Expository Paper (With TOC) ...
Expository Paper (With TOC) ...
Expository Paper (With TOC) ...
1. Introduction
2. Technology as a new religion.
a. Is technology a shrine?
b. Responsibility for people
3. Technologies cause frustration.
a. Causes of social isolation
b. Technology and alienation
c. Influence of Internet
4. Conclusion
(Expository paper)
1. Introduction
The term technology is used in so many contexts nowadays that it is very hard to give
one complex definition of this phenomenon. Ordinarily, this term implies the collection
of all the contemporary discoveries, inventions and innovations that get a physical
entailment. It is common knowledge that the major priority of any terrestrial
technology is to facilitate the process of working and living of every human being. In
other words any technology is always a tool, a facility used to save time and perfect the
life. Originally, technology was used in order to survive, as it was the primary goal of
the mankind since their first day of existence. Technology was born thousands of years
ago when a man started inventing new primitive instruments to improve the effectiveness
of hunting and fishing. The industrial revolution of the 19th century changed the course
of human development as it introduced industrial technologies to the world and gave
birth to unattended operation. The quality of machinery grew and this fact opened the
possibility of mass production and therefore was an enormous step into life-level
improvement. The second step was the invention of the telegraph as it started the
contemporary period of information technologies. The possibility of sharing the know-
how and other vital information influenced the economy of the countries and therefore
significantly changed the standard of life. The benefits of the technological progress were
obvious but nobody ever thought that this benefit would also have a flip side the side of
technology has taken over the Christian faith as the most sacred thing in our western
society. Where once we could not live without God, today we cannot live without
gadgets, - Jaques Ellul, ex-professor at the University of Bordeaux.
man is socially isolated in the performance of his work, if he interacts with no one, or
only in an impersonal, detached and antagonistic manner; in other words, if the relation
between fellow workers has a mechanistic character [ Rotenstreich, 1989]
Some psychologists and sociologists are now talking about a new form of alienation
they call technological alienation [Fletcher, 2003].
In Europe today, 33 million people have regular access to the Internet; in North
America, the number is 87 million [Fletcher, 2003].
Most reported instances of Internet use interfering with other aspects of their lives,
including taking up time that they would have used for other activities[Psychological
Reports (Vol. 80, No. 3, p. 879882)].