Cont Ethic 03
Cont Ethic 03
Cont Ethic 03
PHLU 4913
Course packet
1. Syllabus
2. Handouts
3. Sartre, “Existentialism is a Humanism,” from Existentialism and Humanism
4. Thomas Anderson, Sartre’s Two Ethics, chapter 4.
5. W. D. Ross, The Right and the Good, chapter 2.
6. Bernard Williams, “Critique of Utilitarianism,” in Utilitarianism: For and Against, Part II.
7. Bernard Williams, “Persons, Character, and Morality,” Moral Luck, chapter 1.
8. John Rawls, A Theory of Justice, chapter 1, chapter 2 §§10-17, and chapter 4 §40.
9. Christine Korsgaard’s “The Authority of Reflection” in The Sources of Normativity
10. Derek Parfit, Reasons and Persons, chapters 1, 2, and 4.
11. Joel Feinberg, “Psychological Egoism,” from Ethics, ed. Cahn and Markie.
12. Michael Stocker, “The Schizophrenia of Modern Ethical Theories,” from Virtue Ethics,
ed. Crisp and Slote.
13. Michael Sandel, Liberalism and the Limits of Justice, chapter 1 (selections).
14. Alasdair MacIntyre, After Virtue, 2nd ed., chapters 14 - 15.
Contemporary Ethical Theory
Office Hours at LC: Mondays 2 - 4 PM. Thursdays I’m at RH, Tuesdays/Fridays home with kids.
1. the utilitarians who focus on the results or consequences of actions, rules, and policies;
2. the neo-Kantians, who focus on the intrinsic rightness, justice, or fairness of actions and policies
(i.e. do they respect each individual person as having inviolable intrinsic value?);
3. and neo-Aristotelians who want a broader approach including virtues of character and ethical
ideals as guides to forming life-projects and relationships.
In discussing these approaches to moral theory, we will look at some of the 20th century's most
impressive writers on the theory of moral norms, including some from each of these traditions: John-
Paul Sartre, Richard Hare, John Rawls, Thomas Scanlon, Christine Korsgaard, Alasdair MacIntyre,
Bernard Williams, and Derek Parfit. We will focus in particular on contemporary neo-Kantian or
deontological critiques of utilitarianism, arguments against moral egoism, critiques of the
individualism and impartiality of utilitarian and deontological ethics, and the alternative conception of
virtue ethics towards which these critiques perhaps point.
However, this course does not cover three other important movements in 20th-century ethics, which
are not part of mainstream Anglo-American moral philosophy, and require their own courses:
1. new natural law ethics (Grisez, Finnis), which tries to develop a neo-Thomistic account of moral
norms based on an objective conception of basic goods, rather than on a metaphysical
conception of natural human functions, or our natural telos.
2. contemporary continental ethics of alterity (e.g. Levinas, Marion);
3. Discourse ethics, in particular the neo-Kantian moral theory of Jürgen Habermas, and its
associated deliberative theory of democracy.
In passing we will also discuss some famous problems in 'meta-ethics' including: the problem of
moral relativism; the relation between ethics and pyschology; the meaning of moral terms; whether
our identities are socially defined or freely chosen; and whether intrinsic value is 'real' outside or
minds, or only a projection of human consciousness or society. Many of our examples will concern
questions pertinent both for individuals trying to decide how to live their lives, and to people trying
to envision a just government. However, although two the works we consider will be related to the
foundation of political ethics, we will be looking at them more as contributions to the theory of moral
norms rather than with regard to their political implications (e.g. for democratic theory).
This course is primarily intended for Philosophy majors and minors, but may also be helpful for
students interested in political theory and the philosophy of law. It presupposes only the core
philosophy courses, although some familiarity with the history of modern philosophy would also be
helpful. At the start, we will briefly review the central tenets of Kant’s and Mill’s work as an
introduction to our themes, and then concentrate on key primary readings in 20th century ethics. By
the end of the course, students will have a good general knowledge of several important
developments in moral philosophy in the 20th century. This will be a sufficient basis for further
graduate study, or for studying closely related work in political philosophy and constitutional law.
R. M. Hare, Freedom and Reason (Oxford University Press, 1997): ISBN: 019881092X
Raz, Value, Respect, and Attachment (Cambridge University Press, 2001): ISBN: 052100022X
Alasdair MacIntyre, Dependent Rational Animals (Open Court, 2001): ISBN: 081269452X
Smart and Williams, Utilitarianism: For and Against (Cambridge): ISBN: 052109822X
My Course packet, including all the other readings. Students pay for this with a money order.
20% Class participation.
20%: 1 short essay (6-7 pages) with a choice between particular questions on the readings;
20% l report to the class on a given reading for the day (3-page written summary and questions)
40% Final Research Paper (14 pages +)
Tentative Schedule