Showcase: Bridger Valley Pioneer
Showcase: Bridger Valley Pioneer
Showcase: Bridger Valley Pioneer
March 31, 2017
Showcase 2017
Reliable Electric Bridger Valley Electric lights the lights in the Valley
since 1938
Serving the communities of
Bridger Valley,Granger, McKinnon,
Eden-Farson, Dutch John,
Manila and Bear River
By VIRGINIA GIORGIS at Urie, but Mountain Fuel to the fold. The early history
Pioneer Editor refused to bring the gas line of the cooperative shows to the proposed site so it was there were many challenges
constructed just outside the to providing energy to ru-
On May 21, 1936, Con- incorporated limits of the ral western Wyoming and
gress passed the Rural Elec- Town of Lyman where the northeastern Utah. Through
BRIDGER trification Act, and Bridger
Valley Electric had been
gas company already had a
line. By late 1940 lines had
dedication and persever-
ance, each challenge was
VALLEY a fixture in Bridger Valley been extended and so many successfully overcome and
ELECTRIC since the late 1930s.
Bridger Valley Electric
homes and businesses con-
nected that the old Union
the members of BVEA today
enjoy tremendous benefits
ASSOCIATION incorporating in 1938, with power station and the new by having dependable elec-
the first board meeting on BVEA power station were tricity available to meet their
Nov. 3, 1938. BVEA has been not capable of supplying all needs.
a main stay of the Valley the electricity needed. After A growing project for
ever since and expanded its the demand again exceeded BVEA is Operation Round-
BRIDGER VALLEY EXTREME ACCESS service area well beyond the
Valleys borders.
the co-ops generation ca-
pability, a representative
Up which is a program in
which BVEA members can
Fast Internet for all our members, One of the earliest actions from Utah Power and Light round up their bills and do-
the Board took was to ap- came to a board meeting nate the change to this chari-
no matter where they live prove a loan from the REA and offered to sell wholesale table foundation. The funds
in the amount of $108,000. power to the cooperative. are used to help individuals
Those funds were to be The board asked REA for or charitable organizations
used to purchase the genera- advice, and the REA told in need. BVEA customers
tion plant owned by Union them to buy more genera- are urged to participate in
Light and Power Company, tors. Expansion continued this program.To participate,
(307) 786-2800 to construct new lines, and at a rapid pace. Lines were please check the box on your
to build a larger generation exteded and Granger, Lone- next statement. For more
P.O. Box 399, Mountain View, Wyoming 82939 station. The board wanted to tree, McKinnon, Manila and information, contact Bridger
build the new power station rural Kemmerer were added Valley Electric.
Its our pleasure to serve you. Find been to ensure that electrical
convenient ser vices and energy infrastructure projects are
solutions at completed on time to provide
for the needs of customers,
including new, expanding
and existing businesses and
Showcase 2017
Story Ideas?
Your opinion is something we always want to hear.
Contact us online or e-mail us with your ideas.
Showcase 2017
Asking More
More commitment to sustainability providing our customers
with innovative and competitive solutions for a sustainable
chemistry that reduces greenhouse gas emissions and leads
to a healthy planet and healthy lifestyles.
Showcase 2017
79 years in Bridger Valley, and counting
Your last stop on the way to Flaming Gorge or the High Uintas
Custom Meat Shop
Fresh Bakery
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Fishing & Hunting Licenses
Camping Gear
RV Supplies & Antifreeze
Specialty Groceries
Fresh Produce
Full Service Lumber &
Farm & Ranch Supplies
Fishing & Hunting Gear
Special-Order Firearms