Holy Spirit Rain On Us I Worship You Great I Am: Chorus

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Holy Spirit rain on us I WORSHIP YOU GREAT I AM

Holy Spirit rain on us
Fill us with your power I worship you great I am
Saturate us with your love You are mighty in this place
Holy Spirit rain on us I worship You prince of peace
You are the strong and breasted
Let all the people worship Him I lift my hands in worship
Every tribe and every kin as I sing praises to Your name
Give Him all the glory
Let every nation sing His praise WORTHY IS THE LAMB
Bow before the Name of names
He alone is worthy Worthy is the lamb
Jesus is our King That was slain
To receive glory, and honor
GRATEFUL and praise (2x)

Grateful, so grateful Chorus:

For all that You have done Unto the Lamb,
I am so grateful Who sits upon the throne
For all You have done [2x] To him be glory, And honor and
power, Forever and ever
Jehovah You have been Unto the Lamb, Who sits upon
so good to me the throne
Your favour and Your love lifted To him be glory, And honor and
me on high power, Forever and ever
Jehovah You have been so good Amen
And I cannot tell it all
With my whole heart
I give to You all praise
EVERMORE He is here, He is here
To break the yoke and lift the
Evermore, I will love You heavy burden
Evermore, I will serve You He is here, He is here
Evermore, I will glorify To heal the hopeless heart and
the name of the Lord bless the broken.
Evermore, Ill adore You
Evermore bow before You REFINERS FIRE
I will bless Your name
for evermore Purify my heart
Let me be as gold and precious
Verse: silver
You alone I glorify, Purify my heart
And of Your goodness testify Let me be as gold, pure gold
Your banner I will lift on high
For ever and ever Chorus:
When my life on earth is done Refiner's fire
When my battles have been My heart's one desire
won Is to be holy
Ill sing my praise around the Set apart for You, Lord
throne I choose to be holy
For ever and ever Set apart for You, my Master
Ready to do Your will
Purify my heart
There is a sweet anointing in Cleanse me from within
the sanctuary And make me holy
There is a stillness in the Purify my heart
atmosphere Cleanse me from my sin
Come lay down the burdens Deep within
you have carried
For in the sanctuary God is
We lift our voices
We lift our hands Hallelujah (3x)
We lift our lives up to You Your love makes me sing
We are an offering
Lord use our voices Your love is amazing
Lord use our hands Steady and unchanging
Lord use our lives they are Your love is a mountain
Yours Firm beneath my feet
We are an offering
Your love is a mystery
All that we have How You gently lift me
All that we are When I am surrounded
All that we hope to be Your love carries me
We give to You
We give to You Hallelujah (3x)
Your love makes me sing
Your love is surprising
When I praise Your name I can feel it rising
Heaven stops to listen All the joy that's growing
When I praise Your name Deep inside of me
with honor bow before You And every time I see you
When I bring a sacrifice All your goodness shines
you're worthy to receive through
O Lord I know You hear me And I can feel this God song
When I praise rising up in me
Let the heavens rejoice
Let the earth be glad Wonderful, merciful Savior
Let the people of God Precious Redeemer and Friend
Sing His praise Who would have thought that a
All over the land Lamb
Everyone in the valley Could rescue the souls of men
Come and lift your voice Oh you rescue the souls of men
All those on the mountaintop
be glad Counselor, Comforter, Keeper
Shout for joy Spirit we long to embrace
You offer hope when our hearts
Chorus: have
Rise up and praise Him Hopelessly lost the way
He deserves our love Ohh, we hopelessly lost the
Rise up and praise Him way
Worship the Holy One
With all your heart You are the One that we praise
With all your soul You are the One we adore
With all your might You give the healing and grace
Rise up and praise Him Our hearts always hunger for
Ohh, our hearts always hunger

Open the floodgates of heaven Almighty, infinite Father

Let it rain, let it rain. Faithfully loving Your own
Open the floodgates of heaven Here in our weakness You find
Let it rain, let it rain us
Falling before Your throne
Its pouring Ohh, we're falling before Your
Its raining throne

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