P 11-11B
P 11-11B
P 11-11B
Is carried out adiabatically over a packed bed of solid catalyst particles. The
reaction is first order in the concentration of A on the catalyst surface:
-rAs = k Cas
The feed consists of 50% mole A and 50% inerts and enters the bed at a
temperature of 300 K. The entering volumetric flow rate is 10 dm3/s (i.e. 10000
cm3/s). The relationship between the Sherwood number and the Reynolds number
Sh = 100 Re1/2
a) Isothermal operation
b) Adiabatic operation
c) What generalizations can you make after comparing parts (a) and (b)
Additional Information
Kinematic viscosity:
/ = 0.02 cm2/s
Particle diameter: dp =
0.1 cm
Superficial velocity: U = 10 cm/s
Catalyst surface area/mass of catalyst bed: a =60 cm2/g cat.
Diffusivity of A: De = 10-2 cm2/s
Heat of reaction: = -
10000 cal/g mol A Heat
CpA = CpB = 25 cal / g
mol. K
CpS (solvent) = 75 cal/g mol.K
k (300 K) = 0.01 cm3/s g cat with E = 4000 cal/mol
dx r mol
Mole balance : FAO dW = gAcat.s , dimana FAO = CAO VO = 10 mol/cm3
Mole balance dan rate law sama seperti isothermal
Irreversible gas phase
The reaction is first order dengan konsentrasi A
r AS = k CAS
a. Isothermal operation
b. Adiabatic operation
c. What generalization can you make after comparing parts a and b?
a) Isothermal Operation
a) Neraca Mol
dx mol
rA = FAO
dW g cat. s
mol dm3 cm3
Dimana FAO = CAO VO = 1 dm3 1 1000 cm3 10000 = 10 mol/cm3
b) Rate Law
r AS = k CAS
Tetapi nilai CAs tidak diketahui, sehingga membuat asumsi laju reaksi
dimana perpindahan massa yang terjadi yaitu terbatas. Sehingga,
= . = !.
cm3 s mol
rA =
+ g cat s cm3
Dimana k = 0,01 cm3/g cat.s pada temperatur 300 K (27 oC) (konstan isotermal).
= 100
102 10 0.1
= 100 = 100 = 70.71 /
0.1 0.02
2. Rate law
r AS = k CAS
Asumsi: perpindahan massa yang terjadi terbatas
= ( ) = k CAS
cm3 s mol
rA =
+ g cat s cm3
Dimana = pada T = 300 K (27C)
g cat s
= 100
102 10 0.1
= 100 = 100 = 70.71 /
0.1 0.02
3. Stokiometri
CAS = CAO ( )
Dimana = 0, = 300 , CAO = 10 3 /cm3
Neraca energi dapat ditulis:
dF ( ) + ( ())
= =0
( ) = 1000( 300)