Alzimer's Dse P1

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Overview of Alzheimers Disease

Alzheimer's disease is a progressive disease that destroys memory and other important
mental functions. At first, someone with Alzheimer's disease may notice mild confusion and
difficulty remembering. Eventually, people with the disease may even forget important people in
their lives and undergo dramatic personality changes.

Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause of dementia a group of brain disorders that
cause the loss of intellectual and social skills. In Alzheimer's disease, the brain cells degenerate
and die, causing a steady decline in memory and mental function.

Current Alzheimer's disease medications and management strategies may temporarily improve
symptoms. This can sometimes help people with Alzheimer's disease maximize function and
maintain independence for a little while longer. But because there's no cure for Alzheimer's
disease, it's important to seek supportive services and tap into your support network as early as

At first, increasing forgetfulness or mild confusion may be the only symptoms of Alzheimer's
disease that you notice. But over time, the disease robs you of more of your memory, especially
recent memories. The rate at which symptoms worsen varies from person to person.

If you have Alzheimer's, you may be the first to notice that you're having unusual difficulty
remembering things and organizing your thoughts. Or you may not recognize that anything is
wrong, even when changes are noticeable to your family members, close friends or co-workers.

Brain changes associated with Alzheimer's disease lead to growing trouble with:
Everyone has occasional memory lapses. It's normal to lose track of where you put your keys or
forget the name of an acquaintance. But the memory loss associated with Alzheimer's disease
persists and worsens, affecting your ability to function at work and at home.
People with Alzheimer's may:
Repeat statements and questions over and over, not realizing that they've asked the
question before
Forget conversations, appointments or events, and not remember them later
Routinely misplace possessions, often putting them in illogical locations
Get lost in familiar places
Eventually forget the names of family members and everyday objects
Have trouble finding the right words to identify objects, express thoughts or take part in

Thinking and reasoning

Alzheimer's disease causes difficulty concentrating and thinking, especially about abstract
concepts like numbers.
Multitasking is especially difficult, and it may be challenging to manage finances, balance
checkbooks and pay bills on time. These difficulties may progress to inability to recognize and
deal with numbers.

Making judgments and decisions

Responding effectively to everyday problems, such as food burning on the stove or unexpected
driving situations, becomes increasingly challenging.
Planning and performing familiar tasks
Once-routine activities that require sequential steps, such as planning and cooking a meal or
playing a favorite game, become a struggle as the disease progresses. Eventually, people with
advanced Alzheimer's may forget how to perform basic tasks such as dressing and bathing.

Changes in personality and behavior

Brain changes that occur in Alzheimer's disease can affect the way you act and how you feel.
People with Alzheimer's may experience:
Social withdrawal
Mood swings
Distrust in others
Irritability and aggressiveness
Changes in sleeping habits
Loss of inhibitions
Delusions, such as believing something has been stolen
Many important skills are not lost until very late in the disease. These include the ability to read,
dance and sing, enjoy old music, engage in crafts and hobbies, tell stories, and reminisce.

Scientists believe that for most people, Alzheimer's disease is caused by a combination of
genetic, lifestyle and environmental factors that affect the brain over time.

Less than 5 percent of the time, Alzheimer's is caused by specific genetic changes that virtually
guarantee a person will develop the disease.

Although the causes of Alzheimer's aren't yet fully understood, its effect on the brain is clear.
Alzheimer's disease damages and kills brain cells. A brain affected by Alzheimer's disease has
many fewer cells and many fewer connections among surviving cells than does a healthy brain.

As more and more brain cells die, Alzheimer's leads to significant brain shrinkage. When
doctors examine Alzheimer's brain tissue under the microscope, they see two types of
abnormalities that are considered hallmarks of the disease:
Plaques. These clumps of a protein called beta-amyloid may damage and destroy brain
cells in several ways, including interfering with cell-to-cell communication. Although the
ultimate cause of brain-cell death in Alzheimer's isn't known, the collection of beta-amyloid
on the outside of brain cells is a prime suspect.
Tangles. Brain cells depend on an internal support and transport system to carry nutrients
and other essential materials throughout their long extensions. This system requires the
normal structure and functioning of a protein called tau.
In Alzheimer's, threads of tau protein twist into abnormal tangles inside brain cells, leading
to failure of the transport system. This failure is also strongly implicated in the decline and
death of brain cells.
Risk factors
Increasing age is the greatest known risk factor for Alzheimer's. Alzheimer's is not a part of
normal aging, but your risk increases greatly after you reach age 65. The rate of dementia
doubles every decade after age 60.
People with rare genetic changes linked to early-onset Alzheimer's begin experiencing
symptoms as early as their 30s.

Family history and genetics

Your risk of developing Alzheimer's appears to be somewhat higher if a first-degree relative
your parent or sibling has the disease. Scientists have identified rare changes (mutations) in
three genes that virtually guarantee a person who inherits them will develop Alzheimer's. But
these mutations account for less than 5 percent of Alzheimer's disease.

Down syndrome
Many people with Down syndrome develop Alzheimer's disease. Signs and symptoms of
Alzheimer's tend to appear 10 to 20 years earlier in people with Down syndrome than they do
for the general population. A gene contained in the extra chromosome that causes Down
syndrome significantly increases the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

Women seem to be more likely than are men to develop Alzheimer's disease, in part because
they live longer.

Mild cognitive impairment

People with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) have memory problems or other symptoms of
cognitive decline that are worse than might be expected for their age, but not severe enough to
be diagnosed as dementia.

Past head trauma

People who've had a severe head trauma seem to have a greater risk of Alzheimer's disease.

Lifestyle and heart health

There's no lifestyle factor that's been definitively shown to reduce your risk of Alzheimer's
However, some evidence suggests that the same factors that put you at risk of heart disease
also may increase the chance that you'll develop Alzheimer's. Examples include:
Lack of exercise
Smoking or exposure to secondhand smoke
High blood pressure
High blood cholesterol
Poorly controlled type 2 diabetes
A diet lacking in fruits and vegetables

Lifelong learning and social engagement

Studies have found an association between lifelong involvement in mentally and socially
stimulating activities and a reduced risk of Alzheimer's disease. Low education levels less
than a high school education appear to be a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease.
There's no specific test today that confirms you have Alzheimer's disease. Your doctor will make
a judgment about whether Alzheimer's is the most likely cause of your symptoms based on the
information you provide and results of various tests that can help clarify the diagnosis.

Doctors can nearly always determine whether you have dementia, and they can often identify
whether your dementia is due to Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's disease can be diagnosed
with complete accuracy only after death, when microscopic examination of the brain reveals the
characteristic plaques and tangles.

To help distinguish Alzheimer's disease from other causes of memory loss, doctors now
typically rely on the following types of tests.

Physical and neurological exam

Your doctor will perform a physical exam, and is likely to check your overall neurological health
by testing your:
Muscle tone and strength
Ability to get up from a chair and walk across the room
Sense of sight and hearing

Lab tests
Brain-imaging technologies include:
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). An MRI uses radio waves and a strong magnetic
field to produce detailed images of your brain. MRIs are used to rule out other conditions
that may account for or be adding to cognitive symptoms. In addition, they may be used to
assess whether shrinkage in brain regions implicated in Alzheimer's disease has occurred.
Computerized tomography (CT). A CT scan produces cross-sectional images (slices) of
your brain. It's currently used chiefly to rule out tumors, strokes and head injuries.
Positron emission tomography (PET). During a PET scan, you'll be injected in a vein
with a low-level radioactive tracer. The tracer may be a special form of glucose (sugar)
that shows overall activity in various brain regions.
This can show which parts of your brain aren't functioning well. New PET techniques are
able to detect your brain level of plaques (amyloid) and tangles (tau), the two hallmark
abnormalities linked to Alzheimer's. However, these new PET techniques are generally
found in research settings or in clinical trials.
Cerebrospinal fluid. In special circumstances such as rapidly progressive dementia or
very young onset dementia, a cerebrospinal fluid examination may be performed. The
spinal fluid can be tested for biomarkers that indicate the likelihood of Alzheimer's disease.

Current Alzheimer's medications can help for a time with memory symptoms and other cognitive
changes. Two types of drugs are currently used to treat cognitive symptoms:
Cholinesterase inhibitors. These drugs work by boosting levels of a cell-to-cell
communication by providing a neurotransmitter (acetylcholine) that is depleted in the brain
by Alzheimer's disease. The improvement is modest. Cholinesterase inhibitors can
improve neuropsychiatric symptoms, such as agitation or depression, as well.
Commonly prescribed cholinesterase inhibitors include donepezil (Aricept), galantamine
(Razadyne) and rivastigmine (Exelon). The main side effects of these drugs include
diarrhea, nausea, loss of appetite and sleep disturbances. In people with cardiac
conduction disorders, serious side effects may include a slow heart rate and heart block.
Memantine (Namenda). This drug works in another brain cell communication network and
slows the progression of symptoms with moderate to severe Alzheimer's disease. It's
sometimes used in combination with a cholinesterase inhibitor. Side effects may include
constipation, dizziness and headache.

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