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Basketball Drills and Practice Plans: by Coach Patrick Anderson

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by Coach Patrick Anderson


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How to Use this Book! ............................................................................... 4

Basketball Drills Volume 2 ......................................................................... 5
7.1 Rapid Swing Pass ....................................................................................................5
7.2 Box Out React Drill .................................................................................................. 5
7.3 Bump ....................................................................................................................... 6
7.4 Run the Gauntlet ...................................................................................................... 6
7.5 Front Door, Back Door ............................................................................................. 7
7.6 Off The Glass Drill .................................................................................................... 7
7.7 Around The Key Shooting ........................................................................................ 8
7.8 Loose Ball With Trailer ............................................................................................. 8
7.9 Passing Triangle ....................................................................................................... 9
7.10 Double Team Drill ................................................................................................. 10
Practice Plans .......................................................................................... 11
Practice Plan #1 ........................................................................................................... 11
Practice Plan #2 ........................................................................................................... 12
Practice Plan #3 ........................................................................................................... 13
Practice Plan #4 ........................................................................................................... 14
Practice Plan #5 ........................................................................................................... 15
Practice Plan #6 ........................................................................................................... 16
Practice Plan #7 ........................................................................................................... 17
Practice Plan #8 ........................................................................................................... 18
Practice Plan #9 ........................................................................................................... 19
Practice Plan #10 .........................................................................................................20
Recommended Resources ...................................................................... 21
The Coaching Essentials: ............................................................................................ 21
Coach Pat Andersons Online Clinics: ......................................................................... 22
More Online Clinics from Americas Top Coaches: ..................................................... 23
Masters Level Coaching: ............................................................................................. 24
Basketball Training Aids for Players: ........................................................................... 25



How to Use this The practice plans are for you, the coach, to try
and structure a practice using many of the drills

Book! that we have included in this guide, along with

the time you put in working as a team.

If you had the advantage of seeing the first Best of Luck!

book, you will probably know the drill. This
book is designed with drills for basketball play-
ers in mind. We go through the drills and show
you how to do them (with diagrams if neces-
sary), and what the end result might be for your

Once again, we have put together a few extra

drills for your team to use, to improve the level
of play. These drills help to combine a variety of
skills, or they work on specific skills sets that
allow the players to improve.

Many of the drills will try to combine the skills of

each of the areas with elements of the game
that they need to try and improve. For volume 2,
the drills that have been included can be used
and adapted for any skill level. We will provide
you with ideas on how you can make these
drills more complex for some groups and easier
for others depending on age and skill level.

In the following pages are 10 more drills that

you can add to your practice plan collection
helping a variety of positions on the basketball
court. You can incorporate them into the prac-
tice plans you had before, or you can use the
new practice plans at the end of this volume.

Practice plans

Basketball practice is a time to build skills and

get the team going on the same page. Each
player has the opportunity to hone their skills
and sharpen their play during practice times.
Our practice plans help you, the coach, to have
a fluid and continuous learning and develop-
ment time with players.



Basketball Drills Players can add a fake in here one way, and go
back the other, but they should refrain from

Volume 2 throwing the ball across the court this type of

pass is often intercepted. Adding a defense
running a zone will help your players develop
7.1 Rapid Swing Pass their swing pass timing and quickness, and help
them spread a zone defense out.
Breaking the zone defense can be tough this
drill will help condition players to pass quickly to Result Your players will be more capable of
spread the zone out. stretching a zone defense out, capitalizing on
offensive opportunities.
What you need To start, you only need 5
players on offense to begin the drill, spread out
over the perimeter, as shown in the diagram be-
low. Later, you can add defenders to help pro- 7.2 Box Out React Drill
vide more game-like situations.
This drill will condition players to immediately
look to gain position on the box out when a shot
is taken.

What you need Match up an offense and a

defense for this drill. The coach will be the one
shooting the ball.

How this drill works The defensive players

are going to start out with position, but when the
coach blows his or her whistle, the players are
going to move around in their positional area,
jostling for position under the basket.

When the coach takes a shot, all of the players

are going to yell out, SHOT, and then try to
How this drill works Above you see a typical box out their opponent. An offensive rebound
perimeter offense used in a variety of situations scores two points, after starting out at a disad-
during the basketball game. The purpose of vantage, and a defensive rebound scores one
this drill is to get players used to making quick point. Offense and defense switch after each
passes to the person next to them. shot.

Player 1 will start with the ball just outside the The players should have an eye on both their
three-point line. He or she will pass the ball to matched player and the ball, in order to see
either Player 2 or Player 3 to start. Then, the when it is shot, then be able to quickly react to
pass goes to the post position, and then cycles get position to make a rebound.
back around 3,1,2,4 and then cycles back


Result Quicker reaction under the hoop in go-

ing to help you develop a stronger rebounding Result Several skills are honed in this drill,
team on both ends of the court. especially making pressure shots.

7.3 Bump
7.4 Run the Gauntlet
This is a great shooting, rebounding, and pres-
sure drill for your players, that also allows them Driving through the lane can often be a physical
to have a little bit of fun. offensive play. This drill helps players get used
to the contact and maintain concentration.
What you need Divide the team into two
groups and line them up single file at the foul What you need Line up 4 players (2 a side) in
line of opposite baskets. The first two players in the key, and have one ball handler at the top of
the lines should have balls. the three point line. (See diagram for align-
ment). You can set this drill up at two stations if
you have the numbers, or the coaches may
have to join in this drill.

How this drill works This is a fast-paced drill

for teams of any age level, as it helps them de-
velop a number of valuable skills, while keeping
it fun.

The drill starts with the first player taking a foul

shot, and the second player shooting right after.
If the first player misses, he or she must gather
the rebound and make the basket BEFORE the
second player makes their basket. Once the
first player makes the basket, they pass the ball
to the next player, who tries to make their bas- How this drill works Driving the ball through
ket before the second player. the lane means that a player often has to drive
through the arms and bodies of defenders. You
This continues on if a shooter in behind a often have a lot of slapping, reaching and body
player makes his or her basket first, the player contact, but the driver still needs to maintain fo-
ahead is eliminated. This can make for fast- cus enough to make the basket.
paced fun!


In this drill, the ball handler (B) will drive the ball The two post players (defense in red) will be
through the 4 players in the key. As the player working the low post area in this drill.
is driving through the key, the four players will
try to slap at the ball, the wrists, etc, and create The 4 man will do one of two things: Fake roll
a diversion for the player driving to the hoop. backward and come front door, or fake front and
go back door. At this point it is the responsibility
The ball handler has to drive strong to the hoop of the 1 man to make the quick pass into the
and deliver the ball by lay up to the hoop. To key so the team can score a quick basket.
make this drill more difficult, add a third player
on each side that the driver has to make it To add another element to this drill, you can do
through on his or her way to the hoop. a couple of things:
- Add a defender on the guard, to defend
Result Giving all of your players the chance against the pass
to go through this drill will help them to develop - Add an off-side defender that will help
the concentration and ball handling skill neces- the post player if he or she is beaten
sary to increase their success when driving to down low
the basket.
The purpose of this drill is to improve the timing
and the quick read skills of the guard, but also
to help the post player learn to identify and exe-
7.5 Front Door, Back Door cute a quick move underneath the hoop.
This is both a passing drill for guards, but also a
Result Both your guard and your post player
drill for the post position
will begin to understand the importance of quick
passes and quick cuts when you want to exe-
What you need Match up two post players
cute a back door pass down low.
and a guard, and run as many stations as you
have baskets. The guards will start off with a
ball. See diagram below for more details on 7.6 Off The Glass Drill
This is a quick rebounding drill that teaches
players to rebound at the top of their jump.

What you need You can divide your team into

two groups, and work either side of the back-
board for this drill. Each line has one basketball
they can use for this drill.

How this drill works The line starts about 5

feet away from the backboard, inside the key.
The first player in line tosses the ball up to the
backboard, and then follows it up, jumps up
grabs the ball and tosses it back up to the
backboard while at the height of his or her jump.
How this drill works To start, the guard will
Once done, they go to the back of the line.
handle the ball just outside the three point line.



prove their close in shots while fatigued. Each

player will have a ball, and they must make a
basket from each of the six foul line up spots,
and also at the foul line.

Following right behind them is the next player in

line, who must approach the backboard, jump
up, and grab the previous players rebound and
put the ball up again all while staying in the
The kicker is, they have to be made in order,
air. This should be a continuous drill, with the
starting at one low post, and end at the other. If
ball, nor the ball-player combination EVER
a player misses a basket, they start at the be-
touching the floor.
ginning. Practice ends when all players have
made it around the world.
This drill teaches good control, and to capture
the rebound at the height of the jump, rather
Result Improved shooting percentage on
than down on the ground.
close in shots especially when players are fa-
tigued from practice.
This drill should be done for 1 minute without
stopping, cycling players through continuously.
A great warm-up drill for games. 7.8 Loose Ball With Trailer
Result Improved rebounding skills, and get-
ting the ball up high in their jump. Chasing hard after a loose ball and gaining con-
trol for an offensive chance is a great drill to
7.7 Around The Key Shooting practice

Players should be able to make all of the close What you need You will start with three lines,
in shots around the key at half court (shown in diagram), and the coach
will be standing at center court with the balls.
What you need You can split the players into
groups depending on the number of baskets
you have. They should be at a basket with the
key marked, along with foul shot positions.

How this drill works This is a great end of

practice drill that players can go through to im-



7.9 Passing Triangle

This is a basic drill that will help players to in-

crease their passing accuracy and increase the
skill set, with different pass types.

What you need Divide the team into groups

of three players. There should be two basket-
balls per group. The players will stand in a
makeshift triangle to begin this drill. See the
diagram below for more details.

How this drill works Players in line one and

two will be waiting for the coach to roll the ball.
When the coach releases the ball (green), both How this drill works This drill is going to
players sprint after it. When one player reaches work on the basic passing types that you have,
the ball and gains control, the other player as- in a drill that will keep players on their toes, and
sumes a defensive position. emphasize good passing technique, and recep-
Once a side has gained possession, a player
from line 3 (blue) enters the fray as the trailing To start the drill, the 1 player will make chest
player. The player that has gained control of pass (red) to player 5. Player 5 will make a
the ball can use the trailer to help them score a bounce pass (blue) across the key to player 4.
basket. A shot attempt must be made within Player 4 will make an overhead pass (black)
5 seconds of gaining control. Otherwise, de- back to player one.
fenders will already be back and the opportunity
lost. When player 1 starts, by passing the ball to
player 5, player 4 also has a ball and then
This drill requires quick recovery and thinking passes the ball (overhead) to player 1. With
skills on the part of the offense, and solid de- two balls going, this drill should be continuous.
fensive skills for the defender. It is a great concentration drill for all players,
especially when you move them to different po-
Result Players will learn to capitalize on sitions and they need to execute different
chances when they come on loose ball oppor- passes.



You can increase the difficulty of this drill by al-

lowing one, or even two defenders to lightly de- This drill is not necessarily meant to constantly
fend the passes, so the players have to make shut down the offense in this situation, it is
quick decisions to keep the ball going in the merely meant to help players understand and
passing triangle. execute an effective trap on certain positions on
the court.
Result Better passing skills and players will
learn to pass the ball quickly and accurately. Note: Move the ball to both sides of the court,
and also have the defensive players prepared to
cover the open passing lanes when a player
7.10 Double Team Drill leaves his man to trap another.
Double teams are a common way to neutralize
Result Great awareness of the trap or double
top offensive players and this drill will help
team play. As a coach, you can teach them ef-
your players develop solid double team skills.
fective ways of pressuring opposing players
while your defenders are trapping.
What you need Set up a four on four team
drill, with an offense against a defense.

How this drill works In this drill, you are go-

ing to have the players work four on four, and
the object is to try and double team, or trap the
man with the ball at all times.

The drill starts with player one passing to player

two on offense (white). The defensive 1 and 2
players (red) will trap offensive player 2. Offen-
sive player 2 then passes down to player 4, and
defensive player 2 and 4 trap the offensive
player down low.



Practice Plans
(Volume 1 Drills are in Blue)

Practice Plan #1

Time Drill Coaching Tips
Shooting, dribbling warm
00 to :10 - Around the world, or even Bump
Shoulders, legs, groin, ankles and
:10 to :15 Full body stretch -
lower back
Limbering up and preparing for
:15 to :25 Light jog around the court -
:25 to :35 Mikan Drill 1.2 Good lay up here

:35 to :38 Water break - -

:38 to :45 Box Out React Drill 7.2 Quick reaction to shot is essential
Fake low, pass high. Fake high,
:45 to 1:00 Man in the middle drills 2.4
pass low

1:00 to 1:10 McHale Drill 3.5 Get the ball high and keep going
Fundamentals of a double team
1:10 to 1:20 Double Team Drill 7.10
should be taught here
1:20 to 1:30 Front Door, Back Door 7.5 Quick passes when cut is made

1:30 to 1:35 Water break - -

1:35 to 1:45 Bump 7.3 Great fun and pressure shooting
Good ball control and use of dif-
1:45 to 1:55 Zig Zag Drill 4.2
ferent moves

1:55 to 2:00 Cool down - Foul shots, dribbling skills, etc.



Practice Plan #2

Time Drill Sec. # Coaching Tips

Shooting, dribbling warm Around the world, or even
00 to :10 -
ups Bump
Shoulders, legs, groin, ankles
:10 to :15 Full body stretch -
and lower back
Limbering up and preparing for
:15 to :25 Light jog around the court -
Get the ball high and keep go-
:25 to :35 McHale Drill 3.5

:35 to :38 Water break - -

Concentration on the basket

:38 to :45 Run the Gauntlet 7.4
and ball are key
Squaring up is essential for
:45 to 1:00 Three-Man Shooting Drill 1.13
good shots
5 seconds to make an offensive
1:00 to 1:10 Loose ball and Trailer 7.8

1:10 to 1:20 Passing triangle 7.9 Accurate and quick passes

Good position when the ball is
1:20 to 1:30 Box out reaction 7.2
1:30 to 1:35 Water break - -

Quick passes to spread the

1:35 to 1:45 Rapid Swing pass 7.1
zone defense
High catch, and quick back up
1:45 to 1:55 Dantley Stick Back Drill 3.4
for a lay up
1:55 to 2:00 Cool down - Foul shots, dribbling skills, etc.



Practice Plan #3

Time Drill Sec. # Coaching Tips

Shooting, dribbling warm
00 to :10 - Around the world, or even Bump
Shoulders, legs, groin, ankles
:10 to :15 Full body stretch -
and lower back
Limbering up and preparing for
:15 to :25 Light jog around the court -

:25 to :35 Celtic Full Court Passing 2.2 Try bank shots at the end

:35 to :38 Water break - -

:38 to :45 Front Door, Back Door 7.5 Quick passes when cut is made
High catch, and quick back up
:45 to 1:00 Dantley Stick Back Drill 3.4
for a lay up
Good shots from around the foul
1:00 to 1:10 Around the key 7.7
1:10 to 1:20 Loose ball trailer 7.8 Must use the trailer in this drill
Fundamentals of a double team
1:20 to 1:30 Double Team Drill 7.10
should be taught here

1:30 to 1:35 Water break - -

Quick reaction to shot is essen-

1:35 to 1:45 Box Out React Drill 7.2
Offense rebound under Rebound, fake and shot under
1:45 to 1:55 3.2
pressure the pressure
1:55 to 2:00 Cool down - Foul shots, dribbling skills, etc.



Practice Plan #4

Time Drill Sec. # Coaching Tips

Shooting, dribbling warm
00 to :10 - Around the world, or even Bump
Shoulders, legs, groin, ankles
:10 to :15 Full body stretch -
and lower back
Limbering up and preparing for
:15 to :25 Light jog around the court -
Fake low, pass high. Fake high,
:25 to :35 Man in the middle drills 2.4
pass low

:35 to :38 Water break - -

Quick passes to spread the zone

:38 to :45 Rapid Swing pass 7.1
Good ball control and use of dif-
:45 to 1:00 Zig Zag Drill 4.2
ferent moves

1:00 to 1:10 Off the Glass 7.6 Constant and quick is the key
High catch, and quick back up
1:10 to 1:20 Dantley Stick Back Drill 3.4
for a lay up
5 seconds to make an offensive
1:20 to 1:30 Loose ball and Trailer 7.8
1:30 to 1:35 Water break - -
1:35 to 1:45 Bump 7.3 Great fun and pressure shooting

1:45 to 1:55 Mikan Drill 1.2 Good lay up here

1:55 to 2:00 Cool down - Foul shots, dribbling skills, etc.



Practice Plan #5

Time Drill Sec. # Coaching Tips

Shooting, dribbling warm
00 to :10 - Around the world, or even Bump
Shoulders, legs, groin, ankles and
:10 to :15 Full body stretch -
lower back
Limbering up and preparing for
:15 to :25 Light jog around the court -
Good control is more important
:25 to :35 Ball Handling Circuit 4.1
than speed

:35 to :38 Water break - -

:38 to :45 Box Out React Drill 7.2 Quick reaction to shot is essential
Fake low, pass high. Fake high,
:45 to 1:00 Man in the middle drills 2.4
pass low
Fundamentals of a double team
1:00 to 1:10 Double Team Drill 7.10
should be taught here

1:10 to 1:20 Passing triangle 7.9 Accurate and quick passes

Good shots from around the foul

1:20 to 1:30 Around the key 7.7

1:30 to 1:35 Water break - -

Quick passes to spread the zone
1:35 to 1:45 Rapid Swing pass 7.1
Vince Carter Plyometric Cir-
1:45 to 1:55 6.5 Work on agility and conditioning
1:55 to 2:00 Cool down - Foul shots, dribbling skills, etc.



Practice Plan #6

Time Drill Sec. # Coaching Tips

Shooting, dribbling warm Around the world, or even
00 to :10 -
ups Bump
Shoulders, legs, groin, ankles
:10 to :15 Full body stretch -
and lower back
Limbering up and preparing for
:15 to :25 Light jog around the court -
Squaring up is essential for
:25 to :35 Three-Man Shooting Drill 1.13
good shots

:35 to :38 Water break - -

Concentration on the basket

:38 to :45 Run the Gauntlet 7.4
and ball are key
:45 to 1:00 Pass and screen away drill 5.4 Good for offensive preparation
1:00 to 1:10 Front Door, Back Door 7.5 Quick passes when cut is made
Good shots from around the
1:10 to 1:20 Around the key 7.7
foul area

1:20 to 1:30 Double Team Drill 7.10 Focus on good double teams

1:30 to 1:35 Water break - -

Good ball control and use of dif-
1:35 to 1:45 Zig Zag Drill 4.2
ferent moves

1:45 to 1:55 Mikan Drill 1.2 Good lay up here

1:55 to 2:00 Cool down - Foul shots, dribbling skills, etc.



Practice Plan #7

Time Drill Sec. # Coaching Tips

Shooting, dribbling warm
00 to :10 - Around the world, or even Bump
Shoulders, legs, groin, ankles and
:10 to :15 Full body stretch -
lower back
Limbering up and preparing for
:15 to :25 Light jog around the court -

:25 to :35 Celtic Full Court Passing 2.2 Try bank shots at the end

:35 to :38 Water break - -

Quick passes to spread the zone

:38 to :45 Rapid Swing pass 7.1
Important to get comfortable with
:45 to 1:00 Weak hand full court 4.4
weak hand
5 seconds to make an offensive
1:00 to 1:10 Loose ball and Trailer 7.8

1:10 to 1:20 Run the Gauntlet 7.4 Make it three players a side
Good shots from around the foul
1:20 to 1:30 Around the key 7.7
1:30 to 1:35 Water break - -

1:35 to 1:45 Off the Glass 7.6 Constant and quick is the key
Good ball control and use of dif-
1:45 to 1:55 Zig Zag Drill 4.2
ferent moves
1:55 to 2:00 Cool down - Foul shots, dribbling skills, etc.



Practice Plan #8

Time Drill Sec # Coaching Tips

Shooting, dribbling warm Around the world, or even
00 to :10 -
ups Bump
Shoulders, legs, groin, ankles
:10 to :15 Full body stretch -
and lower back
Limbering up and preparing for
:15 to :25 Light jog around the court -
Squaring up is essential for
:25 to :35 Three-Man Shooting Drill 1.13
good shots

:35 to :38 Water break - -

Fundamentals of a double team

:38 to :45 Double Team Drill 7.10
should be taught here
Fake low, pass high. Fake high,
:45 to 1:00 Man in the middle drills 2.4
pass low
1:00 to 1:10 Three Man weave 2.5 Good passes and follow behind
1:10 to 1:20 Front Door, Back Door 7.5 Quick passes when cut is made

1:20 to 1:30 Passing triangle 7.9 Accurate and quick passes

1:30 to 1:35 Water break - -

Quick reaction to shot is essen-
1:35 to 1:45 Box Out React Drill 7.2

1:45 to 1:55 Two man fast break 2.3 10 push ups for a missed lay up

1:55 to 2:00 Cool down - Foul shots, dribbling skills, etc.



Practice Plan #9

Time Drill Sec. # Coaching Tips

Shooting, dribbling warm Around the world, or even
00 to :10 -
ups Bump
Shoulders, legs, groin, ankles
:10 to :15 Full body stretch -
and lower back
Limbering up and preparing for
:15 to :25 Light jog around the court -
Get the ball high and keep go-
:25 to :35 McHale Drill 3.5

:35 to :38 Water break - -

Concentration on the basket

:38 to :45 Run the Gauntlet 7.4
and ball are key
Good control is more important
:45 to 1:00 Ball Handling Circuit 4.1
than speed
Fundamentals of a double team
1:00 to 1:10 Double Team Drill 7.10
should be taught here
1:10 to 1:20 Passing triangle 7.9 Accurate and quick passes

5 seconds to make an offensive

1:20 to 1:30 Loose ball and Trailer 7.8

1:30 to 1:35 Water break - -

Quick passes to spread the

1:35 to 1:45 Rapid Swing pass 7.1
zone defense
Good ball control and use of
1:45 to 1:55 Zig Zag Drill 4.2
different moves
1:55 to 2:00 Cool down - Foul shots, dribbling skills, etc.



Practice Plan #10

Time Drill Sec # Coaching Tips

Shooting, dribbling Around the world, or even
00 to :10 -
warm ups Bump
Shoulders, legs, groin, ankles
:10 to :15 Full body stretch -
and lower back
Light jog around the Limbering up and preparing
:15 to :25 -
court for drills

:25 to :35 Mikan Drill 1.2 Great practice starter

:35 to :38 Water break - -

Quick reaction to shot is es-
:38 to :45 Box Out React Drill 7.2

:45 to 1:00 Celtic Full Court Passing 2.2 Try bank shots at the end
Quick passes to spread the
1:00 to 1:10 Rapid Swing pass 7.1
zone defense
Concentration on the basket
1:10 to 1:20 Run the Gauntlet 7.4
and ball are key
Good control is more impor-
1:20 to 1:30 Ball Handling Circuit 4.1
tant than speed
1:30 to 1:35 Water break - -

1:35 to 1:45 Off the Glass 7.6 Constant and quick is the key
Squaring up is essential for
1:45 to 1:55 Three-Man Shooting Drill 1.13
good shots
Foul shots, dribbling skills,
1:55 to 2:00 Cool down -



Recommended Resources
The Coaching Essentials:

Basketball Drills & Practice Plans- The Astonishingly Simple Secret To Coaching A Killer Bas-
ketball Team... Without Wasting Time or Effort. Instantly download over 50 unique, fun and effec-
tive basketball drills, fully organized into 25 clipboard-ready practice plans. Removes the stress
from coaching and allows you to prepare for practice in just 5 short minutes. ($34.68)

For more information visit:


Basketball Video Tutorials- Are you a more advanced coach looking to get an edge over your
competition? My "Basketball Video Tutorials" gives you unrestricted access to my own personal
playbook and basketball coaching system. Reveals my top coaching techniques and tactics, in-
cluding half-court offensive sets, inbounds plays, full court pressure, and the simple secret to
breaking a zone defense. ($67.77)

For more information visit:


Basketball Blueprint Software - Designing your own animated plays and drills can be as easy
as 1-2-3. Basketball Blueprint software allows you to create stunningly effective animated drills
and plays and share them with your team in 3 super easy steps. ($197)

For more information visit:




Coach Pat Andersons Online Clinics:

Motion Offense Clinic - This is the definitive guide to running a powerful high-scoring motion of-
fense. Create a well-oiled offensive machine that runs circles around the competition and racks
up huge margins of victory...while only spending a few minutes on a couple well-placed drills in
your next practice. ($29.95)

For more information visit:


Zone Defense Clinic - Tap into the secrets to running a strangulating Zone Defense that will shut
down the passing lanes, cut off penetration, clog up the paint, and force ANY team in your league
to chuck up ill-advised Hail Mary's from 25 feet away...while YOUR supremely coached squad
gobbles up defensive rebound after defensive rebound. ($29.95)

For more information visit:


Fast Break Clinic - Discover how easy it is to transform you squad into a fast-break powerhouse
in just 1 practice. Even if your team is slow-footed (and spends more time in the pizza parlor
than the weight room) you can run a potent transition game if you follow a few simple rules.

For more information visit:


Full Court Pressure Defense Clinic - How to blitz your opponents with an onslaught of full court
pressure that forces turnovers and gets you tons of easy baskets. Even if you've never pressed
before, you can discover the secrets that top youth basketball coaches use to bully their competi-
tion into vulnerable back-court positions, then steal the ball away from them...scoring layup after
uncontested layup! ($29.95)

For more information visit:




Shooting Clinic - The fastest route to developing a team chock full of buttery-smooth, high per-
centage, "sweet-stroking" jumpshooters. There are 2 key factors that separate great shooters
from brick-throwers: Footwork & Balance. Unless you players master these essentials they will
NEVER put themselves into proper triple-threat position. You'll discover 17 KEY drills and tech-
niques guaranteed to skyrocket your shooting percentage and increase your offensive output.

For more information visit:


Post Play & Rebounding Clinic - If you'd like a foolproof system for utterly dominating the paint
(even if you don't have a player over 5 feet), you MUST check out this clinic. I'll reveal how to
increase the aggression in your post players instantly, a mega-easy 30-second drill that will dou-
ble your offensive rebounds per game, and much more... ($29.95)

For more information visit:


More Online Clinics from Americas Top Coaches:

Secrets To The UCLA 1-4 Offense - Discover the amazing Half Court Offense that scores points
like crazy...against any man-to-man or zone set. Scoring points shouldn't be difficult. If you teach
your team an effective offensive system that's SIMPLE to execute, you'll get all the high percent-
age shots you want. ($69.95)

For more information visit:


80 Innovative Practice Drills - New Cutting Edge Video Clinic Reveals 80 All-New, Stunningly
Effective Basketball Drills That Instantly Inject Your Team With Pro-Level Ballhandling, Passing,
Shooting And Rebounding Skills, While Keeping Your Players Having Fun and Engaged
For Your Entire Practice!. ($69.95)

For more information visit:




Unstoppable Half Court Offense - Hall of Fame NCAA coach and offensive mastermind John
Kresse reveals 46 different ways to score an easy basket. You can now master ALL the hard-to
find secrets to getting tons of easy layups and wide open jumpers (were talking overnight!) and
all for less than it costs to buy a decent basketball! ($49.95)

For more information visit:


20 Set Plays vs. Man and Zone - How In-The-Heck Does This 'Old-Fogey' From Tiny Cuba City,
Wisconsin Consistently Clobber Stronger, Faster, More Athletic Basketball Teams? It's a simple
easy-to-learn and instantly effective offensive system that guarantees your team will get boat-
loads of easy layups and wide open jumpers no matter how little skill your kids possess!

For more information visit:


Ultimate Full Court Pressure - If You've Got 43 Minutes and 17 Seconds Before Your Next
Practice... Ill Show You How To Completely Dominate Your Opponents With An Outrageously Ef-
fective (Yet Totally Legal) Full Court Trapping System ($39.95)

For more information visit:


Masters Level Coaching:

Hubie Brown's Basketball Coaching Bootcamp - After winning 528 pro basketball games, two
NBA Coach of The Year awards, and being inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame, this 74
year old legend breaks his silence to reveal a simple, natural, and amazingly effective basketball
coaching system that literally forces your team to play harder and smarter than you ever thought
possible. This complete basketball coaching system includes "masters-level" secrets on Coach-
ing Philosophy, Practice and Game Management, Offensive Sets, Offensive Spacing, Defensive
Tactics, and Special Situations. 6 free videos included on the website. ($279)

For more information visit:




Tara Vanderveer - The Stanford System - Finally, The First Practical, Step-by-Step Roadmap
For Basketball Coaching Success, No Matter How Little Experience, You Have... 100% Guaran-
teed! These almost criminally-clever tricks, tips and secrets of the pros will give you unbelievable
offensive firepower, an outrageously potent fast break and a punishing, stingy defense game in
and game out! ($139)

For more information visit:


Basketball Training Aids for Players:

Basketball Camp in a Box - Inside the "Camp in a Box" you'll find a carefully constructed set of
"magic" training aids, manuals, and DVD's designed to improve a players game- fast. This pack-
age covers every facet of basketball improvement: Plyometrics, injury prevention, ballhandling,
shooting, rebounding, defense, passing. It's like an "all-in-one" kit for basketball success.
($199 + S/H)

For more information visit:


New coaching tools are being added all the time, for a current list of the best coaching resources
we offer, please visit our main catalog at:



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