N Comms 12323
N Comms 12323
N Comms 12323
Received 2 Feb 2016 | Accepted 22 Jun 2016 | Published 8 Aug 2016 DOI: 10.1038/ncomms12323 OPEN
Subwavelength metallic slit arrays have been shown to exhibit extraordinary optical trans-
mission, whereby tunnelling surface plasmonic waves constructively interfere to create large
forward light propagation. The intricate balancing needed for this interference to occur allows
for resonant transmission to be highly sensitive to changes in the environment. Here we
demonstrate that extraordinary optical transmission resonance can be coupled to electro-
statically tunable graphene plasmonic ribbons to create electrostatic modulation of
mid-infrared light. Absorption in graphene plasmonic ribbons situated inside metallic slits can
efciently block the coupling channel for resonant transmission, leading to a suppression of
transmission. Full-wave simulations predict a transmission modulation of 95.7% via this
mechanism. Experimental measurements reveal a modulation efciency of 28.6% in trans-
mission at 1,397 cm 1, corresponding to a 2.67-fold improvement over transmission without
a metallic slit array. This work paves the way for enhancing light modulation in graphene
plasmonics by employing noble metal plasmonic structures.
1 Thomas J. Watson Laboratory of Applied Physics, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125, USA. 2 School of Electrical Engineering,
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon 34141, Korea. 3 Kavli Nanoscience Institute, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena,
California 91125, USA. * These authors contributed equally to this work. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to H.A.A.
(email: haa@caltech.edu).
ignicant efforts have been made in the past 5 years to electric elds in the subwavelength metallic slits give rise to large
create graphene plasmon-based optical modulators that plasmonic resonance in the GPRs, which leads to blocking the
function from THz to mid-infrared frequencies. These coupling channel for the EOT resonance. As a result, a strong
devices have exploited the unique plasmon dispersion relation of suppression of EOT occurs. To demonstrate this modulation
graphene, which exhibits optical modes with high-connement mechanism, we fabricated subwavelength metallic slit array
factors16, and that are electrostatically tunable7,8. Typically, these structures with GPRs on SiNx membranes, as shown in
devices have been based on geometries that employ resonant Fig. 1b,c. In Fig. 1c, the dark stripes denote the GPRs, and the
absorption in graphene nanostructures that have been patterned bright bar corresponds to the etched region that denes the GPRs.
to conne plasmonic modes that can be electrostatically tuned to Figure 1d shows the schematic of the equivalent GPRs-only
control the intensity and frequency of either optical absorption or structure on the same supporting dielectric structure as a control
emission922. However, the single-layer atomic thickness and low sample, and the SEM image of the fabricated device is shown in
free carrier density of graphene has limited the efciencies of such Fig. 1e.
modulators, especially at mid-infrared frequencies, where the
oscillator strength of the graphene plasmonic modes is low. A
Substrate geometry optimization. To achieve electronically
number of strategies have been adopted to overcome these
tunable transmission, the substrate must be transparent at the
difculties, including using ionic gel or chemical doping to
operating frequency, yet also allow for electrostatic gating. In
increase the carrier density of the graphene sheet12,13,23,24, or
addition, the substrate will support FabryPerot-type resonances,
carefully controlling the substrate to include a metallic back
which can lead to constructive or destructive interference effects
reector, which creates additional optical resonances that
that modify the electric eld intensities on the top surface and
enhance eld intensities at the graphene plasmonic ribbons
thus the absorption in the GPRs. To satisfy these constraints, we
(GPRs)1820,23, and thus enhance absorption. While those
use a SiNx membrane with a DC conducting indium tin oxide
techniques can have theoretical modulation efciencies of
(ITO, 4 nm)/a-Si (60 nm) contact on the bottom side of the
100%, the use of ionic gels places signicant restraints on the
membrane, as shown in Fig. 1a. To optimize the substrate
applicability, switching speeds, and durability of such devices, and
thickness for maximizing absorption in GPRs, we performed full-
the use of metallic reectors forces those devices to be used in
wave simulations for an array of bare 50 nm wide GPRs, varying
reection geometries. In contrast to the reective-type graphene
the SiNx thickness. The calculations were performed at
plasmonic modulators, a strategy of using electrostatically tunable
l 1 1,340 cm 1, which is the resonant frequency of 50 nm
graphene plasmons to modulate transmitted light with near-unity
GPRs for EF 0.465 eV, and a graphene carrier mobility (mh)
efciency has not yet been reported, to the best of our knowledge.
of 15,000 cm2 V 1 s 1 was assumed for the graphene sheet8.
The creation of such a device would have widespread applications
Here the negative sign of EF denotes that the graphene is hole
in optoelectronic devices such as mid-infrared spatial light
doped. As shown in Fig. 2a, the transmission spectrum exhibits a
modulators, or linear signal processing2527.
FabryPerot resonance that depends on the SiNx thickness (tSiNx),
In this paper, we report an approach to use graphene
and leads to variation in plasmonic absorption by GPRs. In
plasmonic modes for light modulation in a transmission
contrast to GPR reection modulators that achieve maximum
geometry that satises the above conditionshigh modulation
absorption at tsub l/4nsub (refs 19, 20), the absorption for
efciency, at carrier densities accessible with electrostatic gating.
transmission modulators has a maximum at tsub l/2nsub with
Our modulator design is based on a triple resonant structure,
tSiNx 2.02 mm, and the minimum occurs at tsub l/4nsub with
where the plasmonic resonances in GPR are matched to a
tSiNx 0.87 mm (tsub: substrate thickness, tSiNx: SiNx thickness,
dielectric substrate FabryPerot resonance, and also to the optical
nsub: effective refractive index of substrate). Considering this
resonances in a subwavelength metallic slit array, which is
structure as a FabryPerot cavity, the maximal absorption point
designed to exhibit extraordinary optical transmission (EOT) in
corresponds to a transmission resonance in the forward direction
the mid-infrared. In full-wave simulations, the proposed structure
(also see Supplementary Fig. 1). This effect arises from the zero
shows 95.7% modulation efciency in transmission. We mea-
phase shift for light reected from the bottom a-Si/air interface.
sured a mid-infrared transmission modulation efciency of 28.6%
These reected waves constructively interfere with incident light
at 1,397 cm 1, which is 2.67 times higher than that measured for
when the reection path length is 2tsub l/nsub, which
an equivalent GPRs-only structure on the same supporting
corresponds to 2p in terms of the phase difference. As a result,
dielectric structure.
a standing wave is formed in the substrate with a maximum on
the surface, which leads to enhanced absorption in GPRs. We also
observe that the near-eld intensities around GPRs are enhanced
at resonance, as shown in Fig. 2b,c. To further characterize the
Device geometry and light modulation mechanism. Figure 1a
device, we calculate the spectral absorption as a function of
shows the mechanism of the proposed device. In extraordinary
graphene Fermi level position (EF) for a 2 mm layer of SiNx, as
optical transmission, incoming light is scattered by the periodic
shown in Fig. 2d. In the absence of substrate resonances, a higher-
structure into surface plasmons on the top metal surface. The
doping level, by itself, leads to strong oscillator strength in the
surface plasmons then tunnel through the subwavelength metallic
GPRs and thus enhances plasmonic absorption1315. However, in
slits and excite surface plasmons on the bottom metal surface.
this device the absorption is strongest at l 1 1,340 cm 1,
The surface plasmon on the bottom metal surface subsequently
which occurs not for maximal doping level but when the
re-radiates into free space, resulting in a transmitted diffraction
plasmonic resonance in GPRs and substrate resonance are
peak with a strong intensity at the extraordinary optical trans-
matched, as shown Fig. 2d. As a result, transmission declines
mission resonance frequency2833. The subwavelength metallic
along the plasmonic absorption in GPRs, as shown in Fig. 2e.
slits play a pivotal role in EOT via optical coupling between the
surface plasmons on the top and bottom metal surfaces. In our
modulator, GPRs are placed in the subwavelength metallic slits to Theoretical modulation of coupled structure. In the proposed
modulate the EOT resonant coupling. This is accomplished by coupled structure, GPRs are located inside subwavelength
electrostatically tuning the plasmonic resonances in GPRs to metallic slits to modulate the coupling between the surface
match the resonant frequency of the EOT. When matched, the plasmon modes on the top and bottom metal surfaces. Four
a Incoming light d
x (TM polarization) x
z z
ITO t SiNx
t sub
b c e
2 m
100 nm
20 m 1 m
Figure 1 | Device and working mechanism. (a) Schematic of the graphene plasmonic ribbons (GPRs) coupled to subwavelength metallic slit array. Under
normal operation (that is, no GPRs), transverse magnetic (TM) polarized incoming light induces surface plasmons on the top metal surface (1) that tunnel
through the subwavelength metallic slits (2), exciting surface plasmons (3) on the bottom metal surface. The surface plasmons on the bottom metal
surface are diffracted by the periodic structure and radiate into free space with an enhanced intensity. The role of the GPRs inside the subwavelength metal
slits is to block the coupling channel (4), and leading to a suppression of the extraordinary optical transmission effect. In this gure, the overlapping eld
distribution depicts Re(Ez) for the surface plasmons, and the scale is adjusted to t the schematic. SEM images (false colour) of (b) the subwavelength
metallic slit array and (c) the GPRs inside the subwavelength metallic slit fabricated on SiNx membrane. (d) Schematic of a transmission-type bare GPR
modulator. Field distributions on the side walls correspond to Re(Ex) showing the FabryPerot resonance in the substrate. (e) SEM image of bare GPRs
fabricated on SiNx membrane. The fabricated GPRs form a mesh to prevent electrical disconnection with 2 mm length and 100 nm bridge. The width and the
gap of the GPRs are both 50 nm.
a A BareGPRs R sub
T sub A sub
A, T and R (%)
60 d A (%) e T (%)
1 1
40 50
20 0.8 0.8
0 60
0.6 0.6
E F (eV)
E F (eV)
Figure 2 | Graphene plasmonic ribbons. (a) The red line indicates absorption in the bare graphene plasmonic ribbons (GPRs) device depending on the
SiNx thickness (tSiNx) with the graphene Fermi level position EF 0.465 eV. The blue, yellow and purple lines correspond to transmittance, reectance
and absorption, respectively, depending on the SiNx thickness through the SiNx/ITO/a-Si substrate without the GPRs. Total electric eld distributions
around the bare GPRs at the EF 0.465 eV with the SiNx thickness of (b) 2.02 mm and (c) 0.87 mm. (d) Absorption and (e) transmittance in the bare
GPRs device as a function of frequency and EF with tSiNx 2 mm.
a T (%)
1 40 |E| |E|
b >3 d >40
E F = 0 eV E F = 0 eV
0.6 orp 3 m 400 nm
E F (eV)
c e
0.4 E F = 0.465 eV E F = 0.465 eV
EOT line
3 m 400 nm
0 0
0 0
1,600 1,500 1,400 1,300
Frequency (cm1) GPRs-EOT GPRs-EOT, E F = 0.465 eV
g Bare GPRs h EOT only
Enhancement Bare GPRs, E F = 0.465 eV
f 100 100 4 40
@ 1=1,397 cm1
80 80
Maximum T (%)
Bare GPRs 3 30
60 60
T (%)
A (%)
T (%)
2 20
40 40
1 10 20
20 20
0 0 0 0 10
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 1,450 1,400 1,350 1,300 1,250
E F (eV) h (1,000 cm2 V1 s1) Frequency (cm1)
Figure 3 | Coupled structure simulations. (a) Transmittance map exhibiting graphene plasmon (GP) absorption and extraordinary optical transmission
(EOT) as a function of frequency and graphene Fermi level (EF). (be) Total electric eld distributions when turning the graphene plasmons off (EF 0 eV)
and on (EF 0.465 eV) at l 1 1,340 cm 1. (f) Comparison of modulation efciency in transmission (ZT) at l 1 1,340 cm 1 as a function of EF
between the bare graphene plasmonic ribbons (GPRs) and the GPRs coupled to an extraordinary optical transmission structure (GPRsEOT). (g) Maximum
modulation efciency in transmission of bare GPRs and GPRsEOT as a function of graphene carrier mobility (mh). The enhancement factor is calculated
from the ratio of the maximum modulation efciencies. (h) Anti-crossing behaviour (red line) by strong coupling between the EOT resonance without GPRs
(blue line) and the resonance in bare GPRs (yellow line).
parameters dictate the subwavelength metallic slit array design: modulation performance, we compare modulation efciencies of
the metallic material, metal thickness, slit width, and period in the bare GPRs and GPRs combined with the subwavelength
transverse direction, as shown in Fig. 1a. We used Au with a metallic slit array (GPRsEOT). Here, the modulation efciency
thickness of 80 nm, and the subwavelength metallic slit width is in transmittance (ZT) is dened by 1 T/Tmax, where T is
800 nm, which can support eight GPRs inside each metallic slit. transmittance as a function of EF, and Tmax corresponds to the
For a given subwavelength metallic slit width, the EOT resonance transmission spectrum for the graphene Fermi level position that
frequency is determined by the subwavelength metallic slit array maximizes the transmitted intensity at the resonant frequency. In
period. A period of 5.54 mm is used in simulation to match an this simulation for GPRs, Tmax occurs at EF 0.310 eV, where
EOT peak at l 1 1,340 cm 1. After combining the GPRs and there is sufcient doping to prevent graphene inter-band
the subwavelength metallic slit array, the 0th order transmittance absorption, but insufcient carrier density to support plasmonic
(T) as a function of frequency and EF is shown in Fig. 3a. When modes in the GPRs. Figure 3f shows that, for high carrier mobility
the plasmonic resonance in GPRs deviates from the EOT reso- graphene (mh 15,000 cm2 V 1 s 1), the coupled structure
nance frequency, the subwavelength metallic slit array exhibits shows a moderate improvement over the bare GPRs, with the
resonant transmission. However, when the GPRs are gated such theoretical maximum modulation efciency increasing from
that plasmonic resonance in GPRs matches the EOT resonance ZT 74.595.7%. As the graphene carrier mobility is lowered, the
(EF 0.465 eV), there is a strong dip in the transmission overall modulation efciency decreases in both devices. However,
spectrum at the crossing between two resonant modes, as shown the relative benets of the GPRsEOT structure are enhanced
in Fig. 3a. The total electric eld distributions on and off the with lower graphene carrier mobility, as shown in Fig. 3g (also see
plasmonic resonance in GPRs are shown in Fig. 3be. When the Supplementary Fig. 2). For example, at mh 3,000 cm2 V 1 s 1
plasmonic resonance in GPRs is detuned from the EOT mode, we the modulation efciency of the bare GPRs is 50.6%, while the
observe a metallic surface plasmon mode on the bottom metal GPRs-EOT structure achieves 85.9% efciency, and for
surface and conned elds inside the subwavelength metallic slits, mh 1,000 cm2 V 1 s 1 these values change to 27.3% and 65.2%,
indicating coupling between the two surface plasmon modes respectively. Thus the GPRs-EOT structure can exhibit large
(Fig. 3b,d). In contrast, as the plasmonic resonance in GPRs is transmission modulation and is more robust against ribbon dis-
tuned to the EOT frequency (EF 0.465 eV), both the metallic order compared with bare GPR-based devices.
surface plasmon modes on the bottom metal surface and inside Modulation can be interpreted qualitatively using an effective
the subwavelength metallic slits are diminished signicantly medium theory that considers plasmonic modes in the sub-
(Fig. 3c) because the coupling channel is blocked through inter- wavelength metallic slit array coupled to deeply subwavelength
action with the intergap GPRs (Fig. 3e). To evaluate the GPRs. There is signicant spatial overlap between the plasmonic
modes in GPRs and the EOT modes of the subwavelength structure. Notably, the modulation enhancement of the GPRs
metallic slit array, such that plasmonic resonances in GPRs can EOT device over the bare GPRs device becomes more signicant
alter the local dielectric environment experienced by EOT modes in this damping-dominant regime. Therefore we suggest that
when the two frequencies approach one another. For EF values far coupling between the two resonant modes is the dominant
above or far below 0.465 eV, resonant absorption of the GPRs mechanism for light modulation for high carrier mobility
is far away from the transmission resonance of the subwavelength graphene (or equivalently a high Q-factor in the graphene
metallic slit array, and the two effects effectively behave plasmonic resonant mode), while the GPRs with low carrier
independently. As EF approaches 0.465 eV, however, the mobility graphene simply damp the EOT mode.
plasmonic resonance in GPRs creates large deviations in the
local dielectric function near the energy of the EOT mode.
Specically, at energies just below or above the plasmonic Mid-infrared transmission measurement. To demonstrate the
resonance in GPRs, the effective permittivity is increased or modulator performance, we fabricated bare GPRs and GPRs
decreased, respectively. This allows the subwavelength metallic EOT on 2 mm SiNx membranes. First, a transparent back gate
slit array to support two distinct modes, even though its geometry electrode composed of 4 nm of ITO and 60 nm of a-Si was
selects for only one wave vector. That is, a longer wavelength sputtered onto the bottom side of the SiNx membrane. Since this
mode exists which experiences a larger permittivity, and a shorter back electrode is directly connected to the Si frame of the SiNx
wavelength mode exists which experiences a smaller permittivity. membrane, we can apply a gating voltage through the Si
This creates the splitting, or anti-crossing behaviour between the frame10,17,19. After transferring CVD-grown graphene to the top
graphene plasmonic resonant mode and the EOT resonant mode, surface (see Methods, Supplementary Note 2 and Supplementary
as observed in Fig. 3h (also see Supplementary Note 1), and the Fig. 5), the GPRs were patterned using e-beam lithography
coupling strength between the EOT structure and the embedded followed by reactive ion etching. Finally, we dened
GPRs can be determined from the frequency splitting. subwavelength metallic slit arrays by electron beam lithography
As shown in Fig. 3h, the frequency splitting is larger than the and metal evaporation (Ti 3 nm, Au 80 nm). The slit width is
linewidth of each of the two resonant modes. This indicates that 800 nm, and the period of the slit array is 5.6 mm, which puts the
the energy exchange rate between the two resonant modes is EOT peak at l 1 1,403 cm 1 with undoped graphene in a
faster than the damping rate of each mode, which suggests that mid-infrared transmission measurement. Transmission
the GPRsEOT device is operating in the strong coupling measurements were performed using a Fourier transform
regime34. The strong coupling nature of this device is further infrared (FTIR) microscope with a polarizer to eliminate the
conrmed by modelling the frequency splitting as a function of transverse electric component from the incoming light.
graphene ribbon density, from which we nd a square root Figure 4 compares the experimentally measured transmission
relationship35,36 (Supplementary Fig. 3). As the graphene carrier spectra and modulation features of bare GPRs and GPRsEOT
mobility is lowered, the Q-factor of the GPRs decreases, and this devices. As shown in Fig. 4a,c, both devices display gate-
anti-crossing behavior is lost34 (Supplementary Fig. 4). In this dependent transmission features that become stronger and shift
regime (with mhr1,000 cm2 V 1 s 1), the GPRsEOT to higher energies with increased graphene doping. To calculate
modulator still displays relatively high efciencies, but the and compare the modulation efciencies, transmission spectra are
modulation is achieved by absorption in the GPRs, where the normalized by the transmission spectrum with EF 0.294 eV
optical modes decay too rapidly to interact strongly with the EOT for bare GPRs device and EF 0.353 eV for GPRsEOT device,
80 8
{ Reference
0.425 eV / 50 V
0.467 eV / 150 V
0.506 eV / 250 V
0.542 eV / 350 V
0.575 eV / 450 V
T (%)
T (%)
V g (V)
0.294 eV 30
/ 150 V 0 @ 1=1,397 cm1
60 25 GPRs-EOT
c d 30 Bare GPRs
T (%)
20 15
T (%)
T (%)
10 10
0.352 eV 5
4 / 50 V 0
1,600 1,500 1,400 1,300 1,600 1,500 1,400 1,300 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Frequency (cm1) Frequency (cm1) E F (eV)
Figure 4 | Experimental results. (a) Measured transmission spectra and (b) modulation efciency (ZT) of the bare graphene plasmonic ribbons (GPRs)
device for varying graphene Fermi level EF (or gate voltage Vg). (c) Measured transmission spectra and (d) modulation efciency (ZT) of the graphene
plasmonic ribbons coupled to extraordinary optical transmission structure (GPRsEOT) device for varying graphene Fermi level EF (or gate voltage Vg). The
legends for ad are shown on the right side of b. (e) Measured modulation efciency comparison at l 1 1,397 cm 1 as a function of EF between bare
GPRs device and GPRsEOT device.
corresponding to graphene Fermi levels that exhibit maximum differences relative to the transmission spectrum for normally
transmittance at the EOT resonance frequency. The resulting incident light (dotted blue line). Specically, the superposed
gate-dependent modulation efciencies in transmission are spectrum reveals a broader transmission spectrum with an
shown in Fig. 4b,d. Both devices exhibit narrowband modulation additional peak at higher frequency (1,618 cm 1). Moreover,
features that become more intense and blue shift with higher the angular spread of incident light lowers the maximum
graphene doping. The subwavelength metallic slit array exhibits theoretical transmittance of the extraordinary optical transmis-
an EOT peak at l 1 1,403 cm 1 where no plasmons exist in sion structure from 42.1 to 9.32%.
the GPRs because of low doping, as shown in Fig. 4c. As doping In addition to the broad light incidence angular distribution,
increases, plasmons are excited in the GPRs inside the some imperfections in fabrication could degrade the modulation
subwavelength metallic slits, and block the coupling channel for efciency, including PMMA residue on graphene, carrier density
the EOT resonance. As a result, we observe the transmittance at variation in the graphene created by localized charges, a variation
the EOT peak decline until EF reaches 0.542 eV, which in the width of the GPRs resulting from lithography, edge states
corresponds to the crossing point between the EOT resonance of the GPRs induced by the etching process, and some resonators
and the plasmonic resonance in GPRs. Figure 4e summarizes the that are electronically isolated. These imperfections result in
modulation efciencies of bare GPRs and GPRs-EOT devices. At broadening of the graphene plasmon resonance linewidth and a
l 1 1,397 cm 1, the GPRsEOT device shows maximal lower modulation efciency compared with simulations. To
modulation efciency of 28.6% with EF 0.542 eV, while the account for the broad incident angular distribution and
bare GPRs device has a maximum modulation efciency of only imperfections in fabrication, we tuned graphene carrier mobility
10.7% at the same EF. and employed a scaling factor as tting parameters to explain the
linewidth and modulation efciency (see Supplementary Note 3
Discussion and Supplementary Fig. 6). Fitting results show that a graphene
The experimental measurements shown in Fig. 4 differ from carrier mobility of 450 cm2 V 1 s 1 is in good agreement with
simulations in a number of important ways. Notably, the the graphene plasmon resonance linewidth, which indicates that
experimental modulation is lower than the simulated one, and damping was a dominant factor in the light modulation for this
the spectral width of the experimental transmission resonance is experiment. Simulations with scaling factors of 0.633 for the bare
signicantly broader. These features can be attributed to a GPRs device and 0.734 for the GPRsEOT device are able to t
number of factors that distinguish measurement from simula- the measurement results. With these tting parameters, the
tions. The incoming light is illuminated by a Cassegrain-type expected modulation efciencies with purely normally incident
objective lens with a high numerical aperture (NA) of 0.58, which light are 11.4% for the bare GPRs device and 36.0% for the GPRs
means the light incidence angle ranges from 35 to 35. Such a EOT device.
broad angular distribution of incident light results in a broad In contrast to the decreased transmission seen here due to
transmission spectrum and lower transmittance in the EOT plasmonic absorption in the GPRs, it has been reported that
structure because the EOT resonance condition strongly depends transmission can increase via absorption, described as absorp-
on incident angle as well as the period of the subwavelength tion-induced transparency3739. In ref. 37, a nanodisk is used to
metallic slit array. To estimate the effect from the broad incidence extract photons from a subwavelength hole and scatter them into
angular distribution, we calculated transmission characteristics by free space, so that light transmission is enhanced. This
superposing spectra having the incident angle from 35 to 35 mechanism is possible because the nanodisks scattering cross-
with 1 intervals. In these simulations, the period of the section is comparable to its absorption cross-section. Refs 38,39
subwavelength metallic slit array is 5.2 mm, matching the EOT report that EOT structures hybridized with dye absorber layers
resonance frequency (1,403 cm 1) in our measurements. The show an increase in EOT transmission when the dye is placed
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the superposed spectrum (solid green line) shows several medium lls the subwavelength metallic holes, allowing for an
altered in-hole propagation constant. While those effects may
play some role in the transmission properties of the structure we
in = 0 propose here, we note that in this device the transmission is
40 in = 10 9
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in = 20
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How to cite this article: Kim, S. et al. Electronically tunable extraordinary optical
Acknowledgements transmission in graphene plasmonic ribbons coupled to subwavelength metallic slit
This work was supported by US Department of Energy (DOE) Ofce of Science grant arrays. Nat. Commun. 7:12323 doi: 10.1038/ncomms12323 (2016).
DE-FG02-07ER46405 (S.K. and H.A.A.), and by the Multidisciplinary University
Research Initiative Grant, Air Force Ofce of Scientic Research MURI, grant no.
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FA9550-12-1-0488 (V.W.B. and M.S.J.). S.K. acknowledges support by a Samsung
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Author contributions To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
S.K. and H.A.A. conceived the ideas. S.K., M.S.J. and K.W.M. performed the simulations.
S.K. and Y.T. fabricated the sample. S.K. and V.W.B. performed measurements and data
analysis. All authors co-wrote the paper, and H.A.A. supervised the project. r The Author(s) 2016