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Ecotoxicology (2007) 16:393402

DOI 10.1007/s10646-007-0134-4

Comparative toxicity of hydrophobic contaminants to microalgae

and higher plants
M. K. Chung R. Hu M. H. Wong K. C. Cheung

Accepted: 12 January 2007 / Published online: 14 April 2007

 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2007

Abstract To enable rapid and sensitive screening of encourage further studies involving wider types of vascular
phytotoxic compounds in terrestrial system, a 4 day solid- plants and more comparison with standard phytotoxicity
phase microalgal bioassay was developed. Three species of tests from different authorities using contaminated soils to
microalgae (Selenastrum capricornutum, Chlorococcum verify the effectiveness of the microalgal bioassay.
hypnosporum and Chlorococcum meneghini) were chosen
to investigate their responses to DDTs (DDT, DDD and Keywords DDTs  EC50  PAHs  Persistent Organic
DDE) and PAHs (naphthalene, phenanthrene and pyrene) Pollutants (POPs)  Inhibition  Toxic effects  Soil 
spiked sands. The bioassay results showed that PAHs and Ecotoxicology
DDTs were toxic to microalgae in a 4-day exposure tests
but not to seed germination of ryegrass (Lolium perenne).
Phenanthrene was the most phytotoxic. Among three Introduction
investigated endpoints, fluorescence emissions by micro-
algae were less sensitive than cell density (optical density Plants are particularly important components in ecosys-
OD650) and chlorophyll a concentration as endpoints. In tems since they are the primary food producers. Though
general, S. capricornutum was the most sensitive species microalgae can be barely seen by naked eye, they form an
for PAHs (EC50 for phenanthrene = 9.4 mg kg1), while C. important component of the soil ecosystem as they
meneghini for DDTs (EC50 for DDE = 20.0 mg kg1). comprise up to 27% of the total microbial biomass in the
Comparison of the microalgal tests with US EPA standard soil (McCann and Cullimore 1979). Since 1980s, phyto-
seed germination/root elongation test (using Lolium per- toxicity tests have been required by environmental legis-
enne) demonstrated the superior screening potential of lations and included as parts of the guidelines developed
phytotoxic hydrophobic compounds using the proposed by different authorities for environmental monitoring and
bioassay. Using OD650 as the endpoint, EC10 of selected assessment (European Chemicals Bureau 1992; US
microalgae for PAHs and DDTs were 0.4364.3 mg kg1 Environmental Protection Agency 1996b; Organization
and 0.67117 mg kg1 respectively, which were much for Economic Cooperation and Development 2002).
lower than the EC10 of L. perenne for both PAHs (94 Among the test species, microalgae are used as the sur-
187 mg kg1) and DDTs (113483 mg kg1). The results rogates for screening phytotoxic chemicals in aqueous
toxicity assays because they are generally more sensitive
than vascular plants (Benenati 1990; Juneau et al. 2003).
M. K. Chung  M. H. Wong  K. C. Cheung (&)
For example, sensitive species of microalgae were elim-
Croucher Institute for Environmental Sciences and Department
of Biology, Hong Kong Baptist University, Kowloon Tong, inated in medium (27 mg kg1 soil) and highly DDT
Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR, PR China contaminated soils (34 mg kg1 soil), suggesting that
e-mail: biochung@hkbu.edu.hk these organisms could be used as bioindicators of
pollution (Megharaj et al. 2000). Apart from sensitivity,
R. Hu
Institute of Hydrobiology and Aquatic Ecoscience, Jinan microalgae are generally easier to handle and less time
University, Guangzhou, P.R. China and labor intensive than testing with vascular plants.

394 M.K. Chung et al.

Furthermore, algal toxicity study is a short-term test and Substrate and vessel preparation
also a chronic sublethal test as it studies the effects of
toxicants with several generations of microalgae in a large Quartz sand with 0.180.5 mm in diameter as recom-
number. As a result, damages on cell division/reproduc- mended by Organization for Economic Cooperation and
tion could be assessed without a lengthy assay. In Development (OECD) (2003) was supplied by Fantasy
terrestrial system, seed germination/root elongation and Quartz Sand Supply Co. (Hong Kong) .The sand was wa-
early seedling growth tests are commonly used to assess shed with 10% HCl acid and Decon 90 detergent (Decon
phytotoxicities of chemicals or contaminated substrates. Laboratories Ltd., USA) and sterilized in an autoclave
However, seed germination/root elongation test could be (Tomy, SS-325). Glass Petri dishes with 9 cm in diameter
insensitive to hydrophobic chemicals such as PAHs were also cleaned with the standard procedures mentioned
(Mitchell et al. 1988; Sverdrup et al. 2003) while pro- above.
longed period of testing is required for early seedling
growth test (14 days to even months). Spiking of toxicants
To overcome the inherent limitations of these tests,
the present study aimed at developing a fast (4 days) and Spiking procedures were followed those described in Kim
sensitive solid-phase screening method. Microalgae were and Osako (2003). Sterilized sand was weighed to Erlen-
used as the screening organisms towards hydrophobic meyer flasks, mixed with chemical stocks to the designated
persistent toxic substances (PTS) including naphthalene, concentration (mg kg1 dry mass) and made up to a ratio of
phenanthrene, pyrene, DDT, DDD and DDE spiked 1:1.5 with reagent grade acetone (volume of acetone:
sands. PAHs and DDTs were selected because of their weight of sand). The flasks were wrapped with aluminium
abundance in the environment and their notorious char- foil and the mouths were wrapped with Kimwipes paper to
acteristics such as high persistency and bioaccumulative minimize contamination. They were allowed to evaporate
potential in food chains. Two commercially available at 25C until dry on an orbital shaker (Lab-Line Instrument
microalgal species, Selenastrum capricornutum and Inc., India) at 150 rpm. Four random spiked sand samples
Chlorococcum hypnosporum, along with one locally were analyzed to verify the spiking efficiency using soxhlet
isolated soil microalga Chlorococcum meneghini were extraction followed by quantification with GC-MS (Kong
chosen as test species for the study. Comparison with et al. 2005).
seed germination/root elongation test using Lolium per-
enne was also made to determine the feasibility of the Mass culture of microalgae
proposed microalgal solid-phase test as a screening
surrogate for higher plants. Axenic culture of freshwater unicellular green algae
S. capricornutum and C. hypnosporum were purchased
from Carolina Biological Supply Co. (USA) on a bacteria-
Materials and methods free Bristol agar slant. C. meneghini was isolated from a
local lateritic red soil (near Plover Cove reservoir, Hong
Preparation of BBM Kong). One mL of the stock culture was transferred asep-
tically to a 1000 mL Erlenmeyer flask with 500 mL ster-
Modified Bolds Basic Medium (BBM) (Metting 1994) iled modified BBM medium. Aeration and mixing were
with addition of vitamins B1 and B12 was used for cul- provided with a 0.2 lm syringe filtered (Nalgene) air at
turing the microalgae. The medium was adjusted to pH 6.5 1520 mL min1 air flow rate. The flask was incubated
before sterilization in an autoclave (Tomy SS-325) at under illumination with cool white fluorescent lamps at a
121C for 15 min. light intensity of 47.3 lmol m2 s1 in a temperature con-
trolled room (22 1C). The light/dark cycle was set to
Preparation of chemical stocks 16/8 h. Cultures at the middle of the exponentially growth
phase were harvested by centrifugating at 3,300 rpm
Naphthalene (99%), pyrene (98%), DDT (98%), DDD (Beckman Allegra 6R) at 20C for 5 min in sterile 50 mL
(97%) and DDE (99%) were purchased from Aldich centrifuge tubes. The filtrate was decanted and the cell
Chemical Co. (Germany), and phenanthrene (96%) was residues were washed twice with fresh modified BBM
obtained from Sigma Chemical Co. (Germany). Stocks of medium and then resuspended and counted using a haem-
PAHs and DDTs dissolved in reagent grade acetone (Tedia, ocytometer (Neybauer, Germany). All the cell counting
Co., USA) were wrapped with aluminium foil and stored was based on the average of two separate counts of each
at 4C to minimize photodegradation and loss from sample at 400 under a light microscope (Olympus,
evaporation. CH30).

Comparative toxicity of hydrophobic contaminants 395

Experimental setup and incubation conditions for solid- microalgae were concentrated to 0.5 mL in 1.5 mL ep-
phase algal test pendrof tube and then pipetted to the algae cuvette (Opti-
Science, FL-AC) and dark-adapt for 15 min at 25C, which
The experimental design for the solid-phase microalgal is the time needed to reduce the fluorescence level (mini-
toxicity test was based on Nyholm (1989) and a number of mum fluorescence yield, Fo) to constant. Fo, Fm (maximal
standard guidelines (American Society for Testing and fluorescence), and Fv/Fm (variable fluorescence to maximal
Materials 1991; European Chemicals Bureau 1992; US fluorescence ratio) were measured using a Pulse-amplitude-
Environmental Protection Agency 1996b). Moreno-Garrido modulated (PAM) chlorophyll fluorometer (Opti-Science,
et al. (2000) demonstrated that the initial concentration of OS1-FL) with a saturating pulse of ~15,000 lE for 0.8 s.
algal species has strong effect on the toxicity endpoints Reduced pastoquinone pool (Fv/2) was calculated using the
under the concept of cellular toxic quote (amount of toxic formula Fv = Fm Fo.
per cell). Therefore, extensive preliminary trials were made
and an initial concentration of 5 105 cells g1 dry sand Cell density
with incubation for 4 days were found to be optimum for
the purpose of rapid screening. The absorbance value has been employed as a surrogate of
Twenty g of dry sand was added to the glass Petri dishes direct cell counting (Schrader et al. 1998; Hyenstrand et al.
with a total volume of 7 mL modified BBM medium 2000). Graphical plot of algal cell density against wave-
(100% Water Holding Capacity (WHC) (Swift and Bignell, length of 650 nm (A650) with a UV/VIS spectrophotometer
2002) of dry sand plus 1 mL of medium). The sand was (PerkinElmer, Lambda 35) for the investigated species was
mixed carefully and smoothed with a sterilized metal shown to be highly correlated (Fig. 1). Thus the algal
spoon. There were four replicates for each concentration of suspensions were pipetted to 1.5 mL plastic cuvettes
toxicant. The dishes were arranged under a randomized (Plastibran), and the cell density was measured by spec-
block design in a temperature controlled room (25 1C) trophotometry. Deionized water and control extracts at
and illuminated with cool white fluorescent lamps at light corresponding spiked concentrations were used as blank
intensity of 47.3 lmol m2 s1 for 4 days. The light/dark and signal correction respectively.
cycle was set to 16/8 h.
Organic solvents such as acetone and ethanol had del- Chlorophyll a concentration
eterious effects on the organisms (ElJay 1996). Therefore
solvent controls were setup and compared with control. In Algal suspensions were transferred to eppendrofs and
addition, controls without microalgae were prepared for centrifuged at 9,000 rpm (Eppendorf 5417C) for 5 min.
each concentration to provide reference values for signal Supernatant was discarded without disturbing the algal
correction for any potential interferences during measure- pellet, and washed sand was added carefully together
ment. with reagent grade acetone (Tedia Co.). The samples
were drilled in dim light, and stored in dark at 4C
Endpoints measurements in solid-phase microalgal test for 2 days. Extracts were measured for chlorophyll a

To study the effects of PAHs and DDTs on different

Algal cell density vs A 650
microalgal species, three different endpoints (fluorescence
values, algal optical density (OD650) and chlorophyll a Selenastrum capricornutum
Chlorococcum hypnosporum
concentration) were measured to reflect the physiological
Cell density (10 cells/ml)

Chlorococcum meneghini

and biochemical responses. 4000


Fluorescence values

At the end of the 4th day, sand in Petri dishes was rinsed 1000

into 50 mL centrifuge tubes with 15 mL of deionized water 0

and mixed briefly. Supernatants with algal suspension were
transferred to another 15 mL centrifuge tube and subjected 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5

to centrifugation at 3300 rpm (Beckman Allegra 6R) for A 650

5 min. The clear supernatants were discarded and another

Fig. 1 Relationship between cell density ( 104 cells mL1) and
15 mL of deionized water was added to the parent 50 mL
absorbance at 650 nm (A650) of three different microalgae. R2 for
centrifuge tubes containing sand and algal residue. The S. capricornutum, C. hypnosporum and C. meneghini were at 0.996,
above extraction procedures were repeated twice. Extracted 0.992 and 0.995 respectively

396 M.K. Chung et al.

concentration according to US EPA method 446 (Eliza- multiple roots were observed, only the longest one was
beth 1997). The final concentration was expressed as measured. Measurement was done with an electronic dig-
mg kg1 of dry sand. ital caliper (Aerospace Co., China) by first carefully
straighten the root.
Experimental setup and growth conditions for seed
germination/root elongation test Range finding test

Untreated seed of Lolium perenne purchased from Herbi- Concentration ranges used in definitive tests were in
seed Co., England were surface sterilized by shaking with accordance with the results of the range finding tests as
1% active HOCl (Chlorox) for 30 s and rinsed thoroughly presented in Table 1 for microalgal bioassay. Maximum
with deionized water before use. The experimental design concentration was set to 1,000 mg kg1 of spiked toxicants
for seed germination/root elongation test was based on US even less than 50% of inhibition to the endpoints was
EPA guideline (US Environmental Protection Agency found.
1996a) with some modifications as described by Folsom
and Price (1991). For fast screening purpose, 5 days were Calculation of effective concentrations and statistical
chosen for the test. analyses
About 20 g of dry quartz sand was added to the glass
Petri dishes with a total volume of 6.5 mL deionized water Effective concentration (ECx) represents the concentration
(100% WHC of dry sand plus 0.5 mL of deinoized water). of toxicant that results in a X% reduction of endpoint rel-
For each dish, 10 seeds of similar size with no observable ative to control at a given duration of time. EC50 and EC10
damage were pushed gently into the sand with a depth not were calculated to study the concentration of each toxicant
exceeding 2 times of the seed diameter and were subse- for a 50% and 10% inhibition of corresponding endpoints.
quently smoothed with a metal spoon. There were four Calculations of EC50 and EC10 were done by using Linear
replicates for each concentration. The dishes were covered, Interpolation (ICp) Method (Norberg King 1993) with the
wrapped with aluminium foil and arranged under a ran- software provided by US EPA (ICp method program,
domized block design in a temperature-controlled green- version 2.0). Probit analysis was used to calculate the EC
house (25 2C) for 5 days. Controls and solvent controls values for seed germination test (EPA probit analysis
were also prepared and the germination rates in both con- program, version 1.5). Dose-response curves were plotted
trols were greater than 80%. using SigmaPlot graphic software (version 8.0, Systat
Software Inc.).
Endpoints measurement for seed germination/root
elongation test
Results and discussion
Seed germination rate and root length were selected as
endpoints to reflect the growth and health status of the For all tests, solvent controls were found to have no sig-
seed. The definition of germination varies among different nificant difference when compared with controls
studies (3 to 4 mm) (US Food and Drugs Administration (P < 0.01). The recoveries of spiked toxicants were >90%
1987; US Environmental Protection Agency 1996a). Nev- on average. The general trends observed in dose-response
ertheless, seed was only regarded as germinated when curves from three selected microalgae were similar and
having root length greater or equal than 3 mm, as a balance thus only the curves for S. capricornutum are presented.
between sensitivity and fault counting. Only seed defined EC50 and EC10 of all three species are presented in the
as germinated was measured for root length. When Table 2, 3, 4.

Table 1 Toxicant concentration ranges (mg kg1 dry mass) for each corresponding microalgae used in definite test
S. capricornutum C. hypnosporum C. meneghini

Naphthalene 1, 10, 100, 500, 700, 1000 50, 100, 300, 500, 700, 1000 50, 100, 300, 500, 700, 1000
Phenanthrene 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500 10, 50, 100, 250, 300, 500 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500
Pyrene 1, 5, 10, 100, 300, 500 50, 100, 300, 500, 700, 1000 50, 100, 300, 500, 700, 1000
DDT 1, 10, 50, 100, 250, 500 50, 100, 300, 500, 700, 1000 10, 50, 100, 300, 500, 700
DDD 1, 10, 50, 100, 250, 500 50, 100, 300, 500, 700, 1000 50, 100, 300, 500, 700, 1000
DDE 1, 10, 100, 500, 700, 1000 50, 100, 300, 500, 700, 1000 0.1, 1, 5, 10, 100, 300

Comparative toxicity of hydrophobic contaminants 397

Table 2 EC50 and EC10 values with 95% confidence interval (mg kg1) of six different toxicants for three different algal species using
fluorescence parameter Fv/Fm as the measurement endpoint after incubation for 4 days (N = 4)
S. capricornutum C. hypnosporum C. meneghini

Naphthalene EC50 >1000 >1000 >1000

EC10 41.80 (0.71556.1) 196 (89.17360.00) >1000
Phenanthrene EC50 >500 >500 >500
EC10 46.95 (2.49437.3) 9.27 (8.3515.71) 7.52 (3.8320.93)
Pyrene EC50 >500 >1000 >1000
EC10 89.00 (0.96413.8) 66.92 (49.86150) >1000
DDT EC50 >500 >1000 >700
EC10 30.70 (4.9756.95) >1000 77.5 (33.75157.22)
DDD EC50 >500 >1000 >700
EC10 6.48 (0.5257.47) >1000 35.35 (28.0149.49)
DDE EC50 >1000 >1000 >300
EC10 7.62 (1.9578.33) 47.28 (44.3254.17) 0.21 (0.071.01)

Table 3 EC50 and EC10 values with 95% confidence interval (mg kg1) of 6 different toxicants for three different algal species using OD650 as
the measurement endpoint after incubation for 4 days (N = 4)
S. capricornutum C. hypnosporum C. meneghini

Naphthalene EC50 419.27 (366.58470.47) 473.88 (460.72488.84) 529.78 (494.91556.94)

EC10 7.26 (3.3556.88) 64.23 (42.9783.48) 25.79 (20.8935.09)
Phenanthrene EC50 9.39 (7.3632.32) 147.92 (127.59253.71) 29.28 (20.6538.01)
EC10 0.43 (0.330.63) 2.98 (2.833.14) 1.42 (0.673.81)
Pyrene EC50 376.91 (331.46430.7) 349.96 (284.17400.22) 364.48 (252.75595.29)
EC10 0.63 (0.540.76) 35.62 (31.6140.86) 18.82 (14.3828.91)
DDT EC50 236.71 (215.06276.43) 172.44 (135.41196.98) 66.80 (45.9179.80)
EC10 0.79 (0.523.83) 19.03 (14.9626.24) 2.91 (2.363.97)
DDD EC50 327.22 (292.23366.40) 456.52 (444.77466.48) 178.60 (138.01256.45)
EC10 0.77 (0.621.10) 117.93 (109.82125.62) 12.98 (11.4715.23)
DDE EC50 521.90 (379.15575.74) 256.83 (246.87246.06) 19.99 (9.9834.75)
EC10 0.67 (0.491.47) 48.13 (41.6654.72) 1.14 (0.801.73)

Table 4 EC50 and EC10 values with 95% confidence interval (mg kg1) of 6 different toxicants for three different algal species using chlorophyll
a content as the measurement endpoint after incubation for 4 days (N = 4)
S. capricornutum C. hypnosporum C. meneghini

Naphthalene EC50 724.77 (672.78760.69) 422.96 (403.39439.07) 464.22 (454.43474.62)

EC10 70.00 (17.0398.11) 84.00 (84.4688.74) 141.63 (112.55165.32)
Phenanthrene EC50 6.54 (4.918.02) 282.97 (85.59290.01) 8.90 (8.579.27)
EC10 0.59 (0.381.44) 3.07 (2.933.81) 2.35 (2.142.53)
Pyrene EC50 >500 626.08 (178.91711.67) 944.52 (900.86999.77)
EC10 0.82 (0.512.76) 26.2 (27.9130.62) 34.87 (28.3645.60)
DDT EC50 202.56 (127.79379.45) 659.52 (553.57823.08) 54.34 (48.5160.79)
EC10 3.01 (0.825.87) 3.86 (26.8539.21) 2.63 (2.562.70)
DDD EC50 246.01 (200.69492.00) 511.11 (440.65607.79) 149.71 (109.84179.02)
EC10 5.32 (0.7922.57) 56.90 (56.0257.76) 14.27 (13.3815.32)
DDE EC50 >1000 704.06 (688.89724.19) 8.83 (8.429.29)
EC10 26.68 (0.84523.03) 74.82 (71.6778.24) 2.08 (1.922.23)

398 M.K. Chung et al.

140 120
130 Naphthalene Phenanthrene
100 90
60 60
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Fluorescence parameters (% of control)

130 140
120 120 DDT


80 60

70 40
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 100 200 300 400 500 600

160 160
140 140

120 120

100 100

80 80

60 60

40 40
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200

Toxicant concentrations (mg/kg)

Fig. 2 Dose response relationship showing the effects of six different toxicants (naphthalene, phenanthrene, pyrene, DDT, DDD and DDE) on
fluorescence parameters [Fo (), Fm (.), Fv/Fm (r) and Fv/2 ( d)] of S. capricornutum after incubation for 4 days

Influences on photosynthetic potential trends in Fig. 2. S. capricornutum and C. meneghini were

more sensitive to DDTs in a broad sense (EC10: 7.62
Fo is an re-emission from the excited chlorophylls in PS II 30.7 mg kg1 and 0.2177.5 mg kg1 respectively) while C.
antenna (Maxwell and Johnson 2000) and a general hypnosporum to PAHs (EC10: 9.27196 mg kg1) (Table 2).
increasing trend was observed for Fo as a function of toxicant Treatments with PAHs and DDTs had negative im-
concentrations (Fig. 2). There were sharp increases initially pacts on Fm, Fv/Fm and Fv with gradual reduction trends
and then plateaus were observed for Fo. The above results (Fig. 2). Fv/Fm represents the quantum efficiency of open
clearly demonstrated that the efficiency of energy transfer PS II centre, which is a proxy measurement of photo-
from light harvesting protein to PS II were reduced under the synthesis efficiency and describes the potential yield of
influence of PAHs and DDTs, but such stress was rather the photochemical reaction (Maxwell and Johnson 2000).
constant along the concentrations, which is also true for Fv/ It has been observed that DDT interacted with photo-
Fm. It has been reported that the inhibition of electron synthetic electron transport chain in vascular plants at 2
transport system by DDT can be attributed to their interac- sitesin the oxidizing side of PS II and in the interme-
tion to the proteinaceous component of the thylakoid mem- diate of electron transport chain (Akbar and Rogers
brane (Moreland and Novitzky 1984). The binding of DDT 1985), and it could also be the cause of reduction in
was estimated to be 900 molecules per photosynthetic unit fluorescence parameters in microalgae. An increase on Fo
(490 chlorophyll molecules). Thus the slow changes of and a decline on Fv/Fm were commonly used to indicate
fluorescent parameters observed after 200 mg kg1 of spiked the incident of inhibitory effects on vascular plants in
DDT could be caused by the saturation of binding sites on the response to environmental stresses (Groom and Baker
thylakoid membrane, and higher concentration of DDT 1992; Epron et al. 1995) which could be applied on
could only further increase the turn over rate of the saturated microalgae. The results presented were in line with other
sites. The above mechanism is also suspected to be appli- similar studies, which demonstrated the inhibition of
cable to the rest of the toxicants as they exhibited similar photosynthetic system by DDTs in microalgae (Powers

Comparative toxicity of hydrophobic contaminants 399

et al. 1979; Samson and Popovic 1988). The use of For S. capricornutum, the inhibitory trends for cell density
fluorescence parameters to detect PAHs toxicities has were similar to those of chlorophyll a concentration except
also been reported in vascular plant (Gensemer et al. for pyrene and DDE. This general finding was also ob-
1999). served for C. hypnosporum and C. meneghini. The trends
In general, the sensitivity of these parameters was in the for pyrene and DDE were characterized by a strong de-
hierarchy of Fm > Fv/2 > Fv/Fm > Fo. Of the four fluo- crease of cell density but not the chlorophyll a content to
rescence parameters, Fv/Fm was used for comparison only an increase of toxicant concentrations. It is assumed that
owning to its relationship with photosynthetic potential. chlorophyll synthesis is a major objective in photoauto-
The EC50 and EC10 values of Fv/Fm are presented in trophic organisms in absence of cell division (Hagen et al.
Table 2. The order of chemical toxicities for S. capricor- 2001) and a decrease of chlorophyll content per unit of
nutum, C. hypnosporum and C. meneghini was: plant material does not necessarily mean inhibition of
growth (Verdisson et al. 2001). DiEguez-Rojo and Gon-
DDD > DDE > DDT > naphthalene > phenan-
zAlez (2003) observed that chlorophyll content increased
threne > pyrene
per cell while the cell density decreased for the unicellular
Phenanthrene > DDE > pyrene > naphthalene > DDT,
green alga Tetraselmis suecica under the effects of BOA
(2-benzoxazolinone) when compared with control. Souku-
DDE > phenanthrene > DDD > DDT > naphthalene,
pova et al. (1999) also demonstrated that microalgae could
acclimate the sub-lethal concentration of toxicant such as
respectively. DCMU (3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea). Micro-
algae can alleviate the inhibitory effects on photosynthetic
Effects on cell growth and chlorophyll a concentration system by increasing the amount of photosynthetic antenna
that drives more excitation to the remaining functional
The inhibitory effects of PAHs and DDTs on cell growth reaction centers of PS II. Though in our study, chlorophyll
and chlorophyll a concentrations are illustrated in Fig. 3. a per algal cell was not measured, the rather constant total

Fig. 3 Dose response 120 120

Naphthalene Phenanthrene
relationship showing the effects 100
of 6 different toxicants 100

(naphthalene, phenanthrene, 80
pyrene, DDT, DDD and DDE) 60
on cell density (OD650) (m) and 60
chlorophyll a content (d) of S. 40
Cell Density (OD650) and chlorophyll a content (mg/kg) (% of control)

capricornutum after incubation 20

for 4 days
0 20
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 100 200 300 400 500 600

110 110
100 Pyrene 100 DDT

90 90
80 80
70 70
60 60
50 50
40 40
30 30
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 100 200 300 400 500 600

110 120
70 60
30 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200

Toxicant concentrations (mg/kg)

400 M.K. Chung et al.

chlorophyll a concentration recorded (chlorophyll a con- Sensitivity of solid-phase microalgae test with different
tent per cell cell density) for pyrene and DDE (Fig. 3) endpoints
revealed the algal acclimation occurred for these two
compounds. In general, inhibition of cell density and Inhibitory effects of PAHs and DDTs on cell density and
chlorophyll a content ranged from 70 to 90% within the chlorophyll a concentration were more prominent than
tested ranges (Fig. 3). For endpoint OD650 (Table 3), the fluorescence parameters. In general, EC50 values of fluo-
toxicity of phenanthrene was more prominent than the rest rescence were greater than the rest of the parameters for all
of the toxicants to S. capricornutum (EC50: 9.39 mg kg1) algal species (Tables 24). EC50 values of cell density and
and C. hypnosporum (EC50: 147.92 mg kg1), but this did chlorophyll a content ranged from 9.59 to 530 mg kg1 and
not hold true for C. meneghini, as it showed lower EC50 6.54 to >1000 mg kg1 respectively (Table 3 and 4). Al-
towards DDE (20 mg kg1). Similar results can also be though the responses of microalgae varied among param-
found in Table 4. eters and species, cell density (OD650) and chlorophyll a
The assessment of phytotoxic nature of DDTs in terms concentration were the more sensitive parameters (EC50
of cell density was documented (Megharaj et al. 2000). c.a. 500 mg kg1). It might be due to the different sus-
Zbigniew (1987) found that treatment of various con- ceptibility of biochemical processes in microalgae, where
centrations of PAHs to Scenedesmus quadricauda de- the sites of actions were possibly not chiefly on the pho-
creased the cell density and chlorophyll a content tosynthetic system but on other biochemical reactions
significantly. Gaur (1988) demonstrated that naphthalene (Djomo et al. 2004).
caused a reduction in cell density of S. capricornutum.
Inhibitory effects of pesticides (atrazine and nicosulfuron, Preliminary study of the screening potential by solid-
lindane, pentachlorophenol, isoproturon and methyl para- phase microalgal test
thion) to algae were also revealed (Seguin et al. 2001;
Mostafa and Helling 2002). In addition, metabolite of The first step of developing a screening method by mic-
DDT (DDE) also inhibited algal growth (Powers et al. roalgae is to simulate certain mechanism of actions of
1979). The results presented were in agreement with these toxicants in terrestrial system without severe interferences
studies. from unwanted substances which may mask the responses
EC50 and EC10 values calculated as a reduction on cell of microalgae. The microalgal bioassay presented in this
density and chlorophyll a content are listed in Table 3 and paper is aimed to mimic the situations in soils by using
4. In accordance with EC50, the toxicity orders of toxic quartz sand as the substrate and has considered certain
chemicals for S. capricornutum, C. hypnosporum and unique modes of actions in terrestrial system. It is
C. meneghini were: hypothesized that the toxicants coated on the sand exerted
Cell density (OD650): their actions to microalgae via both indirect and direct
pathways. For the indirect pathway, the coated toxicants
Phenanthrene > DDT > DDD > pyrene > naphtha-
are desorbed from the sand to the ambient solution, and
lene > DDE
become freely available to the testing species though their
Phenanthrene > DDT > DDE > pyrene > DDD > naph-
solubility are low (Log Kow > 3). They can be absorbed or
adsorbed by microalgae and subsequently enter the cell by
DDE > phenanthrene > DDT > DDD > pyrene > naph-
diffusion or other means. For the direct pathway, the
microalgae are in direct contact with the coated toxicants
respectively. and mass transfer of toxicants to cell surface occurs. To
Chlorophyll a level: assess the screening potential of phytotoxic hydrophobic
compounds by the 4-day solid-phase microalgal assay, the
Phenanthrene > DDT > DDD > naphthalene > DDE,
results from the microalgal assays (Table 24) were com-
Pyrene (Pyrene was out of maximum tested concentra-
pared with those obtained in 5 day seed germination/root
tion range but was smaller than the EC50 for DDE )
elongation test (Table 5). Most of the EC50 values were
Phenanthrene > naphthalene > DDD > py-
greater than 1,000 mg kg1 for L. perenne for different
rene > DDT > DDE
endpoints (seed germination rate and root length). Con-
DDE phenanthrene > DDT > DDD > naphtha-
cerning the EC10, it ranged from 94 to 483 mg kg1 of
lene > pyrene
toxicants for using root length as an endpoint, which was
respectively. The responses of C. meneghini to DDE still far less sensitive than the EC10 values calculated
differed significantly when compared with S. capricornu- from microalgal bioassays. The data suggested that a ger-
tum and C. hypnosporum, which was very sensitive to DDE mination study alone of the grass would not be enough to
contamination. screen phytotoxic chemicals, which is also in line with the

Comparative toxicity of hydrophobic contaminants 401

Table 5 EC50 and EC10 values with 95% confidence interval commonly used in phytoremediation, and with different
(mg kg1) of six different toxicants for L. perenne using germination types of contaminated soils, should be conducted in the
rate and root length as the measurement endpoint after growing for
future in order to verify the screening potential of the
5 days (N = 4)
bioassay presented here.
Seed germination Root length
Acknowledgments The authors acknowledge the financial support
Naphthalene EC50 >1000 >1000 from the Strategic Research Fund from the Science Faculty, HKBU
EC10 >1000 154.93a and technical assistance from Mr. W.C. Li. This study was supported
Phenanthrene EC50 >1000 >1000 by the Area of Excellence (AoE) Scheme under the University
EC10 >1000 94.68a Grants Committee of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Pyrene EC50 >1000 >1000
EC10 >1000 187.69a
DDT EC50 >1000 >1000 References
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