12-11-17 Carbon-Cycle-Worksheet

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Name: _______________________

Carbon Cycle Worksheet

Reference: Carbon Cycle animation

Carbon Storage
1. What is carbon?

2. Where is carbon found on earth?

Carbon Cycle on land

3. Where do plants get the carbon dioxide they need for photosynthesis?

4. How do plants release carbon into the atmosphere?

5. How do plants become fossil fuels (such as coal and oil)?

Carbon Cycle in water

6. How does carbon move between the ocean and surface and the atmosphere?

7. Why do plants in water need carbon dioxide?

8. How do animals in the water get carbon?

9. How does the carbon end up as sediment on the bottom of the ocean floor?

Human influence on the carbon cycle

10. List 3 ways in which humans influence the carbon cycle and describe the effect of
this behaviour:




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Name: _______________________

Coal Oil Natural Gas burning of fossil fuels

Photosynthesis Respiration ocean sugar Greenhouse decayed

Word Bank Above

1. Plants use CO2 in the process of ___________________ to make

___________ and oxygen.
2. Animals use oxygen in the process of _______________ and make more CO2.
3. The ____________ is the main regulator of CO2 in the atmosphere because
CO2 dissolves easily in it.

4. In the past, huge deposits of carbon were stored as dead plants and animals
5. Today these deposits are burned as fossil fuels, which include
_____________, _______________, and ______________.
6. More CO2 is released in the atmosphere today than in the past because of
_________ ___________________ .
7. Another natural source for CO2 is __________________.
8. Too much CO2 in the atmosphere may be responsible for the
_______________ effect.
9. Write the equation for photosynthesis.

10. Draw a simple diagram of the Carbon Cycle using the words in the text box
11. Write the cellular respiration equation and the photosynthesis equation. List
how they are related.
12. Where does cellular respiration occur in the cell of animals.

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