NikePlusRunClub 5K Training Plan 7-24-2015
NikePlusRunClub 5K Training Plan 7-24-2015
NikePlusRunClub 5K Training Plan 7-24-2015
t H e F i n i S H L i n e , i t S t o g e t
t H e B e S t
V e r S i o n o F
Y o U
a C r o S S t H e F i n i S H L i n e .
weekLY workoUtS
paCe CHart
iF YoU...
5k week-BY-week oVerView
weekS 1-8
SampLe pLan Breakdown
tHiS 8-week
training pLan BeFore diVing StraigHt into tHe training pLan, read aLL
oF tHe materiaL to enSUre YoU get tHe moSt oUt oF it.
This plan is built to adapt to your experience level, but its also
uniquely flexible to your needs. Heres what you should know to
get the most out of the Nike+ Run Club Training Plan:
endUranCe Your schedule varies. So does the weather and how you feel, but
here are a few things to keep in mind as you modify this plan to
your needs:
and You have four Recovery daysuse them to break up your Speed
and Endurance Runs. Avoid doing Speed and Endurance runs on
back-to-back days.
Use Recovery days as you choose. You can run a few miles,
cross-train or take a rest. We recommend running on two of your
four Recovery days.
weekLY workoUtS
This plan includes three types of workout activities each week. All three
are important to get the fittest, strongest and fastest version of you to the finish line.
Building strength through speed training
is important as you prepare. Throughout
this plan youll be introduced to a variety
of speed workouts and drills that will make
you faster.
endUranCe reCoVerY
You need endurance training to help prepare Recovering from your workout days is just as
your body and mind to go the distance on important as the workouts themselves. Use
race day. You will work on endurance with these days to recover based on how you feel.
weekly Long Runs. Either take the day off, try a N+TC workout or
go for a few Recovery miles.
How to USe
tHe paCe CHart
Throughout the plan, you will see references to different paces you should aim to maintain
during specific workouts. Over the course of your training, you will run using different pace
targets. Knowing your pace targets will make your speed work easier.
Treat each pace target as the middle of a range. You may train slightly above or below
these paces. They are not exact paces and you are not a robot.
The chart on page 08 will help you understand which pace you should aim to run during
each session.
You could use a recent 5K, 10K, Half Marathon or Marathon time,
if you have run one. By recent we mean in the last month or two.
Whichever one you use, this will be your starting point to find the
row of pace targets you will need on the Pace Chart.
For eXampLe
If your last race was a 27:00 minute 5K, find the row with 27:00 minutes under the
5K column on the Pace Chart and slide across the row left or right to find your other
pace targets. In this case, the pace targets would be as follows:
5k BeSt / 10k BeSt / tempo HaLF maratHon BeSt / maratHon BeSt / reCoVerY daY
miLe BeSt aVg miLe paCe aVg miLe paCe aVg miLe paCe aVg miLe paCe aVg miLe paCe paCe
8:00 27:00 / 8:40 55:50 / 9:00 9:25 2:05:00 / 9:30 4:15:00 / 9:45 10:30
anotHer eXampLe
If your Mile Best time is 9:30, find that Mile Best time on the Pace Chart
and slide across to see your other average mile pace targets.
Here, your pace targets would be as follows:
miLe BeSt 5k BeSt / 10k BeSt / tempo HaLF maratHon BeSt / maratHon BeSt / reCoVerY daY
aVg miLe paCe aVg miLe paCe aVg miLe paCe aVg miLe paCe aVg miLe paCe paCe
9:30 31:45 / 10:15 66:00 / 10:35 11:00 2:25:00 / 11:05 5:00:00 / 11:25 12:10
tHingS to know
When you have your range of pace targets, it helps to understand a few things about how you will use them:
During your training there will be days you may be a little ahead of pace,
and other days a little behind. Remember that the paces are only to be used as a guide.
You will have good days and bad days so be flexible with your expectations. Hopefully,
you will be increasing your fitness each week and your paces will increase in speed as you go.
When this plan is over and you head out for race day be confident in
all the work you have done. It is that work that will take you to new fitness levels,
faster paces, this starting line and the all the ones beyond.
paCe CHart
5k BeSt / 10k BeSt / tempo HaLF maratHon BeSt / maratHon BeSt / reCoVerY daY
miLe BeSt aVg miLe paCe aVg miLe paCe aVg miLe paCe aVg miLe paCe aVg miLe paCe paCe
5:00 17:05 / 5:30 35:45 / 5:45 6:05 1:18:00 / 6:00 2:44:00 / 6:15 7:00
5:30 18:45 / 6:00 39:00 / 6:15 6:35 1:25:00 / 6:30 3:00:00 / 6:50 7:35
6:00 20:15 / 6:30 42:00 / 6:45 7:05 1:35:00 / 7:15 3:15:00 / 7:25 8:10
6:30 22:00 / 7:05 45:45 / 7:20 7:40 1:40:00 / 7:35 3:30:00 / 8:00 8:45
7:00 23:45 / 7:40 49:00 / 7:55 8:15 1:50:00 / 8:20 3:45:00 / 8:35 9:20
7:30 25:15 / 8:05 52:30 / 8:25 8:50 1:55:00 / 8:45 4:00:00 / 9:10 9:55
8:00 27:00 / 8:40 55:50 / 9:00 9:25 2:05:00 / 9:30 4:15:00 / 9:45 10:30
8:30 28:30 / 9:10 59:00 / 9:30 9:55 2:10:00 / 9:55 4:30:00 / 10:15 11:00
9:00 30:00 / 9:40 62:30 / 10:00 10:30 2:20:00 / 10:40 4:45:00 / 10:50 11:35
9:30 31:45 / 10:15 66:00 / 10:35 11:00 2:25:00 / 11:05 5:00:00 / 11:25 12:10
10:00 33:00 / 10:40 69:00 / 11:05 11:35 2:35:00 / 11:45 5:15:00 / 12:00 12:45
10:30 35:00 / 11:15 72:00 / 11:35 12:00 2:40:00 / 12:10 5:30:00 / 12:35 13:20
11:00 36:15 / 11:40 75:00 / 12:00 12:35 2:50:00 / 12:55 5:40:00 / 13:00 13:45
11:30 38:00 / 12:15 78:30 / 12:35 13:00 2:55:00 / 13:15 5:50:00 / 13:20 14:05
12:00 39:30 / 12:40 81:30 / 13:05 13:35 3:05:00 / 14:05 6:00:00 / 13:45 14:30
This glossary elaborates on the running-specific terms youll see referenced throughout
this plan. Its important to understand the different types of runs that this plan includes
in order to get the most out of the full training journey.
Speed endUranCe reCoVerY
The best way to improve your fastest pace is to work on it for Your weekly Endurance Run is a long distance run at a Recovery is just as important as your hard workouts. Listen
brief periods in a series of speed intervals. They can be the comfortable pace. It is an essential part of your training to what your body needs on Recovery days, whether that
same length and pace with the same amount of recovery time, that helps the body and mind adapt to increased distances. means taking the day off completely, cross-training with
or can involve various distances, paces and recovery periods. It also helps you get familiar with the physical and mental the N+TC App or running a few Recovery miles. Ideally, at
Long intervals, Fartlek, Tempo and Hill Runs are all Speed challenges that you might face during a race. This run least two of your Recovery days should be spent running.
workouts. See Types of Runs below for definitions of these. should be run as a Progression Run. See Types of Runs for Recovery Runs increase your stamina and help you recover
a definition of Progression Run. at the highest quality possible after intense training. They
should be run as Progression Runs. See Types of Runs
below for a definition of Progression Run.
tYpeS oF rUnS
progreSSion rUn traCk StrideS
Progression Runs improve stamina and allow the body to Track refers to a session that includes a series of speed Strides refer to very short runs that are usually done prior
adapt to the stress of running. Build your pace over the intervals. Ideally, this type of a workout is done on a track as to a run or workout, or immediately after. A series of strides
course of each run by starting slower than Recovery Pace and the surface allows you to play with faster paces with precise should become faster in pace-often, the first Stride will be
finishing at a faster than Recovery Pace. Over the course of measurements, but it can be done just about anywhere. You the longest and the slowest. There should be a brief recovery
the run you will average your Recovery Pace. Your Endurance may choose to use city blocks, traffic lights or even trees between each Stride.
and Recovery Runs should always be run as Progression Runs. as interval markers.
and paces during a continuous run. An example Fartlek work- interval. For example, running a 400-meter interval, with run uphill so you do not need to run as fast as you would on
out structure could be one minute running easy followed by the first 200 meters easy and the last 200 meters fast. This a flat section. While running uphill, remain in control of your
one minute running hard, repeated for a certain amount of effectively divides the interval into two parts. breathing. Dont lean too far forward. A light lean with the
minutes, miles or alternating every city block. chin leading the chest is enough. Uphills are a great way to
develop speed and strength with minimal pounding on the legs.
tempo tUrnaroUndS
Tempo is a hard but controlled pace that can be run as long Turnarounds are practiced during short intervals. Rather
intervals or a steady run of 1-10 miles. The purpose of a than stopping at the end of an interval, run through the line
Tempo Run is to build mental and physical endurance and and turn around as quickly and safely as you can to start
to become comfortable with being uncomfortable. the next repeat.
tYpeS oF paCeS
miLe paCe (FaSteSt) 5k paCe (FaSter) 10k paCe (FaSt) tempo paCe reCoVerY paCe (eaSY)
This is the pace you could race This is the pace you could race This is the pace you could race Teaching your body to be comfort- A pace easy enough that you can
or run hard for one mile. or run hard for about 3 miles. or run hard for about 6 miles. able being uncomfortable by main- catch your breath while running.
taining a pace between 10k (FAST)
and Recovery (EASY).
iF YoU... iF YoUr SCHedULe doeS not matCH
tHe training SCHedULe,
Then adjust the training schedule to your needs. For best results,
each week should include the three key workoutsSpeed, Endur-
eVerYoneS training JoUrneY iS diFFerent. BUt tHere ance and Recovery. Prioritize Speed and Endurance workouts and
make sure you recover intelligently.
are Some reCUrring CHaLLengeS and qUeStionS tHat
manY rUnnerS enCoUnter aLong tHe waY. HereS How to
UnderStand and oVerCome tHeSe Common HUrdLeS on
iF YoU dont know How to FigUre oUt YoUr paCe,
YoUr road to raCe daY. Then experiment until you find it. When youre out running, you
run on feel. You have different gears whether you realize it or not.
Be patient, pay attention and have fun experimenting with your
comfort level while running at different speeds across different
distances. Use the Nike+ Running App while you run to keep
track your paces, and use at our Pace Chart guidelines on page
06 to find your pace targets.
iF YoUre tired,
Figure out why. Feeling fatigued is normal as your training
progresses, but make sure youre supporting yourself in all other
aspects of your life: get enough sleep, eat right, hydrate properly,
respect Recovery days and wear the proper shoes. Sometimes the
best training is to focus on recovery and rest.
iF YoUre HUrt,
Stop running. There is a difference between hurting and being
hurt. Its essential to listen to and learn from your body through-
out your training. Sometimes missing miles in the present lets you
run better miles in the future.
5k week-BY-week oVerView
This 8-week training plan combines Endurance, Strength and Speed to get you ready to tackle 5K.
This plan is built for you to adapt to your experience level. Youll schedule rest days and N+TC workouts
into your routine as well.
2 weekS to go 1 week to go
8 weekS to go
a Starting Line
This week you will begin your journey with a series of runs and light workouts that will introduce you to the
training plan. You can modify the following sequence to suit your week, but dont do Speed and Endurance
runs back-to-back and stick to the recommended miles. To round out your training, add N+TC workouts into
your routine to get fit, fast.
(2x) 200 meters at Mile pace
Split 800 meters:
2-3 miLeS
This is your longest run of the week. Run this
distance consistently to build your endurance
for race day.
Easy does it. Run a few Recovery miles, do a Go for a few Recovery miles, do a N+TC work-
N+TC workout or take the whole day off. out or take the whole day off. Give your body
whatever it craves today.
1 mile at your 10k pace
400 meters at Mile pace
800 meters at 5k pace
7 weekS to go
400 meters at 10k pace
(2x) 400 meters at 5k pace
400 meters at Mile pace
Recovery miles are as important as your Speed Use todays 1-3 mile run to recover as effi-
and Endurance Runs. Try running 1-3 miles ciently as possible. Build your speed gradually
progressively today. Start slow and gradually so your first mile is your slowest and your last
build your speed so your last mile is faster is your fastest.
than your first.
2-3 miLeS
Get ready to go the distance on race day with your
weeks longest run.
Today is about recovering. Give your body what Go for a few Progression miles, do a N+TC
it craves by running a few Recovery miles, workout or take the whole day off. Give your
doing a N+TC workout or take the day off. body what it craves today.
Follow with this Fartlek sequence:
1-min at a hard pace, 30-sec easy pace
2-min hard pace, 1-min easy pace
3-min hard pace, 1:30-min easy pace
3-min hard pace, 1:30-min easy pace
2-min hard pace, 1-min easy pace
1-min at a hard pace, 30-sec easy pace
6 weekS to go
deVeLop ConSiStenCY
In your third week of training, you will now begin to feel a rhythm to your running. The secret to running well is
consistency. You can modify the following sequence to suit your week, but dont do Speed and Endurance runs
back-to-back and stick to the recommended distance. To round out your training, add N+TC workouts into your
routine to get fit, fast.
800 meters at 5k pace 45-sec recovery
200 meters at Mile pace 2-min recovery
600 meters at 5k pace 45-sec recovery
200 meters at Mile pace 2-min recovery
400 meters at 5k pace 45-sec recovery
reCoVerY reCoVerY
Recover from your last effort with a 2-3 mile Focus on control as you recover from your
Progression Run. Start slow and quicken your last workout. Recover with 2-3 Progression
pace over the course of your run. miles. Gradually build speed from your first
mile to your last.
3-4 miLeS
Running this distance consistently will help prepare
the body and mind to go the distance on race day.
Today is about recovering. Give your body what Give your body what it craves today by running
it craves by running a few Recovery miles, a few easy miles, doing a N+TC workout or
doing a N+TC workout or take the day off. take the day off.
1000 meters at 10k pace
1000 meters at Tempo pace
1000 meters at 10k pace
1000 meters at Tempo pace
1000 meters at 10k pace
5 weekS to go
warm Up
You are hitting your stride. Some days you will feel great. Other days you will feel tired. Both types of days will
show you that you are putting in the work and are on track to get where you need to be. You can modify the
following sequence to suit your week, but dont do Speed and Endurance runs back-to-back and stick to the
recommended distance. To round out your training, add N+TC workouts into your routine to get fit, fast.
300 meters at Mile pace 45-sec recovery
400 meters at 5k pace 2-min recovery
500 meters at 5k pace 2-min recovery
600 meters at 10k pace 2-min recovery
reCoVerY 500 meters at
400 meters at
pace 2-min
pace 2-min
300 meters at Mile pace
We recommend recovering with a 2-3 mile The purpose of todays 2-3 mile run is to
Progression Run. Start slow and quicken your recover after your last workout. Gradually build
pace over the course of your run. up speed so your last mile is your fastest.
4-5 miLeS
Get ready to go the distance on race day with your
weeks longest run.
Easy does it. Run a few Recovery miles, do a Go for a few Recovery miles, do a N+TC work-
N+TC workout or take the whole day off. out or take the whole day off. Give your body
whatever it craves today.
3 mile Progression Run averaging
at your Tempo pace.
4 weekS to go
time to eVoLVe
You are a different athlete now than you were when this started. Its time to do the work to become stronger,
faster and better. You can modify the following sequence to suit your week, but dont do Speed and Endurance
runs back-to-back and stick to the recommended distance. To round out your training, add N+TC workouts into
your routine to get fit, fast.
Start out your session with a 1.5-mile time
trialrunning at your 5k pace.
Follow with:
200 meters at 10k pace
200 meters at 5k pace
reCoVerY 200 meters at
200 meters at
Mile pace
10k pace
200 meters at 5k pace
200 meters at Mile pace
10-minute recovery after 2 miles
60-seconds recovery between
Recovery miles are as important as your Speed Use todays 2-3 mile run to recover as effi-
200 meter intervals
and Endurance Runs. Try running 2-3 miles ciently as possible. Build your speed gradually
progressively today. Start slow and gradually so your first mile is your slowest and your last
build your speed so your last mile is faster is your fastest.
than your first.
3-4 miLeS
Running this distance consistently will help prepare
the body and mind to go the distance on race day.
Today is about recovering. Give your body what Give your body what it craves today by running
it craves by running a few Recovery miles, a few easy miles, doing a N+TC workout or
doing a N+TC workout or take the day off. take the day off.
Run 3 miles as a Progression Run. Your pace
should drop so the last 1.5 miles are run at a
Tempo pace.
3 weekS to go
readY to rUn
You are fit, strong and ready to take on any workout on any day. The miles will start to pass by more quickly.
Make sure you appreciate what you have done and what you are doing. You can modify the following sequence
to suit your week, but dont do Speed and Endurance runs back-to-back and stick to the recommended
distance. To round out your training, add N+TC workouts into your routine to get fit, fast.
Run 1 Mile: Alternate running 200 meters at
Tempo pace then 200 meters at Mile pace.
Follow with 4-minute recovery.
Split 400m: the first 200m at Tempo pace the
reCoVerY last 200m at Mile pace. 2-minute recovery. reCoVerY
Split 400m: the first 200m at Tempo pace the
last 200m at Mile pace.
Recover from your last effort with a 2-3 mile Focus on control as you recover from your
Progression Run. Start slow and quicken your last workout. Recover with 2-3 Progression
pace over the course of your run. miles. Gradually build speed from your first
mile to your last.
3-4 miLeS
Get ready to go the distance on race day with your
weeks longest run.
Today is about recovering. Give your body what Go for a few Progression miles, do a N+TC
it craves by running a few Recovery miles, workout or take the whole day off. Give your
doing a N+TC workout or take the day off. body what it craves today.
Run uphill for 2 minutespreferably 90
seconds up and 30 seconds over a crest.
Repeat 6x.
2 weekS to go
(2x) 200 meters at Mile pace
400 meters at 10k pace
(2x) 200 meters at 5k pace
400 meters at 10k pace
reCoVerY (2x) 200 meters at Mile pace reCoVerY
60-second recovery between each interval.
The purpose of todays 2-3 mile run is to We recommend recovering with a 2-3 mile
recover after your last workout. Gradually build Progression Run. Start slow and quicken your
up speed so your last mile is your fastest. pace over the course of your run.
2-3 miLeS
Running this distance consistently will help prepare
the body and mind to go the distance on race day.
Easy does it. Run a few Recovery miles, do a Go for a few Recovery miles, do a N+TC work-
N+TC workout or take the whole day off. out or take the whole day off. Give your body
whatever it craves today.
1 mile Recovery Run
1 week to go
(2x) 200 meters at Mile pace
400 meters at 5k pace
800 meters at 10k pace
400 meters at Marathon pace
reCoVerY 200 meters at Mile pace
2-minute recovery between each interval.
Recovery miles are as important as your Speed Use todays 2-3 mile run to recover as effi-
and Endurance Runs. Try running 2-3 miles ciently as possible. Build your speed gradually
progressively today. Start slow and gradually so your first mile is your slowest and your last
build your speed so your last mile is faster is your fastest.
than your first.
raCe daY
Youve made it. Run strong and confidently this
week. Use what you have learned and the progress
you have made. You are ready to take the line.
reCoVerY reCoVerY
Today is about recovering. Give your body what Go for a few Progression miles, do a N+TC
it craves by running a few Recovery miles, workout or take the whole day off. Give your
doing a N+TC workout or take the day off. body what it craves today.
2 mile Recovery Run
SampLe pLan Breakdown
Below is a sample weekly breakdown of the plan. If your schedule doesnt match the training schedule, adjust
the training schedule to your needs. For best results, each week should include these key workouts Speed,
Endurance and Recovery, but prioritize Speed and Endurance if you dont have time to do everything. Use this
as a visual guide and get ready to tackle a 5K.
08 1-3 miLeS traCk reCoVerY traCk 1-3 miLeS 2-3 miLeS reCoVerY
07 1-3 miLeS traCk reCoVerY FartLek 1-3 miLeS 2-3 miLeS reCoVerY
06 2-3 miLeS traCk reCoVerY interVaLS 2-3 miLeS 3-4 miLeS reCoVerY
05 2-3 miLeS traCk reCoVerY tempo 2-3 miLeS 4-5 miLeS reCoVerY
04 2-3 miLeS traCk reCoVerY tempo 2-3 miLeS 3-4 miLeS reCoVerY
03 2-3 miLeS traCk reCoVerY HiLLS 2-3 miLeS 3-4 miLeS reCoVerY
02 2-3 miLeS traCk reCoVerY traCk 2-3 miLeS 2-3 miLeS reCoVerY
Crush your training with the Nike+ Recover better and get stronger
Running App. Track your route, during your training with the
distance, pace, time, calories and N+TC App. Choose from over 100
get real-time audio feedback to workouts by Nike Master Trainers
run better. Share photos, compare and top athletes, get motivation
progress and get in-run cheers from your crew, connect with the
from friends to motivate you while NTC community and train better
you chase your goals. together. Challenge yourself to earn
NikeFuel and N+TC Minutes that
are synced to your Nike+ profile.
You can download the N+TC App and the Nike+ Running App from the iTunes App Store for iPhone
and iPod Touch or from Google Play for Android phones.