Important Questions Metrology

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III-I SEMESTER A.Yr: 2017-18



1. Explain the following terms

i) Selective assembly ii) Interchangeability iii) Limits and

2. What is meant by tolerance? Explain hole basic and shaft basic


3. Enumerate the desirable characteristics of precession measuring


4. Describe the different types of errors in measurement and their


5. Explain clearly what is meant by selective assembly, when it is

used and how does it differs from interchangeable assembly?

6. Explain the different types of fits used in engineering practice with

neat sketches.

7. Determine the dimensions of hole and shaft for a fit 30H7 h8.
30mm lies between 18 and 30mm. IT7 = 16i, IT8 =25i. What is the
type of fit and draw it?

8. Explain the differences between hole and shaft basis systems.

1. Explain various methods of measuring angles and tapers.

2. Explain the following angular measurement methods using rollers:

a) Measuring of included angles of an interval dove tail.
b) Measuring of angle by using rollers.
c) Measuring interior angle of a profile gauge.

3. Enumerate the sources of errors in micrometers.

4. Explain with the help of a diagram the principle of working of a

sine bar for angular measurement. List the advantages and
limitations of sine bar.

5. What are the essential considerations in selection of materials for

gauges and what are the common materials used for gauges?

6. What types of measuring systems are used for linear distance

measurement? Explain three of them with neat diagrams?

7. A Shaft of 75 0.02 mm diameter is to be checked by the help of a

Go, Not Go snap gauges. Design the gauge, sketch it and show its
Go size and Not Go size dimensions. Assume normal wear
allowance and gauge makers tolerance.


1. Explain in detail various types of optical measuring instruments.

2. Describe the measurement of flatness by using auto collimator.

3. What is optical projector? Explain.

4. Explain Michelson interferometers.

5. Sketch the optical arrangement of NPL Gauge Interferometer and
explain how the relative dispositions of the interference bands are
used to compute the length of a slip gauge?

6. Explain the working principle of Tools makers microscope with

neat diagram and briefly explain its application.

7. Describe with a neat sketch the principle of working of an auto-

collimator. Explain how flatness of the surface is determined with
help of an auto-collimator?

8. Discuss the steps involved in computing flatness of surface plate

with help of a diagram.


1. Explain the terms (i) Rt value and (ii) CLA value of roughness.

2. Describe various method of measuring surface finish?

3. In the measurement of surface roughness, heights of 20 successive

peaks and troughs were measured from a datum and were 35, 25,
40, 22, 35, 18, 42, 25, 35, 22, 36, 18, 42, 22, 32, 21, 37, 18, 35 and
20 microns. If these measurements were obtained over a length of
20 mm. Determine the CLA and RMS value of the rough surface

4. Explain with a neat sketch the working of Talysurf instrument for

surface finish measurement.

5. What is the symbol for fully defining surface roughness and

Explain each term.
6. Explain the working principle of Tomlinson surface meter with a
neat sketch.

7. With neat sketches, explain the significance of some important

parameters used for measuring surface roughness. Why so many
parameters are needed? Explain.

8. Differentiate primary and secondary texture.

9. Explain with a neat sketch construction and working of the solex

pneumatic comparator.

10. Differentiate between mechanical, optical and pneumatic


11. Briefly describe electrical and electronic comparators?

12. With neat sketch explain the construction and working

principle of differential pneumatic comparator.

13. Write the advantages and disadvantages of the mechanical


14. Explain following comparators

a. Electrical
b. Electronic
c. Optical.


1. Explain the following:

a. Measuring instruments for tooth thickness.
b. Instrument to measure surface finish.
2. Explain about various errors in gear measurements.

3. Describe the measuring of gear tooth with vernier and flange


4. Explain the principle of operation of a rolling gear tester. State the

errors in a spur gear that can be detected by the rolling gear tester.

5. Briefly describe with necessary sketches how the following

elements of screw threads are measured. i) Outer diameter ii)
Effective diameter iii)Core diameter iv)Pitch diameter v) Thread

6. With the aid of a neat sketch describe the principle of operation of

a rolling gear testing machine.

7. What are the various methods used for measuring tooth thickness
of a Spur gear. Explain the principle involved with neat sketches.
Under what circumstance each method is used.

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