Print Any Where Manual
Print Any Where Manual
Print Any Where Manual
This has to be done one time per ID badge, then it can be used on any HP printer. You
do not have to re-enrol your ID badge even when you change your password
Present your Company ID badge / Card to the card reader on the HP Printer.
A message will inform you that the badge has not been recognised.
Click OK
Enter your User ID and password
Printer Interface
3. Print a document
Send your document to your Print AnyWhere printer
Authenticate with your ID badge
Press HP AC Secure Pull Print
- Print - Delete: prints the document then deletes it from the queue
- Print - Keep: prints the document but keeps it in the queue
Press OK to start document capture. You will receive the document in your mailbox.
5. Scan a document
Press Copy.
The Copier start.
7. What to do without a badge
Have you lost or forgot your badge?
You can still use the printer without a card reader
To sign out, press Disconnect at the top left corner of the tactile screen.