Buckleswasher - Sea of Knowledge 01 - Horror
Buckleswasher - Sea of Knowledge 01 - Horror
Buckleswasher - Sea of Knowledge 01 - Horror
Sea of Knowledge
To use this companion, a Dungeon Master also needs the Players Handbook,, the Epic Level Handbook and the
Dungeon Masters Guide, published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc.
A players needs only the Players Handbook
This netbook is based on material previously published in the AEG 7th Sea line and the Arthaus / Sword and Sorcery
Ravenloft line
Vodacce, Swashbuckling Adventures, Swashbuckling Arcana, Islands of Gold, Ships and Sea Battles, The Sidhe:
Book of Nightmares, Rapiers Edge are by Alderac Entairtainment Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
Swashbuckling Adventures and Swashbuckling Arcana are also 2003 by Alderac Entairtainment Group, Inc. All
rights reserved.
Ravenloft is trademark of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. a subsidiary of Hasbro Inc., in the USA and other countries.
Van Richtens Arsenal, Heroes of Light, Champions of Darkness, Gazetteer, Van Richtens Guide to the Shadow fey
are of Arthaus, Inc.
This netbook isnt published for profit. It can be distributed AS IT IS (with no changes) freely.
INTRODUCTION ............................. 3
Introduction describes the mystical Tessatore Fate Witches.
th If you dont like all the gothicness of this issue,
As some of you may already know, 7 Sea (or
dont be disappointed. We have non-horror
Swashbuckling Adventures if you prefer) has
material and future issues will have a definitely
ended a 30-book circle. After more than 5 years of
different theme we dont want to get stuck in the
publications, the weight of continuing the line falls
same things.
to the fans shoulders.
Oh, I hear someone shouting I dont even know
what the hell 7th Sea is its OK, dont worry, Ill Architects of Truth
make the necessary explanations: Usually, the non-rule portion of the text is written
7th Sea, or Swashbuckling Adventures in its dual in an in-character way, as a letter from an Architect
stated version is a game about swashbuckling of Truth.
action and secret societies. Its main world, Thah, What an Architect of Truth is? Well, Architects of
in a pseudo-historical world of 1668-1675, with Truth is a Than organization collecting and
most action and publications based around Europe, manipulating information. Architects of Truth
but also covering places from Far East to members often are members of other secret
Caribbean. Its a world of subtle magic and not societies, actually working as double agents. The
so subtle heroes. purpose of Architects of Truth as a whole isnt
But Swashbuckling Adventures is also about any clear some believe that NOM (Novus Ordum
Renaissance setting, so its wealth of information Mundi) is guiding them to unknown ends, while
can help with a Ravenloft CL 9 domains, a World other believe that its an organization where each
of Darkness ( of White Wolf) based game at member tries to gain personal profit through
that period or anything you imagine. The fact that information gathering.
its dual stated (d20 and 7th Sea systems) is In each netbook issue, well provide more light on
really helpful with any kind of crossovers. the organization, its relation to other organizations
The bad news, though, is that the 7th Sea line is and its mystical members. Dont wait to learn
suspended (but you can still find many of its books everything, though
in bookstores), and the line continues only through
web based publications. Article Format
Thats where this netbook fits: well try to cover
Headers: Each article has a header, providing
things of Thah left undescribed in previous
information on the title of the article, subject and
publications, and also open new Swashbuckling
opportunities in non Than worlds. With this first
Some tags in the heading need some more
issue, we offer new stories, adventure hooks,
characters and rules, to satisfy your and our hunger
Spoiler tag: The amount information that shouldnt
for new material for this lovely kind of play.
fall in the players eyes exists in the article. Green
This netbook has http://buckleswasher.witwat.net
articles have no such information, Yellow have an
as its base of operations. You can visit this site if
average amount of that kind of information, so the
you want to contribute with articles, images, ideas
player should avoid their GM and characters stats
or even just to sneak peek what were preparing for
sections, while Red articles are definitely GM
the next issues.
sections. Players who want to read them should
acknowledge the risk of spoiling the fun of a great
Theme adventure.
So, OK, I told you the basics, but I think its time Canon compatibility: How compatible is this
to explain the details of this Netbook. article with official material. The default value is
First of all, each issue of this Netbook will have a Yellow, while Green means that it has been
definite theme. More than half of each issue will fit officially approved as canon, while Red means that
with the selected theme. For the first one, we it includes world altering changes to the game and
selected horror. Mixing swashbuckling and horror needs careful planning to include in your games.
may seem strange, but just remembering all the References: This includes books that could help the
stories about phantom ships, Italian poisons and reader understand all the story part of the article.
dangerous explorations was enough to persuade us Rule parts usually clearly state the necessary
to choose this theme for the first issue. Thats why books.
this issues crossover involves the successful
Ravenloft world, while this issues magic section Rule sections: Rule sections are written in
different font and are clearly apart from the normal Sidebars: There are two kinds of sidebars: normal
in-character letters. sidebars and behind the screen ones. Normal
[d20] indicates rules in the d20 system, v. 3.5 sidebars provide the GM with information the
We chose 3.5 for various practical reasons, but it Architects of Truth cannot know or, for various
wont be difficult at all to adjust the stats to 3.0. reasons, choose not to write in the letters. Many of
[7th Sea] indicates rules in the roll & keep them involve rules. Behind the Screen sidebars
system. provide insight on the reason that a suggested rule
Were not planning to disappoint the fans of any exists and how it could affect your game.
system, so this netbook has dual-stated material
wherever applicable. tec-goblin
Like most young Strega the membership of the
Tessatore, even in our own Porta Serafina, has
doubtless remained beyond your knowledge. Even
the most connected Lachesis rarely knows the
names of more than one or two members. She has
certainly met most of them, but only in a few cases
can she say for certain that a given Atropos
actually sits on the Tessatore. This, my dear, is
quite deliberate. It gives most Strega a means to
have her complaints heard, but protects the
Tessatore at large from being pestered by
particularly stubborn Strega. This also means that
if you know that a given lady sits on the Tessatore,
keep that knowledge close to your chest; it is a rare
and valuable secret. Should a few powerful people
manage to uncover the entire roster, the results
could be disastrous. What if something should
happen while those women are on an outing Allow me to clarify, my dear. Most Tessatore
together? members use the same agents as the rest of
How does a women gain a seat on the Tessatore? Vodacce: their family, friends, and those men who
Dear child, ladies have died over such things. In owe them favors. Family members are of course
fact, they must. Most Tessatore require that a seat going to take the best interests of any given Strega
be vacated before a new member joins, and as to heart. Friends too are often willing to give
membership in the Tessatore is for life, the political aid in some form or another and these are
competition for seats can become, shall I say, again examples of politics as usual. Strega,
fierce. Once a seat is vacated, a selection process however, have access to a tool that no one else
begins wherein the current remaining members does, and it is through our abilities with Sorte that
decide on which Strega should be invited to fill the most of our favors come. A duellist you helped, a
empty seat. A number of factors are considered young lady who needed help melting the heart of
here. Obviously, the nominee must be Atropos her beloved, a captain who used your timely
(though in certain rural areas, where talent is financial advice to some gain all of them are the
limited, Lachesis may be considered oh, but what Tessatores pawns. However, the Tessatore has
do you care of what lies beyond Porta Serafina?). access to a resource that no other Strega can use:
Other factors come into play; age, political The Widows.
connections, support of other Strega, influence of Occasionally, the Tessatore needs someone with
ones husband and so forth can all distinguish one exceptional skills. Some tasks require the direct
candidate from another. Should you desire, and application of subtlety, Sorte, secrecy and,
should you know the identities of several members, regrettably, poison. The women who are trained in
personal pressure could be applied, but there is such things must owe their allegiance entirely to
always the possibility of making too many the Tessatore, so that all involved have no question
powerful enemies. as to where her loyalties lie. A woman who has a
Of course, once one becomes a member, the entire husband is clearly inappropriate, as she could very
roster is laid open to you when attending meetings well hold his interests above the Tessatores. A
(though some ladies will try to confuse the issue by young woman, not yet married, is equally
wearing heavy veils and only whispering, but such inappropriate, as she must remain a resource of her
theatrics often fail). Young members are often family. Therefore, the only Strega suited to this
pulled into one internal faction or another, based task are those who have, one way or another buried
upon to whom they owe their nomination, but that a husband.
is more or less politics as usual. You do know Should you ever come face to face with a woman
Scarovese? you know to be a Widow (their roster is secret as
The Porta Serafina Tessatore is fifteen members well), obey her completely. Her mistresses have
strong. Twelve of these ladies are Villanova sanctioned acts of aggression that would cause
Atropos, and these Strega are considered to be the another Strega to be put to death. She is to the
true Tessatore. Below them, though nominally of Tessatore what the Hand is to the Prince. Among
equal power, are three seats that are held by Strega our kind, she is the executioner, and you do not
of the various lesser families that populate Porta have the benefit of a trial. When she comes for
Serafina. I believe a Scrivelli holds one, but that you, your fate has been decided, in more ways than
particular roster changes rather quickly, and my one.
information may be out of date. Most affairs that Finally, it should be noted that at least one member
require the entire Tessatores attention usually boil of the Tessatore will always have the ear of the
down to a simple majority vote, though many local Governor. While she cannot command him,
issues are dealt with long before the entire she can recommend courses of action to him,
Tessatore hears of it. Most individual members of which he, gentleman that he is, will doubtless
the Tessatore have direct access to one or more of execute to the best of his convenience. I will be
the Tessatores unique brand of tradition enforcer, very disappointed, my dear, if I discover that both
and it is through them that problems are solved The Widows and The Hand are after you. Such
before they develop into emergencies that require mistakes are the mark of a fool or a foreigner.
the entire Tessatores attention. You may have
heard of The Widows. Motives
The Tessatore as a whole cares about few things.
Agents Its individual members often try to use it for their
own purposes, but by and large it keeps its hand Tessatore, and have all of the powers and
out of everyday affairs. When the Tessatore does responsibilities of a member of that group.
involve itself, however, something has gone You are responsible for the community of
terribly wrong, and someones secret has been Strega of your area, and it is expected that
exposed. you will take action if anything threatens the
The Tessatore exists, first and foremost, to police traditions of Vodacce or if any other Strega
the Strega. The men cannot fulfil this function, and acts in an unacceptable manner.
so we must fulfil it ourselves. Should a Strega "Unacceptable" has a wide range of
make the ultimate sacrifice and become definitions that varies based upon the city or
Unravelled, it is the Tessatore that will send the area that you are in. More often than not it
always describes a Strega who has begun to
Widows to deal with it. Should some Strega forget
investigate things she shouldn't or an
her breeding and attempt to leave Vodacce and her
Unbound who thinks that just because he is
family behind, the Tessatore sees to it that her
immune to Sorte he is above the rule of
family has all the help it needs to retrieve her.
Fate. Being a member of the Tessatore gives
Many young Strega, upon finally achieving you unmatched access to ritual Sorte magic,
Atropos, are too free with their shears, and need to a large pool of powerful contacts, and a
be reminded that fate is best handled with a position that could frighten the most
delicate hand. It goes without saying that the powerful man in the area.
Tessatore in Porta Serafina is interested in all
things Villanova to the detriment of all things Membership: The Widows - 5 pts
related to the other greater families.
Most importantly, however, is one very important You are a member of the Widows, the
lesson the Strega learned long ago. They watch for poisoned dagger of the Tessatore. When a
any new developments in Sorte. If a Strega Strega has been found dead for no apparent
develops a technique that is useable, it is reason, it is you who investigate. When a
appropriated. However, some Strega have delved member of the Tessatore needs someone to
too deeply into the strands, and have unearthed get a talking to, it is you who do the talking.
knots in fate that should never be touched. If the When some young girl thinks that she can
Tessatore have anything to say about it, there will twist the fate of every duel she sees, it is
never be another Mad Queen. you who disabuse her of that notion. You
are the public face of the Tessatore, and
The hour is late, and my poor dictators hand is all whenever another Strega sees you, she
cramped. Tomorrow, expect to receive a letter knows the power that you represent. This is
concerning how the Tessatore actually goes about a difficult place to be - not many Widows are
doing what it does, from the Crowning to veils that known for their happy social lives. They are
feared, but they are respected, even if it is
inspire loyalty.
only because they are the mouthpieces of
someone much, much higher up.
And dear, I would keep all of this private if I were
you. Do expect different Tessatores to be different This is not recommended for beginning
- I have heard that in Dionna there are only nine players. It is feasible that an apprentice
members, and that only Villanova Atropos are could be a Widow, as she could be used for
allowed to join. the "mouthpiece" role, but until she was
Adept she would have little other use. Of
Your devoted Aunt, course, other skills (read "poison and spy")
Nicoletta Villanova can recommend a lady who would otherwise
be unacceptable, and devious members of
the Tessatore have been known to use
Senzavista (noble daughters without the
Advantages, Feats and Backgrounds power of Sorte) as Widows just because no
one expects it.
[7Th SeaTM]
Membership: Tessatore - 6pts - Adept As a Widow, this character has undergone
or Master Fate Witch only the Widow's Walk, and has all the benefits
thereof. She has Staves (loyalty) strands
You have become a member of the connecting her to each member of the
Tessatore (truly, a curse?). She is trusted by person. You don't care about your friends,
them and, in spite of herself, trusts them even if you can remember why you used to
slightly and is predisposed to obey them. care about them. You only have a few
Not bound to obey, should she desire to strands left to connect you to the world of
rebel, but such disobedience becomes more the sane, and even then, your hold is a bit
difficult. Her Arcana is also marked with the loose.
superimposed image of a black widow
spider. Her original Arcana, if she had one, The number of points you have in this
is still easily visible. She is also able to background reflects the severity of your
spend a drama die in order to invoke a Fear condition and whether or not there are any
2 effect against any other Strega that has Strega out there who feel like they have
seen her marked Arcana. unfinished business with you. A three might
indicate only one strand of any stability left,
[d20TM] which you must cling to in order to survive,
Use the Membership feat. or it might mean that you have two or three
strands left, but grandpa is awful sick, and
[7Th SeaTM] your house is about to fall apart. A one
Background: Fragile Strands might indicate that perhaps a year has gone
by, that you have made a few more
You messed up, big time. For whatever connections, but it is still jarring to run
reason, the Tessatore of somewhere decided across the woman you used to love, or
that they needed to Lay Bare Your Soul. Like maybe you just had lots of court strands,
most that undergo this ritual, you were but you still feel like a different person and
tossed out onto the street after they were your old friends don't like you a much
through with you, and you were a changed anymore.
Here are some new techniques developed by the she reaches out and grasps as many of the
more powerful members of the Tessatore. The targets strands as she can get her hands
first, Clutching, was designed for The Widows, so on, and pulls. This never does any
that they might incapacitate the Sorte Strega that permanent damage to the target's strands,
flee from them without killing them before their but it does produce an incredibly
"fair" trial. The second, Marking, is a rather disorienting sensation as her loves briefly
common technique used by many Atropos to mark turn to hates and her loyalties get mixed up
their business as their own, or by the Tessatore to with her desires. In Roll and Keep terms, the
mark that which should not be tampered with. Strega rolls Resolve + her lowest strand, not
including the Black or Arcana strands, vs. TN
[7th SeaTM] 15. If she succeeds, she raises the targets
Clutching lowest action die by one, plus one for every
Cost: 10 experience points raise she made on the original roll. If any
Requirement: Lachesis (Adept) action die is raised to eleven or higher, it is
lost. This is a regular combat action.
Sometime, a Widow must pursue quarry Especially skilled Widows have been known
that, for whatever inscrutable reason, does to reduce their quarry to whimpering
not wish to be caught. This technique, masses of conflicting emotions.
taught to Widows by the Tessatore, is so
that the Widow has more options than just Marking
cutting strands. When a Strega uses Clutch, Cost: 10 experience points
Requirement: Atropos (Master)
next day (day here being defined by "until
Some Strega have, occasionally, found it everyone gets some rest"). Ritual magic
useful to mark an item as unquestionably may obviously not be performed by anyone
theirs. The Tessatore especially have had to who is also engaged in combat. More Strega
mark an item as theirs so that no other may participate in a ritual than that ritual
Strega would dare touch it or meddle in requires - the numbers given are bare
their affairs. By rolling Resolve + Arcana minimums. Drama dice requirements can
against TN 30, a Strega can inscribe a seal come from anyone involved, the Strega
or personalized mark on the Arcana of an performing the ritual or the hapless victim.
inanimate object. This mark is visible to all Additional drama dice can be spent and
Strega who look at the item's Arcana, and added to the roll as usual.
leaves no question as to the importance of a
given object to a particular Strega. All Widow's Walk
Strega who have mastered this technique Prerequisites: Membership (Tessatore)
have an individual seal, as does the Number of participants: At least 4 Lachesis
Tessatore of any given area. It is possible to (Adept), plus 1 Atropos (Master)
forge the seal of another Strega, but this Target Number: 110
requires a Wits + Arcana roll vs. TN 40, or Drama Dice Spent: 6 (5000 XP)
TN 45 if the Strega is trying to forge a
Tessatore seal. This cannot be used on living Initiation - This ritual is used to induct new
creatures of any kind - that is the province Widows into their clandestine sisterhood.
of ritual magic. Woe to the Lord or Lady who The Strega receiving Widow's Walk stands in
receives a letter or package bearing the the center of a circle formed by the casting
indelible mark of the Tessatore. Strega. They, in turn, circle about the
initiate as they carefully manipulate her
loyalty, binding her to the Tessatore and
Ritual Sorte Magic marking her as their agent. The initiate
gains a strength 3 Staves strand connected
Through ritual magic, a number of Strega to each of the participating Strega. If she
can combine their abilities to accomplish already has a Staves strand connecting her
specialized feats that no one witch could to a participating Strega, that strand is
achieve alone. Needless to say, the raised to three, or gains + 1 strength if it is
Tessatore have a near monopoly on these already at three or above. This, however, is
rituals, and they are intended primarily as only the secondary power of this ritual. The
plot devices. Many of them leave a mark on new Widow's Arcana becomes marked, so
the recipients soul, and all of them will that any Strega looking at her Arcana sees
change her life forever. the superimposed image of a black widow
spider. This occurs even if the new Widow
To perform ritual magic, at least three had no Arcana previously. When in combat
Strega must be present. The strongest against any Strega who has seen her altered
makes the roll, (usually Resolve + Mastery Arcana, the Widow may spend a drama die
level, keeping resolve) against a TN which to call upon the merciless and unstoppable
varies depending on the ritual. Each Strega reputation of the Widows and invoke a Fear
aiding may assist the roll by adding 2 effect. In this way, the Tessatore ensures
(Mastery level k1) to the leader's roll - in the loyalty of its agents and marks those
dice rolled and kept, not in straight women as instruments of punishment in a
numbers. For example, if three Atropos are way that any Strega can see, but without
performing a Crowning (TN 65), the alerting any male bodyguards to the threat
strongest (Resolve 5) will roll 8k5. The other that such a woman presents.
Atropos each add 3k1 to the roll, so that the
final numbers of rolled and kept dice, A similar ritual exists to remove these
remembering the rule of ten, will be 10k10 benefits should a Widow ever go rogue.
+ 10. If this roll fails, all of the Strega
involved take one dramatic would from fate The Crowning
snapping out of their control. This wound
Prerequisites: Membership (Tessatore)
can be healed with a simple night's rest, but
Number of participants: 3 Atropos (Master)
the ritual may not be tried again until the
Target Number: 65
Drama Dice Spent: 9 have no memory of the ritual itself, but will
know that some very evil women took away
something very dear to him. He will
Punishment - Occasionally, a Strega is too remember caring about things and people,
free with her shears, and needs to be but will not understand why he doesn't care
brought back into line without causing about them anymore, and why he doesn't
embarrassing deaths or disappearances. even want to care about them. He will fixate
Instead, the unruly Strega is often subjected on whatever is left to him, to the exclusion
to the Crowning. She is subdued (usually by of nearly all else, in an effort to save what
the Widows - such work is too messy for remains of his tattered personality. He may
proper members of the Tessatore), often recover some day, but he will never be the
knocked unconscious, and surrounded by same.
the participating Atropos. This trio (or more)
of Strega weave a complex web of strands When someone has only one or two strands
around the offending Strega's head, which left to him after Laying Bare the Soul, he
settles on top of them and creates an begins to bear a remarkable resemblance to
afterimage on the punished Strega's Arcana, the waisen of Eisen. Should these last one
which can be easily perceived, as per the or two things be taken, he will be
Widows Walk, above. The sight of this mark completely lost to apathy. Often, the Strega
will not, however, cause fear to those who who did this to the victim can easily have
see it, but rather pity. A Strega who has this arranged. It should be noted that this
been subjected to the Crowning cannot raise punishment is as terrifying as it is rare. The
any of her Sorte knacks above four, and has only Strega to use anything like it on a
any Sorte knacks above four reduced to frequent basis was the Mad Queen, and no
four. This, of course, neatly caps the one wants to be accused of having any
Strega's mastery level at Lachesis. After the resemblance to her.
Crowning, few are willing to try the patience
of the Tessatore again. No ritual recorded [d20]
can reverse this, but who knows what Clutching is possible through the confusion
Beatrice Caligari was working on prior to her and emotion spells, which are already in the
death. If only her notebook could be found Fate Witch list.
have some differences than the usual epic Effects as in 7th SeaTM system, except as
spells. First, the seeds are used in a more noted. Enhancing the staves strands (or
generalised way (for example, Afflict was creating new ones) provides to each
changed in The Crowning to provide a cap in participant a +3 circumstance bonus when
a spellcasting class instead of penalty to making skill checks to influence the targets
caster level checks, with increased DC of opinions, while the target receives the same
course). Second, all spells have a special bonus to influence the participants opinions.
mitigating and a special normal factor This ability works like the Staves Spread
applied to them. Sorte ability, but lasts for the duration of the
The normal factor is Allowing Extra spell.
Spellcasters in a ritual. Except from the The target is subject to this effect even if
normal number of spellcasters used in a immune to fear. The fear descriptor exists
ritual, this factor allows you to use because the target gains the frightful
additional spellcasters each time you cast presence ability (which is a fear effect). All
the ritual. Each at least adept sorte of the targets HD count for the purpose of
spellcaster providing a 4th level sorte slot this ability. The ability triggers when a fate
provides 5 to the Spellcraft DC to cast the witch watches the targets Arcana and sees
spell. the spider.
The mitigating factor is Backlash in case
of failure 3d6 backlash which are applied to The Crowning
all participants, only in case of failure in the Enchantment (Compulsion) [Fear, Mind-
Spellcraft check to cast the spell. This Affecting]
damage can only be healed through natural Spellcraft DC: 39
rest, but, until healed, prevents the Components: V, S, XP
damaged individuals from participating in Casting Time: 2 days 11 minutes
any epic sorte rituals. Range: 300 ft
Note on costs: in each spells entry there Target: One other living creature
is the normal cost in gp, xp and days of Duration: Permanent
study to learn the spell, as calculated from Saving Throw: Will negates (+5 DC)
the epic spellcasting rules. I also include an Spell Resistance: Yes
alternate set of costs, which suits better low To Develop: 351,000 gp; 7 days; 14,040
magic worlds such as Thah. Of course, XP. [Alternate cost: 50,500 gp; 7 months,
Tessatore have already researched these 11 days; 39,040 XP (can divided among
spells. multiple researchers)] Seeds: afflict (DC
14). Factors: Allowing Extra Spellcasters in a
Widows Walk ritual (+1 DC), Change effect to level cap
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Fear, Mind- (+24 DC), Increased Will DC (+10 DC)
Affecting] Permanent (x5). Mitigating factors: increase
Spellcraft DC: 37 casting time by 10 minutes (20 DC),
Components: V, S, XP increase casting time by 2 days (-4 DC),
Casting Time: 11 minutes Backlash in case of failure (-2 DC), Ritual
Range: 75 ft Spellcasting (2 ninth level slots) (34 DC),
Target: One other living creature 14,600 XP cost (-146 DC).
Duration: Permanent (D) Effects as in 7th SeaTM, except as noted.
Saving Throw: Will negates Instead of the knack limit, the target cannot
Spell Resistance: Yes advance above level 14 in the Fate Witch
To Develop: 333,000 gp; 7 days; 13,320 class. If already at higher level, she loses all
XP. [Alternate cost: 41,500 gp; 7 months; sorte abilities gained at higher than 14th
33,320 XP (can divided among multiple levels (extra spells known, extra spells cast
researchers)] Seeds: afflict (DC 14), compel per day, sorte checks bonus, master
(DC 19). Factors: Allowing Extra abilities, destroying strands, black spread,
Spellcasters in a ritual (+1 DC), Dismissable Arcana spread, creating strands).
(+2 DC), Permanent (x5). Mitigating
factors: increase casting time by 10 minutes Laying Bare the Soul. Considering that
(20 DC), Backlash in case of failure (-2 fate witches have insanity and imprisonment
DC), Ritual Spellcasting (4 fourth level slots) in their spell list, the description above is
(28 DC), 9300 XP cost (-93 DC). just a way to add flavor to these spells.
Maybe, if the spell above becomes epic, the until one gets past the opponents will save
DC could increase significantly, but the cost seems more efficient.
isnt worth it. Multiple castings of insanity
To His-Wisdom-Unparalleled, Muhammad eyes and ears open, and to exploit every weakness
Takim'aldiz, in security, so that she could give accurate
information to her father's trained thieves who
The following is a brief description of a Strega I would handle most of the actual unpleasant work.
know of, as per your request for an example of Unlike her cousins, she kept her eyes up as well as
"that rarely seen Vodacce creature, the Fate open, and patiently waited for her chance at social
Witch." I find her repulsive, personally, but you advancement, a frivolous dream her father
may draw what conclusions you will. In exchange occasionally beat her for indulging in.
for this favor to you, perhaps you would be willing
to write to a correspondent of mine, a certain All that changed when her alert eyes caught a local
Ceasar Vestini, who is interested in the topic of member of the Prince's Hand dumping his superior
swordsmanship in the Crescent Empire. If you into a canal. She approached him with her
could inform him, I would consider this favor information. She knew that, as a member of the
repaid in full. Hand, he would not have to really worry about
being accused of murder. However, the dead man
Vodacce, as you may know, is a land that rewards had a powerful friend that even the Hand had cause
those who ceaselessly strive for excellence and to fear. Dimitrius Villanova de la Deus Verde, the
achievement. If one needs inspiration in this new governor of Porta Serefina. Rather than ask
tumultuous nation, one only needs to look to the for money or favors on behalf of the Prince,
tops of her vaulted towers. In one of them resides however, Piccarda asked for the one thing that
Piccarda Villanova. would have truly startled the agent of the Hand:
She was born to a branch of the Villanova family
that was notoriously known for producing Strega Overnight, Piccarda's status skyrocketed. She went
of middle power at best. In fact, their sons had from being the third daughter of a dying family to
been forced to marry outside of the family for so being the blushing new bride of Valerius
long that many in Porta Serafina hardly even Villanova, an man who was rapidly climbing the
considered them to be Villanova any more. As a ranks of the Hand. Piccarda used her Sorte, the true
result, they were forced to rely on means of strength of which she had carefully concealed from
gaining power and respect that circumvented the her father, to increase her new husband's fortune,
usual order of society. With this alternate source of and within a few short years she found herself at
revenue came a certain amount of danger, and so the top of the food chain, or at least as near the top
the Strega of this branch routinely learned to a she could have dreamed. She found that the
defend themselves in order to compensate for their talents she had learned on the seedy side of life
lesser talents of Sorte. were just as useful now that she was near the top,
and it was not long before she began noticing the
Piccarda was no different. Like her cousins she little things that everyone else ignored.
was often used, even at a young age, as a spy by
her family. This is not to say that she went about There were a few Strega who seemed to know each
sneaking through hallways and breaking into other, who exchanged hidden glances and secret
private quarters, but she was trained to keep her messengers at night. Piccarda, of course, grew
curious. After months of information gathering, and actually play games with it. For money. She
she had compiled a neat little list with five names has become something of an expert on seedy
on it. She approached one of the Strega on that list backroom card games, and occasionally goes
with a proposition, and a few weeks later, the four slumming with her bodyguard to the gambling
other names from that list perished quietly in the dens of Porta Serafina, a holdover from her youth.
night. The Porta Serafina Tessatore had four new She rarely loses, and even if she did she has plenty
empty seats, one of which was given to Piccarda of cash, so the finances will never catch up to her
soon after. However, it is only a matter of time before her
enemies discover this guilty pleasure. When that
She has since risen to be the nominal head of the happens, her credibility in high society will
Tessatore, if such a thing can be said to exist plummet dangerously, and she will need to take
among such a gathering of powerful figures. By quick action to cover the social blunder.
controlling a few other key members with favors
and, occasionally, blackmail, she has been able to
sway important decision in her favor, and thus [d20TM 3.5]
stands out as a first among equals. Three of the Female human (Vodacce) Fate Witch
other Strega can be convinced to vote her way, and 18/Cappuntina Knife Fighter 3: CR 21 SZ M
she has been friendly with the current Scrivelli humanoid; HD 18d6+3d8; HP:76; Init +2;
member for several years. She is the leader of the Spd 30ft; AC 13 (+1 Dex, +2 dodge), touch
Tessatore in that she controls the largest faction. 13, flat-footed 10; BAB +12; Grapple +12;
Atk +15 2 mw daggers ranged (2d4+4) or
Piccarda Villanova is a tall woman with the figure +14 mw dagger melee (d4+2/x3); Full atk
+14/+9/+4 mw dagger melee (d4+2) or
of a woman in her late twenties. Her eyes are hard
+13/+8/+3 1-2 mw daggers ranged (d4+2
and alert, and her hands move with a natural grace
if one dagger, 2d4+4 if two daggers /19-20
that could distract one from the scar on her left
x2) and +13 1-2 mw daggers ranged (d4+1
wrist, a reminder of one of those four names on if one dagger, 2d4+2 if two daggers/19-20
that short list. She rarely misses anything, from a x2); SA Arcana Spread, Blessings and
hidden look to a secret smile, and will not rest until Curses, Cups Spread, Coins Spread,
she discovers the cause. Destroying Strands, Hand Full of Daggers,
Pinning Attack, Staves Spread, Sword
I sincerely hope this satisfies your curiosity. I Spread, Tugging Strands; SQ Black Spread,
remain your esteemed fellow Architect. Black Strand, Fate's Friend (+3/-3), Fate
Web, Preternatural Dodge +2, Sense Strand
Nicoletta Villanova. (3), Sorte Checks +12, The Arcana; AL NE-
CE; SV Fort 8, Ref 8, Will 17; Str 10, Dex
GM Secrets 12, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 20, Cha 14;
Piccarda doesn't have many secrets, but those she Skills: bluff 13, concentration 6, craft
does have are more than enough. She has complete (poison) 12, diplomacy 4, escape artist 9,
knowledge of the Hand's activities in the area gather information 9, hide 12, intimidate 8,
through her husband, and her connections in Strega knowledge (games) 12, knowledge (nobility
society mean that she can have her fingers in any & royalty) 12, listen 9, move silently 9,
pie she chooses. perform (acting) 8, perform (dance) 8,
perform (oratory) 5, perform (singing) 5,
Her biggest secrets, however, come from without. sense motive 17, spellcraft 18, spot 10;
Someone on the Tessatore knows all about her Languages: Vodacce;
short list and how she joined the Tessatore. She Feats: Alertness, Epic Fortitude, Epic Sorte
Casting, Heighten Spell, Parry, Poison
isn't sure who exactly yet, but she means to find
Immunity (Witchflesh), Quick Draw (virtual),
out before they try to blackmail her or send her to
Two-weapon Shooting (aka Ambidexterity &
sleep in the canals. Also, her husband's courtesan
Off Handed Accuracy) (virtual), Weapon
has begun snooping about where she shouldn't, and
Focus (dagger), Weapon Specialization
Piccarda is starting to suspect that the whore has (dagger); Arcana: Uncanny;
some very powerful and curious friends. Spells (caster level 18, 9/9/8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1.
DC 15+ spell level). Spells known: 0-level:
Finally, she is endlessly amused that common charm person, clariaudience/clairvoyance;
sailors have taken a fate deck, dropped a few cards,
1-level: suggestion; 2-level:detect thoughts, (Tessatore), Vodacce Accent - Arenda
misdirection; 3-level: hold person, Candide
nondetection;4-level: discern lies, modify Sorte - Atropos (Master): Black 4, Coins 5,
memory;5-level:dominate person, sending; Cups 5, Staves 5, Swords 5, Arcana 5
6-level:mislead; 7-level: insanity, mind fog; Sorte Abilities: Clutching, Marking
8-level: trap the soul; 9-level: imprisonment Cappuntina Journeyman: Throw (knife) 4,
Trick Shot 4, Pin 4, Exploit Weakness 5
[7th SeaTM] (Cappuntina)
Piccarda Villanova - Villain Courtier: Dancing 2, Etiquette 4, Fashion 2,
Brawn 2 Oratory 2, Diplomacy 1, Gaming 3, Gossip
Finesse 3 2, Politics 2, Scheming 3, Sincerity 3
Wits 5 Performer: Acting 2, Dancing 2, Oratory 2,
Resolve 4 Singing 1, Cold Read 4
Panache 3 Spy: Shadowing 2, Stealth 3, Bribery 4,
Reputation -68 Conceal 2, Poison 3, Sincerity 3
Arcana: Uncanny Knife: Attack (knife) 3, Parry (knife) 4,
Advantages: Noble, Keen Senses, Poison Throw (knife) 4
Immunity (Witchflesh), Membership
Sophia Monderi - Unraveled Revisited
Author tec-goblin
Topic Monster/Character
Spoiler Tag Yellow
Canon Compatibility Yellow (7thSeaTM)/ Red (d20TM)
References VodacceTM and Heroes, Villains and MonstersTM for Unraveled, this
netbook for the Fate Lashes variant
probably without having been seen by Sophia information 8, Intimidate 12, Knowledge
Monderi, but I sensed her loose fate strands (arcana) 8, Knowledge (local) 7,
almost licking my back. Knowledge (nobility & royalty) 7, Sense
I was out very fast, thinking of what happened: motive 12, Spellcraft 5; Languages:
Sophia Monderi was undead, but was still in her Castillian, Montaigne, Vodacce;
house, operating under her husband's nose Feats: Extend Spell, Greater Spell Focus
idiotic, ignorant males! Probably he is one of her (Enchantment), Heighten Spell,
targets, but I suspect that she'd damage his Membership (Tessatore), Spell Focus
courtesans first, just to see if he will be interested (Enchantment), Weapon Finesse; Arcana:
in his wife. Fortunate;
Spells (caster level 10, 5/6/5/4/2/1).
I urged the Tessatore to provide help in this
Spells known: 0-level (DC 13): charm
one of our members has turned to an undead
person*, augury; 1-level (DC 14):
monstrosity, possibly wanting also to harm other
suggestion*; 2-level (DC 15): detect
of our kind (for what other reason would she call
thoughts, misdirection; 3-level (DC 16):
for a fate witch in her initial letter?). You will bestow curse, hold person*; 4-level (DC
soon have news about the conclusion of Sophia's 17): modify memory*; 5-level (DC 18):
story. dominate person*
'Faithfully' yours, *Saves against that spell have +2 DC
Nicoletta Villanova
[d20TM] Sophia Monderi- Villain
Sophia Monderi: Female undead (ex- Brawn: 2; Finesse: 4; Wits: 4; Resolve: 3;
human (Vodacce)), unraveled Fate Witch Panache 2
10: CR 13; SZ M (5' 4''); HD 10d12; HP: Reputation: -13
65; Init +4; Spd 30ft; AC 20 (+4 Dex, +4 Arcana: Fortunate
Deflection, +2 Dodge), touch 18, flat- Advantages: Castillian, Membership
footed 14; Atk +9 fate lash melee (d4 and (Tessatore), Montaigne, Vodacce
energy drain and permanent Charisma TN to be hit: 5
damage); Full Atk d6 fate lashes +9 melee Attack roll: Fate Strand 6k4
(d4 and energy drain and permanent Damage Roll: -1 Drama Die or 1 Dramatic
Charisma damage); SA Blessings and Wound
Curses, Cups Spread, Coins Spread, Fate Fortune Telling: Cold Read 3, Occult 1,
lash (Reflex DC 14), Staves Spread, Sword Oratory 3, Palm Reading 1
Spread, Tugging Strands; SQ Fate's Friend Courtier: Dancing 1, Diplomacy 1,
(+1/-1), Fate web, Preternatural Dodge Etiquette 1, Fashion 1, Gossip 2, Oratory
+2, Sense Strand (2), Sorte Checks +6, 3, Scheming 2, Sincerity 1
The Arcana, Undead Qualities; AL NE; SV Sorte (Adept): Arcana 4, Cups 2, Coins 4,
Fort 3, Ref 7, Will 10; Str 10, Dex 18, Con Staves 3, Swords 4
-, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 9; See VodacceTM for details on the special
Skills: Bluff 10, Concentration 9, Craft abilities.
(tapestry) 8, Diplomacy 7, Gather
Unraveled Template
Unraveled is a template that can be added to any fate witch who dies from a fate lash,
(referred to hereafter as the base creature). In settings other than Thah, the template can
also be applied to diviners at the discretion of the DM. The unraveled uses all the base
creatures statistics, and special abilities, except as noted here.
Type: The base creatures type changes to undead.
HD: All HD of the unraveled change to d12. Remember that undead have no constitution
Speed: As the base creature.
AC: Unraveled gain +4 deflection bonus to AC. You should also take into account the increase
to Dexterity.
Attacks: An Unraveled can attack each turn with d6 fate lashes. They count as a natural
weapon and all are considered primary weapon for purposed of damage and attack bonuses.
You don't apply the Strength modifier to fate lash damage.
Damage: As in Heroes, Villains, and MonstersTM. The Reflex save for Charisma damage
should be 10 +1/2 Unraveled HD+ Charisma modifier.
Special Attacks: An Unraveled retains all the special qualities of the base creature and also
gains the following: Fate lash (as above).
Special Qualities: An Unraveled retains all the special qualities of the base creature and also
gains the following.
Fate Web: As in Heroes, Villains, and MonstersTM, but we suggest that the DC of the Reflex
save for half damage should be 10 +1/2 damage dealt.
Undead qualities: Darkvision 60 feet. Immunity to all mind-affecting effects. Immunity to
poison, sleep effects, paralysis, stunning, disease, and death effects. Not subject to critical
hits, nonlethal damage, ability drain, or energy drain. Immune to damage to its physical
ability scores (Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution), as well as to fatigue and exhaustion
effects. Healed by negative energy. Immunity to any effect that requires a Fortitude save
(unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless). Uses its Charisma modifier for
Concentration checks. Not at risk of death from massive damage, but when reduced to 0
hit points or less, it is immediately destroyed. Not affected by raise dead and reincarnate
spells or abilities. Undead do not breathe, eat, or sleep.
Saves: Same as the base creature, but taking into account changes into Ability scores.
Abilities: Dex +4, Con -, Cha -4.
Skills: Same s the base creature, but taking into account changes into Ability scores.
Feats: Same as the base creature, plus Combat Reflexes and Improved Disarm. All Arcana
are substituted by Fortunate.
Climate/Terrain: Vodacce (any city).
Organization: Solitary.
Challenge Rating: As base creature +3.
Level Adjustment: As base creature +5.
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral evil.
Advancement: Same as the base creature.
Charm - Sorcery of Inismore
knives. As she had predicted, none made any Until our next meeting,
attempt to shoot her, instead wrestling with P__ de V__
sheathed daggers in a vain effort to fend her off. In
what seemed like the space of a few seconds all Charm Sorcery
three were fleeing away from the road. The Sidhe feel a close affinity for the Triple
Kingdoms, a closeness which is reflected in the
There, it seemed, our luck ran out; almost blinded common name for the islands: the Glamour Isles.
by a flash of gunpowder and deafened by the shot But the Glamour of Avalon is not the only gift they
of a pistol ringing out, I barely saw Sinad collapse gave to their chosen peoples, merely the most well
to the ground, the blood from the chest wound known; three related forms of Sorcery were given
beginning to seep into her blouse face. The to the three kingdoms. Their gift to the people of
highwayman lowered his pistol and began to Inismore is known as Charm.
reload it, and as he did so the feeling began to
return to my legs. Emboldened by Sinads actions Practitioners of this form of sorcery have the
I pulled myself up and strode over to him, power to take on certain aspects of anyone they
intending to challenge him to a duel. Just as I was touch for a short time - most commonly strength or
about to speak, however, the highwaymans mouth memories, although some can briefly manifest
fell open and an expression of mild surprise their target's sorcery. Masters are particularly
dawned upon his face. powerful, with the ability to drain their targets of
energy for several minutes at a time.
Momentarily taken aback by this, I was unprepared
for the sight which next greeted my eyes: a patch The Charm sorcerer is typically subtle in approach,
of blood appeared on his shirt, growing larger and since his power does not draw attention to itself
wetter as I watched. The man fell to his knees, when it is used. When he touches a target and uses
gasping for breath, and within a moment went limp his power, the veins on his hand often seen to grow
and collapsed onto the ground. The only and pulsate, almost as if the energy he draws from
explanation I am able to present for this his target is flowing through them directly.
extraordinary occurrence is that, as he fell, I noted
Sinad holding onto his left ankle. The lady, whom [7thSeaTM]
I had previously thought to be passed on, then To activate a charm, you must be touching
raised herself up and returned to the carriage the target (skin must touch skin). If the
without a word; as she did so, I noted a small lump target is resisting, this is a contested
of lead fall to the ground from her blouse. Finesse check each round; otherwise, it is
automatic. The charm lasts until the
Given these astonishing events, I felt it my duty to sorcerer loses contact with his target. The
target does not have to be conscious.
stay with Sinad for several months after my
A character can only activate one charm at
business in the area was finished, the better to
any one time, although he could be the
understand her power. During this time we
target of more than one.
discussed with some degree of thoroughness the
abilities and limitations of her unusual heritage; I Country of origin: Avalon (Inismore)
will present these more detailed findings to you in Sorcery knacks: Expertise, Health,
person at the earliest opportunity. Maintain, Memory, Sorcery, Trait
sorcerer and his target is shared between TN25 for each wound transferred to resist it;
them. For the cost of 1 Drama Die, the any wounds which are resisted stay with the
sorcerer can use the Share ability of any sorcerer.
Charm knacks he knows. The target is Note that transferred wounds to not revert
aware of the charm if he succeeds at a Wits back to their original owner after the
check at TN 15. charm's duration is up.
Master Maintain
Steal: The sorcerer has developed the The sorcerer has learned to hold the effects
ability to temporarily take an aspect of his of a charm for a short time after he has lost
target to add to his own. For the cost of 1 physical contact with his target. This knack
Drama Die, the sorcerer can use the Steal does not cost a Drama Die to use.
ability of any Charm knacks he knows. The He tests against Resolve + Maintain (TN 15)
target, if conscious, is always aware of the when the charm's duration has ended in
charm. order to keep the charm going. The
additional duration for the charm is:
Knacks Apprentice level: Not applicable;
charms at this level are
Expertise instantaneous.
See: The sorcerer nominates a knack. On a Adept level: One round per rank
successful Wits + Expertise check at TN 25, Master level: 1k1 rounds per
he knows how many ranks his target has in rank
this knack. This charm is instantaneous.
Share: The sorcerer nominates a knack. For At the end of this period you can use this
the duration of this charm, the sorcerer uses knack again, but the TN goes up by 5 each
either his own or the target's ranks in the time.
specified knack, whichever is higher (when
making a roll, he uses his own traits). Memory
Steal: The sorcerer nominates a knack. For See: On a successful Wits + Memory check
the duration of this charm, the sorcerer can at TN 25, the sorcerer discovers whether his
reduce the target's ranks in the specified target has any memories of a specific
knack by a number of ranks equal to his person, place, object or event (but not the
rank in this knack, and add them to his own. nature of these memories). This charm is
This can raise the sorcerer's knack past 5 instantaneous.
ranks, but cannot lower the target's ranks Share: The sorcerer can access the target's
past 0. memories. One specific memory can be
Note that the sorcerer need not know accessed each round. The memory stays
whether the target possesses the nominated with the sorcerer after the charm's duration
knack to use the Share or Steal abilities. is up.
Steal: The sorcerer can take memories from
Health the target, erasing them from the target's
See: On a successful Wits + Health check at mind. One specific memory can be stolen
TN 25, the sorcerer knows how many each round. The memory stays with the
dramatic wounds it would take to render his sorcerer after the charm's duration is up.
target Knocked Out. This charm is
instantaneous. Sorcery
Share: The sorcerer can transfer all flesh See: On a successful Wits + Sorcery check
wounds from himself to the target those at TN 25, the sorcerer discovers the type of
he has initially, and any he receives while sorcery possessed by his target (if any). For
the charm is active. The character receiving one raise he also discovers his target's
the wounds makes a wound check as normal mastery level, and for two raises he
to avoid taking a dramatic wound. discovers which sorcery knacks his target
Steal: The sorcerer can transfer all dramatic has (including their ranks and what they
wounds from himself to the target those do). This charm is instantaneous.
he has initially, and any he receives while Share: The sorcerer is able to use the
the charm is active. The character receiving target's sorcery (which may cost additional
the wounds can make a Resolve check at Drama Dice). He is able to use any sorcery
knack the target has (but uses his own history, local, nature, religion, sidhe lore)
traits for making rolls), and understands (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex),
intuitively how the sorcery works. Profession (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Survival
Steal: As above, but the target is unable to (Wis), Swim (Str)
use his sorcery for the duration of the Skill Points at 1st Level: (4 + Int modifier)
charm. x4
Note that the sorcerer need not know Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 +
whether the target possesses sorcery to use Int modifier
the Share or Steal abilities.
Class Features
The following are class features of the Power
Note that this knack must be developed
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Power
separately for each trait.
Stealer is proficient with all simple weapons.
See: On a successful Wits + Trait check at
Spells: A Power Stealer may cast arcane
TN 25, the sorcerer discovers how many
spells according to table 1-2. He is limited to
ranks his target has in the trait. This charm
casting a certain number of spells per day,
is instantaneous.
but he needs not prepare his spells in
Share: For the duration of this charm, the
advance. The number of spells is determined
sorcerer uses either his own or the target's
by his level, as indicated on Table 1-3,
trait, whichever is higher.
below. Wisdom determines the maximum
Steal: For the duration of this charm, the
spell level the Power Stealer can access,
sorcerer can reduce his target's trait by a
along with the DC of the spells he uses. To
number of ranks equal to his rank in this
cast a spell, a Power Stealer must have a
knack, and add them to his own. This can
Wisdom score of 10 + the spell's level. The
raise the sorcerer's trait past 5 ranks, but
Power Stealer gains bonus spells based on
cannot lower the target's ranks past 0.
his Wisdom score, and the DC necessary to
[d20TM] resist his spells equals 10 + the spell's level
Power Stealer [Charm is a descriptor +the caster's Wisdom modifier. He
which could cause confusion in d20] otherwise casts spells as a sorcerer, as per
Alignment: Any the Players' HandbookTM.
Hit Dice: d6 Apprentice: At 1st level, you are a Power
Stealer apprentice (an Observer). You may
Requirements select one of the following abilities: a spell
To become a Power Stealer, a character (you may select one Power Stealer spell,
must be human, sidhe or have at least one which does not count against your
parent of the previous races. The character maximum number of spells known, though
must also have some natural portion of other limitations apply), or extend spell feat
Isinmore blood and fulfill the following (which you will be able to use from level 2
criteria: and up).
Feats: Either Half Blooded (Charm) or Full See Ability Score (Su): You can see the
Blooded (Charm). A character without Full exact ability score a touched person has.
Blooded (Charm) cannot progress farther This is done by touching the target (may
than level 7 in this class. require a touch attack) and nominating an
In non Than campaigns, Inismore ability score. The target makes a Will save
heritage is nor required, although the DM (DC 10 +1/2 Power Stealer class level +
may assign other criteria based on the your Wisdom modifier). If the Will save is
specific world. Even human or sidhe failed, you know the target's ability score. If
ancestry requirements could also been the target succeeds in his save, he is not
omitted (DMs choice). aware that you used any ability on him. This
is a supernatural ability that can be used
Class Skills 1/day. You can use this ability one more
The Power Stealer's class skills (and the key time per day for every three Power Stealer
abilities for each skill) are Bluff (Cha), levels you have (minimum one).
Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher At 15th level, you can use this ability at will.
Script (Int), Handle Animal (Wis), Heal See Skill Rank: At 3rd level, you can use
(Wis), Hide (Dex), Knowledge (arcana, the see ability score power to see instead a
nominated skill's ranks. In all other of the see daily limit. In every other respect,
respects, this ability works like the see this power works like the see skill rank
ability score and its uses count toward you power.
daily use limit for the see ability score Note: This spell shows you spells the
power. opponent has prepared or knows (in case of
See Attack Bonus: At 5th level, you can spontaneous spellcasters) even when he is
use the see skill rank power to see instead grappled/nauseated or suffers from any
the target's base attack bonus. In every condition that would make him unable to
other respect, this power works like the see cast the spell right at this moment. It does
skill rank power. not however shows you spells a
Adept: At 7th level, you are a Power Stealer spontaneous spellcaster knows but cannot
apprentice (a Sharer). You may select one cast because he has not a appropriately high
of the following abilities: a spell (you may free slot to cast them.
select one Power Stealer spell, which does Share Sorcery: At 11th level, you can use
not count against his maximum number of the share ability to share spells. This ability
spells known, though other limitations works as the share ability with the following
apply), a class skill (through observance of changes:
other people's powers, you are able to use The Power Stealer can nominate a single
as a class skill of this class a skill of your spell. If the target could cast it at this
choice) or extra see, share and steal feat moment (as this is defined in the see
(which appears below). sorcery ability), you can use that spell for
Share (Su): At 9th level, you can share a the duration of the share ability (your Power
touched person's skill or attack bonus. This Stealer level in rounds) as an arcane spell
is done by touching the target (may require using a slot of the original level +1,
a touch attack) and nominating a skill or providing you have the necessary ability
choosing base attack bonus. The target score to cast that spell (for example, a
makes a Will save (DC 10 +1/2 Power Power Stealer with Wisdom 16 and
Stealer class level + your Wisdom modifier). Intelligence 12 could not use a wizard's
If the Will Save is succeeded, the target is fireball, since it requires 13 Intelligence, but
aware that you used a supernatural ability could use an El fuego Adentro Mage's
on him. If the Will save is failed, you gain a fireball, which requires 13 Wisdom).
circumstance bonus to your relevant skill or At level 19, you can cast the spell at a slot
to your attack bonus, with the following of its original level (without the +1 penalty).
limits: One action casting stealing: At 13th
1) Your original skill rank/base attack bonus level, you can steal the power of his
plus this circumstance bonus should not opponents. Whenever you cast a weakening
exceed the target's correspondent skill spell, you can cast immediately an
rank/base attack bonus. empowering spell of equal or lower level
2) The circumstance bonus cannot exceed (spells are noted as weakening or
your Power Stealer level/2 for skills or empowering in Power Stealer's spell lists). If
your Power Stealer/3 (maximum 6) for the empowering spell has many targets, the
base attack bonus. caster must be one of them. Both spells are
This bonus lasts for a number of rounds cast as a single full-round action, taking an
equal to your Power Stealer level. This additional slot of the higher level between
ability can be used your Power Stealer the two spells. Both spells' components
level/4 times per day. should be present. For example a Power
See Sorcery: At 11th level, you can use the Stealer can combine Waves of Exhaustion
see skill rank power to see instead what and Bull's Strength, Mass to steal the
spells of a nominated school of magic the strength of his enemies (they are
target could cast at this moment. This exhausted, while he and his colleagues gain
includes prepared spells, and usually most strength). Doing so requires 2 level 8 slots,
spells known for spontaneous spellcasters. one level 7, verbal and somatic components,
For each full round the touch is maintained, a full-round action, the material components
you can nominate an additional school. If of Bull's Strength and the caster should be
contact is lost, a Power Stealer who needs one of the targets of Bull's Strength, Mass.
to examine more schools has to initiate Steal (Su): At 17th level you can steal
contact again, which counts as another use power from his targets. This ability works as
the Share ability (and draws from the same range to personal)
limit of daily uses), with the following Detect Thoughts (change to touch)
exceptions: Eagle's Splendor (empowering) (change
1) The circumstance bonus you gain is range to personal)
deducted as a penalty from the target's False Life (empowering)
relevant skill checks or attack bonuses for Fox's Cunning (empowering) (change range
the duration. to personal)
2) The limit 1) of the share ability is Inflict Moderate Wounds (weakening)
changed to the Circumstance bonus you Owl's Wisdom (empowering) (change range
gain should not exceed the target's to personal)
correspondent skill rank/base attack bonus. 3rd Level
Your original rank or bab is not taken into Cure Moderate Wounds (empowering)
account here. (change range to personal)
3) Regarding stealing sorcery, the ability Death Knell (weakening, empowering)
works as share sorcery, with one difference: Inflict Serious Wounds (weakening)
one instance of the nominated spell is Restoration, Lesser (empowering) (change
erased from the target's list of prepared range to personal)
spells. If the target is a spontaneous Touch of Exhaustion (as Ray of Exhaustion,
spellcaster, one slot of the spell's level is but change range to touch) (weakening)
used up. Tongues (empowering requires you to
Note that limit 2) of the share ability still touch a creature who can speak the
limits the steal ability. language you want to comprehend)
Master: At 18th level, you are a Power 4th Level
Stealer apprentice (a Stealer). You may Cure Serious Wounds (empowering) (change
select one of the following abilities: a spell range to personal)
(you may select one Power Stealer spell, Contagion (Weakening)
which does not count against his maximum Enervation (change range to touch)
number of spells known, though other (weakening)
limitations apply), a class skill (through Inflict Critical Wounds (weakening)
observance of other people's powers, you Vampiric Touch (weakening, empowering)
are able to use as a class skill of this class a 5th Level
skill of his choice) or extra see, stare and Cure Critical Wounds (empowering) (change
steal feat (which appears below). range to personal)
Inflict Light Wounds, Mass (weakening)
Power Stealer Spells Modify Memory (weakening or empowering,
0 Level regarding its use)
Cure Minor Wounds (empowering) (change Restoration (empowering) (change range to
range to personal) personal)
Detect Magic Waves of Fatigue (weakening)
Detect Undead 6th Level
Touch of Fatigue (weakening) Analyze Dweomer (change range to touch
1st Level affects only persons)
Comprehend Languages (empowering Cure Light Wounds, Mass (empowering)
requires you to touch a creature who can Harm (weakening)
understand the language you want to Inflict Moderate Wounds, Mass (weakening)
comprehend) Vision (change range to touch affects only
Chill Touch (weakening) persons)
Deathwatch (change range to touch) 7th Level
Inflict Light Wounds (weakening) Bear's Endurance, Mass (empowering)
2nd Level Bull's Strength, Mass (empowering)
Bear's Endurance (empowering)(change Cat's Grace, Mass (empowering)
range to personal) Cure Moderate Wounds, Mass (empowering)
Bull's Strength (empowering) (change range Eagle's Splendor, Mass (empowering)
to personal) Fox's Cunning, Mass (empowering)
Cat's Grace (empowering) (change range to Heal (empowering) (change range to
personal) personal)
Cure Light Wounds (empowering) (change Inflict Serious Wounds, Mass (weakening)
Owl's Wisdom, Mass (empowering) Clone (Change: You become the duplicate of
8th Level the targeted creature, if the original
Cure Serious Wounds, Mass (empowering) creature is not alive. The original soul
Inflict Critical Wounds, Mass (weakening) replaces yours)
Restoration, Greater (empowering) (change Cure Critical Wounds, Mass (empowering)
range to personal) Energy Drain (change range to touch)
Waves of Exhaustion (weakening) (weakening)
9th Level
Level 0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
1 2 -
2 3 1
3 4 2 -
4 4 3 1
5 5 4 2 -
6 5 4 3 1
7 6 5 4 2 -
8 6 5 4 3 1
9 6 6 5 4 2 -
10 7 6 5 4 3 1
11 7 6 6 5 4 2 -
12 7 6 6 5 4 3 1
13 7 7 6 6 5 4 2 -
14 8 7 6 6 5 4 3 1
15 8 7 7 6 6 5 4 2 -
16 8 7 7 6 6 5 4 3 1
17 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 4 2 -
18 9 8 7 7 6 6 5 4 3 1
19 9 8 7 7 7 6 6 5 4 2
20 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 4 3
New Feat:
Extra See, Share and Steal
Prerequisite: Power stealer level 1+
You can use your see supernatural abilities one more time per day. If you have any share or
steal supernatural abilities, you can also use them one more time per day.
For example, a level 17 power steal can use share or steal 5 times per day and can use see
at will.
Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Its effects stack.
Author tec-goblin
Topic Setting & Crossover
Spoiler Tag Red
Canon Compatibility Red
Year 1672 1673 (other
dates possible)
Island of Carlos Islands of Gold, the
Midnight Archipelago
1970-1975 timeline Rapier's Edge
Inza and Malochio Secrets of the Dread
Realms or Gazetteer IV
Lovely Veronica,
I waited anxiously for your reply, and read your
letter with great attention. Your coming is a spark
of light in the darkness of my boredom and misery,
and I hope that I will be better as an Architect of
Truth, than as a protector.
I know I sound strange for you, my lady, of the following descriptions) to the Midnight
particularly if you haven't researched my past Archipelago. To be more exact, our real
(which I doubt), so I will immediately get to the destination was a very small island, called by its
point: You asked me details about my strange inhabitants the Island of Carlos. We reached the
adventure, and the reasons I think it is connected to place, and we met a strange small community of
the changes we all sense around us. It will sorcerers whose intermingled blood has caused
inevitably bring bad memories to me, but I think it many physical, and mental disorders, evident to the
will be worth the pain... eye of even the most drunken sailor. I won't
elaborate more on these poor but good people, or
How it Started our interactions.
To cut a long story short, we found out that these
We go back to the beginning of last year, 1671. I
sorcerers were driven there by a power wanting to
and my colleagues and friends were going on a
collect many sorcerers in a small place, in order for
mission (with a purpose I am not prone to share
them to accidentally cause a hole in the Barrier
with you I will try to recompense with the depth
protecting our world from the world of Syrneth. Indeed, the collected magic had caused many
isolated parts of the island to develop strange
How it starts
phenomena. In addition, we had strong suspicions
There are many ways to merge Thah, and The that some Thalusai a strange kind of Syrneth
Land of Mists. They can be split into three with shapeshifting devices had infiltrated the local
different categories: community, and were trying to make these places
of strange magical phenomena to deteriorate to a
Things were like this from the beginning
full break in the Barrier.
Thah was always divided in domains, and
My friends and I were heading towards one of
storyline should be explained in a way which
these areas, in particular the one in which we found
suits better the Land of Mists. The problem with
the remains of dark rituals. As we walked through
this scenario is that you must rewrite points that
this strange, darkened place, I realized that my
may contradict with this fact. For example, if X
thalusai gauntlet was smoking something that
was the darklord of the place, how was he able
seemed like mist when I moved my hand. We
to leave his country as mentioned in the book
stopped for a while, trying to cut the gauntlet open
with the dagger of a sidhe friend, Amelia (it's
Things seem that they were like this from the always good to have a sidhe nearby when you are
beginning Thah was created by the Mists at hunting Syrneth). That was when we heard the
some moment (all of it at the same time or screaming sound of opening port portals. At last
country by country) and all previous timeline is we managed to remove the gauntlet and leave it
simply false history the popular concept in outside the darkened area, because we suspected
the Land of Mists, where inhabitants believe that this mist was indicating that the gauntlet was
something from their past which is not real, and slowly tearing the barrier apart in this area and we
may even contradict common sense. This can be all sensed that the barrier was really thin there:
very interesting, and can explain well facts like small port portals were opening and closing
the appearance of Cathay everything that's around us, with no apparent reason.
behind some barrier simply doesn't exists until We moved a bit more than a hundred feet to the
the Mists find a suitable darklord, and make it area when we caught a glimpse of that for which
real, pulling down the barrier, and creating a we were searching: a permanent port-like portal
new domain. was hiding among the trees. Barely had we the
time to notice a faint music, seeming like a distant
The Mists expanded on Thah at some point in
carnival, coming from the portal, when I noticed
its history, probably very recently. It can be a
someone lurking in the trees in front of us.
world altering fact, maybe something that
In a few seconds I was running to where I had
heroes will try to stop maybe the central point
left my thalusai gauntlet, and sword. Behind me, I
of a whole campaign. This is called a Masque,
was hearing the sounds of battle, and hoping that
and sometimes can be temporary. This is the
Amelia would last long enough against the two
choice, which can suit better ongoing
thalusai trying to cut her in half with their light-
campaigns you don't have to change
swords. I came back with a similar sword in my
something retroactively, and you don't have to
hand (it is a long story to tell you how I learned to
mess with the timeline. It's also a way to put
operate it), only to find Angelika grappled by a
characters in the heat of fire, sensing the change
Thalusai, the priestess Maria fighting with holy
around them. The change may be drastic (the
rage another one, and one which was so fast and
whole world trembles, countries move, and the
precise in its martial movements that it was surely
landscape changes, undead roam the land etc.)
the best fighter in the group bashing with its hands
or subtle (slowly each place is converted more
Marie and Sabrina. At my right side, Giselle, this
to the spirit of the Land of Mists most people
strange native woman, was ...painting, as if nothing
won't even notice the difference).
was happening, apparently not in control of her
The latter is what is followed in the story of hands. I noticed a volcano in her drawing, but
Antoine, referred from now on as the Masque of didn't look more: the portal far away drew my
Rapier's Edge. Most material presented, though, attention: a human sorcerer was trying to open the
can suit other scenarios. You can easily change portal enough for a huge insectoid thing to pass: I
references to dates to suit your campaigns. don't know exactly how big it was, but its leg
seemed taller than a house. I charged, and brought
the sorcerer down with a few cuts: she was
watching her blood oozing terrified, refusing to blood, and meat still hanging from one of the folds
fight more even without being hit too much later of my clothes Hans later told me that, with her
I learned she was a hemophiliac. last breath, she jumped on me to cover me from an
The next moments are very blurred in my mind: explosion. I wish you never experience something
the earth was trembling, and I was trying to keep similar. I hadn't time to be shocked at the moment:
my pace parrying, attacking, and dodging blows I was running as I never ran to reach the coast
from the thalusai: only 2 of them were still before the bonfire reaches me.
standing, but I realized that I was fighting alone, When we reached the ship, we saw the great
blood running on my face: all the rest of my insect towering on the island: it had managed to
friends were down, hit and cut in many places. break free, but, seeing the lava approaching, and
Except from this strange girl, Giselle: she kept the fire around, it went back. Only mists seemed to
drawing... still come out from the place where the portal was.
That was when I heard a war cry, and saw Hans, Soon, all the island was covered in lava, the portal
this strange Eisen I never liked: he charged on his included, but a strange mist was covering it as we
warhorse, tumbling to the ground only at the last were leaving...
moment, and shooting the thalusai with passion, From my later research, if any syrneth came out
and precision. Only one was left standing, but it from this portal, they were few and far between
was enough: with another blow I lost my senses. we found no evidence of such a thing. The portal
The rest of the battle was like a dream: with fast seems closed, but the place seems covered in
motions, Hans kept fighting, and trying to keep us eternal Mist. I don't know if the Thalusai broke
alive: I remember him bringing me to into our world, but something surely did.
consciousness, and telling me to throw some
grenades he had put into my hands. I also The First Events
remember a distant sorcerer who came to our aid When I finally managed to return to Vodacce we
throwing flame bolts at the last thalusai standing. had already entered 1672. I had learned the news
When I really found my senses, I was running about my country, and the new king and something
away from the place, as the volcano erupted. Hans inside me stills urges me to return to my
was running behind us, his peg leg keeping him Montaigne home, but I am very tired. My will has
slow, while I found I was dragging Giselle with failed me, I don't care any more for anything
me. Angelika was nowhere, or I think she was on except for my girls in the jenny house, and for
me: I found a piece of her necklace, covered with gossiping with you, my Lady, about the world,
pretending to myself I am important. fearful, trying to break free from these fences
Other people, though, had different opinions. My without achieving it. Each time the painting, or
secret society almost made me a hero. They gave image appears containing more countries of Thah,
me money, some kind of fame, but left me only and more fences. The first painting only contained
Giselle, that strange bitch drawer who I wouldn't some islands in Midnight Archipelago, Avalon, nd
let draw again if she hadn't the bad habit of Isinmore, but soon Vodacce territories, Castille,
drawing sometimes when everyone else is Highlands and Ussura were added, followed by
sleeping. Now, in addition to the women of the more.
society predicting the future, and telling me stories,
I also had the drawings of Giselle, which had the There is a theory emerging from all this. A
bad habit of always turning true. The wise theory that says that each country's ruler gets
immortal ones in my society haven't decided if trapped there,and is consumed by hatred,and dark
Giselle is changing, or simply predicting future feelings because of this. Or is it the other way
with her drawings, but the fact is that the girl is round? We need more research on this, including
drawing weird things. Very weird indeed. your sorte powers, my noble, and powerfull
One day she painted a handsome knight with an correspondent. Many fear of darker times coming,
iron hand crying above a beautiful woman noble. I and every one with enough power, and wisdom
said that to my contacts, but the communication should start trying searching for clues.
was slow: they didn't manage to avoid the I speak as someone having lost very much, and
forthcoming doom: soon Elaine was injured by the precious in his life, who doesn't want to see the
beloved Laurence Lugh, and Avalon fell into the same happening to people around him,
state it is today.
The strange gift of Giselle, and the great powers Sincerely yours,
of some wise women friends of mine have shown Antoine Toille Du Crieux
many other dark things about present, and future.
We haven't managed to find out the meaning of all
of these, but there are some patterns, and images in
Giselle's paintings and, most importantly, in my Dear Antoine
friends' visions, that seem persistent, and have I am happy to welcome you (again) to the
caught our attention. Architects of Truth. The depth of your knowledge,
They see a council with 13 seats, some of them and the seriousness of the events in which you
empty, but the empty fill slowly, with people in were involved guarantee you a great career in the
old-fashioned clothes and armor, whose faces are organisation, provided you accompany them with
hidden. The first to sit is a fate witch, her face the necessary professionalism.
completely hidden by a veil, the second is a noble I read your lines with deep concern, impressed
in cloak with a crown in his head. by the insight of your colleagues (whose nature I
They see Vodacce princes, and Eisenfurstens know, so you don't need to hide from me their
trying to leave their countries to visit other princes affilation with Sophia's Daughters), and the world-
and nobles, but their ships always meet bad shattering events described. I was assured that I
weather, and the wheels of their coaches always needed to research deeper for the reasons of some
break. recent events that had happened to me as I was
They observe a land of mists, filled with islands tagging the strands.
of countries, full of strange people in old-fashioned Yes, my lovely gentleman, now you know that I
clothing. They seem normal when in light, but am a Sorte Atropos. You also need to know what
when the moon rises some of them turn to had happened to me before the letter, and where
pyeryem-like shapeshifting beasts, while others are my latter researches have led me.
hunted by ghosts, and walking skeletons. I have to start a year ago, when I started
They sense a new malice, and hostility when following the strands connencting a noble we all
entering Ussura, as if Mathuska has turned even want dead, but few dare to meddle with him:
more agressive against foreigners Giovanni Villanova. Giovanni has lowered down
And there is a drawing that Giselle has painted 2 his defenses recently, after the disappearence of his
times, and at least one of the wise women I refer to wife (I won't say more on this subject, with which
have seen it in her visions: a large Than map, with you are probably more accustomed than me), so he
the borders of the countries drawn as tall fences, seemed like a vast well of information, the
and a person in each country, drawn dark, and appropriate central point from which strands
leading to every corner to the world started.
The Darklords
Following these strands, I discovered that they led
to even farther than the farthest corner of this When brought into Ravenloft, Thah will be
world. I had followed them to the edges of divided in domains, each one having a darklord
Midnight Archipelago, but they seemed to go (some have two). Below are some suggestions
farther away, lost in a maze of mists. about the darklords. Some domains are left with
For months I was trying to find where these unknown darklord, but you can fill the missing
"rogue" strands lead. I tried very hard, used every seats as you wish, or say that this domain hasn't
bit of knowledge and experience, pulling the entered Ravenloft, and noble heroes could save it
strands methodically to achieve this, but they kept from entering.
snapping into my hands, face and body. Every
Avalon: Queen Maab (particularly after the
time it resulted in the same way: I put it up after
events described in Rapier's Edge)
hours without sleep, only to look at myself, and see
all this blood oozing from everywhere on my body. Highland Marshes: Unknown
The physical wounds haven't healed completely
Isinmore: Mad Jack O' Bannon, more cruel, and
yet. The spiritual ones never will...
unpredictable than ever
That continued, until one day at the beginning of
last year. Indeed, that seems to concur with your Bryn Bresail: Queen of the Sky, always distant,
adventure in the Island of Carlos. That day every always strange
hindrance in my travel near the strands
Cabora: Unknown (maybe a power that guides
disappeared. I couldn't believe it at start. I thought
it was some kind of trap. And trap it was, as you
will see later. Castille: Verdugo, even after his enclosure to the
In my travel across the strands, I saw glimpses of monastery, guiding Inquisition from there,
unknown lands, resembling that which you sinking Castille to hatred and fear.
describe in your letter. I also felt the malicious Cathay: Unknown maybe many. Evident
stare of spectral horrors, and maddening wails. choices: Sayari Razak, Meng Xian Nu
Strands were snapping everywhere, some emerging
without warning in front of me, others seeming Crescent Empire: Unknown maybe many.
old, and forming walls of fate, protecting (or Maybe Kheired Din is a darklord forever trapped
trapping) inside them persons, or organizations. I in his ship, forever hunting Ernesto Castillus.
realized too late that all these foreign patterns had Eisen: Different for each knigreichen.
started to play games with my mind. I finally
reached the end of the strongest of the strands: it Freiburg: The ghost of Nicklaus Trgue, twisted
felt like a demon, but I saw a black haired man. into a hunter of religion by his undead state.
He turned his eyes on me and said something I Wische:something connected to the waisen
didn't understand. Oh, Theus, he could see me!
My mind was telling me that my body should be Psen: Fauner Konrad Psen
back in Vodacce, but his stare indicated otherwise. Heilgrund: Stefan Heilgrund (forever cursed to
I started to run, grappling violently the strands of not achieve the magical power he wants)
the guards following me, leaving them broken, and
confused. I didn't care I just cared to get away Fischler: Knig Teufleish, the kobold king
from this madness. appearing in Rapier's Edge
In a last attempt, I pulled a random strand, which Swarchen Walden: Who asked? Of course
seemed very strong, and was in my way. A minute Schattermann. Maybe his corporeal form walks
of chase later, I found myself entering a forest. somewhere else in the Land of Mists, been
The guards were running behind me, but I heard forever split from him.
sounds of battle. I turned back, and saw them
trapped in an ambush by some bow wielding dirty Sieger: Erich Sieger
men. The next thing I saw was a dark haired, and a Hainzl: Georg Hainzl, dangerous in his madness.
bit dark-skinned woman ordering commands, and He has started impersonating oppresive rulers or
issuing curses. Then I noticed the mayhem of savage barbarians.
strands around her: she seemed to create strands,
see strands destroy other ones, all without moving (continues see next page)
her hands. She was doing it by nods, by words and
by inner strength. I stood transfixed. She didn't Midnight Arcipelago: The Black Freighter (the
seem more powerful than me, but all this exotic ship or the traitor) could be generally a darklord
way of dealing with fate fascinated me. of the seas of Thah, but some islands could
have their own darklords for example, Reis
The Darklords could be darklord of the Forbidden Sea.
I stayed with her for some weeks. Soon we found
out a magical way of communication, but that My'ar'pa:Marcus Tulleus
wasn't needed. We seemed to understand each
other. She was called Inza, and told me that she Sange Tara: Baron Sange (in Masque of Rapier's
was the power behind this land, and the mother of Edge, Hans has killed him)
the dark haired man I saw earlier. At start I L'il du Bte: Martin du Huet
couldn't believe it she seemed too young. Later
she explained everything to me. I won't tire you Marcina: Pedro de Avila
with the details of her past. The important The Island of Carlos: is just a portal now
discovery was that she was one darklord, a
person trapped in its territory, a person hunted by The Isle of the Red God: Markov. Choose either
her sins, but also a great power. She told me that this, or Markovia in your chronicle
the Mists created her country after her as a kind Kanuba:Oraka, or one of the Cotatrils
of appropriate playground for her. She proved to
me that she could close the borders of her country Montaigne: Anne, with the ghost of her crazed
at will, barring exit for anyone. She showed me a sister hunting her, and the baby Lon living as a
way to create, and utter more constructive strange entity somewhere, possibly even as the
curses. I was fascinated. Fourth Prophet.
I came back to Vodacce deeply changed. I saw Ussura: Matushka
that the strange patterns seemed to follow me back
Vendel: Val "dubya" Mokk - Capitalist evil.
home: I met them at the borders of some islands in
Midnight Archipelago, I saw them forming around Vestenmannavnjar: Magnus, his stubborness
the headquarters of Inquisition in Castille, and I am having led his people to a bloody war (see
sure I got a glimpse of them around Prince Rapier's Edge)
Mondavi, that sadistic monster, recently. I also
Vodacce: Each province having a different
liked my new powers in cursing soon I was able
darklord, being able to traverse from the
to create a safe place for me in Medico, with all
appropriate island to his lands in the rest of
immediate threats to my safety removed and all my
Vodacce, but nowhere else.
underlings totally loyal to me.
Our world has changed, my lovely Montaigne Bernoull lands: Gespucci Bernoulli, if you
gentleman. Soon Vodacce will be divided by more elaborate in the GM secrets that appear in
than political borders, and Eisen will follow Vodacce sourcebook
some places will have their princes, Eisenfrsten, Caligari lands: Vincenzo Caligari
or kings as their darklords, while other will have
more strange powers behind them. It's time to learn Falisci lands: Veronica her real identity will be
to live besides mists, monsters, and arcane forces. revealed in future issues
Well, it won't be much different than our past Mondavi lands: Alcide Mondavi
nothing of the previous is completely new to our
lives. Vestini lands: Mad Queen Lucrezia
Villanova lands: Giovanni Villanova. Who else?
Delicately yours
Veronica Your Excellency Veronica (or whoever you really
You last letter put me in deep thought. Having
experience in dealing with Fate Witches, I
consulted my Sophia's Daughters friends about the
things you revealed. Our conclusions can be split
in two parts:
The first one refers to the news about darklords, both people the same languages before being
a very important matter rising questions that need expelled outside the Barrier. There is also the
answering. Who is a darklord? Can we protect a theory that some people from our world had found
country from having a darklord? Can we holes in the barrier, or were lost outside of the
manipulate events to have a darklord of our barrier (particularly port mages), and taught the
choosing (or someone not as bad as some other language to the new countries.
ones)? I think they are questions that need wise
people, and heroes to answer. The Mistways
The last theory has many supporters, due to one
Languages recent discovery: there are at least 2 portals, which
To do this, we have to collect information. So lead to these new lands from our world, and more
we used magic, and sent spies to these lands. My may be found at the future. We don't know if they
colleagues' scrying magic revealed places that existed in some manner before the events in the
seem very much to our era, while other ones are Island of Carlos, but they seem to provide a
simply monstrous and barbaric. The most relatively sure, and not very dangerous way to go
important discovery, though, is that in some places to these new lands. One of these portals is a route
they seem to speak dialects of known languages. through the seas of the Midnight Archipelago,
We have already identified Montaigne, and Avalon which leads to a sea without stars, and islands
(both called Mordentish by locals). This is a very previously undiscovered by us, but inhabited by
important step in contacting these new countries, civilized people. We suspect that this is one
providing even the bases for commerce. There are possible explanation of the 7th Sea myth. The other
theories about this. Some say it's just a whim of the portal is even weirder: it links a place in the
mists, other ones say that these places were Highlands hills to another similar place farther
stolen by this strange new world from our world, west, inhabited only by monstrous things who try
while others insist that Syrneth or Sidhe taught to to disfigure you, and eat you probably of unseelie
The Mistways
There is a number of mistways, and links connecting Thah to the rest of the Land of Mists. Below are
some of them:
The First Breach: Connecting Southern Sea of Sorrows to the seas around Island of Carlos. (perfect
reliability, two-way)
The Twin of the First: Markovia, and the Isle of the Red God are exactly the same thing. Depending on the
whims of the Mists, a ship leaving this island could arise either in the Midnight Archipelago, or the Sea of
Sorrows. (moderate reliability, two-way)
Odiare: This village of children appears in random places in Vodacce.
The Road of Stone and Ice: You can go to Vorostokov by somewhere in nothern Gora Sorivndgrastov
(moderate reliability, one-way)
The road to Western Highlands: This is the road described in Antoine's letter going from some hills in the
Western Highlands farther to the West, to Forlorn. (moderate reliability, two-way)
The portal which plays games: It's rumored that there's a portal from Avalon to Bryn Bresail which, if you
use it to go the other way (from Bryn Bresail to Avalon), you find yourself somewhere in Mordent (poor
reliability, one-way)
Farther than far East: Leaving Cathay, and going farther East, there's a small passage in the Corridors of
Flame which leads you to Rokushima Tayoo (moderate reliability, two-way)
The hidden merchant city: There is a place somewhere in Tashil which you can visit only by navigating
through a sea full of ships sunk. If you manage to reach the harbor, you are in Sri Raji port. (poor reliability,
The oasis of Future: An oasis somewhere in the deserts of HarAkir, leading you to Crescent empire. The
average traveller understands the change the first night after leaving the oasis, when he notices the
difference in the stars. If lucky, he finds a Crescent city and doesnt die lost in the desert. (perfect reliability,
nature. This place is not in Bryn Bresail, and with darklordship, can lead only to one conclusion:
seems bordering farther to the west are other more the strange walls of fate you describe have also
civilized countries of this newfound world. The been formed around you, darklord. Probably, it's
weird thing about this portal is that it's very big: it you, my lady, the fate witch who fills (or has
extends for about a mile on some hills, without the filled) one of the empty seats in this strange table
slightest warning that you visit a new world by with 13 seats presented in the visions.
walking on the hills, until these strange unseelie, Now we both have each other's secrets. That
which natives call goblins, find you. makes us great partners, don't you think? Don't
The second conclusion about your letter struck fear, I want nothing of your dark power my
me during a trip to Dionna. I suddenly realized colleagues just need your information about the
that all the coincidences in my life regarding you world. So we can continue mailing, without
cannot be pure luck I wake up wanting someone needing your magic to cover my mind. Your noble
to talk to exactly the day I had to write the letter ways are enough.
to you, I express to you things that I rarely say... I Only one question remains: Why did you
think you manipulate me, fate witch. But your uncover all this? Is that a frailty, or just a step in
magic is not enough to hold me outside Falisci's some unknown plan of yours?
lands. Yes, I know what I am talking about. All I don't expect you to be honest answering this,
these curses to your followers, all this fascination Antoine
is a spy for the Lafayet family of Richemulot, a Sense Motive check DC 36 to realize
gathering allies and collecting information on local Reinas true identity.
magic. She seems particularly interested in our Brilliant Getaway (Ex): When doing
ways of defense against supernatural attacks. nothing but move during a round, Reina can
During her experiments, she even turned one of my select a 5 ft. square and dont receive
servants to a rat-creature through her bite. I suspect attacks of opportunity for moving into or out
that she readies the ground for a new rat-men of this square.
colony in Medico. That means that shell have to Contacts(Ex): Reina can roll twice for
take some space in the catacombs for her rats from Gather Information after spending the time
the crypt ghouls. Too bad that I will inform the a normal person would need for just one.
Chemical Bane(Ex): Reina is stunned in
ghouls about it
presence of yellow jessamine.
Always caring, always distant,
This is Reinas normal form she usually
appears like that and only if she has no
Reina Lafayet originally appeared in the other option she takes the following forms in
Ravenloft tournament of Fantasy Shop the presence of non-wererats.
Fair of December 2003. If you speak
greek, you can contact tec-goblin for Reina Lafayet: hybrid form: As above but
the original story. Init +5; AC 18 (+3 natural, +5 Dex); Atk
+8 +1 rapier of wounding (d6+6 plus
wounding; 18-20/x2) and bite +2 (d6+2
[d20TM] plus disease) melee; SA as above, but also
Reina Lafayet: female medium curse of lycanthropy (Fort 18), disease (Fort
humanoid natural wererat courtier 11); SQ as above, but also damage
1/spy 3 (human, shapechanger), reduction 10/silver; SV Fort +4, Ref +10,
human form: CR 6; SZ M (5 ft 3 in.); HD Will +7; Str 15, Dex 20, Con 12, Int 14, Wis
d8 plus d6 plus 3d6 plus 1; hp 19; Init +2; 11, Cha 14
Spd 30 ft; AC 14 (+2 natural, +2 Dex); Atk Skills: as above but hide +13, move silently
+5 +1 rapier of wounding (d6+2 plus +13
wounding; 18-20/x2) melee; SA sneak
attack +2d6; SQ talent, style and grace, This form is used when Reina really needs
wealth, alias, brilliant getaway, contacts, some devastating attacks. Her sneak attack
alternate form, rat empathy, low-light is deadly, but her bite attack is what the PCs
vision, scent, immunity to poison, chemical should fear the most about.
bane (yellow jessamine); AL LE; SV Fort +2,
Ref +7, Will +5; Str 11, Dex 14, Con 10, Int Reina Lafayet: dire rat form: As above
14, Wis 11, Cha 14 but SZ Small; Spd 40 ft, climb 20 ft; AC 19
Skills: bluff +20(14 when feinting in (+1 size, +3 natural, +5 Dex); Atk +7 bite
combat), diplomacy +20, disguise +17, (d4 plus disease); SV Fort +4, Ref +10, Will
gather information +14, hide +10, +5; Str 11, Dex 20, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 11,
knowledge(nobility) +8, move silently +10, Cha 14
ride +4, open lock +4, sense motive +6 Skills: as above but hide +17
Feats: appearance above average, extra
finesse, iron will, skill focus (bluff), weapon This is the form Reina uses to hide, evade
finesse (combined with brilliant getaway) or
Languages: balok, falkovnian (eisen), infiltrate. Sometimes she wounds opponents
mordentish (avalon and montaigne), odiaran with her wounding weapon, then hides as a
(vodacce) rat and attacks again in hybrid form after
Money: 500 gp (just for the road) they have bled for a while.
*The courtier and spy class appear in
Swashbuckling Adventures corebook [7th SeaTM]
Talent, style and grace, wealth: the Reina Lafayet, human form- Villain
bonuses from these abilities are already Brawn: 2; Finesse: 3; Wits: 3; Resolve: 2;
calculated above Panache 3
Alias (Ex): When acting in her role of Reputation: 0
Richemulot noble, people should succeed at Background: Curse (of Lycanthropy)
Advantages: Appearance Above Average, Natural bite: Attack 2, 1k1 damage, Resolve
Avalon, Balok (R/W), Connections test TN 18 to avoid lycanthropy, Brawn test
(Informant), Eisen (R/W), Montaigne (R/W), TN 10 to avoid contacting disease
Patron (40G monthly), Specialty (Ride), (incubation period d3 days, damage 1
Vodacce (R/W) Finesse and 1 Resolve every 2 days if
TN to be hit: 5 (10 with fencing) another Brawn test TN 10 is failed. The
Armor: Reinas skin is considered light disease is healed after two consecutive
armor with protection 4. successful Brawn tests).
Courtier: Dancing 1, Etiquette 1, Fashion 1, Damage Reduction: Non-silver weapons
Oratory 3, Diplomacy 3, Gossip 3, Politics 1, cause to Reina 15 less Wounds per attack.
Seduction 1, Sincerity 3 This is in addition to her natural armor.
Spy: Shadowing 2, Stealth 2, Conceal 1,
Disguise 3, Sincerity 3 Reina is used as an example of how you
Fencing: Attack (Fencing) 2, Parry (Fencing) could create Ravenloft/Swashbuckling
1 villains, but, by altering her story, you
could incorporate her in an existing Than
Reina Lafayet, hybrid or rat form- as above campaign (wererats could be an Invisible
but: College failed experiment on pyeryem
Finesse: 4 shapeshifters, for example).
Armor: Reinas skin provides protection 7.
Inquisition, and their vendetta with cardinal Die Kreuzritter
Verdugo, though, bring them directly against the The Black Crosses are too paranoid to let our
Darklord of Castille (as we think Verdugo is) we agents infiltrate them. Maybe thats good maybe
keep an eye to ensure that this Darklord doesnt its the only way to avoid having darklords
overwhelm these heroes with his new powers and minions in their organization. In any way, I dont
we are also curious to find out what powers will he know much about them, but we have scryed them
use. in some of their gatherings and we are sure that
they think that the whole portal-to-land-of-Mists
Explorers Society thing is a great breach in the Barrier which they
Explorers are running. Thats the shortest way I have to close. They may be very good in putting
can describe all this new land-of-mists-mania of down some horrors of the night, and keeping some
this society. They dont know how, they dont portals safe, but we are afraid that their paranoia
know why, but their ships keep finding new lands. will erupt a war with the people of these newfound
They havent found a way to explain the portals, lands.
they havent found the tons of syrneth artifacts Anyway, we hope that they have more wisdom
they are searching, but they really want to know than this.
EVERYTHING about new lands its their life.
Rumors about non-syrneth magic items have Rilasciare
intrigued many a greedy, or simply adventurous These people are in deep trouble. They have
Explorers. sensed the supernatural forces of the darklords, and
There is only one big problem: size. Explorers are afraid that another Bargain is made. We have
have nor the money nor the necessary people to secure information that they plan to take every
quickly explore all new lands, AND Cabora, and single darklord down using any of their methods
old excavation sites and... They try to find new (pranks, books, revolution, assassinations,
members from these new lands, but, in any case, terrorism). We have some reservations regarding
theyll have to prioritize well try to ensure they these plans: we dont know if it is indeed possible
start with harmless things. to take down a darklord, nor we know what
There is another, seemingly smaller problem in happens when, and if he is killed, so we need to
exploring these new lands. These lands may seem check historical accounts, and do research, and
harmless and safe without the regular tons of experiments. There are suggestions that a country
syrneth traps, but the truth is that strange creatures, in the Land of Mists always has at least one
and horrors lurk in the dark of the Land of Mists Darklord, so taking down one may mean replacing
many Explorers have already vanished, but even one evil with another, or even great destructions to
more return changed. Very changed That may the country. We are afraid that Rilasciare are too
seem that their eyes have an otherworldly look, or hasty, and will cause much problems, death, and
that their minds are shuttered, or even that their misery in this war against Darklords.
heart has blackened. Something in the hidden
corners of the Land of Mists is too much for our The Church
nave minds and hearts Both Vaticines and Objectionists are terrified of
the idea of many countries believing in strange
Knights of the Rose and Cross gods (Ezra, Hala, even the Eternal Order). Their
These simple-minded fools are very funny initial idea was that all the clerical powers that
They seem to have a universal stance of protect appear in the Land of Mists are bargain powers, so
other members from the horrors of these new the lands should be proselytized, but some rational
found lands, and are quite good at killing minds suggest that Ezra may be a different way to
skeletons, and other undead nasties, but we are call Theus. There will be much research, debate,
almost sure that they are used as a tool in the hands and the occasional religious conflict, or war in this
of villains as always. The only change is that matter. We are here to reduce the latter.
now even some darklords or friends of the
darklords have gained friends in the Order, which The strange society of Thirteen
runs to protect their benevolent members from The visions about the 13 seats, and the members
other darklords, who simply have the bad luck or whose faces couldnt be seen has intrigued us.
poor mind to appear as bad as they are. What is this society? Who are their members and
whats their agenda? Maybe you, Veronica, will Sincerely yours,
find sooner than us the answer on this. Antoine
supernatural abilities against you made by Some suggestions:
villains or requiring a powers check are +1 to a trait
made at +5 TN. +3 to a knack accessible from a skill you
Drawbacks: +5 TN to your Horror tests and already possess
Cold Read tests Natural armor: 2 fewer dice Kept when
rolling for Damage made against this
Suggested powers for path of character
Corruption (effects are cumulative for each A natural attack (bite, claws, horns and so
path): on) dealing 2k4 damage
A free advantage of up to 7 points.
Stage One: The Caress A medium-to strong supernatural ability, for
You gain benefits of about 6 XP cost. Some example the equivalent of having 5 at a
suggestions: Basic Sorcery Knack or 3 in an Advanced
+1 to a knack accessible from a skill you Sorcery Knack.
Natural armor: +5 TN to be hit Stage Five: The Creature
Night Trained advantage (appears in You gain benefits of about 30 XP cost.
Montaigne book) Some suggestions:
A natural attack (bite, claws, horns and so +1 to two different traits or +1 to a trait to
on) dealing 0k2 damage a maximum of 6
A free advantage of up to 1 point. +2 to 2 knacks accessible from a skill you
A low powered supernatural ability, for already possess
example the equivalent of having 1 at a Natural armor: Wound checks against that
Basic Sorcery Knack. character are made with half the normal
dice, rounded down
Stage Two: The Enticement A natural attack (bite, claws, horns and so
You gain benefits of about 12 XP cost. on) dealing 4k4 damage
Some suggestions: A free advantage of up to 10 points.
+1 to a low trait A new civil skill with all the basic knacks at
A free raise when using a particular knack 2.
Natural armor: +5 TN to be hit A medium-to strong supernatural ability,
Ability to see 60 ft. away in total darkness. for example the equivalent of having 5 at a
A natural attack (bite, claws, horns and so Basic or Advanced Sorcery Knack.
on) dealing 0k3 damage
A poisonous natural attack Stage Six: The Darklord as in d20
A free advantage of up to 3 points.
A low powered supernatural ability, for
example the equivalent of having 3 at a
Basic Sorcery Knack. Curses
Stage Three: The Invitation
You gain benefits of about 18 XP cost. New advantage: Voice of Wrath
Some suggestions: Cost: 3 HP (1 HP if Fate Witch or
+1 to a trait Fhideli/Vistani)
+2 to a knack accessible from a skill you The unseen forces of vengeance heed your
already possess commands.
Natural armor: +5 TN to be hit You gain a +4 bonus on all curse checks.
A natural attack (bite, claws, horns and so
on) dealing 2k3 damage In Ravenloft, everyone can issue a curse.
A free advantage of up to 5 points. The easiest mechanic which comes to my
A medium power supernatural ability, for mind is spending drama die to make a curse
example the equivalent of having 5 at a check (0k2 without spending drama die,
Basic Sorcery Knack or 1 in an Advanced rising to (Drama Die)k2 of course) against
Sorcery Knack. the TN (DC) and with the modifiers writ-ten
in RLPHB, page 95. The alignment modifier
Stage Four: The Embrace change to:-1 if the invoker is a hero or +1 if
You gain benefits of about 24 XP cost. he is a villain
For example, a Fate Witch with Voice of Horror or Madness test, the player also
Wrath chooses to spend 3 drama die to needs to roll in the appropriate tables to
issue a justified curse (TN 25). The player select a specific effect.
carefully chooses the wording, putting an Recovery tests: as in RLPHB
escape clause and without mentioning game
mechanics. The player rolls the appropriate
power check and succeeds (the Fate Witch Fear tests:
avoided been corrupted). The DM judges Fear tests are made whenever any of the
that the moment is not extremely dramatic circumstances of RLPHB, page 78 are met or
and the player rolls 3d10, resulting in 3, 6 when the PCs met an opponent with Fear.
and 8 for a total of 14 (die)-5 (succeeded
power check)+2(female Determining the Fear Save TN
character)+1(spellcaster character)+4(Voice TN= 5+opponents Panache(or highest
of Wrath advantage)-1(invoker is a Hero) attribute we should discuss this)+3*Fear
=15. Failure, but if the player had failed the Rating
power check, the curse would have been Modifiers apply as in RLPHB. Modifiers from
laid. advantages, arcana or anything else apply
Suggested effects of curses:
Embarassing as in d20 Minor effects: Shaken The character suffers
Frustrating curses as in d20, possibly a 1 unkept die in all of his/her tests.
character receives a permanent curse die Moderate effects: Frightened. As above, but
that is rolled and substracted from the result also the character flees as well as she can.
of any particular knack She can fight to defend herself if unable to
Troublesome curses as in d20, possibly 1 flee. She can use the best means at her
to a trait or a permanent curse die like the disposal to escape.
Sorte ones Major effects: Panicked. As above, but the
Dangerous curses as in d20, possibly 1 to character drops what shes holding, chooses
a trait or two permanent curse die like the her path randomly (as long as she escapes
Sorte ones from possible danger) and flees any other
Lethal curses as in d20, possibly 2 to a dangers that confront her. If cornered, she
trait or three permanent curse die like the fights at 2 unkept die. She can use sorcery
Sorte ones. to escape.
When I say permanent above, I mean If the character fails the test by 16+ points,
permanent until the curse is lifted she is panicked and makes a Horror test
with TN= failed Fear tests TN-5
Additional Failures: Effects stack. A
character who has suffered a minor effect
Fear, Horror and Madness and fails another Fear test marginally is
subject to a moderate effect and so on.
Recovering from fear: Fear effects last for
The rules below override the existing way of one scene.
making Fear tests.
round (suppose 1k1). The only actions that 7-8 System shock: The shock proves to be
are al-lowed are move actions and non- too much for the characters heart; she
aggressive free actions (R&K sages, please must make an immediate Resolve test
correct me here) against the same TN or suffer 1k1/2 (round
9-0 GMs choice from the above down) dramatic wounds.
Moderate roll a die 9-0 GMs choice from the above
1-2 Nightmares: For the moment, the
character is merely shaken. This Fear effect
lasts for this scene. However, the next time Madness tests
the character tries to go to sleep, the
horrific events of this scene play themselves As in RLPHB, except as below:
out again in her mind, causing the char-
acter to wake with a scream after only 4k3 TN for Mental Contact is 10+2*the
minutes. The nightmares return every time Creatures (Wits or Panache?)
she tries to sleep, preventing rest. For as Nonmagical gaslighting is made with a
long as this Horror effect lasts, the character successful Sincerity check. You can also use
cannot use Sorcery or Shamanism and after Oratory, but Sincerity is safer (you cannot
five days she suffers a 1 unkept die to all be blamed for lying).
her checks.
Lack of sleep also erodes the characters Effects
health. Without rest, she cannot heal dra- Damage changes to 1 Wits and Panache
matic wounds through natural healing. damage for a minor effect, 1 Wits, Panache
Continues as in RLPHB substitute the Will and Resolve for a moderate effect and 2
save for a Resolve test. Wits, 2 Panache and 1 Resolve for a major
3-4 Obssession: As in RLPBH, but the effect.
penalties change to 1 unkept die to all If the character fails the Madness test by
tests involving the characters senses after 16+, she suffers 2 Wits, Panache and Re-
five days of restless obsession. Replace solve.
refer-ences to hit points with dramatic Additional effects:
wounds. The damage because of lack of rest Minor roll a die
changes to 1 Resolve every full month 1-2 Blackout: You temporarily gain the
without rest, which returns at the rate of 1 Amnesia Background:1 for 1d10 days.
per week when the character recovers from During this time, you are unaware of what
obsession. might have happened to you. You do not
5-6 Enraged: Effects of rage are as gain any XP for this Background.
following:Immune to being Crippled but not 3-4 Denial: The insight bonus
Knocked out, your Wits drop to 0, +5 Bonus changes to +1 unkept die on Resolve tests.
to all Brawn rolls [including Wound Checks] 5-6 Horrified: As in RLPHB.
and damage rolls, increase in your Fear 7-8 Unhinged: Change the bonus to +1
Rating [if any] equal to one-third your unkept die to Fear and Horror effects and
Panache rounded up. While berserk, it is the alignment change becomes an Arcana
hard to recognized friend from foe. It change: roll randomly among the rest of the
requires a Wits roll against a TN of 5, Arcana to find an Arcana which temporarily
remembering the rules for Traits of 0." substitutes the previous. If a Hero takes a
7-8 Revulsion: As in RLPHB flaw or Wile in that way (or a Villain takes a
9-0 GMs choice from the above Virtue or Hubris), then the behavior of the
Major roll a die subject changes accordingly (the Hero
1-2 Fascination: The damage changes to behaves as a Villain with the new Arcana). A
1 Panache every month. If either score TN 25 Cold Read check can reveal it as in
drops below 0, the character becomes a lost RLPHB.
one. 9-0 GMs choice from the above.
Recovery rate changes to 1 Panache each Moderate roll a die
week. 1-2 Delusions: As in RLPHB
3-4 Haunted: Damage changes to 1 3-4 Depression: Change the Will save to
Panache. a Resolve test. Change the penalties to 1
5-6 Mental shock: Change flatfooted to unkept die, effective Footwork=0 and an
effective footwork=0. additional 1 unkept die to tests involving
Finesse. Change the insight bonus to +1 sanitarium)
unkept die on all subsequent Fear, Horror Sanitariums offer a 1k1-6 modifier to all
and Madness saves. recovery checks made in their care.
5-6 Hallucinations: As in RLPHB, but
references to major image should be replace Changes to rules of the Comforting
with reference to sidhe illusions. The 2 Virtue:
penalty changes to 1 unkept die on Fear You may activate your Virtue to add an
and Horror saves provoked by the unkept die to all of your partys Fear tests,
characters visions. The Will to disbelieve the including yourself you can do this at any
vision changes to a Wits test against a time during the turn and as many times as
target number of 13+characters Resolve. you like and it lasts until the end of the
7-8 Paranoia: As in RLPBH, but the scene.
Horror save at the end has a TN of 12
+characters Resolve. Changes to rules for Man of Will
9-0 GMs choice from the above advantage:
Major roll a die Playing a fearless character in a horror
1-2 Amnesia: As in RLPHB campaign is simply missing the point. Man
3-4 Multiple Personalities: As in RLPHB, but of Will's immunity to fear changes to 1 free
determination of age is done with 1d10 (the raise on all Fear checks and the point cost
less the younger), determination of sex is changes to 23 (from 25).
done with 1d10 (1-5: same sec, 6-0:
opposite sex). Pick a random arcana for Changes to Faith:
each alter ego. With DM's permission, this advantage can
The Will save changes to a Resolve test with represent faith in any divine power (Ezra or
TN when the character rests changes to Morninglord for example)
15+characters Resolve.
5-6 Schizophrenia: The determination of New advantages:
alignment changes to the determination of
arcana, as in Unhinged (see above), but the Courage
original arcana is a viable option for Cost: 4 HP (3 HP if Vestenmannavnjar)
Schizophrenia. References to Will Saves You are particularly fearless in the face of
change to Resolve tests and references to danger.
Wisdom change to Resolve. You gain a free raise on all Fear checks.
7-8 Suicidal Thoughts: As in RLPHB
9-0 GMs choice from the above. Jaded
Cost: 3 HP (2 HP if member of the Explorers
Recovering from Madness: Society)
Peace & Quiet: If the character rests for Like an experienced explorer, you have been
three months without failing any subsequent hardened against the horrors of the world by
Fear, Horror or Madness tests, she can cruel experience.
make a recovery check against the same You gain a free raise on all Horror tests.
TN. If the check succeeds, the character can
regain 1 point in one of the decreased traits. Open Mind
The character can attempt a new recovery Cost: 3 HP (2 HP if member of the Invisible
check once per three restful months until all College)
Traits return to normal. An adaptable mind keeps your sanity
Hypnosis: Hypnosis is a new doctor You gain a free raise Madness tests.
advanced knack, so it will be a
Panache+Hypnosis test against the original
TN of the madness test which can be tried
once per month on a character until the [d20TM]
character recovers. A successful Hypnosis
check reduces the re-covery TN by 1 point Changes to classes
and lets a character immediately make a
recovery test. (many nice ideas come to my
mind on this, maybe create an idea on a I suggest that compatibility with Ravenloft
means also compatibility with 3.5.
Highwayman - Highwaymen in Ravenloft
Than Bard bardic knowledge is affected should roll powers checks when killing
as in Ravenloft PHB 3.5. The change is that, someone who attacked them because they
if the bard is from Avalon, Montaigne, tried to rob him as normal. Dead shot
Vesten/Vendel, Eisen, Castille, Vodacce or follows the same rules concerning powers
Ussura he only suffers a -5 penalty when checks as rogue sneak attack does.
entering for first time one of the countries Inquisitor: Power checks for inquisitors have
above. Any bard from Thahs penalties are double percentages, as those of Ravenloft
raised to -12 for countries outside Thah. Clerics. The Mists are very interested in
For 3.5, use the bardic music progression of faithful people that have been corrupted.
the normal 3.5 bard and increase than
bards skill points per level to 8+Int. Musketeer - Musketeers in Ravenloft
Ravenloft Bard is available as a class in should never forget that evil actions in the
Avalon, as a glamour bard (possible changes name of the crown, or whatever they believe
to his spell list). to risk of power checks as normal.
Than Paladin changes in class abilities Noble see Courtier. Dont forget that
come up as in Ravenloft PHB paladin. abusing underlings and having them work
The special mount is not summoned in for you under bad conditions denote a
Ravenloft Thah-use the 3.0 rules for it. disrespect for their lives which could easily
Than Paladins do not disrupt the planar corrupt a noble DMs should roll power
fabric. There is a chance that a normal checks according to the case, but, for DMs
Ravenloft paladin of Theus (with spells) may who want a simple way to show this, a 5%
appear. This one should be very unique and power check each time a noble gains a noble
can provide an interesting story. level may be appropriate. We always
recommend you roleplay the situation and
Alchemist in Ravenloft, special avoid the 5% rule.
ingredients for alchemic potions are hard to
find. An alchemist may follow hard Pirate Killing people for job or working
adventures or make difficult compromises to with other pirates who do it without trying
research and create alchemical potions. If to stop them easily corrupts a character and
the DM wants an easy (if somewhat makes human life seem unworthy. There are
simplistic) way to adjust this, he can roll a very few pirates who can remain good and
5% power check whenever a character gains avoid corruption some Gosse crew
a new level of alchemist. DMs are included. DMs should roll power checks
encouraged to avoid this easy way for PCs according to the case, but, for DMs who
and focus on role-playing the adventures to want a simple way to show this, a 5% power
find the ingredients adventures that may check each time a noble gains a noble level
cause difficult dilemmas. may be appropriate. We always recommend
you roleplay the situation and avoid the 5%
Blood scientists are another issue! rule.
Assassin An Assassin in Ravenloft can be Spy Normal rules for rogue Sneak Attack
good, if he uses the Subduing Strike Exalted apply. As far as power checks are
Feat. Whenever an assassin kills someone concerned, of course spies are fully
with a death attack, then he rolls an 5% responsible for any actions they do under
power check, in addition to the normal 5% any of their personas.
for killing someone with sneak attack.
Swashbuckler normal Ravenloft rules for
Courtier Courtiers in Ravenloft may be fighter apply. We recommend against the
corrupted by the power they hold in their power-check-per-level option.
hands. DMs should never forget that a
courtier, as far as Power Checks are Wanderer Knowledge in a Ravenloft
concerned, is responsible for the actions of world is not very easy to be found. The DMs
his underlings and also for the actions he should be very careful when a Wanderer
caused indirectly. puts ranks in Knowledge skills. Other than
that, Wanderers have no special rules in Blessings and Curses 4 (Special: It is
Ravenloft. considered a necromancy spell when used
for a curse, incurring an additional 4%
Witch - Witches familiars are dread power check)
companions. Whenever a witch learns a new Swords Spread 4
spell from the Evocation, Enchantment or Tugging Strands 5
Necromancy schools she rolls a 5% power Staves Spread 5
check. No Witch can gain more than 1 power Stretching Strands 6
check this way. Black Strand 7
Arcana Spread 8
Zerstorung Mage, Port Mage, Sorte Black Spread 9
Fate Witch, El Fuego Adentro Mage - Destroying Strands 9
All Bargain Magic (Zerstorung, Port, El Creating Strands 9
Fuego Adentro, Sorte) spells cause a 5% Corrode Simple Material 1
power check when learned (which overlaps Disintegration 4
and doesnt stack with the 5% for a spell Corrode Hard Materials 5
being of the Necromancy, Evocation or Corrode Life 7
Enchantment schools). No character can
gain more than one path this way. Fate witches in particular They gain at
Each time somebody casts a Zerstorung, 7th level a +2 profane bonus to curse
Port, El Fuego Adentro, Sorte spell he/she checks.
makes a power check with a percentage
equal to the level of the spell (including Glamour Mage, Laerdom Mage, Pyeryem
metamagic alterations) divided by 4. If the Shapeshifter, Scrying Sorceress
character has reasons to suspect that this Whenever one of the above
may harm the barrier and has suspicions Mages/Sorceresses learns a new spell from
about the fact that destroying the barrier is the Evocation, Enchantment or Necromancy
a bad thing, then the chance is the level of schools he/she rolls a 5% power check. No
the spell divided by 3 for most of the above Mage/Sorceress can gain more than 1 power
spells, or divided by 2 for Port. check this way. This particularly affects
If you use the fate lash variant present at Glamour Mages and a bit less Laerdom
this netbook, use the original level of the Mages. Sidhe are not affected by this rule,
spell for the purposes of power checks. as natural glamour creatures.
For the above purposes, spell-like abilities Non-sidhe Glamour mages calling on any of
and supernatural abilities count as spells of the Unseelie legends that appear in The
(the level they are gained +1)/2 level(max 9 Sidhe: book of NightmaresTM or anywhere
for non-epic progression) Apprentice 1, else suffer a 1% power check for
Adept 4, Master 9 Apprentice-level uses, 2% for Adept-level
Power checks are not cumulative-at any uses and 3% for Master-level uses.
time only the highest applies, so, if a Port
Mage escorts 2 persons simultaneously, rolls Pyeryem Shapeshifter in particular
only once for 7%, and not twice for 7% and Benefit: Pyeryem shapeshifters are
one for 4% (walk). considered natural shapeshifters for the
Complete list: purposes of being revealed by true seeing
Bring 2 and similar magic in Ravenloft.
Pass Object 3 Drawback: Pyeryem shapeshifters adopt
Catch 3 animalistic and usually violent instincts in
Walk 4 Ravenloft. Shapeshifters who have chosen
Carry Object 6 as one of their forms one carnivore should
Escort 7 eat meat daily as Ravenloft werewolves
Create Permanent Gateway 9 (usually 25 lbs of raw meat daily see
Sensing Special: 1, each RLPHB for details). Players should roleplay
time you sense a portal their animalistic instincts and DM should be
Sense Strands 1 watchful for possible power checks. For a
The Arcana 1 quick but not recommended way to play
Cups 2 this, DMs should roll a 5% power check each
Coins 3 time a pyeryem shapeshifter gains a level.
Pyeryem Shapeshifters suffer a -4 penalty to
all saves to avoid contracting lycanthropy
related to one of their animal forms (for Suggested classes and abilities from each
example if a pyeryem shapeshifter has the
wolf form, he suffers a -4 penalty to his setting
Fortitude save if bitten by a were-wolf).
All Swashbuckling Adventures feats and
Male Scrying Sorcerer normal Ravenloft Classes are very nice additions to any CL8
rules for fighter apply. We recommend or 9 Ravenloft campaign, but the below are
against the power-check-per-level option. especially appropriate:
Courtier, Spy and Wanderer class from
Than Druid Suffers the same chance of Swashbuckling Adventures Campaign
being corrupted by sinkholes of evil as a Setting Rulebook
Ravenloft druid. DMs should have in mind Profession feats from Swashbuckling
that gesa can be harmful, and even award Adventures Campaign Setting Rulebook
power checks. For example a Than druid Fate Witch from Swashbuckling Arcana
who issues a Greater Gesa to someone with Tarramonde feat from Islands of GoldTM: the
such terms that leave him live forever while Midnight Archipelago for Souragne shamans.
he/she doesnt want to live forever, maybe
by saying to him that he can only die if he For Swashbuckling Adventures, the following
kills his daughter. Ravenloft classes, feats and powers are
Ravenloft druid could be possible in pure especially appropriate:
places in the world, particularly Avalon From Van Richtens Arsenal, Muse, Nine
forests. Lives and Smitten feats and the crypt raider
and pistolleer prestige classes
Than priest Power checks for Than From Heroes of Light the Detective and
priests have double percentages, as those of Scholar prestige classes and the
Ravenloft Clerics. The Mists are very Knowledgeable, Heroism, Library, Dabbler
interested in faithful people been corrupted. and Wealth feats.
From Champions of Darkness the Charlatan,
Man of Will prestige class The Fearless Highway Rider and Propagandist prestige
ability should be changed with the Courage classes and the hollow and machiavellian
feat. DMs should be very careful with this feats.
class, it is widely considered overpowered. From Gazetteer III, the prestige class
Grimtrekker could see good use in the
Notes on magic Vodacce or Montaigne catacombs.
All Ravenloft rules for magic and altered From Van Richtens Guide to the Shadow
spells apply (no amount of Port can make Fey, many articles, special powers and
you pass through closed domain borders for weaknesses could change dramatically
example) Than sidhe, particularly unseelie ones,
changing them to shadow fey.
number in the dozens, with small separate villages Unfortunately, my attendance at one of their hunts
hidden in caves on the mountains. later, indeed confirmed that Cotatrils eat mice also,
Maybe these small numbers, and high but they mostly love eggs: for each cotatril there
intelligence and wisdom, have made them exhibit a are at least ten specially bread fat and large
so democratic organization: every dispute is solved turkeys, breeding eggs like chicken do.
by clever arguments, and communal discussion
no one seems higher than the other just some Equipment
Cotatrils are a bit more specialized in some aspects As I had promised to myself, and as each person
of life (hunting, spying on humans, knowledge of occupied with playwriting should do, I turned my
nature etc.), and their opinions regarding those attention away from mundane things like food to
aspects are treated with respect. I consider this a great and heroic things like weapons.
lesson to us humans, from a race that seems as Regarding normal tools and weapons, they are
much cleverer than us, as normal aspreys are not very common among Cotatril. Their powerful
cleverer than dogs and cats (every human should claws make up for the lack of knives and weapons,
face an asprey some day it will lower his ego but screwdrivers and saws are not rare.
considerably). One of the first things I asked for was the device
By the end of that day I found the Cotatril they probably were using to dig the rope. They
seemed a lovely, if quite strange race of creatures, lead me to a strange machine of levers, cogwheels
though I couldn't help but notice a hint of fear and leather straps. The machine (which I joyously
looming in the depth of their eyes. They insisted call Portable Cota-drill) seemed to weight more
that I sleep in a guarded home during the night than 300 pounds and was taller than a man, but, in
without giving me a good explanation. its edge, there were stone drills. I saw the machine
operate, as 2 Cotatrils were bound to the straps,
Koorp stri and were moving the levers up and down the
Koorp stri is a male cotatril noble effort was considerable for even those big
2/wanderer 2 [d20TM] or a Cotatril with creatures, but the result was amazing: the drills
Panache 4, Wits 6, Cold Read 4 and were whirling at immense speed, and were eating
Diplomacy 4 [7thSeaTM]. through rock quickly for some strange reason,
the stone drills werent damaged considerably by
the process. An engineer could make more clear
Buildings conclusions, but I dont wear this hat.
I referred to a home, right? Well, for cotatrils, a The next apparatus that caught my attention was
home is a carefully hollowed place in a cave, simply a rounded stone with cuts and small wave-
where, with strange tools, and their great force, like protrusions. Many Cotatril seemed to carry
they have made it to resemble a room: it had a this stone they call Asirp (a-SSIRPP), and they
curtain hiding it from the rest of the cave, a told me that it is used as a thrown weapon to catch
comfortable (but a bit big for me) bed, and a small prey. They use it while gliding through the air,
fireplace. The tools that were able to do this in the using their impetus to throw it its carefully
stone should be really marvelous I promised carved cuts and protrusions help it glide to its
myself to examine them later, so you can see later target. It always seemed awkward to me, but I
in this letter my observances regarding Cotatril never had the chance to see it working.
equipment. Last, but not least, I noticed their trap working.
The strange thing was that there seemed to exist Cotatril dont want people to learn of their
more than a couple vacant rooms strange for a existence, and as a last resort in case someone
people certainly not expecting many visitors. climbs high into the mountain, and closer to their
havens, they have layers upon layers of traps. This
Survival would seem an obsession to me, hadnt I realized
Next morning, I was called to Koorp stris that Cotatril are immortal! Even setting traps in
breakfast: eggs from raised turkeys, and fruits a very slow pace, they have managed to create
covered with small pieces of some dark meat. I every kind of thrown arrows, nets, rolling boulders,
start eating, but only the fruits were really and cave-ins that a person can imagine. The
enjoyable. The meat was stiff, and had too many majority of these have never been triggered, and 9
small bones inside it seemed to be from in 10 triggers are the work of animals. Maybe
something resembling to a mouse I was polite thats the reason that only birds are seen around the
enough not to ask: I just left the meat alone. Cotatril caves.
Cotadrill has straps for 2 persons. It needs exactly 2 persons to operate. The process is
fatiguing (2 Cotatrils usually are fatigued after 30 minutes of work). Each set of stone drills
can operate for a total of 30 minutes before needing to be replaced. Detailed sculpting is
possible with this device, but at a +10 TN/DC.
Each person has to succeed at a Strength check DC 14 to put the machine in order and
continue making that check each round to go on digging (as a standard action). Failure in
that check by more than 5 means that the machine kicks violently, causing 1d6 damage to
each user. You can usually take 10 to that check. The machine causes 4d6 damage each
round to structures, from which damage you deduct harness as normal.
Each operator has to succeed at a Brawn test TN 14 to put the machine in order and
continue making that check each turn to go on digging. Failure in that check by more than 5
means that the machine kicks violently, causing 2k2 damage to each user. The machine can
dig through 1 cubic foot of stone each turn.
Asirp is a one-handed thrown exotic weapon, normally sized only for large creatures. If
thrown by a creature, which has flown at least 30 feet during this round, its range increment
raises to 30 feet.
Cost Dmg(L) Critical Range Increment Weight Type
normally unavailable d8 x2 10 ft* 5 lb Bludgeoning
Asirp is a one-handed weapon balanced for throwing, which cannot be used by human-sized
characters with less than 4 Brawn (and cannot be used at all by smaller characters, including
Small human characters). If thrown by a creature which has flown at least 30 feet during
this turn, its range doubles.
Damage Range Short Long Cost
3k2 5+(2XB) 0 -5 Usually unavailable
Observing one of the traps, and having in mind You will learn how I left the island, and of a very
the discovery that Cotatril do not age, I started interesting Cotatril villain in my next letter. Of
wondering All these strange gears, unknown course this means you have to wait, my friend.
cogwheels and unusual mechanisms. It struck me How would I have built up the tension otherwise?
that this people could have connections to the Sincerely Yours,
strange creatures living before humanity in Thah. Don Baltasar Arciniega de Grijalva
The Syrneth Some friends of mine think that
they are connected to the unholy Bargain that was
the mother of all this hated magic in the world (and Cotatril revisited [d20TM]
if you really respect yourself as an information
gatherer, Marcello, you should know of what I am Medium Outsider (Native)
talking about). These Cotatril may be far less Hit Dice: 8d8+36 (72 hp)
innocent that they seem. Initiative: +1
The second thought that struck me was that many Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), fly 50 ft
Explorers would really find the place interesting: (average)
syrneth devices created through mundane means. Armor Class: 19 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +9
They seem not so exotic as someone would expect, natural), touch 10, flat-footed 18
but they can be understood by us, as they are Base Attack/Grapple: +8/+17
created by wood, stone and leather by Attack: Bite +12 melee (d8+5+poison)
understanding these, the Explorers could Full Attack: Bite +12 melee (d8+5+poison)
understand, and unleash the horrors hidden in the and 2 claws +10 melee (d6+2) (many Asirp
traditional syrneth devices. And probably throw also the Asirp +8 ranged (d8+5/range
Cotatril could do this too 10-30 ft see its description)
I raised my eyes and stared frightened around Space/Reach: 10 ft./10ft.
me. Koorp stri was looking at me and seemed to Special Attacks: Constrict d6+7, gaze,
realize my horror. I told him that I had to leave. I
cannot say I was surprised by his refusal
Special Qualities: Damage reduction hp/secondary 2d4 Con). The DC is
10/magic (see below) Constitution-based.
Saves: Fort +10, Ref +9, Wil +10
Abilities: Str 20, Dex 13, Con 19, Int 18,
Wis 19, Cha 11 Cotatril Monster Class [d20TM]
Skills: Craft (choose a category of syrneth Outsider (Native)
devices, such as syrneth traps) +15, Escape This class is presented for players who
Artist +10, Hide +8, Knowledge (Arcana) want to play a Cotatril and DMs who want to
+15, Knowledge (Nature) +15, Knowledge make each Cotatril a different and
(Science) +15, Knowledge (Syrneth) +15, interesting NPC (or even create small
Listen +15, Move Silently +11, Search +15, cotatrils as a first setine experiment). It is
Spot +15, Survival +15 created following all rules of Savage
Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Asirp)B, SpeciesTM as a class, which does NOT
Flyby attack, Multiattack, Side Step provide a multi-class penalty but cannot be
Environment: Mountains, Underground used for multi-classing until you have
Organization: Solitary, pair or unit (3-6) reached maximum level (13).
Challenge Rating: 7
Treasure: Syrneth equipment Racial Traits
Alignment: Usually lawful Starting Ability Score Adjustments: +2
Advancement: By character class Int. Cotatrils were created intelligent.
Level Adjustment: +5 That was the foremost Setine concern at
the time.
Cotatril description remains the same as in Speed: Cotatril land speed is 20 feet.
Islands of GoldTM, except from the Combat Automatic Languages: Setine
section: Favored Class: Cotatril. The best
COMBAT multiclassing choices for cotatril are
A cotatril usually observes its opponents fighter and wanderer.
and tries to avoid fighting. In the case of a
fight, though, a cotatril tries to paralyze with Class Skills
its gaze any opponent seeming very The cotatrils class skills (and the key
dangerous but stupid fighter while the rest ability for each skill) are Craft (any syrneth,
of its colleagues attack with bite and claws. such as syrneth traps) (Int), Escape Artist
A single cotatril, of course, uses its gaze (Dex), Hide (Dex), Knowledge (Arcana,
only to withdraw. Against single spell Nature, Science, Syrneth) (Int), Listen
casters, it usually tries to start a grapple. (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Search (Int),
If the opponents seem overwhelming, the Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis)
cotatril retreats by flight, and possibly re-
attacks after a minute if it sees that its Class Features
poisoned opponents have suffered All of the following are class features of
Constitution damage. the cotatril monster class.
Damage Reduction: Opponents can Weapon and Armor Proficiency:
circumvent a cotatrils damage reduction by Cotatril are proficient with all simple
aiming at ones eyes or mouth, which inflicts weapons and shields, but not with armor.
a 5 penalty to the characters attack rolls. Cotatril are also proficient in the use of
Gaze (Su): A cotatrils gaze can paralyze its asirp.
opponents. This works exactly as a normal Feats: A Cotatril receives one feat at 1st
gaze attack, except from the fact that it level, one more at 4th level and one more at
affects only one targeted opponent at a time every 3 hd thereafter (i.e., one at 10th level
and requires a standard action to be and going on).
established. A targeted opponent must Natural Attacks: A Cotatril has a bite
make a Will Save, DC 14 or remain (main) and 2 claw (secondary) attacks doing
paralyzed as long as the cotatril keeps its damage normally for its size and Strength.
concentration looking into the opponents You can see Monster Manual 3.5 for details,
eyes. The DC is Charisma based. but its enough to say that a Cotatrils bite
Poison (Ex): A cotatrils bite is poisonous does d6 + Strength modifier damage and
(injury, Fortitude DC 18, initial 2d6 claws do d4 +Strength modifier/2 damage
each, increasing to d8 and d6 respectively at
level 8, when it becomes large. A cotatrils monster HD + Charisma. See the table for
secondary attacks suffer a 5 penalty, levels when gaze becomes available.
unless it takes the multiattack feat, which Poison (Ex): At 5th level, the Cotatrils
reduces the penalty to 2. bite becomes poisonous (injury, initial d6
Damage Reduction (Ex): A cotatril has hp/secondary d4 Constitution, Fortitude DC
damage reduction 5/magic, which increases 10+1/2 Cotatril monster HD +Con modifier).
to 10/magic at level 9, which can be At 11th level the damage raises to 2d6
surpassed if the opponent takes a 5 hp/2d4 Con.
penalty to his/her attack rolls. Constrict (Ex): At 13th level, Cotatril
Gaze (Su): As described in the Cotatril becomes able to constrict for d6 + 3/2
normal entry, but the DC is 10 +1/2 cotatril Strength modifier damage.
entertaining and the new about the rise of Cabora the base of the mountain, something more
really interesting (Koorp stri never told me why dangerous struck me: something glided silently
they are interested in the latter, but this only behind me, coming as if out of nowhere. He hit
strengthened my belief that the Cotatril are Syrneth me, and threw me to the ground, my neck bleeding,
survivors). Sem atr reacted to this with hatred: and my view blurred. I turned and faced a tall,
hatred for the people who had imprisoned them in muscular, and monstrous Cotatril. I instinctively
this island, hatred for the folly of the world. He is a looked at his hand, hoping I wouldnt find the
no-nonsense kind of guy who has no respect for dreadful axe, but, alas! It was there, casting its
anything reminding him of their prisoners (who I shadow on me. That was when I noticed the
suspect to be also Syrneth). These prisoners were creatures eyes, bottomless whirlpools of hatred. I
consumed by their thirst for power (Koorp stri stood there, wounded, transfixed by his stare.
insists avoiding discussing details about the Another Cotatril appeared, and both tried to tie
prisoners story). me. But then my soul kicked me to action: I forgot
Where humans come into this story? Sem atr about the eyes, and in a hopeless attempt to
has seen the works of a Port mage, the evils of our damage the monstrous creature, I hit his glove with
civilization, and believes we follow the same path my rapier.
as these prisoners, a path to damnation. He
thinks us as dangerous (and I cannot blame him GM Secrets
much, since he has seen the atrocity of Sorcery). I stood amazed: what I saw behind the glove
The worst thing is that he is a skilled hunter, and was human fingers. It couldnt be. The other
an even-more skilled orator. With his poisonous hand had normal claws. Sem atr seemed furious!
words, he has gathered many like-minded Cotatril The other Cotatril stood there, surprised, but in a
(well, the word many is always an exaggeration few seconds he fell to the ground by the axe and
for Cotatril, but anyway), and tries to throw the bite of Sem atr.
Avalon and Eisen settlers off of the island and I profited by these few seconds, and ran into the
maybe continue the war elsewhere. And of course forest. I kept running and running. I heard
it doesnt make any difference to them that I am a something pronounced by a human tongue in
Castillian. Kanu, but continued running. I found myself in a
Koorp stri suspects the Sem atrs sect as Kanu village after half an hour of running. Thats
responsible for the disappearance of two Avalons, where I learned that the Kanu frightened the Dark
but Sem atr has denied any involvement Sem Asprey, and kept it back. They seemed almost as
atr says that he will not start any assault unless all confused as I was, but I wont elaborate much on
Cotatril are with him in his cause. But Koorp stri this my friend. The story becomes boring from
doesnt believe him. that point, as it describes my safe way back to
Well, after having listen to all this, I wanted to Castille.
know how to recognize Sem atr (all Cotatril seem Yours sincerely,
almost the same to my eyes): I was told that its Don Baltasar Arciniega de Grijalva
very easy: Sematr is maybe the only cotatril who
wears a thick glove and wields a huge battle-axe,
specifically crafted for him in his right hand. Not
exactly what I would call peaceful If you play Masque of Rapiers Edge, or a
I turned to my room and passed the day learning similar Ravenloft crossover, Sematr is the
more about Cotatril, but something in Koorp stris darklord of the island.
story annoyed me. Well, the good Cotatril want His human fingers in the hand are a curse
me here for my safety? They didnt seem to protect coming from his path of corruption, while his
me while I was in the woods. Something was high ability scores and enhanced gaze are
telling me that they simply didnt want me to leave benefits from this path, too.
the place with all this information. I never had the
chance to confirm my theory, but the same night, I [d20TM]
slid out of the cave. Sematr: male large outsider (native)
I dont know if it was luck or skill, but I Cotatril assassin 3/ranger 1/rogue
managed to leave the village. The problem was 1/wanderer 2: CR 15; SZ L (9 ft 2 in.); HD
how to avoid the traps that lied in the mountain 11d8 plus 4d6 plus 90; hp 153; Init +3; Spd
below me. I stepped carefully and avoided at least 30 ft; AC 26 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +9 natural,
2 pitfalls and an arrow-trap, but before reaching +5 Unarmored Defense Proficiency), touch
17, flat-footed 18 (or 23 if you dont Languages: Avalon, Eisen, Kanu, Setine
consider Unarmored Defense Proficiency
bonus a dodge bonus); Atk large-sized mw Gaze: Sem atr has practiced so much his
battle-axe +19 (d10+7/x3); Full Atk large- paralyzing gaze that its effects last for 1d4
sized mw battle-axe +19/+14/+9 rounds after Sem art stops staring at the
(d10+7/x3), and bite +16 melee eyes of his victim.
(d8+3+poison) and claw +16 melee
(d6+3); SA death attack DC 20, favored [7th Sea TM]
enemy (human) +2, gaze (DC 18, see Sem atr - Villain
below), poison (DC 19), sneak attack +3d6; Brawn: 7; Finesse: 4; Wits: 6; Resolve: 5;
SQ damage reduction 10/magic (see cocatril Panache 4
description), evasion, inconspicuous, poison TN to be hit: 30 (20 on ground)
use, ward of the albatross, wild empathy Reputation: -12
+5; AL (N-C)E; SV Fort +15, Ref +18, Will Background: Curse (Human Fingers)
+11; Str 24, Dex 17, Con 22, Int 24, Wis Advantages: Keen Senses
19, Cha 18 Attack Roll: 9k4 Claw, 9k4 Bite, 9k4 Large-
Skills: Bluff +21, Craft (syrneth traps) +24, Sized Hand Axe, 9k4 Squeeze
Diplomacy +15, Escape Artist +16, Gather Damage Roll: 9k2 Claw, 8k1 + Poison Bite,
Information +10, Hide +20, Intimidate +14, 8k2 Crush, 10k3 Large-Sized Hand Axe
Knowledge (Arcana) +18, Knowledge Skills: Ambush 5, Artifact Evaluation 6,
(Nature) +21, Knowledge (Science) +18, Break Fall 2, Cold Read 3, Diplomacy 3,
Knowledge (Syrneth) +18, Listen +20, Move Escape 4, Footwork 5 (3 on ground), Natural
Silently +21, Sense Motive +12, Search Philosophy 6, Occult 5, Oratory 5, Poison 3,
+20, Spot +20, Survival +20, Tumble +13 Rolling 2, Shadowing 5, Side-Step 4,
Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Asirp)B, Sincerity 5, Stealth 5, Survival 5, Syrneth
Flyby attack, Multiattack, Side Step, Skill Lore 6, Tinker 5, Tracking 5, Trap Lore 6
Focus (Hide), Track, Unarmored Defense
Proficiency (Beginner), Wicked Strike Special Abilities as in Islands of GoldTM
Ship (Irregular)
I just came home from Avalon aboard The Merchant Brig Faraway, an otherwise sound vessel that was at
the time unfortunately plagued by drunkenness. It appears that one of the crew was a veritable Rum Room
Runner, providing his mates with liquor from the ships own stores, and at a hefty price indeed.
Yours Honorably
Father Mathius
Till the light of Truth does shine
This is less of an actual adventure than a series of flavor events in succession to run behind,
and intermixed within an actual adventure, or campaign set primarily at sea. It is intended to
add fullness to more grandiose adventures, and is designed for a party made up primarily of
common crewmen, and not officers, or passengers, but could be adjusted for either group.
1. An NPC crewman offers to sell a PC his share of Grog for a high but not unreasonable price
(about 10c). Whether the first PC purchases or not, the NPC will offer additional Grog to the
other PCs in the party as well. He will do so quietly, trying not to attract any unwanted
If a PC makes a purchase he will be approached daily, and eventually told that the NPC can
procure more if the PC wishes it.
A note here: any PC crewman who reports this behaviour will be shunned by the rest of the
crew, and find small discomforts begin to abound, and general attitudes turned against them.
2. After this first incident PCs should begin to notice drunkenness in some of their shipmates.
3. The Gunner is caught drunk on duty, and punished. His dunnage is turned out, and it is
discovered he has smuggled several bottles of good Inish Whiskey on board.
4. A slightly drunken crewman who is working directly with a PC causes a minor accident.
Both are punished.
5. It is discovered that the ship's Grog supply has been diminished. The Captain asks for the
guilty party to come forward. No NPCs will step forward, or give any information. There is a
general turning out, any contraband stored in PC dunnage will be discovered, and they will be
punished for it. Otherwise nothing of note will be found, and the whole crew will be placed on
half Grog rations.
The price of extra Grog will henceforth double in price (20c).
6. This is a good place for an interlude, if one has not previously occurred, a storm perhaps,
or some other incident where the crew is forced to work together.
9. It is discovered that nearly all of the ship's Grog is missing. The Captain asks for the guilty
party to come forward. No NPCs will step forward, or give any information. There is a
thorough turning out, any contraband stored by PCs will be discovered, and they will be
punished for it. The entire crews Grog rations will be suspended (possibly indefinitely, or at
least until they re-supply) unless someone comes forward.
The price of extra Grog will increase significantly after this (50c).
10. A drunken shipmate working with a PC will cause a major accident resulting in at least
one injury.
The PC and shipmate will be severely punished.
11. These types of events will continue to occur, and punishments should become more and
more severe until the PCs take some action to end the theft of Grog on board, and/or its
distribution. It should not be difficult to determine who the culprit is, but acting openly, or
reporting to officers will gain the PCs the permanent resentment, and distrust of the entire
A few notes regarding shipboard life, and punishment that may seem obvious.
On any ship with more than a handful of crewmen aboard factions develop, on ships with
large crews there are often many, but even on ships with only a few hands there is generally
some division among them. PCs will certainly find themselves drawn into one of these
I have left a great deal here to the discretion of the individual GM, the NPCs to be used, and
the level of punishment to inflict. This is intended to allow you to paint the picture you wish
of adventure upon the seven seas, but if your players arent upset by the punishments, justly
or unjustly, levied upon them then YOUR NOT DOING YOUR JOB.
This is the first in a series of backdrop adventures designed for the common crewman.
This quick reference list is written in the following Finesse, Wits, Resolve, Panache)
format, and followed by more detailed
descriptions: Abbreviations: A (Avalon) Cs (Castillian) Cr
(Crescent) Cy (Cathay) E (Eisen) H (Highland) I
Position/Rank Name (Nationality) (Brawn, (Inish) M (Montaigne) U (Ussuran) Vn (Vendel)
Vo (Vodacce) Vs (Vestenmannavnjar)
The Faraway a legitimate trade vessel is actually
Captain Innocent (Vo) (2,2,4,2,3) a key player in the Vodacce-Vendel trade wars.
First Mate Allen Nobleson (A) (3,3,2,3,1) Under Avalon registry it transports the finest
Second Mate Zack Ryan (A/I) (3,2,2,2,2) Falisci wines from Vodacce to Captain Innocents
Master Miles Fairservice (H) (2,2,3,3,2) contact in Vendel, where the hard to acquire overly
Masters Mate Duncan Ciderman (H) (4,2,2,2,2) taxed and tariffed vintage brings an extraordinary
Midshipman Antonio Gambini (Vo) (2,3,3,2,2) price. The vino is unloaded upon a secret beach
Master Gunner Gustov Richter (E) (4,2,3,3,2) along the rocky shores of Vendels main island
Ships Surgeon Deiter Toth The Butcher (Vn) Oddis (avoiding above mentioned taxes and
(1,2,4,1,3) tariffs). But this is not the end of Captain
Boson Hank Surly (A) (3,2,1,2,1) Innocents fine work. After such a drop, and
Bosons Mate Dan Meriweather (A) (2,3,2,2,2) unknown to his own Vendel contact, the Captain
Carpenter - Henri Dtest (M) (2,3,2,1,4) rendezvous with his Vestenmannavnjar contact
Cook Old Abe (A) (1,2,3,2,1) among the raiders. The raider sells Innocent
Master of Tops Jeremy Topps (A) (2,3,3,3,2) captured Vendel trade goods, for well below
Master of Fore Brian McBlame (I) (3,3,2,4,2) market value. Innocent then transports this
Cabin Boy Danny Peters (A) (1,3,2,1,1) otherwise legal cargo into Vendel dominated trade
markets, like the Highland Marches, where he sells
Foremast Jacks: Grant Tucker Tuck (A), Adam them for a staggeringly low price, undercutting all
Farly (A), Jon Knute (Vn) legitimate Vendel merchants. Innocent then makes
his way back towards Vodacce trading in legal
Able Bodied Seamen: Tim Tucker (A), Gil White goods along the way.
(A), Romeo (Vo), Diego El Guapo (Cs), Jack
Snow (A) Captain Innocent
[d20TM 3.5]
The Faraway Avalon registered brig Male human(Vodacce) Courtier 3/Noble
AKA The Devout Vodacce registered 2/Pirate 3/Spy 2/Captain 2: CR 12; SZ M
humanoid; HD 7d6+2d8+3d10; HP:38; Init
[d20TM ] +0; Spd 30ft; AC 11 (+1 Dex), touch 11,
Base Cost: 45000 G flat-footed 10; BAB +7; Grapple +11; Atk
Cost per Additional Level: 5000G +7 unarmed strike melee (d3) or +9 mw
Length: 70 ft. pistol ranged (d10/x3) or +8 mw rapier
Width: 22 ft. melee (d6/18-20); Full atk +7/+2 unarmed
Draft: 3 strike melee (d3) or +9 mw pistol ranged
Cannon: 20: twelve 6-pounders, 4 12- (d10/x3) or +6/+1 mw rapier melee (d6/18-
pounders and 6 boarding guns 20) and +5 sailors knife melee(d4/17-20
Masts: 2 x3); SA Cunning Plans, Sneak Attack +2d6;
Oars: 0 SQ Alias (DC 22), Contacts, Gossip,
Movement Rate: 5 Motivational Speech, Talent, Style & Grace,
Cargo: 15 tons Friends in High Places, wealth x2; AL N; SV
Rudder: 3 Fort 4, Ref 8, Will 13; Str 10, Dex 12, Con
Crew: 35 9, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 16;
Armor Class: 13 Skills: Appraise 13, Balance 15, Bluff 18,
Hull Harness: 5 Climb 7, Craft (maps) 12, Craft (strategy)
Hit Points: 1540 10, Craft (wine) 7, Decipher script 8,
Starting Feats: Smuggling Compartments Diplomacy 22 (20 in high society), Disguise
7 (9 when acting in person), Escape artist
[7th SeaTM] 15, Forgery 13, Gather information 14 (16
Brawn: 2 with high society), Hide 7, Intimidate 4,
Finesse: 2 Knowledge (economics) 9, Knowledge
Wits: 5 (local) 8, Knowledge (nobility & royalty) 10,
Resolve: 3 Move silently 5, Perform (dance) 8, Perform
Panache: 5 (oratory) 12, Profession (navigation) 6,
Modifications: Hidden tow line (1), Profession (sailor) 7, Profession (tactician)
Smugglers compartment (3) 5, Sense motive 6, Spot 5, Survival 6, Swim
4; Languages: Avalon, Castillian, Eisen, Wrestling: Grapple 4, Bear Hug 2, Break 2,
Montaigne, Ussuran, Vendel, Escape 4, Head Butt 2
Vestenmannavnjar, Vodacce;
Feats: Improved Grapple, Improved A medium sized man with short curly black hair,
Unarmed Strike, Iron Will, Leadership (score and dark eyes, Innocent sports a round belly on his
15), Pirate Trick (Over the Side!), Skill stocky frame, but still moves like a steadfast man
Focus: Escape Artist, Skill Focus: Profession of the sea. His years do not show harshly upon
(Tactician), Two-Weapon Fighting; Arcana: him, and his gleaming smile beneath his thick
Friendly; black moustache curled high at the ends, makes
most men, and women, feel kindly inclined to the
[7th SeaTM] gentleman sailor. He has worked moving Falisci
Captain Innocent: Scoundrel wine most of his days as a captain, since a chance
Brawn: 2
encounter gaming with a young Donello Falisci
Finesse: 2
won him his first shipment. While the two are not
Wits: 4
exactly friends there is a gentlemans bond
Resolve: 2
Panache: 3
between them, and as Prince Donello has made
Reputation: -30 Innocent a rich man, the patriot, and capitalist is
Backgrounds: Obligation (To the Falisci quite loyal to him. Innocent is not a particularly
family) 2 brave man, and so prefers to move mostly legal
Arcana: Friendly cargo, stay out of fights, and flee in his fast ship
when possible. He is not a great seaman, but
Advantages: Avalon (R/W), Castillian (R/W), knows how to hire men that are, and men that tend
Eisen (R/W), Montaigne (R/W), Ussuran, to be loyal to him. He values loyalty above all else,
Venal (R/W), Vestenmannavnjar, Vodacce and will not tolerate a turncoat. He has a strong
(R/W), Linguist, Left Handed. sense of Vodacce honour, and his word is his
Skills: bond. He is a man with many friends and contacts,
Courtier: Dancing 1, Etiquette 3, Fashion 1, and knows how to make more when necessary. He
Oratory 3, Diplomacy 4, Gossip 2, Lip would rather use a bribe than the barrel of a gun to
Reading 2, Politics 2, Scheming 2, Seduction get what he wants, and considers trickery, and
1, Sincerity 4 deception honourably applied to be the height of
Criminal: Gambling 3, Shadowing 2, Stealth wit. Despite his love of money he has been known
2, Ambush 2, Cheating 2 to give charitably, and when farming implements,
Merchant: Vintner 2, Shipwright 1, Sail or tools are among the Vendel goods he receives
Maker 1, Accounting 3, Appraising 3, from his Vestenmannavnjar contact he sets sail to
Haggling 4 the Eisen markets where they are most in need. His
Sailor: Balance 4, Climbing 2, Knotwork 2, deal with Prince Falisci includes the distribution of
Rigging 2, Cartography 3, Navigation 2, Pilot
Vendel trade goods into the markets they dominate
1, Sea Lore 2, Swimming 1, Weather 1
at cut-rate prices (generally less than half the going
Spy: Shadowing 2, Stealth 2, Bribery 4,
rate, which is still nearly 50% over what he pays).
Conceal 2, Cryptography 2, Disguise 1,
In exchange he receives a discounted rate on the
Forgery 3, Lip Reading 2, Poison 1, Sincerity
finest wine in all of Thah, as long as he distributes
Streetwise: Socializing 4, Street Navigation exclusively to the Vendel. Innocent has no problem
3, Shopping 2, Underworld Lore 4 with this, as his contact is willing to pay a top price
Captain: Strategy 1, Tactics 1, Ambush 2, for the vintage as long as he can get it to him along
Bribery 4, Cartography 3, Diplomacy 4, the dark jagged hidden beaches of Oddis in the
Gunnery 1, Incitation 3, Leadership 2, middle of the night.
Logistics 2
Dirty Fighting: Attack 3, Attack (Imp.
Weapon) 2, Eye Gouge 2, Kick 2, Parry Allen Nobleson
(Imp. Weapon) 2, Throat Strike 2, Throw [d20TM 3.5]
(Imp Weapon) 2 Male human(Avalon) Pirate 5/Wanderer
Fencing: Attack 3, Parry 4 5/Helmsman 1: CR 9; SZ M humanoid; HD
Firearms: Attack 3, Reload 4 5d10+5d8+d6; HP:53; Init +2; Spd 30ft;
Knife: Attack 3, Parry 2, Throw (Knife) 2 AC 19 (+2 Dex, +1 Int, +6 unarmored
defense proficiency), touch 13, flat-footed
10; BAB +9; Grapple +11; Atk +12 (+10 if Rolling 2, Swimming 2, Swinging 1
using 2 weapons) mw rapier melee (d6/18- Captain: Strategy 2, Tactics 2, Bribery 1,
20 x2) or +14 pistol ranged (d12/x3); Full Cartography 2, Gunnery 2, Incitation 1,
atk +10/+5 mw rapier melee (d6/18-20 x2) Leadership 1, Logistics 3
and +9 sailors knife melee(d4/17-20 x3) or Fencing: Attack 3, Parry 3
+14 pistol ranged (d12/x3); SQ all ahead Firearms: Attack 4, Reload 5
full +2, evasion, intuition +1, roguish style, Knife: Attack 2, Parry 3
uncanny dodge, ward of the albatross; AL Rider: Ride 2, Animal Training 1 (horse)
LG; SV Fort 5, Ref 12, Will 6; Str 14, Dex
14, Con 11, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 8; The illegitimate son of an Avalon noble, Allen
Skills: Balance 16, Bluff 2, Climb 11, took early to the sea. He has a strong sense of
Concentration 5, Craft (maps) 6, Craft honour and loyalty, and knows that Innocent relies
(tactics) 6, Diplomacy 2, Jump 7, Knowledge upon his seamanship, and steadfastness. Allen likes
(economics) 6, Knowledge (history) 4, to be needed, and trusted. In Innocent he finds
Knowledge (law) 12, Knowledge (local) 8, both. Innocent allows him to run the ship mostly
Knowledge (mathematics) 4, Knowledge his way, and that suits him fine. He likes an orderly
(nobility & royalty) 6, Knowledge ship, clean, and polished, and keeps the Faraway
(philosophy) 4, Knowledge (science) 3, ready for action at all times. He doesnt allow
Listen 5, Perform (dance) 1, Profession himself to be concerned with Innocents business
(navigator: sea) 10, Profession (sailor) 11,
practices, though he is not above giving a
Profession (siege engineer/artillerist) 7, Ride
cautioning word (in private) about some of the
6, Search 3, Spot 5, Survival 7, Swim 6;
captains seedier contacts. He is never
Languages: Avalon, Castillian, Montaigne,
disrespectful however, he sees Innocent as a great
Vendel, Vodacce;
Feats: Alertness, Iron will, Skill focus
businessman, who relies on him to keep his tool of
(balance, profession (navigator), profession the trade (the Faraway) ship shape. He is happy
(sailor)), Two-weapon fighting, Unarmored though that the captain rarely deals in illegal
defense proficiency (beginner), Weapon objects, as he finds criminal activity unsettling, not
expert (pistol); Arcana: Loyal; that that includes their night time drops, which he
simply sees as a part of a good seamans duty. He
[7th SeaTM] will not tolerate slovenliness, or disrespect of the
Allen Nobleson: Henchman captain on what he considers his ship (though he
Brawn: 3 knows who is ultimately in charge).
Finesse: 3
Wits: 2
Resolve: 3 Antonio Gambini
Panache: 1 [d20TM 3.5]
Reputation: 10 Male human(Vodacce) Assassin 2/Pirate
Backgrounds: 4/Spy 2/Wanderer 1/Ambrogia 2: CR 11; SZ
Arcana: Loyal M humanoid; HD 6d10+5d6+d8; HP:44; Init
+2; Spd 30ft; AC 14 (+2 Dex, +2 Int),
Advantages: Avalon (R/W), Castillian, touch 14, flat-footed 10; BAB +8; Grapple
Montaigne, Vendel (R/W), Vodacce (R/W) +14; Atk +14 (+12 if using two weapons)
Skills: main gauche melee (d6/ 19-20 x2) or +10
Courtier: Dancing 1, Etiquette 2, Fashion 2, pistol ranged (d10/x3); Full atk +10/+5 mw
Oratory 1 rapier melee (d6/18-20 x2) and + 12 main
Sailor: Balance 4, Climbing 3, Knotwork 3, gauche melee (d6/19-20 x2) or +10 pistol
Rigging 3, Cartography 2, Leaping 2, ranged (d10/x3); SA Death Attack (DC 15),
Navigation 3, Pilot 3, Sea Lore 1, Swimming Sneak Attack +2d6;SQ Alias (DC 28),
2, Weather 3 Contacts, Evasion, Poison Use, Roguish
Scholar: History 1, Mathematics 1, style; AL LE; SV Fort 3, Ref 17, Will 2; Str
Philosophy 1, Research 1, Astronomy 1, Law 10, Dex 15, Con 9, Int 16, Wis 13, Cha 11;
3 Skills: Balance 10, Bluff 9, Climb 7, Craft
Servant: Etiquette 2, Fashion 2, Menial Task (maps) 5, Decipher script 10, Diplomacy 8,
2, Unobtrusive 2, Accounting 2 Disguise 6 (8 when acting in person),
Athlete: Climbing 3, Footwork 2, Sprinting Forgery 6, Gather information 8, Jump 4,
1, Throwing 2, Break Fall 1, Leaping 2, Hide 11, Intimidate 6, Knowledge
(economics) 4, Knowledge (games) 10, Weapon) 2, Parry (Imp. Weapon) 2, Eye
Knowledge (local) 8, Knowledge (nobility & Gouge 3, Kick 1, Throat Strike 2, Throw
royalty) 6, Move silently 11, Open lock 5, (Imp. Weapon) 1
Perform (dance) 3, Perform (oratory) 4, Fencing: Attack 4, Parry 2
Profession (navigator) 3, Profession (sailor) Firearms: Attack 3
6, Profession (siege engineer/artillerist) 4, Knife: Attack 5, Parry 2, Throw 3
Profession (tactician) 4, Spot 5, Swim 4; Ambrogia School (Apprentice) Exploit
Languages: Avalon, Castillian, Montaigne, Weakness 2, Feint 2, Pommel Strike 4,
Vendel, Vodacce; Riposte 2
Feats: Combat reflexes, Left handed, Run,
Parry, Side-step, Skill focus Antonio is the overly ambitious second son of one
(knowledge(games)), Two-weapon fighting of Prince Faliscis hands. The Prince had him
(virtual), Weapon expert (main gauche), placed aboard the Faraway ostensibly to watch
Weapon finesse, Weapon focus (main over his interests, but has Innocent watching the
gauche, rapier) ; Arcana: Ambitious, boy as closely as the boy watches him. He hopes
Arrogant; the boy will learn the sailors trade, and humble a
touch as he matures. Innocent does his best to
[7th SeaTM] nudge the boy in this direction, but he has been
Antonio Gambini: Villain resistant so far, seeing sailing as poor mens work
Brawn: 2 best left to those who cannot properly handle a
Finesse: 3 blade. He reports everything Innocent does in
Wits: 3
detail to his father, who passes on what he feels he
Resolve: 2
must to the Prince, whom his father knows, has a
Panache: 2
great respect for the man. Antonios father is quite
Reputation: 0
concerned that his sons ambition may lead to not
Backgrounds: Obligation 2
Arcana: Ambitious
only his downfall, but to the downfall of the family
who has served Prince Falisci well so far, and has
Advantages: Avalon (R/W), Castillian, been treated fairly in return. Antonio hopes to one
Montaigne, Vendel (R/W), Vodacce (R/W), day take his fathers place as the Princes hand, and
Left Handed believes if he can find sufficient fault with
Skills: Innocent to take the ship, the job will be his.
Courtier: Dancing 1, Etiquette 2, Fashion 3, Unfortunately his older brother Tiberius seems
Oratory 1, Diplomacy 1, Gaming 3, Gossip much better suited to the job, with his level head,
1, Lip Reading 1, Mooch 1, Politics 1, and cool heart, at both of which Antonio sneers.
Scheming 3, Seduction 2, Sincerity 1 He generally keeps himself in check when on-
Criminal: Gambling 3, Shadowing 3, Stealth board the ship, seeing himself as a spy who must
3, Ambush 3, Cheating 3, Lock Picking 1, keep his place. But this does not keep him from
Scrounging 1 showing the occasional disdain for the common
Sailor: Balance 2, Climbing 2, Knotwork 2, crewmen aboard.
Rigging 2, Cartography 1, Leaping 1,
Navigation 1, Pilot 1, Swimming 1
Spy: Shadowing 3, Stealth 3, Bribery 2, Gustov Richter
Conceal 3, Cryptography 3, Disguise 2,
[d20TM 3.5]
Forgery 1, Hand Signs 1, Interrogation 1,
Male human(Eisen) Fighter 6/Wanderer
Lip Reading 1, Poison 3, Sincerity 1
1/Captain 1/Master Gunner 4: CR 12; SZ M
Streetwise: Socializing 3, Street Navigation
humanoid; HD 6d10+d6+5d8; HP:71; Init
2, Scrounging 1, Shopping 1, Underworld
+2; Spd 30ft; AC 19 (+2 Dex, +7
Lore 1
Unarmored Defense Proficiency), touch 19,
Athlete: Climbing 2, Footwork 2, Sprinting
flat-footed 10; BAB +10; Grapple +17; Atk
3, Throwing 1, Leaping 1, Swimming 1,
+13 rapier melee (d6+3/18-20 x2) or +12
Side-Step 3
pistol ranged (d10/x3); Full atk +13/+8 mw
Captain: Strategy 1, Tactics 1, Ambush 3,
rapier melee (d6+3/18-20 x2) or +12 pistol
Bribery 2, Cartography 1, Diplomacy 1,
ranged (d10/x3) [Gustov can use almost
Gunnery 1, Incitation 3, Leadership 1,
anything as a weapon, so the above are just
Logistics 1
indications]; SA Cunning Plans, Deadeye,
Dirty Fighting: Attack 4, Attack (Imp.
Give em Hell, Hit Location, Increased Dirty Fighting: Attack 4, Attack (Imp.
Critical, Increased Critical Modifier, Weapon) 3, Parry (Imp. Weapon) 2, Eye
Increased Rate of Fire; SQ Evasion; AL NG; Gouge 1, Kick 2, Throat Strike 3, Throw
SV Fort 3, Ref 18, Will 2; Str 16, Dex 14, (Imp. Weapon) 1
Con 12, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 10; Fencing: Attack 3, Parry 3
Skills: Balance 10, Climb 8, Concentration 6, Firearms: Attack 4, Reload 5
Craft (maps) 8, Craft (metalworking) 8, Heavy Weapon: Attack 4, Parry 3
Craft (tactics) 9, Diplomacy 3, Gather Knife: Attack 3, Parry 2
information 3, Jump 5, Knowledge Panzerhand: Attack 4, Parry 3, Uppercut 4
(economics) 8, Knowledge (local) 5, Perform Polearm: Attack 4, Parry 4
(oratory) 8, Profession (sailor) 4, Profession Pugilism: Attack 4, Footwork 3, Jab 1, Ear
(tactician) 8, Profession (siege Clap 3, Uppercut 4
engineer/artillerist) 11, Ride 6, Sense Rider: Ride 2, Mounting 2, Trick Riding 1
motive 6, Survival 6, Swim 6; Languages: Wrestling: Grapple 3, Bear Hug 3, Break 3,
Avalon, Eisen, High Eisen, Montaigne, Escape 2, Head Butt 1
Ussuran, Vendel, Vodacce;
Feats: Improved grapple, Improved Gustov is a defeated man, who has found some
initiative, Improved unarmed strike, measure of purpose in life serving aboard the
Improvised weapon, Iron will, Leadership, Faraway, with a wily captain like Innocent.
Parry, Skill focus (profession(tactician)), Innocent met the man in a bar where he was being
Toughness, Unarmored defense proficiency viciously harassed by a group of young toughs. He
(beginner) ; could see that the man had no fear of the boys, but
a great sadness in his heart. Innocent shamed the
[7th SeaTM] young men away with the power of his words, and
Gustov Richter: Hero as Gustov watched them walk away, Innocent
Brawn: 4 turned and said something to him, which made him
Finesse: 2 smile. It was the first time Gustov remembered
Wits: 3 smiling in over a dozen years. He soon found he
Resolve: 3
had a place aboard the Faraway, and that his old
Panache: 2
skills were actually needed. While he still
Reputation: 6
occasionally turns to drink when the nightmares of
Backgrounds: Defeated (2)
Arcana: None
his past become too much, he is otherwise a
reliable hand whom most of the crew, and officers
Advantages: Academy, Iron Will, Avalon, respect. Mr. Nobleson does not like his drinking,
Eisen (R/W), High Eisen (R/W), Montaigne, and they have had some conflicts on the matter, but
Ussuran (ACQ), Vendel, Vodacce, Toughness he casts no dispersions on the mans work, which
Skills: he does with precision, and zeal. Though Innocent
Merchant: Blacksmith 2 is rarely in need of the mans talents he allows him
Sailor: Balance 3, Climbing 2, Knotwork 1, to keep the crew in top shape with the guns, and
Rigging 1, Cartography 2, Leaping 1, still occasionally makes the man grin. Though no
Swimming 1, Weather 2 one has ever heard what he says to make him do
Streetwise: Socializing 1, Street Navigation so. Gustov is older, perhaps in his late fifties, with
2, Scrounging 2, Shopping 2 short gray hair, and pale blue eyes, but his muscles
Athlete: Climbing 2, Footwork 3, Sprinting are corded like iron, and his gaze makes most
1, Throwing 3, Leaping 1, Long Distance young men quake with fear.
Running 1, Lifting 3, Swimming 1, Side Step
Commander: Strategy 4, Tactics 3, Ambush Deiter Toth The Butcher
2, Artillery 4, Cartography 2, Diplomacy 1,
[d20TM shortened]
Gunnery 4, Incitation 2, Leadership 3,
Field surgeon 4/wanderer 2/assassin 2; hp
Logistics 2
22; AL NE
Captain: Strategy 4, Tactics 3, Ambush 2,
Feats: Membership: invisible college,
Bribery 1, Cartography 2, Diplomacy 1,
University, Skill Focus (Heal, Knowledge
Gunnery 4, Incitation 2, Leadership 3,
(Mathematics)); Arcana: Deceitful
Logistics 2
Crossbow: Attack 3, Fletcher 1, Reload 3
Fort +3, Ref +8, Will +5; Str 9, Dex 12, Con have remained aboard the ship much after. Deiter
8, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 15 is a little known member of the Invisible College,
only Alvara Arciniega and their primary go
[7th SeaTM] between Devoren Rivinova are aware he has any
Deiter Toth The Butcher: Villain connection to the college. Deiter is primarily
Brawn: 1 concerned with the search for immortality, but has
Finesse: 2 little patience for research. He much prefers simply
Wits: 4 to test his theories, and ships full of ignorant
Resolve: 1 sailors make excellent guinea pigs. He sends the
Panache: 3
results in coded form to Arcineiga; in exchange
Reputation: -11
Arcineiga often sends promising elixirs to Deiter
for large scale testing. Nine of the last ten ships
Arcana: Deceitful
Deiter has served upon over the last seven years
Advantages: Alchemy, Connections, Avalon have fallen victim to these tests, with not a man
(R/W), Castillian (R/W), Eisen (R/W), left aboard to tell the tale. Hes currently awaiting
Montaigne (R/W), Than (R/W), Vendel his next shipment from Arcineiga, while
(R/W), Vodacce (R/W), Membership continuing his own experiments. His fascination
Invisible College, Specialization (Balance 2), with amputation comes from a desire to
University successfully graft a preserved, heretofore
Skills: unidentified, Syrneth limb to a human host. His
Courtier: Dancing 1, Etiquette 2, Fashion 1, past attempts have not proven entirely successful,
Oratory 3, Diplomacy 1, Gaming 1, Mooch 1, with a variety of maladies inflicted upon the
Scheming 3 recipient, including rejection of the new limb, and
Doctor: Diagnose 4, First Aid 4, Dentist 2, usually some form of mental disorderbut he still
Examiner 4, Quack 5, Surgery 4 has hope.
Scholar: History 3, Mathematics 4,
Philosophy 1, Research 2, Astronomy 2,
Natural Philosophy 3, Occult 4 Henri Dtest (Maker of many beautiful things)
Spy: Shadowing 2, Stealth 1, Bribery 1,
[d20TM shortened]
Conceal 1, Cryptography 3, Disguise 1,
Commoner 6/Expert 3; hp 25; AL N
Forgery 1, Hand Signs 2, Interrogation 2,
Feats: Appearance (Above Average), Skill
Poison 4
Focus (Craft (Carpentry), Craft (Sculpting),
Streetwise: Socializing 1, Street Navigation
Craft (Ship)), Weapon Finesse;
1, Scrounging 2, Shopping 3, Underworld
Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +6; Str 11, Dex 18,
Lore 2
Con 10, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 16
Dirty Fighting: Attack 2
Fencing: Attack 3, Parry 4 [7th SeaTM]
Firearms: Attack 3 Henri Dtest: Scoundrel
Knife: Attack 4, Parry 2 Brawn: 2
Finesse: 4
Deiter is a thoroughly evil man with an unsettling Wits: 2
disposition. His lanky, gaunt form gives most of Resolve: 2
the crew the creeps. His head is topped with wispy Panache: 4
brown hair fading fast, and his bulging pale blue Reputation: 6
eyes sit in a spider web of red veins that nearly Backgrounds: Hunted (3)
cover all of the white. He is a fair surgeon Arcana:
however, with a knack for treating the most
tenacious diseases. As an added bonus, his Advantages: Appearance (Above Average),
appearance, and reputation keep most of the crew Avalon, Castillian, Montaigne, Vendel (ACQ),
at work when they might otherwise be running to Vodacce
the sick bay with minor illnesses. His most Skills:
unsettling characteristic seems to be disposition Artist: Sculpting 4
towards amputation, at the first sign of an Merchant: Carpenter 4, Cooper 2,
infection. In the past four years he has performed Shipwright 4
over a dozen, and while all but one has lived, few Streetwise: Socializing 3, Street Navigation
2, Scrounging 2, Shopping 2
Dirty Fighting: Attack 3 Weapon) 2, Parry (Imp. Weapon) 3, Kick 2
Fencing Attack 1, Parry 2 Fencing: Attack 2, Parry 2
Firearms: Attack 1 Firearms: Attack 2
Knife: Attack 3, Parry 2, Throw 2 Knife: Attack 3, Parry 3
Pugilism: Attack 3, Footwork 2, Jab 4,
Henri is a young man of no education, but Uppercut 3
exceptional natural talent. Tall, slim, and good- Wrestling: Grapple 3, Escape 4
looking, he has never had to work too hard to get
what he wants. His unscrupulous nature and lack Tuck as hes called aboard the Faraway is the
of discretion have forced him to choose a life at type of sailor every captain dreams of having on
sea. He is good with his hands, and able to carve board, honest, hard working, and ever an example
any shape he desires from wood. He has done a to others. His is just above average height, strongly
number of placards, and mastheads for Innocent built, with short brown hair, and a sparkle in his
over the last few years, each more beautiful, and eyes. He is generally happy to lend a hand, put in a
elaborate from the last. He finds the day-to-day good word, and quick with a smile. Most of the
work of a ship's carpenter droll and tiresome, and crew would trust him with their lives, and their
tries to embellish his work with as much of his secrets. He is possibly the best sailor on board, but
unique style as possible to keep his mind off the has no aspirations of becoming anything more. He
tedium. If only he could have kept his hands off his says he has no head for figures and no talent for
last few patrons women he might have been command, but hes the one everyone on board
recognized as one of the great artists of his time. looks to first when things get rough. If he has a
fault, its that he tends to be a bit over protective of
his younger brother Tim. Jon Knute, and Jack
Grant Tucker Tuck Snow have some sort of long-standing grudge
[d20TM shortened] against him for a past slight, real or imagined.
Pirate 8; hp 52; AL L-NG
Feats: Improved Grapple, Improved
Unarmed Strike, Pirate Trick (Death from Jon Knute (The Rum Room Runner)
Above), Skill Focus (Gather Information); [d20TM shortened]
Arcana: Exemplary Rogue 7; hp 24; AL CE
Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +3; Str 14, Dex 14, Feats: Run, Skill Focus (Hide, Open Lock),
Con 13, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 10 Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Sailors
Knife); Arcana: Greedy
[7th SeaTM] Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +1; Str 11, Dex 14,
Grant Tucker Tuck: Hero Con 10, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 11
Brawn: 3
Finesse: 3 [7th SeaTM]
Wits: 3 Jon Knute: Villain
Resolve: 3 Brawn: 2
Panache: 2 Finesse: 3
Reputation: 4 Wits: 3
Backgrounds: Resolve: 2
Arcana: Exemplary Panache: 2
Reputation: -3
Advantages: Avalon, Castillian, Montaigne, Backgrounds:
Ussuran (ACQ), Vendel (ACQ), Arcana: Greedy
Vestenmannavnjar (ACQ), Vodacce
Skills: Advantages: Avalon, Castillian (ACQ), Eisen,
Sailor: Balance 4, Climbing 4, Knotwork 4, Montaigne (ACQ), Ussuran (ACQ), Vendel
Rigging 4, Leaping 3, Sea Lore 2, Swimming (R/W), Vestenmannavnjar, Vodacce (R/W)
2, Weather 2 Skills:
Streetwise: Socializing 4, Street Navigation Criminal: Gambling 2, Shadowing 2, Stealth
1 4, Ambush 3, Cheating 2, Lock Picking 4,
Athlete: Climbing 4, Footwork 2, Sprinting Pickpocket 2, Scrounging 4
1, Throwing 3, Swimming 2, Swinging 2 Sailor: Balance 3, Climbing 3, Knotwork 2,
Dirty Fighting: Attack 2, Attack (Imp. Rigging 3, Leaping 2, Sea Lore 1
Streetwise: Socializing 3, Street Navigation
3, Scrounging 4, Shopping 3, Underworld Advantages: Avalon (R/W), Castillian (ACQ),
Lore 1 Eisen (ACQ), Montaigne (ACQ), Ussuran
Athlete: Climbing 3, Footwork 2, Sprinting (ACQ), Vendel (ACQ), Vodacce
3, Throw 2 Skills:
Dirty Fighting: Attack 4, Attack (Imp. Criminal: Gambling 4, Shadowing 2, Stealth
Weapon) 3, Eye Gouge 4, Kick 2 3, Ambush 1, Cheating 4, Prestidigitation 1,
Fencing: Attack 2, Parry 2 Scrounging 1
Firearms: Attack 3 Sailor: Balance 3, Climbing 3, Knotwork 2,
Knife: Attack 4, Parry 2 Rigging 3, Leaping 2, Sea Lore 1 Weather 1
Streetwise: Socializing 4, Street Navigation
Jon would sell his own mother for a Guilder, given 3, Scrounging 1, Shopping 1, Underworld
half a chance. Where money is concerned Jon has Lore 2
absolutely no morals. Pale skinned with nearly Dirty Fighting: Attack 3, Attack (Imp.
white blond hair, and dark deep set eyes he cant Weapon) 2, Eye Gouge 3, Parry (Imp.
be trusted except to line his own pockets. Hes a Weapon) 2, Throat Strike 1, Throw (Imp.
fair sailor, and does his work without complaint. Weapon) 1
He is generally quiet, and knows when to keep his Firearms: Attack 2
mouth shut. Unless hes selling you something, Knife: Attack 3, Parry 2, Throw 2
you probably wont even notice hes there. When
he figured out how to reach the liquor locker from Jack is the ships unofficial bookie setting odds on
the hold below he began a small, but fairly everything from how many miles the ship will
lucrative business, reselling the ships grog to his make in a day to how many weevils will be found
fellow crewmen, however his greedy nature has in the next loaf of bread. The stout dark-haired
been driving him to drain more and more of the man likes to complain about everything from the
ships liquor. He knows it cant go unnoticed food to the weather, but keeps it all before the
forever, but as long as shipmates keep offering him mast, knowing better than to rise the ire of the
money for it, he cant bring himself to stop. Some officers or boson. He always has a couple of dice,
poor fool will have to take the blame then, and it and a deck of old cards to entice the bored or
certainly cant be him. Its too bad no one would unwary. Most of the crew knows he doesnt always
ever believe it was Tuck, but really anyone will do play fair, but he lets them win enough to keep them
as long as it doesnt implicate him. coming back for more. Jack is a steady companion
of Jon Knute, and the two of them are often seen
conspiring together.
Jack Snow
Danny Peters
[d20TM shortened]
Pirate 4/Rogue 3; hp 32; AL CE-CN [d20TM shortened]
Feats: Skill Focus (Bluff, Commoner 4; hp 10; AL NG
Knowledge(Games), Knowledge (Local)), Feats: Skill Focus (Climb), Small (bonus,
Pirate Trick (Dagger Ride), Weapon Finesse, due to age), Run, Weapon Finesse; Arcana:
Weapon Focus(Sailors Knife); Arcana: Fortunate
Greedy Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +1; Str 9, Dex 15, Con
Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +1; Str 11, Dex 14, 10, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 11
Con 11, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 11
[7th SeaTM]
[7th SeaTM] Danny Peters: Hero
Jack Snow: Villain Brawn: 1
Brawn: 2 Finesse: 3
Finesse: 3 Wits: 2
Wits: 3 Resolve: 1
Resolve: 3 Panache: 1
Panache: 2 Reputation:
Reputation: -2 Backgrounds:
Backgrounds: Arcana: Fortunate
Arcana: Greedy
Advantages: Avalon (R/W), Montaigne verbose though, and shows an outward preference
(R/W), Vodacce, Small for fellow Highlanders. He is often heard to
Skills: exclaim that Highlanders make the finest
Artist: Drawing 3
Sailor: Balance 1, Climbing 3, Knotwork 1, Masters Mate Duncan Ciderman (H) [d20TM
Rigging 1 pirate 3/wanderer 1] [7th SeaTM 4,2,2,2,2]
Servant: Etiquette 1, Fashion, 1, Menial Age 24, Height 5 11, Weight 220lb, Hair Brown,
Task 2, Unobtrusive 3 Eyes Brown
Athlete: Climbing 3, Footwork 1, Sprinting Duncan is a hearty young man who couldnt be
3, Throwing 1, Rolling 2, Swimming 1 happier about learning under such an expert pilot
Knife: Attack 1, Parry 1
as Miles Fairservice. One of the strongest men
aboard Miles has been known to turn the wheel
Danny is a good-natured young boy, small and
over to him in foul weather where his strength
freckled. Captain Innocent took the street urchin
provides the needed guidance to the rudder in
under his wing after watching him deftly evade a
harsh seas. The two have formed a fast bond, and
large group of ruffians trying to steal from him a
the young man stands in almost starry-eyed
golden locket he claimed to have been his
attentiveness whenever Fairservice speaks. Perhaps
mothers. It contains the picture of a man he
his only flaw in an unflappable belief in everything
claims is his father, a great sea captain, though he
that Miles says.
admits to having no memory of the man. The
captain now thinks hes good luck, and most of the
Boson Hank Surly (A) [d20TM wanderer
crew has decided the same. He seems to be able to
find all the captains lost buttons, and never gets 1/fighter 2] [7th SeaTM 3,2,1,2,1]
himself under foot in an action. When hes not Age 31, Height 5 10, Weight 180lb, Hair Black,
hard at work, hes usually found in the top sheets Eyes Blue
sketching one thing or another. Hank is every bit as surly as his name implies. He
is a decent sailor with a strong work ethic that he
believes should carry over to others. He thinks
Those crewmen whose statistics are not fully most sailors are slackers who would rather turn up
fleshed out above are listed here with brief the bottom of a bottle, than do a hard day's work.
descriptions. He has a strong respect for Mr. Nobleson who he
believes is the only officer on board with standards
as high as his. He has no tolerance for sea lawyers,
Second Mate Zack Ryan (A/I) [d20TM
and trying to talk your way out of a situation with
wanderer 4] [7th SeaTM 3,2,2,2,2] Hank Surly is the surest way to double whatever
Age 27, Height 5 7, Weight 155lb, Hair Red punishment or work he was about to assign.
(well trimmed), Eyes Green
Zack is a reliable officer well-versed in Bosons Mate Dan Meriweather (A) [d20TM
seamanship. He has strong ties to his Inish roots
swashbuckler 2] [7th SeaTM 2,3,2,2,2]
and wont abide racism aboard, though he is not
Age 25, Height 59, Weight 175lb, Hair Sandy
prone to favouritism. He has a strong love of drink,
Blond, Eyes Blue-Green
though never when on duty, and is a fair pugilist.
Dan is Hanks perfect counterpart, always cheerful,
Fairness, and even tempered are the watchwords
and full of encouraging words for a struggling
for Zack. He and Mr. Nobleson trade shifts as the
crewman. While he has as little tolerance for
watch officer.
slacking in ones duties as Hank, he is generally of
the belief that most men will do their job if allowed
Master Miles [d20TM
Fairservice (H)
to. Hank was impressed by the young mans strong
wanderer 3/ pirate 2/helmsman 2] [7th work ethic, and overlooks his generally congenial
SeaTM 2,2,3,3,2]
disposition because of it.
Age 44, Height 5 6, Weight 185lb, Hair Grey
(and diminishing), Eyes Blue-Grey
Cook Old Abe (A) [d20TM wanderer 5] [7th
Miles is the finest sailor on board. An old and
SeaTM 1,2,3,2,1 - Sea Lore 6]
steady hand at the wheel well versed in taking the
Faraway through difficult straights. His knowledge Age Very Old? Height 5 4, Weight 210lb Hair
of hidden coves, and beaches is unsurpassed, as is Wisps of White, Eyes Dark Brown
his piloting skill. He has a tendency to be quite
Not the best cook on the seven seas, he certainly
not the worst, and the way he spins a tale keeps Tim Tucker (A) [d20TM wanderer 2] [7th
most mens minds off what theyre eating till their SeaTM 2,3,2,2,2]
done. To hear it hes seen it all, done it all, and a Age 19, Height 5 6, Weight 145lb. Hair Brown
few more things besides. The men generally trust (braided pigtails), Eyes Brown
and like him, turning to him for often needed Grants little brother, he has a high regard for his
advice, though they know theyd best be prepared brother, and is always trying (sometimes too hard)
for the whole tale that goes with it. to make him proud.
Master of Tops Jeremy Topps (A) [d20TM Gil White (A) [d20TM fighter 1/ pirate 2] [7th
th TM
pirate 3/topman 2] [7 Sea 2,3,3,3,2 - SeaTM 3,3,2,3,2]
Eagle Eyes] Age 25, Height 5 5, Weight 145lb, Hair Brown
Age 27, Height 6 3, Weight 175lb, Hair Brown (prematurely graying at corners, braided pigtails),
(braided pigtails), Eyes Green Eyes Light Brown
Jeremy has risen as high as he ever means to on a An unsavory, but seasoned sailor, Gil is usually up
ship, and is quite content. He has the eyes of an for whatever trouble he can find. He's a fighter,
eagle, and likes being up high where he can look and a drinker, with no respect for women, or
down on it all. He is an excellent sailor, a master at Theus.
the rigging, and climbs the ratlines as easily as
most men walk. He and Grant Tucker are good Romeo (Vo) [d20TM Than bard 3] [7th SeaTM
friends. 2,2,3,2,3]
Age 24, Height 5 7, Weight 155lb, Hair Black
Master of Fore Brian McBlame (I) [d20TM (Single long braid), Eyes Dark Brown
pirate 1/wanderer 1] [7th SeaTM 3,3,2,4,2 A lover, not a fighter, but a fair hand in the sheets,
Misfortunate] Romeo likes wine, women, and an occasional
Age 31, Height 5 7, Weight 185lb, Hair Red song, he has a fair voice, and a fairer face. He is
(Shaggy), Eyes Brown friendly, and likeable if a little forward with
Brian is a good seaman, who knows his duty, but women.
around him more accidents seem to happen. They
can never be shown to be his fault; hes just Diego El Guapo (Cs) [d20TM swashbuckler
unlucky, as the crew would say. Brian usually has 2/pirate 2] [7th SeaTM 2,3,2,2,3]
someone else to blame for these misfortunes Age 27, Height 5 8, Weight 165lb, Hair Black
however, and more than one new crewman has (Long tied into a Q when working), Eyes Deep
found himself in trouble after McBlames baseless Blue
accusations have reached the ears of Mr. Surly. El Guapo or the big liar, as his crewmates refer
to him, claims just about everything. He has
bedded noble women from all countries, has
Foremast Jacks: always seen a bigger wave, storm, rock, whale, or
beast, has fought the greatest swordsmen, sirens,
Adam Farly (A) [d20TM wanderer 2] [7th and seen the secrets of the Syrne. Some of this may
SeaTM 2,2,2,2,2] actually be true, but its very questionable just how
Age 24, Height 5 8, Weight 165lb, Hair Brown much. He is a fair hand with a rope, sword, knife,
(braided pigtails), Eyes Brown or pistol though, and rarely shows fear in the face
Adam is a fair sailor, but his loyalties sway with of obstacles, but whether this is because hes faced
the wind. Weak willed, and easily manipulated, worse before, or simply an attempt to live up to his
this generally good man will side with whoever own stories is unknown. He has been aboard the
seems to be on top at the moment. He has one Faraway only 2 years now.
exquisitely carved wooden leg (Dtests work)
after a minor accident gave Deiter cause to remove The Faraway usually ships about another half
it. dozen hands, (to include PCs) a large crew for a
merchant vessel, but it helps when moving loads of
cargo in the middle of the night, or manning more
Able Bodied Seamen: than a handful of cannons to deter the competition.
Architects of Truth
Some time during a travel to Casigula Rosa, he homeland. That bothered very little Antoine by that
met the courtesan Angelika: they both needed a time, as he also became a musketeer to follow his
way to blackmail a particular Vodacce noble, who, beloved anywhere. Then his beloved suddenly
among other things, had learned too much about married a woman of court, a beautiful, if somewhat
Antoine. Their crazy adventures to blackmail him old, noble with much money, and left for her
included a trip to the Schwartzen Walden (which estate. Antoine was left behind, betrayed, and with
cost him the life of Zozephine), some attacks on his heart broken.
houses in Casigula Rosa, and many more, which
made Antoine able to fight for his life, and taught Antoine was too ashamed to return to his
him much about working with others. As the homeland. He had lost everything, was left in an
months went, Antoine started feeling pure army he hated, and needed a way to revenge noble
attraction for Angelika, and started valuing some women (that bitch stole my husband), and gain
aspects of women. When things calmed down for a the money he was used to. The instinct of self-
while, Antoine was changed. He started a bigger preservation made him resourceful, and made him
business, managing to become a manager of all leave his country for Vodacce, where he practiced
jenny houses in Casigula Rosa, but he treated his his talents, and charm to take away as much money
jennies with respect they looked so much like as possible from rich women. He thrived in what
him, using the same ways to solve problems... He he imagined as their undoing (they almost
started behaving to them as if they were his always had more money to spend elsewhere,
daughters. though). That time he was very careful on the
information he was leaving about his character: he
At some moment, Antoine had to leave for a manipulated women, and gay people (I can see a
travel in the Midnight Archipelago. He, and his Cups strand connecting him even to a Vodacce
colleagues, now hardened by battle, and knowing general) as we manipulate everyone, but still was
(too) much about the world, stopped what Antoine careful from moving from one place to another,
claims to be a Syrneth Invasion in one of these and avoid the revealment of his job, and sexual
islands. He claims that the Barrier was opened in preferences.
that moment, and, while the Syrneth were let out,
something other came through. I suspect it has As far as Angelika is concerned, I suspect her to
something to do with the recent changes I think be a Sophia's Daughter, and that she initiated
you also sense in our world, so I will try to make Antoine into the organization during their
more of his descriptions. adventures, fascinated by his abilities, in both
combat and social skills. I suspect she needed a
Current Status leader for a local group of Sophia's Daughters, and
Today, Antoine has returned to his girls, Antoine, with his base of operations, influence,
mourning for the death of Angelika, but still money, and leadership talent, fit the job. I strongly
working with particularly wealthy women, or men, suspect that by the time he went to the Midnight
or people who have much important information. Archipelago he had strong connections to Sophia's
Daughters, even knowing who their local leader is,
GM Secrets and had to organize an expedition against their
As you may have noticed, dearest, some parts of Syrneth enemies. I suspect this courtesan has
Antoine's life have been left in the dark. managed to seduce Antoine, and that her death cost
Considering he will hardly admit the reality of the him much.
things below, I think it's useful to inform you about
some things I learned after personal research. I also have strong clues that Antoine, and his
colleagues were the reason behind all this chaos in
I'll start from the reasons he left Montaigne. Casigula Rosa (terrorist attacks, freeing criminals,
Even used in his noble way of life, all the world attacking particular nobles), and that accidentally
moved around Antoine when he met a young they had helped Villanova find the city unprepared
musketeer from Charouse: a boy with green eyes, for his attack. [The previous paragraph involves a
red hair, and tempting cheeks. Antoine tried very campaign where Villanova conquered Casigula
little to fight his desire. Few are known on their Rosa by sea. If this didn't happen in your
short but passionate affair, except that Antoine's campaign, just ignore the paragraph].
name was forever spoiled as that of a guy in his
Even in recent days, Antoine hides much his Rapiers Edge Ravenloft crossover scenario
brothel, aside from a profitable institution, is also a which you can find in this issue) where she
Sophia's Daughters safe house, and a hoard of was saved by a cleric of Ezra, and a half-
local, and arcane knowledge, which he gathers, and vistana. Neither of them knows how to
uses to inform Sophia's Daughters. There are also contact the other, but this leaves interesting
things he doesn't know: following the strand adventure possibilities.
connecting him to Prince Villanova, I learned that
the Captain of the ship with which Antoine went to [d20 3.5 stats]
Midnight Archipelago was actually a Villanova Male human (Montaigne) Than Bard
spy. That means that Villanova already knows 2/Courtier 2/Musketeer 1/Noble 4/Valroux
Swordsman 5/Ambrogia Swordsman 1: CR
something about the events on Carls Island, and
15 SZ M humanoid; HD
knows too much on the associates of Antoine.
6d8+2d6+6d10+14; HP: 86; Init +2(Dex);
Spd 30ft; AC 24 (touch 23, flat-footed 11);
That opens two subjects:
Atk +17 mw rapier (d6+3/18-20 x2) or +15
pistol (d10/x3); Full Atk +15/+10/+5 mw
One is how could we stop all this important rapier (d6+5/18-20 x2) and +15 mw main
information from leaking to too many ears. Maybe gauche (d4+3/19-20 x2); SA bardic music
an attack on Villanova now that his Witches are 2/day (inspire courage +1, fascinate,
too occupied searching for his wife isn't too crazy. countersong), seduction, taunt; SQ talent,
style&grace, nimble, Friends in High Places,
The second is whether we protect Antoine from Seduction (all calculated in the stats),
the danger that some of his secrets are known by wealth x2, bardic knowledge +3; AL N-NG;
Villanova, to save one useful Architect, of just SV Fort 6, Ref 9, Will 19; Str 10, Dex 14,
keep the threat alive, so we could be able to Con 12, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 16;
blackmail him later. Skills: Balance 10, Bluff 22 (16 feinting in
Veronica combat, 24 with women), Climb 1, Decipher
script 5, Diplomacy 23 (25 in high society or
Adventure Hooks with women), Gather information 16 (18
Players can meet Antoine as the leader of with high society or women), Heal 3,
a local jenny house, and a source of Intimidate 13, Jump 5, Knowledge (arcana)
information they need, which he may 7, Knowledge (geography) 5, Knowledge
provide if they reward him with information (history) 6, Knowledge (nobility & royalty)
he needs, or do a mission that Architects of 7, Knowledge (the planes/ravenloft) 4,
Truth, Sophia's Daughters, or just the Knowledge (religion) 4, Knowledge
brothel needs accomplished. (Syrneth) 7, Knowledge (war), Listen 5,
Move silently 4, Perform (acting) 14 (16
They could also be involved into erasing with women), Perform (sex) 21, Perform
all information that has been leaked by the (singing) 15 (17 with women audience),
Villanova spy mentioned above, or try to Profession (gigolo) 6, Profession (tactician)
help Antoine escape from a possible 4, Ride 6, Search 6, Sense motive 11, Spot
blackmail by Veronica. 5, Swim 4, Tumble 14, Use magic device 7;
Languages: Montaigne, Vodacce;
Alternatively, they may meet him during Feats: Appearance-Above Average, Combat
one of his previous adventures (alone, or Expertise (with rapier or Valroux style),
together with his fellows normally a Combat Reflexes, Exotic Weapon/Armor
Swordsman, a Sidhe, a Necare Proficiency (Main Gauche), Iron Will,
Assassin/Scrying Sorceress, and an Eisen Leadership (half a brothel, a small SD
sniper/healer, but Gms may select them as party), Left Handed, Membership (Architects
they see fit) in the Schwartzen Walden, of Truth, Sophia's Daughters), Parry (with
Sange Tara, Marcina, or on the Island of rapier or Valroux style), Power Attack (with
Carlos. Valroux Style), Skill Focus (Profession:
Tactician), Two Weapon Fighting,
Finally, there is something that even Unarmored Defense Proficiency (Beginner,
Veronica doesn't know: Josephine lives Intermediate), Weapon Finesse, Weapon
instead of dying, she was transported to the Focus (Main Gauche), Weapon Focus
Land of Mists (if you play the Masque of (Rapier), Weapon Specialization (Main
Gauche), Weapon Specialization (Rapier); Captain: Strategy 1, Tactics 1, Bribery 1,
Arcana: Hedonistic, Lecherous; Diplomacy 4, Incitation 3, Leadership 3
Scholar: History 2, Mathematics 1,
[R&K stats] Philosophy 1, Research 1, Occult 3,
Antoine Toille Du Crieux- Hero Theology 1
Brawn: 2; Finesse: 3; Wits: 3; Resolve: 4; Acrobat: Balance 1, Footwork 3, Leaping 1,
Panache 4 Rolling 3
Reputation: 15 Bard: Etiquette 1, History 2, Oratory 2,
Background: Lost Love Singing 2, Diplomacy 4
Arcana: Lecherous Dirty Fighting: Attack (Dirty Fighting) 1
Advantages: Appearance Stunning, Fencing: Attack (Fencing) 4, Parry (Fencing)
Connections (Ally) (Mondavi general), 4
Connections (Ally) (Bernoulli general), Knife: Attack (Knife) 4, Parry (Knife) 3,
Inheritance (10 not exactly inheritance, Throw (Knife) 2
but a measure of his resources), Ambrogia (Apprentice): Feint (Fencing) 5,
Membership (Architects of Truth, Sophia's Pommel Strike (Fencing) 1, Riposte
Daughters), Montaigne (R/W), Specialty (Fencing) 1, Exploit Weakness (Ambrogia) 1
(Ride), Syrneth Artifact (thalusian gauntlet, Valroux (Master): Double Parry
thalusian sword), Vodacce (R/W) (Fencing/Knife) 5, Feint (Fencing) 5,
TN to be hit: 20 (25 with fencing sword) Tagging (Fencing) 5, Exploit Weakness
Courtesan: Acting 2, Etiquette 1, Fashion 1, (Valroux) 5
Jenny 3, Cold Read 3, Gossip 2, Mooch 2,
Politics 2, Seduction 4, Sincerity 2
Dear Don Baltasar, of his own inexistence. It would seem that he was
I share with you your concerns about the nature destined for a great place in Vendel society.
of our fellow Architect, Joseph Geirr. I don't think
that the information you handed him can harm our But though his genius was obvious, there was
society, but in any case, you should be very careful another aspect of the boys mind that was less well
when dealing with other Architects. As Architects known. He lacked a conscience, and was
of Truth it's in our nature to try to learn about our completely devoid of compassion whatsoever. That
fellows and hide information about us. isnt to say that he didnt understand these
concepts, but every show of emotion, no matter
At an early age, Joseph Geirr established himself how small, was carefully orchestrated to achieve
as one of the best and brightest students in the some desired effect. He experimented with his
Vendel Archipelago, a young man whose talent talents by using the people around him as test
and intelligence were something to be admired and subjects, making note of their reactions and
emulated. Jozef excelled at everything he did, behavior to his manipulations. In more than one
voraciously devouring any knowledge that was case, duels would be fought and people killed due
made available. So vast was his intellect that, by as a result. The fact made no difference to him. He
the age of 8, he had surpassed all of his tutors and would stand by and watch dispassionately as a
was himself tutoring students more than twice his saber was thrust into someones heart, reveling in
age. He was an uncanny judge of people, and the fact that his machinations had brought it about.
became a master of judging motive and the subtle He always kept his hand in all of his schemes
maneuverings of debate and salesmanship. Spend carefully hidden, and no one ever seemed to
5 minutes with him, stated a professor who had suspect his involvement.
once tutored him, and the lad could convince you
It was through these experiments that Jozef found
that by properly controlling the flow of In addition to having a good swordsman at his side,
information, almost any desired effect could be Jozef recognized the tremendous benefit of Porte,
achieved. On a grander scale, the fate of entire and set about early finding someone who could
organizations or even governments could be provide this valuable service. While staying with a
manipulated. All that would be required was the certain noble family during a fact-finding trip to
right information. So at the age of 13, he Charouse, he came upon some information that
convinced a Vesten ship captain to save him from tenuously linked the family with the murder of a
the clutches of Vendel tyranny and set about well-respected diplomatic official, a man close to
exploring the known world, using his skills to the King. Several members of this family were
fund his grand expedition and to develop a group master Porte sorcerers. Jozef became a close
of contacts to form the core of an information confidant of the family, serving as a teacher to the
gathering network. During his travels he came in familys young children and in particular
contact with the group known as NOM, an befriending the eldest son, a powerful Porte adept
organization that seemed to share much in close to achieving master. When the time was
common with his own ideals. He became a right, he set the plan in motion.
member in short order, replacing another who had
the misfortune of being burned to death, and added The actual guilt or innocence of the family was
the group to his growing list of contacts. irrelevant; bring the right group of people together,
give them a few pieces of information, and nudge
There is one area, however, in which Jozef does them in the right direction, and the truth would
not excel. With all of his study, he found little time become what they made it. By the time he was
to practice swordsmanship, and found that he finished, most members of the family were dead.
possessed little talent for the art. Recognizing early Jozef managed to warn several of their number
on that he would on occasion likely need a before the Lightning Guard could get to them,
bodyguard, he kept an eye open on his travels for including the now-patriarch of the family. The
the perfect candidate. He found what he was family was now destitute and on the streets, but
looking for while traveling in the Empire of the Jozef arranged passage for the remaining family
Crescent Moon. members to a remote island in the Midnight
Archipelago. Additionally, he offered to support
While traveling amongst the Kurta-kir tribe, he the family while they were in hiding, until they
came in contact with a warrior tribesman who could affect a return to their homeland. While
fought with such great passion and fierceness that placed no obligation upon the young Montaigne
none he met would even think of challenging him. for this, he offered to help Jozef in return for all he
Were an army arrayed against him as great in had done for his family. He remains absolutely
number as the stars in the sky, boasted the tribal dedicated to Jozef, and would do anything he
leader, still they would be no match. The respect asked, no matter what.
and admiration was not shared, however. The
attention garnered by his martial prowess also Jozef Geirr is a Vendel gentleman in his late
caused the swordsmans beautiful sister to catch forties. He maintains a full head of hair, but it has
the leaders eye. The tribal leader stated that he turned almost completely white. He dresses well
would honor his family by taking the young but not ostentatiously, preferring subdued colors,
woman as a concubine in his harem. The particularly black. While his looks are similar to
swordsman, already disgusted at the mans self- many others from the Vendel Archipelago, his
indulgence, believed his sister to be above a mere personality is another matter. He uses his manner
concubine, and rankled at the dubious honor that and speech as a tool, playing on the emotions of
the leader had bestowed upon his family, but there others to become exactly what they want him to be,
was little that could be done. Jozef learned of this, using them to achieve his goals, then discarding
and offered to help. Taking what hed learned of them just as easily if necessary. He is, however,
Crescent customs, he impressed a man of higher very careful to stay in the good graces of those
stature in the tribe, a man who was looking for a with whom he has dealings. If someone becomes a
suitable wife for his young son. He was so problem to him and it is unavoidable, he makes the
successful, that upon meeting the woman arranged problem disappear, always with the utmost
for her to be made his sons first wife. The secrecy, and always in a manner that he believes
Crescent has served as Jozefs sword since. will serve him best.
(Architects of Truth), Skilled Liar; Arcana:
I hope you don't need anything more, but if you Deceitful, Scheming
do, let me now and pay the necessary check.
Faithfully yours, [7th SeaTM]
Father Mathiu Joseph Geirr - Villain
Brawn: 2; Finesse: 2; Wits: 5; Resolve: 4;
[d20TM 3.5] Panache 4
Male human (Vendel) Courtier 9/Noble 1: Reputation: -10
CR 10 SZ M humanoid; HD 9d6+d8+10; Arcana: Deceitful
HP:46; Init +0; Spd 30ft; AC 10, touch 10, Advantages: Avalon (R/W), Crescent (R/W),
flat-footed 10; Full atk +5 mw dagger melee Eisen (R/W), Montaigne (R/W), Vendel
(d4/19-20 x2) or +4 pistol ranged (d10/x3); (R/W), Connections (Ally Crescent
SA see the heart (DC 13), twist the heart bodyguard), Connections (Ally Port
(DC 17); SQ enhanced leadership, gossip, Sorcerer), Membership (Architects of Truth),
talent, style & grace, Friends in High Places, Noble, Specialty (Cold Read x3), Specialty
versatile (forgery), wealth x2; AL LE; SV (Ride)
Fort 4, Ref 3, Will 11; Str 10, Dex 10, Con TN to be hit: 5
12, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 17; Captain: Strategy 1, Tactics 1, Bribery 1,
Skills: appraise 10, bluff 24, decipher script Diplomacy 5, Leadership 3
6, diplomacy 23 (30 when lying), forgery Courtier: Dancing 1, Diplomacy 5, Etiquette
16, gather information 18 (20 with high 3, Fashion 3, Gossip 4, Lip Reading 2,
society), intimidate 16, knowledge Mooch 2, Oratory 5, Politics 4, Scheming 3,
(economics) 15, knowledge (history) 9, Sincerity 4
knowledge (local) 15, knowledge (nobility & Scholar: History 2, Mathematics 1,
royalty) 16, listen 7, perform (oratory) 11, Philosophy 2, Research 1, Natural
ride 5, sense motive 14, spot 9, swim 4; Philosophy 1
Languages: Avalon, Crescent, Eisen, Merchant:Accounting 2, Appraising 2
Montaigne, Vendel; Feats: Gifted Liar, Iron Cold Read 3, Ride 1
Will, Leadership (score 16), Membership Knife: Attack (Knife) 1, Parry (Knife) 1
House Rules
Author tec-goblin
Topic House Rule
Spoiler Tag Green
Canon Compatibility Yellow
I tried very hard, used every bit fate witch can cast in this way an
of knowledge and experience, extended confusion spell, even if she
pulling the strands methodically to normally has no 5th level slots. No fate
achieve this, but they kept witch can use this variant to cast a spell
snapping into my hands, face and altered by a metamagic feat whose
body. I put up after hours without original slot is of level higher than 3 +
sleep, only to look at myself and the highest fate witch slot she has
see all this blood oozing from available when fully rested. The fate
everywhere on my body. The witch of the above example could not
physical wounds haven't healed cast a heightened to level 9 charm person
spell, because 9 is higher than 3+4 (the
completely yet. The spiritual ones
higher slot she has available when fully
will never do...
During casting of the spell, the fate witch
A d20 variant, incorporating the original
has to make a sorte check (DC 10 +
7thSeaTM idea of fate lashes.
original slot's level). The fate witch
cannot take 10 in this check, and a
Add Concentration (Con) to the Fate Witch
natural 1 is always a failure. If the fate
class skill list.
witch fails, she suffers from a fate lash
Whenever a fate witch uses a metamagic
and takes the original slot's level in d6s
feat with a spell, she can choose to declare
of slashing damage. If the fate witch is
pulling too hard on the strands. This has
damaged, she has to make a
the following effects: [Note: The level of the
Concentration check following normal
slot the spell would have used if the fate
rules to cast the spell successfully. A fate
witch hadn't pulled too hard will be
witch damaged by a fate lash has to
referred to as the original slot]
make a Fortitude save with the above DC
She spends for the spell a slot of its
or suffer 1d4 Charisma damage, which is
normal level, instead of an increased one.
healed after 3 months.
For example, if she wants to cast an
A fate witch killed or brought to 0
extended dominate person, she has to
Charisma by a fate lash rises as an
spend a 4th level slot, instead of a 5th
Unraveled (see Heroes, Villains, and
level one. In this way, the fate witch can
MonstersTM or the variant Unraveled
cast spells more powerful than her level
template that appears in this netbook).
might imply. For example, an 8th level
This variant tries to catch the original R&K feel of risking too much power. As an
additional option for fate witches, it increases a bit their power level, but the dangers
involved with a failure (particularly the Charisma damage) will make players think twice
about using it. A high level Fate Witch will commonly make use of this variant to extend
or sometimes heighten a bit her charm person spells, with minimal risk. The variant will
make use of heightened and sometimes extended spells more common, particularly in
critical moments of the campaign. As far as silent and stilled spells are concerned,
Swashbuckling ArcanaTM is unclear on the fact whether the Sorte spells require verbal
components, or whether the limited somatic components of them could be waived with
the still spell feat.
Alternate rules: If you use the RavenloftTM madness rules, the fate witch should make a
Madness save instead of the Fortitude save for Charisma damage, with the same DC. If
you are using the Sanity Points OGL variant, in addition to the Charisma damage, the
Fate Witch has to make a sanity check (sanity damage 1/ 1d8).
Prince is desparately clinging to. You suspect that your was 7, but is now 15. Congratulations. You
the Bandit King is not above giving that fraying get to run over and grab his tabard just before the
rope a little assistance, so you spend a drama die Bandit King cuts through the remaining strands of
and add the result (an 8, for example) to your the rope.
initiative total. The Bandit King's total is 14 and
Alex Bero (Ceasar Vestini) is a student at Bard directed projects such as the GRAMMYS, LATIN
College in New York. He is studying Japanese GRAMMYS, and B.E.T.s. He lives in Southern
language and literature, and will be graduating this California with his wife Christine, and his two
spring. He is a long-time fan of 7th Sea, the RPG daughters Lorna age 2 years, and Bridgette age 3
and the CCG, as well as a fan of L5R. He has yet months. In his spare time he reads and writes
to go to a major gaming con, a fact which he hopes fiction, graphic literature (comic books), and
to soon change. In his spare time, now that his gaming material. He is a prolific gamer, and has
Senior Thesis is done, Alex reads, plays go been role-playing for over 20 years, maintaining a
(poorly), skis, listens to Calexico and Opium Rose, weekly group for most of that time. He enjoys
and dreams of being a bartender one day. 7thsea, Call of Cthulu, Warhammer fantasy,
Shadowrun, Villains & Vigilantes, and AD&D 1rst
Andy (Weasel) was born in Belfast in 1689, the ed..
youngest of nineteen children. He quickly
demonstrated the keen intellect, aplomb and rapier- The Lady Grace's alter ego Katie White is keeper
sharp wit that was to become a hallmark of his of the Bastard Muse, and currently tormenting 7th
early life when, at the age of 2, he debunked the Sea players in Cleveland, Ohio. In between her
theory of classical mechanics in a series of players' screams of agony, her hobbies are
amusing haiku. cooking, writing, the band Rush, e-wrestling, and
After obtaining a doctorate in Tourism fine wine. She highly recommends the webcomics
Management from Cambridge University in 1781 Something Positive
he embarked on a succession of humanitarian (http://www.somethingpositive.net), Cheshire Grin
missions in Kyrgyzstan, Swaziland and (http://www.cheshire-grin.net), & Fuzzy Knights.
Azerbaijan, returning home briefly to star in a rock (http://www.kenzerco.com/periodicals/fuzzyknight
opera, and invent Freeform Jazz. After winning 5 s/fkonline_current.php) Katie would also like to
gold medals in the 1856 Olympic games, he was give thanks to her fellow Mighty Bastards,
awarded the Nobel Prize for Mathematics. An specifically Mike (AKA Ulf) & COB (AKA
award-winning playwright and actor, he accepted Fortunato, AKA That damn Vodacce).
an honorary advisory post with the RSC in 1972.
In his spare time he confuses Americans, and Nicolas Kyriazopoulos Panagiotopoulos (Tec-
writes about himself in the third person. goblin) is studying information system science,
and computer science. He is a member of almost
Evi Spanou was born in Athens, in 1982. She's a all 7thSea, and Ravenloft communities around. A
graduate of "Ornerakis" Art School. She's made the huge CCG fan, he works as a corrector, and
illustration for the book "Cocktail Molotov", and a translator on the Lord of the Rings RPG books into
caricature for the "Carefour, e-mail" magazine. Greek. He is also to be blamed for many book
reviews, and Greek Ravenloft tournament
Maria Moustaka insists that she has left the adventures. He has also worked for a year as a
building, but you could find her somewhere Decipher Product Champion. In his spare time, he
roleplaying Antoine Toille du Crieux. Yes, THAT eats mushrooms, and listens to Converter, VNV
lovely lady. Nation, Wumpscut, and Diary of Dreams (and
many more).
Kenneth Williams (Domingo) is a freelance
broadcast and communications specialist having
A Matter of Some Importance, part 1 - Epilogue
Article Type Fiction
Cannon Compatibility Yellow
Spoiler Tag Yellow
Author Ceasar Vestini (Alex Bero)
timing. After a long moment, Piccarda rose, sipped
her wine, and quietly spoke. "Bring those notes to Piccarda hadn't had an answer at the time. She just
me, Isabella. Do whatever you have to do. If reminded some of them of favors from the past, of
Raymondi needs to die, I will see to it that the debts unpaid, and Isabella was chosen as one of
governor's men won't get involved." She turned to Porta Serafina's ten Widows. But how that decision
look Isabella directly in the eye. "Whatever you had born fruit! The others looked at a candidate for
have to do." Widow and only saw pedigree and Sorte ability.
Piccarda saw in Isabella much more. She had seen
Isabella bowed. "Si, Signora. I will not fail you." strength, resourcefulness and a willingness to do
anything to succeed. Where the other Tessatore
members scorned her for her Crowned Sorte,
***************************** Piccarda had seen an agent who was beneath the
notice of everyone, and therefor an agent in the
"I know," Piccarda whispered as Isabella left. She best position to strike without warning. More
had been a good investment, after these past few importantly, Piccarda had carefully nourished a
years, despite her dubious background. The other loyalty in Isabella, had seen to it that Isabella knew
Tessatore members had been bewildered when exactly whom to thank for her unexpected change
Piccarda nominated Isabella for the position of of fortune.
Widow. After all,' they had said, we have only
just finished punishing this woman for interfering As Piccarda returned to her meeting, she quietly
in Tessatore business. She was warned to step laughed to herself. You will not fail me Isabella.
down, she was warned that her beloved husband You are too good for that.' Armed with her good
was a traitor, and yet she defended him, nearly humor, she entered the massive chamber the
killing a member of the Prince's Hand in the Tessatore used for their meetings. "Now, ladies,
process. Why do you support her, limited as her where were we?"
Sorte now is?'