One Voice by Ruth Moody

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ONE VOICE By Ruth Moody ‘As sung by The Wailin’ Jennys ‘wi Vocal score SSA (© 2004 Ruth Moody (SOCAN) www +s 8 z S 5 SSS ae =e © F —wiee, One spi-rit, one voice, sound of one who makes a_ Ah ————— oi a ee Ge & & , = — Thisis thesound of OneZ = roe at ney ocany NB. ~. a Fac tas, place capo on 7 fret, sound of me_sing-in'with___ you Hip-ing each o_ther to make it__ through Help-ing each o- ther’ fake sound of me_sing- in’ wit y “ a Be = Ea Fa Le ——————— SS Ss ’ N (SS eae Sa s Thisis the sound ofvoi ces two Thisisthe sound of voi ces two. Joe es ves oa This thesound _ of voi Ses fo. i This is the sound of voi ces. Sing-in'to ge-therinhar mon s ee eae = Thisis the sound of voi ces thre, Sing-in to ge-ther inhar- mo~ A SS SS == e Sess vss oe aes a Thisisthe sound Obi Ses ties, Sing-in'to ge-therinhar_mon N.B. - For guitars, place capo on 7 fret. © 2004 Ruth Moody (SOCAN) ue ‘Sur ~ ren-der ing to the my ste 1Y- render ing 0 hei se — Ea Fie" Thisis the sound of voi cos— thee. Se: — te Thsis the soundof voi ces three, Sess Thisis thesound of voi tes must Leavethe rest be-hind it amie Tiimust, —Leavethe restbe-hind % Tino Ee a & Be Haste ede oe Sea Thisis the soundf all of us, N.B.~For guitars, place capo on 7™ fret. isis the sound of onS— vice, One peo-ple, This is thesound of one____voiee, ne people, 08a This isthe sound Of Sne—varee, Chop Es a Thisis thesound of One | 2 saree eee S Thisis thesound of one. song for ev ~ ees Se

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