Hydro Electric Power Plant Main
Hydro Electric Power Plant Main
Hydro Electric Power Plant Main
Hydro electric power plant is a place where hydro electric power is generated. Hydro electric power
generation is the process of converting energy of flowing water into electricity. Hydro power being the
renewable energy is most widely used and it contributes 19% of total electric power generated. These
are the most economic source of electricity.
Within next 20 years approximately more than 300 hydro power plants were setup all over the
world. Niagara Falls was the first hydro power site developed for a vast quantity of electricity and it is
the power plant which is in use till date (The history of hydropower).
The year 1902, Indias first hydro electric power plant started power generation. The power
station was installed at Sivasamudram, an island located in the upper course of river Cauvery; South
India which transmitted power to the Kolar Gold mines initially (Michael).
Capacity of plant is determined based on power generated, is it can be stated as electricity generated
by the power plant.
Capacity of the hydro power plant depends upon two factors and they are;
1. Head
2. Rate of flow
HEAD: potential energy possessed by the water in terms of height that is vertical height from the top of
the water to the center to the turbine.
RATE OF FLOW: speed with which water flows is the rate of flow.
Power developed is given as product of head and rate of flow of water and is measured in Watts,
KW, and MW
h Head
r Rate of flow
The amount of power required to meet the demands is termed as load of the power plant. Load is
of types:
a. Base load: the minimum amount of power to be generated to meet the demands these values
vary from hour to hour.
b. Peak load: it is considered as period of high demand
c. Off-peak load: its opposite of peak load usually demand is low
It is the maximum generation of the plant to the designed capacity of the plant and is given as;
It is the ratio of total power generation of a plant for a given period to that the plant is capable
of delivering over the same period and is given as;
National Policy for hydro power development has categorized hydro electric power plants into
various types depending on the amount of power generated (i.e., capacity), head available and amount of
water supply. They are as follows:
I. Hydro electric power plants depending on the capacity of the plant are as follows:
1. Mega hydro electric power plants
2. Small hydro electric power plants
3. Mini hydro electric power plants
4. Micro hydro electric power plants
Mega hydro electric power plants: these are the power plants with capacity greater than or equal to
500MW and are responsible for most of the hydel power supply for developed countries.
Small hydro electric power plants: these are the one with capacity ranging from 2MW to 25MW. It
supplies power for small communities and industries.
Mini hydro power plants: these are of capacity ranging from 101KW to 25MW and are used by smaller
firms and smaller villages for basic needs.
Micro hydro electric power plants: these are of capacity ranging up to 100KW and supply power to
individual houses, isolated villages and smaller communities and for processing small machinery.
1. Run - of - river power plant: in this water from the running water (river) is used for power
generation and there is no special storage system for
this type of plants. Thus for this plants power
generation capacity is more during rainy season as
the flow rate is high and low during non-rainy
seasons as flow rate is not available.
2. Storage type power plant: this is a power plant where a dam is built to store water to give
sufficient head for power generation. Water is
stored in the dam to meet the fluctuations from wet
to dry season. The dam capacity depends on the
capacity of the power to be generated. This type of
power plant can meet any point on the load curve
(hydro electric power plants depending on heads)
source: www.vikinpaper.pdf
source: http://www.google.co.in/imgres?imgurl
Various components of hydro electric power plant are as follows:
1. Dam
2. Inlet
3. Spillways
4. Conduits
5. Surge tanks
6. Turbine
7. Draft tube
8. Tailrace
9. Governor
10. Generator
11. Power house
A dam is like a barrier built on the river to stores or holds water for providing sufficient head to the
hydro power plant depending on the capacity of the plant. Dams are categorized into various types
depending upon various factors like:
1. By structure
2. By size
3. By material
4. Other types
i. Based on Structure dams are of different types and they are as follows with figures as
a. Arch dams
b. Gravity Dams
c. Arch-gravity Dams
d. Barrages
e. Embankment dams or Masonry dams
Arch dams: the construction of this type of dam is in form of an arch at places with steeps rocky walls
and a rocky base. The thickness of the arch dam depends on the
cross section of the valley (Farlex, 1979). These are again of
three types:
Gravity dams: these are of large structures of concrete to hold huge volumes of water. As concrete is
used the weight of the dam resists the thrust of the water on
it hence called gravity dams.
Embankment or Masonry Dams: these are the dams which are made of the stone and brick. The
largest dam of this type is the Nagarjuna Sagar dam across
the river Krishna, India.
Source: www.yatramate.com
ii. Based on the size of dams, dams are classified into following types:
Saddle dams: These are constructed to create a higher elevation and storage to increase efficiency.
These dams are constructed in a saddle and the reservoir is protected by a dike (planar wall rock
structures, such as bedding) (Dike (geology)) from indentation of nearby land.
source: www.ijm.com
Weir Dam: also called as over flow dam. In this dam a weir is placed in the river create impoundment
source: www.pbase.com
Check Dam: it a small size dam usually controls the rate of flow and soil erosion. This type of prevents
the accumulation of sediment.
Dry Dam: designed in a way to control floods. This dam does not hold any water except during time of
heavy flow.
Tailing Dams: the base of the dam is constructed with tailings and there are three types of tailing dams
a. Upstream
b. Downstream
c. Centerline
iii. Based on type of material used:
1. Steel dams
2. Timber dams:
Timber dams: the type of dams which are made of timber (wood, pine, fir, etc). These are usually
meant for small heads ranking from 2m
to 4m. They are placed usually in form
of wooden shields in a row one above
the other.
1. Nature of foundation
2. Nature of valley
3. Permeability of foundation material
INLETS: There are two types of inlets or gates and they are:
source: www.ecopolisla.com
a. Main inlet
b. Used for desilting
c. Behind Draft tube
source: www.hydrolink.cz
Spillways are the structures which are used to release the excess water from the dam and
reducing the pressure on the dam. Thus it safeguards the dam.
i. Site conditions
ii. Type of dam
iii. Quantity of flood water to be discharged below
(R.K.Rajput, 2008)
A headrace is a channel which leads water to a turbine and a tailrace is a channel which
conducts water from the wheels (R.K.Rajput, 2008).
1. Open conduits
2. Close conduits
source: commons.wikimedia.org
It is small tank which is responsible in controlling the pressure inside the close conduits. The
water level rises and reduces depending on the pressure inside the penstocks.
Simple surge tank: it is a vertical stand pipe connected to the penstock. This type controls the pressure
level inside the penstocks but these are uneconomical. These are built high to avoid overflow.
Inclined surge tank: to reduce the height of the surge tank it is installed on the penstock with an
inclination. This is costlier compared to simple surge tank thus is less popular.
Expansion type or Gallery type surge tank: a surge tank which has an expansion at the top and top;
these expansions limit the extreme surges (R.K.Rajput, 2008).
Restricted orifice surge tank or throttled surge tank: the main purpose of this type of surge tank is
to create an appreciable friction loss when the water is flowing to or from the tank (R.K.Rajput,
2008). These surge tanks are less popular compared to other type of surge tanks.
Differential surge tanks: it is a tank with a riser and a small hole at the bottom which allows water into
the tank. The area of the hole is responsible for the function of the tank.
It is the one which coverts energy of flowing water into electric power. Depending upon the
water source available the type of turbine is selected.
Source: ccslj.en.alibaba.com
2. Reaction turbine: combined action of pressure and velocity of water that completely fills the
runner and water passage (R.K.Rajput, 2008) these are of two types:
a) Francis turbine
b) Kaplan turbine
Francis turbine: a reaction turbine employed where the head varies from 2.5m to 450m for large
power plants.
In this type of turbine the runner is inside the casing and is surrounded completely by water. This
turbine has guide ways which can be adjusted for efficient turbine operation.
Source: http://sepengineering.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=39&Itemid=28
Kaplan turbine: it is a propeller type turbine with adjustable blades. It has inlet wicket gate. These are
used for high head and low flow power production. The flow of water onto the turbine is tangential to
the runner which causes it to spin. These turbines are expensive in design and construction. These
turbines are employed where head ranges from 1.5m to 70m (reaction turbines, 2008).
Source: http://sepengineering.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=39&Itemid=28
Other types of turbines are Horizontal and Vertical tube turbine and Michell turbine.
DRAFT TUBE: A draft tube is employed for,
These are of various types straight, conical, concentric, elbow type draft tubes.
The path through which water comes out of the power plant after power generation is called
tailrace. It is the discharge system of the power plant.
This is responsible for converting the rotational energy into electrical energy.
It is responsible for generation and distribution of power to various grids of the plant. There are
various types of power houses classified depending on the method of arranging the main generating
units and they are:
1. Indoor type: in this type of power plant the generator room is completely enclosed at a height
and transfer of equipment is done by indoor crane.
2. Semi-outdoor: in this type of power house the generator room is enclosed and the main hoisting
and equipment are installed on the roof of the plant. In this type the equipment is handled by
hatches (hatch: an opening, as in the roof or floor of a building (Farlex, 1979))
3. Outdoor type: in this power house there is no generator room instead all are setup in individual
The selection of power house depends on initial cost, maintenance cost and the operational costs.
The structural economy of the power house is also taken into consideration.
1. Main power house structure: housing the generating units is done and is combined to the
2. Erection bay: it is setup at the end of the generator room with the same floor elevation.
3. Service areas: this includes offices, control room, testing room, storage room, maintenance
shop, equipment room and son on for special uses.
4. Space allocations: public area for public entrance, reception etc.
Employee area: for their entrance, rest rooms, operator rooms for operators and fish water
unit areas, service areas, lunch rooms, first aid rooms, etc.
Storage areas: battery charging rooms, cable rooms, oil & lubricants storage room, etc.
There are various other considerations taken into account while setting up a power house like:
Water being the main source of power generation for a hydro electric power plant its
management is very important. Proper and continuous supply of water must be done for power plant.
The plant should be able to meet the demands even during draught conditions by storing water in the
dam. Thus most of the dams are provided with dams and reservoirs not only to provide sufficient head
but also to have continuous power generation.
The quantity of water in the downstream of the river is being altered due to damming. Thus
rivers downstream are deprived of silt which is responsible for fertile rivers flood plain.
The marine life is affected to a great extent due to the power plant. These power plants due to
water storage systems have a great impact on temperatures of the surrounding.
Bacteria present in decaying vegetation can also change mercury, present in rocks underlying
a reservoir, into a form which is soluble in water (Baird). This mercury gets accumulated in the body
of fish leading to health problems for the population dependent on sea food.
The quality of water in the reservoirs also leads to health problems due to bacteria which grow in
the hydro reservoirs.
Designing and building and operating hydro electric power plant is a complex process. One
should have a thorough knowledge about power plant design, type of power plant, working principle,
advantages and disadvantages, impact on environment of the power plant to operate it. Knowledge of
financing for power projects is also needed in designing and constructing a power plant.
This module provides a complete description of the hydro power plant for the operator to
understand every aspect to hydro power plant and enable them to work on hydro power plant systems.
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today and tomorrow: