Organizational Behavior: Chapter Four
Organizational Behavior: Chapter Four
Organizational Behavior: Chapter Four
What are emotions and moods?
1. Affect: Affect is defined as broad range of feelings that people experience.
Affect can be experienced in the form of emotions or moods
2. Emotions: Emotions are intense feelings that are directed at someone or something.
Emotions are reactions to a person or an event when show emotions when we are happy, sad or afraid.
Most experts believe that emotions are fleeting than moods. For example, if a person is rude to you, you
will feel angry that intense feeling or emotion come and go fairly quickly.
3. Moods: Moods are less intense feelings than emotions that often lack contextual stimulus.
Moods are not usually directed at a person or event.
1 Caused by specific event. 1 Cause in often general and unclear.
2 Very brief in durations like for minutes or seconds. Lost longer than emotions like for hours or
Specific and numerous in nature and many specific More general two main dimensions positive
3 emotions such as happiness, anger, fear, sadness, 3 affect and negative affect that composed of
disgust and surprise are very specific. multiple specific emotions.
4 Usually accompanied by distinct facial expressions. 4 General not indicated by distinct expressions.
5 Action oriented in nature. 5 Cognitive in nature.
List of the basic emotions List of the basic moods
There are dozens emotions that include anger, contempt, we cans say that a positive affect as mood dimension
enthusiasm, envy, fear, frustration, disappointment, hate, consisting of positive emotions such as excitement, self-
embarrassment, disgust, happiness, jealousy, hope, love, joy, assurance and cheerfulness at high end.
pride, surprise or shock, grief and sadness and so on. Boredom, sluggishness, and tiredness at the low end.
One way to classify emotions is by whether they are positive positive affect a negative affect is mood dimension
or negative positive emotions such as, joy and gratitude which
that consists of emotions such as nervousness, anxiety,
expresses favorable evaluation or feeling.
stress, at the high end & relaxation, tranquility & poise
Negative emotions such as, anger or guilt which expresses the
at the low end. So we can say that positive and negative
opposite positive emotion or unfavorable feelings.
affect are moods.
The tendency of most individuals to experience mildly positive mood at zero input when nothing in particular is
going on.
Discuss whether emotions are rational and what functions they serve:
Emotions are critical to rational thinking, decision-making or thought.
Our emotions provide important information about how we understand the world around us.
We must have the ability to experience to emotions to be rational.
Emotions help us understand the world around us.
Expressing emotions publicly may be damaging to social status
What Functions Do Emotions Serve?
Emotions can help in survival problem-solving.
Evolutionary psychology: An area of inquiry which argues that we must experience the emotions we do
because they serve a purpose. Not all researchers agree with this assessment
Identify the sources of emotions and moods:
There are some certain sources of emotions and moods:
1. Personality:
Most people have built in tendencies to experience certain moods & emotions more frequently than others do.
Affect Intensity individuals differences in the strength which individuals experience their emotions.
2. Day of the Week and Time of the Day:
The day later in week or near to week end is felt with good emotions and moods and early time of the day is felt
with bad moods. Regardless of what time we go to bed at night or get up in the morning.
3. Weather:
People are of the opinion that their moods are good or bad due to weather conditions but research has not such
evidence. Illusory correlation the tendency of people to associate two events when in reality there is no
4. Stress:
The mounting level of stress worsens our moods and we experience more negative emotions. Stress takes toll
on our moods.
5. Social Activities:
For most people social activities increase positive mood and have little effect on negative mood, research
suggests activities that are physical, informal, and epicurean (eating with others) create more positive affect
than attending meetings and e sedentary (TV watching).
6. Sleep:
Sleep quality does affect mood and people who deprived sleep often feel fatigue, anger and hostility, less and
poor quality puts in bad mood and impairs decision making and control on emotions.
7. Exercise:
Research consistently shows that exercise enhances positive moods and exercise may help put us in a
better mood, but not much strong and do not expect miracles.
8. Age: The study implies that people learn to improve emotional experience with age, as they get older then
they experience fewer negative emotions and early age is with good moods.
9. Gender:
Many women experience emotions more intensely as compared to men except anger, but it depends how
someone is culturally socialized and there are differences in the experience and expression of emotions.
Men are more tough- expression of emotions distorts the masculine image. Women are expected to express
more positive emotions than men for example shown by smiling.
Show the impact emotional labor has on employees
Emotional labor is a situation in which an employee expresses organizationally desired emotions during
interpersonal transactions at work and the concept of the emotional labor emerged from the studies of service.
Emotional dissonance is inconsistencies between the emotions people feel and the emotions they project.
Emotional labor creates dilemma for employees. Emotional labor and emotional dissonance affect how an
employee performs at work. Emotional labor is an indicator of how employees can handle adversity at work if
they let their emotions hurt their work. Emotional dissonance occurs when employees are not able to control
their emotions. Their real emotions become an obstacle to job performance. Managers can identify workers who
are having emotional dissonance and provide an outlet and training to help them deal with personal issues. This
way the employees are able to perform on the job positively by solving personal issues.
Regulate your intense emotional responses to an event by recognizing the legitimacy of the emotion
and being careful to vent only to a supportive listener who is not involved in the event.
Be careful not to ignore co-workers and employees emotions; do not assess others behavior as if it
were completely rational.
Define personality, describe how it is measured and explain the factors that determine an
individuals personality.
The sum total of ways in which an individual reacts to and interacts with others.
Most often described in terms of measurable traits that a person exhibits, such as shy, aggressive,
submissive, lazy, ambitious, loyal and timid.
Ways to measure personality:
Self-reports Surveys:
The most common means of measuring personality is though self-report surveys with which
individuals evaluate themselves on a series of factors. It is most common and prone to error.
Observing-ratings surveys:
Observing-rating surveys provide an independent assessment of personality.
May be more accurate that we can measure the personality with.
Personality Determinants
Heredity Factor:
Heredity the factors determined at conception; ones biological, psychological and inherent psychological makeup.
Heredity is the most dominant factor Twin studies: genetics more influential than parents
Environmental factors do have some influence.
Aging influences levels of ability basic personality is constant.
Measuring Personality Traits:
(Personality traits enduring characteristics that describe an individuals behavior.)
Describe the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator personality framework and assess its strengths and weakness.
The MBTI is a personality test that taps four characteristics and classifies people into 1 of 16 personality types.
The (BMTI) is the most widely used personality-assessment instrument in the world. It is a 100 question personality
test that asks people how they usually feel or act in particular situations on the basis of answers:
Individuals are classified as:
1. Extroverted or Introverted: Extraverted individuals are outgoing, sociable, and assertive,
introverts are quiet and shy.
2. Sensing or Intuitive: sensing types are practical and prefer routine and order. They focus on
details. Intuitive rely on unconscious processes and look at the big picture.
3. Thinking or Feeling: Thinking types use reason and logic to handle problems. Feeling types rely on
their personal values and emotions.
4. Judging or Perceiving: Judging types want control and prefer their world to be ordered and
structured. Perceiving types are flexible and spontaneous.
Classifications combined into 16 personality types with every person identified with one of the items in each of
the four pairs. Lets explore several examples introverted, intuitive, thinking and judging people.
An arrogant, entitled, self-important person who needs excessive admiration
Less effective in their jobs
The ability to adjust behavior to meet external, situational factors.
High monitors conform more and are more likely to become leaders.
Risk Taking
The willingness to take chances.
May be best to align propensities with job requirements.
Risk takers make faster decisions with less information.
Types More:
Type A Personality:
Aggressively involved in a chronic, incessant struggle to achieve more in less time
Impatient: always moving, walking, and eating rapidly
Strive to think or do two or more things at once
Cannot cope with leisure time
Obsessed with achievement numbers
Prized in North America, but quality of the work is low
Type B people are the complete opposite
Proactive Personality
People who Identify opportunities, shows initiative, takes action, and perseveres to completion and until
meaningful change occurs.
Creates positive change in the environment
Define values, demonstrate the importance of values and contrast terminal and instrumental values:
Values are basic convictions that a specific mode of conduct or end-state of existence is personally or
socially preferable to an opposite or converse mode of conduct or end-state of existence.
Value system: A hierarch based on ranking of an individuals values in terms of their intensity.
Represent a prioritizing of individual values by:
Content importance to the individual
Intensity relative importance with other values
The hierarchy tends to be relatively stable
Values are the foundation for attitudes, motivation, and behavior.
Influence perception and cloud objectivity.
Importance of Values
Provide understanding of the attitudes, motivation, and behaviors
Influence our perception of the world around us
Represent interpretations of right and wrong
Imply that some behaviors or outcomes are preferred over others
Terminal Values
Desirable end-states of existence; the goals that a person would like to achieve during his or her lifetime
A comfortable life (a prosperous life)
An exciting life (stimulating, active life)
A sense of accomplishment (lasting contribution)
A world of peace (free of war and conflict)
A world of beauty (beauty of nature and the arts)
Equality (brotherhood, equal opportunity for all)
Family security (taking care of loved ones)
Freedom (independence, free choice)
Happiness (contentedness)
Instrumental Values
Preferable modes of behavior or means of achieving ones terminal values
People in same occupations or categories tend to hold similar values.
But values vary between groups.
Value differences make it difficult for groups to negotiate and may create conflict.
Ambitious (hard working, aspiring)
Broad-minded (open-minded)
Capable (competent, efficient)
Cheerful (lighthearted, joyful)
Clean (neat, tidy)
Courageous (standing up for your beliefs)
Forgiving (willing to pardon others)
Helpful (working for the welfare of others)
Honest (sincere, truthful)
Compare generational differences in values and identify the dominant
values in todays workforce.
Person-Job Fit:
John Hollands Personality-Job Fit Theory: A theory that identifies six personality types and proposes
that the fit between personality type and occupational environment determines satisfaction and turnover.
Six personality types
1. Realistic (Prefers physical activities that require skill, strength and coordination.)
2. Investigative (Prefers activities that involve thinking, organizing, and understanding.)
3. Artistic (Prefers ambiguous and unsystematic activities that allow creative expression.)
4. Social (Prefers activities that involve helping and developing others.)
5. Enterprising (Prefers verbal activities in which there are opportunities to influence others and attain power.)
6. Conventional (Prefers rule-regulated, orderly and unambiguous activities.)
Need to match personality type with occupation
Person-Organization Fit:
The employees personality must fit with the organizational culture.
People are attracted to organizations that match their values.
Those who match are most likely to be selected.
Mismatches will result in turnover.
Can use the Big Five personality types to match to the organizational culture.
Identify Hoftedes six value dimensions of national culture.
1. Power distance: A national culture attribute that describes the extent to which a society accepts that power in
institutions and organizations is distributed unequally.
2. Individualism: A national culture attribute that describes the degree to which people prefer to act as individuals
rather than as members of groups
3. Collectivism: A national culture attribute that describes a tight social framework in which people expect others in
groups of which they are a part to look after them and protect them
4. Masculinity: A national culture attribute that describes the extent to which the culture favors traditional
masculine work roles of achievement, power and control. Societal values are characterized by assertiveness and
5. Femininity: A national culture attributes that indicates little differentiation between male and female roles; a
high rating indicates that women are treated as the equals of men in all aspects of the society.
6. Uncertainty Avoidance: A national culture attribute that describes the extent to which a society feels threatened
by uncertain and ambiguous situations and tries to avoid them.
A. High Uncertainty Avoidance:
i. Society does not like ambiguous situations and tries to avoid them.
B. Low Uncertainty Avoidance:
i. Society does not mind ambiguous situations and embraces them.
Long-term Orientation
A national culture attribute that emphasizes the future, thrift, and persistence
Short-term Orientation
A national culture attribute that emphasizes the present and the here-and-now
Chapter six
Perception and individual decision making
Explain perception and explain the factors that influence it.
Perception is a process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions in order to
give meaning to their environment.
What we perceive can be substantially different from objective reality.
Why is it important in O.B.?
Because peoples behavior is based on their perception of what reality is, not on reality itself.
The world as it is perceived is the world that is behaviorally important.
Factors that influence perception
1.Factors in the Perceiver.
Attitudes, Motives, Interests, Experience, Expectations.
2. Factors in the situation.
Time, Work setting, Social setting
3. Factors in the target.
Novelty, Motion, Sounds, Size, Backgrounds, Proximity, Similarity.
Factors that influence perception
1.Factors in the Perceiver.
Eg. If you expect Police officers to be authoritative, young people to be lazy, or politicians to be unscrupulous,
you may perceive them as such, regardless of what they may actually be.
2. Factors in the situation.
Eg. At a nightclub on Saturday night, you might not notice a young man dressed to the nines. Yet that same
person dressed in the same manner in the afternoon O.B. class would warrant a lot of attention.
3. Factors in the target.
Eg. We have a tendency to group close or similar things together. We often perceive women, men, whites,
African Americans, Asians, or members of any other group as alike in other, unrelated ways as well.
3. Consistency :
The more consistent the behaviour, the more we are inclined to attribute it to internal causes.
Eg: Coming to work late once in a while - External attribution
Coming to work late 3 times a week - Internal attribution
Explain how individual differences and organizational constraints affect decision making.
Influences on decision making :
Individual differences
1. Personality
2. Gender
3. Mental ability
1. Personality :
E.g. People with high self-esteem are strongly motivated to maintain it, so they use the self-serving bias
to preserve it. They blame others for their failures while taking credit for successes.
2. Gender :
Rumination refers to reflecting at length. In terms of decision making, it means overthinking problems.
Who ruminates more? Men or Women? Pros: More careful consideration of problems.
Cons: Can make problems harder to solve, increase regret over past decisions, increase depression.
3. Mental ability :
Smart people are better at work. Once warned about decision making errors, more intelligent people
learn more quickly to avoid them.
Organizational constraints on decision making:
1. Performance evaluation
2. Reward systems
3. Formal regulations
4. System imposed time constraints.
5. Historical precedents.
1. Performance evaluation
E.g. If a hospital administrator believes the wards under his responsibility are operating best when he
hears nothing negative, we should not be surprised to find his ward staff doing their best to ensure that
negative information does not reach him.
2. Reward systems
E.g. from the 1930s through the 1980s, General Motors consistently gave promotions and bonuses to
managers who kept a low profile and avoided controversy. They became very adept at dodging tough
issues and passing controversial decisions on to committees.
3. Formal regulations
Limits decision choices.
4. System imposed time constraints.
Deadlines make it difficult for managers to gather all the information they might like before making a
final choice.
5. Historical precedents.
E.g. the largest determinant of the size of any given years budget is last years budget.
Contrast three ethical decision criteria
3 Ethical decisions criteria
1. Utilitarianism:
A system in which decisions are made to provide the greatest good for the greatest number.
2. Fundamental liberties and privileges:
Individuals who report unethical practices by their employer to outsiders. EG. Protection to whistleblowers.
3. Justice: Equitable distribution of benefits and costs. E. g: Paying people the same wage for a given job
regardless of performance differences and using seniority as the primary determination in layoff decisions.
Define creativity and discuss three components model of creativity.
Creativity: Creativity is the ability to produce novel and useful ideas.
Three-components model of creativity: The proposition that individual creativity requires expertise,
creativity thinking skills and intrinsic task motivation.
1. Creativity Thinking Skills: This encompasses personality characteristics associated with creativity,
the ability to use analogies and the talent to see the familiar in a different light.
2. Expertise: Expertise is the foundation for all creative work, the film writer, producer and director
Ahmad for example spent his youth working in a video rental store.
3. Task motivation: This is the desire to work on something because its interesting, involving, exciting,
satisfying or personally challenging it what turns creativity potential into actual creative ideas.