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Lesson Plan Template 1

Art Education Lesson Plan Template: ART 133

Group 1 2 3 4 6 (please circle)
Print First and Last Names: Sierra Savage Arlene Pablo Alex Hetrick

Lesson Title*: Build Your Reality Big Idea*: Views of Reality Grade Level*: 6
21 Century Art Education Approach(es): Choice based

Inspiration Artists, including those from underrepresented populations: Yayoi Kusama

Lesson Overview (~3 complete sentences)*: Students will explore their understanding of reality and related concepts. They will build a 3D shape using a net
and use various mediums to create a unique and personal representation of their view of reality

Background Knowledge (~3 complete sentences): How will you tap into students experiences and prior knowledge and learning?
Students will use their knowledge of various art mediums and basic geometry when creating their artworks.
Align Big Idea with both Key Concepts and Essential Questions, below
Key Concepts (3-4): What you want the students to know. Essential Questions (3-4): Restate Key Concepts using open-ended questions.*:
Views of Reality...
1. Are experienced differently by different people and cultures 1. How is reality experienced differently by different people and cultures?
2. Influences actions and art 2. In what ways do views of reality influence actions and art?
3. Affect mental health (and vice versa) 3. How do views of reality affect mental health?
4. Are personal 4. How are views of reality personal?
Lesson Objectives: What you want the students to do via three content Align Assessment with Lesson Objectives in left column.
1. Content area 2 Literacy : The students will (TSW) be able to . . . Formative Assessment strategy (of assigned reading): How will you assess
Determine the essential idea of the reading and how it relates to Literacy? What will you be looking for?*
the lesson Analysis of a central idea, using textual evidence for support shown through a
2. Content area 1 Visual Art : The students will (TSW) be able to . . . reading memo.
Create an object or pattern that represents their view of reality. Summative Assessment strategy (of studio investigation): How you will assess
3. Content area 3 Math______: The students will (TSW) be able to . . . Visual Art and __Math__? What will you be looking for?*
Represent three dimensional figures using nets (templates) made Self-assessment checklist.
of triangles, rectangles, and pentagons.
Lesson Plan Template 2

Common Core State Standards (2-3): L ist grade-specific standards. California Visual and Performing Arts Standards (grades 1-6 only) (3-5): Check all
ELA (pp. 10-43, link HERE) that apply and add number and description of applicable content standard.
Math (pp. 10-52, link HERE) (pp. 122-143), link HERE)
1. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.6.2 _1.0 Artistic Perception:
2. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.6.3 1.2 - Discuss works of art as to theme, genre, style, idea, and differences
3. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.6.6 in media.
4. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.6.7 1.3 - Describe how artists can show the same theme by using different
5. CCSS.MATH.6.G.1 media and styles.
6. CCSS.MATH.6.G.4 _2.0 Creative Expression:
2.4 - Create increasingly complex original works of art reflecting
Vocabulary: Identify and define vocabulary that connect the art form with personal choices and increased
the other two identified content areas.* technical skill.
1. Reality: the world or the state of things as they actually exist, as 2.5 - Select specific media and processes to express moods, feelings,
opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them. themes, or ideas.
2. Perception: the ability to see, hear, or become aware of ___3.0 Historical & Cultural Context:
something through the senses. ___4.0 Aesthetic Valuing:
3. Choice based: ___5.0 Connections, Relationships, Applications:
4. Octahedron: a three-dimensional shape having eight plane Materials: List all materials needed in the columns below.
faces, especially a regular solid figure with eight equal Have Purchase
triangular faces. Cardstock none
5. Dodecahedron: a three-dimensional shape having twelve Scissors
plane faces, in particular a regular solid figure with twelve Paper
equal pentagonal faces. Glue/ Glue sticks
Sparkles, glitter, jewels, decorations
Clear scotch tape
Colored masking tape
Colored pencils
Pipe cleaners
Glue guns
Lesson Plan Template 3

Found objects

Lesson Procedures:
1. Students find seats based on shape received at the door - 5 min
2. Focus lesson (Alex) - 2 min
3. Collaborative learning (Alex) - 3 min
4. Introduction of artist and theme (Sierra) - 5 min
5. Supplies and Studio Investigation instructions (Alex) - 5 min
6. Demonstration (Arlene) - 10 min
7. Studio time - 50 min
8. Clean up - 10 min
9. Gallery walk - 5 min
10. Self-Assessment - 5 min
TOTAL TIME: 1 hour 40 min
Outline the steps that will happen first, second, etc. in the Procedures that follow to teach what you expect the students to learn. Procedures should be the
longest section in the Lesson Plan, and should be very specific and detailed, including individual roles of group members, and time spent on each task.
Describe directions you plan to give the students, teaching models/strategies you plan to use during the lesson, different activities your students will do, etc.
Be sure to include management issues such as transitions, room arrangements, and student groupings.

Focus Lesson (teacher does):

Students will close their eyes and be instructed to picture a large, blank, open space. This could be a room, studio, field, or something abstract such as a color
or pattern. In this space, students will imagine themselves - not a literal representation, though. Instead, they will visualize a representation of their personal
aura or energy and use this as inspiration to fill (or not fill) their room in any way that they are compelled to. The activity is designed to be as open-ended
and as vague as possible in order to reduce any influence from the instructions.
Detail opening activities by exploring the following questions. How will you motivate the students to want to learn the new concepts (see Key Concepts) and
strategies/skills (see Lesson Objectives)? How will you introduce the Big Idea of the lesson? How will you link this lesson to the students prior knowledge?

Modeling (teacher does):

Literacy - Students read an appropriate text and analyze the main ideas through a memo. Understanding that views of reality are personal, affect and are
affected by mental health, influence art and actions, and are different for people and cultures will help teachers build a more effective choice-based learning
Lesson Plan Template 4

Visual Art - Students will manipulate various art mediums and choose the most appropriate one to best represent their theme. During the gallery walk, they
will see that although every student had the same instructions, many different pieces of artwork were created.
Math - Students will use shapes and nets (templates) to turn 2D shapes into 3D figures.
Name and demonstrate the content area strategies/skills (see Lesson Objectives) that are the focus of the lesson. Explain and show their purpose. Use
analogies or other concrete examples to explain concepts (see Key Concepts).

Guided Instruction (teacher and students do together): How is reality experienced differently by different people and cultures?
In what ways do views of reality influence actions and art?
How do views of reality affect mental health?
How are views of reality personal?
Students will work independently to create their personal view of reality.
TSW Determine the essential idea of the reading and how it relates to the lesson, create an object or pattern that represents their view of reality, and
represent three dimensional figures using nets (templates) made of triangles, rectangles, and pentagons.
Detail main activities by exploring the following questions. What Essential Questions will you ask students to facilitate learning? How will you organize
students? What will you do/say during each learning activity? What will the students do (see Lesson Objectives)?

Collaborative Learning (students do together): Following the focus lesson, students will pair share the space that they imagined. This will start their venture
into exploring their own personal reality.
What activity will you include so that students have an opportunity to negotiate understandings and engage in inquiry with peers?

Independent Learning (students do alone): The focus lesson gives the students a few minutes of independent thinking time to visualize reality. They will
also work independently on creating their representation of reality.
What activity will the students complete independently to apply their newly formed understanding to novel situations? What will the students explore

Closure: The lesson will end with a self-assessment checklist.

How will you end the lesson to solidify learning? How will you and/or students summarize concepts and strategies/skills (see Key Concepts and Lesson
Objectives) for the day?
Lesson Plan Template 5

Please respond to the following questions thoroughly and in complete sentences.

1. How will you adapt the various aspects of the lesson for students with disabilities?
We will adapt the various aspects of the lesson for students with disabilities by providing a range of art options in varying levels to choose from to create the
representation of their reality. For example, there will be plain paper and also paper with prints. We will also have templates already cut out.
2. How will you adapt the various aspects of the lesson for English language learners?
We will adapt the various aspects of the lesson for English language learners by breaking materials down into very small steps, to make it simple for the
student(s) to comprehend.
3. How will this lesson allow for/encourage students to solve problems in divergent ways?
Students are presented with a task that can be completed in many different ways. The ways students approach and complete the problem will be unique.

4. How will you engage students in routinely reflecting on their learning?

We will engage students in routinely reflecting on their learning by circulating the classroom during work time, making sure to check in with each student to
ask clarifying or guiding questions and check for understanding.

5. How will you (a) address potential safety issues and (b) assure necessary precautions are followed? See OEHHA, link HERE
We will be aware of all materials that have a potential safety risk such as scissors and hot glue guns. We will also check the classroom and know the location
of the first aid kit, fire extinguisher, and MSDS (if there is one).

Lesson Resources/References (use APA; please identify, with an asterisk, article or chapter due for HW):

* Include this information in the form of a PPT, Prezi, etc.

On the day of the presentation or the day before, one person from the group should email two files to each student via Blackboard: the finished (a) Lesson
Plan Template; and (b) PPT, Prezi, etc. Login to Blackboard/My SacCT, click on ART 133, click on Course Tools > Send Email > All Users.

A helpful link to get you started: http://sacstatearted.weebly.com/visual-art-education.html


Silverstein, L. B. & Layne, S. (n.d.). Defining arts integration. Retrieved from


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