Reading and Heeding.
Reading and Heeding.
Reading and Heeding.
Revelation 1:1-3
July 23, 2006
"Read and heed"that's what John calls for as the book of Revelation opens. The
book would have been read aloud to the first hearers, who in turn, had the
responsibility of grasping its theological message and applying it to their present
circumstances. Further into the opening chapters we find it evident that John targeted
a particular audience represented by seven identifiable churches in Asia Minor (modern
day Turkey). Additionally, the personal message of the Lord of the Church to each of
the seven churches reminds us of Christ's concern for every church that names His
name, while also revealing something of the historical setting that called for such an
unusual book.
Why are we embarking on a study of Revelation? I must confess that outside
preaching on the seven churches and an occasional sermon from selected texts in the
book, my only other attempt to teach Revelation fell flat! I was 19 years old, leading a
group of guys in the local Fellowship of Christian Athletes in Bible study, when I had
the bright idea of studying Revelation. It was a hot topic in those days with the
emergence of Hal Lindsey's The Late Great Planet Earth, Salem Kirban's 666, and Tim
LaHaye's The Beginning of the End. Larry Norman was singing "I Wish We'd all been
Ready," and Doug Oldham, "The King is Coming!" Low-budget movies began to depict
the sensationalisms of the popular books and talk. So, I thought that I needed to jump
on the bandwagon.
But it floppedI mean royally flopped! For one thing, I was not solidly grounded in
God's Word; I understood nothing about principles of interpretation (hermeneutics). So
I relied on a couple of poorly written commentaries and what I could remember of the
chatter about Revelation. Another thing, Revelation is a gospel book filled with rich
theology concerning the nature of the Godhead, the person and work of Christ, the
nature of sin, the doctrine of man, and the doctrine of the church. My understanding of
the basic elements of the gospel was sketchy at best, so trying to wade into Revelation
proved to be way over my head! So, purely from a personal standpoint, I'm trying to
redeem myself from the messy disaster I left 33 years ago!
More importantly, though, my reasons for studying this book are not about seeing
if I can finally get it right. Revelation is for the church. It's Christ's message to the
church living under the pressure and opposition of the world, to remember the
"triumph of the Lamb" (to use Dennis Johnson's book title). As we analyze the seven
churches in the next few weeks, we will see that one of their major problems was that
of losing sight of the Christ-centeredness of being a church. The corporate nature of
these messages is a solid antidote to the narcissistic individualism that often
characterizes the American church population.
Revelation is also the most abused book in our generation. The Apostle John would
not recognize his own book by many of the sermons, conferences, books, and movies
espousing it! Most of what I believed about Revelation 30 years ago, I've had to
unlearn. That has often been a difficult and painful, though necessary process. Trying
to squeeze John's apocalyptic letter into the charts and boxes created by imaginative
folks over the past couple hundred years (and more) unravels when put to the test of
grammar, historical context, literary genre, and theological precision. It is important
that we get a grip on the message of Revelation, just like John's first audience. We will
not do so with the Hollywood-style interpretations so popular in our day.
Here's what I propose for making the most of this study.
(1) Check your pre-configured system at the door. All of us, and I certainly include
myself; have much to learn about Revelation. If we are locked into a system before
venturing into the book, then we will be blind to many of its riches and applications.
(2) Listen to the reading of the text of the book of Revelation. Revelation was
written to be read aloud and listened to with our full imaginations in gear. I plan to
read through Revelation after our dinner-on-the-ground on September 3rd (D.V.). Plan
to be part of hearing the whole book read in one sitting as would have been the case
with the first hearers.
(3) Apply the message of Revelation as we work through this study. It is filled with
important applications, and a promise of blessing for those hearing and heeding its
(4) Pray for the church across the world. Many of the scenes that will unfold in
Revelation will bring to our minds real-life issues facing the church around the globe.
That is our call to prayer and action. Revelation reminds us that the church in every
culture faces worldly and satanic opposition, and so must depend upon the triumph of
the Lamb. Let us bear the burden of our brethren throughout the world.
(5) Finally, let us worship as we marvel at the sovereign might of our Lord.
Revelation, more than any New Testament book, is a book of worship. It has inspired
countless hymns, e.g. "Of the Father's Love Begotten," "Holy, Holy, Holy," "All Hail the
Power of Jesus' Name," and Handel's "Messiah," particularly the Hallelujah Chorus. May
we see Christ crucified, risen, and triumphant on every page!
John's Revelation calls for us to hear and heed Christ's message to the
church. Why do we need to give heed to Revelation?
I. The nature of the book
You do not have to read beyond the first chapter to know that Revelation is
different from anything else in the New Testamentand most of the Old. By the time
that you get through chapter six, you're struck by pictures of broken seals, living
creatures, earthquakes, and the sun as black as sackcloth. Too often, we close the
book up at this point; assuring ourselves that if it was meant to be understood, then
surely John would have included footnotes to explain it!
The language of Revelation sounds more like parts of Daniel, Ezekiel, Joel, and
Zechariah than like John's Gospel or Epistles. The heavy use of symbols, metaphors,
numbers, and mythical characters make it strange our western minds. But that was
not the case with John's first audience living in Asia Minor. The old apostle, probably in
his nineties by this time near the end of the 1 st century, tells us, that he "was on the
island called Patmos because of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus" (1:9).
Patmos lay just southwest of Ephesus, halfway between the island of Crete and
mainland Asia Minor (Turkey). In all likelihood, John faced exile because of his faithful
preaching of the gospel. But that did not stop his continued ministry, as he received
the word of God to encourage and warn the churches.
1. Chain of authority
Apocalyptic writing was not unusual. It had begun a century earlier with ingenious
and imaginative stories of good and evil, dealing with both political and religious
issues. Apocalyptic writers, using pseudonyms, would borrow the name of a famous
person in history, and use that to bolster the authority for his work. He claimed to
have received his message from some other-world creatureusually an angel. He saw
grand things beyond this world which he describes through visions of strange
creatures, dragons, monsters, and the like. Often he interprets history through his
visions or gives his take on the future. Though entertaining as far as stirring the
imagination, the apocalyptic writer had another aim. He sought to exhort and console
people in crisis. Apocalyptic literature came on the heels of crisis [David Aune, WBC:
Revelation 1-5, lxxvii-lxxix].
John had the distinction of being the longest standing member of the church of
Jesus Christ. He had endured Herod's persecution in the Galilean region, the opposition
of the Jewish leaders in Judah, and Nero's limited but intense persecution in the mid-
60s when both Peter and Paul were martyred. Aside from regional persecution, the
church continued to enjoy relative peace in the Roman Empire as a subset of Judaism.
Then came the Emperor Domitian, whom many considered to be another Nero.
Emperor worship grew under his leadership, reaching a fever pitch within a few years
under Emperor Trajan's rule. Trajan decreed punishment for anyone that would not
offer sacrifice to the emperor's image. John saw it coming through the revelation he
received on Patmos.
John did not speak on his own initiative or out of his own imagination. He opens
Revelation by identifying the chain of authority by which he received the
Revelation. "The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show to His
bond-servants, the things which must soon take place; and He sent and
communicated it by His angel to His bond-servant John." Grammarians debate
whether John intended us to understand that the revelation was from Jesus Christ or
whether the revelation was of Jesus Christ. I think that we can state with confidence
that John wanted us to know that it came from Christ, the Lord of the Church; yet as
we see in the unfolding of his message, we find that the central focus is on Jesus
Christ and His triumph on behalf of the Church. The revelation came from Jesus Christ
who received it from God"which God gave Him to show to His bond-
servants." John's Trinitarian convictions weave their way throughout the Revelation.
Here, the authority of the Father giving with finality this revelation of what lay ahead
for the church is entrusted to His Son. The Godhead's concern for the church, and the
particular preparation made through the death and resurrection of Christ, will be
reiterated along the way.
John's tour guide in the unfolding Revelation was an angel. Christ "sent and
communicated it by His angel to His bond-servant John." While John sees many
different angels throughout the book, this particular angel showed him things in
heaven and earth. Many people in our day treat angels as divine beings. John even did
that momentarily until corrected by the angel. When he finished, John records in 22:8-
9, "I, John, am the one who heard and saw these things. And when I heard and saw, I
fell down to worship at the feet of the angel who showed me these things. But he said
to me, "Do not do that. I am a fellow servant of yours and of your brethren the
prophets and of those who heed the words of this book. Worship God.""
2. Unusual genre
Literary genre has to do the type of literature under consideration. Matthew is
gospel genre, Acts is historical genre, and Romans is epistolary genre. Revelation is
unlike any other book in the Bible in terms of its literary type. On one hand, it
is apocalyptic, which is noted by the first word in the Greek text translated
as "Revelation." The word means unveiling or an act of uncovering or revealing. In
other words, the book will unveil some things that are presently hidden. Apocalyptic
language, as we've already noted, identified a particular style of imaginative writing
full of symbolism, metaphors, and word pictures. It has been described as a type of
ancient writing that serves in fashion as "moving pictures" or "a 'sound film'" [Wm.
Hendriksen: More than Conquerors, 50, quoted by Dennis Johnson, Triumph of the
Lamb, 9]. The images seek to "engage readers in an ongoing process of reflection,
rather than giving information that eliminates the need for future thought," according
to Craig Koester [Revelation and the End of All Things, 43]. This is further explained by
the use of the word translated as "communicated." It is a word that carries the idea
of to signify or to show by some kind of sign (or symbol). So, by the use of signs and
symbols found in the shocking pictures painted by the apostle, God communicates a
message to us. It is one that lingers in the mind so that we might reflect upon it and
be moved into action and obedience.
John also calls the book "the words of the prophecy," which means that
Revelation is of prophetic genre. Prophetic writing was not monolithic. It did not just
serve the predictive element, though it included this. But much of prophetic writing,
e.g. Jeremiah, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Hosea, exhorted and called for repentance. The critical
issue in prophetic utterance and writings was whether or not it "promotes faithfulness
to God or whether it leads people away from God" [Koester 45]. A false prophet could
be easily recognized by the way his message led people away from fidelity in
relationship to the Lord. Here is where the term "heed" comes into sharp focus. John
wrote to the churches to call them into obedience to Christ. While some of his
language predicts future events, the thrust of his message was not to inform the
curious about what lay ahead, but rather to call God's people to faithfulness.
We cannot get away from the fact that Revelation is also categorized in
the epistolary genre. "John to the seven churches that are in Asia," he begins as
typical of an ancient letter. Specific issues facing the seven churches, including some
personal matters, is addressed. Ancient letters were intended to be read aloud. The
singular use of "he who reads," points to the pastor or elder in the church who would
read to "those [plural] who hear the words of the prophecy and heed the things
which are written in it."
So, which one is it? Is Revelation apocalyptic, prophetic, or epistolary? Yes! Try all
three, because elements of each are found in this unusual book.
3. Real life - real application
John's message dealt with "the things which must soon take place." This is
where the various approaches to interpreting Revelation smile with glee or do some
quick maneuvering! Bruce Metzger points out, "The word soon indicates that John
intended his message for his own generation" [Breaking the Code: Understanding the
Book of Revelation, 21]. Things were happening among churches in the Roman Empire
that concerned the apostle. The word "soon" implies speed or swiftness or
suddenness. Added to this is the somber note, "for the time is near." Greg Beale
explains that the use of these words "is primarily on inauguration of prophetic
fulfillment and its ongoing aspect, not on nearness of consummation of fulfillment"
[NIGCT: The Book of Revelation, 182]. So John announces that these things were
beginning to happen not that their completion was at hand. When someone in our
present day reads these words, and immediately claims that they are about to be
fulfilled due to the use of "soon" and "the time is near," it needs to be remembered
that John spoke those words to his first audience at the end of the 1 st century. That
gives us at least one critical interpretative key. The things that John addresses to
encourage and warn the churches of the 1st century cycle around to churches of every
age. The present applications cannot be understood apart from the original intent. The
real-life applications they were to make in response to hearing this book read continue
to be called for in the present day. Dennis Johnson adds, "Revelation gave first-century
Christians insight into the purposes of God in their time." Then he warns about trying
to make it a book aimed at 21st the century. "We can at least conclude, therefore, that
interpretations of the visions that lie completely beyond the original readers' frame of
reference are suspect" [The Triumph of the Lamb: a Commentary on Revelation, 20].
We do not have carbon copies from the Old Testament, but in light of the triumph
of Christ in His death and resurrection, the ancient pictures receive new shades and
hues appropriate to Christ's kingdom triumph. John masterfully ties together the whole
of biblical revelation into this encouraging word to the church still facing the oppression
of the world. It leaves the hearers understanding that "God's truth abideth still," in the
words of Martin Luther.
2. Gospel focus
John also declares that he testified "to the testimony of Jesus Christ," which
clearly points to the gospel. Revelation is a gospel focused book. What greater
encouragement can the church find than to return to the priority and sufficiency of the
gospel? That was precisely where the enemy could gain ground upon the church; when
the redeemed slip away from living in the reality of the gospel of Christ. In 1:5-6, John
speaks of the redemptive work of Christ through His bloody death; 1:7 he reminds us
that even those who pierced Him will see Him in His triumph. The portrait of Christ in
chapter one, and reiterated in the letters to the churches (chaps. 2-3), remind us of
Christ's sovereign authority and Lordship. Chapter 5 unfolds one of the most majestic
explanations of Christ as our mediator, affirming the particular nature of His
redemptive work in securing a people for Himself. Chapter 7:9-17 praises the Lamb in
the center of the throne whose blood has washed clean those gathered around His
throne for eternity. Chapter 11 assures us of the eternal reign of Christ. Chapter 12
takes us back to the blood of the Lamb that conquers Satan and delivers the elect.
Chapter 14 speaks of the Lamb purchasing and securing His people. In chapter 15 the
song of the Lamb rings out concerning Christ as ruler of the nations. The Lamb's
triumph is reiterated in chapter 17. Chapter 19 takes us to the marriage of the Lamb,
and the bride that He has secured, followed by the scene of Christ riding on a white
horse, crowned with many crowns, clothed in a robe dipped in blood, and named The
Word of God. The last chapter alludes to His eternality, Incarnation, and the sufficiency
of His redemptive work.
The church in every age must never waver from the gospel. It is certainly the
message that we proclaim, but much more, it is the truth that we live forever.
Revelation is about the triumph of the Lamb of GodJesus Christ, in His death,
resurrection, and kingly reign; and of the triumph secured for His people. The Lamb is
not to be trifled with. You will know Him as Lord or you will know Him as Judge.