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AIUM Practice Parameter for the Performance of the

Focused Assessment With

Sonography for Trauma (FAST)

Parameter developed in collaboration with the

American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP).

2014 by the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine

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The American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM) is a multidis-

ciplinary association dedicated to advancing the safe and effective use
of ultrasound in medicine through professional and public education,
research, development of parameters, and accreditation. To promote
this mission, the AIUM is pleased to publish, in conjunction with
the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP), this AIUM
Practice Parameter for the Performance of the Focused Assessment
With Sonography for Trauma (FAST) Examination. We are indebted to
the many volunteers who contributed their expertise, effort, and enthu-
siasm to complete this project.

The AIUM represents the entire range of clinical and basic science
interests in medical diagnostic ultrasound, and with hundreds of volun-
teers, the AIUM has promoted the safe and effective use of ultrasound
in clinical medicine for more than 50 years. This document and others
like it will continue to advance this mission.

Practice parameters of the AIUM are intended to provide the medical

ultrasound community with parameters for the performance and
recording of high-quality ultrasound examinations. The parameters
reflect what the AIUM considers the minimum criteria for a complete
examination in each area and are not intended to establish a legal stan-
dard of care. AIUM-accredited practices are expected to generally fol-
low the parameters with the recognition that deviations from the
parameters will be needed in some cases depending on patient needs
and available equipment. Practices are encouraged to go beyond the
parameters to provide additional service and information as needed by
their referring physicians and patients.

14750 Sweitzer Ln, Suite 100

Laurel, MD 20707-5906 USA
800-638-5352 301-498-4100

2014 American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine

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I. Introduction
The clinical aspects of this parameter (Indications/Contraindications, Specifications for
Individual Examinations, and Equipment Specifications) as well as Responsibilities of the
Physician were developed collaboratively by the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine
(AIUM) and the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP). Recommendations for
physician qualifications, procedure documentation, and quality control may vary between
these organizations and are addressed by each separately.

This parameter has been developed to provide assistance to practitioners performing focused
assessment with sonography for trauma (FAST) ultrasound examinations. The FAST ultra-
sound examination is a proven and useful procedure for the evaluation of the torso for bleed-
ing after traumatic injury, particularly blunt trauma, but it may also be helpful in penetrating
injury. The examination has been shown to be both sensitive and specific in the identification
of free intraperitoneal fluid. It is important to note, however, that the FAST examination is a
screening test, and false-negative examinations do occur. False-positive examinations may also
be encountered in patients with a history of ascites. Before its development, more invasive pro-
cedures were required to evaluate these patients, including diagnostic peritoneal lavage and at
times laparotomy. Over the last 3 decades, particularly with its widespread growth in the early
1990s, the FAST examination has evolved to now include assessments of the peritoneal cavity
as well as analysis of the pericardium and pleural spaces for hemorrhage, particularly in cases of
chest trauma. Today, other useful sonographic views in evaluating the trauma patient are incor-
porated into FAST, including the rapid evaluation of the chest for detection of pneumothorax 3
(extended FAST [eFAST]). Evidence indicates that ultrasound imaging is more sensitive for
pneumothorax than supine plain-film chest radiography. There is also evidence that FAST may
be useful in the evaluation of solid-organ injury and in the triage of multiple or mass casualty
incidents. Finally, some clinicians incorporate inferior vena cava (IVC) evaluation into the
FAST examination to help determine a patients volume status and fluid responsiveness.

Although it is not possible to detect every abnormality or injury using the FAST examination
in the management of the traumatized patient, adherence to the following parameter will max-
imize the probability of first detecting free fluid, hemorrhage, and other abnormal fluids, such
as urine and bile, in the acutely injured patient. In its extended form, the FAST examination
allows analysis for possible hemopericardium, hemothorax, pneumothorax, solid-organ dam-
age, and retroperitoneal injury. The ready portability of ultrasound equipment allows the
FAST examination to be used at the patients bedside or in the rapid triaging of multiple indi-
viduals in mass casualty situations, including assessments in the field. Emergency medical
services personnel have begun to use FAST in several locations worldwide for these purposes.
With improving technology and imaging resolution, the role of the FAST examination in the
acutely injured patient should expand. The use of ultrasound in a particular institution or set-
ting must be based on access to equipment and appropriately trained personnel and should be
subject to an organized quality assurance program.
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II. Indications/Contraindications
Indications for the FAST examination are primarily to evaluate the torso for evidence of trau-
matic free fluid suggestive of injury in the peritoneal, pericardial, and pleural cavities (ACEP
guidelines). The scope of the traditional FAST examination has now expanded (eFAST) to
also evaluate the lungs for the presence of pneumothorax. There are no absolute contraindica-
tions, although if it is clear that the patient requires emergent surgical intervention, then a rel-
ative contraindication to performing the examination may exist. However, it may be necessary
to exclude pericardial tamponade or pneumothorax before transferring a patient to the operat-
ing room for emergency laparotomy.

There are limitations to FAST assessments, including limitations in their ability to detect free
fluid in some injured children, patients with mesenteric, diaphragmatic, or hollow viscous
injury, and patients with isolated penetrating injury to the peritoneum. The FAST examination
is also limited in identifying retroperitoneal hemorrhage, although injuries can at times be seen.
The potential false-positive diagnosis of free traumatic fluid in the peritoneum may be due to
fluid present in patients for physiologic reasons, including ovarian cyst rupture, as well as
pathologic reasons, such as patients with ascites or inflammatory processes in the abdomen or
pelvis. One must be wary of free fluid typically found intraperitoneally in patients with ven-
triculoperitoneal shunts, in those who undergo peritoneal dialysis, and in those after recent
peritoneal lavage. It can be difficult to identify free fluid in patients with severe polycystic dis-
ease. Ultrasound may also be technically limited in the traumatized patient due to bowel gas,
4 obesity, subcutaneous emphysema, patient positioning, the degree of injury and rate of bleed-
ing, adhesions from prior surgery, and often in patients who are either in pain or combative sec-
ondary to traumatic injury. The main limitation of the FAST examination is that the operator
must be knowledgeable in its clinical use and be aware that it does not exclude all injuries.

Limitations to the pericardial assessment for hemopericardium include pericardial fat pads,
cysts, and preexisting pericardial fluid. Limitations to pleural assessment for hemothorax
include pleural fluid from preexisting pleural disease as well as extension of fluid into the pleu-
ral space from the pericardium or peritoneum.

Finally, the limitations in the evaluation for pneumothorax include main-stem bronchus intu-
bation, failure to recognize the lung pulse (subtle cardiac pulsation of the parietal pleura at the
lung periphery) as cardiac induced movement, patients after pleurodesis, and patients with
severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or other lung pathology inhibiting adequate
visualization of lung sliding. Although sensitivity in the detection of pneumothorax is very high,
it is important to note that small apical or localized pneumothoraces may not be visualized
even in a focused thoracic ultrasound examination.

III. Qualifications of the Physician

See the training guidelines of the physician providers respective specialty society (eg, ACEP or
AIUM). Training, as defined by these organizations, is accepted as qualifying a physician for
performance and/or interpretation of the FAST examination. Credentialing should be based
on published standards of the physicians specialty society.
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IV. Responsibilities of the Physician

The FAST examination provides information rapidly to aid in decision making regarding fur-
ther evaluation or testing, clinical management, and therapeutic interventions. Rapid provision
and interpretation of such examinations are critical for appropriate patient care. The clinical
care of patients in life-threatening situations should always take precedence over these param-

Physicians/sonologists from a variety of medical specialties may perform the FAST examina-
tion. If appropriately trained, physician extenders, emergency medical personnel, and sonog-
raphers can obtain the ultrasound images. Image interpretation should be performed by a
supervising physician. Training of physicians in the diagnostic interpretation of FAST exami-
nations should be in accordance with specialty-specific guidelines. Physicians who supervise
nonphysician sonographers should render a diagnostic interpretation in a time frame consis-
tent with the management of acute trauma.

V. Specifications for Individual Examinations

The objective of the abdominal portion of the examination is to analyze the peritoneal cavity
for free fluid. This requires examination of the abdomens 4 quadrants as well as the pelvis. The
ability to denote free fluid in the pelvis is aided by the presence of a fluid-filled bladder. As with
all ultrasound examinations, orthogonal images (transverse, longitudinal, and coronal planes) 5
help elucidate areas of concern seen in any single plane, and all areas of interest should be
scanned through completely using a sweeping motion in each plane. Subtle changes in trans-
ducer angle and position can help improve analysis of a given area. Images may be obtained
through anterior, coronal, or other approaches to denote free fluid in the evaluated areas.

As with most imaging and ultrasound examinations, techniques evolve over time and with
increased clinical and imaging experience. The primary FAST examination classically includes
the subxiphoid window of the heart to denote pericardial fluid. If pericardial fluid is present,
cardiac views should also be used to evaluate for the presence of tamponade. Subxiphoid
images can be obtained by placing the transducer on the upper abdomen and pointing superi-
orly toward the left shoulder using the liver as an acoustic window. Alternative cardiac windows
can be additive or may be necessary if an adequate subxiphoid view cannot be obtained in a
particular patient. The parasternal long-axis view of the heart is typically the next view used;
however, other views, including the apical 4-chamber and subcostal long views, may be used.

Pleural effusion can be identified via a midline transverse plane image in the upper abdomen, con-
centrating on the area posterior and therefore superior to the echogenic diaphragms. This may be
the same image as that used to evaluate the (inferior) pericardium for fluid. Alternatively, scan-
ning superiorly toward the patients head while evaluating the right and left upper quadrants in
the coronal plane will allow the sonographer to visualize the respective echogenic diaphragm
and the pleural space above it.
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To evaluate for pneumothorax in the supine patient, the transducer is placed on the anterior
chest wall in the second or third intercostal space in the longitudinal plane. Pleural sliding with
a reverberation artifact is present in the normal lung. M-mode imaging can also aid in the eval-
uation of the lung for pneumothorax and is also useful for documentation purposes.

More specifically, primary ultrasound windows for the FAST examination include the following:

1. The Right Upper Quadrant View (also known as the Perihepatic, Morison Pouch, or
Right Flank View)This uses the liver as an ultrasound window to interrogate the liver as
well as the hepatorenal space (Morison pouch) for free fluid. Slight cephalad movement
of the transducer allows imaging of the right pleural space for free fluid. Care should be
taken to carefully insonate the area between the dome of the liver and diaphragm to iden-
tify free fluid that may accumulate there. Caudal probe movement allows visualization of
the inferior pole of the right kidney as well as the right paracolic gutter for free fluid assess-
2. The Left Upper Quadrant View (also known as the Perisplenic or Left Flank View)This
uses the spleen as a window to interrogate the spleen and the perisplenic space above the
spleen, below the diaphragm, and the splenorenal recess. Scanning cephalad allows visu-
alization of the left pleural space. Scanning caudad allows visualization of the inferior pole
of the left kidney and the left paracolic gutter.

6 3. The Pelvic View (also known as the Retrovesical, Retrouterine, or Pouch of Douglas
View)This allows assessment of the most dependent space in the peritoneum for free
fluid. Analysis through a fluid-filled bladder (which can be filled, if necessary, by fluid
placed through a Foley catheter or clamping the Foley catheter) may help analysis for
pelvic fluid. When free fluid is present, it is noted most often posterior or superior to the
bladder and uterus. The bladder should be scanned in its entirety in both the sagittal and
transverse planes.
4. The Pericardial View (also known as the Subcostal or Subxiphoid View)This uses the
left lobe of the liver as an acoustic window for analysis of the heart, particularly its right
side. Both sagittal and transverse 4-chamber planes may be used. The potential space of
the pericardium is analyzed for the presence of any free fluid in anterior or posterior loca-
tions. Slight angulation posteriorly or inferiorly in this view allows visualization of the IVC
and hepatic veins, including their normal respiratory variability. A midline to slightly off-
midline longitudinal view or coronal view through the patients sides can also allow analy-
sis of the IVC.
5. The Anterior Thoracic ViewThe pleura normally appose each other and slide on each
other easily. Absence of this sliding and the potential separation of the pleura by a pneu-
mothorax may be imaged typically in the second or third intercostal space with a higher-
frequency near-field transducer, although lower-frequency transducers may also be used.
Other intercostal spaces may also be used for lung analysis. The identification of a lung
point is highly specific for the diagnosis of pneumothorax and should be sought when time
allows. A lung point represents the site where the lung adheres to the parietal pleura imme-
diately adjacent to the pneumothorax.
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Additional dedicated views may include the following:

6. The Right and Left Pericolic Gutter ViewsLongitudinal and transverse views through
peritoneal windows inferior to the level of the ipsilateral kidney and next to the ipsilateral
iliac crest may reveal free fluid surrounding the bowel. These windows may be of limited use
because of the absence of an acoustic window, such as a fluid-filled bladder or a solid organ.
Air-filled bowel may also limit these views. The presence of larger amounts of fluid may aid
in visualization. The images may be obtained coronally or from an anterior approach.
7. The Pleural Space ViewsEach pleural space may be investigated via angulation and
cephalad movement of the transducer along the ipsilateral flank. Abnormal fluid collec-
tions in the pleural space are visualized as anechoic collections above the echogenic
diaphragm. At times, fluid that may be hemorrhagic, proteinaceous, or infectious will
appear more echogenic or complex in nature. An upright or slight reverse Trendelenburg
position of the patient may assist in the detection of pleural fluid.
8. The Parasternal ViewThe parasternal window allows visualization of the heart in the long
or short axis. These views are used in cases in which a patients subcostal view is suboptimal.
9. The Apical ViewThe apical view may allow visualization of pericardial fluid in the diffi-
cult patient by placing the transducer at the nipple line at the left fifth intercostal space and
aiming it toward the spine or the right shoulder.

Supplemental views: 7

10. Inferior Vena Cava ViewsMultiple views of the IVC are accessible by using either a sub-
xiphoid or lateral approach. The lateral approach makes use of the liver as an acoustic win-
dow. The primary aim of IVC evaluation is to aid in the assessment of the intravascular
volume status. IVC evaluation is particularly useful in those patients at the extreme ends
of the spectrum: either hypovolemic (eg, secondary to massive hemorrhage) or severely
fluid overloaded. IVC evaluation has also been shown to be useful in gauging fluid respon-
siveness in patients requiring volume resuscitation or transfusion of blood products.

Other considerations for the FAST examination include the following points:

Trendelenburg or sitting positions may increase the sensitivity of the ultrasound examination
for visualizing abnormal fluid.

A FAST examination may be repeated during the patients stay for reassessment of the
patients condition either routinely or as a consequence of clinical decompensation.

Acute hemorrhage appears as anechoic fluid collections described previously in this document.
However, as blood clots, often rapidly, these fluid collections may appear complex, hypoechoic,
or even isoechoic to surrounding structures.

As a caveat, one must remember that a trauma ultrasound examination provides a picture of a
patients condition at one moment in time. It never eliminates the possibility of injury or fluid
collections that are below the detectable threshold of a well-performed ultrasound examination.

Further information may be obtained by referring to the ACEP Emergency Ultrasound Imaging
Criteria CompendiumTrauma.
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VI. Documentation
Focused sonograms, as all sonograms, require appropriate documentation. Whenever feasible,
images should be created and stored as part of the medical record, and a full description and
interpretation of the findings is required. The analysis of findings on FAST examinations is lim-
ited to those areas assessed and imaged. In particular, a FAST analysis may not allow the diag-
nostic evaluation of all abnormalities in the chest, abdomen, or pelvis.

VII. Equipment Specifications

FAST examinations should be conducted with real-time scanners, preferably using sector or
linear (curved or straight) transducers. The equipment should be adjusted to operate at the
highest clinically appropriate frequency, realizing that there is a trade-off between resolution
and beam penetration. For most preadolescent pediatric patients, mean frequencies of 5 MHz
or greater are preferred, and in neonates and small infants, an even higher-frequency transduc-
er may be necessary. For adults, mean frequencies of 3.5 and 5 MHz are most commonly used.
Occasionally, very large patients may require a lower-frequency transducer such as 2 MHz for
analysis. Thoracic ultrasound examinations for the detection of pneumothorax should be per-
formed with linear or curvilinear array transducers, as phased array probes are not optimal for
this application. When Doppler studies are performed, the Doppler frequency may differ from
the imaging frequency. Diagnostic information should be optimized while keeping total ultra-
8 sound exposure as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA).

VIII. Quality Control and Improvement, Safety, Infection Control,

and Patient Education Concerns
Policies and procedures related to image quality, equipment performance monitoring, infec-
tion control, and patient safety as well as patient education with regard to the FAST examina-
tion should be developed and implemented in accordance with either the AIUM Standards and
Guidelines for the Accreditation of Ultrasound Practices or guidelines developed by specialty-
specific organizations such as the ACEP.

IX. ALARA Principle

The potential benefits and risks of each examination should be considered. The ALARA
principle should be observed when adjusting controls that affect the acoustic output and by
considering transducer dwell times. Further details on ALARA may be found in the AIUM
publication Medical Ultrasound Safety, Third Edition.
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This parameter was revised by the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM) in
collaboration with the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) according to the
process described in the AIUM Clinical Standards Committee Manual.

Collaborative Committees

Members represent their societies in the initial and final revision of this parameter.


Harris L. Cohen, MD
Jill Langer, MD
John P. McGahan, MD


David Bahner, MD
Michael Blaivas, MD
J. Christian Fox, MD
Rajesh N. Geria, MD
Stephen Hoffenberg, MD
John Kendall, MD
Christopher Raio, MD
Paul Sierzenski, MD
Vivek S. Tayal, MD

AIUM Clinical Standards Committee

Joseph Wax, MD, Chair

John Pellerito, MD, Vice Chair
Bryann Bromley, MD
Pat Fulgham, MD
Charlotte Henningsen, MS, RT, RDMS, RVT
Alexander Levitov
Vicki Noble, MD, RDMS
Anthony Odibo, MD, MSCE
David Paushter, MD
Dolores Pretorius, MD
Khaled Sakhel, MD
Shia Salem, MD
Jay Smith, MD
Paula Woodward, MD

Original copyright 2007; revised 2014

Renamed 2015
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Suggested Reading
1. Rozycki GS, Ballard RB, Feliciano DV, Schmidt JA, Pennington SD. Surgeon-performed ultrasound for
the assessment of truncal injuries: lessons learned from 1540 patients. Ann Surg 1998; 228:557567.
2. Wherrett LJ, Boulanger BR, McLellan BA, et al. Hypotension after blunt abdominal trauma: the role of
emergent abdominal sonography in surgical triage. J Trauma 1996; 41:815820.
3. Rozycki GS, Feliciano DV, Ochsner MG, et al. The role of ultrasound in patients with possible pene-
trating cardiac wounds: a prospective multicenter study. J Trauma 1999; 46:543552.
4. Plummer D, Brunette D, Asinger R, Ruiz E. Emergency department echocardiography improves out-
come in penetrating cardiac injury. Ann Emerg Med 1992; 21:709712.
5. Boulanger BR, Kearney PA, Tsuei B, Ochoa JB. The routine use of sonography in penetrating torso
injury is beneficial. J Trauma 2001; 51:320325.
6. Kirkpatrick AW, Sirois M, Laupland KB, et al. Hand-held thoracic sonography for detecting post-
traumatic pneumothoraces: the Extended Focused Assessment With Sonography for Trauma
(EFAST). J Trauma 2004; 57:288295.
7. Dulchavsky SA, Schwarz KL, Kirkpatrick AW, et al. Prospective evaluation of thoracic ultrasound in the
detection of pneumothorax. J Trauma 2001; 50:201205.
8. Ball CG, Kirkpatrick AW, Laupland KB, et al. Factors related to the failure of radiographic recognition of
occult posttraumatic pneumothoraces. Am J Surg 2005; 189:550556.
9. Lichtenstein D, Meziere G, Lascols N, et al. Ultrasound diagnosis of occult pneumothorax. Crit Care
Med 2005; 33:12311238.
10 10. Tayal VS, Beatty MA, Marx JA, Tomaszewski CA, Thomason MH. FAST (focused assessment with
sonography in trauma) accurate for cardiac and intraperitoneal injury in penetrating chest trauma. J
Ultrasound Med 2004; 23:467472.
11. McGahan J, Richards J, Fogata M. Emergency ultrasound in trauma patients. Radiol Clin North Am
2004; 42:417425.
12. Jehle D, Guarino J, Karamanoukian H. Emergency department ultrasound in the evaluation of blunt
abdominal trauma. Am J Emerg Med 1993; 11:342346.
13. Kimura A, Otsuka T. Emergency center ultrasonography in the evaluation of hemoperitoneum: a
prospective study. J Trauma 1991; 31:2023.
14. McGahan JP, Rose J, Coates TL, Wisner DH, Newberry P. Use of ultrasonography in the patient with
acute abdominal trauma. J Ultrasound Med 1997; 16:653662.
15. Soudack M, Epelman M, Maor R, et al. Experience with focused abdominal sonography for trauma
(FAST) in 313 pediatric patients. J Clin Ultrasound 2004; 32:5361.
16. Hahn D, Offerman S, Homes J. Clinical importance of intraperitoneal fluid in patients with blunt intra-
abdominal injury. Am J Emerg Med 2002; 20:595600.
17. Blaivis M, Debehenke D, Phelan B. Potential errors in the diagnosis of pericardial effusion on trauma
ultrasound for penetrating injuries. Acad Emerg Med 2000; 7:12611266.
18. Dolich M, McKenney M, Varela J, Compton RP, McKenney KL, Cohn SM. 2,576 ultrasounds for blunt
abdominal trauma. J Trauma 2001; 50:108112.
19. Scalea TM, Rodriguez A, Chiu WC, et al. Focused assessment with sonography for trauma (FAST):
results from an international consensus conference. J Trauma 1999; 46: 466472.
20. Melniker LA, Leibner E, McKenney MG, Lopez P, Briggs WM, Mancuso CA. Randomized controlled
clinical trial of point-of-care, limited ultrasonography for trauma in the emergency department: the First
Sonography Outcomes Assessment Program Trial. Ann Emerg Med 2006; 48:227235.
21. American College of Radiology. ACR Appropriateness CriteriaBlunt Abdominal Trauma. Reston, VA;
American College of Radiology; 2012.

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