PV Operated Fuzzy Based DC Motor Controlled Centrifugal Pump Used For Irrigation

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International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)

Volume 151 No.1, October 2016

PV Operated Fuzzy based DC Motor Controlled

Centrifugal Pump used for Irrigation
Abhishek Dubey Pratibha Singh, PhD
M.Tech. Scholar Asst. Professor
IET DAVV,Indore IET DAVV, Indore

ABSTRACT controller. The fuzzy logic controller is used to adjust the

Due to the rapid depletion of conventional energy sources, gains of PID on the basis of fuzzy rules for self-tuning of each
there arises a need to use renewable energy sources for power parameter of PID controller. The study shows that the fuzzy
generation in many applications. Sun is the most prominent self-tuning approach implemented on a conventional PID can
renewable energy resource. Photovoltaic technology uses sun improve the static and dynamic response of the system. The
as its energy source, which is being mostly used now a day. results show that the self-tuned PID controller gives better
performance compared to conventional PID controller [4].
This paper presents a model which is designed for generating The battery less PV pumping system composed of DC-DC
electricity used for irrigation. The model consists of boost converter, DC-AC inverter, an induction motor and a
Photovoltaic Panels, Fuzzy logic controller to control the centrifugal pump without battery and rotor speed sensor is
speed of DC motor to a desired value, DC motor which is designed in order to minimize the cost and maximizes the
directly coupled with centrifugal pump. DC Motor is used in efficiency and reliability of the system, for this a fuzzy logic
this model because of its favourable torque and robust speed controller is used. The validity of FLC is tested and confirmed
control characteristics. The model is implemented using through simulation in different conditions [7].
MATLAB/Simulink, which verifies the efficient torque and
robust speed of the model. A standalone photovoltaic system without battery storage
which is controlled by FLC to achieve maximum power for
Keywords generator and speed control is achieved by using the sliding
Photovoltaic Panels (PV), DC Motor, Centrifugal Pump, mode technique. The different cases of availability of solar
Fuzzy logic controller. irradiance is studied which shows that the simulation results is
satisfactory in both transient and steady state [9]. A method
1. INTRODUCTION for speed control of DC motor using FLC is implemented
Sun, as a source of solar energy, is the most inexpensive, using Lab VIEW program. The control voltage sent to the dc
universal source of energy available in the form of sunshine. motor is applied on the basis of fuzzy rule base of speed error
Photovoltaic technology can convert the solar energy (photon) and change of speed error. The paper presents the comparison
into electrical energy. Pumping application is the most of results obtained using different controllers like FLC, PI and
prominent among the various available applications of PID. The simulation results are satisfactory when DC motor
PV.Instead of using batteries for storage, pumping system can with FLC controller overcome the disadvantages of
be used as it is less expensive and have better lifetime. There conventional controller with respect to the variation of speed
are some important fields of application where the DC of dc motor [10].
machines can have economic and technical advantage. Hence
a pumping system based on DC motor can be implemented 2. MODEL DESCRIPTION
due to its favorable torque and robust speed characteristics 2.1 Photovoltaic Pumping System
that can be varied over a wide range while retaining high Figure 1 shows the block diagram of proposed model.
efficiency. Fuzzy logic based approach is applied for the
effective operation of DC motor.
The paper presents a simulation and theoretical
implementation of a method of speed control of a dc motor
using fuzzy logic controller. The available fuzzy logic
development kit can be applied to the theoretical development
of fuzzy controller which shows that the simulation results are
similar to the theoretical results to achieve the optimum
control of speed [2].
The comparative analysis of BLDC motor based PV pumping
system with two different controllers PI and the fuzzy
controller is proposed. The PV source with incremental Fig 1: Structure of the photovoltaic pumping system
conductance (INC) algorithm is used to achieve maximum
power. The system uses boost converter with MPPT, followed
by three phase inverter coupled with BLDC drive system.
SVPWM (Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation) technique
is used to achieve constant speed which obtains constant
throughput from the pump; the analysis shows that the fuzzy
controller provides better response than the PI control [3]. The
paper presents the speed control of dc motor using PID

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 151 No.1, October 2016

2.2 DC Motor Simulink Model

Fig 4: FIS Editor

Fig 2: Simulink Model of DC Motor

2.3 Fuzzy Logic Controller

Fuzzy logic uses a knowledge based or a rule based controller,
which consists of input, processing and output stages. Fuzzy
Logic system is a system that processes analog values as
logical variables which can take on continuous values ranging
between 0 and 1, rather than the digital logic, that takes on
discrete values like true or false.

Fig 5: Membership Function

Fig 3: Fuzzy Logic Controller

Components of a Fuzzy Controller:
Rule Base
Post processing
The inputs to the Self-tuning Fuzzy Controller are speed error
"e (t)" and Change-in-speed error "de (t)".
e (t)=wr (t)-wa (t)
de (t)=e(t)-e(t-1)
Using fuzzy control rules the output control is adjusted, which
constitute the self control of D.C. machine.

Fig 6: Rule Editor

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 151 No.1, October 2016


3.1 Simulink Model of Proposed System

Fig 7: Rule Viewer

Fig 10: Simulink Model Of fuzzy based DC motor Pump

Case 1: When constant is 800RPM

Fig 8: Surface Viewer

2.4 Centrifugal Pump Simulink Model Fig 11: Armature Current, Torque and Speed
Case 2: When constant is 1000RPM

Fig 9: Simulink Model Of Centrifugal Pump

Fig 12: Armature Current, Torque and Speed

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 151 No.1, October 2016

Case 3: When constant is 1500RPM same model & it provides better results in comparison with
DC motor but the cost of the system will be very high, hence a
low cost model using AC supply can also be suggested for the

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