Predicative Lexical Units in Terminology: Marie-Claude L'Homme

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Predicative lexical units in terminology

Marie-Claude LHomme

Observatoire de linguistique Sens-Texte (OLST)

Universit de Montral
C.P. 6128, succ. Centre-ville
Montral (Qubec)

Abstract Predicative lexical units have been largely ignored in terminology for a
number of reasons: one of them is the focus on entities viewed as the nodes of
knowledge representations; another is the lack of linguistic perspective on the data
to be represented. Things are changing though and an increasing number of re-
searchers in the field of terminology and other areas interested in processing spe-
cialized corpora recognize that predicative units (verbs, adjectives and many
nouns) play a key role in the expression and organization of specialized knowl-
edge. However, the models traditionally used in terminology to describe terms are
not equipped to capture the properties of predicative units adequately. In this con-
tribution, I review a selection of works in the area and discuss how they aim at
unveiling the contribution of predicative terms to the expression of specialized
knowledge. I also show how two specific lexical semantics frameworks (Explana-
tory Combinatorial Lexicology, ECL (Meluk et al. 1995; Meluk et al. 1984-
1999) and Frame Semantics (Fillmore 1977, 1982, 1985)) can be applied to the
description of predicative terms and help us represent their linguistic properties. I
will refer to data taken from the specialized fields of cycling, environment and

1. Introduction

Terminologists have long recognized that structure is an inherent aspect of ter-

minological description. Usually, the focus has been placed on the structure of
knowledge in a given specialized area and many terminologists assume that terms
are closely connected to the way this knowledge is organized. However, if this
knowledge structure is defined before analyzing the terms themselves or is con-
sidered as the reference to which everything else must be linked, terminologists
might miss important linguistic expressions that contribute to the expression of
knowledge. My assumption is that part of this structure can only be discovered af-

ter a fine-grained analysis of terms, including predicative terms, is carried out.

This will be dealt with in more detail in Sections 2 and 3.
An increasing number of researchers in terminology now recognize that predica-
tive units (verbs, adjectives and many nouns) play an important role in the con-
veyance of specialized knowledge and have suggested models and methods to take
them into account. From the point of view of other areas such as Lexical Seman-
tics or Natural Language Processing (NLP) where different projects focus on
predicative units (e.g. FrameNet 2014; PropBank 2014; VerbNet 2014), it might
appear surprising that predicative units have been under-investigated in terminol-
ogy. I will try to explain why it took so long for terminologists to start taking them
into consideration in Section 2.
In Section 3, I review a selection of works that focus on predicative terms (espe-
cially verbs since other predicative units have been less studied in terminology). In
Section 4 and 5, I describe work carried out at the Observatoire de linguistique
Sens-Texte (OLST) that aim at capturing the specific nature of specialized predi-
cative units based on Explanatory Combinatorial Lexicology, ECL (Meluk et al.
1995; Meluk et al. 1984-1999) and Frame Semantics (Fillmore 1977, 1982,
1985) and more specifically its application in FrameNet (Fillmore et al. 2003;
FrameNet 2014; Ruppenhofer et al. 2010). I will also show that predicative units
can reveal different kinds of structures that complement those usually considered
in terminology. I will refer to data taken from the fields of cycling, environment
and computing. (The field of cycling was chosen specifically for Michael Zock
and the first steps have been taken to compile a dictionary on this specific topic.)

2. The knowledge paradigm

Figure 1 shows what a knowledge structure (in this case, an ontology) can look
like in a specific field: i.e. the bicycle (Theory Simple-Bikes,
In this example, items of knowledge (concepts or classes) that represent the parts
of the bicycle are organized in a hierarchy.1 The ontology concentrates on parts
and it can be argued that important concepts are missing, such as types of bicycles.
But we would be dealing with entities in both cases, as do many ontologies or
other types of knowledge representations. I will argue below that other equally

1 Much more can be said about this type of knowledge structure and the way it is defined: at-
tributes can be associated with each class; in some cases, definitions of classes are provided. Ex-
perts must define and agree on criteria according to which items can be organized in specific
fields (for instance, in the bicycle example, other organization principles could have been cho-
sen). Hence a consensus must necessarily be reached for such representations to be usable
(Guarino 2009).

important concepts are still missing and that the field of cycling is not only a col-
lection of entities. The example chosen is simple, but still representative of the
kind of reasoning applied when building knowledge structures.
This kind of work is certainly interesting from
the point of view of organizing knowledge in
specialized fields since it can later be used as a
reference for explaining that knowledge and
making conceptual distinctions. However, it
only considers a portion of what is necessary to
convey that knowledge. In the bicycle example,
one can discover the relationship between a
wheel and a bicycle, but cannot learn how
to express the installation of a wheel on a bicy-
cle or what the specific functions of a wheel or a
bicycle are. In addition, the linguistic items used
in the field are considered after concepts are de-
fined and are often viewed as labels that are su-
perimposed on knowledge structures. In the bi-
cycle example, the labeling of concepts is
secondary and some labels do not even corre-
spond to real terms (e.g. Wheel-Assy).2 The
purpose is to represent concepts (linguistic ex-
pressions are listed somewhere else when nec-
Hence, these methodologies (that I will refer to Fig. 1. A simple ontology of the
as knowledge-driven methodologies) raise a bicycle
number of questions with regard to the way
knowledge is expressed in texts: 3
Often, only nouns are considered. This is a consequence of the focus on
entities. Even in cases where activity concepts need to be taken into ac-
count (linguistically expressed by nouns or verbs), nouns are still pre-
ferred. One can easily think of activities associated with the bicycle (cy-
cling, riding, shifting speeds, etc.) or even properties, but
incorporating them in a structure such as that shown in Figure 1 is not
Even when other types of concepts (processes, events and properties) ap-
pear in knowledge structures, the specific nature of the units that express

2 The linguistic label may be chosen among a list of possible labels used be experts (in some
ontologies, a unique identifier is used to represent an item of knowledge unambiguously);
3 Other linguistic consequences are listed in LHomme (2014).

them, namely the fact that they require arguments (e.g., X rides Y, Y cy-
cles, X shifts Y), is not taken into account.
Terminologists resort to less formal methods when defining the contents of spe-
cialized dictionaries. However, they are still guided by a reasoning similar to the
one described above. In a small dictionary on cycling ( vos vlos 2013), one can
find terms linked to the following topics: types of bicycles (city bicycle, electric
bicycle), bicycle parts (back wheel, cable), accessories (dynamo, fender), tools, as
well as repair and maintenance equipment (file, patch), and infrastructure (bike
route, paved shoulder). All entries are devoted to noun terms. A small portion of
these nouns denote activities (e.g., two-way cycling), but they are treated exactly
as the other ones that refer to entities.

3. Predicative units in terminology

Let us know consider matters from a different perspective. Appendix 1 shows the
first results of term extraction (by TermoStat, Drouin 2003) applied to a corpus of
texts on cycling of approx. 150,000 words. Among the 50 most specific items
identified by the term extractor, 8 are verbs (one verb appears in third position)
and 2 are adjectives. Some might argue that some of these units do not correspond
to valid terms in the field of cycling. Although this can be said for some units (and
for some nouns, for that matter), it would be difficult to discard cycle, ride or
brake (especially if their nominal counterparts are already defined as terms). In
addition, 4 nouns refer to activities and can thus be defined as predicative units
(e.g., adjustment, cycling, ride, race). Eight others refer to entities, while still be-
ing truly predicative (e.g., intersection, rider).4 If a knowledge-based analysis such
as that described in the previous section is applied, more than half the items that
could be identified as relevant terms in the field of cycling would either be ne-
glected or described in a way that does not fully capture their semantic properties.
I argue that predicative units are not only necessary to communicate knowledge
they are also an important part of the structure of this knowledge. However, the
structures such as the ontology discussed in section 2 (and other similar ones) are
not well suited to represent them. Other methods need to be (and have been) de-
vised. We mention some of them in the following sections.

4Other items in the list could be considered as predicative units (frame of x, lever of x, etc.),
but we did not consider them in this quick count.

3.1 When does a predicative unit become a term?

A view strongly held a few decades ago was that terms belonging to parts of
speech other than nouns had to correspond to a noun to become relevant for termi-
Concepts represented in terminological dictionaries are predominantly expressed in the
form of nouns; concepts which are linguistically expressed as adjectives and verbs in
technical languages are frequently found only in the corresponding noun form and some
theorists deny the existence of adjective and verb concepts (Sager 1990, 58).

This allows us to validate the verbs brake and cycle as terms since they are related
to noun forms. Linguistically though it is difficult to argue that all nouns precede
the other parts of speech: the nouns ride and rider are defined on the basis of the
meaning of the verb ride. This also applies to cycling and race: the meaning of cy-
cling is explained according to that of the verb cycle; the meaning of the noun
race is based on that of the verb race.
Intuitively, it is also difficult to deny the important role played by some predica-
tive units, even those that are not related to noun terms. Corpus data confirms this
as discussed above. We mentioned the problem raised by some verbs in the list of
candidate terms produced after processing a corpus on cycling. Similar examples
can be found in many other fields of knowledge: configure, develop, write (com-
puting); code, replicate, synthetize (genetics); pollute, recycle, warm (environ-
ment). Some adjectives also convey a meaning that it would be difficult not to
consider as specialized: dynamic, static, virtual (computing); clean, green, sus-
tainable (environment).
This was pointed out by a number of scholars (who discussed the importance of
verbs in terminology; other parts of speech have not attracted as much attention):
Condamines (1993), in the field of banking, LHomme (1998) in the field of com-
puting, Lerat (2002), in the field of law, Lorente (2007) in various fields of
knowledge (see LHomme (2012a), for a more detailed account). Three types of
verbs can be found in specialized texts: 1. Specialized verbs (that are specific to a
given field); 2. Verbs that acquire a new meaning in the field; 6 3. General lan-
guage verbs (that can be further divided into support verbs (Lerat 2002) and dis-
cursive verbs (Lorente 2007)). Verbs in groups 1 and 2 would potentially corre-
spond to terms.

5 This view was also shared by Rey (1979). Traces can still be found in more recent work
(e.g., Lorente 2007) for whom a verb can become a quasi-term when it is morphologically re-
lated to a noun term.
6 In some cases, new meanings viewed from the perspective of a special subject field do not

necessarily correspond to a meaning that a lexicographer or a linguist would consider as truly

different from meanings already recorded for that unit. This phenomenon has been labeled by
Cruse (2011) as micro-sense or subsense.

However, the strategy normally employed by terminologists to decide whether a

unit can qualify as a term (by defining its position in a knowledge structure spe-
cific to a domain) cannot be applied to parts of speech such as verbs or adjectives.
Apart from LHomme (1998) and Lorente (2007), few authors provide criteria to
guide the selection of terms that do not refer to entities. Here are two of the crite-
ria defined in LHomme (1998) (they were defined for verbs but also apply to
other predicative units):
1. Given a corpus containing texts on a subject, if the linguistic realizations
of actants (i.e. arguments) of a verb are defined as terms, the verb is
likely to be a term itself. For example, ride (X rides Y) is likely to be a
term in the field of cycling since, realizations for X will be terms such as
cyclist or rider (or a specific name referring to one) and instantiations for
Y will be terms such bike, bicycle (and specific types of bicycles or

2. If a verb is morphologically and semantically related to lexical units that

have already been defined as terms, it is a term itself. For example, if the
noun brake is defined as a term, then the verb brake is one.

3.2 Representing predicative units

Predicative units are not only defined as terms using criteria that differ from those
that apply to other types of terms, they must also be described in order to fully
capture their meaning. Authors have devised different methods to achieve this, but
they appear to agree on the fact that their argument structure should be repre-
sented, ideally in a way that explains the meaning of the predicative unit when
used in a specialized field. Again, verbs have attracted the most attention, but what
is said in this section also applies to other predicative units.
For example, assuming that ride has two arguments (x, y), they can be represented
using classes of objects (classes dobjets, Lerat 2002), semantic classes defined
specifically for a given subject field (Tellier 2007; Wandji et al. 2013), frame ele-
ments labels (Pimentel 2013), semantic roles (LHomme 2012b).7 In the examples
given in Table 1, typical terms (i.e., terms that are considered to be representative

7 The definition of argument structures (i.e. the number of arguments; the determination of
arguments vs. adjuncts; the nature of arguments) can differ substantially according to the theoret-
ical perspective taken. Often in terminology, arguments are defined at an abstract and semantic
level (i.e. those participants that are necessary to understand the meaning of the predicative unit).
This differs from perspectives based on syntactic evidence. Of course, as will be shown in this
paper, there is a relation between semantics and syntax. However, at the semantic level, argu-
ments may be considered obligatory and be realized in specific cases in syntax (this is the case
for nominalization of verbs, for instance).

of what can be expected in a given argument position) are used. 8 Other examples
are given for terms in the subject fields of computing and the environment.

Table 1. Argument structures of predicative terms with typical terms

Subject field Predicative unit Argument structure

Cycling ride cyclist ~ bicycle

rider ~ of bicycle
Computing download1 user ~ file, application from computer, net-
work to computer
download1.1 ~ of file, application from computer, network
to computer
downloadable ~ file, application
upload user ~ file, application from computer to com-
puter, network
Environment impact1 change ~ on environment
impact2 ~ of change on environment
effect ~ of change, gas on environment

4. Describing predicative units in specialized lexicons

Assuming like I did that predicative units should be considered as valid terms and
that their argument structures should be considered as important parts of their de-
scriptions, some principles based on lexical semantics can guide us when adding
these units to lexicons. In what follows, I show how this can be carried out using
two different lexical frameworks, namely Explanatory Combinatorial Lexicology,
ECL (Meluk et al. 1995; Meluk et al. 1984-1999) and Frame Semantics (Fill-
more 1976, 1982, 2985; Fillmore et al. 2003). In addition to a few aforementioned
examples in the field of cycling, I will refer to two specialized lexical resources:
one is dedicated to the fields of computing and the Internet (DiCoInfo. Dictionnai-
re fondamental de linformatique et de lInternet) and the other to the environment
(DiCoEnviro. Dictionnaire fondamental de lenvironnement). (A short description
of these resources is given in Section 4.1.)

4.1 A short presentation of two specialized lexical resources

DiCoInfo and DiCoEnviro are freely available online resources that contain terms
in English, French and Spanish (the coverage, however, differs from one language

8 In this kind of approach, authors implicitly assume that predicative units can be defined re-
gardless of their possible uses in other fields or situations. For instance, the arguments defined
for ride are valid from the point of view of cycling but not for ride in general. The same applies
to impact (verb and noun) and effect.

to the other). The resources describe terms that belong to different parts of speech
such as nouns (configuration, data, environment, biodiversity), verbs (to config-
ure, to download, to pollute, to warm), adjectives (configurable, environmental,
sustainable, virtual) and adverbs (e.g., dynamically, environmentally), part of
which are predicative units.

The theoretical and methodological principles used to compile these resources are
based chiefly on ECL. (However, as will be seen below, other principles were bor-
rowed from Frame Semantics.) They adhere to ECL principles in the following

1. Each article is devoted to a specific lexical unit (and not to a lexical

item); for instance, address appears in three different articles in the Di-
CoInfo: the unique identifier of a user in a network, the unique identi-
fier of a computer or a site in a network, a location on a storage de-

2. Meanings are distinguished by analyzing the series of interactions (simi-

larities and oppositions) of a unit with other units of the field;9

3. The argument structure (called actantial structure) is stated and given a

central role in the description of the meaning of lexical units (although,
here it differs from ECL, in the sense that semantic roles are used to label
arguments; ECL uses variables, such as X, Y, Z);

4. Much emphasis is placed on the listing of lexical relationships (e.g., in

the entry for pollute, the nouns pollution, polluter, pollutant, the adjective
polluting, and the verbs contaminate, depollute are listed along with an
explanation of their relationships with pollute).10

4.2 A unified treatment of specialized predicative units

In our resources, entries provide information on the argument structure of terms

and supply contexts (some of which are annotated as will be seen below). The ar-

9In the DiCoInfo, only specialized meanings are considered. Hence, even if the corpus does
contain occurrences of general meanings, only those related to computing or the Internet are in-
cluded in the word list of the DicoInfo and those meanings linked to the environment appear in
the DiCoEnviro.
10 This is beyond the scope of the article, but all lexical relationships are described using the
formal system of lexical functions (a system devised within ECL) that provides a formal basis to
specify the structure and meaning of relationships (paradigmatic as well as syntagmatic) (More
information about the application of ECL principles to the specialized resources can be found in
LHomme 2012b).

gument structure states the obligatory participants, and labels them in terms of
general semantic roles (Agent, Patient, Instrument11) and typical terms (the term
that is the most representative of those that instantiate a given semantic role in
These systems (and especially semantic roles) enable us to capture the relation-
ships between semantically related predicative units.12 Table 2 gives a few exam-
ples of relationships that can be captured using this system.

Table 2. Argument structures of semantically related predicative terms

Relationships Degrade: Agent or Cause ~ Pa- Water quality generally would be de-
between differ- tient graded by higher water temperatures.
ent parts of Degradation: ~ of Patient by floods increasing sediment loads and
speech Agent or Cause causing degradation of water quality
Degraded: ~ Patient as different areas of degraded land
spread and merge together to form de-
sert-like conditions.
Ride: Agent ~ Patient Even if you have ridden a bicycle for
Rider: Agent is a ~ of Patient Ride one at a time when you ride with
other bicycle riders.
Relationships Install: Agent ~ Patient on If a user decides to install a firewall
between deriva- Destination program on a laptop
tives that belong Reinstall: Agent ~ Patient on you can reinstall most of your software
to the same part Destination
of speech Preinstall: Agent ~ Patient on software that is preinstalled on a new
Destination computer by an original equipment
Relationships Install: Agent ~ Patient on If a user decides to install a firewall
between certain Destination program on a laptop
types of anto- Uninstall: Agent ~ Patient This is the applet you should use to un-
nyms from Source install programs that you no longer
Semantic dis- Write1: Agent ~ Patient to you write small files to a disc
tinctions Destination
Write2: Agent ~ Patient in Ma- you can use Perl to write shell scripts
Alternations start1a: Patient ~ If successful, the program will start in
that mode each time
start1b: Agent ~ Patient These icons allow you to click and start
the programs you use most.

11 The role Instrument as an argument has been questioned by a number of authors. Howev-
er, in specialized subject fields, it can be an obligatory participant. In addition, it often appears in
regular alternations (e.g. the user prints a document with a laser printer; the printer prints the
12 In fact, the system is also extended to quasi-predicative units, but we do not deal with this

in this contribution.

4.3 Linking syntax to semantics

An abstract argument structure can also be linked to instantiations of a predicative

unit and of its arguments in corpora. This can be done using an annotation method
such as that devised in the FrameNet Projet (Ruppenhoffer et al. 2010).
Our resources include a module that shows how predicative terms combine with
their arguments. Up to 20 sentences are extracted from specialized corpora (envi-
ronment or computing) and relevant parts of these sentences are tagged using
XML. The following properties are indicated:
The predicative unit under analysis is identified (it then appears in capital
letters in the annotated sentences);
The participants are tagged and analyzed (the analysis takes into account
the following):
o Obligatory or non-obligatory participants (called actants (i.e. ar-
guments) and circumstants))13 are distinguished;
o The semantic roles of actants and circumstants are specified
(participants labeled with a specific role are displayed in a dif-
ferent color in the annotated sentences);
o Their syntactic function is labeled;
o The syntactic group to which they belong is identified.
The results of these annotations appear in the form of annotated sentences and a
summary of the properties of participants. I reproduced in Tables 3 and 4 samples
of these annotations for the verb install in computing and the noun impact in the
environment. Role labels are presented between brackets (however, the online ver-
sion displays them in different colors).

Table 3. Annotations for install


Install: Agent ~ Patient on Destination

When you[Agent] INSTALL a game[Patient], it generally also copies a huge array of samples on to
your hard disk.
You[Agent] can even run Linux directly from a CD, without having to INSTALL anything[Patient]
on your PC[Destination].
The operating system[Patient] IS INSTALLED on your hard disk[Destination].

13 This is the terminology used in ECL and in our resources. Frame Semantics refers to core
frame elements and non-core frame elements. Although the examples do not show this, circum-
stants (i.e. non-obligatory participants) are also annotated.

Agent Subject (NP) you (2)

Indirect Link (NP)
Patient Object (NP) (2) anything
Subject (NP) game
operating system
Destination Complement (PP-on) (2) hard disk

Table 4. Annotations for impact


Impact: ~ of Cause on Patient

It so happens that the IMPACT of climate change[Cause] on world heritage sites[Patient] will be the
subject of a meeting taking place at UNESCO just two months from now, on 16 and 17 March.
Theories concerning the climatic[Patient] IMPACT of such emissions[Cause] vary.
In general, these scientific workshops focused on the drivers of global change and the IMPACT
of those changes[Cause] on ecosystems[Patient],

Cause Complement (PP-of) (3) change (2)

Patient Complement (PP-on) (2) climatic
Modifier (AP) ecosystem

4.4 Cohesive descriptions based on the argument structure

If we assume that arguments are an essential part of the meaning of a predicative

unit (as do ECL (Meluk 1995) and Frame Semantics (Fillmore et al. 2003), and
other frameworks), they should appear in many other parts of the semantic de-
scription of these units. ECL provides many useful tools to link relevant parts of a
lexical entry (definition, lexical relationships) to the argument structure.
We adapted these tools to our resources as shown in the entry attach that we re-
produced below. Arguments are labeled with semantic roles (Agent, Patient, Des-
tination) that are further specified with typical terms (user, file, email). Reference
to these typical terms is made in the definition, lexical relationships (in this case,
the Patient is involved in the meaning of the related term attached) and in the an-
notations. Again, role labels are reproduced between brackets.

Attach, vt.
Agent{user} ~ Patient{file} to Destination{email}

Definition: A user[Agent] links a file[Patient] to an email[Destination] in order to send this

file[Patient] along with the email[Destination] .

Lexical relationships:
A file[Patient] that has been a. attached

You[Agent] can also ATTACH files[Patient] to email messages[Destination]
Non-ASCII files, known as binary files[Patient], may BE ATTACHED to e-mail
You[Agent] can ATTACH more than one file[Patient] to a single email message[Destination] ..

5 Taking things a step forward: capturing different kinds of structures

Coming back to the importance of structures in specialized fields of knowledge
mentioned in the introduction, I will now show how the descriptions listed in Sec-
tion 4 can help us discover different types of structures within a specific field.
This work has not been carried out systematically on our resources yet, but the ex-
amples I present below are, in my opinion, quite convincing. Of course, the result-
ing structures differ substantially from the ones sought by a knowledge-based ap-
proach (such as that presented in Section 2) since they are based on the lexicon
rather than on knowledge.
This first structure that can be unveiled is based on the lexical relationships identi-
fied between terms and described as was mentioned above with lexical functions.
Figure 2 shows how such a structure can be discovered and presented graphically
based on the information given in the entries. 14 The arc between pollute1b and de-
pollute indicates an antonymy relationship. The arcs between pollute1a and con-
taminate and between pollute1b and contaminate represent similarity relationships
(in this case near synonymy). Finally, all the other arcs show relationships be-
tween morphologically related terms (further specified with lexical functions: e.g.
the relationship between pollute and pollution is encoded as an S0 that means a
noun that has the same meaning; the relationship between pollute and polluter is
encoded with S1 that can be explained as noun for the typical Agent.

The graph is generated with a tool developed by Robichaud (2012). In the original graph,
arcs are colored.

Fig. 2. Lexical relationships between pollute and other terms in the field of the environment

A different kind of structure can be discovered based on an analysis of the argu-

ments of predicative terms, the lexical relationships in which they appear, and
their annotations. I will call this structure a frame, based on Frame semantics. A
frame represents a conceptual scenario associated with a given situation in which
participants are involved. In the Frame Semantics framework, lexical units can
evoke a frame from different perspectives. In addition, participants are defined as
core frame elements (obligatory) and non-core frame elements (non-obligatory).
We carried out an analysis using English and French verbs and predicative nouns
already recorded in the DiCoEnviro in order to discover such frames. This analy-
sis is based partly on the one devised in the FrameNet project.15 The analysis was
performed manually and took into account four sets of data (LHomme et al.
1. A comparison with data available in the English FrameNet: This could
only be done with the English terms in DiCoEnviro. The comparison was
carried out in order to find whether the lexical units recorded in the
DiCoEnviro could be related to lexical items recorded in FrameNet or
not. If a lexical item could be identified in FrameNet, then we needed to
establish whether the environment term evoked the same frame. For ex-
ample, the verb affect appears both in DiCoInfo and FrameNet. However,
in FrameNet it appears in two different frames (Objective_influence and
Feigning). The lexical unit recorded in DiCoEnviro evokes the Objec-
tive_influence frame.
2. A comparison of the arguments structures of verbs and predicative nouns
in the DiCoEnviro: This was done in order to identify predicative terms
that shared similarities with regard to their argument structures (same

15 Our methodology differs from that applied in FrameNet in the sense that frames are dis-
covered afterwards based on the descriptions already available in our databases. In the FrameNet
project, frames are defined and then validated on corpus data (Fillmore et al. 2003).

semantic roles). We hypothesized that similar argument structures could

lead to the identification of lexical units evoking a frame.
3. A comparison of the circumstants found in the annotations of verbs and
predicative nouns: Again, this data was used to try to locate similarities
between lexical units.
4. A comparison of the lexical functions associated with these verbs and
predicative nouns: Since a lexical function provides an abstract and gen-
eral description of meanings, this information was used to locate lexical
units with close meanings.
Although the analysis was carried out on a preliminary set of data (about 100
terms in English, 150 in French), our results indicate that frames can be a useful
way to capture a specific kind of structure in specialized domains. Up to know, we
identified more than 40 frames, some of which are based on those recorded in
FrameNet, others are adaptations of exiting frames; others, finally, are new frames
that could be specific to the field of the environment. Figure 3 is an illustration of
what the Objective_influence frame (based on the one given in FrameNet) could
be in the field of the environment and lists the predicative terms that evoke it.

Note: A Frame based on Objective_influence in FrameNet

An Agent or a Cause has an influence (that is often negative) on a Patient. The Patient can
undergo changes due to this influence.

Participants (1):
1. Agent | Cause
2. Patient
Participants (2):
Degree, Duration, Expanse, Location, Manner, Means, Method, Mode, Reason, Time,

Lexical Units:

English: French:
affect 1 affecter 1
effect 1 effet 1
impact 1 impact 1
impact 2 influence 1
influence 1 influencer 1
influence 2 influer 1
Fig. 3. A frame with lexical units evoking it in the field of the environment

5 Concluding remarks
In this contribution, I emphasized the importance of the notion of structure in
terminology and the role it plays in knowledge understanding. Capturing and rep-
resenting concepts is an ontology or other types of knowledge repositories is or
should be an important part of terminology work. Unfortunately, most efforts car-
ried out up to now have focused on representations that allow us to take into ac-
count entity concepts and, indirectly, terms that refer to these entities. However, in
order to convey knowledge in text, other types of units are necessary as evidenced
by the small term extraction on a corpus of cycling.
I argued and tried to show that predicative units are an essential part in the con-
veyance of knowledge and that they must appear in terminological descriptions. I
also underlined the fact that, even though they are important, they cannot be prop-
erly described using the tools devised for terms that refer to entities. Their argu-
ment structure must be stated in such a way as to capture their specialized nature
(for instance, by specifying the type of unit that would instantiate an argument).
Finally, I showed that predicative terms can also participate in two different kinds
of structures. The first one is based on the relationships terms share with other
terms. This can be achieved if the links between terms have been properly identi-
fied and distinguished from one another. The second one is based on the notion of
frame; terms can be said to evoke frames and a first subset of data seems to con-
firm this. There might be cognitive implications in the ideas reported in this chap-
ter, but I will let experts such as Michael Zock dwell on them.
One question, however, remains unanswered. Would it be possible to connect
knowledge structures (at least ones that also represent terms) to descriptions of
predicative units such as those that we proposed in this contribution? Intuitively,
we can certainly think of some kind of connection. As shown in Figure 4, the ar-
gument structure stated for ride in which bicycle appears could be linked to a
knowledge representation in which types of bicycles are listed (the classes for
bicycle are based on those given in Wikipedia 2013). From this, we could infer
that we can ride hybrid bicycles, upright bicycles, touring bicycles, etc.

Ride: cyclist ~ bicycle

According to function
road bicycle
touring bicycle
hybrid bicycle
According to sport
road racing bicycle
time trial bicycle
triathlon bicycle
cyclo-cross bicycle
mountain bike

According to frame design

According to material

According to rider position
upright bicycle
recumbent bicycle

Fig. 4. Argument structure for ride and types of bicycles

This indicates that there might be a connection between lexical representations

and conceptual ones, at least a partial one. However, this would need to be tested
on a more substantial amount of data.


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Appendix: Term extraction by TermoStat

Score Part of
Lemma Frequency Inflected forms
(Specificity) Speech
bicycle 1360 225.93 Bicycle, bicycles Noun
bike 773 168.37 Bike, bikes Noun
Ride, rides
ride 719 143.62 Verb
ridden, riding
brake 550 134.74 Brake, brakes Noun
cycling 466 130.99 Cycling Noun
rider 340 104.73 Rider, riders Noun
wheel 521 102.6 Wheel, wheels Noun
lever 284 100.02 Lever, levers Noun
cyclist 274 98.04 Cyclist, cyclists Noun
pedal 235 96.1 Pedal, pedals Noun
bicyclist 215 91.64 Bicyclist, bicyclists Noun
gear 279 91.29 Gear, gears Noun
tire 211 90.76 Tire, tires Noun
traffic 435 88.94 Traffic Noun
cycle 194 85.82 Cycle, cycles, cycling Verb
rear 213 79.82 Rear Adjective
lane 270 78.85 Lane, lanes Noun
saddle 178 78.54 Saddle, saddles Noun
ride 219 76.46 Ride, rides Noun
road 499 71.64 Road, roads Noun
dealer 218 69.92 Dealer, dealers Noun
intersection 141 69.4 Noun
derailleur 115 67.37 Noun
handlebar 119 66.79 Noun
rim 125 65.22 Rim, rims Noun
Bicycle, bicycles,
bicycle 105 64.03 Verb
fork 116 63.99 Fork, forks Noun
norco 97 61.82 Norco Noun
frame 173 58.1 frame, frames Noun

Score Part of
Lemma Frequency Inflected forms
(Specificity) Speech
Brake, brakes,
brake 95 57.18 Verb
Adjust, adjusted,
adjust 197 56.53 Verb
bolt 107 55.11 Bolt, bolts Noun
reflector 78 54.63 Reflector, reflectors Noun
helmet 128 54.08 Helmet, helmets Noun
Pedal, pedals,
pedal 80 53.66 Verb
pedaled, pedaling
pedestrian 94 52.79 Noun

98 52.45 Jersey, jerseys Noun

motorist 113 51.52 Motorist, motorists Noun
race 283 49.32 Race, races Noun
adjustment 137 48.81 Noun
nut 101 47.81 Nut, nuts Noun
front 176 47.78 Front Adjective
page 60 47.24 Page Verb
hub 73 46.84 Hub, hubs Noun
clamp 56 46.79 Clamp Noun
axle 65 46.48 Axle, axles Noun
sprocket 55 46.36 Sprocket, sprockets Noun
Clamp, clamps, Verb
clamp 71 46.3
clamped, clamping
organiser 95 46.03 Organiser, organisers Noun
tube 126 45.99 Tube, tubes Noun

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