Elementary Unit
Elementary Unit
Elementary Unit
F & G Pentatonic
2nd Grade
Alicia Jackson
November 2nd, 2017
Table of Contents
Lesson Plans
The concept for this unit is F and G pentatonic designed for second grade. The concept
was chosen from the MPS Curriculum Guide. Based off this guide, students will have an
understanding of So, Mi, and La from first grade. Students will also need to have an
understanding of Do and Re which is also learned in second grade. In order for the unit to be
successful it cannot precede the students learning of Do and Re. This unit could be used as a
reinforcement of Do and Re. By the end of this unit students will know what a pentatonic scale
sounds like and how to sing it on solfege. They will be able to identify whether a piece is
pentatonic or not. Students will have a developing understanding of the function of pentatonic
and how it is used within different cultures.
Throughout this unit students will gain and learn many other musical concepts. For
example, each song has very different levels of rhythm complexity that we will focus on playing
correctly. We will also focus on making sure we keep steady beat individually and as a class.
Students will also gain skills on mallet instruments through the many performances we will have
with them. Students will also learn how to read traditional gamelan notation.
This unit also provides many different cross-curricular connections, one in particular is
social studies. Students will perform songs from many different cultures. For each song we will
explore the history of the song, the function of it within the culture, and the language/lyrics.
Then we will use all this knowledge to inform our performances.
Colored tape to mark the floor, (Do-Red, Re-Orange, Mi-Yellow, Sol-Blue, La-Purple)
Room Layout:
Both Sang Jump Neither Comments
Student sang Student sang the Student jumped Student did
and jumped correct pitches the correct not sing or
the correct but did not jump pitches but did jump the
pitches. the correct not sing the correct
pitches. correct pitches. pitches.
Jane Doe X
John Doe X Sang mi
instead of re
Follow Up:
If students need strengthening on this skill before beginning the unit, I would incorporate the
warm-up I created before the start of the unit.
In the prepare stage of this unit students will be exposed to the concept of pentatonic
through folk songs and Indonesian gamelan. The concept is never said and notation is not used
during this stage. Students are given many opportunities to experience the concept through a
game, a dance, and world music pedagogy.
3. Indonesian Song
Indonesian Song is a piece of music that I learned during my stay in Indonesian.
The composer of the piece was the person that taught it to me. The name is
unknown so for this unit it will just be called Indonesian Song. In this lesson
students will be taken through the listening steps of world music pedagogy giving
them the opportunity to hear a pentatonic multiple times. Then they will actively
participate in that same pentatonic song. Lastly they will put on a performance
using correct performance practice of that culture including wearing a traditional
fabric called batik.
In the present stage students, with the teachers guidance, discover pentatonic. The concept is
defined and solidified in this stage through a worksheet. Lastly the concept is reinforced through
a kinesthetic activity.
1. Indonesian Song
Presented this song again, students will discover what a pentatonic scale is.
Students will connect gamelan notation, that uses numbers, to what they already
know about solfege. Then students will use their knowledge of solfege/numbers to
participate in an Angklung activity.
In the practice stage students experience pentatonic knowing the term and using notation.
1. Indonesian Song
Students practice the concept by composing their own gamelan music.
Objective: Students will repeat melodic patterns provided by the teacher with correct pitches.
Materials of Instruction:
Texting Sticks:
1. Did the student repeat the melodic patterns with correct pitches? (informal)
2. Students will sing Al Citron with correct pitches and rhythm.
3. Students will pass the stones with steady beat.
Pr.5.2.a Perform music for a specific purpose with expression and technical
1. Did the student sing Al Citron with correct pitches and rhythms? (Checklist)
2. Did the student pass the stone with steady beat? (Checklist)
Did the student sing with correct Did the student pass the stones with
Name steady beat? (Y or N)
pitches and rhythms? (Y or N)
John Doe Y Y
Jane Doe Y Y
Tone Set G Pentatonic (Sol, Do, Re)
Range P4, M2, M3
Rhythm Set 2/4, Half note, dotted quarter note, eighth note
Form AB
Melody G Pentatonic
Rhythm Dotted quarter note,
Other Historical context (game),
Sail Away pg. 21
Game: https://youtu.be/hH9sRz23WpE
Prepare Lesson 2: Alabama Gal
1. Students will sing Alabama Gal with correct pitches and rhythm.
2. Students will participate in the game.
Pr.5.2.a Perform music for a specific purpose with expression and technical
Materials of Instruction:
PowerPoint: Slide 3 7
Activity 1 Learn about the song
3. T plays the song as students walk into the class.
4. T explains where the song is from, what type of song it is (folksong) and how it is used.
1. Did student sing Alabama Gal with correct pitches and rhythm? (Checklist)
Did the student sing with correct
pitches and rhythms? (Y or N)
John Doe Y
Jane Doe Y
2. Did student participate in the game. (Informal)
Tone Set F Pentatonic (La, Sol, Do, Re, Mi)
Range M3, M2,
Rhythm Set 2/4, quarter note, eighth note, sixteenth note
Form Verses
Melody F Pentatonic
Rhythm Sixteenth notes
Other Dance
Prepare Lesson 3: Indonesian Song
1. Students will pat the steady beat and hum the gamelan recording without the
2. Students will play on mallet instruments the baseline with correct pitches and
3. Students will play on mallet instruments the melody with correct pitches and
4. Students will perform Indonesian Song with correct pitches and rhythm.
Pr.5.2.a Perform music for a specific purpose with expression and technical
Re.4.2 Apply personal and expressive preferences in the evaluation of music for
specific purposes.
Materials of Instruction:
Recordings and Videos: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0BzcimBMrR-
PowerPoint: Slide 8 10
Entire Song: 1st line of the baseline, 1st two lines of the melody
Activity 1 Learn about Indonesia and Javanese Gamelan (Attentive, Engaged, and Enactive
1. T: Hello 2nd graders, today we are going to learn about a country called Indonesia
2. T presents PowerPoint.
3. Ss listen to the recording of the song.
4. T ask the Ss questions about what they hear.
5. Ss listen to the recording again but this time T prompts Ss to pat the steady beat and hum
if they can.
6. Ss pat the beat and hum the song without the recording.
7. T: I learned this song in Indonesia from the person who wrote it. He told us that this
song is about a student singing about everything she has learned from her teacher.
Activity 2 Learn the Baseline (on mallet instruments)
1. T plays 1st line. (Ss repeat)
2. Ss play the 1st line on repeat.
3. T: That was the baseline of the song, now lets learn the melody.
1. Did the students pat the steady beat and hum the gamelan recording without the
recording? (informal)
2. Did the students play the baseline with correct pitches and rhythm? (informal)
3. Did the students play the melody with correct pitches and rhythm? (informal)
4. Did students perform Indonesian Song with correct pitches and rhythm.
(recording rubric)
Recording Rubric
1 2 3 Totals
Student did not Student actively
Was the student participated in the
actively participate participated in the
engaged in the performance __/3
in the performance the
performance? majority of the
performance. entire time.
Student depended Students
Did the student Student performed
on their peers a performed
show independent independently for __/3
majority of the independently for
musicianship? the majority.
performance. the entire time.
Student played Student played Student played
Did the student incorrect pitches correct pitches and correct pitches and
play correct and rhythms the rhythms less than rhythms for the
pitches and majority of the the majority of the more than the
rhythms? performance. performance. majority of the
Total __/9
Tone Set G Pentatonic (Do, Re, Mi, Sol, La)
Range M2, M3, P4, P5
Rhythm Set 4/4, Quarter notes
Melody G Pentatonic
Rhythm Steady beat
Other Gamelan, Angklang
Brinner, Benjamin Elon. Music in Central Java : Experiencing Music, Expressing Culture. New York,
Oxford University Press, 2008.
Present Lesson 1: Indonesian Song
5. Students will play Indonesian Song with correct pitches and rhythm.
6. Students will complete solfege worksheet with 80% accuracy.
7. Students will play their Angklung at the correct time.
Pr.2.2.b When analyzing selected music, read and perform rhythmic and melodic
patterns using iconic or standard notation.
Re.2.2 Describe how specific music concepts are used to support a specific
purpose in music
Materials of Instruction:
PowerPoint: Slide 11 - 13
Solfege Worksheet:
1. Did the student play Indonesian Song with correct pitches and rhythm? (Checklist)
2. Did student complete solfege worksheet with 80% accuracy. (Graded Worksheet)
3. Did student play their Angklung at the correct time? (Checklist)
Did the student play correct pitches Did the student play their Angklung
Name at the correct time? (Y or N)
and rhythms? (Y or N)
John Doe Y Y
Jane Doe Y N
Tone Set G Pentatonic (Do, Re, Mi, Sol, La)
Range M2, M3, P4, P5
Rhythm Set 4/4, Quarter notes
Melody G Pentatonic
Rhythm Steady beat
Other Gamelan, Angklang
Angklung Information
Brinner, Benjamin Elon. Music in Central Java : Experiencing Music, Expressing Culture. New York,
Oxford University Press, 2008.
Practice Lesson 1: Indonesian Song
1. In groups, students will compose a two-bar gamelan composition using the notes within a
pentatonic scale.
2. In groups, students will perform their gamelan composition.
Cr.1.2.b Generate musical patterns and ideas within the context of a given tonality (such as
major and minor) and meter (such as duple and triple).
Pr.5.2.a Perform music for a specific purpose with expression and technical
Materials of Instruction:
Blank Sheet Music: (not to scale)
Do Re
1 2
Mi Sol
3 5
Blank Sheet of Paper
Entire Song: 1st line of the baseline, 1st two lines of the melody
Activity 3 Explore!!
11. T puts students into groups of 4 by numbering them off.
12. T gives each group a set of notes and blank sheet music.
13. Ss explore different combinations of notes.
1. Did group compose a two-bar gamelan composition using the notes within a pentatonic
scale? (checklist)
2. Did group perform gamelan composition? (checklist)
Did group turn in Did the performance
Group (Names) written composition? match their notation?
(Y or N) (Y or N)
Group 1: John, Joe, James, Jane Y Y
Group 2: Don, Danny. Darcie, Darren Y Y
Tone Set G Pentatonic (Do, Re, Mi, Sol, La)
Range M2, M3, P4, P5
Rhythm Set 4/4, Quarter notes
Melody G Pentatonic
Rhythm Steady beat
Other Gamelan, Angklang
Brinner, Benjamin Elon. Music in Central Java : Experiencing Music, Expressing Culture. New York,
Oxford University Press, 2008.
Practice Lesson 2: Hambone, African American Folk Song
1. Students will perform BP with steady beat and correct rhythms.
2. Students will sing Hambone with correct pitches and rhythms.
3. Students will improvise a 2-bar phrase using the BP rhythm and the notes of a FM
pentatonic scale.
Cr.1.2.a Improvise rhythmic and melodic patterns and musical ideas for a
specific purpose.
Cr.1.2.b Generate musical patterns and ideas within the context of a given tonality (such as major and
minor) and meter (such as duple and triple).
Materials of Instruction:
PowerPoint: Slide 14
Video: https://youtu.be/LuB9XFbeix0
1. Did student perform BP with steady beat and correct rhythms? (Informal)
2. Did student sing Hambone with correct pitches and rhythms? (Informal)
3. Did student improvise a 2-bar phrase using the BP rhythm and the notes of the FM
pentatonic scale. (Informal)
Tone Set F Pentatonic (Do, Re, Mi, Sol)
Range M3, M2,
Rhythm Set 4/4, quarter note, eighth note
Practice Lesson 3: Jubilee, American Folk Song
1. After singing Jubilee on solfege students will determine the song is pentatonic.
2. Students will sing Jubilee with correct pitches and rhythms.
3. Students will improvise a 4-bar phrase using the notes of a FM pentatonic scale.
Cr.1.2.a Improvise rhythmic and melodic patterns and musical ideas for a
specific purpose.
Cr.1.2.b Generate musical patterns and ideas within the context of a given tonality (such as major and
minor) and meter (such as duple and triple).
Materials of Instruction:
PowerPoint: Slide 15
Activity 3 Improvise!!
17. T puts students into groups of 4 by numbering them off.
18. T gives each group a mallet instrument.
19. Ss sing the song four times. One S in each group improvises during swing and turn
(Ss improvising do not have to sing while they are improvising but everybody else does).
Ss switch instrumentalist during the verse of the song.
1. Did the students determine the song Jubilee is pentatonic? (Informal)
2. Did student sing Jubilee with correct pitches and rhythms? (Informal)
3. Did student improvise a 4-bar phrase using the notes of a FM pentatonic scale?
Tone Set F Pentatonic (Do, Re, Mi, Sol, La)
Range M3, M2, P4
Rhythm Set 2/4, half note, dotted quarter note, quarter note, eighth note
Melody Pentatonic
Rhythm Dotted quarter note
Other Improvise the refrain,
Practice Lesson 4: HaSukkah Mah Yafah
1. Students will chant the lyrics of HaSukkah Mah Yafah with correct pronunciation and
in time.
2. Students will sing HaSukkah Mah Yafah with BP with steady beat, and correct pitches
and rhythms.
3. Students will improvise a 4-bar phrase over a baseline using the notes of a FM pentatonic
Cr.1.2.a Improvise rhythmic and melodic patterns and musical ideas for a
specific purpose.
Cr.1.2.b Generate musical patterns and ideas within the context of a given tonality (such as major and
minor) and meter (such as duple and triple).
Materials of Instruction:
PowerPoint: Slide 16
BP: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxFfPyiZL6w&feature=youtu.be)
Activity 3 Baseline
25. T gives the students mallet instruments with only the pentatonic scale.
26. T plays baseline and sings F, C, F, C, F on repeat. (Ss join in.)
27. Ss play the baseline. T sings the song. (Ss join in.)
Activity 4 Improvise
28. Ss sing and play the baseline.
29. Half the Ss play the baseline, other half improvises with mallet instruments.
30. Ss sing and play the baseline.
31. Ss switch: half of them play the baseline, the other half improvises with mallet
32. Repeat.
1. Did students chant the lyrics of HaSukkah Mah Yafah with correct pronunciation and
in time? (Informal)
2. Did students sing the song HaSukkah Mah Yafah with BP with steady beat, and
correct pitches and rhythms? (Informal)
3. Did students improvise a 4-bar phrase over a baseline using the notes of a FM pentatonic
scale? (Informal)
Tone Set F Pentatonic (Do, Re, Mi, Sol)
Range P4, M2, M3
Rhythm Set 4/4, quarter note, eighth note
Melody F Pentatonic
Rhythm Steady beat
Other Historical Context,
Practice Lesson 5: Al Citron
1. After singing Al Citron on solfege students will determine the song is pentatonic.
2. Students will play their boom whacker at the correct time.
Pr.2.2.b When analyzing selected music, read and perform rhythmic and melodic patterns using
iconic or standard notation.
Materials of Instruction:
1. Did students determine Al Citron is pentatonic? (Informal)
2. Did students play their boom whacker at the correct time? (Checklist)
Did the student play their boom
Name whacker at the correct time? (Y or N)
John Doe Y
Jane Doe N
Tone Set G Pentatonic (Sol, Do, Re)
Range P4, M2, M3
Rhythm Set 2/4, Half note, dotted quarter note, eighth note
Form AB
Melody G Pentatonic
Rhythm Dotted quarter note,
Other Historical context (game),
Sail Away pg. 21
Practice Lesson 6: Alabama Gal
1. Students will sing Alabama Gal with correct pitches and rhythm.
2. Students will determine Alabama Gal is pentatonic.
3. In groups, students will compose a 2-bar composition using the notes within a pentatonic
4. In groups, students will perform their gamelan composition.
Cr.1.2.b Generate musical patterns and ideas within the context of a given tonality (such as
major and minor) and meter (such as duple and triple).
Pr.5.2.a Perform music for a specific purpose with expression and technical
Materials of Instruction:
Blank Sheet Music:
Activity 3 Compose
1. T: we are going to write a different way to sing Alabama gal.
2. T: so I have these five notes and this blank sheet of music. (holding up the materials)
3. T: see how we have a rhythm above the staff? I need your help in deciding what notes to
put underneath the rhythm.
4. T: what should our first note be Johnny? Do, I think thats a good idea so lets put Do
underneath the first rhythm but this is different from last time, make sure you put the note
on the correct line or space. So where does Do go? On the first space. etc.
5. T: know that we have a composition lets try playing it.
6. T and Ss play their composition.
Activity 4 Explore!!
14. T puts students into groups of 4 by numbering them off.
15. T gives each group a set of notes and blank sheet music and a mallet instrument to help
with pitch.
16. Ss explore different combinations of notes.
Activity 5 Writing it down and performing.
4. T: once you have an idea you like, write it down on the staff.
5. Ss write down their composition.
6. T: once you have your idea written down practice singing it because you are going to
perform them for the class.
7. Ss perform their compositions. T records each performance for Ss assessment and
1. Did students sing Alabama Gal with correct pitches and rhythm? (Informal)
2. Did students determine Alabama Gal is pentatonic? (Informal)
3. Did group compose a two-bar composition using the notes within a pentatonic scale?
4. Did group perform composition? (checklist)
Did group turn in Did the performance
Group (Names) written composition? match their notation?
(Y or N) (Y or N)
Group 1: John, Joe, James, Jane Y Y
Group 2: Don, Danny. Darcie, Darren Y Y
Tone Set F Pentatonic (La, Sol, Do, Re, Mi)
Range M3, M2,
Rhythm Set 2/4, quarter note, eighth note, sixteenth note
Form Verses
Melody F Pentatonic
Rhythm Sixteenth notes
Other Dance