Accommodation - Contract PDF
Accommodation - Contract PDF
Accommodation - Contract PDF
Contract: this agreement dated [ INSERT DATE ] between the Landlords and the
Tenant setting out the terms and conditions of the tenancy;
Please note that once accepted, the Contract with the Landlords is legally binding and
the Tenant will be held liable for the full period of this Contract.
The Contract will be for the period from the Date of Entry until the Date of Expiry but that
without prejudice to the rights of either party in respect of any antecedent breach of the
2.1 The Fee can be paid in one of the following ways: in full in advance via the on line
payment website on or before 10 October 2017 or in monthly instalments by recurring card
payments (using debit or credit card information) the first of such recurring card payments
will be due on 25 October 2017 and then on the 15th day of each month thereafter for the
remainder of the term. If the Tenant wishes to pay the Fee by monthly instalments, this must
be set up online after enrolment and before the 10 October 2017, failing which the fee will be
payable in full by 10 October 2017.
For 40 week accommodation contracts there are eight instalments, with the first payment due
on 25 October being two-ninths of the Fee and each payment thereafter being equal to one-
ninth of the Fee. For 51 week accommodation contracts there are ten instalments, with the
first payment being two-elevenths of the Fee and each payment thereafter being equal to one-
eleventh of the Fee. Upon opting to pay the Fee by recurring card payments, the Tenant will
be issued with a schedule confirming the amounts and date on which each instalment is due.
2.2 If the Tenant fails to make payment of any instalment on the due date, interest at the rate
of 4% above the base rate of the Royal Bank of Scotland plc will accrue and be payable on
any monies outstanding until payment is made in full and that without prejudice to any other
rights which the Landlords may have consequential upon the Tenant failing to pay the Fee.
3.1 Unless otherwise specified to the Tenant, a reservation fee of 300 is payable to the
Landlords when the offer of accommodation is accepted. If the reservation fee is not paid
within seven days of acceptance of the offer of accommodation, the Landlords shall have the
option of cancelling the Contract; in that event the Tenant will have no right to occupy the
3.2 The reservation fee will be credited to the Tenant's first invoice if the Tenant is paying in
full in advance via the said online payment website on or before 10 October 2017.
3.3 If the Tenant is paying by monthly instalments by recurring card payments the credit, in
respect of the reservation fee, will be allocated against each monthly instalment.
4.1 The Tenant is individually responsible for the full cost (including any VAT charged
thereon) of reinstatement of any damage to the Tenants room and is jointly and severally
liable with other tenants within the Building for the full cost (including any VAT charged
thereon) of any damage to shared areas including kitchens, lounges, corridors and stairwells
to which they have access. Any damage to common areas shall be deemed to have been
caused by all those tenants who have access to the common areas in question. In the absence
of any conclusive evidence to the contrary, the cost of remedying any such damage shall be
apportioned equally between all tenants who have use of these areas. The Tenant of the
Property is responsible for his/her own behaviour and that of his/her guests. The Tenant shall
notify the Landlords promptly of any damage to or defect in the room/property and/or the
contents of the Property.
4.2 The Landlords will raise an additional invoice to cover the cost of any damage and such
sums shall be payable by the Tenant by the date stated on the invoice. The proper and
reasonable costs of remediating any damage shall be determined by the Landlords but the
Schedule of Charges annexed to this Contract confirms the costs that will be levied for certain
matters and events. For the avoidance of doubt, the Landlords have the right to levy
reasonable charges for matters and events not featured on the said Schedule of Charges and to
charge a reasonable administrative fee in addition to the recovery of the cost of any damage to
the Room and/or the common areas within the property.
The Tenants obligations in respect of the use of the Property include the requirements:
5.1 To occupy the Property personally for residential purposes only and not to
assign, charge, sub-let or part with possession or share occupation of the
Property or any part of it without the prior written consent of the Landlords.
5.2 Not to carry on any profession, trade or business whatsoever in the Property or
the Building.
5.3 Not to keep, store or otherwise place any fixture, fitting or furniture on the
Property other than the fixtures and fittings and furniture set out in the
inventory [provided at Date of Entry].
5.4 Not to use the Property for any improper, immoral or illegal purpose nor in any
way which, may in the opinion of the Landlords, create a nuisance, or cause
damage or annoyance to the Landlords, to the tenants of the rest of the Building
or any adjoining premises including (but not limited to) the following
5.4.a Not to cause any noise that is audible outside the Property and/or not to cause
disruption to other residents of the Building between the hours of 2300 and
5.4.b Not to keep or use drugs, the possession or use of which is prohibited by statute
(including but not limited to the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971).
5.4.c Not to harass, threaten or assault any tenant, guest, University personnel or any
other person and not to keep or store in the Property any weapons or any object
that has been made or adapted to cause injury.
5.4.d Not to keep or store in the Property any gas/oil heater or other fuel burning
appliance, including candles or any other naked flame.
In the event that any of the foregoing prohibited items are found in the
Property, these shall be confiscated by the Landlords and shall be returned to
the Tenant at the Date of Expiry.
5.5 Not to damage or leave in a dirty or untidy state any parts of the Property.
Failure to do so may at the absolute discretion of the Landlords and acting
reasonably cause access to shared areas, including kitchens and lounges, to be
suspended temporarily for Health and Safety reasons
5.6 Not to alter or modify, decorate, add to or in any way interfere with the
construction or arrangement of the Property.
5.7 Not to attach items to walls by means of blu-tac, sellotape or any other means;
in Halls of Residence, drawing pins are also prohibited and any use of these
will result in a surcharge being levied.
5.8 At the end of the tenancy period, to deliver to the Landlords the Property and its
contents in accordance with the Tenants obligations in this clause 5 and to
clear the Tenants own effects and to deliver the key(s) to the Landlords. In the
event that keys are not delivered to the Landlord at the end of the tenancy
period, the Tenant will be charged for a replacement key in accordance with the
Schedule of Charges annexed. Should the Landlord be required to clear the
Property of any effects left by the Tenant, the Tenant will again be charged in
accordance with the Schedule of Charges.
5.9 To ensure that any rubbish is either deposited in the receptacles provided for
the purpose in the Property or for kerbside collection on the due day in
accordance with the regulations for disposal of refuse at the Property.
5.10 Not to erect any external wireless or television aerial or satellite dish.
5.11 Not to keep any pets.
5.12 Not to block any means of official access or egress to the Property.
5.13 Not to obstruct exits, passageways, landings, staircases or other common areas
in the Building.
5.14 Not to block local roadways and other vehicular access and to keep them and
car parking spaces clear of unroadworthy and untaxed vehicles and other
obstructions and not to park any van, lorry, heavy goods, public service, trade
or commercial vehicles, caravan, boat or similar item on land belonging to the
5.15 To allow the Landlords and those authorised by the Landlords upon reasonable
notice (excepting that in cases of emergency reasonable notice may not be
provided) to enter the Property to:
5.15.a Inspect its condition.
5.15.b Carry out any necessary repairs or alterations to the Property.
5.15.c Carry out serviced cleaning.
5.15.d Confiscate any prohibited items in accordance with this Contract.
5.15.e For the purposes of compliance of any legislation relating to multiple
occupancy accommodation.
5.16 Neither to place nor store either bicycles or any other similar possessions in the
Property, stairs, or shared areas of the Building as they represent a hazard in the
event of a fire.
5.17 Not to play any games of any kind within the grounds save within those areas
expressly designed and clearly demarcated for Sports Activities; any damage
caused by Tenant will result in a charge being made for making good the
5.18 Not to use personal kettles, irons, fridges, electric heaters and/or any other
items of personal electrical equipment, without prior written consent of the
Landlords which will only be provided once the personal equipment has been
tested (at the Tenants expense) and found to be safe for use.
5.19 In the event that the Building is Leonard Horner Hall A Block, the Tenant shall
be prohibited from using any and all cooking equipment or apparatus not
provided by the Landlords anywhere in the block, including the bedrooms and
the pantry.
5.20 To pay fifty pounds (50) to the Landlord in the event of the Tenant reporting
being locked out of the Property and/or Building after the third occasion and
thereafter on each occasion.
5.21 To agree to be bound by the strictures of discipline applicable to all students at
Heriot-Watt University, in particular those set out in the University Discipline
Policy. Copies of the code are available from www.
5.22 Neither to access the roof; boiler house, switch rooms, plant rooms nor the
roof/loft space; of the Building under any circumstance.
5.23 Not to hold parties without the prior permission of the Hall Warden.
5.24 Not to permit any guests to remain in the Property for more than three
consecutive nights with the prior permission of the Hall Warden.
5.25 To notify the Landlords immediately of the need for any repair to the Property
or the Building.
5.26 To act responsibly in respect of the safety of other residents of the Building,
particularly but not exclusively in questions of fire safety and not to interfere
with nor misuse nor abuse the fire safety equipment in the Building.
5.27 To accept and comply immediately with any measures, conditions and
procedures either required under statute or requested by the Landlords, so far as
it, acting reasonably, considers to be necessary or desirable, in order to
maintain the safety and security of the Property (including compliance with all
Health & Safety legislation), including without prejudice to the foregoing
generality, any requirement to vacate the Property for such time as the
Landlords acting reasonably shall determine.
5.28 Not to smoke anywhere within the Building and not within 5 metres of the
Building at any time in accordance with the Universitys Smoke Free Policy.
This includes electronic cigarettes.
5.29 To report immediately to the Landlords either any defects in, or use of, any fire
extinguisher; fire blanket; smoke detector; door closers and/or any other item of
safety equipment and not to misuse any safety equipment.
5.30 To pay all charges, fees and rents due or which become due under the terms of
this contract.
5.31 To register with a local doctor.
6.1 The Landlords agree to maintain the structure of the Building and the fixtures and fittings
for (i) both the supply and use of hot and cold water, gas and electricity and (ii) the supply of
drainage and sewerage services, and to carry out necessary repairs within a reasonable period
of time after having been notified of the need to do so.
6.2 The Landlords agree they are responsible for ensuring that other fixtures, furnishings and
equipment provided by the Landlords are safe and fit for purpose at the Date of Entry.
6.3 The Landlords agree that in the event of the Buildings and accommodation being
unsuitable for use (as determined by the Landlords, acting reasonably) they will provide
reasonable alternative accommodation and the rent liability will be adjusted accordingly. The
Landlords will provide the Tenants with written confirmation of the revised accommodation
6.4 The Landlords will normally maintain a cleaning service with the frequency of cleaning
displayed in each Building. In exceptional circumstances it may not be possible to provide
this service but in such circumstances the Tenants will be notified accordingly.
6.5 The Landlords bear no liability for loss of or damage to the personal property of the
6.6 It is agreed that if the Property or any part thereof is unfit for use by either fire or any
defect or want of repair during the period of the tenancy, a just proportion of the charges will
cease to be payable; this to be dependent on the extent of the damage sustained and the time
that the area is unfit for use. This clause will not apply if the cause of the damage is in any
way the result of actions taken by the Tenant; this to include any failure to notify the
Landlords of repairs required.
6.7 On termination of the tenancy, the Landlords will check the Property and assess any
monies due and invoice the Tenant accordingly. The Landlord will dispose of any left
property and reserves the right to charge the Tenant for the full cost (inclusive of VAT) of
said disposal; items will not be retained or stored.
6.8 Nothing contained in this Contract shall cause the Landlords to be responsible for
repairing damage caused wilfully or negligently by the Tenant or a visitor to the property or
by any other person for whom the Tenant is responsible at law. The Tenant shall be wholly
responsible for, and the Landlords shall be entitled to recover from the Tenant the full cost
(inclusive of VAT) arising from any such works of repair which may be required as a
consequence of such damage.
6.9 Nothing contained in this Contract shall cause the Landlords to be responsible for
repairing damage to the Property caused by an act of God. If the Property is in the opinion of
the Landlords rendered unfit for purpose by an act of God, the Landlords shall have the right
to terminate this Contract immediately by giving notice to the Tenant, such termination being
without prejudice to any rights of claim the Landlords may have against the Tenant.
7.1 The Tenant accepts the Property and the fixtures and fittings and furniture set out in the
inventory [provided at Date of Entry] has been handed over in a clean and tenantable
condition. The Tenant agrees to keep the Property and the fixtures and fittings and furniture
in the same condition to the satisfaction of the Landlords. In the event of any items listed on
the inventory being missing from the Property at the Date of Entry the Tenant must notify the
Landlords within 5 days of the Date of Entry, failing which the Tenant shall be deemed to
have accepted all items on the inventory.
7.2 It is agreed that the full cost (inclusive of VAT) of any cleaning, repairs or replacements
required to return the Property to a clean and tenantable condition to the satisfaction of the
Landlords will be charged to the Tenant. Where applicable, charges will be levied in
accordance with the Schedule of Charges annexed but declaring that said Schedule is
indicative and not exhaustive and so the Landlord has the right to levy reasonable charges for
matters not featured on the said Schedule of Charges.
7.3 The Tenant shall not abuse or misuse any of the Landlords' furniture, fixtures and fittings
(including any equipment in the Property and the Building) and be held responsible for the
cost of making good any damage to the furniture, fixtures and fittings, the Property and the
Building (including the common areas) and the Landlords' fixtures and fittings caused by the
Tenant or any visitor to the Property, and to pay any and all full costs (inclusive of VAT)
incurred by the Landlords carrying out such works in default on demand. Again, charges will
be levied in accordance with the Schedule of Charges annexed where applicable but,
declaring again that the Schedule is indicative rather than exhaustive and so the Landlord has
the right to charge for matters not featured on the said Schedule of Charges.
8.1 The Landlords reserve the right to allocate the Tenant alternative accommodation at the
start of the tenancy period or to move the Tenant to alternative accommodation at any time
during the tenancy period. The Landlords will use their best endeavours to provide equivalent
alternative accommodation on the same campus. If the alternative accommodation is not
equivalent, an adjustment to the rent will be made in line with the standard charge for the
relevant alternative accommodation type. If no suitable accommodation exists on the same
campus, the Landlords shall provide alternative accommodation within reasonable travelling
distance and shall provide transport between the campuses.
9.1 The Tenant accepts that the Property is let to them for the full period of the Contract and
that the Tenant will be held liable for rent for the full period of the Contract.
9.2 If the Tenant fails to take up occupancy of the accommodation within 7 days of the start
date of the Contract the Landlords will have the option to terminate the contract and to re-let
the Property without recourse to the Tenant, the reservation fee shall be forfeited; will not be
returned and shall be wholly retained by the Landlords.
9.3 If the Tenant withdraws or is excluded from the University (including a Temporary
Suspension of Studies) after taking up occupancy, the Tenant will remain liable for the rent
for the duration of the contract.
9.4 In the event that the Tenant fails to become a fully registered student of Heriot-Watt
University, this Contract shall be deemed to be terminated; the Tenant shall immediately
notify the Landlords and vacate the Property forthwith. The reservation fee, less a 75
administration charge and less the cost of any damages will be refunded.
9.5 The Tenant confirms that they have the right to live and study in the United Kingdom.
Should the Landlords discover that the Tenant does not have permission to live and study in
the United Kingdom or if any such permission is revoked, the Landlords shall be entitled to
recover possession forthwith. For the avoidance of doubt, the Tenant shall continue to be
responsible for the rent for the full period of the Contract in accordance with Clause 9.1.
9.6 This tenancy is granted in accordance with Paragraph (7) (Lettings to students) of
Schedule 4 of the Housing (Scotland) Act 1988 and, in the event of the Tenant ceasing to be a
student, possession of the Property may be recovered by the Landlords under Ground 4 of
Schedule 5 of the said Act, in which case the Landlords shall be entitled to recover from the
Tenant (i) all loss or damages sustained in respect of any antecedent breach of the Contract,
and (ii) the proportion of the Fee which would otherwise be payable by the Tenant had the
Contract not been terminated from the date of termination to such date as the Landlords are
able to re-let the Room.
9.7 The Tenant agrees, when their tenancy in terms of the Contract comes to an end to remove
from the Property and leave it vacant in full compliance with their obligations in terms of this
Contract without any legal warning or process of removal.
9.8 The Landlords shall be entitled to terminate this Contract before the tenancy would
otherwise come to an end if the Tenant has failed to make payment of any sums due under the
Contract within 30 days of the due date for payment or the Tenant is otherwise in breach of
any obligations incumbent upon them under this Contract and to recover from the Tenant (i)
all loss or damages sustained in respect of any antecedent breach and (ii) the proportion of the
Fee which would otherwise be payable by the Tenant had the Contract not been terminated
from the date of termination to such date as the Landlords are able to re-let the Room.
Declaring always that in the case of a breach that is capable of being remedied, prior to
terminating the Contract the Landlords shall serve notice on the Tenant advising them of the
breach and giving them a reasonable period within which to remedy the breach (being not less
than 21 days in the case of non-payment of sums due), and failing remediation within such
reasonable period, the Landlords shall be entitled to terminate the Contract forthwith.
10.1 In signing this Contract and taking entry to the Property under it, the Tenant: (i) accepts
the Property as being in good and tenantable condition as at the Date of Entry: (ii) confirms
he/she has made a full and true disclosure of all information sought by the Landlords in
connection with the granting of this Contract: (iii) confirms that he/she has not knowingly or
carelessly made any false or misleading statement (whether written or oral) which would
affect the Landlords decision to grant the Contract; (iv) agrees to observe the terms of this
Contract and to meet his/her responsibilities as a Tenant under it.
10.2 In this Clause 10 "Data" shall mean any personal data relating to the Tenant and/or
sensitive personal data relating the Tenant that (i) the Tenant provides, or has provided to the
Landlords in relation to this Contract (including without limitation any such data submitted in
an application form for this Contract, and (ii) relates to the Tenant's residence in the Building.
10.3 By signature hereof the Tenant hereby expressly consents to the Landlords transferring
the Data, and/or allowing access to the Data, to any agent, sub-contractor or any third party to
whom the Landlords have transferred/contracted responsibilities in respect of the Building
and/or provisions of halls of residences ("the Permitted Transferees"). A list of the Permitted
Transferees is available from the Landlords on request.
10.4 By its signature hereof, the Tenant consents to the Landlords and each Permitted
Transferee storing and processing the data for the following purposes:-
(i) administering this Contract and providing services and facilities to the Tenant
pursuant to this Contract.
(ii) administering and maintaining the Building; and
(iii) improving the services and facilities provided to the Tenant.
10.5 In storing and processing Data the University shall at all times comply with the UK Data
Protection Law.
10.6 By law, the Tenant is entitled to receive a copy of information or data about the Tenant
that is held by the Landlords. The Tenant may be charged a nominal fee for access to such
information. Subject to any statutory, contractual or regulatory obligation on the Landlords
prohibiting the Landlords from doing so, the Tenant is also entitled to require the rectification,
erasure or blocking of any such information or data which is inaccurate or not up-to-date and
held by the Landlords. The Tenant may also require that the Landlords cease to process any
such information or data that is likely to cause the Tenant substantial damage or substantial
distress. The Tenant shall be entitled to exercise these rights by sending a notice in writing to
the Landlords Data Protection Officer.
11.1 The University notifies the Tenant, for the purposes of the Consumer Protection
(Distance Selling) Regulations 2000, that the University is offering to the Tenant
accommodation in the Property on the terms and conditions detailed in the Accommodation
Offer Details and in this Contract. If the Tenant accepts the Offer, payment is to be made in
terms of Clause 3 above and the Tenants occupancy of the Property will commence and end
as specified in Clause 1 above. Where fraudulent use has been made of your payment card
you will be entitled to cancel any payment which has been made as a result of such fraudulent
use. If the Tenant wishes to exercise the foregoing cancellation right, the Tenant must notify
the University in writing.
If the Tenant accepts the Offer, the Accommodation Contract will be in place, and both the
Landlords and the Tenant will be bound by the terms of the Contract, except that the student
shall be entitled to a seven (7) day cooling off period commencing from the day after the
contract was concluded (i.e. the date on which the Tenant clicks the acceptance button
within which the Tenant may cancel the contract. If the Tenant wishes to exercise the
foregoing cancellation right, the Tenant must notify the University in writing, such
notification to be received by the University within seven (7) working days of the Tenants
acceptance of the Offer.
11.2 Failing notification by the Tenant within such seven (7) day period, the Tenant shall no
longer be entitled to cancel the Contract. For the avoidance of doubt, should the occupancy by
the Tenant envisaged under the Accommodation Contract commence prior to the end of the
said seven day cooling off period, the Tenants right to cancel the Accommodation Contract
shall lapse immediately upon the Tenant commencing such occupation.
All Charges are Subject to VAT @ 20% & 10% Administration Charge
Minimum Labour Charge - 1 hour
Lost mail box key 10.00
Lost keys per set (not including mail 25.00
box key)
Lost Key Card 15.00
Lock Change 100.00
Non return of key (end of Tenancy) 100.00
Equipment Charges per hour
Carpet Shampooer 10.00
Scrubber Dryer 10.00
Carpet - Bedroom 60.00 or full commercial cost (if
Carpet - Corridor 75.00 or full commercial cost (if
Carpet - Lounge 90.45 or full commercial cost (if
Carpet - Stair 90.45 or full commercial cost (if
Chairs/Sofas per seat 17.00 or full commercial cost (if
Special Cleans
Bedroom 80.00 or full commercial cost (if
Kitchen 120.00 or full commercial cost (if
Lounge 50.00 or full commercial cost (if
Fire Equipment Replenish
Fire Extinguisher - CO2 13.50 or full commercial cost (if
Fire Extinguisher - water 13.50 or full commercial cost (if
Fire Equipment Replacement
Fire Blanket 12.00 or full commercial cost (if
Fire Extinguisher - CO2 45.00 or full commercial cost (if
Fire Extinguisher - water 35.00 or full commercial cost (if
Blinds - Bedroom full commercial
Blinds - Lounge full commercial
Carpet full commercial
Door Closer full commercial
Hole in wall full commercial
Paint one wall full commercial
Pinboard full commercial
Recover desk chair full commercial
Vinyl full commercial
Bed Base - 3/4 double 72.00 or full commercial cost (if
Bed Base - single 43.00 or full commercial cost (if
Bedside Table 95.00 or full commercial cost (if
Blinds - Bedroom 57.00 or full commercial cost (if
Blinds - Lounge 64.00 or full commercial cost (if
Broken Glass Panel Front Door full commercial
Broken Glass Panel Internal Door full commercial
Broken Window Bedroom 200.00 or full commercial cost (if
Broken Window Corridor full commercial
Broken Window Kitchen/Pantry full commercial
Carpet - Bedroom 138.00 or full commercial cost (if
Carpet - Corridor full commercial
Carpet - Lounge full commercial
Carpet -Tile full commercial
Ceiling Tile full commercial
Coffee Table full commercial
Cooker full commercial
Cooker Hood full commercial
Desk chair full commercial
Desk Lamp 8.00 or full commercial cost (if
Door Closer full commercial
Duct Door full commercial
Easy chair 332.00 or full commercial cost (if
Electrical Socket Replacement full commercial
Ethernet Cable 3.00 or full commercial cost (if
Freezer full commercial
Fridge full commercial
Hob full commercial
Kitchen Bin 10.00 or full commercial cost (if
Kitchen Kettle 9.50 or full commercial cost (if
Kitchen Kettle stainless steel 42.00 or full commercial cost (if
Kitchen Stool 47.00 or full commercial cost (if
Larder Fridge 253.00 or full commercial cost (if
Mattress - 3/4 double 83.25 or full commercial cost (if
Mattress - 3/4 double 6.00 or full commercial cost (if
Mattress - single 63.34 or full commercial cost (if
Mattress Protector - single 7.00 or full commercial cost (if
Oven full commercial
Pinboard 47.00 or full commercial cost (if
Round Ceiling Light full commercial
Round Ceiling Light Cover full commercial
Shower Curtain 6.00 or full commercial cost (if
Signage - Corridor/Stair full commercial
Signage -Bedroom Door full commercial
Sofa 458.00 or full commercial cost (if
Strip Light full commercial
Strip Light Cover full commercial
Telephone 75.00 or full commercial cost (if
Vinyl - Bathroom full commercial
Vinyl - Bedroom full commercial
Vinyl - Corridor full commercial
Vinyl - Kitchen full commercial
Vinyl - Stair full commercial
Wardrobe 379.50 or full commercial cost (if
Wardrobe Mirror 85.00 or full commercial cost (if
Waste Bin 5.00 or full commercial cost (if
Bed Base 20.00 or full commercial cost (if
Electrical Item (each) 20.00 or full commercial cost (if
Furniture (each) 20.00 or full commercial cost (if
Mattress 20.00 or full commercial cost (if
Refuse (per black sack) 10.00 or full commercial cost (if
Please be aware that invoices may include one or more of the above charges
Minimum Invoice Charge is 15 inc. vat & Admin