Unfuck Your Program

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At a glance
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The program outlines a 10 week periodized strength training plan that progressively increases the weight and decreases the volume each week to continually challenge the lifter.

The program is split into upper and lower body sessions performed 3 days a week. It progresses the weights and intensities each week over the 10 weeks before testing maxes and taking a deload week.

The percentages for each lift are predetermined and increase each week from 65% to 95% of the lifter's 1RM. The weights are then calculated based on these percentages to structure the progression.

Unfuck Your Program: 10 Weeks

Enter your 1RM for each of the following lifts.

Squat 400
Bench Press 300
Deadlif 500
Overhead Press 150

If you don't know your 1RM, calculate it here.

You may choose to change the percentages used.

Week 1 65.0%
Week 2 70.0%
Week 3 75.0%
Week 4 80.0%
Week 5 82.5%
Week 6 85.0%
Week 7 87.5%
Week 8 90.0%
Week 9 92.5%
Week 10 95.0%

A few things to keep in mind:

The weekly split rotates A and B workouts. The third training session of each week is a lighter session, using 80%
should give you some extra recovery, which is important as your strength increases.
Poundages do not matter for chin-ups and ab work. You should choose a weight that you can handle under contr
somewhere between 10 and 20 reps per set. Do not train to failure.
If you are unable to perform chin-ups, you can lighten them using a band, or you can perform lat pulldowns instea

About the program:

This program is a great introduction to traditional periodization for a lifer who has been training with a standard
Stronglifs or Starting Strength but is struggling to continue with linear progression. More imporantly, it highlights
mesocycle, you can use this program as an example, even if you choose not to follow it exactly as written.of the im
concepts covered in the Unfuck Your Program YouTube series. If you're struggling to understand the relationship
intensity, or how to structure your percentages over the course of a mesocycle, you can use this program as an ex
not to follow it exactly as written.

Volume/Intensity Correlation
Volume/Intensity Correlation







Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Wee
: 10 Weeks of Periodization

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Number of Reps (for reference only)


hter session, using 80% of your Day 1 load. This

can handle under control, and perform

orm lat pulldowns instead.

aining with a standard beginner template like

mporantly, it highlights many the course of a
actly as written.of the important programming
rstand the relationship between volume and
e this program as an example, even if you choose












7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10
njoyed this program? Follow me on
social media for more!
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Unfuck Your Program: 10 Weeks of Pe

Week 1
Day 1 Set 1 Set 2
Squat 260 x12 260
Bench Press 195 x12 195
Chin-up ** 10 **
Day 2
Overhead Press 100 x12 100
Deadlif 325 x12 325
Abs ** 10 **
Day 3
Squat 210 x12 210
Bench Press 155 x12 155
Chin-Up ** 10 **

Week 2
Day 1 Set 1 Set 2
Overhead Press 105 x10 105
Deadlif 350 x10 350
Abs ** 10 **
Day 2
Squat 280 x10 280
Bench Press 210 x10 210
Chin-Up ** 10 **
Day 3
Overhead Press 85 x10 85
Deadlif 280 x10 280
Abs ** 10 **

Week 3
Day 1 Set 1 Set 2
Squat 300 x8 300
Bench Press 225 x8 225
Chin-up ** 10 **
Day 2
Overhead Press 115 x8 115
Deadlif 375 x8 375
Abs ** 10 **
Day 3
Squat 240 x8 240
Bench Press 180 x8 180
Chin-Up ** 10 **

Week 4
Day 1 Set 1 Set 2
Overhead Press 120 x6 120
Deadlif 400 x6 400
Abs ** 10 **
Day 2
Squat 320 x6 320
Bench Press 240 x6 240
Chin-Up ** 10 **
Day 3
Overhead Press 95 x6 95
Deadlif 320 x6 320
Abs ** 10 **

** Please see note on the "Start Here" tab.

10 Weeks of Periodization

Set 2 Set 3
x12 260 x12
x12 195 x12
10 ** 10

x12 100 x12

x12 325 x12
10 ** 10

x12 210 x12

x12 155 x12
10 ** 10

Set 2 Set 3
x10 105 x12
x10 350 x12
10 ** 10

x10 280 x12

x10 210 x12
10 ** 10

x10 85 x10
x10 280 x10
10 ** 10

Set 2 Set 3
x8 300 x8
x8 225 x8
10 ** 10

x8 115 x8
x8 375 x8
10 ** 10
x8 240 x8
x8 180 x8
10 ** 10

Set 2 Set 3
x6 120 x6
x6 400 x6
10 ** 10

x6 320 x6
x6 240 x6
10 ** 10

x6 95 x6
x6 320 x6
10 ** 10
Unfuck Your Program: 10 Weeks of Pe

Week 5
Day 1 Set 1 Set 2
Squat 330 x5 330
Bench Press 250 x5 250
Chin-up ** 10 **
Day 2
Overhead Press 125 x5 125
Deadlif 415 x5 415
Abs ** 10 **
Day 3
Squat 265 x12 265
Bench Press 200 x12 200
Chin-Up ** 10 **

Week 6
Day 1 Set 1 Set 2
Overhead Press 130 x4 130
Deadlif 425 x4 425
Abs ** 10 **
Day 2
Squat 340 x4 340
Bench Press 255 x4 255
Chin-Up ** 10 **
Day 3
Overhead Press 105 x4 105
Deadlif 340 x4 340
Abs ** 10 **

Week 7
Day 1 Set 1 Set 2
Squat 350 x3 350
Bench Press 265 x3 265
Chin-up ** 10 **
Day 2
Overhead Press 130 x3 130
Deadlif 440 x3 440
Abs ** 10 **
Day 3
Squat 280 x3 280
Bench Press 210 x3 210
Chin-Up ** 10 **

Week 8
Day 1 Set 1 Set 2
Overhead Press 135 x3 135
Deadlif 450 x3 450
Abs ** 10 **
Day 2
Squat 360 x3 360
Bench Press 270 x3 270
Chin-Up ** 10 **
Day 3
Overhead Press 110 x3 110
Deadlif 360 x3 360
Abs ** 10 **

** Please see note on the "Start Here" tab.

10 Weeks of Periodization

Set 2 Set 3
x5 330 x5
x5 250 x5
10 ** 10

x5 125 x5
x5 415 x5
10 ** 10

x12 265 x12

x12 200 x12
10 ** 10

Set 2 Set 3
x4 130 x4
x4 425 x4
10 ** 10

x4 340 x4
x4 255 x4
10 ** 10

x4 105 x4
x4 340 x4
10 ** 10

Set 2 Set 3
x3 350 x3
x3 265 x3
10 ** 10

x3 130 x3
x3 440 x3
10 ** 10
x3 280 x3
x3 210 x3
10 ** 10

Set 2 Set 3
10 ** 10

10 ** 10

10 ** 10
Unfuck Your Program: 10 Weeks of Pe

Week 9
Day 1 Set 1 Set 2
Squat 370 x2 370
Bench Press 280 x2 280
Chin-up ** 10 **
Day 2
Overhead Press 140 x2 140
Deadlif 465 x2 465
Abs ** 10 **
Day 3
Squat 295 x2 295
Bench Press 225 x2 225
Chin-Up ** 10 **

Week 10
Day 1 Set 1 Set 2
Overhead Press 145 x2 145
Deadlif 475 x2 475
Abs ** 10 **
Day 2
Squat 380 x2 380
Bench Press 285 x2 285
Chin-Up ** 10 **

Week 11: TEST NEW 1RM


10 Weeks of Periodization

Set 2 Set 3
x2 370 x2
x2 280 x2
10 ** 10

x2 140 x2
x2 465 x2
10 ** 10

x2 295 x2
x2 225 x2
10 ** 10

Set 2
10 ** 10

10 ** 10

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