Educ 5324-Research Paper Gulzina Myrzalieva

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North American University

Education Department
M.Ed. in EDLE & CUIN

Name:_Gulzina Myrzalieva__________________________ Date:


`Topic Selected: What does the research say about advantages and disadvantages of
distance education?

What does the literature/research say about this issue/topic? By using NAU
Library or Online Search engines, conduct a literature review.
You need to include 5 different sources (book, journal article, web article
etc.) in your review. Try to use current sources as much as possible.
You need to summarize and synthesize your sources by discussing a
common theme or issue.
You don't need to critique your sources
You don't need to evaluate your sources (if the sources are trustworthy,
weather the author has a bias or not)
You need to provide background information such as history and

Brief Literature Review:"Not everyone lives close to an institution of higher

education, and people aren't always able or willing to move in order to pursue their
educational goals. Since the internet as we know it is a relatively recent phenomenon,
it's easy to assume the history of distance education has been a short one. Simply
accessing course content online, however, is only one of the latest developments in a
history that's been around since the 1700s.
In the early days of distance education, letter writing was the most widely accessible
technology. In 1728, the first well-documented example of a correspondence course ran
as an ad in the Boston Gazette, where a man named Caleb Phillipps offered to teach
shorthand to students anywhere in the country by exchanging letters." (Miller, 2014).
"Like any kind of educational program, distance learning comes with a host of pros and
cons. One of the primary advantages of distance education is the flexibility it provides to
students. Distance education provides opportunities for people who may have trouble
attending a traditional institution such as stay-at-home mothers, people working full
time or members of the military. Many online educational programs allow you to work
at your own place, so you can fit your education into your schedule. Flexibility in
distance learning program gives chance to study without interfering in your personal
life. If are working then you can always plan learning around other features of your life,
without effecting any disturbing to personal nor professional life. With distance learning
courses, students can complete their course work from just about anywhere, provided
theres a computer and internet connection. This allows students to work when and
where it is more convenient for them without having to squeeze in scheduled classes to
an already busy life.
Choosing education of your choice and numerous choices for schools. The most
significant advantage of distance learning is that one can pursue his choice of education
during any time of his life. There is no control about city, college, etc. One can live and
study from anywhere while choosing for distance learning programs. What is necessary
is the most convenience to a computer and a good speed Internet connection. You may
find online schools that specialize in your particular field or one that can provide a great
general education. Either way, your options for education will be greatly expanded.
Money saving as no commuting: This program did not require regular classes, it saves
time in commuting. It also saves money.
Attend classes at your suitability. In distance learning, one need not to attend class
exact time and place, so students can finish their classes at their own time and
Get more knowledge. One more advantage is that more knowledge of computer and
Internet skills that one gain in the process of distance learning experience can also be
moved to other sides of life.
Availability. Many people while taking traditional classes come across physical
availability problem because of inadequate mobility issues. But through online classes
overcome the problems and by using own comfortable furniture in the home. Thus, an
ambition to further education can be satisfied while enjoying free movement at home.
For both slow and quick learners, options are available. This reduces stress and
increases learners complete fulfillment.
Learn while working. As distance learning can usually be completed on your own
schedule, it is much easier to complete distance learning courses while working than
more traditional educational programs. Keeping your job gives you more income,
experience and stability while completing your degree giving you less to worry about
and more time to focus on your studies.
Seeing the above mentioned advantages of distance learning, it becomes a little
uncertain if this method of learning has any disadvantage or not. But to be frank, there
are some problems too.
One of the main disadvantages of distance education is the loss of interaction with
other students in the classroom. In distance learning, study in a group is difficult, one
just have to do by himself which becomes publicly one-off as there is no communication
with other classmates. No chance for communicating with classmates and teachers
orally. Though, a chat, e-mails, conferencing and bulletin boards, this problem is
lessening gradually. The interactions help to develop critical thinking and problem-
solving skills. Many distance education programs have developed online forums or chat
rooms for students to share ideas and communicate, but it is only a partial substitute for
the interaction you get in the classroom with a teacher and other students. If the
classroom environment is what you like most about learning you may want to take a
step back and reconsider distance learning. Youll likely get some interaction on chat
rooms, discussion boards and through email, but the experience will be quite different
than traditional courses.
Difficult technology and accessibility. It is true that distance education provides good
chances to learn new things and technologies but it is complicated. It comes as
challenge for people who are frightened of technology. A computer with continuous
Internet facility is required for distance learning. "(Vlasenko.,Bozhok.,2014).
"Distance learning is becoming increasingly a leading study approach particularly in
office and workplace education settings in organization of different fields and
dimension. Universities all over the world are improving their techniques of edification
and considering enduring education and eventual learning as an essential element in
teaching learning environment. Almost all education institutions of that level are using
Information and Communication Technology as a means of knowledge delivery.
Customary learning is also being restructured in the form of virtual learning or web-
based knowledge.
Although distance education is not a new trend, but has got a huge increase due to
developing technology. Distance education delivery will finally emerge as strong
education approach with use of phone, desktop and TV at a same time in future. When
distance learning commenced using information technology, it was not well accepted
and the equipment needed to provide it was expensive.
That has now radically changed. And technology is being well used in video, audio text,
graphics, animation, and simulation. Distance education is undergoing huge
transformation and has and will never reach to a stage of saturation as much is yet to be
explored and presented in this field. New and well -established institutions are coming
up with latest equipment and large data base to provide distance learning to a growing
population that wants higher education out of traditional classroom setting."(This essay
has been submitted by a student in 23rd March, 2015

What is your personal opinion on this issue? Do you agree with the
research? If you agree or disagree, please explain why?
Provide examples/experiences regarding this issue from school
perspective or If you are not working in a school, from your profession. Be
specific with your examples. You can mention software/hardware names,
specific methods that you plan to use, etc.
How would you implement this research in your career? (At least 1
Reflection: People are in search of many new ways of learning. One of the most popular methods is online
learning. As a distance learning student I could say that it is a best way to me to get a knowledge. But
unfortunatelly, this manner has not only advantantages but and disadvantages.
Online method of education is advantageous for many reasons. First of all, it is a very convenience. A human
can use a computer access and Internet connection anywhere, for example, at home, outdoor or even on a bus.
This benefit is especially important for people who live in remote an rural areas and cannot recall or commute
to school. However, it is also useful for parents who want to study young children at home or any student who
prefers to work in the comfort of their own home or coffee. Moreover, online learning is more cheaper than
traditional classroom academic or trade course.
On the other hand, online learning has the negative aspects. To begin with, limited social interaction prevents
to study how much time an individual wants. Always online programs give people a possibility of limited to use
their program. Later students will have to pay money if they want to continue a course further. Furthermore,
the only method of communication of online learning is through e-mail, chat room or discussion groups. People
cannot interact with others to face to face. It is the unnatural cummunication way. Humans do not see and feel
relationship with classmates and feedbacks.

In conclusion, online manner of education has both pros and cons. In my mind, online learning is necessary for
humans due to it relieves and accelerates a method to deepen themselves skills.

Cite at least 5 References in APA.
You may use for citing
your sources in APA style.


Essays, UK. (November 2013). Distance Education Learning. Retrieved from

Key Facts", University of London External Program


Moore, Michael G.; Greg Kearsley (2005) Distance Education: A Systems View, Second,
Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, (33-36)

Education, Vol.5 Web:

Distance Learning MBA


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