Bank Guarantee (Defination)
Bank Guarantee (Defination)
Bank Guarantee (Defination)
A bank guarantee and a letter of credit are similar in many ways but they're two
different things. Letters of credit ensure that a transaction proceeds as planned,
while bank guarantees reduce the loss if the transaction doesn't go as planned.
A bank guarantee might be used when a buyer obtains goods from a seller then runs
into cash flow difficulties and can't pay the seller. The bank guarantee would pay an
agreed-upon sum to the seller. Similarly, if the supplier was unable to provide the
goods, the bank would then pay the purchaser the agreed-upon sum. Essentially, the
bank guarantee acts as a safety measure for the opposing party in the transaction.
These financial instruments are often used in trade financing when suppliers, or
vendors, are purchasing and selling goods to and from overseas customers with
whom they don't have established business relationships. The instruments are
designed to reduce the risk taken by each party.
How bank guarantees work
When running a business, you might come across a situation that your client may
ask you to provide a financial guarantee from a third party.
This is usually seen when a small company is dealing with much larger entity or even
a government across border. Let us take an example of a company XYZ bags a
project from, say, the Government of Ethiopia to build 200 power transmission
In this case, companies all over the world would have applied. The selection would
be made on the basis of lowest cost and track record as submitted in the proposal
However, the government has limited ability to assess all companies for financial
stability and credit worthiness.
To ensure the project is done satisfactorily and on time, the government puts a
condition that company XYZ will have to furnish a guarantee given by one or more
In banking nomenclature, company XYZ is an applicant, its bank is the issuing bank
and the Government of Ethiopia is the beneficiary.
Usually, the BG is for a specified amount, which is a percentage of the total money
required for the contract.
Obviously, the bank will not just issue such guarantee with its own due diligence.
The bank does its own thorough analysis of the financial well being of company XYZ
to assess the amount of guarantee it can issue. After all, the bank is at a risk too, in
case the client defaults. This amount is called a limit.
Here too there is a catch. The bank will issue guarantee provided the company has
not exceeded its overall limit for BGs. And if the Government of Ethiopia is not
satisfied with the performance of the contract at a later date, it can invoke the BG.
In this situation, the bank will have to immediately release the amount of the BG to
the government.
BGs can be broadly classified into Performance and Financial BGs. As the name
suggests, Performance BGs are the ones by which the issuing bank, also known as
the Guarantor, guarantees the ability of the applicant to perform a contract, to the
satisfaction of the beneficiary.
Let us continue with our earlier example, to understand the different types of
performance BGs. XYZ might need to give a BG that guarantees it has the capability
to do the project, on winning the bid. This ensures only serious bidders are in the
fray for the project. This is called a bid-bond guarantee. XYZ also might be getting
an advance payment for buying materials, etc. Again, it will have to furnish a BG to
the extent of the advance, called an advance payment BG. To secure the project
even further, the Government of Ethiopia might insist on stage payment guarantees.
This would have milestones like 20 per cent, 40 per cent, etc and a period in which
these have to be done. As and when XYZ does that part of the work, the BG would
expire, thus freeing its limits with the bank (banks also charge for these services,
typically as a small percentage of the BG amount, even as little as 0.05 per cent).
The other broader types of BGs are financial guarantees. These are used to secure a
financial commitment such as a loan, a security deposit, etc. For example,
guarantees of margin money for stock exchanges. These are issued on behalf of
brokers, in lieu of the security deposit that needs to be paid at the time of becoming
a member of the exchange.
The applicant, XYZ, has to prove credit worthiness only to one party, his bank, and
can bid for projects across the world. The beneficiary, Government of Ethiopia, does
not have to analyse how financially sound the companies are and knows that in case
something goes wrong, the bank will pay him.
What does the term 'Bank Guarantee' mean?
Guarantees are important instruments used to minimize the risks that are involved in
commercial contracts. For the enforcement of ordinary guarantees, as construed
dependence of the guarantee on the main contract may lead to unnecessary disputes
and litigation, arising from the main contract. These disputes may have a material
effect on the guarantee, thereby blocking funds in litigation. Hence, there was a need
for an innovative instrument which would enable the guarantee to serve its original
purpose; namely, providing a form of security.
The bank guarantee is one such innovative financial instrument whereby, if the
beneficiary perceives that there has been a breach of contract by the other party, he
can en cash the guarantee and avail of the amount immediately, without having to
undergo the hassles of litigation. Thus, the relevance of a bank guarantee achieves
Irretrievable injustice or injury.
However, if the bank guarantee includes a clause to the effect that it could not be
invoked prior to the decision of the arbitrators, such a bank guarantee, which is
conditional, cannot be invoked and an injunction can be granted.
What is the difference between a bank guarantee and a usual guarantee?
Following are some points of difference between a bank guarantee and a usual
1. A usual guarantee is governed by Sec. 126 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872. A
bank guarantee is not directly governed by Sec. 126.
3. In an ordinary guarantee, the contract between the surety and the creditor
arises as a subsidiary to the contract between the creditor and the principal debtor.
The bank guarantee is independent of the main contract.
4. In an ordinary guarantee, the inter se disputes between the debtor and the
creditor have a material effect upon the surety's liability. However, the bank
guarantee is independent of the disputes, arising ex contractu (arising out of the
5. An ordinary guarantee does not have any time limit before which the debt has
to be claimed. Bank guarantees generally have a specific time within which they are
Bank Guarantee
Customer approaches the Bank for guaranteed surety. The Bank agrees to
discharge the customer's liability in case of defaults. The Bank gives the guarantee
under the concept of Kafalah . Bank Guarantee is not a financing instruments but
merely a guarantee.
Refers to the guarantee provided by a person to the owner of a goods who had
placed or deposited his goods with a third person, whereby any subsequent claim by
the owner for his goods must be met by the guarantor and the third person.
Types of guarantee:
This guarantee is issued to a supplier who extended his credit facility to our
customer for the purchase of goods on credit and therefore, it acts as a security
This type of guarantee is only issued to the Custom Department. For instance, a
forwarding agent is required to furnish to the Custom Department a custom bond to
guarantee the good behaviour of its employees.
This guarantee is used for import ation of goods into Malaysia on temporary basis
goods are exempted from import duties provided they are re-exported. The Custom
Department requires a bank guarantee to ensure that the goods are re-exported on
time failing which a claim will be made under the bank guarantee.
The Bank issues this guarantee to government bodies that have granted the
contract to the customer (the contractor). Advance Payment Guarantee allows the
government to gives advance payment to the contractor in order to carry out
government projects according to the terms and conditions of the contract.
Unlike sureties, the contract of guarantee is not explicitly governed by law. As such,
the following two positions are taken:
Direct/indirect guarantee
In principle, there are two types of guarantee:
Direct guarantees:
Direct guarantees are used primarily in domestic business. However, an accessory
security in the form of a surety is often enough. This is issued directly to the
beneficiary in the same way as a direct guarantee.
Guarantees apply whenever the bank's undertaking to provide security is not
contingent on the existence, validity and enforceability of the principal obligation.
For this reason guarantees are frequently opted for in cross-border transactions,
because the beneficiary is able to assert his or her claims rapidly due to the abstract
legal nature of the guarantee. Guarantees have the added advantage of being
easier to adapt to foreign legal systems and practices, because there are no form
requirements. Due to cost and risk considerations, direct guarantees are
increasingly being used in foreign business as well.
Formal verification
In making a claim under a bank guarantee, the beneficiary is exercising his or her
right to demand payment of the guarantee amount (or part thereof). The bank
checks whether the claim has been made in accordance with the conditions of the
Signature check:
In general, guarantees contain a clause (identification clause) whereby the
beneficiary's bank has to confirm his or her signature in the event of a claim. This
procedure ensures that the claim is only signed by a person or persons authorized
to do so.
Form of claim:
The claim generally has to be submitted in written form. The conditions of the
guarantee often permit claims to be made via encrypted telex or SWIFT
Time-limit of claim:
The claim must be received in the specified form, at the latest on the expiry date,
by the branch of the bank stipulated in the guarantee.
The beneficiary is responsible for the mailing risk and any other delays (force
Special aspects
The beneficiary of the guarantee can normally assign his or her conditional claim for
payment to a third party, or assignee (assignment of the proceeds but not the
drawing right).
Things to note:
Direct guarantees
1. Ordinary expiry:
If the beneficiary has not made a claim by the date specified in the expiry
clause of the guarantee document, the guarantee will expire. This applies
irrespective of whether the guarantee document was returned to the bank or
3. Premature cancellation :
Formal discharge by the beneficiary.
Indirect guarantees
1. Expiry date:
Expiry of the bank guarantee issued by the guaranteeing (foreign) bank to the
Expiry of the counter-liability and counter-guarantee of the initiating (Swiss) bank in
favour of the guaranteeing foreign bank (15 to 30 days following the expiry date).
Notification of a guarantee
Naturally, the guarantee notification also functions in the opposite direction to the
procedure referred to above. We forward the third-party guarantee with no
commitment on our part merely for identification and transmission purposes to
you as the beneficiary. We will be happy to provide you with advice in the event of
uncertainties regarding the content of the guarantee (technical guarantee-related
language), the creditworthiness of the bank or the current country risk. You can
often avoid problems of this kind by requesting that the foreign company with which
you are doing business arrange for this guarantee to be issued by a first-rate bank
in Switzerland. We're here to answer your questions.
Dear Sir,
1. Perofrmance Guarantee
The performance Guarantee means, the Guaranteeing party will give guarantee for
execution of a particular happening of the incident/transaction or any other thing
which is good in the eye of law. for example a) construction of a
Building/dam/bridge, b) Supply and erection of machinery . Here the liability of the
person is to perform the incident/job/transaction not the financial liability.
2. Financial Gurantee
All the terms/covenants of the Bank Guarantees have to be accepted by all the
parties to the guaranees ie.,
Normally the bankers do not execute the Performance Guarantee. Beccaue they are
not experts in executing the particular/various types of jobs/transactions etc. In
General most of the guarantees ends with financial liability only.
On the assumption that it is Performance Guarantee ending with financial liability I
opine like :
2) The invoking letter may be a simple letter addressed to the bank will be that of
stating " as the some/many of the terms and conditons of the original underlying
contract/agreement have not been fulfilled we are invoking the guarantee". Finally
the beneficiary may request the banker to send the invoked amount by means of
Draft/RTGS/EFT to his account.
Normal condition/ covenant in the Bank Guarantee is that - by mere asking the
amount bank has to make payment of the invoked amount.
Therefore Banks are required to make payment by mere invokation letter. Some
times the bankers needs a certificate/declaration that the invoked amount is final
and the liability under the said bank guarantee is satisfied. They may also ask to
send back the original bank guarantee issued by them for their records.
With regards,
MRR Gupta
Sent a letter to the concerned banker for invoking BG. Generally the BG does not
contaion any condition, means a BG is un conditional and you can invoke it any time
(for this purpose read your BG). The banker will pay to you the BG amount after
completion of formalities which differs from bank to bank.
Dear Members,
Could anyone please explain the proceedure for invoking the Performance Bank
Gaurantee from the Bank?
Thanks in advance
Dear Sir,
The first & foremost ground for invocation of BG shuld be read thoroughly to know
on which circumstances it can be invoked.
Trusting this would suffice you, if not pls. feel free to revert.
This is usually issued for an amount equal to between 1 and 2 percent of the contract
value. It gives the employer compensation for additional costs if the party submitting
the tender does not take up the contract and it must be awarded to another party.
Performance Guarantee
Normally issued for an amount equal to between 5 and 10 percent of the contact
value, this guarantee assures payment to the employer in the event that the
contractor fails to fulfill contract obligations.
This enables the employer to get a refund of advance payments made in the event of
default by the contractor. It is issued for the full amount of the advance payment,
but may contain reduction clauses, which enable a reduction in the maximum
amount upon evidence of progressive performance.
Most major projects call for stage payments as work progresses. Often the employer
retains a percentage of the payment (retention money), as cover for any hidden
defects in the completed work. A retention money guarantee allows for immediate
release of retention money to the contractor. The employer can get a refund of
retention money released, in the event of default by the contractor.
Payment Guarantee
Facility Guarantee
This is normally not trade related. Its purpose is to provide security to another bank
to advance money to an individual or company. It is often used when a company
does not have any credit record and wishes to expand offshore.
Maintenance Guarantee
This ensures that the contactor does not abandon the contract after completion of
the construction phase, but continues to honour any maintenance obligations as per
the original agreement.
Customs Guarantee
Shipping Guarantee
This enables the buyer to obtain release of the goods from the carrier, despite the
bills of lading being lost or delayed.
A guarantee or bond, as they are sometimes known, provides the beneficiary with
acceptable security if the applicant (you) fails to fulfil its obligations in the underlying
When you're trading internationally you may often come across the following
guarantees. We can arrange these and guarantees to cover many other kinds of risk.
Performance Bond
Used where the applicant calls for the provision of a sum of money at an early
stage of the contract
The beneficiary can recover the amount paid in advance, or part thereof, if
the applicant fails to fulfil their underlying contractual obligations.