In Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements in Biological Science
In Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements in Biological Science
In Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements in Biological Science
of the requirements
in Biological Science
Biological Science - Instructor
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Group 5 Members:
The cardiovascular system consists of the
heart, blood vessels, and the approximately 5
liters of blood that the blood vessels transport.
Structures and Functions
Responsible for transporting oxygen, nutrients,
hormones, and cellular waste products Diseases
throughout the body, the cardiovascular system
is powered by the bodys hardest-working organ
the heart, which is only about the size of a
Area Profile
closed fist. Even at rest, the average heart easily
pumps over 5 liters of blood throughout the body Survey Result
every minute.
Learning Evaluation
Blood Vessels
All blood vessels are lined with a thin layer of
simple squamous epithelium known as the
endothelium that keeps blood cells inside of
The Heart the blood vessels and prevents clots from
forming. The endothelium lines the entire
circulatory system, all the way to the interior of
The heart is a muscular pumping organ located the heart, where it is called the endocardium.
medial to the lungs along the bodys midline in the
thoracic region. The bottom tip of the heart, known
as its apex, is turned to the left, so that about 2/3 of There are three major types of blood vessels:
the heart is located on the bodys left side with the arteries, capillaries and veins. Blood vessels
other 1/3 on right. The top of the heart, known as are often named after either the region of the
the hearts base, connects to the great blood body through which they carry blood or for
vessels of the body: the aorta, vena cava, nearby structures. For example,
pulmonary trunk, and pulmonary veins. the brachiocephalic artery carries blood into
the brachial (arm) and cephalic (head) regions.
One of its branches, the subclavian artery,
runs under the clavicle; hence the name
Circulatory Loops subclavian. The subclavian artery runs into the
axillary region where it becomes known as the
There are 2 primary circulatory loops in the human
axillary artery.
body: the pulmonary circulation loop and
the systemic circulation loop.
Smaller arteries are more muscular in the Precapillary sphincters are bands of smooth
structure of their walls. The smooth muscles of muscle found at the arteriole ends of
the arterial walls of these smaller arteries capillaries. These sphincters regulate blood
contract or expand to regulate the flow of flow into the capillaries. Since there is a limited
blood through their lumen. In this way, the supply of blood, and not all tissues have the
body controls how much blood flows to same energy and oxygen requirements, the
different parts of the body under varying precapillary sphincters reduce blood flow to
circumstances. The regulation of blood flow inactive tissues and allow free flow into active
also affects blood pressure, as smaller arteries
give blood less area to flow through and
therefore increases the pressure of the blood
on arterial walls.