Ict Igcse Paper 2 Revision Database
Ict Igcse Paper 2 Revision Database
Ict Igcse Paper 2 Revision Database
You need to make sure that you can do the following: Can you do it?
First CREATE the Database in the work folder. Then IMPORT the file.
Set the PRIMARY KEY during import. If there is no indication in the question paper
about a unique number then choose the DEFAULT that Access database sets.
After you import the file than the table is opened in DATASHEET VIEW. You then need to
View the table in DESIGN VIEW.
Check through the data types from the question paper and do the remaining
Make sure your screen shots show any FORMATTING such as set DECIMAL PLACES ,
Read the bullet points one by one and DO THE ONES THAT NEEDS TO BE DONE IN THE
Everything else such as PAGE ORIENTATION, ENTERING A TITLE etc That can be done
when creating the REPORT!
SELECT ALL THE FIELDS in your QUERY, BUT only choose the FIELDS that you need to
show in the report WHEN CREATING THE REPORT through the REPORT WIZARD! (You
may need some of the fields for calculations even though you may asked not to show
them in the report!)
If you are asked to include A NEW FIELD THAT IS CALCULATED IN RUN TIME, then insert
that field in the QUERY.
This is the new field name that is not in the table!!! (PROFIT and PERCENT).
ICT IGCSE Practical Paper 2 Revision for Database
Use LABEL icon to type in your candidate name, number and centre number in the PAGE
USE ASEARCH CRITERIA to find and display the records wanted in the question paper!
IN THE DESIGN VIEW, select the DATA FIELD and set to currency and to decimal places in
the PROPERTIES window.
ICT IGCSE Practical Paper 2 Revision for Database
8. Making sure that all FIELD NAMES (LABELS) and VALUES (DATA) are FULLY VISIBLE
Adjust the COLUMN WIDTHS in DATA SHEET VIEW buy dragging the columns
narrower or wider.
ICT IGCSE Practical Paper 2 Revision for Database
FIRST select the TABLE / QUERY OR REPORT that you want to base the labels on.
Dont change anything unless you are asked to do so. Click Next.
ICT IGCSE Practical Paper 2 Revision for Database
Select only the fields that you are asked to show. Click NEXT.
Make sure that you press ENTER/RETURN key on the keyboard IF YOU ARE ASKED TO
Adding the field such as {Make} WILL ONLY PRINT THE ACTUAL DATA. IF YOU WANT TO
DISPLAY THE LABEL such as Make: with it then you need to first typeMake: and
then seleck the field {Make}!!!
Select the field that you want to SORT on. Click NEXT.
ICT IGCSE Practical Paper 2 Revision for Database
Then you can do further FORMATTING like inserting a title or your name, candidate no
and centre number in DESIGN VIEW using LABEL icon.
ICT IGCSE Practical Paper 2 Revision for Database
You need to CREATE A QUERY based on the conditions given and when you run the
query a list of values will be displayed.
Make sure what you are asked to show evidence of is shown in the screen shot!!!
Resize the image by dragging it from the corners to keep to ASPECT RATIO.
Make sure you enter your name, candidate no and centre number in the header/footer.
14. Aligning / Justifying text (e.g. left, right, center and full)