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Doctor Bugs ‘Most people don't like bugs, but Doctor Mark Moffet loves: them! In fact, his nickname is Doctor Bugs. He's a photographer and an entomologist. An entomologist studies bugs. Doctor Moffeit’s favorite bug is the ant. He goes all over the world to study ants. He watches them as they eat, work, rest, sleep, and fight. He takes photographs of the ants. He lies on the ground with his camera and waits for the right moment. The ants and other bugs often bite him, but that doesntt stop Doctor Bugs. He has an interesting and unusual job, and he loves it! 4 Circle the correct form of the verb to complete each sentence. 1. Doctor Mott love ((eue) his jo (2. He study / studies ants. 3. salesperson sell/ sells products fo a company 4. You and Anita work / works on weekends. 5. Nurses help / helps people. 6. We write /wetes science books 7. Our office close / closes at 7:00 p.m. 8. She take / takes classes at the business school. 8. You walk / walks to work every day 10, Tstart/ starts work at 00 am, every morning 6 Complete each sentence with the correct form of the verb in parentheses. 1, Azookeeper ___feed@ _ (feed) animals. 2. Computer programmers —____ (write) software. 3. Photographers ___(take) photos. 4, Achef____ (cook) food. 5. Afirefighter____ (ight) fires. 6. Musicians 7. A farmer ____ (work) on a farm. 8. Adancer______ (dance).-25, of -ies ending, 1, study __Studies _ 8. help, 2. fish 9. miss. 3. pass —____ 10. fly 4. worry 11 fe 5. explore 12. watch. 6. bite____ 13. Tike 7 buy 14. pay 8 Complete the paragraphs wih the correc form ofthe verbs in parentheses, Manuel and Lita Vega Manuel and Lila Vega (1) have _ (have). busy lifestyle: Manuel sa doctor sta hospital, He works at night, 0 he @) _ (go) 10 work at 7.00 pan. and ‘00am, His wife Lila works ata bank, She (3) ____ (go) to work st $00... and comes home st 00 pam, They doit see each other fot during the week. Manuel and Lila also (4) _______thave) wo children, Luis and Carla. Brery ‘morning they all 6)___ (hav) breakfast together at 730. Then, Luis and Carla (© —__ 6) to school, and Lila @) (go) to work, Manuel (@ ______ ote dishes, and then (9) ______ (go) to bed Carla ‘wsually (1) ___o) her homework at friends house in the afternoon, and Luis (11) _ (have) soccer practice. Manuel gets up at 4:00 pam, At 6:00 pam, he (12) ______ (have) dinner with Lila, Luis, and Carla After dinner, he (3) _______(g0) to work, Manuel and Lila (1) —_____thave) busy schedule during the week, but on weekends they relax. ‘comes home STE Baie4 Circle doesn’t or don’tto complete each sentence. 1. An astronaut on the Intemational Space Station cau} don't have a tof re ime 2. Astronauts doesn't / don't work all day on Saturday 3. Anastronaut doesn’t / don’t have she same schedule every day. 4. We doesn't / don't work on weekends, 5. [doesn't / don't work in an office. 6. Myolfice doesn't don’t have a window. 7. She doesn't / don't travel for r job, 8. You doesn't / don’t have a busy scredule. 5 Change each affirmative statement to a negative statement. 1. My brother has a job. My brother doesn't have a job. 2. Idrive to work. 3. Pilots fix planes. 4. Our teacher does homework. 5. Igo to the gym in the morning. 6. We have class on Sunday. 7. You teach biology. 8. We have an exam on Saturday night.
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