WW2 Military Bldgs PDF
WW2 Military Bldgs PDF
WW2 Military Bldgs PDF
of Engineers~
AD-A266 690
I F~ USACERL 7ecnnical Report CRFC-33 01
tn111erin March 19
;esearch Laboratories li I II I11111119
The Military Construction Authorization Bill of 1983 re- Center, the U.S. Army Construction Engineering Re-
quires the demolition of World War Il-era temporary searcni Laboratories IUSACERL) coordinated a s%cy :*
buildings on Department of Defense (DOD) installations. survivina DOD temporary structures, in oartial fu",,-'n-
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significanceof all affected buildings must bedocumented Act, Section 106.
and assessed, as required by Section 106 of the National
Hictoric Preservation Act. In 1986. DOD entered into a This study describes *,-e Drincioal types of terroo-caw
Memorandum of Agreement Witt) the National Advisory structures built during rncoiiization bor Woric V~ar i
Council on Historic Preservition -ind !Ile Nal~onai Con- !hrouc.,' 10-46). HocurnontS 'heir ciooroximate
ment the temporary buildings erecteo on U.S. military part DOD's future assessment of this architecture s nis-
installations during mobilization for World War 11. In its torical significance.
role as the Tni-Services CU.:,uraI Res'cocs Research
7 08 07 1
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John S. Garner
The Military Construction Authorization Bill of 1983 requires the demolition of World War 11-era temporary buildings
on Department of Defense (DOD) installations. Before demolition can proceed, however, the historical significance
of all affected buildings must be documented and assessed, as required by Section 106 of the National Historic
PreservationAct. In 1986, DOD entered into a Memorandum of Agreement with the National Advisory Council on
Historic Preservation and the National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers to document the temporary
buildings erected on U.S. military installations during mobilization of World War 11. In its role as the Tri-Services
Cultural Resources Center, the U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratories (USACERL) coordinated a
study of surviving DOD temporary structures, in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the National Historic
PreservationAct, Section 106.
This study describes the principal types of temporary structures built during mobilization for World War HI (1939
through 1946), documents their approximate numbers and locations, and provides a historical context to support
DOD's future assessment of this architecture's historical significance.
demolition National Historic Preservation Act 98
military installations World War II 1A PRICE CODE
temporary buildings
Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified SAR
NSN 7540-01-280-5500 Sidx Form 28 (Rev. 2-0
Precribed b ANSt Sis 239- 8
This research was conducted for the U.S. Army Engineering and Housing Support Center
(USAEHSC) under MIPR E87910480, dated 26 September 1991. The USAEHSC technical
monitor was Dr. Constance Ramirez, CEHSC-FN.
The study was performed on contract for the Environmental Compliance Modeling and
Simulation Division (EC) of the Environmental Sustainment Laboratory (EL), U.S. Army
Construction Engineering Research Laboratories (USACERL). The author was Dr. John S.
Garner, Professor, School of Architecture, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The
USACERL principal investigator was Keith Landreth. Mr. William D. Goran is Acting Chief,
EC. Dr. Edward W. Novak is Acting Chief, EL. The USACERL technical editor was Gordon
L. Cohen, Information Management Office.
Because of the limited time in which this outline history was compiled, from May to July 1990,
the author is indebted to those individuals who have shared information with him and who
continue to document the temporary military buildings of World War II. Special thanks go
to Dr. Diane K. Mann and Keith Landreth, USACERL Compliance Protocols and Cultural
Resources Team, and Richard Hayes, for the information they gathered. Robbert McKay and
Ring-Ru Lin, whose work was supervised by Mr. Hayes, provided the line drawings for this
study. Dr. Constance Ramirez, Historic Preservation Officer, Department of the Army, Fort
Belvoir, Virginia, read the first draft and offered valuable assistance. Dr. Robert Kapsch,
Chief of the Historic American Buildings Survey and Engineering Record, Washington, and
John Burns, Deputy Chief, encouraged this project and provided information on several field
reports conducted by their agency. For Navy-related information, Dr. Vincent A- Transano,
Command Historian, and Raymond Benny, in charge of the Master Base Plan File, Naval
Facilities Engineering Command, Port Hueneme, California, provided much needed infor-
mation. Trig Watson, Superintendent of Base Facilities, Great Lakes Naval Station, Great
Lakes, Illinois, also offered assistance, as did Michael Hilgren, Historical Architect, U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers, Southwest Regional Office, Fort Worth, Texas, for drawings of the
Corpus Christi Naval Air Station. Dr. Walter L. Creese, Emeritus Professor of Architecture
at the University of Illinois, directed the author to a number of publications that otherwise
would have been overlooked.
COL Daniel Waldo, Jr., is Commander and Director of USACERL, and Dr. L.R. Shaffer is
Technical Director.
Tn-Services Cultural
Resources Research
FO REW O RD ......................................................................................................................... 2
2 MO BILIZATIO N ........................................................................................................................ 11
The Problem W ith Prefabrication ........................................................................................ 14
Contracting ............................................................................................................................... 15
Nazi Aggression ....................................................................................................................... 16
ENDNOTES .............................................................................................................................. 86
List of Figures
1.1 Location of Existing World War II Buildings of Temporary Construction, 1990 ..... 9
3.1 Series 600 Northern and Southern Construction: Typical Details, 1918 ............. 23
3.9 Twenty-Five-Man Barracks, 1917: Naval Training Camp, Charleston, S.C ...... 34
3.12 Series 700 One-Story Combination Company HO and Supply Room, 1937-1940 ...38
3.16 Series 800 One-Story Combination Company HO, Supply, and Day Room, 1941-
194 4 ............................................................................................................................. 44
3.22 Laminated Arch Naval Drill Hall by Shreve, Lamb, and Harmon, 1943 ................ 54
4.10 Regimental Grouping of Camp Peterson, Farragut Naval Training Station, 1943 ..... 79
5.1 Series 700 Temporary Building, Otis AFB, Massachusetts, 1990 ....................... 83
5.2 Author and Series 700 Barracks, Fort Polk, Lousiana, 1963 ................................ 84
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1 Introduction
The Military ConstructionAuthorization Bill of 1983 requires the demolition of World War
II-era temporary buildings on Department of Defense (DOD) installations."1 Before
demolition can proceed, however, the historical significance of all affected buildings must be
documented and assessed, as required by Section 106 of the National HistoricPreservation
Act. 1L 2 In 1986, DOD entered into a Memorandum of Agreement with the National Advisory
Council on Historic Preservation and the National Conference of State Historic Preservation
Officers to document the temporary buildings erected on U.S. military installations during
mobilization for World War II.
In its role as the Tri-Services Cultural Resources Research Center, the U.S. Army Construc-
tion Engineering Research Laboratories (USACERL) coordinated a study of surviving DOD
temporary structures, in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the National Historic
Preservation Act, Section 106.
The objective of this study was to describe the principal types of temporary structures built
during mobilization for World War 11 (1939 through 1946), document the approximate
numbers and locations of such structures surviving on DOD installations, and provide a
historical context to support assessment of this architecture's historical significance by DOD.
USACERL compiled a record of World War II temporary buildings known to still exist on
DOD installations (Figure 1.1 and Appendix A). Documentation was prepared according to
the criteria and specifications of the National Park Service Historic American Buildings
Survey. Data were gathered through a literature search, examination of related historical
documents (Appendix B), and visits to the sites ofvarious World War II temporary structures.
The author provides an architectural description of the principal building types, describes
the manner in which they were deployed in unit plan ar.d base development, and comments
on their overall significance. .
The convention used for describing lumber dimensions is assumed to be expressed in inches
(e.g., 2 x 4 means 2 in. by 4 in.) unless otherwise noted.
This report discusses structures built before 1939 to help provide a historical context for the
origins, design, and layout characteristics of World War II temporary buildings.
* U.S. standard units of measure are used in this report. A table of metric conversion factors can be found on
page 83.
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Figure 1.1. Location of Existing Worl War 11Buildings of Temporary Consrucn, 1990.
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2 Mobilization
To support any call to action in defense of national security, the U.S. military services-the
Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps-have each developed plans for mobilization. The
two world wars dramatized the need to prepare for multiple theaters of operation, as opposed
to single fronts. The call of hundreds of thousands of soldiers and sailors into service, and
the necessity to train and provision them, created unprecedented challenges. To launch and
supervise programs of procurement, production of war materiel, and construction of military
bases required the combined efforts of special units such as the Army Corps of Engineers,
Army Quartermaster Corps, and the Navy Bureau of Yards and Docks and its Corps of Civil
Engineers. It is estimated that, between 1939 and 1946, $20.2 billion was spent for
construction of military facilities in the continental United States as a result of the general
mobilization. The legacy of this massive investment remains very much in evidence despite
the passage of time. The fact that many of the facilities built were intended to be temporary
indicates the utility and resourcefulness of the services in maintaining these properties and
finding new uses for buildings once considered expendable. Historic preservation takes on
a new dimension when applied to military structures. 1
Preparations before and during World War I provided a rehearsal for the operations of World
War II. The guidance and historical insight gained from that experience would be invaluable.
Even earlier, during the Civil War, a..d then again during the Spanish-American War, there
had been mobilizations on a smaller scale. Calls for volunteers and the institution of a
wartime draft (the first in 1863) produced unprecedented numbers of people in uniform, not
to mention incr-iases in arms and equipment. The Army Quartermaster Corps and Navy
Bureau of Provisions and of Yards and Docks were the branches of service designated to feed,
clothe, arm, and shelter the soldiers and sailors. A few exceptional officers stand out through
history, such as Montgomery Meigs of the Civil War era, who supervised construction of such
large projects as the Washington Aqueduct and the Capitol Building before taking over as
Quartermaster General (QMG) of the Union Army, and who was a master of navigating the
bureaucracy to get supplies when and where they were needed. Nevertheless, the quarter-
master and provisioning corps-Army and Navy-were frequently investigated and criti-
cized because of their organizational shortcomings. A lack of planning for large-scale
military operations justified criticism during the Spanish-American War, when supply lines
rarely brought troops and equipment together at the needed time and place. Consequently,
in an effort to avoid the problems of the past, some advance planningby the Army and Navy
(however insufficient) preceded America's involvement in World War I. And many of the
junior officers who experienced that conflict, not to mention elected statesmen, were placed
in charge of operations before World War 11.2.2
One aspect of mobilization was the founding of military bases. In the Army, this critical task
fell to the Construction and Repair Division of the Quartermaster Corps. Between 1917 and
1918, this division was renamed the Cantonment Division of the Office of the Quartermaster
General, and was charged with constructing 32 installations: 16 new Army training centers
and 16 additional National Guard camps (Figure 2.1). The division's few senior officers had
no experience to prepare them for such an overwhelming assignment. But President
Woodrow Wilson and Secretary of War Newton D. Baker had enlisted the services of
professional architects, engineers, planners, and management experts from industry to
assist the military. Through advisory boards like the Nqtional Emergency Fleet Corporation,
the General Munitions Board, and the National Defense Advisory Commission, both the
Army and the Navy received expert advice. The Committee on Emergency Construction,
assembled by Secretary Baker, assisted the Quartermaster Corps' Cantonment Division
with advice on planning and construction. 2 .3 The chairman of that committee, William A.
Starrett, a New York City architect and partner in the firm of Starrett and Van Vleck,
summed up the task of the Cantonment Division in a letter in May 1917:
ce ii
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In 16 weeks you are expected to have suitable quarters ready for the training of
1,100,000 men. This is equal to providing in each of 32 places for the housing of the
inhabitants of Zanesville, Ohio, or Nashua, N.H., or Bangor, Me....
The planning alone for construction work of each of the camps would normally take
as many weeks as is given you for the completion of both the engineering and the
building. In the present situation the planning, engineering, and 2the building must
go together. There is no time for any other method of procedure. .
In spite of its daunting task, the Cantonment Division of World War I largely met its goals,
meeting deadlines thought to be unrealistic. In so doing, it established procedures for both
contracting and construction that would be used in preparations for World War II.
The Navy confronted a similar challenge in World War I. Its four training stations, two of
which were built in the 19th century and two others completed just before the war, were far
from adequate to handle the influx of new trainees. Prior to 1883, sailors acquired training
aboard receiving ships instead of ashore. The Spanish-American War, and the expanded U.S.
sphere of influence in Latin America and the Philippines, created a much large'r fleet, with
more extensive facilities needed to man and maintain it. The Bureau of Yards and Docks was
charged with providing all shore installations for the Navy and Marines. In the spring of
1917, the Bureau accepted responsibility for designing and building 20 cantonments along
the Atlantic, Gulf, and Pacific coasts, and one on the Great Lakes. From a capacity to train
6,000 seamen before the war to more than 200,000 by the signing of the armistice, the Navy,
through emergency measures and temporary construction, succeeded in its training mis-
sion. .
By the onset of World War II, the United States was the most advanced industrialized nation
in the world. Despite the withering effects of the Great Depression and America's interwar
isolationist policies, the industrial capabilities of the United States seemed unlimited. A
network of nearly 200,000 miles of railroad track had been laid; a federal interstate highway
program of paved two-lane roads connected cities from coast to coast and border to border.
The transportation industry-automobile and airplane manufacturers in particular-had
long since employed assembly-line techniques for mass production. The Port of New York
rivaled those of Amsterdam and Bremen in annual tonnage, and when combined with the
ports of New Orleans, Houston, and Los Angeles, accounted for more tonnage shipped and
received than any other country. Utilities, such as electrical transmission, telegraph, and
telephone service, had become regionalized, as small municipal power stations and ex-
changes merged to form larger systems. National radio programming, perhaps more than
anything else, diminished regional and ethnic isolation by its popular appeal and marketing
through national advertising. Television made its public debut at the New York World's Fair
of 1939. The entertainment industry, as represented by the motion picture studios, replaced
the live, individual performances of Vaudeville troupes with mass-distributed color films
released simultaneously in cities large and small. Fashions changed overnight. The latest
trends in popular culture were promoted or sponsored through the mass media. Although
family farms would remain small and self-sustaining until after the war, mechanized tilling
and harvesting had begun to reduce labor-intensive practices, and grocers and dairymen
established regional marketing chains such as IGA(Independent Grocer's Association) to sell
farm produce. Clothes-especially uniforms-were entirely machine-made and produced in
standard sizes. These advances in technology, organization, and communications would
have a great impact on the military services and their various munitions boards. On the eve
of World War II, the only industry that had failed to advance-the
only industry to remain
localized and provincial-was the construction industry. "
Timber frame construction had undergone a revolution in the previous century. The balloon
frame, invented in Chicago in 1833 and attributed to a builder named Augustine Taylor,
simplified the tasks of erecting light-timber buildings such as houses, tenements, schools,
and chapels. Mill-sawn dimensioned lumber of 2 x 4 and 2 x 6 in. boards (used for sills,joists,
studs, plates, and rafters), fastened with wire nails, then covered with 1 in. board sheathing
and decking, permitted buildings to be erected in a fraction ofthe time required for traditional
heavy-timber buildings with wood-pegged mortise-and-tenon joints. Builders guides, such
as Woodward's Country Homes (1865), illustrated the new techniques and claimed that a
man and boy could build a balloon-frame house in a week. This claim also assumed that the
man and boy could lay a foundation, saw straight, hammer nails straight, and build on the
level, because a certain amount of skill was still required. Most who sought to build hired
contractors with experienced carpenters. Prefabricated buildings, on the other hand,
provided precut materials and partially assembled components. In theory, the skilled work
would be completed at a factory or assembly yard. However, foundation preparation, one of
the more arduous tasks of building, had to be performed on site. Prefabricated components
then had to be assembled. Invariably, the illustrations provided by prefabricators for field
assembly were more detailed than the simple balloon frame illustrations in Woodward's
Country Homes and other builders' guides. And therein lay a problem that has yet to be
resolved: prefabricated buildings went together better when prefabricators furnished
company-trained crews to assemble them. Moreover, there was tremendous resistance
amonggeneral contractors and the building trades as a whole to the concept ofprefabrication.
William Starrett, who had advised the Cantonment Division of the Army Quartermaster
Corps on the design of its World War I temporary buildings, dismissed suggestions of
prefabrication. Balloon framing, later modified as platform framing, was the one technique
that the majority of carpenters and builders understood, and building campaigns requiring
hundreds of thousands of laborers and millions of dollars worth of construction materials
demanded a system of building that was known and proven, however dated or labor-
intensive. 28.
During both World Wars, experiments were conducted using prefabricated building compo-
nents. The Quartermaster Corps, for example, tested ready-cut assemblies of sectional wood
types, sectional steel, and concrete on wire-mesh lath with conventional construction at Fort
Myer, Virginia, prior to World War I. "Records kept of the cost and time required for
construction of these buildings showed that the ordinary type of wooden building, con-
structed by cutting, framing, and erecting material on the site, was cheaper and could be
completed in slightly less time than the other types." But had there been industrialists in
the housing field on the scale of the automotive giants, there might have been a greater
willingness by those in Washington to extend large contracts for prefabricated buildings.
However, there was little reason to believe that private companies, or for that matter, the
building industry as a whole, could deliver the completed product to such large projects on
such short notice. In construction volume alone between 1926 and 1941, only one year-
1930-had experienced national expenditures in excess $500 million. By comparison, a
defense-inflated $2.841 billion was expended in just the first 6 months of 1941. The greatest
concern about using prefabricated buildings, however, was the uncertainty whether private
contractors could secure sufficient raw materials. Delivery within a few months of40 million
feet of lumber-the estimated average needed to build a single World War I cantonment-
required the political might of Washington and the oversight of the War Industries Board.
Therefore, using conventional materials, the task was simply too large to risk procurement
to private companies and contractors. And to appease the critics of timber construction, the
War Department authorized experiments at Fort Grant during World War II on the 29
substitution of metal, masonry, and other material-s, about which more will be said later. .
The only standards that had been established in the construction industry were those
associated with the dimensions and grades of materials. On the other hand, municipal
officials established codes for life-safety, based on minimum standards according to building
use. Such codes varied between cities, and enforcement rarely extended to single-family
residential construction. It was left to the military services to establish their own minimum
standards. The least expensive material for framing and cladding, and hence the most widely
used material for temporary construction, was dimensioned lumber. Its use had been made
possible by the advent of the rotary steam-power saw, which could cut lumber to precise
dimensions, and the lumber yard, which acquired construction materials wholesale and
became a fixture of every U.S. town with railroad service. Grades of lumber were specified
by the lumber industries and their associations. The better the grade, the fewer the knots
and checks, and hence the greater its strength. Iron structural shapes and galvanized
sheeting had also been introduced to the building market during the 19th century for
industrial, commercial, and residential use, but was used less extensively than lumber.
Plywood, hardboard, and asbestos cement, introduced in the early 20th century, were still
considered experimental as late as World War II, although the military services would
employ large quantities of each. Thus, the materials and techniques used during periods of
war were hardly revolutionary and, for the most part, had enjoyed a long history ofpeacetime
development and application.
More radical than wartime construction techniques were contracting measures. Mobiliza-
tion for war called for special contingencies. Contractual agreements were prepared by the
Army's Quartermaster Corps and the Navy's Bureau of Yards and Docks. During peacetime,
the services budgeted construction from within their annual congressional appropriations.
Bids for proposed projects were required to ensure competition among contractors as well as
competitive pricing. For political reasons, however, contractors were usually sought from
within the states where projects were built. Quartermasters were obligated to receive
approval at each level of the division and corps. Prices for construction materials were
sometimes specified and listed in the various quartermaster manuals. Tables indicatingbills
of material for lumber and hardware were established for various cantonment buildings.
Bills of lading or vouchers for delivered goods received by "constructing quartermasters" in
charge of projects had to be checked in the field and then sent to Washington to be checked
again before approval, together with weekly status reports of bngoing construction.
During World War I and again in World War II, contract negotiation for large construction
projects such as cantonments and training stations was changed from a system of competitive
bids based on lump sum and percent-of-cost to contracts based on cost plus a fixed fee. Time
and money were the critical factors, because there was not enough of either commodity.
Average cost of a cantonment was initially estimated to be $5 million in World War I and $8
million in World War II. But actual costs were considerably higher-two to three times as
high. Understandably, contractors who were accustomed to bidding on single buildings were
uneasy about bidding on multimillion dollar camp sites for which surveys and other site
information were frequently incomplete. Although drawings for buildings called for stan-
dard modules and details, changes in their number and arrangement were often made in the
field. To reduce contractors' risks and to avoid inflated estimates, direct cost plus a fixed fee
was accepted as the best approach to ensure and to expedite work under emergency
conditions. Although work on Fort Dix, New Jersey, one of the first World War II
cantonments, was awarded through competitive bidding in August 1940, it was an exception
to what would later become standard practice. Indeed, just before work began on Fort Dix,
Congress and the Secretary of War authorized purchases "without advertising," which would
2 10
enable many small contractors to obtain wartime work on cantonments. .
Nazi Aggression
The Nazi occupation of the Rhineland in 1936, Austria in 1938, and invasion of Poland in 1939
provided a forewarning of all-out war in Europe that would likely lead to U.S. involvement.
Recalling the experiences of World War I, when emergency planning, although ultimately
effective, came late in the war effort, the Army Quartermaster General began in 1939 to
prepare plans for the expansion of existing military bases and the construction of new camps.
Col. Charles D. Hartman, head of the Construction Division and a veteran of the World War
I Cantonment Division, undertook the expansion of existing training forts in anticipation of
the Selective Service Act of 1940. From an Army of 227,000 soldiers in 1939 to one of 1.2
million by June 1940 required the immediate construction of a half-dozen new cantonments
in addition to those installations already available. By December 7, 1941, most of the 20 new
cantonments had been completed and enlistment strength stood at 1.64 million. By the end
of the war, 5.9 million men and women would be in uniform, and some 10.42 million would
have served. ".
The Chief of the Bureau of Yards and Docks, Capt. Ben Moreell, received authority similar
to Col. Hartman's. In 1939 Naval enlistments amounted to approximately 110,000 and
Marines numbered about 18,000. The four Naval training stations founded before World War
I continued to prepare recruits, although could handle no more than 6,000 sailors ayear. The
temporary cantonments of 1917 and 1918, attached to existing yards and stations, had been
converted to other uses. Other camp sites leased by the Navy had been returned to private
ownership and the buildings removed. Hence, the receiving stations at Newport, Rhode
Island, Norfolk, Virginia, Great Lakes, Illinois, and San Diego, California, were overrun with
enlistees after passage of the Two Ocean Navy Bill in 1940 and authorization by the president
of the first of a succession of calls for increases in personnel strength. By the end of 1945,
naval enlistments would reach 3.01 million, and training facilities had been expanded
commensurately. In addition to increasing the capacity of the four existing stations, three
new ones were founded: Farragut Training Station at Lake Pend Oreille, Idaho; Bainbridge
Training Station at Port Deposit, Maryland; and Sampson Training Station at Lake Seneca,
New York. The existing stations were upgraded to handle between 30,000 and 45,000 sailors,
and the new stations between 20,000 and 30,000.2.12
Capt. Moreell, eventually promoted to Rear Admiral, superintended all Navy construction
programs throughout the war. Having received his appointment in December 1937, he would
continue to oversee the Bureau until December 1945. Explaining his mission as director of
public works, he listed the types of structures provided: "In the field of buildings alone, these
range from officers' quarters, barracks, dispensaries, and other personnel structures to
specialized construction such as hangars, shops, power plants, warehouses, parachute lofts,
and magazines." Among the largest structures were the Navy's drydocks, some of which
represented remarkable feats of engineering. Within the Bureau, the Department of
Planning and Design prepared the basic drawings of all onshore projects, including the
training stations. The officers of that department and others within the Bureau were drawn
from the Civil Engineers Corps. Its members formed a close-knit and loyal group that
numbered about 150 at the beginning of the war, but expanded to more than 10,000 by 1945.
A distinction should be made between the Civil Engineer Corps (CEC) and the Construction
Corps, an equally elite group of naval architects and engineers who designed ships but not
buildings or docks. Much of the Navy's success in launching projects during the early years
of the war stemmed from the continuity in command that existed within the Bureau and its
departments. However, throughout the war, the majority of the staff in the Department of
Planning and Design were civilian architects, engineers, and planners, who worked under
the direction of Capt. Thomas Trexel, Chief Architect. This contingent of civilian employees
would-account for differences between projects in the two branches of service. A unique
development, sponsored and overseen by the Bureau of Yards and Docks, was the founding
of construction battalions, the Seabees, in 1942. These battalions provided the enlisted
personnel to work under the newly authorized command officers of the CEC. The Seabees
would distinguish themselves during operations in the Pacific Theater, moving in behind the
Marines to build bases, harbors, roads, and airstrips. Their work, however, was restricted
to bases overseas. Stateside training facilities and air stations were completed with civilian
labor. Private contractors directed their own work crews, although they operated under the
overall direction of a managing Officer in Charge of Construction, the equivalent of the
2 13
Army's Constructing Quartermaster. .
Col. Hartman's superior was Maj. Gen. Henry Gibbins, the Quartermaster General, in the
period before the war. Gibbins, like his predecessors, viewed the Construction Division
warily. Ambitious chiefs of the Division had in the past circumvented the authority of the
QMG. During World War I, the Chief of Construction, with assistance from the Committee
on Emergency Construction, was made quasi-independent and answerable solely to the
Assistant Secretary of War. History would repeat itself in that a veteran chief would be
replaced by a younger, more ambitious man, at the beginning of World War II, just as it had
happened during World War I. Col. Hartman would be succeeded in December 1940 by Lt.
Col. Brehon B. Somervell, a person with connections in the Roosevelt administration, who
had a reputation for getting things done. Col. Somervell had the unenviable task of taking
over the cantonment program in midstream. Although he streamlined the Construction
Division and tightened accountability, he could not escape the criticism inherent in the
system. Constructing Quartermasters were junior officers for the most part, recently
inducted from private engineering firms. Wizened contractors working on a cost-plus-a-
fixed-fee basis did not take kindly to the meddling of these "johnnys on the spot." Further-
more, labor unions were better organized and more powerful than in the past, and would also
have a say in the way a project was run. Commanding officers of the new cantonments, who
were senior in rank to the quartermasters, used their authority to advantage and often
overturned field decisions by the Constructing Quartermasters. Field inspections by Col.
Leslie R. Groves, a transfer from the Corps of Engineers and the QMG's watchdog for
construction (who would later oversee the Manhattan Project) criticized those cantonments
found to be compromised. The Construction Division was being attacked both externally and
internally. Nevertheless, Col. Somervell could express satisfaction over his accomplish-
ments, when, on the eve of war late in 1941, he gave an account of the Division's performance:
More than a million soldiers have been housed by the Construction Division. They
are better housed, better fed, and in cleaner, more sanitary, more comfortable
training camps than those of any other army in the world, or of any army in history,
for that matter. Some 332 troop housing projects costing about $880,000,000 have
been completed, plus nine large general hospitals costing about $21,000,000 addi-
tional .... That's making time! Even the World Warbuilding record, which for the past
20 years has justly been pointed to as an example of 'doing the impossible' was
overshadowed. During the World War, the Quartermaster Corps furnished
240,000,000 square feet of space within 18 months. During last year's building
campaign, the Quartermaster Corps provided, in nine months, 80 per cent of the total
square feet of space erected... in 1917-18.... The problem of meeting these enormous
demands has been met, I believe, as well as2possible
in view of obstacles which in
many instances seemed almost insuperable. .
Despite Col. Somervell's efforts to overcome obstacles, deadlines were not met and construc-
tion costs far and away exceeded estimates. What is more, he could not compete on Capitol
Hill with the politically powerful Corps of Engineers which, as early as September 1940, had
taken over the Air Corps projects-one-third of all construction. The Corps of Engineers,
which supervised civil works such as waterways, and land and water conservation projects
between the wars, had well established field offices with resident experts for large-scale
construction projects. The engineers were contemptuous of the quartermasters, and had long
coveted the latter's domestic role in building. With mounting pressure on Army Chief of Staff
Marshall to complete the cantonments and prepare for building overseas, the decision was
made to transfer responsibilities. The new Chief of Engineers, Maj. Gen. Eugene Reybold,
assumed control of military construction. In December 1941, President Franklin D.
Roosevelt assigned2 15to the Corps of Engineers all construction in the continental United
States and abroad. .
Before describing in detail the construction of World War II temporary buildings, beginning
with the Army Series 700 structures designed from 1937 through 1940 and continuing to the
Series 800 structures of 1941 and 1942, followed by descriptions of the Navy B Series
buildings and Quonsets, a brief history and description should be made of the earliest
temporary military buildings, some of which provided prototypes for those later constructed.
The design of military buildings, especially those constructed during periods of mobilization
(such as World War II temporary buildings), was determined by operations of line units for
training and field use. The smallest administrative line unit of the Army and Marine Corps
is the company. For the Navy it is the ship's company, and for the Army and Navy Air Corps,
it was the squadron. Each company required a complement of buildings, most prominently
a command post, supply room, day room, mess hall, and from one to four barracks, depending
on the size of the structure and strength of the company. These companies of buildings
arranged in regimental units formed the nucleus of a camp in both operation and planning.
Beyond these several basic types were specialized structures such as regimental theaters or
assembly halls, dispensaries, depots, dumps or arsenals, warehouses, post exchanges or
commissaries, service clubs, bakeries, laundries, etc. Between the two world wars, the
programs of requirement had begun to change. The Series 700 buildings, the number
assigned in 1928 by the Construction Division of the Army Quartermaster Corps for
mobilization-type construction, not only differed from earlier building series in construction,
but also in use or program of design requirement. The services had changed-training had
become more specialized. Tactical units were enlarged in recognition of this complexity and
because of the global nature of world war. Moreover, the experiences of the past-of
inadequate and unhealthy camp sites and structures-demanded better facilities. When
President Roosevelt promised the mothers of servicemen that their sons would be adequately
sheltered and provided with modem facilities, he was determined to make good on his word.
In spite of the temporary nature of mobilization construction and camp layout, which began
in earnest in 1940, the new facilities would offer substantial improvements over what had
been built before.
As early as 1794, the United States had begun to prepare defenses against naval attack in
those ports deemed most vulnerable. In addition to forts inherited from the British, French,
and Spanish, new defenses were constructed near Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York,
Newport, Charleston, and Norfolk, the so called "first system" of permanent construction.
Some of America's best architects and engineers were employed in this work, including
Charles Pierre L'Enfant, who had planned the nation's capital, and Benjamin Henry Latrobe,
an architect of the Capitol Building who had earlier engineered the Philadelphia Water-
works. Although Washington was sacked during the War of 1812, most of the coastal
defenses withstood the threat of British attack, but not without raising congressional
3 1
concerns about their vulnerability and future effectiveness.
Between the War of 1812 and the Civil War, Congress appropriated funding for America's
best-known naval defenses, including Forts Hamilton, Delaware, Washington, Sumter,
Pulaski, Gaines, Jackson, and Fort Point along the East Coast, Gulf Coast. and Pacific Coast
at San Francisco Bay. Although the Corps of Engineers superintended construction and
assisted in matters of design, French military engineers, led by Simon Bernard, trained in
the tradition of Sebastian Vauban and H.-J. Baptiste Bousmard, provided the architectural
designs, plans, and expertise. These permanent installations exhibited elaborate geometries
in plan for the emplacement and protection of artillery. Ramparts built of stone salients and
casemates enclosed the fortifications with a parade at the center. Within were barracks and
stores, sometimes designed as integral parts of the perimeter walls. Fort Monroe, Virginia,
begun in 1819 and completed in 1847, survives as a showpiece of the great age of American
fortification. The Civil War brought to a close this age of elaborate, French-inspired
defensive works. The shelling by rifled cannon of Forts Sumter, Pulaski, Jackson, and other
Southern strongholds from 1861 through 1865 reduced even the most sophisticated fortifi-
cations to rubble. Moreover, it became apparent during the Civil War that battles were won
through offensive-not defensive-strategies. The victors were those who traveled light,
moved quickly, and struck with surprise. .
The Civil War was also America's first experience with general mobilization. Despite the
resourcefulness of both sides, a lack of preparedness in readying and supplying troops
became all too apparent. Apart from the military academies there were no training facilities
for officers-and none whatsoever for noncommissioned officers and draftees. Casualty rates
were exceedingly high as recruits were pressed into service with little or no preparation for
the hardships they would encounter. Union and Confederate soldiers spent their time in the
field in tent camps or bivouacs. Although portable, such tent structures were often discarded
or torn beyond repair during forced marches and in the heat of battle. The Union Army did
provide standard wooden frames for larger tents, or paulins, such as those used for hospitals,
which could be knocked down and transported where needed. Both sides avoided quartering
at the expense of civilians, the bane of European occupations, thus upholding the Bill of
Rights. But it was also true that soldiers suffered terribly from exposure. Temporary
buildings constructed during the war were primarily intended for munitions and supply,
such as the Rock Island Arsenal in Illinois, built in 1862. In 1864, however, the first
3 3
temporary wooden barracks became standardized with fixed dimensions. .
During the Indian Wars that followed, buildings constructed on the western frontier could
be viewed as temporary forerunners of the type of expedient construction used in later
campaigns. Western camps were strategically located to protect white settlers and to control
militant Indians. Garrisons were small-rarely larger than a battalion in strength-but
trained and prepared for rapid deployment. Within months, camps could be abandoned or
relocated as conditions warranted. The Army provided no detailed plans or specifications for
camp construction. Instead, it was left to the camp commanders and quartermaster officers
to determine layout and construction. Many of the senior officers who retained commands
following the Civil War were graduates of West Point, and thus had received training in civil
engineering. These officers could prepare plans, draft building details, and supervise
construction and entrenchment. Because of locations remote from existing cities, the first
troops to be garrisoned would provide the labor. What they could not anticipate until their
arrival at a wilderness site, however, were the conditions of terrain and availability of
materials to be used in building encampments. Construction varied depending on location.
Where lumber was scarce, adobe was used as a substitute or supplement to log or frame
construction. The southwestern camps were not unlike those founded by the Spanish on the
arid plains and mesas of west Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. In the Northwest, on the
other hand, there was greater abundance of lumber, although not always on the upper Great
Plains of Nebraska, Wyoming, and the Dakotas, where Indians hunted and often located
their villages. Logging would have to be performed by the soldiers. If a camp were to be
fortified, it include a stockade made of thousands of trees, preferably pines. Fort Philip
Kearny, Wyoming, for example, founded in 1866, was laid out and designed by Col. Henry B.
Carrington. The stockade alone required between 2,500 and 3,000 logs, and Col. Carrington
was later criticized for building it. Officer's quarters, enlisted barracks, infirmary, quarter-
master supply, and stables were also made of logs. Some fixtures were carried by pack to the
site, including doors, sash, glass, oil, and paint. Although steamboats could ferry supplies
up the Missouri and Platte rivers, and partway up the Yellowstone River, wagon trains were
needed to carry supplies overland. Railroads were not a factor in supplying outposts in the
critical decade of post-Civil War encampmentsand fortifications. Col. Carrington's original
drawings for the enlisted barracks indicate a one-story range 24 ft x 124 ft, with a porch along
one side. The plan was subdivided into sergeant's quarters, store room, dormitory for
privates and corporals, a mess and wash room, and kitchen. The walls were built of dressed
logs laid horizontally and chamfered on end to create a tenon set within vertical posts placed
about 20 ft apart and routed on each side to hold the ends of the horizontal logs. The posts
were set in the ground, "poteau en terre," and the floor was dirt. A tie beam with braced
rafters supported a plank roof covered with earth. Despite the crude construction, the
barracks's roof "seldom leaked," according to a soldier billeted there. What Col. Carrington
did not design, his quartermaster, Capt. George B. Dandy, did. Capt. Dandy completed the
fort, the repairs and upgrading of which consumed 600,000 board-feet of lumber and 250
window sashes. In 1868,2 years after its founding, the fort was abandoned and then burned
by the Sioux. .
The lack of standards in the construction of military buildings prompted a survey conducted
by the Surgeon General's Office of Army and Naval installations between 1868 and 1870. The
survey was published under the title Report on Barracksand Hospitals. Mortality tables on
servicemen had been kept since 1840, but in the years immediately following the Civil War,
deaths from disease and epidemics increased by 50 percent. Much of the problem was
attributed to overcrowded barracks and the practice of double-bunking. British studies on
the effects of vitiated air (or carbonic acid) and respiratory disease had begun to influence
American medical opinion during the 1860s, resulting in the publication of reports on
minimum standards for ventilation. Suggestions called for improving the construction of
barracks-namely the placement of windows and ventilators, and the raising of floors off the
ground (especially in Southern camps):
It has been said that we have the best-fed and the worst-housed Army in the world....
The defects in the plan of a barrack[s] are often so far compensated by faulty
construction that evil results are not apparent; and the very cracks and crevices in
roofs, walls, or floors, which are so often complained of, may explain why destructive
lung affections [sic] or fevers have not attended overcrowding to a greater degree
than they have done. -
Notwithstanding the findings of the Surgeon General and the attending reports of medical
officers from various stations, little was done to implement the recommendations during the
period of military retrenchment after the Indian Wars.
Log construction gave place to board-and-batten, a method of building that presaged the
balloon frame, but persisted in plank frame construction well into the middle decades of the
19th century. Instead of stud walls with horizontal cladding, vertical boards, usually 1 x 12
in., were nailed at top and bottom to heavy plates and sills that were supported by posts at
the corners and intermediate door openings in the wall (Figure 3.2). Documents called "plans
and bills of materials for temporary buildings for mobilization camps" provided dimensioned
drawings and tables for the calculation of field-expedient structures for company-size units.
Officer barracks, enlisted barracks, kitchen
and bakery buildings, stables, and latrines were
among the different types provided. .7
Instead of heavy timbers used for sills, plates, and posts, lightweight dimensioned lumber-
largely 2 x 4s and 2 x 6s-were nailed together to form built-up sections for these structural
members. Exterior cladding was formed of 1 x 12s, with vertical butted joints covered with
1 x 3 in. battens. These were nailed directly to the plates, sills, and intermediate girts (placed
half way up the wall). In other words, a skeletal box frame that required exterior cladding
for stiffness and structural stability was all that was specified. Inside walls and partitions
were neither insulated nor sheathed, nor was there a ceiling. The roof framing was exposed.
The building sat on a raised foundation of 2.5 ft long treated 6 x 6s, placed in the ground
vertically to form piers. Girders ofdoubled 2 x 6s were placed atop the piers, and these in turn
carried the floorjoists, also doubled 2 x 6s, placed 17 in. on center and covered by a single ply
of tongue-and-groove flooring of 3 x 7/8 in. boards. Rafters consisting of 2 x 4s placed 21 in.
on center with 1 x 6 ties nailed between every other set supported the roof decked with 1 x
12s and covered with roofing paper. The paper or roofing felt was usually applied in several
layers with glued seams, although battens were occasionally used to secure the paper.
The 1914 buildings were modular. The modules were based on a 20 ft span, with overall
lengths varying according to need, but divided into bays (orbents) of 7 ft. Each bay contained
a six-lite sash window, either hinged at the bottom or pivoted at the sides so the top of the
sash opened inward. Enlisted men's barracks, for example, ranged from 20 x 63 ft (for 37 men)
to 20 x 70 ft (for 43 men), up to 20 x 147 ft (for 97 men). Therefore, one or two platoons could
be housed accordingly. The barracks were heated with a wood- or coal-fired stove placed near
the center in one of the intermediate bays. Entry doors to the barracks were located on the
sides of the building, at least one to each side, and in the same intermediate bay as the stove.
Convective heat was given off by the stove and its flue, and the draft afforded by the entries
and windows was considered sufficient to ventilate the barracks. The flue fit into a 7 in.
diameter clay tile chimney with a 26-gauge metal smokestack flashed to the exterior of the
roof. Latrines and showers were not attached, but constructed separately. It would be
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assumed that rural camps or field-expedient developments would not have sewers, so latrine
boxes and urinal troughs emptied into vaults. No sewerage was provided for cantonments
constructed in Texas during the Mexican Border Uprising of 1916. Also of board-and-batten
construction, latrines were roofed, but, for purposes of ventilation, not fully enclosed. No
floors were indicated. Bath houses were nearly as primitive, but were built with a raised
flooring. Portable pumps would have allowed for water distribution by the onset of World
War I.
In plan, single-story enlisted barracks consisted of a nonpartitioned dormitory for the lower
grades, with two bays at one end divided by partitions for a 10 x 14 ft office, 7 x 10 ft store
room, and 7 x 10 ft quarters for a senior noncommissioned officer (NCO) (Figure 3.3). In 1917,
the Cantonment Construction Division devised a new enlisted barracks-one that could
contain an entire infantry company of 200 men. Those responsible for designing the new
barracks were Col. F. M. Gunby, chief of the engineering department, and Lt. Col. F. B.
Wheaton, advisory architect. The barracks was a two-story structure of stud construction
(Figure 3.4). Measuring in plan 43 ft by 140 ft, the ground floor would be divided among
dormitory, mess hall, and kitchen spaces, while the upper floor was for dormitory space alone
(Figure 3.5). Its larger dimensions created a far more imposing structure, and made it the
central feature of a camp layout. As in the single-story barracks, entries were located at the
sides. However, walls would now define a corridor 20 ft wide (or "company hall") between the
entries, with second-story stair and rooms for the senior NCO, and stores opening onto the
corridor. The floors were divided by columns and exterior walls into bays 10 ft square.
Because of the greater spans and live load conditions, the more substantial stud construction,
rather than plank frame construction, was employed. The board-and-batten method
described above simply did not lend itself to two-story construction. The weight of an upper
floor required the extra stiffness of regularly spaced studs. The idea ofcombiningkitchen and
mess within a barracks was not new; many early forts served meals in the same buildings in
which the soldiers were billeted. For example, such was true of the barracks designed by Col.
Carrington at Fort Philip Kearny. An inherent danger was the risk of fire from food
preparation over an open flame within buildings where people were sleeping. Moreover,
there was also the nuisance problems of food odor, vermin, and noise. Cooks and cook's
helpers would arise before reveille to prepare breakfast. Although the kitchen was given a
separate entrance, it could hardly have dampened the cries of cooks and scrambling of KPs
(kitchen police) who pulled kitchen duty. Stoves were symmetrically located on the first floor,
with flues extending through the second floor to provide heat above. Because of the heat,
especially in second story spaces, a monitor to provide ventilation was placed on the roof and
extended the length ofthe ridge. Vent ducts to exhaust fetid air from the first floor dormitory
continued through the upper floor to the ridge. Windows were larger than in the single-story
barracks, with a double-hung sash of six lites (panes) each above and below. For no apparent
reason other than aesthetics, the second to end bays ofboth stories provided double windows
separated by mullions. Another novel feature that would reappear in a modified version in
World War II barracks was a pent roof above the ground-story windows and the second-story
windows on the ends of the barracks. The construction of these bn rrack s was 8similar to those
of the Series 700 buildings (which are described in detail in Iii- - Pction). .
Administration, mess, officer, guard, post exchange, and ho-pt. !,:,Idings were of similar
construction to the single-story 1914 barracks with 20 ft spni,, md 7 ft bays. Latrines,
showers, stables, garages, and store houses each varied in construction, with differing spans
and bays, but continued to be of plank frame construction.
The largest of these other types of buildings was the store house, which had a span of 36 ft
(Figure 3.6). Because of the weight and bulk of supplies to be stored-largely food, hardware,
and dry goods-the foundations and floors of these structures were heavier than those
intended for personnel. Footings of either concrete or creosote-treated timber were placed on
grade, with two 3 ft long 12 x 12s placed on side and one 2 ft long 12 x 12 placed across these
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on top. The footings were set 12 ft apart and spaced 10 ft on center over the length of the
structure, supporting 8 x 12 girders which in turn carried 2 x 12 joists covered with a 2 x 10
plank flooring. The superstructure was composed of 6 x 6 in. columns placed to form bays of
12 x 20 ft and braced to rafters overhead. Girts 2 x 6 in. were nailed across the columns to
support the board and batten cladding. The door was a sliding barn-type door 8 ft wide, hung
from a 16 ft track. The columns supported two 2 x 10s laminated to form a plate that carried
2 x 10 rafters spaced 24 in. on center. A deck of 7/8 in. 9tongue-and-groove boarding covered
with paper "Paroid" roofing completed the structure. '
Hangars for the Army Signal Corps (later separated as the Army Air Corps) posed a new
challenge. Although balloons and airplanes had been purchased before World War 1, the first
training facilities were not constructed until 1917. A timber-frame hangar, as a temporary
building type for American camps, was designed by Albert Kahn, the well known and
respected Detroit architect responsible for large-scale industrial plants required for automo-
bile manufacturers--the Ford and Dodge plants in particular. These structures were
introduced to airfields in 1917, but were replaced by permanent steel hangars of similar
design the followingyear. The wooden hangars, with a gambrel-type roof, measured 66 x 122
ft, and could accommodate between six and eight aircraft (Figure 3.7). Because of the need
for clear spans, a modified Pratt truss with a lower chord made of 2 x 12s and the remaining
web members (including diagonal and vertical bracing) of 2 x 8s, were framed in pairs and
inserted into reveals in the top of 18 ft wall columns. The columns divided the hangar into
15 ft bays, and each column was built up offour 2 x 12s. The two outer boards were separated
from the inner two by 2 in. blocks, thus forming a cross-section of 12 x 12 with slots at the top
to receive the truss. The columns were braced outside the wall by pairs of 2 x 8s inserted into
the spaces between the inner and outer laminates of the columns, and anchored by U-bolts
embedded in a 4 in. concrete slab that extended 3 ft beyond the walls of the hangar. Purlins
of 2 x 8s placed 24 in. on center between the paired trusses tied the trusses together and
carried the roof decking. The purlins were blocked solid in between on the lower pitch of the
gambrel roof. The decking and exterior wall cladding was 7/8 in. shiplap siding, the roof
portion covered with paper with a crushed-slate red aggregate finish. Six-part composite
sash windows were employed one to a bay (or sixteen to a hangar). The doors were 18 ft high
and attached to rails by grooved "Hyatt" rollers. So that the doors could open fully, 8 x 8 in.
braced frames extended to carry the doors 16 ft beyond the side walls at the end of the hangar.
Despite the temporary nature of the buildings, they were painted. The yellow pine used
throughout in the hangars at Kelly Field near San Antonio, Texas, for example, was painted
3 10
white with gray trim. .
The Quonset Hut was also developed for the Army Air Signal Corps during World War I on
plans furnished by the British. Originally known as the Nissen Bow Hut, it was a
prefabricated structure intended for use on the airfields of France, and was used for squadron
offices, guardhouses, field stores, and hospitals (Figure 3.8). With a width of only 16 ft,
Nissens were not large enough to use as hangars, and appear not to have been used as
barracks. During World War II, a larger version of the Nissens came to be called Quonsets
because of the large numbers of them used by the Navy and Marines at posts like the Naval
Air Station at Quonset Point, Rhode Island. The early Nissens combined both wood and
metal components. They are identified by their unique form, a semi-cylindrical roof of
galvanized corrugated sheet metal attached to timber purlins and supported by steel ribs.
Hook bolts with nuts and washers connected the purlins to the ribs. The semicircular ends
of the building were ofboard-and-batten construction, with a door at center and two windows
with two over two lites each. Lumber was also used in the foundation and floor ofthe building.
Bearers carried joists placed 18 in. on center, and these in turn were decked with 4 x 9 ft
panels of plywood. The Quonsets of World War II were of metal construction throughout,
except for the windows and flooring. 3 "11
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The Navy also used temporary construction during World War I, but to a lesser extent than
the Army. Moreover, there was not the same carryover of design in Naval buildings between
the two world wars (except in barracks) that was exhibited in Army buildings. During
peacetime, the Navy trained sailors at one of four receiving stations before assigning them
to ships. Naval stations did not provide extensive quarters for enlisted men, since all but
those assigned to specialized branches were remanded to sea when not on furlough.
Mobilization, however, produced more sailors than the existing receiving stations and ships
couldhold. At Charleston, South Carolina, for example, barracks and latrines were provided
for training regiments of 1,000 men each. Four sections of 75 men each composed a ship's
company, and each section was provided three separate barracks. Cantonment barracks,
administrative quarters, mess hall, and latrines were frame construction of a type specified
by the Naval Civil Engineering Corps and suk "-vised on site by the commandant of the local
Naval yard and his assistants. The bc "-ksscructures were small compared to those of the
Army, and not unlike those used in loL, g camps. One story in height and just 16 x 30 ft in
plan, Naval barracks could accommodate only 25 sailors (Figure 3.9). The structure's close
quarters-250 cu ft of space per sailor-were intended to simulate the confined conditions
aboard a ship, such as the slinging of hammocks that were stowed during the day. A
foundation of brick piers of 12 x 12 in. cross-section, and extending 18 in. above ground,
carried 6 x 6 in. sills supporting 2 x 6 in. joists with 1 in. tongue-and-groove flooring. The roof
and walls were supported by three rows of six columns extendingfrom one end of the barracks
to the other, and dividing the plan into 10 bays of 8 x 6 ft. From floor to wall plate was 10 feet,
to allow space for ventilation overhead. The center row of columns was taller than the outer
rows to support the apex of the roof that had a one-to-four pitch. Each column bears directly
on the sill below, positioned over a pier for added reinforcement. The columns supported
crosstrees of 6 x 6 in. dressed timber placed about 7 ft above the floor from which the
hammocks were suspended. Girts of 2 x 4 in. span along the walls between the columns
provided stiffness as well as bearers for the plank siding. Neither inside wall sheathing nor
ceilings were provided. The siding stopped two ft short of the top of the wall to allow a
continuous screened window from one end of the building to the other. Additional ventilation
was provided by 2 x 6 ft windows midway up the wall, which had awning shutters hinged at
the top and adjusted by cords attached to clews in the ends of rafters. The roof was carried
by 4 x 6 in. plates positioned above the columns and supporting 2 x 4 rafters, decking, and
roofing paper. One end wall contained the entry and a louvered window; the other wall was
blocked with pigeon holes to contain the sailors' duffel bags. Designed for southern or even
tropical climates, these lightweight structures were neither provided with stoves nor glazed
windows, and they would not have been suitable for use elsewhere. 3.12
The Series 700 or mobilization-type construction that accounts for the majority of Army
buildings erected in 1940 and 1941, originated with drawings prepared in 1917 and modified
during the 1920s and 1930s. The Advisory Architect of the Construction Division, Maj.
Elsmere J. Walters, completed a final set of drawings between 1937 and 1940. The
occasionally used designation "Theater of Operations" (T.O.) to describe these buildings is
incorrect. T.O. buildings, although also of temporary construction, were intended for use
outside the continental U.S. for advance bases, and they varied in modular proportion and
detail from the Series 700 and later Series 800 structures. In overall appearance, differences
between the buildings of the two world wars had less to do with type or style than with
proportion and construction. To the eye, the most immediate difference lay in the fact that
the buildings of World War II were painted in stead of being left to weather. An ivory-colored
enamel coated the exterior of all frame buildings, whether they be a major general's quarters
or an enlisted men's barracks. Doors and aprons around the foundation were painted light
gray. Another difference was that doors were moved to the front (or gable) end of the later
buildings, depending on their use. Company buildings that emptied out onto drill fields
* 6L4
Figure 3.9. Twenty-Five-Man Barracks, 1917: Naval Training Camp, Charleston, S.C.
benefited from this logical modification. As a safety measure, fire escapes (wooden ladder and
landing) made it necessary to put an additional exterior door on two-story barracks. Another
small improvement was the location of a wood-framed ventilator in the gable end wall of any
building with a ceiling. This detail, although recommended as early as 1917, had been
omitted in the Series 600 buildings. Obviously, there were differences in use, but the needs
of the new Army could usually be accommodated with slightly modified existing building
types. For example, there were no radio station buildings among the types prepared in 1917,
but a World War I signal company storehouse could be converted into a World War II radio
station. A remount station could be converted to a motor pool building. The Series 700-100
administrative building occupied by battalion commanders and above changed little between
the wars (Figure 3.10). The meager proportions of the offices and clerical bays were not
enlarged, and although the building exteriors were painted, the interiors remained 3 13
painted (throughout the war), and, in most locations, uninsulated and unsheathed. "
Tables of organization, beginning with company strength, changed between the wars.
Following demobilization, company size was reduced from 200-in late 1917 it had been
increased to 250 to conform to British and French strengths-to 126 by 1941, which could be
increased to 192 as made necessary by war. The typical barracks-a Series 700-1165, for
example-accommodated half a company, or 63 men. The Surgeon General determined
occupancy by establishing minimum space requirements for quartering in order to ensure
health and sanitation. From 400 cu ft of space for those living in tents and barracks in 1916,
requirements increased to 500 cuft in 1917, and to 700 cu ft by 1940. These changes affected
the plans of barracks and hospital buildings, as well as the layout of bunks. In addition to
barracks, each company area contained a mess hall to seat 170 14
men, a recreation building
(day rooms), and storehouse (to include the company office).3.
Architectural standards were upgraded considerably in Series 700 buildings. Stud construc-
tion (rather than plank frame) was used in one- and two-story structures (Figures 3.11 and
3.12). Concrete piers and footings replaced treated-timber posts, and that, together with the
painting of exterior walls, ultimately extended the life of remaining World War II temporary
buildings. Designed for a building life of 5 to 7 years, many have now stood up to five decades
of use. Exterior sheathing (with damp-proof courses beneath plywood or shiplap cladding)
and the laying of subfloors did much to tighten up these later buildings and to prevent the
drafty conditions experienced in their World War I predecessors. Composition board (a
pressed-wood fiberboard) and sheetrock (gypsum-lath wallboard) were also used-although
to a limited extent--even in the northern cantonment areas. Composition board and plywood
had been introduced early in the century, but weak glues limited their usefulness until the
development of stronger resins in the 1940s. Gypsum board, although developed before the
war, met with resistance among plasterers, and would not be adopted commercially until the
postwar housing boom. Wallboard was most often used for ceilings and partitions, but not
for sheathing the interior face of exterior walls. Perhaps the most welcome improvements
to the later Series 700 buildings were the installation of plumbing and electrical conduit, and
3 5
an improved heating system. -1
Outdoor showers and latrines had been a standard fixture of military posts. Soldiers from
farms and small towns had grown accustomed to the inconvenience of traveling between
house and outhouse. But city dwellers, even by the time of World War I, considered outdoor
toilet facilities to be among the great disadvantages of cantonment life. Although sewers had
been provided in the larger World War I camps, the showers and latrines remained detached
as small outbuildings located between barracks and elsewhere. Either it was considered a
healtV measure to have them separated, or an expedience in the event that the barracks
would be replaced by National Guard tents after the war. In the new barracks, concrete slabs
were poured for showers, latrines, and mechanical rooms, with vitreous ceramic fixtures used
in sinks, urinals, and toilets. Shower walls were lined with galvanized sheet metal.
Electrical service had been provided in many World War I buildings, including enlisted
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Figure 3.12. Series 700 One-Story Combination Company HO and Supply Room, 1937-1940.
barracks, but overhead lighting, connected in series by flexible conduit, would now be
provided to all occupied buildings. Also, wall outlets were furnished to single rooms. A
porcelain base and naked 40 W bulb illuminated each structural bay of a dormitory space.
Electrical appliances now could be used in senior enlisted and officer barracks and housing.
The greatest improvement, however, was the heating and ventilating of buildings (Figure
3.13). Gone from barracks were the space heaters and cannon stoves. These old-fashioned
heaters usually occupied the center of a bay. They "cooked" the soldiers bunking nearest to
them, while leaving those sleeping farther away and near a wall or window to freeze.
Furnaces would now be installed in separate mechanical rooms. Flues, instead of penetrat-
ing floors and roofs, were set 4 ft outside the exterior wall of the mechanical room. Electric
fans and thermostats controlled the flow of heated air through sheet-metal (or, sometimes
during the war, fiber board) ducts. Dampers within the registers or duct outlets regulated
the distribution of heat. The forced-air system was not as efficient as the convective stoves,
and in large dormitories it rarely provided sufficient heat; but occupants no longer had to
compete with the stove for oxygen. Moreover, the risk of fire was substantially reduced by
Lhe separation of the furnace from occupied rooms and the relocation of flues outside the
building envelope. One design flaw, however, affected coal-fired (but not oil-fueled) units: the
coal bins used to store fuel for the furnaces were installed inside the mechanical rooms next
to the furnace. Consequently, the intake air that was heated and distributed throughout the
buildings contained coal dust. Sash-type windows, pivoted in one-story buildings and double-
hung in two-story structures, provided natural ventilation. Doors at the fronts of barracks,
both above (for fire escape) and below, and a side door aL the rear, offered better air circulation
than the side entries of the 1917 barracks. With opened windows placed one to a bay, there
3 6
was not a problem with ventilation when the doors were not shut. "'
Ease and speed of construction were key design criteria. Framing remained simple.
Anticipated manpower shortages made it necessary to use unskilled labor. Only a portion
of those employed on building crews would be experienced carpenters, so framing techniques
were intentionally designed to be uncomplicated. Platform framing, in which floors are
framed separately (as opposed to balloon framing), had been in practice since the turn of the
century. Second-story floors obtained greater stability and load-bearing capacity. Dimen-
sioned lumber and stock items such as doors and windows were used throughout. The
concrete foundation piers of most company buildings were 8 x 8 in. posts of 5 ft height, set
on 16 in. square concrete footings installed 3 ft below grade. Anchor bolts set in the middle
of each pier fastened a composite sill made up of three 2 x 8s spiked together. The sills carried
2 x 8 joists that spanned either 10 or 13 ft, depending on the building.
One-story company buildings were 25 ift, 4 in. (two bays) wide, whereas the two-story
barracks were 29 ft, 6 in. (three bays) wide. Spacing between joists was 20 in. for the ground
floor of barracks and day rooms, and 16 in. for mess halls. Second-story floor framing of
barracks placed joists 24 in. on center, but substituted 2 x 10s with bridging. Subfloors were
1 x 8 in. tongue-and-groove stock, separated by a damp course of rolled felt from a finish floor
of 1 x 4s. Many of these wooden floors would later be covered by linoleum for ease of
maintenance. Studs, girts, and plates were 2 x 4s. Wall framing was enclosed on the exterior
face by 1 x 8 sheathing nailed on a 45 degree diagonal to the studs, covered by a damp course,
and finished with 1 x 8 shiplap siding (sometimes referred to as "drop" or "novelty" siding,
wherein one edge is rabbeted to cover the board below). Interior partitions used to separate
NCO rooms from dormitory areas, and to sheath stair and latrine walls, were mostly made
of horizontally nailed 1 x 6 tongue-and-groove flush boarding on 2 x 4 stud framing. The
shower room was lined with galvanized sheet metal, and the mechanical room with sheetrock
or fiber board. Two rows of 6 x 6 freestanding columns helped support the barracks' upper
floor and roof, and these were placed 10ft apart and located over the foundation piers to define
a 10 x 10 ft module. The ground-story columns carried built-up beams of three 2 x 8s braced
by pairs of 2 x 4s, which extended along the axis of the barracks from front to rear. Second-
/ 1 I
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story columns, placed directly above, penetrated the upstairs ceiling to support a beam of two
2 x 8s. That beam served as a bearer for the roof. Rafters of 2 x 6 in. placed 24 in. on center
were decked with 1 x 8s and covered with a roofing paper rolled in continuous sheets from
front to back, with the first course beginning at the eave and successive courses extending
to the ridge (with 4 in. overlapped joints between each). This roofing3
felt was a heavy green
bituminous paper of a type superior to that used in earlier roofing. "17
A distinctive feature peculiar to Series 700 buildings was a skirt-roof that projected from the
spandrel wall above the ground-story windows on two-story buildings, and continued around
all four sides (Figure 3.14). On both the single-story and two-story buildings, it also extended
the eave line beneath the front and rear gables to span the width of the building. Other terms
used to describe this skirt-roof were "canopies" and "eyebrows." The official term used by the
Army to designate this feature is "aquamedia," and its origin is as uncertain as its Latin
derivation. Whatever its ontology, aquamedia was of questionable value. A pent roof had
been used above windows on barracks designed in 1917, for the purpose of shedding rain
while permitting the window sash to remain open for ventilation. Rather than frame
separate pents for each window, however, a continuous skirt was devised in 1940, extending
3 ft from the face of the wall and braced by 2 x 4s. The feature was dropped from the Series
800 buildings because it could not shield against blowing rain, and leaks could occur where
3 18
the stub rafters were framed into the wall. s
Other differences in the Series 800 buildings, introduced in 1941 and further modified by the
Corps of Engineers in 1942, were the proportions of two-story barracks (Figure 3.15). When
Col. Somervell took charge of the Construction Division, he reorganized each of the
departments, including personnel changes. In the Engineering Department, George E.
Bergstrom, a prominent architect and president of the American Institute of Architects, was
made Chief of the Architecture Unit. Bergstrom continued in this capacity after the
construction mission was transferred to the Corps of Engineers. Already, he had begun to
respond to criticism of the Series 700 buildings. In the larger of the two standard widths that
carried over to the Series 800s, bays 10 ft square continued to define the dormitories and NCO
rooms. However, the ceiling heights were increased. Instead of cots or single bunks, double-
bunk sleeping arrangements were determined. Laterally, the double bunks were not placed
as close together as 3ingles, but the overall effect was a reduction in terms of cubic feet of air
space per occupant. Since 1870, the Surgeon General had frowned on use of double bunks.
However, wartime conditions, together with improved medical service and personal hygiene,
permitted the return of the double bunk. Hence in the new Series 800-1129 74-man barracks
(as opposed to the Series 700-1165 63-man barracks it replaced), floor-to-ceiling heights
increased 5 in. on the first story and 1 ft, 6 in. on the second. Overall height from the bottom
of the apron to the apex of the roof increased from 24 ft, 6 in. to 26 ft, 5 in., which meant more
head height for sleeping arrangements in the dormitory bays. The barracks length gained
an additional 10 ft bay, allowing companies to accommodate one-and-a-half platoons per
barracks at full strength. The one floor left over in the three barracks assigned per company
was used for quartering the cooks, steward, clerk, supply sergeant, and first sergeant
(assuming they were confined to the company area when placed on alert). "19
In an effort to avoid waste, the 8-, 10-, and 16-penny nailing schedules were revised to use
fewer nails per connection. The generous 3 ft overhangs of the roof eaves were cut back to
9 in., although boxed in with a facia and sofflit. During the latter part of 1942, cement-
asbestos shingles began to be substituted for the standard shiplap wood siding used
previously. Timber depletions resultingfrom the previous 2years of construction meant that
nonstructural applications of lumber would be avoided whenever possible. The natural gray
shingles, which came in 11 x 24 in. pieces, required no painting but were susceptible to
checking. Shortages may also have figured into the use of trusses in the 25 ft wide buildings,
such as the mess halls and the combination company headquarters-st pply-day room. The
truss design employed in these Series 800 structures (Figure 3.16) was similar to those
.00 .00 .0
.fl 1.
2.4 ='.4.o
M3/'-Vr 0 1 2 2
Figure 3.15. Series 800 Mobilization Building: Two-Story Barracks, 1941-1 944.
-- 2 98CM
FEET 31 .V.-W0 1 2 3 4 5 1
0 1 2
Figure 3.16. Series 600 One-Story Combination Company HO, Supply, and Day Room, 1941-1944.
specified for the 36 ft Series 600 spans of World War I. The upper chord or rafter was tied
to the bottom chord or ceilingjoistby struts and knee braces. The knee braces, which attached
to the wall studs, provided transverse bracing for the open diaphragm left by the clear span.
The advantage, of course, was that no intermediate supports were needed. Less lumber went
into framing a truss than a load-bearing partition wall. 3`
Among the more imposing of the Series 800 structures were the field houses. Until the
development of the Type FH-A Field House in late 1941 (replaced by the FH-1 in 1942), large
assemblies for sports activities took place in modified theater buildings designated as sports
arenas (Figure 3.17). Organized team sports were considered important to the recreational
needs of soldiers, and the new structures provided clear spans and overhead clearances for
indoor volleyball and basketball. Steel segmental arches set 20 ft apart and anchored at each
end to a concrete deadman offered a span between stabilizing columns of 104 ft. From finish
floor to the bottom flange of the arch at center span was approximately 32.5 ft. The arches
were the only steel members; the columns, beams, and purlins were timber. The columns
were composed of four 2 x 12s. The end walls were framed in 2 x 12s spaced 2 ft on center;
side walls were 2 x 4s spaced 16 in. on center. On either side of the playing courts were rows
of offices and lockers. Above these a clear story of fixed sash windows lighted the interior
space. Built-up roofing covered timber decking supported by 2 x 10 purlins that spanned
between the arches. Because field houses were considered division-echelon buildings, no
more than one such structure per division was constructed.
Chapels were also special structures. Although intended for use by all congregations, with
rabbis serving among the chaplains, the chapels in outward appearance were Christian
landmarks, and easily recognized as such. Their form was based on the New England
Protestant meetinghouse, but a lightning rod, rather than a cross, was affixed to the finial
above the roof of the steeple. Instead of being painted white, as were the Colonial Revival
style prototypes, chapels were painted the ubiquitous ivory and appeared in both the Series
700 and 800 chapels (ChAP A-M and Ch-1). There were also T.O. chapels for construction
overseas. Approximately 37 x 83 ft in plan, these one-and-a-half-story buildings were divided
into seven bays: the first bay was occupied by the entry and overhead choir loft, the end bay
contained the altar, and the central bays (nave) were open to the roof to expose the chapel's
most attractive feature-a braced hammer beam truss. The truss' lower chord ran parallel
to the incline of the roof, which exceeded in steepness the typical 5/12 pitch. A window in the
choir loft on the chapel front, and windows along the aisles, provided natural light. No
stained glass was used. Ventilators on front and back of the tower that projected above the
roof provided a draft through the sanctuary from above the choir loft. A double-leaf, five-
panel door with overhead transom, framed by a pavilion front and approached by wooden
steps, provided a very traditional entry motif. Chapels were regimental-echelon buildings.
Emphasized by press releases during 1940 and 1941 were the methods employed by
construction crews in erecting buildings. Deadlines required accelerated schedules for site
preparation, materials layout, and assembly. Crews of masons, carpenters, plumbers, and
electricians went from building to building performing specialized functions. Among
carpenters, different crews performed framing, roofing, and finishing work (miliwork,
setting doors and windows, etc.). Such an assembly-line approach would be used by
developers in postwar housing developments, where entire tracts would be laid out, con-
structed, and marketed by a single enterprise. Marshaling yards were established at new
camp sites, with lumber and other materials arriving by rail. Once building foundation piers
and slabs were poured, the requisite amount of lumber was driven by truck to each building
site. The larger framing members had already been cut to length at the marshaling yard by
table saws. Hand-held power saws were operated by gasoline-powered electric generators to
trim the lumber on site. As specified, all four sides of the lumber was surfaced at the mill
before shipping. No. 2 yellow pine was used for framing, sheathing, and cladding. Finish
floors were straight-grain fir. After the first floor was framed and its subfloor laid, the
remaining materials would be stacked on the floor or sorted into spaces between the
foundation piers, to avoid obstructing work on adjacent structures. First-story walls were
then framed, clad, and raised into position from the inside. Next, the second floor was framed
and decked to serve as a stage for the second-story walls, which were then framed, clad, and
assembled with skirt-roof while on the horizontal before being lifted into place. The brackets
for the skirt-roof rotated down into place beneath the first-story wall plate for attachment.
Falsework or scaffolding was thereby unnecessary as construction proceeded. However, the
roofing gang would need ladders (for decking and felting), as would the trim-out crew (for
setting the window trim on the building's exterior). Roof slopes inclined only 5 in. over a run
of 12 in., enabling roofers to work without risk of sliding off. At Fort Ord, contracts with the
Ford J. Twaits and Morrison-Knudsen companies specified 1,200 buildings constructed at
the rate of one building per hour. Using the techniques described above, the contractors cut
the time on the first 820 units to 'a building every 54 minutes.' This rate far exceeded records
set for the erection of World War I barracks, which required 3 hours to construct at Camp
Pike, Arkansas. However, at Camp Pike, wooden foundations were also set. The greatest
difference between the building campaigns for each world war was in the numbers of workers
involved on the site. At Camp Pike during World War 1, 200 were required.3 21
Comparing Camp Edwards, Massachusetts, Fort Ord, California, Fort Dix, New Jersey, Fort
Leonard Wood, Missouri, and Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania, similar construction tech-
niques among installations sped up the jobs. These techniques included the breakdown of
labor into specialized units, the staging of materials, and rapid assembly methods. At Camp
Edwards, for example, construction began in September 1940 and was completed in March
1941, providing facilities for 30,000 soldiers. Although construction costs would first be
estimated to total about $8 million, the actual cost rose to $28.5 million. To erect 1,400
buildings, some 33 million board-feet of lumber was purchased before construction, and to
that amount, an additional 30 million had to be acquired. In addition, 5 million sq ft of fiber
board, 85,000 rolls of roofing and sheathing paper, 26,000 kegs of nails, and 64,000 cu yd of
concrete were consumed. Foundations were dug by power-post augers mounted on trucks.
Because the postholes were round, cylindrical section footings and piers were substituted for
square ones; 8 in. stovepipe was used for forms. Concrete was mixed en route. From the
Boston and Providence region, 20,000 men were assembled, about half of whom were
carpenters. These were divided into crews averaging 15 men each. All work was supervised
by the constructing quartermasters (Maj. H. Algeo, Capt K. M. Pattee, and Capt. F. E.
Robbins). The general contractor (Walsh Construction Co.) provided field superintendents
and foremen, and the consulting engineer (Frank Gunby) from Charles T. Main, Inc., of
Boston, was the former chief of the Engineering Department of the Cantonment Division
during World War I. According to D. G. Aronberg, who managed construction for Walsh:
Time was the essence of this contract. Ours was one of the largest camp contracts
let on a cost-plus-fixed-fee basis--and one of the first. When the Army terminated
the contract on March 8, 1941, all of the buildings were 100 percent complete and
3 22
accepted. .
plan-two legs connected at the center by a service element. The B-1 was introduced first at
Camp Lawrence, the last and best designed of the temporary camps at the Great Lakes Naval
Station in 1918. This building was a two-story structure with dormitory space for a company
of 300 men. The connecting leg contained the latrine and laundry, located inside the building.
The B-1 was reintroduced in 1940 and employed until 1942 (Figure 3.18). In construction it
was much like its Army counterpart, with stud walls of 2 x 4s, sheathed with diagonal
boarding and clad in shiplap siding or cement-asbestos shingles. There were structural
differences between the Navy and Army versions, however. Each outer leg measured 28 x
100 ft and the connecting leg measured 28 x 112 ft (Figure 3.19). Foundations were
continuous along the peripheral walls. The outer legs of the plan had center rows of piers
spaced 10 ft apart, while the connecting wing had two intermediate rows of piers to carry the
additional weight of the shower, latrine, and laundry floors. Foundation walls and piers were
concrete, extending 3 ft above and 3 ft below grade in the northern construction zone. Atop
the foundations were laid 4 x 6 sills. Center beams, or "sleepers," spanned from pier to pier,
and were made of 6 x 12s. These in turn carried the floorjoists, 2 x 10s spaced 16 in. on center.
The dormitory floors consisted of a subfloor of 1 x 6s and finish floor of 1 x 4 tongue-and-groove
stock with vapor barrier between plies. The ground floor of the connecting service wing
received a 4 in. slab of concrete above the subfloor. Each floor of the two dormitory wings
contained a squad bay sleeping 75 men in hammocks. A center row of 6 x 6 in. columns with
knee braces separates the space into 14 ft cross-sectional bays, and the sailors' hammocks
were hung from cross-trees that stretched between the columns and outside walls. A 4 x 4
in. shoring scabbed to the outer wall helped support the cross-trees. Floor-to-ceiling heights
of 9 ft, 2 in. took into account double-tiered sleeping arrangements. Each 10 x 14 ft structural
bay was lit by a double-hung window similar to those used by the Army. Rafters were 2 x 10s
spaced at 2 ft on center, decked with 1 x 6 tongue-and-groove boarding with asphalt roofing
3 23
paper. -
Material shortages that had already become apparent by 1942 dictated revisions in building
design. Albert Kahn, who had been a consultant to the military services since World War I,
produced many of the designs for Naval installation s-especially those for air hangars-and
the Bureau of Yards and Docks honored him with a special commendation "for outstanding
services rendered in designing buildings and facilities." In all, Albert Kahn, Associated
Architects and Engineers, Inc., produced some 1,650 drawings, complete with specifications,
for Naval installations prior to April 1943.3.24
However, it was another architectural firm that successfully took on the challenge of
designing a new barracks that would be more efficient in its use of structural timber. Eggers
and Higgins of New York produced a modern style barracks with a flat-roof profile, banded
windows, and new substitute materials used for siding and interior finishes. Created in 1942,
the new barracks design-called the B-2-was introduced in the construction of the
Bainbridge, Sampson, and Farragut training stations of 1943 (Figure 3.20). Eventually, the
new design was employed in other Naval facilities before the war's end. In contrast to the
old"H" style, the new barracks adopted a rectangular plan with dimensions of 42 x 150 ft, and
capable of quartering 250 sailors (232 seamen and 18 petty officers). The structures were two
stories with dormitory bays above and below. The ground floor also contained at one end a
single entry and stairwell, showers, laundry, latrine, boiler room, and chief petty officer
quarters. Either concrete piers or continuous concrete or brick foundation walls supported
the framing. When piers were used, they sat on 2.5 ft square footings of 18 in. thickness,
placed 3 ft below grade. The 5 ft piers were placed in four rows 15 ft apart across the length
of the building. In cross-section, there were three bays of 14.5 ft on the sides and 13 ft in the
center, defined by the foundation. The sills that spanned the piers along the axis of the
building were composite timber 4 x 16s on the exterior, and 8 x 16s on the interior. Columns-
4 x 10 in. on the exterior walls and 8 x 10 in. for the freestanding two interior rows-were
located above each pier. The columns, in turn, carried lateral beams to support the second
floor of the same dimension as the sills. The outer beams at the walls were bolted through
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the columns and formed a header for the window walls below. Floorjoists at both levels were
2 x 10s p:ced 16 in. on center. Above the floor joists was a plywood subfloor covered by half-
inch rock wool mat insulation, and topped with a hardwood finish floor. A flat roof supported
by 2 x 8 rafters spaced 16 in. on center received
the weight of treated I x 6 decking and a four-
ply built-up felt covering with gravel finish. "6
Exterior walls s,,bstituted gypsum board and asbestos-cement for wood. Plywood, which
easily delaminated because of inferior glues, would nevertheless prove to be an alternative
to 1 x 8 in. boarding. But, because wood was in high demand, plywood cost about $0.10 per
square foot in 1943, compared to only $0.05 or $0.06 for asbestos-cement. Hence, the Navy
ordered 6.5 million sq ft of asbestos-cement. Scabbed onto the exterior columns were 2 x 4s
on either side to provide framing for the window units and cripples for the lower wall
spandrels. To these, half-inch gypsum board was nailed on the outside as sheathing. It was
then covered with felt paper and clad with 4 x 8 ft sheets of quarter-inch light gray asbestos
cement. Interior wall and ceiling surfaces, where finished, employed other substitute
materials such as Masonite, a hardboard produced by the Celotex Corp. of Chicago. Ribbon
windows divided the spandrels into horizontal strips that extended from one end of the
building to the other. The windows were wood double-hung, but unlike the Federal-style
pattern of earlier barracks windows, these had one single pane above and below, instead of
the traditional six over six. The flat roofline, smooth wall finish, and fenetre-de-longueur
placed the barracks within the character of the International style, at least when seen from
a distance. And like much of the experimental Eiropean housing of the 1920s, the new
barracks materials did not hold up well. The roofs leaked, the windows rattled, the gypsum
board warped, and siding was easily checked or broken. The new buildings were intended
to be temporary and many of them were razed rather than repaired. At Farragut, however,
because of its proximity to nearby lumber mills and its rustic setting, wood siding was used
in place of the asbestos-cement (Figure 3.21). After the war, contractors would learn to use
the gypsum board or sheetrock for interior walls and ceilings, ti-e hardboard for exterior
3 26
siding, and the rock wool insulation in the wall cavities. .
Perhaps the most important contribution to buildingdesign by the Navy during the waryears
was in the use of laminated trusses for drill halls. Also introduced in 1943, these large clear-
span drill halls were designed by the New York arcl.itecture firm of Shreve, Lamb, and
Harmon, the same firm that designed the Empire State Building. Again, because of material
shortages, the use of steel in construction was limited by the War Production Board. Long-
span wood trusses of the Pratt and Vierendeel type, with deep webbing between upper and
lower chords, had been used by both the Army and Navy since World War I in theaters,
hangars, drill halls, and other buildings requiring long spans. But the arch in comparison
to deep trusses required less timber. Moreover, as seen in the Army field houses that used
steel segmental arches, they offered greater floor-to-ceiling heights and more usable interior
space. The drawback to using wood in an arch, however, was the problem ofscarfing (splicing)
together the laminations of dimensioned lumber. Nailing or bolting was impractical when
many laminations were required. Compounding the problem was a shortage of high-grade
structural timber. Much of what was delivered to construction sites was green-and poor
quality at that. The design called for a 120 ft wood laminated arch, each arch spaced 16 ft
apart for the length of the drill hall, or 625 ft total (Figures 3.22 and 3.23). Original
specifications stipulated the use of 1 x 8s glued together and offset by scarfjoints, to provide
a cross-section 7.5 in. wide and 30 in. deep, made up of 37 laminations. Natural resin casein
glues bonded the 1 x 8s, which were held in place under pressure and then heat-dried. The
first applications erected at Sampson Naval Training Station were factory produced and
shipped in two halves for final assembly. At other locations, the arches were sometimes
fabricated on site within a sheltered space. Jack frames were used to shape the arches while
laid out on the ground, and occasionally 2 x 8s were sub-tituted for the lamination timbers.
Green lumber with a moisture content above 15 percent and poor quality glue produced
distortions and delamination in many of the field cnstructed trusses. Nevertheless, they
were remarkable structures.- 27
it 0
0 1
m o
The arches, which acted in compression, carried the loads directly to the foundation. The end
timbers were anchored to a concrete deadman that measured 3 ft, 3 in. by 6 ft, 6 in., with the
long dimension on axis with the arch. Foundations were joined together under the floor of
the hall by five three-quarter-inch reinforcing rods encased in concrete. The arches were
stiffened laterally by four straight timber trusses set between each arch. The arches then
carried 2 x 10 purlins spaced 16 in. on center, which received I x 6 sheathing boards and an
outer covering of asbestos-cement panels. The floors were hardwood installed on a 6 in.
concrete slab. At one end of the floor was a training pool, the sides of which were flush with
the floor. From a center height of 39 ft sbove the floor, the curvature of the roof stopped about
12 ft above grade. Straight walls of 2 x 6 stud construction between the exposed ends of the
arches continued perpendicularly to the foundation. Within the end bays of the drill hall were
located lockers, showers, latrines, and offices. Composite windows made up of six-over-six
and twelve-over-six lite configurations provided natural lighting in the end bays and every
other 16 ft bay along the sides. Gangs of windows were separated by mullions, and a row of
24 in. steel sash pivoting windows formed a monitor at the top of the building for additional
light and ventilation. A number of these remarkable drill halls still survive at Great Lakes
and other locations, although they have been extensively altered.3 -2s
The Quonset Huts used extensively by the Navy and Marines maybe considered a miniature
version of the Navy drill hall. As noted earlier, the Quonset was patterned on the Nissens
of World War I, and later named for their place of manufacture--the Davisville Construction
Battalion Center at Quonset Point Naval Air Station, North Kingston, Rhode Island. The
Bureau ofYards and Docks contracted with George A. Fuller and Co. to design a prefabricated
portable building for use at advance bases. Within a month after receiving a directive from
Adm. Moreell in March 1941, Fuller's architects produced designs for Quonsets of two sizes:
one 20 ft span (Figure 3.24) and one 40 ft span. Under the Lend-Lease Act of 1941, land was
made available to contractors for the production of war materiel. In 1942, space was provided
at Quonset Point for production operations. The Anderson Sheet Metal Company of
Providence developed a process for forming the curved corrugated sheet metal panels, and
became a leading supplier of components. Stran Steel, a division of Great Lakes Steel Corp.,
Detroit, also manufactured Quonsets based on the Fuller's specifications (Figure 3.25), as did
other manufacturers. The Davisville facility, alone, fabricated some 32,253 Quonsets, most
3 29
of which were shipped overseas. "
The smaller of the two units was 20 x 48 ft, and could be erected by an eight-man crew of
Seabees in 1 day. Its components weighed about 6 tons. When assembled, the unit could be
bodily lifted and repositioned by a detail of men. Precut sheets of corrugated galvanized iron
were attached to segmental arched steel ribs spaced 4 ft apart and stiffened by metal purlins
and wooden headers. The only nonmetal components were the wooden headers, sills, and
sash of the hinged windows that extended the length of the hut, the framing of the bulkheads
(ends of the huts), and the floor decking (which comprised 4 x 8 ft sheets of plywood). Each
smaller hut could accommodate one squad, whereas the "jumbos" (40 ft huts) could accom-
modate two squads and a latrine. Once the materials were assembled on site, the
construction sequence began with the foundation. Five I-section sills were spaced 5 ft apart
and extended the length of the structure from front to rear. Joists, also of I-section and
spanning between the sills, were bolted to the top flange of the sills and set 2 ft apart from
front to rear. Channels were set along the two long sides of the floor. These were bolted to
the tops of the joists parallel with the outer sills. Each channel formed a floor plate with its
C-section facingupwards to receive the ends of the arched ribs ofthe superstructure. The ribs
came in two sections that connected at the top of the structure by bolts and splice plates.
Three purlins centered at the top of the ribs and bolted to purlin spacers extended from front
to rear. The wooden headers and sills spanned between the ribs along the lower wall, and
with them in place the structure was framed. Thirty sheets of plywood butted side to side,
five across, and nailed through the top flange of the joists provided the floor decking.
Corrugated galvanized-iron sheeting covered the outer surface, while hardboard (Masonite)
Figure 3.25. Quonset Hut Advertisement, 1943. (Source: Engineering News-Record, January 1943.)
formed the inside surface. Because of the rapid expansion of Navy and Marine training
stations after 1942, Quonset Huts were used in place of tents for emergency construction. But
because of their durability and adaptability, they continued to be used in place of frame-
3 30
constructed barracks and other temporary buildings, and are still in use today. "
The cantonments ofWorld War II were not defensive bastions, and their fortifications rarely
amounted to more than a chain-link fence. Post gates merely provided checkpoints to monitor
arrivals and departures. Security against armed attack was not a consideration in the layout
of cantonments. Isolation and patrolled surveillance were the only protections against the
threat of espionage and theft. The rows of barracks and the open space of the parade field,
together with the command post at the termination of the main drive, are the principal
architectural and landscape features. The expanse and repetition of these features and the
institutional character of the cantonments leave no doubt about their purpose. Matters of
terrain, drainage, fields of fire for artillery and rifle ranges, and access to existing roads and
highways governed the plans of these installations.
The following sections present historical background on U.S. military cantonments and
describe a variety of representative cantonments from all services and regions of the nation.
Early Camps
A precedent for the layout of World War II cantonments can be found in those built for World
War I. Even earlier, there were camps established for temporary uses. The western frontier
posts of the latter 19th century might be considered a precedent. Because of the westward
extension of the "moving frontier" during the second half of the 19th century, and the
continual relocation of various Indian tribes and nations, these outposts were temporary in
nature. This is reflected in their construction. And despite Hollywood depictions of Indian
attacks against Fort Defiance (Arizona) and Fort Laramie (Wyoming), those cantonments
were seldom attacked. Skirmishes took place outside of camp. Indeed, there was little need
for fortification. Hence, there was no need to arrange the barracks to form a palisade and
enclose a parade, which had characterized the plans of most military posts built before 1870.
Surgeon C.H. Alden, who was posted to Fort D.A. Russell (Wyoming), established in 1867,
found to his surprise that "barracks do not directly face the parade, but are arranged en
echelon, by which means light and air have free access to all sides of the buildings..." (Figure
By the Spanish-American War in 1898, military and naval cantonments had begun to adjust
to the expansion of war materiel. Depots for the marshaling of troop supplies and field
equipment were necessary to prepare for foreign campaigns of indefinite length in support
of U.S. expansionism. Bases of operation became specialized, and cantonments were
required to accommodate specialized operations such as training and war games. Regular
Army enlistees, for example, would receive training before assignment to a regiment or unit,
and bases were needed to handle the unprecedented numbers of volunteers during periods
of heightened nationalism, such as after the sinking of the Battleship Maine. No longer
would troops train with their units in the field, which had been the tradition. The numbers,
alone, required new types offacilities. In the period between the Civil War and the Spanish-
American War, and despite the expansion of the settled frontier to the West Coast, the
number of Americans in uniform averaged as few as 25,000 during the 1880s and 1890s. Only
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the Navy increased in size following its modernization after 1883. The Newport (Rhode
Island) Training Station at Coaster's Harbor, commissioned in 1881, was the first installa-
tion of its type, departing from the tradition of training recruits aboard training ships. At the
Charleston Naval Station, discussed earlier, a cantonment for a regiment of 1,000 sailors was
laid out in a rectangular clearing of 40 barracks, divided into four rows of five barracks each,
with one long continuous latrine building separating the rows in the middle. A similar layout
was provided at Hampton Roads (Norfolk), Virginia, but the Navy abandoned this arrange-
ment before the endof World War I. Only a handful of Army forts obtained a troop strength
or garrison greater than several hundred-the size of a cavalry battalion. By contrast,
cantonments during times of national emergency would need to accommodate between
25,000 and 35,000 regulars and National Guardsmen, as the Selective Service Acts of 1917
and 1940 drove enlistments to record numbers. The layout and organization of such large-
scale installations required considerable planning.4-
Temporary facilities were also needed to accommodate state militias during annual training
exercises. Colonial and state militias had provided the backbone of the armies raised during
the American Revolution and Civil War. These militias, formed into regiments and divisions,
were seen as a mechanism to ensure against future insurrections in the aftermath of the
general demobilization of 1865. They could also be called upon by governors to protect state
property, quell riots, and settle industrial disputes. They provided an organizational
structure within each stpte that could be placed under federal control during times of
national emergency. After 1879, most state militias received designation as National Guard
units and became America's reserve behind Army regulars. Camps-at least one per state-
were needed for assembling National Guard units and conducting maneuvers. .
The problem with National Guard camps, such as Camps Blanding (Florida), Huachuca
(Arizona), San Luis Obispo (California), and Hulen (Texas), to name a few of the early ones,
was their size and relative isolation. Most were small reservations used during the summers
only, and thus never were intended for year-around training. Water supplies were needed
to serve only a few thousand soldiers at any one time. Few of these cantonments had been
graded, since their grounds were covered by tents and paulins rather than buildings.4-4
The camps and cantonments for World War I called for as many as 30,000 soldiers to be
billeted in National Guard Camps, and 45,000 or more in national Army cantonments. The
delivery of building materials and transport of personnel required that installations be
located near railroads and highways. Good supplies of water were a necessity, and for larger
installations, sewerage was also a factor. Cantonments during the Spanish-American War-
especially at the three large installations at Chickamauga, Tampa, and Jacksonville, and in
the 1916 camps of the Mexican Border Uprising-did not provide sewerage. As a result,
typhoid fever disabled 10 percent of those encamped in 1898. Hence, sanitation would
become a factor in the planning of future installations. This meant adequate water supplies
would become a location requirement and that gradients had to be considered in the siting
of buildings. In matters of planning, the Engineering Department of the Cantonment
Division provided a suggested plan for camp layouts. Col. Frank Gunby was assisted by Maj.
George Gibbs, "expert on camp planning." It should be noted, however, that the suggested
plans had to be approved by the War College because Army tables of organization were
constantly changing during 1917. The War College approved two schemes of layout: one
linear and one in a U-shape. Sixteen of the larger cantonments and 16 National Guard camps
were constructed anew. Among the largest of these was Camp Lewis, Washington.4-5
located near where that expedition ended-at American Lake, south of Tacoma, at the lower
end of Puget Sound. Apparently the Washington National Guard had used the site for
summer training, but only bivouacked. Construction covered approximately 6,000 acres of
the more than 140,000 acres acquired for the fort. The method ofacquisition and construction
at Camp Lewis was much the same elsewhere. But in this instance, the government was
assisted in its choice of site by the people of Pierce County, who dedicated half the acreage.
The rest of the land was condemned under federal law with settlements negotiated among
owners. Access to Camp Lewis was provided by the Pacific Highway and the Northern Pacific
At Camp Lewis and the other World War I cantonments, planning was placed in the hands
of an architect/landscape architect/planner, a civil engineer for water and sewerage, and a
construction supervisor. The supervisor was an officer from the Quartermaster Corps,
usually of field grade. The other two were civilian professionals chosen from a list provided
by the Committee on Emergency Construction of the Council of National Defense. Contrac-
tors were also chosen from a list. Apparently, the suggestion of a three-member design team
originated with Frederick Law Olmsted Jr., chairman of the Council of National Defense.
The planner, who was responsible for overall design, usually came from the ranks of
architects and landscape architects, since the profession of planning was still in its infancy
at that time. Carl F. Pilat was the team member in charge of planning and layout. Some of
the better-known planners and landscape architects chosen to lay out cantonments included
George E. Kessler, Edward H. Bennett, and Warren Henry Manning. Pilat was a Seattle
architect who had previous experience in the layout and design of industrial housing projects.
W. J. Roberts served as engineer and Maj. David L. Stone was assigned Constructing
Quartermaster. .
Because of the tight construction schedule, the laying of mains and sewers, paving of roads
with gravel, and the erection of buildings were undertaken simultaneously. More than 30
miles of paving, 41 miles of water pipe (both wood stave and iron), and 31 miles of tile and
concrete sewer pipe were laid, and a record 1,148 buildings went up in a period ofjust 8 weeks.
Some 55 million board-feet of lumber was consumed, 84,500 window sashes, more than
13,000 doors, 15,586 rolls of building paper, and nearly 7,500 kegs of nails. Labor was
recruited from Tacoma, Seattle, Spokane, Portland, and San Francisco, with as many as
5,000 employed at a time. The general contractor operating the crews was Hurley & Mason
Company. Overall construction costs amounted to between $6.8 million and $7 million, based
on cost plus a fixed fee. The team was assisted by the availability of an existing site survey
and topographical map, and what must have been very good weather. Equally unique was
the fact that not a single labor dispute or injury occurred during construction, whether a
matter of luck or because of a heightened sense of patriotism by those involved. The chief
criterion for the camp's layout was the organizational structure of an infrantry division. A
plan was devised from cantonment groupings provided by the Cantonment Division (Figure
4.2). These groupings were based on a regiment of three battalions of four companies, plus
a machine gun company, administrative buildings, supply, post exchange, and remount
station (corral, stables, and sheds). The planner was then free to organize the regimental
units to best fit the site, with utmost attention paid to the gradients required by the water
and sewage conduit as well as surface drainage.4
Pilat chose to cluster the buildings around brigades of two regiments each, in quadrangular
blocks defined by streets of50 ft width (Figure 4.3). Open spaces (or fire breaks) large enough
to serve as brigade parades separated one brigade from another, although streets to either
side connected the infantry and artillery brigades. A railroad spur provided service to the
supply houses and corrals of each unit. Partly in response to the War College's recommen-
dations, partly as a result of the terrain, and partly as a matter of aesthetics, the streets
curved to form a U-shape in plan, composed of the various brigade segments. These came
together at one end of the site where the brigade headquarters, store houses, bakeries,
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hospital, and ammunition dump were located. At the upper ehds of the U were the stables
and ordnance sheds for light and heavy artillery. Barracks were placed in pairs separated
by a street. They were of the new type of two-ttory construction, each designed to billet and
board a company of 200 men. Construction documents were furnished by the Construction
Department of the Cantonment Division and provided directly to the contractor, whose work
was supervised on site by the constructing quartermaster, Maj. Stone. .
At Camp Lewis and elsewhere, cantonment life was thoroughly regulated. Trainees arose
at reveille, received breakfast, visited the latrines, policed their barracks, and then moved
into the field. Morning and afternoon maneuvers and drills were separated by noon mess,
served in the barracks or in the field, followed by the cleaning of weapons, stowing of
equipment, consuming of evening mess, and bedding down by taps. The authors of The
Cantonment Manual offered simple rules for trainees, including "Ten 'be's' that will beat the
Kaiser." These included: "Be clean," "Be sure to sleep with lots of fresh air," and "Be sure
to defecate daily." Contagion endemic to camp life was a justified concern to camp planners
and sanitary officers, especially in large-scale installations. Typhoid, influenza, meningitis,
and measles could become life-threatening. Venereal disease, contracted during off-duty
periods of liberty, affected nearly 10 percent of U.S. Army troops during World War I. The
"Ten 'be's" ended with the maxim: "A dead soldier is of less burden than a sick soldier,"
presumably to emphasize the idea that soldiers should actively participate in maintaining
their own health. .
Detention centers were points of arrival for new recruits. They remained at the detention
center for a period of 1 to 3 weeks to receive medical exams, inoculations, clothing, and testing
for unit assignment after basic training. The Navy was the most stringent in terms of
confinement, requiring 21 days detention both before training and then afterwards, before
ship assignment. The purpose was to quarantine against the risk of infectious diseases. By
World War I the name of these facilities had been changed to"reception" centers, and periods
of detention had been shortened. Medical advancements, especially with the discovery of
penicillin and the regular dispensing of antibiotics, had reduced the toll taken by common
serious diseases such as pneumonia.
Training camp routines were not much different from those of the earlier war. However, no
other war has been more thoroughly documented or depicted in fiction and film. Mort
Walker's comic strip Beetle Bailey continues to entertain, embellished with brown boots,
fatigues, and wooden barracks right out of World War 11. G.I Joe (1944), the irreN --rent and
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fatalistic creation of Ernie Pyle, injected both humor and pathos into everyday wartime
situations. Pyle's writings and cartoons personalized the soldier's involvement, and put a
face on the average G.I. (government issue) "joe." James Jones's From Hereto Eternity (1951)
is perhaps the best-known fictional account of Army camp life in the months leading up to the
bombing of Pearl Harbor. Despite the hardships of Private Pruitt, the living conditions at
Hickam Field were superior o the temporary construction of stateside training cantonments.
The Schofield barracks were relatively new, permanent construction, offering vastly im-
proved accommodations for enlisted personnel. Hickam was not a training facility, and
soldiers considered stationing to Hawaii the next best thing to paradise. A more recent
account of World War II training camp conditions has been rendered in Neil Simon's
screenplay Biloxi Blues (1986). In this partially autobiographical account, Simon caricatures
his training near the war's end at Camp Keesler: its oppressive heat, salmonella, and
schizoid sergeants. But the truth about cantonment life lies somewhere between Keesler and
paradise. During the war years, circumstances made it necessary for officers treat soldiers
better. Efforts were made to ensure a modicum of social freedom and informality to maintain
high morale, more so than in peacetime. Public relations officers were assigned to each
installation, and the military services courted a good press image. There was a certain
excitement and camaraderie attached to camp life. Journalists were invited tn report on the
training and treatment of young men and, later, women (in the auxiliary corps after 1942)
in servicp Alvah Bessie, whose political sympathieshad led her to report on the Spanish Civil
War, visited Fort Bragg, North Carolina, in 1942, to write about camp conditions. She was
impressed by the friendliness of those in command, and the special efforts made to relieve
tension and provide recreation for those soon to be assigned overseas. Nevertheless, there
was still the routine:
At Fort Bragg the sunrise gun goes off these days at six-thirty, and the soldier rises
automatically from sleep to hear reveille already sounding. The tune is familiar to
us all, but it has a special meaning for anyone who's ever been in the army.... [T]he
men roll out of bed, scramble into their clothes and rush for the washrooms, their
faces still crinkled with sleep, their hair mussed. First call sounds within ten
minutes after reveille, and assembly follows it by another five minutes. There's not
much time to dawdle.
In the next half hour the soldier gets a chance to clean up his barracks, make his bed,
and head for the mess-hall. In twenty minutes he's lined up again, having washed
his mess-kit in the meantime, and the 'sick, lame, and lazy' have fallen out to report
to the doctor. By eight o'clock the hard school of the soldier has begun for the day,
with what is euphemistically termed 'drill' on the schedule of service calls.4-11
What struck the journalist most, however, was the use of leisure time at service clubs, beer
gardens, movies, and dances scheduled in the field houses. Training films and lectures on
subjects ranging from sexual hygiene to military history were a new dimension in training.
The G.I. learned about principles of democracy in addition to the concept of'fighting for his
country.' The cleanliness and orderliness of the cantonment were pervasive, and wartime
rations were generous:
There were 300 men in the mess hall, and it was so clean you could literally have
eaten offthe floor. We had beef stew in gravy, mixed salad, boiled potatoes, creamed
carrots, rolls and butter. Some men were kicking because there was no ice cream.
'We only get it three times a week,' the soldier sitting next to me said with a grin.412
Hearty meals-if rather starchy ones-were part of the routine. So was KP, where men KP
were said to have fallen into a "frenzy of ecstasy" over an electric potato peeler. Drills and
field maneuvers were taxing, but the soldiers were fed well as a reward. One aspect of camp
life that could not escape notice was the segregation between blacks and whites. Much had
been made of the fact that at Bragg and elsewhere, "soldiers [came] from every state in the
Union... an army of men of every national origin." Although the training facilities were
identical in every respect, there was virtually complete separation of the two races, a
situation that would endure throughout the war. The single exception was Negro officer
training, which at Fort Penning, Georgia, was integrated. The journalist Bessie returned
from her visit convinced the Army was taking steps to eliminate discrimination, and was
doing all in its capacity to provide the best prepared fighting men at any time in our nation's
The drawings given Walsh by the Quartermaster General included the T.O. series
and Series 700, and in order to find the details to complete any one building,
innumerable drawings had to be studied. Walsh employed a group of senior
draftsmen who assembled and coordinated on a single sheet the information
scattered throughout these hundred of drawings, so that only a single sheet was
given to the superintendents in the field for the erection of any building. General
Groves (Major at that time) was so pleased with these Walsh working drawings that
he personally asked the writer for 50 sets... [to send] to all other camp builders.'
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The a-thitect-engineers, on the other hand, provided detailed drawings of the overall layout
based on the Construction Division's guidelines for cantonment planning. They also
completed the surveying of the site and staked each and every building plot. More than
62,000 acres were available for training, so range design was also a part of the architect's
responsibilities. Within the main quadrangle and at the border of the parade were located
the regimental headquarters, three to a side. Between the inner and outer roads were located
the store houses, infirmaries, post exchanges, guard houses, officers' quarters, and mess
halls. Along the outer flank, defined by the blocks of the outermost streets, were the company
barracks and company administration and supply buildings. Beyond the quadrangle, a
hospital complex with 1,500 beds was located to the west and Otis Field, a landing strip, to
the east. By December 1940, construction was sufficiently completed to accommodate the
arrival of the first trainees. All construction was completed by March 1941 at an estimated
4 15
cost of $28.5 million. .
During the second half of 1941 an additional 55,000 acres were acquired by the Real Estate
Department of the Construction Division. The architecture-engineering firm of Mead, Ward,
and Hunt of Madison signed a cost-plus-a-fixed-fee contract with the War Department to
prepare drawings. Construction, however, awaited the beginning of 1942 until after Pearl
Harbor and congressional approval for financing the construction of a second group of six
proposed ca.itonments, including Camp McCoy. In the meantime, the transfer of construc-
tion from Quartermaster Corps to Corps of Engineers had occurred, and although Gen.
Somervell had been reassigned to Assistant Chief of Staff for Construction (G-4), he
nonetheless received approval for these six additional cantonments. Lt. Col. Hayden was
assigned Area Engineer (the replacement title for Constructing Quartermaster) and put in
charge of construction.4.
Mead, Ward, and Hunt located the new cantonment at the juncture of two service roads just
north of the old camp. Each leg of the triangular plan (Figure 4.6) contained a segment of a
division. Tables of organization for 1942 assigned at least 19,000 men to a division, but when
special units were attached, the numbers of a training cantonment would escalate accord-
ingly. Three infantry regiments of 3,000 men each occupied one leg of the plan; an artillery
regiment, special, and nondivisional units occupied the other two. Three parallel roads
traced each leg of the layout. Smaller connecting roads cut across these to subdivide the leg
into the three regimental units with a 250 ft wide firebreak between each, much like those
of the World War I cantonment plans. These connecting roads created large blocks, each one
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serving a battalion of approximately 1,000 men, comprisingfour companies ofthe line, cooks,
clerks, etc. Hence, each road was lined with at least two companies, with barracks and mess
halls all in a row. A combination company headquarters and supply building completed the
blocks at each end. These blocks differed somewhat with the standard regimental plans of
1940. The mess halls were placed toward the center instead of at the end of the blocks. Across
from these battalion blocks and within the large triangular parade were the regimental
buildings, including officers barracks, post exchange, dispensary, chapel, field house, and
other structures. Opposite this flank and at the other end of the battalion blocks, lay the
motor pool buildings. These buildings and their accompanying parking lots form the outer
line of parallel streets at the far edge of the triangle. Beyond these streets were the various
training courses located in such a way to correspond to the infantry or artillery regiments,
and enabling soldiers to move directly from their quarters into the field.
A distinctive feature of Camp McCoy, as seen in plan, is the concave curve of each leg. The
architect/planners injected this design element for aesthetic purposes. By bending the lines
of sight, the curve abated the monotony imposed by the rigid rows of similar buildings.
Curved or contour planning had achieved popularity among planners between the two world
wars, and had been employed in numerous industrial housing estates as well as more
exclusive developments. In contrast to these curved streets were the hospital area and
storage depot to the east and south, respectively. These formed rectangular blocks. Because
of its period of construction, Camp McCoy primarily contains Series 800 buildings. Among
these were 469 enlisted barracks, 42 officers' barracks, 172 mess halls, and 184 combined
administrative, supply, and recreation buildings. An estimated 20,000 construction workers
were employed on the project, and the total cost was $32.3 million. When completed, the
cantonment provided a training capacity for 36,836 officers and enlisted men. Some 1,325
World War II temporary buildings still remain on the installation.4
After World War I, Ch anute Field was nearly abandoned, and the original buildings declined
for lack of maintenance. Forlorn and isolated, Chanute was considered an assignment to be
avoided. When referring to the posting of unwanted servicemen, a popular phrase of the day
went, "Don't boot 'em, Chanute 'em." However, with Army reorganization in 1920 and the
establishment of the Army Air Corps as a combat branch of the service, the Chanute training
facility took on renewed importance. (The Air Corps would not achieve independence until
1926, and did not become a separate branch of service-the U.S. Air Force-until after World
War I, in 1947.) However, between the two world wars, Chanute developed a reputation for
its training schools in mechanics, aerial photography, and communications. These missions
continued to dominate the development of the base until 1988, when Chanute 4-20
was included
among the Secretary of Defense's recommended list of bases to be closed.
Between 1940 and 1945, more than 200,000 servicemen were trained at Chanute. In 1937,
the War Department began investing in the air field's facilities, and in 1938 three large
permanent hangars reconfigured the site layout (Figure 4.7). The new hangars and runways
were located to the south of the original field. To the west of the hangars was the cantonment
of temporary buildings, largely Series 700 and 800 buildings. In 1943, combat flight training
commenced with the famous B- 17 Flying Fortress, then later with the B-25 Mitchell Bomber.
After World War II, many of Chanute's temporary buildings were relocated. A number of
barracks were moved to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and converted4 to 21
student housing. Today, only 143 World War II temporary buildings remain on the base. .
During World War I, the Navy expanded its receiving stations to accommodate the press of
new enlistments that had swamped the prewar capacities of Newport, Norfolk, San Fran-
cisco, and Great Lakes. The Great Lakes Naval Station, founded in 1911 and located 30 miles
north of Chicago on Lake Michigan, was the largest. This installation started with the
capacity to train 3,000 sailors, but expanded to handle 17,000 by the end of 1917. But this
was far from adequate. Because of the emergency, small camps to train 1,000 sailors were
constructed within 2 to 3 months in makeshift barracks at or near naval yards in Boston,
Hingham, Portsmouth, New York, Philadelphia, Gulfport, New Orleans, Detroit, San Diego,
San Pedro, and Seattle (such as the one described earlier at Charleston, South Carolina). The
barracks design at Charleston, however, was abandoned when the Naval Bureau of Medicine
and Surgery found the cubic air space within sleeping quarters to be insufficient. These
smaller camps were built, for the most part, on land leased by the Navy. After the war ended,
the buildings were removed. At Great Lakes and the other permanent training stations,
temporary camps were developed as separately planned units of two or more regiments
(approximately 1,728 men per regiment), each with its own mess halls, barracks, store house,
drill hall, and headquarters. From 167 acres, the station expanded to include more than 4
1,200 acres. By 1918, more than 50,000 sailors occupied the encampments at Great Lakes. -22
In a departure from the way the Army contracted cantonments, the camps at Great Lakes
(Figure 4.8) were awarded to separate contractors: Paschen Bros. laid out three regiments,
John D. Griffith & Son Co., three regiments, and J. C. Heyworth, three regiments and a
hospital. Roads, walks, water supply, and sewerage contracts went to the firm of Leyden &
Ortseifen. Overall, the contractors employed some 6,000 laborers. Cmdr. George A. McKay
from the Bureau, who had overseen construction of the original station, was the Constructing
Engineer. The architect on the site was Lt. E. H. Clark, who had practiced in Chicago before
joining the Navy. It was Clark's job to approve the materials and standard details used by
the contractors on drawings prepared by the Bureau. Between August and October 1917,
some 450 buildings were erected, consuming 23.8 million board-feet of lumber and costing
about $5.5 million. Work continued in 1918 at the same feverish pace as during the previous
fall. Among the various camps at Great Lakes, Camp Lawrence was considered a model.
Located west ofthe original station and following a linear plan dictated by Sheridan Road and
the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad, its barracks were laid out in groupings of eight (two
rows of four), forming a regiment. Separating the groupings were drill halls, and at the end
of each of the two rows were mess halls. The new H-type barracks and drill halls would
become a fixture of the early World War II training stations.
At the beginning of World War II, the Navy once again undertook a massive buildup ofits four
permanent training stations. Because of the specialized nature of naval training and the
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added dimension of a fleet of aircraft carriers, special emphasis was given to the development
of naval air training stations. Both the Army and the Navy built airdromes in France during
World War I, and the Navy completed nine training stations in coastal states by the end of
that war. The first permanent naval air training station was built at Pensacola, Florida in
1914. The development of seaplanes and lighter-than-air ships--dirigibles lofted by he-
lium-were undertaken as a means of safeguarding American ports from submarine attack.
Early submarines operated near the surface and could be spotted from the air. Hence, the
Naval Air Service would become the nation's first line of defense during World War II.
Interestingly enough, however, most of the naval air training stations built during the war-
12 of 18-were located in the Midwest. Only advanced training was conducted at Pensacola,
Corpus Christi, and San Diego. The centerpiece among these was the Naval Air Primary
Training Command at Kansas City (1943). Apart from distributing defense contracts, the
midwestern sites took advantage of their flat terrain and good drainage, which minimized the
need for runway excavation and tarmac foundations:
"Far from the sea and the airplane carrier decks that will be their eventual home,
thousands of pilots are being trained for the Navy's fleet air arm... operating from
runways and land mats that only a few months ago sprouted corn or wheat, cotton
4 24
or buffalo grass..." .
Naval pilots conducted their practice takeoffs and landings. Concrete was used for heavy
runways, and asphalt for lightweight landing mats. At Kansas City the excavation for
runways required 500,000 cu yd of grading. However, at Corpus Christi-a 2,000 acre site
built on sand dunes and clay covered by mesquite and scrub oak-more than 3 million cu yd
were graded. Apart from the hangars, repair shops, and control towers, the buildings at these
stations were similar to those at other Naval training facilities. The Corpus Christi Naval
Air Station, which retains a number of its World War II temporary and permanent buildings,
was completed in 1941 at a cost of $28 million. Brown and Root of Houston was the principal
contractor; Robert & Co. of Atlanta was the architect/engineer. Cmdr. L. N. Moeller was the
4 25
Constructing Engineer in charge of the site. .
This is the biggest thing that ever happened in this part of the U.S.A...., but I've got
to pinch myself to make sure I'm not seeing things when I run into Navy uniforms
way up in these mountains.4.26
Named for Adm. David G. Farragut, commander of the Union fleet and the hero of Mobile
Bay, the isolated site had its advantages. It would avoid the congestion experienced at Naval
bases in metropolitan areas. The land could be obtained quickly. The lake was large, clear,
and deep enough for diving and small-craft maneuvers. And it was located near a plentiful
supply of lumber.
Farragut, and its sister stations Bainbridge and Sampson, included structural groupings for
(1) recruit training, (2) schooling, (3) recreation, (4) administration, (5) officers' facilities, (6)
station personnel, (7) a hospital, (8) service, (9) utilities, (10) storage, (11) a marina, and (12)
outgoing assignees. Following the concept at Great Lakes and the older stations, Farragut
was divided into six camps for training. Each camp hosted 5,000 apprentice sailors, or 30,000
overall. Partially separated from one another and occupying a clearing of about 12 acres, the
training camps were screened by stands of pine intentionally left intact during site prepara-
tion (Figure 4.10). Each camp was laid out in the form of an oval, inscribed by a service road.
A drill field of approximately 800 x 1000 ft occupied the center of the camp and was bordered
by one or two rows of the new flat-roofed, two-story barracks. The barracks were not aligned
but set enfilade for good ventilation and natural lighting. Across the shorter ends of the drill
field were the mess hall and ship's service buildings. Facing center on the long side ofthe drill
field was the drill hall, the installation's largest structure. Immediately behind it sat the
indoor rifle range and storage building. Outside the oval, a dispensary, officers' barracks,
administration building, and chapel completed the ensemble. The contours of the peninsula
on which the training station was located suggested the informal arrangement of the camps
in the overall plan.4.
Water for the installation was drawn from deep wells, not the lake, and a sewage treatment
plant was constructed. In all, 26 miles of water mains and 34 miles of sewer pipe were laid.
Nearly 46 miles of macadam roads were paved, and 7 miles of 6 ft chain-link fence stretched
around the base. One reporter suggested that the place would be a veritable resort, with
boating in the summer, Alpine skiing in the winter, fishing in a lake "chock-full of Kootenai
rainbows, cut throats, steelheads, and landlocked blue-back salmon." He also noted that
"[tihe woods and uplands are full of elk, deer and all kinds of game birds. Sharpshooters can
test their marksmanship on pheasants, mallards and blue grouse..." Obviously, I resort was
not what the Navy had in mind with Farragut. The residents of this minimum-security
training facility rarely made it past the fence. "Recreation" was indeed part of the trainees'
routine, but it was Navy recreation. The 75 x 75 ft training pool beneath the floor at one end
of the drill hall was a place where sailors learned to swim or drown, not relax. Mess halls
("subsistence" buildings) lacked the atmosphere of a resort: sailors stood in line, ate, and
digested on the way out. Despite the installation's beautiful setting, the modern architec-
ture, tall green pines, white snow-capped mountains, and blue lake, the camps at Farragut
4 28
were for work, not play. .
Farragut was capable of preparing 150,000 sailors a year. Despite the huge expenditure-
$46,000,000 by the date of completion-Farragut was reduced in status to a Naval Reserve
facility after 1946. Because of its high maintenance costs, the installation was decommis-
sioned and permitted to fall into disrepair. Within 30 years of its founding, Farragut was
completely razed. Cleared of remaining buildings, the site was dedicated to the National
Forest Service, and new stands of pine have reclaimed the once-busy clearings.4 29
kn -
0N -
Corps at the beginning of the war, were trained primarily for guarding American diplomatic
missions and protectingAmerican interests overseas. Posted from Port-au-Prince to Peking,
their presence was more visible overseas than at home. Were it not for the men in dress
uniform at Marine Barracks in Washington and the popularity of Band Master John Philip
Sousa, the pre-World War II Marines could easily be overlooked. They had been used in the
Philippines (although to a lesser extent than the Army), but had only a limited role in World
War I. They played a part in the nation's "hands-on" foreign policy in Latin America between
the wars, in countries such as Nicaragua and Panama. However, their real test as the "Navy's
army" would be in t-he South Pacific at Guadalcanal, Tarawa, Two Jima, and other Japanese
strongholds during World War I1. Camp Pendleton was located in Cali.rmia for staging to
the Pacific Theater, and was the single largest Marine Corps training staition.
Most marine training stations had been located on the East Coast at Quantico, Virginia, and
Paris Island, South Carolina. Both were founded during World War I. A Marine expedition-
ary force was also stationed at the San Diego Naval Training Station during that war, and
nearby land was acquired for a dedicated Marine facility. But construction on a $5 million
permanent station did not begin until the 1920s. When in 1940 the Marine Corps doubled
in size to more than 36,000, the Quantico, Paris Island, and San Diego facilities expanded to
handle the influx of volunteers. With the bombing of Pearl Harbor and the "two-ocean war,"
however, it became apparent that the West Coast facilities would have to be enlarged, and
new sites obtained. The Marine base at San Diego did not have enough area to accommodate
more than 5,000 men. Just north of San Diego, an additional 9,000 acres was acquired for
buildinga temporary camp, eventually named Camp Elliott. By 1942, this camp had reached
its capacity. That summer, another site 40 miles north of San Diego--midway between San
Diego and Los Angeles-was obtained. This site was much larger than the others,
encompassing a 197 mi tract-the former Rancho Santa Margarita. Its rugged coastal
terrain and 17 miles of beach offered training ranges unavailable at Camp Elliott. Planned
for 20,000 Marines-a full division plus an extra regiment--Camp Pendleton would soon
become the principal training facility on the West Coast and point of departure for the
4 30
leathernecks of the Pacific islands campaigns. .
Unlike Camp Lejuene, its East Coast counterpart, Camp Pendleton's construction was
temporary. In regimental layout, however, the two camps were similar. Despite its frame
barracks and tents, the station did not skimp on providing water lin., - -wers, and paved
roads. In the first phase of construction, 68 barracks, 19 mess halls, 39 storehouses, 5
dispensaries, and 5 theaters (field houses) were built for a grouping of five regiments. In
addition to the frame buildings, three 5,000-man tent-camp- were completed. By the end of
1942, an airfield had been built and a 600-bed, single-story frame hospital completed.
Amphibious training operations began at Camp Pendleton in the fall of 1943, and Quonset
Huts for 9,000 more men and 600 officers were located near the boat basin. 4.31 Duzing the
postwar period, Quonsets would replace the remaining tent structures. Today, this Marine
training station is the largest repository of the prefabricated Quonsets, and they are still very
much in use. Within Camp Pendleton, the regimental training camp-Camp Vado del Rio-
is typical of the original tent-camp layouts (Figure 4.11). A regimental headquarters
occupied space within a semicircular drive at one end of the parade. On either side of the
parade were two rows of tents, with latrines placed in between. In 1944, small Quonsets-
the 20 x 48 ft version-began to replace the tents. Four battalions, each containing 12 to 14
Quonsets and framed by gravel drives, created the two flanks. Mess and officers' quarters
lay outside the regimental configuration. Be-ause of its size and variety of training ranges,
Camp Pendleton was not abandoned after the war as intended. The installation's temporary
buildings represent the nature of its origin, and its amphib ,ous facilities and strategic West
Coast location continue to offer a base for rapid deployment to the Pacific islands and Asian
4 32
rim. .
o 0
- m
IIC, -
It would be unwise to assume that large-scale mobilizations will never again occur. But even
if such a massive mobilization were necessary, it should not involve the level of manpower
and construction required for the World War II effort. In an era of nuclear weaponry, such
a conventional approach to mobilization would not be applicable. However, the continuing
improvement of relations among the global military powers, from the 1970s into the present,
makes it conceivable that future world wars may be averted. With the signing cooperative
agreements and weapons-reduction treaties, downsizing of the military services is inevi-
table. More base closings will be necessary, and many buildings will be razed. Some,
however, may be retained and readapted to new uses. There should be a place for these
temporary buildings that represent the nation's World War II experience. Readaptation on
a large scale would be a challenge to the military services and those who wish to preserve the
architectural heritage described in this report.
Of some importance is the fact that many temporary structures of World War II have been
upgraded for less than it would have cost to replace them. Furthermore, these structures
have remained resilient to various powerful forces of nature. For example, temporary World
War II structures located in areas affected by the Loma Prieta earthquake of 1989 (San
Francisco and vicinity) withstood the tremors far better than their masonry-constructed
counterparts. Because temporary structures were set on pier supports instead of continuous,
rigid foundations, and because they provided for structural flexibility in their materials and
design, these buildings shook but did not crack or collapse.5 .2 Furthermore, the Theater of
Operations buildings used overseas in more recent actions, such as the Vietnam War,
incorporated many features of earlier temporary buildings. The old adage "if it ain't broke,
don't fix it" applies to the Army Series 700 and 800 temporary buildings and the Navy
Quonsets. Essentially, designers could not improve upon the expedience and utility of the
World War II prototypes.
For all their utility, these temporary frame buildings have practical drawbacks. They are not
as comfortable as permanent buildings and they require considerable maintenance. Because
of the cellulose materials used in their construction, chemicals must be applied regularly to
prevent them from being consumed by fungi or insects. Unless clad with asbestos-cement
during the war or aluminum siding after the war, temporary buildings require periodic
repainting (Figure 5.1). Their asphaltic roofing must be replaced at regular intervals.
Because they are set on independent pier foundations, differential settlement will eventually
stress the underpinning timbers.
Unless insulated, World War II temporary buildings cannot be made airtight for conven-
tional heating and cooling technologies. And even if insulated, their single-pane wooden sash
windows undermine the insulation's thermal benefits. The buildings were meant to be
naturally ventilated whenever possible, but by today's comfort standards, these buildings
would be considered drafty-unfit for dormitory use.
Another drawback is the fire hazard inherent in many such buildings. The author recalls his
own experience as an occupant of a Series 700 barracks in the early 1960s (Figure 5.2). The
threat of fire was a constant concern. No standpipe system existed. "Butt cans" attached to
the interior columns of each floor were installed to extinguish cigarettes, but their real value
was as a tool for a bucket brigade trying to douse afire. With buildings fire-rated at less than
10 minutes, it would have taken an extraordinary effort by an alert and disciplined crew to
save a burningbarracks and its occupants. Throughout the southern construction zone, and
at many installations in the north, none of the barracks, supply rooms, or mess halls had
interior sheathing, leaving the structures, occupants, and contents even more vulnerable.
Because ofthe type of construction and consequent low fire-rating, these temporary buildings
have long been marked for replacement. However, fire-retardant insulation, interior wall
and ceiling sheathing, smoke alarms, and sprinklers have in many instances have reduced
the fire hazard in such buildings. These refurbishment techniques may considerably
enhance the usefulness of surviving World War II temporary buildings.
For many, of course, World War II cantonments do not rekindle fond memories. But never
was a time or an experience more indelible in the minds of those who lived through it than
service to the United States during the mobilization of World War II. It is unlikely that a
mobilization of such scale will ever happen again, so a
fitting record-a living record--of that unique achieve-
ment should be maintained.
6 Summary
The massive mobilization effort required for World War II stands as a unique achievement
in U.S. history. This effort produced untold thousands of temporary structures on U.S. soil
to support the training and deployment of millions of soldiers and sailors. Today, more than
26,000 of these temporary structures survive. Many have been cost-effectively modified or
refurbished to continue in service long beyond their original intended life cycle.
The longevity and abundance of World War II temporary structures on DOD installations is
living proof oftheir utility and fundamental ingenuity of design. While it is true that many
temporary buildings had inherent design problems that would not be acceptable in perma-
nent structures-energy inefficiency, low fire rating, and susceptibility to biological pests, for
example-these problems frequently can be mitigated or eliminated through conventional
refurbishment and maintenance techniques. In fact, the need for costly new construction of
facilities has often been postponed or avoided by upgrading temporary buildings with
techniques as simple as insulation, internal sheathing, and periodic painting.
DOD's need to make optimal use of its existing resources and may overlap with the
desirability of preserving temporary facilities built for the World War II mobilization.
Preserving usable clusters of buildings in their original cantonment layout would, where
feasible, be a desirable approach to designating a "living monument" to the U.S. World War
II effort.
1 cu yd - 0.7646 m3
1 in. - 2.54 cm
1ft - 0.305 m2
1 sqft - 0.093 m
1 mi - 1.61 km
1 sq mi - 2.59 km 2
1.1 Military ConstructionAuthorization Bill of 1983, Public Law (PL) 97-321.
2.1 The figure $20.2 billion represents the combined totals of expenditures in the
continental U.S. by the Army ($15.3 billion) and Navy ($8.9 billion). Lenore Fine and Jesse
A. Remington, The Corps ofEngineers:Constructionin the United States, vol 6, part6, vol 3,
in U.S. Army in World War II (Washington: Government Printing Office [GPO], 1972), p 703.
John J. Manning, Building the Navy's Bases in World War II: Historyof the Bureau of Yards
and Docks and the Civil Engineer Corps, 1940-1946 (Washington: GPO, 1947).
2.2 Erna Risch, QuartermasterSupport of the Army: A History of the Corps, 1775-1939
(Washington: GPO, 1962), p 580; Fine and Remington, The Corps of Engineers, pp 8-11;
Richard Severo and Lewis Milford, The Wages of War: When American Soldiers Came Home
(New York: Simon and Schuster, 1989), pp 189-210.
2.3 The Construction and Repair Division of Army Army Quartermaster Corps was
renamed the Cantonment Division in 1917 and placed in charge of Col. Isaac W. Littell. To
streamline its chain of command and expedite construction, it was detached from the Corps
and placed directly under the Office of the Quartermaster General. By War's end, its name
had been changed back to Construction Division, and Littell had been replaced by Brig. Gen.
Richard C. Marshall. R. E. Wood, "Report of the Quartermaster General," War Department
Annual Reports, 1918, vol I (Washington: GPO, 1919), p 268.
2.5 Activities ofthe Bureau ofYards and Docks, NavyDepartment, World War, 1917-1918
(Washington: Government Printing office, 1921), pp 41-42.
2.6. Richard Hofstadter, et al., The United States: The History ofA Republic (Englewood
Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1961), chap 29; Annual Report of the Chief of Engineers, 1939:
CommercialStatistics Water-borneCommerce ofthe U.S. (Washington: GPO, 1939); Howard
P. Chudacoff, The Evolution of American Urban Society (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-
Hall, 1981), chaps 7-8; Harold W. Thatcher, "Planning for Industrial Mobilization, 1920-
1940," Q.M.C. HistoricalStudies (no. 4, August 1943), pp 1-15, 295-304.
2.7 Alan Gowans, The Comfortable House (Cambridge: MIT, 1986), pp 43-50.
2.8 Carl Condit, American Building (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1968), chap
3; Paul E. Sprague, "The Origin of Balloon Framing," Journalof the Society of Architectural
Historians,XL (December, 1981), pp 311-19; George E. Woodward, Woodward's Country
Homes (New York: Geo. E. Woodward, 1866), pp 151-66. When asked about prefab
construction, William A Starrett stated: "'As a practical matter the thing would be a
disappointment, if not a disaster.' He pointed out that prefabs would necessitate longer roads
and utility lines than the larger two-story cantonment types. Productive capacity was small,
and a prefab order... would 'swamp the mills of the country.'" Leonore Fine and Jesse A.
Remington, The Corps of Engineers, p 68.
2.9 Report of the Board of Review of Construction to the Assistant Secretary of War
(Washington: GPO, 1920), pp 121, 70; Fine and Remington, U.S. Army in World War II, pp
171-72; "Construction Trends," EngineeringNews-Record, 127 (July 1941), front matter;
"Experimental Barracks at Camp Grant," Engineering News-Record, 126 (May 1941), pp 50-
2.10 For an overview of cost-plus-fixed-fee contracting, see Fine and Remington, U.S.
Army in World Warl, pp 23,102-06, passim. See also: Harry B. Yoshpe,"The Small Business
Man and Quartermaster Contracts, 1940-1942," Q.M.C. Historical Studies, no. 2 (April
1943), pp 1-3.
2.11 Maurice Matloff, American Military History (Washington: GPO, 1969), pp 418-19,
435, 463, 465.
2.12 Samuel Eliot Morison, History of United States Naval Operations in World War II,
vol 3 (Boston: Little, Brown, and Co., 1947-62), p 59; Manning, Buildingthe Navy's Bases in
World War II, pp 261-62, 268-276.
2.13 Ibid., pp 61-76; Ben Moreell, "The Bureau of Yards and Docks," The Military
Engineer,35 (July 1943), p 345; for an historical sketch of the Bureau of Yards and Docks,
see: Eugene J. Peltier, The Bureau of Yards and Docks of the Navy and the Civil Engineer
Corps (Princeton: The Newcomen Society, 1939); for a study of its counterpart see: William
P. Robert, History of the ConstructionCorps of the United States Navy (Washington: GPO,
1937). Moreell, father of the Seabees, received approval in October 1941, but the first units
were not assembled until 1942, see: Morison, History of United States Naval Operationsin
World War II, vol 5, p 75; Waldo G. Bowman, "The Seabees Are Coming," Engineering News-
Record, 129 (September 1942), pp 65-72.
2.14 Brehon B. Somervell, Brig. Gen., "The Army and National Defense," United States
Investor, 52 (November 1941), pp 2047-48.
2.15 Fine and Remington, The Corps of Engineers, pp 158-59, 217, 242-43; Eugene
Reybold, "The Construction Program for Our Army," The Military Engineer,35 (July 1943),
pp 329-33.
3.3 James McPherson, Battle Cry of Freedom: A History of the Civil War (New York:
Oxford University Press, 1988); The Rock Island Arsenal; John S. Billi.Igs, A Report on
Barracksand Hospitals,with Descriptionsof MilitaryPosts(Washington: GPO, 1870), pp xi,
3.4 Robert A. Murray, Military Posts in the Powder River Country of Wyoming, 1865-
1894 (Lincoln: University ofNebraska Press, 1968), chap 3; For dates of occupation of frontier
forts see: Robert W. Frazer, Forts of the West. Military Forts and Presidios and Posts
Commonly Called Forts West of the Mississippi River to 1898 (Norman: University of
Oklahoma Press, 1965). Robinson, American Forts, pp 163, 165.
3.6 Risch, QuartermasterSupport of the Army, p 581; Report of the Board of Review of
Constructionto the Assistant Secretary of War (Washington: GPO, 1920), p 121; Handbook
for Quartermasters(Washington: GPO, 1930), pp 817-67.
3.7 Manual for the QuartermasterCorps: United States Army (New York: Military
Publishing Co., 1916), app 16, pp 337-369; two essays that explain the differences in board
and batten and plankwall construction as opposed to balloon frame are: Robert Jensen,
"Board and Batten Siding and the Balloon Frame: Their Incompatibility in the Nineteenth
Century," Journalof the Society of ArchitecturalHistorians,30 (March 1971), pp 40-50; T.
Ritchie,"Plankwall Framing, a Modern Wall Construction with an Ancient History,"Journal
of the Society of ArchitecturalHistorians,30 (March 1971), pp 66-70.
3.8 "Plans for Army's Big Training Camps Made Public," EngineeringNews-Record,
LXXIX (July 1917), pp 8-10; Handbookfor Quartermasters,pp 831-33; Carl F. Pilat, "Camp
Lewis, American Lake, Wash.," ArchitecturalRecord, XLIII (January 1918), pp 52-64.
3.10 Daniel B. Niederlander, "United States Aeronautical Schools: Kelly Field No. 2,
South San Antonio, Texas," Architectural Record, XLV (May 1919), pp 441-49. See also:
Howard Dwight Smith, "Barracks Group and Hospital for the U.S. Army School of Military
Aeronautics at Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio,"ArchitecturalRecord, XLIV (Novem-
ber 1918), pp 387-405.
3.11 Charles C. Loring, "American Combat Airdromes,"Architectural Record, XLV (April
1919), pp 311-24.
3.13 For details of Theater of Operations buildings in World War II, see War Department
Technical Manual, TM 5-280 (Washington: GPO, 1944).
3.14 "Housing the New Army," EngineeringNews-Record, 125 (October 1940), pp 43-47.
3.16 Ibid.
3.17 TM 5-226, War Department Manual, Carpentry (Washington: GPO, 1943), p 144.
3.18 Ibid.; see also Diane Wasch and Perry Busch, "World War II Temporary Structures:
The U.S. Army" (unpublished report by HABS/HAER, National Park Service, 1988), pp 44-
46; E. F. Porter, Jr., "Barracks," St. Louis Post-DispatchMagazine, 28 May 1989, pp 6-10.
3.19 Fine and Remington, The Corps of Engineers, p 266; James A. Glass, "Historic
American Buildings Survey: Fort McCoy, Building T- 1129 (Barracks)" (HABS: unpublished
report, 1988), pp 2-11.
3.20 Glass, "HABS: Fort McCoy, Building T-1129 (Barracks)," p 7; Manual of the Con-
struction Division of the Army... 1918, sec C, plate 60, "Details of Standard Roof Trusses."
3.21 "A Thousand Buildings in Five Months," Engineering News-Record, 126 (March
1941), pp 72-75; "A Building Every 54 Min. at Fort Ord," Engineering News-Record, 126
(March 1941), pp 75-76; "Erect Company Barracks in Three Hours," EngineeringNews-
Record, 79 (September 1917), p 614.
3.22 "Handling a 20,000-Man Crew on a Camp Job," Engineering News-Record, 126 (June
1941), pp 66-68.
3.23 Activities of the Bureau of Yards and Docks... 1917-18, p 91; "Navy Goes into Action
on Housing," EngineeringNews-Record, 125 (October 1940), pp 40-42.
3.28 "Construction documents," Navy Public Works Center, Great Lakes, IL.
3.29 Charles F. O'Connell, Jr., "Historic American Engineering Record: Quonset Point
Naval Air Station" (HAER: unpublished report, 1979), pp 106-108.
4.2 Maurice Matloff, American Military History (Washington: GPO, 1969), p 322;
"Housing the Navy Ashore," pp 4-7; Navy Camp Contracts Let," EngineeringNews-Record,
79 (July 1917), p 93.
4.5 Ibid.. p 16; "Report of the Construction Division," War DepartmentAnnual Reports,
1918, pp 1291-92, 1277, 1287.
4.6 Pilat, "Camp Lewis," 52-64; "Report of the Construction Division," War Department
Annual Reports, 1918, p 1331.
4.7 Ibid., p 46; "The Making of Camp Lewis,"American Architect, CXII (November 1917),
p 359.
4.9 W. G. Kilner and A. J. MacElroy, The Cantonment Manual (New York: D. Appleton
and Co., 1918), pp 8, 190; "Report of the Construction Division," War Department Annual
Reports, 1918, p 1291.
4.10 "Housing the New Army," Engineering News-Record, 125 (October 1940), 43-47;
Matloff, American Military History, pp 461-62, 465.
4.11 Alvah Bessie, "From Reveille to Rest," New Masses, 44 (August 1942), p 9.
4.12 Alvah Bessie, "Meet the Army," New Masses, 44 (August 1942), p 11.
4.14 Letter from D.G. Aronberg, Walsh Construction Company, to August G. Sperl, 13
August 1956, p 2.
4.16 James A. Glass, "Historic American Buildings Survey: History of the Planning and
Construction of Camp McCoy, Wisconsin, 1940-46" (unpublished report, 1988), pp 1-5.
Thomas Doherty, "Blitzkrieg for Beginners: The Maneuvers of 1940 in Central Wisconsin,"
Wisconsin Magazine of History, 68 (Winter 1985), pp 83-107.
4.17 Fine and Remington, The Corps of Engineers, pp 342-54; Glass, "HABS: History
of the Planning and Construction of Camp McCoy," pp 9-16.
4.18 See: Mel Scot, American City Planning Since 1890 (Berkeley: University of
California Press, 1969); Glass, "HABS: History of the Planning and Construction of Camp
McCoy," p 25.
4.19 Robert David Kreger, "The Making of an Institutional Landscape: Case Studies of
Air Force Bases, World War I to the Present" (Urbana: University of Illinois Ph.D.
dissertation, 1988), pp 122-47.
4.20 Ibid.
4.21 Chanute Air Force Base, "History of Chanute Technical Training Center," vol 1
(Chanute: unpublished history, 1985); USACERL tabulations: World War II Temporary
4.22 Activities of the Bureau of Yards and Docks... 1917-18, pp 46-76, 83-91.
4.24 "Special Expedients Speed Construction of Naval Air Training Station," Engineering
News-Record, 130 (June 1943), pp 96-101.
4.25 "Building the Corpus Christi Naval Air Base," EngineeringNews-Record, 127 (July
1941), pp 54-59.
4.26 U.S. House Reports, 5630, 77th Congress, 1st. Session (Washington: GPO, 1942);
RicharO.. L. Neuberger, "Mountain Air for the Navy," Collier's, 110 (December 1942), pp 60-
4.27 Manning, Building the Navy's Bases in World War II, pp 268-73.
4.28 Ibid.; Neuberger, "Mountain Air for the Navy," 61; "Navy Life," The New Yorker
Magazine, 19 (September 1943), pp 44-45.
4.29 Manning, Building the Navy's Bases in World War 11, p 271.
4.30 Activities of the Bureau of Yards and Docks... 1917.18, pp 93-94; Manning, Building
the Navy's Bases in World War II, pp 279-90.
4.31 Ibid.
4.32 "Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton: Basewide Maps" (Public Works Office, Camp
Pendleton, 1988), p 37.
5.1 U.S. Army, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Navy, and U.S. Marine Corps real property
databases, September 1991.
5.3 To offer insight into just how different today's Army life is than that of World War II,
see: Larry H. Ingraham and Frederick J. Manning, The Boys in the Barracks: Observations
on American Military Life (Philadelphia: Institute for the Study of Human Issues, 1984),
chap 6.
5.4 An amusing reminiscence of life in the old-style barracks at Fort Leonard Wood,
Missouri, and one the author also recalls during his internment there, was recently written
by John M. McGuire and entitled "Not So Fond Recollections of'Fort Lost in the Woods'," St.
Louis Post-DispatchMagazine, Sunday, 28 May 1989, p 11. See also: E. F. Porter, "Barracks:
Once Home to Millions, the World War II Design Classic is About to Become a Memory, and
Museum" in the same issue, pp 6-10.
Appendix B: Bibliography
Bound Volumes: Government Reports and Histories
Activities of the Bureau of Yards and Docks, Navy Department, World War, 1917-1918.
Washington: GPO, 1921.
Citadels ofDemocracy: Cay. .ps & Plantsfor Men and Munitions. Washington: GPO, 1941.
Fine, Lenore and Jesse A. Remington. The Corps of Engineers: Constructionin the United
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