Sample Line Graphs
Sample Line Graphs
Sample Line Graphs
The graph below shows the amounts of waste produced by three companies over a
period of 15 years.
The line graph compares the waste products of three different companies from the year 2000 to 2015.
It is clear that there was a significant decline in the amount of waste produced by Company A and B over
the period shown while, only Company C has markedly increase in producing waste material throughout
the period.
In 2000, the amount of waste produced by Company A was 12 tonnes. The figures for Company B and C
were lower, at about 8 tonnes and 5 tonnes respectively. The waste produced by Company A declined
by 3 tonnes over a decade but it remained the highest waste output compared to about 7 tonnes of
waste produced by Company B and C.
In 2015, Company C was the highest at approximately 10 tonnes of waste material production while,
about 8 tonnes by Company A and 3 tonnes by Company B.
The graph below shows changes in young adult unemployment rates in England
between 1993 and 2012.