reasons why more spring rate might that are made with a variable rate. You can identify
be desired, but how do you know if you have too these coil springs by noticing that the spacing
high a spring rate? In general, it is best to run as soft between the coils is different from one end to the
Indy cars generate tremendous aerodynamic downforce, especially on high speed ovals like Michigan and Indianapolis. Springs with more
rate and load are needed.
other. The design concept for these springs is cor improvement in handling. As long as the springs on
rect, but in practice they don't work too well. Since a car are stiff enough to keep the car from bottoming
car springs only operate in a limited percentage of out, they are adequate. If a car is lowered, a slight
their total travel, the amount of change in rate is increase in spring rate can be used to compensate
usually pretty small. Jounce bumpers provide this for the reduced ride travel.
same variable rate feature with more consistency. Some car enthusiasts mistakenly believe that if
300 lbs-in. coil springs are good, then 600 lbs-in.
Spring Rates for Oval Tracks springs have to be better. They're wrong. Optimum
When a car runs on a banked track, spring rates road-holding demands that the tires be in contact
must be increased to compensate for the increase in with the pavement; a soft spring lets the wheels fol
effective weight of the car. Chart 5-2 gives an low road irregularities so that the tires can generate
approximation for how much spring rates must be maximum adhesion.
increased for various bank angles. These calcula Our recommendation for front springs on a street
tions are based on the car maintaining a 1.00 corner driven car is to use the standard factory coils. For
ing force at all bank angles. Since a car might not be street use, you can trim one half coil off the top of
able to maintain such a cornering force because of
aerodynamics or horsepower, these figures might be Chart 5-2
high under some circumstances. These values are
close, but the car and the driver should be the final
Bank Angle of Track % Increase
element in choosing spring rates at any given track.
(in degrees) in Spring Rate
Spring Rates for the Street
The purpose of suspension springs is to hold the
car steady while allowing the wheels to follow road 0 0%
irregularities. In general, the softest possible
5 10%
springs will do this job best. Softer springs will
allow each individual wheel to move in relation to 10 23%
the chassis while having the minimum effect on the 15 41%
driver's compartment. This translates into a soft
ride, noise isolation and good handling. 20 67%
All stiffer springs do is make the car have a stiff 25 106%
ride. They have no capability to make a significant
the spring with an acetylene torch to lower the car the spring load back to normal using several meth
slightly (see sidebar p. 35). ods. For coil springs, the usual procedure is to place
Most front spring rates range between 300 and 350 a rubber shim on top of the spring to increase the
lbs-in. Trimming the coils as we've recommended load. (These spring shims are available through car
will increase the rate approximately 10%. But the dealership parts departments and from auto parts
true purpose of trimming the front springs is to stores.) A leaf spring's load height can be increased
lower the car for improved aerodynamics and better by using different shackle lengths or, in extreme
handling, not to increase the spring rate. cases, by re-arching the spring.
Several cars, like the Corvette with F-41 suspen Lowering-Before you invest in springs to lower
sion, the WS-6 Trans Am and the later model Camaro your car, you should be aware that your chances of
Z-28's, are equipped with very high rate springs. We success are much better if you simply cut your exist
have found that the ride can be greatly improved by ing springs . All springs take a certain amount of per
installing softer springs, with no effect on the han manent set after they are installed. (Note that new
dling capabilities of these cars. Many enthusiasts cars sitting in the showroom are higher than the
buy the standard rate soft springs from their dealer same models with only a few thousand miles on
for these cars and cut 1/2 coil for the proper ride thern .) This change in height is caused by the
height. inevitable loss in load that any new spring experi
ences. If you put new springs on your car, they will
settle as much as an inch within the first few
ADJUSTING RIDE HEIGHT months. Obviously, if your car was the correct
Although the spring rate will not change during height when you installed the new springs, it will be
the life of a spring, the spring load can change. This too low after a few months.
is commonly called spring sag. Loss of load, or This is why I recommend you cut your existing
spring sag , can be caused by a variety of reasons, springs and save the cost of new springs. The
including poor metallurgy, overloading and even results will almost certainly be better. Your car's
fatigue due to high mileage. If a spring has lost load, existing springs have already taken a permanent set,
this problem should not be corrected by changing so you know where they will end up. If you want to
the spring rate. If a spring has sagged, you can get lower your car, you can cut your existing springs to
Unli ke circle track cars, which use more spring rate and load on the right side of the car, road-racing and street cars usually use the same
spring rates and loads on both sides, because they will be turning right and left. Photo by Michael Lutty
achieve the ride height you want with one operation.
See the sidebar nearby for details.
Springs don't wear out, so you can save the cost of
new springs if you trim your existing ones. If you
want to feel like you bought new springs, paint your
old ones. We have found that most coil springs
should be cut 1/2 coil to lower the car and still keep
Mounting Shocks
A shock absorber's ability to control the suspen
sion is dependent on how it is mounted. For street
driven cars, rubber-insulated mounting points are
preferred because they help to dampen road noise.
For race cars, rod-end type mounts are preferred
because they prevent the suspension from moving
without moving the shock piston. Most production shocks come with rubber insulators to provide a
Front Shocks-The same consideration for mount better ride and lower suspension noise. However, during high per
ing the front springs should be used for mounting formance use, these rubber components can deflect.
5. Quick ly tum the spri ng upside down and
bend the top coil by pushing down on the
spri ng. DO NOT quench the spri ng wi th
water; allow it to air-cool slow ly.
4. Heat the half coi l below your cut so yo u 6. Paint the sp ri ng and reinstall it accord
can bend it to match the spri ng's original ing to the directions in yo ur shop manu
shape. al . Realign the front suspension.
100% 98%
Figure 5-7. Shocks are most effective when they are mounted perpendicular to the direction of travel. Slight variations are permissible, but
anything over 30 degrees will result in a loss of shock effectiveness.
ness in the system which can result in loss of control Rear Shocks wjLeaf Springs-Mounting the shocks
at the wheel. on a leaf spring rear suspension is a special case
Rear Shocks wjCoil Springs-All those considera which requires special considerations. Chevrolet
tion mentioned above for spring and shock location found that if one shock is placed in front of the axle,
should be followed in mounting rear shocks on a coil and one shock is placed behind the axle, their damp
spring type rear suspension. Basically, keep the ening effects do a good job of controlling the violent
shocks as close to the wheel as possible and prevent torsional rotation of the axle during power-hop and
any lost motion between the shock and the axle. brake-hop. This configuration is so successful that it
Mount the shocks as nearly vertical as possible to eliminates most of these problems without any
maximize their effectiveness. other devices. Under extreme conditions, traction
bars and/or telescoping brake rods can be used to
provide additional torsional control of the axle
(Figure 5-8). For more information, turn to Chapter 9,
page 72.
he evolution of high performance front sus mine a good high performance front suspension
axle front suspensions are used on most sprint cars BEAM AXLE SUSPENSION WITH COIL SPRINGS
and midgets. Indycars used beam-axle front suspen
sions up until the 1960's, and they are still used on
tractor-trailer trucks and some 4WD trucks. Beam
axle front suspensions are used in these applica
tions because they provide a good solution to the
problem of suspending the vehicle from the front
wheels. Beam axles are still used on the rear of
many cars, so this "old" technology still has a useful
purpose today. Some new technology was applied to
the beam axle when coil springs and torsion bars ~
were used to replace the ' leaf springs. These
improvements in springing, and similar improve Figure 6-2. One of the disadvantages of a beam axle front suspen
ments in shock absorbers, have kept the ancient sion is that the gyroscopic forces from one wheel are fed through
the axle and the steering linkage to the other wheel . This connec
beam-axle front suspensions competitive with the tion results in shimmy and tramp motions which are difficult to
newer independent types for some applications. control.
The advantages of a beam-axle suspension are: reduces road-holding on anything but a smooth sur
Strength & Rigidity-When weight is not a big fac face. Independent front suspension is considered
tor, a beam-axle front suspension can be made to be better than a beam-axle front suspension, because
very strong. This factor, and its basic simplicity, are the forces affecting one wheel do not affect the other
the reasons why beam-axle front suspensions are wheel.
used on semi-trucks. Shimmy, Tramp & Bump Steer-When both front
Camber Control-Since a beam-axle connects both wheels are connected to the same axle beam, the
front wheels together, the camber angle between the steering forces between the two front wheels are
tires and the road will always remain constant. also interconnected. This interconnection can
Decamber can still be used to advantage, but there cause the front wheels to shimmy and tramp under
will be no loss of camber because of suspension certain conditions, Shimmy and tramp are uncon
movement or body roll. trolled vibrations of the wheels due to gyroscopic
forces reacting between the wheels. The problem
Disadvantages can usually be controlled with tight bushings and
The disadvantages of beam-axle suspension are: joints, and with effective shock absorbers, but it is a
Heavy Unsprung Weight-Because both front fundamental disadvantage with a beam-axle front
wheels are attached to the same axle, its weight suspension. Because of the axle control devices
affects the unsprung weight of each wheel. This used to position a beam-axle front suspension, it is
inertia, and the interaction between the wheels, difficult to locate the steering linkage so that the
Figure 6-1. The beam axle front suspension is the most basic type, in that both wheels are attached to the same axle . This is a very rugged
arrangement, but it has several disadvantages, such as heavy unsprung weight, shimmy, tramp and bump steer, that make it less than
desirable for high performance cars. Shown here is an axle located with fore-and-aft leaf springs like those used on many trucks.
r- --_ FORCE
/ I
Figure 6-3. A swing axle front suspension has a high roll center
and a short swing arm length, which looks good an paper because
it provides a lot of camber gain. However, in practice, cornering SWING AXLE
forces react through the axle shaft, which jacks up the car. When
the car is jacked up, it causes positive camber on the outside A swing-axle suspension system has a pivot near
wheel, which results in a severe loss in cornering power when it is
needed most.
the center of the car which allows the axle to swing
(Figure 6-3). One of the first attempts to provide an
bump steer is minimized. Various methods have independent front suspension, and eventually an
been used to solve this problem, but again it independent rear suspension, was with the swing
remains a fundamental disadvantage with this type axle. This is a simple and strong system that offers
of front suspension. all of the advantages of an independent suspension,
Space Requirements-A beam axle with the related whether it is used on th e front or on the rear. All of
suspension arms and steering linkage requires a th e early Volkswagen Beetles used a swing axle on
considerable amount of space if the suspension the rear, and some Ford pickup trucks still use it on
travel is to be enough to provide good ride motions. the front.
This disadvantage of a beam-axle front suspension
was one of the major reasons why production cars Disadvantages
started to use independent front suspension. Although the design of a swing-axle suspension is
Rough Ride-The major reason why production satisfactory, development and testing have shown
cars started using independent front suspension there are some serious handling pr oblems with its
was because it improved the ride characteristics of use on vehicles that can generate high cornering
the car. The heavy unsprung weight of the beam forces . The basic problem is called jacking and it
axle suspension, and the interconnection of the results from the cornering forces acting through the
front wheels, does not allow for as much ride isola wheel and axle to raise the car. When the car is
tion between the wheels and the chassis, so a jacked up, camber angle is reduced and some of the
rougher ride results. Ride quality is also important cornering power is lost. Since the jacking only hap
for road-holding since those factors that improve pens during hard cornering, the loss of cornering
the ride characteristics also help to improve the power happens when it's needed most. And, since
road-holding, because they keep the tires in better the jacking happens quickly, the resulting change in
contact with the road. handling is sudden and severe. The early Corvairs
made this problem famous because they would sud
denly spin-out if the driver attempted to corner at
the limits of the car's traction.
Another way to analyze a swing-axle suspension is
to notice that its roll center is high and its swing arm
length is short. Since the combination of a high roll
center and a short swing arm length can cause errat
ic handling on a swing-axle suspension, it is not wise
to use this same combination with other types of
A trailing-link suspension uses two arms to sup
port the steering knuckle which trail from ahead of Figure 64. A trailing link front suspension has the apparent design
the knuckle (Figure 6-4). Since independent front advantage of improving the ride by pulling the wheels over the
suspensions for production cars were first devel bumps. This feature is negated on the overall picture by the prob
lem of camber loss during body roll, and by bending of the control
oped to improve ride quality and to reduce the arms during hard cornering.
space required for the suspension, early designs
tried to maximize these advantages. One of the
more popular configurations was the trailing-link Another problem with trailing-link front suspen
type of front suspension, like the one used on the sions is that the control arms need to be heavy in
Volkswagen Beetles. This design uses a minimum of order to absorb the bending forces. The arms also
space and offers the possible advantage of dragging require considerable frame structure ahead of the
the wheels over bumps, so that the suspension not front wheels, which increases total car weight.
only raises, but it also moves backwards. From a With these problems it is easy to see why trailing
ride standpoint, the trailing-link front suspension link front suspensions never became popular on
was a success. It offered a ride quality much better high performance cars. These same reasons are
than thought possible with a beam-axle, so the pro why this design of front suspension is also not seen
duction car manufacturers liked it. on any current production car.
The trailing-link front suspension design was not STRUT
adapted to many high performance cars because The knuckle on a strut-type suspension is mount
there are serious design problems that show up dur ed on the shock absorber. Sometimes they are
ing hard cornering. When cornering loads are referred to as MacPherson struts (Figure 6-5). Strut
applied to the trailing links, they bend. Road irregu type front suspensions became popular on produc
larities cause various amounts of bending and the tion cars in the '70's because they offered a simple
result is severe vibration. This vibration shakes the and inexpensive configuration that doesn't take up
tires and wheels so the steering vibrates and the much space. It is particularly well-suited to front
tires don't adhere to the ground. wheel-drive production cars, because it allows room
Another problem with a trailing-link front suspen for the front drive-axle to pass through the front
sion is that the camber angle of the wheels changes hub. Most of today's small cars use this type of front
in relation to the ground when the car rolls during suspension, because it is inexpensive and gives a
cornering. This loss of camber angle severely fairly good ride quality with the compact dimen
reduces the cornering traction of the front tires, so sions needed for front-wheel-drive cars.
cornering speeds are reduced. With a trailing-link
front suspension, the swing arm length is infinitely Disadvantages
long and the roll center is at ground level. These fac Except where it might be required by the race
tors promote body roll and camber loss. sanctioning bodies in production-based classes,
Figure 6-5. Strut-type front suspensions are used on iront-uihe el-drioe cars because they provide room for the drive axle . The problem with
strut-type front suspensions is the need for a high cowl height, lack of room for large tires and limited camber gain.
such as Showroom Stock, it probably won't be used cost cars that offer high performance, but it is done
on many race cars. One of the problems with a strut to reduce cost, not for any handling advantages.
type front suspension on a race car is that there isn't
much room for wide tires and wheels without
increasing the scrub radius. Increasing the scrub EQUAL LENGTH DOUBLE A-ARM
radius causes a big increase in the side loading of The front knuckle on a double A-arm front suspen
the sliding members, which causes bending and sion is supported by a triangulated control arm at
higher friction loads. Another problem that con the top and at the bottom (Figure 6-6). Early ver
cerns racers is that there is little camber gain possi sions of double A-arm front suspension had equal
ble with this type of front suspension. This means length arms mounted parallel to the ground. With
that the outside tire will lose its camber angle to the this arrangement, the swing-arm length is infinitely
road as the car rolls during cornering. With a strut long and the roll center height is at ground level.
type front suspension, the swing arm length is rea Unfortunately for high performance handling, this
sonable and the roll center can be above the ground. system does not provide any camber gain, so the
It is interesting to note that even with favorable front tires lose camber as the body rolls and corner
design objectives for roll center height and swing ing power is lost.
arm length, the lack of sufficient camber gain keeps
this type of front suspension design from being suit
able for race cars. Advantages
Another problem with a strut-type front suspen A double A-arm front suspension design offers a
sion is that it requires a high cowl height to provide big advantage over the other types because it uses
sufficient room for the tops of the struts. This can rigid control arms to connect the front knuckles to
be a problem when building a low-profile race car. the frame. These arms prevent deflections during
Honda has quit using strut-type suspension on its hard cornering, which insures that the steering and
production cars for these same reasons. They the wheel alignment stay constant. The ride charac
apparently feel that it is worth the increased cost to teristics of a double A-arm front suspension are
equip their cars with the superior double A-arm type excellent, so most manufacturers of quality produc
of suspension. tion cars use this basic system. All that is needed to
Strut-type front suspension is used on some low- make double A-arm front suspensions satisfactory
Figure 6-6. Double A-arms are preferred, because they mount the wheel and hub on rigid arms, which do not deflect during hard corner
ing. The problem of equal length arms is that they do not pro vide any camber gain.
for high performance use is to find a way to get the suspension. Computer programs are available for
system to provide camber gain as the suspension quickly analyzing the variations, so in recent years
was compressed. This problem was solved by there has been more refinement in the application of
changing the length of the A-arms. double A-arm suspensions.
How long each A-arm should be, and what angle
the A-arms should be to the chassis for optimum
UNEQUAL LENGTH geometry, has been studied for over 50 years. Not
DOUBLE A-ARM everyone agrees on what the optimum values are,
The use of a longer, lower A-arm and a shorter, but Chapter 7 explains some of the considerations
upper A-arm provide a suspension geometry that involved. There is no right or wrong answer. The
causes the tires and wheels to gain negative camber bottom line is "whatever makes a car go around cor
as the suspension compresses (Figure 6-7). The rea ners fastest." Under some conditions, one arrange
son this happens is because the shorter upper arm ment might be better than another, and so each situ
will cause the top of the knuckle to pull inboard ation needs to be evaluated on its own merits.
faster than the longer lower arm moves the bottom
of the knuckle inboard. The advantage of this gain in
negative camber is that the camber angle between
the outside tire and the ground will not change too UNEQUAL LENGTH DOUBLE A-ARMS
much in relation to the ground during body roll. If
the outside tire is kept perpendicular to the ground, CAMBE R LOSS
it will develop its maximum cornering power, and ROLL ANGLE
the car will go around turns faster. Since there is lit
tle weight on the inside tire, the angle between it and
the road is of little concern.
With unequal length control arms mounted at var
ious angles to the ground, it is possible to design for
just about any roll center height and swing-arm
Figure 6-7. Unequal length control arms mounted at various angles
length. This flexibility in the design process gives a can provide a variety of roll center heights and swing-arm lengths.
chassis engineer many options on how to layout a The amount of camber gain is determined by the length of the
SWing arm and the height of the instant center.
he facto rs involved in front suspension SUSPENSION GEOMETRY
Front suspension design requires that you consider all components and their arrangement on the chassis. All factors are interrelated, so
each eleme nt must be optimiz ed on its own merits as well as to how it fits into the overall system. Photo by Michael Lutfy.
Figure 7-1. A suspension is designed from the wheels inboard, so the first thin g to establish is the siz e and location of the wheels and tires.
You can use as much detail as yo u wish, but we /ik e to keep it to the minimum because of likely changes.
overall system. Every design decision is a compro that permit the knuckle to be placed inside the
mise based on several other factors. Over the past wheel. Wheels with the offset toward the outside of
30 years, most of the factors relating to independent the car might look trick, but they result in other sus
suspension design have been thoroughly tested and pension problems that overpower their good looks .
developed. The science has been researched and For our example, I am using a 60-inch track and
the results are pretty much agreed upon. Radical 10xlS-in. wheels with a 1.S0-in. positive offset. This
departures from proven practices will probably means that the wheel mounting surface will be 28.50
result in an ill-handling car. The values I will present inches from the centerline of the car. Ideally, we
in the following design exercise are ones that have would use a I.S0-in. negative offset , which would
been proven to work correctly. You can use other make the wheel mounting surface 31.S0 inches from
values on your car, but you should understand how the centerline of the car. The following discussions
these variations can affect your car's handling. will show why this would be preferred.
A car's suspension design starts at the tires and Our tire for this design study has a rolling radius of
wheels and moves inboard. The last thing that is 12.5 inches and a section width of 13.0 inches.
designed is the frame.
Front Track
Wheels, Tires & Offset The front track is usually determined by car width,
To start your design layout, you should first draw so put these dimensions on your layout. Obviously,
a front view of your wheel and tire setting on the the centerline of the car will be midway between the
ground (Figure 7-1). This is a simple matter of mea tire centerlines, so this dimension can also be put on
suring the wheel and tire in cross-section and trans the layout. If you are not required to run a given
ferring the dimensions and shape to the layout. track dimension by your racing rule book, you have a
Wheel offset, which is the distance of the wheel rim choice to make that involves some compromises. A
to the center of the mounting flange, is an important wider track will improve cornering power, because it
design dimension, so this should also be shown. If reduces weight transfer in the corners. Less weight
larger tires or wheels might be used, you should also transfer means that the tire loading will be more
show these on your layout. If you have a choice of equal and the cornering power will be greater.
wheel offset , it is a design advantage to use wheels Unfortunately, a wider track dimension will make the
Chart 7-1
car wider and its frontal area will increase. A wider is an advantage to place the ball joints as far apart as
car can be more difficult to drive in heavy traffic, and possible. Any given load results in lower forces if
more frontal area causes more aerodynamic drag . If the spread between the points is increased. The lim
you run at low speed, and have plenty of room for itations for increasing the spread between the ball
maneuvering, a wider track will be an advantage. As joints is usually clearance between the joints and
mentioned, our sample layout shows a 60.0-inch the wheels and tires. The cast knuckle used in our
track, so the distance from the centerline of the tire example has been designed to allow placing the
to the centerline of the car will be 30.0 inches. joints inside a IS-in. wheel, so that the scrub radius
can be reduced if the proper wheel offset is used .
Knuckle Design The ball joint pivots on our sample knuckle are
The knuckle arrangement has a great deal of influ located as seen in Chart 7-1. Figure 7-2 shows the
ence on the total effectiveness of a suspension knuckle and ball joints added to the layout. If these
design. The knuckle determines the position of the ball joint locations are put on the layout, their coor
upper ball joint , the lower ball joint, and the steering dinates would be as listed in Chart 7-2.
ball joint in relation to the wheel and tire. For our
example I will use a cast stainless steel knuckle to King Pin Inclination & Scrub Radius
show how these factors interrelate. If you draw a line through both ball joints and
Ball Joint Heights-Since all the loads from the extend it to where it hits the ground plane, the king
wheel and tire must be fed into the chassis and con pin inclination is the angle that the ball joint line
trol arms through the upper and lower ball joints, it makes with the ground. Typically, this angle is
Figure 7-2. The knu ckle is really the key compon ent in a front suspensio n because it sets up where all the other comp onents will be. When
designing a front knuckle , it is best to keep the ball joints close to the wheel centerli ne to minimize the scrub radius.
Chart 7-2
X Direction Y Direction Z Direction
Longitudinal Height Distance
Distance Above From Car
From Front Ground Centerline
Axle Centerline (inches) (inches)
NOTE: The dimensions in the "X" coordinate are negative if they are ahead of the axle centerline .
This example shows some positive caster at design and the steering arm ahead of the axle.
between 5 and 10 degrees. The scrub radius is the king pin angle , the tire tends to flop from side to side
distance from the ball joint line to the centerline of as it is steered. This causes the tire contact patch to
the tire. There are significant handling and control run up the edge of the tire as it is turned. The above
advantages in reducing the scrub radius to the mini considerations and many experimental cars in the
mum. Any bump or cornering force that is applied past, have shown that the best compromise in king
to the tire can exert a twisting force on the steering pin angle is between 7 and 9 degrees (Figure 7-3).
that is proportional to the length of the scrub
radius . If the scrub radius was zero, these twisting Control Arm Length
forces would be zero. Cars with zero scrub radius Assuming you have established the tire /wheel ,
can usually be driven without pow er steering, knuckle and ball joint locations on the layout, the
because the twisting forces are gone and the tire length of the control arms is the next step in the
eas ily rotates about the steering axis . The factors design process.
that increase scrub radius are: positive wheel offset , Lower Control Arm-In general, it is best to make
wheel and tire width, brake rotor width and the the lower control arm as long as possible. This
design of the knuckle. If any of these components reduces the angularity the ball joint must accommo
can be made to minimize the scrub radius , there will date as well as slowing down angular change of the
be an improvement in handling, control and steering suspension members as they go through their trav
effort. el. Long control arms cau se clearance probl ems to
As can be seen on the layout, more king pin incli th e engine, exhaust, etc. , so again you ar e faced with
nation will also reduce the scrub radius . Increasing a compromise. Our example layout sh ows lower
the king pin inclination also helps to center the steer control arms 13.0 inches long, which is about the
ing, so why not use a lot of king pin angle ? The rea practical minimum for a suspension with 4.00 inches
son is another compromise s ituation. With excessive of jounce and rebound travel.
Figure 7-4. After the ball joint locations are establish ed, the control
arms can be added. Their location and length will determine the
camber gain, instant center location, and the movement of the
instant center as the suspension moves up and down.
more confidence in the car's handling and be able to
Front Suspension Pivot Points
Now that the desired camber gain and roll center
heights have been determined, you can establish
the exact coordinates for the control arms. These
coordinates are needed to use a computer program
to study the suspension characteristics during
jounce and rebound travel. They are set in Chart 7-3.
Both of these factors help to maintain the proper camber angle of AT RIDE HEIGHT
the outside wheel . Too short a swing-arm length can produce a
jacking effect just as it does on a swing-axle front suspension.
Movement of Roll Center Figure 7-6. The roll center height can change as the suspension
As I explained previously, the roll center location moues if the lengths of the control arms are not properly matched.
can move both vertically and laterally if the upper A changing roll center height will mak e a car feel slightly unstable
Chart 7-3
X Direction Y Direction Z Direction
Distance from
Front Axle Height above Distance from
Centerline Ground Car Centerline
(inches) (inches) (inches)
Each of these parameters is described with num you can see how the wheel position and geometry
bers for each 1/2 inch of wheel travel and each parameters change as the suspension is moved
degree of roll. All the numbers can be plotted on through its travel. Notice that there is data for
paper to determine what the suspension geometry wheel travel 4.00 inches up and 4.00 inches down.
is doing under almost any imaginable situation. The positive numbers indicate the bump direction ,
The computer program used for this example is or the wheel moving up in relation to the chassis.
available from: Peerless Engineering, 840 Dahlia , Caster Angle-As can be seen from the column of
Rochester Hills, MI 48307 (313) 651-5140. numbers , our design geometry starts with just less
than one degree of caster at ride height and increas
Analyzing the Data es to just over 1 1/2 degrees of caster at full com
Here is how I would analyze the printed data that pression. In rebound, it loses about 7/lOths of a
comes out of the computer shown in Figure 7-7. The degree of caster. The small amount of caster change
first line of data shows the computer calculated is a result of having the upper control arm pivots
dimensions that I selected on our sample layout. angled upwards at the front. We angled these pivots
Shown are the true lengths of the control arms , the to provide some anti-dive under braking, and the
scrub radius, the king pin angle and length , th e tie caster change is a by-product of this.
rod length and the track dimension. Although I had Although there is some change in caster, the total
all this data on the layout, this shows that the com amount is so small that you would normally ignore it
puter agrees, so there is no mix up in transferring for most high-performance applications. However,
the data. The computer data sheet is arranged so slight changes in caster can cause a change in
RADIUS R3 = 26.83
4.000 1.591 -4.343 -.264 -.154 -32.55 499.25
3.500 1.520 -3.491 -.211 -.130 -36.55 471.54
3.000 1.449 -2.741 -.163 -.108 -41.31 449.11
2.500 1.376 -2.083 -.119 -.089 -47.09 430.60
2.000 1.302 -1.51 2 -.081 -.070 -54.28 415.01
1.500 1.228 -1.021 -.050 -.053 -63.54 401.65
1.000 1.152 -.607 -.025 -.035 -76.09 389.95
.500 1.075 -.267 -.008 -.018 -94.32 379.49
.000 .996 .000 .000 .000 -123.82 369.89
-.500 .917 .194 .000 .018 -181.35 360.83
-1.000 .836 .314 -.010 .037 -350.11 352.01
-1.500 .754 .356 -.029 .055 -45629.80 343.09
-2.000 .670 .313 -.057 .073 322.87 333.73
-2.500 .585 .174 -.096 .090 150.02 323.46
-3.000 .497 -.076 -.143 .105 91.38 311.67
-3.500 .406 -.463 -.199 .115 61.02 297.41
-4.000 .312 -1.031 -.263 .116 41.83 279.09
Figure 7-7. Here 's a sampling of a computer program available from Peerless Engineering that will enable you to see how the camber, toe,
caster and SWing arm length changes as the suspension moves through its trav el. It 's also possible to determin e roll center height, anti
dive , understeer, roll angle, and many other design parameters with the program.
Percent Anti-Dive-The computer data showed could check the bump steer.and it would closely
that the anti-dive values of our sample suspension agree with the computer data for change in toe.
range from 5% to 7%. As discussed previously, this Bump steer is how much and in which direction
is a slight amount, because we didn 't want to intro the toe changes during suspension travel. If a chas
duce any more caster change. Some production sis is designed and set up correctly, there should be
cars use as much as 30% of anti-dive because they very little bump steer. Even with a well-designed
want to keep softly sprung cars level during heavy chassis, small changes to steering component loca
braking. Most race cars are light enough and low tion can cause significant changes in bump steer. In
enough that they don't have a real need for anti-dive order to be sure your car is set up correctly, you
effects. Figure 7-8 shows a layout of the anti-dive might want to measure the bump steer. See Figure 7
geometry. 9 for how bump steer is determined on a layout.
Percent Understeer-e-l'ercent understeer is a calcu
lated factor that indicates how much the suspension Measuring Bump Steer
design and steering geometry will make the car want Since bump steer is the change in toe through sus
to understeer in the turns. Our sample suspension pension travel, you need a way to measure to e
design on the program (not shown) indicated about change at different wheel travel positions. You can
2% 'understeer, which is a small amount. From a buy a special fixture that makes this a simpl e opera
practical standpoint, this value is not important by tion, or you can improvise with a simple method
itself because it doesn't consider all the aspects of that delivers slightly less accurate results. Make
how the car is set up for high performance driving. sure the wheels are pointing straight ahead and that
the steering gear is in mid-position. This is impor
tant, because very small changes in the steering
pivot points can have significant effects on the
BUMP STEER bump steer characteristics. Place a piece of ply
Included in the computer analysis was data relat wood on edge against the front tire . With the sus
ing to the steering geometry of the design. The data pension at ride height, the board should touch both
showed that the total change in toe-out for the full the front and the rear edge of the tire . Remove the
4.00 inches of bump travel was only .040 inches. In springs and use a jack to move the suspension into
the full rebound travel of 4.00 inches, the toe-out the bump position. When the bottom of the board is
was less than .030 inches. From a design standpoint, kept stationary on the ground, you can tell any
this would be considered a pretty good layout. If the change in toe by looking at how well the top of the
parts were all made to the exact dimensions, you board aligns with the front and rear edge of the tire.
1---- - - - LENGTH O F - - - - - - - _
WHEELBASE - - - - - - - - - - . 1
Figure 7-8. The arrangement of the control arms in the side view determines the anti-dive characteristics of the front suspension. The com
puter data in Figure 7-7 of our sample suspension shows anti-dive between 5 and 7 percent. We wouldn't want to go any higher because
we don 't want to have any more of a change in caster for this application.
~ . ....
.. '
r . ,.
: .. : ....
The maximum anti-dive on street cars is usually less than 30 percent, to keep them level during heavy brakin g. But many race cars use
zero anti-dive, because they have such a low center of grav ity. Photo by Michael Lutfy.
If there is a .030-inch air gap at the rear of the tire, Exactly how much bump st eer you need on your
your car has this amount of bump st eer, and it's in car is like most suspension settings-a compromise.
the understeer direction. It is common to set the bump steer so th at th e front
The same basic process is used with professional whe els toe-out on a bump. This will make th e car
bump steer equipment, but of course the results are feel more stable, because th e car will not turn any
much more accurate. See Figure 7-10 for how to mor e than the driver asks . To understand this
measure bump steer on a car. effect , picture what would happen if your car had
toe-in on bump. As the driver would start a turn, he
Bump Steer Amount & Direction would feed in a certain amount of steering angle. As
Figure 7-9. The amount and dire ctio n of the bump steer is contro ll ed by the location of the steering ti e rods in relatio n to the contro l arms.
With a computer, we can design for zero bump steer or any amount in either directio n.
the car built up g-forces, the chassis would roll and the lower arm, the top of the knuckle moves in a
the outside suspension would compress in the tighter radius than the bottom of the knuckle. By
bump direction. If the car had toe-in on bump, the placing the steering inner pivot at exactly the cor
front wheels would start to turn more than the driv rect position, it is possible to make the wheels go
er asked and his turn radius would get tighter. This through their travel with no change in steering
would require the driver to make a correction and angle . This would be zero bump steer and there
upset the car's smooth approach into the turn. The would be no toe change. By moving the steering piv
outside tire is considered in this analysis because it ots, it is possible to change the amount of bump
carries most of the weight in a turn. steer and the direction of the bump steer from toe
Assuming that your car has the bump steer set so in to toe-out.
that there is toe-out in the bump direction, the next Rate of Change-It is also possible to adjust the rate
consideration is how much toe-out. If the car has too of change of bump steer. If the inner steering pivot is
much toe-out in bump, the steering can become too far inboard (a longer tie rod), the rate of change
imprecise, because the suspension will tend to of toe-out will be reduced. For each suspension lay
negate what the driver is doing with the steering out, there is an ideal length tie rod that will give the
wheel. Also, if there is too much bump steer, the car correct rate of toe change. This length is usually
will dart around going down the straightaway. A rea established by the chassis builder, so you shouldn't
sonable amount of bump steer would be in the range have to consider its effects unless you are the chas
of .010 to .020 per inch of suspension travel. sis builder, or if you have difficulty getting your
bump steer adjusted . On a car that has the steering
How to Adjust Bump Steer gear ahead of the front suspension with the correct
On a typical double A-arm suspension, the knuck length tie rod by design, more toe-out will result in
le moves in radii set up by the length of the control bump if the inner steering pivot is raised or if the
arms. Since the upper arm is usually shorter than outer steering pivot is lowered. These adjustments
are the ones normally used to adjust bump steer.
Each chassis has its own adjustment characteris
tics , but the concept will be the same.
Bump steer has a big influence on the driver's abil
ity to control the car, so it is an important part of the
design and setup of your suspension.
Figure 7-10. Regardless of how well the steering gear and linkage
gear are designed, it is a good idea to check the actual bump steer
on the finish ed car. Bump steer can be measured by observing
how much the toe changes as the suspension is moved up and
down. Place a flat board again st the tire (in this case we used a
creeper) , then tak e a j ack and lift the wheel assembly up and
down. By looking closely at the two photos, you can see the
amount of toe change.
e have discussed most of the design leading edge of the available technology. Which
In order to reduce your car's front scrub radius,
enough to suit your needs while at the same time you should use wheels with zero or negative offset.
providing the lightest possible weight. This is obvi Zero offset means that the mounting surface of the
ously a compromise that is complicated by th e fact wheel is on the same centerline as the tire. Since a
that you really don't know if any given piece will be lO-inch wide wheel is really 11.0 inches across the
strong enough until it is tested. This is where expe flanges, the backspacing for zero offset wheels is 5.50
rience becomes so valuable. If parts are known to inches. Backspacing is the distance from the wheel
survive the rigors of endurance racing, such as a mounting surface to the innermost flange edge.
SOO-mile event, then you can use them with confi If you had a wheel with 1.00 inch of negative offset
dence in your car. (mounting surface outboard of the wheel centerline)
The tires have more effect on how well a
car handles than any other component asso
ciated with the front suspension. Because
they have such a big effect, their perfor
mance characteristics are cov
ered in Chapter 1. We use
Goodyear tires for our test and
development because they are
"state-of-the-art." Goodyear's
ongoing racing research and
development work assures that
their tires are always at the
Figure 8-1. This diagram shows the relation of the wheel dim en Knuckle & Hub Assembly
sions commonly used in the aftermarket industry. Note that the
overall width of a typical wheel is 1.00 in. larger than the tread
In order to save front-end weight, I recommend the
width because of the flanges. use of a newly designed knuckle and hub made from
cast stainless steel. This material provides excellent
the backspacing would be 6.50 inches. Figure 8-1 strength, and because it can be cast in thin sections,
shows where wheel offset and backspacing are mea it is possible to design it for rigidity and lightweight.
sured from. A complete knuckle-and-hub assembly with bear
Three-piece component wheels allow for building ings and seals weighs about 18 lbs . This knuckle
a wheel with varying amounts of offset, so these are design allows you to place the hub further inside the
preferred. Three-piece wheels are also usually the wheel, reducing the scrub radius and improving
lightest and the most expensive. If your budget dic steering precision.
tates steel wheels or cast aluminum wheels, you can Mounting brackets are incorporated in the cast
still measure different types to find the wheel offset knuckle for the brake calipers and for the cooling
you need. hose fitting. Dual steering arms are also incorporat
ed, so it can be used on either front-steer or rear
steer front suspension. This provision also allows it
to be used on either the right side or the left side.
The knuckle and hub shown in our example nearby
is available from: VSE, 23865 Fairfield, Carmel, CA
93923, (408) 649-8423.
Control Arms
The construction of the upper and lower control
arms should be done with consideration for making
them as rigid as possible. The ball joints should be
proven components and their attachment to the
arms should be secure. A previous chapter
explained the importance of controlling bushing
deflections and their effects on handling.
Mounting-When mounting the control arms to the
chassis, it is important that the brackets be made
rigid. Any flexing of the control arm brackets will
result in deflection and/or vibrations when the con
trol arms are loaded during hard cornering. It is also
important that the whole front of the frame doesn't Coil-over springs and shocks are popular because they are simple
and lightweight. They also provide some adjustment which makes
deflect under loading, so care must be taken to fully turning easier.
triangulate this structure. Chapter 12 explains how
to build a rigid frame structure.
Springs/Shocks/Jounce Bumpers
From the sample design layout in Chapter 7, you
know that you need 5.00 inches of shock travel to
give 8.0 inches of wheel travel. This results in
shocks with an extended length of 16.0 inches.
These units are available in various dampening lev
els, and can be had with rod-end attachments at
both ends. Shocks should feature a gas-cell design
to prevent fade under racing conditions. The shocks
can also be supplied with coil-over springs in vari
ous rates , so you can test to determine the optimum
setup for your car.
Good shocks should also include a jounce
bumper, which is really a variable-rate spring that
lets you run a soft suspension spring rate for maxi
mum road-holding. With the use of a jounce bumper,
Fabricating control arms from steel tubing is common practice. It the suspension won't bottom out under severe
results in strong and rigid parts that can be built to almost any bumps, because its variable-rate feature comes into
design requirement.
playas the suspension is compressed. A jounce
bumper can increase th e ability of asuspension to
absorb a severe bump while retaining a soft spring
rate under normal conditions.
Note that a much higher spring rate would be
required to prevent bottoming out if a jounce
bumper was not used . Also note that the jounce
bumper does not come into action until the suspen
sion has already compressed.
Like most pans of a high performance car, the effectiveness of a stabiliz er bar system is dependent on the rigidity of the mountings and
linkages that connect it to the suspension.
live axle rear suspension is one where advantage for an independent rear suspension. In
In the 1980s, SCCA rules in the Trans-Am series allowed for the use of either a liv e axl e or independent rear suspension. At smooth tracks,
such as the now-defunct Riverside Raceway in California, cars equipped with IRS did not appear to have any performance advantage.
Photo by Michael Lutfy.
Figure 9-IA. A de Dian rear suspension is basically a liv e rear axle
with U-jointed drive axles, so the differential can be mounted on
the chassis. The complex ity of this system, howev er, mak es it
SIDE VIEW impractical for high performance use.
Figure 9-1. A live axle is really a beam axle at the rear that
includes the differential. It is called "li ve" because the whole unit Lateral Control & Roll Center Height
bounces in its entirety in relation to the fram e. Although it is a sin Lateral control is simply how the rear axle is kept
gle device, there are a variety of ways to connect it to the chassis.
in side-to-side alignment with the chassis as the rear
suspension moves through its travel. There are a
made to work very well on smooth roads. And, number of ways to provide this control, and the fol
because it has been so well developed , you can lowing are some of the more popular ones.
install one without too much trouble. Panhard Bar-A Panhard bar is simply a link
between the axle and the frame which controls the
side-to-side location of the rear axle. The advan
DESIGN REQUIREMENTS tages of a Panhard bar are that it is simple, effective
Before discussing the various types of live rear and lightweight. The disadvantages are that it must
axle suspensions and their advantages and disad be as long as possible to minimize the slight side-to
vantages, let's first evaluate the design criteria, side variations that result from the arc scribed by
which will help make selection easier. There are a the bar (Figure 9-2). This slight variation has no real
variety of ways to design a rear suspension using a adverse effect on the car's cornering capability, but
live axle. the driver does feel it so it can affect his perfor
mance. When a long Panhard bar is used, it must go
Figure 9-2. One of the ways to locate a live rear axle in the chassis When using a long Panhard bar with extended bracketry, you must
is with a Panhard bar. One end of the bar atta ches to the axl e mak e sure the brackets are strong, rigid and yet lightw eight. This
housing and the other end is connected to the frame. This is a sim means using high quality materials and inv olves excellent fabrica
ple and effective solution and the slight sideways motion is not a tion sk ills. Also, the bar should be mounted as Iow an the axle as
problem if the bar is kept as long as possibl e. possible, to achie ve a low rear roll center.
Figure 9-3. A Watt's link provides stra ightl ine, vertical movement between the axle housing and the fram e, This precision means a more
comp lex system that is probably not much of an improvement over a simp le Panhard bar.
around the differen tia l, and this requires extended large rod-end joint at the axle, because it alone must
bracketry. Making these brackets strong, stiff and carry the loads, especially when in bending. This
lightweight is an engineering problem. arrangement is good from the design standpoint if
The roll center of a rear suspension that uses a you can make all the parts strong enough.
Panhard bar is at the height where the bar attaches Lower Angle Arms-The same geometry and con
to the axle. A lower roll center at the rear makes a trol characteristics of a lower A-arm can be achieved
car handle more consistently, so I recommend by using two lower arms angled to meet at the axle
mounting the bar as low as possible. centerline (Figure 9-5 & 9-6) .
Watt's Linkage-A Watt's link eliminates the slight The advantage of this system is that the rod ends
side-to-side variations that happen with a Panhard are loaded in shear rather than in bending. This sys
bar (Figure 9-3). Because a Watt's link gives straight tem also provides some opportunity to adjust the
line control of the axle, it is a better system from a height of the rear roll center.
design standpoint.
However, it is a more complex system, and Bump & Roll Steer
because the roll center height is at the main pivot Bump steer and roll steer are really the same
point, it is more difficult to arrange the mechanism thing. What they refer to is the amount and direc
at the best height. It is also more difficult to change tion that the rear axle might cause the car to steer as
the rear roll center height because the whole mech
anism must be moved. If the Watt's link is mounted
behind the axle, the bracketry must be very strong SINGLE LOWER A-ARM FOR
and stiff to absorb the loads without bending.
Remember the loads on any rear axle lateral control
system can be over 2000 lbs ., with peak loads as
high as 10,000 lbs .
Lower A-Arm-One way to provide lateral control of
the rear axle is to replace the normal lower control
arm with a larger lower A-arm (Figure 9-4) . This
design gives the axle straight-line location, while
providing some of the linkage needed to locate the
axle fore and aft. It provides a low roll center, Figure 9-4, The rear axle housing can be located sideways to the
frame by using a single large A-arm as one of the fore-aft links.
although it does not allow for changing the height of This is a simple and effectiv e system, but it requires a very large
the roll center easily. This design requires a very joint at the axle housing to absorb the cornering forces.
left as the body rolls to the right and vice-versa. On
a left turn, the body of the car will roll to the right.
With the correct rear suspension geometry, this
should cause the axle to point to the left, which will
make the car turn right. This is called roll understeer,
because it makes the car turn less as the body rolls.
With roll oversteer, the car would turn more as the
body rolls, and the two factors would augment each
other to the point where the driver would have to
steer away from the turn to keep on his intended
path. In general, a rear suspension will have roll
understeer if the roll axis tilts down at the front
(Figure 9-7).
Figure 9-5. This photo shows the use ofangled lower arms to locate Rear Axle Steering & Alignment-The alignment
an axle housing sideways in the car. This system is simple and and steering characteristics of a car's rear axle can
lightweight. Various versions of this basic system are used on
many production cars. have a dramatic effect on how the car handles and
on how well it gets the power to the ground. If you
it moves through its travel. Even slight changes in have ever driven a forklift truck or if you have tried
the alignment of the rear axle will cause big changes to race in reverse gear, you know first-hand how sen
in the direction the car will go. The preferred design sitive a vehicle is to changes in the steering angles
characteristics are very little roll steer, and if there and alignment of its rear wheels. Just because your
is any, it should be in the understeer direction. To car has a heavy-duty solid axle doesn't mean that
accomplish this, it is necessary to arrange the rear the rear wheels don't steer your car. It is normal for
suspension links so that the rear axle points to the rear-wheel toe-in and camber to change between
~-----+-~--+--TOP VIEW
() ()
Figure 9-6. The use of angled lower arms serves the same functi on as a large low er A-arm except it can be done with simple parts. The
advantage of two angled lower arms instead of a large A-arm is it eliminates the need for a large high-strength joint at the axle housing.
raise the rear of the car will need to have an equal
REAR SUSPENSION TO and opposite force pushing against the pavement,
PROVIDE ROLL UNDERSTEER you can use anti-squat to increase the tire loading
during acceleration. If anti-squat can increase the
tire loading without adding to the weight that must
- --Htt-+ TOP VIEW be pulled around the corner, you will have more
available cornering power at the rear of the car.
With more cornering power at the rear, the driver
FRONT VIEW can get on the throttle sooner without oversteer.
This will result in faster cornering, so having more
anti-squat characteristic is desirable.
SIDE VIEW Calculating Anti-Squat-You can determine the
amount of anti-squat your suspension has by mak
ing a scale drawing like the one shown in Figure 9-8.
Figure 9-7. By angling the effective control arm system in the side You can determine the fore-aft location of your car's
view , it is possible to steer the rear axle as the body and chassis
rolls in relation to the axle housing. It is usually best to make the center of gravity by measuring the front and rear
rear axle steer to the left on a left-hand turn, because this mak es weight. It is more difficult to find the height of the
the car turn less for roll-understeer.
center of gravity, so for most analysis, it is accept
able to assume a known center of gravity height
one and two degrees as a car moves down the road. based on other cars. Production cars usually have
The basic problem is that the solid rear axle is not the center of gravity between 20 and 22 inches
really rigid. The rear axle housing can flex just like above ground. A typical oval short-track race car
any other member. If you recognize that the flex will have its center of gravity between 18 and 20
problem exists, you can take its effect into consider inches above ground. The wheelbase dimension
ation when designing and setting up your car. and the locations of all the rear suspension pivot
The best rear suspension design is only effective if points can be determined by measuring your car. Be
all the parts are strong and rigid enough. Any deflec sure to put them on your drawing to scale so the
tions, or looseness of the parts, will have a greater relationships remain true. After the points are
effect on the car's handling than will its design established, connect the control arm pivots and
geometry. extend the lines forward. Where the upper and the
lower arm lines intersect is the instant center of the
Anti-Squat rear suspension in the side view. The instant center
When a car accelerates forward, there is weight is that point around which the linkage can be
transfer from the front of the car to the rear. This assumed to react. This point changes as the sus
weight transfer is dependent on the weight of the pension moves up and down, but at any given
car, the height of the center of gravity and on the instant, this is its effective center. If this point is on a
length of the wheelbase. Because of the springs, the line connecting the rear tire contact point with a
weight transfer can often be seen at the rear of the point where the center of gravity height meets the
car as it "squats" during hard acceleration. front axle centerline, your car has 100%anti-squat; if
It is possible to arrange the rear suspension links the intersect point is below this line, you have less
so that the driving force of the rear axle counteracts than 100% anti-squat; and if the intersect point is
this squatting force. This characteristic is called above this line, you have more than 100%anti-squat.
anti-squat. Anti-squat can counteract the squat force The amount of anti-squat is proportional to the
to keep the rear of the car level, and it can be made height above and below the 100% line.
strong enough to actually raise the rear of the car Chart 9-1 is an example of how anti-squat would
during acceleration. An example would be most change rear tire loadings, cornering power, and trac
drag race cars, which have enough anti-squat char tion available for acceleration. You can see that if
acteristics built in to actually raise the rear of the the rear tire loading can be increased with anti-squat
car under acceleration. Because any force that can effects, there will be more rear tire traction available
Chart 9-1
Without Anti-Squat With Anti-Squat
Left Right Left Right
Rear Rear Rear Rear
Track Width: 60 in
Cornering at 1.0 gs
Wheelbase: 100 in
Acceleration of .50 gs
Most drag racing cars have enough anti-squat characteristics built into their car that the rear actually raises under acceleration. Photo by
Michael Lutfy.
for acceleration coming out of the corners. This swing arm of the rear suspension is too short, rear
means that the car will be able to use more throttle axle hop during braking becomes a problem.
without inducing power oversteer. The advantage of When the swing arm gets short, the axle housing
using anti-squat to tune corner exit handling is that torque needed to resist the braking forces can raise
it does not require losing any corner entry speed to the rear wheels off the ground. If the wheels are off
achieve it. All racers know that the sooner the driv the ground, the brake forces go to zero and the
er can put the power to the ground coming out of a wheels return to the ground. This violent cycling,
corner, the faster the car will be down the straight off and on, produces brake hop. Based on our expe
away. Using anti-squat allows this to happen sooner. rience, a swing-arm length of at least 42 inches is
The type of rear suspension and its adjustment needed to prevent rear axle hop. As Figure 9-9
determines how much anti-squat a car has. shows, this swing-arm length also restricts how
much anti-squat can be had.
Swing-Arm Length & Brake Hop
In attempts to gain more and more anti-squat, it
soon becomes apparent that the effective swing-arm TYPES OF LIVE AXLE REAR
length of the rear suspension will become shorter SUSPENSION
and shorter. Like most adjustments on a car, you Now that we've established our design require
reach a point of compromise. When the side-view ments, let's take an indepth look at the types of live
Figure 9-8. The location of the instant center of the rear control arm in the side vi ew determines how much anti-squat the rear suspension
has. More anti-squat permits the driver to apply the throttle sooner coming off a corner.
axle rear suspension to see how well they meet this Many cars do not have room to position the springs
criteria. Anyone of the following types can be in their proper location and this limits their applica
designed to provide satisfactory results. Usually, tion in favor of other configurations.
the quality of the design and installation is more Adding Spring Leaves-Since rear leaf springs are
important to the quality of handling than the type of also used to transmit acceleration and braking
rear suspension used. forces, their positioning and configuration is critical.
These forces cause the axle housing to twist, and in
Hotchkiss Drive doing this the leaf springs tend to wrap up and dis
A Hotchkiss drive rear suspension is one where a tort. To counteract this condition, it is necessary to
longitudinal leaf spring is used on each side of the increase the number of leaves or the thickness of
car to locate the rear axle (Figure 9-10). These the leaves to give the spring enough stiffness to
springs also support the rear vehicle weight, so it is resist these forces. Unfortunately, adding leaves or .
a very simple system. Since it is a carryover from making them thicker also increases the spring rate.
the horse-and-buggy days, it has been well devel To solve this conflict, leaves can be added only at
oped over the years. In 1970, Chevrolet found that the front of the leaf spring to provide the spring with
placing one of the shocks ahead of the axle and plac the stiffness it needs in the front half to resist the
ing one of them behind it would eliminate torque axle torque reaction, while not increasing the spring
induced wheel hop under acceleration and braking. rate as much as if a full leaf was used . Most leaf
This fairly recent development has allowed the springs on high performance cars have extra leaves
Hotchkiss drive to stay relatively current. The only on the front of the spring for these reasons.
major disadvantages of a Hotchkiss drive rear sus Spring Eye Height-The height of the front spring
pension are the weight and size of the leaf springs. eye primarily determines how much anti-squat the
Figure 9-9. Shortening the swing arm increases the force to pull the rear wheel off the ground for a given axle torque during braking.
rear suspension will have. The higher the spring be mounted behind the axle. Under extreme condi
eye, the more anti-squat. Generally, heights tions, traction bars and/or telescoping brake rods
between 10 and 15 inches above ground give the can be used to provide additional torsional control
best results. If you get the front spring eye too far off of the axle on a Hotchkiss drive rear suspension.
the ground, you will get brake hop, so there are lim Leaf Spring Bushings-The design and materials
its. If you are building a new chassis, make the front used for leaf spring bushings is an important con
spring eye height adjustable, so you can tune your sideration when selecting them for your application.
chassis in this area. The height of the rear spring For normal use, the stock-type rubber bushings are
eye also affects anti-squat, but to a much lesser best. High-performance driving can be improved
extent. Adjustable-length rear shackles usually allow with a spherical bearing in the front spring eye.
for fine-tuning the anti-squat and the ride height. Under no circumstances should you use urethane
Because of the stiffness of the leaf springs in the lat bushings on the front spring eye, as they will bind up
eral direction, it is unnecessary to use a Panhard bar and prevent the body from rolling in relation to the
or a Watt's link to locate the axle sideways in the car. axle.
Shock Mounting-Mounting the shocks on a rear
leaf spring suspension requires special considera Link Type
tion. If one shock is placed in front of the axle, and With a link-type rear suspension, the live axle is
one shock is placed behind the axle, their dampen located both longitudinally and laterally with link
ing effects do a good job of controlling the violent type members. The arrangement of these links can
torsional rotation of the axle during power hop and be used to provide different characteristics, so there
brake hop. This configuration is so successful that it are a number of possibilities.
eliminates most of these problems without any Four-Link-A four-link rear suspension uses four
other devices. There is no preferred way of mount longitudinal links to locate the axle fore and aft, and
ing the shocks, so either the left or right shock may to control the axle torque loads due to acceleration
Figure 9-10. A Hotchkiss drive rear suspension utilizes a leaf spring at each end of the axle housing to locate the housing and to pro vide
the springing medium . There is no need for any other members to locate the axle sideways in the car, because of the stiffness of the springs
in the lateral direction.
and braking (Figure 9-11). Lateral location of the steer is possible, but it results in a very short side
rear axle is controlled by the use of a Panhard bar, a view swing arm length. Remember, a short swing
Watt's link or similar device. Four-link systems work arm causes brake hop when it gets too short in
best when the links can be long and when a mini length.
mum of anti-squat is required . It is difficult to get In order to get roll understeer with a three-link
roll understeer with an anti-squat geometry on a rear suspension, you usually need to place the front
four-link rear suspension. In order to allow the body of the lower arms lower than the rear of the arms.
to roll in relation to the rear axle , the links on each Unfortunately, this conflicts with the anti-squat
side of the car must remain parallel with each other. requirements. The compromise is usually to mount
This severely limits the geometric variations possi
ble , so I recommend using the other types of link
rear suspension. 4 LINK REAR SUSPENSION
Three-Link-A three-link rear suspension uses only
three links to locate the axle longitudinally in the car
(Figur e 9-12). With the three-link system, there is I I
more opportunity to get the optimum roll steer and FJ
anti-squat characteristics without restricting the roll
angle between the axle and the car. Many short
track race cars use a three-link rear suspension, so
the system obviously works very well for high-per
formance applications. r-,
The height of the brackets that attach the links to r---'
the links on a four-link system. This is a very simple
solution to the problem, and if these links are
arranged correctly, it is possible to get both good
roll steer and good anti-squat characteristics. The
best arrangement of the angled arms is called a
Satchell link rear suspension. This configuration
places the angled arms below the axle with their
TOP VIEW front pivots pointing toward the center of the car.
The advantages of this arrangement are low roll cen
ter, good anti-squat, good support of the axle hous
ing ends, and little need for extra frame bracing. The
system is also compact so it can fit many types of
cars. Of all the link-type rear suspensions, the
Satchell link has the most benefits (Figure 9-13).
Torque Arm
A torque-arm rear suspension uses a long arm to
absorb the rear axle torque reactions ( Figure 9-14).
Other suspension members are needed to locate the
rear axle laterally and longitudinally, as well as to
the lower arms parallel to the ground for a minimum TOP VIEW
of roll steer and then set the upper arm angle to pro
vide the best anti-squat with a long enough side
view swing arm.
For low- and medium-powered cars, this compro
mise can be made to work well. For high-powered
cars, or for the optimum in performance handling, it
is necessary to decouple the three-link system so
that each of the elements can be optimized without
affecting the other elements. This decoupling action
is what makes the torque-arm rear suspension
attractive, which is discussed next.
Angled Arms-One disadvantage with the three-link
and four-link rear suspensions is the need for a SIDE VIEW
device to control the lateral location of the axle in
the car. A Panhard bar or a Watt's link is usually
used for this purpose. A Panhard bar is simpler and
therefore more commonly used. But the bracketing
needed to rigidly mount a Panhard bar to the axle Figure 9-13. A Satchell link rear suspension is a variation of the 4
and to the chassis is heavy and takes up space. link and the angled arm suspensions in that it only usesfour links.
The advantages of the Satchell link are that it pro vides consider
The need for extra links to locate the rear axle lat abl e anti-squat with roll understeer and a low roll center. It also
erally in the car can be eliminated by angling two of supports the ends of the axle housing very well.
provide the springing medium. Torque-arm rear sus critical to the anti-squat function. This
pensions were used on Fords in the 30's and 40's, on means that they can be arranged to pro
Chevy trucks in the 50's and 60's, and most recently vide some roll understeer without the
on Chevrolet Vegas and Camaros. Torque-arm rear usual compromises.
suspensions can be packaged efficiently and when
correctly designed, they can be tuned to provide 3. As I mentioned previously, the real advan
good overall performance. The interaction of the tage of a torque arm is its ability to absorb
torque arm, the rear suspension and the chassis are the axle torque reaction as an independent
more complex than it seems, so it is sometimes diffi component. A torque arm can be a rigid
cult to get optimum performance without extensive member mounted to the chassis by a sepa
The same design factors that are important to a ble arm such as the type used on Reese
SIDE VI-E-<Il'w===========1~ _
Figure 9-14. A torque arm rear suspension uses a separate member to control axle torques relative to the chassis. Other control arms are
needed to locate the axle housing in the car.
Figure 9-15. Decoup/ing the torque arm can help to eliminate brake hop. The arm is mounted so it contacts the frame durin g acceleration,
transmitting the axle torque to the frame, yet it is free during braking. By separating the braking and accelerating absorbing functions, it
is possible to optimize each without comprom ising the other.
axle can cause the rear axle to lift off the ground tion during acceleration and its short length pro
because it can pivot about the torque arm drop link. vides a lot of anti-squat. The telescoping link
This action is the same as when the side-view swing absorbs the axle torque reaction during braking and
arm is too short, so brake hop will result. its effective linkage is long enough to prevent brake
A solution to the brake hop problem is to decou hop.
ple the torque arm so that the axle torque from Establishing the optimum spring rates of the bush
acceleration is absorbed by the torque arm, and the ings, and finding the correct amount of preload for
axle torque from braking is absorbed by a different the total system, might take some testing. If you
member. One way to do this is to let the front of the arrange the links as shown in Figure 9-15, you will be
torque arm contact the frame only in the "up" posi pretty close to achieving the right setup. Figure 9-16
tion. This allows it to be free from the frame during shows a decoupled torque arm with a telescoping
braking while allowing it to transmit the axle torque upper link mounted on a late-model Camara axle.
reaction to the frame during acceleration. A rubber
bumper can be used to soften the impact when the
torque arm contacts the frame .
Because the torque arm is disconnected under
braking, another suspension member will be needed
to absorb the axle torque during braking to elimi
nate brake hop. A good way to solve this is with a
telescoping upper link. This lets you optimize the
torque arm configuration without having to compro
mise it with brake hop characteristics. A telescop
ing upper link should be arranged so it bottoms out
when the axle rotates because of the braking torque.
When this happens, the upper link acts like a solid
member and together with the lower links, estab
lishes parallel linkages with a very long side-view
swing-arm length. This long swing-arm length elimi Figure 9-16. A telescoping upper /ink can be used with a decoupled
nates brake hop, so you have the best of both condi torque arm to absorb the axle torque reaction during braking and
its effective linkage is long enough to prevent brake hop.
tions. The torque arm absorbs the axle torque reac
n independent rear suspension (IRS) differential mounted to the chassis. This reduction
Figure 10-2. Since the differential is mounted to the chassis, the axle torque reacti on is not absorb ed by the axle housing and rear suspen
sion. This has the effect of reducing the anti-squat of the rear suspension, because the only vertical force available for this purpose comes
from the angle, if any, of the wheel hub control arm s, which do not see any torque reaction during acceleration.
again the stabilizer bars will limit the roll angle so Corvette
aggressive camber gain is not needed or desired. The Corvette IRS design suffers from a variety of
Springs & Shocks-Spring and shock rates, and geometry and deflection problems.
mounting locations, on an independent rear suspen The early Corvettes up through 1987 had a roll
sion are similar in design as a front IRS. The major center height that was too high. This condition
difference is the need to offset the springs and/or resulted in a jacking problem, wherein the cornering
shocks to clear the drive axles at the rear. This usu force from the outside tire would cause the rear of
ally requires offset mounting brackets, rocker arms the car to raise up. This increase in rear height
or mounting the springs/shocks above the rear would change the camber of the outside tire, so it
knuckles. The more complicated the system, the lost cornering force. The result is a car that must be
more it will cost, and the greater will be the need for set up with an excess of understeer in order to keep
additional maintenance. From a handling stand the average driver from spinning out during hard
point, it doesn't matter so long as the wheel rates cornering.
and wheel travel are the same. Even with perfect suspension geometry, a car can
exhibit inconsistent handling behavior if there is
excessive deflection of any of the components. The
TYPES OF IRS early Corvette design provides many places where
To help demonstrate these design requirements, I deflections can result in poor handling. Some of
will do a brief analysis of three popular types of these are:
independent rear suspension. Camber Control-A lower camber rod is used to
maintain the camber angle of the rear wheels. On
Figure 10-3. The early Corvette IRS design suffers from a variety of geometry and deflection problems. Chief among them was a high roll
center height, wh ich caused jacking and a loss of cornering force. Photo by Michael Lutfy.
paper, this design looks good but since this rod uses itive camber during hard cornering. Even more
rubber bushings, its effective length can change deflection is introduced to the system where the dif
under cornering loads. This change in length pro ferential mounts to the chassis. Rubber mounts are
duces positive camber on the outside wheel, which needed to isolate the axle gear noise, but they also
also reduces its cornering power. Reducing the cor allow the differential to move in relation to the chas
nering power of the outside tire during hard corner sis during hard cornering, because all the lateral
ing, when you need it most, is not conducive to good loads are fed into it.
handling. A similar problem exists where the drive Toe Control-The '63-'82 Corvettes used a single
axle attaches to the differential. Since the drive axle trailing arm on each side to locate the axle hub fore
is actually the upper control arm, any wear or loose and aft on the car. These arms also provided the
ness of the differential side-gears also results in pos- rear-wheel toe control. Although these trailing arms
are well located by design, the rubber bushings used
where they attached to the frame allow toe deflec
tion when the power or the brakes are applied
(Figure 10-4). These changes in direction do not
result in consistent handling.
The '84-and-later Corvettes use two trailing arms
on each side together with a rear tie rod to effective
ly eliminate the torque steer problem of the earlier
design (Figure 10-5).
As the Jaguar independent rear suspension design
Figure 10-4. The first Corvette independent rear suspensions were
designed with an eye on cost-saving. The simplicity of the system
uses the drive axle for the upper arm and a lower
required some comprom ises in camber and toe control that result arm to control the camber, like the Corvette, it
ed in peculiar handling under certain circumstances.
Figure 14-5. Note the critical positioning of this rear spoiler. If a Figure 14-6. Ifthere is nothing behind the rear spoiler, the low pres
rear spoiler is mounted as far back and as high as possible, the sure behind it will not have a horizontal surface to act upon.
high pressure ahead of it will act downward on the horizontal sur Placing a rear spoiler at this location adds to the rear downforce
face of the deck lid. Photo by Michael Lutty. because it only adds positive pressure to the top of the car.
more efficient when it operates in clean air, so it through the radiator and the oil cooler, so how this
should be mounted where this condition exists. air is managed is important to both the drag factor
Sometimes we see wings mounted directly above and the downforce factor. From a drag standpoint,
other body panels. This is not a preferred location, you want to let the minimum amount of airflow
because any low-pressure area that is acting against though the grille opening and to the coolers. This
the bottom of the wing is also acting against the top means that it is important to be sure that any air that
of the body panel adjacent to it. The net effect is does go through the grille opening also goes through
obviously diminished since the two forces tend to the radiator or the oil cooler. The best way to
cancel each other out (Figure 14-7). accomplish this is by building an airtight duct to
guide the air between the grille opening and the
Radiator Air Inlet & Exhaust coolers. Since the grille opening is smaller than the
About 20% of the airflow affecting a race car goes radiator, it is better to mount the radiator at an angle
Figure 14-7. A wing on a race car also acts to produce positive pressure on top and negative pressure on the bottom. Many factors such as
the size of the Wing, its shape, and the angle of attack affect how great this pressure differential will be at any given speed.
the radiator air inlet disturbs the air behind the
front spoiler. Cars that have this arrangement usu
ally require a second spoiler behind the radiator to
cause a high pressure area to feed the radiator.
Since this spoiler is also behind the front of the car,
it causes a high-pressure area under the car which
can reduce the down force or even cause lift.
Even the radiator air outlet or exhaust is impor
tant, because dumping this air into the low-pressure
area under the car can reduce the downforce. It is
better to exhaust the radiator air out the side of the
car through the wheelwells, since this will have no
effect on the pressure levels below or on top of the
The end plates on this rear wing are there to keep the high pres car. Ducting can be used to guide the radiator air
sure on top of the wing from spilling over the ends and diluting the exhaust to the wheelwells. Keeping the radiator air
low pressure underneath . Photo by Michael Lutfy.
exhaust away from the engine can help reduce the
air temperature at the carburetor inlet (Figure 14-8).
so the air doesn't have to bend up to hit the top of Carburetor Air Inlet
the radiator. The engine will produce the most power when it
Where the radiator inlet is positioned can have a breathes the coolest, highest pressure air. At
big effect on front-end lift or downforce. If the radia speeds below 100 mph, the cool air is more impor
tor air inlet is above the front spoiler, it will see pos tant than the high-pressure air. If the radiator air
itive pressure and there will be nothing to disturb ducting is effective in keeping the heated air away
the low-pressure area behind the front spoiler. If from the carburetor, more power will result.
however, the radiator air inlet is behind the front NASCAR prohibits using carburetor ducting, but it is
spoiler, two problems exist. One is that the radiator possible to feed cool, high-pressure air from the
inlet is in a low-pressure area, and the second is that grille opening to the top of the engine so the carbu
retor can draw it in.
An alternative to this
design is to feed air
from the base of the
windshield to the car
buretor. At the center
of the car, there is a
small high-pressure
area where the hood
meets the windshield,
called the cowl.
However, with a sloped
windshield, this area is
smaller and at a lower
pressure, so it is less
effective than bringing
the air in from the front
of the car (Figure 14-9).
Top Fuel dragsters need very efficient wings to keep the front end from lifting during 300 mph runs.
Photo by Michael Lutfy.
Note the radiator duct built on the nose of thi s Camara Trans-Am racer. Where the radiator inlet is positioned has a big effect on the front
end lift or downforce. Photo by Michael Lutfy.
Figure 14-8. You should place the radiator inlet in a high-pressure area and the outlet in a low-pressure area. It is a good idea to exit air
out the front wheelwells, because this does not upset any low-pressure area that might be acting on the bottom of the car.
Figure 14-9. Since the engine will de velop its maximum horsepower when it breathes high-pressure, cool air, it is best to plumb the car
buretor air inlet ahead of the radiator. This location provides the coolest, highest pressure air available.
Balancing Downforce for Handling to reduce the rear-end downforce in order to get the
If a car has a front and a rear spoiler, or a front and car balanced.
rear wing, it is possible to use the front-to-rear There are as many aerodynamic tricks and tech
downforce balance to alter the way a car handles. At niques as there are chassis ones. Each car must be
very high speeds, the downforce balance can have a tuned and developed to realize its optimum perfor
greater effect than chassis-balancing techniques. mance. You don't need a wind tunnel to correctly
The basic procedure is to use more-or-less down locate your spoilers, but of course, one would be
force when more-or-less tire loading and cornering helpful to optimize the airflow around the entire car.
force is needed. Adding front-end downforce will Use some good judgment, and try to analyze where
increase the front tire loading and give the front tires the high-pressure and low-pressure areas will be. If
more cornering force. When there is no more front you do this, you'll make progress toward increasing
end downforce available, it is sometimes necessary your car's downforce.
At very high spee ds, such as those gen erated by Indycars, the downforce balance can have a greater effect on handling than chassis tech
niques. This is especially true at tracks like Indianapolis and Michigan. Drivers and crew constantly tune front and rear wing angle to get
the most cornering pow er.
OSt car enthusiasts know that reducing wheel that had most of its weight concentrated
VEHICLE ACCELERATION , example, let's find the acceleration of a 3000-lb. car
that has 300 lbs-ft. of engine torque, a 5-to-l gear
Car enthusiasts know that their car will go faster if
ratio and rear tires with 13.5-in. static radius. We can
its weight is reduced. Less weight increases accel
find the force available to accelerate the car by:
eration with the same available driving force . The
formula for acceleration is: Engine torque x axle ratio
Force =
Rear tire static radius
Acceleration =
300 lbs-ft, x 5.0 x 12 in.
Force =
Weight = Mass x Gravity 13.5 ft.
Acceleration =
Velocity is equal to the acceleration multiplied by
the time. If we assumed a constant acceleration for
a period of five seconds, we could tell how fast the
car was going at the end of the straightaway. For
explanation, we have chosen a speed at the start of
the straight of 64.00 mph @ 4000 rpm.
Velocity = AxT
This photo of a Tilton clutch and flywheel shows the efforts made to reduce the rotating inertia on these parts that operate at engine speed.
Space-age lightweight parts are used to reduce rotating weight .
CHASSIS ROTATING INERTIA IS-lb. weight reduction on the rest of the car. The 15
All the rotating parts in the chassis have inertia lb. reduction in chassis rotating weight was
which resists angular acceleration. These parts assumed to be a 12-inch diameter steel disk of con
include the tires, the wheels, the brake rotors, the stant section mounted on the rear axle drive flanges.
hubs and the ring gear and the differential. To show
the effect of the rotating inertia on these parts that
turn at wheel speed, we used the same example car DRIVELINE ROTATING INERTIA
but with a IS-lb. reduction in these parts. Under the The rotating parts of the driveline include the
same test conditions, the IS-lb. reduction in rotating crankshaft, the flywheel, the clutch, the transmis
inertia would allow the car to accelerate to 113.34 sion gears and the driveshaft. Since these parts
mph for a .60 mph improvement. This shows that a operate at a much higher rpm, the effect their rotat
IS-lb. reduction in rotating inertia on the chassis ing inertia has on acceleration is much greater. If we
rotating parts will have three times the benefit of a reduced the rotating inertia of the flywheel on the
This Jerico transmission only has two forward gears. Removing Even a driveshaft can be designed and built that has less rotating
gears that rotate at engine speed reduces the rotating inertia of the inertia. This type of refinement indicates that racers have found
transmission, which permits the car to accelerate faster. that reducing rotating inertia really improves acceleration.
example car by 15 Ibs., it would allow the car to to be a 13-inch diameter steel disk of constant sec
accelerate to 115.70 mph under the same test condi tion mounted on the crankshaft flange.
tions for a 3.0 mph improvement. This shows that Another way to put numbers on the effect of
the effect of reducing rotational inertia on driveline reducing rotating inertia is to compare the horse
parts has 15 times the benefit of just reducing the power equivalents as shown in Chart 15-1. The
weight of the car. These examples show why there is important thing that this Chart shows is that it is 15
so much emphasis by race car component manufac times as important to reduce the weight of compo
turers on reducing the rotational inertia of driveline nents that rotate at engine speed than it is to reduce
parts. Actual racing experience has proven the ben the weight of other components of the car.
efits suggested by the above examples. The IS-lb. Components that rotate at axle speed are 3 times as
reduction in driveline rotating weight was assumed effective as non-rotating components.
Chart 15-1
Speed @
start of straightaway 64.0 mph 64.0 64.0 64.0
Speed @
end of straightaway 112.74 mph 112.95 113.34 115.70
Improvement Factor - 1 3 15
ll of the design {nd build inform ation we direction that was taken. The following techniques
the best configuration, this information is then con It is impossible to do any meaningful testing or
sidered as the best approach. Over time , the best tuning unless you know that the front and rear
approach changes from one design to another. We wheels are aligned correctly. Here are some tips on
call this progress. This changing base of knowledge how to align your car's wheels.
tells us there is no right or wrong way to design a
chassis. Each car, and its use , is a specific problem Setting Front-End Alignment
that needs a specific solution. Regardless of the Many car enthusiasts regard alignment as a black
design approach taken, the final judgment is based art. The truth is, setting alignment is nothing more
on how well the car performs. than pointing the wheels in the right direction. If
The initial testing of any car often indicates areas you happen to have a mega-dollar rack at your dis
that can be improved with modifications to the posal, you're home-free. But if you're like most
basic design. The development of these test enthusiasts, you have to improvise. Since you're
inspired ideas is called chassis tuning. Experience doing the work yourself, on your own car, the results
has shown that testing and tuning is more important can be superior to the flat-rate workmanship some
to the overall performance of a car than the design times encountered at uninspired alignment shops.
Figure 16-1. Now that the design and manufacture of yo ur chassis is comp lete, yo u need to test it to mak e sure it wo rks! It's an ongoing pro
cess that requires patience and careful analysis of the data .
Figure 16-2. You can use a protractor-level to get a fairly accurate measurement ofyour car's camber and caster. Measure the front wheels
and the rear wheels to determine the camber angles of each wheel. Be sure the car is on level ground.
So how do you set your car to our specs when the repeat the measurement with the wheel turning full
alignment shop wants to use the factory setting? left. The difference between the two readings close
Simple. Do it yourself. Perfectly satisfactory results ly approximates the caster angle. For the left-front
can be achieved with quite ordinary equipment. wheel, positive caster is indicated when more nega
Camber-To measure camber, a protractor level tive camber is produced when the wheels are turned
(available at any Sears store) works well. With the right. For the right-front wheel, positive caster is
car parked on level ground and the front wheels indicated when more negative camber is produced
straight ahead, place the level against the tire side when the wheels are turned left. To increase caster,
wall, avoiding raised lettering and other sidewall tilt the upper control arm rearward in the car.
irregularities. Centering the level's air bubble will Toe-In-Measuring toe-in is a snap. Two blocks of
indicate the camber angle. For the negative camber, wood or oil cans, an 8-foot length of rectangular tub
both front tires should tilt in toward the center of ing, and a tape measure are all that's required. In a
the car at the top (Figure 16-2). pinch, you can even substitute a straight 2 x 4 for the
Caster-Caster is the inclination of the front spindle. tubing. Set the tubing on top of the two oil cans as
Positive caster-the rearward tilt of the top of the shown in Figure 16-3, with the tubing just touching
spindle-is essential for high-speed stability. A fair the front tire sidewalls. Again, avoid raised letters
ly accurate measurement of caster can be made by which may disrupt the measurement. The oil cans
taking two camber readings. First, record the cam are there to raise the straightedge above the tire
ber when the wheels are turning full right, then bulge. Make sure the steering wheel is pointed
straight ahead and be certain that the door is closed
firmly. Sight or measure between the rocker panel
and the straightedge. If the rocker panel and the
tubing are parallel, the front wheels have zero toe-in.
If the straightedge is closer at the front of the rocker
panel than at the back, the front wheels are toed-in.
Since the rocker is about three times as long as the
tire diameter, the offset should be three times as
great as the recommended toe-in specifications.
Thus, if the front wheel has the desired 1/16-inch
toe-in, the difference between your measurements
from the straightedge to the front and rear of the
rocker panel will be 3/16-inch. Toe-in is adjusted by
turning the threaded sleeves which connect the Figure / 6-3. A straight piece of tubing on a couple of oil cans can
inner and outer tie-rods ends. be used to get an accurate measurement of your car 's front and
rear toe-in. The cans are used to raise the straightedge above the
Setting Rear End Alignment tire bulge. Comparing the straightedge to the rocker pan el eli mi
nates the possibility of having the rear axle crooked in the car.
IRS-The techniques for measuring rear-wheel
alignment are the same as those for measuring front
wheel alignment. Experience has shown that cars
with independent rear suspension work best with
between 1 and 2 degrees of negative rear-wheel cam
ber. They also need between 1/16-in. and 1/8-in. of
rear-wheel toe-in. The procedure for setting rear
wheel camber and toe-in can be obtained by con
sulting the service manual for your car. When set
ting toe-in , it is best to compare each wheel inde
pendently to the car rocker panel or door rather
than to the other wheel. Using this procedure will
prevent setting th e car up with a "dog track" condi
tion where the rear wheels won't follow in line with
the front wheels.
Live Rear Axle-Rear-wheel camber and toe are as
important on a car with a live-rear axle as they are
on a car with an independent rear suspension. Since
the rear axle is fairly rigid, it must be bent to change
the rear-wheel camber and toe. One way to do this
is to heat the axle tube red-hot so that it shrinks
when it cools. This procedure, shown on page 81,
can produce up to about 1 degree of negative cam
ber and toe-in , which is what we recommend for
most applications.
When setting the rear-wheel alignment on a car
with a live rear axle , it is very important to be sure
that the rear axle is in the car at 90 degrees to the car
centerline. An easy way to determine this is to mea
sure the toe-in of each rear wheel in reference to the
car's door or rocker panels. If both of these mea
surements are the same, you know your rear axle is
in the car squarely.
Tire temp eratures can help determine the correct tire pressure, camber setting and give an indication on tire survival.
Here is a brief explanation of how you can use tire was spinning coming off the corners. This can be a
temperatures to optimize suspension settings. problem on short tracks with very lightweight and
Optimum Tire Pressure-If we accept that the sec powerful cars. If there is no other remedy, such as a
tion of the tire that works the hardest will run the larger tire or a harder compound, the driver might
hottest, too high an inflation pressure will be indi have to modulate the throttle a little to keep from
cated by the center temperature being significantly smoking the right rear tire. An overly hot right rear
hotter than the edge. tire can also be caused by an oversteering chassis
A significant temperature variation is usually set-up. If too much of the car's cornering force is
above 10 F. On the example data sheet (Figure 16-4), being generated by the right rear tire, it will run hot.
the left front tire is obviously running at too high a The driver should obviously notice this condition to
pressure since the middle temperature is consider confirm the analysis of the chassis set-up. Ifyou set
ably hotter than either edge. Tire temperature dis up the car for more understeer, the rear tire temper
tribution is not the only way to determine optimum ature will drop and lap times should improve.
tire pressure, but it is an important factor to consid The left rear tire on the sample tire data sheet
er. If we dropped the pressure in the left front of our shows the type of temperature distribution that is
example car, I would expect to see a more equal tem normal and desired. The inside edge is slightly cool
perature distribution similar to 210-220-220 degrees. er because the car never leans on it. The outside is
This type of analysis is the same for oval track cars at the same temperature as the middle so the tire is
as it is for road-racing cars. working near its maximum efficiency.
Optimum Camber Setting-Tire temperatures can
be used to optimize camber settings using the same
logic as was used to optimize tire pressure. If the
tire temperature for the right front tire is as shown
on the sample data sheet, the car does not have
enough negative camber. This can be seen by the
fact that the outside edge is running much hotter
than the inside or the middle. If the outside is run
ning hotter, it's working harder, so there is not
enough negative camber. If more negative camber
was adjusted into the right front, all of the tire would
share the load equally, and the tire temperature dis
tribution would look more like 210-230-230 degrees.
This change in camber setting would also probably Portable scales can help you determine individual wheel weights
result in faster lap times, and less push, since the to determine static loads, which will help you balanc e the tires'
right front tire would be working at a higher efficien vertical loads during cornering.
Achi eving an acceptable balance between oversteer and understeer can only come from hours of testing and tuning. Experimenti ng with
di fferent front and rear stabilize r bars, and different spring rates, is the first step. Photo by Michael Lutfy.
If the driver comes in and says the car is understeering going int o a corner, you can try to add a more effectiv e rear stabilize r bar and/or
lower the front spring rate. Photo by M ichael Lutfy.
how much of the total lateral weight transfer can be absorb more of the total lateral weight transfer.
distributed between the front and the rear outside When the rear tires are asked to carry more weight,
tires. their cornering efficiency goes down and the car will
Because front and/or rear stabilizer bars can be have more oversteer. Since the tires' cornering effi
used to change the roll stiffness of the front and/or ciency is very sensitive to vertical loading, even
rear of a car, they are quite effective in changing the small changes in front or rear spring rates can have
understeer/oversteer characteristics. A more effec a significant effect on whether a car understeers or
tive front stabilizer bar will cause more understeer, oversteers.
because it causes the outside front tire to absorb
more of the total lateral weight transfer. If the out Front & Rear Roll Center Height
side front tire carries more vertical load, its corner If the roll center of the front suspension is raised,
ing efficiency will be reduced and the front-end will it has the same effect as increasing the front roll stiff
lose cornering power. ness. This means that more of the lateral weight
transfer will be absorbed by the outside front tire
Spring Rates and the car will understeer more . Raising the front
In addition to front and/or rear stabilizer bars, roll center height also reduces the amount of cam
changing spring rates can also be used to alter the ber gain, which causes even more understeer. The
understeer/oversteer characteristics. Higher spring combined effects of more roll stiffness, and less
rates at the front will increase the front roll stiffness camber gain, can cause a considerable loss in front
vs. the rear roll stiffness. As was the case with the end cornering power.
front stabilizer bar, more front roll stiffness causes
more of the lateral weight transfer to be absorbed Frame Stiffness
by the outside front tire , which results in more If you want to alter the roll force distribution of
understeer. Stiffer rear springs have the opposite your car to fine-tune its understeer/oversteer char
effect, because they make the rear outside tire acteristics, you can do it most easily by changing
If the car overstee rs coming out of a turn, the driver won 't be able to get on the throttle as quickly, which is especially important when com
ing onto a straightaway. To reduce corner exit oversteer, start by using a less e ffective rear stabiliz er bar, and/or use higher front or lower
rear spring rates. More anti-squat is a good solution to this problem . Photo by Michael Lutfy.
the diameter and/or swing-arm lengths of the front More Effective Rear Stabilizer Bar-Since we want
and/or rear stabilizer bars. In order for these to transfer some of the cornering load from the front
changes to have a significant effect on your car's outside tire to the rear outside tire , a more effective
handling, the frame stiffness must be good enough rear stabilizer bar will help . A less effective front
to transmit the load from the front of the car to the stabilizer bar will also help, but this will cause an
rear of the car. This requirement is called torsional increase in roll angle , which leads to more under
stiffness, which is discussed in Chapter 12. If you steer. This is obviously not the preferred option.
find little change in handling when you change sta Lower Rate Front Springs-Since the front springs
bilizer bars, the likely problem is inadequate tor contribute to the roll stiffness, and therefore, the
sional frame stiffness. amount of roll force the front tires absorb, a lower
rate front spring will result in less understeer. Many
people have trouble with this recommendation,
APPLICATIONS because they think a 400 lbs-in. spring will handle
All of the above information can be applied to any more load than a 300 lbs-in. spring. With our under
given car to determine how best to improve its han standing of tire characteristics and vertical loading,
dling and cornering speed. Because the application we know this is a false concept. Another option is to
of all of these elements can become complex, here increase the rear spring rate, which will also
are some examples of applying the information to a decrease understeer.
real car with real handling problems.
Corner Exit Oversteer
Corner Entry Understeer Another common complaint from race car drivers
A common complaint from race car drivers is, is, "The car oversteers at the exit of a turn. What
"The car understeers at the entrance of a turn. What can I do to improve this condition?"
can I do to improve this condition?" Experienced racers know that how well a race car
Before getting into the specific things that can be hooks up on turn exit is th e key to better lap times.
done to improve corner entry, it is best to try and The sooner the driver can get the throttle wide
analyze why a car wants to understeer on corner open, the faster the car will get around the track.
entry. When a car enters a corner, there is some Because of lateral weight transfer during cornering,
weight transfer from the rear of the car to the front the outside rear tire is the primary element in get
of the car. Even if the brakes aren't used, just back ting off a corner quickly.
ing off the throttle causes deceleration, which trans An analysis of why race cars want to oversteer on
fers weight forward. The transfer of weight forward corner exit might be a good way to find ways to
and the transferring of weight from the inside tires solve this problem. When a race car exits a corner
to the outside tires (due to the cornering loads) there is weight shifted from the front of the car to
causes an increase in the outside front tire loading. the rear of the car because of accel eration. Since
As shown by the tire curve in Chapter 1, increased there is also weight transfer from the inside tires to
tire loading causes a loss in tire cornering efficiency, the outside tires , the outside rear tire will see more
so the front-end of the car will have less cornering weight than it would und er static co nditions.
power than the rear-end of the car. Less cornering From the tire performance curve, you know that
power at the front causes understeer. Also, if the an increase in loading will cause a reduction in cor
driver uses the brakes on corner entry, some of the nering efficiency. And from the Circle of Traction
tire's total traction will be used to decelerate the car. concept, we know that if some of the rear tire's total
Since this leaves less traction for cornering, there traction capability is used to accelerate the car,
will be even less cornering power available and the there will be less availabl e for cornering loads. Both
car will want to understeer even more. of these effects result in less cornering power avail
From the above analysis, you can see that a car's able from the right rear tire, so the car will oversteer.
turn-in performance will improve if the weight on If you reduce the dynamic weight on the outside rear
the outside front tire is reduced during cornering. tire, it will improve its cornering efficiency, and
Here are some ways to reduce the load on the out there will be more rear cornering power, so the car
side front tire during cornering. will not oversteer as much during corner exit.
Ifyou have comer entry understeer and com er exit ooersteer, the best solution is to set the spring rates and stabilizer bars for neutral steer,
which is perfect cornering balanc e in the middle of the tum. Dialing in more anti-squat and more rear aerodynamic downforce will help
reduce corner exit oversteer. Photo by Michael Lutfy.
Here are some ways to reduce the load on the out the steady-state cornering condition, this will pro
side rear tire during cornering. vide the highest cornering speed. This is called neu
Less Effective Rear Stabilizer Bar-Since we want tral steer.
to reduce the load on the rear outside tire during If a car is set-up to have neutral steer in the middle
cornering, a less effective rear bar is needed. A of a corner, it will also be reasonably good for turn
more effective front bar, of course, will also help this in at the corner entrance. If we can improve the cor
condition. ner exit performance of a neutral steer car, the result
Higher Front or Lower Rear Spring Rates-Both of will be excellent handling. The following are some
these changes will have the same effect because suggestions to achieve this.
they will transmit more of the roll force to the front Anti-squat-From our knowledge of the anti-squat
outside tire away from the rear outside tire. feature of a rear suspension, we know that it will
increase the loading between the rear tires and the
Balance pavement during acceleration. Since we want to
The above indicates that what helps corner entry accelerate at the corner exit, this temporary
problems hurts corner exit problems and vice-versa. increase in vertical load will provide the outside rear
This is the balance problem most race car drivers tire with extra cornering power to give the car the
experience. A typical complaint is "The car under forward thrust without losing any of the cornering
steers on turn entry and oversteers on turn exit. power it needs to keep the car from oversteering.
What can I do to improve both conditions?" The application of anti-squat designs and adjust
This combination of problems results from the tire ments are the primary means of getting a neutral
loading changes that occur when a car goes from steer car to hook up and accelerate out of a corner.
turn entry to turn exit. We have found that the best Aerodynamic Downforce-Since aerodynamic
so lution is to set the spring and stabilizer bars for downforce can be used to increase the tire vertical
perfect cornering balance in the middle of the cor loads with the resulting increase in cornering loads,
ner. If the car has no understeer and no oversteer in balancing th e front-to-rear aerodynamic downforce
can also be used to tune a car's ~n d ers teer/over r ear tires to push o n the car with a forc e equal to
steer characteristics. More aerodynamic downforce one-half of the weight of the car.
at the rear of the car will increase the rear wheel Since g-forces give us a good way to measure race
loading and the cornering power of the rear tires. car performance (around corners as well as for
More cornering power at the rear reduces oversteer, acceleration and braking), it would be helpful if we
so this technique can also be used to help a car could measure them while the car was actually run
accelerate out of a corner. Obviously, the effects of ning. The aircraft industry has had devices to mea
aerodynamic downforce will not help much at low sure g-forces for many years. But, since their equip
speeds. ment is very expensive, not too many enthusiasts
have been able to use it. A less expensive means of
measuring and recording g-forces is provided by a
MEASURING G-FORCE device called the g-Analyst.
The forces acting on a car are measured in terms The g-Analyst provides a high degree of accuracy
of g-force . If a car is cornering at 1.0 g's, the tires are and versatility in a smail , rugged package.
providing a cornering force that is equal to the Automotive enthusiasts, and especially racers, can
weight of the car. If a car is accelerating forward at now measure and record the g-forces their car expe
.50 g's, the engine is providing enough force at the riences on the track (Figure 16-5).
The g-Analyst
The g-Analyst is basically a g-meter that is married
to a tape recorder. The g-meter measures the g
forces and the recorder provides an eight-minute
tape of these measurements. After recording the g
forces that your car experiences on the road or track,
you can playback th e data when the car is stopped.
The g-Analyst includes a small screen which can be
used to display the test results . These results can be
analyzed individually (lateral g's are cornering power
and fore-and-aft g's are acceleration and braking) or
together to show the Circle of Traction.
For a more detailed analysis , the g-Analyst can be
combined with a personal computer and a printer to
provide a data presentation as shown in Figure 16-14.
The g-Analyst is easy to install in any car that has
a 12-volt power supply (Figure 16-6). It is also easy
to calibrate and to operate, so most enthusiasts
should be comfortable using it.
Measuring Acceleration Forces--The g-Analyst
measures how well a car accelerates and records
that data in the form of g-forces. If a car has a .50 g
force applied at the rear wheels, it will accelerate at
a rate equal to one-half of the pull of gravity. In engi
neering terms this is described as:
Driving Force
g-Force =
The g of acceleration increases as the driving
force goes up and/or the weight goes down .
The force that causes the acceleration comes from
the engine and is applied to the car at the driving
wheels. Therefore, you need to know your car's
weight, peak torque, transmission and rear axle
ratios, and the rear tire radius. The following is an Figure 16-6. Mounting a g-Analyst in a car is fairly simple. The
example of how this power is transferred into an transducer must be mounted flat and in line with the car's center
accelerating force. Let's assume .our car has the fol line as described in the operation manual.
lowing specifications:
axle is more efficient than in a Ford 9-inch axle, but
Car Weight: 30001bs. there is the added loss of the transfer gears. Rear
Peak Engine Torque: 400Ibs-ft. axle overall efficiencies usually range from 90% to
Transmission Ratio: 1.31 95%. In addition to the losses experienced through
Rear Axle Ratio: 4.11 the drivetrain, the actual car acceleration rates will
Rear Tire Radius: 13.0 inches be less , because all the rotating components have
rotational inertia, which absorbs some of the power
If the peak engine torque is 400 lbs-ft. going into before it gets to the rear wheels.
the transmission, we will have 1.31 times this With a g-Analyst, you can compare the maximum
amount coming out of the transmission (400 x 1.31) g-forces during acceleration to determine if your
or 524Ibs-ft. With a 4.11 axle ratio, the torque at the engine is running up to par. When comparing data
rear wheels would be 2154 lbs-ft. (524 x 4.11) or from one event to the other, you will need to correct
25848 in-Ibs. At a static tire radius of 13.0 inches, the for transmission ratios, axle ratios and tire radii.
force applied by the tire to the pavement would be Because the g-Analyst records data every 1/10 of a
1988 lbs. This is the force that causes the car to second, it can also be used to measure your engine
accelerate. torque curve. Peak torque only occurs at one rpm
level, but because the g-Analyst measures continu
1988 ously, the g-forces it shows during acceleration are
g'5= directly related to the torque output from your
engine. It is possible for the driver to trigger the g
g'5 = .66 Analyst at any point during the acceleration to mark
the screen so you can read the g-forces at any spe
The above example assumes 100% efficiency for cific engine rpm (Figure 16-7).
the transmission, clutch, driveshaft and rear axle. In Measuring Braking Forces-Since the g-Analyst
the real world this is never the case. A transmission measures forces in all directions all the time, you
in high gear might be 99% efficient. In the interme can read the amount of braking forces your car expe
diate gears it might be only 97% efficient. Rear axle riences with the same data record you used to read
efficiency is dependent on the set-up and the type of the acceleration forces . The data from a g-Analyst
axle. The ring-and-pinion in a Quick Change rear can also be helpful in training a new driver because
Loads, 1,2,6-7, 114
Plates, shear, 85-86
suspension, 78
Plunge, 84
Lotus's , 91
Pontiac Trans Am, 19,37,60
Lower A-arm, 62
Positive camber, 3
Power-hop, 36
Midgets, 38
Mounts, 59
Rate , spring, 25-29
housing, 79-80
camber, 3, 13-14,42
steering and alignment, 63-64
offset, 55
steering on short tracks , 82
Rear shocks
Rear stabilizer bar & links, 83
negative, 55
Rear suspension, See also Front suspension;
zero, 55
Oversteer, 6, 20, 22
Satchell link, 70-71
balancing, 114-117
Rear suspension design, independent, 73-78
deflection, 21
advantages, 73
disadvantages , 73-74
geometry, 74-75
p types, 75-78
advantages, 60
Patch, tire, 3
alignment, 63-64
anti-squat, 64-67
Percent anti-dive, 52
brake hop, 67
Percent understeer, 52
disadvantages , 60-61
lower A-arm, 62
Scales, portable, 114
requirements, 61-67
Scrub radius , 41, 45-46
steering, 63-64
swing-arm length , 67
panels, 91
types, 67-72
plates, 85-86
Watt's linkage, 62
Shims, spring, 33
bushings, 84
rear with leaf springs, 36
control arms , 84
rubber insulators with, 34
differential, 83
Shock dampening curves, 34
drive axles, 84
Shocks, 25-36, 57-58, 75
knuckles , 84
mounting of, 68-69
Ride quality, 39
Snouts, front & rear, 95-96
Riverside Raceway, 60
Spherical bearings, 24
Rivnuts , 95
positioning a front, 101
angle, 13-18
workings of, 100-101
cage, 90
center height, 14
bushings, 69
oversteer, 63
leaves, 29, 67
steer, 62-64
stiffness, 15-16
lowering, 33-34
understeer, 63, 64
sag, 33
change, 48
Spring rates, 15,25-29, 116
Rotational inertia, 79
for oval tracks, 32
heavy unsprung weight of, 38
aerodynamic effects, 31
space requirements of, 39
front , 29-30
caster angle, 49
mounting, 29-30
roll center location, 48
rear leaf, 30
Suspension parts, deflection of, 3
and shocks, 75
Suspension system, springs & shocks, 25-36
variable-rate, 30
and brake hop, 67-68
Sprint cars, 38
diameter, 59
Testing and tuning of vehicle, 110-125
length, 15-16, 59
Tilton clutch, 108
mounts, 59
Tires 55
factors, 3
neutral, 118
performance curve, 2, 6
torque, 21-22
preload inside, 9-10
Steering angle, 21
survival, 114
beaming, 88
Tire characteristics, 1-5
torsional, 88
efficiency of, 2
Suspension, See also Front suspension; Rear sus loss of relative taction, 1-2
output, 1
vertical load, 1
trailing link, 40
reading tire temperatures, 113-114
change. 51
wheel alignment in, 110-112
Velocity, 107
rear, 21-22
load, 1,2,6-7
rear-wheel, 63-64
load factor, 36
Torque arm, 81
Volkswagens , 91
decoupling, 71-72
Beetles, 39, 40
Torsion, 86-87
Wedging, 12
front , 44-45
bias, 10
distribution and dynamics , 6-12
tire, 1-3
unsprung, 25-26
Tramp, 38-39
Wheels, 55-56
Wings, 101-102
Understeer, 6, 10-12,82
balancing, 114-117
deflection, 21
X-brace, 89-90, 93
Zerk fittings, 24
applications, 117-119
backspacing for, 55
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375 Hudson Street
JohnLingenfelter: Modifying Small-Block Chevy: 1-55788-238-X New York, NY 10014
Mustang 5.0 Projects: 1-55788-275-4