Grade Staking Brochure
Grade Staking Brochure
Grade Staking Brochure
Staking for
The cost of the workshop will be $300 per student. computer projector
How to set up a bench mark to work off of which gives a per- Workshop Instructor
manent point of beginning
John Lovato has worked in construction for nearly 40 years, and
How to read grade stakes
hes been providing heavy equipment and safety training for the
Explanation of stations on the road right of way Michigan Tech TTAP since 1996.
Determining the center line of road, center line of ditch, cut, fill,
How to Request Workshop
offset in the ditch line, etc
To request this training workshop for your agency, visit us online
Stations - where to start your job, and where to finish
at <>,
How to read grade stakes send an email to <>, or give us a call at 1-888-
How to read slope stakes 230-0688.
Tribal Technical Assistance Program
Michigan Technological University
1400 Townsend Drive
Houghton, MI 49931-1295
(906) 487-3475 or 888-230-0688
Fax (906) 487-1834
Tribal Technical
Assistance Program